CSX Pipe Standards
CSX Pipe Standards
CSX Pipe Standards
of overlap shall be used. No longitudinal overlaps shall occur between the toes of ballast of any track.
At all bridge abutments the geotextile shall be turned down two feet below the finished subgrade against
the face of the abutment. As the embankment is replaced against the abutment and the geotextile, the
Contractor shall take special care to ensure that the backfill is adequately compacted to the specified
design density. The Contractor shall also use special care to avoid any damage to the geotextile.
Specifications for each particular application of geotextile and guidelines for their installation are found
in CSXT’s MWI 1003, latest edition, available upon written request.
Trench excavation shall be true to the lines and grades shown on the drawings and carefully graded by
hand whenever necessary to properly install the culverts. Rocks or other material, which might prove
injurious to the culverts, shall be removed from the culvert bed. All pipe culverts shall have a minimum
cover of 2.5’ measured between the top of pipe and bottom of crosstie.
Concrete Pipe
All reinforced concrete pipe shall be bell and spigot pipe with “O” ring gasket or tongue and groove with
RAM-NEK type flexible gasket meeting the current ASTM designation C-76 or as specified. Concrete
pipe under tracks shall be Class V.
Corrugated metal pipe will be fully asphaltic coated (AASHTO M190, ASTM A849) or fully coated with
other approved corrosive resistant material. Fiber bonded (ASTM A885) pipe will be provided where
specified for placement in tidal waters, where acid mine drainage may be encountered or where other
conditions warrant. Fully asphalt coated and paved or polymer precoated (AASHTO M245, ASTM
A742) pipe is required in streambeds with moderate to severe bedloads of sand, gravel, and rock with
velocities in excess of 5 feet per second.
A minimum of 24” long connecting bands shall be used to connect CMP. Gage of pipe to be used as
Other Material
HDPE, PVC, or ABS “plastic” pipe may be used only with CSXT approval for specific application.
Local selected material may be used as backfill and it shall be free from large rocks, lumps, and debris.
No frozen fill, sod, cinders, or material containing a high percentage of organic material shall be allowed.
Material under the haunches and around the culvert shall be placed in layers not exceeding 6 inches. The
layers are to be alternately placed to keep the same elevation on both sides of the culvert at all times.
Compaction under the haunches shall be accomplished by utilizing a pole or 2” x 4” timber in the small
Note: These are minimum CSXT guidelines and governmental agencies’ requirements may vary and/or
be more stringent.
Unless otherwise provided, all roadbed slopes shall be prepared, fertilized, seeded, and mulched to
produce a stand of erosion protection grass of an annual variety.
Description: This work consists of the installation of the required material for a protective covering of
stream channel slopes at culvert inlets and outlets and embankment slopes.
Material: Rip-rap will consist of dense, sound, durable, angular shaped stone, ranging in size from 1/4
cubic foot in volume to sixteen cubic feet in volume, except that stones of smaller size, not exceeding 15
percent of the total volume, may be used for filling the voids. Rip-rap will be free from overburden, spoil,
shale, and organic matter.
Installation: Rip-rap will be placed in rechanneled areas and in all areas where the fill is in contact with
streams. Rip-rap shall be placed a minimum of three feet thick on side slopes measured perpendicular to
the slope in accordance with Project Plans. Rip-rap will be placed concurrently with embankments and
channel relocation.
Description: The work covered by this section consists of furnishing, installing, maintaining, and
removing a water permeable filter type fence to remove suspended particles from the drainage water.
Materials: All materials shall comply with applicable specifications of the local State Department of
Transportation or with the industry’s environmental permitting requirements.
Installation: The Contractor shall install temporary silt fence as shown on the plans. Posts will be spaced
6-10 feet apart depending on the amount of flow expected. Posts will be installed a minimum of 2 feet in
the ground. Filter fabric will be attached to the wire fence or post by wire, cord, or staples. The filter
fabric will be installed in such a manner that 4 to 6 inches of fabric is left at the bottom to be buried and
a minimum overlap of 18 inches is provided at all splices.
Maintenance and Removal: The Contractor shall maintain the silt fence until the project is accepted or
until the fence is removed. Contractor shall remove and dispose of silt accumulations along the fence
when the capacity of the fence is diminished. Filter fabric shall be replaced when it has deteriorated to
such extent that it is no longer effective. Upon removal of the silt fence, the Contractor shall dress the
area to give a pleasing appearance, and shall seed and mulch the area in accordance with Section