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Demir, Cakiroglu, Aydin: Effects of CNC Processing Parameters on Surface Quality of Wood-Based Panels Used...

Aydin Demir1, Evren Osman Cakiroglu2, Ismail Aydin1

Effects of CNC Processing Parameters

on Surface Quality of Wood-Based
Panels Used in Furniture Industry

Utjecaj parametara CNC obrade na kvalitetu

površine drvnih ploča koje se upotrebljavaju
u industriji namještaja


Izvorni znanstveni rad © 2022 by the author(s).
Licensee Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology, University of Zagreb.
Received – prispjelo: 1. 3. 2021.
This article is an open access article distributed
Accepted – prihvaćeno: 23. 3. 2022. under the terms and conditions of the
UDK: 620.179.118; 684.4.051 Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license.


ABSTRACT • The processing of wood-based panels such as plywood, particleboard and fiberboard, which are
widely used in the furniture industry, with CNC (Computer Numerical Control) milling machines has been increas-
ing recently. Even though CNC milling machines have many advantages for furniture producers, it is difficult to
set process parameters to obtain the desired surface quality of the material. Therefore, it is necessary to determine
the most suitable of these parameters for the surface quality of each wood-based panel. This study aimed to de-
termine the effects of processing parameters on the surface quality of plywood, particleboard and medium density
fiberboard (MDF) panels processed in CNC milling machines. Furthermore, the average surface roughness values
of these panels were compared after CNC processing. Three spindle rotational frequencies (10.000, 14.000 and
18.000 rpm), three feed rates (5, 7, and 9 m/min) and two cutting tool diameters (2 and 5 mm) were selected as
CNC processing parameters. To determine the surface quality of wood-based panels, the surface roughness meas-
urements were performed according to DIN 4768 standard and three surface roughness parameters (Ra, Rmax and
Rz) were determined. According to the results of this study, it can be concluded that the surface roughness values
of wood-based panels decreased with increasing spindle rotational frequency and feed rate, while they increased
with increasing cutting tool diameter. Among the wood-based panels used in this study, the lowest average rough-
ness values were obtained for plywood samples.

KEYWORDS: wood-based panel; CNC milling machine; surface roughness; processing parameters

SAŽETAK • Za obradu ploča na bazi drva kao što su furnirske ploče, iverice i vlaknatice, koje imaju široku pri-
mjenu u industriji namještaja, u posljednje se vrijeme sve češće primjenjuju CNC (Computer Numerical Control)
glodalice. Iako CNC glodalice imaju mnoge prednosti za proizvođače namještaja, teško je odrediti parametre
procesa za postizanje željene kvalitete površine obrađivanog materijala. Stoga je potrebno odrediti najprikladnije
parametre obrade za svaku vrstu ploče na bazi drva. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj parametara obra-

Authors are research assistant and professor at Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Forestry, Department of Forest Industry Engineering, Trabzon, Turkey.
ORCID: 0000-0003-4060-2578, 0000-0003-0152-7501
Author is lecturer at Artvin Çoruh University, Artvin Vocational School, Materials and Material Processing, Artvin Çoruh University, Artvin, Turkey. ORCID:

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de CNC glodalicama na kvalitetu površine furnirske ploče, iverice i ploče vlaknatice srednje gustoće (MDF ploče).
Nadalje, uspoređene su srednje vrijednosti hrapavosti površine tih ploča nakon CNC obrade. Kao parametri CNC
obrade odabrane su tri frekvencije vrtnje vretena (10 000, 14 000 i 18 000 okr./min), tri posmične brzine (5, 7 i 9
m/min) te dva promjera reznog alata (2 i 5 mm). Za određivanje kvalitete površine ploča na bazi drva provedena
su mjerenja hrapavosti površine prema normi DIN 4768, a hrapavost je iskazana trima parametrima hrapavosti
površine (Ra, Rmax i Rz). Prema rezultatima ovog istraživanja može se zaključiti da su se vrijednosti hrapavosti
površine ploča na bazi drva smanjivale s povećanjem frekvencije vrtnje vretena i posmične brzine, dok su se pove-
ćavale s povećanjem promjera reznog alata. Među pločama na bazi drva na kojima je provedeno ovo istraživanje
najniže srednje vrijednosti hrapavosti dobivene su za uzorke furnirske ploče.

KLJUČNE RIJEČI: ploče na bazi drva; CNC glodalica; hrapavost površine; parametri obrade

1 INTRODUCTION the most important factors affected by finishing pro-

1. UVOD cesses such as coating, painting and varnishing, ma-
chining properties, mechanical properties such as ad-
Wood-based panels such as plywood, particle- hesion strength and bending strength of wood-based
board and fibreboard, especially medium density panels (Sofuoglu, 2017; Zhong et al., 2013). Surface
fiberboard (MDF), are intensely used in furniture pro- roughness measurement is the most important quality
duction and interior decoration (Akbulut and Ay- control tool that determines the surface quality of the
rilmis, 2019). The production of wood-based panels processed materials. The surface roughness of wood
in Europe (+EFTA) grew by 3 % in 2018 to 57.6 mil- and wood-based panels is affected by many factors.
lion cubic metres. The fastest growth was in plywood, The most important of these factors are the anatomical
and particleboard was the largest category by volume and physical properties of wood materials such as
(32 million cubic metres), followed by MDF (12.3 wood species, density, hardness, moisture content, fib-
million cubic metres) (European Panel Federation, er direction (Tabarsa et al., 2011). Moreover, the main
2018). Turkey is now one of the world’s top wood- operational machining parameters such as spindle rota-
based panel manufacturers. Turkey is ranked first in tional frequency, depth of cut, tool sharpness, cutting
the production of MDF in Europe and second in the circle radius, cutting direction, cutting angle and vibra-
world, and third in Europe and fourth in the world in tion are among the factors that significantly affect sur-
the production of particleboard (ORSIAD, 2019). In face roughness values (Csanády et al., 2015).
2018, the production quantity of particleboard, MDF Many different parameters have to be adjusted on
and plywood in Turkey was 4.36, 4.91 million cubic the CNC machines for the processing of material using
metres, and 112.000 cubic metres, respectively (FAO, code file. These are the spindle rotational frequency,
2020). It is known that among the panels produced feed rate, cutter step over, cutter plunge speed, tool
every year, approximately 80 % of the particleboard strategy, etc. (Bal and Akcakaya, 2018). Most of the
and 70 % of the MDF panels are used in the furniture problems that occur in the processing of wood and
industry, and the furniture market in Turkey is grow- based panels are caused by errors in setting the appro-
ing rapidly due to the increase in the amount of wood- priate parameters. Processing parameters adjusted cor-
based panel production. Furthermore, it was stated rectly are the most important factors that increase the
that plywood panels are frequently used in both con- surface quality of wood and wood-based boards (Koc
struction and furniture industries (Ferreira et al., et al., 2017). For this reason, many researchers have
2017). studied the effects of CNC processing parameters such
The application of high technology such as CNC as spindle rotational frequency, step over, feed rate,
machines and automation systems is one of the main cutting tool diameter and depth of cut on surface rough-
reasons of the growth of the furniture industry. In the ness of solid wood (Gawronski, 2013; Hazir and Koc,
furniture industry, CNC machines have been preferred 2019; Iskra and Hernández, 2009; Sofuoglu, 2017;
considerably in the processes such as patterning, mill- Sutcu and Karagoz, 2013) and MDF (Koc et al., 2017;
ing, drilling and grooving (Sofuoglu, 2017). As the in- Bal, 2018; Davim et al., 2009; Deus et al., 2018;
tegration of CNC machines with other automation sys- İşleyen and Karamanoğlu, 2019) processed with CNC
tems is very flexible, time loss in furniture production machines. In general, it was found in these studies that
decreases and productivity increases 2.5 times (Koc et higher values of spindle rotational frequency caused
al., 2017). Moreover, they improve surface quality of smoother surface of material whereas higher values of
the materials and reduce labour cost (Sutcu, 2013). feed rate, step over and depth of cut resulted in the in-
The surface quality of the processed materials is one of creased surface roughness of materials.

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There is no information about the influence of

CNC processing parameters on the surface quality of
plywood and particleboard while there are many stud-
ies on solid wood and MDF in the literature. The aim of
this study was to determine the effects of processing
parameters on the surface quality of plywood, particle-
board and MDF panels processed in CNC milling ma-
chines. In addition, the average values of surface Figure 1 Grooving of plywood (a), particleboard (b) and
roughness of these panels were compared after CNC MDF (c) panels with CNC machine
processing. Slika 1. Izrada utora na furnirskoj ploči (a), ploči iverici (b)
i MDF-u (c) CNC strojem


2. MATERIJALI I METODE min) were applied for CNC processing. Solid carbide
barrel milling cutters in conical form were also used
2.1 Materials with two different diameters (2 mm and 5 mm). The
2.1. Materijali tool dimensions of cutters are presented in Figure 2.
Particleboard and MDF panels with the thickness The cutting depth for plywood was 2 mm and 10 mm
of 18 mm and five-ply birch plywood panels with the for particleboard and MDF.
thickness of 10 mm have been obtained from a supplier
2.3 Surface roughness measurements
as research materials in the study, because these wood- 2.3. Mjerenje hrapavosti površine
based panel products are largely used as raw materials
in the furniture industry in Turkey. Test samples with Five specimens (5 cm × 5 cm) were obtained from
the dimensions of 50 cm × 110 cm (width × length) panel groups and five measurements were made for each
were prepared from the particleboard, MDF and ply- specimen. Mitutoyo Surftest SJ-301 Surface Roughness
wood panels. Before the processing with CNC ma- Tester was used for the surface roughness tests. Cut-off
chine, the samples of panels were conditioned at (20 ± length was 2.5 mm, sampling length was 12.5 mm and
2) °C and (65 ± 5) % relative humidity until they detector tip radius was 5 µm in the surface roughness
reached a moisture content of (12 ± 1) % in a climate measurements. The measurements were made perpen-
chamber. dicular to the fiber direction of the plywood samples,
whereas the fiber direction was not taken into account in
2.2 CNC machine and cutting conditions the particleboard and MDF samples due to their homo-
2.2. CNC stroj i uvjeti obrade geneous structure. Three roughness parameters Ra (abso-
The samples of panels were processed on Mega- lute arithmetic mean), Rmax (maximum two-point height
tron 2128, four-axis CNC Milling Machine with 9 kW of profile) and Rz (arithmetic mean of the 10-point height
spindle power, and a maximum rotational frequency of of irregularities) were measured to evaluate surface
24.000 rpm. The processing of panel samples with roughness of the sample surfaces according to DIN 4768
CNC machine is shown in Figure 1. standard (1990).
Three spindle rotational frequencies (10.000, Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed
14.000, and 18.000 rpm) and feed rates (5, 7, and 9 m/ for the statistical evaluation of changes in the surface

6 mm (a) 8 mm (b)
55 mm

75 mm
30 mm

30 mm

2 5
mm mm
Figure 2 Cutting tool dimensions of 2 (a) mm and 5 (b) mm diameters
Slika 2. Dimenzije reznog alata promjera 2 mm (a) i 5 mm (b)

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roughness parameters (Ra, Rmax and Rz) depending on 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
the cutting tool diameter, spindle rotational frequency 3. REZULTATI I RASPRAVA
and feed rate. After ANOVA, Student–Newman–Keuls
test with 95 % confidence level was used to compare The average values and standard deviation of Ra,
the mean values of variance sources. Rmax, and Rz parameters of surface roughness are given
in Figures 3 and 4. The lowest Ra, Rmax, and Rz values

Ra Rmax Rz


Surface roughness, µm
hrapavost površine, µm






Feed rate,
5 7 9 5 7 9 5 7 9 5 7 9 5 7 9 5 7 9 5 7 9 5 7 9 5 7 9 m/min

10.000 14.000 18.000 10.000 14.000 18.000 10.000 14.000 18.000 Spindle
Plywood Particleboard MDF frequency,

Figure 3 Variation of surface roughness values of wood-based panels processed with 2 mm diameter cutting tool according to
CNC cutting parameters
Slika 3. Odstupanja vrijednosti hrapavosti površine ploča na bazi drva obrađenih reznim alatom promjera 2 mm s obzirom na
parametre CNC obrade

Ra Rmax Rz


Surface roughness, µm
hrapavost površine, µm






0 Feed rate,
5 7 9 5 7 9 5 7 9 5 7 9 5 7 9 5 7 9 5 7 9 5 7 9 5 7 9 m/min

10.000 14.000 18.000 10.000 14.000 18.000 10.000 14.000 18.000 Spindle
Plywood Particleboard MDF frequency,

Figure 4 Variation of surface roughness values of wood-based panels processed with 5 mm diameter cutting tool according to
CNC cutting parameters
Slika 4. Odstupanja vrijednosti hrapavosti površine ploča na bazi drva obrađenih reznim alatom promjera 5 mm s obzirom na
parametre CNC obrade

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were obtained with 2 mm diameter cutting tool, 18.000 edge of the tool and the cut surface increased with the
rpm spindle rotational frequency and 9 m/min feed rate increase of spindle rotation frequency, and hence the
for all three panel samples. However, the highest val- surface roughness values of wood materials decreased.
ues were obtained with 5 mm diameter cutting tool, Deus et al. (2015) explained that each cutting tooth re-
10.000 rpm spindle rotational frequency and 5 m/min moves less material at high spindle rotational frequen-
feed rate for all panel groups. When the data of surface cy where the feed rate is constant, and thus less rough
roughness were analysed, higher surface roughness material surfaces can be obtained. Moreover, Valarm-
values were obtained with 5 mm diameter cutting tool athi et al. (2013) stated that, with the increase of spin-
than with 2 mm diameter cutting tool. dle rotational frequency, the processed material heats
ANOVA tables have been compiled with the av- up and its surface softens and becomes smoother. As a
erage surface roughness obtained from the experi- result of these effects, surface roughness decreases.
ments. The effects of related parameters on surface Similar results have been obtained in many studies on
roughness have been determined. The results of F and the effects of spindle rotation frequency on wood and
Significant Levels (Sig.) of variance analysis are given chipboard surface roughness. Similar results were ob-
in Table 1. The Sig. values lower than 0.05 show that tained in many studies regarding the effects of spindle
the factors and interaction of the factors are statistically rotation frequency on the surface roughness of wood
significant. Multiple comparison test results (Student– and fiberboard (Sofuoglu, 2017; Hazir and Koc, 2019;
Newman–Keuls) for surface roughness parameter val- Deus et al., 2015; Prakash et al., 2011; Sedlecký et al.,
ues (Ra, Rmax and Rz) are given in Table 2. 2018; Sutcu and Karagoz, 2012). In this study, the
When analysing the results of Table 2, it can be spindle rotational frequency at 18.000 rpm provided
seen that the surface roughness values (Ra, Rmax and Rz) the smallest surface roughness values for all wood-
for all of the panel types decreased with increasing val- based panel types.
ues of spindle rotational frequency. In the literature, the Similarly, the surface roughness parameters de-
reasons for changes in spindle rotational frequency creased statistically with increasing feed rate for the
were determined by some researchers (Pelit et al., plywood and particleboard panels. In the MDF panels,
2021; Deus et al., 2015; Valarmathi et al., 2013). Pelit although the effect of feed rate on Rmax and Rz rough-
et al. (2021) stated that the contact between the cutting ness values was not statistically significant, it was ob-

Table 1 ANOVA test results for Ra, Rmax and Rz values of wood-based panel types
Tablica 1. Rezultati ANOVA testiranja vrijednosti Ra, Rmax i Rz za ploče na bazi drva
Ra Rmax Rz
types Source of variance
Vrsta Izvor odstupanja
F Sig. F Sig. F Sig.
A: Tool diameter / promjer alata, mm 93.477 0.000 129.753 0.000 44.463 0.000
B: Spindle rotational frequency
45.903 0.000 40.764 0.000 28.501 0.000
furnirska ploča

frekvencija rotacije vretena, mm–1


C: Feed rate / posmična brzina, m/min 12.219 0.000 11.716 0.000 8.034 0.001
A*B 1.265 0.289 0.194 0.824 2.393 0.099
A*C 0.872 0.423 0.898 0.412 4.236 0.018
B*C 1.208 0.315 0.910 0.463 1.684 0.163
A*B*C 0.349 0.844 0.418 0.795 0.987 0.420
A: Tool diameter / promjer alata, mm 13.671 0.000 0.219 0.641 1.359 0.248
B: Spindle rotational frequency
119.143 0.000 568.722 0.000 240.809 0.000
frekvencija rotacije vretena, mm–1
ploča iverica

C: Feed rate / posmična brzina, m/min 15.890 0.000 91.551 0.000 39.536 0.000
A*B 10.280 0.000 14.792 0.000 11.220 0.000
A*C 0.593 0.555 1.454 0.240 5.013 0.009
B*C 1.088 0.369 31.039 0.000 9.655 0.000
A*B*C 3.697 0.009 6.081 0.000 2.974 0.025
A: Tool diameter / promjer alata, mm 67.827 0.000 113.898 0.000 66.810 0.000
B: Spindle rotational frequency
19.846 0.000 19.887 0.000 23.156 0.000
frekvencija rotacije vretena, mm–1
C: Feed rate / posmična brzina, m/min 2.922 0.060 2.914 0.061 1.807 0.171

A*B 0.760 0.471 2.017 0.140 0.337 0.715

A*C 0.305 0.738 0.142 0.868 0.187 0.830
B*C 0.676 0.611 0.345 0.847 0.311 0.869
A*B*C 0.156 0.960 2.175 0.080 0.144 0.965

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Table 2 Results of Student-Newman-Keuls test at 95 % confidence level for CNC processing parameters
Tablica 2. Rezultati Student-Newman-Keulsova testa za razinu pouzdanosti od 95 % za parametre CNC obrade
Ra Rmax Rz
Factors / Čimbenici
LS Mean HG* LS Mean HG LS Mean HG
Tool diameter / promjer alata, mm
2 8.15 a 81.04 a 72.04 a
5 10.26 b 97.45 b 80.79 b
Spindle rotational frequency
furnirska ploča

frekvencija vrtnje vretena, min–1


10.000 10.50 c 96.92 c 82.49 c

14.000 9.18 b 89.81 b 76.41 b
18.000 7.94 a 81.01 a 70.35 a
Feed rate / posmična brzina, m/min
5 9.71 b 92.03 b 78.82 b
7 9.44 b 91.39 b 77.67 b
9 8.46 a 84.33 a 72.75 a
Tool diameter / promjer alata, mm
2 12.65 a 126.73 a 95.72 a
5 13.93 b 127.20 a 97.04 a
Spindle rotational frequency
frekvencija vrtnje vretena, min–1
ploča iverica

10.000 16.98 c 148.08 c 113.13 c

14.000 12.24 b 126.37 b 92.53 b
18.000 10.65 a 106.46 a 83.48 a
Feed rate / posmična brzina, m/min
5 14.53 c 136.57 b 102.67 c
7 13.21 b 122.97 a 96.11 b
9 12.13 a 121.37 a 90.36 a
Tool diameter / promjer alata, mm
2 9.10 a 69.05 a 59.91 a
5 11.02 b 83.42 b 69.28 b
Spindle rotational frequency
frekvencija vrtnje vretena, min–1
10.000 11.02 c 81.63 c 69.72 c

14.000 9.93 b 75.83 b 63.82 b

18.000 9.23 a 71.25 a 60.25 a
Feed rate / posmična brzina, m/min
5 10.42 b 77.60 a 66.08 a
7 10.03 ab 77.16 a 64.22 a
9 9.73 a 73.95 a 63.49 a
*Homogeneity Groups: different letters denote a statistically significant difference. / Homogene grupe: različita slova označavaju statistički
značajnu razliku.

served that Ra roughness values of the whole group feed rate (Gawronski, 2013; Davim et al., 2009; Sutcu
decreased with increasing feed rate except for the sam- and Karagoz, 2012), while others found that the sur-
ples processed with 2 mm diameter cutting tool at face roughness of processed materials increased with
10.000 rpm spindle rotational frequency. Davim et al. increasing feed rate (Koc et al., 2017; Isleyen and Kar-
(2015) suggested that the last low feed rate values re- amanoglu, 2019; Deus et al., 2015). Sutcu (2013) stat-
duce the stress on the tool, contribute to the prevention ed that the effect of feed rate on surface roughness is
of grooves on the surface of the wood and increase the statistically insignificant. In this study, the same results
processing efficiency. In the literature, there are many were obtained for the Rmax and Rz values of the MDF
studies showing different relationships between the panels (Table 2). The differences between the results in
feed rate and the surface roughness values of wood ma- literature are thought to be due to the selected feed rate
terials. Some researchers found that the surface rough- values and the differences between them. Generally, 9
ness of processed materials decreased with increasing m/min feed rate presented the smallest surface rough-

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srednje vrijednosti Ra, µm

Mean values of Ra, µm

a* b c

Plywood MDF Particleboard

Figure 5 Comparison of wood-based panel types processed with CNC machine (*Different letters denote a statistically
significant difference)
Slika 5. Usporedba vrijednosti hrapavosti ploča na bazi drva obrađenih CNC strojem (*različita slova označavaju statistički
značajnu razliku)

ness for the wood-based panels in this study. Similarly, processed with CNC machine. Since the chips have a
the use of high feed rates in wood milling has been rough surface compared to the peeling veneers and fib-
strongly recommended by Očkajová et al. (2020). ers, the surface roughness values of the particleboards
Even though the most influencing CNC process- are also expected to be high. However, Zhong et al.
ing parameters on the surface roughness are spindle (2013) determined surface roughness values of ply-
rotational frequency and feed rate, tool geometry and wood, particleboard, MDF and solid wood manufac-
tool diameter also have influence on the processing of tured from different wood species in Singapore. Ac-
composites (Prakash et al., 2011). As can be seen from cording to the results of that study, the Ra values of
Table 2 and Figure 4, the surface roughness values in- MDF panel were found to be the highest among the
creased as the cutting tool diameter increased for the wood-based panels. Moreover, some researchers com-
plywood and MDF panel groups. The same results pared the surface roughness values of particleboard
were obtained from the Ra values of particleboard pan- and MDF panels and found that MDF panels had
el groups. However, there was no statistically signifi- smoother surfaces than particleboard (Hiziroglu et al.,
cant effect of tool diameter on the Rmax and Rz values of 2004; Ulker, 2018). The various factors such as wood
the particleboard panels. İsleyen and Karamanoğlu species, humidity, wood processing, measurement
(2019) stated that the friction area between the tool and methods can cause the differences in the results ob-
the material increased with the increase of the tool di- tained from the studies.
ameter, and hence the surface roughness values of the
materials increased. Many researchers determined that 4 CONCLUSIONS
cutting tool diameter was an effective factor in all the 4. ZAKLJUČAK
wood machining processes and the smallest roughness
values were obtained from lower tool diameter values This study was aimed to determine the effects of
(Isleyen and Karamanoglu, 2019; Prakash et al., 2011). process parameters on the surface roughness values af-
In this study, it was determined that the plywood and ter CNC machine processing of plywood, particleboard
MDF samples processed with 2 mm diameter cutting and MDF panels, which are frequently used in the fur-
tool had the lowest surface roughness values. niture industry. The findings obtained from this study
The average roughness values (Ra) of the panel are given below.
types processed with CNC machine were statistically The CNC processing parameters such as tool di-
analysed according to the panel types. The comparison ameter, spindle rotational frequency and feed rate are
results of the panel types are shown in Figure 5. very important factors in terms of surface roughness
As can be seen from Figure 5, the plywood pro- values (Ra, Rmax and Rz) of plywood and particleboard
cessed with CNC machine has the smoothest surfaces as well as MDF panels.
of all other panel types. The highest surface roughness The surface roughness values of the plywood and
values were measured at the particleboard samples MDF panels processed with 2 mm diameter cutting

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