2nd Year Literary Stream

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First Term Distribution of the Syllabus for 2nd year Literary stream

12 weeks - 24 sessions of 45 : 27 hours (instead of 48 hours in 2019).

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
Unit 1: Signs of the Time
Discovering Language : p 16 Working with Words : p 21 Write It Up : p 23
Write it Right : p 19
08 Contrast past and present habits during 15 22 Form adjectives using: ic, ical, al, less 29 Write a short dialogue predicting what
Narrate past events using ‘used to’
special events. Form nouns using different suffixes might happen in different fields
Define the concept of diversity
Reading and Writing I: p 24

Speak about the difference in food

Grammar desk : p 17 Listening and Speaking : p 22
Say it Loud and Clear : p 20 habits between past and present
Past and present habits : used to Make a short commentary on a radio talk
Tasks : 1, 2, 3 p 20 Identify techniques of avoiding
future intentions: going to Degrees of certainty (will, may, might)
repetition: synonyms, antonyms,
relative pronouns
Write it Out : p 26
Practice : Say it Loud and Clear : p 20 Your Turn : p 23
Compare and contrast between
12 Tasks 1, 2, 3 p 18 19 Tasks : 4, 5 p 20 26 Make predictions about the future using 03
people’s clothing style evolution
At home : Task 4 p 18 Homophones / Homonyms different degrees of certainty
Use link words comparing / contrasting
Practice : p 40
Working with Words : p 43
‘can’, ‘be able to’ in different tenses
06 Correction 13 Check Your Progress 20 27 Discover and use lexis related to
Identify and use the different functions of
‘peace’, ‘war’ and ‘conflict’.
‘can’ and its substitutes

Unit 2:Make Peace

Reading and Writing II: p 28 Discover the Language : p 38 Write it Right : p 41 Listening and Speaking : p 44
Define the concept of ‘twin towns’ Interact about conflicts (types, sources) Denounce prejudices through poems Summarize a dialogue.
and peace using visual aids.
Write it Out : p 29 Grammar desk : p 39
Say it Loud and Clear : p 42 Listening and Speaking : p 45
10 Talk about pre-arranged plans or 17 Express ability, possibility, permission 24 31
Intonation in polite requests. Perform dialogue with right intonation.
intentions using can, could, be able to, managed to
Your Turn : p 45
Write it Out : p 50 Unit 3: Waste not, Want not
Criticizing and apologising for wrong
03 10 Correction 17 Making a public address using the 24 Discovering Language: p 60
actions using should/ should have + PP
oratorical style Talking about the environment
Write It Up : p 46

Reading and Writing : p 48 Grammar Desk : p 61

Set a list of school regulations
Identify the characteristics of an Correction Passive present, past, future, with
Express obligation, prohibition, and
oratorical style modals
absence of obligation.
Reading and Writing : p 49
Write It Up : p 47
Discriminate between homonyms. Practice: p 62
07 Write a class charter 14 21 Check Your Progress 28
Identify the category of words and their Rewrite a report in the passive
Distinguish between rights and duties
meaning through context.
Holidays from January 28th to February 06th

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First Term Distribution of the Syllabus for 2nd year Literary stream
12 weeks - 24 sessions of 45 : 27 hours (instead of 48 hours in 2019).
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
Working with Words: p 65 Write it Up: p 68 Write it Out: p 71
Write it Right: p 63
07 14 - guessing meaning through context 21 Make a coherent oral presentation of a 28 Reordering sentences into a coherent
Write a press release
- using a monolingual dictionary product using the passive, link words article on an environmental problem

Listening and Speaking: p 66

Correction Correction Check Your Progress
Describe a process using the passive
Say it Loud and Clear: p 64
Reading and Writing: p 69
Intonation when listing items Your turn: p 67
11 18 25 Analyse a paragraph organization (4 types 04
Pronounce problem consonants and Using link words to organize ideas
of sentences)
Unit 4: Fiction or Reality
Discover the Language :
11 21 28 First Exams

from March 11th to March 20th

11 20 25 01

Unit 5:
04 11 18 25
No Man is an Island

08 15 21 29

02 09 16 23

06 13 20 27

30 06 13
Second Exams for

3rd years
Second Exams for
03 10 17 1st and 2nd years

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