Project Bca

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, Mamta Awasthi, hereby declare that this project report on "Water Supply Management"
has been prepared at Technical Education And Research Institute by me under the
supervision of Mr.Durgesh Singh.

This project report is my bona fide work and has not been submitted in any from to

any university or institute for award of any degree or diploma prior to the under mentioned

I bear the entire responsibility of submission of this project report.

February 2021 Mamta Awasthi

B.C.A. 5th semester
Department of Computer Application
Technical Education & Research Institute

Post-Graduate College, Ghazipur


The project "WATER SUPPLY MANAGEMENT" is designed as the project work of

BCA Sth senmester.I went through several processes and I successfully completed my training

with the help of teachers and internet.

Problems have been solved by manually which required lot of time . Here is a system
designed to simplify the task and make it so easily to do.
The project starts with system analysis .This part focuses on the requirements analysis and

specification.Jt first describes the present working system .Then the problems are identified.
After the complete analysis of present system and the problem related to old system has been

specified new system is proposed, which gives the user a better and efficient way of
managing transaction and updating his knowledge regarding the latest development.
Then we have covered topics of algorithms, mathematical foundation, and flowchart to be

casily understandable by any one.

A project is never the sole product of a person whose name has appeared on the cover. EVen

the best etfort may not prove successful without proper guidance. For a good project one

needs proper time, energy, efforts, patience, and knowledge. But without any guidance it
remains unsuccessful. I have done this project with the best of my ability and hope that it will
serve its purpose.

First of all, I would like to acknowledge the guidance given to me by Mr. Ajit Pratap Singh
Head of the department, BCA, also their valuable that they gave me when I approached them.
I am really a great learning experience and I am really thankful to Mr. Durgesh Singh

helped me in the successful completion of this report but also spread his precious and

valuable time in expanding my knowledge base.

I also my express my gratitude to all faculty members who support me not only physically
but also morally and this is the result of his great effort towards me.
After the completion of this Project I feel myself as a well aware person about the Research
Procedure and the complexities that can arose during the process. Also I get an insight of the

advertising industry and its effectiveness in promoting sales. Last but not the least; I would
like to thank my parents and my brother for the immense support that they gave me.

Although they were not physically present with me, but there caring words on phone calls
refreshed my mind and gave me a new zeal to move on.

Mamta Awasthi

1 Introduction 7-8
Objective 9-10
System analysis 11
3.1 Existing system description 12
3.2 Proposed System 12
3.3 Software Process Model 13-14
3.4 Feasibility study and report 15-16

4. Software Requirement Specificatio 17-19

4.1 Objective 20
4.2 Scope 21
Requirement 22
4.3.1 Functional Requirements 22-23
4.3.2 Security Requirements 24
4.3.3 Output Requirements 24
4.4 Software Requirements 24-25
4.5 Hardware Requirements 26
5. System design 27-28
5.1 Designing Approach
5.2 High level design 30
5.2.1 Data Flow Diagram 31-34

5.2.2 E-R Diagram 35-37

5.3 Low level design 38-40
6. Bibliography. 41

Water supPiyystems gel water from a variety of locations after appropriate

(aquifers), surface wate (lakes and rivers), and the sea through desalination.
chlorination and
The water treatment steps include, in most cases, purification, disinfection through
s o
netimes Muoridation. Treated water then either flows by gravity or is pumped to reservoirs, Wne
m e t i n

be elevated such as water towers or on the ground (for indicators related to the efficiency
water distribution see non-revenue water). Once water is used, wastewater is typically
into a
discharged in a sewer system and treated in a sewage treatment plant before being discharged
Ver, lake or the sea or reused for landscaping, irrigation or industrial use (see also sanitation).

Water supply systems get
water from a variety of locations after appropriate

including groundwater (aquifers), surface water (lakes and rivers), and the sea through desalination.
The water
treatment steps include, in most cases, purification, disinfection through chlorination
sometimes fluoridation. Treated water then either flows by gravity or is pumped to reservoirs,
to the efficiency of
can be elevated such as water towers or on the ground (for indicators related
drinking water distribution see non-revenue water). Once water is used, wastewater is typically

discharged in a sewer system and treated in a sewage treatment plant before being discharged a

river, lake or the sea or reused for landscaping, irrigation or industrial use (see also sanitation).

are thousands
Drinking water quality has a micro-biological and a physico-chemical dimension. There
at a minimum, be
of parameters of water quality. In public water supply systems water should,
disinfectedmost commonly through the use of chlorination or the use of ultra violet light-or it may

need to undergo treatment, especially in the case of surface water. For more details, please see the

separate entries on water quality, water treatment and drinking water.

Water pressures vary in different locations of a distribution system. Water mains below the street may

pressures, with pressure reducer located at each point where the water enters a
operate at higher a

water pressure be so low as to result only in a

building or a house. In poorly managed systems, can

trickle of water or so high that it leads to damage to plumbing fixtures and waste of water. Pressure in

an urban water system is typically maintained either by a pressurised water tank serving an urban

area, by pumping the water up into a water tower and relying on gravity to maintain a constant
pressure in the system or solely by pumps at the water treatment plant and repeater pumping stations.
The water supply industry is itally important not only to maintain the health of the community, but for
the sustainability of industry, business and agriculture. Without adequate water supplies our present
ver have on
iety would neve evolved, and our lives today would be unrecognizable. Our dependence
to the worst natural
eated water is
incalculable, and threats to that supply are comparable
-made disasters. The volumes of water consumed each day by agriculture, industry and the public
m a n - m a d e

are Vast, requiring

an Cnormous infrastructure to satisfy the demand. Like the other service providers,
and gas, the water utilities deliver their product the home, which requires
electricity, telephone to

network of distribution pipes
to service each household, but unlike the other utilities these are

or regional networks, rather than integrated national supply networks. In England
alone local

Wales there are 26 private water companies that together supplied 52.7 million consumers in 2004/

from surface
with 15 807
million litres (MI d1 ) of water each day. Sixty-eight per cent of this came

to treat this volume of

waters and the remainder (32%) from groundwater. It requires 1344 plants
is broken
supplied to consumers via 326 471 km of distribution mains. When this
water, which

regions, which have the

down by region, the greatest demand is in the south-east and north-west
to the areas
the of highest demand do not normally correspond
largest populations. However,

The current demand for potable

where adequate water resources are to be found, so shortages occur.

at 91% of the peak demand recorded in

water in England and Wales has stabilized and is currently
Water demand varies significantly between countries due to
1990/1. 1.2 Water consumption
differences in


as well as
very early
times man has obtained water from the surface sources such as rivers, lakes, etc.,
less requirement of
the subsurace or groundwater sources such as springs, wells, etc. Due to relatively

domestic purposes, these sources were deemed to
water in
the earily times, which was mainly. for
Further water was directly
Cufficient to meet the requirements of the persons residing in the nearby

there was no public water supply

nrOcured from these sources by the persons as per their requirements and

to the development of
However, growth of population the demand of water also increased which led
with the

of water, construction of conduits and aqueducts for the conveyance

of water from a distance
new sources
storage to be ultimately distributed to the inhabitants through pipe system.
and subsequent
level lower than that of the areas to be served, it
water happened to be situated at a
Where the source
therefore the next step in the
became necessary to lift
water by the installation of pumps, which was

development of the public water supply system.

in the fields of industry and commerce, the demand of water correspondingly
With the rapid expansion
dependable pressure of supply. This
increased, thus requiring large quantities of water at greater and more

overhead reservoirs, known as service reservoirs, located in the hearts

led to the construction of elevated or

water at
cities close to the areas to be supplied water. The service reservoirs, besides supplying
of towns or

serve to balance the variations in the public demand of water.

adequate pressures,

Development of Public Water Supply System in India:

supply system installed in
first city to have a modem water
In India, Calcutta (at present Kolkata) was the
water supply schemes in due course of time. However,
the year 1870. The other big cities developed their
even at times the progress in ihis direction is not very much encouraging. Although
but due to shortage of funds and other difficulties it
independence attention was focused on this vital issue,
in the matter.
has not been able to make the desired progress
provided with supply systems serving about 5
about 16 per cent of Indian
towns are
At present only
Moreover none of the metropolitan cities of India (including
per cent population of the whole of the country.
efforts to
for 24 hours of the day. As such our country has yet to make serious
Delhi) is being supplied water

provide treated water to the most of the population.

for Protected Water Supplies:

that tne water free from all types or

is necessary which is supplied to the public must be invariably
ainurities both suspended and/or dissolved in it,
inmpur any kind of bacteria and any other contamination
cause serious harm to the health of the public. It is therefore imperative to plan and build such a waler

upply scheme which would provide potable water free from ary kind of contamination.

obtained from wells is free from impurities and it may be

In general the water or springs i.e., groundwater
uplied to public without adopting arty method of purification.

Tthis is so because in the course of its movement through the porous sub-strata the water is completely
this water may have to be
relieved of ils suspended impurities. However, before supplying to the public
other method, in
disinfected by chlorination (i.e., by adding chlorine or chlorine compound to water) or any
orderto remove any harmful bacteria responsible for causing diseascs.
be supplied to
The water obtained from any of the surface sources of water needs to be purified before it can
Water is filtration. In the process of filtration
The most commonly adopted method of purification of
through beds of sand and gravel whereby minute suspended and
dissolved particles are
is allowed to pass

filtration is accelerated if water is pretreated with certain

It has been found that the process of greatly
substances which when added to water forms large masses precipitates or floes out of the impurities
treatment of water is
present which in the process settle down and are ultimately removed. This pre-filtration
known as coagulation which involves the use of alum.

found to contain harmful disease

process of filtration is still
The water having undergone through the
not visible to naked eye. As such in order to
producing bacteria which are minutely-sized living organisms
of water free from any health hazard, it is necessary
to kill these bacteria by
ensure prolected supplies
disinfeeting water.
method of disinfection is chlorination
which is a process of adding or
The most commonly adopted
treatment through ozone or ultra-
disinfecting water viz.,
chlorine compound to water. Other methods of

VIolet rays or excess lime are also in use.

should be such that it is able to provide an adequate

Thus it may be seen that a public water supply system
all the public needs and also ensure that the supplies so made are not
and reliable supply of water catering to
might pollute water and cause epidemics
any infection which
only potable but also fully protected against
sufferings and loss.
resulting in human
3.System Analysis

System analysis
System analysis and design refers to the process of examining a situation with the intent of improving

i through beter procedure and methods. System design is the process of planning a new system

or one to replace or complement an existing system. But before this planning can be done, we

must thoroughly understand the system and determine how conmputer can best be used to make its

aneration more effective. System analysis is, therefore, the process of gathering and interpreting

facis, diagnosing problems and using the information to recommend improvements to system.

System Development strategies:

serves many different purpose, ranging from the processing of

Computer information system
information needed to decide recurring issues, assisting
financial transaction to providing
officials with difficult strategy
information system.
There are distinct approaches to development of computer
life cycle
1. System development
2. System prototype
3. Structured analysis
development method
3.1Existing System Description

, Esisting SYstem Description:

s Sy Stem is very easy to operate it provide database about Renovation Services and main advantage
This sy
1s that it Will generate environment such that more than student could solve
this project an one

student have to has been

groblem together, give query for getting desire solution. This project

eloped on HTML and MY SQL. It has been developed and implemented for regular use by the

very easy to understand and operate. Hence it is/Will be totally friendly &
I t is user

meractive system.

3.2 Proposed System

Proposed Svstem:
Tie present system needs to be computerized because the present manual system has the following

The biggest problem of existing system is that each time when a model changes then

the all the registers has to be updated.

Handling and maintenance of registers are quite tedious.

be done and have to keep it safety.
A lot of paper work is to
Mishandling of registers can cause a great deal of problem.
There is utmost need for computerization as to facilitate easy job handling and

Thus to overcome all these problems the existing manual system is to be computerized on

C.It will help in manpower planning and will give perfect estimation of buses information.

EWater supply management will help this to maintain better records.

Software Process Model

TheWaterfall model:
The de model which is best suited to
my software project is the waterfall model, which is the
nrocess model, which states that
phases are organize in a linear order. In waterta model, the
CnCe of activities pertormed in software
development project is: requirement analysis, project planning
system design and detai design, coding and testing.

Linear ordering of activities has some important

consequences. First, to clearly identify
dhe end of a phase and beginning o! the next phase, some certification mechanism has to be employed as the

nd of each phase. This is usually done by some verification and validation means that will ensure that
aultnult of a phase is consist with its input, and the output of phase is consist with the overall requirement of

the system.

There are two basic assumptions for justifying the linear ordering of phase in the manner proposed by the
waterfall model:

. For a successful project resulting in a successful product, all phase in the waterfall model must be

performed any way.

2. Any different ordering of the phase will result in a less successful software product
System Seasibility
Requirement analysis and
Project plannina
validation validation
Project plan
System Design
Design Detailed design

verification Document verification

Detailed Design


Coding Program
Testing and

Test plan, test


Installation Installatinn
And Maintenance


The Waterfall model can be shown graphically

3.4 Feasibility Study With Report

wnen a project is started an initial investigation is carried out. During this phase

f study users need nas recognized and other requirements are determined. Once the problem has

defined a study is carried out to sclect the best system i.e. a feasible system that meets

So is worth
erformance requirements, Feasibility is the determination of whether or not a project
ding and the process followed in making this determination is called a Feasibility Study. In order
Conduct the feasibility study we have seven distinct, but inter-related types of feasibility, these are

[echnical feasibility, Operational feasibility, Economical feasibility, Social feasibility, Management

igasibility, Legal feasibility and Time feasibility. Out of these seven three are key feasibilities to consider,

those are:

Technical Feasibility

Economical Feasibility

Operational feasibility

specifying equipment (hardware) and software that will successfully satisfy
Ihis is concerned with

Tcquirement. It consider the following facts:

The facility to produce outputs in a given time

Response time under certain conditions

Ability to process a certain volume of transaction at a particular speed

distant location
Facility to communicate data to
While examining technical feasibility, huge importance is given to the configuration of the proposed

about the system's requirement such that what

. The configuration should give the complete picture
Kind 01 hardware is required and how these units are interconnected so that they could operate and
Cale smoothly. The proposed system can be run on currently existing software and
umical fensibility:
at sluy quite
plnys quile lportnt ole in declding the ne yslenm, ii mt be identilicd nd
No cconomle the
uded ptoperly, analysls s the most tcchnlque lor evaluating
lrequently sed
venewa (eemnenl leunibilly) of n proponed system, lo delermine the ceonomical feasibiliny o

co/beneit amalysls I to muke,'This oroeedure is to determine the benefits
ht ato oxpocted Iron propaedd uystem nd compare them with conls. Four Sactw that

le in declding econonmlenl lensibility of the

an inmportuanl role roposed nystem are an follows:
uaving benelits, Cost-uvotdance benetitn, Improved-perlormance benefits, Improved-inlormalion

dlit, 1Ienee lhe propowed nystem bu ocomomienlly femsible.

e n e l i t s


is muinly related to human organizational spects. The points to bc consider are;

What changos will be brought with the nystem

What organizational ntructuren are dinturbed?

Whut new skills will be required?

Do the existing stalf mcmberw have thee wkill» if not, can they be trained.

Feasibility Study:
i.c. the docunentation aller feasibility study report document. It contains the
The end product,
following scclions:

general findings and

which briclly indicales the munagement about the nature,
I. Covering report,
recommendations to be considercd.

Table of contlents
of the purpose nd seope of the projccl, the reason for undertaking feasibility
3. Narrative explanation
alfected by candidate system
study, and the departmcnt involved or

Detail outline the methods ued in the present system. Effectiveness, efliciency operating costs
4 findings
the candidate system.
deseription of objcctives and general proccdurcs of
cost estimates for the
Economic justification details poinl-to-point cost comparisons and preliminary
Relurn on Investment (ROI) is also given.
development and operation of the candidate system,

endation8 und conclusion suggest to management the most beneficial and coSt C

Software Requirement Specification

uirements specilication lor a system software - is a complete description of the behavior or a sy

A with the
It includes a set of all the interactions the will have
t ob e d e v e l o p use cases that describe users

addition to use cases, the SRS also contains non-functional (or supplementary) requirements.
re. In
soltware. In.

the design or implementation

ional requirements are requirements which impose constraints on

as performanceengineering requirements, guality standards, or design constraints).
Requirement documentation is very important activity after the requirements enelad
consistent format. Requirement
T his is the way 10 represent requirements in a
ment is called Software Requirement Specification (SRS).
of the analysis
The software requirements specification is produced at the culmination
tor a
to represent requirements in a consistent format. It is a specification
h is the way
certain functions in
soltware product, program or a set of programs that performs
nurticular are
environment .The function and allocated to software as part of system engineering
detailed functional and behavioral
establishing a complete information description, a
refined by validation
description, an indication of performance requirements and design constraints,
other dala pertinent to requirements
crieria, and
certain functions in a
Soltware product, program or set of programs that perform
regarding SRS: First one, SRS is used to
environment. There are two important cases
specific for different
of the users. The second one, SRS is written
define the needs and expectations
and This produces the
a contract document between customer
purpose and serve as

the being disappointment with the final product.

probability of customer

IEEE_ defines a requirement as:

to solve a problem or achieve an objective.

A condition ofcapability needed by a user

that must be met or processed by a system to satisfy a

A condition or capability
or other formally imposed document.
contract, standard, specification,
document that completely describes what the proposed software
Generally, the SRS is a

software will do it. The basic goal of the requirements

SIOuld do without describing how the

o produc the SRS, which describe the
cxtenal behavior of the proposed

nization of an SRS;

encral organization of an SRS is as folow




System Overview

Product Perspetive
Product Functions

User Characteristics

Constraints, Assumptions and [spendencies

Specific Requirements
Extemal interfaces

Performance requirements

Logical databasc requirement

Design constraints

key features

Au SRS must consist of the following features correct







needed for the

SRS is following reasons:

An SRS establishes the basis for agreement between client and developer.
An SRS provides a reference for validation of the final product.

A high-quality SRS s a prerequisite to high-quality software.

A high-quality SRS reduces the development cost.


Windows is very powerful scalable Operating System that provides basie file and prints

aices as well as robust platform for server applications. Main features are as follow

An easier way to use Interface and tools.

More extensive network management features.

Improved Network Performance.

Enhanced communication features.

This system runs in windows environment. lt is based on client-server architecture.

users are able to enclose the same database.


4.1 Obiective


A software requirement specification is literally the conversation of a

specific point. Its anncue
ance to 1 circular reference. A
inthis project's specifications consist of the body of information
nld guide
hould guide the project developers, engineers, and designers through the work of creating the software.
Software requirement specification document describes how something is supposed to De done
Cations doc
document may list out all of the possible error states for a certain form, along with all or tne
messages that should be displayed. The specifications mayalso describe the steps of any functional

nteraction, and the order in which they should be followed by the A requirements document, on the
would sstate that the software must handle error states reasonably and effectively, and provide
l l e r

feedback to the users. ne

lieit specifications show how to meet this requirement.
Specifications may take several forms. They can be a straightforward listing of functional attributes,

can be diagrams or schematics of functional relationships or flow logic, or they can occupy some
itdle ground. Software Requirement Specifications can also be in the form of prototypes, mockups, and

much important product. Every rule
Project specifications are more for determining the quality of the
nd functional relationship provides a test point.

Adisparity between the program and its specification is an error in the program if and only if the software
exists and correct. A program that follows a terrible specification perfectly is
rEQuirement specification is

ermible, not perfect.

4.2 Scope

Roundaries oI sortware products are defined by a set of Requirements. The software development

designs, imp fests, and delivers these Requirements to you. A Requirement is an atomic unit of

nroduct from the viewpoint of the user. As a rule, Requirements are always correct,

verifiable, and traceable. Requirements are numbered and prioritized.
High-level user Requirements are called Features. Up to 10 Features can be defined in any
nroject, regardless of the project size. Features are defined in the Vision document. The Vision is

d before the project commences, and is the basis for the ROM Estimate. The Vision is developed right
e a e d

ou submit an informal request. Up to 5 hours are spent for developing the Vision by a system analyst,

oRrdless of
the project size.

When a ROM Estimate is approved, an Alpha-Specification is created. Upon your approval

Alpha-Specification becomes a Beta-Specification. When the project begins and the Budget is approved
Alowing a LCO0 Milestone), the Beta-Specification becomes an efiective Specification.

A fully-dressed Specification is called a SRS (Software Requirements Specification) and is

mpliant with IEEE 830-1998 "Recommended Practices for Software Requirements Specifications. The
SRS includes a Glossary, Use Cases, Functional Requirements, and Non-Functional Requirements.

All Functional Requirements are then listed in a requirements attributes spreadsheet, where all necessary
rbuies for each Requirement are maintained.Changes to the project scope can be made only by issuing
new Specifications through a process called Change Requests. Each Change Request implies that changes

will be made to the Budget., Schedule, and Risks.

4.3Software Requirement

are Requirement:

Requirement dOcumentation is very important activity after the rements

dlcnanon and
analysis. This is the
way to represent requirements in a consistent format. Requiremen
called Software Requirement Specification
a u i e n t

Ihe software
requirements specification is produced at the culmination O

vsis task. nis is

This is the way to represent requirements in a consistent format. t 1s a
tion for a particula software product, program or a set of programs that performs

Tunctions in a speCitic environment The function and allocated to software as part o
engineering are refined by establishing a complete information description, a detald
T S T C n

iunctional and behavioral description, an indication of rformance requirements and design

raints, appropriate validation criteria, and other data pertinent to requirements.
C O N I S t r a i n

Software product, program or set of programs that perform certain functions

specific environment. There are two important cases regarding SRS: First one, SRS is used to
sfine the needs and expectations of the users. The second one, SRS is written for different

pose and serve as a contract document between customer and developer. This produces the
mobability of the customer being disappointment with the final product.

43.1Functional Requirements:

The System must provide following functionalities

Keeping records of admission of customers.

Keeping the records of products.

Keeping the daily sell.

Storing the feedback given by the customer.

delivered not etc.

Keeping details about the product it is

customer in the temporary storage.

Storing the items selected by the

erformance Requirements:
a cu.
to maintain an acceptable speed at maximum number of uploads allowed from pare
In order
o ue
number of users can access the system at any time. Also connections
will be any
c U s t o m e rv i l l ,

be working
will be
based o n
the criteria of attributes of the user like his location, and s e r v e r will

4 N7 tumes.

Functional Requirements

a Non-functional requirements will be there in the Insurance on internet


Secure access of confidential data (customer's details).

7 availability.
i). 24 X

i).Better component design to get better performance at peak time.

extension Non
service based architecture will be highly desirable for future
iv). Flexible

functional requirements define system properties and constraints

or due
needs, because of budget constraints or organizational policies,
It arise through user

safety regulations, privacy registration and so

1o the external factors such as

arious other Non-functional requirements


1. Security

2. Reliability

3. Maintainability

4. Portability

5. Extensibility

6. Reusability

7. Application Affinity/Compatibility

8. Resource Utilization


Security requirements are the
particularly significant in defense svstem and many database
uirement place
a u n y requiremeni ace restrictions on the use of certain
commands, control access to data, provide
Jiterentkindof cess requirement for different
people, require the use of passwords and cryptography
and maintai
pumngues, and tain a log of activities in system. Given the current security
s needs even of common

they may also require proper assessment of security threats, proper programming techniques, and
sSCms, h e y m a

Isto detect flaws like buffer overflow.

thep u r p o s e
rity process I have added the login feature into my project s0 as to keep it safe from

external problem. em. One can only interact with my project by giving itthe suitable i.e. the accurate ID and


113 Output Requirements

The output requirements of the project are:
Person should have an Email id For Login.
There must be a net connection and browser to view the web pages of respective site


Back End MY SQL

Operating System Window 10

Operating System type 64-bit OS

Client side Scripting
Serv erSide Script PHP (Personal Hypertext Pre-Processor)
Web Server Apache
Web Tool Xampp
Web Browser Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge
Editors Sublime Text

4.5 Hardware Requirement

Mdare Requirement:
Requirement documentation is
E C n t s clic and very important activity after the
analysis. This is the way to represent
ement document is called Software
Requirement requirements in a
The hardware
Requirement Specification (SRS).
ofthe analysis task. This is the
requirements specification is produced at the
way to represent requirements in a consistent format. itis a
n for
tor a
particular hardware product,
program or a set of programs that pertorms
ifunctions in a specific work

Phcessor 2.30GHZ

RAM 4.00GB

Hard Disk 16 GB

Virtual Memory 6GB

Mouse Logitech Serial Mouse

Keyboard Standard Keyboard



design provides the understandings and procedural details necessary for implementing the system
in the
syitmendedin system emphasis is on the
translating the requirements into design
r:Calons The design phase is a transition from a user oriented ment (system proposal) to a
ented to the programmers or database personnel.
m e n to r i e n t e d

vstem design goes through two phases of the development:


1. Logical Design
2. Physical Design

dow diagram shows the logical flow of the system. For a system it describes the input (source),

idestination), database (data stores), and procedures (data flows) all

s p u( d e s t i n a t i o n )

in a format that meets the user

uenis. When analysis prepares the logical system design, they specify the user needs at a level or

hatvirtually determincs the information flow into and out of the system and the required data




The WN
approach starts from the
lower levels. A top down highest level component of the
design hierarchy and proceed

them into
nto their lower level approach starts by the
major com
omponent of the system.
design method
Top down desig component and iterative until the desired
is in some label
of detail is
form of step wise
s h e v e a

pIN In cach
step the design is refine to more refinemer
ment. Starting from an abstract
nent is needed.
concrete level, until we
reach a level were no more
A system consi. nsists of
components, which have
of components. The highest level components of their own, indeed a system is a
corresponds to the total system. The top doWn
start from the upper level
component of hierarchy and
g v a c h

Mlastla hottom up approach starts with

the lowest level
proceeds through the lower level. By
ively higher levels to the top level
component of the hierarchy and proceeds through
The top down approach has been
promulgated by
many researches and has been found to be
nelv useful for design. Most
uemely design methodologies are based on
the top down
A top down approach is suitable
only if the specifications of the
.cudem development is from scratch.
systems are clearly known and
However, if a system is to be built from an
Mam approach is more Suilable, as il starts from some
existing system, a
existing components.

High Level Design


diagram (DED) Is a
graphical representation of the information
flow & transformation that are
moves from the input
nle, as data to the output. It is also
known "DATA flow
Graph" or "bubble
ho DED may be used to
The represent
increasing information flow & function details. a
Aa "fundamental system model",
level 0 DFD,
represent an entire software element an a
data directed by the
single bubble with the
he output
incoming outgoing arrows. Quite general & nit limited to
ir software requirement specification
(SRS). DFD are very useful if understanding a & can system
used during analysis.

tlaiw Diagram Diagram are commonly used during problem analysis. Data Flow
Diagram are quite
and are not limited to problem analysis for software requirement
specification.A DFD
dhe flow of data through a system. It views function that transforms the
as a
input into desired
The DFD aims to capture the transformations that take place within
a system to input data so
data is produced
the output

External An entity which interacts with our

Entity system. It
will produce information and consume it.

A proress which transform information

process received producing further output.

The flow of direction in

Data item particular direction.

The storage area which is used by one or

more process

1 O R



level DFD

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tool .An ER-Diagram can express the overall

Enúty Relationship )ER (Diagram is popular data modeling
more detailed
strueture of a database graphically.An ER-Diagram illustrates data at rest .It gives
niçture of the
data stores, independent of the processing.The ER-Diagram shows the pictorial representation
database .It describes the distinguishable entity sets, their attributes and relation established
of the system
entities .It is detailed logical representation of the data for a college/institution and use
herween the different
three main constructs data entities, relationships and attributes .ER Diagrammatic representation of the

database design, ER diagram is like blue print of the database.

While gathering information I have to-

Identify the entityin the system.

Identify the attributes of the system.
Identify the relationships between the entities.

has conceptual or physical existence in the system Each

Entity-:Entity is a distinguishable object that a

of an organization and it has its own

entity has some specific attributes .An entity is a fundamental thing
of all entities to which a
identity, which distinguishes it from other entity .An entity type is the description
common definition and common relationship and attribute apply.

Relationship- :A relationship is an association among entitiesrelation is the link between objects

through which a entity is related with other entity.

Attribute- :An atribute is the property or characteristics of an entity Each entity type has a set of

attributes associated with it. For example, an entity student has attributes name, age, class, roll number, etc.

ns of E-R Diagram- :The overall logical structure of a database can be expressed
by ER Dia
Diagram .These are the notations used in ER
pihicalh Diagram

Symbor Name Description

Rectangle It represents an entity set.

Ellipse It represents attributes.

Diamond It represents relationship among entities.

It links attribute to entity and entity to

ines set


A key attribute is the unique characteristic of

the entity

Multi valued attribute.






Water Packed
Supplv bottles




LowLevel Design

LOW Level Desi
Level Design (LLD) is a
component level design process that follows a step by step relinement
sS. This process can be used for

designing data
structures, required software architecture, source code
ultimately, performance algorithms. Overall, the data
organization may be defined during requirement
Ivsis and then refined
during data design work. Post-build, each
component is specified in detail.
The goal of LLD or a low-level design document (LLDD) is to give the internal logical design of the
-tual program code. Low-level

design is created based on the high-level design. LLD describes the class
diggrams with the methods and
relations between classes and
program specs. It describes the modules so
hat the programmer can
directly code the program from the document.

A good low-level design document

makes the program easy to develop when
proper analysis is
utilized to create a low-level design document. The code can then be developed directly from the low-level
design document with minimal debugging and testing. Other advantages include lower cost and easier


Database Table of login




Database table for Customer registration

Size Cross Reference

Name Attribute Description Data Type
Or Primary Key

Of Auribute

ID of customer VarChar 255 Primary Key


Name of the customer VarChar 255 Not Null


VarChar 255 Not Null

Email Email of customer

Password of customer VarChar 255 Not Null


Phone no. of customer Text No Not Null



we are the following link which assist me each and every step in completing this project.


2. www.w`


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