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Seminar Report 2022-23 Solar Mobile Charges


Solar mobile chargers are devices that use the

energy of the sun to charge mobile phones. They convert the energy of the sun into
electrical energy, which can then be used to charge the device. Solar mobile chargers are a
convenient and renewable source of energy, and they are an excellent alternative to
traditional batteries. They are easy to use and require no additional setup. Additionally,
they are safe and reliable, as they are designed to withstand extreme weather conditions.
Solar mobile chargers are also ideal for those who are on the go, as they can be easily
carried around and used wherever the sun is shining. They are also cost-effective, as they
do not require any additional fuel or electricity. Therefore, solar mobile chargers are an
excellent choice for those who are looking for a renewable and reliable source of power.

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Seminar Report 2022-23 Solar Mobile Charges


Solar energy has long been grabbing the attention of

scientists and researchers as a true alternate solution to fossil fuel energy. Noticing the
enormous abundance of sunlight available to us as a blessing from our sun, it is not unusual
to wish to tap this energy which has been there since the beginning of time and use it to drive
our engines and homes. However solar energy even though it is available in abundance, the
efforts to use this energy and transfer it into a usable form and drives our day to day
appliances has been in vain. That is why solar energy has not become our prime source of our
energy requirements. We are either relying on hydroelectric power which in turn causes
environmental disaster or we burn coal or use nuclear energy to generate electricity. The
main reason why we are not able to use solar energy is our solar panels are not able to tap
more than 20% of its energy. This results in huge investment costs but low return on
investment. This makes the investment in solar energy unattractive and therefore is becoming
less and less popular. However, researchers all round the world have been able to develop
solar panels that will tap this solar energy more efficiently. To understand how this is
possible we need to understand how solar panels are made. There are two basic types of solar
panels, the first is the crystalline solar panels made of crystalline silicon and the other is
amorphous silicon panel which is made from amorphous silicon. To make Crystalline solar
panels, thin disks are cut from silicon in its crystalline form which are .8 cm thick. These
disks are then subjected to a careful polishing and repairing process to ensure that no damage
occurred during the cutting process has remained unattended. The thickness of these disks is
so little that they appear to be wafer like disks which gives them the name “silicon wafers”.
Now for the main part of the process, adding the “dopants”. Dopants are materials that are
added to these silicon wafer disks so that they get electrically charged. The positive and the
negative charges are added accordingly in these silicon disks and then are joined together so
that electrons when subjected to sunlight can flow and conduct electricity. These disks now
with the dopants in them are aligned horizontal and vertical manner to form a matrix pattern
forming a solar panel. These solar panels are then covered with glass plates to protect them
from any physical damage or scratches. The solar energy that our panels receive has two
types of energy, light and heat energy. These solar panels are then fitted with a special type of
cement. This is conductive cement which transfers thermal energy from the solar panels,
protecting the solar panels from the heat. This method of manufacturing solar panels is quite
traditional and has been used by many solar panel manufacturers. The amorphous silicon

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Seminar Report 2022-23 Solar Mobile Charges

solar panels are made quite differently. The manufacturing process of amorphous silicon
panels involves depositing silicon alloys in various layers. The solar cells made by this
process are far more efficient and can absorb a wider range of solar spectrum. This type of
panel manufacturing is now becoming very popular and is fast growing into an industry. The
material cost of such solar panels is also cheap. The solar cells made from this process have a
special ability to continue giving the same output even when the entire array of cells has
come under shade. This prevents the circuit from being breaking and thus maintains the same
energy output.

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Seminar Report 2022-23 Solar Mobile Charges

Principle behind Solar Mobile Chargers

It works on the principle that when light falls on the

solar cell, electron -hole pairs are created in the n-type emitter and in the p-type base. The
generated electrons (from the base) and holes (from the emitter) then diffuse to the junction
and are swept away by the electric field, thus producing.

How electricity produces from solar panel

The principle used to generate electricity from the

solar panels is the same as that used to generate electricity from the chemical reaction using a
standard battery. The basic working of solar panels depends on the semi-conductor property
of silicon. Silicon is a unique substance that has revolutionized the way electronic appliances
work. This property is used to generate electricity from solar panels.

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Seminar Report 2022-23 Solar Mobile Charges

Photovoltaic Cell
Solar Photovoltaic (PV) cells generate electricity by
absorbing sunlight and using that light energy to create an electrical current. There are many
PV cells within a single solar panel, and the current created by all the cells together adds up
to enough electricity to help power your school, home, and businesses.

Similar to the cells in a battery, cells in a solar panel are designed to generate electricity;
except a battery's cells make electricity from chemicals and a solar panel's cells generate
electricity by capturing sunlight instead.

What is Photovoltaic?

The word photovoltaic (PV) comes from the Greek word

"photo" meaning light and the modern word "Volt" or "Voltage”, a unit of electrical potential
energy (named in honour of the Italian physicist Alessandro Volta (1745–1827),

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Seminar Report 2022-23 Solar Mobile Charges

How does a PV Cell work?

Sunlight is composed of photons, or particles of radiant

solar energy. These photons contain various amounts of energy depending on the wavelength
of the solar spectrum. Individual solar cells vary in size from about 1 cm to about 10 cm
across. A cell of this size can only produce 1 or 2 watts, which isn't enough power for most
applications. To increase power output, cells are electrically connected into a module.
Modules are connected to form an array. The term "array" refers to the entire generating
plant, whether it is made up of one or several thousand modules.

The performance of a photovoltaic array is dependent upon sunlight. Climate (e.g., clouds,
fog) has a significant effect on the amount of solar energy received by a PV array and, in
turn, its performance. When the photons strike a solar cell, some are absorbed while others
are reflected. When the material absorbs sufficient photon energy, electrons within the solar
cell material dislodge from their atoms. The electrons migrate to the front surface of the solar
cell, which is manufactured to be more receptive to the free electrons. When many electrons,
each carrying a negative charge, travel toward the front surface of the cell, the resulting
imbalance of charge between the cell's front and back surfaces creates a voltage potential like
the negative and positive terminals of a battery. When the two surfaces are connected through
an external load, electricity flows.

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Seminar Report 2022-23 Solar Mobile Charges

Types of Photovoltaic Cell

There are three types of PV cell technologies that

dominate the world market: monocrystalline silicon, polycrystalline silicon, and thin film.
Higher efficiency PV technologies, including gallium arsenide and multi-junction cells, are
less common due to their high cost, but are ideal for use in concentrated photovoltaic systems
and space applications. There is also an assortment of emerging PV cell technologies which
include Perovskite cells, organic solar cells, dye-sensitized solar cells and quantum dots.

Monocrystalline Silicon Cell

The first commercially available solar cells were

made from monocrystalline silicon, which is an extremely pure form of silicon. To produce
these, a seed crystal is pulled out of a mass of molten silicon creating a cylindrical ingot with
a single, continuous, crystal lattice structure. This crystal is then mechanically sawn into thin
wafers, polished and doped to create the required p-n junction. After an anti-reflective
coating and the front and rear metal contacts are added, the cell is finally wired and packaged
alongside many other cells into a full solar panel. Monocrystalline silicon cells are
highly efficient, but their manufacturing process is slow and labour intensive, making them
more expensive than their polycrystalline or thin film counterparts.

Polycrystalline Silicon Cell

Instead of a single uniform crystal structure,

polycrystalline (or multicrystalline) cells contain many small grains of crystals. They can be
made by simply casting a cube-shaped ingot from molten silicon, then sawn and packaged
like monocrystalline cells. Another method known as edge-defined film-fed growth (EFG)
involves drawing a thin ribbon of polycrystalline silicon from a mass of molten silicon. A
cheaper but less efficient alternative, polycrystalline silicon PV cells dominate the world
market, representing about 70% of global PV production in 2015.

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Seminar Report 2022-23 Solar Mobile Charges

Thin Film Cells

Although crystalline PV cells dominate the market,

cells can also be made from thin films making them much more flexible and durable. One
type of thin film PV cell is amorphous silicon (a-Si) which is produced by depositing thin
layers of silicon on to a glass substrate. The result is a very thin and flexible cell which uses
less than 1% of the silicon needed for a crystalline cell. Due to this reduction in raw material
and a less energy intensive manufacturing process, amorphous silicon cells are much cheaper
to produce. Their efficiency, however, is greatly reduced because the silicon atoms are much
less ordered than in their crystalline forms leaving 'dangling bonds' that combine with other
elements making them electrically inactive. These cells also suffer from a 20% drop in
efficiency within the first few months of operation before stabilizing and are therefore sold
with power ratings based on their degraded output.

Other types of thin film cells include copper indium gallium diselenide (CIGS) and cadmium
telluride (CdTe). These cell technologies offer higher efficiencies than amorphous silicon, but
contain rare and toxic elements including cadmium which requires extra precautions during
manufacture and eventual recycling.

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Seminar Report 2022-23 Solar Mobile Charges


 Eco-Friendly: The Solar Mobile Charger is an eco-friendly way to charge your

devices. By using solar energy, it reduces our dependence on fossil fuels and helps
reduce our carbon footprint.

 Low Cost: The Solar Mobile Charger is a cost-effective way to charge your devices.
With no additional electricity costs, you can save money on your energy bill.

 Portable: The Solar Mobile Charger is small and lightweight, making it easy to take
with you wherever you go.

 Durable: The Solar Mobile Charger is made of durable materials, making it a reliable
charging option for your devices.

 Energy efficient: Solar chargers are powered by the sun, so they don't require any
extra energy from your device, making them more efficient than traditional chargers.

 Versatile: Solar chargers are compatible with a variety of devices, so you can charge
your phone, tablet, laptop, or other device with the same charger.

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Seminar Report 2022-23 Solar Mobile Charges


Solar mobile chargers are an ideal choice for those

who want to power their mobile devices on the go. It can be used to charge a wide range of
portable electronic devices, such as cell phones, digital cameras, MP3 players, and tablets.
These are becoming increasingly popular due to their portability and convenience. Solar
mobile chargers are also a great way to reduce energy consumption and reliance on
traditional electricity sources. They can also be used to keep your device charged on long
car trips, during outdoor activities, and for powering devices in remote locations, or for
people who live in rural areas or areas that lack access to traditional electricity sources.
Solar mobile chargers are a great way to conserve energy and reduce your carbon footprint.

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Seminar Report 2022-23 Solar Mobile Charges


 Use solar panels to convert solar energy into electrical energy.

 Use a rechargeable battery to store the energy generated by the solar panel.

 Use a charge controller to regulate the energy flow from the solar panel to the
rechargeable battery.

 Use a DC-DC converter to convert the battery voltage to the voltage of the device to
be charged.

 Use an AC adapter to convert the current to the device's required current.

 Use a USB port to plug in the device to be charged.

 Use a display to indicate the battery level, charging status, and other information.

 Use appropriate insulation and protection for the components of the charger.

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 Solar panel rating – 5W /17V

 Output Voltage –Variable (5V – 14V).
 Maximum output current – 0.29 Amps.
 Drop out voltage- 2- 2.75V.
 Voltage regulation: +/- 100mV

 Solar panel – 17V
 LM317 voltage regulator
 DC battery
 Diode – 1n4007
 Capacitor – 0.1uF
 Schottky diode – 3A, 50V
 Resistors – 220, 680 ohms
 Pot – 2K
 Connecting wires

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Seminar Report 2022-23 Solar Mobile Charges


Solar Battery Charger Circuit Principle:

Solar battery charger operated on the principle that

the charge control circuit will produce the constant voltage. The charging current passes to
LM317 voltage regulator through diode D1. The output voltage and current are regulated
by adjusting the adjust pin of LM317 voltage regulator. Battery is charged using the same

Solar Battery Charger Circuit Design:

Circuit must have adjustable voltage regulator, so
Variable voltage regulator LM317 is selected. Here LM317 can produce a voltage from 1.25
to 37 volts maximum and maximum current of 1.5 Amps.

Adjustable Voltage regulator has typical voltage drop of 2 V-2.5V. So Solar panel is selected
such that it has more voltage than the load. Here I am selecting 17v/5w solar panel.

Lead acid battery which is used here has specification of 12v/1.3Ah. In order to charge this
battery following are required.

Schottky diode is used to protect the LM317 and panel from reverse voltage generated by the
battery when it is not charging. Any 3 A diode can be used here.

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Seminar Report 2022-23 Solar Mobile Charges

Solar Charger Specifications:

 Solar panel rating: 20W (12V) or 10W (6V)

 Vout range: 5 to 14V
 Maximum power dissipation: 10W (includes power dissipation of schottky diode)
 Typical drop out value: 2 to 2.75V (depends on load current)
 Max current: 1.5A (internally it limited to 2.2A)
 Voltage regulation: +/- 100mV

How to Operate this Solar Battery Charger Circuit?

1. Give the connections according to the circuit diagram.

2. Place the solar panel in sunlight.
3. Now set the output voltage by adjusting pot RV1
4. Check the battery voltage using digital multi meter.

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Seminar Report 2022-23 Solar Mobile Charges


 Foldable Solar Mobile Charger: This type of charger utilizes the power of the sun to
charge your mobile device. It typically consists of a solar panel that can be folded up
and stored easily when not in use.

 Solar Power Bank: This type of charger stores energy from the sun in a battery,
which can then be used to charge devices.

 Solar Car Charger: This type of charger is designed specifically for use in an
automobile. It is typically connected to the vehicle’s cigarette lighter and can be used
to charge devices while on the go.

 Portable Solar Charger: This type of charger is designed to be carried around and
used on the go. It typically consists of a solar panel and a small battery, which can be
used to charge devices away from an electrical outlet.

 Solar Backpack: This type of charger is designed to be worn like a backpack. It

typically consists of a solar panel and a battery that can be used to charge devices
while you’re on the move.

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Seminar Report 2022-23 Solar Mobile Charges


 Pros:

-Solar mobile chargers are a renewable and sustainable source of energy.

-They are portable and easy to use.

-They can be used in remote locations where access to electricity is limited.

-They are cost-effective and help reduce electricity bills.

 Cons:

-Solar mobile chargers are not always reliable in bad weather conditions such as rain or fog.

-The charging time is generally slower than traditional wall chargers.

-The charging capacity is limited and may not be suitable for larger devices.

-Solar mobile chargers are often more expensive than traditional wall chargers.

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Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

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Seminar Report 2022-23 Solar Mobile Charges



 Solar mobile chargers can provide significant cost savings and

environmental benefits. The cost savings come from the fact that it
eliminates the need for expensive electrical outlets, since the
charger uses sunlight as its primary source of energy.

 The environmental impact of solar mobile chargers is also

significant. By using the sun's energy, these chargers reduce the
amount of CO2 emissions associated with generating electricity
from traditional sources, such as coal and natural gas. This helps
reduce air pollution and contributes to a cleaner environment.

Furthermore, solar mobile chargers are free of toxic materials, making

them a safe and sustainable choice.

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Seminar Report 2022-23 Solar Mobile Charges


To conclude, solar mobile chargers are a

great way to keep your phone powered while on the go. They are portable,
lightweight, and easy to use. They provide an alternative energy source to
keep your device charged and ready to go. Solar mobile chargers are
particularly beneficial for those who are constantly on the move, as they
eliminate the need to constantly search for an outlet or power source.
Furthermore, they are a great way to reduce your environmental impact, as
they are powered by renewable energy sources. The main drawbacks to
solar mobile chargers are the cost and the slow charging times. The cost
can be prohibitive for some, and the charging times can be slow, especially
if you are in an area with limited sunlight. However, if you are willing to
invest in a solar mobile charger, you will be rewarded with a powerful and
convenient charging solution.
Overall, solar mobile chargers are a great way to keep your device charged
without the need for power outlets or other power sources. They are not
only convenient, but they are environmentally friendly as well. Although
they can be costly, they provide an efficient and reliable charging solution
that will last for years to come.

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Seminar Report 2022-23 Solar Mobile Charges

[6] International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer Science &
Technology (IJIRCST), ISSN: 2347-5552, Volume-2, Issue-4, July-2014,
Solar Mobile Chargers, Rohit kamble, Sameer Yerolkar, Dinesh Shirsath,
Bharat Kulkarni

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