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Beasts of Chaos Reminders

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Start Of Setup
Beasts Of Chaos Allegiance - Brayherd Ambush Warlord - Magnificent
Instead of setting up a BRAYHERD unit on the battlefield, you can place it to one side When you pick enhancements for your army (see 27.3), you can pick 1 extra
and say that it is set up in ambush as a reserve unit. You can set up one reserve unit in enhancement.
ambush for each BEASTS OF CHAOS unit you have set up on the battlefield.

During Setup
Battle Regiment - 26.2.1 - One Drop Deployment
If a core battalion has the Unified icon, then after you set up a unit from the battalion, you must set up all of the other units from the battalion, one after the other, and you are
not allowed to set up units that are not part of the battalion until all of the units in the battalion have been set up. In addition, if the set-up instructions for a battle say that the
players must alternate setting up units one at a time, then after you set up a unit from the battalion, you must set up all of the other units from the battalion, one after the
other, before your opponent is allowed to set up another unit.

End Of Setup
Alpha-Beast Pack - Scent Tracking
After armies have been set up but before the first battle round begins, you can make a normal move of up to D6" with each unit in this battalion.

During Game
Mindstealer Sphiranx - Telepathic Dread
Subtract 2 from the bravery characteristic of enemy units while they are within 12" of any friendly models with this ability.

Bullgors - Bullshields Spell - Tendrils of Atrophy (Brayherd Wizard)
Add 1 to save rolls for attacks made with melee weapons that target a unit with If active, until your next hero phase, subtract 1 from save rolls for attacks that target
Bullshields. that unit.
Ungors - Half-shields
Add 1 to save rolls for attacks made with melee weapons that target this unit.

Wound Allocation
Jabberslythe - Spurting Bile Blood Tzaangors - Arcanite Shield
Roll a D6 each time a melee wound was inflicted on this model and not negated. On a Roll a D6 each time you allocate a wound or mortal wound to a unit that has any
4+ the attacker suffers 1 mortal wound. models armed with Arcanite Shields. On a 6, that wound or mortal wound is negated.
When you allocate wounds or mortal wounds to this unit, you must allocate them to a
model armed with an Arcanite Shield if it is possible to do so.

Start Of Hero Phase

Beasts Of Chaos Allegiance - Creatures of the Storm Tzaangors - Icon Bearers
At the start of your hero phase, roll a D6. Each friendly THUNDERSCORN unit more While this unit has any Icon Bearers, it can use the Ornate Totems ability.
than 3" from any enemy units can move a distance in inches equal to the roll, but Tzaangors - Ornate Totems
cannot move within 3" of any enemy units. While this unit has one or more Icon Bearers, at the start of your hero phase you can
Beasts Of Chaos Allegiance - Primordial Call pick an enemy unit within 18" of this unit and visible to it. Then, roll a number of dice
You can summon units of BEASTS OF CHAOS to the battlefield if you collect enough equal to the number of WIZARD units that are within 9" of this unit. For each 4+ that
Primordial Call points. At the start of your hero phase, you receive 1 Primordial Call enemy unit suffers 1 mortal wound.
point. Warlord - Strategists
Command Ability - Booming Roar Once per battle, when you receive command points at the start of your hero phase,
You can use this command ability at the start of your hero phase if your general is on you can receive 1 extra command point.
the battlefield. If you do so, you receive 1 Primordial Call point.

During Hero Phase

Beasts Of Chaos Allegiance - Primordial Call Cygor - Soul-eater
In your hero phase you can choose one friendly BEASTS OF CHAOS HERO within 3" This model can attempt to unbind 2 spells in the enemy hero phase in the same
of the HERDSTONE you set up at the start of the battle and say that they will enact a manner as a WIZARD. In addition, each time it unbinds a spell, the caster suffers 1
savage blood ritual. If you do so, pick a friendly BEASTS OF CHAOS unit within 3" of mortal wound and you can heal 1 wound allocated to this model.
the HERDSTONE. That unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. For each mortal wound Endless Spell: Wildfire Taurus - Summoning
inflicted on that unit, you receive 1 Primordial Call point. Casting value of 7 and a range of 6". If successfully cast, set up this endless spell
wholly within range and visible to the caster, and more than 1" from all models, other
endless spells and invocations. Only BEASTS OF CHAOS WIZARDS can attempt to
summon this endless spell.
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During Hero Phase (continued)

Great Bray-Shaman - Magic Spell - Devolve
Great Bray-Shaman is a WIZARD. It can attempt to cast one spell in your hero phase, Casting value of 7. Pick an enemy unit within 18" of the caster that is visible to them
and attempt to unbind one spell in the enemy hero phase. It knows the Arcane Bolt, and not within 3" of any friendly units. Your opponent must move that unit up to 2D6"
Mystic Shield and Devolve spells. so that each model in the unit ends its move as close as possible to a model from the
Jabberslythe - Aura of Madness friendly unit that was closest to it at the start of the move.
Subtract 1 from casting, dispelling, and unbinding rolls for enemy wizards within 6" any Spell - Tendrils of Atrophy (Brayherd Wizard)
units in your army with this ability. Casting value of 6. Pick an enemy unit within 12" of the caster that is visible to them.
Mindstealer Sphiranx - Dominate Mind Until your next hero phase, subtract 1 from save rolls for attacks that target that unit.
In your hero phase, you can pick 1 enemy unit within 12" of this model and visible. You Spell - Vicious Stranglethorns (Brayherd Wizard)
and your opponent secretly place a dice so that is shows any number, then reveal Casting value of 7. Pick a terrain feature wholly within 24" of the caster that is visible to
them. If the numbers equal this ability has no effect. Otherwise the enemy unit them. Each enemy unit within 3" of that terrain feature suffers D3 mortal wounds.
selected fights at the end of the combat phase until the next battle round. You cannot Tzaangor Shaman - Magic
select the same unit as the target more than once in the same turn regardless of if the This model is a WIZARD. It can attempt to cast one spell in your hero phase, and
effect worked or not. attempt to unbind one spell in the enemy hero phase. It knows the Arcane Bolt, Mystic
Spell - Boon of Mutation Shield and Boon of Mutation spells.
Casting value of 7. Pick an enemy unit within 18" of the caster and visible to them. Tzaangor Shaman - Sorcerous Elixir
That unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. For each enemy model slain by these mortal Once per battle, in your hero phase, this model can attempt to cast one additional
wounds, you can add 1 new TZAANGOR model to a single friendly TZAANGORS unit. spell. If it does so, you can reroll the casting roll for that spell.
Each new TZAANGOR model must be set up wholly within 12" of the caster and within
1" of the unit they are being added to.

End Of Hero Phase

Endless Spell: Wildfire Taurus - Predatory Endless Spell: Wildfire Taurus - Whirlwind of Destruction
This endless spell is a predatory endless spell. It can be moved up to 12" and can fly. After this endless spell has moved, roll a dice for each unit that has any models it
passed across and each other unit that is within 1" of it at the end of its move. On a 2+,
that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. In addition, the strike-last effect applies to units
that are within 3" of this endless spell.

Start Of Movement Phase

Great Bray-Shaman - Infuse with Bestial Vigour
At the start of your movement phase, add 3" to the Move characteristic of models in friendly BRAYHERD units wholly within 12" of any friendly GREAT BRAY-SHAMANS until
the end of that phase.

During Movement Phase

Beastlord - Call of Battle Bestigors, Tzaangors, Ungors - Brayhorn
This model can run and charge in the same turn. A unit that includes any Brayhorns can run and still charge later in the same turn.
Bestigors, Ungors - Banner Bearer
A unit that includes any Banner Bearers can move an extra 1" when it runs or piles in.
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End Of Movement Phase

Beasts Of Chaos Allegiance - Primordial Call Beasts Of Chaos Allegiance - Primordial Call
If you have 3 or more Primordial Call points at the end of your movement phase, you Summoning Costs:
can summon one or more units from the following list onto the battlefield, and add 1 Chimera - 10 PP
them to your army. Each unit you summon costs a number of Primordial Call points, as 1 Ghorgon - 10 PP
shown on the list, and you can only summon a unit if you have enough Primordial Call 3 Tzaangor Skyfires - 10 PP
points remaining to pay its cost. Summoned units must be set up wholly within 6" of 1 Chaos Gargant - 9 PP
the edge of the battlefield and more than 9" from any enemy units. Subtract the cost of 1 Cygor - 9 PP
the summoned unit from the number of Primordial Call points you have available 10 Tzaangors - 9 PP
immediately after it has been set up. 3 Bullgors - 8 PP
1 Jabberslythe - 8 PP
3 Dragon Ogors - 7 PP
3 Tzaangor Enlightened w/ Discs - 7 PP
10 Bestigors - 6 PP
1 Cockatrice - 5 PP
1 Tzaangor Enlightened - 5 PP
5 Centigors - 4 PP
10 Chaos Warhounds - 4 PP
10 Gors - 4 PP
10 Ungor Raiders - 4 PP
1 Chaos Spawn - 3 PP
1 Tuskgor Chariot - 3 PP
1 Razorgor - 3 PP
10 Ungors - 3 PP

During Shooting Phase

Artifact - Brayblast Trumpet (Brayherds) Cockatrice - Petrifying Gaze
Add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made by friendly BRAYHERD units while they are wholly Do not use the attack sequence for an attack made with a Cockatrice's Petrifying
within 18" of the bearer if those units used the Brayherd Ambush battle trait to set up Gaze. Instead, roll a D6. On a 4+ the target suffers D6 mortal wounds.
on the battlefield in that turn.
Tzaangor Shaman - Visions of the Future
Add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made with a friendly TZAANGOR SKYFIRE unit's Arrows of Fate while that unit is wholly within 12" of a friendly TZAANGOR SHAMAN.

During Charge Phase

Beastlord - Call of Battle Bestigors, Tzaangors, Ungors - Brayhorn
This model can run and charge in the same turn. A unit that includes any Brayhorns can run and still charge later in the same turn.
Beasts Of Chaos Allegiance - Gor Battle Fury Bullgors - Warherd Drummer
You can reroll charge rolls for friendly Gor units if they were in reserve and have been Add 1 to charge rolls for a unit that includes any Warherd Drummers.
set up this turn. Command Trait - Dominator
Beasts Of Chaos Allegiance - Warherd Charge You can reroll charge rolls made for friendly ALLHERD units wholly within 18" of this
After a friendly Warherd unit finishes a charge, select 1 enemy unit within 1". Roll a D6, general if this general is within 3" of any enemy units.
adding 2 if the Warherd unit is a hero or has 3+ models. On a 4+ the target suffers D3
mortal wounds at the end of the phase.

Start Of Combat Phase

Command Ability - Slaughterer's Call
You can use this command ability at the start of the combat phase. If you do so, pick a friendly WARHERD unit wholly within 12" of a friendly model with this command ability.
Add 1 to wound rolls for attacks made by that unit until the end of that phase.

During Combat Phase

Artifact - Blade of the Desecrator Bestigors - Bestial Charge
Improve the Rend characteristic of this weapon by 1 for attacks this target a unit of 10 Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of this unit's melee weapons in a turn in which it
or more models. Improve the Rend characteristic of this weapon by 2 instead for made a charge move.
attacks that target a unit of 20 or more models. Attacks made by this weapon cannot Bestigors - Despoilers
have a Rend characteristic greater than -3. Add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made by this unit that target enemy units with 10 or more
Artifact - Brayblast Trumpet (Brayherds) models. In addition, you can reroll hit rolls of 1 for attacks by this unit that target
Add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made by friendly BRAYHERD units while they are wholly ORDER units.
within 18" of the bearer if those units used the Brayherd Ambush battle trait to set up Bestigors, Ungors - Banner Bearer
on the battlefield in that turn. A unit that includes any Banner Bearers can move an extra 1" when it runs or piles in.
Beastlord - Grisly Trophy Bullgors - Dual Axes
If any enemy models are slain by this hero's attacks, you can add 1 to wound rolls for You can reroll hit rolls of 1 for attacks made with a pair of Bullgor Axes.
friendly Brayherd units wholly within 18" of this model until the end of the phase. A unit Bullgors, Doombull - Bloodgreed
cannot benefit from this more than once per phase. Each unmodified wound roll of 6 for attacks made by this unit inflicts 1 mortal wound
Beastlord - Grisly Trophy on the target in addition to any normal damage.
If any enemy HEROES or MONSTERS are slain by this hero's attacks, you can add 1 Cockatrice - Maddened Ferocity
to hit rolls for friendly Brayherd units wholly within 18" of this model until the end of the A Cockatrice has an Attacks characteristic of 8 instead of 4 with its Sword-like Talons if
phase. A unit cannot benefit from this more than once per phase. it made a charge move in the same turn.
Beastlord - Hatred of Heroes Cygor - Ghostsight
Unmodified hit rolls of 6 made with Paired Man-ripper Axes score 2 hits instead of 1. You can reroll failed hit rolls for attacks made by this model that target a WIZARD.
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During Combat Phase (continued)

Endless Spell: Wildfire Taurus - Whirlwind of Destruction Tzaangors - Destined Mayhem
The strike-last effect applies to units that are within 3" of this endless spell. Add 1 to wound rolls for attacks made by this unit with melee weapons while this unit is
Ghorgon - Ravenous Bloodgreed wholly within 12" of any friendly ARCANITE HEROES.
Each unmodified wound roll of 6 for attacks made by this model inflicts D3 mortal Tzaangors - Paired Savage Blades
wounds on the target in addition to any normal damage. Add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made with a pair of Savage Blades.
Ghorgon - Swallow Whole Tzaangors - Savagery Unleashed
Each time this model attacks, you can pick an enemy model within 1" of this model Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of this unit's melee weapons if it has at least 9
after all of this model's attacks have been resolved and roll a D6. If the roll is equal to models when the attacks are being made.
or greater than that enemy model's Wounds characteristic, it is slain. Tzaangors - Twistbray
Jabberslythe - Aura of Madness The leader of this unit is a Twistbray. Add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made with a
Each time an enemy unit within 3" of any unit in your army with this ability is chosen to Twistbray's melee weapons.
fight, roll 3D6. If the roll is greater than the target's bravery characteristic, the unit is Ungors - Baying Hatred
derranged. Add 1 to the target's melee attacks characteristic. Each unmodified hit roll You can reroll hit rolls of 1 for attacks made by this unit while it has 20 or more models,
of 1 made by that unit causes it to suffer 1 mortal wound after all it's attacks. or reroll hit rolls of 1 and 2 for attacks made by this unit while it has 30 or more models.
Tzaangor Shaman - Visions of the Past
Add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made with a friendly TZAANGOR ENLIGHTENED unit's
Tzeentchian Spears and Vicious Beaks while that unit is wholly within 12" of a friendly

End Of Combat Phase

Beasts Of Chaos Allegiance - Bloodgorge Beasts Of Chaos Allegiance - Raging Storm
At the end of the combat phase, if any attacks made by a WARHERD unit in that Roll a D6 for each friendly Thunderscorn unit on the battlefield, adding 2 if the
combat phase destroyed any enemy units, heal D3 wounds allocated to that Thunderscorn unit is a hero or unit of 3+ models. On a 4+, you can heal 1 wound
WARHERD unit. allocated to that unit.
Roll a D6 for each enemy unit within 1" of any friendly Thunderscorn units,
adding 2 if the Thunderscorn unit is a hero or unit of 3+ models. On a 4+, the enemy
unit suffers 1 mortal wound.

During Battleshock Phase

Allherd - Bestial Might Bullgors - Warherd Banner Bearer
Subtract 1 from battleshock rolls made for ALLHERD units in the battleshock phase if Add 1 to the Bravery characteristic of a unit that includes any Warherd Banner Bearers
they were picked to fight in the combat phase of the same turn. for each enemy unit within 12" of that unit.

End Of Game
Grand Strategy - Hold the Line
When the battle ends, you complete this grand strategy if there are any Battleline units from your starting army on the battlefield.

Turn One End Of Movement Phase

Beasts Of Chaos Allegiance - Brayherd Ambush
At the end of your first movement phase, you must set up all friendly reserve units that are in ambush on the battlefield, wholly within 6" of the edge of the battlefield and more
than 9" from any enemy units. Any reserve units that cannot be set up are slain.

Beasts Of Chaos
Flavor: Allherd
Battalions: Battle Regiment | Warlord | Alpha-Beast Pack
Units: Great Bray-Shaman | Tzaangor Shaman | Doombull | Beastlord | Bestigors | Tzaangors | Ungors | Cockatrice | Bullgors | Cygor | Jabberslythe | Ghorgon
Allied Slaves To Darkness Unit: Mindstealer Sphiranx
Artifacts: Brayblast Trumpet (Brayherds) | Blade of the Desecrator
Command Trait: Dominator
Command Abilities: Booming Roar | Slaughterer's Call
Spells: Vicious Stranglethorns (Brayherd Wizard) | Tendrils of Atrophy (Brayherd Wizard) | Devolve | Boon of Mutation
Endless Spell: Wildfire Taurus
Grand Strategy: Hold the Line

Generated by AoS Reminders


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