Crop Production Practices
Crop Production Practices
Crop Production Practices
1. Site Selection
Factors to consider: biotic and abiotic factors.
2. Weeding/Cleaning of the area
Many undesirable plants may naturally grow alongside the main crop in an
agricultural field.
Weeds are plants that are undesirable.
Weeding is the process of removing weeds.
It is usually done before tilling the soil or during the production.
Weeding is an important process because weeds compete for nutrients,
sunlight, water, space, and other resources with crop plants. It causes crops to
be undernourished, resulting in low yields.
To achieve the expected yield, it is necessary to remove seeds from the field.
Farmers use a variety of methods to remove weeds and control their growth.
Land preparation - the process of preparing the land for planting, thereby providing
good physical, chemical, and biological conditions that would permit optimum plant
growth. It is done 2 weeks before sowing your seeds.
5. Applying Fertilizer
Applying fertilizer is the final step in land preparation. At this stage, mix
organic fertilizer or soil conditioner into the soil or spray an organic
concoction. Never use synthetic farm inputs in your soil.
A. Plowing
Primary tillage refers to operations which loosen very compact soil.
Plowing with a moldboard plow, or breaking land with an ard or disking plow are
examples of primary tillage operations. Plowing is most often done with a
moldboard plow. This is a tool that loosens earth by cutting a slice and turning it
partially over so that air and water reach the area where plants root, often
referred to as the root zone.
Effects of Plowing:
Good plowing stimulates plant growth by opening the compact upper
surface of the soil so roots can develop quickly, taking nutrients, water, and
oxygen from the soil. Moisture is absorbed easily, seeping down to deeper
areas where it can act as a reserve during dry periods.
Plowing also serves to turn under weeds and organic surface material that
becomes valuable fertilizer. Good plowing tilts the furrow slice so decaying
material is spread evenly through the loose soil. As oxygen and water
penetrate and as sun dries exposed roots, the material decays and provides
nutrients for the crop.
B. Harrowing
These operations are used to prepare the seedbed or improve the soil where
crops are maturing.
Harrowing is the process of smoothing and leveling a plowed field.
The harrow breaks clods and works the tops of furrow slices into a fine,
moisture retaining bed where seeds germinate easily.
Higher germination rates resulting from harrowing are explained by improved
structure of the seedbed:
It is better aerated
It is moisture-retaining
There is more contact between the seed and soil particles; large air pockets
and clods are eliminated and seeds are easily covered
Some weeds are killed.
Manual methods in land preparation are used in the following cases:
1. If the topography is too steep, rugged, wet or rocky for mechanized land
2. If labour is cheap and easily available, and its use is desirable to help
reduce rural unemployment.
3. If the soil characteristics and environmental conditions do not justify any
large-scale mechanical operations for improving survival and/or growth.
4. If time is not a pressing factor. Clearing Fields With Animal Power Animals
can be used to clear fields of fallen trees or other debris that will interfere
with plowing.
Manual Land Preparation
Mechanical Land Preparation
C. Disking
Disk harrows are used to reduce the size of larger soil clods by fracturing them
with cleavage and pressure.
Disking generally follows plowing, but under some conditions disking can
substitute reasonably well for plowing.
If the soil is in good tilth, a satisfactory seedbed can be prepared by disking
D. Leveling
The topsoil in the field is quite loose after it has been ploughed. The leveller,
which is a heavy wooden or iron plank, is used to level the soil. Field leveling
also aids in the uniform distribution of water during irrigation.
E. Base Manuring
We add manure to the soil even before sowing to increase soil fertility because
it is properly incorporated into the soil.
The use of green manure and farmyard manure will always improve crop
growth and yield.
B. Drilling Seeds
A seed drill is a modern method of seeding. It is a more effective and efficient
method than hand sowing. It is typically accomplished by attaching iron drills
to a tractor.
Seed drills ensure that seeds are planted in the soil at equal intervals and at
the proper depth.
C. Dibbling
It is the process of placing seed material at a predetermined spacing in a
furrow, pit, or hole with a dibble, or more commonly by hand. For moist soil
contact, the soil around the hole is pressed with the hand or leg.
D. Manual sowing
Hand scattering of seeds is the most basic method of seed sowing.
This is the most cost-effective method of seeding.
E. Transplanting
Transplanting is the replanting of seedlings into larger agricultural plots.
Conditions for Transplanting - Changing environments can give your plants
a transplant shock. This manifests in wilting, browning, leaf rolling, and
susceptibility to diseases. Avoid this by observing the right conditions for
Transplant late in the afternoon to avoid the intense midday sun.
Water the soil at least 30-60 minutes before transplanting.
Do not damage the roots while transplanting.
Water the soil immediately after transplanting.
Apply mulch around the seedling for moisture retention.
Apply phosphorus after 3-5 days for proper root development.
Vegetables, or any crop, cannot live on water and soil alone. Nutrients required
for vegetable growth may not always be present in the soil.
Fertilizers are chemical compounds that contain salts or organic compounds
such as urea, ammonium sulphate, sodium nitrate, and others.
They provide plant nutrients such as potassium, nitrogen, and phosphorus.
Fertilizers are commercial products that are primarily produced in factories.
They increased the yield on their own.
Types of Fertilizers
1. Dry Fertilizers - plant and animal material which have undergone complete
decomposition. Ex: compost, vermin compost and bokashi.
2. Water-soluble fertilizers - fertilizers in liquid forms. Ex.: IMO‟s, FAA, FPJ,
Irrigation can also be used to provide nutrients to crops. Water for irrigation
can be obtained from wells, ponds, lakes, canals, tube wells, and even dams.
Irrigation provides the necessary moisture for growth and development,
germination, and other related functions.
The frequency, rate, amount, and time of irrigation differ for different crops, as
well as depending on soil type and season. Summer crops, for example,
require significantly more water than winter crops.
The physical signs of over watering are the following:
Wilting leaves - due to drowning and suffocation of the soil.
Soggy soil
Edema - burst cells in the top or underside of leaves.
Moldy soil
A. Modern irrigation
The modern method compensates for the disadvantages of traditional
methods and thus aids in the proper use of water.
The modern method employs two systems:
1. Sprinkler/Overhead system
2. Drip system - pipes with small outlets are installed in the soil surface
just above the roots.
3. Furrow Irrigation - A hoe or pick mattock is used to elevate a small
portion of the soil to form ridges and excavate furrows. Crops are
transplanted in the ridges while the furrows serves as water channels.
B. Traditional Irrigation
Irrigation is done manually in this method. A farmer pulls water from wells
or canals by hand or with cattle and transports it to farming fields. This
method may differ depending on where you live. Traditional systems
include the pulley system, the lever system, and the chain pump. The
pump system is the most common and widely used of these. However, its
efficiency is low due to the uneven distribution of water. Furthermore, the
likelihood of water loss is very high.
Harvesting is the process of cutting crops after they have reached
maturity. Harvesting involves pulling or cutting crops close to the ground,
which usually takes 3 to 4 years to mature.
Harvesting is done either manually with a sickle or with a machine called a
Winnowing is also used by farmers with small land holdings to separate
grain and chaff. Harvest time is a time of great joy and happiness
throughout India.
Threshing is the process of separating grain seeds from chaff in a
harvested crop. It is done with the help of a machine called a „combine,‟
which is both a harvester and a thresher.
Types of Harvesting
1. Manual Harvesting
2. Mechanical Harvesting
2. Cleaning
Cleaning is done to provide
attractive look of fruits with
minimal risk of microbial
Cleaning is done to remove
unwanted or undesirable
contents from the surface of the
fruit such as adhering dust, dirt,
and twigs.
Basically, cleaning sanitizes the
fruits and avoids possible entry
of undesirable contents to enter
the packaging and storage
areas. This practice can be done through dry or wet method.
a. Dry Method: Physical removal of unwanted matters from the fruits.
b. Wet Method: Washing the fruits with clean water.
The harvested fruits are soaked in clean water for a certain period of
time to remove the ants that are staying in the fruits. Adequate washing
also provides a pre-cooling effect to the fruits. In washing the fruits,
remember the following:
1. Wash the fruits gently and prevent them from being bruised or
damaged. Discard any bruised or damaged fruit.
2. Use potable and clean water in washing the fruits. Change water
3. Wash thoroughly so that no residue will be left in the fruit.
3. Air-drying
Air-drying is the process of removing moisture or excess water by using air. This
practice is important so that the fruits will be totally dry and do not become
moldy when packed.
Air-drying can be done by putting the fruits on top of clean trays or racks, either
plastic or stainless, for some time until they become fully dry.
Make sure that the fruits are not exposed to direct sunlight.
The use of forced air through cooling fans or blowers may also be used in
drying the fruits faster.
Put the trays or racks on blocks or pallets to allow better air movement around
the fruits.
Do not lay the materials on the ground.
Materials not recommended to be used in air-drying fruits:
a. Screens made from “hardware cloth”, a galvanized metal cloth coated with
cadmium or zinc, that may cause harm to people.
b. Copper and aluminum screens. Copper destroys Vitamin C and increases
oxidation or discoloration in fruits while aluminum tends to discolour and
c. Woods are also fine for making trays but avoid using green woods, pine,
and cedar, oak or red wood. These woods warp, stain or cause off-flavour in
the fruits.
4. Grading/Classification
Grading or classification is the process of judging the fruits through ranking.
Fruits of best quality are ranked first.
Grading is important because it sets the standard and price of the harvested
fruits in the market.
Several guidelines are provided for grading of harvested commodities. Usually,
grading is manually done based on size, color, maturity, and general
appearance such as presence of insect damage, mechanical injury and being
free of diseases, among others.
5. Packaging
Packaging refers to the
process by which the fruits
are packed accordingly for
better transport and
distribution in the market. It
is recommended to use
regular polyethylene bags
and food grade containers
for packaging.
Food-grade container is
primarily made for food
storage that is durable, leak-
proof and able to be sealed
or covered. Other packing
materials like wooden crates
are also acceptable to secure the individual fruit packages.
Remember: (1) Keep the fruits with the same color, sizes and grades together.
(2) Ensure that the fruits are dry before packing. Moisture in fruits causes
bacteria and fungi to develop which will affect the saleability of the fruit. (3)
Disposable containers should not be re-used for packing. (4) Handle the fruits
carefully. Arrange the fruits properly and do not squeeze in the packing material.
(5) Place packed fruits in pallets or blocks.
Banana leaves may also be used as covering of the packed fruits to retain
moisture of fruits.
For individual packing, limit the weight of fruits in a pack. Do not over-pack for it
can only sacrifice the quality of the fruits.
Generally, the fruits are packed per one kilo and then carefully placed in a crate
that can accommodate around 20 kilos. It is important to ask desired packing
weight from contact buyer, if any, before packing.
6. Storage
1. Keep storage areas
clean, safe and
protected against the
entrance of pests and
2. Place container in pallets
or in blocks to keep it
from direct contact with
the floor. This is to
prevent the fruits from
taking in the moisture
coming from the floor.
7. Transporting
The proper transport of fruits from farm to market is important to ensure that the
fruits will arrive at its destination in satisfactory condition.
When transporting fruits:
Properly arrange the fruits to allow ventilation within each package.
It is advisable to transport at night, early in the morning, or late in the
evening to reduce deterioration of fruits caused by high temperature.
Make sure that the transport vehicles are adequately clean and/ or sanitized
before loading the fruits.
Avoid cross-contamination of fruits from other foods, non-foods and
surfaces. Make sure that all areas for loading, unloading, transporting and
storage are clean.
1. Pruning - is done by snipping/removing certain parts of the plant which are
undesirable. The part that may be infected by disease; growing irregularly and etc. It
improves health and yield by allowing energy nutrients to be directed to the crops
instead of diseased parts.
2. Bagging - the practice of covering fruits/vegetables to protect them from pests,
diseases, and harsh elements. A plastic bag or net bag is placed over the crop and
a rubber band or string is used to secure the bag in place.
3. De-leafing
4. Trellising - another technique for growing vegetables. It is specially used in
growing vines or climbing plants such as tomato, green peas, pole sitao, sayote,
squash and cucumber.
We will see in this example that in 1ha tomato production with a total initial capital of
P519, 534 is a profitable investment. The estimated net return on a 4-month
cropping cycle is 1,182,225 with ROI of 2.28%. Given this, the initial investment is
recovered within just 1 cropping cycle (PCARRD, 2007).
Be guided by the formula below in computing for the net income (NI), Break Even
Price (BEP), Return on Investment (ROI) and Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR).
Gross Sales or Gross Returns = Php1,400,000
Total Expenses or Total Costs = Php217,775
Total Harvest = 35,000kg
NR = GR - TC
= 1,400,000 - 217,775
= 1,182,225