STOTZ MRA Brouchure
STOTZ MRA Brouchure
STOTZ MRA Brouchure
capabilities, the MRA can be The MRA (Multifunctional Measuring and Control controls, or manually. With four electronic or air input
set-up to meet your needs. With Computer) is designed for high precision, and multifunc- cards, the MRA provides measurement solutions with a
the 12” touch screen, it can fit a tional capabilities. In addition to providing various ways combination of inputs.
multitude of readings, charts, and for measuring input, it can be customized to meet cus-
m e a s u r i n g t e c h n o l o g y.
industries including
manufactures and
medical segments.
Optional Equipment Installation and Setup
Technical Support
Foot control 18 or 99 Program
Switch Control Box Gaging Design