Analysis Items and Sketches Due Tuesday, February Formal Write - Up

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Squid Dissection Mr.

Black - Marine Science

Above, a new squid species discovered in the Gulf of Mexico in September, 2005 Analysis items and sketches due Tuesday, February 22.No formal write -up. Squid Biology/Anatomy Notes, based on Loligo sp. Locomotion.Squid are among the fastest invertebrates on earth speeding through the water at up to 40 km/h (24 mph). Very odd when compared to other members of the phylum Mollusca like the snail, slug, oyster, etc. When escaping predators, some squid can even jump 3m (about 12ft) out of the water and glide like a flying fish. They can move fast because they are naturally jet propelled. The outside body of the squid is called the MANTLE which fits like a hat over the real body and organs of the squid. By opening up the mantle around the head squid suck water inside the mantle. Then they squish the mantle closed. The water is let out in only one place, the FUNNEL. Like a jet fighter engine nozzle, the squid can open, close, twist, and turn the funnel to go where they want. Of course they would fly around like a released balloon if they didn't have FINLETS to act as rudders on the outside. Also like a balloon they would flop and fold if they didn't have a strong support beam, called the PEN inside the mantle to make it stiff. Breathing/Respiration. Squid live in the ocean, therefore they need some type of gill(s) in order to get oxygen from the water. Oxygen needs to pass from the water

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by bbery box l ost li e skull e out of rtil e. Humans studied squid brains and nerves for a long time because squid nerve cells are some of t e largest on t e lanet, much bigger than human nerve cells. o really big ones called IA control the quick squeezing of the mantle. hey are so big that S E A E A humans ere able to figure out how nerves work by changing the chemicals and electrical impulses in these nerves. his research led people to develop ways to fight some human diseases like muscular dystrophy, muscular sclerosis, and Alzheimer's. Research indicates that squid cannot smell, and they have no noses. hey can feel different textures, but cannot tell one shape from another. hey 'hear' by sensing vibrations in the water. heir eyes, however, are marvelous. Squid eyes are very similar to fish eyes. Squid use their eyes to find and capture prey. hey have no eyelid, but control the amount of light coming into the eye by opening and closing their slitted pupil. hey focus on something by moving a hard, clear E S back and forth within the eye. Some species of squid m ay be able to see color.
Changing Color . he color of a dead squid is very different from the changing colors of a live squid. Color cells, called CHR A PH RES, in the squid's skin contract and expand to produce different colors and patterns. Sometimes s quid use this ability to hide, but most times their color reflects their moods. Squid can turn dark, squeeze ink out of their I K SAC, then turn light or clear to confuse a predator and escape. Squid ink is made out of melanin the same stuff that produces human tans) and mucous snot). Chemicals in the ink also confuse fish noses to help squid I ESCE CE. get away. Some squid can even glow in the dark, called BI lowing squid use PH PH RES to produce more or less light. or more information on how squid change color, click here. Information from: Barnes, R. ., Ruppert, E.E. 99 ) Invertebrate Zoology; Sixth Edition. Saunders College Publishing; Harcourt Brace College Publishers. o rt orth, exas, S. pages 6 8 . O jectives:

As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:

Descri e the hysical and iological characteristics of the lanktonic, enthic, and nektonic regions of the oceans.

SC. . . . know that the body process es involve specific biochemical reactions governed by biochemical principles. SC. . . . know that body structures are uniquely designed and adapted for their function.
Com are the diverse characteristics of representatives of the major phyla/divisions represented in marine systems.

SC. . . . understand how genetic variation of offspring contributes to population control in an environment and that natural selection ensures that those who are best adapted to their surroundings survive to reproduce.

squid, dissecting kit, dissecting pan, paper towels, microscope, dissecting scope, slides, slide covers, paper
inks Giant S uid dissection irst ive Giant S uid video ive Giant S uid video "El ow" S uid Procedure 1. Orientation:

Place the squid with the dorsal back) side up in the dissecting pan. his means put the side with the funnel down and the fin side up. ake sure the tentacles and arms are towards you. ocate the head, eyes, beaks mouth), arms 8), two longer feeding tentacles, fins, mantle, and skin. se the hand lens to examine the suckers on the tentacles and arms as well as the spots on the skin, which are chromatophores. of a squid dissection. How to use a monocular microscope, make a wet mount slide, and make sketches.

(1) Make a wet mount slide of an area of skin with chromatophores. Using a compound microscope, examine the area of carefully and sketch what you observe. ( ) Why are the chromatophores important to the s uid? (3) What is the function of the fins?

Click here for labeled photos of this portion of the lab. GET A STAMP BEFORE PROCEEDING.
Using the dissecting microscope, examine suckers from both an arm and a tentacle (4) What are the differences between arm and tentacle suckers? (5) Why are they different? (6) How is the arrangement of suckers on the tentacles and arms an advantage for the s uid?

Click here for labeled photos of this portion of the lab. GET A STAMP BEFORE PROCEEDING.
2. he Mouth and eaks:

ocate the dark beaks in t he center of the mouth. pen and close the beaks, noting how the ventral beak overlaps the dorsal beak. (7) How is this different from a parrot's beak? Before you pull out the beaks, imagine what they will look like on the inside. ith forceps, remove the beaks and place beaks together with dark pointed parts opposite one another. anipulate them open and close) as if the squid were eating. (8) What makes them work in this way? In order to remove the radula a ribbon with rows of teeth on a tongue -like muscle) from inside the mouth, make small incisions in the edge of the mouth. ith tweezers, locate the small, folded, plastic -like radula between beaks and remove it. It is usually

very small, yellow or white in color. (9) What is the radula's function? How are s uid mouths and beaks like your jaw and teeth? How are they different?

Click here to view a labeled diagram of the buccal mass. Click here to view a labeled diagram of the anterior internal anatomy. Store the radula and the beaks in water in a small cup for later microscopic examination.

Drawing of S uid



3. unnel:

urn the body over, ventral side up, and locate the funnel a deflated fleshy tube located at the base of the head). A squid swims by squirting water from the mantle through the funnel. he direction it swims depends on which way the funnel is aimed. ove the funnel and note its flexibility.
(10) How does the s uid use the funnel and mantle for locomotion? (11) What is the function of the waterjet?

Click here for labeled photos of this portion of the lab. GET A STAMP BEFORE PROCEEDING.
4. External natomy:

rient the squid so that the tentacles are away from you, at the top of the dissection tray. Spread out the arms, tentacles, and fins. (12) Draw and label the external parts of the s uid: arms, tentacles (have suckers only at the tips), head, eyes, fins, mantle, funnel, tail, suckers, beaks (where each would be found on an intact s uid) and mouth. If something cannot be seen, draw an arrow to show where it should be.

Slice open an eyeball and locate the lens, pupil, retina, and iris colored part of the eye). Examine these using the binocular microscope. Save to show your teacher. ook for the creamy white brain between the eyeballs. or assistance in identifying these parts, refer to the illustration below.

Diagram of cephalopod eye


5. Internal natomy

Opening the Mantle:

Keep the squid on its back the side opposite the funnel). sing forceps, lift up the opening to the mantle behind the funnel near the head) and separate the mantle from the internal organs. Close the forceps firmly so as to "pinch" the mantle flesh to keep it taut, cut along the ventral midline of the mantle, from its opening all the way to the tail. Be careful to keep the scissors lifted away from the internal organs so they are not damaged.

ocating and


eproductive Organs:

ocate the gonad reproductive o rgan) in the posterior end refer to diagram for shape and location).

Click here to view male anatomy female anatomy.

Click here to view

pon opening female specimens, the large, firm, white nidamental glands are seen first. ales do not have nidamental glands. he glands lay on top of the other internal organs. hese glands create the gelatinous matrix that envelops the eggs. In order to proceed further, carefully remove these glands. In females the eggs are jelly -like in a conical sac at the posterior end of the mantle. he male genital duct is a white, fluid-filled sac in the posterior end of the mantle. he sperm are stored in thin tubes in an elongated sac behind and along one gill.
(13) Explain how s uid reproduce. (14) What sex is your s uid? How can you tell?


ind the gills. hese are the long, feather -shaped organs that are attached to the sides of the mantle and extend along the anterior half of the mantle. Identify the gill hearts, one on the posterior end of each gill these are small, flat and white). (15) Why are they white and our hearts are red or purple? he s uid has a third heart (the systemic heart) that pumps blood to the rest of the body. (16) Why does it have separate hearts for the gills alone? (17) How does the s uid obtain oxygen from the water ? Click here to view internal anatomy showing the gills.
Digestive ract:

he long, silvery dark tube on the bottom of the liver but appearing to b e on top of the liver because of the squid's inverted position) is the ink sac. Be careful not to break it open. ocate the stomach and caecum. hese lie together as one white, silky-looking tube, like a deflated bladder and a coiled sack.
(18) Open the stomach and examine its contents. Describe what you find.

he bunched up organs that look like human intestines are digestive ducts for the squid. If you are curious about the liver, wait to cut it open until the end of the dissection. It contains a lot of brown, oily liquid which may obscure other organs. any squid will have bits of partially digested crustaceans pink and white pieces), or tiny fish scales and bones.


Removing the Ink Sac:

ind and carefully remove the silv ery-black ink sac that lies connected to the intestine. o do this, pinch the opening of the sac near the back of the funnel) with forceps while gently pulling up and cutting the connective membrane along its length. After cutting about / to / of it, hold the sac with your fingers and pull the sac off the liver. Be careful not to puncture it. Squid ink stains clothing and skin. Place the sac in a small cup for later use with the gladius pen).

(19) Where does the ink sac empty into and what is its function? Removing the Gladius (Pen):

he gladius is a long, clear feather -shaped structure used to support the mantle and for organ attachment. It and the cranium, or brain case, make up the "skeleton" of the squid. It feels like plastic and is made of ti ssue similar to a shrimp shell. here are two ways to remove it: from the tail or from inside the cut -open mantle. o remove it from inside the open mantle, grasp the head and organs firmly, and rotate them to the side with your left hand while holding on to one side of the mantle with your right hand and pulling away gently. Pulling the gladius out is like removing a splinter from your skin. You may need to cut away connective tissues that hold the gladius in place.

he gladius is revealed, lying along the dorsal midline of the mantle.

Grab the forward end of the gladius and pull it carefully from its slot in the mantle. It may be helpful to have one person hold down the lower mantle while the other removes the gladius. o remove from the tail end, ro tate the organs to one side, cutting connective tissues. ake sure the mantle is slit along the internal dorsal midline all the way to the tip of the tail. Pry out the tail end of the gladius and pull straight back, away from the body.
(20) What is the function of the pen?

(21) Draw, label, and identify the function of the following internal parts of the s uid:

stomach, caecum, hearts systemic and gill), gills, reproductive organs, ink sac, liver digestive gland), gladius, brain, eyeball GET A STAMP BEFORE PROCEEDING.
6. Writing with the Gladius (Pen) and S uid Ink:

Cut one end of the ink sac open and press it against the bottom of the cup with forceps or toothpick. You can also hold one end and push the ink out with your finger, as you would toothpaste from a tube. his will release the ink. ip the pointed tip the anterior end) of the gladius into the ink, filling the tip with the dark fluid. (11) hen, using only the ink -filled tip of the gladius, write your name on your s uid illustration or paper. If there is enough ink, create and write the name of your dissected squid under its picture. If the ink seems dry and pasty, add one drop of water at a time to create fluid ink. hough this is an unusual way to write, squid ink was actually used to write and draw in ancient times, and it is used today in some cultures. nfortunately, it tends to fade over time except from your clothes!).

hen finished, clean your area completely. Return all equipment and wash your hands. he squid odor will remain for a little while. emon juice will alleviate the odor if you find it offensive. o dispose of your specimen, close it in a zip -lock bag and give it to r. Black to freeze for fish food.

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