Let's Talk About Social Networking Sites
Let's Talk About Social Networking Sites
Let's Talk About Social Networking Sites
networking sites
How many social networking sites Have you ever joined in any social In your opinion, what is the best
do you know? Can you give any networking sites? How do you like social networking site? Explain
examples? them? why.
Social networking sites are for Have you ever tried to find your What did you think when you first
those who aren’t good at meeting soul mate on a social networking used Twitter? Do you think it’s a
people face to face. What do you site? Was it dangerous? successful site? Explain why.
think of this statement?
What do you think of 140 What do you think of Twitter’s Why does Twitter choose a bird
characters for the Twitter slogan, “What are you doing”? as its logo? How do they make
updates? Is it enough? money?
What springs to your mind when What do you think of putting What are your favorite Facebook
you hear the word ‘Facebook’? personal information on applications or games? Explain
What do you think of this name? Facebook? Explain why. why.
Have you ever put anything on What would you like Facebook and What are the best things about
Facebook that you were Twitter to do differently? Facebook and Twitter? Explain
regretted? Talk about it. Explain why. why.
Why are Facebook and Twitter What do you think of someone What questions would you like to
banned in some countries? who are addicted to Facebook? ask Facebook’s and Twitter’s
How can you help them? inventor or owner?
Should a company ban the What kind of new features would Do you think your country’s leader
employees from using social you like to see on social has a page on a social networking
networking sits at work? Why or networking sites in the future? site? What do you think it might
why not? contain?
Do you think that social Would you prefer to meet new Should children be allowed to use
networking sites will make people people at a party or through social networking sites? Why or
lonelier? Explain why. internet? why not?
Most of social networking sites have their own signiture logo. It
makes people recognize them easily. So it’s time to check your memory!
Can you name all the following icons with their site’s name? Have fun!
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