Medieval Mysteries RPG
Medieval Mysteries RPG
Medieval Mysteries RPG
Simon Washbourne
Darrel Miller
Other images: From the public domain
Annette Washbourne, Nigel Uzzell, Janine Uzzell, Robert Irwin, Leigh
Wakefield, Paul Simonet, Ian Greenwood, Mike Richards,
Alison Richards, Mark George and Alyson George
roleplaying game
(RPG) is, at its
heart, a game of
make-believe. The play-
ers all work to create a
story by talking to one The situations that the the game closer to im-
another, usually when characters become in- promptu theatre or
describing the actions of volved in are usually set storytelling. However,
their character and lis- up by one of the other most RPGs have rules
tening to each other, players who takes the for character creation
usually when the result role of the Game Master and for determining the
of those actions is being (GM). The GM designs course of actions
described. the adventures, details through the use of dice.
the towns and areas The Medieval Mysteries
The players create the where the adventures RPG uses this latter
characters in the game. take place and popu- method.
These characters under- lates it by creating and
take adventures, just speaking the parts of Thus, a RPG is a game
the same as characters the people that the in which the players as-
in a novel or a movie. characters meet during sume the roles of
Only rather than the the course of their ad- characters who have all
scenes and dialogue be- ventures. sorts of adventures, the
ing predetermined, the outcomes of which are
players get to speak for You can play RPGs subject to a degree of
their characters and de- freeform, that is to say chance. In these games
cide what their without rules or with there is no winner like
characters will do and very few rules and with- there is in a board
don’t need to write it out dice or any other game. The only aim of
down – it all happens, method of randomly de- the game is to create
develops and grows as termining the results of your own epic story of
the game is played. actions that characters wonder and excitement
might take. This makes and to have fun doing
so. There isn’t even nec- success, called a sided die and d10 repre-
essarily an ending to the critical success. sents the 10-sided die
game because even as A natural 1 on the and so on. It is also
you complete an adven- die is always a fail- possible to generate
ture, another one might ure. Sometimes this random scores for which
arise in which the same can be a particularly no die exists. The most
cast of characters can bad failure, called a common are d2 and d3
feature. In this way, fumble in combat. respectively, both of
characters can grow which can be made by
with their experiences rolling a d6 and dividing
and develop in skill and
Dice by 2 or 3 and dropping
depth. Several different types of the fraction. To roll a d2
dice are needed to play using a 6-sided die, the
the Medieval Mysteries results 1-3 would be a
The core mechanic RPG. Dice with 4, 6, 8, score of 1 and the re-
Whenever you sults 4-6
attempt an ac- would equal 2.
tion that has
some chance When the rules
of failure, you require it, rolls
roll a twenty- of more than
sided die (d20).
one die will be
To determine if expressed by a
your character number in
succeeds at a front of the ‘d’,
task you do representing
this: the number of
dice to be
Roll a d20. rolled. For ex-
Add any ample in
relevant character crea-
modifiers. tion you need
10, 12 and 20 sides are to roll three
the result to a target six-sided dice, which
number. used. There are various
notations in the rules would be shown as 3d6.
If the result equals or telling what type and
how many dice should A notation after the type
exceeds the target num- of dice would represent
ber, your character be rolled during play.
These notations may either an addition to, or
succeeds. If the result is a subtraction from, the
lower than the target appear cryptic to first-
time role players, but number generated by
number, you fail. the dice. So, 2d6-2
A natural 20 on the they are easily learned.
would mean you roll two
die is always a suc-
Usually the type of dice six-sided dice and take
cess. Sometimes this
is designated with a‘d’ 2 from the result. 1d4+1
can also be a special would mean that you
followed by a number,
so d4 represents a 4-
Once you have your There are three types of
idea, you need to roll attributes: primary, sec-
dice to generate your six ondary and tertiary. Of
CREATING A attributes. These attrib-
utes are important in
the six attributes, the
first primary attribute is
CHARACTER defining your character,
his strengths, weak-
determined by the play-
er’s choice of character
nesses and outlook. class; the player selects
ach player in Medi- Once you have generat- his second primary at-
eval Mysteries RPG ed scores, you assign tribute and then
needs to create a the numbers to the at- chooses two as second-
character to use during tributes. Naturally, it ary and two as tertiary.
the game. The GM makes sense to place The distinction is im-
doesn’t need just one, the scores in a manner portant when
he needs several or that reflects your char- determining the out-
more, but we’ll come on acter concept and char- come of many actions in
to that later in these character class. the Medieval Mysteries
rules. To start with, you RPG.
need to think about the
type of character you Attributes When a character uses
want to play. You may Attributes represent a a class ability or a cho-
want to base your char- character’s physical and sen skill, such as a
acter on a favourite mental traits. All char- forester attempting to
character from a movie, acters in Medieval move silently or a mer-
TV series or book, you Mysteries RPG have six chant trying to haggle
may already have a pic- attributes: Strength
the best price for some
ture in your head of the (Str), Dexterity (Dex),
goods, an attribute
type of person you want Constitution (Con), In- check is rolled to deter-
to play, or you may telligence (Int), Wisdom mine if the action is
simply like the look of (Wis) and Charisma successful. Many class
one of the classes from (Cha). Each attribute abilities have an attrib-
the character classes has a numeric score ute check associated
ranging from 3 to 18. with it. If the class abil-
Each attribute also has ity or skill’s associated
a corresponding modi- attribute is one of the
fier, which is a bonus character’s primary at-
or penalty added to or
tributes, the character
subtracted from cer-
has a greater chance of
tain die rolls during successfully completing
the game. The times the task.
these details are used
are set out throughout
the rules.
The same principle ability to make powerful bleness are most im-
holds true for Attribute attacks or lift and move portant.
checks are explained in heavy objects. The You apply your charac-
greater detail later. For modifier affects melee ter’s dexterity modifier
now, just remember that combat and damage and to:
the selection of primary, all checks for which Ranged attack
secondary and tertiary strength is the primary rolls, including
attributes significantly influence. Characters those for attacks
affects the possibility of can military press 10x made with bows,
success for many ac- their strength and dead crossbows,
tions in the game. Those lift 15x their strength. throwing axes,
attribute checks associ- You apply your charac- and other ranged
ated with a primary ter’s strength modifier weapons.
attribute are more likely to: Armour Class
to succeed than those Melee attack (DC) provided
actions performed with rolls that the charac-
a secondary attribute Damage rolls ter can react to
and even more so than when using a the attack.
melee weapon or Saving throws,
a thrown weap- for avoiding rock
on. (Exceptions: falls, traps, and
Off-hand attacks other attacks
receive only one- that you can es-
half the charac- cape by moving
ter’s strength quickly.
bonus, while
two-handed at- Constitution (Con)
tacks receive one Constitution represents
and a half times your character’s health
those performed with a the strength bo- and stamina, the char-
tertiary attribute. nus acter’s ability to
Strength checks withstand pain, suffer
(for breaking physical damage, avoid
The six attributes down doors and fatigue and fight off
Each ability partially the like) sickness or poison.
describes your character You apply your charac-
and affects some of his Dexterity (Dex) ter’s constitution
or her actions. Dexterity measures modifier to:
hand-eye coordination, Each roll of a Hit
Strength (Str) agility, reflexes and bal- Die (though a
Strength measures your ance. It is useful for penalty can nev-
character’s muscle and getting out of the way of er drop a result
physical power. attacks, for hitting below 1 - that is,
Strength also limits the things with bow fire and a character al-
amount of equipment for many other abilities ways gains at
your character can car- where speed and nim- least 1 hit point
ry, your character’s each time he or
is 18.
The GM then adds any
modifiers to the chal-
lenge base that are
appropriate. These mod-
ifiers usually range
between 0 and 10, but
can go higher. The sum
total is the challenge
class and the player
needs to roll higher than
that to succeed his ac-
tion. For example, a
forester is tracking an
outlaw through a forest.
The player rolls a d20
(getting 15), adds the
forester’s level (2) and
the attribute modifier (1)
for a total of 18. The
challenge base is 15 as
wisdom is the forester’s
secondary attribute (in
this example) and there
are no other modifiers,
in this instance, so the
forester is keeping well
on the outlaw’s tail.
Attribute Modifier
1 -5
2-3 -4
4-5 -3
6-7 -2
8-9 -1
10-11 0
12-13 +1
14-15 +2
16-17 +3
18-19 +4
20-21 +5
will be ex-soldiers, phy- game needs to be con-
sicians, scholars or even structed quite carefully,
nobles. Your choice of with regard to the other
character helps get an characters in the group,
CHARACTER immediate handle on
the characters abilities,
so that everyone knows
what their role is in the
CLASSES but it is up to you as a
player to breathe some
group and why they all
work together. For ex-
life and personality into ample, it is probably
ach of the character the numbers and statis- best to have one charac-
classes represents a tics. ter who is the primary
broad archetype of investigator (although
typical investigators and There are nine character this isn’t strictly neces-
sleuths and their asso- classes in the Medieval sary). The others are
ciates, officers, Mysteries RPG as well then his or her assis-
colleagues and assis- as the option to take a tants, bodyguards,
tants found in medieval dual-class or multi- officers, clerks or asso-
mystery fiction. Whilst class. All of the players ciates. For instance, if
each class is bound by should consult with the primary investigator
certain limitations and each other and with the is a crowner, his specific
abilities, the classes GM throughout charac- duties entail that he
should not be viewed as ter generation, because looks into cases of un-
restrictive. Every rogue the style of game in the expected death, murder,
isn’t necessarily going to Medieval Mysteries RPG arson and so on. He is
be an uneducated peas- is very different to the naturally the primary
ant. Some will be con normal type of fantasy investigator. He needs a
men, wandering ped- or medieval role-playing clerk to accompany him
dlers, entertainers and game that you might be and record all the de-
even down on their luck used to. Characters do tails of his
gentry, turned to crimi- not ‘go an adventures’ investigations, the fines
nal activities to earn for example and as a imposed and so on, so
their crust. Some clerics rule will stay in or near naturally this falls to
their hometown. For someone who can read
another thing, the and write like a cleric or
characters will have a scholar. If another
jobs and responsibili- player wants a fighter
ties that do not allow character, the crowner
them to just suddenly could employ him to act
drop everything and as an officer and body-
go off on some quest. guard. If a player wants
a rogue character, the
A group of characters crowner could make use
in this roleplaying
men and need to be able his save against a dis- attribute check, once he
to read & write. Any ease or illness that he has identified the poison
character of this class is has contracted. This that he is trying to ne-
automatically consid- bonus increases to +3 if gate.
ered literate in any the Physician is 4th lev- Pain relief potion: At
language he or she can el, +4 at 8th level and 2nd level, the apothe-
speak. An attribute +5 at 12th level. cary can make potions
check would normally Sleeping Draught: An that dull the pain from
be required to read apothecary can make a painful wounds. These
works of a very compli- potion that, when potions, when drunk
cated nature, badly drunk, will knock a per- negate the effects of
written work or old and son out for up to 12 negative modifiers on
faded writing. hours (the apothecary attribute checks and
Medicines & potions can determine the effi- attack rolls from painful
(Int): Provided an apoth- cacy of the draught, up wounds (see the combat
ecary has access to the to his own level in chapter).
raw materials and hours). If given to a per- Care & attention: If the
equipment necessary to son against his wishes, apothecary spends at
mix the substance, he the recipient gets a con- least an hour a day with
can create a number of stitution save to avoid a recovering patient
different types of salve, the full effects of the (changing the bandages,
potion and remedy for draught, which has a checking for infection
various ailments and modifier equal to the and cleaning the wound,
injuries. Apothecaries level of the apothecary. making the patient com-
need ceramic containers Even if the recipient fortable and getting him
and phials by the hun- does save, he will still to take food and water),
dreds in which to store feel drowsy and less ef- he can add a hit point to
simple ingredients and fective (-1 on attribute the hit points that the
compounds for sale. The checks, attack rolls and patient will recover nat-
ingredients that he used armour class). urally from bed rest. For
would include plant, Poisons: An apothecary example, in the first 7
animal, chemical and can identify poisons on days a patient will re-
mineral materials. He a successful attribute cover 1 hit point per full
would break them up check and can make day of bed rest. An
and mix them with a both poisons and anti- apothecary will improve
mortar and pestle. The toxins. The poison’s this recovery rate to 2
medicines and their us- strength is equal to the points per day, as long
es are as follows: level of the apothecary, as he spends an hour a
Herbals The apothecary plus his Int modifier. day with the patient. At
knows how to make lo- This is the challenge 4th level, this increases
tions and herbal modifier to the recipi- to 2 hit points, at 8th
remedies for any num- ent’s constitution save level 3 hit points and at
ber of minor illnesses of to avoid the full effects 12th level the recovery
the day that people may of the poison. For an rate is increased by 4
contract. Any character antitoxin to be effective hit points. An apothe-
given one of the herbals the physician needs to cary will also add to the
receives a +2 bonus to make a successful Int recovery check of a
character who is loyal to check. They can also turning away or attack-
his Bishop could be perform the sacraments ing somebody else. Of
chosen as a church including Mass, Mar- course, this only works
agent, to lead an inves- riage and Confession. if the cleric is not taking
tigation into mysterious After performing such any aggressive action
deaths, disappearances, sacraments, anyone himself.
thefts or cases of possi- who was present will Literate (Int): Clerics are
ble heresy. Other times receive a +1 morale or educated men and need
a cleric could be a use- luck bonus to any sav- to be able to read &
ful assistant to the main ing throw they are write. Any character of
investigator, especially required to make during this class is automati-
with his or her writing the next 24 hours. cally considered literate
skills, access to church Monk or Nun only: in any language he or
records and church gos- Scribing (Int): Monks she can speak. An at-
sip. Often a cleric can and Nuns can copy text tribute check would
gain the confidence of exactly. This means that normally be required to
people otherwise reluc- they can gain a bonus of read works of a very
tant to talk and gain +4 on any forgery check, complicated nature,
entry to places that oth- whether to spot a fake badly written work or
er characters cannot or to make one. old and faded writing.
enter. Friar only: Worldly: Fri- God’s Wrath (Cha): The
ars mix with more cleric can rant and rave
Skills colourful characters at his enemies, reading
All clerics can choose 4 than other clerics and or reciting suitable fire-
(+Int mod) skills from due to the way they live and-brimstone passages
the following list as and the people they as- from the bible. Any God-
class abilities; Diploma- sociate with, they can fearing enemy hearing
cy, gossip, heal, choose an additional this will be upset by this
interrogate, knowledge skill of either stealth, tirade and suffer a –4 to
(choose any from reli- pick lock or pick pocket all charisma checks. In
gion, local area, law, as a class ability. addition, affected foes
nature, wounds & Sanctuary (Cha): In the must save vs. fear at the
corpses), languages middle ages ordinary –4 penalty or suffer a -1
(choose any), listen, lit- ‘god-fearing’ people were to attack rolls to hit.
eracy, notice, perform, very wary of harming The ability lasts a num-
search, sense motive. priests and monks in ber of rounds equal to
case it brought down the cleric’s level. The
Abilities God’s Wrath upon them. number affected in-
Priest only: Ordination Whenever a cleric is creases as the cleric
(Int): As men of the about to be attacked, he gains levels. At 4th level,
cloth, priests are uni- can use this ability and up to 25 people are af-
versally respected (and with a successful at- fected. At 8th level, the
feared by the truly pi- tribute check, the number increases to 50,
ous) and therefore would-be attacker has a and at 12th level it in-
clergymen gain a +2 bo- change of heart and de- creases to 100.
nus to any diplomacy, cides not to attack the Faith: The cleric can
interrogate or gossip cleric after all, maybe trust to faith once per
Scholars as investiga- (+Int mod) skills from to roll again, for specific
tors the following list as information that he
Scholars can be skilled class abilities, of which missed originally.
primary investigators, at least 3 must be Scribing (Int): Like
with their range of knowledges and/or lan- monks and nuns, schol-
knowledge and ability to guages; Appraise, ars can copy text
read and write. They are diplomacy, forgery, gos- exactly. This means that
also very useful second- sip, heal, interrogate, they can gain a bonus of
ary investigators who knowledge (choose any), +4 on any forgery check,
can ably support a less languages (choose any), whether to spot a fake
studious investigator, as listen, notice, perform, or to make one.
a crowner’s clerk, for search. Trained memory (Int):
example. Some scholars If a scholar takes the
are selected as agents of Abilities time to memorize some-
the church or the crown Literate (Int): Scholars thing, he or she can
in their own right, pro- are educated men and recite it perfectly at any
vided they are loyal. need to be able to read later date with a suc-
& write. Any character cessful check. The time
Skills of this class is automat- taken depends on the
Scholars can choose 6 ically considered literate thing to be memorized,
in any language he or but as a rule of thumb it
she can speak. An at- takes three times as
tribute check would long to memorize a piece
normally be required to of text as it takes to
read works of a very simply look over it.
complicated nature, Clear Explanation
badly written work or (Int): From 4th level a
old and faded writing. scholar can explain
Research (Int): Even if what he knows with
a scholar knows noth- such clarity and enthu-
ing about a subject, as siasm that even the
long as he has access to ignorant can follow it
a library and 1d4 hours and make use of the
to study, he can dredge ability. In game terms,
up some useful infor- the scholar may explain
mation and receives a any of his skills (not just
check. Where he does his Knowledge skills) to
have the knowledge al- someone with whom he
ready (but failed his shares a language, and
initial check), he only that person may use the
needs half an hour to skill as if he had it at
research the topic, after half the level as the
which time he can re- scholar. He may use the
ceive between +2 and +6 skill at any point up to
to his check, depending one round per level of
on the size and quality the scholar, plus his
of the library, and gets own Int modifier after
When your character
uses a skill, you make
an attribute check to
Skill list
Appraise (Int)
see how well he or she
Climb (Str or Dex)
SKILLS does. The higher the
result of the attribute
Craft (Int) (Ar-
mourer, blacksmith,
check, the better.
very character class bowyer, carpenter,
Based on the circum-
gets an initial goldsmith, leather-
stances, your result
choice of between 2 worker, potter, tailor)
must match or beat a
and 6 skills from a class Diplomacy (Cha)
particular number (a
list, at 1st level. The Disguise (Cha)
challenge rating or the
skills selected are then Forgery (Int)
result of an opposed
considered class abili- Gossip (Cha)
attribute check) for the
ties and when used, the Handle Animal (Cha)
check to be successful.
character’s level is add- Heal (Wis)
The harder the task,
ed to the d20 roll to Intimidate (Cha or
determine success. Str)
Each character also Interrogate (Cha)
gains an additional skill Jump (Str or Dex)
at levels 3, 6, 9 and 12. Knowledge (Int) (Reli-
These can come from gion, local area, law,
their class skills or, if nature, nobility &
they are receiving train- royalty, trade & trad-
ing or tuition, can be ers, the underworld,
from the main skill list. wounds & corpses)
The player needs to Languages (Int) (Cor-
state that he is receiving nish, German, Irish,
the higher the number Latin, Middle Eng-
training in the new skill
you need to roll. lish, Norman French,
when he reaches the
level prior to the level Welsh)
Circumstances can af- Listen (Wis)
that he can receive the
fect your check; a Literacy (Int)
extra skill. So, upon at-
taining 2nd level, a character that is free to Notice (Wis)
fighter character might work without distrac- Perform (Cha)
want to take training in tions can make a Pick Lock (Dex)
literacy. He is assumed careful attempt and Pick Pocket (Dex)
avoid simple mistakes. Ride (Dex)
to be practising and
A character who has Search (Wis)
learning (from an NPC
lots of time can try over Sense Motive (Wis)
scholar or cleric or other
and over again, thereby Stealth (Dex)
character) for the whole
assuring the best out- Swim (Str)
of the time it takes to
come. If others help, Track (Wis)
get the 3rd level.
the character may suc-
ceed where otherwise he the item being assessed, crafts each purchased
or she would fail. you can add +2 to his as a separate skill. A
attribute check. It nor- craft skill is specifically
A skill check takes into mally takes at least a focused on creating,
account a character’s minute to appraise the making or repairing
training (level), natural approximate worth of an something. Having a
talent (ability modifier), item and rather longer craft usually denotes
and luck (the die roll). It for other details. that the character is or
may also take into ac- has been a craftsman at
count what armor he or Climb (Dex or Str) some point in his or her
she is wearing and any Climbing requires either life. You can practice
encumbrance. The dexterity or strength your trade and make a
chapter headed ‘Game (character’s choice). It is decent living, earning
rules’ explains how the skill of getting up a about 4-40 (4d10) silver
skills are used in greater pennies per week of
detail. dedicated work,
plus 1 penny per
level attained. You
Skill descriptions know how to use
Appraise (Int) the tools of your
This is the skill of trade, how to per-
determining the form the craft’s
value and crafts- daily tasks, how to
manship of supervise un-
common or well- trained helpers,
known objects. Ap- and how to handle
praising a rare or common problems.
exotic item requires (Untrained laborers
a successful check and assistants earn
with at least a -5 about two pennies
modifier. If the per day). The basic
check is successful, function of the
you estimate the Craft skill, howev-
wall, tree or steep
value correctly. You can er, is to allow you to
slope/cliff face without
even determine the make an item of the ap-
falling. You can climb
maker, if local or well propriate type. The CR
10’ per round with a
known, with a -10 pen- depends on the com-
successful check. A
alty. You might also plexity of the item to be
failed check means you
want to ascertain other created.
slipped and fell at some
details about an item,
point, possibly suffering
such as its age, materi- Diplomacy (Cha)
some damage.
als used to make it and
This skill covers the art
so on. All of these may
Craft (Int) of talking, persuasion,
involve a higher chal-
Craft is actually a num- mediation, listening,
lenge rating at the GM’s
ber of separate skills. reasoning, debate and
discretion. If you have a
You could have several even general etiquette.
craft that is relevant to
Make a check whenever
you want to talk some- avoid being detected. A middle ages; it is one of
body out of or into an disguise can include an the main ways of pass-
alternate course of ac- apparent change of ing on and receiving
tion from one already height and weight of no news and forms a major
proposed, persuade more than one-tenth of part of the evening’s en-
somebody to do (or not the original build and tertainment for most
to do) something or to size of the character. people. Gossip happens
get across a point in a The following penalties everywhere, in the tav-
debate. It can be used to are applied to a disguise ern over a pint of ale, at
make an appeal in check, where appropri- the marketplace, at the
court, to swing the case ate: sex difference –2, banquet in a lord’s
in a different way. If age difference (per ten manor, out in the fields
backed up with a bit of years) –2. The GM and in the cloisters of
hard cash, diplomacy makes the check secret- the abbey. Sometimes
can also be used to ly, so the character is the information turns
bribe someone, if they uncertain of his or her out to be true and other
are of the type that success. times it is idle tittle-
would succumb to such tattle. But gossip makes
tactics. Forgery (Int) for a useful source of
This is the skill of the information about every-
Disguise (Cha) character to write (or thing and everybody.
You are an expert at copy) documents and
impersonating other in- manuscripts with the You can make a gossip
dividuals or intention of passing check when you want to
characteristics of gen- them off as the real know something about a
eral types of people. thing. The character person, place or thing
This effort usually re- may need to get hold of that is of the type that
quires a few props, a some old parchment to would be passed around
little make-up and duplicate something in idle chatter. This rep-
1d3x10 minutes of that is old, or use meth- resents information you
preparation for a gen- ods of staining and so just happen to ‘know’. If
eral impersonation, if on, to ’age’ the forgery. you fail the check or the
the character is to pass He may also need to get GM deems that your
inspection from reason- hold of coloured inks, character wouldn’t al-
ably close. From a for example, to duplicate ready know the
distance, a character illustrated manuscripts information, you can go
can simply alter his or of the type that monks to a tavern or wherever
her gait, general stance write. The skill also en- the information might
and pull up a hood to compasses the ability to be found and see if you
appear pretty much spot a forgery (using the can find out, by gossip-
someone else, to all in- notice skill, with a bo- ing. Sometimes this
tents and purposes. nus of +2). might require the ex-
Where specific individu- penditure of a quarter or
als are being half penny on ale in the
Gossip (Cha) alehouse, to loosen a
impersonated, at least 1 Just about everyone
month’s preparation few tongues.
likes to gossip in the
time must occur to
is assumed that they All prices mentioned are
begin with a set of very approximate as
clothing appropriate to they changed much over
their class. the period, as did the
EQUIPMENT forms of money used. It
is important to note that
Class starting
many people still relied
money table
irst of all, you need on barter.
to determine how
much money the Class Pennies Fancier versions of the
characters start with. In Apothecary 4d6x10 same items will cost a
the early part of the Cleric 2d10x10 lot more. Of the
period covered by The Crowner 6d6x10 weapons, swords in
Medieval Mysteries RPG, Fighter 3d8x10 particular can be a lot
there were only silver Forester 2d6x10 more expensive in much
pennies used as Merchant 4d6x10 better quality versions -
coinage. The shilling, Noble 5d6x10 up to five times the
mark and pound were Rogue 3d4x10 price. Clothing can be
used only as accounting Scholar 3d4x10 up to three or four times
measures. Later on as much as is listed too,
pounds and shillings for higher quality
were used as actual garments. Hence the
currency, as were half reason most peasants
pennies and farthings . had only one set of
However, for game clothing, which they
purposes, we will stick patched, darned
with pennies. These repaired and even
were often split into two handed down to make
or four for small them last longer. Where
transactions. Sometimes there is no weight for an
they were also shaved or item, it simply means
‘clipped’ by
The equipment ta-
the weight is negligible.
unscrupulous rogues. bles
It’s not possible to list
Part plate & full plate is
An average labourer everything you could
available only later in
could expect to receive 2 need in a game, so the
the period covered by
pennies a day for his price lists are simply to
the Medieval Mysteries
hard work. Therefore, give some examples, so
RPG. Characters would
every character begins that you can work out
not wear heavy armour
the game with a few prices yourself of other
most of the time
pennies with which to items and services you
buy some stuff that might want to include in
their character has at your games of the
the start of the game. It Medieval Mysteries RPG.
Weapons; Melee
Weapons; Ranged
Cost Cost
Item (pennies) Item (pennies)
Bit/bridle 2 Mule 50
Cow 35 Ox 35
Cart, farmers 30 Pig 25
Donkey 16 Pony 60
Feed/day 1/4 Saddle 40
Harness 3 Saddle blanket 1
Horse, Destrier 800 Saddle bags 8
Horse, Nag 60 Sled 40
Horse, Riding 300 Wagon 70
Horse, Palfrey 150
ards, servants, consta- know each other, rather
bles and so on. The than just being a dis-
initial set up is quite parate bunch of people
crucial in The Medieval thrown together for the
THE GAME Mysteries RPG, far more
so in many other role-
purposes of the game.
he GM has a bit of a venturers’. local monastery, abbey,
job on his hands. friary, the cathedral or a
He must prepare the village church, depend-
game session so that the Characters need a ing on the type of cleric.
characters have plenty vocation or job This doesn’t mean that
to do. He might decide This leads into another they cannot have inter-
to start with a simple point. The characters esting past lives though,
murder mystery in a also need to have some that might come back to
small town or village. sort of job, or vocation. haunt them.
This could be a way of This is where the GM For an apothecary or
bringing the characters and players need to merchant, you need to
together and giving work together to come set them in a town or
them a common goal. up with suitable careers city with their own shop
The murdered person or backgrounds. If you and so on. A noble
could even be a friend, all get talking the ideas needs his own lands -
colleague or family start to flow and you you need to determine
member of one or more can get involved in the where these lands are
of the characters. whole group’s charac- and some basic details
ters. This helps give the about them.
Characters should feeling that you already
A fighter could be in the
work together employ of another
This is a great way to character as a ser-
get the characters geant-at-arms, a
working together. merchant’s body-
You could decide that guard, simply a mer-
some or all of the mercenary looking
characters are al- for employment or a
ready a team, having veteran who has now
been employed to settled down with a
perform specific du- wife and children,
ties. If one character but does the odd bit
is a noble, the others of strong-arm work
could be his stew- here and there.
will use several of these murder, for exam- The crime is discov-
elements. You don’t ple? ered after the event
even need to rely on What did they do by one of the char-
medieval historical fic- immediately after acters
tion for your scenarios. they committed the The crime is discov-
There are other sources crime - for example, ered by one of the
you could plunder for did they try to cover characters as it is
good ideas. Some other it up or make it look being committed
historical detective fic- like someone else The crime is discov-
tion, like Sherlock did it, or did they ered by another
Holmes, Campion and just run away? individual, who re-
Poirot can be tailored to Did anyone else wit- ports it to the
suit. Modern mystery ness the crime? Are characters
fiction is also a good the witnesses relia- The lord, patron or
source of material. ble? superior to the pri-
There are plenty of mov- What is the felon mary investigator
ies and television series doing now? requests that the
that are perfect for ad- characters investi-
aptation to your gaming Some of these questions gate the mystery on
needs. will come easily and his or her behalf
others less so, but you The crime is discov-
Who did it and why probably need to jot ered as a result of
did it happen? down a few notes as you an investigation into
Once you have deter- go. Try to keep it simple another (lesser) mys-
mined what it is that the too, especially in your tery
characters will be inves- first few games. The The perpetrator
tigating you need to players will undoubtedly himself reports the
begin to sketch out a complicate things crime, but accuses
few ideas for who com- enough as soon as they someone else
mitted the crime and get going.
why they did it. Some- Looking for clues
times the ‘who’ comes How is the crime Once the crime is out in
before the ‘why’ and discovered? the open, the characters
sometimes it is the other A key element is to de- will have to start digging
way around. You proba- termine how the body is around to find some
bly need to ask yourself found, the robbery spot- clues. This is a vitally
a few questions like: ted or the rape reported. important stage in The
Was it a single indi- It is worth giving serious Medieval Mysteries RPG,
vidual, or was more consideration to this as and really what the
than one person in- you don’t want all of game is all about. Char-
volved? your scenarios to begin acters want to get to use
Why did they do it - in exactly the same way. their abilities, so you
what was the mo- You want to mix things need to let them. They
tive? up a bit, by having dif- want to feel they are get-
How did they do it - ferent approaches to the ting somewhere, so you
what was the weap- discovery of the crime. A need to let them. If they
on used, if it was a few possibilities are: fail a roll, don’t neces-
So, if it was
a murder
and you characters
have decided Non-player characters
the murder (NPCs) are a highly im-
weapon (a portant feature of The
knife) is still Medieval Mysteries RPG.
in the body, These are the characters
you need to that the players can in-
know who teract with during the
the knife be- course of their adven-
longs to. tures. Some will go on to
Then the become firm friends and
investigators may even occasionally
have a lead help the characters out
that they in some tricky situa-
can follow. tions. Others will drift in
Did the knife and out of game ses-
belong to the sions and some may
victim? Did appear only once, per-
it belong to haps because something
the murder- bad happens, like they
er, or did he get killed.
sarily just tell them they
just steal it from the
have drawn a blank, but
original owner? How will Most often though,
don’t give them all the
the original owner react NPCs are the character’s
details that they would
when the characters enemies. They are dan-
have got if their check
start to question him? gerous and often of a
was a success.
Was the knife stuck in higher level than the
the guy to throw the in- player characters.
You need to develop
vestigators off the scent, Sometimes they will
some interesting NPCs
when in reality the vic- have followers of their
for the characters to
tim was poisoned or own (generated as folk).
question, interrogate,
strangled? A nobleman or fighter
threaten, cajole or per-
suade. These NPCs can could be a mercenary
As you can see, this is officer with a sergeant
be friends, family mem-
just a fairly simple idea, and a few spearmen and
bers, lovers, enemies or
which can go off in all archers, an outlaw
acquaintances. You
sorts of interesting di- could be a forester with
need to know what clues
rections. If you have a gang of thugs, a mer-
are available at the
thought this stuff out chant could be a
crime scene, at other
beforehand, it can make weapons trader with a
associated crime scenes,
running the whole thing couple of ‘heavies’ or
with the witnesses and
a lot easier when the swordsmen for protec-
with the perpetrator.
characters start sleuth- tion.
amount of the award is To gain a level, the every four levels, he can
up to the GM and will character must accu- also choose an attribute
depend on how much mulate enough to increase by one point.
money he has available experience points to
to his characters, but it meet the number of Alternative system
should be something points required for the As usual The Medieval
like an experience point next level. The experi- Mysteries RPG is a game
per shilling. ence table used is set about choices and what
out in the character works for the players.
Story class descriptions. A Some players can’t
The GM should assign character starts off at stand keeping track of
an experience point val- 1st level with 0 experi- their experience points
ue to each adventure ence points. To reach and find it a chore that
and award that total to second level he needs to detracts from their
each character who amass 900, 1000 or enjoyment of the game.
completed the adven- 1100 experience points. If this is the case, or
ture. This may take one ad- simply if the GM prefers
venture or may take to do things this way,
Role-playing several, depending on the GM can simply
The GM can also award the length of the award a new level gain
specific experience point adventure, the overall whenever he feels it
bonuses to characters goals and how well the would be appropriate for
for good role-playing, in characters do. The GM the characters to
a specific situation or should ensure that advance. This can be
over the course of the enough experience is based on a set number
adventure. 50 to 500 available for characters of adventures, say after
points is a good base, to advance in levels after every three completed
depending on the char- one to three adventures, adventures or, it can be
acter’s current level. certainly at lower levels, based on something less
just to give the players a defined. The GM might
feeling that their char- want to throw some
Gaining levels acters are advancing
Characters can gain a higher-level opponents
and becoming a little at the characters or
level if they earn enough more reputable.
experience points. This might have a storyline
equates to becoming that needs the
Once a character has characters to advance at
better and more experi- the required number of
enced at the character’s a certain rate so that
experience points, he they can continue to be
career. With new levels, immediately gains his
the character gains effective. This is a much
new level and with it more story-based
more abilities and a increased hit points (by
greater chance of suc- system than the
rolling the appropriate mechanical system
cess at those he already die and adding
has. Hit points increase presented above and will
constitution modifiers), suit some groups more
as does bonus to hit and and any increase to
bonus to armour class. than it suits others.
BtH. He also gains any
new abilities or skills. At
The attribute check is
made by the player roll-
ing a d20 and adding
the attribute modifier of
THE GAME one of the character’s
six attributes. The at-
RULES tribute used is the one
most appropriate to the
action that is being at-
here are many situ- tempted. Sometimes the
ations during the character’s level is add-
course of a game of ed to the die roll too. If ed, the GM must identi-
The Medieval Mysteries the total score exceeds fy the attribute to be
RPG where the charac- the target number, the checked. Sometimes the
ters will want to do character succeeds. player might disagree
things and there is a
and, if they can put a
chance that they will Only those actions that reasonable argument for
fail. The type of thing have a significant why a different attribute
that we are talking chance of failure need to should be checked, this
about here are things be resolved in this way. is perfectly acceptable.
like leafing through a There are plenty of In the case of class
set of old parchments to things that characters abilities and skills, the
find some inconsisten- should do automatical- attribute is listed in the
cies in the writing, a ly, without needing to class description or in
break-neck horse-chase resort to an attribute the skill list. In the case
down a country lane, check. Stopping to look of saving throws, these
listening in on a conver- up a rule or modifier are usually self-evident
sation on the other side and rolling dice can dis- and are set out in more
of a closed door, leaping rupt the narrative flow detail later.
across a wide chasm, of the game and is really
sneaking up behind an to be avoided wherever The target number is
enemy to clobber him on practical or possible. determined first of all by
the back of his head, But sometimes, the finding the base num-
trying extract some in- dramatic tension can be ber. The base is always
formation from a heightened by judicious one of 12, 15 or 18. The
taciturn mercenary and use of the attribute actual number depends
so on. check and a dice roll is on whether the attribute
ideal in these situations. being checked is the
The system character’s primary,
In these situations, an The base target secondary or tertiary
attribute check is used number attribute.
to see whether the ac- When it is clear that an
tion succeeds or fails. attribute check is need-
movement rate (normal- vances and so on, that spears. The strength
ly 30 feet) and the sometimes results in bonus to damage is in-
charge must be in a damage to the defender. cluded on all successful
straight line to the tar- The damage from the hits with thrown weap-
get. blow could actually be ons, but not with
seen as a series of nicks firearms.
Melee combat and cuts, bruising or
Melee occurs when two even fatigue. Range increments
or more people engage Ranged weapons have
in hand-to-hand combat Ranged combat range increments and
and are wielding weap- When your character they have a maximum
ons of some kind. The fires a bow, sling or effective distance equal
attacker rolls a d20 and crossbow (or throws an to three times the listed
adds his basic to hit bo- axe or some other weap- range increment, as set
nus (from his class and on) at another, the out in the equipment
level) plus any strength ranged combat rules (weapons) table. The
modifier. If the total is apply. Dexterity is the listed range increment is
greater than or equal to attribute that modifies a considered to be close
the defender’s armour ranged attack to hit roll. range. Weapons fired or
class, the attacker has If the total of the d20 thrown at up to this
hit the defender and in- roll plus the character’s range are used without
flicts damage as basic to hit bonus and a range penalty to the
determined by the type dexterity modifier is “to hit” attack roll. At
of weapon being used. greater than or equal to beyond close range and
Unarmed combat is the defender’s armour up to twice that range,
considered melee com- class, the attacker has is considered medium
bat too, but is detailed successfully hit the de- range and beyond that
below. fender and inflicts and up to three times
damage as determined the close range is
A melee attack, just like by the bow or other counted as long range.
all movement and other weapon used. Medium range attracts a
stuff that goes on in a -2 penalty on to hit at-
combat round is an ab- Thrown weapons tack rolls and long
straction. Though the Thrown weapons in- range attracts a -6 pen-
character usually only clude knives, hand axes, alty.
makes one melee attack light hammers and
in a round, it Unarmed
should not be combat
considered only Brawling is melee
one swing or stab combat where no
of his weapon. A weapons are be-
melee attack con- ing used, i.e. un-
sists of a series of unarmed combat.
thrusts, parries, In most cases, the
attempted at- success of these
tacks, feints, attacks is deter-
backing off, ad- mined as normal
can be used against on- armour class of 18 plus hind the defender. This
ly those attackers that the level of the defender confers a bonus of +1 to
the character is facing to successfully disarm hit, as it is harder to
and aware of. The char- them. For example, a defend against.
acter gains +2 to his fighter would need to hit
armour class while an armour class equiva- Rear attack
dodging. A dodge can be lent of 23 to disarm a Attacks from behind
declared at any time in 5th level character. The gives the attacker a +2
the combat round as defender can add his bonus to hit, either with
long as the character dexterity bonus (if any) melee weapons or bows.
hasn’t taken any other to his effective armour
action. class. Two-Weapon
Disengage Characters can at-
Disengaging is an tempt to fight with
attempt to get out two weapons, such
of a hand-to-hand as a sword in one
combat situation. hand and a dagger
This is dangerous in another. This is
as it exposes the not a common
character to at- fighting style at this
tacks. If time, but it is an
disengaging a char- option. This is very
acter can take no difficult. When us-
other action. He ing two weapons,
may move as far as the character must
possible away from state which is his
his enemy, but suf- primary hand,
fers a –2 to his meaning that the
armour class and other is referred to
the opponent gets a as his ‘off-hand’.
free attack as the The character is
character tries to able to use or fire
get away. The ar- both weapons in a
mour class round, but the at-
adjustment applies to tack with the primary
all attempts against the Evade
This is a desperate at- hand is at -3 to hit and
character in the round, the attack with the off-
ranged or melee. tempt to get out of the
way of an attack. This hand is at -6 to hit. The
allows a one-off defence character’s dexterity
Disarm modifier affects these
A fighter, crowner, no- bonus against one op-
ponent of +4. attacks, but strength
ble, forester or rogue will only be used to de-
can attempt to disarm termine damage (for
an opponent in melee Flank attack melee attacks). This can
combat. The attacker This is a side attack be used with the fight-
must successfully hit an that is not directly be-
er’s combat dominance Hit points can be re- acting due to blood loss
and extra attacks. duced by weapons, and damage. The char-
exhaustion, poisons, fire acter will recover
and other things. These consciousness after d6
Hit points are covered in greater hours after which, they
Hit points represent the detail in the following can move at half their
amount of damage, section. Once damage normal move rate but
physical and mental, has been taken, healing cannot participate in
that a character or non- is needed for hit points combat or take any oth-
player character can to be restored. Hit er strenuous action.
take before passing out
points can never exceed
or dying. A character’s the level they were at
hit points are a mere Falling below 0 hit
before taking the dam- points
abstraction. It is gener- age.
ally a representation of When a character falls
the overall health of the below 0 hit points, the
individual. The higher Healing character is severely
the hit points, the In general, hit points wounded and loses 1 hit
healthier the character heal at a rate of one point per combat round
is. point per day as long as from blood loss after the
the character is resting, round in which he or
Hit points are deter- well fed, kept warm and she was damaged. The
mined by the character’s comfortable and the character requires im-
hit die and level. The wounds have been mediate medical
character class tells you cleaned and tended to. attention and provided
the type of die to use to After seven days, the aid is administered be-
determine how many hit rate of healing speeds fore the damage reaches
points a character has. up to include the char- –10, the character is
At each level, the hit die acter’s constitution stabilized. Once stabi-
type is rolled and added bonus, if any (but not lized, the character
to the previous total. penalty). After 14 days stops losing hit points
The constitution modifi- the rate of healing dou- but then requires 24
er is added to or bles and after thirty hours of bed rest and
subtracted from the die days, it triples. Rates of the attention of a doctor
roll. At 1st level, charac- healing can be improved before the actual healing
ters automatically begin by medicines, diet, and process can begin. With
with the maximum hit level of care or other fac- appropriate rest and
points for their class. At tors that the GM deems medical attention, the
5th level, all classes applicable. character will recover
simply acquire hit back to 0 hit points af-
points at a specified rate Falling to 0 hit ter 24 hours. Then he
without a die roll. Con- points begins to recover in ac-
stitution modifiers are In general, when 0 hit cordance with the rules
applied to this. In all points is reached, the for falling to 0 hit
cases, characters gain character passes out. points, above.
at least 1 hit point at The character is not Dying
each level. dead, but incapable of
A character that reaches The amount of damage used. In this case, the
-10 hit points is dead inflicted is determined damage is rolled for
through trauma and by the weapon being normally but applied as
blood loss. The charac- used and can be seen of subdual damage rather
ter is then buried at the the equipment (weap- than normal damage.
local graveyard, at his ons) table. Damage from For every 5 points of
family crypt or in a bur- melee weapons is ad- subdual damage caused
ial pit. It is then time for justed by the strength though, 1 point is al-
the player to create an- modifier of the character ways regular damage.
other character. using the weapon. Some
Hopefully this won’t animals use their claws, Subdual damage heals
happen too often. hooves and teeth to faster than normal
cause damage. The damage, as it is not
Damage amount of damage is normally fatal. It heals
When characters suc- listed in the Animals, at a rate of 1 hit point
cessfully hit their folks & NPCs section. per 10 minutes. At a
opponents they cause GM’s discretion, a char-
them damage, which Subdual damage acter who takes enough
comes directly from the Subdual damage is not subdual damage to
foes hit points. When usually fatal. It repre- reach –10 hit points has
characters are them- sents the bludgeoning taken so much punish-
selves struck in combat, damage that a person ment to cause damage
the damage caused to might receive when to their internal organs,
them comes of their own struck in a fistfight or a resulting in death. If
hit points. The damage brawl, rather than the not, they still require 24
caused depends upon type of damage knives, hours of bed rest and do
the type of weapon used swords and arrows not begin healing until
and this is detailed in might cause. It probably they regain conscious-
the equipment section of hurts and may knock a ness.
these rules. The damage person out but only
is applied immediately. sometimes draws blood Falling damage
For some characters, and usually heals quite When a character falls
the damage from a quickly. from a height of 5 feet or
weapon will be enough more, he suffers falling
to kill straight away but Fists, feet and some of damage (or more specif-
for others the same the improvised weapons ically hitting the ground
amount of damage cause subdual damage. hard damage). Falling
might leave them with from heights can be par-
plenty of hit points re- An attacker can use ticularly deadly.
maining, especially weapons (apart from
where one character is bows and crossbows) to If a character falls from
of a higher level than deliver subdual damage a height of 6 to 10 feet,
another. rather than regular he needs to make a dex-
damage. This would be terity check. If the check
where the blunt end of is successful, the char-
Weapon damage the spear, a club or a acter lands safely. If the
quarterstaff is being check fails, the charac-
ter suffers 1d6 points of infection. Make a consti- each day until the fever
damage. From heights of tution saving roll, with a is gone. Then the wound
greater than 10 feet, challenge rating based will begin to heal, in ac-
damage is 1d6 extra per on the amount of dam- cordance with the
10 feet fallen. The dam- age received less 6. So, healing rules.
age for each 10 feet with the dagger, the
fallen is cumulative. For modifier will be -4 (as- For a failure, attributes
example, if a character suming no damage fall by 1 and the fever is
falls 18 feet, he takes bonus from a high worsening. The next
1d6 for the first 10 feet strength) +6, = +2. day, he can get another
and 2d6 for the second attribute check and so
10 feet, for a total dam- If infection sets in, the on. If a physical attrib-
age of 3d6. If a day following receiving ute (strength,
character falls from a the wound, the charac- constitution, dexterity)
height of 45 feet, he ter immediately gets a falls to 0, the character
takes 1d6 for the first fever and loses 3 from will die. If a mental at-
10 feet, 2d6 for the next, all attributes. He needs tribute falls to 0,
3d6 for the next and warmth, bed rest, plenty (Intelligence, Wisdom or
4d6 for the last 10 feet, of liquids, clean band- Charisma) the character
for a total damage of ages and constant will go mad.
10d6. attention. Without these
things he or she is likely Stunning
Drowning damage to die. At the end of A character will suffer a
When a character is in each day, make a fur- potential stun if a hit
water and fails a swim ther constitution saving exceeds his constitution
check, he can hold his throw (based on the re- attribute. First of all,
breath for a number of duced score). For each make a constitution
rounds equal to his con- one of the above re- saving throw (add level)
stitution. After that quirements he or she is to avoid being stunned.
time, if he fails another receiving, he gets a posi- Failure means the char-
swim check to get his tive modifier to the acter is knocked over
head above water, he check. So, for example if and stunned for d6
starts to drown. Damage he is being well cared rounds.
is d6 hit points per for with every possible
round under the water convenience, he gets +5 Fumbles
and is considered sub- to his roll. The presence These occur in combat
dual damage. If the of an apothecary, espe- when a natural 1 is
character reaches -10 cially one of high level, rolled on the d20. If this
then he has drowned. will add to his or her happens, you automati-
chances of surviving the cally miss the target and
Infection infection. need to roll the dice
Every wound a charac- again. To avoid a mis-
ter receives that is the For a success, he has hap, you need to roll an
maximum for that type thrown off the fever. Im- 8 or higher. Add your
of weapon, (e.g. a natu- prove all attributes by 1. dexterity modifier and
ral 4 received from a Thereafter, his attrib- level to the roll. Another
dagger) has a chance of utes will increase by 1 1 is always a fumble. If
able to attain. There covers, the vast majority
were some, of course of English men and
but not many. For the women were peasants
purposes of this game, who were the property of
LIFE IN female characters have
the same options and
their lords. There is
comparatively little rec-
MEDIEVAL chances as the male
characters. They may
orded about these
people, simply because
TIMES not always get the same
reactions from some of
the clergy and nobility
had little to say about
the NPCs though and them and they were the
he Medieval Myster- society in general re- ones who kept written
ies RPG is first and mains male dominated. records. When the peas-
foremost a game, antry was mentioned, it
not a history lesson. It was usually in relation
is not completely histor-
The Three Orders of to the obligations they
ically accurate, it is not Society owed their superiors.
intended to be and, it “…some pray, others
would be impossible to fight, still others work” Throughout the long
make it so. The fiction history of medieval serf-
that inspired this game “...from the beginning, dom, the serf was
is accurate only to a mankind has been di- required to perform la-
point - that point is vided into three parts, bour services for his
where, for the sake of among men of prayer, lord. This was generally
the story; the historical- farmers, and men of in the form of farming
ly accurate has to fall by war...” the lord’s fields and
the wayside. looking after his live-
These are two passages stock amongst other
As a GM or a player, you that were written at the duties. Although the
have to enjoy the game beginning of the 11th number of days devoted
you are playing. If histo- century, the first was by to working the lord’s
ry takes away from this Bishop Adalbero of Laon land varied from place
and becomes a chore, and the second by to place, it was usually
then you are welcome to Gerard of Cambrai. The three days a week. At
drop the history in fa- image of a tripartite so- harvest time, the lord
vour of your story. A ciety divided by function would demand even
case in point is the role has become a hallmark more of his serfs’ time.
of women in history. of medieval English (and Furthermore, the serf
Generally speaking, European) history. was tied to the land. In
women were second- other words the serfs
class citizens and were Those who work were unable to leave.
unable to aspire to the In the early part of the
heights that men were period that this game
1/10 of their earnings to were often held in the abbey church. These
support the church. The churchyard, though this services took place every
tithe income was divided practice was officially three hours, day and
up evenly between the banned in 1285. A spe- night. When the services
parish priest, the cial hut, or tollbooth, were over, monks would
church maintenance housed a court that be occupied with all the
fund, the poor, and the regulated the affairs of tasks associated with
bishop. the market. In time the maintaining a self-
tollbooth became a per- sustaining community.
The chancel (where the manent fixture of the Abbeys grew their own
altar is) belonged to the Town Hall. food, did all their own
lord. The nave and the building, and in some
tower belonged to the Monasteries were the cases, grew quite pros-
people of the parish. other main form of perous doing so.
Manor courts were often church presence. They Fountains Abbey and
held in the nave, and were self-contained en- Rievaulx, both in York-
tenants came there to claves where monks or shire, grew to be
pay their rent. A free nuns chose to live a enormously wealthy,
meal was given to those simple life of prayer and largely from raising
who paid their rent. The work. At least that was sheep and selling the
church tower occasion- the theory. In practice wool.
ally served double duty monks at least were of-
as the priest’s residence ten criticized for their Throughout the medie-
and often was built to laxity and concern with val period the
be defended in times of worldly matters. monasteries were prac-
trouble. School was held tically the only
in the church porch or Although the details of repository of scholarship
in a room over it. The daily life differed from and learning. The
church’s role went far one order to the next, monks were by far the
beyond religion; it was monastic life was gener- best educated members
the centre of village ally one of hard physical of society - often they
community life. work, scholarship and were the only educated
prayer. Some orders en- members of society.
Originally, people stood couraged the presence Monasteries acted as
in the nave to hear the of ‘lay brothers’, monks libraries for ancient
church service. Pews who did most of the manuscripts, and many
were not introduced un- physical labour in the monks were occupied
til the 15th century. fields and workshops of with laboriously copying
Because few could read, the monastery so that sacred texts (generally
Biblical stories were of- the full-fledged monks in a room called the
ten acted out for the could concentrate on scriptorium). In the are-
congregation in the form prayer and learning. as where Celtic
of miracle plays. The influence was strongest,
plays were performed in The day of a monk or for example in North-
the churchyard or nun, in theory at least, umbria, the monks
porch. In the 12th and was regulated by regular created "illuminated"
13th centuries markets prayer services in the manuscripts; beautifully
free end dangling over deaths (particularly termine what was deo-
one shoulder. among the Normans, dand and what was not.
Chapman: A peddler, who as the ruling class Donjon: The central for-
who carried his wares wanted to be sure that tified tower in an early
on his back. their deaths were not Norman castle; later
Cog: A small merchant taken lightly). At one called the Keep. Early
ship with one mast and time in England all ones would have been
a sail. criminal proceedings constructed of wood.
Constable: Has several were included in the Eyre: A circuit court
uses, including; A peace coroner's responsibili- held by itinerant royal
officer with less authori- ties. justices in medieval
ty and smaller Cottar: A low-grade vil- England. They moved
jurisdiction than a sher- lein in the feudal from county to county
iff, empowered to serve system. on a circuit that could
writs and warrants and Croft: A small area of take up to seven years
make arrests, an officer land around a village to complete.
of high rank, usually house, for growing vege- Farm: In the medieval
serving as military tables or rearing a few sense, the total tax re-
commander in the ab- animals. The occupier quired by the King for
sence of a monarch or was either a bondsman the county. The ‘farm’
the governor of a royal (a villein or a serf). was collected by the
castle. Curfew: The prohibition sheriff and delivered to
Coroner: Coroner comes of open fires in town af- Winchester or London
from Anglo-Norman ter dark. During the twice a year. It was a
corouner, a word derived curfew, the city gates fixed sum per county
from coroune, ‘crown’. were closed, from dusk and if the sheriff could
Corouner was the term till dawn. It could be a collect more he could
used for the royal judi- hanging offence for a pocket the difference.
cial officer who was gate-keeper to open the First Finder: The first
called in Latin custos gates to anybody out- person to discover a
placitorum coronae, or side of these times. corpse or witness a
‘guardian of the crown’s Destrier: A knight’s war crime. He or she was
pleas’. The person hold- horse. supposed to rouse the
ing the office of coroner, Deodand: A personal four nearest households
a position dating from chattel which had and give chase. Failure
the 12th century, was caused the death of a to do so would result in
charged with keeping person and for that rea- a fine.
local records of legal son was given to God, Fletcher: A maker of
proceedings in which that is, forfeited to the arrows.
the crown had jurisdic- crown, to be applied to Forest: Strictly, a wild
tion. He helped raise pious uses, and distrib- area with or without
money for the crown by uted in alms by the high trees. The Royal Forests
funnelling the property almoner. Thus, if a cart were areas sequestered
of executed criminals ran over a man and by the king, whether he
into the king’s treasury. killed him, it was forfeit- owned the actual land
The coroner also inves- ed as a deodand. It was or not, where only he
tigated any suspicious the coroner’s job to de- could hunt and take the
profit from various ac- could be a large manor Mark: A sum of money,
tivities, such as or a single estate. though not an actual
wood=felling, forges, Hundred: A sub- coin. Early in the Middle
brewing and so on. division of a county for Ages only the silver
Forester: An officer, administrative purpos- penny existed, but later
similar to a gamekeeper, es. on other denominations
directly responsible for Jongleur: Itinerant en- came out.
enforcing the harsh for- tertainers like minstrels Manor Reeve: The
est laws and taking of- who sing, dance and foreman appointed in
offenders to the forest juggle. each village by the lord
courts. Foresters were Jury: The medieval jury of a manor to oversee
nominated by the Forest were witnesses, local daily routine.
Warden, but received no people who were obliged Midden: A dunghill or
salary. Sometimes they to gather and tell what refuse heap.
even paid for the privi- they knew of a crime or Motte: The mound on
lege of the job, because a dispute. The coroner’s which he donjon was
of the possibilities for jury were supposed to built in a Norman cas-
extortion. The Foresters be men over twelve tle.
badge was a horn. years of age from the Murdrum fine: A fine or
Gambeson: A padded, four nearest villages, amercement levied on a
quilted coat worn under though this was often a village by the coroner
mail to diffuse the force practical impossibility. when a person is found
of blows. Some poorer Justiciar: The chief slain and the locals
soldiers might wear one minister - a high rank- cannot confirm that he
as their main armour. ing noble or churchman is of English stock (in
Gleeman: A medieval appointed by the king. other words he is as-
itinerant singer; a min- In the reign of Richard I, sumed to be a Norman).
strel there were several justi- Ordeal: method of trial
Hauberk: Also called a ciars, the most effective in which the accused
byrnie, this was a long- being Hubert Walter. He was subjected to physi-
sleeved mail coat. was Chief Justiciar and cally painful or
Hide: An old English also the Archbishop of dangerous tests, the re-
measure of land, usual- Canterbury. sult being regarded as a
ly the amount held Kirtle: A woman’s dress divine judgment of guilt
adequate for one free or skirt, which reached or innocence. It was
family and its depend- to the ankles. abolished by the Vatican
ents. Knarr: Early merchant in 1215.
Hue & Cry: The term ship, like a Viking long- Ostler: A servant in a
used when the first ship but broader in the stable or inn who took
finder raised the nearest beam. It was partly charge of the horses.
households to give decked and had a single Outlaw: Literally, any-
chase when a crime had hold, mast and sail. one outside of the law,
been committed. Mantle: A loose sleeve- usually an escaped
Honour: A holding of less coat worn over criminal or a fugitive.
land from the King, outer garments; a cloak. They often lurked in for-
Baron or Church. It It would sometimes have ests and any person was
a hood for travelling. entitled to kill them on
sight to collect a bounty, Sackbut: A musical in- by a knight over his ar-
as they were ‘wolfs strument similar to a mour.
heads’. trombone. Tabard: A short, heavy
Outremer: The four Sanctuary: An ancient cape of coarse cloth
Christian kingdoms in and religious offer of formerly worn outdoors.
the Levant at the time of mercy. A fugitive or Or a tunic or cape like
the crusades, including gaol-breaker could claim garment worn by a
the Kingdom of Jerusa- forty days immunity knight over his armour
lem. from the law if he and emblazoned with
Palfrey: A small, docile reached a church. his coat of arms. A simi-
horse suitable for use by Seneschal: An official in lar garment worn by a
a woman. a noble household in herald and bearing his
Portreeve: One of the charge of domestic ar- lord’s coat of arms.
major officials in a town, rangements and the Trial-by-battle: An an-
of which there were administration of serv- cient right to settle a
normally two. Later the- ants; a steward or dispute by fighting to
se posts were major-domo. the death. Women and
superseded by a mayor. Sergeant (also spelt ser- unfit persons could em-
Posse: A group of armed jeant): It had several ploy a champion to fight
men, called out by the meanings. A sergeant for them.
sheriff or a coroner in was a senior man-at- Tunic: The main men’s
order to hunt outlaws or arms or a law officer, garment of the middle
defend the realm. below a town bailiff. It ages. A linen shirt
Presentment of Eng- was also the term for a would sometimes be
lishry: Following the squire of a Templar worn underneath.
Norman Conquest of Knight. Undercroft: The ground
1066, there were many Shalmes: A stringed floor of a fortified build-
Normans killed by ag- instrument. ing or a church.
grieved locals, so the Sheriff: The king’s of- Verderer: A man serv-
law decreed that anyone ficer of a county or an ing as an official in
found murdered was administrative region charge of the royal for-
Norman, unless they who was charged mainly ests. He was responsible
could prove otherwise. with judicial duties and to the sovereign, not the
This involved a fine on tax collection. Often Warden. There were
the nearest village if the quite corrupt, hence the usually four in each
deceased was deter- later appointment of royal forest. The verder-
mined to be Norman or coroners to fulfil some of er’s badge was an axe.
even if it was unknown. their duties. The word is Vert: The vegetation of
This presentment of derived from ‘shire- the forest - trees, bush-
Englishry became a reeve’. es and pasture, the use
good source of income Squire: The servant of a of which was subject to
for the king and it con- knight, often aspiring to forest law.
tinued for hundreds of knighthood himself. Villein: A villein is, in
years, despite becoming Sumpter: A pack horse the feudal system, a
largely meaningless. or mule. member of the class of
Reeve: See Manor Surcoat: A loose outer serfs tied to the land,
Reeve. coat or gown, often worn distinguished from
Divine office: the daily with fellow Christians by 1314 and the mem-
cycle of choir services and deprived of all bers obliged to join one
performed by clergy rights and privileges in of the major mendicant
Dominican: order of the church orders
mendicant friars found- Exorcist: the second of Friary: a community of
ed in the early 13th the minor orders of the friars
century ministry; the power of Gargoyle: a water spout
Doorkeeper: the fourth exorcising evil spirits carved in the form of a
rank of minor orders of was never confined to grotesque human or an-
the ministry; their func- this order although they imal
tions were similar to assisted in this process, Gilbertine: a monastic
those of a modern ver- as well as with the pour- order founded in Eng-
ger, heading processions ing out of water at the land in the 12th
and undertaking general mass a crucifix with fo- century; a double order
care of the church fabric liate or floral ornament comprising male and
Dormitory: the com- Font: receptacle for female members under
munal sleeping area of a baptismal water, usually the spiritual guidance of
monastery; also known made of stone but some- the Augustinian canons
as the dorter times of metal Grand Master: title of
Ecclesiastical: pertain- Franciscan: order of the heads of the military
ing to the church friars founded by St orders of Templars and
Episcopal: in relation to Francis of Assisi in the Hospitallers
the authority of a bishop early 13th century in Guardian: term for the
Eremetical: relating to Italy; also known as the head of a Franciscan
the life of a hermit Friars Minor or the Grey friary
Eucharist: one of the Friars Habit: the distinctive
seven sacraments and Frater: the communal clothing worn by mem-
the principal ritual of refectory of a monastic bers of monastic orders
the church, in which establishment Heresy: the formal de-
bread and wine are Friars: members of one nial or doubt of any
transformed into the of the mendicant orders, defined doctrine of the
body and blood of the four main orders church
Christ; the ritual must being the Franciscans, Heretic: person who
be administered by a Dominicans, Carmelites has expressed formal
priest and Austin friars; they denial or doubt of any
Excommunication: a lived in regular fashion defined doctrine of the
censure imposed by but were extensively in- church
church authority which volved with the outside Holy Communion: the
excludes those subject- community; the term sacrament of the Eu-
ed to it from Holy literally means "brother" charist
Communion and impos- Friars of the Sack: also Holy Orders: the higher
es on them other called the Friars of the grades of the Christian
deprivations and disa- Penance of Jesus ministry; those of bish-
bilities; in the heavier Christ; the largest of the op, priest and deacon
form of this censure, the lesser groups of friars in Holy water stoup: a
transgressor was for- England, all of their small stone basin con-
bidden any intercourse houses were abandoned taining holy water
Pix: container for the office, recited at the first as a monastery or ca-
storage of consecrated hour thedral, that receives
wafers for the mass Prior: the deputy of an the benifice of a parish
Poor Clares: the female abbot in a major Bene- Relic: the mortal re-
branch of the Francis- dictine institution; or mains, or any
can order, maintaining the head of a lesser components thereof, of a
an enclosed monastic Benedictine house; or saint; believed to em-
life rather than one the head of any house in body the miraculous
equivalent to that of the some orders powers of the saint
friars Prior provincial: the Reliquary: a container
Pope: head and spiritu- head of a province in the for the relics of a saint;
al leader of the church Dominican order many were expensively
in Western Europe Prioress: the head of a gilded and jewelled
Prebend: a cathedral nunnery; in some orders Rosary: a series of
benefice; normally con- of a lesser house de- prayers; to assist the
sisting of the revenue pendent upon an abbey memory, the prayers are
from one manor of the Priory: a monastery; in counted off on a string
cathedral estates which the Benedictine orders a of beads
furnished a living for house dependent upon Rural dean: a minister
one cathedral canon, or an abbey; in certain or- assisting a bishop to
prebendary ders such as the administer a subdivision
Prebendary: a cathedral Augustinians or the of an archdeaconry;
canon supported by a mendicant orders, any known on the Continent
prebend, normally the religious house as an archpriest
income from one manor Processional: book con- Rural deanery: a group
of the cathedral estates taining prayers, hymns of parishes forming a
Preceptory: monastic and litany subdivision of an arch-
house of the order of Province: 1) unit of ec- deaconry
Templars clesiastical Sacrament: a visible
Premonstratensian: administration compris- sign of a sacred thing; in
order of canons derived ing a group of the late medieval church
from the Augustinians, territorially contiguous there were deemed to be
founded in 1121 dioceses: 2) in relation seven sacraments, rep-
Priest: a minister of the to later developments of resenting life cycle
church empowered to monastic orders, geo- rituals; baptism, con-
administer the sacra- graphic units of firmation, Eucharist,
ments, most particularly administration within ordination, marriage,
that of the Eucharist or the order confession and extreme
Holy Communion, as Pulpit: a stone or wood- unction
well as those of confes- en stand from which Sacristy: a room for the
sion and extreme sermons or readings storage of sacred ves-
unction were given sels, liturgical books
Primate: the chief bish- Reader: the third rank and priestly vestments;
op of a single state or of minor orders of the and where the clergy
people ministry don their ceremonial
Prime: the first of the Rector: a parish priest, attire; also known as a
Little Hours of divine or corporate body such vestry
character class and may hit point the foe has,
be of a level that is even extra XP are awarded.
higher than that of the Work this out by multi-
player characters. They plying the hit die of the
ANIMALS, will probably have some
major importance in the
foe by the number of hit
points. So a boar with
FOLK & NPCS game and are likely to
re-appear many times
12 hit points would
work out as 2 (hit die) x
throughout a campaign. 12 = 24 points added to
he following chapter They should never turn its base of 200. For eve-
focuses on some out to be more im- ry special ability the foe
stats for riding ani- portant than the has, add the number in
mals, common people characters in terms of the special ability col-
and then some non- the overall story though umn. Special abilities
player characters that – the characters are the would be any class abili-
you can use in your own focus of the game not ties of NPCs, or any
games. the NPCs. animal abilities, like
having more than one
Folk are generally the Experience points for attack in a round. If the
ordinary NPCs that defeating foes GM feels the special
characters might meet The Medieval Mysteries ability is particularly
along the way. They are RPG isn’t really about dangerous or not at all
not intended to be tough combat and fighting, so dangerous or useful,
opposition – in a movie there is less opportunity add or subtract another
they would be the extras to earn experience from 50% for that ability. Or-
that are either on screen killing things than there dinary folk count as
only very briefly or are is in, say Castles & Cru- 1HD. Certain creatures
killed early on, before sades. However, there is really do not provide
the characters get to the experience available for experience, and so will
end of their adventure. those times when com- not have any points
Folk are classed as 0- bat is inevitable. When listed.
level. Sometimes, folk animals, folk and NPCs
take on greater im- are defeated, outwitted
portance in the game or killed, characters
than the GM originally gain experience points
envisaged. In this case, (XP). The number of
they might be elevated points gained depends
to NPC status. on how tough the foe is
to kill or defeat. For eve-
NPCs are special GM ry hit die the foe has,
characters. These char- there is a base XP
acters must be worked award, set out in the
out as if they are player table below. For every
characters. They have a
Brace, aged about 50 character could be a
falls dead from his friend of the family or
horse, whilst talking to an apothecary could
a local outside the inn easily be drafted in to
MYSTERY: A that he had stayed at for
the previous night.
see if he can determine
what was in the empty
VIAL MURDER Brace had been con-
ducting a little business
his scenario is left ride out of his have character request-
deliberately open so hometown and was re- ed by the sheriff or some
that you can pretty turning home. He had to other person in authori-
much use it whatever stop at the inn as it was ty to look into the death
location or period you getting late and he was ‘because he was a re-
decide to set your own fearful of not making it spected burgess in the
Medieval Murder Mys- back to town before town and we must be
tery RPG campaign in. I nightfall. seen to do the right
would suggest that you thing’. The family lawyer
read it through to the The mystery is what could even draft in some
end (it isn’t that long) killed him. He was talk- investigators, because
and decide which of the ing one moment to the there is a technicality in
endings you prefer. You local carter Peter and the will, that ‘requires
can then tailor the lines the next moment, ac- that we discover if he
of questioning, the re- cording to Peter he was murdered or died of
sponses from the stopped talking, “looked natural cause’ before it
various NPCs and so on like the Devil had pos- can be settled.
to the ending you have sessed his soul” and
selected. keeled over, falling from Investigations
his horse “like a sack of The clues
The alternative is to get cabbages”. To all intents and pur-
the gist of the scenario poses, it looks like death
and not necessarily Involving the by natural causes, per-
have the conclusion pre- haps a heart attack. The
determined, allowing
If the primary investiga- only odd thing that a
your players to come up search of the body and
tor is a crowner, then he
with the solution them- his possessions will re-
is required to investigate
selves. This may be a bit veal is an empty potion
anyway. If one of the
more difficult though vial in his belt pouch.
characters is a noble,
and is recommended for Otherwise the body is
more experienced GM’s. you could have the
death occur on his whole (maybe with a
manor and therefore he bruise or scrape where
What is the mystery? he fell from his horse).
A wealthy local wool might feel obliged to in-
merchant, Nicholas vestigate. A merchant
There is actually a small da, pretty and a lot a bad word said against
drop of the potion left in younger than him. They his wife. Secretly, Mar-
the vial and an apothe- have no children (a sore tha says that she thinks
cary character (or NPC) point with Hilda). Hilda that Hilda had been poi-
could figure out that will explain that Nicho- soning her husband.
this is a slow-acting poi- las was in ill-health and She is certain that Hilda
son with time, access to had been seeing an had visited another
his shop and a success- apothecary in the town, apothecary and ob-
ful check. where he obtained his tained a poison for
medicine. She did try to vermin, which she was
Witnesses tell her husband not to exchanging for Nicho-
The only witness to the eat so much rich food or las’s medication. But
actual event was Peter to drink so much, but Martha has no proof of
who, being a god-fearing he wouldn’t listen. One this.
soul is apt to let his im- thing the characters
agination run away with might notice is that she If the characters ap-
him. He will be adamant doesn’t seem as dis- proach Walter Stanshill,
that Nicholas Brace had traught as perhaps she they will see that his
been possessed by the might be, in the circum- shop is a little messy
Devil, if pressed (be- stances. If the vial is and that he does seem a
sides, it’s more gossip- produced, Hilda will little old to still be dis-
worthy that way and acknowledge that it was pensing medicines.
might get him a few his and she will tell However, he was Brace’s
rounds in the tavern them the name of the friend and there doesn’t
later). apothecary, if asked. seem to be any reason
The apothecary is Wal- that he should want to
None of the other locals ter Stanshill, respected, see him dead. He too
know very much about if a little ancient, but told Nicholas to lay off
the death. The innkeep- also a family friend. the spicy food and the
er will say that Brace wine and to get a bit of
came in late in the af- Other merchants knew air now and again. He
ternoon, ordered a huge Nicholas well, being a had prescribed him a
meal and plenty of ale a pillar of the community, remedy for his pain (if a
retired early. He seemed but have little to add to character is an apothe-
fine, if a little ‘red in the what Hilda has said. cary or they seek
face’ and ‘short of However, one person, confirmation, it will be
breath’. Earlier in the Brace’s sister Martha, found that what was
evening, he may have says that she was al- prescribed was normal
been sat with somebody, ways suspicious of for this type of com-
who he seemed to know Hilda, who she says is a plaint).
(see other possibilities: A money-grabbing strum-
rival merchant). pet. She says that she The gossip
told Nicholas that Hilda Around town the gossip
Friends & family was always up to no is that there is an
Brace was a well-known good with one of his ap- apothecary in town who
burgess around town. prentices, Aylwin, but is a specialist on poi-
He was married to Hil- Nicholas wouldn’t have sons. Other gossip
PLAYER NAME________________________________
Level__________________ Gender__________________
Age__________ Height___________Weight___________
Medieval Mysteries RPG
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