2nd Year Literary Stream
2nd Year Literary Stream
2nd Year Literary Stream
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First Term Distribution of the Syllabus for 2nd year Literary stream
12 weeks - 24 sessions of 45 : 27 hours (instead of 48 hours in 2019).
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
Working with Words: p 65 Write it Up: p 68 Write it Out: p 71
Write it Right: p 63
07 14 - guessing meaning through context 21 Make a coherent oral presentation of a 28 Reordering sentences into a coherent
Write a press release
- using a monolingual dictionary product using the passive, link words article on an environmental problem
from March 11th to March 20th
11 20 25 01
Unit 5:
04 11 18 25
No Man is an Island
08 15 21 29
02 09 16 23
06 13 20 27
30 06 13
Second Exams for
3rd years
Second Exams for
03 10 17 1st and 2nd years
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