PE9 - q1 - Melc1 - FIRST AID
PE9 - q1 - Melc1 - FIRST AID
PE9 - q1 - Melc1 - FIRST AID
Quarter 1 – Week 1
First Aid
Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC) – Based Exemplar
Quarter 1 – Week 1: First Aid
First Edition, 2020
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The portfolio is a deliberate collection of works that highlight a learner’s effort that
would enable the him/her to see his/her growth and achievement, ability to reflect
on his/her own work and ability to establish goals for future learning.
Introductory Message
Welcome to the Physical Education 9- First Quarter –Week 1 Exemplar on First Aid.
This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and independent
learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also aims to help
learners acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking into consideration their
needs and circumstances.
As a teacher, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this exemplar in
the fit modality. You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing
them to manage their own learning through portfolio assessments.
This exemplar was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities
for guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be
enabled to process the contents of the learning resource while being an active
learner, either at home or in school. To help you with this, this exemplar comes with a
Weekly Portfolio Assessment. Your teacher will provide you with a template and you
will be given a privilege to organize the portfolio in your own creative way.
This exemplar has the following parts and corresponding icons:
What I Need to Know
Objectives: Performs appropriate first aid for injuries and emergency situations in
physical activity and sports settings (e.g. cramps, sprain heat exhaustion)
Using the Portfolio Assessment Template provided by your teacher along with
this exemplar, accomplish now your weekly goal setting. Refer to the objectives
above. Think of positive and realistic goals that you can considerably achieve with
this exemplar. List them as your plans. Remember: Do not proceed with this exemplar
unless you have accomplished your goal setting.
What I Know
Processing Question:
1. What did the result of the Fitness Test reveal about your present fitness level?
2. Which tests did you score satisfactorily? Poorly? What should you do about it?
3. Which of the two levels of activity intensity did your heart rate fall during the
conduct of the Fitness Test? (Moderate or Vigorous)
4. How important is taking your THR when participating in a certain physical
What is It
Let’s Learn!
First aid is an emergency care or immediate treatment given to an ill or injured
person before regular medical help can be done or applied.
A sprain is a common injury. It usually happens when ligaments or tendons get
forced, twisted or torn. A ligament is a sheet or band of tough tissue connecting
bones or supporting muscles or organs. A tendon is a cord of tissue that attaches the
muscle to a bone. The areas usually affected are the ankles, wrists, shoulders and
hips. The signs are pain, swelling and difficulty of moving the affected area. Change
in skin color may appear later. It may take weeks before the injury is completely
Sudden stretching, twisting or pulling of the bone results in a dislocation. Here, a
bone dislocates or moves away from its normal position or location at a joint. A joint
is a part in the body where two bones are joined or connected. A bad fall or too
much body movement may result in dislocations.
If you suspect a dislocation, do not move the area. You may use a splint. A splint is
any device or object that may be used to support the dislocated body part and
keep it from being moved.
Try to keep the joint elevated or above the level of the heart to make the flow of
blood slowly to the area. More importantly, no attempt at all should be made if there
is an open wound near the dislocated area.
Have you ever had a broken bone? A broken bone is called a fracture. A fracture
must be carefully handled. The most common signs of a fracture are:
♦ The area may or may not appear normal. There may be swelling, a bump or a
♦ The victim cannot put weight on the area without experiencing pain.
♦ A scratching or rough feeling or sound may be present when the injured area is
There are two kinds of fracture:
A closed or simple fracture does not break or pierce through the skin. If it is not
properly cared for, it could be further injured. If you believe there is a fracture:
♦ There may be a change in the color of the skin. If the victim complains of
tenderness and pain in the area or says that he felt or heard a bone break, bring him
to a doctor immediately.
An open or compound fracture pierces through the skin. There may be serious
bleeding. Do not apply pressure to an open fracture to stop the bleeding.
Knee Injuries
Knee injuries can result from a blow or twist to the knee, from improper landing after
a jump or from running too hard, too much or without proper warm up.
Home treatment
For fractures
• Apply the R.I.C.E method.
• Keep the limb in the position you found it and place soft padding around the
broken bones. Splint the injury with something rigid, such as rolled up newspaper or
magazines, to prevent the bones from shifting. Don’t move the broken bones. Splints
must be long enough to extend beyond joints above and below the fracture.
• If there is an open fracture, cover it with a clean gauze pad. Apply pressure to
control bleeding. Don’t try to push the bone back into the wound and don’t
attempt to clean it.
• Get medical attention immediately. Fractures of the femur and pelvis may cause
severe internal bleeding.
• Don’t give the person anything to eat or drink in case surgery is needed.
R.I.C.E method
• Rest the injured part, especially for the first 24 to 48 hours after the injury – this is the
most critical time of treatment. Avoid any activity that causes pain or makes it
worse. Use crutches if the leg, foot or ankle is injured. Support an injured wrist, arm or
shoulder with a sling. Tape an injured toe or finger to its healthy neighbor.
• Ice is an excellent anti-inflammatory and reduces swelling and pain. Apply an ice
pack or cold compress for 10 to 15 minutes as soon as possible after an injury.
Repeat each hour for the first 3 or 4 hours, then 4 times a day for the next 2 to 3 days.
Protect your skin with a thin cloth. If ice packs are not available, a packet of frozen
vegetables in a cloth will do.
• Compression also reduces swelling. Use elastic bandages for at least 2 days.
Check that the bandage is snug, but not too tight. Take the bandage off at night.
• Elevation drains fluids from injured tissues. Elevate the injured area whenever you
are sitting or lying down. Try to keep the injured area at or above the level of the
What I Can Do 1
Read the following statements carefully. Tell whether each statement is correct or
incorrect. Write your answers in the space provided.
_______________ 1. A fracture means a broken bone.
_______________ 2. A dislocation occurs when sudden stretching or twisting of a bone
moves a joint out of place.
_______________ 3. A sprain usually happens when a bone is broken.
_______________ 4. You should not move the broken part of a victim’s body.
_______________ 5. Keep the affected part of a sprain below the level of the heart.
_______________ 6. Put an icebag over a dislocated joint.
_______________ 7. There is no need to bring a fracture victim to a hospital.
_______________ 8. The waist is the area usually affected by a sprain.
_______________ 9. Make sure that the splint for the fracture is very tight.
_______________10. A victim of a dislocation does not need first aid.
What I Can Do 2
• Group yourselves into 2. Assign a leader for each group. Find a partner within the
group. Label yourself and your partner as A and B, A being the victim or injured
official and B being the first aider.
• Assemble columns, 1 for the As and another for the Bs per group. Bring with you
your first aid kits.
• As your teacher blows the whistle, all As shall pretend to be injured, it is your
discretion as to what injury you would portray. The next whistle signals the Bs to
employ appropriate first aid techniques to their partners who are pretending to be
injured. The last whistle signals you to stop.
◊ Example: sprain, strain, dislocation, and fracture
• Explain your work by pair.
What I Can Do 3
Study the following situations. Give the proper first aid for each injury. Write your
answers on the space provided.
1. What will you do if a friend of yours accidentally fractured his lower left arm
and the bone pierced through the skin?
2. Your sister dislocated her wrist bone when she lifted a heavy bag.
3. A woman sprained her ankle while exercising.
A. Let’s find out what you have learned about the topic. In the blanks provided,
write True if the statement is true, and write False if it is false.
_______ 1. A sudden twist or pulling of the bone causes a dislocated joint.
_______ 3. Keeping the sprained part elevated above the level of your heart will help
reduce the swelling.
B. Match Column A with Column B. Match each step in the RICE treatment with
its name. Write your answer in the blank before the number of each
Column A Column B
C. Write the letter of the correct answer in the space before the number of each
_____ 1. To ease the pain of a mild sprain, what should be done?
a. Apply an ice pack on it. c. Apply oil on the sprain.
b. Massage the area. d. Rub the area with alcohol.
_____ 2. To find out how serious the bone fracture is, what is the best thing to do?
a. Have its picture taken. c. Feel the skin.
b. Take an X-ray. d. Massage the area.
_____ 5. Your brother was given first aid for a dislocation, but after two weeks it was
still swollen and painful. What should he do?
a. There’s nothing to worry about. c. Consult a doctor.
b. Loosen the bandage. d. Tighten the splint.
Answer Key
4. B 6. C
3. C 5. C
2. B
1. A C.
What I Can Do What I Can Do 1 What I Have
What I Can Do 3
1. I will cover the injured area with a clean fresh pad or a light bandage. I will
prevent his lower left arm from being moved by using a splint. I can roll some
newspaper and place them at the side of the arms and tie them together. I
will make sure that the splint is not too tight so as not to interrupt the flow of
blood in the area. I will immediately call a doctor or bring my friend to a
hospital for proper medical treatment. While waiting for the doctor, I will avoid
moving my friend, but I will keep him warm, comfortable and calm.
2. I will not move the injured area. I will use a splint to support his dislocated wrist
bone and prevent it from being moved. I will place the area above the level
of the heart to make the flow of blood slowly to the injured area. I will call a
doctor to set the bone back to its proper location.
3. I will give the RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation) treatment. I will
prevent movement or use of her ankle. I will put ice on the area for the first 24
to 48 hours to prevent or minimize swelling. I will wrap an elastic bandage
around the area to keep the ice in place. After 10-15 minutes, I will loosen the
bandage and remove the ice. I will reapply ice for 15-20 minutes every one or
two hours for the first six hours after the injury. As long as the affected area is
swelling, I will continue to apply ice 3-4 times a day. I will elevate the area or
place it above the level of the heart to make the flow of blood slowly to the
injured area. I will consult a doctor to make sure there is no further damage.
Portfolio Completion – Your Growth Clue!
You now go back to your portfolio and work on the other components that
follow your Goal Setting. Remember that your portfolio is a deliberate collection of
your works with the help of the exemplar. Highlighting your efforts here enables you
to see and reflect on your growth and achievement and your ability to establish
goals just to learn. Upon completion of your portfolio, please be guided of the rubric
PE and Health, Grade 9 - Learners Material , First Edition 2014
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