PDS WITSML Studio Desktop Guideline - 7888154 - 01
PDS WITSML Studio Desktop Guideline - 7888154 - 01
PDS WITSML Studio Desktop Guideline - 7888154 - 01
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ……………………………………………………….…………………………. 1
2. Guidelines ………… ……………………………………………………………………….... 2
PDS WITSML Studio Desktop is a Windows desktop application that can be used for querying, testing
and evaluating Energistics standards such as WITSML and ETP. This application supports WITSML, and 2.00 versions. This user guide contains descriptions and instructions for all
functionality provided by PDS WITSML Studio Desktop.
2. Guidelines
PDS WITSML Studio Desktop Guideline (WITSML Browser)
iv. WITSML Browser is an application plug-in for PDS WITSML Studio Desktop. It enables
users to connect to any WITSML store and execute supported WITSML API functions. It
consists of two sets of tabs for Request and Response functionality.
1) Request Tabs
• Settings – Manages connections to a WITSML server and configuration of
common options needed for performing WITSML API functions
• Hierarchy – Displays the WITSML data object hierarchy of existing data in
the server
• Query – provides a free-form editor for WITSML inputs/queries and buttons
to perform API functions.
2) Response Tabs
• Results – Displays the result of a WITSML API function call
• Properties – Provides a searchable list of elements and values for the
selected data object node in the Hierarchy tab
PDS WITSML Studio Desktop Guideline (WITSML Browser)
• Data – Provides a tabular view of growing object data for the selected data
object node in the Hierarchy tab
• WITSML Messages – Displays the WITSML request and response messages
• SOAP Messages – Display raw SOAP-encoded WITSML request and response
Connections enable setting up and establishing a connection to a WITSML server. It also enables
querying a server’s supported version.
PDS WITSML Studio Desktop Guideline (WITSML Browser)
PDS WITSML Studio Desktop Guideline (WITSML Browser)
E) Edit a Connection
F) Delete a Connection
PDS WITSML Studio Desktop Guideline (WITSML Browser)
G) Select a Version
After connecting to a WITSML server, all supported versions will be listed with the most
current version selected by default. To select another version, follows these steps.
H) Hierarchy
Provides a tree view hierarchy of data in a WITSML Store. To expand a node, click on the left
arrow or double-click the name.
PDS WITSML Studio Desktop Guideline (WITSML Browser)
I) Query : Query tab consists of a free-form editor for WITSML inputs/queries and buttons to
execute API functions.
• Cut - copies selected text to the clipboard and deletes it from the screen
• Copy - copies selected text to the clipboard
• Paste - paste the contents of the clipboard to the highlighted section
• Select All - selects the entire content of the tab
• Copy All - copies the entire content of the tab to the clipboard
• Replace - replaces all text in the tab with the contents of the clipboard
• Clear - removes all content from the tab
• Word Wrap - toggles word wrapping on or off
• Pretty Print - toggles XML pretty printing on or off
PDS WITSML Studio Desktop Guideline (WITSML Browser)
2) Query Buttons
Provides a drop-down list of WITSML API functions, a drop-down list of return elements,
a drop-down list WITSML data-object templates that are supported by the server, and a
button to execute the function using the XML in the editor as input.
PDS WITSML Studio Desktop Guideline (WITSML Browser)
1) Results Context Menu : Right click within the tab to display a context menu with the
following options
• Cut - copies selected text to the clipboard and deletes it from the screen
• Copy - copies selected text to the clipboard
• Paste - paste the contents of the clipboard to the highlighted section
• Select All - selects the entire content of the tab
• Copy All - copies the entire content of the tab to the clipboard
• Replace - replaces all text in the tab with the contents of the clipboard
• Clear - removes all content from the tab
• Word Wrap - toggles word wrapping on or off
• Pretty Print - toggles XML pretty printing on or off
PDS WITSML Studio Desktop Guideline (WITSML Browser)
L) Data: Displays the selected growing data object data in tabular format
M) WITSML and SOAP Messages tabs : Provide a running log of WITSML and WITSML SOAP-
encoded request and response messages. The tabs are provided to assist with diagnosis
issues and viewing the context of messages sent and received between WITSML Browser
and a WITSML server
i) WITSML Messages : The WITSML Messages tab displays the WITSML request and
response messages. The request message lists the API function call that was made,
OptionsIn parameters, and XML input. The response message lists the return code,
supplemental message, and XML output.
PDS WITSML Studio Desktop Guideline (WITSML Browser)
ii) SOAP Messages : Displays the SOAP-encoded WITSML request and response messages