Livestock Economy at A Glance

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Livestock Economy at a Glance

Table 1. Livestock population of Bangladesh (in lakh number)

Name of
2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
Cattle 233.41 234.88 236.36 237.85 239.35 240.86 242.38 243.91 245.45 247.00
Buffalo 14.50 14.57 14.64 14.71 14.78 14.79 14.86 14.93 15.00 15.08
Sheep 31.43 32.06 32.70 33.35 34.01 34.68 35.37 36.07 36.79 37.52
Goat 252.77 254.39 256.02 257.66 259.31 261.00 262.67 264.35 266.04 267.74
532.11 535.90 539.72 543.57 547.45 551.33 555.28 559.26 563.28 567.34
Chicken 2490.11 2553.11 2617.70 2683.93 2751.83 2821.45 2892.83 2966.02 3041.06 3118.00
Duck 472.54 488.61 505.22 522.40 540.16 558.53 577.52 597.16 617.46 638.45
2962.64 3041.72 3122.93 3206.33 3292.00 3379.98 3470.35 3563.18 3658.52 3756.45
3494.75 3577.62 3662.65 3749.90 3839.45 3931.31 4025.63 4122.44 4221.80 4323.79
Table 2. Contribution of Livestock and Poultry in the National Economy of Bangladesh (2021-22) p
Contribution of Livestock in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (Constant Prices) 1.90%
GDP growth rate of Livestock (Constant Prices) 3.10%
Share of Livestock in Agricultural GDP (Constant prices) 16.52%
GDP volume (Current prices) (Crore Taka) 67,189
Employment (Directly) 20 %
Employment (Partly) 50 %
Table 3. Production of Milk, Meat and Eggs
Products Unit Fiscal Year
2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
Milk Lakh 50.70 60.92 69.70 72.75 92.83 94.01 99.23 106.80 119.85 130.74
Meat Lakh 36.20 45.21 58.60 61.52 71.54 72.06 75.14 76.74 84.40 92.65
Egg Crore 761.74 1016.80 1099.52 1191.24 1493.31 1552.00 1711.00 1736.00 2057.64 2335.35

Table 4. Demand, production and availability of milk, meat and eggs (2021-22)#
Name of the Demand Production Availability
Milk 156.68 Lakh Metric Ton 130.74 Lakh Metric Ton 208.61
(250 ml/day/head) (ml/day/head)
Meat 75.20 Lakh Metric Ton 92.65 Lakh Metric Ton 147.84
(120 gm/day/head) (gm/day/head)
Egg 1785.68 Crore number 2335.35 Crore numbers 136.01
(104 number/year/head) (number/year/head)
# The estimated population of the country on July, 2021: 17 Crore 17 Lakhs

Table 5. Livestock contribution in GDP at Constant Price

Item (Base Year: 2015-16) 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22(p)
GDP (%) 2.17 2.07 2.06 1.98 1.90
Growth Rate of GDP (%) 2.90 3.01 3.19 2.94 3.10
Share of Livestock in 16.51 16.48 16.45 16.40 16.52
Agricultural GDP (%)
Source: BBS, 2021-22; P denotes Provisional; Prepared by Dr. Hossan Md. Salim, Planning Section, Department of Livestock Services (DLS).

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