Infiltration and Soil Moisture MG3
Infiltration and Soil Moisture MG3
Infiltration and Soil Moisture MG3
Water Surface
Volume = Va
Volume of pores Mass = Ma = 0
Mass of pores
Vf = Va + Vw Mf = Mw
Volume = Vs
Mass = Ms
𝑉𝑓 𝑉𝑎+𝑉𝑤
f= =
𝑉𝑡 𝑉𝑠+𝑉𝑎 +𝑉𝑤
Degree of Saturation – ratio of the volume of water present in the soil to the total
volume of pores
𝑉𝑤 𝑉𝑤
s= = *For completely dry soil, s=0. For completely saturated soil, s = 1
𝑉𝑓 𝑉𝑎+𝑉𝑤
Soil Texture
Field Capacity, FC – maximum amount of water that soil (or a field) can hold in storage.
Permanent Wilting Point (PWP) – The lower limit of water available in the soil for the use of
plant roots. The term applied to the soil moisture content at which plants cannot extract
water and permanently wilt.
Capillary potential – the hydraulic head caused by capillary forces. Always less than
atmospheric pressure. Other term for capillary pressure, pressure head, moisture suction.
Capillary Suction, S – the capillary potential with an opposite sign. A positive suction will
represent a negative hydraulic head.
Soil Moisture
The amount of water present in the soil in terms of mass or volume denotes soil wetness.
Mass wetness
Volume wetness
𝑉𝑤 𝑉𝑤
θ= =
𝑉𝑡 𝑉𝑠+𝑉𝑎+𝑉𝑤
Relation between mass and volume wetness θ = w
Empirical Infiltration Models
A multitude of infiltration models are used in applied hydrology and soil
properties and soil science. Some of these models are theoretically based
while others are empirical or semiempirical. Since empirical models are more
or less based on experimental observations they represent the overall
infiltration process. These models compute infiltration capacity rate by using
soil parameters and time as inputs.
Empirical Infiltration Models
Kostiakov Model (empirical or semiempirical)
Infiltration equation
F = a𝑡 𝑏 and F = (ab)𝑡 𝑏−1
FLC = 0.77 + 0.092 x 2.2 = 0.846 714.7 3.80 15.74 244.7 1.3350 5.5000
751.1 3.95 15.43 281.1 1.3737 5.6387
FLC = exp(0.846) = 2.33 cm 783.9 4.09 14.93 313.9 1.4085 5.7491
Water Surface
The terms watershed or catchment represent an area falling between ridges
that separate water flowing to different river basins. Ridges of catchment
divide and direct water to a particular river or water body enclosed by them.
Ordering of river channel networks is important in studies dealing with their
evolution and watershed response. One of the earliest schemes for the
ordering of river channel networks was developed by Horton in 1945 which
was later modified by Strahler (1957). According to Strahler, the smallest
head water streams are called first order schemes.
Surface Water
Bifurcation Ratio (Rb)
Rb = (ratio of a number of stream segments of a given order 𝑁𝑛 to the
number of segments of the next higher order 𝑁𝑛+1 .
RI = (stream length ratio by Horton’s law)
Ra = (drainage area ratio by Schumm)
𝑖=1 𝐿
D= (drainage density)
Surface Water
1. Use the drainage network laws to determine the bifurcation ratio, stream length
ratio, and drainage area ratio for a 730-ha fourth watershed.
Stream Number of Average Average Loge (Nn) Loge Loge
Order, n Streams, Stream Drainage (Ln)(m) (An)(ha)
Nn Length, Ln Area, An
(m) (ha)
1 85 400 5 4.44 5.99 1.61
2 16 1200 29 2.77 7.09 3.37
3 5 3300 150 1.61 8.10 5.01
4 1 8400 815 0.00 9.04 6.70