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Work Immersion Als SHS DLP

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LEARNING Tandag City

Learning Center Program ALS
SYSTEM Division
Daily Lesson Learning
Literacy Level Grade 12

Month and
Quarter 3 Learning
Quarter LS4: Work Immersion
January Strand

A Content Standards
B Performance Standards

C Learning Competencies L1 Identify the qualities of a good portfolio;

L2 Discuss the work immersion portfolio;
L4 Distinguish the forms and content of a portfolio
A. Topic Immersion Portfolio
A References Grade 12 Work Immersion (Pre-Immersion) Module
Venzon, Wilbert C. LPT. MBA. Work Immersion Handbook. 2019-2020
1. Teacher’s Session Guide
2. Learner’s Material Page
3. Additional Materials from
Learning Resources (LR)
4 Others

A. Springboard/Motivation Activity 1 “Picture Tell”
(establishing a purpose for Directions: Look at the two pictures. Guess the word that best describes
the lesson) them.

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

Picture 1 Picture 2

B. Activity (Review of the

previous lesson/s or
presenting the new lesson) In your previous lesson, you learned that being an applicant for work
immersion, or being a trainee or applicant for employment needs to prepare
different documents/credentials/requirements before being hired and
accepted. You have also learned how to fill out needed forms as part of the
documentary requirement of the employers before getting hired.
Now, out of the activity that we have done, try to answer these questions:

1. What can you say about the first picture?

2. What can you say about the second picture?
3. What do you think is the relationship between the two pictures?

Teacher’s Note: Different documents/credentials/requirements are needed

before being hired and accepted by the employer same with Immersion
Portfolio which is one of the main requirements that serves as a gateway for
the ALS SHS learners to pass the course.

C. Analysis (Presenting
examples/ instances of the Activity 2 “What’s Inside of Me”?
new lesson)
Directions (For teachers only):

- Divide the class into three groups. Let them identify the
files/documents/forms to be included or attached to the portfolio.
- Each of the groups will list it down in one whole Manila paper.
- There will be a group presentation that follows.

(For Group Activity)


________ ________ ________

________ ________ ________
________ ________ ________
________ ________ ________
Portfolio Content
A. Title Page
B. Introduction
C. Table of Content
I. Accomplished forms
II. Pictures of work site and non-written output/ projects with
III. Illustrations of activities performed (as needed)
IV. Weekly diary (narrative/ account of learnings and
achievements, issues faced and corresponding resolutions)
V. Sample written output (if any)
VI. Work immersion highlights
VII. Other relevant pictures/ documents

(Teacher’s Guide) Discussion follows on the portfolio content. A sample

work immersion portfolio will be presented to the learners.

D. Discussing new concepts

and practicing new skills, What is a portfolio?
sub-activity #1
According to the Collins dictionary, a portfolio
is a set of pictures by someone, or
photographs of examples of their work, which
they use when entering competitions or
applying for work.

How to create a portfolio?

You need a portfolio to showcase your work and to

help to demonstrate your skills to prospective
employers. Nothing impresses me more than a
beautifully presented portfolio at an interview. But don't send it unless
requested. Always bring it with you if you have an interview.

E. Discussing new concepts

and practicing new skills; Activity 3 “Check Me!” (What are the qualities of a good portfolio?)
sub-activity #2 Directions: Put a check before the number if you feel that the statements
below describe the qualities of a good portfolio.

1. An index of the contents

2. Your CV including your interests and any evidence of the
project management skills.
3. Your CV should give the impression that you think like a
4. Perhaps a profile or personal statement
5. Your key achievements and skills
6. Examples of your work of course with good documentation.
7. Place the best and most relevant work first and start and
with strong pieces of work.
8. Include a variety of examples of work you have done.
9. Your main example needs to reflect your strengths and your
creative approach and flair.
10. Items that show your thought process and development of
ideas are valuable: sequence of photos for example.
Note: ALS teacher will give inputs in each item for clarification and easy
understanding of the ALS SHS learners.

Activtity 4. Differentiated Instructions

 With the same group, try to do the following:

For Group 1, identify the contents of the work immersion portfolio.

For Group 2, cite the qualities of a good work immersion portfolio.

For group 3, brainstorm with your groupmates and define the work
immersion portfolio.

Note: Each of the groups will present their work.

Activity 5 “Define Me!” (Individual Activity)

A. What is a work immersion portfolio?


Teacher’s Note: Let the students express their ideas on what is portfolio and
portfolio making.
B. Identify the following statements if it describes the qualities of a good
portfolio. Mark / if it does and X if it is not.

1. 2.

1. Production portfolios can also include budget sheets,

idea pitches and marketing materials.
2. Does not include the pictures and narrative reports as
these are quite tedious to prepare on the part of the
3. It includes items that show your interests and likes.

4. You reveal in your report the confidential files in your

5. The narrative report shows the personal life of your

F. Abstraction (Making
Generalizations about the Activity 6 “RECAP!”
1. What are the qualities of a good portfolio?
2. What should we include in our work immersion portfolio?
3. What is a work immersion portfolio?

G. Application (Developing
mastery) Activity 7 “It’s Your Time!” (Individual Activity)

Explain this line, “Portfolios can encourage you to make ownership and
responsibility for the learning process.” Do it on a separate sheet of paper.

H. Valuing (Finding practical

applications of concepts and Having accomplished a project like a portfolio is a great achievement.
skills in daily living) Answer these two questions in your paper.

1. Why is this important to you?

2. How do you show value to it?

II. Evaluation (Assessing

Learners) The students will be given worksheets.

Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is true and FALSE if it is not.

_______1. Go for quality, not quantity.

________2. The portfolio will be put on a website if possible as it is so
easy to access and provide the web link on the CV.
_______3. Make sure that the portfolio is carefully laid out and in the
correct order.
________4. All items need to be clear and easy to understand
_______5. A physical portfolio can include anything portable!
_______6. If an item is too large to take to the interview take a high-
quality photos of it to show with close-ups to elicit details.
_______7. Does not include the pictures and narrative reports as these
are quite tedious to prepare on the part of the learners.
_______8. Production portfolios can also include budget sheets, idea
pitches and marketing materials.
________9. You reveal in your report the confidential files in your
________10. The narrative report shows the personal life of your

J. Agreement (Additional
activities Directions: After making a table of content of your portfolio, you need to
make your introduction. An introduction catches every reader’s attention that
leads him/her to read the entire work. Remember this: Start your portfolio
with a bang. Imagine you have finished your training in one of the
companies/ in your barangay or town/ at home. What will you write on your
introduction to catch your reader’s attention? Write your answer on a long-
size bond paper.

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter that my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover that I wish
to share with other

Prepared by:


Jacinto P. Elpa National High School
Tandag City Division, CARAGA Region

Noted by:

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