Ce-5th & 6TH Sem23062018
Ce-5th & 6TH Sem23062018
Ce-5th & 6TH Sem23062018
1. Engineering Mechanics
2. Mechanics of Solids
3. Differentiation and Integration
4. Differential Equations
Course Outcome: On completion of the course, the student will be able to analyze
and solve the problems related to
1. Theory of Elasticity,
2. Theories of Failure and Thick Cylinders,
3. Unsymmetrical Bending and Shear Centre,
4. Curved Beam and Thin Walled Vessels
5. Fatigue in metals, stress concentration, and strain Rosettes.
Course Details:
1. F.B. Seely and J.O. Smith, “Advanced Mechanics of Materials”, John Wiley
and Sons.
2. Egor P. Popov and Toaden A. Bealan, “Engineering Mechanics of Solids”,
PHI Learning Pvt Ltd, Delhi.
C. V. Raman College of Engineering, Bhubaneswar
(An autonomous Institute affiliated to BPUT,Odisha)
Bidyanagar ,Mahura,Janla,Bhubaneswar-752054(Orissa)
Course Outcome: On completion of the course, the student will be able to analyze
and solve the problems related to
1. Theory of Elasticity,
2.Theories of Failure and Thick cylinders,
3.Unsymmetrical Bending and Shear Centre,
4.Curved Beam and Thin Walled Vessels,
5.Fatigue in Metals , stress concentration and strain Rosettes.
Course Details:
1. Engineering Mechanics
2. Mechanics of Solids
3. Structural Analysis
Course Outcome: on completion of the course, the student will be able to design
the following structural elements like
Text Books:
1. RCC Design-B.C.Punmia, A.K.Jain and A.K.Jain-Laxmi Publications
2. Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures: Pillai & Mennon, TMH
3. IS 456, SP-16 and SP-32.
Reference Books:
1. Limit State Design-A.K.Jain, Neemchand & Bros, Roorkee
2. Design of concrete structures by J.N.Bandyopadhyay, PHI pvt ltd.
3. Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete -P.C Verghese
4. S. K. Mallik and A. P. Gupta, Reinforced Concrete Design, Oxford and IBH
5. A. Nilson, D. Darwin, C. Dolan, Design of Concrete Structures (13th
edition), Tata McGraw- Hill.
C. V. Raman College of Engineering, Bhubaneswar
(An autonomous Institute affiliated to BPUT,Odisha)
Bidyanagar ,Mahura,Janla,Bhubaneswar-752054(Orissa)
1. Engineering Mechanics
2. Mechanics of Solids
3. Structural Analysis
Course Outcome: On completion of the course, the student will be able to design
the following structural elements like
List of Contents
Reference Books:
4. Limit State Design-A.K.Jain, Neemchand & Bros, Roorkee
5. Design of concrete structures by J.N.Bandyopadhyay, PHI pvt ltd.
6. Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete -P.C Verghese
7. S. K. Mallik and A. P. Gupta, Reinforced Concrete Design, Oxford and IBH
8. A. Nilson, D. Darwin, C. Dolan, Design of Concrete Structures (13th
edition), Tata McGraw- Hill
C. V. Raman College of Engineering, Bhubaneswar
(An autonomous Institute affiliated to BPUT,Odisha)
Bidyanagar, Mahura,Janla,Bhubaneswar-752054(Orissa)
The students should have knowledge of
1. Basic characteristics of Water.
2. Basic knowledge on Water treatment processes.
Course outcome:
The students will be able to analyze
1. The requirement of water and supply it to public, sources, collection and
transport of water.
2. Determine the water quality parameters and the allowable limits, Water
borne diseases due to contamination of water.
3. Engineered system for water treatment.
4. Generation and collection of waste water, its disposal.
5. Engineered system for wastewater treatment.
Course Details:
Unit 1: Requirement of Water
Unit 1.1: General requirement for water supply, sources.
Unit 1.2: Collection of water in Intake, pumping and transportation of water,
natural purification of water sources.
Unit 4.1: Sanitary, storm and combined sewerage systems, quantities of sanitary
waste and storm water.
Unit 5.3: Sludge digestion and handling, Disposal of effluent and sludge.
Design on sludge digestion.
Text Books
1. Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering by G.S.Birdie & J.S.Biridie, Dhanpat
2. Water supply Engineering- Vol.-I by S.K.Garg by Khanna Publisher
3. Sanitary Engineering-Vol-II by S.K.Garg by Khanna Publisher
3. Water supply and sanitary engineering by Rangwala, Charotar Publishing
Reference Books:
1. Public health engineering by S.K.Duggal
2. Water Supply and Sewerage, E.W. Steel
3. Textbook of Water Supply Engineering, S.R. Kshira sagar
4. Sewerage and Sewage Treatment, S.R. Kshira sagar.
C. V. Raman College of Engineering
(An autonomous Institute affiliated to BPUT,Odisha)
Bidyanagar ,Mahura,Janla,Bhubaneswar-752054(Orissa)
Course Details:
Unit 2 : Curves
U.2.1.Types of curves, Elements of curves
U.2.2. Methods to set out different types of horizontal curves
U.2.3. Vertical curves
Unit 3 : Triangulation
U.3.1. Classification of triangulation system, triangulation figures
U.3.2. Reconnaisance, Intervisibility, Extension of Base line
U.3.3. Different types of corrections for Base line, Strength of figures
Unit. 4 : Theory of Errors
U.4.1. Definitions, Laws of weight
U.4.2. Normal equations, Distribution of errors
U.4.3. Most probable values
Unit.5 : Photogrammetry
U.5.1 Basic concepts, Definitions of technical terms
U.5.2 Different types of photograph, scale of photograph
U.5.3 Determination of length, Relief displacement of photograph
Text Books:
Reference Books:
1. Surveying, Vol-1 by R.Agor
2. Fundamentals of Surveying and Levelling. By R. Subramanian
3. Textbook-Surveying- by C-Venkatramaiah
4. N.N. Basak..Surveying and Levelling by N.N.Basak
C. V. Raman College of Engineering
(An autonomous Institute affiliated to BPUT,Odisha)
Bidyanagar, Mahura,Janla,Bhubaneswar-752054(Orissa)
Course Details:
Unit 1: Introduction to Geographic Information System (GIS)
U1.1 Introduction to GIS, History of GIS, Early developments in GIS
Applications of GIS,
U2.1 Introduction to GIS Data Model, Vector Data Structure, Raster Data
structure, Geodatabase and metadata, Data Storage, Database Structure
Models, Database Management system
U2.2 Introduction to spatial analysis, Vector Operations and Analysis,
Network Analysis, Raster Data Spatial Analysis. Interpolation techniques.
U3.2 Platform and Sensors: Ground, air and space borne platforms,
Sensors: Imaging and non-imaging sensors, Active and Passive Sensors,
Push broom Scanners, Characteristics of some Remote Sensing Satellites:
Reference Books:
1. John R.J. ‘Introductory Digital Image Processing – A Remote Sensing
Perspective’ Prentice Hall
The students should have knowledge of
1. Civil Engineering materials
2. Mathematical geometry
3. Engineering Survey
Course outcome:
The students will be able to
1. Analyze and design various types of pavements and characterize the
materials to be used for construction
2. Design the road geometrics
3. Understand the fundamentals and features of traffic flow and their
implementation in design of pavement and road geometrics.
Course Details:
Text Books
1. S.K.Khanna and CEG Justo, “Highway Engineering”, Nemchand Bros,
2. L.R. Kadiyali, “Traffic Engineering and Transport Planning”, Khanna
Publishers, New Delhi.
C. V. Raman College of Engineering, Bhubaneswar
(An autonomous Institute affiliated to BPUT,Odisha)
Bidyanagar ,Mahura,Janla,Bhubaneswar-752054(Orissa)
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the Students will able to
1. Design the various elements of concrete structures.
2. Draw the details of various structural members.
3. Design a building with different structural elements by STAAD PRO.
Course Details:
Course Details:
Tests on Aggregate:
Experiment No.1: Determination of aggregate crushing value.
Experiment No.2: Determination of Los Angeles abrasion value of aggregates.
Experiment No.3: Determination of aggregate impact value.
Experiment No.4: Determination of flakiness index and elongation index of
coarse aggregate.
Experiment No.5: Determination of specific gravity and water absorption of
coarse aggregate.
Tests on Bitumen:
Experiment No.6: Determination of penetration value of bitumen.
Experiment No.7: Determination of softening point value of bitumen.
Experiment No.8: Determination of ductility value of bitumen.
Experiment No.9: Determination of specific gravity of bitumen.
Experiment No.10: Marshall method of mix design.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the Students will able to
1. Aware of different test on concrete.
2. To know mix design.
Course Details:
Experiment-7: Failure of RC beams in bending and shear (two point and one
Point loading).
C. V. Raman College of Engineering
(An autonomous Institute affiliated to BPUT, Odisha)
Bidyanagar ,Mahura,Janla,Bhubaneswar-752054(Orissa)
Course Details:
The students should have knowledge of
4. Engineering Mechanics
5. Mechanics of Solids
6. Structural Analysis-I
Course outcome:
After learning the course the students should be able to Analyze and solve the
problems related to
. Course Details:
U3.1 Analysis of two hinged arches for dead and live loads.
U3.2 Analysis of Fixed arches.
U3.3 Analysis of Suspension cables with two hinged stiffening girders.
Text Books:
Reference Books:
Course Outcome:
After learning the course the students should be able to Analyze and solve the
problems related to
List of Contents
Tutorial No. 1: To find the shape factor for different cross-sections.
Tutorial No. 2: Solving the problem for beams by plastic analysis
Tutorial No. 3: Solving the problem of frames by kinematic method.
Tutorial No. 4: Solving the problems of continuous beam by slope
deflection method.
Tutorial No. 5: Solving the problems of continuous beam by moment
distribution method.
Tutorial No. 6: Solving the problems of plane frames by slope deflection
Tutorial No. 7: Solving the problems of plane frames by moment
distribution method.
Tutorial No. 8: Solving the problems of portal frames by kani’s method.
Tutorial No. 9: Solving the problems of two hinged arch for dead and live
Tutorial No. 10: solving the problems suspension cable.
Tutorial No. 11: solving the problems by Stiffness method.
Tutorial No. 12: solving the problems by Flexibility method
Text Books:
1. Structural Analysis-II, by S.S Bhavikatti, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. ltd,
Noida, Fourth edition. 2014.
Reference Books:
The students should have knowledge of
1. Fluid mechanics and hydraulics
2. Basics of environmental engineering
3. Basics of design of concrete structures
4. Basic knowledge of geotechnical engineering
Course outcome:
The students will be able to
1. Comprehend, analyze and solve problems related to
i. Estimation of water requirement of crop, efficiency and frequency
of irrigation and its application on field
ii. Design of regime channels and lined canals
iii. Water logging and drainage engineering
2. Comprehend, analyze and solve the problems related to hydraulic
structures like
i. Design of various canal structures
ii.Planning and design of weir and barrage
iii.Design of gravity concrete dam and earth dam
Course Details:
UNIT-1 : Water requirement of crops and application of water to farm
U.1.1. Introduction: Necessity of Irrigation in India, Advantages and disadvantages
of Irrigation, Techniques of water distribution in firms, Quality of irrigation water.
U.1.2.Water requirements of Crops: Crops and crop season, Duty and Delta,
Consumptive use, Irrigation requirements, Estimation of consumptive use of water
by climatic approaches, Irrigation efficiencies, Soil moisture-irrigation
UNIT -2 : Canal and Drainage Engineering
U.2.1. Canal Irrigation: Classification of canals, Canal losses, Alignment of canals,
Design of stable channels using Kennedy’s and Lacey’s theory, Garret’s diagram,
Cross section of irrigation canals
U.2.2. Lining of Irrigation Canals: Advantages and economics of lining, Various
types of lining, Design of lined canals.
U.2.3. Reclamation of Water Logged and Saline Soils: Causes and control of
water logging. Reclamation of saline and alkaline land, Surface and Sub-surface
UNIT – 3: Head Works
U.3.1. Diversion Head works: Weirs and Barrages, Types of weirs and barrages,
Layout of a diversion head works, Introduction to different components of a
diversion head works.
U.3.2. Design of weirs and barrages: Bligh’s creep theory, Design of weir using
Bligh’s theory, Lane’s weighted creep theory, Khosla’s theory, Khosla’s method of
independent variables, Exit gradient.
Reference Books :
1. Irrigation Engineering by B. Singh, Nem Chand and sons, Roorkee
2. Theory and Design of Irrigation Structures, Nem Chand and Bros, Roorkee
3. Irrigation Engineering by I. E. Hook, John Wiley and sons, New York
4. Irrigation by J.D. Zimmerman, John Wiley and sons, New York.
C. V. Raman College of Engineering
(An autonomous Institute affiliated to BPUT,Odisha)
Bidyanagar ,Mahura,Janla,Bhubaneswar-752054(Orissa)
The students should have knowledge of
1. Estimation of water requirement of crops And Techniques of distribution
of water to farms
2. Theories and empirical relationships, Garret diagram for designing regime
and lined channels.
3. Basics of hydraulic and structural design of various canal structures
like canal fall, cross drainage works, head regulator etc
4. Basic knowledge of planning and design of barrage, gravity concrete and
earth dams
Course outcome:
The students will be able to
1. Comprehend, analyze and solve problems related to
i. Estimation of water requirement of crop, efficiency and frequency
of irrigation and its application on field
ii. Design of regime channels and lined canals
iii. Water logging and drainage engineering
2. Comprehend, analyze and solve the problems related to hydraulic
structures like
i. Design of various canal structures
ii. Planning and design of weir and barrage
iii. Design of gravity concrete dam and earth dam
Text Books:
1. Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures by S. K. Garg, Khanna
Publication, New Delhi
2. Irrigation Engg. By B.C. Punmia and Pande, Laxmi Publication, New Delhi
3. Irrigation Engg. By Birdie and Das, Dhanpat Rai, New Delhi
4. Irrigation Engg. By Sharma and Sharma, S. Chand and Company, New Delhi
Reference Books :
1. Irrigation Engineering by B. Singh, Nem Chand and sons, Roorkee
2. Theory and Design of Irrigation Structures, Nem Chand and Bros, Roorkee
3.Irrigation Engineering by I. E. Hook, John Wiley and sons, New York
4. Irrigation by J.D. Zimmerman, John Wiley and sons
5. Relevant B.I.S. codes.
C.V. Raman College of Engineering,
(An autonomous Institute affiliated to BPUT,Odisha)
Bidyanagar ,Mahura,Janla,Bhubaneswar-752054(Orissa)
The students should have knowledge of
1. Modes of transportation such as highways, railways, waterways and
2. Stations and yards and airports
3. Various geometric features of highway alignment
4. Various resistances such as wind resistance, air resistance etc.
Course outcome:
The students will be able to
1. Analyze and design railway track.
2. Understanding and designing the various features airports
Course Details:
Railway Engineering:
Text Books
1. S.C Saxena and S.P Arora, “Railway Engineering”, 6th Edition, Dhanapat
Rai Publications,New Delhi
2. S.K.Khanna and M.G.Arora, “Airport Planning and Design”, 6th Edition,
Nemchand & Bros., Roorkee.
3. Satish Chandra & M.M Agrawal,“Railway Engineering” Oxford
University Press,New Delhi.
C.V. Raman College of Engineering,
(An autonomous Institute affiliated to BPUT,Odisha)
Bidyanagar ,Mahura,Janla,Bhubaneswar-752054(Orissa)
2. Mechanics of Solids
3. Structural Analysis
Course Outcome: on completion of the course, the student will be able to design
the following structural elements like
U3.3: Design of Column Slab base, Design of Column Gusseted base. Design of
Foundation Bolts.
Unit 4: Design of beam and plate girders
U4.1: Design of beams, types of c/s, lateral stability of beams, lateral torsional
buckling, bending and shear strength, web buckling and web crippling, deflection,
design procedure.
U4.2: Plate girder, Design of plate girder, Plastic section modulus, Design of a
Welded plate girder,
U5.1: Selection of the type of trusses, Loads and Load combinations in roof
trusses, Design procedure, Design of component members in a roof truss.
Text Books:
1. Design of steel structures by S.S.Bhavikatti, I.K. International Publishing
house, New Delhi. 4.
2. Limit state design of steel structures by S.K. Duggal, Tata McGrawhill
Reference Books:
1. Steel Structures- Design & Practice by N. Subramanian, Oxford University
2. Design of Steel Structures by B.C. Punmia, A.K. Jain and A.K. Jain.
Laxmi Publishers.
3. 2. Design of Steel Structures, Vol. 1, By Ram Chandra and Veranda
Gehlot. Scientific
4. Publishers, Jodhpur.
5. 3. Design of Steel Structures by L.S. Negi, Tata McGraw Hill Book Co.
C. V. Raman College of Engineering
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to BPUT, Odisha)
Bidyanagar, Mahura, Janla, Bhubaneswar-752054(Orissa
Course Details:
Unit 1
Interpolation: (08 Hrs)
U1.1. Piecewise Linear, Quadratic, and Cubic Interpolation, Cubic Hermite and
Piecewise Cubic Hermite Interpolation, Quadratic and Cubic Spline
Interpolation. [T1]
Unit 2
Eigen Values And Eigen Vectors and Solution of Equations: (08 Hrs)
U2.1. Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors: Basic power method, Rayleigh Quotient,
Shifted power method, Inverse power method, QR method. [T1]
Unit 3
Numerical Solutions of Initial Value Problems of Ordinary Differential
Equations: (08 Hrs)
nd rd th
U3.1. Adams-Bashforth (2 , 3 , and 4 Order) Methods, Milne’s Method,
Adams-Moulton (2nd, 3rd, and 4th Order) Methods, Simpson’s Method, Adams-
Bashforth-Moulton Predictor-Corrector (2nd, 3rd, and 4th Order) methods, Milne –
Simpson’s Predictor-Corrector method. [T1]
Unit 4
Linear Programming Problem Methods: (08 Hrs)
U4.2. Self Study Topics : Duality in Linear Programming Programming and Dual
Simplex Method.
Unit 5
Nonlinear Programming Problem Methods: (08 Hrs)
U5.2. Self Study Topics : Integer Programming Probmlem Methods – Branch and
Bound and Cutting Plane Methods.
Note: Five assignments to be given to the students on self study, comprising of one
assignment from each unit.
Text Books:
Reference Books
3. Structural Analysis
Course Objective: At the end of the course, the students will be able to
1. Design the various elements of steel structures.
2. Draw the details of different connections.
3. Draw the details of various structural members.
Course Details:
Reference Books:
1. Design of steel structures by S.S.Bhavikatti, I.K. International Publishing house,
New Delhi. 4.
2. Limit state design of steel structures by S.K. Duggal, Tata McGrawhill.
C. V. Raman College of Engineering
(An autonomous Institute affiliated to BPUT, Odisha)
Bidyanagar ,Mahura,Janla,Bhubaneswar-752054(Orissa)
1. Basic Knowledge of Environmental Science
2. Basic knowledge on Physical, Chemical and Biological characteristics of
Course Details:
Laboratory Manual:
1. Environmental Engineering Laboratory Manual.
2. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater- AWWA,
APHA, WEF, (USA), 20th edition, 2001.
C. V. Raman College of Engineering, Bhubaneswar
(An autonomous Institute affiliated to BPUT,Odisha)
Bidyanagar ,Mahura,Janla,Bhubaneswar-752054(Orissa)
Detailed Syllabus
1. Structure analysis
2. Design of R.C.C structure
3. Shear force and bending moment.
Course Outcome: On completion of the course, the student will be able to analyze
and solve the problems related to
Course Details: