Research Paper 3 - Patitha-Volume-13-2022-1-and-2-pages-44,73 - Anushka Kahandagama

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mÀ; - 13 jk fj¿u¦ m<uq iy fojk taldnoaO l,dm - 2021

udkj jxYlrK
l%ufõohla f,i PdhdrEm

wkqIald ly|.uf.a

udkjjxYlrKh" udkj yd iudc úoHd úIh la‍fIa;%
;=< nyq, jYfhka Ndú; jk l%ufõohls' j¾;udkh jkúg
f,dj jgd udkj yd iudc úoHd{fhda udkjjxYlrKfha
úúO udk fidhd hñka isá;s' tfukau jix.;h úiska
idïm%odhsl udkjjxYlrK l%ufõoh wNsfhda.hg ,lalr
we;' tjeks ;;a ; a j hla ;= < PdhdrEm udkjjxYlrK
l%ufõohla f,i fhdod.; yels wdldrh fï ,smsfha m%Odk
wjOdkh fjhs' ta wkqj" PdhdrEm yq¥ m¾fhaIK ieris,sj,ska
Tíng f.k f.dia" m¾fhaIK uq,dY%hla" l%ufõohla f,i
Ndú; lrkafka flfiao hkak idlÉPdjg ,lalr we;'
tfukau" udkj úoHd b;sydih ;=< mej;s l%ufõo ms<sn|
u;jdo iy tajd udkjjxYlrK l%ufõofha m%.;shg fya;=
jQ wkaou ,smsh ;=< wvx.=h'

udkjjxYlrKh" PdhdrEmlrKh" udkj úoHdj"

mÀ; - 13 jk fj¿u¦ m<uq iy fojk taldnoaO l,dm - 2021

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