Midterm Reviewer Toxicology Lec
Midterm Reviewer Toxicology Lec
Midterm Reviewer Toxicology Lec
STEP 4 - REPAIR OR DYSREPAIR Include several unlike with mito dna more prone to damage
→ Either the body initiate repair or it will result the damage to usually konti lang ang instances na pwedeng marepair ang
our higher levels of the biological hierarchy mitochondrial dna
→ If the dose of the toxicant is too much then it may result to
dysrepair Step 4 - Repair or Dysrepair
Molecular repair
1) Molecular repair Repair of DNA
Repair of Proteins »
➢ Oxidation of thiol groups can be reserved by Excision Repair
enzymatic reduction catalyzed by thioredoxin and Nucelotide repair
glutaredoxin - ATP-dependent nuclease recognized the distorted
→ Thioredoxin - reduces essential disulfide double helix > exises the damaged DNA nucleotide >
bonds found in our toxins excised section is restored by insertion of nucleotides
→ Glutaredoxin - serves as antioxidant in our into the gap by DNA polymerase and sealed in placed
ROS and free radicals by DNA ligase
➢ Oxidized hemoglobin by electron transfer from » Recombinational Repair
cytochrome b5, regenerated by a RADPH-dependent - Results in two homologous but dissimilar DNA
cytochrome b5 duplexes
➢ Damaged protein can be refolded or degraded with occurs when excision fails to occur before dna replication
the help of chaperone proteins begins
→ Also termed as heat shock proteins used to
synthesize new protein in response to protein Polymerase that unable to initiate its function daughter strands
denaturation kay pag sinabing decombination yung dna strand
➢ ATP/ubiquitin-dependent proteolytic system is
specialized in controlling the level of regulatory • Step 4 - Repair or Dysrepair
proteins eliminates intracellular protein Cellular Repair
→ Usually, eliminates the damage or mutated • Repair of damaged neurons
intracellular protein - Peripheral neurons with axonal damage are repaired by
➢ Eliminated by proteolysis in lysosomes macrophages and Schwann cells are type of glial cells
pf periperal nervous sys helps forms our myelin sheath
STEP 4 - REPAIR OR DYSREPAIR surround our neurons envelopes then rotates acon
Molecular repair forming kapag myelinated are well protected transfer
• Repair of Lipids ng mga information to communicate without the
- Peroxidized lipids are repaired by complex process myelin sheath then there will be mix match of
involving series of reductants, glutathione peroxidase, information
and glutathione reductase NaDPh lipid repair - Specific cells of our immune system macrophage our
• Repair of DNA immunity the first defenses of immune system antigen
or foreign materials and hematopoiesis also growth Macrophages and leukocytes in the ste of injury undergoes
factors activates schwann cells to proliferate damage respiratory burst that produces free radicals and activated
to cns are irreversible large number reserved enzymes
compensate taking over neuron - Altered Protein Synthesis : Acute-phase Proteins
Tissue Repair » IL-6, IL-1, and TF increase or decrease the transcriptional
made up of specialized cells capable of multiplying then it will activity of genes encoding certain proteins - positive and
be reversed of apoptosis and necrosis regeneration of tissue negative acute-phase proteins
Full value of repair for tissues bone marrow respiratory gi
epithelium and also epidermis of skin dividing cells hepatic and - Generalized reactions
renal parenchymal cell ineffective non replicating cardiac cells » May evoke neurohormonal responses
• Apoptosis • Mechanisms of Adaptation
- Causes cell to shrink as its nuclear and cytoplasmic - 1. diminished delivery of the toxicant to the target
materials condense, and then breaks into membrane- - 2. decreased size or susceptibility of the target
bound fragments that are phagocytosed without - 3. increased capacity of the organism to repair
inflammation itself
- Also intercept the process leading to a neoplasia by - 4. strengthened mechanisms to compensate the
eliminating the cells with potentially mutagenic DNA toxicant-inflicted dysfunction
- Generalized reactions
➢ May evoke neurohormonal responses
- Production of IL-1, TNF, IL-6 → can alter the
temperature that is set point of hypothalamus
triggering fever.
- Also act in the pituitary to induce the release
of ACPH → this will stimulate the secretion of
cortisol from the adrenals and inhibit the
cytokine gene expressions.
Mechanisms of Adaptation
- Responses acting to preserve or regain the biological
homeostasis in the phase of increase harm from the
harmful stimulus or toxicants.
STEP 4- Repair or Dysrepair
- There are instances why the body cannot initiate repair.
- If the body fails to repair damage, it will overwhelm repair mechanisms as necessary
enzymes and cofactors are consumed.
- Sometimes, toxicants adversely affect the repair process itself.
- Dysrepair
- Occurs at molecular, cellular, and tissue levels.
- Some toxicities can occur at a specific enzyme or processes such as; tissue
necrosis, fibrosis, and chemical carcinogenesis (cancer).
● Toxicity Resulting from Dysrepair
○ Tissue Necrosis
■ Occurs when molecular repair mechanisms are inefficient or molecular
damage is irreversible
● NOTE: Tissue necrosis is dose concentration dependent, meaning
a high dose of toxicant can cause a degree of damage that will
compromise repair, allowing the progression to injury.
■ Dose-concentration dependent that leads to the disable of repair
mechanism, including (1) repair of damaged molecules, (2) elimination of
damaged cells by apoptosis, (3) replacement of lost cells by cell division
■ Apoptosis and cell proliferation can halt the progression of injury to
● Especially if the damaged cells are the ones proliferated. It can
stop the progression of necrosis.
● Cell proliferation through the process of mitosis.
○ Fibrosis
- A pathologic condition that is characterized by excessive deposition of the
extracellular matrix of abnormal composition, thus producing a remodeled tissue.
- The abnormal/mutated composition of the extracellular matrix.
- When you put the extracellular matrix to the site of repair, it can change
the target molecule/site. This leads to the development of fibrous
connective tissue as a reparative response to injury or damage.
- EXAMPLE: Our body will find a way to compensate for the damage/loss.
So, our body will try to produce and adapt to the loss of composition or
molecules. Even if our body has healed, our body will still produce that
extracellular matrix, so much that it can produce mutated compositions.
■ Develops when Increased production of extracellular matrix is not halted
● Our body will try to increase more production even if it is not
needed anymore.
■ TGF-Beta is the major mediator of the fibrogenesis
● TGF is stimulated when there is injury and it continues to
proliferate until repair is complete.
○ Carcinogenesis
■ Failure of DNA repair
● Results to mutation of Proto-oncogenes and Tumor-suppressor
○ Mutation of Proto-oncogenes
■ It happens when there is an overexpression or
permanent activation of the different proteins
produced which leads to neoplastic transformation.
■ Responsible for the stimulating progression of cells
in the cell cycle, produces growth factors and signal
○ Mutation of Tumor-suppressor genes
■ Leads to the activation of the PF or p53 protein
which arrests or stops the cell cycle which leads to
■ Suppressor genes inhibit the progression of cells in
the cycle.
○ Therefore, the accumulation of the genetic damage in the
form of Proto-oncogenes and Tumor-suppressor genes will
allow for the transformation of the normal cells with
controlled proliferative activity to malignant cells with
uncontrolled proliferative activity, thus affecting/altering the
balance of mitosis and apoptosis.
■ Initiation cells/Initiated cells initiate cancer. It is
mutated and is in the first stage of cancer cell
development. Cancer cells will undergo mitosis and
will become malignant until the boomerang effect
happens and spreads throughout the body.
■ Failure of Apoptosis
● Promotes clonal expansion of initiated cells and tumor cells which
induce tumor regression
● Initiated cells are normal cells before that are changed/mutated so
that they are able to form tumors or cancer cells.
■ Failure to Terminate Proliferation
● Increase mitotic activity also increases the probability of mutations
● Overproduced proto-oncogene facilitates the neoplastic
transformation of cells
● When cell-to-cell communication is disrupted during proliferation it
contributes to the invasiveness of tumor cells
- The mechanism of toxicity and the disposition of chemical or xenobiotics is defined as
AND ELIMINATION. This disposition is actually a quantitative disposition known as
“toxicokinetics” which involves toxic agents.
- If the patient has diarrhea. Diarrhea means fast motility. Fast motility also speeds up the
movement of chemicals, therefore lowering its concentration onto the target organ/site.
- If the chemical is distributed to or stored in a fat, its elimination is likely to be slow
because very low levels preclude the rapid renal clearances or other renal clearances. In
other words, if the toxic agents are lipids and the elimination is slow, then it has the
possibility to accumulate in the body therefore causing more toxicity.
● Absorption is the process by which the toxicant will cross the body membranes and enter
the bloodstream.
● The transfer of a chemical from the site of exposure, usually an external or internal body
surface, into the systemic circulation
● GI tract, lungs and skin
● Substance requirements and factors that increases the rate of absorption:
○ Lipid soluble
○ Unionized
○ Diluted
○ Molecular size
■ Reduced size will also increase the surface area, therefore increasing the
absorption process.
○ Concentration
○ Dissolution rate
- Same as toxic agents.
Absorption of Toxicants by the GI tract
- Usually the toxicant is either an organic acid or base. They are absorbed by
simple/passive diffusion. From the region of high to low concentration and does not
involve any carriers and does not require energy. Lipid soluble substances can readily
move across most biological membranes due to their solubility in the membrane bilayers,
such as the Gi tract, because they are surrounded by fats.
- The Gi tract is mostly lipid form, so absorption of toxicant is fast.
● The GI tract has at least one active transport system that decreases the absorption
system that decreases the absorption of xenobiotics. (mdr-p-glycoprotein)
○ Mdr-p-glycoprotein decreases the absorption of xenobiotics. It is a form of
transport system in the GI tract.
● The amount of chemical entering the systemic circulation after oral administration
depends on the amount absorbed into the GI cells, biotransformation by the GI cells, and
extraction by the liver into bile.
○ First pass effect or presystemic elimination or the removal of chemicals before
entering systemic circulation.
○ Usually, the drug or toxicant that is absorbed from the Gi tract will pass via the
portal vein into the liver where some drugs are metabolized.
○ Sometimes, the result of the first pass metabolism means only a portion of the
toxicant reaches the circulation, therefore decreasing the toxicity of toxicant or
toxic agents.
- The rate of distribution to the organs or tissues is usually determined primarily by blood
flow and the rate of diffusion out of the capillary bed into the cells of the particular organ
or tissue.
- Therefore, blood flow is the determinant.
- NOTE: Always consider different distribution disturbances especially if the patient
has cardiovascular or vessel diseases, or perfusion disorders which is the
passage of fluid through the circulatory system or lymphatic system to an organ
or a tissue.
- The final distribution also depends largely on the affinity of xenobiotics for various
● Factors:
1. Capillary permeability
2. Degree of the binding of the toxicants to the plasma and tissue proteins
3. Relative hydrophobicity of the toxicant
- In order to know if the substance or xenobiotics is well distributed, usually the vd is
determined, the volume in which the amount of toxicant would need to be uniformly
dissolved in order to produce the observed blood concentration.
- Also consider the plasma protein binding; bound and unbound.
- If the xenobiotics are more bound to plasma protein then less volume distribution,
therefore prolonging the half life within the body and will affect the dose threshold
of toxicity. Toxicants will take a long time to eliminate but it will not reach its target
● The concentration of a toxicant in blood depends largely on its volume of distribution
● Water compartments in the body
1. Plasma compartment
● If it has a very large molecular weight and it can bind extensively in plasma
proteins, therefore it can be trapped within the plasma or vascular compartments.
2. Extracellular fluid
● Composed of plasma and interstitial fluid.
● If the xenobiotics have low molecular weight and are hydrophilic, therefore they
can move through the endothelial slit junction of the capillaries into the interstitial
3. Total body water-
● If the xenobiotics has low molecular weight and is hydrophobic.
4. Other sites
● May include the fetus.
○ Fetus may take up drugs, therefore will increase the volume of
- Is the sum of all the chemical processes of the body that can modify endogenous or
exogenous chemicals. In other words, this is the chemical elimination of substances.
- To change the structure of substances into more hydrophilic ready for the
excretion process.
- Liver is the major site of biotransformation, because of the high concentration of
enzymes such as the cyp450. Biotransformation mostly happens in the liver.
- Biotransformation can also happen in the lungs, stomach, intestines, skin, and
- All the substances will be converted from hydrophobic to hydrophilic which will aid to the
faster elimination/excretion. Substances become polar and water soluble.
● Results of biotransformation:
○ Increase toxicity via a toxic metabolite
○ Decrease toxicity via metabolism of a toxic parent compound
○ No effect on toxicity
○ Present to metabolize endogenous compounds
● Major Categories/Reaction
○ Phase 1
■ AKA the Functional group modification.
■ There is an addition of a functional group so that the xenobiotics become
polar which is ready for elimination.
■ Oxidation: Cytochrome P-450, MFO, alcohol, dehydrogenase, oxidases,
● The most important reaction in Phase 1.
● Adding of oxygen and removal of hydrogen, therefore increases
the valence of the compound.
■ Reduction: Reductases
● Less important.
● Removal of oxygen and adding of more hydrogen which result in
decreased valence.
■ Hydrolysis: esterases, phosphates, others.
● Splitting compounds by adding water.
○ Phase 2: glucuronic acid, glutathione, sulfate, acetyl group, methyl group
■ AKA the Conjugation phase.
■ Increases the molecular size and makes the substance more polar for
● Toxicants are removed from the systemic circulation by biotransformation, excretion, and
storage at various sites in the body.
● Removal of xenobiotics from the blood and returned to the external environment via
urine, feces, and exhalation.
● May also happen in saliva, sweat, breast milk, hairs, skin, and even the cerebrospinal
fluid. But the main excretion happens via urine, feces, and exhalation. Saliva, sweat,
breast milk, hairs, skin, and cerebrospinal fluid are rare.
● When the rate of absorption exceeds the rate of elimination, then toxic compounds may
accumulate which then reaches a critical concentration at the target site and eventually
more toxicity may occur.