Pronunciation A0 German

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Pronunciation and gender Pronunciation Just like English and most other European languages, Alphabet as the basis for its writing, But the letters, in many cases, are pronounced slightly differently from English, and in four instances there are special letters for four sounds unique to German, Let’s look at the German alphabet and its pronunciation, werner puowercs OM Aa ah Maer painter Bb bay Ball ball Ce tsay Cent cent Da day dumm stupid Fe ay weh sore Ff eff finden find Gg say Garten ‘garden Hh hah Haus house li ee ich I hi yawt ja yes Kk kah Kind child u all Lampe lamp Mm emm Mann man Nn enn nein no Oo oh Oma ‘granny Pp poy Park, park Qa koo Quark curd cheese Rr air rot red Ss es was what Tt tay Tante aunt vo 0 tut does vy ‘ow Verbot an Ww vay wo where Xx ix fixieren fit Yy uepsilon Gymnasium ‘preparatory schoo! Zt tset zehn ten German adds an umlaut to three vowels to change their pronunciation. These vowels are, 8, and di, In addition, there is one special letter called ess-tset, which is the combination of an earlier form of an sand a 2, and it looks like this: ® “The vowel dis pronounced very much like the German e. For example: spit, shpate, late. The vowel & sounds something like the English sound er in the word her, but the r in that word is muted. For example: kénnen, kernen, can. The sound of the vowel itis made by pursing the lips to say 00 but pronouncing ee in the mouth. For example: Tii, tuer, door. Note that the vowel is pronounced in much the same way as i. For example: Gymnasium, guem-nah-zee-oom, prepa- ratory school. ‘The consonant sound of is identical to a double s in English. For example: wei, vice, white. Let’ look at certain letter combinations that have their own unique sound. LerTer PHONETICS EXAMPLE ch raspy ch as in Scottish loch nach after sch sh Schule school sh sparen save 2 a Strase street au ow Frau woman au oy liuft runs au oy Freund friend

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