©) A.amiling face like to see |. As 1D) A smiling face to see | lke, A C6} Finn the bianks wih the CORRECT tonsa form of the verb, f He is busy today. He: A) calledsp ; 20) Fill n the blanks with the CORRECT preposition: The tax rates are being changed frequently. Right now, itis. ten percent. Be A)onto B) on ) at D) in sere, k «ieee oa oWed ea) Gonarat Sidon | 2) eri tainiork OF ey te LBW 0 ong 8 a vers HeverTUniM te Ki errs Ai “a Blogne? AY Lucoraiation Z or butane 18) Privaienion 5 ©) Propane a ©) Ghateatization ©) BNane c 1) Bilateral Agroenverts ©) Methane 128 vnc oF te tong an ein by CF is wns w 8 et YN at at sarang inna irae? quart locations in Grou ft ahaa AHO } Group a ‘Group 8 pre. 4 L.invernational Court of ustice a. Reena wen y 2. Food and Agriculture Organisation b, Genny . 2.UNICEE Hope = : ‘4 Woetd Trade Organization, mw vor * A) 196) 2-0; Sed a rab C) Web 2-6; Som, ded 4m Braz, oy 27) A waste treatmant lachnology, Which inciudes the ‘combustion of waste for rabvaring Brey ie called A) Reduction £8) Incineration ©) Oxidationeran ight (IRAP A nme naan Caner nana?” A 1) 40 ‘ 198 be we earn nor MIDS? hal 4 A) Bue orm an43) Which phenomenon oscurs with the ‘growth of money supply? aoe ‘A) Hyper Inflation B) Deflation C) Normal Inflation D) Recessionen —— A > wectan wy canta # Pancha sees for th ‘)exeaten gf mania tom thm dale of "roan “At entry yar om nt fe SRN ©) expiration of 2 monins from the ate tnaokitoh ' D) evpication of 6 months from tha dato of isschaon —— Ab ‘en as Hari cars fink ‘est ban treaty 1954, atime when the rite 1nd the Soviet Union ware conducting atmosphere Nuclear tents with alarming reguiaey? *) Inala ®) China ©) North Kore ) ay LBA te mon severe ave oA wlan, 8 iS.8 syndrome caused by a A) Bacteria. 8) Fung! 2) Views D) Prions15) Which part of the Indian Consthution duis wan, Citizenship? A) Part 8) Pans ©) Part 10 Se 57) Which amendment Act has incorporated fundamental duties in Article 6142) of the constitution of Inia? : A) The Constitution (forty-first amendment) Act, 1976 B) The Constitution (forty-second amendment) Act, 1976 ©) The Constitution (forty-third amendment) Act, 1877 1D) The Constitution (forty-fourth amendment) 1978 ioye MNO NY Ha Ai a ee ration (Munmty HOD Arerienant) Ret, The Conmantion(Nnety-S6¥rh enema Ae, 21 Dh The Go ws 204 {80a ri, fever ee 2) When path of We Indl contain dani Elections? A) Pat xy ©) Pan ava, ©) Panxy D) Pant xu 63) What was the objective of The Constitution (Nineteentn Amendment) Act, 19667 A) Abolishing the Election Tribunals: B) Farnation af State Election Commission ? C)incoding the tenure of office to election commissioner 1D) Reducing the voting age from 21 to 18 yearswi ‘urn wns 0 ae sr aan oan? * ‘ny avons 1240 19 ay astich 14400 wanes 10-00 98 10) Aton 2 1 24 in a Gey Onder wt tt of i IAF 22M, rwoidont ot ire ear th Ayan oom suuprome Court? A) Article 182 1) Article 198 Gy Artiote 198 ot 1p) Article 144 oN i ———¥ Joyarer wien oe oiowng amendmen, 5; was tansfertod 10 the Goncurrent hat tom the st? ‘A) 26h Amendment 1B) 2nd Amendment C) Aan Amendment 1) 72nd Amendment é ——$—<—— 70) Which clause of Article 370 empowers preaidall declare the article as inoperative? A) Clause 1 3 8) Clause 1 (a) C) Clause 2 0) Clause 3are Keohane 72) Provan oa Of Inte oF Connon "ractcery i the at ww pened ncn wc amen OF Jars wr Kahn Camannon? e No 02 ©) m9 by ou ° qu a 70) Two Govan ry ower 86 procedure #8 to the logistature i ‘itn who, among the following? s we "Tho chat Minater and the Chaitrnan of the us : ) Extorma) Atinie Minister 'b) Minister af Home Affaics ee 7 Under Sagbon 920 Aicle 356 of JAN Corstitn, ‘any auch proclamation whether varied Under ‘subsection (2) oF not, shall, @xsipt wherevty Aamorang a wenn a, we gubia WORBN a normed: to woe Legiaiatve AANA Ot Jammy lane Katine by tho Goveenor ME A) One 8) Two €) Three ©) Fou eee ee 7a As par Section 08, Part Vi. of JAK Conetttion, avery duxige oF tho High Court shail te appointed by te Prenigent by warrant under hie hand And sisal aftor “consultation wrth the Governor and the, A) Chiat Justice of India 1B) Prime Atinister of incite (©) Ghiet Justice of High Court (0) Speaker of Legislative Assombly eee 80) Securitisation and Reconstuction of Financ ‘Assets and Enforcement of ‘Security interest (SARFAES!) Act, enacted by Pariamant in 2002, is tnenforceable in the state of Jammu & Kashmir. This was held by : “Ab dustice “All Muhammad Magmy and Justice Mohammad Yakoob Mir 6) dustce Muzattar Hussain Attar and Justco Al Mohammad Magrey (©) Justice Ramlingam Sudhakar ard Justice Muzattar ~ Hussain Attarou ‘A National Pack inchidee hie Galchinonts oF two Haye, hh cain into he AWE Id WO 1 . eee he ‘Which of the Following in this national park? A) The Salim National Park 8) Thw Cy Forest National Park ©) The Kinhtwar High Anti Naor! Pg 10 the astonishments 6f the beholders. This =a ‘@ ong and savers winter with the 3 going down fo more than 40 degrees bolow zoro, The temperature 14 summers howe ‘Soarn to 45 degroes making it extromety hot. The place Section 8 Gk about 4 pr 3 $i UD nd 4) Jarninu, Kashi and Lada Pane denON ot Goren 3a. ancd grain Of ye Th Henemtcre OF Kant ot bigh quasiy ne yeas. in Ime oanutactre of i 10) Wuyen and ihe ©) Alsheougam and Shubloat ) Lacknipora LAAT Thin Wiclite Sanctuary vocnnd (an) om Stinagart heer has an orca of 82.27-s0-kme, The sanctuary Was ecquired an calmer yonion tor hn varied meant Specie ot Pasar Wich wie soncary Nore soaking not? AN) Dachigarn a , B)demola yee (coven aia 4 instars ee 26) darn and Kashevé has. an Intemational tortor ‘wth China in the:north and east, and the fine of contol separates it from the Pakistan-controlled rertitories Of Azad Kashnit and Giigi-Baitistan in the 'A) Novth and notheast cesnectively 18) South and southeast respectively ghar’ (C) East and nontheast respectively w 1p) Wost and northwest respectively 7eae of FRocont of Right actualy oh ROR TION av Ht olan st pnt Botnet Nakte, reritn ‘wtands for 'A) China Vatioy Pewwnt Prat (P} Limited 1B) Ghanad Varley Projeat Power [P} Limited £6) Chanab Vaiey Power Provects PI Lima 1b) Ghonas Vite Preferred Project [P) Ueno conatction in ine Femalayan state, of Jammin anc ‘Kashmie by Goverment of India? |) Sawaikoto 8) Bursar ©) Ganguwal 1) Paka Dul __ BaF than ae owen eon ree wil bo built over the Chandra: basin’? A) Kirthnai-! Ler ahan Ganga, C) Parnai D) New Ganderbal 2 ee ) Which of the following was buit in 1862 in a unique, French-chateau style of architecture by a Dogra king ‘and has now been convertad into a museurn’? f A) Leh Palace <8) Amar Mahal Palace > C) Thiksey Monastery 0) Bag-e-Bahu Forticy A ad a Pam ne he iy 1% Sihuaterd OF w hiltock ‘anc Kant. Wai il Ws being referrad to here? A) Roshni fai “g 8) Yojna it ) Kanan 1) Rojoar Bi ‘ 101) The Raw is a transboundary river otwestern india. and northeastem Pakistan. The fer drains a total catchment area Of 144A sG kes Io Andi ator lowing tor a length of “ A) 3800 rma =] 8) 1500 mo (6) 500 hms D) 720 kms29 i fe $02). re at, manque conatcled In Srinagar Ie 1995 by « Parsian whe came to KASIM 10 upraad the {slam retigion in the 198 century ie A) Mazratbal Mosque: 8) Khangah of Shah Hanvedan OV Pathar Mash” D 1) Aati Masjid = .. Thay avceiing w 1960 Indus Waters Treaty (JWT), India was given the control over three eastern rivers namely A) Beas, Ravi and Koshi . A
) C) Beas, Ravi and Kaveri D) Beas, Ravi and Mahanadi 404) There is a wide scope of mineral resources in JAK ‘Stata, Which the folowing is used in the manufacture of Cement, Calcium Carbide, Quieklime, Bleaching- Powder, Glass, Paper, Paints? Ay Marble 5 \@F Limestone ©) Granite D) Coal ‘Name the District Headquarter situated at a distance of 90 kms from the summer capital of the state zi whose northem and western borders form the LOC between India and Pakistan. & A) Badgam _ B) Baramulla= ae AY __ oe Sinton 6 Monauraion Pune BP cas cl rH - © OP fi the nme tack Wh 7) HOM {NPPrORIMaay omni nun fr Ure tur eta i AogetNer to fi Une tata? 1 100 mae 1) 49 tn ©).148 inion ©) 100 nutes 1) ooo eaten ree A) 4046 86 pectaros. B) 4.04686 hectares. C) 0.404686 nectaren. Bsc oc __$_$_ a ——____ ea epee tec at-a rate of Rs, 6 per mate, ae 4 Jengtt of the garden is 3/2 of ts width, tength | A) 120m ) 80m ©) 60m om 1D) 38.208 om?Tia Anos otc 0 12 cnr ne ng me ‘100, fe road uped mttvO PoUnSINg rac ane foe vwootiarta torn a cecmmerre rata te cera A) vse 8) 20v3.eme ©) 10,2 ome 0) 4117 omsJK Chrome: JK News... QD kee Contains ads * Free Study Material for All Exams * Get Previous Papers of All Exams Click Here to Download