Withdrawal of Consent
Withdrawal of Consent
Withdrawal of Consent
Notice of Immediate Withdrawal of Consent to be Represented
From: ______________________________________________________________________________
To: ______________________________________________________________________________
This withdrawal of consent includes every known or hidden fraudulent agreement, obligation, devise, or
contract, past, present, or future, relating to any vessel, individual, actor, natural or artificial person,
corporate fiction, commercial entity, legal fiction, legal term, trust, status, or any possible combination of
carefully constructed “words of art,” CAPITIS DIMINUTIO MAXIMA, or other creative “color of law”
misrepresentation of my flesh and blood existence intentionally designed to replace my God given
unalienable Rights, to Life, Freedom, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.
All past, present, or future participation in this fraudulent corporate CANADA ET AL, including all related,
subsidiary or participatory corporate entities, shall be considered acts under duress, protest, and
“Without Prejudice” until such a time as we, the men and women who constitute “the People” retain
benevolent and honourable Trustees to form a truly honourable Government by and for the people of