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A. Background Of Study

The function and role of language is an important element in

communication. Therefore, English has become the international language

and is also used in informal education. Almost every country in the world

uses and learns English as their primary language of communication. Now,

people learn English when they start to attend to pre-elementary school.

English is taught in the classroom as a foreign language from

elementary school through senior high school and university in Indonesia. So,

English become important in today's era as a means transferring of science,

technology, art, culture, and also to maintain good relationship with others


The purpose of students' to use teaching English foreign language is to

enable the language in communication in oral and writing, speaking,

listening, reading and are include in English teaching and learning. Teaching

English is to facilities the student with comprehend of communication to

absorb language with speakers of the language both in written and spoken

from through that language activities.

nglish in junior high school begins to know the material that is

descriptive text. Descriptive text is a type of text whose purpose is to provide

information. The context of this type of text is a description of an object,


animal, person, others.1 Students need to be able to comprehend the facts and

opinions in the descriptive language. so that students can answer questions at

school such as Quiz, Mid Term Test, and Final Exam correctly.

Student difficult to understand fact and opinion text. Fact are not

statements in and of themselves; rather, they are the reality or state of affairs

to which a statement is true. opinion is an unprovable expression of a person's

feelings. The student cannot distinguish between fact and opinion.

To understanding the text need one of English skill is reading. Reading

can help people to get many knowledge and information. Furthermore,

reading also help people get main idea from the text. Beside that, they some

problem why the students feel difficult to learn English especially reading.

The problem of students having low motivation in reading English.

To motivate students, the teachers must choose the most effective

strategies and teaching methods in order to inspire students and stimulate

their interest in learning English. It is very important teaching and learning

process. Approach is a set of theoretically sound ideas and beliefs regarding

the nature of language, the nature of language learning, and the applicability

of both to pedagogical situations.

Small group teaching is one method for helping students study in

learning English. Because, by small group teaching can help students to build

collective knowledge, learning in groups trying to create a shared

understanding of students. As we know that many students are shy and afraid

Shafira Khairina Anggun, “An Analysis Of Descriptive Text In English Textbook Using
Transitivity System (A Case Study Of Reading Passages),” Journal of English and Education,
(2016): 149.

to read English text. So, by using small group teaching the students can help

each to get a good achievement.

As a result of the data pra survey, the researcher got data of the

understanding fact and opinion at MTS Ma’arif 1 Punggur. The data can be

seem as follow :

Students English test score at the eight graders :

No Score Explanation Frequency Percentage %
1 >70 Passed 10 25%
2 <70 Failed 30 75%
Total 40 100%

From the table above, many students failed in understanding on fact

and opinion test, it means that they do not have good reading

comprehension. Based on the pra survey data it knows that 30 student got

failed score. Only 10 Student passed the test. The minimum standard criteria

(MSC) for English in MTS Ma’arif 1 Punggur is 70.

Looking the phenomenon, researcher tries to apply one approach in

teaching reading. The reason for choosing small group teaching as

approach to teach reading in understanding on fact and because it can make

them enjoy more and be interested in reading

The researcher intends to conduct classroom action research with

small group teaching in this research.


B. Problem Identification

The problem identification those are:

1. The student have low motivate to reading the text.

2. The lack of student vocabulary.

3. The student less of interest of reading text.

4. The student do not know about fact and opinion.

C. Problem Limitation

For there is a great number of problems dealing with teach reading, the

writer will only focus on improve reading comprehension on fact and opinion

in descriptive text, the author limits the issue only to “Improving Students

Understanding On Fact And Opinion In Descriptive Text At Eight Grade

MTS Ma’arif 1 Punggur

D. Problem Formulation

Based on the study's background and problem identification, the writer

formulate the problem in this research as the follow :

“Can student improve the understanding students on fact and opinion in

descriptive text at Eight Grade MTS Ma’arif 1 Punggur”

E. Objective And Benefit Of Study

1. Objective of Study

The objective of study as follow:


To know whether learning through small groups can improve

understanding of fact and opinion in descriptive text.

2. Benefit of Study

The benefit of study those are :

a. For the teacher

The small group method is an effective way of teaching English

so that students can be easily to understand the text English.

b. For the students

The student can be interest and motivated in learning English,

especially to understanding English text.

c. For the principal

The small group teaching method is an effective method of

teaching English so that students can easily understand the English


F. Prior Research

There have been several previous studies similar to this one. The first

relevant study was conducted by Umiyati titled The Effectiveness of Using

Small Group Interaction In Teaching Reading Comprehension (Experimental

Study at Seventh Grade of SMP Sunan Bonang, Tangerang. The purpose of

this study was to study the difference in students' learning achievement in

reading narrative texts. This study used experimental research. The author

teaches one class using small group interaction techniques. The authors

provide a pre-test to determine the student's basic characteristics and a post-


test to determine the increase in grades as a measure of achievement. 2 The

result of reseach in teaching reading comprehension by using small group

interaction at SMP Sunan Bonang is effective. This means that students

achievement in learning reading comprehension using small group

interactions differences significantly.

The second relevant study was conduted by Nur Annisa titled The

Effectiveness Of Small Group In Reading Comprehension (An Experimental

Study at the second Grade Students of MA Darul Fallah Bissoloro, Gowa). In

this study, the researcher used a pre-experimental method. This method

involved pre testand post test testing groups. The pre-test aims to determine

the students initial reading comprehension. The purpose of the post test is to

determine whether small group work can improve students' reading

comprehension.3 The results showed that the students performance was good

after the small group practice. In short, teaching English in small groups,

especially reading, can help students to improve their abilities

Based on the above studies, the researcher focuses on improving

reading comprehension on facts and opinions in descriptive text.

Umiyati, The Effectiveness of Using Small Group Interaction in Teaching Reading
Comprehension at Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, (Jakarta, 2011).
Nur Annisa, The Effectiveness Of Small Group In Reading Comprehension (An
Experimental Study at the second Grade Students of MA Darul Fallah Bissoloro, Gowa),
(Makassar, 2017).



A. Theorical Review

1. The Concept Of Students Understanding

a. Definition Of Student Understanding

Hewitt claimed that problem-solving instruction in high school

actually obscured the development of conceptual understanding. He

argued that conceptual reasoning should be included in exams to

encourage students to conceptualize the physics principles involved.

McDermott advocated that students should be intellectually engaged

in the learning process in order to bring about significant conceptual

change. She stated that requiring students to express their ideas in

their own terms could build a significant mental engagement. 4

Conceptual understanding is a very important aspect and must be

applied in learning because by understanding students concepts,

students ability to understand learning material becomes faster and


According Rusman states that understanding is the process of

individuals who receive and understand information obtained from

E. Gaigher, J. M. Rogan, and M. W. H. Braun, “Exploring the Development of
Conceptual Understanding through Structured Problem‐solving in Physics,” International Journal
of Science Education 29, no. 9 (July 2, 2007): 4.

learning obtained through attention.5 In briefly, paying attention helps

students accept and understand the material is given.

According to Soedjadi, concepts are abstract ideas that can be

used to classify or clarify a group of objects. Students who master the

concepts can identify and treat new questions that are more varied.

Also besides, if the child understands a concept, then students can

generalize an object in various other situations that are not used in

learning situations. Gusniawati states that understanding concepts is

an ability to find abstract ideas to classify objects that are usually

expressed in terms and then poured into examples and not examples

so that someone can understand a concept clearly. 6 From the opinion

above, in briefly conceptual understanding is the process by which

students discover, master, and comprehend information obtained

through thinking and acting in order to understand the individual

concepts of an object.

b. Definition Of Reading

Reading is one of the English abilities that main goal is to

comprehend the text. In fact, most students difficulty to understand a

text when they are assigned to read. Reading is the process of

comprehending what is written or printed by interpreting its words or

Nanda Safarati and Rahma, “Analysis of Students’ Understanding of Concepts on
Momentum and Impulse Material Using Research-Based Learning (RBL) Models,” Indonesian
Review of Physics 3, no. 1 (May 30, 2020): 20.

symbols.7 In briefly reading is the process of receiving information

from a text.

Reading is considered to be the primary method of learning new

knowledge and getting access to different explanations and

interpretations in academic settings.8 It means that reading is a major

tool that students can use to learn new knowledge.

Reading is the process of comprehending the meaning of written

words. This is the method of message processing. This is a crucial

ability in teaching languages. It is a method of communication

including a writer, a reader, and an encoder and a decoder. 9 It

indicates that reading is an activity in which the main goal is to

comprehend or create meaning from the written text.

According to Texas Reading Initiative, the purpose of reading is

comprehension or to get meaning from written text. Similar to this,

Grabe and Stoller define reading comprehension as the ability of

understanding and interpreting information in a text correctly.

Reading comprehension is important because it makes the readers

have understood what they read.10 In other words, their reading is not

pointless. Reading comprehension is the level of understanding of a


Lisematul Faizeh and Hanif Maulaniam Sholah, “Improving Students’ Reading Ability of
Descriptive Text by Using Small Group Discussion,” Jurnal Tinta 2, no. 1 (March 2, 2020): 1.
Fibrina Hanung Siswanti and Endang Setyaningsih, “The Use Of Small-Group
Discussion,” 217.
Gb Inyang, “Using Vocal and Silent Reading Approaches for the Enhancement of
Effective Teaching and Learning of Reading Skills in English Language,” African
Research .Review 3, no. 1 (June 23, 2009): 400.
Yulisa Putri, Ujang Suparman, and Ramlan Ginting Suka, “The Use Of Small Group
Discussion Technique To Increase Students’ Reading Comprehension,” 1.

Richards and Schmidt state that reading is an activity of

perceiving a written text in order to understand its contents. In

addition, Reading is an active and interactive activity to reproduce the

word mentally and vocally and tries to understand the content of

reading text.11 It is important to remember that reading is not an

unchanging skill, that there are different types of reading skills, which

suit the many different purposes we have for reading.

From those opinion above it can be concluded that reading is the

process of discovering the text's meaning. When someone reads, it

signifies that they are making an effort to comprehend the material

and find the primary concept. Reading can therefore be defined as the

process of understanding the text and finding the meaning.

c. Models Of Reading

1) The Top-down Model

In top-down models the reader's prior knowledge and

cognitive and linguistic competence play key roles in the

constructions of meaning. This means that between knowledge and

competence linguistics interrelated in interpreting a text reading.

2) The Bottom-up Model

The bottom-up model guides readers through words and

sentences and looks at the organization of the text. (Without prior

experience or knowledge) to create meaning from what is written in

the text. The meaning depends on both knowledge vocabulary plus

Agus Rahmat, “Small Group Discussion Strategy Towards Students’ Reading
Comprehension of SMA Negeri 11 Bulukumba”, Journal of English Language, Literature, and
Teaching no 1 (October 2, 2017): 21.

grammar.12 In other word, in bottom-up processing Readers must

recognize linguistic signs.

d. Kinds Of Reading Comprehension

According to NB.Smith Albert Josiah Harris:

1) Literal Comprehension

The ability of this level is catching the meaning of a word or

phrase. This is the easiest place in the text. Because the information

is stated directly in the text. The literal comprehension assessment

questions test how well students can identify and comprehend

information directly stated in the text.

2) Interpretation

Interpretation comprehension is attempt to understand hidden

information about a written text. It is the assignment of meanings to

various concept, symbols or object under consideration.

3) Critical reading

In this is evaluated and pass personal judgment. To read

critically, one must actively recognize and analyze evidence upon

the page

4) Creative reading

In creative reading begin with examination and opposite

result of and action derivation from the written language.13

e. The Purpose Of Reading Comprehension

H. Duglas Brown, Teaching By Principles An Interactive Approach To Language
Pedagogy, (New York : Fransisco State University, 2001), 298.
Albert Josiah Harris, How To Increase Reading Ability (United States Of America: The
Alpine Press, 1984), 477–478.

The purpose of reading is to get meaning from written text.

Additionally the purpose of reading comprehension is to relate ideas

on the page that you already know. This means that every reader who

reads has a goal such as getting new information, because without it

the reader cannot convey information. Reading comprehension is very

important for readers.

f. Some Factors Influencing Reading Comprehension

There are factors that affect students' reading comprehension

and are related to one another. The factors are:

1) Prior Knowledge

Prior knowledge, also known as background knowledge, is

required to develop new knowledge, without prior knowledge

written material will be useless. Prior knowledge is conveyed in

words.14 The more knowledge that must be activated in order to be

useful, the more likely it is that the material will be understood.

Prior knowledge helps students understand what is written and

make inferences or predictions about the text. In other words, prior

knowledge is very important in reading to get meaning in reading.

2) Schema Theory

Schema theory proposes that what we know about a topic or

its structure influences what we can or will learn by reading the text

on that topic.15 In short, the more we read and learn about a

Gerald G. Duffy, Explaining Reading: A Resource for Teaching Concepts, Skills, and
Strategies, 2nd ed, Solving Problems in the Teaching of Literacy (New York: Guilford Press,
2009), 14.
Janette K. Klingner, Sharon Vaughn, and Alison Boardman, Teaching Reading
Comprehension to Students with Learning Difficulties, What Works for Special-Needs Learners

particular topic, the more we learn. The easier it will be for us to

understand the next section on that topic.

3) Motivation

Motivational behaviors play a role in developing students'

abilities which enable students to have positive learning

behaviors.16 It means motivation give positive effect to student that

make easy in learning.

4) Text Coherence and Structure

According Meyer found that good readers often use the

structure in expository text to organism their understanding, while

poor readers rarely use the affordance of text structure.17 In briefly

the understanding of structure effect to read a text.

g. The Scoring Of Reading Comprehension

To know the achievement of reading comprehension skills

should be measured using the reading assessment form. The following

measures of reading comprehension related to Grenall and Swan were

included :18

Table 2.1

The Measurement of Reading Comprehension

(New York: Guilford Press, 2007), 2.

Diyah Anggraini, Bambang Setiyadi, and Tuntun Sinaga, “The Effect Of Students’
Motivational Behavior Toward Their Reading Comprehension At The Second Grade Of Sma N 1
Pringsewu,” : 8.
Ana Isabel Schwartz, Laura Mendoza, and Bonnie Meyer, “The Impact of Text Structure
Reading Strategy Instruction in a Second Language: Benefits across Languages,” The Language
Learning Journal 45, no. 3 (July 3, 2017): 2
Simon Grenall and Michael Swan, Effective Reading: Reading Skill for Advanced
students: Teacher’s book, (USA: Cambridge University Press, 1994), p.34

Students be able to recognize the meaning of
1 0-25
the ideas in the text
Students can recognize the communicative
2 0-15
purpose of the text
3 Students can recognize main idea of the text 0-25
Students can recognize information contained
4 0-35
in the text

2. Fact And Opinion In Descriptive Text

Fact and opinion is describe, statement or express feeling about

something to know about something. Descriptive text is text that

describes a person, place, mood, situation, and other. In the descriptive

text there are sentences that describe facts and opinions for the example

“Her hair is black” or “Her hair is beautiful”. To know fact, opinion, and

descriptive text the writer explain :

a. Concept Of Fact And Opinion

1) Fact

a) Definition Of Fact

According to McWhorter facts are statements that can be

verified that is proved to be true or false. This theory also

supported by Fournier explains that a fact is something that is

admitted as true because it can be checked and proven. 19 This

means that a fact is something that is accepted as true and can be

Rice Indri Nilawati, “The Ability of Students’ in Distinguishing between Facts and
Opinions in Reading English at SMA Negeri 2 Kota Jambi” 4 (2020): 34.

proven to be true. In other words, facts are things that are known

to be true or false. Furthermore, facts are factual events,

something that actually existed and happened.

Carol argues that a statement of fact is information

presented as objectively real and verifiable. This means that

facts can be proven. Evidence must come from a verifiable

source. Data can also mean something that can be counted,

measured, or through objective data. And then, the data

confirmed by observation. McWhorter defines that facts, once

verified or taken from a reputable source, can be accepted and

regarded as reliable information. This theory also supported by

Surbhi states that a fact can be event or information, based on

real occurrence which can be tested through verifiability, they

are supported by proofs, statistics, documentation, etc.

Therefore, fact are merely reality or verifiable truth agreed upon

by consensus of the people.20 This means that facts are events

that actually happened. Event information can be verified with

proofs, statistics, documents, etc. Then other people know the

truth of this fact.

When someone asks, “Is that a fact?” they can be know as

asking, “Is that really the case?” or “Is that ultimately true?”

When someone says, “It is a fact that…” they are telling us, in

other words, “It is the case that…” or “It is true that…”. Facts

are not statements in themselves. But it is a state or reality that is


consistent with the actual message. If I put a coffee mug on the

table I made the fact that it was on the table. And I lied that it

was in the cupboard. "Fact" refers to a state or aspect of reality.

Not a level of belief. 21 Facts are not statements of a person. But

facts are reality that could be proven false or true.

b) Characteristic of Fact

According Sudirdja Wafatima there are five characteristics

of the fact are:

(1) Can be verified.

(2) Have accurate data, for example, date, place, time of the


(3) Have an informant that can be trusted.

(4) Objective.

(5) It has been ascertained the truth.22

That is, it is a factual sentence with a character, scene,

time, number, how the event happened, or clear details, and the

truth cannot be denied. The veracity of factual information is

proven by verified data.

c) Criteria Of Fact

(1) General facts. A common fact is a statement that tells a fact

that is true forever or throughout an era. Example: The sun

rises in the east and sets in the west.

Christoffer S. Lammer Heindel, “Facts and Opinions,” (September, 14 2016): 1,2 & 4
Rice Indri Nilawati, The Ability.,35.

(2) Special facts. Specific sentence is a truthful statement, in

which the truth will only happen temporarily or within a

certain period of time. Example: Doni is studying in Grade

3 at SMP Negeri 1 Semarang..23

2) Opinion

a) Definition of Opinion

The word opinion refers to a type of belief. In general use

Opinions are beliefs that are not supported or supported well

enough to count as a judgment. Every opinion and every

judgment, that is, every belief is right or wrong. 24 It can

conclude that an opinion is an expression of feelings that cannot

be proven.

According Fournier, explains that an opinion is what a

person believes. The belief is not necessarily shared by other

people. In addition Carol explains that a statement of opinion is

a belief, conclusion, or judgment that is inherently, and

sometimes impossible, to verify. According to McWhorter

opinions are statements that express feelings, attitudes, or beliefs

and are neither true or false. Surbhi adds that opinion is highly

influenced by a person’s feelings, thoughts, perspective, desires,

attitude, experiences, understanding, beliefs, values, etc., which

cannot be tested by concrete evidence.25

Grasela, “An Ability In Identifying Fact Of Opinion In Engllish Text (A Study in Second
Year Students at SMAN 1 Lebong Utara,” (Curup, 2018): 31
Christoffer S. Lammer Heindel, Facts and Opinions., 4.
Rice Indri Nilawati, The Ability.,36.

This means that opinion describes how a person feels

about something or how someone evaluates something and

whether that opinion is a good or bad value about something.

b) Characteristic of Opinion

Carol states that in the context of the sentence, the

characteristics of opinion are :

(1) Can’t be verified.

(2) Subjective.

(3) Do not have informant / based on own opinion

(4) Do not have accurate data. 26

That means that opinions is assumptions and feelings of a

person. Opinion cannot be verified as they are personal

opinions. Opinion cannot be verified as there are not have an

informant that can be trusted.

c) Criteria Of Opinion

(1) Containing personal opinions or those of others what is

called an opinion It means that in that sentence you will find

opinions from yourself or from others. In some cases, it is

found that the opinion sentence is a statement of a famous

person already in order to give him the impression that it is

a fact. In fact, the words of these people are still confined to

opinions that cannot be verified. Example: Kapolsek said

that someone deliberately set fire to a shop in the Tangerang

Ibid., 37

(2) Subjective almost the same as the first appearance. The

second characteristic of opinion sentences is that the

statements expressed in the sentences tend to be subjective.

That is, what is said is based solely on one party so that it

cannot be said to be neutral. For example, I believe he is

cheating on my girlfriend.

(3) Having a relative word in the opinion sentence. You will

often come across relative words. The relative meaning here

is that a word or phrase tends to change depending on who

is speaking it. Related words are relative, among them most,

more, somewhat, or usually. Example: The closer to the day

of the regional chief selection Black people's campaigns are

increasingly run by irresponsible individuals.27

3) Distinguish Of Fact And Opinion

The distinguish of fact and opinion explain using the

following guidelines :

Fact is anything that can be proven. An opinion is a

judgment. As a result, the line "Her hair is black" expresses a fact.

"Her hair is wonderful," for example, expresses an opinion. 28 It can

conclude from the example that fact a thing that we can provable

like “hair black”. And opinion is judgment like “beautiful hair”.

b. Descriptive Text

Grasela, An Ability In Identifying Fact Of Opinion In Engllish Text, : 33
Shahram Ghahraki and Farzad Sharifian, “The Relationship Between Overall Reading
Comprehension And Determination Of Fact/Opinion In L2,” The Reading Matrix 5, no. 1 (April
2005): 39.

1) Definition Of Descriptive Text

A descriptive text is one that uses words to describe a person,

location, mood, or situation. According to Diane A. Wilbur said

that descriptive writing is to create a clear picture or impression of

person place or object. Fred D. White also said that descriptive text

is drawing in descriptive text is also a text which describes

something that appeal directly.29

Kane states “description is about sensory experience how

something looks, sounds, tastes. Mostly is about visual experience,

but description also deals with other kinds of perception.” Gerot

and Wignell define “descriptive text is kind of text which is aimed

to describe a particular person, place or things.30

Descriptive text is a type of text whose purpose is to provide

information. The context of this type of message is a description of

an object, animal, person or something else, for example, our pet or

someone we know well.

It can conclude, descriptive text is a statement used to

describe a person, place, or thing through visual experience. It use

to create visual of people, places, time of day or seasons. It can also

be used to describe the outward appearance of people. It can tell

about their character and personality.

Asmaul Ilian Nisa Azizah, M.Ali Gufron and Moh. Fuadul Matin, Guided – Questions
Technique In Teaching Writing Descriptive Text: Teacher And Student’s Perspectiv, (Jakarta,
2011): 3
Siti Masitoh and Dasep Suprijadi, “Improving Students’ Ability In Writing Descriptive
Text Using Genre Based Approach (GBA) At The Eighth Grade Students Of SMP Islam Terpadu
Fitrah Insani,” Eltin Journal 3, (2015): 40.

2) The Structure Of Descriptive Text

The structure of descriptive text as a follows :

a) Identification: The identification element introduces and

identifies a specific participant (a person, object, place, animal,

or event) that will be described in descriptive text.

b) Description: Description is aims to describe a specific

participant in the text. It contains descriptive details or

information about a particular participant as to their

characteristics, appearance, personality, character or


3. The Concept Of Small Group Teaching

a. Definition of Small Group Teaching

Sagala said that group teaching is more effective if the group

consisted of 3-4 students enable students to give their opinions or

ideas to other students easily.32 In groups, students are free to talk and

discuss solutions to questions. Because they weren't completing their


Small group teaching is a learning method that allows students

to learn to become more active in working together as a group to

achieve a set goal. Teaching in small groups encourages students to

explore ideas. increase understanding of new things techniques for

solving problems promote the development of ideas and effective

communication increase teamwork and increase student involvement

Anggun, An Analysis Of Descriptive Text., 149.
Putri, Suparman, and Suka, “The Use Of Small Group Discussion Technique To Increase
Students’ Reading Comprehension,” : 2–3.

in decision-making. The methods used in many learning theories

emphasize that students can be independent and active in learning.33

Brown stated that small group provides opportunities for

students‟ initiation, for face to face, give and take, for practice in

negotiation of meaning for extended conversation exchanges.34 To

give students more confidence to express their opinions in their small

groups. They meet as small gatherings or take a break from larger

gatherings and are provided with many opportunities for constructive

and flexible exchange of ideas and lively and meaningful

participation. The main point in preparing a lesson is to ensure that all

members of the group are participates.

In addition, Barker stated small group teaching there are three or

more people interacting face to face, with or without an assigned

leader in such a way that each person influences, and is influenced by

another person in the group.35 In briefly, small group teaching can be

said to be a process in which three or more people from the group

exchange verbal and non-verbal messages in an attempt to persuade

one another. Using this technique makes it easier for students to

participate actively. And small groups It gives children the

opportunity to hear other students. Think about the process of reading

and responding to their texts.

Lisematul Faizeh and Hanif Maulaniam Sholah, “Improving Students’ Reading Ability of
Descriptive Text by Using Small Group Discussion,” Jurnal Tinta 2, no. 1 (Maret 2019) : 3.
Usman Kasim, “Implementation Of Group Work In The Classroom” 12, no. 1 (2015): 100.
Agus Rahmat, Small Group Discussion., 26–27.

Small group teaching allows students to participate

independently and actively. This includes specific activities or themes

that help attract and engage people. It also encourages participation

and leads participants to constructive conversations. This will help

avoid complaining or conflict-focused sessions.

b. The Goal of Small Group Teaching

The way a teacher organizes students in a class is truly limitless.

Despite some factors such as students being overcrowded overhauled

furniture and a persistent student attitude can make things

problematic. The aim of small group teaching is to create a collective

cognitive learning group that wants to create a common understanding

of the public.

c. Advantages and Disadvantages of Small Group Teaching

A group is some of people who come together for a purpose.

There are various learning methods that can be used individually or in

groups. In schools and education circles, there are groups of students

who learn in teams. They study together and face challenges together.

Learning in small groups has many advantages. And this is why small

groups learn better.

The advantages of the small group teaching are listed here :

1) All students in the group can participate.

2) Students can express their opinions about the text.

3) Help students see a relationship between ideas or concepts related

to the topic.

The disadvantages of small group learning as a follows:

1) All students in the group may be able to speak at all.

2) Wasting time.36

d. The Procedure of Small Group Teaching

Researchers lead students to a topic by asking a some of

questions related to the topic, than asked then to answer those question


1) While reading activity

a) The research asked the student to make group.

b) Distributed the task to the student.

c) The researcher explained the technique in group.

2) Pre Reading Activity

The researcher give some of tests to student based on the

given by the text, then he asks the students to discuss the result

together, the teacher and the students make a conclude and


Based on the explanation it, the researcher wishes after

student doing reading activity by using of the text as reading

material, the student will get message and information based on

theme of the text that will add knowledge of the students.

Ernest W. Brewer, Teachers, Trainers, Presenters, and Speakers.(United State of
America: SAGE, 1997), 27.



A. Variable And Definition Operational Variable

1. Variable of Research

There are two varibles in this research. They are independent

variables and dependent variables.

a. Independent Variable (X)

An independent variable is a variable that influences other

variables. The independent variable in this research is the small

group teaching. This is a cooperative learning strategy whose

primary purpose is for students to work in groups. All members of

the group take turns express ideas.

The researcher hopes to investigate the reading comprehension

to measure the increasing of small group teaching toward students’

reading comprehension.

b. Dependent Variable (Y)

A dependent variable is a variable influenced by an

independent variable. The dependent variable in this research is

students reading comprehension. The increasing of student reading

comprehension can the seam after using small group teaching.


B. Research Location

This research conduct at MTS Ma’arif 1 Punggur. It was located in Jl.

Pendidikan No. 1 Punggur, Central Lampung, and Lampung.

C. Subject And Object Of Study

1. Subject of Study

The student of this research is the student of VIII E. It was

expected that the result of the research will be useful to improving their

reading comprehension. This pra-survey has been conducted on March,

17th 2022 at MTS Ma’arif 1 Punggur in academic years 2021/2022 and

there are 40 students in this class. Data above explained that there are 23

male students and 17 female students in the eight E graders. The total of

the subject are 40 students.

In this research the researcher chooses the eighth E graders as

subjects of the research based on suggestion from the teacher because

most of the students is very low especially reading. The researcher need

the collaborator to help in this action research, she is Mrs. Nur Jannah,

S.Pd. She is an English teacher in the MTS Ma’arif 1 Punggur Central


2. Object Of Study

The object of the research is the improving student understanding

on fact and opinion in descriptive text by using small group teaching. The

researcher select small group teaching as an approach to improve reading

ability of students. In small group teaching, the students make a group


and work together to understand the material so the students can improve

the concept of understanding student and teaching the goals.

D. Action Plan

The kind of this research is classroom action research. Because

classroom action research is one of the efforts to improve the quality of

teaching programs at all levels and activity to developing the teacher


According to Mc. Niff that action research is a name given to particular

way of researching your own learning. 37 This means that classroom action

research is an action research aimed at solving problems related to the

classroom teaching process. Hopkins stated that Action research combines a

substantive act with a research procedure, it is action disciplined by enquiry, a

personal attempt at understanding while engaged in a process of

improvement and reform.38 Action research can be interpreted as action

research carried out by professors and researchers in class or in collaboration

with others (cooperation) by designing, implementing, reflecting

collaborative, and participative action aimed at improving or enhancing the

quality of the classroom learning process through a particular cyclic action.

Jean McNiff and Jack Whitehead, Action Research: Principles and Practice, 2nd ed
(London ; New York: Routledge Falmer, 2002), 15.
David Hopkins, A Reacher’s Guide to Classroom Research, 4. ed., reprinted
(Maidenhead: Open Univ. Press, 2009), 47.

Sequence of Action-Reflection Cycle, MC. Niff models39

Based on the explanation above, It may be concluded that classroom

action research is research or approach that is done together, with the

instruction from the teacher in learning process and it can increase the quality

of learning process.

There are four stages in the cycle, it is plan, act, observe and reflect. If

the first cycle has failed or only reach less improvement, And will have to

repeat the review for a second cycle and so on, which can be explained by the

following steps :

1. Cycle I

a. Planning

Planning is the first step on teaching and prepares the researcher

before doing an action. With the planning the step will run well. Here

the step as a follows :

1) The researcher identifies the problem and find the problem solving.

Jean McNiff and Jack Whitehead, Action Research., 15.

2) The researcher explains the reason why the research have to do

3) The researcher makes a lesson plan

4) The researcher prepares the material, approach, method, technique

and teaching strategy

5) The researcher prepares learning source

6) The researcher prepares format to observe

7) The researcher prepares a format for assessing student activities

after the teaching and learning process.

b. Acting

The second step in action research is acting. It is the

implementation of the planning. Without planning the action is just an

image that will never come true. In this step the researcher acts as


1) Pre Teaching Activities

a) The researcher greets, lead praying and check list of attendance

b) The researcher asks the students some questions related the topic

c) Chooses the material related be teach.

2) While Teaching Process

a) The researcher applies the lesson plan

b) The researcher explains about the small group as a method that

used in teaching learning

c) The researcher makes some group, then give a set of paper for

each group about reading text then the students apply small

group teaching and answer the question relate text


d) The researcher gives evaluation.

3) Post Teaching Activates

a) The researcher asks the difficulties of the lesson to the students

b) The researcher make conclusion with the students

c) The researcher give homework for them

After giving treatment in cycle 1. The researcher will give

the post-test. The type of the instrument given in the pre-test

will different

c. Observing

Observing is the activity of recording events and actions. The

observed in the teaching and learning process. Based on the

observation, the researcher can determine what the research should do

to improve reading comprehension skills. In this step, The researcher

observed the learning process using an observation format.

d. Reflecting

Reflecting is the last step in this action research. The researchers

will analyze and observe the test result during teaching learning

process. In reflecting step the researchers will use the data to evaluate

for further improvement in the second cycle. If from cycle1 there are

many unsuccessful students The researcher must do the second cycle.

The result from cycle 1 is for evaluation material for reflection to

cycle 2. If cycle 1 is failed, it must review in cycle 2, and if cycle 1 is

successful, cycle 2 is continuation from cycle1.


2. Cycle II

a. Planning

1) The researchers identified the problem and found it the first cycle.

2) The researcher makes a lesson plan

3) The researcher prepares the material, method, and teaching


4) The researcher prepared a student activity assessment form after

the teaching and learning process

b. Acting

The researcher applies the action plan II:

1) Pre Teaching Activities

a) Prays and greets the students

b) Checks the list of attendant

c) Asks the condition of students

d) Choose appropriate teaching materials.

2) While Teaching Process

a) The researcher applies the lesson plan

b) The researcher makes some group, then give a set of paper for

each group about reading text then the students apply small

group teaching and answer the question relate the text

c) The researcher gives evaluation

3) Post Teaching Activities

a) The researcher asks about the difficulties of the students

b) The researcher greets for the students.


c. Observing

In this step, the research observe the learning process by using

the observation model to collect information in the action plan II.

d. Reflecting

In this step, the researcher compares pre-test and post-test

scores. Researchers review and reflect student activities as positive

or negative. Is the second round enough or does it need a further step

E. Data Collection Technique

The researcher collected the data by using data collection technique as

follow :

1. Observation

Observation is loading activities include attention to an object by

using all the senses. In this research, the researcher use the observation

sheet, it is used to observe the students' activity in the classroom. The

purpose of observation is to get the data about the activity of students

since in the teaching and learning process. In this step the researcher

observed the activity of students, their participations, class situation

during educating and learning process.

2. Test

Test is a question that measures skills, knowledge, intelligence,

abilities of an individual or a group of people. In addition, Test is a way


of measuring a person's ability or knowledge in a particular domain.. 40

There are two types of test as a follows :

a. Pre Test

In pre-test the researcher gived some of questions at the first

meeting in the form of multiple choices in this test. in order to know

the ability before giving treatment

b. Post Test

Post test is the result after being treated in the pretest. The

result that there is any influence using small group teaching to

improve the student's reading comprehension ability. The researcher

use the form of multiple choices in this test

3. Documentation

Documentation is a method used to obtain information from a

written source or documented information. The researcher take a picture

to get more information students in learning process.

4. Field note

Field note are observation tools used in CAR to provide a record of

what happened during the observations. This includes descriptions of

places, people, objects, actions, activities, events, goals, times, and

feelings. In this study, field notes will be used to store student activities

during this learning process.

H. Duglas Brown, Teaching By Principles An Interactive Approach To Language
Pedagogy., 384.

F. Data Collecting Instrument

Instrument is an instrument for measuring, which was used to

accumulate and record data for evaluation, decision making, and finally

concept.41 In this research, the instrument will be outlined by the authors. This

instrument has 3 types, namely observation, tests, and documentation.

Furthermore, the three types of instruments can be classified as follows :

1. Observation

a. The students learning movement.

b. The students participation in learning process.

c. The teachers performance in the classroom.

2. Test

a. The students reading comprehension in descriptive text.

b. The students summary of reading text.

3. Documentation

a. The situation of official employee and teacher.

b. The situation of students.

c. Learning facilities and school.

d. Organizational structure in Class and School.

e. Location sketch at MTS Ma’arif 1 Punggur

G. Data Analysis Technique

The data will be analyzed step by step to take the average score of the

pre-test and post-test.

David Colton and Robert W.Covert, Designing and Constructing Instrument for Social
Research and Evaluation. (San Francisco: Jossey, Bass, 2007), 5

And the Formula to get average score as follows : X =


X =Average

∑ X=TotalOf Score
N=Total Of Students

Furthermore, to know the students achievement after the test, the

researcher will compare between pre-test and post- test. If 70 % of the

students get score at least 70 in the post-test, means that small group teaching,

improve the students reading comprehension ability. Then, the result is

matched by minimum standard criteria (MSC) at the school at least 70. If

from the cycle 1, there are some students are not successful so researcher

conduct cycle 2. The minimum cycle in Classroom Action Research (CAR) is

two cycles, if from cycle 2 all of the students are success; the cycle is able to

stop until cycle 2.


The Indicator of the success takes from the process and the result of the

learning activities. This research are called success if 70% students get 70

score in the post test, it means that the small group teaching can give positive

effect on improving students' reading comprehension ability. The Minimum

Standard Criteria (MSC) at the MTs Ma’Arif 1 Punggur Central Lampung is

70 score.



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