Action Plan
Action Plan
Action Plan
Department of Education
Region XI
Schools Division of the City of Mati
PHASE Objectives ACTIVITIES Persons Time Frame Budget Success
Involved Indicator
1.Planning/Preparations 1. To orient the School Head, September 2, 2022 1,000.00 Submitted action
Information Kindergarten to Master Teacher, (Printing of plan for SLAC.
dissimination and Grade 3 on the K-3 Teachers Documents)
orientation to conduct of SLAC on
teachers from Reading Language
Kindergarten to and Mathematics
Grade 3. amid pandemic.
Preparation of 2. To comply the
action plan for the requirements for
conduct of SLAC. SLAC
Listing of the Implementation.
materials needed 3. To determine the
for the conduct of needed materials in
SLAC. the conduct of SLAC
I. Activity Proper To improve the capability of School Head, September 9, 2022 2,000.00 Gained
Conduct workshop Kindergarten to Grade 3 Master Teacher, knowledge and
on teaching reading teachers in teaching reading K-3 Teachers understanding
language for language. on different
kindergarten to To increase the reading level strategies on the
Grade 3 teachers. performance of learners in implementation
Kindergarten to Grade 3. of Workshop on
teaching reading
language and
II. Post Training To ensure goals are School Head, September to July, None Improvement on
Conduct met and needs are Master Teacher, 2023 Performance of
monitoring and addressed. K-3 Teachers Reading Level
assessment of the To validate impact of Kindergarten
teachers on the of the workshop to Grade 3
implementation of implementation on learners.
workshop. the performance of