Research Report

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Research report

Research report is a means of communicating research experience to others. It is

a formal statement of the research process and its result. It narrates the problem
studied, method used for studying it and the finding and conclusion of the study.

Function of Research report

 Research report is a means for judging the quality of research
 It is a means for evaluating researchers competency
 It provide systematic knowledge on problems and issued analysed

Essence or qualities of Good Report

 Clarity :Research report should be written clearly
 Correctness: Research report should be written correctly
 Brevity: Lengthy report lack attraction. So the researcher should take
care of the economy of words
 Objective: Research written should be written objectively.personal
opinion should not be placed in research report.
 Readability: A good research report should have the quality of easy
 Continuity of Ideas: In order to create a good research report,
researcher should present ideas continuously
 Concentrate on central ideas: while writing research report the
researcher should concentrate on central ideas
 Professional appearance: The quality of paper, print and cover
should be good
Steps or stages in Report writing
 The target audience: The first step in planning report writing is to
determine the target audience. This is because the style of report writing
very much depends on audience.

 The Purpose of the report: Research report style depends on the purpose
of the report.The content and the language used in report writing is also
based on the intented purpose of the report.

 The type of Report: There are different types of report like technical
report, popular report, with reference to the intended use, the type of
report to be prepared should be determined.

 Preparing a report outline: preparation of report outline is an important

step in report preparation. It is like a blue print to a construction
engineer. The outline serves as a guide line to the writer in the process of
report writing.
 Preparation of rough draft: In the preparation of rough draft the
researcher elaborates the outline prepared earlier. It contains all the
elements which are needed in research report.

 Rewriting and refining the rough report: This stage requires enough time
and patients. The researcher has to locate and correct errors in the rough
report. While rewriting, the witter should ensure, continuity and

 Preparing Bibliography: Bibliography is a list of all books,journals,reports

and other works which the researcher has consulted.Bibiliography should
be arranged alphabetically and may be divided into two parts. The first
part may contain the names of books and pamphlets, the second part
may contain the names of magazines and newspaper articles.

For books and pamphlets the order may be as under

1. Name of author, last name first

2. Title, underlined or italics
3. Publisher, place, and date of publication
4. No of volumes

For magazines and newspaper the order may be as under:

1. Name of the author, last name first

2. Title of the article, in quotation mark
3. Name of the periodicals, Underlined or in italics
4. The volume number and issue number
5. The date of the issue
6. The page number

 Writing of final proof: This is the last step in the process of report writing.
The final draft should be written in a concise and objective style. It should
be in simple language and should avoid vague expression.

Contents of a Research Reports (Format/outline/layout)

Research findings are made available to the reader through research

report. So the layout of the research report should be available to the
readers. The layout of the research reports means, what the research
report contains. A Comprehensive layout of the research report should
1. Preliminary pages
2. The text i.e., main body of the report
3. Reference materials
1. The Preliminary pages
The preliminary pages of a research report give introduction to the researcher
and the research work. Preliminary pages include the following

 Title page : Title page give details regarding title of the report, the name
and address of the researcher
 Preface: preface in an appropriate place for the researcher to acknowledge
of all the people who have contributed in completing the project
 Table of contents: The object of a table of content is to give an analytical
overview of the material included in the study report.
 List of table and figures: It is advisable to give a list of graph, table and
figures. Page number should also shown

2. The text (the main body)

This is the most important part of research report. The main body of research
report contain the following sections.

 Introduction: It should contain a brief introduction of the area of

research, statement of the problem, significance of a study and the
important objectives of the study and limitations of the study. If there is
any hypothesis they should be clearly stated. The methodology adopted
in conducting the study must be fully and clearly explained.
 Statement of findings: After introduction, the research report must
contain a statement of findings. The finding of the study with supporting
data in the form of table and charts are clearly shown
 Conclusion and suggestions: At the end of main text short conclusions
which summarises the main points of the study are shown. The
researcher has to show suggestions also.
 Summary: Now a days it has become a practise to conclude the report
with a very brief summary. A very brief statement of the problem,
methodology ,major findings and major conclusions drawn from the
research results are shown.

3. End Matter
The end section contains all the information that supports the main body of
research. Usually it may include the following

 Appendix :it includes letters or questionnaire or any other tool used for
collecting data should be attached as a separate page
 Glossary: it gives short dictionary definitions and explanations for any
unfamiliar words used in the research.
 Bibiliography: Bibliography is the list of all source of information like
books, articles, journals, reports, thesis etc.It should be arranged in
alphabetic order.

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