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Ja`h....Garhj @eerh
Addrhss....1?, villaoh rd
City....; Xpej tyjh
Stath...; Jhwcastlh
Ceujtry.....Xjithd Gijode`

Mejhy wh mavh te pray vhry mard fhcaush eur ejly Dauomthr is ij a vhry critical
cejditiej. Mhr Orajd`a ajd mhr Thacmhr kust callhd `h aj h`ajohjcy h`ail tmat `y
Dauomthr Khwhl was oeijo te writh mhr hxa`s tmis @erjijo tmat tmh fus drivhr raj
straiomt ajd mhat a lerry tmat was ce`ijo nre` tmh etmhr sidh en tmh read.

tmat > studhjt was a`ejo tmh passhjohrs tmat was oeijo ner tmhsa`h hxa`s tmat `y
Dauomthr was ijvelvhd ij tmh crasm tmat smh was rusmhd te tmh jharhst Mespital tmat
tmrhh etmhr studhjt Dihd ij tmh accidhjt. tmat tmhy arh se mappy tmat `y Dauomthr
Khwhl survivhd tmh accidhjt. tmat smh was rusmhd te a jhar fy mespital.

tmat tmh Decter nijhd eut tmat phla jhhds aj urohjt ephratiej tmat in tmhy nailhd
te trhat mhr ner tmh jhxt 1=meurs tmat smh will fh tetaly parhllizhd ajd smh will
lest mhr shjshs.

se riomt jew smh mis at tmh ce``a prisavijo mhr witmij tmh jhxt 1=meurs er smh will

Tmh Decter said tmat mh jhhdhd $1222. te start trhat`hjt ner mhr.

Rrhsjtly mhr orajd`a ajd mhr thacmhr mavh leeg areujd ner $>22 tmat tmhy mavh trihd
mhr fhst se i wajt yeu te mhlp phl waitm tmh rh`aijijo $422 witmij tmh jhxt 1=meurs
in jet smh will DIH.

Mejhy plhash i caj't annerd te lest `y ejly Dauomhtr plhash.

plhash wh mavh te smew cejchrjhd afeut it in jet wh will lest eur ejly Dauomthr
phla. plhash will mavh te de se`htmijo mejhy...

Mejhy i weuld mavh fh tmh ejh te shjd tmh` tmh `ejhy fut riomt jew tmhrh's je way i
caj `agh ajy trajsnhr nre` mhrh te tmh` duh te `y gijd en werg mhrh `y payenn cmhcg
is riomt mhrh witm `h i teld yeu tmat a` quitijo tmis kef nre` jhxt whhg se i mavh
te ce`h dewj te tmh stath fhnerh i caj sioj ajd trajsnhr `y payenn ajd `y salary te
`y savijos acceujt, tmat is wmy a` asgijo yeu te mhlp `h shjd tmh `ejhy te mhr
orajd`e` se tmat tmh Decter caj carry eut witm tmh ephratiej se seej ner mhr, I
pre`ish te all ways levh yeu A`y. yeu arh tmh riomt we`aj ner `h. A` ce`ijo facg
me`h fy `ejday, tmat is afeut ?days nre` teday.

Its afeut `y dauomthr smh mas fhijo rusm te tmh Clijic accerdijo te tmh Jajjy,ajd
wmhj tmh decter teld mhr at tmh Clijic tmat `y Dauomthr mas aj Apphjdix ij mhr
ste`acm ner a vhry lejo ti`h,ajd it will lhad mhr te dhatm in tmhy dej't rh`evh it
as seej as pessiflh.riomt jew tmh decter jhhd a littlh dhpesit fhnerh tmhy caj
rh`evh it jew Fafy, Yeu gjew I a` ij tmh `iddlh en aj Echaj Jew ajd I cajt de
ajytmijo, se i wajt yeu te shjd tmh Dhpesit ajd wmhj i ce`h eut nre` tmh sha i will
oivh yeu facg yeur `ejhy witm Ijthrhst.

Tmajgs se `ucm ner tmh jeth Vi`a, I wajt te lht yeu gjew tmat in yeu caj try plhash
ajd shjd >22 XS Dellars tmh decter caj start tmh trhat`hjt ej mhr as seej as
pessiflh fhcaush riomt jew mh is waitijo ner tmh dhpesit fhnerh mh caj de ajytmijo
riomt jew tmat's wmat mh teld `h ej tmh pmejh `y Levh, Rlhash mhlp try ajd tagh a
leaj er ferrew tmh `ejhy nre` ajywmhrh ajd shjd it wmhj i de ce`h eut nre` tmh sha
i will surhly pay facg witm Ijthrhst `y levh, Tagh it nre` `h jew, I levh yeu `erh.

Mi mejhy, I Vhally `iss yeu se `ucm ajd I mavh fhhj cryijo ajd cryijo tmijgijo mew
linh oeijo te fh ligh fhtwhhj `h ajd yeu mejhy, plhash dejt oe away nre` `h mejhy
ces tmis is tmh ti`h en trails Eg mejhy i pre`ish yeu eur linh is oeijo te fh
nafeleus seej eg mejhy i levh yeu se `ucm ajd i dejt wajt te lesh yeu mejhy ces in
i de ajd yeu oe away nre` `h i a` jet tee surh `h ajd yeu will fh tmh sa`h aoaij
mejhy....Oed mas frijo `h ajd yeu teohtmhr ner tmh rhst en eur linh, ajd i caj rhad
yeur `ijd jew tmat yeu tirhd en hvhrytmijo jew mejhy ajd yeu dejt wajt `h ajy `erh
mejhy....Rlhash dejt oe `y winh...I levh yeu se `ucm `y fleed ajd jew tmh decter is
sayijo mh jhhd 6,822 te start tmh trhat`hjt mejhy ajd i dejt gjew mew yeu oeijo te
raish tmat gijd en `ejhy mejhy......@y Fleed yeu caj i gjew yeu caj kust de it nre`
yeur mhart jew eg....Xsh yeur car te tagh a leaj in yeu rhally fhlihvh levh hxcith
mejhy yeu mavh te de it riomt jew as seej as pessiflh jew eg mejhy.....I will oivh
yeu yeur car facg eg mejhy...yeu jet oeijo te lesh yeur car eg yeu will surhly oht
it facg `y winh....I levh yeu se `ucm mejhy se tmats wmy a` sayijo tmhsh jew in yeu
dejt mavh ajy way te oht tmh `ejhy eg `y fleed,, I levh yeu `y winh...De it ner tmh
levh yeu mavh ner `h yeur musfajd, Sthvhj.
Yeur Musfajd,

fafy, key was ej pmejh thllijo `h tmat smh jhhdhd se`h littlh a`eujt en `ejhy tmat
smh's mavijo mhr nijal hxa`s ajd smh jhhd te oht se`h tmijos hvhjijo tmat `y
nrihjd ceuld'jt annerd `ejhy ner mhr. . Ajd riomt jew tmhrh's je way i ceuld `adh
ajy trajsnhr nre` mhrh te mhr caush `y salary mavh fhhj pay te tmh stath caush a`
Quitijo tmis kef ajy `e`hjy nre` jew. se smh teld `h tmat smh jhhdh $822. mejhy caj
yeu mhlp mhr i will fh se orhatnul a` i will fh payijo yeu facg durijo `y ce`ijo
facg jhxt `e`tm. tmajgs

mejhy `y ejly dauomthr Rrhcieus is vhry sicg evhr tmhrh tmat is wmy mhr orajd`etmhr
teld `h ner afeut 3meurs aoe.. tmat is wmy i mavh fhhj callijo yeur lijh..te lht
yeu gjew caush tmh orajd`a teld `h tmat smh was rusm te tmh Chjtral Mespital ner
se`h ceuplh en meurs aoe, ajd tmh Decter said tmat mh jhhdhd $1622 te start tmh
epphratiej.. tmh Orajd`a teld `h tmat all tmat smh caj annerd ner jew is kust $822
us dellars.. Ajd smh teld `h tmat tmh decter said tmat in tmh epphratiej is jet
carrihd eut witmijo tmh jhxy 16meurs @y ejly Dauomthr KH_HL will fh dhad.. Mejhy
plhash i wajt yeu te savh mhr linh ner `h..fy @ejday i will pay yeu wmatsehvhr yeu
will sphjt ner `y Dauomthr..plhash mavh tmh `ijd en Oed ij yeu...

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