A Globalized Me! Identify facets of globalization in the areas assigned to you. Make 3-5 sentences from
the lists below.
A globalized classroom
The classroom's social and cultural globalization improves students' capacity to learn and apply
knowledge. The ability of students to access, evaluate, adopt, and utilize knowledge is improved by
globalization. Students are also better able to think for themselves, use good judgment, and work with
others to make sense of unfamiliar settings. These two aspects of globalization encourage the sharing of
information and the development of social connections among students, faculty, and stakeholders in
educational settings.
Due to the people around them, individuals in a classroom that is becoming globalized have grown
more tolerant of other cultures and engaged in more cross-cultural interactions. As a result, they are better
able to work together on all of their responsibilities, and there is no longer a barrier between them. They
also understand each other's origins and differences, which is important for them to be able to collaborate
on all of their tasks. In addition, it will be simple for them to converse openly as they become more familiar
with one another's diverse backgrounds, which will foster an environment conducive to the sharing of
thoughts and feelings. Therefore, multi-cultural awareness is the influence of globalization commonly
presented by the individual.
2. If you are to add more influences of globalization to the above mentioned experiences of each
individual, what would it be?
Globalization not only broadens social connections but also transcends time and location. A new
framework for knowledge, education, and teaching should make use of a wide range of both synchronous
and asynchronous activities that let educators and students overcome the constraints of time and distance.
As the development of communication technologies like the internet, email, and mobile phones made our
lives easier and more convenient during the pandemic and up until now, which influenced the lives of the
students, they will experience the effects of globalization, which are communication and technology, in
either a virtual room or a physical room.
Explore the ideas of Claudio & Abinales (2018) on the importance of studying globalization. How will you
relate this to your life? What idea can you add as reason of integrating this course to the new curriculum
implemented by the CHED? How will you value this course in your life? Limit your answer to 100- 150
words only.
As a student and global citizen, I must adapt to the changes, arm myself with the skills and
knowledge I need, and keep up with worldly studies in order to avoid falling behind in this quick-changing
modern world. Studying globalization is important because I need to be sensible of my surroundings, my
behavior, and the individuals with whom I come into contact on a daily basis since I am accountable for
how I teach myself through my surroundings and my outlook on life. Moreover, the contemporary world
was incorporated into the curriculum as individuals are now focused on their own lives. Thus, the course's
goal is to encourage everyone, particularly the students, to become engaged in the concerns and
challenges that currently afflict our society. I will also value this course by learning from it and applying
what I learn in order to cultivate an attitude of global openness and respect for differences.
Directions: Write a 2-paragraph/essay by answering the question: How does globalization affect the lives of
Globalization affects our lives and everyone else's, no matter your location and distance from other
people. Even Filipinos are not free from the rise of global networks and economic systems. Their lives are
significantly impacted by both positive and negative aspects of globalization, including economic,
sociocultural, educational, political, and many others. Globalization is currently extremely effective in the
Philippines, where it has allowed for significant changes like an increase in the workforce and the
emergence of more foreign and local businesses to support the nation's thriving economy. As a result, it
strengthens the labor force for job opportunities both domestically and internationally. Through
organizational reform and innovation, it also improves Filipinos' intercultural awareness.
On the other hand, despite the fact that the Philippine economy has been expanding consistently in
recent years, various issues, including underemployment and unemployment, have emerged as a result of
globalization, aggravating the already precarious status of the country's wider population. Since the
poverty rate is still rising and is affecting the entire nation, the unemployment situation in the country is
still frequently cited as one of the key reasons why Filipinos continue to seek work abroad. To sum up, the
lives of Filipinos are impacted by globalization, both positively and negatively. For Filipinos to deal with the
rapidly evolving global environment, they should have an education, which is the most important aspect in
the Philippines. A solid education, in my perspective, lays the groundwork for a better future. It is through
education that citizens of a country discover their potential for a brighter future.
1. Steger compares the current study of globalization to the ancient Buddhist parable of blind scholars and
their first encounter with an elephant. How will you relate the story to the study of globalization?
Since globalization is in fact complicated and multidimensional, many researchers examining it, like
the blind scholars, have varied explanations for and viewpoints on how they perceive it. However, these
individuals regularly ignore one another's discoveries in favor of concentrating just on what they already
know. This will result in confusion and complete ignorance of one another's meanings as well as the true
significance of the elephant symbol. They also prate about an elephant that none of them have actually
seen. This demonstrates how humans frequently assert actual truth based on their own limited, subjective
experience while ignoring the limited, subjective experiences of others, which may also be true.
2. Similar to the blind scholars, some globalization scholars are too focused on compacting globalization
into a singular process and clashes over “which aspect of social life constitutes its primary domain” prevail.
How will this affect our understanding of globalization?
Since these experts do not examine globalization as a whole but instead condense it into a single
process, it will have an impact on how we see it and may produce perplexity and wonderment in
individuals like us, students. Without comprehending globalization, which is one of the most significant
influences shaping the modern world, it can be challenging to make sense of the world.
Directions: Look for an article, research or study about globalization. Complete the table below by
providing the necessary information.
Question Answer
1. Title of Article, Research or Study The Globalisation Experience and its challenges for
the Philippine Economy
2. What approach was used in understanding Historical and Issue-based approach
3. How was the article, research or study deepened The approach applied, which began with a history of
through the use of this approach? the Philippines and how globalization affected the
nation in the 1990s and up until the present,
allowed for a deeper understanding of the subject.
The study also covered the issues that the nation
must deal with as a result of increased globalization,
including migration, inflation, the fight against
poverty, and economic inequality.
4. How would this study be improved through the The study would benefit more from the use of a
use of other approaches? dimensional method, which would enable it to
address more of the other aspects of the nation that
are also impacted by globalization.