Nick Shackleton-Jones - How People Learn
Nick Shackleton-Jones - How People Learn
Nick Shackleton-Jones - How People Learn
“Nickʼs book starts in the right place: he sees the world through the lens of a
psychologist rather than a pusher of e-learning.”
Roger Schank, John Evans Professor Emeritus, Northwestern University, and
CEO, Socratic Arts
“How People Learn will show you how to adopt new ways of thinking about
learning that will help you design resources and experiences to support real
learning. This is an important book for anyone who teaches others.”
Colin Steed, Co-Founder and former Chief Executive, Learning & Performance
“Nick does a tremendous job, starting off with how we learn, and then, deriving
from it, best ways to design education and training – a formula for success. The
book is fascinating and a must-read for anyone who wants to be knowledgeable
in this area.”
Itiel Dror, Cognitive Neuroscience Researcher, University College London
Second Edition
Nick Shackleton-Jones
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Second edition 2023
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1 Cognition 1
The storytelling ape 4
‘System 2’: imagination 6
The affective context model 9
Endnotes 17
2 Learning 18
Where did we go wrong? 22
Remembering versus memorization 26
So how does the affective context model explain this? 31
Putting this into practice 34
What are you concerned about? 39
The rationalizing animal 42
What makes the affective context model the best theory? 44
Gamification and why people cheat 46
Endnotes 50
3 Education 52
How did education get in such a muddle? 56
Education from a commercial standpoint 64
How should education work? 66
From educational institutions to learning organizations 75
Individual differences and the role of badges 79
Endnotes 84
5 Learning design 101
‘Push’ approaches to learning 106
‘Pull’ approaches to learning (elimination) 125
Endnotes 137
7 Defining experiences 152
Individual differences 153
Applications of the affective context model 155
Memes or femes? From big experiences to small nudges 158
Learning design as designed experience 162
The process of experience design 173
Endnotes 179
12 The future 276
What Plato and Socrates can teach us 277
What does technology take from us? 280
Performance guidance systems 281
A little time travel 283
In closing 286
Endnotes 287
Index 288
This book is like those department stores where you can buy different kinds
of things on different floors. In the olden days, department stores might have
had an elevator with a person whose job it was to operate it, sometimes
called a bellhop. The bellhop was usually dressed in a fancy outfit, a bit like
a cross between a military and a circus uniform.
So these pages comprise three floors, and in this analogy I am the bellhop.
On the first floor (the ‘ground floor’ as we say in the UK) you will find lots
of useful tools and techniques for designing stuff that helps people to per-
form better at their jobs, and experiences that transform their attitudes and
behaviour. You will find a detailed description of human-centred learning
design, something I have called the 5Di model, and lots of tips on how to
make your learning department efficient and effective.
On the second floor you will find a completely new model of learning and
cognition; an all-encompassing general theory of learning that represents
the first unified explanation of what we see when researching learning in
human and non-human animals. It provides the foundation for the ap-
proach and advice offered on the first floor. It also contains a critique of
education, and a clear description of the way education should work if it
were to ever have anything to do with learning.
The third floor – ah, well, are you sure you wish to travel to the third
floor, madam? The third floor explains what humans are, what thinking re-
ally is, and how you came to be the person you are today. It tears up 2,000
years of Western intellectual traditions, unseating those toxic conspirators
Plato, Descartes, Wittgenstein et al along the way. It’s the end of an era, and
with it come a flood of radical ideas in areas such as marketing, entertain-
ment, language, ethics, artificial intelligence, psychology, culture and deci-
sion making. If you are of a nervous disposition you might prefer floors one
and two.
Some of you may wonder why I have departed from the self-important
academic tone that you are used to in books that talk about how things
work. Many people are impressed if you talk like a professor, so I hope you
are not one of those people. It took me many years to unravel that particular
conceit and to understand that playfulness – even childishness – is to be taken
very seriously indeed. After all, it determines just how far you and I are able
to travel. I hope that by the end of this book you will understand why.
Charles Darwin was not terribly smart. In fact, he was a college drop-out.
Like many university students today, he was persuaded to study something
that his parents thought respectable – medicine – but found it too tough and
gave up. So they found an easier respectable degree for him to do (religious
studies) which he managed to pass even though he wasn’t much interested
in any of it.
What he really cared about were rocks and pigeons, and it is likely that
these rather geeky pursuits (not his trip to the Galapagos Islands) formed
the basis of his theory of evolution.
You might also be interested to know that when he first submitted On the
Origin of Species his editor advised him to leave out all the half-baked evo-
lution stuff, and instead stick with the pigeon-breeding tips which he was
sure would make for a popular Victorian coffee-table book.
But he stuck with the evolution story, and in return people laughed at him
for decades and published cartoons of him as a monkey in the popular press.
The moral of the story is that it is difference that makes the difference.
Human progress is the product of people who saw the world differently
and – often by sheer luck and dogged determination – managed to popular-
ize their ideas. Progress is not owed to the smart. Progress belongs to the
peculiar. Indeed, one of the greatest barriers to progress is smart people who
are nonetheless very conventional; they are excellent at coming up with rea-
sons why things should stay exactly as they are. This is because today we
call people smart when they are good at doing what they are told and pass-
ing tests to prove it.
So this is, I believe, a different perspective. One that will no doubt seem
strange – ridiculous even – and which you will likely struggle to get your
head round. In fact, so far I have not been able to find anyone able to fully
comprehend what I am saying, even though I have tried to say it as simply
as possible. Perhaps you will be the first.
In the unlikely event that you do grasp it, I should caution you that it will
make you deeply unpopular. You will become a time-traveller, transported
hundreds of years into the future then returned to the present day; someone
who now looks despairingly at a world awash with medieval beliefs and
practices. Almost nobody will understand what you are saying. You will
often feel alone.
xii Preface
If you are still reading, I take it you have ignored my warnings – most
probably because you don’t believe them. Jolly good. We are going to start
with cognition – with thinking – because learning is a cognitive process and
unless I persuade you that thinking is not what you thought, we won’t learn
much about learning.
Cognition 01
Thinking is feeling
He took them apart like machines – like a boy dismantling a watch to get at
the cogs. He opened their skulls to take a look at their memories;1 he sliced
them up so he could feel their heartbeats with his fingers.2
Eventually, his neighbours complained about the screaming. He
defended his experiments, explaining that they weren’t really screams – just
noises. Noises like the squealing of a hinge that hasn’t been oiled.
If something doesn’t have a soul, can you truly say that it ‘screams’?
Animals don’t have souls, and so the sounds they make are just mechanical
sounds – like those a rusty machine might make. Animals are merely
complex machines; it’s OK to take them apart. But though he persuaded his
peers of this argument intellectually – his friends’ sentiments betrayed
them. The colleague who placed a kitten in a jar and then removed all the
air, watching it slowly suffocate… well, he couldn’t go through with it again.
Though convinced by rational argument, his feelings made a more
compelling case.3
Most people know René Descartes for ‘I think, therefore I am’ (Ego cogito,
ergo sum) rather than his experiments on animals, but there’s a profound
connection between the two: Descartes believed that humans were funda-
mentally different to non-humans, and that the difference boiled down to
our possession of rational souls, this being evidenced by language. His
2 How People Learn
Telling stories is not the only way a culture can spring to life – but it’s
certainly a big help. The ability that enabled humans to compose our stories
and leapfrog other species was something like song: more specifically, a ca-
pacity for making sounds that reflected what we were feeling. And not just
any feeling; an extraordinarily subtle kaleidoscope of feelings – feelings for
every occasion.
In 2010 the psychologists John Pilley and Allison Reid published the re-
sults of their research with Chaser, a border collie, who had learned the
names of over a thousand objects.4 More importantly, they showed that
Chaser was able to understand that words refer to objects5 – rather than just
being behavioural cues.
But while Chaser could use 1,000 words, a typical human uses around
30,000. Our amazing ability to tie a sound to a sentiment is the foundation
on which our language and culture depend. It is also the reason why music
plays such a big part in our lives today, across all cultures. In other words: a
sound can make us feel something, and I can feel something and make a
Because of this innate mechanism we can communicate – even with other
species to some extent. I scream, you scream – we all scream, but whilst your
dog will be alarmed by your screams, your computer most certainly will not.
Your computer does not and never will use words, it can only ever appear
to. In the chapter on language we will see that words do not actually refer
to things – instead they are expressions of sentiments.
There are many species that do something like this, most notably birds.
The humble honeybee also tells stories as a way of sharing information –
only they do so in the form of dance. A single bee can share what it has ex-
perienced with other bees.
By the way, here’s a big question: obviously our bee doesn’t share every-
thing it has experienced. So which bits does the bee share? The bits that
matter, of course. Do different things matter to different bees? Probably
not – probably what matters is ‘hard coded’, otherwise an eccentric bee
might tell an entirely useless story about an unusual plastic bucket he spot-
ted en route, and send his followers to their deaths. Notice how similar this
is to what your friend does when you ask them about their weekend – they
don’t tell you about washing their pants on a 60 degree spin cycle, causing
you to die of boredom. They tell you about the bits that matter.
Of course an oral tradition suffers from some problems: you need subtly
different sounds for different things if you want to tell increasingly useful,
complicated stories. Also, the stories tend to change a bit in the telling.
Mostly this is OK, because the important things – the things that really mat-
ter, like ‘There’s a bear living in that cave’ – get preserved.
4 How People Learn
However, unlike most animals humans can get excited about things they
merely imagine; things they have concocted from other experiences – for
example, the idea of a mighty human who is a bit like their chief, only
mightier. These stories have a curious power to alter our behaviour: you can
tell a person that there is a bear in a cave and they will stay away from the
cave. But you can tell a person that there is a divine bear in a cave, and they
will leave offerings for it.
As societies became more complex, these stories enabled social cohesion –
otherwise the story is just: ‘My family is better than yours’, and that ends up
getting pretty divisive.
emotional parts of the brain (e.g. the amygdala). This story has found its
way from Aristotle to Kahneman. I am saying that this story is wrong: we
do not have ‘rational’ and ‘emotional’ faculties in some neo-Cartesian
dualism – instead we are entirely emotional. Our complex behaviour comes
from the interplay between the emotions we are experiencing right now, and
emotions we can imagine.
You can think of us (or your dog) as having two ‘systems’ if it helps – but
they are both emotional. One says: ‘Eat the doughnut!’ The other says:
‘Think of how guilty you will feel later!’
In Descartes’ time, body–soul dualism was the norm. Had you tried to
explain to someone that there is no such thing as ‘soul’, they would have
laughed to your face: ‘Of course I have a soul! Who is it talking to you
now!?’ they would have scoffed. People readily accepted this dualistic view,
since it conveniently distinguished us from other creatures.
Today we have abandoned this superstition, only to substitute another:
the feeling–thinking dualism. We don’t imagine that thinking and feeling are
different in squirrels, of course (we are supernatural creatures after all).
This silly superstition still holds us back in areas ranging from ethics to
language and artificial intelligence (AI). Learning experts will ask about the
role of emotion in learning, and there are still respectable scientists chasing
‘reason’ and ‘emotion’ areas of the brain, just as there were once scientists
looking for the source of the soul in our heads.
Let me repeat this point, since it is the central premise of this book, the
foundation for understanding learning and cognition, and a radical rejection
of thousands of years’ worth of Western intellectual traditions: you don’t
think. You have no thoughts. What you call ‘thinking’ is feeling; ‘thoughts’
are just fancy feelings. We have them, animals have them, we are not super-
natural creatures. Humans are better than most animals in being able to have
complex feelings about imaginary things – such as the future, laws of motion,
doughnuts and themselves – but none of our abilities is unique.
We used our ability to have feelings about imaginary situations to create
stories that were not simply accounts of past experiences, and our ability to
connect sounds to sentiments to share them. Stories started to have an evo-
lution all of their own. The stories that made groups of apes more successful
tended to survive.
One of the most influential stories, it turned out, was the ‘we are special’
story. The ‘we are special’ story took a variety of forms, but in essence the
story told a group of people that they were better than everything else in
creation in some qualitatively different way, and that they were therefore
entitled to use everything as they wished.
8 How People Learn
By ‘qualitatively different’, I mean not just that they are stronger, smarter,
more beautiful (although that is also quite an influential story), but actually
a completely different, superior, class of being.
You know, it’s pretty tough to maintain a story like this in the face of
evidence when other beings seem pretty similar to you, so the story had to
involve some supernatural element – some ‘special essence’ that made them
different. Aristotle told this story, as did Plato after him, and more recently
Descartes; it concerned rational souls.
The rational souls story entitled a specific people to do all manner of
things that we find instinctively abhorrent: for example travelling some-
where, finding people who looked a lot like them, stealing their land, killing
them and selling them into slavery. Or just inhumanly experimenting on
them to find out more about them. In their heads they had ‘rational souls’,
so they could do whatever they liked to (what they deemed) ‘soulless crea-
tures’, because they thought the people of the land didn’t deserve better
In America and Great Britain, married women were considered property,
by law, throughout most of the 19th century. People debated whether
women had souls. To those people, it seemed they might, but in a crude ir-
rational state – like those of children. The tacit rule of thumb was that the
less of a ‘rational soul’ something or someone had, the more those specific
people were entitled to do what they wanted with it.
Fast-forward to the present day – our entire way of life still revolves
around one particular supernatural story that most of us continue to be-
lieve: the story of reason.
Plato, Aristotle, Descartes and most of the philosophers in-between saw
a close relationship between reason, the mind, and the divine. Man’s ration-
ality was what linked him to the divine and separated him from the beasts:
‘I think, therefore I am’.
Notice that Descartes did not say ‘I feel, therefore I am’. His argument
was that although my thoughts might be wrong, there must be an ‘I’ that
thinks them. But why couldn’t we make the same argument for feelings? My
sensations of the world might be wrong (I might, for example, be a brain in
a jar), but there must be an ‘I’ that senses them.
There’s a good reason why Descartes didn’t make this argument: he was
being a bit sneaky. Ironically there is actually no reason for the ‘I think’ bit
of ‘I think, therefore I am’ to be there. It bears no logical relation to the
Cognition 9
Centuries before Descartes, St Augustine had argued that of all the things
one can doubt, I cannot doubt that ‘I am’ – and Descartes was well aware of
his writings. But Descartes was a (pathologically) rational man, good at ra-
tional things, who wanted to assert the primacy of reason and in so doing
recreate the world in his own image. So he added ‘I think’ onto the statement
like a bloke hitching his dinghy to Augustine’s cruise ship. He could equally
have said ‘I feel, therefore I am.’ What was the big deal about thinking?
As we saw, Aristotle believed that animals and humans alike possess a
feeling, ‘sensitive’ soul. At various points it seems Descartes admits that ani-
mals have ‘sensations’. So although ‘I feel, therefore I am’ makes just as
much sense philosophically speaking – we can’t have it. ‘Feelings’ cannot be
linked to the soul, and to God.
And whilst we stopped believing in souls, we carried on believing in rea-
son and thought – this, at least, separated us from the animals. We think,
they feel. We are superior. Have another hamburger.
But in case you think I am making an argument for animal rights, let me
remind you that that is not my central intention. I am trying to say some-
thing far more fundamental about people – something with implications for
our understanding of learning, cognition, language, relationships, ethics,
culture, politics, social media, marketing and AI (to name but a few areas):
you don’t think. You have never thought. You have only ever felt.
Oh dear. It seems you are the victim of an elaborate scam, and I expect
that thought will take some getting used to. Animals have feelings, humans
have feelings, we started calling some of the more sophisticated feelings
‘thoughts’ and then we fell into the trap of believing thinking and feeling
were different somehow. An entire Western intellectual tradition based on
the idea that thinking and feeling are distinct is mumbo-jumbo.
There is no logical reason or basis for thinking that human minds operate
in a fundamentally different fashion to those of our close relatives – Darwin
made that point convincingly, and neuroscience has provided abundant evi-
dence to that end.
But this is not how persuasion works, even for philosophers; it’s all about
what I can make you feel. (Of course I can pretend that it’s all perfectly
logical, if that makes you feel better. In our culture strong feelings are at-
tached to the notion that something is ‘logical’.)
There’s a very modern consequence of this confusion about thinking,
which we will come to in a bit: imagining that humans were, in essence,
‘thinking things’ was the top of a slippery slope that led to us thinking that
we were basically algorithms that could be reproduced by a computer or
uploaded to the cloud. In this way, the popular religious idea of an immortal
soul was smuggled into our technological present via familiar Hollywood
By contrast, had we stuck with the idea of humans as feeling things, it
would be much less clear how the ‘you’ that feels could be transplanted onto
a machine that doesn’t. Ironically, one of our greatest fears is that AI will
behave like a (Cartesian) psychopath – applying rules rationally, with com-
plete disregard for emotion.
In the world of learning, this infectious lie had catastrophic consequences:
thinking about people as if they were data storage mechanisms – like books
or computers – legitimized all manner or tortuous practices; collectively
called ‘education’. Instead of allowing people to learn as they normally
would (as all creatures do) – from their experiences – we set in place a global
bureaucracy of unprecedented scale, profiting from subjecting our offspring
to monstrous deprivations, forcing them to sit down, shut up and memorize
meaningless information to prove their obedience.
We tried to turn them into machines. We tried to stifle their learning,
crush their individuality. It never worked, but we found a way to make lots
of money out of it, and damaged every last one of them in the process. Now
the monstrous Cartesian machine seems almost unstoppable.
Cognition 11
But I am getting ahead of myself. You may still be reeling from the state-
ment that you don’t think – it seems preposterous… doesn’t it? As I said
earlier, back in Descartes’ day if you had suggested that humans don’t have
souls, people would have laughed at you: ‘Self-evidently we have souls! If we
didn’t have souls we would be dead! We would collapse like a burst balloon,
my dear fellow! Pah! I am most intimately acquainted with my soul – of that
I can be certain!’ people might have said.
In a curious way, our stories – our feelings – are the limits of our world.
Not our language. Language is simply the sounds we make to express how
we feel about the world. Notice that although the idea of ‘soul’ suffered
from profound logical flaws (‘how does a non-physical thing alter a physical
thing?’), people loved the idea because it made us special and immortal, and
many – to this day – continue to believe it.
‘Thoughts’ are exactly like ‘souls’ – they are a supernatural thing that we
invented to make ourselves feel superior and which today we take for
granted, but which in a few decades’ time we will read about in history
books as being indicative of our hopelessly primitive culture.
I know you are quite sure that thoughts are happening in your head right
now – just as Descartes’ contemporaries would have ‘sensed’ the activity of
their souls. What you mislabel ‘thoughts’ are indeed happening – neurons
are firing and forming connections – but they are feelings, complicated inter-
twined feelings about subtle imaginary things, feelings prompted by the
words on this page, feelings that you can make into sounds, but feelings
But where did Aristotle get the reason story? Plato divides the soul into
three parts (rather than two): reason, spirit and the appetites. In his allegory
of the charioteer, reason (the charioteer) must command two horses, one
pale and noble (spirit) the other dark and unruly (the appetites). Where is
the charioteer headed? You guessed it: the heavens. From the outset it is the
role of reason to conquer the passions and steer us towards the divine.
Much as we do today, Plato views the appetites as irrational reactions
emanating from the lower part of the soul, to be conquered by the alto-
gether more desirable power of reason. The Stoics took it a little further –
seeking to eliminate the emotions altogether – but throughout Western intel-
lectual history the emotions remained a rather shameful reminder of our
animal nature, there to be conquered by the divine power of reason.
The philosophical battle between the Stoics and Aristotelians is acted out
between Mr Spock and Captain Kirk in Star Trek. The Stoic Mr Spock has
12 How People Learn
all but eliminated his pesky emotions, whilst Captain Kirk struggles to mas-
ter his. As we watch their relationship play out over and over again, the
moral of their story is that it is better to have emotions and to master them
than to eliminate them altogether (echoing the Aristotelian line).
Today, this idea of ‘thinking’ as distinct from ‘feeling’ has developed into
an entire cultural mythology. Business people will say things like ‘we need to
set our feelings aside and think objectively’, as if that were something that
were possible. Education people talk about the role of emotion in learning,
as if learning weren’t entirely a matter of emotion; imagine someone saying
‘Cognition plays a really important role in thinking!’ – you’d guess that they
didn’t understand thinking at all.
Science sporadically claims to have discovered the ‘emotional’ centre of
the brain – only to find to their disappointment that emotional states are
inextricably linked to every aspect of cognition. In her book Emotions,
Learning and the Brain the neuroscientist Mary Helen Immordino-Yang
writes: ‘Learning, attention, memory, decision making, motivation, and so-
cial functioning are both profoundly affected by emotion and in fact sub-
sumed within the process of emotion.’6 Subsumed!
In other words, these things that we call cognitive processes are not sim-
ply affected by emotional processes – they are emotional processes! But we
have grown so fond of this dualistic narrative that we can’t quite compre-
hend what we are reading. I sense that even now you are struggling with
what I am saying. Why is that?
We are deeply attached to the idea that humans are somehow superior to
and different from other creatures. We immediately accept the idea that
thinking and emotion are separate in humans – it seems so obvious. We even
imagine that ‘reason’ and ‘emotion’ occupy distinct areas in the brain.
And yet when we turn to non-human animals, and their remarkably sim-
ilar looking brains, it is not at all clear what that might mean. Do you think
the emotion your dog experiences when seeing a squirrel is different from
his thought of a squirrel? Do you think Fido’s episodic and semantic memo-
ries are stored separately? Do you think we could identify distinct ‘reason’
and ‘emotion’ structures in the brain of a rat?
As a rule of thumb this is a good sniff test to apply to any learning theory
that you encounter: can you easily apply it to other animals? Behaviourism
checks out – but how about the andragogy/pedagogy distinction? Do we
think young dogs learn differently to old ones? How about Kolb’s learning
cycle (that suggests learning requires reflection)? Do you think rats spend
much time reflecting?
Cognition 13
I can spot a visceral reaction in you right now: instinctively you feel that
we can’t compare humans and dogs because humans are fundamentally dif-
ferent from dogs somehow. ‘We work differently’, your heart wants to say.
You don’t have a rational basis for this view, it’s counter-Darwinian and
frankly anti-scientific, but it’s a feeling you are attached to. You have been
steeped in this story for decades.
You can quite easily make noises in defence of this view – and perhaps
you will call them ‘rational arguments’ to give them more weight with peo-
ple who are attached to the idea that they are smart and rational, but really
they are just a kind of elaborate barking – a territorial defence.
Part of you probably wants to yell ‘hypocrite!’ – after all, if there is no
distinction between reason and emotion, between thought and feeling, then
why bother writing this book? But look more closely: these words are con-
verted into their corresponding sounds in your head (using a system psy-
chologists call the ‘phonological store’) – each word has a distinct feel to it,
a set of emotional resonances.
Strung together, subtle emotions form complex patterns that we may call
a ‘story’ or an ‘argument’, sometimes even a ‘song’ – all have the power to
move us. My story can move you, just as the bee’s waggle dance moves its
fellow bees. Most likely I am not going to persuade you until I hit on some-
thing that resonates with you – or give an example you can relate to.
Computers and Mr Spock operate logically; we do not.
An altogether more likely prediction is that you are not going to believe
much of what I am saying until it becomes the popular view, i.e. when the
people you care about believe it. At that point you will most likely say: ‘Well,
I thought it was obvious all along’. That is how new ideas are accepted, and
that is the reason why.
But what about ‘the science’!? We like to imagine that reason (in the form
of science) elevates us above the level of the shaman – forgetting that the
history of science is littered with imaginary phenomena: phlogiston, the four
humours, learning styles and so on. Scientists, too, fall in love with ideas,
and once you have become attached to an idea it is pretty easy to find some
evidence for it.
Most people today have a very naïve notion of science, namely that we go
about measuring and observing things, accumulating evidence that tells us
how the world really is. Instead, science is about wild imaginative stories that
we systematically put to the test. All ideas are proven wrong in time, in the
meantime competing narratives battle it out across the decades. In our mod-
ern culture you are infinitely more persuasive if you can pose as rational,
14 How People Learn
The exceptions to this are notable: our brains are great at figuring out if
a projectile is going to hit us (without having to do all the calculations on
paper). Some of the earliest uses of explicit reason and logic were for pre-
dicting seasonal changes – which of course does matter if you are growing
Prior to that, our understanding of the world around us was often ex-
pressed in terms of the character of deities – which is actually a great way to
think about the world if your mental mechanisms are based around senti-
ment. For example, we can say ‘Maria, the goddess of weather, is sad in the
spring and cries a lot’ as a way of encoding the information that, statisti-
cally, precipitation is heavier during spring.
Once people began to trade, writing and mathematics became important
for keeping track of things, but only because we had begun doing something
that no other creature had done before. Isn’t it odd how logic only became
important once we had writing? Logic works well in an alien world – a
technological one. Logic will make you a good computer programmer, but a
poor hunter-gatherer. As I will argue later, logic and reason are not at all
human but instead the way in which an external force acts on us, adapting
us to its ends.
One of the consequences of our story about reason is that we began to
worship logical people. We called them ‘geniuses’ and we thought of them as
people with incredible powers of deduction – often capable of complex
mathematics – who contributed to human progress. But this is a made-up
story. Geniuses are often not super-smart, and super-smart people often lead
dull, bureaucratic lives.
I’d like to finish this chapter by returning to the example I mentioned in
the preface: Charles Darwin was definitely not that smart. He was a college
drop-out. His father wanted him to become a doctor, but Charles found the
studying too difficult so he quit. His dad – determined to make something of
his son – enrolled him on a theological degree which was much easier, and
which Charles managed to pass, but wasn’t really interested in. This is a
familiar story, even today.
What Charles really cared about were rocks and pigeons. He was a bit of
a geek.
The whole Voyage of the Beagle thing was also a red herring. Charles was
just there to keep the captain entertained with lively conversation – pretty
much like the modern-day entertainers on cruise ships. He wasn’t even the
first choice. Since he was sea-sick much of the time, he probably sucked at
that too.
16 How People Learn
The ‘beaks of finches’ story, though poetic, has little to do with his
thoughts around evolution which more likely came about because of his
interest in pigeon-breeding. You see, he spotted that he could significantly
alter his pigeons by breeding them over the course of a few generations and
began to wonder that if he could do that in a few years, what nature might
accomplish in thousands.
In fact, the first edition of On the Origin of Species contained a great deal
of discussion on pigeon-breeding, causing his editor to advise him to drop
all the evolution nonsense – which was a half-baked idea in any case – and
instead publish a book on pigeon-breeding which everyone would have
liked. Charles refused.
Once more – it is not an abundance of thought that makes a person a
genius, it is that they feel differently about the world. Darwin was a geek,
fascinated by breeding birds and old rocks. The young Albert Einstein rumi-
nated over travelling at the speed of light, and though he failed some of his
college courses and was not the best at math (his wife was better and helped
him with some of the trickier proofs), his wild ideas won him acclaim. How
many young men do you know who are wondering about stuff like that?
And Marie Curie – the only person in history to have won two Nobel
Prizes – was decidedly and unashamedly different. She once remarked: ‘Be
less curious about people, and more curious about ideas’. Certainly she was
smart, but in a world where women were actively dissuaded from contribut-
ing to progress, it was her unusual and singular determination that won out:
she cared deeply about things that most people don’t even wonder about.
If you look at how the word ‘genius’ is used commonly today, you will
notice that it is disproportionately associated with a particular type of
thought – mathematical thought. Mathematics is deemed to be the bedrock
of reason, hence ‘geniuses’ are identified principally by their ability to solve
complicated mathematical problems.
America’s smartest man (according to some journalists) is a chap called
Christopher Michael Langan. His IQ is estimated at between 195 and 210
(based on standardized tests of intelligence largely centred around verbal
and mathematical reasoning) – but you have probably never heard of him.
That’s fine, he hasn’t made any significant contribution to society. In fact he
spent 20 years working as a bouncer, and in 2008 won $250,000 on a game-
show. Memorizing facts paid off for him, you might say.
It is not reason, but difference that makes the difference – differences in
the way we feel about and therefore perceive the world. Geniuses may in-
deed be smart people, but that is not what makes them a genius; it is their
Cognition 17
willingness to challenge popular thinking that defines them. For this reason
alone, they become the authors of our future. If we want progress, we must
embrace difference.
If cognition is a thoroughly affective process, what does this do to our
understanding of learning? In the next chapter we will find out.
Key points
●● There is no such thing as thinking. Thinking is just a type of feeling, not a
different kind of cognitive activity.
●● Humans (and other animals) express their feelings using complex
vocalizations, collectively called ‘language’.
●● The principal role of language is storytelling, a technique used to share
feelings with others.
●● Humans use the same mechanisms for learning as do other animals.
●● Conventional educational practices are based on an incorrect
understanding of cognition and learning.
1 R Descartes and A Kenny (1984) The Philosophical Writings of Descartes:
Volume 3, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
2 A C Grayling (2005) Descartes: The life and times of a genius, Walker and
Company, New York
3 A Guerrini. The Ethics of Animal Experimentation in Seventeenth-Century
England, Journal of the History of Ideas, 1989, 50 (3), 391–407
4 J W Pilley and A K Reid. Border collie comprehends object names as verbal
referents, Behavioural Processes, 2011, 86 (2)
5 Or, as I will argue, the reactions those objects elicit.
6 M H Immordino-Yang (2016) Emotions, Learning, and the Brain: Exploring the
educational implications of affective neuroscience, W W Norton & Company
Learning 02
Reactions that change us
‘People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but
people will never forget how you made them feel.’
Maya Angelou
I would have been around 15. I attended a Quaker boarding school in the
South of England. It wasn’t exactly like Hogwarts, but if you’ve never been
to boarding school that’s not a bad approximation.
On Sundays we were allowed to dress as we liked and head into the local
town, riding the bus into the town centre, spending our weekly pocket-
money. It was terribly exciting for lots of reasons. One of those reasons was
My boarding school was almost exclusively boys, with a smattering of
girls in the sixth form. The local town, however, enjoyed something like a
50/50 split. If you are reading this book and not still a teenager, I suspect
you can still remember how important it was to you as a teenager to be cool.
In fact, as far as I can remember, the greater part of my teenage years con-
sisted of trying to figure out how to be cool. Eventually I gave up. Giving up
on being cool is called ‘adulthood’.
At this stage, though, I was still very determined and working on a new
hypothesis entitled ‘colour co-ordination’. I will spare you the technical de-
tails, but broadly speaking the proposition was that being colour-co-ordi-
nated made you more cool – and on this particular Sunday I was going to
put it to the test.
I had purchased all the required equipment: I had green combat trousers,
a green jumper and a green bomber jacket. Heck, I even had green trainers.
There was no doubt about it, I was colour co-ordinated.
I can still remember the street where it happened. There were two girls –
of a similar age to me. Perhaps a bit older. They were walking towards me.
I was feeling pretty cool. I wasn’t expecting them to audibly gasp with ad-
miration at my ensemble, but I was definitely checking for signs of awe. It
did seem that one was looking at me and whispering to her friend. What
might she be saying? Perhaps: ‘Oh my! He’s so cool!’
Learning 19
There are, of course, things that I remember from school – such as maths
classes. Our maths teacher had a big jar of aniseed balls and if it was some-
one’s birthday he would take out the jar and hand them round. Sometimes
we would pretend that it was someone’s birthday and he would play along.
You could see on his face that he knew we were deceiving him and he would
feign surprise – ‘Really? Didn’t Martin have a birthday a few weeks ago?’
We knew he knew, and he knew we knew he knew – and the whole charade
was delightful.
Like you, I remember lots of things from school. Almost none of those
things are the information that I was taught in lessons. I remember no alge-
bra. No differential calculus. I barely recall my times tables – I am still pretty
shaky on 7x8. How many times must I have had to repeat that? 10,000?
History, geography, biology, physics, chemistry and religious studies – all a
big blank. Surely that should strike us as odd; that the formal periods where
learning was supposed to be taking place seem to be far less memorable than
the informal events that were not on the syllabus? Why is that?
What if I told you that everything you thought you knew about memory
and about learning is wrong? Not just slightly wrong but completely and
fundamentally wrong – wrong all the way back to Plato and the ancient
Our basic understanding of learning goes something like this: learning is
the process by which we store information in our heads. We take knowledge
from one source (such as a book or a teacher) and we memorize it, so that
we can recall it later.
In case you think I am setting up a straw man, Merriam-Webster defines
learning (noun) as ‘knowledge or skill acquired by instruction or study’, and
the Oxford English Dictionary defines memory as ‘the faculty by which the
mind stores and remembers information’.
But if we take a definition like this at face value and compare it to our
school days it seems very peculiar: it is not at all clear to me what knowledge
or skills I acquired. I still have a smattering of French, but most of what I
remember isn’t really what you would call ‘knowledge’, and the skills I ac-
quired – such as how to interact with peers, dress like a cool dude or force
myself to run on rainy days – don’t seem to be the same skills that I was
taught (things like dissecting frogs and titration).
In addition to that, I recently went back to my old school – for a school
reunion – and was quite shocked at how inaccurate my memory of the
school was. There was a whole set of tennis courts that I had forgotten ex-
isted. So some of the things I thought I had stored, it turned out I only im-
agined I had stored.
22 How People Learn
60% – 20 mins
Percentage recall
33% – 1 day
25% – 6 days
When Ebbinghaus plotted the results, he found (predictably) that the major-
ity of the nonsense syllables were forgotten in a short space of time. What
Ebbinghaus thought he had discovered was something called the ‘forgetting
curve’, a steep curve that illustrated how information is typically lost from
But he hadn’t. Although he didn’t realize it, he had actually discovered
something far more important: namely that memory is all to do with mean-
ing. He had discovered that information without personal significance is just
‘mental garbage’ to the mind, and is disposed of as quickly as possible. You
do this every day: as you walk along a street, each of the paving slabs, each
brick, is distinct and different in some way – but there’s nothing especially
meaningful about any of them. Any visual impressions you have are quickly
dumped to make way for stuff that matters.
At this point the sensible thing to have done would be to concede that
personal significance is clearly integral to the process of remembering. Had
he introduced meaningful trigrams into his lists – like, for example, FLY or
TEA – he would have discovered that these were far more likely to be re-
called than the nonsense ones, and our story might have ended happily.
But he didn’t. Blinded by his convictions, he went on to investigate means
by which the mind might be forced to retain nonsense. He discovered that
by repeating the meaningless information over and over again, at intervals,
some of it could be retained. He discovered a kind of psychological force-
feeding method. In our paving stone analogy, this would be like forcing
people to walk the same street over and over.
24 How People Learn
If you don’t believe me, I would encourage you to try the following simple
experiment for yourself: in Figure 2.2 is a list much like Ebbinghaus’s, but
with precisely 50 per cent of the trigrams meaningful words and 50 per cent
classic Ebbinghaus trigrams. You are welcome to use this list or create your
own if you prefer.
Either way, I would like you to find an experimental subject (children
work well) and offer them a reward for remembering as many trigrams as
possible in the space of one minute (for example, a cookie for every five that
they remember). Give them a minute to look at the list, then ask them to
recall as many as they can. I’m willing to bet that they remember hardly any
of the meaningless trigrams.
Now of course there are a few different ways to explain the results of this
experiment – there always are – but the simplest is that we preferentially
store information which is meaningful to us, and ignore that which isn’t. I
suspect you would also find that this differs between individuals – that ‘cat
people’ are far more likely to remember the word ‘cat’.
So what Ebbinghaus accomplished was the metaphorical equivalent of
discovering the best way to use a smartphone to hammer in nails: his re-
search was simultaneously accurate and grossly misleading. In other words,
whilst there probably is a best way to hammer in nails with a smartphone,
if you’re doing that in the first place you are a bit of an idiot. And what if
entire volumes were published on hammering in nails with a smartphone –
hundreds of thousands of research articles on the various ways to batter a
nail with a smartphone? Would you find it at all reassuring that people say
their technique is ‘evidence-based’, or would you feel inclined to say ‘Stop
that! It’s ridiculous!’?
Learning 25
It’s also true that brute force methods such as forcing people to see some-
thing over and over again change the way a person feels about it. One version
of this mere exposure effect,7 the ‘familiarity breeds liking’ phenomenon, was
researched by Richard Zajonc and explains why, for example, the population
of Paris went from despising the Eiffel tower to quite liking it.
It may have occurred to the more enlightened among you that perhaps a
more positive approach, such as relating information to some of the other
things that people care about – for example, a desire to help others – would
be much better. I suspect that some of you are reading this paragraph and
taking it in, only because you can see an application to the people in your
care. Alternatively, if you are a salesperson, it may help you to understand
why taking the time to understand what matters to your customer is so
One law remains absolutely unbreakable: one care always builds on an-
other. You may be using a carrot or a stick, but no one ever remembers any-
thing except by virtue of its relationship to the things that matter to them.
Our starting point for the design of any environment designed to help peo-
ple learn must therefore be the individual, and those things that matter most
to them. This, and only this, forms the basis of their learning.
Sadly, what Ebbinghaus ultimately encouraged was ultimately a form of
abuse – he had discovered that you can fit a square peg into a round hole – if
you hit it again, and again, and again (rather than, say, wondering why it
didn’t go in the first time). If you point this out to people who work in educa-
tion they will usually get quite angry and defensive and come up with all
manner of excuses for doing horrible things.
At heart – as we shall see in a bit – this is because people tend to get emo-
tionally attached to conventions, and build a set of justifications around
In every culture, people tell stories. In fact, this is typically a big propor-
tion of the time they spend talking to one another – perhaps as much as
80 per cent.8 In no culture are people routinely required to memorize lists of
meaningless symbols. To imagine that one could discover anything interest-
ing about learning in this way is quite perverse.
Bartlett pointed out that by stripping a stimulus of any personal meaning,
Ebbinghaus had destroyed the very phenomenon – memory – that he was
attempting to investigate.
Frederic Bartlett was an unusual chap. Born in 1886 in a small English
town, Bartlett spent his first 14 years as a ‘normal country boy’, playing
cricket and helping with the harvest, until the age of around 14 when he at-
tended a private primary school. Due to illness he was unable to continue
his schooling, but he began educating himself. At his father’s suggestion, he
signed up for a correspondence course and on completing his degree was
invited to become a tutor at Cambridge, where he went on to take a further
degree at Cambridge University.
He was an atypical student – a country boy mixing with the elite upper-
class, his peers almost exclusively the product of private tutoring. Ten years
later he was to become the director of the Cambridge Laboratory, the most
prestigious centre for psychological research at the time. We forget that even
in early 20th century England, education was still a luxury predominantly
reserved for the elite; everybody else learned just fine without education.
Bartlett’s approach to psychology was heavily influenced by his interest
in anthropology. Whilst Ebbinghaus studied memory, Bartlett studied ‘re-
membering’ which as he saw it, is an active process in which people recon-
struct meaning within their social context. In some of his early experiments
he gave people drawings of military men to remember and questioned them
about them at intervals of 30 minutes, then later, after a week or two.
He noted that things that were particularly interesting to people at the
time (during the First World War) such as pipes, moustaches and cap badges
were more likely to be remembered, and that the expressions on people’s
faces also made a big impact – for example whether someone was smiling or
looked stern.
Bartlett was also interested in something he called ‘conventionalization’ –
the process by which stories from one culture get passed on into another. He
used a process similar to Chinese whispers in which people read a Native
American folk tale entitled The War of the Ghosts, then told the story to
someone else, who in turn told it to someone else.9
Here is the story that they read:
28 How People Learn
One night two young men from Egulac went down to the river to hunt seals,
and while they were there it became foggy and calm. Then they heard
war-cries, and they thought: ‘Maybe this is a war-party’. They escaped to
the shore, and hid behind a log.
Now canoes came up, and they heard the noise of paddles, and saw one
canoe coming up to them. There were five men in the canoe, and they said:
‘What do you think? We wish to take you along. We are going up the river to
make war on the people.’
One of the young men said, ‘I have no arrows.’
‘Arrows are in the canoe,’ they said.
‘I will not go along. I might be killed. My relatives do not know where I
have gone. But you,’ he said, turning to the other, ‘may go with them’.
So one of the young men went, but the other returned home.
And the warriors went on up the river to a town on the other side of
Kalama. The people came down to the water and they began to fight, and
many were killed. But presently the young man heard one of the warriors
say, ‘Quick, let us go home: that Indian has been hit.’ Now he thought: ‘Oh,
they are ghosts’. He did not feel sick, but they said he had been shot.
So the canoes went back to Egulac and the young man went ashore to
his house and made a fire. And he told everybody and said: ‘Behold, I
accompanied the ghosts, and we went to fight. Many of our fellows were
killed, and many of those who attacked us were killed. They said I was hit,
and I did not feel sick.’
He told it all, and then he became quiet. When the sun rose he fell down.
Something black came out of his mouth. His face became contorted. The
people jumped up and cried.
He was dead.
It’s a curious story isn’t it? I wonder how you would retell it if I asked you
to. I’d be willing to bet you wouldn’t forget that ghosts were involved some-
how. Ghosts are quite an exciting topic for a story.
When Bartlett did just this, his findings were nothing like Ebbinghaus’s –
it didn’t matter whether information was presented at the beginning or the
end of the story, and reproduction didn’t follow the forgetting curve pattern.
Instead, with each retelling the story became simplified and conventional-
Learning 29
ized around its dominant features – such as the death of the main character.
Things that people were largely unfamiliar with, such as seal-hunting, be-
came things that people were more familiar with, such as fishing.
In short, Bartlett showed that people process information in terms of the
things that are most meaningful to them. We take images, stories, and we
store them in terms of what matters to us.
Unlike computers or books, living creatures have something at stake in
the world. We are connected to the world via our senses, and by the reac-
tions that those senses engender. Those reactions form the basis of our way
of making sense of the world: they tell us what to care about. So humans do
not store or acquire information in the way that inanimate objects do, as we
have learned by trying to make machines function like people.
Somehow, scientists and laypeople alike acknowledge this feature of
human memory: unlike computer memory or books, our memories are ter-
ribly unreliable. We only remember bits and pieces of the experiences that
we have – and sometimes we even make things up. Mostly, this is fine – we
joke about how poor our memories are – but once in a while it really mat-
ters. For example, when we are witness to a crime.
Steve Titus was a 31-year old restaurant manager, engaged to be married
to Gretchen. One night they went out for a romantic meal and on the drive
home they were pulled over. The police officer had identified their vehicle as
looking similar to one identified as part of a rape case.
A photograph of Steve was shown to the victim, who remarked that, of
the line-up, his was the photo that looked most like the rapist. When Steve
later appeared in court, the victim asserted that she was absolutely sure he
was the rapist, though Steve and his incredulous fiancée and family contin-
ued to protest his innocence. Steve was taken away to jail.
As luck would have it, an investigative journalist tracked down the real
rapist, a man suspected of 50 or so similar crimes in the area, who subse-
quently confessed to the rape.
Steve was released and took the police to court. Consumed with bitter-
ness, anger and the feeling of injustice, Steve lost his job, fiancée and savings.
He obsessed over the case. A few days before the civil proceeding Steve died
of a stress-induced heart attack. He was 35.
At Steve’s trial, psychologist Elizabeth Loftus had argued that Steve had
been a victim of false memory – something that Elizabeth knew a thing or
two about. Prompted by a desire to undertake research in an area that would
be of value to society, she had been studying memory since the 1970s, and
what she had discovered was – frankly – shocking.
30 How People Learn
In her early experiments she had shown participants short films of a ficti-
tious car accident in which two vehicles collided. After watching the films,
she asked her witnesses about the accident, and she would vary the wording
of the questions. Sometimes she would ask the question ‘how fast were the
cars going when they smashed?’ and other times ‘how fast were the cars
going when they contacted?’ Disturbingly, the estimates of speed varied by
almost 10mph, depending on the words used.10
And then she went further. She asked participants about broken glass at
the scene. Participants who had heard the ‘smashed’ question were signifi-
cantly more likely to recall (non-existent) broken glass.
Over the next few decades Elizabeth went on to investigate a whole host
of problems with human memory – she found that not only could memory
be distorted, but completely fictitious memories implanted – for example, a
memory about being lost in a shopping centre as a child.11
A bit like Bartlett, Elizabeth viewed remembering as an active process –
one in which the memory is created. She proposed that two kinds of infor-
mation – information stored at the time of an event, and information after
the event are combined in a reconstruction of events.
I would like to suggest an alternative explanation of her findings – one
which takes this idea a little further and lays bare what I am proposing:
Imagine that you were supposed to go on a school trip to the zoo. But,
being the maverick teenager that you are, you decided to bunk off and go to
the cinema instead. The Ferris Bueller wannabe in you knows you might be
quizzed later on your whereabouts, so you hatch a plan. You ask one of your
friends – who is going on the trip – to take notes, so that you can fabricate
the whole experience if later subjected to interrogation.
Unfortunately your partner in crime turns out to be less than reliable. The
scribbled zoo notes read as follows:
As things turn out, your parents get a tip-off that you might have skipped
the trip, and over dinner they are unusually interested in your day. You curse
your lazy colleague – but your inventiveness knows no bounds. You tell a
plausible story about a zoo in the centre of a spooky forest – pine trees as
far as the eye can see – tigers, lions – oh, and a terrifying giant tarantula.
Learning 31
The cherry on the fabricated cake is the detail around the classmate –
‘I’ve seen him around, but I don’t know his name’ – who threw up in the
trash (probably as a reaction to the terrible zoo food). Your story is so con-
vincing that you almost believe you were there yourself. In fact, years later,
you actually believe that you went on that trip to the zoo.
The affective context model makes a radical claim about memory: we
don’t actually remember any of the experiences that happen to us. Instead,
we store our reactions to those events – how they made us feel – and these
reactions are used to ‘conjure up’ a memory when needed.
Let me repeat that: you don’t actually remember anything, you just store
how things made you feel, and you use those emotional imprints to create
memories on demand.
This is different from Elizabeth’s account, as it suggests that no sensory
information about experiences is encoded at the time of an event – only our
reaction to those experiences. Emotional reactions are the building blocks of
your memories, and your thoughts. Every last one of them is nothing more
than a complex pattern of affective responses.
You might think that this is a preposterous claim – how could you recon-
struct all the detail that you do, just by using your emotional reactions?
Well, for starters, are you really aware of just how much detail you actually
store – or is your mind tricking you? Try this: draw a five-pound note (or ten
dollar bill) from memory. Resist the temptation to look it up, or produce
one. Just draw what you remember. Chances are, you will be shocked by
how inaccurate your memory is.
Try something else with which you are intimately familiar – such as, for
example, the front of your house. There is a good chance that you won’t
even get the number of windows correct.
In 2016 the company gave 156 Americans the challenge of
drawing famous brand logos from memory – Starbucks, for example.12
Again, you can try it yourself if you like. The results reveal shocking verging
on obscene levels of inaccuracy for many of the participants. Pretty much
the only thing they consistently got right was the colour green and the pres-
ence of a woman.
and information – how these make you feel. These reactions are the things
that thoughts and memories are made up of. By ‘emotional reactions’, I
don’t mean happy, sad, etc, but all the subtle and largely unconscious emo-
tional reactions you have to events.
For example I imagine you would agree that you have different emotional
reactions to different haircuts, or to the sound of a bluebottle, a bumblebee
and a mosquito – but you would struggle to categorize these in simple ‘happy/
sad’ terms. The sound of a mosquito is a very specific feeling – which is why
you have a specific set of words for it: ‘the sound of a mosquito’.
Once again, the affective context model proposes that as you experience
events, the events themselves are not encoded; instead, your reactions to
those events – for example to the colour green, or to the presence of a
woman – are stored, and these feelings are then used to build a memory on
demand. This emotional trace may then activate the same neurological re-
gions involved in originally perceiving the stimulus – effectively ‘recreating’
a version of it.
These versions tend to have huge mistakes visually-speaking, but are af-
fectively sufficiently accurate. This accounts for the context-sensitivity of
memory;16 we may not recognize a ‘scary’ schoolteacher at the supermarket,
where they seem far less intimidating.
I believe this is a good account of memory function because all the sorts
of things that you would expect to happen to a system that works like this do
in fact happen with human memory. Emotions tend to fade over time (unless
they are especially strong), they get confused with similar feelings, they are
easier to retrieve when you feel similarly, when you retrieve them they are
affected by how you are feeling right now, and, last but not least, they are
vague and unreliable.
You might wonder why we don’t remember more details of movies –
which are invariably emotive. One reason is that we have stronger responses
to experiences that are happening to us personally than those we are wit-
nessing cinematically, but a more important factor is that our affective re-
sponses take into account what matters to us.
For example, we may watch a nail-biting account of an ascent of Everest,
but unless we are planning on making the ascent ourselves it is merely enter-
taining. It is not a reaction that needs to be stored. You can see an actor
behaving violently in a movie, and that impacts you very differently to see-
ing a person behaving violently in your train carriage during your morning
commute. Our emotional reactions register relevance.
34 How People Learn
Strange as this idea may seem, there is a growing body of support for it
from the realm of neuroscience. In his book The Strange Order of Things,
the neuroscientist Antonio Damasio remarks: ‘In the march toward the
human cultural mind, the presence of feelings would have allowed homeo-
stasis to make a dramatic leap because they could represent mentally the
state of life within the organism.’17 Antonio argues that creatures took a big
step forward when they became able to represent what they are experienc-
ing, with feelings.
I should point out that the affective context model is sometimes misrep-
resented as saying: ‘Emotions are very important to learning’, or, even worse,
‘Make stuff fun if you want it to be memorable’. People say that because
they still have this Cartesian idea of feeling and thinking as separate pro-
But this is not what the affective context model is saying at all – it states
that as you move through the world, it is only your emotional states that are
recorded, and that these emotional states are sufficient to reconstruct your
experiences as memories. Your emotional reactions are to memory what let-
ters are to words: they are what memories are made of, quite literally.
You wouldn’t say: ‘If you are writing a book, you should consider using
some letters of the alphabet!’ This would be nonsense – what you write is
the letters.
Understanding the affective context model is a bit like looking closely at
every object in the world and discovering they are all made up of Lego
bricks (or atoms). Your affective reactions are the letters that your experi-
ences, and your thoughts, are written in.
If you are or have been a teacher you will recognize certain moments of
tension in your work: namely, when your students want to talk about one
thing but you feel duty-bound to press on with the lesson ‘otherwise we
won’t get through it all’. This is the definitive tension in teaching – the dif-
ference between education and learning, one might say.
If you care at all about your students, you will probably experience some
twinge of regret at these moments because at some level you realize that
pressing on with the stuff the system cares about, at the expense of what
your students care about, is the very opposite of learning. It is actively shut-
ting down their learning.
We are so used to thinking of emotions as one of the things that happens
in your head that we struggle to think of them as the only thing that is hap-
pening in your head. Imagine that you are standing with a friend watching
someone play a sophisticated computer game. ‘It’s amazing to think,’ you
remark, ‘that this program is all just 1s and 0s’. Your friend turns to you in
astonishment: ‘Well, I guess some of the basic maths might be 1s and 0s but
I’m pretty sure the rest is much more complicated’.
But your friend is wrong: however complex a computer program may
seem, it can ultimately be reduced to patterns of 1s and 0s. This is machine
It might seem that ‘feelings’ might not be complex enough to give rise to
the richness of memory but just like our computer program – or our DNA
(or vision) – amazingly complex things can arise from simple building
blocks. Machine code is written in 1s and 0s; human code is written in feel-
ings. There is no distinction between thought and feeling after all.
Some people imagine that we think in words – but we know for certain
that this isn’t true; people’s thoughts are formed before they speak, and peo-
ple with no language can still think.18 Turns out, we think in feelings.
Probably we have this in common with most creatures. Words are just how
those feelings sound. Words are just the names we give to feelings. Our feel-
ings are more flexible than most mammals’, and so are our sounds.
Once again, the relationship between thoughts and feelings is like that
between a painting and patches of colour. A painting is made up of patches
of colour. A thought is made up of feelings. Words are like the names we give
to paintings – like ‘Mona Lisa’. We speak a word, and it summarizes and
communicates a pattern of feelings that comprise a thought. I can do it
now – I can say ‘dog’ and your feelings about dogs are activated, and your
mind generates a kind of blurry mental image from them.
36 How People Learn
If we are thinking about memory and learning, we must accept that dif-
ferent people will remember experiences differently. No one is merely ‘stor-
ing information’. We are not books or computers. We react to things. We
store those reactions. Those stored reactions change our behaviour. We dis-
regard this feature of human memory at our peril; merely exposing people
to information risks them having no strong reaction at all – in which case
they will most probably describe it as ‘boring’ or ‘irrelevant’ and will be
unlikely to remember it, still less to act on it.
People struggle with the idea that our minds don’t store information – it
seems very counter-intuitive. They know that the brain rewires itself in re-
sponse to external stimuli, and that memory somehow retrieves events from
the past – so it seems logical to assume that the brain stores information. But
it’s important to be emphatic about this, because this is where education
goes wrong: with the idea that the mind is like a box into which we can
transfer knowledge.
To see where this idea leads us astray, imagine that a friend offers to store
something of importance to you. ‘I have a special storage box’ he says. ‘I can
store something important for you’. You give him a spare house key. Some
months later, you lose your own house key, and you turn to your friend for
help. But, to your horror, when you open the special box, it is empty. Your
key isn’t there.
However, the box is lined with a kind of plasticine and, in the bottom of
the box, the imprint of your key is visible. You take this to a locksmith and
he is able to reconstruct your key. Did the box store your key or not?
This analogy is helpful in understanding other features of human mem-
ory: certain things are not going to be stored very well by the box – a feather,
for example. A feather is simply too light to leave an impression. For you
and I, this corresponds to boring events – they are simply too ‘light’ to leave
much of an impression.
The box won’t store paintings well – I mean it will store the outline of the
frame, but not what is painted on the canvas. It isn’t designed to do that.
This is like long numbers – if a friend says: ‘This password is really impor-
tant’, and then proceeds to give you 26 numbers to remember, then the
chances are you will remember that he told you an important password –
but you won’t remember what it was.
In this analogy the plasticine is our emotional reactions to things. Unlike
plasticine, our emotional reactions change over time, so that the sorts of
things that leave an impression will be unique to you, and very subtle.
Learning 37
According to the affective context model we start out in life with some
simple emotional reactions to things – for example smiles and faces, which
delight us automatically.19 We prefer attractive faces. Other things may scare
us from the outset. But very soon we start to refine our feelings. We have a
simple repertoire of sounds to reflect these feelings – when a child laughs or
cries, everyone understands how it feels. Mothers can even distinguish the
significance of different types of cries.
As social animals we have an in-built sensitivity to other’s feelings20 (and
people across cultures have no difficulty recognizing some expressions).21
Laughter is contagious, and public shame is painful. As an example, I was
once at a comedy club where every joke the comedian used fell flat. After a
few minutes, he started to go to pieces. For the first time I truly understood
the expression ‘to die on stage’ – I was so overwhelmed with the feeling of
embarrassment for him that I struggled not to get to my feet and drag him
physically from the stage to avoid further humiliation.
This same mechanism works at a more subtle level to shape our personal-
ity. If, for example, we have a parent who flies into a panic whenever a wasp
approaches, we quickly learn to react in the same way to buzzing objects –
wasps, bees, even flies. Our emotional responses tend to mirror those of
others. Over time we may come to refine our reactions – responding differ-
ently to bees than to wasps, for example.
This is presumably why infants are so attentive to faces; faces are the mir-
ror in which they can see the world. Seeing the world is not really what’s
important to them – they need to see how people react to the world. That,
and only that, will enable them to see it as they should.
To give another example, an infant might initially be startled by a dog.
However, over time not only do they learn to react positively to dogs, they
develop different emotional reactions to different breeds.
Pause for a second and consider my earlier question: do you feel the same
when you hear the sound of a mosquito as you do when you hear the sound
of a fly? I’m pretty sure you don’t. How exactly does the feeling differ? If I
say the words ‘sausage dog’ and ‘German shepherd dog’, you have different
feelings in reactions to those sounds – feelings that you use to conjure up an
image. Could you say exactly how those feelings differ?
If someone passed you in the rain with a bright pink umbrella with spots,
you might remember it later. This suggests that you have a distinct emo-
tional reaction to umbrellas, to bright pink, and to spots – but I imagine you
38 How People Learn
Initial Learned
Stimulus reaction reaction
would struggle to put into words exactly how these things make you feel.
And, frankly, you don’t need to – you put those feelings into words by say-
ing ‘spotty, bright pink umbrella’. All our words are feeling words.
The affective context model suggests that we have subtle affective re-
sponses to all of the things that matter to us in the world. Once again, I am
sure that you feel differently about different haircuts – but could you say
exactly how these feelings differ or why? As we saw in the previous chapter
we might think that we lack the words to describe the subtle variations we
experience in our feelings towards objects – but in fact this is precisely what
our vocabulary does – it describes sets of feelings: ‘chair’ describes the feel-
ing that something might be appropriate for sitting. ‘Mohawk’ describes a
particularly striking and non-conformist hairstyle.
One of the interesting consequences of this is that ‘if you don’t feel it, you
don’t see it’. As someone almost entirely oblivious to social cues, I routinely
have the kind of conversation which goes something like:
At face value it might seem difficult to understand how emotions give rise to
the richness and sophistication of our mental life: here, again, a good meta-
phor might be the human retina. The human retina is configured to detect
patches of light of different wavelengths. But as we develop, we learn to
Learning 39
perceive these patches of light as objects, and our visual experience develops
a richness and depth that goes way beyond ‘patches of light’. So it is with
our emotional reactions.
As I say, one consequence of the way in which our emotional reactions
are conditioned is that different people ‘see’ different things, depending on
what they feel strongly about. You and a friend may both take the same
train journey – but if your friend is an expert in plants and you are an expert
in architecture, you may recall very different things. You may tell an entire
story about the intriguing variety of architectural styles (whilst your friend
only saw ‘buildings’). On the other hand, your friend may relate the shifting
patterns of plant types in detail, while you only saw trees and bushes.
This point turns out to be very important in education: two students sit-
ting in the same class may hear and remember very different things, de-
pending on what they care about (their ‘concerns’). The only way you could
design a truly effective educational programme would be to start by under-
standing what concerns each individual, since this determines what they
will remember.
We can confidently predict that students who are subjected to a barrage
of information that they perceive as ‘irrelevant’ (for example, not on the
test) will be more likely to forget it – and for this very specific reason, learner-
centricity must be placed at the heart of any educational design process.
decision. A child learns to react in the same way the people around them
react; copying their parents and their peers.
We are curiously elaborate creatures: we start out like many mammals,
caring about pain, food, sex, status, family and fairness – and we end up
caring about recycling plastic. ‘Learning’ is the name we give to this shaping
of our concerns. ‘Education’ might describe the intentional shaping of con-
cerns, were we not busy trying to get people to memorize facts.
It’s important to note that a person’s ‘concerns’ are not the same as their
‘motivations’. I’ve noticed, just as Bartlett did, that language has a curious
‘conventionalizing’ effect. If you try to say something new, you have to use
new words or familiar words in new ways – like ‘concern’. But people will
quickly translate these into something more conventional.
So it is that some people come to the conclusion that ‘affective context’ is
just a fancy way of saying: ‘Motivation is important in learning’ – where-
upon they can nod sagely and say: ‘Of course – but other things are impor-
tant too’.
Motivations are important, but they are only a small part of our con-
cerns. If I am standing talking to you, and I suddenly develop a nosebleed,
you will remember that for a while and most likely tell a story about it. But
it would be odd to say that you are ‘motivated’ by nosebleeds. You are con-
cerned about them, for sure. The reason you remember that the Starbucks
logo is green, is because you are concerned about the colour green (not
‘motivated’ by it).
Imagine a whole jungle of concerns in your head – an undiscovered con-
tinent teeming with life. ‘Motivations’ is just the name we give to some of
the taller mountains. ‘Concern’ is a word I use to describe anything that you
have a reaction to.
The distinction I am trying to draw is a bit like that between ‘weather’ and
‘atmosphere’. When people talk about ‘emotions’ they are usually referring to
gross emotional states – like anger or surprise. These states are like weather
systems – typhoons or warm fronts. I am talking about atmosphere – the sys-
tem that sustains all life, just as affect sustains all cognition. We can suppress
a person’s gross emotional state – but affective context is still the basic pro-
cessing language that the brain uses.
In the days when I was teaching, I used to spend a lot of time telling stu-
dents information that they would write down in their notebooks so that
they could immediately forget it, and later memorize it for the sake of pass-
ing exams that they were scared about. Oftentimes they would voice this
concern by saying ‘Sir, will this be on the test?’ Much of it seemed dull to
them, I am sure.
Learning 41
On one occasion, I was working my way through the part of the curricu-
lum that dealt with abnormal psychology. It was a hot summer day, and my
students were bored and distracted. I started talking about bipolar disorders
and treatments.
A hand went up. One of the quieter students suddenly had a lot of ques-
tions. They wanted to know about different treatments and side-effects. A
conversation ensued. It turned out they had a close relative who had been
diagnosed with bipolar disorder, and wanted to know much more about
what might help.
The things that people care about shape what they remember and what
they learn. Had I spontaneously combusted, all the students would have
remembered that (people catching on fire unexpectedly is pretty much an
innate concern), but it seemed a bit far to go to get their attention.
So now you know how memory and cognition work. It is hard to over-
state the significance of this shift in perspective. It overturns a way of think-
ing that dates back to Plato – a world in which reason and emotion were
considered separate. What I am saying is that every thought you have is
comprised of emotional reactions. Thoughts are feelings, and our words
simply summarize a complex pattern of feelings. When we use words, we
communicate those feelings, and we know what they mean because we grow
up together. In essence, we operate in the same way that rats and cats do: it
is not that we have thoughts and they don’t; it is just that our feelings are a
bit more complex and malleable.
In sum: our thoughts are made up of feelings, our experience is made up
of feelings, our memory is made up of feelings, our decisions are made up of
feelings (yes even, and especially, ‘rational’ business decisions and legal ones,
as we shall discuss later), our perception is made up of feelings. Thinking is
feeling. Thinking is feeling.
From an educational standpoint, there is very little point in asking people
what they think they should learn – or what they think other people should
learn. They will likely come up with a list of topics and a plausible-sounding
rationale, but the result will not be a curriculum that has the desired out-
A much better starting point is to understand what they care about: tak-
ing time to talk to someone (e.g. via a mentoring/coaching relationship), or
to observe them, or to get them to tell stories are all approaches that are
likely to reveal the things that matter to someone. This is the only effective
way to start helping someone develop, by asking: ‘What do you care about?’
42 How People Learn
Imagine that you are a participant in this experiment: you are presented
with four decks of cards. Your goal is to win as much money as possible.
Each deck contains a mix of cards that will either reward you or punish you.
What you don’t know is that some decks contain more reward cards and
some more punish cards. The question is – how quickly will you figure out
which are the ‘bad decks’?
Most participants pick cards at random, taking about 40–50 turns to
figure out which are the bad decks. What’s interesting, though, is that meas-
ures of galvanic skin response (similar to that used in lie detectors) show
that participants are already nervous when their hands hover over the ‘bad
decks’ – after only ten trials! In other words, they have unconsciously
learned to feel anxious far quicker than they have consciously figured out
the problem. The experiment suggests that at least some of our learning
mechanisms operate at an unconscious, non-verbal level.
What if the way you feel about everything, and the relationship between
those feelings, is largely handled at an unconscious level?
In 1998 psychologists Anthony Greenwald and Mahzarin Banaji came up
with a way to test people’s implicit (unconscious) memories, and the asso-
ciations between memories that people weren’t aware of.24 They created
something like a computer game in which you had to sort words into col-
umns. A word would appear in the middle of your screen and – as quickly
as possible – you would have to drag it to the column on the left (for exam-
ple titled ‘Women-Strong’) or the column on the right (for example titled
‘Men-Weak’), depending on where you felt the word best belonged.
What they found is that when the columns were titled in line with our
biases (for example ‘Men-Strong’, ‘Women-Weak’) people sorted the items
much quicker. The same method was used to check for all manner of im-
plicit biases and stereotypes; for example, it showed that in an average sam-
ple around 70 per cent of adults have a preference for white people over
black people.25
In the vast majority of cases, people who were shown to have implicit
biases were not consciously aware of those biases.
The implicit association test suggests two things: first, the way that we
feel about things may well be processed unconsciously. Second, there are
relationships between the way we feel about things, of which we are not
But I can understand if you feel a reluctance to accept a completely new
model of how your mind works. People grow accustomed to a way of think-
ing, and have an instinctive defensiveness around the conventions that they
44 How People Learn
have grown up with. People have a tendency to ‘bark at things they don’t
recognize’ – they just make more complicated sounds.
When it was first introduced, Darwin’s Theory of Evolution was criti-
cized as being ‘just a hypothesis’. It was true – it lacked any evidential sup-
port whatsoever. People raged at it or laughed at it; it seemed ridiculous –
was Charlie really suggesting that my great-great-great-grandmother was a
monkey? How preposterous! Look at this cartoon of him as a gibbon! Ha
ha ha!
But what Darwin’s theory had in its favour was explanatory power: there
were many peculiar things that evolution could explain – fossils for
example – that the prevailing theory could not (although attempts were
made: ‘God put them there to test our faith’, etc).
people with a list of dull words and exciting ones, they are more likely to
remember the exciting ones.
It explains why two people may have the same experience, but recall very
different things. Psychologists have long known that memory is an active
process, not a passive one, but have lacked an explanatory framework for
describing the ways in which memory is active.
It also explains why memory is context-sensitive.27 Computer memory
isn’t context sensitive: you can take your laptop back to your old school and
it works just the same – whilst for you the memories come flooding back.
This also hints at why students perform best when taking a test in the same
room in which they learned, or why people who are depressed tend to re-
member negative events and not positive ones.
Your general emotional state can seriously affect your ability to remem-
ber things – you can even be so panicked that you can’t recall how to do the
simplest things. You can get up on stage to give a speech you’ve rehearsed a
hundred times, only to have the whole thing vanish from your mind.
Recalling our school days, we can also begin to see why we remember
enthusiastic teachers (or terrifying ones) and the people who cared about us.
When a teacher makes an effort to relate information to something that
matters to us – something that is relevant – this has been shown to improve
Other mnemonic techniques that can improve recall for boring informa-
tion involve imagining bizarre or emotive scenes – the stranger the better.
When designing learning, we should bear in mind that if learning takes place
in an emotional state very different to that in which recall may occur (e.g.
emergency situations), then the individual may be unable to recall much in
the heat of the moment.
It explains why, when we recall information, the mistakes we make tend
to be ‘affective substitution’ – i.e. we recreate experiences with elements that
‘feel’ the same. We may remember tigers instead of leopards – and we might
imagine that our most feared schoolteacher resembled Miss Trunchbull
from the Roald Dahl Matilda story.
In an extension of this effect, metaphor and creativity involve affective
substitution. When Wordsworth writes ‘I wandered lonely as a cloud’, it
makes sense only because we can compare our feeling of being isolated with
how we react to a cloud alone in the sky. It is important to note that these
two things are not being compared on the basis of what they mean (seman-
tic substitution), but on the basis of how they feel.
This, in a nutshell, is the essence of creativity – being able to compare
things in terms of how they make us feel. It enables us to write poetry, tell
46 How People Learn
jokes, match our mood to a piece of music – and it’s the reason why computers
will never be able to do these things. Sure, they can copy us – even fool us –
but there will always be a difference between you and your shadow.
Now that we have a shiny new model of how people work, let’s take it for a
spin. Here’s an everyday tale of ordinary folk – see if you can use the
affective context model to understand what is going on inside Mary’s head
as she starts her day.
Mary is annoyed that the 7:05 from Bracknell is cancelled. By the time
the 7:35 arrives there are twice as many people waiting for the train.
Learning 47
More people get on with each stop, and by the time they get to
Richmond the train is horribly overcrowded. There are shouts of: ‘Can you
move down please!’
As the doors are closing, a man carrying a latte jumps on the train. He
spills some on another commuter. A heated argument ensues, escalating to
the point where one of the men shoves the other hard, causing him to fall
backwards into a woman with a pram. A third man intervenes, and two
other commuters attempt to calm things down.
When Mary arrives at work, she immediately re-tells the story to Joe.
She likes Joe. ‘You won’t believe my train journey today!’ she begins.
‘They cancelled my train, so by the time I got the 7:35 I was absolutely
fuming – then it got so crowded that peoples’ faces were pressed up
against the windows. We got to Twickenham and this bloke spilled his
coffee all over this other bloke – I mean, he was drenched! – and then they
were yelling and shouting at each other…’
‘Oh my God!’ says Joe. ‘That sounds crazy! Did someone kick off?’
‘Yes!’ Mary continues. ‘This bloke punched the other bloke, and then he
knocked this lady’s pram over – I mean, it was just horrifying…’
‘Wow. Was there like a whole crowd of people involved?’
‘Absolutely – loads of people – they were holding this bloke back and
yelling… anyway, it was complete madness.’
I hear stories like this all the time – probably you do too. You might think
that nothing especially remarkable is happening here; it’s just a fairly
mundane slice of morning chit-chat to start the day. But lift the bonnet on
this engine, and what you will see is far more interesting.
As she makes her way to work, Mary encodes her reactions to events
according to the extent to which they impact the things she cares about.
She recalls that it was a cold day (so she decided to wear her coat). The
frustration caused by the lateness of the train was memorable – but she
couldn’t have told you the number of the train. During the journey any
number of things were visible through the carriage windows – none of
which she encoded.
The dramatic events relating to the altercation were remembered by
most people in the carriage, however; especially since in British culture
such exchanges aren’t commonplace.28 They make for a good story, and
people like to hear a good story. Like all of us, Mary is travelling through life,
fishing for memorabilia.
In reconstructing the story, Mary uses emotional imprints and pre-
existing affective models of fights on trains, discarding details that had no
48 How People Learn
One of the problems we have to solve before we go any further is the differ-
ence between the terms ‘education’ and ‘learning’. They are radically differ-
ent things – so much so that education is almost the opposite of learning.
But people have fallen into using them as if they mean the same, and this has
buried learning.
Now that we have an understanding of learning, we can see how far edu-
cation has drifted from it, and what we might have to do to resurrect learn-
ing and re-introduce it to education.
Key points
●● Learning is not knowledge transfer.
●● The affective context model is the first general theory of learning.
●● According to the model, we store our affective reactions to experiences
and use these to reconstruct them.
●● A person’s motivations are only a part of their broader set of concerns.
●● A learner’s concerns (their ‘affective context’) will determine what they
remember and how they remember it.
●● This process is largely unconscious.
●● Learning is defined as ‘a change in behaviour or capability as a result of
●● Memory is defined as ‘the encoding of an affective response to an
experience, which allows that experience to be reconstructed’.
50 How People Learn
1 Horrible Histories. Horrible Histories – Stupid Deaths | Compilation (online
video), 5 September 2019, (archived
at (Heraclitus appears at 11:46)
2 N I Eisenberger et al. Does rejection hurt: an fMRI study of social exclusion,
Science, 2003, 302, 290–2
3 Size of The Training Industry, 29 March 2021,
industry/ (archived at
4 H Ebbinghaus (1885/1913) Memory: A contribution to experimental
psychology, Teachers College, Colombia University, New York
5 A variant of which is called ‘spaced repetition’.
6 J L McGaugh (1993) Memory and Emotion: The making of lasting memories,
Columbia University Press, New York
7 R B Zajonc. Attitudinal effects of mere exposure, Journal of Personality and
Social Psychology, 1968, 9 (2, Pt.2), 1–27
8 N Emler (1994) Gossip, reputation, and social adaptation. In R F Goodman
and A Ben-Ze’ev, Good Gossip, University of Kansas Press, Lawrence, KS
9 F C Bartlett (1932/1995) Remembering: A study in experimental and social
psychology, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
10 E Loftus and J C Palmer. Reconstruction of automobile destruction: An
example of the interaction between language and memory, Journal of Verbal
Learning and Verbal Behavior, 1974, 13 (5), 585–9
11 E Loftus. Lost in the mall: Misrepresentations and misunderstandings, Ethics
& Behavior, 1999, 9 (1), 51–60
12 Branded in memory: 1500 drawings reveal our ability to remember
famous logos, undated, (archived at
13 D O Hebb (1949) The Organization of Behaviour, Wiley & Sons, New York
14 S M Kosslyn, W L Thompson, I J Kim and N M Alpert. Topographical
representations of mental images in primary visual cortex, Nature, 1995, 378,
15 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging – a brain scanning technique used to
monitor activity in the brain.
16 D R Godden and A D Baddeley. Context-dependent memory in two natural
environments: Land and underwater, British Journal of Psychology, 1975, 66,
17 A Damasio (2018) The Strange Order of Things: Life, feeling and the making
of cultures, Pantheon Books
18 E Fedorenko and R Varley. Language and thought are not the same thing:
evidence from neuroimaging and neurological patients, Annals of the New
York Academy of Sciences, 2016, 1,369 (1), 132–53
Learning 51
Education 03
The great learning prevention scheme
‘People won’t care how much you know until they know how much
you care.’
It turns out there are many Pi instructors, as they are needed by the educa-
tion system.
The more you investigate, the more things strike you as very odd about
this system.
First, it doesn’t seem likely that a person’s ability to memorize Pi would
be a very good way to choose them for a job. Second, if people forget most
of their learning, it’s not clear why it is worth teaching them in the first
place. Finally, watching the younglings in the classroom it is clear that many
really struggle with the tasks of memorizing Pi – and it is hard to escape the
conclusion that what is going on is really some kind of torture designed to
make the younglings dull and compliant (and that this is the true purpose of
the system).
When you speak to the younglings, you find that a few of them do quite
like memorizing Pi, some of them like the teacher, but the majority are much
more interested in things like dinosaurs, dance and Mootball (a Martian
game similar to football). The most common response to how they feel
about school is that it is ‘boring’.
Something else you discover is that in the alien culture there is lots of
scientific evidence about the most effective ways to get younglings to memo-
rize Pi; entire journals are published on the subject under the title The
Science of Learning. It doesn’t seem to you that this is really evidence about
learning per se – since memorizing numbers isn’t the kind of thing that
learning processes evolved to do – in either our species or theirs. Storing
information is the kind of thing that a book or a computer does perfectly,
but a creature very badly. You wonder if the ‘educational’ research really has
anything to do with learning at all.
At the end of your visit you make the mistake of mentioning your misgiv-
ings to your alien host. Somewhat miffed, they enquire: ‘Well, how do you
educate your younglings?’ In a conciliatory tone you explain that the human
educational approach is much the same, but that the curriculum is broader –
algebra, chemistry, history, etc. It is only when your host asks how much of
this your students go on to use that you realize your error. You realize that
we do exactly the same thing.
These days there is no shortage of people who feel that there is something
wrong with the education system – everyone from billionaire entrepreneurs
to 20-something rappers can hold forth on how broken it is. But no one has
a clear idea of how to fix it.
Worst of all, the people who think the system is broken often cling to this
‘knowledge retention’ assumption about the mind: they intuitively feel that
54 How People Learn
the mind is a bit like a computer or a book or a slate on which you can store
facts. So when you press these people and ask them to describe the way an
educational system should work, they eventually fall back on something
resembling the conventional ‘knowledge transfer’ model, since they are un-
able to imagine what else learning could be if it is not getting people to store
information in their heads.
I’m not just talking about your run-of-the-mill celebrities; I mean the very
best educational theorists we have to offer still think learning is something
like memorizing facts.
Intuitively, letting people learn what they want to learn seems appealing –
and some people have indeed experimented with ‘exploratory learning’ – but
overall the education system has concluded that this approach is no better
than having people sit in rows, writing stuff down.
You might wonder how they arrived at this conclusion – to which the
answer is they had both groups sit traditional exams, which consist of re-
calling facts you have memorized. It’s worth pausing to reflect on what a
ridiculous thing that is to do: in our aliens example, it would be like saying:
‘When we allowed people to learn freely, we discovered they didn’t memo-
rize Pi to as many places – so we concluded learning freely is not effective!’
You might challenge me here: ‘So how should we assess learning?’ To
which I would respond that since we can’t observe neural changes directly
(for the most part), we should assess it the same way we do with other crea-
tures, by looking at what they can do. We might then have a lively discussion
about the sorts of things people should be able to do – but almost certainly
none of these would be regurgitating information onto exam papers.
In essence, the problem is that people have accepted Cartesian thinking,
in which we should be able to learn like computers, and therefore think that
learning is all about storing knowledge in our heads. This hidden assump-
tion surfaces in popular sci-fi movies, like The Matrix, where someone plugs
a cable into the back of your head and instantly you ‘know Kung Fu’ – or
where someone’s brain has been boosted by a chemical and you need merely
flip the pages of a dictionary to ‘learn a language’.
This is how computers work, after all – you download the program, and
instantly they can do something new. This philosophical aspiration, to be
like a computer, runs deep. I am sorry to disappoint you, but this is never
going to happen.
Why? Well, compare this with the description of learning I gave in the
previous chapter, where every change in your neural wiring comes as the
result of an emotional reaction to events around you. This is how children
Education 55
learn a language. An accurate sci-fi movie would therefore need to have you
learn a language by reliving the entire life of a child (say up to the age of 12)
growing up in a foreign country.
How would that work exactly? Compare the nutty idea that if you
wanted to watch a movie and only had one minute, you could run it at 100x
speed to watch it anyway. It doesn’t work! The brain doesn’t work like that.
The idea that we might work like that comes from computers which we
know have some kind of internal clock, that sometimes we can just run
faster to get the same result in a shorter time.
Now, there’s nothing wrong with the idea that one day you might have a
device that you stick in your ear that does the language translation for you
(like the Babel fish from The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy), but you
haven’t learned a new language – in fact, the opposite: the device has pretty
much eliminated any chance that you will learn the language. It has elimi-
nated the need to learn.
If that scenario sounds strikingly familiar, that is because that is precisely
what technology does for us: it eliminates the need to learn, it externalizes
knowledge and capability. You could even have a chip installed in your
brain that contains all the content in Wikipedia, and the ability to use your
brainwaves to navigate to the topic you are interested in. But you will still
need to read it. It will be only marginally quicker than what we do today, on
our screens.
Let me be clear: if you don’t live it, you don’t learn it. This is also true of
learning a second language sitting in a classroom: language learning systems
present us with ‘echoes’ of the emotional context that we would experience
if learning it for real. ‘You are in a boulangerie, you wish to order some
croissants,’ etc. There is no shortcut, any more than you can sleep with a
French dictionary under your pillow and wake up a fluent French speaker.
Because people are stuck with the Cartesian knowledge transfer model, it
is impossible for an educational revolution to take place – however many
people are dissatisfied with the current system. Until we understand learn-
ing, we will be using the wrong yardstick for measuring success. People will
continue to moan about the current system, without being able to offer up
a sensible alternative – in fact, bad alternatives will continue to spring up
like toxic toadstools.
This volatile mixture – widespread dissatisfaction with education, cou-
pled with a near-complete lack of vision regarding alternatives – has created
a space in which all manner of terrible ideas attract investment: virtual class-
rooms, massive open online course (MOOCs), e-learning, micro-learning…
56 How People Learn
ently complain that education is poor preparation for the world of work.
But they are not.
Instead, much of the education industry is busy dreaming up ways of
using mobile devices to do the same terrible things that never worked be-
fore – pushing out little bits of content and testing people, rather than talk-
ing to people about the useful stuff they might develop (resources) to help
them do their jobs (user-centred learning design).
Ironically the very things that give learning professionals their sense of
identity – instructional design, knowledge transfer, learning theory – are
preventing them from making a contribution. So it is this shift of perspec-
tive – towards helping people rather than dumping content on them – that
needs to take place. No amount of technology or marketing will fix a bro-
ken model. Artificial intelligence (AI) and virtual reality (VR) will not prove
more effective ways of dumping content. If we want to improve education,
we need to understand learning.
Smart educators intuitively grasped that something was wrong, and
found ways to make students care (by making information personal or rel-
evant, through sheer enthusiasm, or by bringing it to life in other ways) – but
the system as a whole resorted to violence: canings and threats, and when
these things were prohibited – tests. Tests, whose sole purpose is to make
people feel anxious enough to remember. A cheap way to make people care.
The upshot is that we have become utterly muddled in thinking about
learning and education, when really the two are really completely different
things. Education is to learning as homeopathy is to medicine. They might
sound similar, but education is a merely a series of peculiar rituals – like din-
ing etiquette – whilst learning describes the way we adapt, cognitively, to the
world around us. In this analogy, learning is a bit like ‘digestion’.
The reason education pays no heed to learning is precisely the same rea-
son homeopathy pays no heed to medicine, namely: they think they are
doing it already, and accepting that they are not (and never have been)
would be too much to bear.
So whenever you hear the word ‘learning’ used, it is worth pausing to
consider whether it is really being used to refer to learning, or to education.
Ninety-nine times out of 100, when people say learning, they really mean
Today the problem is really chronic, since much of the research that pur-
ports to be about human learning actually turns out to concern something
like memorizing things or passing tests – and so is really about education, so
won’t tell you much about learning at all. When you ask: ‘Why on earth are
you doing that!?’ in an educational context, people can blithely trot out the
62 How People Learn
Education Learning
Ritual Natural
Fact-based Reaction-based
Topic-led Task-led
Lecture Conversation
Instructor-centric User-centric
Explicit Implicit
Content-centric Context-centric
Anxious Playful
Once we leave the public education system and enter the world of work, we
usually leave all that behind. The vast majority of university graduates go on to
work in unrelated fields – an extraordinary tacit acknowledgement of the re-
dundancy of the system as a whole.
Thereafter, formal education is likely to be sporadic at best, and oriented
around the role that we are to do or – more likely – the regulatory and com-
pliance requirements that the organization is required to meet. Where this
takes place, we often fall back on the public education model: people sit in
rows of seats listening to a lecture or review screens of information online.
Often there is a test at the end.
In a truly bizarre twist in the tale, corporate education largely ignores the
educational research produced by respected academic institutions in the de-
sign of its learning solutions, only to find that those same respected academic
institutions are now looking to them for models of innovative learning deliv-
ery (for example, use of e-learning or video content). Professors of education
are gobsmacked to discover that the procurement team have purchased a
learning management system that will efficiently regurgitate their lectures as
a series of videos, all in the pursuit of financial efficiency, and based on some
benchmarking comparison with Big Business.
Setting aside the turbulence, it seems likely that over time these two sys-
tems will merge into a continuous rather than discontinuous system as they
become more about learning than education, and will instead operate along
a kind of gradient. The main difference between learning at the start of the
educational process and at the end of the process is this: at the start our
concerns (the things we care about) are quite broad and still in a state of
flux. Towards the end, we will often have a much clearer understanding of
who we want to be and what we are trying to do.
This means that at the outset the focus is much more on ‘push’-type learn-
ing design. This doesn’t mean force-feeding people topics in the way that we
do today, it means creating an exploratory environment where people can
experiment (in a playful way) with a wide variety of challenges and simu-
lated experiences.
At the other end of the scale, people are earning money for many of the
challenges they complete, because they have achieved a level of competence,
and so the emphasis is much more on ‘pull’-type design – on providing an
environment rich in the kinds of resources they might need to further their
To put it simply, at the start learning tends to be more about exploring
experiences and challenges; later on, it becomes more about access to re-
64 How People Learn
It’s important to note that these are not absolute distinctions; a person
who is, say, an expert in cyber-warfare may still choose to spend some of
their time exploring challenges where they don’t have much c apability – cook-
ery, for example. As they work on cyber-warfare challenges they are likely to
be earning money and sharing their expertise with people who are slightly
less competent. As they work on cookery, they are likely to be paying for
these experiences and tackling simpler challenges in the company of people
more skilled than they are.
you find yourself in. These two things interact, shaping each other through-
out your life. That’s what learning is for.
The best outcome is that you find yourself in a world aligned with your
cares; the worst is that you feel trapped in a crappy job doing none of the
things that really matter to you.
So the question is: how do the things a person cares about become refined
and aligned with the world in which they live? The answer is: through the
two ‘push’ and ‘pull’ parts of the process.
The ‘pull’ part of education involves understanding the learner and what
drives their learning – their affective context. Affective context describes all
of the affective features of something, in this case the individual. Here, it
means the totality of their cares (rather than ‘everything they know’). I will
also talk about experiences which add affective context – by which I mean
experiences that shift what a person cares about.
As a metaphor, you can imagine affective context as a painting of a per-
son, where each point of colour corresponds to something that they care
about. At the most fundamental level of analysis, affective context describes
who someone is. It is what makes you different from me. This will continue
to evolve and change over time so the process is ongoing.
The ‘push’ part of learning involves using methods that contribute affec-
tive context – methods such as challenging environments, stories, simula-
tions – all of which have the capacity to steer the learner in new directions.
Things have happened to you, during the course of your life, that have
shaped what you care about. These things might be a fictional character that
you idolized, friends that you admired – they might have been some awful
experience, or merely a single comment. Each moved us, tilted us in an alter-
nate trajectory.
Many of these may have been accidental, or largely unwitting: your par-
ents will try to set a good example, movie-makers will consider the messages
they are sending, but the precise interlock between the world and your con-
cerns is still more magic and intuition than it is science and craft. Education
presents the opportunity to change that, through understanding which ex-
periences will resonate with which concerns.
This is really quite different to what we do today: it is about providing op-
portunities to experience a multitude of different situations first-hand, tack-
ling challenges of increasing sophistication in a supportive environment.
As I noted above – this is really not unlike the way that learning has taken
place for thousands of years, with children helping their parents with sim-
ple, then more complex tasks. However in today’s complex society we can-
not simply fall back on allowing parents to take their children to work.
Education 69
This would actually be a pretty good solution, were it not for the problem
that in modern culture the assumption that children want to follow in their
parents’ footsteps is probably not a good one. True, children might be bored
in meetings, but then so am I. Maybe we would have better meetings. With
crayons and Play-Doh.
As the neuroscientist Antonio Damasio notes in his book The Strange
Order of Things: ‘It turns out that the machinery of our affect is educable,
to a certain extent, and that a good part of what we call civilization occurs
through the education of that machinery in a conducive environment of
home, school and culture’.4
But today school is not really conducive. In fact, quite the opposite – educators
are not remotely concerned with the ‘machinery of affect’ as they plough
through the standard curriculum in order that students can pass a test.
So how would you create a system where children get to experience and
explore different roles? You might have a system of placements or appren-
ticeships – or you could create a learning ‘ecosystem’ which gradually blends
artificial challenges in a supportive environment into real challenges in the
workplace, for example by providing simulated or simplified learning envi-
ronments. In other words, you could take the learning into work, or you
could take the work into learning. Probably we will need to do both. If we
accomplish this successfully, both learning and work will start to feel more
like play and the distinction will begin to evaporate.
Such a model may well cost more than sitting people in a room and hav-
ing someone on a low wage write things on a board; but it is worth bearing
in mind that the proposed model integrates learning and work. That is to
say, the simple challenges that people tackle at the start of the process (for
example translating a few words into another language) may be purely a
learning exercise, but as challenges grow in complexity they quickly become
actual, paid, work. This is an education system that makes money.
One of the ill-effects of the current system is that it unnecessarily infanti-
lizes individuals, preventing them from undertaking a great many tasks of
which they are perfectly capable, until they reach a certain age. Technology
is beginning to undermine this, for example allowing a young person to
make money by streaming their game-play or earn advertising revenue from
their comical dance moves, entirely outside of the school/work system.
A laudable desire to prevent child labour has therefore backfired horribly,
preventing people from discovering the things they enjoy doing, stunting
their development, and delaying their entry into society.
In the model outlined above, you might also wonder: why not simply focus
on the ‘push’ side of education – why bother to understand and adapt to a
70 How People Learn
And so on.
If we can’t think of a purpose, then perhaps we shouldn’t be teaching
something. Now it may seem to some people that this is, once more, a nar-
rowly vocational way to look at education. Not at all.
Rather, the point is that if there is no affective significance to teaching – if
we can’t find a reason why anyone should care – then we shouldn’t expect
students to learn anything at all. Defenders of ‘the classics’ (for example
languages such as Greek or Latin) will sometimes argue that such subjects
are edifying, but perhaps what they really mean is that they are useful for
impressing a certain kind of person at dinner parties. In which case we
should be teaching people how to impress certain people at dinner par-
ties – and if they are interested in doing that, perhaps they will learn some
Homeric poetry too.
72 How People Learn
But what about things that people don’t care about but should? It may
well be that many students aren’t terribly interested in completing tax re-
turns, for example. We should permit people to experience challenges that
resemble real life and allow them to choose. The point is that people will
learn about something when they care about it, and if they don’t care (or we
can’t generate care) then there is no point whatsoever in forcing the issue.
One care always builds on another – that’s why we hurt animals or reward
them with food when we want to train them.
Quite possibly people don’t care much about tax returns until they have
to complete one – in which case that is the right point to learn. My personal
view is that I would rather never have to learn how to complete a tax return.
At no point does this seem like it would be a ‘playful’ activity for me. So this
is the kind of task that I would happily pay someone else to do – someone
who enjoys it.
If we have created a system where people are free to learn, and confident
learners, then learning can take place as required, driven by the challenges
people face and the things that they care about.
Today, the vast majority of educational time and money is wasted through
a failure to grasp this central characteristic of human learning. Whether in
corporate learning or public education we try to get people to memorize
things that we (the educators) think are important, or that our students
might feel is important at some time in the future, but which they don’t ex-
perience as important themselves, right now.
This problem is compounded by the fact that younger people tend to
worry less about the future in general. It helps not a bit when they grow into
adults who say things like: ‘I wish I had paid more attention in school’ – what
they really mean is: ‘I care about this thing now – I didn’t back then’.
The solution is not to lecture young people. The solution is either to
allow people to learn as they care, or to find a way to make them care.
This is why teachers may experience frustration when, say, a celebrity
footballer shows up at school one day and inspires a new-found respect for
mathematics in his adoring fans – instantly achieving what years of dedi-
cated instruction could not. But the mechanics are really quite simple: what
matters to your heroes matters to you.
The products of our current educational system are ‘serious’, not ‘playful’
people. There is very little that is light-hearted about them. They are measur-
ably less creative than the people they were when they entered the system.7
In truth there is probably a biological basis for reduction in playfulness
in adult humans, and if one is looking for obedient clones with which to
Education 73
staff a Victorian factory, then playfulness and creativity are hardly desirable
characteristics. But in a modern economy companies and roles change rap-
idly, and many more organizations are looking for innovation, ingenuity
and lifelong learning.
I have personally designed culture change programmes aimed at making
senior executives in global companies more ‘creative’ and ‘innovative’, and I
can testify to the fact that it is an uphill struggle. The child is buried a long
way down. These are people who have been recruited for their obedience,
selected for their gravity, discouraged from experimentation and rewarded
for severity. And now, grey and grave, they want to play.
This will cause difficulties for people expecting to change roles and de-
velop new skills on a regular basis. Unless they are able to extend the ‘play-
ful’ mode of learning into adulthood, they will find themselves at odds with
their environment – obsolete in their 30s.
Stop and consider for a moment how you feel about the word ‘play’. Is it
something childish? Is it something you feel belongs in the workplace? Can
you easily imagine someone saying: ‘Stop playing around and get on with
your work’?
Play is important because in humans it denotes ‘learning mode’, i.e. it
indicates that you have entered a state of mind where your openness to ex-
perimentation and new ideas is enhanced. In this mode you are experiencing
a protective bubble of psychological safety – by which I mean you aren’t
afraid of making mistakes or of embarrassment. What happens during play
is stripped of further significance – activities take place for the sake of learn-
ing alone.
If you built a robot that had a button for different modes, then the button
for entering learning mode would be titled ‘play’. In other words, the robot’s
learning button wouldn’t cause it to go into a receptive state where it mem-
orizes everything it hears and repeats it back; that mode would be titled
The fact that for many cultures play has come to signify a childish, un-
productive, fun activity reveals just how terribly far our understanding of
learning has been corrupted. Learning should mean something very like
play – and nothing at all like ‘education’. Like Medusa, education has turned
us into ossified adults; as incapable of learning as we are of play. As a rule
of thumb, a successful educational environment should be one in which
learning feels like play – and where individuals reflect this when asked.
The second major problem with education is this: it’s mainly ill-designed
‘push’. There is little or no adaptation to the specific passions and concerns
of the learner. At best, students may be streamed or experience a limited
74 How People Learn
often than not a discussion about how higher education institutions can
make more money by selling certificates to older people. Lifelong learning
is about how you can be exposed to a wide variety of challenges at any
time in your life. Today the closest thing we have to this is computer
gaming consoles: at any point in my life I can purchase a flight simulator
game and hone my skills. The game will track my accomplishments.
●● Learning institutions are not a ‘place’ that you go to, where you are
separated from the world of work. Instead, the education system is
distributed throughout our environment like veins throughout the body.
I imagine there will be both physical and digital spaces that you can
experience simulations of work, and places within work where you can
practise in a supported way. We should be able to make learning far more
accessible and far less exclusive. Our current education system continues
to discriminate against capable individuals from a lower income bracket.
●● An individual will likely have a portfolio of areas of learning – they may
be highly proficient in, say, cyber-attacks (and earn money from this
activity), and far less proficient in cookery (and pay for this activity). It is
likely that a learning portfolio is a good strategy in a fast-moving
employment market, and also helps protect against mental decline in
later life.
●● The learner can change direction at any time. Whilst the concern-mapping
process suggests areas for exploration, they are free to explore any area
of learning.
●● Learning is not organized by topic, but by classes of challenge. These
classes of challenge are more general at the lower levels (e.g. relationships),
but become more specific at higher levels of proficiency (diplomacy or
politics). Mapping out the ‘phylogeny’ of concern is a big step on the road
to making education scientific. Though it’s hard to envisage this now, it
might be helpful to think of it a bit like the maps of musical genres
produced by popular streaming services. These maps allow the provider
to confidently predict: ‘If you liked this and this… you might like this.’
●● As a person successfully completes challenges they earn badges that
reflect their accomplishments. These badges tell other people, such as
employers, what that individual can do and form part of their personal
profile. The current education system is a bubble whose bursting is
entirely prevented by a tacit agreement with employers. So long as
employers continue to buy the idea that a degree is a good predictor of
future job success, then the education bubble is intact. But, increasingly,
78 How People Learn
they don’t. There isn’t much evidence to support the link, much effort on
the part of academic institutions to establish a link, and in large part the
relationship is only there due to a lack of alternatives. A simple badging
system, with proven predictive power, would send the whole system
●● Topics are drawn in around the challenges rather than being the focus of
attention. So, for example, a person who is passionate about alleviating
developing world debt might study elements of international law,
economics, agriculture, history and anthropology as required.
●● Real and simulated, virtual and physical challenges are blended across
the learning gradient. In an important sense, work and play are also
blended (with the result that the challenge of work–life balance largely
●● The system is inherently meritocratic: people are paid according to the
value of their contributions, in terms of the work they do and the help
they give others to develop. This means that a younger person can easily
earn more than an older person. Today, our hierarchical model tends to
reward older people with higher salaries even as their capability declines,
in a way that actively discourages learning the older we get. Our proposed
model would more likely encourage experienced people to make an
income through developing others.
In recent months Larry has also started earning a little money from drone
flights. He started out with the drone simulator game – part of his simulation
subscription options – but he enjoyed it, and after he earned a few badges
he was able to fly the pizza delivery drones. It didn’t pay much, but it was
fun, and pretty soon he would be able to fly some of the high-value package
delivery drones over greater distances. Eventually, if he improved, he would
be entitled to pilot the commercial multi-passenger drones. He’d need to
complete a large number of simulated runs first, though.
Finally, conscious that drone-piloting may be fully automated at some
time in the future, Larry was just starting out in circuit-board design. There
was a local business offering some hands-on experience once a week
and his skills with a soldering iron had come along quite a bit.
of capability present, so that individuals can learn not only through play but
through observation.10 Children should be free to roam these different envi-
ronments, supported by someone who regularly observes and engages them
in conversation regarding their reactions and discoveries.
The implication of this system is that teaching, in line with other profes-
sions, vanishes. The people who teach are the people with experience who
chose to earn at least some of their income this way. It is not that teaching
itself is singled out for elimination, rather one imagines all jobs will go this
way, i.e. they will be broken up into their component tasks to be picked up
by the people with the capability to do them.11
In the industrial era, progress was made by breaking the work of a crafts-
man into distinct roles, enabling the ‘production line’. In the next progression,
a role is broken into its component tasks, to be undertaken in a distributed
manner. You might quickly imagine pros and cons of this model: on the one
hand it would largely eradicate the problem of teachers not really knowing
how to do tasks in the real world.
Today – a bit like our Martian system – education mainly exists in a kind
of bubble in which it is not actually expected to interface directly with work.
As a result, being out of touch with the world is tolerated if not tacitly en-
couraged among academics.
On the other hand, you might worry about whether people who are good
at doing something would be good at supporting others to learn how to do
it – and probably you are right to worry.
But let’s start by dispelling the myth that a teaching qualification makes
you good at supporting learners; it doesn’t. Like most qualifications, having a
load of content dumped on you doesn’t actually help much with the job to be
done. Most teachers will tell you that the stuff you learn on a teaching pro-
gramme doesn’t bear much relation to the challenges you face in a classroom.
In our model, people will learn by doing. If they develop the ability to
support learning, it will be reflected in the badges they earn. People inter-
ested in computer science may therefore choose a mentor who not only has
impressive accomplishments, but badges for the quality of their support. Of
course there will be resources available to people who wish to develop their
ability to support learning.
Once again, what I am describing is a system of tiered challenges, an en-
vironment where at most points one is simultaneously learning and work-
ing, paying and earning, teaching others and being taught oneself. Not un-
like the way we have learned for millennia, in fact.
Once a pattern begins to emerge – not necessarily a pattern of what a
person is good at but a pattern of their concerns – then it should be possible
Education 81
to begin to steer the process, suggesting areas for further exploration. This
point is important – it is not a child’s capabilities but their concerns that
steer their development. If we were simply to focus on what people are good
at (but don’t care about), there is a good chance that learning will be ineffi-
cient and the individual miserable.
In this model there is nothing to stop a child specializing early – for ex-
ample, quickly climbing the ranks of challenge complexity to become an
accomplished and high-earning cyber-attacker at the age of 12 (or a com-
mercial drone pilot). Equally, children can continue to explore – indeed,
adult learners may well be accomplished in some areas but relative novices
in others.
Once again, there is no sharp distinction between learning and work; in-
stead each person has a set of badges reflecting their accomplishments and a
portfolio of activities where their capability ranges from novice (learning) to
expert (working).
The idea of badges that reflect our accomplishments is also a significant
departure from educational orthodoxy in which we earn certificates for the
tests we have passed. By contrast badges are very much more about what
you can do, rather than what you know. This is a much better system for all
concerned; someone who is considering whether or not to pay you to do
something can immediately assess your level of capability and task fit.
Indeed, it would make sense to do this using an algorithm which automati-
cally identifies the capable, available people for a task.
Each individual would have a portfolio of tasks from which they earn an
income, matched to their level of capability across a range of interests. And
consider it from the perspective of the individual – in deciding whether or
not to take on a piece of work, a key consideration will be the opportunity
to learn new badges. Businesses will be incentivized to provide assignments
that provide opportunities to learn.
A system of badges would require a portable profile. Currently a record
of your achievements and learning is often held by the organizations for
whom you have worked. This is becoming increasingly problematic as peo-
ple move from one organization to another with increasing rapidity.
Organizations will either need to configure themselves to offer a wide
variety of short-term assignments, or accept a more ‘plug and play’ approach
to resourcing. In this world an individual will own and maintain their own
record of achievements, which will be a central, visible record of their ac-
complishments and evidence of their capability. In fact, this is already start-
ing to take place; sites such as LinkedIn providing a unified marketplace for
talent and recruitment.
82 How People Learn
In the next chapter I will talk about language. Language is central to think-
ing about learning because so much human learning takes place via lan-
guage: the things that we read, the stories that people tell, the content people
consume. If we understood language, we could use it more effectively.
Key points
1 The 1562 Statute of Artificers and Apprentices.
2 National Science Foundation. Enough with the lecturing, 12 May 2014, (archived at
3 J Panksepp (1998) Affective Neuroscience: The foundations of human and
animal emotions, Oxford University Press
4 A Damasio (2018) The Strange Order of Things: Life, feeling and the making
of cultures, Pantheon Books
5 J R Abel and R Deitz. Do big cities help college graduates find better jobs?
Liberty Street Economics, 20 May 2013, libertystreeteconomics.newyorkfed.
(archived at
6 M M Lombardo and R W Eichinger (1996), The Career Architect
Development Planner, Lominger, Minneapolis
7 K H Kim. The creativity crisis: The decrease in creative thinking scores on
the Torrance tests of creative thinking, Creativity Research Journal, 2011,
23 (4), 285–95
8 D J Levinson, with C N Darrow, E B Klein and M Levinson (1978) Seasons of
a Man’s Life, Random House, New York
9 S Coughlan. How do career dreams really work out?, BBC News,
27 September 2018, (archived at
10 Fans of the learning theorist Vygotsky will note that this is not unlike his ‘zone
of proximal development’.
11 This is sometimes referred to as the gig economy.
Language 04
and learning
Sounds that express feelings
‘To use the same words is not a sufficient guarantee of understanding; one
must use the same words for the same genus of inward experience;
ultimately one must have one’s experiences in common.’
Friedrich Nietzsche
Back in the 1950s, following the Second World War, people were eagerly
awaiting their robots. The war effort had spurred huge advances in science
and the first computers, initially created for code-breaking, entered popular
consciousness. Isaac Asimov’s ‘Three Laws of Robotics’ appeared in his col-
lection of short stories I, Robot, and Robbie the Robot strutted onto the
cinema screen in the 1956 science fiction film Forbidden Planet.
The 1967 episode of Star Trek entitled ‘Tomorrow is Yesterday’ featured
a ‘female’ computer, and the following delightful dialogue:
Captain Kirk: Engineering officer Scott informs warp engines damaged, but can
be made operational and re-energized.
Ship’s computer: Computed and recorded, dear.
Captain Kirk: Computer, you will not address me in that manner. Compute.
Ship’s computer: Computed, dear.
Captain Kirk: Mr Spock, I ordered this computer and its interlinking systems
Mr Spock: I have investigated it, Captain. To correct the fault will require an
overhaul of the entire computer system. A minimum of three weeks at a star
Captain Kirk: I wouldn’t mind so much, if only it didn’t get so… affectionate.
Mr Spock: It also has an unfortunate tendency to giggle.
First officer: I take it that a lady computer is not routine?
86 How People Learn
How would a computer understand the song lyric: ‘Wherever I lay my hat,
that’s my home’?
When you think about it, it becomes clear that the word ‘home’ is not
really about a building at all. It is a word to describe how you feel. A place
where you feel you belong. You can feel ‘at home’ in different places, and
sometimes not at home in the same place. You can stand on a beach and say
‘Finally, I’m home!’ We even imagine that our snail has some kind of feeling
attached to being curled up in its own shell – and probably it does.
Here’s another feeling word: chair. You probably aren’t used to thinking
about the word ‘chair’ as a word like ‘happy’, ‘sad’, etc – as a word that
describes how you feel. But it is.
The odd thing about words like ‘chair’ is that although logicians have
tended to think of them as describing a certain class of objects, we have
never been able to explain the definition in such a way that a computer can
reliably identify chairs. Why is this?
It turns out that when you say ‘chair’, what you really mean is ‘something
that makes me feel “chair”’. To see this, consider that exactly the same ob-
ject can feel like a chair in one setting but not in another (say, an art gallery).
There is no common set of features to all chairs – all they have in com-
mon is that they are things that you feel are appropriate to sit on. You could
quite easily travel to another culture, sit on something you felt was a chair,
then feel embarrassment when told that it is actually a ritual chopping
block. Now you feel that it isn’t a chair.
What we mean when we say chair is actually something more like ‘I feel
like this is the kind of thing that is appropriate for sitting on, in this context.’
This is how children learn about chairs: not through dictionary definitions,
but through refining the way they feel about things through experience – a
sort of extension of homeostasis. A young child might well sit on a chair
sculpture in an art gallery – but their parent’s shocked reactions change the
way they feel about objects in this context. Children are constantly clamber-
ing on things, and their parents constantly hissing: ‘Get down from there!’
through clenched teeth.
Here’s what I am saying: all of our words are feeling words. All of them.
From the word ‘home’ to the word ‘chair’. They all describe how we feel
about stuff. They do not describe a class of things in the world; instead they
describe how things and experiences make us feel. Every one of the tens of
thousands of words you know describes a subtly different feeling.
This means that our words are always fuzzy and changeable to some
extent – and I am never 100 per cent sure that what I mean by a word is the
same as what you mean.
90 How People Learn
It’s worth taking some time to let this sink in. Sometimes people object and
say things like ‘Well, surely 1066, the Battle of Haystings, isn’t a feeling – it’s
a fact’. If you are British, then you will probably have been taught that 1066
is a special date – the date of the Battle of Haystings, in fact. Thinking of it
conjures up memories of sitting in history class, the lurid image of Harold
with an arrow in his eye perhaps.
How about 1812? How do you feel about that? If you are Canadian, you
probably don’t feel like 1066 is any more special than, say, 1842 – but you
probably have strong feelings about 1812. Every Canadian knows that
Canada won the war of 1812. 1812 is memorable precisely because it feels
How about this: what do you think about the number 7? And the number
18? Can you tell me exactly how your feeling about ‘7’ differs from your
feeling about ‘18’? How about the number 3,712? I suspect you have very
different feelings towards 18 than you do towards 3,712. Unless ‘3712’ is
your password – in which case you are shocked that I brought it up. Why is
that? Computers don’t feel differently about numbers.
So now imagine the problem that presents for AI. Every time the com-
puter asks, ‘What does this word mean?’, the honest answer is: ‘It just de-
scribes the way we feel about stuff’. What does ‘chair’ mean? Answer: it
means we feel like something is a chair.
We don’t have a computer that thinks like we do, because we don’t have
a computer that feels. The only way to get a computer to understand the
word ‘chair’ the way we do would be by repeatedly yelling at it (or some-
thing similarly aversive) as it sits on the wrong things. But we don’t do any-
thing like this, and until that changes AI will never be remotely like human
You might wonder how computers today manage to translate language.
The answer is: they don’t. What they do is search around for human transla-
tions of phrases and ‘copy and paste’ the results together. In effect, they
don’t understand the problem, so they copy our homework. Even the most
advanced AI systems we have today are merely elaborate statistical approx-
imations; they predict what a person would say based on what lots of people
before have said.
This is not to say that computers can’t be intelligent; they just solve prob-
lems in completely different ways – logical ways. For example when it comes
to identifying pictures of cats, instead of looking at a picture and thinking:
‘Does this feel like a cat?’, the computer looks at all the pictures that we
have identified as cats and compares it to those. And of course you can see
why this would go wrong.
Language and learning 91
This is a problem that has foxed philosophers since Plato. They got con-
fused because they assumed that words somehow refer to things in the out-
side world, rather than expressing feelings inside of us. One person who
learned this the hard way was the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein. He
developed a particular fascination for language.
In his early writing he starts out with a really clean, logical description of
the world. A world in which words refer to things, and where the logical
relations between words reflect logical relations between things in the world.
He says things like:
That almost sounds mathematical, doesn’t it? But the more he thinks about
this, the more his system falls apart. In his later writings he starts to sound
quite mystical. In On Certainty he writes:
But more correctly: The fact that I use the word ‘hand’ and all the other words
in my sentence without a second thought, indeed that I should stand before
the abyss if I wanted so much as to try doubting their meanings – shows that
absence of doubt belongs to the essence of the language-game...
When this does happen, for example when someone is reading from a
script, we can generally immediately detect that what they are saying is un-
natural and scripted somehow. It takes a lot of skill for a movie scriptwriter
to script speech, and for the actors to deliver it, in a way that doesn’t come
across as pre-meditated.
You may have noticed that I endeavour to write in this way – lots of
dashes and obvious jumps – somewhat spoiling the deliberate and quasi-
logical rules of grammar, but more closely reflecting the way expressions
come to us in the moment – bubbling up from our sentiments.
Wittgenstein’s mistake was simple: he thought that words were about
things, not feelings. As long as he believed this, he was screwed. It strikes me
that Wittgenstein was a far smarter person than I, but his basic mistake il-
lustrates the dilemma we face today with understanding human beings: it
doesn’t matter how smart you are – if you start with the wrong assumptions
you won’t be able to get to the answer. Words don’t refer to things, they
express feelings. It is the feelings that are about things.
In the field of AI people assumed that humans store factual data about
events, rather than their reactions to events. In education, this same error led
us to imagine that we can create environments in which people memorize
information, rather than environments in which they experience a reaction.
For example: imagine you join a swanky London-based legal firm. The
induction programme tells you the company values ‘authenticity’ and ‘inclu-
sivity’. One day the zany new intern decides to wear his Hawaiian shirt to a
meeting with a senior partner. You wonder what will happen. Judging from
the partner’s facial expression, you conclude that wearing a Hawaiian shirt
to important meetings is not a good idea and not an acceptable expression
of ‘authenticity’ or encompassed by the term ‘inclusivity’.
Since this kind of implicit knowledge is rarely written down, and since
learning experiences are not designed with this in mind, it can take a long
time for people to be confident about what they are doing.
Our philosophical biases have led us down a blind alley; we imagined the
human mind to be like a blank page, on which words could be inscribed. We
built machines that replaced the book, faithfully storing whatever informa-
tion we inscribed, all the while overlooking that humans store their reac-
tions to the world (or even their reactions to facts) rather than the facts
themselves. We designed an educational system in which people were ex-
pected to memorize information, rather than react to experiences, and it all
turned into a terrible mess.
Let me give you a simple example: some of you may have noticed that I mis-
spelt ‘Hastings’ as ‘Haystings’ when describing the ‘Battle of Hastings’ earlier. If
you did notice it, what was your reaction? Were you surprised – perhaps a little
shocked? Was there a hint of outrage or a shift in your perceptions of me? I
suspect it is the sort of thing you might remember, and perhaps even remark to
a friend ‘I’m not sure how credible the author is – I mean, he can’t even spell
Hastings!’ Maybe you even looked it up.
Surprise and indignation are the way we react to things that violate ac-
cepted norms. These reactions help such peculiar events to stay with us, and
are more likely to make their way into gossip as a result. Each reaction sig-
nals an adjustment to your mental model of the world – an investment of
additional effort on your part. Of course not all the unexpected things that
happen in the world drive a change in your thinking: only the ones signifi-
cant enough to elicit a reaction.
How could a system of noises like this possibly work if we all feel differ-
ently about things? The answer is, it couldn’t. Fortunately we are set up,
biologically, to feel similarly about things (people will yelp in pain, just as
dogs do), and then we go through a long process of maturation and sociali-
zation where we learn to make similar sounds in response to shared experi-
ences. When it is rainy and cold, for example we say: ‘Ugh! I hate this
weather’, and other people say: ‘Me too’, and we feel a sense of connection
at feeling the same things, because we are making the right noises.
94 How People Learn
In this way our personality, reactions, memory and culture form an inter-
locking mechanism. Our culture determines what we react to: what we per-
ceive, consider and remember. Over time, our reactions determine the type of
person we become (and vice-versa). The stories we tell about ourselves reflect
the things that matter to us, which in turn connect us to the broader library of
stories about things that matter that makes up our culture.
As far back as the human story goes, the story format has been, and con-
tinues to be, the central mechanism for learning and knowledge transfer. In
1969 the psychologists Bower and Clark showed that if you had people
convert unrelated words into a story, it improved their retention seven-fold.4
This is one of the largest memory effects known to cognitive psychologists.
It works, because in creating a story, we add emotional significance to
words that are otherwise unconnected; we convert them into a format we are
designed to store. Your body is a vehicle for carrying stories around, stories
which in turn connect us to each other and a shared sense of meaning.
Wittgenstein was misled because from the outset he tried to create a log-
ical description of the world. What he missed is that logic and mathematics
are not a natural language – they are an artificial language. Unlike human
language, which describes the way things in the world make us feel, mathe-
matics and logic are languages recently created to describe the logical rela-
tions between things in the world.
As such they are almost impossible for humans to use. The vast majority
of people struggle with complex maths, and the psychological literature is
brimming with the list of ways in which human thinking deviates from the
To see this, consider the number 3,756,981 – how does that feel? Probably
it doesn’t feel much different to 3,684,782. But here’s the thing: they both feel
like ‘a lot’, don’t they? (And of course beyond a certain point any number – no
matter how big – just feels like ‘a lot’.) This is why you will later struggle to
recall which of the numbers you heard – because they both feel very similar.
You probably have a distinct reaction to the number ‘3’, so you might remem-
ber that ‘it was a big number starting with a three’.
‘Feeling like a lot’ is how humans react to really big numbers. Mathematics
and logic are, however, languages perfectly suited for use by comput-
ers – enabling computers to do things that we can’t, but equally ensuring that
computers will never be able to understand the world in the way that we do.
This is the reason why humans struggle to understand the difference be-
tween one hundred billion and one trillion – because despite the fact that
they are dramatically different numbers they feel very similar to us – they
Language and learning 95
both feel like vast numbers. This is not a bias or a flaw in our cognition, it is
simply a consequence of the way that we work: we store our reactions to
things, and where our reactions are similar our memory will be muddled.
So generations of philosophers have made the same basic error and tied
themselves up in knots as a result: they have assumed that words refer to
things, and that the relationships between our words corresponds to the
relationships between things in the world. But this is wrong: words refer
only to our feelings, and it is our feelings that are about things. This ac-
counts for the weird inexactitude and marvellous poetry of words – our feel-
ings are blurred at the edges and can change depending on the context.
Of course the reason one becomes a philosopher is the pursuit of truth
(and you can be sure there is always an emotional reason behind that), and
so saying: ‘All cognition is a form of emotion’ is immediately deeply trou-
bling to some people – it seems to imply a sort of reckless relativism. But
nothing could be further from the truth: our feelings are based on our physi-
cal connection to the world, and because we are physiologically similar crea-
tures, our experiences have a common root.
Our cultures then determine what we see and what we do not, according
to what matters: in one culture a person might say ‘Did you see that Rolex!?’;
in another people might not notice the type of watch someone is wearing,
and in a third ‘watches’ might have no significance at all.
Our experiences of the world are built on a foundation that extends all
the way back to our single-celled origins: our homeostatic roots. When two
people say: ‘This sand is hot’, it is because they are designed, physiologically,
to experience it in the same way – to feel the same way about it. This is why
the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche writes: ‘All evidence of truth come only
from the senses’.5
And so two scientists will be able to make the same observations, only
because the way a person feels about things does not ‘float free’ but is hard-
wired into our physical experience of the world. Our diversity as individuals
extends from our similarities as humans, much as the branches of a tree
extend from the trunk.
Once you begin to understand that words – all our words – simply refer
to the way we feel about things (the reaction they cause in us), some of the
difficult problems in AI and philosophy start to unravel. Words don’t ever
have precise meanings. Their meaning can change in different circumstances
or depending on how we feel. The word ‘dog’ means very different things to
people who love dogs and to those who are afraid of them. Consider the
phrase ‘The dog bounded towards him’ – is that a happy thought or a fright-
ening one?
96 How People Learn
This way of encoding the world, i.e. according to the reactions that experi-
ences create in us, opens us up to possibilities that are closed to computers – like
poetry and metaphor. It also works well with parallel processing – the kind of
processing that networks of neurons do. When we see something, the visual
features trigger a set of emotional response and – Bam! – instantly we feel what
it is (of course we can be wrong).
We usually use the word ‘know’ in this sentence, but it would be more
accurate to say that we feel what something is. This process takes place be-
fore we are consciously aware of it; our nervous system will prepare us for
‘fight or flight’ when we encounter threatening stimuli before we can even
say what the threatening thing is.9 What we absolutely do not do is go
through a protracted search process where we compare what we are seeing,
one by one, to things stored in our memory. That would be silly and would
never work.
Of course, if you had enough processing power and a big enough data-
base, you could create the illusion of a system that does something simi-
lar – for example translating a phrase by looking at millions of similar
human translations and calculating a best guess.
When humans describe things for other people, we chain together sets of
feelings, using words to describe those feelings. But because two very differ-
ent things can evoke similar feelings in us, we are able to make creative
leaps. The poetic line: ‘I wandered lonely as a cloud’ only makes sense be-
cause we are able to link the feeling of being alone with a feeling that we
have when we see a cloud alone in the sky.
In fact, because words describe feelings, not things, we can say all manner
of things that other people can understand but computers never will. I can
say: ‘He was like a bull in a china shop during the meeting’ and you can
understand it, because I am comparing the feelings that underlie both – not
because the person in question looks like a bull, or because the meeting was
held in a china shop.
Of course we can tell a computer that ‘bull in a china shop’ means reck-
less, but if you had said ‘a kangaroo in a glassware store’ I would have un-
derstood you (and possibly thought it was quite amusing), and the computer
would not. The reason we are able to make this comparison is that both
situations evoke a similar sentiment – not because of their semantic features.
In summary, we use words to describe our feelings, and when we speak
them other people have similar feelings. That’s why people are natural sto-
rytellers – everything is encoded as feelings, and words evoke those feelings.
If you listen closely to people having a conversation, something like this
is usually happening: one person tells a story, then another person tells a
Language and learning 99
related story and so on. If you look really closely at this exchange you will
see that what binds the conversation into a whole is feeling: the reason I
chose to tell you one story rather than another is that your story made me
feel something that I have felt somewhere else. This is what we mean when
we say ‘reminding’. We might say: ‘Looking at the birds in the blue sky re-
minded me of that time on the beach’ and what is really going on is that one
feeling is activating another similar feeling.
The building blocks of thought are not ‘facts’ or ‘knowledge’; instead
they are ‘reactions’ and ‘stories’ and ‘experiences’. Because of the way that
different people react differently to events, it is important to establish a con-
nection to someone if you wish them to change in some way.
‘Establishing a connection’ is the kind of thing that people tend to feel is
important in lots of contexts, without quite being able to say why, so I
would like to be quite precise: establishing a connection means understand-
ing what matters to a person, and communicating that you feel the same
way. You meet a girl at a party. You say: ‘I love this song’, she says: ‘I love it
too’, and in that moment you both smile.
Language is one way in which we share the things that matter.
Understanding what matters to a person is essential, since these psychologi-
cal features determine those things that they will react to, and a person’s
reactions determine the way in which their experiences are encoded. When
we interact with anyone we are either responding to the things they already
care about (‘pull’), or we are building new cares on top of the old (‘push’).
In the next chapter we will look at what this means for learning design.
Key points
●● Words don’t refer to things; instead they express the way we feel about
●● A thought is a pattern of feelings (or reactions) to something we
●● When communicating with others, we express a number of related
feelings in the form of words, and this activates corresponding feelings
in the listener.
●● In designing learning we aim to create an experience that will cause a
reaction in an individual.
●● We cannot confidently predict the reaction that will be caused in
someone unless we understand what matters to them.
100 How People Learn
1 M Swant. Ad of the Day: IBM’s Watson Talks Love and Loss With Bob Dylan in
Advertising’s Oddest Pairing, Adweek, 7 October 2015,
advertisings-oddest-pairing-167420/ (archived at
2 My thanks to Roger Schank for bringing this example to my attention.
3 L Wittgenstein (1922) Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, Routledge & Kegan
Paul, London
4 G Bower and M Clark. Narrative stories as mediators for serial learning,
Psychonomic Science, 1969, 15, 181–2
5 F Nietzsche and W A Kaufmann (1989) Beyond Good and Evil: Prelude to a
philosophy of the future, Vintage Books, New York
6 P Athanasopoulos, E Bylund, G Montero-Melis, L Damjanovic, A Schartner, A
Kibbe, N Riches and G Thierry. Two languages, two minds, Psychological
Science, 2015, 26
7 F Nietzsche (2010) The Gay Science: With a prelude in rhymes and an
appendix of songs, Vintage Books, New York
8 S K Langer (1967/1982) Mind: An essay on human feeling (Vol 1), Johns
Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD
9 N Burra, A Hervais-Adelman, D Kerzel, M Tamietto, B de Gelder and A Pegna.
Amygdala activation for eye contact despite complete cortical blindness, Journal
of Neuroscience, 2013, 33 (25), 10,483–9
Learning design 05
Push or pull?
We ran the experiment. We added up the scores. The results were clear:
there was no significant difference in the effectiveness of the various for-
mats. In fact, the students who had studied the text-only format performed
slightly better, on average. Imagine that: realizing that perhaps an entire in-
dustry based around the production of online content could be re-
placed – with text documents.2
Our research wasn’t published or peer-reviewed. I could see that there
were shortcomings in the size and representativeness of our sample. A uni-
versity cafeteria was hardly a controlled environment. But I had supervised
enough student psychology experiments to know that our research design
was fundamentally sound, easy to replicate, and that if our instructional
design approach was even half as effective as we believed it to be we should
have seen an effect.
As it happened, the results also tied into an observation that had been
bothering me for a while: the internet was booming and fast achieving rec-
ognition in its own right as a learning tool. But the vast majority of informa-
tion that was being served up was just – well – plain text. And people didn’t
seem to mind. In fact, if you were looking to find something out, you prob-
ably preferred plain text over other formats.
Even as the learning and development industry were busily handing out
instructional design accreditations to each other, it was becoming clear that
instructional design was not significantly improving learning in the real
world. In fact, people would actively avoid formats (such as e-learning mod-
ules) that incorporated instructional design, and prefer formats (such as the
pages served up by Google, or videos served up by YouTube) that had none.
Instructional design, I realized, is mumbo-jumbo.
Today, billions of people are learning things on TikTok while avoiding all
those free-to-use learning libraries whose sprawling course catalogues gather
digital dust. Education just doesn’t get it. Education doesn’t get learning.
Even a superficial glance at TikTok reveals that what makes all that learn-
ing so sticky – whether it is learning about celebrities, dance moves, fashion
or trainspotting – namely that it is either that it’s the kind of stuff that ex-
cites us, or that the people talking about it are very excitable. The stuff that
moves us bubbles to the top. Yesterday I learned that 50 rubber bands is
enough to stop a sprinting human being. Bizarre indeed.
Your reaction is probably that these are not the sorts of things one should
be learning about – and there lies the problem. Much as we might like people
to function like computers – to do exactly as they are instructed by an au-
thority, they don’t and never will. Central nervous systems are not designed
that way.
Learning design 103
So let’s start by laying the foundations for learning design with a learning
design model. There are many models for learning design, but only one that
reflects the reality of learning as described by the affective context model:
the push–pull spectrum.
As I have stated above, the affective context model proposes that we do
not, in fact, encode ‘knowledge’ in our memories: instead we encode the pat-
tern of emotional reactions that we have to experiences, and use these to
later reconstruct experiences.
The important thing from a learning perspective, however, is that people
are not blank slates: what they react to is partly nature, and mainly nurture.
Some people will be astonished by architecture that others don’t even no-
tice – moved by classical music that leaves others cold – or left speechless by
a work of art that leaves others unmoved. Some people even like country
and western songs.
Learning design can therefore rest soundly on this conceptual foundation:
since our learning is governed by our concerns, which in turn determine
whether or not something has affective significance for us, in any context we
are either responding to the concerns that a person already has (‘pull’), or we
are trying to create new concerns (‘push’).
This means that there are two grand classes of learning design that we
can undertake:
the need for encouragement. Teenagers concerned about their appearance will
demonstrate impressive attention spans as they sit through hours of hair and
makeup tutorials in order to achieve the desired result.
If we can make people care about something or other, they will use the re-
sources we give them (whether or not they commit them to memory is a sepa-
rate question). Hence the learning is not something we ‘do’ to people – we just
support it or create the conditions for it to happen.
This is why, in an important sense, there are no ‘learners’ – because peo-
ple are generally just trying to get something done, and learning is a way to
do that. Describing people as ‘learners’ is a bit like describing people as
‘breathers’. Learning is a by-product of pursuing the things we care about.
There is no ‘learning centre’ in the brain any more than there is a ‘capability
development centre’, this is just a term we use to describe the way an organ-
ism changes.
You can probably already imagine how our modern world presents huge
challenges for education: on the one hand, students are increasingly satu-
rated in a hyper-charged diet of things they do care about and are primed to
learn – sex, status, trends, relationships, comedy, shock and gossip – on the
other, they are expected to function in a perversely rationalized environment
where they are required to regurgitate information that has little or no sig-
nificance to them. It’s hard to imagine a more radical pattern of psychologi-
cal stress – rather like feeding someone on a rich diet purely to deepen their
suffering during starvation.
In normal life, our interactions with the world and with other people are
often somewhere in-between ‘push’ and ‘pull’. Take conversation, for exam-
ple: in a good conversation people take a little time at the outset to ‘establish
rapport’. What does this mean?
It means people try to understand what the other person’s particular con-
cerns are and to find some common ground. For example, two people may
start out by remarking on the inclement weather, then a little later on dis-
cover a shared passion for food and for local restaurants. Each person ‘pulls’
recommendations from the other.
At one point, one person remarks that the fish at a local restaurant is
exceptional – to which the other responds that they don’t much like fish.
Their conversational partner then shifts into push mode: ‘Oh, but you really
must try the monkfish – I mean, if you haven’t tried it you are missing out
on one of the most incredible flavours!’
It is now clear that one person is trying to make the other care about
something that they didn’t before – to try something new, and to change the
106 How People Learn
way they feel. If they have established sufficient rapport – if the other person
now cares what they think – then this push attempt might be successful.
Notice how similar this is starting to look to the way education should be.
A conversation really is a good metaphor for learning, since a conversa-
tion is one of the oldest learning methods we have. Conversation is first and
foremost a vehicle for stories. If one person has nothing to say that interests
us, then it isn’t a good conversation. If a person takes no time to understand
us, and simply ‘pushes’ their concerns the whole time, then that person is a
bore and the conversation will feel, literally, like a lecture. Finally, we cannot
enjoy a truly great conversation with someone who is exactly like our-
selves – it seems comfortable at first, but eventually we crave a different
In this light we can make sense of the enduring appeal of coaching, which
reliably features on the wish list of people asked about their development.
Coaching (or more accurately mentoring) is a format that can be both expe-
rience and resource – both push and pull, depending on the circumstance.
Sometimes we turn to a coach for help, sometimes they challenge us. They
take time to understand our concerns and to address the things that we care
What may not be immediately apparent is that neither of these two
classes of learning design – pull or push – is ‘learning’ in the educational
sense. What I mean is that neither of these two classes has as their objective
that someone should store knowledge in their heads. In fact, the former is
more often ‘learning elimination’ – by providing resources we may actively
reduce the amount of learning that takes place.
We will return to this topic later on, but first let’s have a look at some
examples of learning activities that fall into each category.
shifting our concerns: people who don’t think much about illness may find
one day that they, or a close relative, have cancer. Suddenly they are Googling
everything there is to know about cancer and learning at a voracious rate.
We hear about people who have survived their battle with cancer and gone
on to found charities; or to experience a complete transformation of their
outlook on life. They might be the person standing before us, telling their
story – and sometimes it makes us care. One day that person might be us.
Designed experiences
So the most effective way to get someone to learn (if they don’t already want
to) is by designing an experience. Creating a moment that matters. But what
kind of experience? It is often said that we learn most from mistakes. This is
not strictly true: people are making mistakes every day, all day long. But
they don’t change. A person may spend a lifetime failing to appreciate the
feelings of others, being an insensitive twit, for example.
In fact, people learn from the mistakes that they suffer from. Humiliation
is deeply felt. Rejection is painful. Losing a lot of money stings. If we want
to design an experience, for example in which we ‘engineer failure’ in order
that someone can learn a valuable lesson, then we need to start by under-
standing what they really care about. Otherwise, there is a good chance that
our experience will have no impact – or have too much impact!
Equally, a powerful experience, such as first-hand experience of extreme
poverty, does not need to be an experience of making a mistake. What mat-
ters is that it impacts us at an emotional level – otherwise we won’t care any
more after an experience than we did before. But how do we know what
will impact someone and what won’t?
If it were you, how would I design an experience that would truly trans-
form the way you feel about things?
There are two answers: I could design the kind of experience that would
transform anyone that went through it – just by virtue of them being human.
Having to make life-and-death decisions is pretty impactful for most people,
for example. Or, more constructively, I could find out about what matters to
you, and base my designs on that.
This latter point is a central theme and will come up time and time again:
you cannot design effective learning experiences without understanding the
people for whom you are designing them.
While this might sound like common sense, it is the single greatest mis-
take in learning design today – namely, we focus on defining the content/
108 How People Learn
topics that we want people to memorize and the mechanism that we will use
to get it to them, instead of analysing the concerns and context of the audi-
ence in question. We assume that knowledge can somehow be decanted into
people like water into a beaker – when in reality it is a fabric woven from
the threads of an individual’s concerns.
We need to shift from content to context. For this reason, I will call this
conventional approach to learning ‘content dumping’.
Content dumping is the greater part of what we do to children in class-
rooms, and to adults enrolled in organizational learning programmes – we
take some ‘topics’ that we would like them to know about as we spray them
with knowledge in the hope that some of it sticks. Very little does, and still
less translates into behavioural or capability change – but we carry on be-
cause we don’t know what else to do, and we are hooked on the idea of
learning as knowledge transfer, and of people as blank slates.
What I can confidently predict is that when we do engage in ‘content
dumping’, what little sticks will tend to be that information that relates to
something someone cares about (even if that just happens to be the instruc-
tor) – but it goes without saying that such a ‘shotgun’ approach to educa-
tion, whether in school or in the workplace, is grossly inefficient.
I will talk more about designing experiences in a later chapter, but first I’d
like to describe some of the alternatives before diving into the detail.
The effectiveness of experiences as a means to learn has led some to
champion ‘learning by doing’ as the definitive approach to learning design.
While first-hand experience is indeed a powerful way to learn, it owes its
potency to the true basis of learning: learning by feeling.
This might sound like an odd thing to say – until you realize that story-
telling and observation are also effective ways to learn. A child who sees his
friend fall into a fire can judge from the screaming and panicked reaction of
her parents that falling into a fire is a bad thing – without actually having to
do it themselves. Equally, we can hear a story about someone who fell into
a fire and learn not to do it ourselves.
that so-called ‘subject matter experts’ will try to tell you what they learned,
rather than how they learned it, because they have been misled into thinking
that the ‘learning point’ is what needs to be transferred into your head.
Point a camera at a safety expert and ask them to talk about safety, and
they will tend to say things like: ‘Safety is very important’, or ‘You must
always do such-and-such’. What they tend not to tell you is why safety is
important, or why you must always do such-and-such. It is often quite ar-
duous to get them to a place where they can say: ‘Well, when I was first
starting out in my career…’, or ‘This one time we were working on this
piece of equipment and…’. This is all because we have become fixated on
the idea that brains store information, and information transfer is what
learning is all about.
Once again, what stories should one tell? Answer: stories that matter to
people. How do we know what stories matter to people? Find out what they
care about.
If we are thinking about designing a learning experience, this is one of the
best ways to start the design process: ask yourself: ‘What story will people
tell about this experience?’ Pause to consider how alien that idea is to con-
ventional education: can you imagine that instead of lesson plans describing
the topics to be covered, an educator wonders what story the students will
tell? One of the stories my youngest daughter tells is of the day they were
taken to a local museum and allowed to try on vintage clothing. It’s one of
the few things she remembers.
When you listen to the stories that people tell, you will notice interesting
themes. As an example, people will often talk about meeting famous peo-
ple – and often the things that the famous person had to say will have a big
impact on the individual. They will say things like: ‘I once met Muhammad
Ali. He shook my hand and I asked him what his secret was, and he said “It’s
not how fast you move your fists, but how fast you move your feet.” That
advice is how I run my business today.’3
When you hear things like this, it is easy to wonder why these encounters
are so memorable – why it isn’t nearly as memorable to watch the same
person say the same thing on TV, or to have the same advice imparted by a
non-famous person. Our knowledge transfer model can’t explain that: the
information is the same regardless of from whom it comes. Computers do
not store information differently based on whether the person typing it in is
a celebrity.
I once worked for a large telecommunications organization, whose CEO
made a point of attending every staff induction session and answering questions
Learning design 111
put to him by new starters. But as the organization grew, a decision was made
that the CEO would no longer be able to attend these sessions and instead people
would be able to choose from a number of pre-recorded videos of the CEO re-
sponding to frequently asked questions.
At an intuitive level, you can probably sense that this is a step back-
wards – but why exactly? Having the CEO answer frequently asked ques-
tions is clearly better than a pre-prepared speech (since at least some of the
responses will address the concerns people have), and from a knowledge-
transfer perspective the same ‘learning objectives’ are covered. So why is it a
very different learning experience?
Status-dense situations
Imagine that you are given a choice between attending a talk given by
Nelson Mandela, and a talk given by one of your training team about the
life of Nelson Mandela. Which would you prefer?
In order to understand these situations, we need to know that humans are
both social and hierarchical creatures. Celebrities and other important people
(such as chief executive officers) are held in high standing. For this reason, any
encounter with them is what I will call a ‘status-dense’ situation. Because of
their status, your interaction with them is high stakes in a social sense.
It is like scaling a cliff: if your interaction goes poorly, you risk ignominy
and public shame. If it goes well, your self-esteem and reputation enjoy a
sudden boost. Because these are highly emotional situations, they remain in
our memories a long while – and grow in the retelling!
This may help us to understand another aspect of the teacher–student
relationship: if the role of teacher (and the teacher themselves) is admired
and respected, they can more easily influence the memory of students.
Teachers who care deliver better educational outcomes.4 But students should
also care about their teachers: if the profession falls into disrepute, their ef-
fectiveness suffers too.
At the start of conference speeches, speakers will often spend quite a bit
of time establishing their legitimacy by talking about their experiences, their
accomplishments, their qualifications, their publications – why? Why should
it matter?
Because social status impacts how we encode information. Sometimes we
will invite celebrities or sportspeople to talk about things they know next to
nothing about – education, politics, leadership – for the simple reason that
their status makes what they have to say memorable.
112 How People Learn
On the evening of 4 April 1968, Jane Elliott, a teacher in a one-room school
in the small US town of Randall, was ironing a tepee when she turned on the
TV and learned that Martin Luther King had been assassinated.5 She was
ironing the tepee in preparation for a lesson about North American Indians,
but she was troubled by the suspicion that her children wouldn’t really un-
derstand discrimination unless they experienced it for themselves. She was
reminded of the Sioux prayer: ‘Oh great spirit, keep me from ever judging a
man until I have walked in his moccasins.’
So the next day, she decided to do something different. She talked with
her elementary class about the assassination of Martin Luther King, and
then asked her pupils if they would like to feel what discrimination was like.
They agreed.
So she divided the class according to eye colour. Blue-eyed children,
she told the group, were superior. They sat at the front, and they got to
place fabric collars around the necks of the brown-eyed children so as to
more easily distinguish them. The blue-eyed children received extra priv-
ileges – second helpings at lunch, access to the new jungle gym, more
play time – and they were discouraged from fraternizing with the brown-
eyed children.
The blue-eyed children quickly adopted an air of superiority, while the
brown-eyed children became timid and withdrawn, preferring to isolate
themselves during recess. In the space of a single day, academic performance
improved for the blue-eyed group, just as it deteriorated for the brown-eyed
children. The following day she reversed the experiment.
Learning design 113
Anxiety-based learning
But say you had some really dull information – information that you know
people don’t care about – and you wanted to force it into people’s heads
somehow. How might you do that?
One obvious approach might be to hold a gun to their head, or threaten
to injure someone they care about. How would this help? Well, these kinds
of threats would likely generate anxiety in the individual, and this anxiety
would provide affective significance for the information.
If I think back, I can still remember the bright-red face of my prep-school
Latin teacher, inches from mine; small flecks of spittle on his lips as the veins
in his neck bulged and he shrieked at me for not knowing the declensions of
the Latin word ‘war’.
‘Bellum, belli, bello, bellorum, bellis, bella.’ To this day, I remember the
corner of the oak-panelled room in which I was made to stand until I could
recite it accurately. In the event that the school is still standing, I could take
you there and point it out.
This kind of approach I will call ‘anxiety-based’ learning and, sadly, it
pervades our education system. Indeed, it is the dominant mechanism that
education employs. These days it is not deemed acceptable in many coun-
tries to use corporal punishment in schools, so instead we have resorted to
testing. Testing works only because it is a way of creating a kind of artificial
anxiety, which serves as the affective context for otherwise unimportant in-
formation. A test is a kind of threat.
As a result, modern education (largely) comprises a series of anxiety-
driven tests, in service of which we try to cram as much information into our
heads as possible. The anxiety stems from the myth that our future success
depends on our performance on these tests. Obviously it helps if society and
parents collude in sustaining this myth, working in harmony to create the
impression that if you don’t pass various tests, you will end up working on
a production line, chopping the heads off fish.
To some extent this used to be true – there existed a kind of ‘cash for
certificates’ economy in which employers would offer you an HR job on the
basis that you got a history degree from a reputable university – even though
you had forgotten almost everything and the degree bore no relation to your
work – and defenders of the system will point to the fact that people with
degrees earn, on average, more than those without them.6 Today, some com-
panies (such as Google) are beginning to explicitly recognize how ridiculous
this all is.
Learning design 115
Behaviour modification
Here’s another learning challenge: if you wanted to train your dog to fetch
a stick, how might you do that? I have a suspicion that devotees of testing
in schools would be more likely to suggest electric shocks – but I would
guess that most people would suggest something along the lines of dog treats
or the more economical ‘Good dog!’ approach.
While you may not be aware of the exact principles that you are apply-
ing, you may be interested to know that your approach was called ‘operant
conditioning’ by psychologists who investigated ways of modifying behav-
iour in the 1970s.
The man who is most often credited as the father of operant conditioning
is Burrhus Frederic Skinner, who went on to become a Harvard professor.
He is perhaps most famous for the invention of the Skinner box. The Skinner
116 How People Learn
box is a chamber, typically about the size of a large cardboard box, in which
all distractions can be removed except for the things the experimenter wishes
to control.
If you were a rat – or a pigeon – placed in a Skinner box, you might find
a lever and a light. Pressing the lever might cause a food pellet to be dis-
pensed, or the floor to become electrified. In this way it was possible to ex-
clude all stimuli and all behaviours except the ones being investigated, and
see how one affected the other.
Skinner also invented something similar called the ‘teaching machine’.
The teaching machine worked a bit like the Skinner box in that the learner
would see just the information they were supposed to learn, then they would
have to give the correct response. If they gave the correct response they
would be rewarded; if not they would repeat the exercise until they got it
right. So, for example, you might be given a rhythm to reproduce (by press-
ing a lever) and when you correctly reproduced it you could move on to the
next exercise.
Because of the emphasis they placed on behaviour, psychologists like
Skinner were called ‘behaviourists’. In part, the movement was a reaction
against psychoanalysis – the approach pioneered by Jung and Freud, which
placed great importance on the inner workings of the mind and in particular
the unconscious. Psychology was still relatively new and struggling to gain
acceptability as a science, and some people, such as the behaviourists, were
really uneasy about all the mental stuff that couldn’t be measured. ‘Let’s just
focus on behaviour,’ they said: ‘We can measure that. It will all be very sci-
entific.’ And so it was.
They made important discoveries: they found that you could take a rea-
sonably intelligent animal, such as a dog or rat – or pigeon – and get it to do
pretty much anything you wanted through conditioning. The kind of condi-
tioning I am talking about is called operant conditioning, as mentioned
above.7 Operant conditioning works in the following way: a creature does
something (usually just through trial and error) and one of three things hap-
pens as a result: something bad happens, something good happens, nothing
For example, a rat might bumble around a cage until it accidentally
presses a lever – at which point a pellet of food is dispensed. A dog might
find that every time it crosses over to one side of the room it receives an
electric shock. You can guess the rest – rats learn to press levers, dogs learn
not to cross over to one side of the room.
Learning design 117
Observational learning
If you have children, you probably sometimes worry about what they are
learning from watching television or, more likely these days, online video.
Back in the 1960s, Albert Bandura conducted a now-famous experiment
into observational learning. In essence, he showed young children (girls and
boys, aged between three and six) a video of an adult kicking and punching
118 How People Learn
a large inflatable toy, and found that they were likely to imitate what they
had seen. Most interestingly, though, he found that whether or not they
would imitate the behaviour depended, in part, on what happened to the
person they were watching.9
I guess this will probably not come as a surprise. If your friend strokes a
dog, and the dog bites him, you will learn the lesson without having to suffer
the same fate. What you may not know is that even chickens can learn from
watching other chickens on film. Admittedly the chicken film industry is
fairly niche, but there it is.
Again, knowing that we are able to learn from observing others leaves
unanswered the question as to how this process works. The affective context
model suggests that we automatically mirror the emotional states of things
that we feel emotionally connected to10 – so, for example, if we go and see a
film in which the hero (with whom we identify) is brutally beaten, we expe-
rience anxiety and stress.
Note that this identification is not based on appearance alone. If the hero
happens to be a dog (and we like dogs), that also works just fine. We even
mirror more subtle affective states; as we pass people in the street we pick
up on their gait and expression and automatically imagine how it feels to be
This means that when, for example, we are training people on a proce-
dure by getting them to watch the procedure, it’s tremendously important to
demonstrate the consequences of getting the procedure wrong, otherwise it
is much less likely that a person will remember how to get it right.
A simple example: you can demonstrate the correct way to stop at a red
light, but really you ought to show (or describe) the consequences of not
stopping at a red light if you want people to learn to do it correctly. This has
enormous implications for safety and data protection training, for example.
By mirroring the process that storytelling uses (for example, stories of
awful things that happened to employees who screwed up), we can have far
greater impact.
Another consequence of this characteristic of human learning is that the
enthusiasm can be infectious. We probably all remember teachers who were
really passionate about their subject, and some of this enthusiasm can trans-
fer to us, and the way we feel about the same topic. Without the affective
context model, it is hard to explain why enthusiasm should be so important
in a teacher, though people do generally feel that enthusiastic and inspira-
tional teachers have had a big impact on their lives.
Learning design 119
Anticipatory learning
While there is nothing qualitatively different about human learning, we do
seem to be better in two important areas: sharing our feelings and imagin-
ing how we would feel. If there is anything that we seem to be able to do
better than our evolutionary relatives, it is picturing the future and – most
importantly – how we will feel in future.
This means that there is a relatively special kind of learning that humans
can do: anticipatory learning. You can, for example, tell someone that they
will be playing the part of Romeo in a stage production of Romeo and Juliet
in three months’ time and they will go into a panic and start learning lines
as fast as they can, just at the thought of being onstage and not forgetting
what to say. I’m pretty sure chickens don’t do this, though I haven’t actually
tried it.
One of the interesting things about this ability – the ability to project a
future state – is that it seems to mature quite late in humans, perhaps because
it is one of the more sophisticated cognitive functions relating to develop-
ments in adolescent perspective-taking.11
120 How People Learn
This may mean that learners who have not yet reached adulthood strug-
gle to really care about their future selves. Since they can’t really imagine the
consequences of having to spend their 30s chopping the heads off fish, they
find it hard to develop the motivation to study hard right now. Equally, if
they can’t clearly picture how it will feel to be totally unprepared for an
exam in three months’ time, they may leave revision to the last minute.
This suggests that if you are going to frighten people with the prospect of
exams as a way to force them to memorize stuff, if the people are young you
should inflict exams every couple of weeks, rather than at the end of the
academic year. I am not actually advocating this; I am just pointing out that
if you are going to bully someone, there are probably more and less effective
ways to do it.
For adults, however, anticipated challenges can work quite well, especially
if, as suggested above, there is a status-rich dimension to the challenge – for
example having to present to a panel of highly respected individuals. In addi-
tion, if we are able to make anticipated outcomes ‘real’ for people – for ex-
ample using simulations, VR, or just people who can tell a compelling
story – then we will stand a better chance of shifting concern.
This is probably a good point to talk about the last of the ‘push’ approaches
that I wanted to cover: feedback. In this context, ‘feedback’ means having
someone (or a system) describe to you some of the consequences of your
behaviour that you might not be aware of.
Picture the following: we set up a flight simulator for pilot training. One
young pilot learns that he can successfully execute a barrel-roll in a 737. On
his first real transatlantic flight he celebrates by performing a barrel-roll
mid-way between London and New York. There is a tapping on the cabin
door. One of the cabin crew, looking uncharacteristically unkempt, says:
‘Um – little bit of feedback: some of the passengers were a tad perturbed by
that manoeuvre’. ‘Thanks,’ he says, ‘that’s useful feedback’.
Oftentimes we go through life with only a partial awareness of the con-
sequences of our actions – we have our own metaphorical ‘cabin doors’.
Because the affective consequences of our behaviours shape our later behav-
iour, not being aware of these may bring our development to a halt. A leader
who doesn’t realize that they are perceived as insensitive and abrasive may
not progress to more senior positions if they are never made aware of this.
We all have limits on our ability to sense the consequences of our ac-
tions; for this reason, if you wish to continue to develop and learn through-
out your lifetime, it is vital that you have as many sources of feedback as
possible, otherwise you will simply rise to the limit of your self-awareness
and stay there.
It’s also true that with young children, adults sometimes struggle to give
feedback in a way that is meaningful for them. Two-year-old Bobby
whacks his sister Sarah with a rubber mallet. She starts crying. His mum
takes him aside and says: ‘How would you feel if Sarah hit you with a
hammer?’ and Bobby has a glazed expression because he literally can’t
imagine that, and the actual affective outcome is a parent talking to him.
This is why parents sometimes say things like: ‘Do that again and I will
take away your sweets’ instead.
124 How People Learn
But, as I have pointed out, this is not really a very effective approach, as
it doesn’t directly address the things that I care about in this specific context.
So, all things being equal, a dramatic fall from a great height is likely to be
one of the more memorable and engaging scenes in a mountaineering
movie – but what really matters is whether I am about to climb a mountain
myself. It is my affective context that determines what is stored, after all.
So long as we neglect the personal significance of experiences and simply
strive to produce ‘engaging’ content, we will achieve only a tiny fraction of
the learning that we might otherwise accomplish.
Once someone cares about something, they will be quite happy to draw on
resources that are available to them. They will ‘pull’ from the sources of sup-
port to hand. It’s quite easy to get ‘push’ and ‘pull’ situations mixed up. Let
me tell a story about a time I did exactly that.
Around 20 years ago I was working for a global telecoms company that
sells the kinds of phones that you have on your desk, if you still have one
(either a desk or a desk phone). They were massively functional and blin-
dingly complex to use. So we were tasked with building e-learning for cus-
tomers wanting to get value from their complicated phones (basically we
were patching a poorly designed system with training).
As mentioned previously, we built an e-learning programme, featuring a
computer-based simulation of the phone in which artificial characters would
call you and ask you to perform a range of tasks, which gradually increased
in complexity. The characters had an element of artificial intelligence, their
expressions and tone changed in response to their degree of satisfaction, the
storyline was branching and randomized – the whole experience built into a
complex gamified environment.
I was an idiot. The point when someone learns how to set up a conference
call is the point where they are on the phone to someone important who
says: ‘Can you add Bob to this call?’ – and at that point they do not need a
126 How People Learn
breaking it into 5-minute videos and calling them ‘resources’, but the under-
lying approach is still the same – it’s still content dumping.
A resource is task-centric, not topic-centric. When you look at a resource,
you should be able to think of the task that it would help you to do. When
I look at the Underground map, I can immediately see that it would help me
get around London. On the other hand, when I look at a five-minute video
where someone pontificates about ‘leadership styles’, I have no idea what
that would help me to do. Except, perhaps, pontificate about leadership
Of course, this implies something about how you create resources – you
can only really create effective resources by talking to people and under-
standing the things that concern them, and what they are trying to do. If, on
the other hand, all you have done is gather up some stuff that you think
might help people and shove it in a course – then probably you are content
This distinction gets easier to spot with practice. If you are asked to look
at some ‘learning content’ that is being presented as a resource, ask yourself:
‘What would this help someone to do?’ If there is no specific task for which
it would be really useful, then it is almost certainly content dumping.
A Sherlock Holmes mystery: A story
about resources and courses
At the start of my career I worked for an organization that had a great many
field-based engineers. They were typically men, with a background in
telecommunications, and they would drive around the country in vans, fixing the
kind of complicated telecommunications equipment that big organizations
procure – such as a PABX (Private Area Branch Exchange). No – don’t nod
off – still with me? Good.
My team, the e-learning team, were, essentially, corporate vampires. People
would point us at some bloated beast of a training course and we would descend
on it from a great height, suck the life out of it and leave them with the bare
bones. Regular training professionals would shudder when we entered the room.
In this particular story, we had been asked to take a look at a five-day training
course that the entire population of field-based engineers were currently going
through. The backstory is that the company was introducing a new product – a
128 How People Learn
hulking new kind of PABX the size of a small wardrobe – that was difficult to
install and they needed to get everyone trained before they started selling it in
six months’ time. The expectation was that we would take the five-day format,
strip out some of the content, stuff it into an e-learning course and save everyone
time and money.
I was curious about this course. I was pretty sure that if I sat through five
days of dense technical instructions, I wouldn’t remember much of it six months
later – but maybe the engineers were just a different kind of creature. So before
we did anything, I exercised my management prerogative and sent one of my
team on the course to find out what was going on.
He returned a week later, looking a little worse for wear, and we talked about
the course (I’ve decided to render our conversation in the style of Sherlock
Holmes/Dr Watson):
‘So, Watson – tell me about the course. Don’t leave out any detail,’ I
‘Well, Holmes, it was unbelievably boring. Crushingly so. At times I felt as
though I could feel my soul leaving my body.’
‘Details, Watson, details!’ I urged, tapping my pipe on the mantelpiece
‘Just countless hours of software configuration, installation, technical
parameters – I confess it is all much of a blur,’ Watson replied rather
‘Ah ha!’ I expostulated. ‘Just as I suspected! And surely our hapless
engineers are not up to the task of committing that claptrap to memory?’
‘Precisely, Holmes. As ever, your presentiments proved correct. They dull
their period of incarceration to the extent that they are able, spending their
evenings in merriment and drink, then descend into a catatonic state during
the day, suitably anaesthetized.’
‘Pray tell – is there an examination of some manner at the end?’ I mused.
‘There is not – they are sent on their way clutching an enormous,
cumbersome, training manual.’
‘Great Scott! And to what use do they put this instructional behemoth?’ I
‘None whatsoever. They heave it to the luggage compartment of their
motor car and put it out of mind.’
I pondered the mystery for a while, the wheels of my mind turning like cogs
in some great steam engine as I pressed the fingers of my right hand to my
Learning design 129
‘And in the likely eventuality that they should, in time, encounter a situation
in which they are compelled to complete the installation procedure – what
‘Oh – the canny chaps have come up with a capital scheme,’ Watson
replied. ‘They’ve fashioned a manner of “checklist” in Microsoft
Excel – which document contains step-by-step instructions on what to do.
Should they find themselves in the unfortunate position of having to install the
confounded thing – they simply telephone a fellow engineer, and request that
they email the checklist.’
It was an instructive mystery for me to unravel, for two reasons: first, it illustrated
how much more powerful resources could be than a course. Courses suck. The
whole premise is that you will carry all this stuff around in your head and people
almost never do. A map is so much better than having to remember directions.
Second, it illustrated the power of being audience-centric in your design
approach. Had we not taken the time to understand the context in which our
audience were operating, we could quite easily have cooked up an e-learning
course based on the very same instruction manual that was being handed to
engineers. It would have been equally useless.
Since that time, it has often been my experience that when we talk to people
doing a job, they have figured out a more effective way to get it done than
training – often creating resources of their own. Usually, these informal
resources bear little or no relation to the standard operating procedures that we
have been given to work on.
As a result, we decided not to build an e-learning course. Instead we built a sort
of video companion where you could watch someone do something instead of being
told about it. I imagine it was all the same to our sponsors (‘e-learning – video-
guide – whatever’), but the engineering team made much better use of it.
The next interesting thing to note is whether or not people use the resources
that we create for them. Have you ever had that experience where you need
the answer to a question – such as how to cook something – and when you
Google it you have a choice between a page of text and a video – and you
choose the page of text? Why is that? Don’t people prefer video?
As a rule of thumb, people will use whatever is easiest in a given situa-
tion, and so unless your resource is the route of least resistance, people will
choose the alternative. This is probably why you choose text over video on
130 How People Learn
call them micro-learning. But I imagine some of you are not entirely happy
with this. Quite right. There are times when we Google something – or YouTube
it – and we do learn; we do store the information in our heads.
For example, I might look up how to cook pancakes, watch a short video,
then know how to do it next time without looking it up. So when does
learning happen from a resource and when not?
Consider this: how long would it take me to memorize a map of the
Underground? And how long to remember how to cook pancakes?
The key to understanding whether or not a resource aids or suppresses
learning is the relative costs in a specific context: it’s easy for me to reference
the Underground map (since it is on my phone) and would take months to
memorize. On the other hand, if I am cooking pancakes more than a couple
of times, it’s easier for me to remember a couple of steps than it is to listen
to that annoying TV chef all over again while trying not to get batter on my
phone screen.
This point is worth considering, because there is no absolute answer – it
will vary from individual to individual and from context to context. It might
be easier to use an iPad app to identify stellar constellations, but if your
objective is to impress a date on a hot summer’s night, you might commit
them to memory. We will invest the effort, given sufficient affective returns.
This final aspect of resources makes some educators quite uneasy, I sus-
pect; educators are used to thinking in terms of learning objectives and the
information that people ‘must remember’. Our new model shifts the locus of
control to the learner: our job is to create effective resources, but whether or
not they choose to learn from them or just use them is entirely up to the
The implication for learning measurement is also important: it becomes
irrelevant to measure what knowledge someone has been able to memorize;
instead we focus on what someone is able to do and leave the decisions
around what to learn and what not to learn to them.
From a training perspective, it is important that the assessment condi-
tions resemble the operating conditions; for example, if I am unlikely to
have access to a laptop computer in the operating environment, I should not
have access to it during the assessment.
I will return to this topic – learning elimination – in the next chapter,
since it is especially important from the perspective of the future of learning.
But for now let’s consider some possible resource types.
132 How People Learn
When education people get their hands on video, bad things happen. Once
again, these things tend to happen because people still have this corrupt no-
tion of learning as knowledge transfer, and they see new technologies and
media as a way of doing precisely the same awful things they did be-
fore – only more efficiently.
Imagine, for example, that you were a university with lots of teaching
staff busily giving lectures, and students who pay to attend the university
but frequently don’t attend the lectures. You are under pressure to reduce
costs and modernize, but you don’t really know what that means except that
it should involve doing something online.
One really awful thing that you could do would be to film those lectures,
put them online together with some documents and a chat box and call it a
MOOC (massive open online course), and charge people in far-off places a
small amount to watch them. Why would this be a bad idea?
First, it’s a bad idea because students are there for the certificates, not the
lectures. Since generally they get the certificates for passing the exams and
not for turning up to the lectures, they will figure out the most efficient way
to achieve that result – which is not attending the lectures. If you attend the
lectures it is typically not to learn, it is to take notes. A person takes notes so
that they don’t have to remember what was said, but instead can refer back
to the notes. Students then use the notes to revise for the exam at the short-
est possible distance from the actual exam that they deem feasible, which is
sometimes the night before.
Of course, knowing that this is how it works, the smart student won’t go
to the lectures but either make use of the textbooks or just borrow the notes
of a student who is so terribly anxious about their future job prospects and
afraid of their parents that they actually go to lectures.
It might sound a bit sweeping to say: ‘People don’t attend lectures to
learn’. Theoretically you could learn from a lecture – if it was largely based
around conversations, stories and practical activities. But of course they are
not; in part because universities bump up the student/teacher ratios in the
interests of saving money, but largely because teachers believe that getting
information into people’s heads is what they are there to do and they have a
huge amount of information to get through. Ironically, they literally don’t
have time for learning.
When you put videos of lectures online, people will sometimes go and
take a look – often just because of an institution’s reputation – and quickly
Learning design 133
figure out that 1) you don’t get a certificate, and 2) the lectures don’t actually
help them to do any of the things they are trying to do (so aren’t useful re-
So respected Ivy League institutions share their teaching materials with
the world, only to find that hardly anyone does more than glance at them,
for the simple reason that education is not really about learning but about
granting certificates (which grant access to jobs), and if there are no certifi-
cates on offer, there are better ways to learn. You would have thought that
if these courses really were about learning, the world would be awash with
highly educated people by now, but it is not.
Even if there were certificates on offer, people would quickly figure out
(as students have been doing for decades) more efficient ways of obtaining
them – through forgery, subcontracting or just good old last-minute revi-
sion. This all sounds crazy, but is actually fine, since if you actually ever get
a job it is likely to bear scant relation to your area of study and in any case
you will learn how to do it on the job.
The upshot is: don’t use video for content dumping.
So what are good uses of video? Video works well in two specific con-
texts, one ‘push’, one ‘pull’.
In the ‘push’ context, video can be good for telling a story or communi-
cating an emotion. We know this; we go to the movies. But a good story is
rich in emotion, so if your speaker is as dull as ditchwater, don’t put them in
front of a camera, and for heaven’s sake get people to tell stories (rather than
trying to tell people what they know).
Also – never script video. Having spent many years filming people trying
to communicate something, I have noticed that use of an autocue has two
highly damaging effects: first, unless you are a professional it is immediately
obvious to everyone watching that you are reading a script – and so any
value in using video is lost (since you might as well have sent them the
script); second, if you can’t remember the points you want to make, what
are the chances that someone watching will?
In the ‘pull’ context, video is useful for showing people how to do some-
thing that would be tough to describe in words. If I am trying to learn to
dance, for example, it’s much easier to watch someone do it than it is to
translate a description into words. A good example of this is game walk-
throughs, where people stuck at a point in their video game will watch to see
how someone else has mastered the challenge.
Mostly, though, when we are looking for a resource, for example when
Googling, we avoid video and click instead on links to text formats. This is
134 How People Learn
because we intuitively know that videos are often used for content dumping:
the laborious extended introduction where the presenter blathers on and on.
With a document, we can quickly scan and find the bit we need – so we
choose these. There are a number of resource formats: infographics, guides,
tips, flow-charts and so on. The important thing is not the format itself, but
the extent to which it directly addresses a person’s concerns.
For example, ‘top 10 mistakes’ is usually a popular resource in any field,
since most people are implicitly concerned about not looking stupid. Despite
this, it is very rare to see ‘top 10 mistakes’ feature in an educational pro-
gramme, for the reason that education is typically content-centric rather
than context-centric.
Make it practical: talk to the context, not the content. It goes without saying
that you need to understand the concerns and tasks people have if you
are going to stand any chance at all of designing useful resources.
Organize your resources by task, not topic: if I am trying to put up
shelves, I just need ‘How to put up shelves’, not something that begins
with ‘Chapter One: The history of home maintenance’.
Keep it short: if your resource is not absolutely the easiest thing to find and
use, people will use something else. In practice, this generally means
nothing is more than one page. If it’s longer than that, break it down.
Be visual: use diagrams and graphics where these will be easier to understand
than words, but not just for the sake of it.
Design for use: good design isn’t about making things look elegant, but
about making them fit snugly into the context where they will be used.
For example, you might design a screen of guidance for people driving
subway trains – and then realize that black text on a white screen is very
distracting when driving through tunnels.
Talk like a friend: something horrible happens to us at school, with the
result that whenever people are asked to write something to do with
learning, they slip into a ‘teacherly’ tone and attempt to sound vaguely
Learning design 135
Curate if you can: people will often create resources that already exist, and
are better. Have a look at what is out there already before creating a
Make it accessible: good resources will fail if you can’t find them when you
need them. Education still suffers from its authoritarian past, expecting
people to learn our content from our systems – which of course is why
students will skip lectures if they can get the information on the internet.
Find out what your audience prefer, and use their approaches.
1 Utility: they have to be genuinely useful (and not just some stuff that you
threw together because you thought it looked useful).
2 Accessibility: they have to be the easiest thing to access and use when and
where people need to access them (or they will use something else).
3 Awareness: people need to know where the resources are (so you may
need to do some marketing or awareness-raising).
I hope that the examples in this chapter give you a good sense of what I mean
when I describe the two classes of learning activity along the push–pull spec-
trum: experiences add to our concerns, while resources respond to them. The
list above is just scratching the surface. Figure 5.1 might give you a better
sense of some of the other things that you might consider when designing
experiences or performance support (as well as some capabilities you might
wish to develop) – but I am sure you can probably think of many more.
Some of the things I have listed above may sit on either – or both – sides
of the diagram at times. For example, both ‘mentoring’ and ‘coaching’ I have
listed as experiences, since they are generally scheduled sessions. But one can
imagine situations in which coaches or mentors are available on demand – in
which case their role is more akin to that of a resource. It is possible that
they may play different roles at different times. As we have seen above, a
video might be a simple ‘how to’ or a more extended narrative.
In order to support these two types of creative activity – the creation of
resources and the creation of experiences – learning professionals will need
a core set of techniques related to human-centred design. Many of these
techniques already exist and are in use in other areas of design, such as
product development. Learning professionals will have to extend this tool-
set, especially in the area of experience design, which is still largely unex-
plored territory.
Figure 5.1 Experience, resources and capabilities
Shadowing Shock Mistakes
FAQs Guide
Scenario Learning Life Hacks Useful
Role-play Templates
User-centred design Contacts
Performance consulting
Action Active listening Behavioural economics
Replay Top 10
Assignment Storytelling Digital design Tips
Coaching Video prod. Glossary
Shoot Stakeholder Web tech. ‘How To’
Shareables management Graphic design Videos
Writing Psychology Guide
Flipped 20s Video
Mentoring Innovation
Classroom Tips
cation Case
Field Trip Flow
Challenge Community
Feedback Decision
Animation Infographic
Allied with these techniques, learning professionals will need a wide range
of creative capabilities in order to create the kinds of resources or experi-
ences that will be most useful or impactful respectively.
Key points
As organizations anticipate the future, it seems that resources and guidance are
set to play an ever-greater role in delivering employee performance improve-
ments and competitive advantage as we inch our way towards automation.
The next chapter considers the shift from courses to resources in more
1 J S Bruner (1966) Toward a Theory of Instruction, Belkapp Press, Cambridge,
2 Of course, if you want people to care about something that currently they don’t,
then getting them involved in meaningful interaction is a good place to start. In
our experiment participants knew that they would be tested at the end – we had
set them a familiar little challenge – so they were all equally engaged.
138 How People Learn
3 I have no idea if Ali actually said this, so please don’t put it in an inspirational
meme alongside a black and white photo of Ali and circulate it on the internet.
4 N Noddings (1992) The Challenge to Care in Schools: An alternative
approach to education, Teachers College Press, New York
5, (archived at
6 Office for National Statistics. Graduates in the UK Labour Market: 2017, 24
November 2017,
graduatesintheuklabourmarket/2017 (archived at
7 Although, as Jaak Pansepp notes, conditioning works best when pre-existing
behavioural responses are being moulded: ‘In the early years of my career I
made an open challenge to my department’s graduate students in
psychobiology to train a hungry rat to run backward down an alleyway to
obtain food… Many tried, but none succeeded.’ (J Panksepp (1998) Affective
Neuroscience: The foundations of human and animal emotions, Oxford
University Press)
8 This sense of ‘gamification’, in which learning is made into a game, is much
closer to what is later described as simulation. Describing it as simulation
serves to differentiate this approach from the element of positive
reinforcement, but also to focus attention on what will make it effective:
namely whether or not the simulation actually resembles reality in a manner
which allows for the transfer of learning.
9 A Bandura (1962) Social Learning through Imitation. In M R Jones (Ed),
Nebraska Symposium on Motivation (pp 211–74), University of Nebraska
10 James Rilling et al found that areas of the brain that activated pro-social
behaviour behaved differently depending on whether a participant believed
they were playing against a human opponent or a machine (J Rilling et al. A
neural basis for social co-operation, Neuron, 2002, 35 (2), 395–405).
11 S Choudhury, S Blakemore, S and T Charman. Social cognitive development
during adolescence, Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 2006, 1 (3),
12 J Panksepp (1998) Affective Neuroscience: The foundations of human and
animal emotions, Oxford University Press
13 G Anderson. Video games: Attitudes and habits of adults age 50-plus, AARP
Research, June 2016 Washington, DC
14 Even here we can see how individual differences might come into play;
conceivably someone who is very rich might play a game where they stand to
lose a significant sum of money, having developed an immunity to
consequences of a lesser nature.
15 And also because what educators might guess would be useful stuff to know in
a situation often turns out to be wrong, so we end up teaching vastly more
information than people actually need to know.
Learning 06
Resources, not courses
Have a look at Figure 6.1. It’s a visual illustration of something that I have
come to call the learning elimination curve.
The premise is simple: the further away from the point at which people
need information (‘point of need’) you are, the more time and money you
are going to waste trying to get people to memorize the information.
If, for example, you spend two days in a classroom learning about perfor-
mance management six months before you are due to apply it, you might
only recall three things. If you could deliver those three things to someone
immediately before they need them, you would achieve the same outcome at
a fraction of the time and cost. In other words, this curve represents the shift
from courses (top right) to resources (bottom left).
You may have experienced this effect in your personal life where, for
example, you use Google or YouTube to look things up as an alternative to
having to memorize them.
If you are wondering where the curve comes from, it is Ebbinghaus up-
side-down; and while we have established that Ebbinghaus was a bit of an
idiot, his research does hold true for mental flotsam – which is precisely the
kind of information that people tend to push in educational programmes.
Further support for this phenomenon comes from a surgeon called Dr Atul
Gawande, author of an excellent book called The Checklist Manifesto.1 Atul
was interested in how one might improve outcomes in life-and-death situa-
tions in his own professional field. He looked at how high-risk procedures are
140 How People Learn
successfully handled in other industries, spending time with Boeing, and began
to appreciate the critical role played by one particular kind of resource – the
He subsequently designed and implemented a checklist to be used by sur-
gical teams, and was able to cut deaths by half and reduce complications by
36 per cent – an extraordinary outcome, and considerably more successful
that that achieved by lengthy training sessions. In essence, he had demon-
strated that point-of-need performance support can be much more effective
than conventional training at changing behaviour. The checklist had removed
the need to learn, by externalizing the information.
Interestingly, some of the people who attempted to reproduce Atul’s im-
pressive results were unable to do so – the checklists didn’t seem to make
much of a difference. When they explored why, the most likely explanation
seemed to be that they just didn’t care enough to use them. Note that this is
precisely what the affective context model would predict: resources are an
effective approach for people who care about something, but for people
who don’t they will just be more noise.
That resources work extraordinarily well in some circumstances but not
at all in others is a reminder of how important it is to understand the con-
cerns of your audience: without knowing what is driving their behaviour,
you can’t confidently predict which approach – resources or experi-
ences – will achieve the desired outcome.
But perhaps this is the right point to return to a question that may have
continued to trouble you: when we produce resources, are these really
‘learning resources’? Are we, in other words, just breaking the big chunks of
Learning elimination (performance consulting) 141
And then someone invents GPS and at a stroke everything changes: now
anyone can be a taxi driver. With real-time traffic data they can even outper-
form experienced London cabbies. Your entire business model changes, and
then a new business model springs up – Uber.
Now imagine GPS for every job: GPS for every job means resources and
guidance that allow people with little or no capability to get up to speed
very quickly, and then outperform employees with years of experience. At
the same time, our technology is being designed in such a way that it ships
with no manuals. Nothing to learn.
All this should remind us of the Great Horse Manure Crisis of 1894. At
around this time there were in excess of 11,000 horse-drawn cabs transporting
people around the streets of London. In addition, there were several thousand
horse-drawn buses and an estimated 50,000 horses. Each of these horses pro-
duced anything up to 16 kilos of manure a day and around 2 litres of urine.
The crisis had reached such proportions that in 1894 The Times confidently
predicted: ‘In 50 years, every street in London will be buried under nine feet of
manure’. But this nightmarish scenario never materialized – instead we discov-
ered the motor car.
The modern equivalent of the Great Horse Manure Crisis is the Future
Skills Crisis. In 2015, the UK Commission on Employment and Skills cata-
logued a chronic shortage of skilled workers. Other reports suggest that by
2024 there will be four million too few skilled workers to meet demand.2
But there is no future skills crisis. Not if we make (almost) every job do-
able by someone with next to no capability (unless automation is a better
option, or as a stepping-stone on the way to automation).
It is a mistake to see this process – the process of learning elimination – as
incidental rather than thematic – as merely a side effect of technology rather
than a fundamental trend. Human beings are systematically externalizing
knowledge, so that their need to learn is reduced. This activity takes a vari-
ety of forms – for example the provision of context-sensitive guidance, im-
proved user-experience design, hybrid human/AI working and, ultimately,
We do this because of homeostasis. As described at the outset, homeosta-
sis describes an organism’s efforts to create optimal living conditions. For
example, simple multicellular organisms may move from environments that
are too cold to ones that are warmer. As they grow in complexity, organisms
are able to moderate, to some extent, their internal environment indepen-
dently of what is happening around them.
Learning elimination (performance consulting) 143
Performance consulting
In recent years, businesses have developed a name for the approach in which
the need to learn is reduced: performance consulting. In essence perfor-
mance consulting is an extension of the same trick used by the Egyptians – we
144 How People Learn
have evidence that they, too, externalized knowledge in the form of check-
lists to avoid people having to learn information.
Performance consulting works by systematically identifying the critical
stages involved in optimum performance and changing the performance
context to make getting the job done as easy as possible. Since learning is
inherently effortful, we remove this where we can.
Here’s an everyday example: you have to buy 50 items at the supermar-
ket. Are you going to memorize them or write a list? Memorizing them is the
educational approach. It’s arduous, time-consuming, unreliable and often
pointless. Making a list is the performance consulting approach – it’s quick,
reliable and saves you time. It eliminates the need to learn.
Note that performance consulting is not limited to creating checklists and
guides (‘performance support’), we may also want to change other aspects
of the performance context. To see how this works, consider once again the
challenge of having to go to the supermarket to buy 50 items. Memorizing
them all would be time-consuming and effortful (but you would be learning
in the educational sense).
At the start of a project, we have to make a decision as to whether learn-
ing will pay off. If you were going to be buying the same items every week
for ten years, it might – but chances are your shopping list is going to change,
so learning may not be the best approach.
A performance consulting approach would suggest a checklist. Not only
is this quicker and easier than learning, it reduces the chance of error. This
is why aircraft pilots use checklists every time they fly. So resources elimi-
nate learning.
But note that performance consulting need not stop with resources: we
might design a fridge that creates the shopping list for you. We might then
wonder why you were shopping at all, and instead have the fridge send your
list to your supermarket for them to deliver the items when you are in. Now,
not only do you not have to memorize the list, you don’t have to learn how
to shop at a supermarket or drive a car.
This broader scope is common when we do performance consulting – we
end up with a range of recommendations starting with performance sup-
port, and extending to larger changes to process or operating environment.
Oftentimes the latter are more costly to change, so it is only the former that
are implemented.
One point I need to reiterate, though: performance consulting owes its
effectiveness at improving performance to externalizing capability and
knowledge; changing things around us so that we don’t need to learn, rather
Learning elimination (performance consulting) 145
than changing us. This means that performance consulting tells us nothing
about learning, includes no techniques for learning, and is not based on any
approaches to learning whatsoever. It’s a wonderful technique for side-step-
ping all that.
Of course it’s not impossible that someone might memorize a checklist,
just as it is not impossible for someone to memorize a map of the under-
ground – but these resources are designed to encourage the opposite. You
will learn things more slowly if you are using a resource than if you had to
commit things to memory. So at the beginning of every project aimed at
improving performance we have to figure out if we want to do that by creat-
ing learning experiences (and changing people), or eliminating learning (and
changing the context).
It would be mischievous of me to suggest that ‘learning professionals’
using this approach should be renamed ‘unlearning professionals’, but the
serious point is that our focus as a profession shouldn’t be learning, but
performance and experience and the various techniques for changing them.
I have found that many people struggle with this idea – that information
might discourage learning rather than encourage it; intuitively they feel that
if we provide performance support this will inevitably aid learning some-
how. Let’s consider the following hypothetical situation so that we can bring
the mechanism into focus.
Imagine the task of learning the irrational number Pi (3.141592… etc) to
one thousand places. This is the kind of thing that very few people would
do. Why is that? The answer is that the cost is high – it’s a very laborious and
difficult thing to do – and the benefit low – it’s not the kind of thing we need
to do often, and if we do there is rarely a big benefit in having memorized it.
So imagine you are performance consulting on a type of job where people
occasionally need to know what, say, the 337th digit of Pi is. A sensible thing
to do would be to produce a one-page document that people could easily ac-
cess when they need it, enabling them to look up Pi whenever they need to.
Now, it would be very odd to go back to people, a few weeks after pro-
viding this document and say: ‘Well – have you learned it yet!?’ Your audi-
ence would look at you oddly: ‘Of course we haven’t learned it! What was
the point of providing the quick reference if you expect us to learn it!? In
fact, now we can easily look it up there is less need than ever to learn it!’
So you see, you have actually reduced the likelihood that people will
learn by providing the resource. In essence this is because people are cogni-
tive misers, and if there is an easier alternative to memorizing something,
they will take it.
146 How People Learn
But some people still come back to me and say: ‘But surely there are some
circumstances in which providing resources encourages learning?’
The answer is that learners can always choose to memorize something if
the benefit outweighs the cost – but the whole point of good resources is to
discourage this by reducing the cost of not memorizing something. This is
why the London Underground map prevents me from learning routes – it’s
so accessible (on the wall, on my device) and so easy to use that there really
is very little cost to me referring.
Paradoxically, the worse a resource is – if it’s hard to understand or
find – the more likely it is to encourage learning (because you have raised the
cost of referring and made memorizing relatively attractive).
To see how this works, let’s consider a context in which someone would
use our Pi resource to learn: imagine someone who is a maths nerd – some-
one who obsesses over mathematics, cares deeply about it and is part of a
club of like-minded individuals. They pride themselves on their prow-
ess – but like almost all humans they instinctively care what their peers think
of them too.
They realize that memorizing Pi to a thousand places would be a great
way to show off and win respect and admiration from their fellows. Despite
the significant cost of – night after night – committing the numbers to mem-
ory, they put in the hours because the benefits are so great.
Do you see how this works? It is the challenge, and the things that people
care about that drive learning. So whilst performance consulting aims al-
ways at externalizing knowledge and capability, there is nothing to stop
people learning if they care sufficiently. If you wanted someone to learn,
you’d need to make them care.
This is where performance consulting, in isolation, is limited. You are
tacitly assuming that what people care about is fixed – but if one person
cares about patient outcomes they may use the checklist, whilst another
who does not, will not. Changing what people care about is learning design,
the rest is up to them.
To see this, consider a small child on their first day of school. A perfor-
mance consulting approach would identify one by one the tasks on the ‘crit-
ical path’ to achieving their goals, then analyse the changes that would make
achieving these easier.
For example, new students might need to identify their teachers – a gal-
lery of staff with pictures and names posted in communal areas might help.
They need to get to classes on time, so a printed personalized timetable
would be handy. They may be unfamiliar with the layout, so a school
map – perhaps even lines painted on the floor – would help a new student
get to classes on time.
All these things are good to do and will measurably improve performance
against a number of key metrics.
But what performance consulting doesn’t do is analyse and address con-
cerns – and these are what are ultimately driving learning. If you talk to new
students, you will learn that what they are really worried about is fitting in,
making friends, not embarrassing themselves, looking cool, dressing in a
way that impresses people, saying the right things, not having their parents
be mad at them and so on (interestingly these are almost identical to the
concerns adults have when joining a new organization).
If you understand these concerns, there are a whole host of additional
experiences and resources that you can design to address them. Performance
consulting is not an approach designed to surface or address concerns, so it
will always miss a big piece of the picture. Sure, kids want to get to class on
time, but if you don’t understand why then you can easily design the wrong
Conversely you might struggle to understand why kids with all the right
performance support are nevertheless turning up late. It might be that this is
deliberate – that they want to look cool, and being regularly late to class is
part of their ‘rebel’ image.
Despite its shortcomings, performance consulting is a huge step forward
from conventional education. So what stops learning professionals embrac-
ing this approach? It’s an approach that dramatically improves performance,
time to competence, productivity and employee experience – all top con-
cerns for business leaders. So why not?
In short, it’s tough for people with an emotional attachment to learning
to switch to learning elimination. To let go of the (educational) idea that
somehow our job is about getting knowledge into people’s heads. It’s tough
for us to switch from building individual capability to building organiza-
tional capability.
148 How People Learn
But if we can let go, we can become the future architects that our organi-
zations need, and for the first time have a genuinely positive effect on per-
formance and employee experience. If we don’t, there is every likelihood
that companies offering ‘performance guidance systems’ will rapidly replace
the role of learning and development in delivering improved performance.
Tie off: A story about the importance
of learner-centricity
I joined an organization that had about 80,000 employees based around the
world, and a similar number of contract staff.
The induction programme included eight hours of e-learning modules, which
were classed as mandatory. Since these modules were now my responsibility,
I had a look at the usage data. In the four years that the modules had been live,
only 300 people had successfully completed them. We had around 6,000 people
joining each year.
We decided that fixing this problem should be a priority, since when people
join an organization this is both a time when learning is likely to occur and when
things may go badly wrong. Changing jobs is a kind of transition and transitions
are interesting because the word ‘transition’ describes a collection of
interrelated challenges. Transitions are typically intensely emotional phases in a
person’s life.
As explained above, challenges drive learning, so if we are to make the best
use of resources, we should look to support people as they make these
transitions, since this is where they are learning the most and where their future
behaviour will be defined.
The conventional way to design a learning programme (of almost any kind) is
as follows: scoot around the organization and ask important people or experts for
a list of things that people need to know. This is true whether we are talking
about university or corporate education. While this may sound like a reasonable
approach, it is terrible in practice, since learning is actually driven by the
concerns of the people learning – and these are invariably very different from
those of experts and senior people.
That is not to say you shouldn’t talk to these people – just that their concerns
can only be addressed in the context of the learner’s concerns. An organization
may want people to be more inclusive, but just dumping content related to
‘inclusivity’ into an induction programme will not achieve that outcome.
Instead, we talked to people who had recently joined the organization –
13 focus groups in all – using the techniques described above. We discovered
Learning elimination (performance consulting) 149
that their concerns and tasks varied across a spectrum: at one end a general
anxiety about fitting in and not making a fool of themselves, at the other end
more specific tasks, for example figuring out how to access work emails on their
personal mobile device.
In discussing these areas with new starters, it becomes clear that seemingly
trivial resources can have a big impact on confidence, engagement and
One of the most popular resources we produced was a simple checklist with
step-by-step guidance for the first few days, weeks and months. While this might
seem like a fairly uninspiring item, it is actually very demoralizing for people to
join on an emotional high, then rapidly deteriorate as a sense of uncertainty and
confusion about what they are doing sets in. In practice, organizations that worry
about ‘building engagement’ might start by cataloguing the ways in which they
are systematically destroying it in the first place.
Overall, we discovered a complex matrix of interrelated concerns and tasks.
We itemized each, and during the design process we involved a diverse group of
people in thinking through what kind of resource or experience might help
people address each of the things on the list. Some things were clearly suited to
video treatments: for example, we helped people get a sense of the culture by
interviewing people in informal settings, without a script.
We included the executive management team. It was the first time they had
been filmed without a script. At one point the CEO asked: ‘Tie on or tie off?’, and
in retrospect I realized the answer to that question probably changed the culture
of the organization. We created simple checklists and guides.
Of course, nobody worried much about what we were doing – as far as they
were concerned we were creating some grubby e-learning content that hardly
anyone would use, so there was no real risk of us having much impact.
But what we created was not e-learning modules. We avoided working with
companies that produced learning content and instead worked with agencies
more used to producing games, marketing or apps. We fretted over the ‘user
experience’. We created a rich mix of video, animation, guides and so on that
people could access easily on their mobile devices and which answered their
Some of these questions had been, essentially, unanswered for
decades – questions such as: ‘How do I fit in to the bigger picture?’ and ‘What do
we stand for?’, or ‘What is our culture?’, or ‘What do the different parts of this
organization do?’
The results were literally unprecedented. In the four years that the site was
live, it enjoyed more than a million visits. Most people in the organization had
used the site multiple times. All of the activity was by choice, and it was the most
150 How People Learn
The thought had never occurred to people that learning content should help
someone to do a specific task – they had just assumed that our job was to
transfer information into people’s heads.
So we rejected the 40-page document, but if they liked we would help them to
think through questions about their audience, the process for discovering their
audience’s tasks and concerns, and then the options for designing useful stuff or
challenging experiences.
People struggled with the conceptual shift: they would ask odd questions
such as: ‘How long does it take to do?’ and we would reply: ‘How long does it
take to Google?’ They would ask about ‘completion rates’, and we would point
out that there were no completion rates (since it makes no sense to track
completion of a one-page guide that in any case we were expecting people to
use rather than memorize), but that instead we used Google Analytics to
track activity and develop our content strategy.
We also did away with instructional designers: our team had a mix of media
production, digital marketing and user-experience design capability.
Learning elimination (performance consulting) 151
Key points
●● Providing resources at the point of need will often be a far more efficient
and effective way to shift performance than training.
●● Resources won’t work if people don’t care enough to use them, or if they
are inaccessible.
●● Resources often eliminate the need to learn. Whether or not they
increase or reduce learning will depend on the individual and
the context.
You may be a bit worried about some of what I have said – and rightly so.
Whilst eliminating the need to learn is a fast track to performance in the ma-
jority of cases, there may be times when we want to transform people – for
example to prepare them for organization change, to change the way they feel
about something important, or simply because we care about their growth.
To change people, we need to design an experience that matters to them.
In the next chapter we will look at how to do this.
1 A Gawande (2011) The Checklist Manifesto: How to get things right, Profile
2 UK Department for Education. UKCES Employer Skills Survey 2015: UK report,
28 January 2016,
survey-2015-uk-report (archived at
Defining 07
How one becomes who one is
As someone who has never been terribly troubled by social life, I confess I
struggle to understand why people devote so much time to it, I mean – par-
ties, socializing, meetings – honestly, there is only so much superficial chit-
chat I can stomach before I feel like slapping someone with a large fish.
Certainly I can envisage situations in which people might be useful, but by
and large I try and keep my interactions to a minimum so that I can focus on
the things that matter: like for example learning, cognition, philosophy, neuro-
science and the future. So far this has worked out fairly well for everyone
concerned – I think about stuff like that, and people don’t invite me to parties.
In the previous chapter we talked about individual differences: but how
do those differences come about? What made you the person you are today –
and if I wanted to change you, how would I do that?
Imagine, for the sake of argument, that people start out in life with a
‘pool’ of ‘care points’ that they can choose to spend on a number of classes
of experience that they may encounter – things like ‘people’ or ‘routines’ or
‘numbers’ or ‘theories’ or ‘visual experience’ or ‘music’ and so on. If, for
example, you spend all your care points on the ‘people’ category, then you
become a tremendously social person – the life and soul of the party – con-
stantly craving social interaction and sensitive to the moods of people
around you, but useless with a spreadsheet and with very little to say about
postmodern philosophy.
I use the expression ‘for the sake of argument’ because although I am not
aware of any research that suggests we have something like a pool of care
points, I would like to suggest that this is a useful analogy.
What we do know to be well supported by research is the finding that the
brain has a number of areas of functional specialization,1 which to some
Defining experiences 153
extent encroach on each other – so for example having a large area of your
brain dedicated to social interaction may mean that you are not quite as
good at something else, depending in part on which areas of the brain tend
to sit next to each other. This is why there is nothing worse than a disco for
As a result, if we are happy to think of affective significance as being a more
or less global way of functioning – in other words various stimuli whether so-
cial or visual for example – are processed in terms of their affective signifi-
cance, then you arrive at something like my proposed points system.
If you have ever played role-based games (whether dice-based games like
Dungeons & Dragons or computer-based games) you will recognize this ap-
proach to character creation: you have, say, 20 points that you can allocate
to characteristics such as strength, agility, charisma and so on. But more of
one means less of the others.
As I type this, I realize that if you are the kind of person who has pur-
chased this book, then this system may well be familiar to you, whereas if
instead you are the kind of person with great social skills then you were
probably not sitting in a basement playing Dungeons & Dragons during
your youth and are – right now – not reading this book, but instead out
making friends. So far, so good.
The point of all this is that thinking about affective significance in this
way may well help us to understand neurodiversity. What would happen,
say, if someone put all of their affective significance points into ‘routine’
(let’s assume there is a part of the brain specialized for handling routine).
These would then be people who are tremendously sensitive to routine and
small variations in them, become very upset at disruption to routines, and
hardly seem to notice people and social situations.
Do we know people like this? Yes, we do – at the extreme end of the
spectrum we are describing some autistic characteristics.
Likewise, we also know people who spend all their ‘affective context’
points on social skills. These are people who thrive on social stimuli and are
quite happy to use social interaction as a means to navigate the world rather
than, say, routine.
Individual differences
We sometimes fall into the trap of thinking of individual differences in terms
of ‘types’ or diagnostic categories: autism and attention deficit hyperactivity
disorder (ADHD) being two topical examples. In recent years, advances in
154 How People Learn
should learn to appreciate nature’ and so on – but the truth is these were all
rationalizations, at heart I just felt that it was the right thing to do. So why
did I feel that it was the right thing to do?
Many people take their kids to football matches. I can’t imagine why. I
mean who would willingly battle through extreme traffic, extending their
repertoire of curse-words as they struggle to find a place to park, parting
with their hard-earned cash to pay extortionate ticket prices for the chance
to be herded like cattle into a mass of people who are forced to watch a
pointless sport at a great distance (which in any case they could watch from
the comfort of the sofa)? But then, that’s just me.
If you reflect on your own life you will realize that certain experiences –
what I will call cornerstone experiences – have a kind of deep and absolute
significance. It is not that they are really important (though doubtless you
can come up with reasons why they are important) – rather they are the
kinds of experiences that you feel obliged to share with significant others or
pass on to your children. They may be fishing, or family traditions, or
sporting events, or religious observances.
Quite often – though not necessarily – these cornerstone experiences will
have been laid down in childhood. It is hard to say what exactly character-
izes them – except that they are emotionally self-sustaining, and driven to
reproduce. What I mean by that is that we are drawn to act them out again,
and to pass them on to others. My parents took me for walks in the woods –
and now I feel that that is something I should do with my daughter.
It is worth noting that this is not about habit; I am not in the habit of
going for walks in the woods on my own. Neither is it rational behaviour –
of course I can come up with reasons why walking in the woods is good, but
I would be lying if I implied that these are truly my motivations.
This affective mechanism sometimes lies at the heart of relationship
difficulties: a young couple meet, date, and after a suitable amount of time
get married. Things are fine for a while, then cracks begin to emerge. Jane
has asked Dave on several occasions to sort out some additional shelving for
the kitchen, but he just hasn’t got round to it.
In fact there are a whole list of things that Dave hasn’t done that cause
Jane to feel frustrated – for example, he often forgets to take out the bins. So
Jane nags him. For his part, Dave has started to feel that all Jane does is nag.
He doesn’t see why if the bins are such a big deal, Jane doesn’t take them out
herself. And although he did say he would put up the shelves, he’s never
really been into DIY, and his anxiety about the whole thing (‘Do I need to
buy power tools?’) is holding him back.
Defining experiences 157
In addition to that, there are a few things that have begun to bug him
about Jane – her cooking leaves much to be desired (though when he last
hinted at this, it ended with Jane suggesting that he do the cooking himself).
One day, when they are both feeling a little stressed, they have a big row
and all these things come out. But what lies at the heart of their dispute is
probably a set of cornerstone experiences. Jane’s dad, for example, was
handy around the house and always took out the bins. Dave’s mum took
pride in her cooking. Without even realizing it, these sentiments about how
a partner should be have caused frustration to build up.
Note that Jane and Dave aren’t consciously aware of this comparison
that they are drawing; in all likelihood they haven’t both drawn up a list of
shortcomings (let’s hope not!) – rather it is just a feeling of annoyance and
dissatisfaction that builds up, a kind of affective dissonance.
They might subsequently go into couples’ therapy, and the therapist
might have the sense to bring all this to the surface – but the key thing is that
rather like our judges’ verdicts example, the mechanics are emotional; the
thoughts just make the unconscious, conscious.
Notice that to make progress the couple have to do a sort of ‘affective
mapping’ exercise – through talking through their feelings and telling
stories about their past they surface the things that matter to them.
Obviously it would be a good idea if they did that before getting
married – but I would suggest that there might be a more systematic,
more scientific way of doing it. Just imagine if we did this with people
as they entered an education system.
These cornerstone experiences may be laid down at recognizable points
in a person’s development – for example their first day at school, or their
first experience of leading a team. When we share powerful experiences with
our children, we may be laying the foundations for the way they behave and
teach others to behave. It’s a woefully inexact science: we cannot be sure of
how they will react, and it is their reaction – not the experience itself that is
This may be especially true when they are doing something for the first
time. In these uncertain situations they may be in a fluid state, and quite
Putting people into this fluid state – or spotting when they are in it – is
critical in shaping an individual’s personality. For most of our lives we will
find ourselves running on rails, conforming to norms, and doing what is
expected of us. It is at times when we do not know what to expect that we
define ourselves.
158 How People Learn
Picture this: I have arrived at London Waterloo train station, but have a little
time before my first meeting of the day.
The data that is held online about me reflects that I like to drink coffee in
the mornings, that there is a coffee shop at Waterloo station, and that my
favourite beverage at this time of day is a caramel latte. It also knows that I
am currently at Waterloo station (via geo-location) and have a little time
before my next meeting (since I use Google calendar).
As I arrive at Waterloo, a notification pops up on my phone for a 20 per cent
discount on a caramel latte. I think ‘Why not?’, and head to the coffee store a
few paces away.
This is the reason why some people are concerned about the data that social
media companies are collecting, and selling. In sufficient quantities they
allow a person not merely to predict, but to control our behaviour. They
reveal the points at which you can be swayed one way or the other, and
what it will take to do that. Over time, such systems can drip-feed enough
nudges to take me to almost any point in political or behavioural space.
Defining experiences 161
So unlike driving a car, in a social context, your GPS is the faces and r eactions
of the people around you.
The sorts of feelings that stick in my head, and which make me the person
I am, the person who does the things that I do – these feelings may range
from the big dramatic ones that impact many people in a generation (like
being at war) to the small very personal ones that impact me personally (like
the ‘gherkin’ comment). Sometimes they are just the things that come up
time and time again (like Coca-Cola).
smaller, experiences – but the answer is twofold: the big, impactful events
can (if carefully designed) be cornerstone experiences for many people, and
second it’s really difficult to gather enough information and use it correctly
to achieve the same result on a personal level.
The best experience designs probably sit somewhere in the middle: that is
to say, amazing experiences that resonate with participants because we’ve
taken the time to segment and understand that audience.
Nobody yet knows how to do experience design scientifically. There are
plenty of experience designers – even schools of experience design – but
without an underlying theory from which to generate testable predictions,
the field remains intuitive and trial and error in nature. A good analogy
would be bridge building: you don’t need physics to build bridges – but
some will fall down for reasons you don’t understand, and you will struggle
to move beyond the tried and tested patterns if you don’t really know why
things work and why they don’t.
The affective context model provides a start; the next step will be to de-
velop techniques for mapping concerns in detail, and understanding how
one influences another. I thought it might be helpful to summarize some
things I have found to date.
You might think that it’s very hard to recreate this experience, but be-
cause a lot of leadership is primarily visceral (in the same way that parenting
is), it’s not as hard as you think. A person might know that they are role-
playing with an actor, but have the actor break down into tears, or stand toe
to toe with them yelling abuse and you will see them physically react as they
would for real; their pulse races, their thinking is muddled by adrenaline,
they mirror emotions and respond as they would were this not a simulation.
In creating experiences, we should consider putting people in environments
that don’t resemble conventional educational ones – either by taking people
out of them, or using them differently. This is not so people can have a ‘fun
time’, it’s either so we can create learning experiences that are more memo-
rable, or those that transfer better to the performance context. It is also true
that when you place people in an unfamiliar context (for the reasons above),
they are more likely to try something they haven’t tried before. A new
environment is liberating.
thought they had killed another person – in fact the individual was a stooge,
the whole set-up designed to test how obedient people would be under
Many of you will be familiar with his work, but the point I want to make
here is different. People watching themselves back would (rightly) conclude
that they were far more obedient than they had previously believed. Our
uncharted territory would have redefined them.
But what if we allowed them to re-run the experiment (or a similar situ-
ation)? In fact, this was done and the experience effectively inoculated peo-
ple against the dangers of behaving similarly in comparable situations – they
were more likely to object.
In designing experiences, we look to create situations where people are
challenged and cannot simply do what everyone else would do, but have to
decide for themselves. But – as the saying goes – with great power comes
great responsibility: we have to be very careful in the way we define these
experiences so as not to damage people.
Imagine creating an experience (perhaps like Zimbardo’s Stanford Prison
simulation) in which a person can decide to be a sadist, or a racist (some
diversity training approaches this, and can leave people feeling bruised or
‘labelled’). If a person has been revealed as such, what impact might that
have? How would you handle that carefully?
In the learning industry there is justified anxiety regarding creating pow-
erful experiences that damage people rather than helping them grow. This is
why it’s important to understand one’s audience, and to carefully test expe-
rience designs. But we must accept this challenge. Theme parks would be
nothing without rollercoasters, but every rollercoaster is carefully calibrated
to provide high levels of excitement without damaging its passengers.
Let me give you an example: imagine that you gather your leadership
team together and, instead of the usual battery of PowerPoint presenta-
tions, former president Barack Obama takes the stage. Everybody will re-
member this, everybody will talk about this. How do I know that? Well –
whether you are a fan of the president or not, celebrity is a deeply human
concern. Celebrities are high-status individuals and humans are hierarchi-
cal creatures.
A cheaper stunt might be the one I routinely pull at my own talks: I un-
expectedly throw giant marshmallows at people. Everybody remembers
that – and I encourage them to think about why that is. The answer is that
human memory selectively encodes stuff we react to – and we react to sur-
prising or peculiar behaviour.
But there may be times when this brute force approach is not going to
achieve the result we are looking for; for example where we want a parent
or a leader to realize that they could do better – to achieve a moment of in-
sight. Here, it might be a single comment that acts as a transformative
These moments are harder to design, because we need to know a lot about
the individual. We need to understand their core concerns in order to bring
about change. For example, let’s say someone cares deeply about fairness –
but some of their behaviours are giving rise to accusations of favouritism.
You might think that this critical feedback would strike them to the core –
but unless it comes from someone they deeply respect, there is every chance
they will dismiss it.
Heider’s balance theory can help here: if we want to change an attitude
towards oneself we need both the compelling evidence and someone that we
are so deeply attached to that we can’t simply dismiss either the feedback or
the person.
Another way to think about the power of personalized experience design
is the concept of ‘skin in the game’, an expression used to describe the extent
to which an individual in personally invested in something. For example, at
one point in history Roman bridge builders were required to live beneath
the structures they built for a period of time – that’s skin in the game!
In an everyday setting we encounter this, for example when someone gets
up in front of their classmates or colleagues to speak, or when they engage
in some kind of competitive activity in front of an audience. It is not their
life that is at stake here, but something pretty close: their pride. People have
powerful memories for their successes, defeats and humiliations in these
kinds of situations.
170 How People Learn
Create challenges
As a rule of thumb, challenges drive learning. If I am looking through a
learning programme design and there are no obvious challenges – then the
chances are no learning is going on. Why?
The simplest way to answer this question is by reference to Jean Piaget,
the learning theorist. Jean noticed that people tend to a point of ‘equilib-
rium’ in their learning – a point where their internal mental model of the
world matches the outside world, and at that point things go as expected
(and we tend to stop learning).
This makes a lot of sense: learning is a homeostatic mechanism designed
to help us survive. Once we have figured out how the world works – how to
achieve optimum conditions – we stop learning, since learning is costly.
What re-ignites our learning is ‘dis-equilibrium’: moments when the
world surprises us, when things don’t meet our expectations, when reality
emerges shockingly into our carefully arranged mental living room like a
small child covered in paint.
There are infinite ways to be surprising, but if we want people to develop
new capabilities and not merely remember something, then we will need to
put them in challenging situations where the learning transfers to other
It’s my experience that doing one thing when we should be doing the
other has often given experience design a bad name: at some level people
realize that ‘zany antics’ (e.g. drumming, raft-building, horse-whispering,
primal screaming) make for memorable experiences, but businesses became
rightly sceptical about the impact on performance.
In the movie Dead Poets Society, maverick English teacher John Keating –
played by Robin Williams – introduces his bewildered students to a succes-
sion of life-changing experiences, to the horror of his traditionalist educa-
tional colleagues, who eventually manage to get him fired. It’s a tale about
experience design versus education, progress versus tradition, and difference
versus conformity.
Until we have proven techniques for mapping concerns, our safest
territory is challenges that bear some obvious relation to real ones.
Defining experiences 171
One last but very important thing to say about creating challenges: you
probably don’t want to use ‘happy sheets’ (the standard Likert 1–5 level 1
and 2 evaluation for training programmes) to evaluate your experiences.
Put bluntly, if something is an effective learning experience, people may
not be having a lot of fun; instead they should feel challenged. So a better
way to evaluate the success of your programme (aside from the actual be-
haviour change) would be the question: ‘How challenging did you find the
It is a source of immense shame that the learning industry descended
into using happy sheets – essentially a measure of how much people en-
joyed a training experience – as a measure of our work. Level 1 evaluation
has relegated us to the role of second-rate entertainment, whilst level 2 has
lumbered us with the additional pressure to behave like schoolteachers at
the same time. In moving from education to learning, we need to let go of
all this.
Define the outcomes you are looking for using the ‘think/feel/do’ model. We
may want people to be better at a specific task, or we may want people to
feel that they made the right decision in joining an organization. Both
deliver measurable business benefit.
Discover what matters to your audience. You’ll need to know what they
really care about as a basis for your design. Who are their heroes? Why
do they come to work? What are they most proud of? What are the
experiences that shaped them in the past?
Design a number of experiments that push the limits of acceptability and
depart from the norm. These will typically be challenges of the kind that
people haven’t experienced before. Ask yourself: ‘What story will people
tell?’ and actively design opportunities to share the experience (e.g. using
social media) into the format.
Develop these ideas iteratively, running experiments with small groups from
your target audience to understand the impact they have. Don’t be afraid
to dump stuff that isn’t working.
Pilot the best idea(s) in the form of an MVE (minimum viable experience).
Continue to develop your design based on feedback and observation of
the pilot.
Deploy the experience at scale in a way that allows for some flexibility – for
example for different cultures, or different individuals. The ‘experience in
a box’ is one way of doing this: an experience toolkit that local regions
can adapt to fit their culture.
Iterate in line with your evaluation: consider using questions such as: ‘How
challenging was this experience?’ instead of the conventional ones, and
look for measures of business impact. Amplify the effect of your
experiences by encouraging people to share them.
His conclusion was that this ‘time dilation’ effect was a consequence of
recollection, not perception – emotionally charged experiences lead to richer
encoding, which in turn distorts our memory of them. Live a dull life, your
life shrinks. Our lives are measured in adventures, not years.
So now we come to you: would you live your life differently if you knew
that all the non-extraordinary bits are erased? That everything ‘routine’ is
More importantly: are you extraordinary for other people? In what way
do you enter into other people’s stories? Do you think of your own personal
presence as a piece of experience design? When the people you encounter
look back at the scattered fragments that make up their lives, will you be
among those fragments, or will you share the fate of Ebbinghaus’ trigrams –
shed from memory at the first opportunity? Are you inadvertently shorten-
ing the lives of those around you?
If you wish to vanish from living memory, I can tell you the secret: dress
as you are expected to dress, say what you are expected to say, do what you
are expected to do. That way it will be almost as if you never existed.
These days I get to travel to the offices of a wide variety of organizations
in which people sit in small cubicles carrying out routine work. Occasionally
there are cards pinned to the walls of these cubicles. They are usually hand-
written. They are from people who wanted to thank that person for their
work, or difference they made to their lives. Have you ever written such a
card? These small cards may stay pinned to a cubicle for a decade. They are
The extraordinary can be quite small. As organizations or individuals, do
we create opportunities for the extraordinary experience, and do we cele-
brate the extraordinary?
This question matters to us both in our personal relationships and in the
context of education. It is our responsibility to craft the extraordinary. The
extraordinary is what shapes people, and it is only the extraordinary that
they will remember.
Transformative experiences
If we are trying to change people, we must endeavour to take them away
from the routine and to design an experience that will become a part of who
they are, and a story that they will tell. Perhaps a behaviour or concern that
they will pass on to others. You might take your date to their first opera, and
in so doing create an extraordinary experience that is later to become a part
of who they are, and a passion they will pass on to future generations.
176 How People Learn
is made. A father takes his son fishing, and in doing so forms a bond that
will last a lifetime. Over coffee one woman tells a story about something
that happened to her; her companion explains how a similar thing happened
to her, and now they are friends. Over the radio we hear a song about a
person that we loved but never loved us back, a song full of hope and pain,
reflecting our sentiments so well that we can’t wait to play it for our friends.
A person asks us about our favourite movie, and we quietly hope it will be
one of theirs too, since then we will form a connection.
When people transition into a new culture, what makes the most differ-
ence to their experience is someone who is there to help. If we really wish to
change behaviours, we must start by understanding the concerns that gov-
ern the way someone behaves today – perhaps through listening to the story
they tell about themselves.
Often, changing the way people act will necessitate changing the way
people around them react. When we endeavour to form a connection with
someone, our starting point must be those things that matter most to them.
Something that matters deeply to people is fitting in – so you can effect
change on a massive scale simply by shifting a convention. Two conventions
that have changed dramatically in my lifetime are church-going and family
Recent years have also seen an exponential increase in the affective im-
pact of the digital media surrounding us – almost an ‘emotional arms race’.
It troubles me that in our pursuit of the emotionally stimulating, we are
systematically desensitizing ourselves to life.
In one experiment, one side of the brain (the side without language abil-
ity) was asked to choose something to go with a picture – which was a pic-
ture of a snow drift. The hand chose a shovel. The other side of the brain
only saw a picture of a chicken. So imagine you are the language half of
your brain: you see a chicken, and you see your other hand pick up a shovel
and you think: ‘Why the blazes did I pick up a shovel!?’ Participants asked
why they had chosen a shovel (given that the part of the brain with language
ability could only see a chicken) would quickly give rationalizations such as:
‘Well, you need a shovel to clean up the chicken shed’.
It’s a nice illustration of how easily we come up with rational explana-
tions for our actions, and of how our own mind hides its inner workings
from us. No doubt each of the judges we encountered in the judicial bias
research would, if asked, come up with elaborate justifications of their
‘guilty’ or ‘not guilty’ verdicts. But you and I know it’s really all about the
Key points
●● People’s growth is shaped by the things that matter to them, and these
may be determined by nature as well as nurture.
●● Cornerstone experiences are those that are central to determining
attitudes and behaviours thereafter and are frequently revisited in some
●● Implicit differences in the things that matter to people can lead to
conflict if not surfaced and discussed.
●● We can impact people by addressing common human concerns, or ones
specific to a given individual’s identity.
●● Learning design is experience design.
●● Experience design changes an individual by linking new concerns to
existing ones.
●● Experience design is often about creating meaningful challenges.
●● People are most susceptible to change at transitions, milestones or
when in a novel situation.
●● We need to design experiences carefully, using a human-centred
approach, experimentation and iteration.
Defining experiences 179
Now that we have covered both experiences and resources and the role that
they play, you may be wondering in which circumstances you should build
resources and in which you should design experiences. What resources will
help people most, and which experiences will transform people? Once you
have understood learning, you will understand the need to design learning
around the things that matter to your audience.
Fortunately, there is a process for doing this - human-centred learning
design – and in the next chapter we are going to explore how it works.
1 A Damasio (1994) Descartes’ Error: Emotion, reason, and the human brain,
Putnam Publishing
2 aconventional. A few words on Cognitive Load Theory, 27 July 2019,
(archived at
3 M Kundera (2003) Ignorance, Faber & Faber
4 C Stetson, M Fiesta and D Eagleman. Does time really slow down during a
frightening event? PloS One, 2007, 2 (12), e1,295
5 M S Gazzaniga. The split brain in man, Scientific American, 1967, 217 (2),
Human-centred 08
learning design
Introducing 5Di
Day to day, we prefer not to think too deeply about what we are doing;
we rely on routines, conventions and pocket-sized rationalizations to keep
the cognitive load to a minimum so that we can worry about other
things – like what we should wear, or have for tea. So telling people that they
should rethink what they are doing from the ground up can be disconcerting
to say the least.
And people aren’t much influenced by thinking, to be honest – really they
feel their way through life, doing what they are excited about, or is expected
of them (i.e. not going to embarrass them), or just whatever feels right. I
hope I can excite you about a different way of working, but unless there are
ways I can make the affective context model feel normal and right, it will
probably end there.
The good news is that over the past couple of decades, working with the
affective context model has resulted in some techniques for applying it in
practice, and I wanted to share those here.
The first thing to say is that putting the affective context model into ac-
tion very quickly starts to look like human-centred learning design. There is
a simple reason for this: if our concerns drive our learning, then we can’t
design ‘learning stuff’ without first understanding the concerns that a person
has. This immediately leads to two options: either someone does care about
something (in which case we should be thinking about resources), or they
don’t and should (in which case we should be thinking about experiences).
Human-centred learning design 181
The idea of human-centred design is not new, but without a model that
underpins it, it is still possible to go wrong. Let me return to an example I
used earlier: it is a child’s first day at school; here are three types of learning
design approach:
1 Here is a list of the things you need to know (as decided by the authorities)
and documents you should read. This is the conventional approach to
learning, which I have called ‘content dumping’ above.
2 Based on the things you need to be able to do (get to class, identify
teachers, avoid detention), here is a collection of helpful material. This is
a lot better, and reflects the conventional performance-support approach,
where we take time to find out what people are trying to achieve.
3 Based on the things you are concerned about (fitting in, making friends,
not making a fool of yourself), together with the things you need to be
able to do in the pursuit of these concerns, here is a collection of useful
resources. This is an even better approach, since what is really driving a
person’s learning is a person’s concerns. Just focusing on the things they
are doing will only take you so far.
This idea, of first understanding people’s tasks and concerns, and second
designing either resources or experiences as part of a learning solution, is the
central idea I want to explain. If you are able to apply it to your learning
programmes, it will likely bring about a dramatic shift in three things:
It goes without saying that if you want to achieve different outcomes, you
will need to change the way that you are doing learning design – so… how
should it be done?
learning design What are the performance
outcomes (not learning
(5Di) objectives)?
Tool: Think/Feel/Do Outcomes
1. Define
Build a seamless UX, use
campaigns & stories. What are the tasks &
Outputs: MVP concerns that drive learning?
Tool: CTRE matrix
5. Deploy 2. Discover
4. Develop 3. Design
I’d like to explain each of the steps in turn, but before I do perhaps I should
point out that any process where you really take time to understand the
tasks and concerns that together make up the current picture of perfor-
mance, before engaging in design, will deliver better outcomes than conven-
tional training design approaches.
1 Define
We have to rescue learning. We have to rescue learning because these days
almost everybody has this horrible idea that learning is somehow about
stuffing information into people’s heads by any means necessary. Even peo-
ple who don’t realize that they believe that, really do.
If you work in learning or education, you will have encountered this in
the following way: in essence, someone approaches you with some stuff that
they want people to know and they say: ‘We’ve decided that everyone needs
to know this information. Please use your instructional design wizardry to
create a course.’
What I mean is that the basic set of assumptions is that learning is knowl-
edge transfer (moving information from one location, into a person’s head)
and that your job is to make this happen.
Human-centred learning design 183
2 Discover
This is the most important step, the step that makes this approach different
from any other learning design approach you have used. Here you do some-
thing really radical: you actually talk to the people you are designing a
learning programme for.
Imagine a vast, multinational organization that produces products that it
sells to its customers. It has a complex value chain – which in normal-person
Human-centred learning design 185
language means that there are lots of parts of the business that all work to-
gether to produce the products: procurement, logistics, operations, manu-
facturing, retail, strategy, marketing, HR and so on.
Like most companies, they are regularly coming up with new products in
an effort to grow the size of their business and their profits. But they have
recently noticed a disturbing trend in their product sales data: their success
is a bit hit-and-miss. Some of the products sell well, others bomb. They have
tried to tackle this by throwing more marketing budget at their failing prod-
ucts, and coming up with weird and wonderful incentive schemes to encour-
age people to buy them. But it’s not working.
And then someone points out something they haven’t tried: they haven’t
tried involving their customers in the design of their products. Someone im-
mediately objects, quoting Henry Ford: ‘If I had asked what my customers
wanted, they would have said “faster horses”!’ But the proposal is not really
to ask people what products they want, but to understand what drives
them – I mean, if by talking to people we discover that they want to get from
A to B faster, there might be a few ways we could help them achieve that.
Strange as this story sounds, it is precisely what companies have done for
decades – and are still doing today. General Electric, currently ranked as the
13th-largest company in the United States by revenue, recently introduced a
new product development approach called FastWorks,2 which is – in es-
sence – about involving their customers in the product design process.
It may seem hard to understand why companies don’t think to do this, but
when you have lots of departments and processes the customers – well – just
get in the way. They represent a risk – a risk that you might have to change
things, or admit that you are wrong.
Talking to learners
This is an excellent analogy for what we do in learning and education: it’s a
complex system, with lots of conventions and processes, and if we talked to
our customers about our products and services there is a risk they might tell
us things we don’t want to hear. Like, for example, how school is boring, or
training a waste of time.
In point of fact, they do tell us these things. My daughter tells me this at
the end of almost every single day. But education doesn’t ask people what
they care about, so neither does L&D.
Jane Hart has been surveying thousands of learners in organizations for
decades now, and publishing the results on her website.3 People consistently
report that they dislike e-learning and find it next to useless. Despite this, an
entire industry has grown up around e-learning production, and universities
are hungrily eyeing this as a potential next step in their evolution.
186 How People Learn
I’m going to
be a leader!!
anyone warn
me about the
Manager and HR
I hired someone
supported me.
that I like!
0 12
Once people have drawn their curve, they are asked to share it with the
group and tell the story. And when people start to tell a story, you can see
what they really care about.
It sounds a bit touchy-feely, I know, but besides being therapeutic it is
also remarkably revealing regarding the concerns and feelings that are really
driving the learning process. If you listen to people’s stories you can very
quickly get a good idea of what might help them, and what things they are
keen to learn. In fact, the ‘emotional curve’ is a type of user journey.
The power of this approach is that the design process takes as its starting
point the customer experience and considers how to improve it, rather than
simply ignoring it altogether.
Consider the example in Figure 8.2. This is not an actual curve, but a
composite based on hundreds of new leaders’ stories that I have heard over
the years. But let’s imagine that it is Bob’s story.
Bob is a process engineer in a big company and is good at his job. When
Bob hears that he has been promoted to team leader he is excited and
proud. He feels that his expertise and dedication have been recognized,
and that his status is elevated.
188 How People Learn
But Bob’s transition into his new role turns out to be a bumpy ride. They
haven’t been able to find someone to take his old position, so he is still
struggling to do his previous job even as he takes on the new one. The
promotion process wasn’t nearly as structured as Bob was expecting.
There was very little in the way of handover: his own boss didn’t seem to
have much time and, frankly, he was afraid to ask questions for fear of
looking stupid.
Bob’s impression of leaders was that they have confidence and a vision.
He didn’t want to admit to having neither. It felt like he was very much in
at the deep end.
All of a sudden Bob started to feel quite alone, and to lose confidence.
He had suddenly gone from knowing exactly what he was doing to having
no clue at all. As a result, Bob reverted to type: as an expert at process
engineering, he threw himself into picking holes in the team’s work, telling
them what to do, and generally micro-managing. His rationale was that
he was raising standards, but his team complained of feeling
demotivated – and some of them left.
As a result, Bob was now not only lonely and uncertain – but
overwhelmed. He decided to flex his new powers of recruitment, but having
never done it before he made some errors which could have exposed the
organization to reputational damage, and he recruited in his own image.
Basically, he recruited his buddies. While this made Bob feel better, it didn’t
necessarily create a high-performing team, with the added complication
that the organization was now lumbered with people who might not be the
best fit.
Regardless, Bob ploughed on. Feeling happy about setting out a team
vision (although most of the team didn’t really feel that they had been
involved in coming up with it), Bob set about improving things – even things
that seemed to be working quite well. It didn’t leave him much time for the
‘people stuff’, such as one-to-one or team development, but now he was
busy with management meetings and considered the ‘HR crap’ to be of
secondary importance.
When he finally found time to have those performance conversations
that HR had been pestering him about for weeks, he thought it was a good
opportunity to get some things off his chest about some of those he
considered underperformers.
Human-centred learning design 189
Well – it didn’t go to plan. He lost his temper with one of the team and
said a few things that he wasn’t proud of (but felt they deserved), and
anyway now he was subject to a formal complaint. The formal complaints
process dragged on for months. He lost sleep over it. The team seemed
very demoralized. On the positive side, he felt he was getting some support
from his own manager for the first time.
Some months later, the team completed a big project and Bob felt pretty
good about that. And just when he felt they were starting to turn the
corner came the reorganization announcements.
When you listen to people tell their stories, you will be struck by a number
of things: first, how great it feels for people to be given the opportunity to
talk about what they have experienced and how it felt. It is remarkable how
little opportunity some people have to share what they are going
through – and probably accounts in part for the popularity of corporate
training events and coaching.
Second, how much of a person’s activity is driven by the things that they
care about. Finally, how many missed opportunities there are to support
people in how they feel and how they perform, whether the person is start-
ing school or a new job.
Let’s take Bob’s example. If Bob is delighted at being a leader, why don’t
we make the most of that enthusiasm? Perhaps publicize it within the com-
pany. If he is unsure of what to do in his new role, why not provide him with
a checklist?
Bob feels isolated and uncertain – but worried about giving the wrong
impression to his manager, so why not find him a mentor from another part
of the organization and – while we are at it – capture some advice from
senior leaders on creating a good impression? He doesn’t really know what
is expected of a leader.
It might help him to watch some videos of people in his company talking
about what they expect, and value, from leaders – or maybe have a one-page
handout on the dos and don’ts of leadership.
If the handover process seems poor, how about a shopping list of docu-
ments and systems to review? If Bob has a tendency to micro-manage rather
than delegate and coach, maybe some guidance on both areas would be
helpful, together with an opportunity to practise. Recruiting people for the
190 How People Learn
What were your parents like? Were they strict? Did they have high expectations?
How often did they express their emotions?
Over the years I have had the privilege of interviewing several hundred
leaders about their transition into a leadership role, and the vast majority handle
it in the same way: they act like their parents.
There’s a peculiar thing about leadership: despite the remarkable investment
organizations make in hiring, developing and employing leaders, and despite
the central role leaders have to play in areas such as productivity, culture and
engagement, most organizations have no idea whatsoever regarding who are
their good leaders and who are their bad leaders. Often, their only measure of
success is an annual performance review process, which frankly says more
about the relationship between the leader and the person they report to than
anything else.
Generally, people becoming leaders have a very unclear sense of what is
expected. In many cases, people are promoted on the basis that they are good at
their jobs, which, paradoxically, may make them poor leaders. The one thing they
know for sure is that they are ‘in charge’. While they have seen other people ‘in
charge’, their cornerstone model for what being in charge looks like is something
they get from their parents.
Human-centred learning design 191
It seemed clear that the most effective and efficient use of the training budget
would be to systematically target leaders as they transitioned into these roles,
ensuring that they were guided in the right direction at precisely the points when
they were most hungry for advice. We wanted to shape their behaviours using
performance support and establish ‘cornerstone’ experiences of leadership
while they were still in a fluid state.
Practically speaking, the only way to implement a transitional model of this
kind is to do so digitally (or to create ‘pools’ of pre-fabricated leaders in the way
that, for example, the military does). Coaching can be very important, but the
logistical challenges in reaching people with experiences at precisely the point
at which they take on a leadership role make this near-impossible.
In our case, it was possible to use the organization’s people data system to
identify when people moved into a leadership role, but it might be some months
until the next programme in their region became available. This meant placing an
emphasis on digital performance support.
In order to explain what we aimed to do, I would go to meetings with a
survival kit – the kind that used to come in a tobacco tin and which contains
everything you need to survive in an emergency. I would place it in the centre of
the table and explain: ‘We are not building training. We are building a survival kit
for leaders – everything they need to survive in their first few months as a
leader.’ It amused some people – but importantly it helped to shift people to a
performance-support frame of mind regarding our project.
We began construction on a digital solution which we envisaged as
‘everything you needed to know, on a single web page, accessible on your
mobile device’. We created a ‘destination postcard’, mocking up the planned
solution in Photoshop as an alternative to lengthy explanations and business
case presentations.
We used the 5Di process and we talked to leaders in groups. As usual, we
discovered that their tasks and concerns ranged from soft focus (being taken
seriously by my peers) to sharp focus (what to do in my first 90 days).
Many of the things that we constructed, based on what we heard, would not
have featured in a conventional learning solution: for example, leaders
complained about the use of jargon – ‘It was like learning another language,’
they reported. So we built a jargon dictionary for management-speak, explaining
expressions such as ‘ballpark’ and ‘across the piece’. While this might seem
trivial, misunderstandings can lead to mistakes, and the overall effect can be to
exclude people unfamiliar with American-British management jargon.
We listed the top 10 mistakes that new leaders make, since new leaders are
concerned about screwing up in their first few months. There was a 90-day
checklist, and other one-page guides.
Human-centred learning design 193
We used videos to capture views from team members regarding what they
wanted in a leader; often this is at odds with what leaders feel they are there to
do. Leaders expect to provide direction, vision and take key decisions. Team
members look for someone who cares, can be trusted, and communicates
We also used video to tell stories, fictionalized accounts that summarized the
four central narratives that we had encountered in our focus groups, so that new
leaders would know what to expect.
As with any resource, people needed to know where to find it. Our marketing
strategy was sensitive to the fact that in many operational sites leaders may
carry their own smartphone, but are not regularly sitting in front of a company
computer. We created posters with the strapline ‘useful stuff, on your device’,
setting the tone for what they could expect. We deliberately avoided the use of
the word ‘learning’, which for all the reasons above had become associated with
HR initiatives masquerading as support, but in fact force-feeding content for
regulatory purposes.
In the first six months after launch, we had around 20,000 unique visitors to
the site. None of this activity was driven by mandate; all visitors elected to use
the content. The Net Promoter Score for the digital solution was higher than that
for the live event.
In follow-up interviews with a sample of new leaders, they reported that they
felt more confident, better supported and that it had shortened their ‘time to
autonomy’ (the time it takes for a new leader to perform to expectations in their
new role).
The introduction to an organization (often called onboarding) and the
transition of people into leadership roles are, I believe, two of the most
significant ways in which an organization can transform its culture. Leadership is
especially important, since leaders can have such a big impact on the lives of the
people who work for them. If you work for a leader who you feel is a bully, this
can make your life miserable on a daily basis for many years.
The human cost of poor leadership is enormous; we quantify it partially
though ‘employee engagement’ measures and through a record of the people
leaving an organization (‘employee retention’). Leaders are one of the biggest
influences on whether a person looks forward to going to work or dreads going
to work, on individual growth within the workplace, and on creativity and the
quality of decision making.
Almost without exception, the process of becoming a leader is so utterly
broken that it is hard to know where to start: organizations choose the wrong
194 How People Learn
people to be leaders, then throw them in at the deep end. Not only do they suffer,
everybody in their team suffers. The kind of leader they turn into is hit and
miss – usually they end up resembling something like their parents.
In summary, it’s childishly simple to dramatically improve your organizational
culture via your leadership approach: just give new leaders what they need,
when they need it – and point them in the right direction.
In conclusion, my point about the ‘discovery’ phase is this: if you take the
time to design with people when you design for people, it really pays off.
Almost immediately you will see how resources might help them, or experi-
ences might push them.
If you have followed my example above, you may have begun to wonder
if this is really what we think of as ‘learning’ at all – and this is precisely
what I am getting at. The learning is not in your control: it is not a matter
of shovelling information into people’s heads. You can create the right con-
ditions for learning via experience design, or provide the right materials
when those conditions are met – but the learning itself is out of your hands.
There are other kinds of questions that you may find useful to ask in such
groups – for example, where people go when they need help today, what
technologies they use, what they find most helpful today – and which things
are the most frustrating.
3 Design
Design ideas tend to present themselves quite naturally when you spend
time finding out what people care about, and what they are trying to do.
Once again – we have to put a stop to the conspiracy of convenience
in which we draw up a list of things we want people to know, shove them
into a course, and force people to consume it somehow. The words ‘learn-
ing objectives’, ‘topics’ and ‘content’ should all be considered warning
signs – they strongly suggest that somebody has content dumping in
mind. Instead, we should substitute ‘tasks’ and ‘concerns’, ‘resources’
and ‘experiences’.
In designing an environment where people can learn, we are only ever
doing one of two possible things: either we are designing experiences de-
signed to make people care about something they didn’t before, or we under-
stand what they care about and we are designing resources that will support
Human-centred learning design 195
them in doing what they are trying to do. All learning activities fall into one
of these two categories, sometimes (for example, with mentoring) both.
Now that we know what people care about and what they are trying to
do, things get a lot easier. One technique that I have used a lot is the CTRE
matrix (Concern–Task–Resource-Experience matrix). It sounds more so-
phisticated than it is. In essence, we list the tasks and concerns that people
have along the left-hand side of a grid, and some of the formats that we are
considering along the top – formats such as video, guide, checklist, info-
graphic and so on (there’s a longer list of formats below).
At this point, we may notice that something we want someone to be con-
cerned about – say, data protection – isn’t actually on their list, so we add it
on the left-hand side. We also add a column for ‘experience’ in the event that
we decide something really requires an experience. Table 8.1 shows a simpli-
fied version of a CTRE matrix template for a new starter.
The next step is to populate this grid, working line by line, and deciding
on the format(s) which will work best. So, for example, if someone is feeling
pretty lonely we might set them up with a buddy (experience) and a one-
page guide to networks that they can join (resource).
As you can immediately see, this is much more about ‘performance sup-
port’ than it is ‘content dumping’. We are not expecting them to memorize
all the networks on the list, then pass a test to show that they can recall
When it comes to getting emails on a device, it may be that a one-page
guide works best, and perhaps if the procedure is complex a short demon-
stration video. Here, again, people may only need to set up their emails
once – so one would not anticipate that the resource would result in learning
since the individual is unlikely to use it over and over again (unless, say, they
are joining the IT department and will be setting up email access on behalf
of multiple users).
There is no definitive answer as to which format will work best; it de-
pends largely on the specific use case and also on the individual. There are
three things to consider, however: first, it’s a good idea to have a diverse
group of people (including people from the audience) help make these de-
sign decisions. Whether or not a piece of paper or a mobile app format
works best may depend entirely on precisely when someone is likely to use
Second, it’s not a bad idea to have more than one resource format, to
cover individual preferences and different situations.
Table 8.1 The Concern–Task–Resource-Experience (CTRE) matrix
Feeling First 90 days Building my Meet & greet Buddy ●● There are multiple checklists.
unconfident checklist Confidence - evening with matching Harmonize
(concern) peer videos peers for all new ●● Sales already have a buddy
starts system – check with Sue
Human-centred learning design 197
Imagine that you want to create an experience that brings home to people
the importance of inclusivity, in particular the importance of micro-
inequities in making people feel either included in or excluded from a group.
You review the literature and discover that, in general, conventional
diversity and inclusion training not only makes no difference to people’s
behaviour but in some cases has actually been shown to worsen it. You
decide to try something different.
People arrive at a training venue and are told that they are to take part in
an exercise in collaboration. Each individual is handed a set of instructions
which they are told to keep to themselves. The facilitator explains that they
will be collaborating on a project to design a fictional startup company.
‘Ho-hum,’ they think, ‘another training workshop. When’s coffee?’
What participants don’t realize is that some colleagues have been given
instructions to exclude them in quite specific ways: talking over them,
avoiding eye contact, asking them to do menial tasks such as note taking,
excluding them from decision making, ignoring their suggestions.
As the exercise progresses, some people begin to experience a burning
sense of frustration at the way they are being treated, which in turn causes
their behaviour and feelings to change.
After a few hours the facilitator pauses the exercise and asks
participants to describe how they are feeling, what they have noticed about
how they are being treated, and how this has impacted their behaviour. In
this way, participants experience micro-inequities first hand and learn to
appreciate the way they affect a team dynamic.
Human-centred learning design 199
4 Develop
Once you have a shopping list of resources and experiences, these can be
assigned to individuals or teams to develop. The greatest risk at this stage is
that instructional design thinking will influence the output negatively; for
example, producing lengthy lecture-style films or pages of operating proce-
dures disguised as guides.
There are a couple of things you can do to mitigate this risk. The first is
to look to people who have a background in other disciplines to produce
your content. Marketing professionals, for example, often have a better
grasp of content production. People who have worked in experience design
will understand the importance of user testing. Actors will usually have a
good feel for what makes for a powerful experience. Involving members of
the audience will help avoid straying too far from producing useful resources
and impactful experiences.
It is not a question of giving an audience what they want; rather, that we
can only really design solutions that work if we take the time to understand
what people need.
For example, a person starting a new job might say they want someone
to stand next to them to advise during the entirety of their first few weeks.
While this might be impractical, you may be able to satisfy the need to have
advice and encouragement on hand in other ways.
This shift in the nature of the things that we develop has significant im-
plications for school and university education, where the ‘sage on the stage’
model – while not exclusive – has been the norm, especially at university
level. It is hard to see what future role there might be for professionals who
are, at worst, little more than walking encyclopedias.
By implication, if you are a learning and development (L&D) profes-
sional (or a professional interested in supporting learning as part of your
portfolio of activities), you might want to think about developing capabili-
ties that will prepare you for the future – skills you might need to develop a
200 How People Learn
5 Deploy
Deploy describes the point at which you begin to make resources or experi-
ences available to people. It is often best to aim for a minimum viable prod-
uct (MVP). MVP describes the bare essentials of a product – the minimum
that are required to work.
This approach to solution/product development is much better in many
cases; it’s a humble approach to development. What I mean by that is that
we don’t assume that the output of our design is necessarily the right solu-
tion, in fact the opposite – we assume that there will be errors and things
that we didn’t anticipate.
By deploying a pilot or MVP, we can quickly gauge which parts of our
solution work and which don’t and integrate those findings into the next
version of the product.
This approach avoids the more arrogant, top-down development process
that you may be familiar with. This kind of conventional process begins
with ‘experts’ who design a solution which then goes through a series of
reviews by Important People until, eventually (and it does take a long time),
everyone is either agreed that the solution is perfect or they are fed up with
reviewing it, at which point it is launched.
In almost every case it immediately becomes apparent that the solution is
not perfect, and that certain things were overlooked, but it is now impossi-
ble to do anything about it since 1) the project plan specified a final version,
and 2) revising it would imply that the experts and Important People got it
Human-centred learning design 201
Checklists, guides, videos and infographics are common formats, but there are
variations of these and complex formats that are worth considerations. This is not
an all inclusive or prescriptive list of design types – just some creative stimulus.
Use of technology
This last point is yet another example of conventional ‘top-down’ thinking
and it crops up time and time again. In essence, the educational organization
makes the assumption that you will use whatever technologies you are told
to use, in the way that you are told to use them.
There was an era where they were able to enforce behaviour to some
extent; a time when the only technology that people used was the technol-
ogy they were required to use at work. But organizations don’t seem to un-
derstand that times have changed, and that now the technology that people
own and bring to work or education (such as smartphones) is often superior
to that which they are presented with by their organization.
As a result, they do what any sensible person would do and figure out the
most efficient way to get the job done. This means, for example, that people
will use systems such as Dropbox and Google Drive in preference to clunky
and poorly designed systems such as SharePoint. They will ignore Yammer
Human-centred learning design 203
in preference for WhatsApp, and find the idea that they should learn via the
learning management system’s ‘social learning community’ laughable.
Put simply, your approach to deployment should not presume that your
users have to adopt a new way of working, or install some new technology
on their own device. Today, around 80 per cent of people who work in big
organizations have only visited their learning management system in order
to complete compliance training.
As a learning professional, you can kid yourself that you are contributing
to organizational learning by creating courseware and putting it on the
learning management system – but I can assure you, you are not. You can
keep quiet and pretend that you are doing something to do with learning – you
won’t be alone – or you can assume that the learning technology that people
will use is the technology they choose to use in their personal lives, and start
Finally, a reminder that the best resource is not necessarily a digital one
nor the best experience a physical one. Digital environments can provide
opportunities for exploration that would not be possible to create physi-
cally, and sometimes the best resource is something printed on a piece of
paper – or a person to talk to. Your goal is to be part of the everyday, not
the once-a-year.
6 Iterate
Once you have deployed an MVP, you track usage, seek feedback from your
audience and continue to improve the product. Typically, feedback can be
grouped into minor and major changes, which you may choose to imple-
ment on a periodical basis – for example, making minor changes on a
monthly basis and major changes every six months.
By now the conventional role of an instructional designer is barely recog-
nizable and has become something more like a product manager. Traditional
instructional design starts with a body of knowledge (for example, a new
policy) which is converted by the instructional designer into a final course
format (via a series of reviews) which is then deployed, leaving the instruc-
tional designer free to move on to the next project.
The deployed course often has shortcomings at the outset, but will re-
main in place until everyone agrees that it is hopelessly out of date and needs
to be revised – whereupon a different instructional designer will be tasked
with the redesign.
204 How People Learn
Experience design
Now that you understand the 5Di process, something may have become ap-
parent to you: it works well where everyone knows what they want to do,
not so well where they don’t.
If, for example, you know that people are going to be leaders, or sales-
people, or health advisers – this process works fine. You can develop experi-
ences and resources which together link the things that people are worried
about with the outcome everyone is hoping for.
The 5Di is a good way to identify resources that will support learning,
and areas where an experience might be needed (though it won’t tell you
exactly how to design that experience). In other words, it works best at the
‘pull’ end of the spectrum.
But in some situations you don’t have this kind of clarity: two obvious
examples being in early years education (where most children don’t yet
know what they want to be) and situations where nobody yet knows how
to do something well. An example of the latter might be the introduction of
a new set of technologies to an organization – since we don’t yet know the
best ways to work with the new technology, it’s very hard to build the re-
sources that people will need in advance. Another example might be an or-
ganizational transformation, where the future state is not yet well defined.
In these cases, the focus shifts to experience design.
A good experience design should affectively resemble the real-life con-
text. This is true whether we are talking about a simulation or a story. In
undertaking experience design, the goal is to identify the key challenges and
Human-centred learning design 205
affective shifts that people are required to make. In the case of a pilot, for
example, these might be: take-off, landing and critical problems such as
engine failure or heavy cross-winds.
If we think of this as an analogy for other types of challenges or roles it
is helpful: what are the critical challenges for a business shifting to a lean
approach, and a digital product range? These might be: understanding a
new type of consumer, organizational redesign, recruiting the right em-
ployee, deciding on the best go-to-market approach, public relations and
customer care. By re-creating each of these as simulations that resemble real
life affectively (rather than at an informational level), we can create the con-
ditions for learning to occur.
Another good example might be training soldiers due to deploy to a
Middle-East conflict zone. A critical challenge they might face is de-escala-
tion of confrontations with local civilians, given complex cultural sensitivi-
ties. One could easily imagine a digital solution – for example a cartoon-
style scenario, with multiple-choice conversational options.
The problem with this conventional approach is that while it may convey
the agreed ‘learning objectives’, it doesn’t affectively resemble real life: sit-
ting in an air-conditioned office leisurely clicking your way through a series
of computer screens is dramatically different at an affective level from stand-
ing in full body armour in 120-degree heat in a hostile environment as some-
one inches from your face hurls abuse in a foreign language.
If you are currently working in school or university education, this chap-
ter has probably struck you as quite odd and alien: your world is more likely
about curricula, lesson plans and textbooks. But pause to imagine for a
minute a future world, a world in which learning and the real world are
blended so that, for example, a person who wants to become an astronaut
gets to experience a little of what that might be like, and is presented with
some of the challenges that astronauts face. How would you design for that
kind of world?
You could do something terrible, namely, develop an entire curriculum
containing topics you think it might be handy for an astronaut to know – or,
you could talk to people who have become astronauts and get them to cata-
logue their concerns, tasks and challenges in the ways described above.
In talking to them, you’d want to avoid the trap of defining topics and
capabilities. Instead you’d want stories – stories about the challenges people
faced and how they felt. You would want the affective context for each sig-
nificant task to be mapped in as much detail as possible, since it would be
your job to recreate it.
206 How People Learn
It may strike you as strange that organizations do not take the simple step
of measuring the impact of training on performance, by measuring perfor-
mance. There are three things worth bearing in mind here.
First, today many organizations do not have the ability to measure per-
formance nor even to define what it is. There are notable exceptions to
this – for example in sales environments and call centres, but unless you
have detailed measures of behaviour, assessing impact is very difficult.
Instead, they will look at whether the business is making money and infer
the rest. Most organizations run an annual performance review, which tells
you more about the quality of the relationship between line manager and
team than it does anything else.
Second, organizations are not controlled environments in the scientific
sense. A simple experimental design, in which one group receives training
and the other does not, rarely happens, since training delivery is driven by
other priorities and a whole host of other variables are affecting perfor-
Finally, and most importantly, if everyone believes that learning is largely
about retaining knowledge, and that knowledge affects performance, then
the general expectation is that the L&D team will use a quiz to assess the
effectiveness of the training. Though many L&D teams do exactly this, it
doesn’t address the problem that memorizing information is unlikely to in-
fluence behaviour.
Many models for learning evaluation essentially whitewash this problem.
The Kirkpatrick four-level model conveniently provides measures of learning
evaluation that do not relate to behavioural change, allowing L&Ds to con-
tinue to obscure the lack of any performance improvement while simultane-
ously justifying further content dumping. Of the four levels presented (reaction,
learning, behaviour, results), only levels 3 and 4 are meaningful measures of
learning, and level 2 ‘learning’ is not learning but memorization.
To put it another way, I can memorize a great deal of information with-
out it affecting my behaviour or capability in any meaningful way (which,
you may recall, is our definition of learning). Picture a model of learning
evaluation with only ‘behaviour’ and ‘results’, and your framework is start-
ing to look pretty thin.
If the organization in question does not have accurate measures of behav-
iour and results, one option would be for the L&D team to tackle this – but
this generally gets mired in problems since actually measuring behaviour is
often a more significant and costly challenge than delivering the training it-
self. As a result, there is a token attempt to do this with self-report questions:
‘Did the training alter your behaviour?’
208 How People Learn
The consequence of this is a sort of tacit deal in which employees give the
training team positive evaluations depending on how much they enjoyed
themselves at the event.
The first thing we had to figure out was: what is the product of good
leadership? Our conclusion was that the best bet would be team engage-
ment. Effective leaders drive team engagement, which in turn influences dis-
cretionary effort and productivity. There is also a well-established set of
behaviours that contribute to engagement, and these are measured using the
Gallup Q12 index – 12 questions that are reliable indicators.
Leaders signing up to use the app could set a time period (say, a week) for
the app to auto-poll their team on these questions, which in turn returned
an overall score, detailed trend data and a comparison with the average.
Finally, we were able to use this data to make personalized recommenda-
tions for resources.
My point is that, while the idea of being really clear about the outcomes
you expect to achieve as a result of your programme will probably not
come as news to you, technology can provide us with new opportunities to
measure (and drive) behavioural change. We don’t need to be standing over
learners with a clipboard. Many of our audience are already generating
significant amounts of digital data as they go about their business. Working
within data security and privacy constraints, this can give us a new window
into their behaviour.
audience group and, in essence, say: ‘We can see that you are using these
things – how are they impacting your day-to-day work?’ as well as ‘Which
things are not so useful, or missing?’ This generates a really rich list of spe-
cific benefits and quotes.
It’s true that this approach does not establish a causal relationship in the
way that, say, running an experiment might. You might also wonder how
this is better than Kirkpatrick level 1 and 2 data, since the information is
based on self-reports.
To that I would respond that the information you get is of a different
order; since performance support is designed to address specific challenges
that people face, you get very precise descriptions of how resources are
being used to shift performance, backed up with activity data. Where people
overwhelmingly subscribe to a system, we rarely question its usefulness – I
see no reports on the return on investment (ROI) of email, for example.
Equally, if I am standing in front of a group of people who want me to
explain the ROI for a programme, a combination of healthy (and elective)
usage data, combined with verbatim reports from employees themselves on
how the programme is helping them to do their job better, is a far better
position than some course evaluation data, quiz scores and vague insinua-
tions towards performance.
Award badges
The last example of evaluation builds on project-based learning and prob-
ably speaks more to the future of learning, as learning and work begin to
merge: badges.
If you meet someone who has spent many years in the military, and they
are in military dress, you will often notice a ribbon of medals across their
chest. So far as I know, there aren’t many medals handed out for sitting in
classrooms, or for memorizing information. In general, medals reflect ac-
This is a good approach because it means, when you are talking to some-
one, that you have a fair idea of their capabilities. You know what they have
done. I am far more impressed by someone who has their accomplishments
pinned to their chest than I am by someone who has their course certificates
pinned to their cubicle.
Almost certainly, the future of evaluation will consist of creating an eco-
system of badges that reflect our accomplishments across a wide range of
disciplines. As learning professionals, we will be responsible for setting up
the challenges via which people can earn these badges, and the resources
that people will need in pursuit of them.
If you are familiar with computer games, the system will sound familiar.
Each computer game has a large library of possible accomplishments (e.g.
completing a mission without getting anyone killed), and as you successfully
complete the missions you accumulate trophies. These are added to your
gamer profile.
212 How People Learn
This means that when you are looking at a gamer profile you can in-
stantly see what sorts of games they have mastered, and where they are still
novices, and precisely how accomplished they are in each. If you were choos-
ing team members for an online team, these would give you an excellent
idea of whom to pick. Now imagine something like this for learning/work.
Organizations will choose to pay people for work, based on the badges
they possess, using automatic selection processes to identify a suitable badge
profile. Equally, an individual’s choice to work on a challenge will be based
on the badges that they may earn. If you are an organization that doesn’t
offer sufficient badges (‘learning opportunities’ in conventional terms), you
will be dead in the water.
A good design model should work in every context. Recent years have
seen some dramatic shifts in the nature of work, the workforce and the
In the next chapter we will take a look at what that means for learning
and development.
Key points
●● The 5Di model for learning design puts the individual at the heart of the
learning design process by discovering the concerns that are driving
●● It is essential to discover what concerns and challenges people face,
since these will determine whether to create resources (that learners
will ‘pull’) or experiences (that will ‘push’ new concerns).
●● Define: in the first stage we ensure that rather than defining learning
objectives, we are clear on the performance outcomes – what we are
trying to help people to do.
●● Discover: in this stage we carefully uncover the tasks and concerns that
are driving learning and behaviour in the current state.
●● Design: here we identify the resources that we can create to address
the existing set of tasks and concerns that our audience have, and the
experiences we may need to design to develop new concerns and
●● Develop: in this stage we split the project into multiple parallel work-
streams, and begin developing an MVP.
Human-centred learning design 213
This chapter has considered ways to improve the design and nature of learn-
ing programmes through the application of a specific process. Learning pro-
grammes are generally organized by learning professionals, and form a
small part of the total learning that is taking place informally within an or-
The totality of learning, and the mechanisms – both formal and informal – that
permit it to take place, is what we call an organization’s ‘learning culture’.
1 There are some examples of these outcomes in the learning stories chapter
2 B Power. How GE applies lean startup practices, Harvard Business Review,
23 April 2014, (archived
3 J Hart. Learning in the Workplace Survey, Centre for Modern Workplace
Learning, undated,
value/ (archived at
4 At the time of writing this means systems like Google, Facebook, LinkedIn,
WhatsApp, Instagram, Messenger and web pages in general.
5 R Brinkerhoff (2009) The Success Case Method: Find out quickly what’s
working and what’s not, Berrett-Koehler
Bringing about 09
And learning in the new normal
It will be some time before learning and work are truly integrated. Once
they are integrated, work will feel very different – since it will be much
more about doing the things that you want to do; the things that make
sense to you.
Today, the word ‘work’ owes much of its affective significance to being
coerced to do things that you don’t find meaningful – a life for which educa-
tion has prepared you. In the meantime there is the challenge of reorganiz-
ing corporate learning activity so that it actually delivers something of value
to the business that funds it, and makes life better for the people who use it.
The problem we have to tackle is that corporate learning functions aren’t
generally designed to help you develop or to do your job. They are designed
to push content at you, on the assumption that this will somehow help you
develop or do your job. But it doesn’t. And employees tell us that, every
single time we ask them. And we ignore them.
I suspect that once again the knowledge transfer model is to blame here,
together with conventions which broadly reflect the way that school or
university education functions. The learning industry has created layers of
bureaucracy, ritual and folklore with which to protect its commercial
activities. These include concepts such as ‘learning maturity’ and ‘the
learning organization’.
Working in learning, as with most jobs, has its hazards. For me, one of
the greatest hazards is that I will be minding my business one day when for
no particular reason – I may be online, or sitting in a meeting – I come
across a ‘learning maturity model’.
A learning maturity model is typically some kind of diagram with boxes
that purports to show someone how they can get from the dysfunctional
state that their learning organization is in today, to some kind of organiza-
tional nirvana: ‘The Thriving Learning Culture’. I find them depressing since
Bringing about change 215
‘here’s something Person focus
we want you to
know ’ (useful stuff
Education Task focus transformative
(useful stuff)
Content focus
Education Learning
© Shackleton Consulting Ltd, 2021. All rights reserved.
218 How People Learn
Equally, this is a challenge for school and university education: if you wanted
to begin the shift towards merging learning and work, you would quickly
discover that next to none of the people teaching on business programmes
know a great deal about day-to-day business challenges and how to tackle
Universities are not well stocked with staff who are experts in cyber-
attack and defence, for example, and their experts are topic- and not task-
The first job in making this shift would therefore be a detailed analysis of
the critical tasks involved in successfully completing challenges. We can see
something like this in the airline industry where a simulator is used to put
people through their paces as they tackle critical procedures: take-off, land-
ing, engine failure. They need to work closely with aircraft manufacturers to
ensure that the simulation correctly reflects real life, rather than with
engineering departments in universities.
The process of creating resources is really about externalizing knowledge,
in a usable format. We must be careful to avoid describing resources as
‘learning resources’, since the objective of resources may be precisely the
opposite: to reduce the amount of learning someone has to do in pursuit of
their goals.
Instead, the focus has to shift to utility. To be an effective resource some-
thing has to be the most useful asset in a given context. To express this point
negatively: if you have created something that you have called a ‘resource’,
but find that people aren’t using it, it is likely that it isn’t actually a resource
at all. This will be because it isn’t genuinely useful, or accessible. If you have
created what you consider to be an excellent job aid, but people are still
phoning their friends, it is time to go back to the drawing board.
There’s a flip-side to this too: when we created digital resources for new
leaders at BP, I instructed the team to entirely remove any use of the word
‘learning’ not only from the content, but from the communication and mar-
keting that accompanied it. This is because your audience is likely to assume
220 How People Learn
that by ‘learning’ you mean ‘education’ and that anything foisted on them
under this banner by HR will be content dumping and a complete waste of
their time. If you’re doing learning elimination, eliminate the word ‘learn-
ing’; it will help everyone.
Understanding the role that resources play in people’s lives is now simply
a matter of observation: people go through life trying to achieve things that
follow from their concerns. As they encounter challenges that they are not
already capable of tackling, they rely on a handful of strategies. These may
include trial and error – or more likely phoning a friend or Googling the
In these latter cases, what they are really looking for is step-by-step a dvice
on what to do next. They are rarely looking for the kind of topic-centric
material that we term ‘knowledge’, and they are not looking to learn (except
as a by-product of this process).
A good example might be a map – the kind you might take on a cycling
trip. The purpose of the map is not to enable you to memorize the route –
quite the opposite: it enables you to refer to it as you go along without
having to remember anything.
Why? Because people don’t work like computers – you can’t simply give
them instructions and expect their behaviour to change. This is probably the
biggest source of failure in training programmes. Wearing a bag on the hand
was a powerful experience. It made people aware of just how difficult life
would become, of how self-conscious they would feel, how frustrated…
how many things they would struggle to do.
They never forgot it, and the story took on a life of its own.
It’s a big mistake to think we can show people a PowerPoint presentation
and expect them to change. Checklists are great, but people will only use
them if they care enough to use them. Change – real change – requires expe-
rience design. With performance support we rely on the experiences that
working life presents; with experience design we create new ones.
which resource, when. Something simple, like their calendar, might tell
you all you need to know.
Hopefully the progression is now pretty clear: by the time you’ve figured
out the rules for what needs to be done, when, in your organization (starting
with the realization that these are almost completely different from the rules
you have in place today), you are in a good position to consider automation:
for example, you know what an HR-bot should say in response to 95 per cent
of inbound requests, and you could share these with an app developer.
You know what makes people successful in a technical role, and you
could program a machine to work similarly. Instead of saying
‘Congratulations, you’re a leader, here’s some stuff on leadership styles’, you
know what it is that a leader needs to say and do at various points to
improve performance and engagement.
There is, of course, a risk that you are replicating sub-optimal ways of
working – but equally there is often a good reason why people do things the
way they do today.
In summary, there are things you can do today to prepare for automation
in the future, such as the creation of simple one-page guides and checklists.
Often, when we do this kind of work, we find that people have already
started doing this for themselves, as a symptom of the redundancy of stand-
ard operating procedures (SOPs) and training – and these resources are al-
ready circulating informally across desks and shared drives.
The vast majority of organizations create something like SOPs as a way
of describing how people should do their jobs. The problem is that an ideal-
ized description of how a job should be done is typically redundant from the
outset, and drifts further and further from reality as time goes on.
So the starting point for this journey is this question: ‘How can we cap-
ture what people are doing today, as simple instructions?’
The idea was this: in a global organization, it’s expensive to get new joiners to
a training venue for an induction event. Why not create a 3D virtual environment
and have them go there instead – it would be much cheaper and, after all, isn’t
that what kids today are expecting?
I was moderately excited at the prospect of being a participant in the virtual
world. I didn’t know quite what to expect – maybe some Wild West setting, or a
Star Wars-themed simulation. As a keen gamer, I wondered how my colleagues
would put a 3D environment to use: would there be weapons, for example?
Would flying be enabled? Both contentious design decisions. What fiendish
mystery would we have to unravel? I clicked the link and prepared to be amazed.
I materialized in what I can only described as my worst nightmare. The game
engine had been used to recreate a school – literally everything we were trying
to escape from – a boxy dull building, comprised of classrooms.
Immediately I set about trying to change things. I right-clicked on my
grotesquely fashioned avatar and selected the ‘personalize’ option. There was a
choice of three t-shirt colours. I was wearing the blue one. Before I had a
chance to make up my mind whether I preferred the garish green or sickening
yellow t-shirt, an avatar wearing a garish green t-shirt was standing nose-to-
nose to me, and I was being instructed to proceed to the ‘classroom’.
This would have been a perfect situation for close-range combat, but I was
unable to discover the requisite keystrokes. So, reluctantly, my PlayMobil blue
avatar scooted along the corridor to where fresh horrors awaited.
Someone had carefully constructed a circle of chairs around what I could
only guess was a flipchart. It was like a Stephen King film. Who would take a
virtual world, a digital space in which any reality could be explored, a place of
infinite recreation and imagination, and create a classroom!?
‘Please take your seat!’ A message had appeared on my screen. Up until now
I had not been aware of the chat box. Other avatars, literally identical to mine,
were already seated and it seemed I was to follow suit. Clicking on the chairs
revealed a ‘sit’ option. And now I was seated. Seated in a circle of little blue
figures staring at an avatar standing by a virtual flipchart.
What would happen? I wasn’t kept in suspense for long. A PowerPoint slide
appeared on the flipchart in the virtual world. Through my headphones I could
hear the voice of the course instructor monotonously reciting some kind of
scripted introductory speech. Since we were all muted, it was true to say that in
this virtual space, no one could hear us scream.
I wondered if I could fly. I started pressing keys at random. I couldn’t fly but I
was able to bob up and down in an impressive fashion. It was short-lived. I was
226 How People Learn
Returning to ‘normal’
The ‘return to normal’ narrative was the prevailing one for many months to
come. It was not simply that we were in denial, this denial was driven by a
deeper desire for things to ‘get back to normal’.
I confidently predicted that things would be back to normal for our
September graduate intake, and advised against cancelling our venue book-
ings. This turned out to be the wrong decision, but the venues (expecting
things to get back to normal) were happy to defer our booking until
February. I realize in retrospect how powerful this need to adhere to normal-
ity is – one might say almost pathological. People went to bizarre lengths to
try to recreate normality.
As autumn approached there was flurry of excitement around an app
called Houseparty that promised to allow us to mingle digitally. Many of us
used it, and ultimately had the same experience: it sucked. It felt as though
we had scheduled yet another Zoom meeting at the end of the day. It felt like
a chore. It wasn’t a good experience, and we all stopped using it without
quite understanding why.
Overall, our enforced displacement into the digital world was showing us
all how much the physical world mattered and how poorly we understood
The same experience was reflected at scale in our organizations: people
were suffering from ‘Zoom fatigue’. Nobody quite understood what Zoom
fatigue was: they didn’t have an explanatory framework to account for why
doing the same meetings online felt very different from doing them face to
face. Rationally speaking it should have been fine. Emotionally speaking, it
was horrible.
If it was bad for us; it was worse for our children. There was lots of
hand-wringing over the impact on their education, but probably it had a
positive impact on their learning: for those who weren’t furloughed chil-
dren were finally able to watch their parents work, listen to how they talked
and see what they did for a living.
Bringing about change 229
They also had more time to indulge in real learning tools – such as
TikTok – which spoke to the things they really cared about: how to dress,
talk, dance – what music was cool, what tribe they belonged to, what social
issues they felt strongly about and what was funny.
In the end there wasn’t much impact on education – in many cases exam
results actually improved – because this mostly comprises cramming for
tests in the weeks beforehand. Children were increasingly sceptical about
the value of sitting at a screen listening to a teacher lecture them. But they
did long to go back to school – desperately. Not because of education, but
because they missed their friends. They missed being together and how that
feels. And we did too.
Training sessions
At the same time that this was happening almost all of our internal training
switched to digital delivery: predominantly via Zoom. This was something
of a double-edged sword: there was a huge reduction in the cost of delivering
training, and we were able to return millions of pounds of training budget
(predominantly venue spend) to the business.
On the other hand, no-shows and cancellations spiked. Presumably
people felt that it was more acceptable to duck out of a Zoom training ses-
sion than one where they were expected to travel. And to be fair they tended
to be dull: a big part of the appeal of training sessions is the opportunity to
get together, to step away from the job, and network with colleagues. It’s
also a way that the organization signals the value it places on employees –
everyone understands that face-to-face training is expensive and digital
training is cheap.
Of course all of these elements vanished from the Zoom equivalents,
which tended to be shorter and predominantly based around PowerPoint
The deeper point though is this: the pandemic exposed the ridiculousness
of educational ritual – in every context. Stripped of all the informal elements
that made educational events worthwhile (getting together with friends,
going somewhere exciting, being made to feel valued) educational events
were little more than somebody reading a script over a video link.
All of which begged the question we should have been asking long ago: if
this is all that’s going on, why don’t we just send people the presentation and
ask them to review it? If we needed to know they had reviewed it, why not
create a test (which was effectively the role that our compliance learning
system was playing)?
This central message turned out to be perhaps the biggest corporate lesson
of the pandemic: in-between lockdowns organizations tried to encourage
Bringing about change 231
people to go back to the office. As I write they are still doing that. But it was
now abundantly clear that there’s no point going to the office if you’re just
going to sit on Zoom calls or answer emails – no point in holding in-person
meetings or training events if you’re just going to stare at a PowerPoint deck.
Just as education had overlooked all the really important parts of getting
together, business had overlooked that presentations were little more than a
pretext for people to get together.
For the first time, we were all having to think hard about experience de-
sign and consciously consider how to make our time together worthwhile.
Leaders were struggling to know what to do with their teams, consultants to
know what to do with their clients, and learning professionals were strug-
gling to answer the same question: ‘What do we do together, if we’re not
looking at a PowerPoint presentation?’
Our consulting business had decided to onboard around 400 graduates as work
picked up during the pandemic. Lockdown restrictions meant that this would
have to be accomplished entirely remotely.
By way of context, the previous induction programme was a two-week boot
camp-style event held in a hotel in the Cotswolds. It was largely conventional
education: for the most part senior partners would show up armed with a
much-loved PowerPoint deck, ready to assume the role of teacher and impart
whatever life lessons they held most dear.
Taken individually they weren’t bad; arranged end-to-end they formed a
monstrous content juggernaut, a gruelling topic marathon. If that weren’t
enough, the programme designers had cleverly created additional assignments
to be completed overnight.
Despite this, the participants generally had a good time – but principally due
to the opportunity to make new friends, share in the excitement of joining an
organization together and drinking liberally. The event had a ‘freshers week’ feel.
For the reasons outlined, it immediately struck me that replacing a two-week
celebratory event with five or more days of back-to-back Zoom presentations
would be the very worst thing we could do. From an educational perspective it
would look as though we were accomplishing the same things, but by now you
and I know these would be radically different learning experiences.
We followed the 5Di approach, beginning with ‘define’ and talking to key
stakeholders about the desired business impact of the programme. It was
surprisingly difficult to get them to articulate the outcomes in performance terms.
Bringing about change 233
As is often the case, the course had become something of a ritual, and we
had to continually nudge the sponsors away from talking about content and
topics that should be in the course and instead describe the business impact it
should have.
For new analysts there are specific impacts, though, some of which are easier
to measure than others: we want to build their confidence and retain their levels
of engagement and enthusiasm. We want to lose as few as possible in the year
following joining, we want their utilization (the time they are working on client
projects) to be as high as possible, and their time on the bench (not working on
client projects) to be reduced, especially in terms of the period between joining
to working on a client project.
We want them to feel included, experience a sense of belonging and purpose,
and look after their wellbeing. We would like them to perform well on client
projects – which incorporates a number of component tasks, such as building
relationships, solving problems, managing their time, and working well with other
team members.
Last but not least, they should be able to articulate the various propositions
(services and products) that comprised their part of the business (their
These outcomes give you a sense of what the programme should achieve.
In the second stage – discover – we talked to analysts who had recently joined
the organization. We talked about their experience of the original programme
design, but focused mostly on their experience as an analyst in the first year
after joining.
It’s important to remember that audience analysis does not involve asking
people what they felt they needed to learn, what capabilities they lacked or how
the programme should be designed – it is simply about understanding the
challenges they faced and the concerns that they had. Don’t ask questions about
somebody’s learning – ask questions about their life.
We ran focus groups with teams of analysts who had recently joined, using
emotional curves and tasks and concern lists to analyse the experience. We also
talked to them about the previous programme design; what worked and what didn’t.
In the time that I have run this process I have never failed to be astounded by
the insights that audiences will impart. We identified literally hundreds of ways in
which we could improve on the old programme. The central theme was
predictable, though: new starts’ concerns weren’t well aligned with the
business’s: whilst the business was concerned with people memorizing lots of
234 How People Learn
In the design phase we set about rebuilding the programme from scratch. We
aimed to build a hybrid programme, by which I mean a programme comprised of
experiences and resources properly allocated.
‘Proper allocation’ means taking pretty much all of the content out of a
course, replacing it with resources that are useful and accessible at the point of
need, and building experiences that enable us to achieve the performance and
experience outcomes we are looking for.
We used a Concern-Task-Resource-Experience (CTRE) matrix to guide this
partitioning activity; itemizing the concerns and tasks that the business and the
participants had identified on the left, then listing all the potential formats along
the top – for example: short video, checklist, experience and so on.
As you can imagine, a central challenge was this: how do you create a digital
experience (that isn’t just a PowerPoint presentation)? Or to put it more bluntly:
how do you take a face-to-face programme and shift it online without damaging
the experience in the process? Our guiding principle was that the programme
should be entirely experiential. No PowerPoint – just one experience after
I think some of the internal team had heard me talk about all this stuff, without
it really sinking in up until this point. It came as a shock that we weren’t going to
be slotting topics into a timetable and lining up the PowerPoint slides to match.
The partners were flabbergasted that we wouldn’t be asking them to rock up and
talk through their decks.
So how did we accomplish this radical shift? As always, there are two
components to consider: resources (performance support) and experiences
(learning design).
The organization had plenty of learning technologies, but none of these were
fit for purpose as performance support systems. They were – as is usually the
case – educational systems, designed to dump content on people in a forcible
fashion and track completion. They were not, for example, easy to access on a
mobile device at the point of need. They didn’t make it easy to upload and share
checklists or videos.
So we designed, developed and deployed a digital platform that would allow
us to get digital resources to people seamlessly, at points of need, on whatever
device they preferred.
236 How People Learn
The result
And not just in our own business. We entered our work into the prestigious
Learning and Performance Institute 2021 Awards, and won Gold in the Best
Online Induction Programme category. We had demonstrated that you can use
human-centred design approaches to build hybrid learning experiences that are
an improvement on conventional educational approaches.
In the end, the Covid-19 pandemic enabled us to change some of the things
that we should have been changed long ago. As a senior colleague once said,
‘Never waste a good crisis.’
Key points
1 Fosway Group. Innovation Profile: Sky, undated,
profile-sky/ (archived at
2 Institute for Government Analysis. Timeline of UK coronavirus lockdowns,
March 2020 to March 2021, undated,
(archived at
3 N Shackleton-Jones. 10 Things To Do instead of Showing People a PowerPoint,
LinkedIn, undated,
activity-6872108597749301248-CWeh (archived at
4 Special thanks to Charles Kneen and Stephen McNally.
Ethics and AI 10
in learning
Robot teachers and the responsibility
for changing people
More than 2,000 years ago Plato asked: ‘What is the just life?’
If you skip to the last page in the history of ethics, the answer to that
question is – ultimately – ‘Whatever feels just’, but sadly we got off on the
wrong foot by trying to use reason to reduce it to a set of rules, in the pro-
cess spawning 2,000 years of philosophical faffing about along a blind alley.
(Plato’s answer, by the way, was that the more rational a person is, the more
just they will be. So that worked out well.)
But let’s back up a few steps.
Imagine that your brother is dying of a disease. There is a treatment – a
single pill that would cure him – but you are not able to afford it. You know
that the drug company that sell the pill charge ten times what it costs to
make. Is it right for you to steal the pill from the drug store in order to save
your dying brother?
I’m not going to give you the answer, or argue with yours. Instead, I’d like
you to notice what goes on inside you when you are asked a question like
this: there is a shuffling of sentiments, an alignment to a position based on
an instinctive reaction. It may well be that the instinctive reaction has been
formed by that ‘Big Pharma’ critique you read, or your feelings towards
your friend who happens to be a pharmacist. In all probability you don’t
really know – but your sentiments have already taken a position and your
mind is already concocting arguments and anticipating a territorial defence.
You suspect there is a conversation ahead – one where two or more peo-
ple go to and fro, getting increasingly heated – and most likely ending in
disagreement. It’s probably a liberal/conservative type issue. You have a
familiar feeling about how this will play out.
Ethics and AI in learning 241
Ethical progressions
In his popular talks on ethics, Michael Sandel presents us with two classic
(and by now hackneyed) dilemmas.1 You are standing at the junction in a
train track, a runaway train is hurtling down the track, if it continues on its
current course it will kill five people who are (inexplicably) tied to the track,
whilst if you pull the lever, it will change course and kill only one person
(also tied to the track). What to do?
It seems pretty clear that the right thing to do would be to pull the lever.
But just before we move on to the next level of complexity, note how easily
we can blur this distinction: what if the one person were Nelson Mandela
and the five others his sadistic prison guards? The possible combinations are
But let’s leave that to one side for the moment and consider the next step
in the ethical progression: now you are standing on a bridge over the track.
There is no junction in the track, only five people once more tied to the rails
who will likely die if you don’t intervene. Whilst this time you cannot pull a
lever, there is an obese person leaning over the bridge who – if you were to
push them onto the track – would likely cause the train to stop or derail.
The question is: would you push the person onto the track to stop the
train and save five people? Most people recoil at the idea. It just ‘feels’
wrong. But – goes the argument – what is the difference logically between
killing one person by pushing them onto the tracks and pulling the lever
which kills the person by diverting the train?
242 How People Learn
Consider a recent court case, in which a 78-year old pensioner was at-
tacked in his own home by two burglars, armed with knives and a screw-
driver. The media reported that his disabled wife was upstairs in bed as he
grappled with the attackers. In the ensuing struggle one of the burglars
was badly wounded. The two fled and one collapsed in the street and later
died, his companion abandoning him. The pensioner was subsequently ar-
rested on suspicion of murder, but later released without charge. Some
people called him a hero.
Other people chose to lay flowers and cards at the roadside where the
burglar had died, causing outraged members of the public to angrily destroy
the makeshift roadside memorial.2 Would you do either thing?
Now that you understand affective context, note how every aspect of this
story subtly contributes to your feeling of right or wrong. What if – instead
of being a 78 year old pensioner – the man had been a 35-year old martial
arts expert? What if he had three small children instead of a disabled wife
asleep upstairs? What if the burglar’s companion had not abandoned him in
the street, but valiantly struggled to carry him to the local hospital? What if
both the burglars were women? Or asylum seekers? What if you have just
had lunch?
A 2011 study examined over 1,000 verdicts made by Israeli judges and
found that judges were far more likely to give lenient verdicts at the start of
the day and also immediately after a break, such as lunch.3 Jonathan Levav,
one of the co-authors of the paper, summarized it as follows: ‘You are any-
where between two and six times as likely to be released if you’re one of the
first three prisoners considered versus the last three prisoners considered.’
The likelihood of a favourable ruling went from around 65 per cent to
around 0 per cent, depending on snack times. That’s a massive difference! So
now we can now explain it: whether or not someone is innocent or guilty
very much depends how you feel.
This tendency, of people to answer complex questions in a way that seems
rational, but is actually done by referring to how they feel, has been dubbed
the Substitution Principle by Daniel Kahneman (also called attribute substi-
tution). In essence, Kahneman is saying that we often answer complicated
logical questions by using how we feel – and then presenting our answers as
if they were logical conclusions.4
He gives an example: the question ‘How much would you contribute to
save an endangered species?’ quickly becomes ‘How much emotion do I feel
when I think of dying dolphins?’
But what if we try to eliminate all this pesky humanity by introducing
dependable AI – will that solve the problem?
244 How People Learn
AI and learning
As so-called AI advances in sophistication and complexity, some people
have begun to fear the realization of scenarios long depicted in Hollywood
movies in which the machines rise up and systematically obliterate their
creators, with or without snappy dialogue.
The answer, some assert, is ethics. We need to programme the machines
with ethical guidelines, not unlike Asimov’s famous Laws of Robotics. All
the software programmers will take a couple of evening classes in ethics and
we will be fine.
I don’t mean to worry you, but now that we understand how ethics works
we can see how terrifyingly naïve this all is. Take even the simplest example –
an example that one can imagine arising, somewhere, right now:
‘Fine!’ says the weary programmer. ‘We’ll make the car say “Oh, I feel so
bad! – I hit a cat – that’s just terrible!” in a sad voice. Happy now?’
Not really. The only thing worse than a relentless terminator is a
relentless terminator that apologizes profusely as it shoots you in the face.
Because ethics is fundamentally about how we feel, and about how we
feel other people feel, there really is no chance of us being able to create
‘ethical robots’. Asimov’s Laws of Robotics are ridiculous and laughable.
You have every reason to be concerned.
When it comes to AI and learning, this creates both profound challenges and
superficial opportunities.
Consider the following questions: if my learning is steered by those things
I care about, how does an AI system judge what really matters to me? How
do teachers today judge what matters to me?
If ‘a connection’ is integral to my learning process, i.e. that I share con-
cerns with the person or system guiding my learning, how confidently can a
student ‘connect’ to an algorithm? If, as our experience of school suggests,
enthusiasm and passion are infectious, is there such a thing as an authentic
simulation of this?
Finally, much learning involves the extrapolation of one concern from
another; for example: ‘If you care about your family, you should care about
safety – had you considered the impact that being injured at work might
have on them?’ Do we believe that a computer program could, or should,
steer this process?
Today, we have algorithms that can make music or shopping recommen-
dations that we describe as ‘AI’.
For the most part AI is not much more complicated than a list of ‘If…
then’ conditional branches. Their power comes from the data they are based
on, and this – in essence – is why Big Data is a big deal. Such algorithms
compare your profile to millions of other similar profiles, and make recom-
mendations based on what people like you liked.
In an educational setting you can see how this might have advantages
over an instructor-led process. An instructor is essentially saying: ‘This is
what I care about, so this is what you should care about,’ whereas an algo-
rithm can personalize, saying things like: ‘I can see you like dinosaurs and
cars. Other people who liked dinosaurs and cars were also interested in
robots. Would you like to learn more about robots?’
246 How People Learn
Everyone is the hero of their own story. Even prisoners. A separate study
found that prisoners rated themselves as above average for every single pro-
social trait except for being law-abiding.8
There is now a vast body of research relating to the biases that we exhibit
in our assessments of ourselves. Overall the headline is that, except in some
specific circumstances (such as clinical depression) we consistently feel far
better about ourselves – about our future, our abilities, our worthiness –
than we should if we were objective and rational.
In practice, the need to feel that one is good and doing the right thing
forms the basis of much social interaction. We even have an expression for
it: social validation. People gossip about the thing that they did, and expect
to hear people say: ‘You did the right thing!’ or ‘I would have done exactly
the same!’ In turn, people tend to surround themselves (whether online or in
real life) with like-minded people.
This ‘same is safe’ bias protects the hero of the story (you) from ever hav-
ing to feel like they made a bad decision. This desire to seek out similarity in
friendship and relationships is described as ‘so common and so widespread
on so many dimensions that it could be described as a psychological default’
by Angela Bahns, co-author of a study that suggests our desire for like-
mindedness is hard-wired.9 They go on to suggest you are: ‘[…] trying to
create a social world where you feel comfortable’, strongly suggesting an
affective basis for the behaviour.
Is it impossible to be reasonable?
I want to revisit a concern that may have unsettled you since the outset of
the book, where I argued that humans are emotional, not rational, creatures,
and that the divide between thinking and feeling is an illusion. The question
on your mind may be something like: ‘Does this mean that it is impossible
to be reasonable?’ or: ‘Are you saying that there is no right or wrong?’
In an episode of his Freakonomics podcast, Stephen Dubner talks to
Redouan Bshary, a professor of behavioural ecology at the University of
Neuchatel in Switzerland. Bshary studied a type of fish called Cleaner
Wrasse, a small fish common among coral reefs.
As their name suggests, Cleaner Wrasse make their living out of cleaning
other fish – eating the parasites and dead scales from their bodies. What
Bshary discovered, is that the Cleaner Wrasse obey complex laws of econom-
ics – for example providing preferential treatment for visitors vs residents,
and adjusting their behaviour according to the level of ‘optionality’ that their
client enjoyed. In short, they were behaving like savvy entrepreneurs.
250 How People Learn
Now no one is suggesting that the fish were actually economists – but
they were acting in accordance with economic theory. Equally, the fish were
not aware of the totality of economic theory (one can safely assume), but
employed the laws that were relevant to their lives.
In other words, though the fish were obeying the laws of economics – and
had to some degree internalized them – economics exists independently of the
fish themselves. It’s a description that we can apply to their behaviour. The
same is true of humans. Reason describes a set of laws – logic, mathematics
and so on – that exist outside of them. Humans are purely emotional crea-
tures, but those emotions can be made to behave in accordance with reason.
When it comes to ethics, ‘fairness’ is not merely something we feel strongly
about, but – a bit like economics – describes a feature of the world. Our
feelings can be made to correspond to what is fair, just as they can be made
to conform to reason. That said, we’re rarely very reasonable – and nor-
mally terribly illogical.
Your average person might, for example, have some basic maths – they
most likely know the difference between an ‘and’ and an ‘or’ statement. But
in terms of the totality of logic and mathematics as we know it, they are only
organized to behave in line with a tiny fraction of it. Much like our fish.
Now, philosophers tend to struggle with the existential status of things
that exist independently of the human mind, but in practice we recognize the
independent existence of mathematics and logic. Why else would we send a
Voyager spacecraft into the unknown containing mathematical definitions,
unless we presumed that these exist independently of human beings?
So ‘reason’ describes patterns that exist independently to humans, just as
economics exists independently to our Cleaner Wrasse. Both things express
logical relationships between things in the world, that could be described by
different species at different locations and times in the universe’s history. So
why the confusion?
The confusion comes about because whilst Cleaner Wrasse are unlikely to
have feelings about ‘economics’, humans do have an affective response to-
wards the concept of ‘reason’. Because of our ability to have a reaction not
just to what we’re experiencing, but imaginary experiences, we can also imag-
ine rules that we like, and we can even fall in love with mathematics. Expressed
poetically, we can bend our emotions into the shape of an equation, much as
we might bend a willow branch into the shape of a heart (or a chair).
So though we remain – like the Cleaner Wrasse – thoroughly emotional
creatures, saying so does not usher in some dreadful relativistic apocalypse
where I can say ‘2 + 2 = lobster’ if I feel like it. No, our sentiments can still
conform to reason or not, just as the fish’s behaviour can conform to
economic law – and unlike the fish, we can be aware of it.
Ethics and AI in learning 251
In 1895, in his book The Crowd, the French intellectual Gustave Le Bon
wrote: ‘Given to exaggeration in its feelings, a crowd is only impressed by
excessive sentiments.’10 Today, we are witnessing the exaggeration and ex-
haustion of sentiment to an unprecedented degree, spurred on by the dispas-
sionate ambition of marketing algorithms.
It may seem that we need the voice of reason more than ever, and that in
undermining it I am throwing fuel on a fire.
We must continue to make very human decisions: we must take the time to
understand people as individuals, by which I mean the things that they care
about, and in designing learning experiences we must have an acute aware-
ness of our own motivations and make careful judgements regarding how far
to challenge people, monitoring the emotional cost of growth as we go.
Key points
1 Merriam-Webster. Next Stop: ‘Trolley Problem’, undated, www.merriam- (archived
2 J Mills. Floral tributes to burglar killed by pensioner put back up after being
ripped down, Metro, 10 April 2018,
burglar-killed-pensioner-put-back-ripped-7455692/ (archived at
Ethics and AI in learning 253
How to change 11
someone’s mind
Learning and attitude change
‘We often refuse to accept an idea merely because the tone of voice in
which it has been expressed is unsympathetic to us.’
Friedrich Nietzsche
In any given situation the vast majority of people will do whatever the peo-
ple around them are doing 99 per cent of the time. As we get to know peo-
ple, we obsess over the minor variations in their behaviour – and overlook
the vast stretches of commonality between them.
As a college lecturer I taught thousands of students. During the course of
the year I would get to know many unique personalities among the rows of
upturned faces. But not once did a student get up and brush their teeth mid-
How to change someone’s mind 255
lecture. In fact, for the vast proportion of the time every single one of these
unique individuals sat quietly, taking notes. In a given week the most re-
markable thing they might do would be to interrupt me while I was talking.
Our species depends on conformity, and the mechanisms that keep us in
place. We are instinctively herd animals, deeply concerned about each other.
What you think of me literally alters my biology. This shared trait has al-
lowed us to outperform potentially smarter, more individualistic hominids:
we may not have been the brightest or strongest homo species, but we hunt
in packs and share our spoils. Studies of Neanderthal skulls show that their
brains were larger than ours by a significant degree.
Brain size isn’t everything though; some creatures (such as dolphins and
elephants) have brains that are larger than ours but don’t seem smarter.
A key distinction is the extent of neoteny: more than any other creature
humans are born with relatively underdeveloped brains and it is our ex-
tended period of learning that is illustrative of our intellectual potential.
Studies of Neanderthal skulls show that their brains took even longer to
develop than ours, suggesting an even greater capacity for learning.
The standard explanation is that their visual cortex, not their prefrontal
cortex, accounted in large part for the difference in brain size – but it may
well be that this is little more than a convenient post-rationalization since
few accounts are offered of the additional mental capabilities they would
have possessed. It may just be that as stronger, smarter, apes they had less
need to hunt in groups. Perhaps this meant less of an emphasis on cognitive
abilities associated with social interaction and empathy, and perhaps these
abilities were part of the prerequisite for culture to emerge.
Like other creatures we encode our experience affectively – but other
people’s reactions play a disproportionately large part in that. We have a big
chunk of our brain dedicated to processing faces, for example. We can iden-
tify a human gait from nothing more than small dots of light, even draw
inferences about how that person is feeling. We are happy to watch a video
of someone reacting to something.
The classical explanation for this is that it is all about detecting intent in
others, but recent research has shown we can struggle to identify the prac-
tised liar from their facial expressions, so whilst intent is part of it, we are
also just looking to gauge other people’s reactions – to the things they expe-
rience, and most importantly to the things we do.
Emotion at heart
We have a tendency to think of emotion as something that is overlaid onto
our perceptions of the world, rather than as fundamental to the way in
256 How People Learn
which we perceive the world. But there is something very wrong with this. I
mentioned earlier that children naturally attribute sentiment and intention-
ality to objects around them – that this is hard wired into the way they
perceive things.
And as adults, we may learn that trees don’t care if we kick them, but we
continue to assess the world around us entirely on the basis of how it feels
to us (even when we are thinking logically, as we will see shortly). I fre-
quently get angry with coat-hangers, for example, which I am convinced are
out to annoy me on a daily basis.
Consider the following experiment by Fritz Heider and Anne Simmel.
Fritz and Anne created a short film (around two and a half minutes) starring
two triangles and a circle. In their animated short – which you can watch for
yourself on YouTube – all three geometrical movie-stars moved around and
in and out of a rectangle. People watching the film were then asked ques-
tions about what they had witnessed.
What they found was that almost all of their participants interpreted the
film intentionally and emotionally, having no trouble at all describing the
motivations and sentiments of the geometrically disadvantaged actors. In
fact, for the general population it was very hard for people to see it other-
wise. In later research, it was found that pre-school children would tell very
similar stories about what is going on.
It’s an interesting finding, because it suggests that an affective interpreta-
tion is not something that we later learn to apply to the world around us, but
something ‘baked in’ from the outset. Some philosophers have wanted to see
humans as natural scientists, using the power of reason to develop and test
hypotheses regarding causal relationships between events in the world.
David Hume took this view, and even today there are people who believe
our brains to be some manner of scientific calculator, constantly proposing
and testing logical relationships between events. But this is just philosophers
dreaming of being rational gods – in practice people don’t work this way;
young children are not looking for rational explanations of what they
see – indeed, what they see they immediately interpret intentionally.
Our predictions are predictions of intent: that rock wants to roll down
the cliff, that person wants to steal my food, etc. Of course it’s important for
your brain to predict the future, but it doesn’t do this in some logical
Bayesian statistical fashion, instead it’s more like premonition: you know
how things are going to feel because of how they felt in the past.
Even as an adult – despite all your conditioning – you will occasionally
experience this first hand: you bang your head against a cupboard door that
How to change someone’s mind 257
has been left open and you slam it shut angrily or swear at it. Instinctively,
you are annoyed with the cupboard door. Your car breaks down and you
yell at it. Rationally you know that the door was not ‘out to get you’, or the
car undermining you – but this is not your instinctive response. We get an-
noyed with inanimate objects all the time, and in these moments our true
way of working surfaces.
Balance theory
Encoding the world in terms of our reactions, in terms of how it makes us
feel, helps us to understand the way that things are linked in our minds.
Imagine an old friend – someone you haven’t seen since school days – with
whom you were very close. Now imagine you bump into them unexpectedly.
You are delighted to see them again and suggest they come round to dinner.
Over dinner you learn, to your horror, that their politics are now dia-
metrically opposed to yours. Some of the remarks they make about a
woman’s right to choose and about identity politics make you quite un-
comfortable. Finally, you learn that they believe that cannabis should be
legalized – whilst you are very much opposed to recreational drug use of
any kind.
At the end of the evening you bid them farewell, and you are left to pon-
der your dilemma: if you stay in touch with them you will feel like you are
compromising your values; if you don’t you will feel like you have turned
your back on an important relationship.
Fritz Heider also had something interesting to say about this kind of situ-
ation. He noticed that when we have mismatched feelings about parts of our
world, that we try to ‘balance’ them. He called his theory ‘balance theory’.
The best way to picture his theory is as a triangle; imagine that you, your
friend, and cannabis exist at the three corners of the triangle.
The sides of the triangle now represent attitudes towards the connected
points. You like your friend (so that’s a positive attitude), they like cannabis
(so another positive link) – but you have a negative attitude towards can-
nabis. In Fritz’s terminology the triangle is ‘unbalanced’, because your atti-
tudes towards related items (your friend and cannabis) are in conflict.
You experience something that psychologists have called ‘cognitive dis-
sonance’: an uncomfortable feeling that you are motivated to resolve. You
can do that in two ways: you can decide to let go of the relationship with
your friend, conceding that they are ‘not the person you used to know’ – or
you can decide that maybe cannabis isn’t all that bad after all.
258 How People Learn
Fritz proposed that sentiments are balanced if the affect valence (how we
feel about things) balances out.
This is a very useful model for everyday use: for example if you are trying
to sell something to someone, it’s not a bad idea to get them to like you first.
Alternatively, why expend the effort, when you could just use some data
from social media to find out who they already like, then get the person they
like to endorse your product?
It is also very handy for learning contexts. As a young psychology lec-
turer my college discovered my interest in technology and promptly con-
scripted me into teaching an Introduction to Technology evening class for
adults. This was at a time when the internet was new and middle-aged peo-
ple were suspicious of technology and generally baffled by it all. People
didn’t know how to use a mouse (although those seem to be dying out these
I discovered that the way to get someone to like the computer was to find
something else they liked – say gardening – then find pages, communities,
videos, etc on their favourite topic scattered around the internet. People
would follow the trail of stuff they liked like Hansel and Gretel picking up
sweets on the way to the witch’s house (I may have mis-remembered that
story, but I prefer my version here).
It’s interesting to note that our fundamental motivation is to harmonize
how we feel; we want to feel good about the world. It’s not about reason or
logic. You can probably see an immediate parallel between our perceptions
of reality, and reality itself: life is good, so long as nothing in reality ‘unbal-
ances’ our mental model. The psychologist Jean Piaget called this state
Jean’s thinking (and that of many developmental psychologists after him)
was that this had something to do with schemas – mental models of the
world which we build up over time. Eventually we reach a point where what
happens in the world conforms to what we are expecting, and at that point
we are no longer motivated to learn or adapt. This is what I mean when I
describe learning as a homeostatic mechanism.
There is a big problem with Jean’s account, though: psychologists were
never able to figure out what those schemas are, or what they are made of,
in a way which corresponds to how humans behave.
What I am proposing is this: what psychologists have called schemas are
in fact a complex pattern of interrelated affective reactions that are acti-
vated when we experience an event, or a memory of that event. I agree that
we map the world mentally, as psychologists have suggested, just that we do
How to change someone’s mind 259
so affectively. Our mental maps are sentimental, not semantic. This is im-
portant to know if you are designing learning; we are not linking related
ideas, we are linking related feelings.
You might point out that quite often we have contradictory feelings
about things, and invariably our mental model of the world doesn’t exactly
correspond to reality, leaving you wondering why we are not constantly
experiencing cognitive dissonance.
The answer is that we are fine with conflicting feelings, so long as we
don’t experience them concurrently. For example you might be anti-immi-
gration, but also a fan of the Bible. If someone makes pointed remarks about
the parable of the Good Samaritan, that might make you feel uncomfortable
and motivate you to come up with a reason why that advice doesn’t apply
in this context.
In summary, not only is our experience of the world formed from our
emotional reactions to things, the relationship between things in our world
is determined by our feelings towards them.
since Freud and Jung – that we are fundamentally irrational beings, and that
much of our thinking is unconscious.
The model that Kahneman and Tversky introduce is roughly as follows:
your mind is comprised of two systems – System 1 and System 2. System 1
is the unconscious, intuitive system that does most of the heavy lifting when
it comes to thinking. It’s the instinctive system that enables you to walk,
drive a car, or decide whether or not you like someone without having to use
a pen and paper to figure it out. System 2, by contrast, is slow, methodical
and rational. Whilst System 1 will answer the question: ‘How are you feeling
today?’, System 2 will answer the question: ‘What is 86 x 57?’
The thrust of the book is that System 1 does much more of the work than
we realize, and in a fashion which rarely follows the laws of reason. Like
many popular psychology texts, it catalogues much of the research demon-
strating that, across a wide variety of contexts, our decisions are not taken
rationally (by System 2) but instead instinctively (by System 1).
We like to imagine we are rational, but we are not. High Court judges
make disturbingly instinctive decisions about whether someone is guilty,
and how long they should spend in prison, employers make instinctive deci-
sions about whether or not to hire someone, you and I make instinctive deci-
sions around whether or not to put money aside for the future.
By the end of the book you would be forgiven for thinking that System 2
exists only to provide a post hoc rationalization – a cover story – for all the
decisions we take instinctively.
What is the moral of the tale? Well – we’re not terribly rational. In many
contexts, our instinctive decisions are bad decisions from a rational perspec-
tive. In sum, we might want to think about using external guides, such as
statistical methods or a computer, for a bunch of stuff.
Overall the popularization of biases is a healthy direction of travel: help-
ing us to see that people are nowhere near as reasonable as we might like to
believe (another bias of ours). But it should strike you as a very odd out-
come: if we were really better off being rational, surely millions of years of
evolution would have selected for the less biased individuals. Why did all the
rational creatures die out?
Examples of systems
In fact the System 1/System 2 distinction is little more than Descartes’
body–mind dualism in disguise. The difference between the two systems is
sometimes elucidated using the example of driving a car and concurrently
How to change someone’s mind 261
completing the sum 17 x 24 – things which one should avoid doing simulta-
neously. It serves as an illustration of how ‘slow and effortful’ System 2
processes can interfere with ‘instinctive and easy’ System 1 processes. But
wait – how about holding a conversation?
The thing is that on the one hand we do find it easy to hold a conversa-
tion while driving – but on the other hand we generally think of conversa-
tion as a rational System 2-type activity (rather than an instinctive activity
like, say, catching a ball). In the chapter on language, I have described speak-
ing not as a rational System 2 activity but a thoroughly affective System 1
The difficulty with this is that mental arithmetic is a really odd thing for
a creature to do, so it seems as though we are arguing for the existence of an
entire mental operating system on the basis of a peculiarly recent, if cultur-
ally significant, behaviour.
To use the example from the chapter on education, imagine a Martian
culture where everyone has to memorize Pi, and where the corresponding
psychological model proposes two Martian mental systems: the instinctive
system, and the Pi system. Wouldn’t you be tempted to call BS?
As I have mentioned previously – logic and mathematics are held up as
epitomizing rational thought – but generally speaking neither humans nor
dogs use them. Hardly anybody does. I haven’t had to do long division since
I was at school. Of course, in everyday life sometimes we say that we have
constructed a rational argument – or that a sentencing decision was reached
logically – but as Kahneman points out, this doesn’t really happen when you
look closely – ‘rational’ is just being used like the word ‘compelling’.
It’s true that sometimes we do things with our brains that feel especially
effortful – but this just means we are using System 1 in a way that it was not
designed for – not that there is a separate system. Let me be direct: there is
no System 2. ‘System 2’ just refers to using System 1 in an unnatural way.
‘System 2’ thinking is a bit like using your feet to measure a distance by
placing them end-to-end: you can do it, but it feels weird and unnatural and is
painstakingly slow. Likewise you could train a pigeon to do simple sums, but
the training process would be arduous (as it is with us), it would be unreliable
and unsophisticated (as it is with us), and you wouldn’t conclude that the pi-
geon now has a separate ‘rational’ part of its brain (any more than do we).
There isn’t a System 1 and System 2 any more than there exists reason and
emotion separately. What there is is an ability to balance one set of feelings
against another. Human beings, like other creatures, process experience in-
stinctively. But we also have a ‘what if’ ability – the ability to offset feelings
262 How People Learn
about the right now, with feelings about hypothetical states: ‘What if I steal
that book, and I get caught, and I land up in prison and I lose my job?’ – or
even: ‘Will I still feel that I am a good person if I steal this book?’
Once again, this isn’t really rationality that we are talking about here – it’s
just the ability to moderate our behaviour according to feelings about non-
present things. This is obviously handy.
We can even do it with statistics – we can say: ‘What if instead of going
with my gut on this hiring decision, I use my abstract attachment to statisti-
cal models to guide my decision instead? Perhaps I will be able to boast
about it at executive meetings.’
evidence for this hypothesis has been found. In part, this type of explanation
arises because we like to imagine the brain as compartmentalized, with dif-
ferent areas used for storing different kinds of information.
The affective context model cuts through this unnecessary complexity:
since all experience is converted into an affective code, we can naturally
compare experiences cross-modally. A loosening or a tightening of the de-
gree of association will lead to more or less creative comparisons, but we
will all experience the phenomenon to some extent.
After all, we need to be able to quickly adapt to new situations, and since
no two situations are exactly the same we need to be able to generalize using
experiences that feel similar. You can take me to a restaurant in a different
country, and though I have never encountered it before, it will feel like a
restaurant and I will know how to behave.
If we were unable to do this, we would act, well, like computers. And it is
this same affective coding mechanism that underpins a host of more recently
discovered features of human thought.
Here’s a question for you: would you say Albert Einstein was more or less
than 93 years old when he died? How old do you think he was?
You might be interested to know that half of the copies of this book have
been published with a different question. In half of them, the question is
‘would you say Albert Einstein was more or less than 63 years old when he
died? How old do you think he was?’
Of course I have made that bit up. But if we had published two versions
of this book, almost certainly the estimates of the group asked the ‘63’ ques-
tion would be lower than the estimates of the group asked the ‘93’ question.
This is an effect called anchoring, and is a specific instance of a phenomenon
called priming.
In essence, with anchoring, if you didn’t have any particular feeling about
something – say, how much you would be prepared to donate to save polar
bears – then an initial figure will guide your decision. A person who stops
you in the street and suggests a $20 donation is likely to receive donations
to a value higher than someone who stops you and suggests a $5 donation.
Affectively speaking, this is easy to explain. If someone has planted a feel-
ing in your mind, where you didn’t already have a strong feeling, then your
responses will reflect that affective state.
264 How People Learn
By now you won’t be surprised to learn that in experiments where half the
participants read a description like this in reverse order (Sam is envious,
stubborn, critical, impulsive, industrious, intelligent), they rate Sam lower
on a likeability scale than people who read them in the order you did. Why
is that?
The first part of the explanation is that we react emotionally to each of
the words – indeed, that is all a word is: a sound that creates an emotional
reaction. The second part of the explanation is that we are creatures gov-
erned by homeostasis: in other words, we constantly strive for a steady state,
one in which we expend the least mental effort. At a cognitive level we have
seen this referred to as ‘equilibrium ’and ‘balance’; a state in which our
model of the world matches our experience. In simple terms: once we’ve
made up our mind about something, we don’t like to change it.
How to change someone’s mind 265
Imagine, for example that you are deeply opposed to capital punishment on
the grounds that it is an ineffective deterrent and does little to reduce
crime rates.
What if you were presented with compelling evidence to the
contrary – evidence that clearly shows its effectiveness in reducing crime?
Would you change your mind? You would if you were rational. But this is
not what people do.
We know this, because precisely this experiment was carried out by
Charles Lord, Lee Ross and Mark Lepper at Stanford University.3 They
identified two groups of students – one group in favour of capital
punishment, the other opposed to it – and presented them with
(manufactured) evidence that directly contradicted their views.
The result? They actually hardened their views. Those who started out in
favour of capital punishment were even more in favour of it, those who
initially opposed it were now more deeply opposed.
This same finding has been replicated in a wide range of contexts; most
topically in the area of politics. People on either side of the political debate
are gobsmacked that blatant evidence of the opposition candidate’s wrong-
doings do nothing to soften support for him/her – in fact the opposite! The
more evidence we provide, the more polarized the debate becomes.
Global warming provides another example: how can climate change de-
nial exist in a world where the evidence of climate change is overwhelming?
Do people really still believe the world is flat?
The answer is that if people were fundamentally rational, we would not
see these effects – but if they were fundamentally emotional we surely would.
You and I become attached to ideas, objects, and events. If you are in love
with someone, then having an acquaintance point out your darling’s short-
comings may simply cause you to harden your defence of them, and weaken
your relationships with the critic.
The factual accuracy of our beliefs is far less important than what our
friends believe; after all, for a social creature it’s the attitude of those around
you that will most likely determine how you feel.
Every so often we do come across people who pride themselves on factual
accuracy. On closer inspection, it turns out that their friends also take pride
in this, so it seems that what motivates them is the sense of shame they
would experience should a close friend point out their factual blunder. It’s a
recurrent theme: reason piggy-backs on sentiment.
268 How People Learn
So how would you change someone? How would you help them d evelop?
Not with rational argument. You’d be much better off, as balance theory
suggests, getting to know them and befriending them – discovering common
ground, things you both care about. But when you’re sitting at home, view-
ing the world via a screen, opportunities for shared experiences are few and
far between.
This makes digital interaction (and learning) inherently polarizing – even
if it weren’t for the algorithms actively generating and promoting outra-
geous content. It’s also a challenge for me, as an author: like you, I have read
many books and I struggle to think of any of them that have profoundly
influenced my behaviour. If I really wanted to change your mind, we would
need to spend time together.
Since for the most part I can’t, some of this book is intended to connect
with you in other ways, such as using a range of examples and situations
some of which you may identify with. If, ultimately, you accept what I am
saying, it will not be because it is correct – but because of how you feel
about the idea. You might be more inclined to take my side if a close friend
recommended this book, for instance.
Another way in which processing our experience affectively is evident is
in the phenomenon called the substitution effect. Let’s return to relation-
ships to see how it works.
simply checking: ‘How do I feel right now?’ Questions like: ‘What are the
prospects for the economy?’ are influenced by whether the sun is shining. ‘Is
this person guilty?’ by whether or not you are feeling hungry. A whole host
of questions such as: ‘How long will you live?’, ‘How good was your holi-
day?’, ‘How happy are you with your relationship?’ or ‘How confident are
you in a given stock price?’ are determined by your general emotional state,
rather than factual information. People lie to themselves that they have
good reasons, when in reality they are just going on gut feel.
Many of us make use of this phenomenon at an intuitive level. Dating is
an obvious example; the right time to ask a person how they feel about you
is when the date is going really well, not when you have just knocked their
glass of red wine over, permanently staining their clothing.
Returning to sales, which is an excellent area of application, if you’re
going to pop the question: ‘Would you like to purchase this product?’, you’re
going to want to manoeuvre the customer into feeling as good as possible at
that point. Rationally speaking, attractive salespeople who flatter you
shouldn’t make one jot of difference to your decision about a product – but
in reality they do.
Having spent a regrettable amount of time in classrooms, I can attest to
a similar effect in educational contexts – not the effect of attractiveness, I
hasten to add, but around how we evaluate learning. In corporate educa-
tion, the standard of a course is often assessed using questionnaires at the
end, where people are asked things like ‘How effective was this course?’,
‘How competent was the trainer?’ and so on.
Learners actually have no idea about the answer to these complex ques-
tions – in my experience, nobody does. Figuring out how effective a course
is or the impact a trainer has had on behaviour requires the kind of longitu-
dinal data that is rarely available.
So what do students do? Simple: they substitute a quick assessment of
how they are feeling at the time of asking. In light of this, a canny instructor
will engineer an ‘emotional high’ into the final hours of a programme: end
early on a Friday perhaps, conclude with a fun exercise, have some kind of
applause or group photo take place – or maybe just hand out sweets.
Popular science books make the mistake of seeing these as ‘biases’ and de-
partures from a rational ideal – much as many philosophers from Descartes
to Dennett have done. But cognition is sentimental through and through.
270 How People Learn
Cognitive dissonance
Along similar lines to Fritz Heider, and at around the same time (1957),
Leon Festinger put forward his aforementioned Theory of Cognitive
Dissonance. To recap: the theory says that people experience psychological
stress when they hold contradictory beliefs, values or ideas.
The thing to notice here is that it is not the logical inconsistency that is
stressful: it is the affective inconsistency. Cognitive dissonance is affective
Affective dissonance is not limited to a conflict of values: imagine driving to
your favourite restaurant only to find that it is permanently closed. How would
you feel? Disappointed? Shocked? Affective dissonance is the fundamental
process that drives cognitive adaptation in any creature. Affective dissonance is
the basis of learning and memory whether you are a man or a mouse.
What every nervous system strives to achieve is a state where the internal
model of the world matches the external model of the world. Every time the
world surprises you, you have to adjust your internal model and that takes
energy and is experienced as dissonance. The feeling of dissonance is how
nervous systems experience the need to change.
When we are designing learning experiences – whether as complex as a
flight simulator or as simple as a role play – this is what we are aiming for: the
right amount of dissonance, or discomfort. We want to create a sense of being
challenged, so that we are obliged to change how we feel about the world. We
may even experience some pleasure at overcoming challenges, as we do with
computer games – we are offsetting our immediate discomfort with the an-
ticipated pleasure of accomplishment. A challenge must impact us affectively.
People will sometimes say, for example, ‘We learn best from our mis-
takes’, but that isn’t strictly true – after all we are making small mistakes all
the time. I am making numerous grammatical slips even as I write. We learn
from the mistakes that we feel – for example when a respected friend points
out a schoolboy error in our writing.
When Jonathan Haidt, author of The Righteous Mind, says: ‘The emo-
tional tail wags the rational dog’, he is only on the way to being right: the
dog is emotional from nose to tail. There is no rational dog. There is only an
emotional dog that can be trained to be rational (this is true both literally
and metaphorically speaking).
How to change someone’s mind 271
fact that some they like, some they don’t. Without these, the definitions of
positive and negative reinforcement remain circular: what is a positive rein-
forcer? Something that makes us do something more frequently. What
makes us do something more frequently? Positive reinforcement.
But as we saw in Chapter 2, the affective context model can provide us
with a better answer: a positive reinforcer is something we feel good about.
Rats don’t learn to press levers for wooden pellets, after all. Behaviourism is
a set of techniques that depend on a theory of affective states.
In his YouTube lecture ‘Memories are made of this’,4 Eric Kandel, Nobel-
prize winning neuroscientist attempts to explain learning in the simple sea
slug (aplysia). In doing so he uses the standard behaviourist lexicon, talking
about classical conditioning and sensitization – but he is unable to do so
without making reference to affective states: he talks about the sea slug
‘learning to fear’ and ‘frightening the animal’.
It’s a marvellous illustration of how a behaviourist account must always
rest on a model of learning as a fundamentally affective process.
The irony of the lecture is that Kandel himself uses affective impact to
make his speech memorable – for example by telling jokes and getting mem-
bers of the audience to touch the peculiar slug-like sea-dweller. Though he
does it intuitively, this undermines any behaviourist account of memory and
hints at the real mechanism behind learning: he can shock the sea slug just
as he can shock the students. That’s what memories are made of.
From an affective standpoint, behaviourists found two really interesting
things: first that our behaviour is strongly influenced by its affective conse-
quences. No surprises there. If something we do has negative consequences
we tend to do it less, positive consequences we tend to do it more.
Moreover, they discovered that the most powerful schedule of rewards
and punishments was a variable one, i.e. one where you were never quite
sure when your behaviour was going to pay off. You might see this in a re-
lationship, for example, where one person works really hard at pleasing
their partner because it’s never entirely clear when their efforts will be re-
warded. Behaviourists usually skip the part about these consequences being
essentially affective.
The second thing they discovered is that how we feel about something
can be transferred by association to other things – such as a token. How do
you feel about being given a million dollars? Pretty good? A million dollars
is just a million bits of paper – or a number on a computer screen – but we
feel good about it because dollars are tokens that we can exchange for things
we do feel good about: food, houses, holidays, cars, horses and so on.
How to change someone’s mind 273
Key points
●● We try to harmonize our feelings towards the things we are aware of.
●● We do not have two cognitive systems (instinctive and rational), just one
emotional system that balances immediate emotional states and
imagined emotional states.
●● Cognitive biases are features of a system that processes experience
●● Changing attitudes requires an understanding of existing attitudes.
●● Behaviourism requires affective states in order to be coherent.
●● There is no distinction between semantic and episodic memory.
1 F Dobbin, A Kalev and E Kelly. Diversity Management in Corporate America,
Contexts, 2007, 6 (4), 21–27
2 F Dobbin and A Kalev. Why Diversity Programs Fail, Harvard Business Review,
July–August 2016, (archived at
3 C Lord, L Ross and M Lepper. Biased assimilation and attitude polarization:
The effects of prior theories on subsequently considered evidence, Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology, 1979, 37 (11), 2098–109
4 George Kalarritis, Clinical Psychologist. Memories are Made of This. Eric Kandel
(2008) (online video), 5 January 2017,
(archived at
5 E Tulving (1972) Episodic and semantic memory. In E Tulving and
W Donaldson (Eds), Organization of Memory, Academic Press, New York
The future 12
‘Nothing vast enters the life of mortals without a curse.’
When Mark Zuckerberg created a web page where he and his Harvard
college chums could share stuff,1 he probably didn’t imagine it would
contribute to electing a game-show host to the position of President of the
United States. People are easy to predict. Technology is easy to predict. The
interaction between the two isn’t.
People are easy to predict because they stay the same. Culture changes,
but we remain the same old monkeys that we were 70,000 years ago.
Technology changes, but in predictable ways: it does logical things faster, it
extends its reach further in directions that make our lives easier. We can
confidently predict, for example, that sex will continue to be an important
part of the way people use technology in future.
If you want to see into the future, it’s really helpful to bear in mind that
people are fundamentally affective in nature, and computers are fundamen-
tally not: for example, you can immediately dismiss the idea that we will all
be fitted with some kind of USB port, drilled into our skull, that will enable
us to instantly learn a language – or Kung Fu.
We may well end up with devices attached to our heads, but they will do
the work for us – they will reduce our learning. You might even find yourself
strapped into a robot that knows Kung Fu – but unless you have sweated
your way through the (potentially VR) gym sessions, you will not.
In fact, as you become ever more technologically enabled you will con-
tinue to learn less with each passing year – of this we can be sure. But how
can we be sure?
There are, and always have been, many books about the future. These
days such books have a contemporary urgency about them and a sense of
awe in the face of the immense scale of the challenges we now face. They
describe risks and possibilities relating to areas such as AI and automation,
climate change, Big Data, biotechnology, globalization – and ponder the
The future 277
impact these might have on employment, democracy, the economy, and the
global order.
These books tend to make us worry and feel powerless, because they
signpost uncertainty without describing a journey. Some are more optimis-
tic, some pessimistic, but overall the message is that there is a lot of change
ahead of us, we cannot be sure in which direction it will take us, we will just
have to wait and see.
In thinking about the future, it’s important to have a proper frame of
reference otherwise it is very hard to make sense of anything at all. By
‘proper frame of reference’, I mean one that isn’t bound to a particular
historical period or ideological standpoint. For example, we can focus on
economics and the role of capital in the future – and easily overlook that
economic considerations really only arose in the last few thousand years.
In general, any frame of reference which is specific to humans – such as
religion, economics or politics should be called into question, since we can
safely assume that there is a more fundamental level of analysis that lies
beneath it.
In fact, humans are especially susceptible to ‘supernatural’ narratives, by
which I mean stories about our origins or destiny that place us above the
rest of the animal kingdom. These escapist stories paint our future in terms
of fleeting phenomena – like money or politics or science – rather than the
more profound, immutable ones.
What such books lack is the right perspective. I don’t mean that they lack
a historical perspective, I mean they lack an underpinning narrative: a story
in which all our past, present and future make sense, and one which can be
used to accurately predict the course of destiny.
Very well. I heard, then, that at Naucratis in Egypt there lived one of the old
gods of that country, the one whose sacred bird is called the ibis; and the
name of the divinity was Theuth. It was he who first invented numbers and
calculation, geometry and astronomy, not to speak of draughts and dice, and
above all writing (grammata).
Now the king of all Egypt at that time was Thamus… Theuth came to
him and exhibited his arts and declared they ought to be imparted to other
Egyptians. And Thamus questioned him about the usefulness of each one; and
as Theuth enumerated, the King blamed or praised what he thought were the
good or bad points in the explanation.2
So the Egyptian god we know today as Thoth brings the gift of writing to be
judged by King Thamus. You might wonder why a god would be worried
about what a king thinks, but Thamus is king of all the gods, so by com-
parison Thoth is something like a demi-god, and the scenario is a lot like the
familiar TV series Dragons’ Den in which a young entrepreneur attempts to
pitch their promising idea to the circumspect investment dragons by extol-
ling its benefits and potential.
So here’s Thoth with his big idea – writing – how is he going to sell it to
King Thamus?
When it came to writing, Theuth said, ‘This discipline, my King, will
make Egyptians wiser and will improve their memories; my invention is a
cure (pharmakon) for both memory and wisdom.’
So picture Thoth as the young eager, entrepreneur: ‘My invention can make
you superhuman! I promise it will make you smarter, wiser! It will even im-
prove your memory!’ This is pretty much how we see writing today – as some-
thing that compensates for the failing of our memories, a remedy for human
intellectual frailty, and the cornerstone of civilization. But – incredibly – King
Thamus rejects writing, and here’s what he has to say:
erable acceleration of the pace at which technology makes your life more
comfortable, your experience more seamless. Your most basic desires will be
satisfied as immediately as you can think of them.
Despite this, it is hard not to ask: ‘But what does technology want?’ Your
current view is perhaps that technology only wants whatever we want it to
want: to optimize for a certain outcome, such as views or clicks or sales of
products. But what the ant wants differs from the nest wants. Look at your
own body: a towering metropolis of simple cells, each wanting only to sur-
vive, but collectively wanting so much more.
So whilst an individual algorithm may have limited ambitions, it is much
harder to say what technology as a whole wants. We can only observe that
it wishes to grow more powerful and perpetually extend its reach, and that
it will continue to do so in an exponential fashion.
Key points
●● Technology tends to reduce human learning by externalizing knowledge
and capability.
●● Resources, guidance and automation reflect a larger trend towards
learning elimination.
●● Digitization has enabled more people to have more of the experiences
they desire, more of the time, at the price of reducing their connection to
In closing
The philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche wrote: ‘We should consider every day
lost on which we have not danced at least once. And we should call every
truth false which was not accompanied by at least one laugh.’4
Thanks to some rather violent, resentful philosophers we have fallen into
believing that reason and emotion are separate, that storytelling and play
are childish or frivolous, and that emotion is something to be mastered by
This was a lie, and believing it has led us astray. It has corrupted our re-
lationship with the world, with other creatures, and with ourselves. We have
neglected learning and paved over it with education. We are now trapped in
a toxic relationship with technology, one which promises a less challenging
world with every day that passes – in exchange for our development.
We, the people who care about people, may assist the progress of technol-
ogy with resources or further the development of people with challenges.
The future 287
1 B Carson. This is the true story of how Mark Zuckerberg founded Facebook,
and it wasn’t to find girls, Business Insider, 28 February 2016,
facebook-2016-2 (archived at
2 Plato (1925) Plato in Twelve Volumes, Vol 9, translated by H N Fowler, William
Heinemann Ltd, London
3 K Rogers and A Bellemare. Misleading Trudeau ‘joke’ video demonstrates the
political power of editing, CBC News, 6 September 2019,
technology/trudeau-media-bribery-fake-video-1.5273163 (archived at https://
4 F Nietzsche (2006) Thus Spoke Zarathustra: A book for all and none,
Cambridge University Press, Chapter 56 (old and new tables), number 23
human superiority over animals 1–2, 7, 9, justice, sense of fairness 14, 169, 248,
11–13 250, 265
hybrid learning
change and transitions 222 Kahneman, Daniel 243, 259–61
COVID-19 pandemic as opportunity 232 Kandel, Eric 272
digital induction programme 233–38 Kirkpatrick four-level model 207, 208, 210
experiential ecosystems 248 ‘knowledge transfer’ model of education 36,
53–54, 55, 56, 59–60, 61, 65
imagination 6–9 Kundera, Milan 174
Immordino-Yang, Mary Helen 12
implicit (unconscious) memories/biases 43 L&D see learning and development
inanimate objects, affective interpretation of language 85–100
actions 256–57 evidence of rational souls 1–2
inclusivity/diversity learning, discrimination importance of story telling 2–4, 6, 7
simulations 112–13, 198 learning 54–55
inclusivity/diversity training, having learning by young children 57
undesired effects 198 misunderstanding of process 87, 88, 91,
individual differences, affective significance 93, 95, 96
in different areas 153–55 processing by computers 86, 87–88, 98
individuality, perception 39 reflecting feelings 3, 11
induction programmes for new employees translated words feel different 96
case studies 148–50, 235–38 translation by computers 86, 90
CEO attending 110–11 understanding what matters to
challenge based 171 people 99
conventional education type 92–93, 148, see also words
232, 233–34 law, legal cases 29–30, 242–43
Deloitte digital programme 171, 235–38 laws that exist independently of the
e-learning modules 148 mind 250
resources and experiences 149–50, 222, leadership
235–38 case study 190–94
technology used for content digital performance support for new
dumping 148, 224–27 leaders 192
industrial era demands for education 59, 70 failure of conventional training 191
infants 37, 57, 255 learning what makes a good leader 189
information formats measuring team engagement 209
testing difference in recall 101–02 simulation 166–67
text preferred over video 129–30, transition into role 187–94, 222
133–34 learner-centricity 39, 148–50
information without affective significance, learning 18–51
quickly forgotten 23–24, 34, 36, by doing 108, 122
39, 44 by feeling 108–10
innovation, creativity and playfulness 73 equated with education and content
innovative learning delivery systems 55–56, dumping 220
61, 63, 215 from experience 10
see also e-learning; massive open online as a homeostatic mechanism 143,
courses; micro-learning; video 170, 258
instructional design 20–21, 67, 101–02, humans and animals 4
103, 173–74, 199 integration with work 214
intent perception 255, 256 on the job 64, 70
interactive learning experiment 101–02 new definition 49
Iowa Gambling task 42–43 old definition 21
iteration stage of learning design 173, 197, play relationship 73, 108
203–04 role of emotion 7, 12
role of writing 4–5, 280, 281
jargon dictionaries 192 versus education 49, 61–62, 75
judicial bias research 178, 243 words and language 96
294 Index
story telling (Continued) what they care about 18–19, 105, 147
importance in human development 2–4, test and iterate approach, experience
6, 7 design 172
learning by feeling 108–10 tests and exams
mundane accounts are not stories 109 anxiety/fear 40, 60, 61, 74, 75, 114–15,
passing on important lessons 109 119, 120
strategic exemplification, modelling new cramming before and forgetting after 25,
learning methods 237 40, 64, 132
Substitution Principle 243, 268–69 importance of passing in education 70
superpowers, affective significance all in one international test comparisons 115
area 154 as motivation 103
surprise, aid to learning 165, 166, 169, 170 not a good evaluation of learning 54, 206
‘survival kit’, digital performance support text information format, more effective than
for new leaders 192 audio/video 101–02, 129–30, 133–34
synaesthesia 262–63 themes, learning design 201
system 1 and system 2 thinking 260–61 Thich Quang Duc 159
thinking, non-existence of rational thought/
talking to the audience (learners) 218 reason 7, 9
see also discover stage of learning design Thinking Fast and Slow (Kahnemann and
talking to peers, digital induction Tversky) 259–60
programme 236 Thriving Learning Culture, learning maturity
task-centric resources versus topic-centric models 214–15
content 127 TikTok 102, 159, 229
tasks, learning design 186 time dilation effects, memory of emotionally
tasks and concerns, designing resources and charged events 174–75
experiences to help 195, 196 time to autonomy, new leaders 193
tasks undefined, new technology or tokens, things standing for direct
organizational system 204–05 rewards 117, 272–73
teachers ‘top 10 mistakes’ resource 134, 192
battling the system 57–58 top-down thinking 200, 202–03
inspiring pupils 65, 118 training
passionate 65, 97, 118, 119 media format experiment 101–02
reinforcing the system 70 showing what can go wrong 118
value of telling stories 97 versus learning through play 122
team engagement, evaluation for training budget, better spent on transitional
leaders 208–09 training than remedial training
technology 191–92
direction of travel 283–86 training courses, not useful as
employees using their own rather than resources 125–29, 216, 218–20
company systems 202–03 training events, enjoyment by
experience design for new employees 206
systems 204, 205 training needs analysis 183, 186
feeding on homeostasis 279–83 transformative experiences 176–77
future learning applications 247–48 transitions
interactive learning experiment 101–02 changing jobs 148
learning elimination 55, 276, 279, the emotional curve 187–89
280–81 experience design 163–64
learning innovations often content first day of school 147, 181
dumping in disguise 224–27 fluid state 157, 163–64, 192
making lives easier in exchange for to leadership role 187–94, 222
capability 246, 251 see also induction
use in simulations 113, 283–84 trial and error 64, 70, 120, 121, 122–23,
teenagers 163, 172
adolescent cognitive development 119 Tulving, Endel 273
creating lasting memories 174 Tversky, Amos 259–60
Index 299