The Importance of Salt-Enhanced Electrostatic Repulsion in Colloidal Crystal Engineering
The Importance of Salt-Enhanced Electrostatic Repulsion in Colloidal Crystal Engineering
The Importance of Salt-Enhanced Electrostatic Repulsion in Colloidal Crystal Engineering
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Research Article
Figure 2. (A) Williamson-Hall analysis of SAXS data (Figures S5−S6) can be used to deconvolute peak broadening arising from grain size
(intercept) and microstrain (slope). (B) Scheme (top) showing the dimension that was measured for the statistical analysis of crystal size
distribution using SEM images. (i), (ii), and (iii) are schematic representations of three different orientations of the microcrystals commonly
observed on the substrate. The length “a” (edge length) was measured and mathematically converted to convey the length shown in the top
drawing. Size analyses of approximately 150 microcrystals, assembled at (C) 0.3, (D) 0.5, and (E) 1 M NaCl, show an increase in average crystal
size with increasing salt concentration. SEM images of silica-encapsulated bcc gold nanoparticle microcrystals, interlinked with DNA and assembled
at (F) 0.3, (G) 0.5, and (H) 1 M NaCl confirm faceted rhombic dodecahedra. For this set of data, nanoparticle assemblies were done using
complementary seven-base pair sticky ends. Scale bars are 2 μm.
M NaCl) and then slowly cooled. This process enables DNA- to extract information about grain size (eqs S12−13).32
driven crystallization that favors the formation of single- Consistent with both the hypotheses and the calculations of
crystalline rhombic dodecahedra with the gold nanoparticles in interaction potentials, a significant increase in average grain
a bcc crystallographic symmetry (over a polycrystalline size is observed when the salt concentration was increased
assembly).11,12 The effect of salt concentration on PAE from 0.5 to 1 M for nanoparticle assemblies using both six- and
assembly above 1 M NaCl was not probed in this study seven-base pair sticky ends (Figures 2A, S7). This further
because the PAEs no longer crystallize into rhombic confirms the assumption that similar trends in the free energy
dodecahedron single crystals. Single crystals were chosen as are observed at different temperatures. Although the grain size
the subject of this study because the crystal domain size is
generally increases with increasing salt concentration, it
easier to identify and compare between samples. Superlattices
decreases with increasing particle concentration (Figure S8).
were then characterized by small-angle X-ray scattering
(SAXS), electron microscopy (EM), and selected area A decrease in mean crystal size with increasing particle
diffraction (SAD). concentration can be attributed to the increase in chemical
First, SAXS line shape analysis was used to deconvolute peak potential (eq S2). Since the nucleation rate is strongly
broadening arising from grain size and microstrain (Figure S6), dependent on the chemical potential of the system, increasing
and the grain sizes were compared using Williamson-Hall the chemical potential leads to a faster nucleation rate (i.e., a
analysis (Figures 2A, S7). Stokes-Wilson strain broadening can greater number of nuclei forms), and thus, the formation of
be combined with Scherrer size broadening in scattering peaks smaller microcrystals is expected. Note that the chemical
188 DOI: 10.1021/acscentsci.8b00826
ACS Cent. Sci. 2019, 5, 186−191
ACS Central Science Research Article
potential difference is a thermodynamic driving force for regime is present, and crystals with irregular shapes and
crystallization. disordered nanoparticles form.35 However, in the case of slow
To further examine the effect of salt concentration on crystal attachment rates (i.e., j is small), faceted microcrystals form.
size along with crystal habit (e.g., facet), we used SEM to When most of the nanoparticles are consumed, diffusion can
determine the size distribution of approximately 150 micro- no longer sufficiently transport materials to the crystal−
crystals for each salt concentration. Since the formation of solution interface. Beyond this regime, crystal growth is limited
microcrystals mediated by the slow cooling approach is similar by diffusion, where the growth rate is significantly slowed
to conventional homogeneous nucleation (i.e., the crystal- (crystal size ≈ t1/2).36 The growth rate in this regime is entirely
lization starts from dispersed precursors), a broad range of determined by the diffusion constant and the supersaturation,
crystal sizes is expected from classical theory. To prepare given by c − ceq, where c and ceq are the current and
samples for SEM imaging, slow-cooled samples were equilibrium concentrations of the free nanoparticles in
encapsulated in silica using a sol−gel process,33 dispersed in solution, respectively. The transition between interface-limited
50% EtOH in water, and slowly dried on a silicon substrate. to diffusion-limited regimes has been reported for colloidal
Although microcrystals generated in solution with different salt crystals using MD simulations.37
concentrations are all rhombic dodecahedra (Figure 2F−H, The combination of MD simulations and experiments
S9−S10), the overall crystal size increases with increasing salt suggests that the reduction in the PAE attachment rate at 1
concentration (Figure 2C−E). Because the microcrystals dried M NaCl likely impedes the formation of stable clusters/critical
on a substrate lie in different orientations on the substrate, nuclei and drastically slows the interface-limited regime,
mathematical corrections on each measurement of “a” (edge meaning the system at high salt conditions enters the
length) were performed (Figures 2B, S11, Table S2). SEM diffusion-limited regime much later than the other two
results show similar size distributions for the 0.3 and 0.5 M salt systems. Thus, by suppressing nuclei formation, large single
concentration samples with mean sizes of 3.6 ± 1.6 and 3.5 ± crystals are realized. Since this phenomenon occurs at a large
1.3 μm, respectively (Figure 2D, E). However, similar to the interparticle distance (i.e., before the particles are fully locked
conclusions drawn based on the SAXS data, a noticeable into a particular structure) and solely depends on the
increase in the crystal size distribution is observed for the 1 M interactions between salt ions and the DNA corona, this
NaCl sample with a calculated mean size of 4.9 ± 2.6 μm approach can be generalized for different particle cores and
(Figure 2F). As noted earlier, a wide distribution of crystal lattice symmetries. We presume that a similar trend will be
sizes is predicted for crystal growth via homogeneous observed when the rate of cooling is changed. It is worth
nucleation and growth. However, it is worthwhile to note noting that there is a possibility of large crystal growth
that in addition to the average crystal size analyzed from both occurring through coalescence and restructuring processes,
SEM and SAXS (Figures 2A, 2C−E, S7), the number of where two or more stable crystals merge to form a single
crystals that are smaller than 2 μm decreases drastically with crystal. In atomic systems, coarsening typically occurs by
increasing salt concentration; i.e., there were no crystals below Ostwald-like ripening processes;38 however, this process is very
2 μm in the 1 M NaCl sample (Figure 2C−E). Remarkably, slow and unlikely to occur in colloidal systems. On the other
these crystals can grow up to 21 μm (the length shown in hand, it has been shown that the coarsening in colloidal
Figure 2B, top) when the PAEs are assembled at high solution systems could happen by grain-rotation induced coalescence.39
ionic strength (Figure 2H).
Similar coarsening has been observed for PAE systems in MD
The crystallization process is usually described by the
simulations (see Simulation section in the Supporting
formation of critical nuclei (i.e., nucleation) followed by
Information for further discussion).37
subsequent growth. Generally, the nucleation rate is dependent
Because defects and inhomogeneity in the superlattice can
on both the energy barrier of nanoparticle cluster formation
affect the optical response of these materials, it is crucial to
and the attachment rate of the interacting nanoparticles. An
produce high-quality crystals.40 Each SAXS pattern shows,
emergence of long-range repulsion at high salt concentration
regardless of the solution ionic strength, a high degree of
(Figure 1B) results in a reduction of the attachment rate A,
which can be understood from the following relationship: single-crystalline ordering of nanoparticles arranged into a bcc
crystallographic symmetry (Figure S5). The crystallinity was
j = ν0 exp( −ΔG′/kBT ) (1) further characterized by performing SAD using a transmission
electron microscope (TEM) (Figure 3). This characterization
where j is the frequency at which two nanoparticles come
together, ν0 is the trial rate (a constant, units in 1/time), and
ΔG′ is the repulsion barrier that nanoparticles must overcome
to initiate crystallization (see Simulation section in the
Supporting Information for detailed discussion). Thus, from
this equation, one can extract that the frequency of
nanoparticle attachment events decreases exponentially with
an increasing energy barrier. In the case where the long-range
diffusion is required, two rate-limiting processes, interface- and
diffusion-limited growth, affect the growth rate. The initial
Figure 3. (A) and (B) Transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
stage of crystal growth is limited by interfacial attachment images of a thin (∼100 nm) section of silica-encapsulated
barriers. In this regime, crystal size increases linearly with time microcrystals, initially crystallized in 1 M NaCl. (C) Well-defined
(crystal size ≈ At, where A is the growth rate proportional to j SAD patterns were obtained by subjecting a parallel beam of high-
and t is the time).34 In the case where the nanoparticle energy electrons to a thin section of one of the large microcrystals
attachment occurs extremely fast (i.e., nanoparticle interactions shown in (B). Scale bars are 5 μm, 200 nm, and 100 μm−1 for (A),
are extremely favorable and j is large), no interface-limited (B), and (C), respectively.
over the interparticle distance, while retaining crystallinity and
habit, because each structural control can be used to influence
material properties. A uniform shift in peak position, however, AUTHOR INFORMATION
indicates that there is a 5% decrease in the DNA bond length Corresponding Authors
as the salt concentration is raised from 0.3 to 1 M (Figure 4A). *(C.A.M.) E-mail: [email protected].
*(M.O.C.) E-mail: [email protected].
Soyoung E. Seo: 0000-0003-1593-4474
Chad A. Mirkin: 0000-0002-6634-7627
The authors declare no competing financial interest.
We thank Dr. Andrew J. Senesi for his helpful discussion on
SAXS data analysis. This work was supported by the following
awards: the Center for Bio-Inspired Energy Science, an Energy
Frontier Research Center funded by the U.S. Department of
Energy, Office of Science, Basic Energy Sciences Award DE-
Figure 4. (A) The bcc unit cell lattice parameter at different salt SC0000989 (oligonucleotide syntheses and purification,
concentrations. (B) The change in lattice parameters induced by salt simulations); the Air Force Office of Scientific Research
is reversible. The arrows from (i) to (ii) and (iii) to (iv) show the Award FA9550-17-1-0348 (DNA-functionalization of gold
changes in lattice parameters after 1 to 0.3 M and 0.3 to 1 M salt nanoparticles); and the National Science Foundation’s
exchange, respectively.
Materials Research Science and Engineering Center program
(DMR-1121262) and made use of its Shared Facilities at the
Materials Research Center of Northwestern University (EM
characterization). SAXS experiments were carried out at
However, since the interactions between the DNA bonds and
beamline 5-ID of the DuPont-Northwestern-Dow Collabo-
ions are electrostatic in nature, the lattice parameters of these
rative Access Team at the Advanced Photon Source. Use of the
superlattices can be altered simply by salt exchange (Figure
Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National laboratory was
4B). By changing the salt concentration after the crystals are
supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of
grown, the salt-induced transition in interparticle spacing is
Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, under Contract No.
fully reversible, and SAXS patterns collected before and after
DE-AC02-06CH11357 (SAXS characterization). S.E.S. ac-
salt exchange do not show noticeable changes in the SAXS
knowledges partial support from the Center for Computation
peak widths (Figures 4, S13).
and Theory of Soft Materials Fellowship.
Taken together, the conclusions presented here reveal the
properties of polyelectrolyte brushes of nanoparticle-based REFERENCES
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