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2022 Focus Magazine

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Eufaula Indian Journal & McIntosh County Democrat

Focus Magazine • 2022-2023 • 3

A publication of the
Eufaula Indian Journal
& McIntosh County

Copyright 2022 Cookson
Hills Publishers, Inc.
All rights reserved

Published May 26, 2022


General Manager

Managing Editor

Office Manager / Staff Writer
06 kayaking 25 lake eufaula association 41 green run 5k
• 08 City of Checotah 26 heartland heritage 42 disc golf
JEAN GAWF 10 fishing guide services 28 eufaula festivals 44 checotah public schools

12 city of eufaula 29 eufaula calendar 46 jefferson highway
DAPHANIE HUTTON 14 honey springs battlefield 30 old settlers day 50 fishing tournaments
Legals / Circulation 16 eufaula is a trip 31 checotah calendar 51 about lake eufaula

RODNEY HALTOM 18 checotah sports complex 32 xtreme rv resort 52 eufaula public schools
Sports Editor 20 checotah chamber 34 2nd chance thrift store 56 rodeo

22 lake eufaula state park 39 fireworks 60 public officials
Graphic Designer 24 eufaula area museum 40 katy depot 62 numbers to know
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Eufaula Indian Journal & McIntosh County Democrat Focus Magazine • 2022-2023 • 5

Located in central Okla- County offers miles of scenic of life. ments such as Crappie Masters,
homa, McIntosh County is hiking trails, history, art, mu- Do a little bird watching and Bassmasters and Okie FLW
an easy, scenic drive that of- seums, golf, charming shops experience the tranquil water have returned to fish the abun-
fers something for everyone. and a diverse culture. It’s full up close on a kayak as you ex- dant waters of Lake Eufaula.
Whether it’s family time, vaca- of year-round events ranging plore hidden parts of the lake. The miles of sandy shoreline
tion, a girls’ getaway or a fish- from community festivals, car Known throughout the Unit- also bring out adventurists to
ing trip, McIntosh County is shows, art walks, firework ex- ed States, McIntosh County the many sand dunes and trails
sure to bring people together. travaganzas, rodeos and wake- is home to the state’s largest near the dam, which is a popu-
Three hours from Dallas, board festivals. man-made lake with over 600 lar spot for ATV enthusiasts.
one hour from Tulsa, one hour Take a stroll in the friendly miles of shoreline, making it a Come together, load up the
from Ft. Smith and two hours downtown communities and fisherman’s dream. car and come join the fun and
from OKC, it is a trip on a tank- duck into one of the quaint Offering some of the state’s see for yourself what we have
ful. antique shops to spot that per- best fishing, Lake Eufaula to offer. We invite you to come
Enjoy the sunrise of a new fect find to take home, or find a hosts over 40 fishing tourna- explore, play and stay. See for
day full of potential all the unique gift at one of the many ments each year, bringing an- yourself why McIntosh Coun-
way to sunsets glistening over specialty shops and boutiques. glers from points all over the ty has something for everyone
water at the end of an adven- Whether boating, sailing or country. The waters are home and has become Oklahoma’s
ture-filled day. kayaking, a day on Lake Eufau- to abundant crappie, catfish, year-round travel destination.
Located along the historic la is sure to help you discon- perch and bass - to name a few.
Jefferson Highway, McIntosh nect from the everyday stresses National and statewide tourna-
6 • Focus Magazine • 2022-2023 Eufaula Indian Journal & McIntosh County Democrat

on the
of the
From the second you
place your kayak in the wa-
ter, it’s about you connect-
ing with the water, nature
and your surroundings.
No motors and no gas in-
volved, just the sky above
and the water below.
Kayaking has made a
comeback in the past two
years, with more people
traveling locally and re-
discovering adventure and
nature right in their own
Ask any avid kayak-
er and they will tell you,
wherever there is a chan-
nel of water, there is a road
for a kayak.
One of the best things
about this pasttime is
finding a small channel
off of the lake that is less
traveled and exploring the
unchartered territory, dis-
covering a somewhat pri-
vate, nature oasis.
These serene “back-
roads” of the waterways
are home to birds and wild-
life, which can be observed
from the water and fish
that cannot be accessed by
boat. With over 600 miles
of shoreline, tributaries
and coves, there is plen-
ty of space to explore in
McIntosh County.

Favorite float spots

around Lake Eufaula
• Lake Eufaula State Park
(off 150 Exit by the marina
boat ramp)
• Duchess Creek Landing
(near Hwy 150)
• Southport
• Sandy Bass Bay area
• I-40 bridge west
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Come check out Checotah

The family-friendly City
of Checotah has a lot to offer
locals and visitors. Whether
a youngster or just young at
heart, this quaint historical
town that started from a rail-
road named Checote’ Switch in
1872 has something for every-
one and is just the ticket for a
fun-packed day.
If you feel like soaking in
some sunshine, head out to
the Checotah Sports Complex
and enjoy a brisk or leisurely
walk on the Dr. Maurice Payne
Walking Track. It is a conve-
niently paved track with a Sto-
ryWalk and a nice pond to stop
at and have a moment of tran-
quility. You can also choose to
get those steps in by enjoying
the 18-hole disc golf course
with some friends.
If it’s a hot day, come cool
down with the kids at the Blue Buffalo and a cool mural has a wide variety of great plac- an art guild, where creative
Splash Pad. There is a large of a soldier. es to sit and dine or grab and souls can have loads of fun.
playground area to keep the lit- If you love antiques or go. You can also grab a special- You may also enjoy bowling
tle ones busy while you sit and unique gift shops, Checotah ty coffee or refreshing shaved with the entire family, espe-
read a book in the shade under has a number of these down- ice at one of several places cially on glow night. Plus, the
the Justin Durrett Memorial town. So, whether you need around town. local bowling alley offers pool
Pavilion. to find that special treasure to There are two museums you tables, an arcade section and a
There are also plenty of take home or the perfect out- don’t want to miss: the Katy snack bar.
games to catch throughout fit for your weekend get-away, Depot and the Heartland Her- Local events are always hap-
the week and over the week- these local shops are sure to itage Museum and Gallery. pening in Checotah, from car
end, depending if you like soc- please. Both offer a look back at the shows to boat shows, to rodeos
cer, softball or baseball.  Come Don’t miss out on plenty of history of Checotah and some and more. You definitely don’t
check out what the 12 fields can places to stop in and grab a bite of the town’s famous celebri- want to miss Old Settlers Day
offer your family. to eat. From restaurants serv- ties, World Champion cowboys or the Fourth of July City Cele-
Other parks to enjoy in town ing famous chicken to BBQ to and heroes that paid the great- bration with live bands, lots of
include Bessie Tabor Park, Tra- Mexican food to Chinese food est price so we could have this local vendors and loads of fun.
cy Scroggins Park and Veterans to meat markets and home- freedom today. The Heartland So come see what you’ve been
Park, which has a Centennial made comfort foods, Checotah also offers art classes and has missing in Checotah.
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by RODNEY HALTOM brothers are former National

Crappie Masters Champions.
Sports Editor
They won several other fishing
Nothing is more relaxing tournaments in Oklahoma and
than dropping a hook in beau- across the nation and are spon-
tiful Lake Eufaula or more sored by over a dozen compa-
thrilling than the big catch. nies, including Pro Built Jigs,
Don’t have a boat? No prob- The Bass Tank and BnM Poles.
lem. Brian is a local fisherman
Eufaula has numerous fish- that knows Lake Eufaula and
ing guide services, but none are all the best fishing holes one
more successful than Eufaula could imagine, and you’re
Boys Guide Service (EBGS). guaranteed to catch fish with
With over 15 years of experi- Eufaula Crappie Boys Guide
ence as a crappie fishing guide Service. You can contact Eu-
in Eastern Oklahoma, EBGS is faula Boys Guide Service at
owned and run by brothers Da- 918-617-0362 or by email at eu-
rin and Brian Young. [email protected]. You can
EBGS is for anyone wanting check Eufaula Boys Guide Ser-
to learn the basics or advanced vice on Facebook.
techniques of crappie fishing. Give yourself and your fam-
They provide all the bait and ily a gift of making memories
tackle. You just need to bring a that will stay with you through-
valid fishing license. out your life. Call Eufaula Boys
What makes this guide ser- Guide Service today.
vice special is that the Young
Eufaula Indian Journal & McIntosh County Democrat Focus Magazine • 2022-2023 • 11
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Eufaula has become the gem of eastern even legends of hidden treasures await an appetite. Our downtown area has some
Oklahoma! With a bustling tourism sea- you as you enter Eufaula. Suppose the wa- of the best restaurants in Oklahoma. From
son and year-round outdoor activities, Eu- ter isn’t your idea of a good time, our am- American classics at E’s Hideaway and
faula is shining with adventure for friends phitheater host unforgettable communi- Too-Sha’s with wood-fire pizza at Mama
- old and new. When you step into Eufaula, ty-wide concerts. And don’t forget Yogi’s Tig’s to finger-licking BBQ at Hanging 8’s
you step into a memory of a better time. A Campground for family fun! and La Finca’s Mexican Grill - Eufaula’s
place you are proud of - a place you want Moving back downtown, you can see our Main Street is a foodie’s dream.
to know. Eufaula has become a marker for 3-D Mural paying tribute to Standing Rock All of this is only possible due to the
what success looks like in rural America. which was covered by the lake in genera- teamwork of our community. Eufaula is
We are a community of good times with tions past. While getting some remarkable not only a great community - it’s our love-
honest people. And we are not too humble pictures, be on the lookout for the Eufau- ly home - a place to belong and a place to
to admit that we are proud of our home la Music Trail. These eleven instruments treasure.
and what we are building. in seven locations throughout our down- Welcome to Eufaula; we’re glad you’re
Of course, Eufaula offers plenty of ad- town offer you the chance to live a musi- here.
venture with the lake surrounding you on cian’s life and make some new friends!
three sides. Boating, fishing, skiing, and Of course, all this activity will build up
Eufaula Indian Journal & McIntosh County Democrat Focus Magazine • 2022-2023 • 13
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The Battle of Honey Springs was the

largest Civil War conflict to take place in
what is now the State of Oklahoma.
The Honey Springs Battlefield site, lo-
cated just north of Checotah, includes
more than 1,000 acres. Visitors can enjoy
hiking and area wildlife while exploring
the history of the Civil War in Indian Ter-
Take your family for a walk on six walk-
ing trails with interpretive signs that will
take you on a journey through the Union
line of battle, which includes 1/8-mile of
the original Texas Road. Through arti-
facts, graphics and narrative, the exhibits
tell the rich history of the Battle of Honey Every other year, you can also hear the
Springs. cannons fire and smell the smoke as the
In 2021, The Oklahoma Historical Soci- Friends of Honey Springs partner to host
ety (OHS) and Friends of Honey Springs the reenactment on the grounds. This bi-
Battlefield announced the premiere of a ennial event includes two battle reenact-
new film documenting the Battle of Honey ments and self-guided tours through the is scheduled for 2023.
Springs. Union, Confederate and civilian camps. Visitors will soon be able to experience
“The Battle of Honey Springs” is a Pan- Visitors can experience military drills, the Battle of Honey Springs through a new
theon Digital Production written and di- demonstrations and living history pro- state-of-the-art 3-D theater. During this
rected by Bryan Beasley and produced by grams. Sutlers Row features a number of immersive film, visitors will experience
Jaime Roman and Jon Roman. The film vendors selling clothes, books, souvenirs the sights and sounds of the battle, while
stars Sidney Flack, Aaron Martin, David and reproductions of 19th century mili- learning about the largest and most con-
Burkhart, TS Akers, Roderick Berko, Tyler tary equipment. Visitors from around the sequential Civil War conflict to ever take
Huffman, Warren Gavitt, Jeremy Guana state come to see special presentations place in the state.
and Elisha Pratt. In addition to the actors, and watch the battle. This reenactment is The Honey Springs Battlefield and Vis-
many individuals from the reenactment scripted, which means the reenactors and itor Center is open Tuesday through Sat-
community helped with this production. regiments perform the same actions that urday from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. For more
The quality film brought to life the battles, were taken in the original battle on the information, visit www.okhistory.org/
sights and sounds of this historical event. original battlefield. The next reenactment honeysprings or call 918-617-7125.
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For two hours, fierce hand retreated. Many died on the

to-hand fighting occurred north bank of Elk Creek. The
along the edge of the timber, Texans held the bridge, using
with the Confederates mak- their muskets as clubs, until
ing up in numbers what they finally forced back by superior
lacked in artillery. Finally, Union firepower. Remnants of
the Confederates were forced this bridge can be seen on cur-
across the creek and as the rent-day trail #4 located on
Union artillery approached the Honey Springs Battlefield.
the bridge, the Confederates
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by JERRY FINK It also has generated interest in more five cities in the nation that has a Music
murals on more buildings around town in Trail.
Managing Editor
the future. Embedded in sidewalks at several loca-
The biggest attraction in Eufaula is, nat- tions around town are percussion instru-
urally, its lake, which is the largest one en- Entertainment ments that encourage folks to create music
tirely within the state boundaries. On many Saturday nights folks who like as they stroll the streets. A map of the in-
Folks by the thousands flock to the wa- a variety musical entertainment can find struments’ sites may be found at the cor-
ter during summer months to swim, boat it at Legacy on Main Street, which offers ner of Main Street and Selmon Road, next
and fish and to camp on its shores. dinner theater shows that may feature to E’s Hideaway Restaurant.
If you think that’s all there is to Eufaula, tribute artists recreating such acts as Dol- The colorful instruments come in a vari-
think again. ly Parton; Frankie Valli and The Four Sea- ety of shapes, from flowers to mushrooms
The historic town, which this year cele- sons; the music of Motown; The Sinatra to butterflies and more.
brates 150 years since its founding as a rail- Experience; the Bee Gees and maybe even The downtown music trail project was
road stop, is in the midst of re-inventing a murder mystery dinner show. intended to bring joy and a sense of con-
itself into a year-round destination, cre- Dinners are always delicious, but fans nection to everyone in our community
ating a destination for those who are look- may skip the meal and just enjoy the show.
ing for something more than water sports. Xtreme Amphitheater at Xtreme Re- Wetlands
Walk up and down Main Street and you sorts also offers outdoor concerts, ranging The Eufaula Wetlands Park was built
will find a wide assortment of stores - from from Blue Grass to Country to Rock ‘n Roll with a labor of love for ecology.
antique shops to clothing boutiques. all in a setting overlooking Lake Eufaula. It took five years of planning and
Hungry? There are restaurants for ev- fund-raising by Jerry McCormick and
eryone - from fast foods on the south end others to complete, but now it is a show-
of Main Street to fine dining downtown case east of downtown for nature lovers
and outside of town too. who want to experience a natural habitat
Stroll around town and you will see in an urban area.
some amazing sites. The Park, located a short walk east of
downtown, is an environmentally educa-
Mural tional ecosystem showcasing more than
In October, 2020, international artists 600 plants and enhanced with walking
Tracy Lee Stum and husband Sayak Mitra trails, educational kiosks and signage,
completed a 3D mural just off Main Street and even a pavilion with an electronic
at 115 Selmon Road. charging station.
The outdoor scene depicts the essence Said one fan, “Jerry’s dedication has
of Eufaula and the lake that almost sur- given Eufaula a sustainable eco-friendly
rounds it. place for learners of all ages to discover
The mural has inspired an annual Mural the benefits of wetlands, study the many
Art Festival and Downtown Art Walk in Music Trail creatures and plants that live in and use
September. Upon its beginning, Eufaula was one of the wetlands, or just relax, walk and enjoy
Eufaula Indian Journal & McIntosh County Democrat Focus Magazine • 2022-2023 • 17

the beautiful scenery.” post so youngsters can enhance Park, a multi-use park that will
The 2.5-acre park is between their reading skills and enjoy a include a splash pad where kids Happy trails, young
Broadway and Belt Streets, pleasing story. of all ages can enjoy cooling off readers.
west of G Street. The storyboards are changed during the lake’s hot summers. Youngsters can improve
every three or four weeks. The park will be located their minds and health as
Disc Golf The Story Walk was created at the northwest corner of they walk the Muscogee
Adjacent to Wetlands Park with the cooperative effort of McKinley Avenue and L Street. Nation walking path in the
is one of Eufaula’s newest rec- the Muscogee (Creek) Nation, The park will be a jewel for cove and read a story along
reational pursuits, a disc golf the City of Eufaula, Eastern the community, which will in- the way.
course. Oklahoma Library District, the clude the splash pad, shaded StoryWalk, a collabora-
Curtis Hartshorn of Checo- Eufaula Memorial Library and picnic area, playground and tion among the Muscogee
tah was the driving force be- the Friend’s of the Library and restrooms. Nation, City of Eufaula,
hind the creation of the 18-hole with the approval of the U.S. Eastern Oklahoma Library
course in Checotah and the Army Corps of Engineers. Electric Scooters District, Eufaula Memorial
9-hole course in Eufaula. The Oklahoma Tribal En- If your feet begin to ache be- Library and Friends of the
He, as many others around gagement Partners purchased cause of all that walking, in the Library, had the approval
the world, has a passion for the 20 signs that line a short near future you will be able to of the U.S. Army Corps of
a sport that has been around stretch of the walking trail. rent an electric scooter that Engineers.
since the early 1900s. will help you get around town “About a year ago,
Interest has grown more Lake Resorts with very little effort. Robyn Burris, a member
quickly in recent years, with Located in Eufaula Cove, two A fleet of 50 to 70 scooters are of Friends of the Library,
professionals competing inter- resorts offer a variety of activ- available at relatively low cost approached me with the
nationally. ities for young and old and ev- to take you to most locations idea,” said Brittany Moore,
Eufaula has had several tour- eryone in between. in and around downtown Eu- manager of the Eufaula li-
naments, merging profession- There are restaurants for ev- faula. brary. “I liked it, so I start-
al and amateur players, on a ery taste. Electric Scooters have be- ed asking around to figure
course that is in a park-like set- And of course you might see come the rage in more than 100 out how it could happen.”
ting between Lake Eufaula and Yogi Bear playing around while cities around the world. It happened with the
the Wetlands. you enjoy the loads of water The Scooters will make it combined effort of sever-
Anyone can use the course, sports, miniature golf and cab- simple to sightsee, take a trip al entities, including the
which is maintained by the ins for rent. to a local store or visit a local Oklahoma Tribal Engage-
city. Just take your discs to the restaurant. ment Partners, who pur-
site and play to your heart’s Oasis Park chased the 20 signs that
content. Coming soon will be Oasis line a short stretch of the
walking trail, which was
Story Walk another donation by the
Walkers with young children Muscogee Nation.
should stroll down to Story Burris, a former school
Walk, located east of the Disc librarian, said each of the
Golf Course along a walking signs contains a page from
trail that parallels the lake in a children’s book, includ-
the Eufaula Cove. ing pictures.
Robyn Burris, a former The story boards will
school librarian and member change every three or four
of Friends of the Library, came weeks.
up with the idea. The first story, entitled
The Walk includes 20 read- “Jump” by Scott M. Fisch-
ing stations. Each station con- er, was put in place on
tains a page of a story book on a March 9.
18 • Focus Magazine • 2022-2023 Eufaula Indian Journal & McIntosh County Democrat

The Checotah Sports Complex is the Complex has 12 fields to navigate. Wheth- added at the Sports Complex this year.
place to be with lots of outdoor activities er you want to play baseball, softball, soc- In addition to great ball fields, the
and scheduled events to keep the whole cer or kid-pitch there’s a field for that. Plus Sports Complex offers bike trails, outside
family entertained and active year round. all the baseball  and softball  fields have exercise  equipment and the Dr. Maurice
The Sports Complex is Checotah’s com- safety netting to keep your whole family Payne Memorial Walking Track that fea-
munity gathering place where families safe as you watch from bleachers or your tures a stocked fishing pond you  can fish
and friends can come together for fun and lawn chair. from, benches and a StoryWalk, which
fitness with 135 recreational acres of the The city has recently  added a netted is an innovative way for families to enjoy
great outdoors to enjoy. batting cage so you can get your swing on. reading and exercise at the same time.
If you like to play sports, this Sports Plus permanent corn hole boxes are being Also on the property is an 18-hole disc
Eufaula Indian Journal & McIntosh County Democrat Focus Magazine • 2022-2023 • 19

golf course, built to the standards of the public’s convenience plus it is located al Fourth of July Celebration (July 2 this
the Professional Disc Golf Association right beside a large playground area that year) with lots of vendors, food trucks,
and spread over the outdoor terrain. So the kids can enjoy year round. lawn mower races, fishing tournaments,
whether you want to just play for fun or The Splash Pad is also part  of this area live music and so many more games to join
join  a sanctioned PDGA  tournament, the so you can enjoy watching the kids have a in with the family. Then wait for the sun
choice is yours.  little water break on a hot day. It opens in to set and enjoy fireworks from the conve-
If you need to cool off from all the activ- May as local temperatures warm up. nience of your lawn chairs with a few hun-
ities of the day, the Justin Durrett Memo- Each year there are plenty of events to dred friends. 
rial Pavilion offers some great shade and join in from color runs to movies on the The Checotah Sports Complex is steadi-
tables to sit at for a possible picnic. The pa- lawn to kickball, softball, baseball and ly growing by leaps and bounds and the
vilion is a 30 x 48 square feet facility that soccer tournaments galore. City of Checotah hopes to continue to cre-
Carrie Underwood’s Checotah Animal, There are several upcoming community ate an atmosphere for all the community
Town, and School Foundation known as events this summer to include Boats, Bags and visitors to improve their quality of life
the C.A.T.S. Foundation donated too. It and BBQ (June 4), which is a boat show by enjoying it for generations to come.
has restrooms and a drinking fountain for and corn hole tournament, and the annu-
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Just outside of Eufaula and ities for kids and kids-at-heart,

Checotah lies a nature oasis and offers many events for the
waiting for you at Lake Eufau- whole family throughout the
la State Park. There is no bet- year.
ter way to experience nature Visitors won’t want to miss
first hand than to make it your out on the water activities. The
home for the week, camping park offers many boat ramps,
right in the middle at one of the which provide easy access to
RV campsites. the lake. Families can also take
Wake up to open spaces, na- the day and swim at Humming-
ture trails, camping, disc golf, bird beach, a family-friendly
fishing and endless activities. place to play.
Whether you are camping, Various accommodations are
fishing, biking or hiking, Lake available for a stay at the park.
Eufaula State Park has some- There are many beautiful,
thing for everyone. wooded areas available for RV
The park is located just south and tent sites.
of I-40 and west of Checotah. Lake Eufaula State Park also
Follow the newly updated signs has air conditioned Yurts avail-
to your destination within the able, with hardwood floors and
park. furnishings.
Situated on Lake Eufaula, Nearby, the 18-hole Foun-
lake access is readily available. tainhead Creek Golf Course
Head out on one of the many features beautiful views of  the
hiking trails that wind through lake, complete with  a putting
the many acres of Oklaho- green and pro shop.
ma beauty. Whether you take Whether you are looking for
longer hikes or nature walks an active time on the lake or a
through the shorter trails, little relaxation, Lake Eufaula
you are sure to reconnect with State park is the place for you.
sights and sounds we seldom Come explore and see why
make time for. Lake Eufaula State Park is your
While in the park, visit the perfect family getaway.
Deep Fork Nature Center and For more information, con-
learn more about native plant tact the Deep Fork Nature Cen-
and animal species. ter at 918-689-4607 or the Visi-
The center has educational tors’ Center at 918-689-5311.
programs and scheduled activ-
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Items all have a story to tell. Eufaula’s Main Street, memo- tered around train depots,
Take just one look at the ob- rabilia from area schools, me- with the population clustered
jects and collections in a muse- mentos from local men and around these business centers.
um and you go back in time. women who served in the mili- The Museum has many ar-
These powerful objects and tary and a large tabletop exhib- tifacts that are not on display,
collections all tell a story and it illustrating the history of the but volunteers are happy to
connect us with people and area using a model railroad. bring out items that are of in-
places of the past. They pre- This tabletop exhibit was fi- terest to particular visitors.
serve history and stories, and nanced by a grant from Okla- The Museum also has an active
engage people to connect the homa Humanities and recre- Facebook page that highlights
past to the present. ates the area in different time some of these special items.
The Eufaula Area Museum, frames. Admission can be made by
located at 118 Selmon Road, is The first display shows the appointment at www.eufaula-
loaded and ready to share local beginnings of Eufaula in 1872, [email protected] or via
history. when the railroad first entered Facebook. Admission is free,
The permanent exhibits the area. but donations are accepted.
highlight the three Native Currently, the tabletop re- The mailing address for dona-
American Nations in the Eu- flects the Eufaula area in the tions is P.O. Box 6, Eufaula, OK
faula area, the rich history of 1890s when towns were cen- 74432.
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Promoting Tourism:
Lake Eufaula Association
The Lake Eufaula Associa- increase tourism. LEA builds and corporate memberships coming to our area.
tion promotes tourism to Lake partnerships with individuals, with varying benefits at each LEA will be moving in 2022!
Eufaula and the surrounding businesses, organizations and level. Our new building will be locat-
region, including five counties: government entities, and is Our marketing efforts in- ed just off Hwy. 69 near Love’s.
McIntosh, Haskell, Pittsburg, dedicated to working with all clude our website, VisitLa- The Lake Eufaula Multi-Cul-
Okmulgee and Muskogee. who support the vitality of the keEufaula.com, social media, tural Center and Tourist Infor-
The association also pro- Lake Eufaula region. travel shows and expos, the mation Center will serves as an
vides travel information to LEA is a member of the Okla- Corps Camper publication and educational and information
tourists visiting Lake Eufaula. homa Lakes and Countries As- 80,000 full-color copies of the center, including history and
Our goal is to advance and im- sociation and partners with Lake Eufaula Travel Guide that artifacts of Lake Eufaula, our
prove economic growth in the the Oklahoma Tourism and is distributed all over the na- rich Native American history,
Lake Eufaula area. Tourism is Recreation Department to in- tion through tourist informa- the legend of Standing Rock,
the number one industry for crease tourism in Oklahoma. tion centers, expos, literature outlaw Belle Star and commu-
the Lake Eufaula region. The Lake Eufaula Assocation distribution programs, local nities surrounding Lake Eufau-
Every time a visitor spends utilizes a variety of marketing businesses and OKTravel.com. la.
money in your town, they also methods to promote tourism The LEA office also serves as Call us at 918-689-7751 for
pay taxes. Those tax dollars do throughout the region. the local tourism information more information.
not come from the residents, Annual membership in center, promoting all aspects Don’t forget to join us on the
but contribute directly to lo- the organization delivers in- of Lake Eufaula. second Saturday in June every
cal schools, roads and services creased visibility for your com- If you have an event happen- year for the Golden Eagle Poker
like police, fire and rescue. munity, business or event. Our ing in the Lake Eufaula area, Run! Get more information at
LEA promotes attractions, members are vital to our exis- please send us the information VisitLakeEufaula.com under
events and activities that will tence; we offer family, business so we can pass it on to visitors the Special Events tab.
26 • Focus Magazine • 2022-2023 Eufaula Indian Journal & McIntosh County Democrat

Heartland Heritage
Museum & Gallery
Highlighting local history and talents
by LADONNA RHODES tlers from the area, or if you The expansive front room dom.
want to book a painting party features championship sad- The museum isn’t all about
Staff Writer
with a few close friends, the dles, belts, trophies, photos steer wrestlers, but also pro-
For all you art lovers and his- choice is yours. and much more won by World fessional bull riders like Austin
tory enthusiasts, stop by the The Heartland Heritage Mu- Champion Steer Wrestlers in Myers and L.J. Jenkins. Don’t
Heartland Heritage Museum seum & Gallery, located at 116 the Professional Rodeo Cow- worry, we haven’t left out the
& Gallery to see some amazing N. Broadway, was formerly boys Association (PRCA). Some famous women, like Sherry
artwork and memorabilia or, the original 1919 building that of these famous cowboys, like Combs, PRCA Women’s World
better yet, come in and create housed the Gentry Auto Livery. Roy Duvall and Ote Berry, have Champion Barrel Racer, or
your own masterpiece. The  museum, which boasts been inducted into the ProRo- Betty Roper, six-time World
Whether you want to check of the rich history of many deo Hall of Fame. Several other Champion Barrel Racer in the
out why Checotah has been Checotahans, also houses the local cowboys like Sam Duvall, International Professional Ro-
called the “Steer Wrestling Checotah Art Guild and hosts Billie Combs, Willard Combs, deo Association.
Capital of the World” with six the annual Checotah Chili Billy Hale and Teddy Johnson See authentic Native Amer-
World Champion steer wres- Cook-Off each February. have seen their share of star- ican artwork and clothing on
Eufaula Indian Journal & McIntosh County Democrat Focus Magazine • 2022-2023 • 27

display in the museum. One er films.  the “All American Red Heads,” shop to check out before you
very special display is from The museum also features and showed everyone that head home with a souvenir and
the family of Native Ameri- local talents like Rentiesville’s redheads definitely  have more some great memories.
can actor Will Sampson, who Blues Legend, the late D.C. fun. Heartland Heritage Muse-
donated many items from his Minner, and Checotah’s coun- Step into the gallery and see um &  Gallery is open Monday
collection, including some of try-singing superstar Carrie beautiful art pieces and pic- through  Friday from 10 a.m.
his paintings. Sampson was Underwood. Not to mention tures for sale or on loan from to 4 p.m. and Saturday from 11
known for his role in the 1975 Checotah’s fiery redhead Myr- local artists. Grab a brush and a.m. to 3 p.m. Admission is free
movie “One Flew Over the tle Wallace Frost, who played join other artists to tap into and donations are welcome.
Cuckoo‘s Nest” starring Jack for the first professional wom- your creative side.
Nicholson, and several oth- en’s basketball team, called There’s even a quaint gift
28 • Focus Magazine • 2022-2023 Eufaula Indian Journal & McIntosh County Democrat

Eufaula has become a year- largest Poker Runs in the state. the Eufaula Chamber of Com- name a few.
round destination with some- The Golden Eagle Poker Run merce. Experience Christmas on the
thing to do every step of the kicks off in June and brings The annual Whole Hawg Day lake as the lighted boat parade
way. people from all over the state events kick off with a parade makes an appearance in No-
From January through De- and boaters from all over the that marches through down- vember, with boats decked out
cember, there are events, con- country. The run is sponsored town on Friday. All the finest in festive lights, food trucks
certs and festivals filling up the by the Lake Eufaula Associa- cars pull into town as the car and much more.
calendar. tion. show sets up Saturday. Visitors While you’re here, take a
Eufaula celebrated 150 years Of course, there are classic come from all over to take a stroll through the downtown
in May with Heritage Days, festivals such as Whole Hawg look at all the classics. area and visit the charming
honoring Eufaula’s rich heri- Days in July, when the cooks Is boating not your thing? shops and local flavor that Eu-
tage with a parade, car show, a fire up their smokers and com- Xtreme RV has also hosted mo- faula has to offer.
celebration honoring Mr. and pete for bragging rights. torcycle poker runs around the For additional informa-
Ms. Heritage, arts and crafts, The event features food, arts lake for bikers who like to take tion, contact the Eufaula Area
food and, of course, tours and crafts, a parade, car show in the scenery. Chamber of Commerce at 918-
through the Eufaula Heritage and crafts for the kids, plus Throughout the year, there 689-2791 or visit their website
Museum for glimpses back in so much more. Boaters start are car shows, rodeos and at www.eufaulachamberof-
the past. lining up early for The Whole downtown dinner-show ven- commerce.com.
Eufaula boasts two of the Hawg Poker Run, sponsored by ues at the Legacy on Main, to
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30 • Focus Magazine • 2022-2023 Eufaula Indian Journal & McIntosh County Democrat

A Checotah
Take a stroll back in time at Downtown activities begin
the Old Settlers Day Celebra- at around 9 a.m. In the early
tion in downtown Checotah on days, men were expected to
Saturday, June 11. have a beard or wear a tie. If
Some traditions are more they didn’t, they were put in
like saying hello to old friends the dunk tank. Best-dressed
and family. That is what Old settlers are usually recognized
Settlers Day is for Checotah, a and honored, so don’t be afraid
family favorite. to dress up. The contest will be
From parades and booths looking for a best-dressed man,
to cars and contests, there is woman, girl, boy, oldest set-
something for everyone. tler, farthest traveler and best
The first Old Settlers Day beard. All contestants need is a
was started by the Checotah little creativity.
Jaycees as a reunion and way to The parade is a crowd fa-
recognize the cowboy heritage vorite, with plenty of horses,
of the city. Activities included bands and beauties.
a rodeo, just like they do today, Saddle up and come down
along with a cow chip toss, seed for a weekend of fun during the
spitting, singers, dunk tanks, Old Settlers Day celebration in
turtle races, a frog-jumping Checotah.
contest, balloon toss, pony For more information, con-
rides, crafters, vendors, three- tact the Checotah Chamber of
legged races, gunfight re-enac- Commerce, 116 N. Broadway in
tors, a car show and more. Checotah at 918-473-2070.
Eufaula Indian Journal & McIntosh County Democrat Focus Magazine • 2022-2023 • 31
32 • Focus Magazine • 2022-2023 Eufaula Indian Journal & McIntosh County Democrat

Xtreme Resort (Xtreme RV fully equipped kitchens, bal- Lake Eufaula. days per week. They also have
Resort, Xtreme Cove Marina, conies, outdoor gas grills and Xtreme General Store carries slips and lifts, transient slips,
Island Xtreme Bar and Grill, come with all the amenities a wide selection of merchan- tritoon boat rental, food, beer,
Xtreme Liquor II, Xtreme Gen- of Xtreme RV Resort. You are dise to help you make the most ice, bait and tackle.
eral Store, Yogi Bear’s Jelly- also within walking distance of of your visit without needing to Xtreme Cove Marina is open
stone Park Eufaula and Xtreme restaurants, sports bars, boat leave Xtreme RV Resort. They year-round so while you are
Ampitheater) is the premier ramps and Xtreme Cove Ma- have worked hard to make there, you can relax and hang
Lake Eufaula destination and is rina. Xtreme Condos are also their resort as convenient for out at the newly remodeled
sure to become your new favor- ideal for winter recreationists their guests as possible with Island Xtreme Bar and Grill.
ite lakeside location in Eufaula. and tournament fishermen. limited interruption from me- You will love the atmosphere
With a wide variety of available If you like live music, you nial tasks like shopping. and meeting new friends while
accommodations across the re- will love Xtreme Ampitheater. Having a problem with your having your favorite drink and
sort, they have created a fun With a wide variety of concert RV can quickly spoil a trip if enjoying awesome food from
and exciting way to experience opportunities throughout the you do not have access to the the new menu. You can enjoy
Lake Eufaula and create memo- year, you are sure to enjoy the parts needed to fix it. To give the air conditioned room or sit
ries that will last a lifetime. entertainment that comes with you peace of mind and ensure in the open-air side.
After a long day at the lake, spending your time on Lake you can get back on the road When you visit Xtreme RV
you will likely be looking for Eufaula. For more informa- when you are ready, Xtreme Resort, they want you to have
a great way to relax with your tion on upcoming concerts and RV Resort has on-site Xtreme the best experience possible.
friends or family. Their giant events, visit their Ampitheater General Store, RV parts and ac- To achieve this, they strive to
outdoor swimming pool is a page. cessories to make sure you are provide all the needed ameni-
great way to unwind with your At Xtreme Liquor II, they covered. ties to make your visit a mem-
favorite drink from our on- are here for all your wine and To keep the kiddos enter- orable one. By providing an on-
site bar. With a heated indoor spirit needs or wants, as one of tained, Yogi Bear’s Jellystone site liquor store, general store,
swimming pool, you can still the largest stocked stores in the Park has it all. This charac- indoor and outdoor swimming
make the most of your trip, no state. As a premier liquor store ter-themed camp and lake- pools, a laundry room, an ex-
matter what current lake con- in Eufaula, they are proud to front resort offers many family ercise room, a movie theater
ditions or weather may be. provide their customers and amenities like cabins, RV sites, room, restrooms with showers
If you don’t have an RV, don’t guests with a large selection putt-putt golf and water obsta- and a large banquet room, they
worry - you don’t have to miss from the brands you know and cle courses with slides and a are ready to help you make th
out on the fun. These luxury trust. No matter what wine or water trampoline for kids! We most of your time when you
condos in the heart of Eufaula spirits you are searching for, also have a Tiki Bar and Car- visit. Whether you are coming
are perfect for family weekend they are sure to have them at a toon Café. as a group or just want to get
stays, short getaways and year- price point that you will love. If being out on the water away from the hustle and bus-
round fun. Located at beautiful By combining the convenience is what you enjoy, Xtreme tle of the city, Xtreme RV Re-
Lake Eufaula Cove, these beau- of their location with the per- Cove Marina offers a full-ser- sort is ready to help you let the
tiful condos are fully furnished sonal service you have grown vice ship store that includes fun begin when you come and
and ready for you to relax in. to expect, they are ready to clean restroom facilities, wate stay at beautiful Lake Eufaula.
Xtreme Condos sleep four, and help you make the most of your pump-out, swim apparel and
include wifi, big screen TVs, visit to Xtreme RV Resort and lake accessories, and is open 7
Eufaula Indian Journal & McIntosh County Democrat Focus Magazine • 2022-2023 • 33
34 • Focus Magazine • 2022-2023 Eufaula Indian Journal & McIntosh County Democrat

by JERRY FINK of utilities, wifi and other things. The ten-

ants don’t pay for these shared services,
Managing Editor
thus cutting down on their expenses.
The 2nd Chances Thrift Shop is a trea- You never know from one visit to the
sure hunt with a purpose. next what surprise is awaiting.
“We started in March, 2020, and two days A couple of refurbished sewing ma-
later, we had to close because of COVID-19,” chines?
Under One Roof Executive Director Kim Chairs valued at $1,200 but donated to
Woodruff said. “We stayed closed for sev- 2nd Chances?
eral months, but opened again in October, Clothes of all kinds - but there is a minor
2020.” issue with clothing.
Given a second chance, the thrift shop “We had so much stuff donated to us for “Although we are generally overstocked
has been thriving. the garage sales, we thought we do it full- with clothing, work clothes are a regular
Locals have fallen in love with the place. time,” Woodruff said. request, particularly men’s heavy duty
Visitors often make it a point to see They were right. work pants and black slacks for women,”
what’s the latest at the thrift shop. The shop, operating by a combination Woodruff said.
“We get a lot of regulars because there is of volunteers and paid employees, is open Clothing should be in good condition
always something different to see,” Wood- three days a week: Thursday, Friday and and current in style.
ruff said. Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. There are toys galore, suitable for Christ-
Its rooms and shelves are full of some- Under One Roof is a non-profit organi- mas, birthdays or just something to sur-
times valuable and almost always inter- zation that oversees a building that once prise the kids with.
esting things to make a customer’s day of served as a nursing home and a police de- Furniture? There’s always interesting
shopping gratifying, making them want to partment - if you tour the building, you will furniture to check out.
come back for more. see three jail cells with heavy metal doors “People bring in beautiful furniture, a lot
Every time you visit, you will find new that now serve as storage rooms, and once of it antiques that they may not have any
items and new displays of things that range upon a time, were used for scary Hallow- use for,” she said.
from antiques to just the right product you een events. Artwork? You’ll find all manner of art.
have been looking for but can’t find any- The building houses a group of 18 or so Those who keep the shop going are a
where else. non-profit groups and agencies that are on combination of volunteers and people who
2nd Chances grew out of an annual ga- tight budgets. are employed through the AARP Senior
rage sale hosted by Under One Roof at 107 Money earned by 2nd Chances goes to Employment Program.
McKinley in Eufaula. Under One Roof and helps cover the costs Qualified seniors join the program and
Eufaula Indian Journal & McIntosh County Democrat Focus Magazine • 2022-2023 • 35

are placed with an organization and paid Under One Roof Tenants:
by AARP for four years. • Carl Albert Community Mental Health
“They are considered ‘in training,’ which Center (918-426-7800)
is supposed to make them more employ- • Choctaw Nation Career Development
able,” Woodruff said. (918-470-5351)
Among those in the employment pro- • Court Appointed Special Advocate
gram are Leah Marshal, Loretta Brown and (918-686-8199)
Shari Tomlin. • Deep Fork Community Action Foundation
Volunteers include Kelly Taylor, who is (918-756-2826)
the volunteer coordinator; Pam Jackson; • District 18 Drug Court (918-423-7323)
Virginia Recroat; Sandi Bethell and others. • Green Country Workforce Development
Loretta and Leah make sure the items (918-210-2221)
that make it to the shelves are clean and in • Lake Eufaula Group of AA (405-640-5181)
good repair. • McIntosh County Coalition for a Healthy
Leah works with anything fabric - cloth- people. Community (918-689-7505)
ing, bedding and more. Her first stop is If a person in needs comes in for clothing • McIntosh Group of Narcotics Anonymous
the laundry facility where she sorts and or any other items, they can get it at no cost. (918-470-2049)
launders items so they look their best. She “The store will give it to them, they just • Muscogee (Creek) Nation Women, Infants
also takes time to clean shoes and other have to leave the price tag so we can keep and Children Program (918-618-4577)
non-washable items. track of what we give away,” Woodruff said. • Muscogee Nation Family Violence
Loretta works with household items, She and Brenda McMahan are staff mem- Prevention Program (918-732-7979)
particularly dishes and kitchen goods. She bers who also join in helping eager shop- • Mediation Works (918-617-3484)
also plugs in appliances to make certain pers find those treasurers folks are always • Oklahoma Department of Human
they work. looking for. Services (405-522-5050)
Both work hard to make the shop and its Members of the Under One Roof Board of • Youth Emergency Shelter (918-689-2900)
contents attractive. Directors are among those who also work • Women in Safe Home (918-869-6767)
Items are restocked for the appropriate in the store. • Homeless Outreach Program of Eufaula
season and to fill in empty spots. If you are considering donating an item, (918-689-7505)
“If you don’t see what you need, ask Leah call 2nd Chances to see if they can take it. • 2nd Chances Thrift Shop (918-689-7505)
or Loretta or someone and they will search “And please, do not bring garage sale left- • Trinity Legal (918-617-3484)
the back stock and have it ready for you the overs to 2nd Chances,” Woodruff said. “If
next weekend,” Woodruff said. you can’t sell it at a garage sale, we probably
2nd Chances is is another way of helping won’t be able to sell it here.”
38 • Focus Magazine • 2022-2023 Eufaula Indian Journal & McIntosh County Democrat
Eufaula Indian Journal & McIntosh County Democrat Focus Magazine • 2022-2023 • 39

If you’re looking for a family-friend- Both Checotah and Eufaula have their 4th of July. From live music and
ly celebration and colorful fireworks events scheduled for the young and the food trucks to inflatables for the kids,
displays lighting up the sky, McIntosh young at heart. the firework extravaganzas in McIntosh
County is the place to be for your annual With displays that rival most, families County are always family favorites.
Independence Day Celebration. drive from all over the state to celebrate
40 • Focus Magazine • 2022-2023 Eufaula Indian Journal & McIntosh County Democrat

Take a tour back in time at ry Carr Exhibit, which displays

the historic Katy Depot, built so many memories of a local
in 1890 and last used for passen- boy turned into a World War
ger service in June, 1965. This II Naval Hero, are definitely
little nugget of history goes something you don’t want to
way back when the M-K-T rail- miss. Carr was the only Okla-
road built a line south through homan honored by the naming
Indian Territory in 1872, which of the ship - USS CARR (FFG-
started the town of Checotah. 52). Enjoy the interactive vid-
You can even take your picture eos, and the scale model ship is
with Caboose #205, which  sits quite impressive.
outside the Katy, or in Carrie There’s so much to see,
Underwood’s Corner inside. from an 1890 doctor’s buggy to
So much history can be 14 historical flags, to vintage
found in this tiny depot, which farm implements and  more.
was the town’s original Post Plan to soak up all the histo-
Office and housed a telegraph ry  preserved here at the Katy,
office, where you can still find which was placed on the Okla-
Pat Chadwell’s (Station Master homa Landmark Inventory  in
from 1901-1957) telegraph desk. 1980 and listed on the Nation-
The Checotah Landmark Soci- al Register  of Historic  Places,
ety bought the Katy for a mere Nov. 1991.
$10 in 1986 and restored it from The Katy Depot is locat-
1987 to 1988 to serve as a tourist ed just off U.S.  69 at 100 Paul
information center. Carr Drive in Checotah. Call
The Hall of Heroes, featur- the Checotah Chamber of
ing an area Gold Star  Honor Commerce at 918-473-2070 for
Roll for 140 military personnel more information and visiting
killed while on active duty in hours.
World War I, and the Paul Hen-
Eufaula Indian Journal & McIntosh County Democrat Focus Magazine • 2022-2023 • 41

A sea of green runners took themed event invites partici- casual time. and female racers in each age
off around Lakeshore Drive pants to dress in green St. Pat- This event features live mu- bracket. This new event spon-
this past March to celebrate St. rick’s Day costumes. Walkers sic, food and drink vendors, sored by the City of Eufaula is
Patrick’s Day at the first 5K also joined in the festivities, drone videography of the race just another way to join the fun
Green Run. This festive, Irish- entering the fun run for a more and medals for the top male and enjoy the community.
42 • Focus Magazine • 2022-2023 Eufaula Indian Journal & McIntosh County Democrat

Over the field and through States, including 148 in Okla-

the woods, there is a sport tak- homa. It is estimated that over
ing off like wildfire. two million Americans regu-
It is popular with people of larly play disc golf. Every week,
all ages and growing by flying out-of-town players come to
colors. Discs that is. Disc golf is Checotah and now Eufaula to
economical to play and a great play the courses. 14,284 men
way to get the family out and and women play disc golf pro-
moving. fessionally.
McIntosh County is home to Both Eufaula and Checotah
three beautiful courses. One is have been host courses for
located in downtown Eufaula sanctioned PDGA tournaments
in the Wetlands Park, one in and the number of local tour-
Checotah (established in 2013) naments is growing yearly.
at the Checotah Sports Com- The only cost is that of your
plex and one at Lake Eufaula first disc. Once you start play-
State Park. ing, you will want to improve
The newest  disc  golf  course your skill and acquire more
in Wetlands Park is built to the discs. These discs can even be
standards of the Profession- purchased locally in Checotah
al  Disc  Golf  Association, with and Eufaula.
five feet by 12 feet concrete tee The Lake Eufaula  Disc Golf
pads and Latitude 64 ProBas- Alliance promotes the sport
ket Elite targets. The 18-hole in the McIntosh County area.
course starts and ends at the For more information about
Pavilion by Lake Eufaula.  leagues or schedules, contact
There are now more than Curtis Hawthorne at 918-616-
6,500 courses in the United 5967.
Eufaula Indian Journal & McIntosh County Democrat Focus Magazine • 2022-2023 • 43
44 • Focus Magazine • 2022-2023 Eufaula Indian Journal & McIntosh County Democrat
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“Challenging All to Succeed”

Marshall Elementary cur- of learning that will carry stu- Checotah Middle School and passionate about their
rently has 422 students en- dents throughout the rest of houses 320 students with an subject matter. Checotah has
rolled in Pre-K through 2nd their lives. average class size of 21 stu- an excellent fine arts program
grade. Marshall teachers care Checotah Intermediate dents. We are proud to offer that includes art, music, drama
about their students and are School serves our district’s 3rd, a strong core curriculum as and vocals. The Class of Checo-
passionate about educating 4th and 5th grade students. well as many electives for our tah and Checotah Jazz Band
them. We have four Pre-K Since 2015, CIS has been McIn- 6th through 8th grades. Aca- are top competitors at state
classrooms, and each teach- tosh County’s highest graded demic electives include tech competitions each year.
er has a full-time assistant. school. We have been recog- education, leadership and The school is also home to
We have seven kindergarten nized locally, statewide and academic achievement. 8th 10 athletic programs that are
teachers and three assistants nationally for our academic grade students can take FC- committed to a strong team
who divide their time between excellence. Most recently, be- CLA or Spanish for high school environment. Each year, the
them. We currently have five cause of the academic growth credits. Students can choose school provides state and re-
1st grade teachers and six 2nd that our students produce, we from athletic programs such gional competitors in multiple
grade teachers. We strive to have been nominated by the as basketball, baseball, foot- sports.
keep class size small, with Oklahoma State Department ball, track, weight lifting and The Career Tech programs
no more than 21 students per of Education as a National Blue wrestling. Other electives in- offered at the school success-
class. We offer P.E., music, Ribbon School of Excellence. clude choir, art and band. Our fully compete and participate
and library for our students For the 2021-2022 school middle school students partic- in area, state and regional
throughout the day. Five years year, CIS has class sizes of 23 or ipate with the HS band during competitions and conferences.
ago, we started our Reading below, with most classes hav- marching band and at compe- These programs include Agri-
Academy, providing intense, ing 20 students. Each of our titions. 8th graders may also culture, Business Technology
individualized reading instruc- classes provide our students be involved in Ag at the high and Family and Consumer Sci-
tion for all students. with a multitude of education- school. ences.
We are one of only six al tools. One of these tools is The Middle School also par- Checotah is one of a few
schools in the state to receive access to a computer at any ticipates in the 21st Century schools with a 21st Century
the AWARE grant, which al- point throughout the day. Oth- before and after school tutor- Before and After School pro-
lows us to offer trauma-based er tools include textbooks, pro- ing programs. Students are gram at the high school level.
training for our teachers to grams, consumables and ma- encouraged to attend tutoring The program focuses on ca-
prepare them to address social nipulatives. These tools, along but also club based groups such reer exploration and personal
emotional issues in the class- with a world class staff, have as Archery, E-Sports, Robotics, growth of skills and interests.
room. Through the AWARE produced academic achieve- Cooking, Photography, Art, Programs offered include Ar-
grant, we are able to purchase ments that many thought were Fitness, Drama or volleyball. chery, E-Sports, Robotics,
an SEL curriculum, which will not possible. Summer school is also provid- Cooking, Photography, Art,
be utilized in the classroom for Beyond academics, we pro- ed through the 21st Century Fitness, Drama, Book Club and
the 2022-2023 school year. The vide opportunities for our stu- grant, where students can get many job shadowing experi-
AWARE grant has also provid- dents to advance socially, emo- academic support and join oth- ences in medicine, dentistry,
ed us with a full-time Behav- tionally and physically. Every er club-based programs such as broadcasting, finance and cos-
ioral Health Aide. We are com- day, our students enjoy P.E., fishing, fitness, STEM, photog- metology. The programs are
munity partners with Green Music and the all important raphy, 4-H and more. student-centered and focused
Country Behavioral Health recess time on the playground! The mission of CMS is to pro- on the students’ future.
Services, which provides eas- Our 5th grade students also vide all students with a learn- Checotah High School offers
ier access for support to our compete in basketball and ing environment that offers students the opportunity to
families and students. band, where they not only opportunities that promote receive dual credit at several
We are in our third year learn the basics, but also excel. and encourage intellectual, so- post-secondary institutions.
of the 21st Century grant. Our boys and girls basketball cial and personal responsibil- During their junior and senior
Through this program, we of- teams either won or came in ity in a diverse, complex and years, students may enroll in
fer before and after care for our second at each of the tourna- ever-changing society by ob- classes at Indian Capital Tech-
families, as well as snacks and ments they played in this year. taining employment and pur- nology Center, Connors State
dinner. We provide academic At CIS, we begin every day suing post-secondary educa- College and OSU IT. The school
support and various enrich- with an announcement stating tion. This mission encourages administration and counseling
ment activities. This grant also that we are Creating Individu- participation and involvement staff works closely with each of
allows us to provide summer al Success and Challenging All of the home and community to these institutions to assist stu-
school. This not only helps our to Succeed. This is not some- provide mutual support in the dents in enrollment and com-
families in the community, but thing that we just say. This is total development of all our pletion of courses.
also provides an opportunity something that we believe and students. Checotah High School’s vi-
for additional income for our strive for in everything that we Checotah High School has a sion of “Challenging All to
staff. do. Our students and staff work student to teacher ratio of 13:1 Succeed” is focused on prepar-
Our mission at Marshall El- tirelessly to make CIS a place and an average class size of 19 ing students for the future re-
ementary is to provide a solid for growth in every aspect of a students. Teachers at CHS are gardless of the pathways they
foundation and foster a love student’s life. compassionate about students choose.
46 • Focus Magazine • 2022-2023 Eufaula Indian Journal & McIntosh County Democrat

In 1915, the historic  Jeffer- Native Americans built the son Highway. choose the location.
son Highway (JH) made its way first interstate roads and the Approximately three hun- The challenge was accept-
over 2,300 miles from Winni- one connecting Missouri, dred delegates from seven Mid- ed and they both raised their
peg, Manitoba to New Orleans, Kansas, Arkansas, Oklahoma western and southern states goals.
Louisiana. and Texas was first called the gathered to claim a portion In 1915, it became the Jeffer-
Not many roads in Oklaho- Osage Trace. Portions of this of the Jefferson Highway for son Highway before the federal
ma can claim as much history road have gone on to be called their state. Oklahoma and Tex- system numbered portions of
as this stretch of  Highway  69. the Texas Road and  Jeffer- as delivered the two largest del- it Highway 69 and Route 66.
egations. States and counties Through the years, parts
argued over the location of the of  Jefferson Highway have
highway during the two-day been rediscovered, bricks un-
meeting. Led by David N. Fink, covered and this part of im-
president of the Commerical portant history has been re-
Bank of Muskogee, the Okla- vitalized, allowing a unique
homans secured the route. travel opportunity for those
Bridges and boundaries were hitting the road.
a point of dispute, especially Checotah picked up the re-
between Pittsburg and McIn- vitalization process first, plac-
tosh Counties. The new bridge ing Jefferson Highway signs
would replace the toll bridge in town in 2000 and 2004,
that already existed. The Ca- marking the historic hand-laid
nadian River that ran between brick roadway. The highway
the two counties would serve in Checotah ran from North
as a boundary. Broadway to Gentry Avenue,
In 1917, a meeting was held in then on SW 2nd Street and
McAlester. Eufaula delegates back to South Broadway.
in attendance were GJ Fuller, Eufaula became one of the
C.W. Guse and Cornelius Foley. tourist camps along the route.
After much dispute, Foley Towns along the 100-year
threw an offer on the table stat- old Jefferson Highway have a
ing that Eufaula would raise golden opportunity to promote
$15,000 to go toward the bridge tourism to travelers who enjoy
if Pittsburg County would raise a slower pace along a historic
the other $60,000. If McAlester road that connected neighbors
did so, they could choose the and supported small mom and
location. pop businesses.
The offer was scoffed and Explore this historic high-
the tables were turned with way and see why this jewel of
Eufaula responsible for raising a path from the palms to the
$60,000 by the next day and pines is waiting to be rediscov-
they could earn the rights to ered.
Eufaula Indian Journal & McIntosh County Democrat Focus Magazine • 2022-2023 • 47

Pat’s Liquor
A Lake Eufaula tradition for over 60 years
Whether it’s camping was recognized as the throughout the year. plus much more. to Wendy and the team
on Lake Eufaula, enjoy- Oklahoma Small Busi- “We are blessed to be a Manager Wendy and see why Pat’s Liquor
ing family celebrations ness Administration part of this community Franklin believes that is still a Lake Eufaula
or preparing for the big ‘Family Based Business and we strongly believe Pat’s has some of the tradition.
day, it all starts with a of the Year” at the Okla- it is our responsibility to best customers and Pat’s Liquor Store
visit to the family down homa State Capitol. support and give back to those customers are is conveniently locat-
at Pat’s Liquor-a Lake “We have the best this community that we more like family. She ed downtown at 39
Eufaula tradition. staff and they are all just call home,” Belyeu said. believes in creating a J.C. Watts in Eufaula,
Pat’s Liquor store was like family. We couldn’t Pat’s is an active friendly atmosphere one block east of Main
the first liquor store do what we do without member of the Eufaula and a great shopping Street.
to open in McIntosh each and every one of Area Chamber of Com- experience with com- Stop by Pat’s Liquor
County and, by reports, them,” owner Shauna merce, proud supporter petitive prices. She is Monday through Sat-
is the oldest continual- Belyeu said. of the local police de- always looking into new urday, follow them on
ly owned family small Pat’s Liquor has been partment’s Shop with a products and more than Facebook or give them a
package store in Okla- a part of many cele- Cop program, the local happy to special order call at 918-689-2712.
homa. brations, milestones volunteer fire depart- for her customers.
In 2019, Pat’s Liquor and family gatherings ments, Under One Roof Stop by and say hello
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Eufaula Public Schools

Anyone who takes a drive showcase science experiments
down Highway 9 will encoun- and projects. Community
ter breathtaking trees, fresh members take part in the event
air, and wide open space. As as guest judges.
the road begins to wind, a The school also provides op-
thriving lake town begins to portunities for the students to
emerge. This town, Eufaula, participate in boys and girls
Ok, is home to approximately basketball starting in 4th
3,000 people. Despite many grade. This year the 5th grade
water and outdoor activities, Ironheads boys basketball
a thriving downtown, and team won the Warner Bas-
enough community events to ketball tournament, and the
keep anyone busy, the heart of 4th grade Ironheads boys bas-
this small town is the school ketball team won the Eufaula
system. Spooktacular and finished the
Eufaula Public Schools is season with a winning record.
the educational foundation to The 4th grade Lady Ironheads
approximately 1,200 students basketball team had a strong
and consistently receives high rooms that double as commu- each grade gets to perform a winning season and placed 2nd
grade marks from the Okla- nity storm shelters, and a new music program for their fami- at the Eufaula Spooktacular
homa State Department of band room are just a few of the lies and classmates. tournament.
Education. The school’s over- construction improvements Students also have the
all grade in 2021 was a B-. The that Eufaula has made to en- chance to join the beginning Eufaula Middle School
grade came from an compre- sure that students are provid- band program in 5th grade. Eufaula Middle School hous-
hensive evaluation that was ed with everything possible to This year’s beginning band re- es 6th-8th grade students and
determined from many differ- succeed. Although EPS has top ceived Superior ratings at the prides itself on creating a safe,
ent factors including: academ- notch facilities and is nestled Eufaula Ironhead Concert Fest. structured, and fun learning
ics, activities, diversity, sports, in the scenic charm of Eufaula, In addition to band and athlet- environment. Students are
food, and much more. EPS OK, the surrounding aesthet- ics, students can also enroll in held to high academic stan-
houses three sites including ics are nowhere near the most an art program. dards while also encouraged
an elementary school, middle impressive facets of the school EES promotes high academ- to try new activities such as
school, and high school. Each system. ic standards through programs athletics, art, band, academic
site was constructed with the such as Gifted and Talented team, National Junior Honor
needs of students and the com- Eufaula Elementary School and the 21st Century Grant Society, class officer elections,
munity at the forefront of the Eufaula Elementary school enrichment and academic pro- and the Agricultural Education
design. Beautiful buildings, a is the inception of a young gram, and a Spelling Bee each program (AG).
new athletic facility with golf student’s educational journey. year where the school’s win- EMS athletics were impres-
lanes, five batting cages, and a The elementary school gives ners advance to compete in the sive this school year with
weight room; renovated soft- students the opportunities to Regional Spelling Bee contest. the Lady Ironheads fastpitch
ball and baseball fields, beauti- explore and learn many new This year’s winners were Jax softball team finishing their
ful gyms at all sites, a football things including music, sports, Walker and Tyse Buck (mid- season 22-1 and winning the
field that overlooks the lake and different types of academic dle school). Additionally, EES Wilburton tournament in
and has a brand new weight programs. EES offers students holds a Science Fair for 5th September. Sixth grade pitch-
and locker room, new Ag class- music and drama classes where grade students where they can er, Leah Green, secured her
selection for Little League
All-Star state team and will
have a chance to compete in
the Little League World Series
in August 2022. The EMS 7th
and 8th grade football teams
proved to be a force finishing
their seasons with a 6 and 2
record. When basketball sea-
son arrived, many young EMS
athletes had a chance to shine
on the court with 6th, 7th, and
8th grade teams. The 6th and
8th grade boys went undefeat-
ed and the 6th and 8th grade
girls had winning records as
Eufaula Indian Journal & McIntosh County Democrat Focus Magazine • 2022-2023 • 53

well. As spring approached, the current bi-district champi-

the golf, track, and baseball ons and move on to regionals
teams began to compete. Golf in May. Finally, Ty Dodd fin-
won the Stigler and Atoka golf ished as the state runner-up
tournaments and track placed in the HWT class for the EHS
in many meets. 8th grader, powerlifting team.
Stella Tracy, represented the In addition to the accolades
Ironhead family well as she brought on by EPS athletic
traveled to Marble Falls, Tex- programs, the Pride of Eufau-
as where she competed and la band and music programs
placed in multiple wakeboard- are also unparalleled in their
ing competitions including achievements this year in the
Wakeboarding and Wakeskate. music world. Led by Rusty
In addition to athletics, EMS Helms and Michelle Barnes,
offers students the chance to The Pride of Eufaula earned
compete and participate in outstanding drum major, color
many other activities includ- guard and percussion awards
ing band and AG.The Eufaula throughout their marching
7th grade band has spent the season. They finished the sea-
year working hard and win- son with a Superior Rating at
ning many competitions in- the OSSAA Regional Marching
cluding the Outstanding Mid- Band Contest for the 31st time
dle School Band Award at the since 1990. They also earned
Checotah Band Daze Competi- the Outstanding 3A Band at the
tion and an OSSAA Outstand- Checotah Band Daze Contest
ing Achievement Award after and earned Superior Ratings
receiving Superior ratings in in both the stage competition
stage performance and in sight and the sight reading portion
reading. They also competed which advanced them to State
at the Heartland Music Festival Contest. The high school band
where they earned a Sweep- has achieved an OSSAA State
stakes Award and Superior rat- Sweepstakes Award 21 times
ings by all judges. The Eufaula over the existence of the pro-
6th Grade Band competed at gram.
the Heartland Music Fest and The EHS Agricultural Ed-
earned a Sweepstakes Award ucation program excelled in
and Superior ratings from all and consistently receive high ished with a 16-7 record that many competitions this year
judges. scholarship honors. Each year includes multiple tournament under the leadership of of Ag
EMS is also a recipient of the EHS students are awarded hun- championships and a district teachers Kory Ridley andBri-
21st Century grant providing dreds of thousands of dollars championship. Alex Parish was an Womack. Many members
after-school academic and so- in scholarships. In addition to selected for the OCA All-State placed high in various events
cial enrichment for students. awarded scholarships, several East Boys Basketball team. throughout the season. FFA
With all these accomplish- students including Alex Par- Other team members were Members Eden Gray, Tyler Lee,
ments in just one school year, ish, Justis James, and Adison selected for different honors Mackenzie McIntosh, Adison
it’s easy to understand why McLaughlin received Academ- throughout the year. The Lady McLaughlin, and Caleigh Rip-
EMS is rated within the top 100 ic All-State honors. Ironheads basketball team also py all received the prestigious
middle schools in the nation. While getting it done in the tore it up on the court this year State FFA Degree with Gray,
classroom, the EHS Ironheads with placement in many tour- McLaughlin, and Rippy earn-
Eufaula High School were outstanding in various naments and finishing their ing Academic Excellence hon-
Eufaula High School is im- athletics this year. The Iron- winning season with a district ors. Jaci Combs-Costen was
mersed in a rich tradition of head football team made a run championship. Tori Leflore honored with the American
excellence in academics, ex- at the state tournament mak- and Colter Roberts represent- FFA Degree. The Farm Busi-
tracurricular programs, and ing it to the semi-finals and ed the Ironheads well in cross ness Management team placed
athletics. Students have the op- winning their fourth consec- country when they both qual- first at the NEO, EOSC, and
portunity to find their passions utive district championship. ified for the State track meet. State contests with Christan
through the many programs Khelil Deere and Ty Dodd were The EHS golf teams followed Stevenson placing as HIgh In-
offered including Ag, AP class- both selected to the OCA All- in the footsteps of previous dividual in those contests.
es, concurrent enrollment, State team. Many other team EHS golfers with the boys team Throughout the 2021-2022
various athletic programs, the members were selected for var- qualifying for the State tour- school year Eufaula Public
EAST program, the music pro- ious honors and all-conference nament and Gracie Jane Las- Schools has thrived and ex-
grams that include The Pride awards. The Lady Ironheads iter of the girls team qualify- celled. The dedication of the
of Eufaula band and choir, fastpitch and slowpitch soft- ing for the State tournament. faculty, staff, school leader-
National Honor Society, and ball teams finished with win- The EHS baseball team flew ship, students, and surround-
Family and Consumer Science ning seasons and both made it through their winning season ing community helped propel
courses. Eufaula students excel to regional playoffs. The Iron- with help from Seminole State the school district to be one of
under the rigor and structure head boys basketball team fin- commit Luke Adcock. They are the best.
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by RODNEY HALTOM tainment for rodeo-goers. Checotah really knows how and are legends in rodeo lore.
The annual Eufaula Round- to take the bull by the horns as The family trait lives on in Ri-
Sports Editor
Up Club Rodeo bucks into ac- the Steer Wrestling Capital of ley Duvall who has finished in
This isn’t our first rodeo. tion Thursday through Satur- the World. No wonder McIn- the Top 10 to compete in the
McIntosh County has a day the last weekend in July tosh County plays host to sev- National Finals Rodeo for the
strong and deep tradition of at the McIntosh County Fair- eral great rodeos throughout last two years. Duvall’s cousin,
producing professional rodeo grounds. Cowboys and cow- the year. Mason Carter, also has been on
cowboys and cowgirls. Legend- girls compete in events such as The foundation of rodeo ac- the rodeo scene making a name
ary rodeo events, such as the bull riding, bronc riding, calf tion in McIntosh County began for himself.
Duvall Steer Wrestling Jack- roping, breakaway roping, sad- with veteran rodeo cowboys Make plans now to attend
pot, Round-Up Club rodeos dle bronc riding, barrel racing like Checotah’s Duvall family: any of these great family fun
and the L.J. Jenkins’ Buckin’ and fan favorites: junior and Bill, Roy and Spud, along with events in McIntosh County.
on the Lake Bull Riding Extrav- pee wee barrel racing and mut- Ote Berry. They have earned
aganza offer year-round enter- ton busting. several world championships
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Our Bank Has a New Look

Checotah has been our home
since 1911. And as additional
proof of our commitment, we
have rebuilt this corner loca-
tion. In our changing world,
we have met the challenge
to remain a hometown com-
munity bank and we focus on
providing our customers with
complete banking services.
Commenting on PNB’s 1911
chartering and its ongoing
financial commitment, CEO
Robert Jennings said, “For
111 years, PNB has served this
trade area as a community
bank should. Most of our em-
ployees live, worship and shop
here. They have shared our
successful history for five or
six generations. They are indi-
viduals, families and business-
es that work to improve the
community. We think that’s 1988 • Aidan Marion - Jan. 31, 2022 • Brisha Williams - March 9,
important.” • Barbara Clay - May 9, 2019 • Chininia Matthews - Feb. 1, 2011
“And occasionally, we want • Shelby Clayton - Feb. 2, 2022 1997
to remind our friends of our • Pamela Coulston - Feb, 19, • Erika Mattison - Sept. 1, 1998 That is over 700 years of
community outreach ... be- 2008 • Pamela McAdoo - April 17, banking experience, and to-
cause our roots are deep ... yet • Leona Dearmore - Oct. 25, 1992 tal assets as of March 31, 2022,
we focus on the future! 1982 • Penny Mitchell -May 10, 1979 increased to $168,693,508.82
We combine technology • Brooke Edgar - Oct. 25, 2021 • Stormy Moham - May 27, 2014 with a total capital of over
with personal attention to our • Cynthia Farley - Aug. 12, 2002 • Amanda Nester - Dec. 6, 2004 $22,247,048.55.
customers. From its original • Jackie Farmer - March 24, • Lela Prater - Dec. 21, 2015 “Numbers are not every-
Capital Structure of $25,000 1980 • Cheryl Rock - Sept. 8, 1986 thing, but they do indicate
and the three employees (plus • Jessica Fowler - Sept. 7, 2021 • Libby Shrum - Nov. 29, 1999 progress and success,” Jen-
directors), the staff has grown • Deautry Gatewood - July 5, • Charli Smith - Oct., 6, 2014 nings explained.
to 36. They and their year of 2011 • Billie Steele - Jan. 1, 1983 “And while we are a home-
employment include: • Robert Jennings - Dec. 1, 1983 • Donal Stidham - Dec. 1, 1977 town, community bank, tech-
• Karen Blizzard - May 16, 1983 • Jackie Kilhoffer - Aug. 13, 2018 • Sarah Stidham - Oct. 1, 1986 nology makes us accessible to
• Marlene Blue - May 1, 1989 • Joye Lane - Jan. 14, 2019 • Stewart Stidham - Aug. 1, 2011 customers across the nation or
• Christie Bobo - Dec. 15, 2014 • Catherine Luke - Aug. 20, 1996 • Kylie Sullivan - Aug. 1, 2021 around the world.”
• Eletha Burkhalter - Aug. 17, • Neoma Mann - Oct. 9, 1979 • Tonya Waldo - May 23, 2012
60 • Focus Magazine • 2022-2023 Eufaula Indian Journal & McIntosh County Democrat

Eufaula elected officials

Todd Warren Frank Davis Nancy Mouser Jamie Upton Dan Kirby
at large • mayor Ward I vice mayor • ward II Ward III Ward IV
918-617-2101 918-689-2852 918-617-1529 918-618-2917 918-851-4689

Jeb Jones Mark Goodwin Brendon Bridges

City Manager chief of police assoc. district judge
••• ••• 918-689-2232
Checotah elected officials

Daniel Tarkington Michael key Earnie Myers Jodi Greenleaf Tony Fields
Mayor ward I ward I Ward II Ward II
918-617-8140 918-473-7623 918-473-5465 918-473-9901 918-617-2954

Willie Wiles Jerri Reaves Ronnie Brinsfield Chris Robinson John Tyler Hammons
Ward III ward III ward IV ward IV City Attorney
918-441-3567 918-473-5952 918-473-5145 918-348-6864 •••
Eufaula Indian Journal & McIntosh County Democrat Focus Magazine • 2022-2023 • 61

State & Federal elected officials

Kevin Stitt Roger Thompson randy randleman David Smith Avery Frix
state Governor state senator state representative State representative state representative
(R) • 405-421-2342 district 8 district 15 district 18 district 13
(R) • 405-521-5588 (R) • 405-557-7375 (R) • 405-557-7376 (R) • 405-557-7302

jim grego James Lankford james inhofe markwayne mullin David Hill
state representative u.s. senator u.s. senator u.s. representative Muscogee Nation
District 17 (R) • 202-224-5754 (r) • 202-224-4721 (R) • 202-225-2701 Principal Chief
(R) • 405-557-7381 918-732-7601
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