40 Years of Electro Acupuncture According To Voll (EAV)

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40 Years of Electro Acupuncture

According to Voll (EAV)

Summary of
studies and scientific publications
by Bernhard A. Weber, Marburg
Concerning electro acupuncture of Voll, there are 9 university dissertations and
numerous studies by which the diagnostic possibilities of EAV are confirmed
(Berlin, Heidelberg, München, Würzburg, Witten/Herdecke, Moskau,
Taipeh/Taiwan, Utrecht NL, Honolulu/USA).

The argument of missing proofs is no more to be justified.

The successful development and international circulation of EAV unfortunately is still in

contradiction to acceptance of this procedure by the majority of doctors and medical
health insurances. These assembled studies and scientific publications show that all
bases but the holistic medical combination of diagnostic and therapy, too, were
meanwhile examined and confirmed to be successful.

The stock-taking of 1992 of the University Witten/Herdecke to research [the] situation of

electro acupuncture according to Voll now requires fundamental supplements (lit. 1).
All colleagues are asked to send in new and lacking articles and studies for later

School and University studies and dissertations

Basic research, diagnostic and therapeutic studies, individual cases.

Private studies and evaluations

Basic research, diagnostic studies and therapeutic studies.

Representation of individual cases

Teacher’s books

The following studies and scientific work for diagnostic and therapy with electro
acupuncture according to Voll are represented to us and give suggestions to [its]
effectiveness, possibilities and limitations.

A) Studies and Dissertations Drawn Up in Universities

Basic research
A-1: This first scientific dissertation "About the electric reaction of special segments of
the skin" by Dipl. Ing. C.-E. Overhof, TH Karlsruhe, 1960 is unconnected with EAV but
the procedure of diagnosis electro neural therapy by Croon. He suggests by measuring
exact skin points the condition of the health of the inner organs. Overhof concludes by
this measuring that the membrane of cells is measured and that there exists a system,
which is combined the skin area. The definite difference of the measuring results with
the healthy and sick can be confirmed. The possibility of a normalizing through
purposeful electric simulating therapy is mentioned. Because of the similar technique, a
transfer to electro acupuncture by Voll appears to be possible.

A-2: In 1987 H. Heine histologically pointed out the morphology of the acupuncture
points as perforation of fascides of the connecting tissue-vessel-nerves of the superficial
fascia of the body and facilitated this way a physical explanation for the electric
measurement of acupuncture. Thereby the relation between skin points and distant
organs could be understood. Further examinations in 1990 and 1993 completed the

Attestation of several other universities followed (M. Eggerbacher, 1991, Vienna;

Zerlauth, 1992, Munich).

Heine, H.: Anatomical Structure of Acupuncture Points (Deutsche Zeitschrift für

Akupunktur 2/1988, S. 26 - 30).

A-3: Heine, H., Koenig, L.: "Morphologische Grundlagen der Elektroakupunktur nach
Voll" (Deutsche Zeitschrift für Akupunktur 37, 1/1994, S. 3 - 11).

Basic work concerning acupuncture point and test for medicine.

A-4: "Elektroherd - Realität oder Hypothese?" by E. Sonnabend, H. Kurz and Chr. Redl,
Zahnklinik University Munich.

Electro acupuncture as a diagnostic method of the objectivity so-called focuses is

regarded as a method of outsiders and of different importance, the authors summarize
their critical experiences in a study as a relevance, which is a technique distant of
orthodox medicine. They could indicate possibilities of electro acupuncture, but they
pleaded to clarify by intensive research.

Results: The summary of our results is represented in illustration no. 15:

In 59 % of cases (Column D) the results of the electro acupuncture test were congruent
with positive, clinical and roentgenologic tests.

In 26 % of the cases (Column C) the negative, clinical, roentgenological and electro

acupuncture tests were congruent, i.e. in 85 % of the cases corresponded.

In 9 % of the cases (Column B) there was a clinical and roentgenological test, but not
electroacupuncture, and in 6 % the result was exactly opposite.
For us there are no doubts concerning the meaningfulness of this method of
examination because of the considerable correlating results by 85 %.

For electro acupuncture as a method to diagnose focuses, parts served as testing
procedure and its evaluation as a relevant diagnosis, but there are always still some
hypothetical and unknown parts. Therefore, further research is necessary before one
can support without reservation electro acupuncture to diagnose focuses.

A-5: American works from the University Honolulu/Hawaii, USA

Electro acupuncture according to Voll will now indicate as epidermal screening test

The Allergy Study by f. Lam, J. Tsuei, 1982, of electro acupuncture, enforced by the
University of Hawaii in the USA shows in comparison with five acknowledged test
procedures of orthodox medicine accordance in allergy test by about 80 percent.
Therefore, electro acupuncture by Voll is regarded as a very valuable method of

A-6: The article "Case Findings from a Family Practitioner’s Office Using EAV" from the
American Journal of Acupuncture (Vol. II, N1, 1983, page 23 - 29) by Prof. J. Tsuei and
F. Lam describes eleven patients with different diagnosis tested by acupuncture of Voll.
The internal specialists tests affirmed the found stress (laboratory, roentgen, histology
etc.). Six found melanomas were treated with operation and orthodox medicine, with
metastatic condition shorten the life span of patients in five cases would seize already
early stage of the diseases and thereby long time positive results could be attained.
(Quot. A-3)

A-7: A Food Allergy Study Utilizing the EAV Acupuncture Technique,

(J. Tsuei, C. Lehmann, F. Lam, D. Zhao, University of Hawaii, USA, Am. J. of
Acupuncture Vol. 12, No. 2, 1984)

Six procedures for allergies were set for 30 patients. In comparison with Skin-RAST-
and IgE-Test ,electro acupuncture shows a good accordance with other methods. A
simple and reliable allergy test was found thereby, especially for food allergies (German
translation by Institut für Naturheilverfahren in Marburg, Uferstraße 4, 35037 Marburg

A-8: Evoked Electrical conductivity on the Lung Acupuncture Points in Healthy

Individuals and Confirmed Lung Cancer Patients

(S. G. Sullivan, D. Eggleston, J. Martinoff, R. Kroenig, U. C. L. A. School of Medicine,

Los Angeles, Am. J. of Acupuncture, Vol. 13, No. 3, 1985)
30 patients showed in comparison of x-ray picture and measurement by electro
acupuncture on the lung point on the hand between 26 "healthy lungs" and four
carcinoma patients in a blind test (dividing screen with limited view of the hands) shows
a clearly positive correlation between the measuring points.

Several other works about special skin points with less electrical resistance were
referred in this study.

A-9: L. Klinger, Heidelberg, in 1987 measuring with EAV could make significant
distinctions between patients with healthy and diseased lungs as TBC and lung
carcinoma. (Z. Allg. Med. 63.563-567) The measuring points as the basis of EAV
hereby could be documented.

A-10: H. Gloerfeld, Marburg, made a research in 1987 in his dissertation about EAV
acupuncture points in the face (2), on the hands (2) and one "undefinite" point
(forehead) on healthy persons during the day. Thereby was applied unusual strong
pressure to 12 N (Norm 1,5 by VRT to maximum 6 by the EAV) (page 58). The
expressions conductivity and resistance of the skin are confused (p. 60). At first the
measurements were applied in an improper way with dry skin. They were compared
with results by Gloerfield using instead of water a paste to make a contact, which is
unusual. Both ways of measurement are inconsistent with the method applied in EAV.
The differences of the normal range for hand-hand in the beginning test which were
observed and the measurement of the acupuncture point are therefore an invalid
objection. They rather determine the normal value of "Electroacupuncture according to
Gloerfeld". Small raise of the point value is completely overestimated by the alleged
healthy patients. The more important symptom of the descending indicator of sick
persons and the test of medicine or resonance are not examined at all. Falsely they
start out from the descending indicator by hand-hand normal range (p. 89), which is not
described in the literature of EAV and plainly shows the misunderstanding. Minor
swaying by repeated measurements during the day are not recognized as biorhythm.
The examination of a method of measurement needs to be understood in theory and
practice to be able to appreciate the procedure critically.

A dissertation which is not able to demonstrate the foregoing for EAV is not
worthy to be taken seriously.

Similarly you could reject pulse, blood pressure and blood sugar measurement, as here,
too, a biorhythm is to be observed. The extensive literature of studies with scientific
evaluation, some with a large number of patients, was neglected.

A-11: J. J. Tsuei, C. Chung, F. Lam and M. Mi examine in "Studies of Bioenergie in

Healthy Subjekts" 1988 at the Center of Eastern and Western Medicine of the University
of Honolulu (USA) 483 healthy patients in Taiwan with EAV. The possibilities of organ
diagnosis of acupuncture points in a shortened test of only 20 minutes were examined.
There were altogether three tests, each patient was examined by two doctors to
compare the values. The claim of a comparing study on sick persons was made. (It
shall be published in 1996.)

A-12: "Study on Bioenergy in Diabetes Mellitus Patients" Am. J. of Acupuncture 1989,

17 (1) 31 - 38 by J. Tsuei, F. Lam and Z. Zhao

Comparing measurements of 95 patients without Diabetes mellitus and 55 patient with

Diabetes mellitus. The pancreas measuring points showed by heightened value and
falling indicator with high accuracy for the disease. Therefore the EAV is considered
as an effective and worthy method of diagnosis.

A-13: The "Study on the Bioenergetic Measurement of Acupuncture Points for

Determination of Correct Dosages of Allopathic or Homeopathic Medicines in
Treatment of ‘Diabetes Mellitus’" in Am. J. of Acupuncture, Vol. 18, No. 2, 1990 by F.
Lam, J. Tsuei and Z. Zhao of the University of Hawaii, USA, tested on 55 patients with
the help of EAV-medication test the optimal dose of insulin or oral anti-diabetic. The
severity of pancreatic damage could hereby be determined. Without the optimal dose of
medication could be determined before the patient took it, who usually has to be tested
during several days to become adjusted to it. To determine it, measuring points had to
be equalized. (German Translation: Institut für Naturheilverfahren, Uferstraße 4, 35037
Marburg, published in Panta, Z. f. bio. Funktionsdiagnostik, Haug-Verlag)

A-14: The dissertation "Electroacupuncture - modern development for diagnostic and

therapeutic possibilities by enlarged procedures" by Monika Vogl (1991) at the
University Würzburg - gives the overviews with the description of the consisting
methods EAV, BFD and Vegatest method. The necessity of further scientific
evaluations is stressed. Private tests did not take place.

A-15: Electro acupuncture tests at the University Utrecht in the Netherlands. The
double blind study of the Netherlands "Homeopathic medicines in closedphials
tested by changes in the conductivity of the skin: a critical evaluation. Blind testing and
partial elucidation of the mechaniques" by R. van Wijk of the University Utrecht 1992, 80
pages, represents a comprehensive test, to affirm the testing of medication by EAV
scientifically. It was confirmed, ascertained statistically, that the changing of the skin’s
electrical conductivity on the acupuncture points can be arrived, like found by the testing
of medicine through fitting test ampules.

The artificial poisoning by Diphenyl (preservative for citrus fruit) was equalized in
experimental test with the homeopathic medicine Sulphur D12, the falling indicator
during the measuring could be abolished. The results in double blind test were
significant, the failure rate was remarkable. The artificial testing situation could be the
reason. Therapy studies with complete "wholeness" diagnose and therapy should follow
here. They require much larger demand, for which up to now no institution was found.

A-16 to A-20: Further tests by Mrs. Prof. J. Tsuei of the Yang-Ming University in Taiwan,
the promise to publish in German was accomplished:
A-16: Tsuei, J. J., C. Chun and C. Y. Lu. "Study of Pesticide Residues in the bodies of
Workers at a Chemical Factory by Bionergetic Measurements". R. O. C. National
Science Reports, Apr. 1988 - Mar. 1989
- Comparative-descriptive study, N=162
- Only available in Chinese (Übersetzung geplant, Institut f. N. Marburg)

A-17: Chang, Y. and J. J. Tsuei. "Correlation Study between Acupuncture Points,

Meridians and Internal Organs of Rats by Bioenergetic Measurements". R. O. C.
National Science Council Reports, Aug. 1988 - July 1989
- Descriptive study
- Abstract currently available in English

A-18: Lui, W. C. and J. J. Tsuei. "Bioenergetic Measurements of Patients with Chronic

Fatigue Syndrome". Scientific Reports of the Foundation for East-West Medicine, 1990
- Comparative-descriptive study, N=10
- Abstract currently available in English

A-19: Tsuei, J. J. and P. Chang. "A Comparative Study of Herbal to Allopathic

Treatments for Allergic Rhinitis". Paper presented to the Association of Allergy and
Asthma of the Republic of China, No. 1991
- Descriptive study, N=60
- Abstract currently available in English

A-20: Tsuei, J. J. and F. M. K. Lam Jr. "Observation in the Clinical Application of

Electroacupuncture According to Voll". The third joint conferences of the World
Congress of Clinical Medicine and Pharmacy and the International Symposium on
Acupuncture and Moxibustion R. O. C., Program and Abstract of Papers, Nov. 25 - 27,
1990, pages 127 - 128
- Presentation
- Abstract currently available in English

A-21: Chen, K. C., et al. "Transient Responses of an Human Body to a Small DC

Voltage and Electrical Properties of Meridians". Paper presented to the WHO
International Congress on Traditional Medicine (Beijing) Oct. 21, 1991
- Descriptive study

A-22: Tsuei, J. J. "The Clinical Value of Electrodermal Screening Test". Paper

presented to the WHO International Congress on Traditional Medicine (Beijing) Oct. 21,
- Presentation
- Synopsis currently available in English**

A-23: Tsuei, J. J., W. K. Wang and P. T. Yang. "The Study of Bioenergetic Screening
Model for Hypertension". R. O. C. National Science Council Reports, June 1991 - Nov.
- Case control study, N=405
- Synopsis currently available in English

A-24: Tsuei, J. J., W. K. Wang, K. G. Chen. "Comparative Study of 400 Subjects

Electro-dermal Screening Test with Contemporary Routine Physical Examination,
Including: Urine, Stool, Biochemistry, X-ray, EKG, and Dental Evaluation, and
Traditional clinical Diagnosis". R. O. C. National Science Council Reports, Aug. 1992 -
July 1993
- Comparative-descriptive study, N=139
- Abstract currently available in English

A-25: Chen, S. Y., C. T. Liu. "Study of Galvanic Dental Voltages; The Relationship of
Buccal Currents and Voltages in the Mouth and the Meridian System of the Body". R. O.
C. National Science Reports, Aug. 1992 - July 1993
- Comparative-descriptive, N=160
- Abstract currently available in English

A-26: Tsuei, J. J. "The Past, Present and Future of the Electrodermal Screening System
(EDSS)". Journal of Advancement in Medicine, Winter 1995
- Review article, 53 references
- In English

**Available in: Tsuei, Julia J., editor. International Congress on Traditional Medicine
(Beijing) ‘91, Symposium & Workshop on October 21, 1991, Modern Interpretation of
"Qi" and "Blood" - Bioenergetic Medicine, Taipei: Foundation For East-West Medicine,

A-21: J. J. Tsuei, National Yangming University in Taipei in Taiwan makes a summary

in 1995 with "The Past, Present and Future of the Electrodermal Screening System
(EDSS)" of the foregoing studies and reports the positive possibilities of EAV. (Journal
of Advancement in Medicine, Vol. 8, No. 4, 1995, p. 217 - 232, Human Sciences Press,

Since 1987 Prof. Dr. Maiwald in Würzburg was very preoccupied with the possibilities
of the bioenergetic of regulations of procedure. Under his direction appeared five
inaugural dissertations concerning the procedures of measurement BFD and VRT,
which are related to EAV. (Quoted from P. Pflaum, Medizin transparent, 1 - 1996)

A-27: Bürk, Jörg Martin: The BFD (Bioelectric function and regulation diagnosis) as
method-testing of its reproducibility, dependability and clearness of healthy volunteers
within individual test. Med. Diss. Würzburg, 1991.

A-28: Pflaum, Peter: Tests on reproducibility of bioelectric measurement results on

skin points of the procedure of the bio-electronic function and regulation diagnostic
(BFD). Zahnmed. Diss. Würzburg, 1992.
In circadian procedure during 40 hours rhythms with different maximal and minimal can
be observed, they are independent of the chosen measure point, but have a timely
parallel procedure. They don’t correlate with the traditional Chinese organ clock but with
the physiological productivity curve. (Quot. by P. Pflaum, Medizin transparent, 1 - 1996)

A-29: Schmitz, Olaf: Untersuchung zur Objektivierung der Quecksilberbelastung als

Ursache bei Symptomen der Colitis ulcerosa bzw. des Morbus Crohn. Med. Diss.
Würzburg, 1991.

In a general practice office were found the following data with Colitis ulcerosa resp. M.
Crohn, tested by the VRT-method (before Vega-Test), similar to the EAV method,
treated among others with Mercury solubilis. Through a retrospective questioning the
subjective success of treatment was determined, to be able to find a possible correlation
between the material amalgam incrimination and disease. A possible correlation is
predicted to be possible. Schmitz expresses himself very restraining to the topic and the
strong points of VRT. Before the background of the effects from acute and chronic
poisoning from quicksilver to stomach and large intestinal track as well as the immune
modular effect of quicksilver ions as antigen you need not to be astonished at all about
the correlation of amalgam incrimination of Colitis ulcerosa resp. M Crohn, as it is
demonstrable by VRT. Dental patients before and after amalgam sanitation should be
tested. (Quot. P. Pflaum, Medizin transparent 1 - 1996)

A-30: Umhöfer, Elke: Vergleichbarkeit der Ergebnisse einer Zahn-Herdsuche

durchgeführt mit konventionellen Untersuchungsmethoden und mit Methoden der
Bioelektrischen Funktions- und Regulationsdiagnostik. Zahnmed. Diss. Würzburg,

As method of BFD the electro skin test was used. The discovery of tooth focuses by
conventional methods always was successful by roentgenological changes or clinical
symptoms. By 87,5 % they were affirmed by EHT. Apart from this further findings were
made by EHT (chronical infections condition in the beginning stage). 27 % of the dental
defects only could be found by EHT. So this reflex zone test as a helpful completion
seeking focuses obtains its justifiability. The possibilities of obstruction from the skin
reaction due to blockage are mentioned.

Umhöfer represents the diagnostic meaning of BFD in form of electro skin test (EHT)
searching for tooth focuses. Whereby the use of EHT is recommended not only for
dentists, but also for colleagues who practice holistically, without the dentists
possibilities for diagnosis at their disposal. It should be mentioned, that by the other
methods of BFD a diagnosis of focuses and defects in ZMK is possible. (Quot. P.
Pflaum, Medizin transparent, 1 - 1996)

A-31: O. Bergsmann, University of Vienna, represents with the book "Elektrodiagnostik"

a reference source for basic fundamental and differences of electro acupuncture
procedures. (Wiener Internationale Akademie für Ganzheitsmedizin, Facultas-Verlag,
Wien 1992)
A-32: O. Bergsmann, F. Perger represent in "Risk factor: focus" besides other
procedures the EAV as a diagnostic procedure. (Wiener Internationale Akademie für
Ganzheitsmedizin, Facultas-Verlag, Wien 1993)

A-33: Schurk, H.-E., Wiegele, B. "Physical Basis of EAV". Results of the first
dissertation of the FH Augsburg, Panta 3, Quartal 1994, Vol. 3, p. 49 - 54.
Order of experiment:

1. Development of an electric model of acupuncture with the aim to judge

objectively the measuring instruments concerning their grade of quality in
measurement and dynamic.

2. Construction of a laboratory system for reproducible measurements with the aim,

to identify and to exclude exterior influences on the measurement like the
pressure points of the electrode, the skin conductivity etc. The basis for an
objective assessment of the testing instruments by EAV and for the possibility of
reproducible measurements by electro acupuncture seem to have a solid base
through an excellent basis work.

A-34: Wiegele, B., Hefele, K. "Prüfplatz zur Untersuchung des Meß- und
Anzeigeverhaltens von EAV-Geräten", Panta 6, Heft 3 (1995), pages 62 - 68.
Summary: In this article is represented a testing place by PC for EAV instruments, by
which it is possible to examine and to compare them concerning their measurement and
indication. The testing place is based upon an electric model, which imitates the statistic
and dynamic conduct of acupuncture. Opposite to the human acupuncture point this
does not change for a long time. The first experiments indicate that the maximal and the
down pointing of the indicator of the different EAV instruments partly agree very well.
The upswing of the indicator of the various instruments differ considerably.

A-35: Study to the theme "Chinese Organ hour"

A testing by EAV during 24 hours by S. Eisenmann showed the Biorhythm of the

acupuncture points (dissertation in evaluation). Details of this work of the basic
research of EAV were published in the article in the Journal of Acupuncture by Prof. G.
Hildebrandt, Marburg.

A-36: Pilot double blind study with EAV to the biocompatibility of dental metals and
the exact measurement by Prof. Dr. med. dent. Siebert, F. University Berlin, 1996.
Lecture to the meeting: 40 years EAV in Fulda 1996. Five testers (Barthelmi, Heinrici,
Huf, Leiner, Thürhow), tested persons, each by two testers to control after one week the
toleration of dental metals. Examinations accompanied with x-ray to the teeth, skin
allergy test, immunological status, switching in the physio energetic test. The positive
results were represented.

A-37: Therapeutic study with 4000 patients, EAV testing, J. J. Tsuei, Taiwan, publishing
announced for 1996.
A-38: Bullemer, M.: Development of a laboratory system to implement reproducible
measurements of bioelectric signals in EAV and the regulation and registration of
physical significant influences. Diploma work, FH Augsburg, 28.7.1995.

A-39: Schurk, H.-E., Bullemer, M.: Correlation between distinction of indicator and the
pressing of the electrodes, Panta 6, Karl F. Haug Verlag, Heidelberg 1995.

A-40: Prof. Jounoussov, orthopedic, University of Moscow. Study about the therapeutic
success in a rehabilitation clinic with EAV starting examination in Zeitschrift für
Naturheilkunde, 9, 1996.

A-41: Comparison of diagnosis of EAV-laboratory with toxins, University of Heidelberg,

I. Gerhard, Langetepe, 1996, announced.

The acupuncture point as well as the ascertainable disease of the pertaining organ by
measuring the conductivity could be proved. By several studies they succeeded in
verifying the resonant or medicine test, which is the second part of EAV. The result of
this supported diagnosis for many acute but especially chronically sick patients shows
multiple causes of incrimination whose therapy is only possible by these cause findings.

Conclusion: Nine universities with dissertations and numerous studies affirm the
possibilities of EAV for diagnosis. (Berlin, Heidelberg, München, Würzburg,
Witten/Herdecke, Moskau, Taiwan, Utrecht, NL, USA)

The argument of missing scientific proofs no longer can be justified.

B) Private studies and Evaluations

Numerous descriptions concerning the development, basis and use of EAV are to be
found in the literature of Voll, Thomsen, Rossmann, Kramer and Türk. Especially the
therapy effects are represented in the following studies:

B-1: Vill, Hermann Dr. med. Nosoden therapy by heart disease with clinical verifying in
testing of medicine, Nosoden therapy and mesenchymal purification by R. Voll, Vol. 14,
2. Sonderheft/MLV, Hamburg 1964.

From 391 patients with heart disease are represented the rates of healing and
improving using EAV for Nosoden therapy. EKG and x-ray changes were thereby

B-2: R. Voll, F. Kramer and J. Thomsen report in 1968 in "Histologic Statistic and
Casuistic Articles to Odontogene Focuses" more than 400 mutual cases, which were
controlled by x-ray and partly histologically. (6. Sonderheft in: Int. Ges. für EAV, ML-
Verlag Uelzen).
F. Kramer points out the high score with patients in a part group with histological post
examination comparing EAV and histological results by tooth focuses with chronic
maxillary ostitis and chronic pulpitis. These results in x-ray were to be registered only in
a third of the cases. There were very few bacterial results. Various disease cases after
removal the tooth focus were represented. J. Thomsen reports three cases with
bacteriologic results by these tooth focuses.

B-3: E. Höllischer found by 420 cases of chronil disease by electro neural therapy
according to Croon and EAV an accumulation of incrimination of pancreas (116
patients) by infections, silver amalgam, insecticides and other chemical substances.
Treatment concepts were represented. ("Toxic environmental incrimination for pancreas
in diagnosis and therapy" in Sonderheft 8: "Diagnostik und Therapie der
Umweltbelastung in der Sprechstunde", R. Voll 1976)

B-4: K. Beisch and D. Bloess represented in 1979 "Ein Wirksamkeitsnachweis

homöopathischer Medikamente am Beispiel der Nosoden" a study of regular
physiology in testing of EAV. (ML-Verlag Uelzen) The effect of nosodes, the
homeopathic microorganisms in high potency is reported as specific for the system and
reproducible. The EAV represents a … for the causal therapy of acute and especially of
chronic diseases, because the correction of disturbed ... is possible. Twelve patients
and their treatment are presented.

B-5: In the field study about conductivity measuring in EAV (Magazin for orthodox
medicine 1979, 52, 304 - 311) by Siegfried Häussler, Wolfgang Köpcke and Karl Überla,
where 18 established medical doctors took part in a study with 609 mal patients. The
measurement conductivity was determined by the doctor and the physician’s assistant,
that the exact procedure of measurement could be affirmed. The exactness of the
conductivity definitely is sufficient and is in same range like regular standard
examination, i.e. the measurement of the blood pressure. The correlation of the
conductivity concerning wheater and age was only provable. Further examinations are
necessary to substantiate further hypothesis and to examine the clinical relevance.

B-6: H. Rossmann. Statistic evaluation of measurement by EAV, Biological Medicine 4

(1985) shows the improvement of the measurement value of a standardized measuring
protocol, which corresponds to the improvement of the patient’s condition.

B-7: H. Rossmann, Popp: Statistic of EAV, 1 & 2. Ärztezeitung f. Nat. 1 and 9, 1986.

B-8: H. Rossmann: Is EAV to be proved statically? Accupuncture theory and praxis 4


B-9: L. Koenig: The meaning of a systemic finding results for the chance of success of
the isopathic therapy by EAV. Ärztez. f. Nat. 30 (1989), p. 614 – 629.

B-10: Höllischer, E., Mehlhardt, W., Popp, F. A., Schmidt, H. G.: Statistical analysis of
resistance measurement on special skin points. By 22 persons, randomly selected was
measured the resistance 4 times in sequence of 4 weeks of each 212 main points
according to Croon’s measuring. Phys. Med. and Reh. 9/79, p. 472 – 475.

B-11: Höllischer, E., Mehlhardt, W.: Examination of objectivity of EAV testing medicine
by measuring the emission of biophotons - a provisional announcement in
Ärztezeitschrift für Naturheilverfahren, 6/1981. Two days’ cucumber sprouts were
poisoned by a Heparin solution of 0,1 g/l. After 145 hours the light emission was
measured, one without additional homeopathic Heparin potencies, the other with
following potencies: D3, D10, D12, D15, D30. Twenty experimental procedures
demonstrate with sprouts of cucumbers and beans, that the emission of photons is
significant higher without extra homeopathic potencies. It is to be seen the same
measurement with additional homeopathic emission, especially with D12.

B-12: "Hyperactive children - hypermobil kidney; the test results of examination by

EAV of 65 children", Zeitschrift für biometrische Systemdiagnostik und
Regulationstherapie, Panta, No. 1, 1992, p. 13 - 17, represents the most extensive work
of testing medicine in Germany. The differences to not hyperactive children were clear.
The diet, avoiding intolerable food, often containing phosphate, showed the
disappearing of this extremely irritating disturbed behavior and also the immediate
return with wrong diet. The causes of food intolerance were tested, complementary
therapy with homeopathic elements were recommended. By avoiding consequently
there was an essential improvement to be registered: extreme agitation, aggressions
and concentration disturbance until failure at school disappeared.

B-13: J. Fonk reports in her book: Intestinal parasites (Darmparasitose) the central
disturbance of immune system numerous cases of chronic disease caused by parasite

B-14: Fonk, Ingrid: Zahnsanierung - Ein gesundheitliches Risiko? (Dental rehabilitation -

a risk for health?) Ärztezeitschrift für Naturheilverfahren 6, p. 478 - 484, ML-Verlag,
Uelzen 1991, 174 patients. This work deals with the problem of toleration of material for
teeth. It shows, that in principle there is no dental material with the possibility to become
a serious disruptive factor by electrophysical, toxic and allergic processes for the
immune system.

Criteria for tolerance are discussed. As minimal demand for artificial material in medical
field is to be absolutely free from polymeria. The "over all disturbance factor" dental
material is represented in 174 patients with chronic diseases from different specialties,
who are resistant as far [as] the conventional medicine but for a large part of natural
healing procedure, too.

The EAV is under impression of the authors the only method to show the relations and
to help the patients in concern.

B-15: Fonk, Ingrid: Seronegative Toxoplasmose. What the modern laboratory is able to
do in case of insuffency of immune system? In: Voll, R.: New results of research by
EAV. ML-Verlag, Uelzen, 1987 (116 patients) In the cases of 116 chronic patients the
results of EAV were compared with those of laboratory. The laboratory results,
assuming an intact immune system is besides two cases with bacteriological cystitis
useless. In the other hand the EAV as diagnostic procedure independent from the
immune reaction brings a lot of data. This is not only a diagnosis but a systematic
therapy, whereby the extent of therapy depends on the ability of the immune system to
regenerate. A typical case of chronic posterior uveitis was presented. Independently
from the respective symptoms it is possible to prove a case of a typical constellation of
findings. A common characteristic is the infections susceptibility and a tirade
disturbance in the ENT, intestinal, kidney and urological system. Overall symptom is a
weakness of susceptibility of these patients is discussed, as a consequence of therapy
with dominant suppressive medicine. Here I want to point out to dyslexic children and
failure at school. Who experiences how these children develop by EAV therapy
physically, spiritually and mentally and how their chances for profession and future
improve by better achievement, there will be no doubt.

Basic research
B-16: G. S. Hanzl: In his book: The New Medical Paradigma, Haug-Verlag 1995 he
succeeds to define the physical scientific bases of EAV. According to cybernetic
definition from health and disease, the presentation of regular circulation function and
the disease making disturbing influence is shown, that systems with positive feedback
tend to chaotic degeneration systems with negative feedback tend to solidification. The
syntheses of both systems is necessary. (Quot. I. Ruf)

B-17: A comparative study of electro diagnosis according to Croon and Voll - medical
examination (Autumn 1992) by D. Danz, P. Rohsmann and B. A. Weber (Institut f.
Naturheilverfahren) is confined in the diagnostic part of both natural healing procedure
of chronic patients in the for holistic medicine Dr. Walb in Homberg/Ohm. The high
correlation of the strong point of both procedures is important for internist examinations
of great value for holistic medical diagnosis. The possibilities of differential diagnosis to
test medicine by EAV hereby were only used in a small scope (to be evaluated).

B-18: Blind study for resonant test by EAV (Voll)

This important diagnostic comparison between testing resonance or medicine and

conditions of blind study with 51 patients could be proved successfully. The
correspondence of both procedures was 92 %.

D. Danz, D. Leber, R. Schneider, B. A. Weber: Homeopathic diagnostic comparison

with EAV in a blind study. Ärztezeitung f. Naturheilverfahren 9 (1993), ML-Verlag
(Institut für Naturheilverfahren, Marburg).

B-19: PCB study (Institut für Naturheilverfahren, Marburg)

The incrimination of the air in rooms of a children’s cradle could be proved. All 17
workers and children had an individual molasting factor when they were tested by EAV.
In the comparing group only two women were incriminated. Hostly there were a lot of
other incriminations or focuses (to be evaluated).

B-20: H. Vill reported in 1995 in his speech "Essential features with chronic patients and
geriatric patients" 776 patients with chronic dental focuses, tonsil focuses, which were
tested by BFD and treated by homeopathy. (Script with graphs by Int.
Forschungsgemeinschaft für BFD).

Huf, Lübeck, speech year’s meeting, Int. G. f. EAV, 1995, Köln, odontogene focuses,
about 700 cases, text to be prepared (pers. Mitt. 6/96).

B-21: Therapy study "Acupuncture and electro acupuncture for migrane and
headache" comparing study between acupuncture and electropuncture diagnosis with
natural therapy; Mrs. Dr. med. Yarong Xiao, B. A. Weber (Z. Ä. f. Naturheilverfahren 7,

Comparing examination to the therapy of headache and migraine (50 patients)

and electro acupuncture by Voll (49 patients) under special consideration of the
therapy blockades of amalgam and dysbiosis. Combination of the procedures
with acute and chronic diseases.

The possible combination of these … procedures was very helpful in acute cases,
concerning the acupuncture and the therapeutic blockades, especially with EAV for the
small subgroups of patients, who were treated by both procedures. A parallel
examination by EAV of 50 acupuncture patients showed a very similar spectrum of
incriminations to the 49 patients of the amalgam study. For both patients’ groups the
incriminations, which are represented, are to be understood as the cause or partial
cause for headache and migraine.

Both nature healing procedures are able to in cases of chronic …, by orthodox medicine
only ... to suppress or enable to heal. It was impressive for the patients to see the rapid
relief by practicing acupuncture to remove pain. (Institut für Naturheilverfahren,
Marburg) submitted by: Zeitschrift Ärzte für Naturheilverfahren 1996.

B-22: Amalgam study in Marburg, (Institut für Naturheilverfahren) B. A. Weber, R.

Schneider in U. Hofmann, edition 1996 in the adviser: "Sick by Amalgam - and what
then?", GeMUT-Publishing House Marburg.

In 1996 the Marburg Amalgam study was published and for the first 130 patients, who
removed amalgam and had a detoxification, it was possible to state relatively sure, that:
80,4 % of the patients felt an improvement of their troubles after removing amalgam and
detoxification during 3 - 6 months main method of examination: EAV.

Single symptoms - improvement in percent:

alllergies 60,4 %, chronic infections 79,2 %, chronic headache 77,5 %,
neurological symptoms 73,1 %.
The only procedure of examination "accepted," the allergy test for amalgam, was only
positive for 13,1 % of the patients, i.e. in its meaningfulness, rather worthless for the

The treatment of consequent diseases of amalgam: intestinal dysbiosis and chronic

infections of the nasal sinus was practised for 82 patients of the amalgam study in
Marburg. Intestinal mycosis, often attested by natural healing tests, were proved in
more than 90 % of the cases.

Perhaps the far-reaching change of our eating habits with an increase of an average of
100 g sugar per day, ten times more than our ancestors, the epidemic of dental caries
and hazardous waste amalgam will show another consequence. The aim of the
following pilot study will investigate if the frequent treated eye disease dry eye is a
consequence of changed eating habits, too.

"Dry eye" - Keratoconjunctivitis sicca Diagnosis and Therapy

Pilot study with 36 patients
Bernhard A. Weber (Institut für Naturheilverfahren, Marburg)
submitted to Magazin for regulation medicine 1996

Natural healing diagnosis and therapy are able to alleviate the symptoms of the eye
disease conjunctivitis sicca, which is mostly chronic, in addition it is the main cause and
with the patients’ motivation it can help to detoxicate. In our estimation the tests of
orthodox medicine DMOS test, epicutanous test, fecal test, blood test, for chemical
charges and allergies of nutrition are more expensive and insecure.

The pilot study "Dry eye" frequently showed for almost all patients as the causes
charges of heavy metal (83 %; Amalgam, Copper, Palladium, seldom lead), toxins of
charges of intestinal mycosis (91 %) and incompatible nutrition. The comparison with a
control group. of patients with essential lower charge and the success of therapy
confirm the results.

EAV enables to test the single organ eye using the acupuncture point at the hand with
the resonance test to find charges and recommendation of therapy.

The causes need to be eliminated if diseases and taking medicine are to be avoided for
years. As the heavy metal charges of teeth are frequent and their following diseases:
intestinal mycosis toxins and allergies are the main cause.

B-23: Mehlhardt, W.: "Electro physical basic knowledge about the acupuncture points"
Different starting tests to distinguish "RST" reaction places of the skin from normal skin
places "HST", for example after scaling of the skin by Wolf HST and RST are tested.
HST shows an even reduction of resistance, the RST the resistance doesn’t show any
resistance at first, only at the point of the scaling skin to the wet place it suddenly is
considerably reduced. It was shown, that the specific "resistance" under the
acupuncture point is substantially lower than of the surrounding area. That means the
answer to stimulation electrical tension is higher when the electricity flows and the
transport of ions is more intensive.

B-24: Rossmann, H. "Statistic evaluations of EAV measurement", Biologische Medizin,


B-25: V. P. Karp, D. S. Chernavski and A. P. Nikitin published their own experiences in

Russia about EAV in their article "Procedures of kinetic diagnosis of EA and application
to estimate the condition of patients" in RegulationsMedizin 1/1996 .

Morell, Franz, The changing of erythro sedimentation, the pH, rH2 and rho values in
blood by tested and injected medicine. 6 cases with laboratory control of the success of
therapy, in testing medicine, nosoden therapy and purging of mesenchyme by R. Voll,
Volume 14, 2. Sonderheft/MLV, Hamburg, 1964. A detailed description of various
individual cases.

Numerous other cases are published in the magazines Panta, Regulation medicine,
Biological Medicine, GZM-Praxis and Science, Medizin and in other periodical for
physical medicine as well as in the following literature.

Amalgam, mercury, allergy, literature Elektroakupunkture according to Voll,

amalgam counsel - Institute for Naturopathic Medicine - Uferstr.1 - D35037 Marburg -

Tel.: 06421/66379, 68430 - Fax 06421/684350

A 4 "Elektroherddiagnostik - Realität oder Hypothese?" von E. Sonnabend, H. Kurz und

Chr. Redl, Zahnklinik Uni München.

A-5 American publications University Honululu/Hawaii, USA, epidermal screening test

bezeichnet ( EDST).

Die Electroacupuncture Allergy Study von F. Lam, J. Tsuei, 1982, die an der University
of Hawaii in USA .

A-6 "Case Findings from a Family Practioner´s Office Using EAV" "American Journal
of Acupuncture, (Vol II, N1, 1983, Seite 23-29) von Prof.J.Tsui und F.Lam.

A-7 A Food Allergy Study Utilizing the EAV Acupuncture Technique, (J. Tsuei, C.
Lehmann, F. Lam, D. Zhao, University of Hawaii, USA, Am. J. of Acupuncture Vol 12,
No 2, 1984).

.A-8 Evoked Electrical conductivity on the Lung Acupuncture Points in Healthy

Individuals and Confirmed Lung Cancer Patients (S.G. Sullivan, D. Eggleston, J.
Martinoff, R. Kroenig, U.C.L.A. School of Medicin Los Angeles, Am. J. of Acupuncture
Vol 13, No 3, 1985)
A-9 L.Klinger, Heidelberg, konnte 1987 mit EAV-Meridianpunkt-Messungen in einer
Dissertation mit hoher Signifikanz zwischen Lungengesunden und Patienten mit
Lungenerkrankungen wie TBC und Lungenkarzinom unterscheiden (Z.Allg.Med.63.563-

Die Organbezogenheit der Punktmessung als Basis der EAV konnte damit
dokumentiert werden.

A-10 H.Gloerfeld , Marburg, 1987 Dissertation.

A 11 J.J. Tsuei, C.Chung, F.Lam und M.Mi untersuchen in "Studies of Bioenergie in

Healthy Subjekts" 1988.

A 12 »Study on Bioenergy in Diabetes Mellitus Patients« Am. J. of Acupuncture 1989,

17 (1) 31-38 von J. Tsuei, F. Lam und Z. Zhao.

A 13 Die » Study on the Bioenergetic Measurement of Acupuncture Points for

Determination of Correct Dosages of Allopathic or Homeopathic Medicines in
Treatment of "Diabetes Mellitus" « im Am. J. of Acupuncture, Vol 18, No 2, 1990, von
F. Lam, J. Tsuei und Z. Zhao ).

A- 14 Die Dissertationen "Elektroakupunktur - neuzeitliche Entwicklung -diagnostisch-

therapeutische Möglichkeiten durch erweiterte Verfahren" von Monika Vogl ( 1991) an
der Universität Würzburg.

A-15 Elektroakupunktur- Universität Uttrecht Netherlands. "Homeopathic medicines in

closed phials tested by changes in the conductivity of the skin: a critical evaluation.
Blind testing and partial elucidation of the mechaniques von R. van Wijk von der
Universität Utrecht 1992, 80 pages.

A 16 Tsuei, J.J., C. Chun and C.Y. Lu. »Study of Pesticide Residues in the bodies of
Workers at a Chemical Factory by Bioenergetic Measurements«. R.O.C. National
Science Council Reports, Apr. 1988 - Mar. 1989 - Comparative-descriptive study,

A 17 Chang, Y. and J.J. Tsuei. »Correlation Study between Acupuncture Points,

Meridians and Internal Organs of Rats by Bioenergetic Measurements«.R.O.C. National
Science Council Reports, Aug. 1988 - July 1989- Descreptive study - Abstract currently
available in English.

A 18 Lui, W.C. and J.J. Tsuei. »Bioenergetic Measurements of Patients with Chronic
Fatigue Syndrome«. Scientific Reports of the Foundation for East-West Medicine,
1990. - Comparative-descriptive study, N=10.
A19 Tsuei, J.J. and P- Chang. »A Comparative Study of Herbal to Allopathic
Treatments for Allergic Rhinitis«. Paper presented to the Association of Allergy and
Asthma of the Republic of China, No. 1991 - Descreptive study, N=60.

A 20 Tsuei, J.J. and F.M.K. Lam Jr. »Observation in the Clinical Application of
Electroacupuncture According to Voll«. The third joint conference of the World
Congress of Clinical Medicine and Pharmacy and the International Symposium on
Acupuncture and Moxibustion R.O.C., Program and Abstract of Papers, Nov.25-27,
1990, pages 127-128.

A 21 Chen, K.C., et al. »Transient Responses of an Human Body to a Small DC Voltage

and Electrical Properties of Meridians«. Paper presented to the WHO International
Congress on Traditional Medicine (Beijing) Oct.21, 1991.- Descriptive study - Synopsis
currently available in English**

A 22 Tsuei, J.J. »The Clinical Value of Electrodermal Screening Test«. Paper

presented to the WHO International Congress on Traditional Medicine (Beijing) Oct.
21, 1991.

A 23 Tsuei, J.J., W. K. Wang and P.T. Yang. »The Study of Bioenergetic

Screening Model for Hypertension." R.O.C. National Science Council Reports, June
1991 - Nov. 1992- Case control study, N=405- Synopsis currently available in English.

A 24 Tsuei, J.J. W.K. Wang, K.G. Chen. »Comparative Study of 400 Subjects Electro-
dermal Screening Test with Contemporary Routine Physical Examination, Including:
Urine, Stool, Biochemistry, X-ray, EKG, and Dental Evaluation, and Traditional clinical
Diagnosis«. R.O.C. National Science Council Reports, Aug. 1992-July 1993.-
Comparative-descriptive study, N=139.

A 25 Chen, S.Y., C.T. Liu. »Study of Galvanic Dental Voltages; The Relationship of
Buccal Currents and Voltages in the Mouth and the Meridian System of the
Body«. R.O.C. National Science Council Reports, Aug. 1992 - July 1993.- Comparative-
descriptive, N=160.

A 26 Tsuei, J.J. »The Past, Present and Future of the Electrocermal Screening System
(EDSS)«. Journal of Advancement in Medicine, Winter 1995.- Review article, 53

** Available in : Tsuei , Julia J., editor. International Congress on Traditional Medicine

(Beiijing) ‘91), Symposium & Workshop on October 21, 1991, Modern Interpretation of
»Qi« and »Blood« -- Bioenergetic Medicine, Taipei: Foundation For East-West
Medicine, 1991.

A 26b J.J.Tsuei, National Yangming Universität in Taipei in Taiwan gibt 1995 mit "The
Past, Present and Future of the Electrodermal Screening System ( EDSS ) eine
Zusammenfassung der obengenannten Studien und beschreibt die positiven
Möglichkeiten der EAV.( Journal of Advancement in Medicine, Vol.8.Nr.4, 1995, S.217-
232, Human Sciencess Press, Inc. ).

A 27 Bürk, Jörg Martin: Die BFD (Bioelektronische Funktions- und

Regulationsdiagnostik) als Methode-Prüfung ihrer Reproduzierbarkeit, Verläßlichkeit
und Eindeutigkeit an gesunden, freiwilligen Probanden im intraindividuellen Versuch.
Med. Diss. Würzburg. 1991.

A 28 Pflaum, Peter: Untersuchungen zur Reproduzierbarkeit bioelektrischer

Meßergebnisse an Hautpunkten nach dem Verfahren der Bioelektronischen Funktions-
und Regulationsdiagnostik (BFD). Zahnmed. Diss. Würzburg. 1992.

A 29 Schmitz, Olaf: Untersuchung zur Objektivierung der Quecksilberbelastung als

Ursache bei Symptomen der Colitis ulcerosa bzw. des Morbus Crohn. Med. Diss.
Würzburg. 1991.

A 30 Umhöfer, Elke: Vergleichbarkeit der Ergebnisse einer Zahn-Herdsuche

durchgeführt mit konventionellen Untersuchungsmethoden und mit Methoden der
Bioelektronischen Funktions- und Regulationsdiagnostik. Zahnmed. Diss.
Würzburg. 1991.

A 31 O.Bergsmann, Universität Wien, Elektroakuppunkturverfahren .(Wiener

Internationale Akademie für Ganzheitsmedizin, Facultas-Verlag Wien,1992).

A 32 O. Bergsmann, F.Perger stellen in "Risikofaktor Herdgeschehen" (Wiener

Internationale Akademie für Ganzheitsmedizin, Facultas-Verlag Wien,1993).

A 33 Schurk H.-E., Wiegele, B. "Physikalische Grundlagen der Elektroakupunktur nach

Voll; Ergebnisse der ersten Diplomarbeiten an der FH Augsburg, Panta, 3. Quartal
1994, Heft 3, Seite 49-54.

A 34 Wiegele B., K. Hefele "Prüfplatz zur Untersuchung des Meß- und

Anzeigeverhaltens von EAV-Geräten", Panta 6, Heft 3 (1995) Seite 62-68
Zusammenfassung: In diesem Beitrag wird ein PC-gestützter Prüfplatz für EAV-Geräte
vorgestellt, mit dem es.

A 35 Studie zum Thema "Chinesische Organuhr Electroakupunktur" Dissertation

Universität Marburg, Zeitschrift für Akupunktur von Prof. G. Hildebrandt, Marburg

A 36 Pilot- Doppel-Blindstudie mit EAV zur Biokompatibilität von Zahnmetallen und

Meßwertsicherheit. Prof. Dr.med dent Siebert FUniversität Berlin.1996 . Vortrag.

A 37 Bullemer, M.: Entwicklung eines Laborsystems zur Durchführung reproduzierbarer

Messungen bioelektrischer Signale in der Elektroakupunktur und die Bestimmung und
Erfassung der physikalischen Einflußgröten, Dipomarbeit, FH Augsburg, 28.7.1995.
A 38 Schurk, H.-E., Bullemer, M. : "Korrelation zwischen Zeigerausschlag und
Elektrodenanpressdruck bei EAV-Messungen", Panta 6, Karl F. Haug Verlag,
Heidelberg, 1995.

A 39 Prof. Jounoussov, Orthopäde, Universität Moskau, Studie über Therapieerfolge in

einer Rehabilitationsklinik mit EAV-Eingangsuntersuchung.Zeitschrift für
Naturheilkunde, 9, 1996.

A 40 Diagnostikvergleich EAV- Laborwerte bei Toxinen, Uni.Heidelberg, I.Gerhard,

Langetepe, 1996, angekündigt.

A 41 Arbeit an der FH Augsburg zur automatischen Akupunkturpunktmessung per

Roboter zeigte die gute Reproduzierbarkeit der Meßwerte bei maschineller Messung.

Title Interrelations of odontons and tonsils to organs, fields of disturbance,

and tissue systems
Electro-Acupuncture According to Voll Series
Author Reinhold Voll
Hartwig Schuldt
Edition illustrated
Publisher Medizinisch Literarische Verlagsgesellschaft, 1978
ISBN 3881360646, 9783881360647
Length 179 pages
Subjects Medical



Voll R. Interrelations of odontons and tonsils to organs, fields of disturbance, and tissue
systems. Medizinisch Literarische Verlagsgesellschaft: Hamburg, Germany, 1978.
Translation of 4th German edition; early and detailed attempt to correlate dental and
jawbone disease, i.e. "odontons" or "interference fields" to acupuncture meridians and,
therefore, problems found outside the maxillofacial region.

Oral Acupuncture
By Dr. med. Jochen M. Gleditsch
From Neural Therapy, Reflex Zones and Somatotopies: A Key to the Diagnostic
and Therapeutic Understanding of Man’s Ills, a seminar guide compiled by the
American Academy of Biological Dentistry, June 1989
Acupuncture in the HNO-area.
Gleditsch J.
Laryngorhinootologie. 2009 Dec;88(12):799-811; quiz 812-3. Epub 2009 Dec 21.
Review. German.
[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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craniomandibular disorders (CMD): a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.
Simma I, Gleditsch JM, Simma L, Piehslinger E.
Br Dent J. 2009 Dec 19;207(12):E26. Epub 2009 Oct 30.
[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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controlled trial in acute tonsillitis and pharyngitis.
Fleckenstein J, Lill C, Lüdtke R, Gleditsch J, Rasp G, Irnich D.
Clin J Pain. 2009 Sep;25(7):624-31.
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Fleckenstein J, Raab C, Gleditsch J, Ostertag P, Rasp G, Stör W, Irnich D.
J Altern Complement Med. 2009 Apr;15(4):391-8.
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randomized controlled trial.
Schmid-Schwap M, Simma-Kletschka I, Stockner A, Sengstbratl M, Gleditsch J, Kundi
M, Piehslinger E.
Wien Klin Wochenschr. 2006 Feb;118(1-2):36-42.
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pain: results of a randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled crossover trial.
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Pain. 2002 Sep;99(1-2):83-9.
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laser acupuncture for treatment of chronic neck pain.
Irnich D, Behrens N, Molzen H, König A, Gleditsch J, Krauss M, Natalis M, Senn E,
Beyer A, Schöps P.
BMJ. 2001 Jun 30;322(7302):1574-8.
[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Free PMC Article
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Solberg HE, Gleditsch JG.
Scand J Clin Lab Invest. 1999 Feb;59(1):33-45.
[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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[Trigger point therapy in functional and inflammatory diseases in the dento-oro-gnathic
Gleditsch J.
Zahnarzt. 1984 Nov;28(11):863-9. German. No abstract available.
[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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[Mouth acupuncture].
Gleditsch J.
Zahnarzt. 1978 May;22(5):259-64. German. No abstract available.
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• William Tiller MD Past Prof of Material Science department Stanford University


• Bausell RB, Lao L, Bergman S, et al. Is acupuncture analgesia an expectancy

effect? Preliminary evidence based on participants' perceived assignments in two
placebo-controlled trials. Evaluation and the Health Professions. 2005:28(1):9–
• Lao L, Bergman S, Hamilton GR, et al. Evaluation of acupuncture for pain control
after oral surgery: a placebo-controlled trial. Archives of Otolaryngology—Head &
Neck Surgery. 1999;125(5):567–572.

• Rosted P. The use of acupuncture in dentistry: a review of the scientific validity of

published papers. Oral Diseases. 1998;4(2):100–104.

Dental problems
by Walter Last

A major problem causing or contributing to poor health and many diseases are our
teeth. Frequently there are mercury amalgam fillings or different types of metal in the
mouth that act like an electric battery and dead teeth with filled root canals or
inflammation inside the jawbone (cavitations) even after removal of teeth. These
problems may not cause any local pain and so are difficult to detect but they cause a lot
of health problems in other parts of the body. Through acupuncture meridians each
tooth is connected with a specific organ or other part of the body as shown in the
following table.


(Teeth are numbered from 1 to 8 starting at the mid-line of the jaw.)

1 & 2 upper & lower jaw kidney, bladder, pineal gland (upper jaw), adrenals (lower jaw),
frontal sinus, sacrum, coccyx, foot.
3 upper & lower jaw liver, gall bladder, hip, eye, pituitary (upper jaw), gonads (lower
4, 5 upper & 6, 7 lower lung, large intestine, shoulder, elbow, thymus (upper jaw), arteries,
jaw veins (lower jaw).
4, 5 lower & 6, 7 upper pancreas, spleen, stomach, breast, thyroid (upper jaw), lymph
jaw system (lower jaw), jaws, knee.
8 upper & lower heart, small intestines, shoulder, elbow, ear, nervous system,
pituitary (upper jaw).

Heart disease, for instance, is commonly connected with inflammations or infections in

the number 8 or wisdom tooth positions, while kidney problems are related to the front
teeth. A four thousand year-old papyrus describes the dialog between the Pharaoh and
his physician. The Pharaoh complains of severe arthritis and his doctor replies that this
is due to the bad condition of some teeth that need to be removed. Even orthodox
medicine is now slowly catching up to realize that heart disease is frequently associated
with microbes originating from infected teeth, gums or jawbones.

Root-canal filled teeth appear to be a major contributing factor in many health problems,
not only cancer but also heart disease, kidney disease and auto-immune diseases. This
is due to microbes that multiply in the multitude of tiny canals or tubuli in the dentine and
gradually leach out into the lymph system. Even normally harmless microbes become
very dangerous under the anaerobic conditions in dead teeth.

Weston Price, a former Director of Research for the American Dental Association,
observed that the removal of root-filled teeth from patients with kidney or heart disease
would in most cases lead to an improvement. When he then inserted a removed root-
filled tooth under the skin of a rabbit it would die within 2 days. When he implanted
normal teeth there was no adverse health effect. In some experiments he implanted the
same fragments of root-filled teeth in succession under the skins of up to 100 rabbits
and they all died within 2 weeks of the same disease that the human donor had!

If you cannot immediately have all dead teeth removed but also after their removal
continue you may use a magnetic pulser on these tooth positions for several weeks or
months, in addition to courses of colloidal silver and other natural anti-microbials.

In addition try to have amalgam fillings replaced with plastic composite preferably by a
holistic dentist. A rubber dam and suction should be used when removing old fillings. If
you cannot pay for proper replacements, just seal them with cheap temporary filler and
do not chew any hard items. However, with serious conditions and large fillings,
extraction of amalgam-filled teeth can bring much better results than simple

In a large German study of Multiple Sclerosis patients extraction resulted in a 85%

recovery rate versus only 16% for filling replacement alone. Other studies have found
that recovery from serious autoimmune diseases, dementia, or cancer may require
more aggressive mercury removal techniques than simple filling replacement due to
body burden. This appears to be due to migration of mercury into roots & gums that is
not eliminated by simple filling replacement. Such mercury in the teeth and gums has
direct routes to the brain and central nervous system.

A main problem with the replacement of amalgam fillings is the use of analgesic or pain-
relieving injections. These dull the pain response so that dentists more easily drill into
the nerve cavity. This then causes them to suggest or simply do a root-canal filling.
Therefore, just endure the temporary pain of drilling, and your reaction will show the
dentist when he gets too close to the nerve, and that is likely to save your tooth.

Try to find a dentist who is familiar with safe amalgam removal procedures as
recommended by holistic dentists associations. Before and after amalgam removal use
a supplement program high in vitamin C, the amino acids L-cysteine and L-methionine,
as well as MSM, chlorella and fresh vegetable juices. These are also helpful in
removing mercury from tissues. Preferably also use homeopathic mercury 1M and
higher potencies.

Professionally injections of the mercury chelator DMPS may be used. However, these
have occasionally lead to complications and the oral DMSA not only is much cheaper
but apparently also safer. Nevertheless, both of these chelators can activate very high
mercury levels from the bones and cause serious problems especially with sensitive
individuals and neurological diseases. Therefore, I generally prefer the slower but safer
method of using careful cleansing diets together with detoxifying natural supplements.

The pink color of dentures may be due to heavy metals, possibly mercury or cadmium.
If you cannot get a guarantee that the coloring is free of heavy metals, it is safer to ask
for clear plastic dentures made of Methyl Methacrylate or Flexite for partial dentures.
Use plastic denture teeth rather than porcelain teeth that have a metal base. Bridges
and metal partials should be changed to clear plastic partial dentures. Nickel as in
stainless steel can suppress the immune system and is generally classified as being

Even dental gold can be a problem because to make it cheaper it is commonly blended
with 20% of the more harmful palladium. A small amount of gold as for one crown may
be acceptable but as a general rule keep your mouth free of metals and make sure only
metal-free plastics are used as replacement. Nevertheless, any metal in the mouth can
lead to allergy and on average about 30% of individuals are allergic to the metal in their
mouth. For wide-ranging scientific information on the harmful health effects of amalgam
fillings and heavy metals see www.melisa.org. For a detailed documentation of the
problems associated with amalgam fillings see Bernard Windham:
www.flcv.com/dams.html and www.flcv.com/indexa.html.

Even after removal of bad teeth, health problems can arise or continue from root or
metal fragments or due to chronic infection and inflammation in the jawbone. This may
be discovered by an experienced dentist with panoramic X-rays. If you cannot do all of
this to sanitise the inside of your mouth, just do the best you can and do not worry.
Compensate any shortcomings here with a better diet and positive thinking.

Inflammatory gum diseases or periodontal diseases such as gingivitis and pyorrhea are
greatly helped by removing amalgam fillings and other metals from the mouth. In
addition, alkalise the body with dolomite and select foods with a high calcium-
phosphorus ratio as suggested in The Acid-Alkaline Balance. Furthermore, often rinse
the mouth with diluted hydrogen peroxide, use a diet high in bioflavonoids and check for
food allergies and chemical sensitivities.

The Acupuncture Point Book


What Is the Scientific Evidence for Acupuncture?
Although there have been numerous controlled studies of acupuncture, there is no
condition for which acupuncture's supporting evidence is strong.185,227 There are
several reasons for this, but one is fundamental: even with the best of intentions, it is
difficult to properly ascertain the effectiveness of a hands-on therapy such as

Only one form of study can truly prove that a treatment is effective: the double-blind,
placebo-controlled trial. However, it isn’t easy to fit acupuncture into a study design of
this type. One problem is designing a form of placebo acupuncture, and an even more
challenging problem is to keep participants and practitioners in the dark regarding who
is receiving real acupuncture and who is receiving fake. But without such blinding, the
results of the study can be skewed by numerous factors. For a discussion of these
factors, see Why Does This Database Rely on Double-blind Studies?

In an attempt to approximate double-blind studies of acupuncture, researchers have

resorted to a number of clever techniques. Perhaps the most common involves sham
acupuncture. In such studies, a fake version of acupuncture is used to keep participants
in the dark. However, because the acupuncturist knows that this is a fake treatment, he
or she may subtly convey a lack of confidence in the outcome. Such studies are called
single-blind and are not fully trustworthy. (The only exception are studies in which the
patient is anesthetized prior to the acupuncture, and is therefore, presumably, incapable
of receiving this sort of "top spin.")

To get around this problem and produce a truly double-blind study, some studies may
employ technicians trained only to insert needles, rather than real acupuncturists. Such
technicians might be given a list of real acupuncture points or phony acupuncture
points, without being told which is which. However, it is not reasonable to suppose that
an essentially untrained technician can give an acupuncture treatment as effective as
that of a real acupuncturist. Furthermore, using a fixed set of points to treat a problem is
not true to traditional acupuncture, which always individualizes treatment to the person.

Another approach is to use real acupuncturists to deliver treatment, but to have a

separate person evaluate the effects of that treatment. Such studies may be described
as partially double-blind (or observer blind); they prevent researchers from biasing their
own observations, but they still don't eliminate the problem that the acupuncturist might
communicate confidence (or lack of it) to the participants. The placebo effect in
acupuncture is very sensitive to expectation; in one study, patients who believed they
were getting real acupuncture experienced benefits and those who believed they were
getting fake acupuncture failed to experience benefits.186 Whether or not they were
actually receiving real or fake acupuncture proved to be irrelevant; it was the belief that
mattered. One naturally doubts whether acupuncturists are sufficiently adept at hiding
their true feelings from their patients. Osteopathic physician Kerry Kamer suggested a
whimsical approach to testing acupuncture: for the placebo group, use actors trained to
convey confidence while performing fake acupuncture. However, such studies have not
yet been reported.

Despite their limitations, most of the best studies available at present are the single-
blind or partially double-blind designs described earlier. Although imperfect, they at least
can give us some idea whether true acupuncture might be effective.

There is another problem to consider as well: acupuncture causes a very strong

placebo effect, whether it’s real or fake. This phenomenon tends to diminish the
difference in results between the treatment group and the placebo group and can
potentially hide a true benefit by making it too small to reach statistical significance. As
an example, consider a study in which 67 people with hip arthritis received either
random needle placement or actual acupuncture.118 The results showed improvement
in both groups, but to the same extent. Does this mean that traditional acupuncture is
actually no better than random acupuncture? Not necessarily. The study could simply
have been too small to identify benefits that did occur. In studies that show a strong
placebo effect, it may be necessary to enroll hundreds of participants to show benefit
above statistical “background noise.” Keep this in mind regarding all of the negative
trials described below. A small study can fail to find benefit, but it cannot actually prove
lack of benefit.

Some studies have compared acupuncture to other therapies, such as physical therapy
or massage. Trials of this kind are good for determining relative cost effectiveness, but
they can't be taken as proof of efficacy for one simple reason: these other therapies
have never been proven effective themselves.

Numerous acupuncture studies failed to use placebo treatment or had no control group
at all. Such studies prove nothing and generally are not reported here.

There is one additional problem in evaluating the evidence for acupuncture: Many of the
studies were performed in China, and there is evidence of systematic bias in the
Chinese medical literature.5 In 1998, researchers evaluating the acupuncture studies
from China discovered that every one found acupuncture effective. This led them to look
further into other Chinese medical research. Review of controlled trials involving other
therapies, including standard drugs, showed that Chinese trials reported positive results
99% of the time. Although some bias exists in all medical publications, this finding
suggests a particularly high rate of bias in the Chinese research record. A subsequent
analysis in 2007 continued to find grossly inadequate standards of rigor in Chinese
studies of Chinese medicine.259

Given all the above caveats, the following sections address the science regarding
acupuncture. They begin with conditions in which acupuncture research has been
mostly positive, continue with those for which the record is mixed, and conclude with
those in which the tested form of acupuncture has not proved effective. Note that we
also include studies of acupressure and electroacupuncture.
American Journal of Acupuncture: Topics
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Journal of Acupuncture ... to Voll (EAV) • Smoking addiction • Acupuncture analgesia •
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THE JOURNAL OF ... Electro-Acupuncture according to Dr. Voll (EAV) ... EAV was
developed 50 years ago by the German doctor Reinhard Voll. ... An infected tooth can
have a harmful effect on associated organ systems through a channel ...

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American Journal of Acupuncture. Includes articles and researches into body electrical
fields, Voll EAV/EDS technology, etc.2. Acupuncture point ... Chart of
Tooth/Acumeridian Relations, Including Organ/Emotions. web screen view ·

Voll, Reinhold (1909-1989) | Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine ...

Apr 6, 2001 – His research lead him to electroacupuncture (EAV), using electric ... It
was Voll who also discovered the relationship between teeth and the ...[PDF]

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SMALL TJ. american journal of acupuncture.1974,2(3), 147-3. ... VOLL R. medizinisch
literarische verlagsgesellschaft mbh, ... STIMULATION OF TEETH. ..... EAV. BEISCH K
ET BLOESS D. medizinisch literarische verlagsgesellschaft mbh ...

ElectroDermal Analysis | BioMeridian

Journal a/Nutritional and Environmental Medicine. Vol 8, 1998,35-51. [5] Voll R. The
phenomenon of Medicine testing in EAV Amer. J. Acupuncture, Vol. 18, No ...

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