The Rational Male. The Players Handbook Summary
The Rational Male. The Players Handbook Summary
The Rational Male. The Players Handbook Summary
Game has benefited everyone, no matter the age, experience or relationship status.
Amused mastery: is an attitude where you know you are good and already can master female nature,
you respond with a smirk and it’s an attitude that you have seen it all before, all her shit test and her
bad attitudes. “It means you never take her too seriously – like a bratty younger sister – but also with
the presence of mind of a senior Alpha male who knows her game before she plays it. That is the “and
play with her” part of Game.”
Demonstrate Higher Value: You must demonstrate higher value and not explicate. Actions speak louder
than words. “The best DHVs are hints of information that convey preselection, domain mastery, and
social dominance. Good DHV should effortlessly establish in a woman’s mind that you are a man who
other men want to be and other women want to fuck.”
Command presence: You must the respected in a room and take yourself seriously more than not. You
must have a commanding presence and authority. Body posture, the way you speak, the way you dress,
the people around you will influence this command presence. “Command Presence is the man who
“other men who want to be part” of attraction. For women, there is an instinctive attraction to a made
man. Hypergamy cannot afford to miss out on the opportunity for a turnkey relationship, the guy who’s
already a proven commodity in the sexual marketplace.”
Kino: It stands for touch and will help you establish trust and excite a woman. When people touch, it
releases a hormone that builds trust and sometimes arousal. “The trick to effective Kino is to make
physical contact seem casual and subtle without crossing into betraying intent of intimacy seeking or to
present the appearance of “needing” the touch. For instance, we may consider a slight squeeze back
from a woman whose hand you’ve just grasped as an Indicator of Interest (IOI), but Kino is something
different when a woman grabs your inner thigh while sitting down for drinks or dinner.”
Reading a woman/ room: You must have the social intelligence to read a woman and come up with
things about her. Is she a Goth or a classy woman? You must also read her emotions. After you begin
talking, you must evaluate if she is giving you Indicators of Interest (IOI’s). “Her looks, vocal intonations,
body posture, gestures, kinesthetic (Kino), facial expressions, eyes dilated, flirtations, innuendos, and
shit tests are all part of women’s covert forms of communicating interest. Eye contact for a beat longer
than expected? Hair twirling, leg shifting? You need to train yourself to actively look for the nuances in
body language. Calibrating Game to interest levels in women is part of the art of pickup. You have to
adjust Game according to perceived interest. If there are no IOIs, you’ll have to adjust to catch her
attention and reassess from there.”
Breadcrumbs: Mystery plays a big part in attraction. You should not display all of your cards. That means
that you should not tell her everything about you. She must discover that using her feminine intuition.
Throughout a conversation you must drop hints about your fun and beautiful life, but not tell her all
about it. She must discover it. You must make her talk about herself. That’s what they want. Women
have boyfriends and girlfriends. If you aren’t fucking her, you’re her girlfriend. Women say they want
honesty, but they never want full disclosure.
Flow: It refers to the flow of the date and conversation “As odd as this will sound, there is a natural
“flow” to a date that escalates to intimacy. Much of what the old-school Pickup Artists taught was an
emulation of behaviors that follow this Flow.” “The most straightforward illustration of this is the
“action date” theory; do something exciting with your target for her to associate that feeling with you.
On the front end, she’s jet-skiing with you in South Beach, but her body is producing adrenaline and
dopamine in excitement on the back end. The ideal state is very Pavlovian; you want the mental image
of you to create the same effect in her body chemistry. Maintaining that rush doesn’t have to come
from bungee jumping or sky diving. Those same chemical triggers can be stimulated with indignation,
jealousy, lust, intrigue, suspicion, imagination, etc.”
Shit tests: “Women will shit test men as autonomously and subconsciously as men will stare at a
woman’s big boobs.” Shit tests are test given from women to men to determine men’s authenticity and
see if he is truly confident, has other girls or has the ability to provide security. You don’t pass a test.
Tests are given continually and you must always be aware of them. “That Hypergamous Filter asks two
questions: Is he who he presents himself to be? Is he the best that I can do?” Active testing answers the
first question. This is the most common form of tests; they are given in bars and clubs and where
women are approached usually. Passive testing answers the second question; they usually come up
during a relationship.
For active tests you can use Agree & Amplify. You agree with her statement and then amplify it to an
extreme decree. A woman enjoys her problems with you because it creates emotion.
Abundance mindset: Women don’t want a man that cheats. They want a man that could cheat. There
are many women in this world and none of them are unique. Pragmatism should be the prime directive
of your Game. ”For instance, with just average Game, in three dates, you should be able to determine if
her desire level is high enough for her to want to fuck you. The pragmatic operative of the “Three Strikes
Rule” isn’t pushing for a hasty same night lay; it’s about determining genuine desire and not wasting
time with low-interest women.” “In the sexual marketplace, you’re another commodity” “they’re
already operating in a dehumanized market”.
As men, we have more abundance in the long term because we hit our prime later in life.
AMOG (Alpha male of the Group): AMOG is the guy that everyone respects and that everyone likes. “So
what do you do with an AMOG? I’m going to flip your AMOG impression upside down. That AMOG isn’t
the one you should concern yourself with.
Most early PUAs suggested a process of containment and isolating your target woman to “poach” her
from that guy. The isolation idea is to remove a girl you like from her social group to eliminate outside
noise. Still, the effect is similar to Mate Guarding – isolate her awareness of all other sexual competitors
and focus her attention on you.”
ALL WARFARE IS BASED ON DECEPTION: You must be the AMOG without being the AMOG. The best
AMOG is the guy that girls talk about when he is not around. AMOG’s don’t have to be loud or angry. If
you cannot become the AMOG, then befriend him and make him like you and wait until he self-
THE BOYFRIEND DESTROYER: If she says that she has a boyfriend in the beginning, then you can be sure
that she is not interested, but if she says it after 20 minutes, then probably it’s a shit test. The best way
to play with her here is to preempt it. “A woman who looks apologetic when she drops the boyfriend
bomb and turns rapidly cold after saying it is an attention whore. She enjoys the good feelings you gave
her for twenty minutes.” Therefore, she must be ignored.
THE UTILITY OF BETA MALES: Beta males help you elevate your Alpha status to the next level because
the girls will evaluate you in comparison to those betas. “Ego is the reason most people stay Blue Pill.
You have to be honest with yourself and admit when something is wrong. Then find ways to fix it.
Hypergamy and Evolution both want “Hoes before Bros.””.
There is no way to balance alpha and beta traits. You must be only Alpha
Women break rules for Alpha’s and make rules for Beta’s
The Zen of game: Women desire men that don’t actively pursue women because they are not seen as
desperate. Familiarity make women disgusted to have sex with you after you marry. Red flags you don’t
want to see:
1. It’s not a that a girl has many male admirers – they all do – it’s the kind of guy she
entertains. It’s a huge Red Flag if you are markedly different from those kinds of men.
2. She was a slut with other guys but made you wait.
3. She has an entitlement mentality surrounding sex. To her, sex is a commodity that she
uses as a currency for exchange.
4. She has an entitlement mentality surrounding sex. To her, sex is a commodity that she
uses as a currency for exchange.
5. Closely related to this is that she remains in control during sex. She’s self-conscious and
never seems to be completely free or enjoying herself.
6. She wants to rush to commitment. She puts out overt and subtle hints that she expects
ever-increasing investment and commitment in exchange for the sex perks she’s doling
out. This is the free samples, loss-leader girl.
Direct VS Indirect Game: Direct game is going to a woman and telling her that you like her. Your body
language is direct and your voice is direct as well. “Combining this directness with appeals to authentic
masculinity, we get what’s called Direct Game.” The problem with Direct game is that it kills Mystery and
intrigue. The best one is indirect game “2. Indirect Body Language (IBL) + Indirect Verbal Communication
(IVC) You engage her with an innocuous statement about something in your shared environment. You
comport yourself like you have another place to be, and she happens to be there to listen to you.
Example: Look over your shoulder at the girl. Turn your body to face her partially—point one foot in
another direction. Rock back on your heels as you speak. A glance at some distant object. With a neutral
tone of voice, say, “If the bookstore weren’t so full of poseurs, we might have a chance to get a book
within the next hour.” The key to this is a visual connection from her to you.”
“Technically you can open with anything, so long as what you open with comes from a place of
self-amusement and congruency. When you think, “How should I open this girl?” you’re
essentially thinking, “What can I say to earn this girl’s validation?” You’re already beginning in a
Frame of having a lower value than her.
When you think, “Whatever I say is gold, of course, she’ll love me, I’m so awesome!” you’re
psychologically screening her for “Is she cool enough for me to let her hang with me?” You’re already in
a Frame of having a higher value than her. Women pick up on this subconsciously. They’ve spent their
lives having to learn to assess quickly “is this person being genuine with me, or are they trying to get
something from me?””
Peacocking: You need to have a style and be different from the other betas because that’s how
you draw women attention to yourself. Beta males only examine the extremes. So peacocking is just
being different from the other males. You also have to read the environment and decide which type of
clothing would fit your current environment, but also make yourself stand out
Approach anxiety: If you believe that a woman is better than you or upper in the social
hierarchy, then you are already rejected. You must forget the concept of “Leagues”, because they
don’t exist. Beauty and hotness are subjective and they wither with age. SMV is not constant (as is
nothing in the universe), therefore, in the long term, as a man, you will be better than her so leagues
don’t exist. “Game Maxim #19: Always let a woman figure out why she won’t fuck you, never do it for
her.” Better aim for the best you can get and fail than not try and win. “Beauty and sexuality are the
sources of women’s agency. Tacitly deny them this, and your interactions with women will transform
from tactics to strategy. Apprehension and self-consciousness are replaced with Amused Mastery when
a woman perceives you’re unaffected by her looks. You’ll have better interactions with her because the
power of her beauty is removed.”
Never compliment a girl on her looks, especially not a girl you aren’t fucking, because looks
are not important as they degrade over time and you must look for an interesting woman.
Sexual Zoning: There are certain zones where you cannot approach a women and not be
deemed a creep. You must read the room and understand what people are doing there and if they want
to be approached. Also you must have situational awareness and understand the risks you are taking
when approaching someone and also understand the ramifications of what you are about to do. Don’t
practice game with people that already know you because you will look inauthentic.
The Creep: The creep is a guy that does not understand women messages and escalates too
quickly. Also, if you are attractive, what you do might not be creepy. But, if an unattractive guy does it,
he is creepy. If you over-persist, you will be catalogued as creepy by any woman. Also, over-sexualizing
is creepy. Also don’t do the following:
Strength of Interest: Women with high levels of interest won’t confuse you. Hypergamy never
seeks its own level. Women will always search for a man that is better than them in order to improve
their lives. In order to be treated with respect, you must respect yourself first and act like a king., but
also you must be consistent with your behavior so are actually a king.
IOI’s can include: unsolicited Kino (touch), focus on your face, body positioning (head tilt, legs pointed at
you), sexual ornamentation. Possible IOIs to consider:
Looks: Looks play a big part in attracting women. It is one of the most important things that you can
have. Stay in shape for the rest of your life.
Priorities of women based on age
- 15-24 years old: Looks are everything. Raw, Darwinian physicality is best.
- 25-30 years old: Looks still are the most important thing, but other things like
Ambition, character, assets, humor, personality, personal potential
- 30-35 years old: Looks drop in priority over assets, status, and personal security.
Game and personality become more imperative
- 35-45 years old: The hope is to lock down a reliable Beta with at least some
money. Status is nice, looks would be icing on the cake if he’s still got them, but
security takes priority above Game or social intelligence
Indignation: Women will create problems (anger) in the absence of it. You must be the supplier of
indignation. You must sometimes lose your head over justifiable things. Find some issue that meets your
disapproval and “let it get to you”
Always maintain frame, no matter the consequences. Also the word “no” has great power.
Crisis of motive: You are doing self-improvement both for yourself and for the outside world,
including women. Intelligence is only sexy to women if you can use it for their advantage. A woman will
offer you everything only if you put yourself first.
The Talk: The talk in an ultimatum given out by women who don’t have a genuine desire for you and
seek commitment. The talk happens mostly in the Epiphany phase because she is losing her SMV. When
you are spinning plates, some will fall. You must set the Frame of the relationship. Most women are ok
with sharing an Alpha than being exclusive with a Beta.
She’s Unhaaaapy…: Women always consider and think about the worst case scenario . “Pook once
said, “The surest way to make a woman miserable is to give her everything she wants.””. Happiness is
just another emotion and just another means to an end. Alpha men prioritize their own needs and
happiness before that of any women because women’s default state in unhappiness or discontent.
Blue Pill Alphas: These guys are the ones that are Alpha with men, but beta with women. They defend
women always but act Alpha. Alpha, Beta, Red Pill, Blue Pill; these are separable.
Is providing Beta? Not neceseraly. If that is the main sexual strategy, then yes, it’s Beta. For Alphas,
providing is just an added bonus for women. Game is what matters more. Provisioning comes after an
Alpha sexual strategy; the Beta strategy depends on it.
Ovulation & Dread: Women are more likely to mate guard and to poach. They mate guard when they
think that you have more opportuinties and can have sex with other women. Women know when
another women is more attractive and in her ovulatory phase. You can use this in the form of Dread. By
that, sometimes, while being very carefull, display your options to her. Don’t flirt with another woman in
front of her, but unintentionally flirting creates passive dread wich is the best. Neg hits are teasing
women to make them compete or display their SMV to you and to qualify for you.
Ghosting Friends: Sometimes, you must ghost friends, close ones or maybe family when they still
dissrespect you because their first impressions are the most important. I know this is tough, but is the
rational and pragmatic thing to do. Please do it, for your future self.. Our knowledge makes us pity them
and we want to help them, but remember Plato’s Cave.
DEEP CONVERSION: Deep conversion is total dedication from a woman. Women are incapable of loving
men in a way that a man idealizes is possible, in a way he thinks she should be capable of. Women
would rather cry over an asshole than be saddled with a guy who bores them to tears.
Women want dominance from her man, both in bed and in life. Women’s love is opportunistic. In order
for women to love in that way, they must abandon her sexual strategy. “This Deep Conversion state is
not impossible for you, but it is only sustainable in a Red Pill-aware paradigm. Red Pill awareness and
internalized Game savvy is the only way to sustain a healthy relationship in an era of Open Hypergamy.
Understanding this conversion and how to inspire it is something you should contemplate deeply.”
Alpha widows: Alpha widows are women who can’t accept Beta males because she knows she can get
better men than that. “Alpha Widow: A mental fixation on the man who made the most significant
socio-sexual impact upon a woman as her Hypergamous Ideal.” Women with higher body counts have a
higher chance to divorce and to report lower happiness in their marriages. Men are not affected by this
because they can detach their emotional investment from the sex while women can’t. Five minutes of
Alpha beats five years of Beta.
The cardinal Rule of Mating Strategies: FOR ONE SEX’S MATING STRATEGY TO SUCCEED, THE OTHER’S
MUST BE COMPROMISED OR ABANDONED. That means that you will never leave a woman better than
she was before you met her.
If you want to become a player, you must rid yourself of the Scarcity Mindset and embrace an air of
abundance. Even the most attractive and successful guys still suffer from scarcity.
Hypergamy: The misconceptions: There is more to a man than just his looks. There is money, status,
game, etc. Hypergamy is not just “Marrying upwards”. All women are Hypergamous. No women are less
hypergamous than another, all that changes are the context in which hypergamy is displayed. Men and
women are not both Hypergamous since men don’t need a reason to have sex, just a place. And also,
men and women are different. Hypergamy applies to both short term and long term interests. A
woman needs security and direction while still needing attractiveness and physical prowess. Hypergamy
is not a choice for women. Women are pragmatists pretending to be romantics.
“The very disingenuous misconception is that 20% of guys are fucking 80% of women when data shows
it’s really 100% of women are interested in the top 20% of men – and only 4.5% of men prompt women
to make something happen!
Hypergamy never seeks its own level. Regarding sexual market value, women aren’t looking for a lateral
move when mating. The 80/20 rule applies to women’s interpretation of men’s value, not 20% of men
fiendishly banging all but the lowest percentile of ugly women they leave for average men.”
Trust, rapport, and comfort are post-orgasm emotional conditions. Even though it’s painful, you must
accept the hypergamous nature of women in order to change yourself and to sort everything out. Men
don’t seek to mate down; they only seek to mate. After marriage, Hypergamy doesn’t end, but if you
satisfy her, it will be reduced. Both Alpha Fucks and Beta Bucks matter, not just the Alpha side.
We men like to have multiple women to have sex with and maintain those relationships without
investing. The problem is that most of us can’t, because our SMV is below that of other women.
True BPD’s: Faithful BPD women progressively gaslight their men to believe that they are the source
of her neurosis. You are not yourself; you are who she’s molding you to be. Eventually, you’ll come to
believe that it’s in your best interest – indeed, your masculine responsibility – to be who she wants
you to be to cure her neurosis.
The following paragraphs are important to those struggling. I seriously could not cut anything out.
They talk about suicide and purposeless men.
At some point, you have to BECOME game. You must internalize all of this. You have to make all of
this theory YOU. You must be so used to applying this, that it becomes second nature.