Fluid Inclusions in Sedimentary and Diagenetic Systems
Fluid Inclusions in Sedimentary and Diagenetic Systems
Fluid Inclusions in Sedimentary and Diagenetic Systems
Some of the major problems in sedimentary geology can be solved by using fluid inclusions in sedimentary and
diagenetic minerals. Important fluids in the sedimentary realm include atmospheric gases, fresh water of meteoric origin,
lake water, seawater, mixed water, evaporated water, formation waters deep in basins, oil, and natural gas. Preserving a
record of the distribution and composition of these fluids from the past should contribute significantly to studies of
paleoclimate and global-change research, is essential for improving understanding of diagenetic systems, and provides useful
information in petroleum geology. Applications of fluid inclusions to sedimentary systems are not without their complexi-
ties. Some fluid inclusions exposed to natural conditions of increasing temperature may be altered by thermal reequilibration,
which results in stretching, or leakage and refilling, of some fluid inclusions. Similarly, overheating in the laboratory can
also cause reequilibration of fluid inclusions, so fluid inclusions from the sedimentary realm must be handled carefully and
protected from overheating. Natural overheating of fluid inclusions must be evaluated through analysis of the most finely
discriminated events of fluid inclusion entrapment, fluid inclusion assemblages ŽFIA.. Consistency in homogenization
temperatures within a fluid inclusion assemblage, consisting of variably sized and shaped inclusions, is the hallmark of a
data set that has not been altered through thermal reequilibration. In contrast, fluid inclusion assemblages yielding variable
data may have been altered through thermal reequilibration. If a fluid inclusion assemblage has not been altered by thermal
reequilibration, its fluid inclusions may be useful as geothermometers for low- and high-temperature systems, or useful as
geobarometers applicable throughout the sedimentary realm. If a fluid inclusion assemblage has been altered partially by
thermal reequilibration, techniques for distinguishing between altered and unaltered fluid inclusions may be applied.
In studies of global change, fluid inclusions can be used as sensitive indicators of paleotemperature of surface
environments. Fluid inclusions also preserve microsamples of ancient seawater and atmosphere, the analysis of which could
figure prominently into discussions of past changes in chemistry of the atmosphere and oceans. In petroleum geology, fluid
inclusions have proven to be useful indicators of migration pathways of hydrocarbons; they can delineate the evolution of
the chemistry of hydrocarbons; and they remain important in understanding the thermal history of basins and relating fluid
migration events to evolution of reservoir systems. In studies of diagenesis, fluid inclusions can be the most definitive
record. Most diagenetic systems are closely linked to temperature and salinity of the fluid. Thus, fluid inclusions are
sensitive indicators of diagenetic environments. q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Tel.: q1-785-864-2738; fax: q1-785-864-5276.
E-mail address: [email protected] ŽR.H. Goldstein..
0024-4937r01r$ - see front matter q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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160 R.H. Goldsteinr Lithos 55 (2001) 159–193
Fig. 1. Schematic representation of environments in sedimentary systems with characteristics of fluids applicable to fluid inclusion work Ža.
and diagenetic processes important for each environment Žb..
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Seawater that has been modified through evapora- seawater is supersaturated with respect to aragonite
tion or meteoric dilution of seawater falls in to and calcite down to water depths on the order of
another class of fluids important in sedimentary sys- 500–1000 m in the Pacific and 2000 m in the
tems. Brackish waters, created by dilution of seawa- Atlantic. At higher latitudes, seawater is less likely
ter with meteoric water, are important diagenetic to be supersaturated with respect to carbonate miner-
fluids, which may be responsible for dissolution of als. Common diagenetic phases known to precipitate
carbonate minerals and precipitation of calcite and from seawater include fine-grained Žmicritic. ce-
dolomitization ŽLand, 1973; Goldstein and Reynolds, ments of Mg-calcite or aragonite compositions and
1994.. Seawater that has been modified through coarser Mg-calcite and aragonite cements with a
evaporation is a diagenetically reactive fluid that variety of morphologies ŽJames and Choquette,
may be important in precipitating calcite, dolomite 1990a.. Low-Mg calcite and dolomite are also known
and evaporite minerals ŽGoldstein et al., 1998.. from these systems ŽMajor and Wilbur, 1991;
As one moves more deeply into the sedimentary Vahrenkamp and Swart, 1994.. When seawater is
section, a wide variety of subsurface fluids may be mixed with freshwater of meteoric origin, there is
encountered, along with the temperature and pressure some evidence for dissolution of carbonate minerals
increase normally encountered along any thermo- as well as evidence for precipitation of low-Mg
baric gradient. Aqueous fluids ultimately may have calcite in some settings and replacement of carbonate
been derived from meteoric and marine fluids, but minerals with dolomite ŽLand, 1973; Goldstein and
typically, these have been altered so extensively Reynolds, 1994; Frank and Lohmann, 1995.. Where
through processes of evaporation at the surface, seawater evaporates, a variety of evaporite minerals
evaporite dissolution or other types of rock–water may precipitate, as well as dolomite, low-Mg calcite,
interaction that they have achieved compositions sig- and possible unstable carbonates like Mg calcite and
nificantly different from their parent fluids. These aragonite ŽGoldstein et al., 1998.. In areas where the
basinal fluids typically are very salty, may achieve carbonate sediments are exposed subaerially, mete-
concentrations well above those of marine fluids, and oric waters may percolate downward through the
contain ion ratios that reflect their evolution. Many sediment in the area above the water table, encourag-
of these fluids are quite important for precipitation of ing dissolution of unstable carbonate minerals and
diagenetic minerals such as feldspars, quartz, anhy- precipitation of calcite ŽJames and Choquette, 1990b..
drite, calcite, and dolomite. In addition to aqueous At and below the water table, meteoric fluids may
systems, the subsurface may contain petroleum and mix with other meteoric fluids of differing CO 2
various compositions of natural gas derived from content, encouraging dissolution of carbonate miner-
organic matter. als. Dissolution of unstable carbonate minerals and
outgassing of CO 2 encourages precipitation of cal-
cite in this setting. In all of the above settings minor
3. Diagenetic importance silicate diagenesis is also possible and is greatly
dependent on the composition of the pore fluids and
In addition to this simple list of fluids in nature their modification by chemical components provided
there is an incredibly significant economic incentive through interaction with the sediment. With deeper
for understanding fluid history and diagenesis. Dia- burial in basins and with increasing age of carbonate
genetic reactions are some of the most important in sediments, the originally metastable minerals of orig-
controlling porosity and permeability in aquifers and inal carbonate sediments give way to more stable
in oil and gas reservoirs ŽFig. 1b.. The diagenesis of mineralogies. As one goes deeper into the sedimen-
sedimentary rocks, and carbonates in particular, can tary section into a burial setting, or as warm fluids
be closely linked to origin of the fluid responsible from deeper in a basin are injected toward the sur-
for diagenetic alteration. face, many diagenetic reactions are driven by change
Diagenesis can even be linked to surface environ- in temperature. Among these are dissolution of min-
ment. Most sediments are deposited from marine erals as well as precipitation of feldspars, quartz and
fluids at Earth-surface temperatures. In the tropics, carbonates. So, given a sequence of diagenetic phases
R.H. Goldsteinr Lithos 55 (2001) 159–193 163
in any ancient rock, determining the diagenetic envi- contain brownish solids that do not dissolve upon
ronment of its precipitation boils down to being able heating. Some of these solids may have been trapped
to determine two or three basic characteristics of the as solids in the inclusions, but undoubtedly some
fluid that precipitated it: the salinity, the temperature, have precipitated from the original fluid after its
and the pressure. These three parameters are those entrapment, providing strong evidence for changes in
most easily determined from fluid inclusions, so, the chemical makeup of those inclusion fluids after
given preservation of the right suite of fluid inclu- entrapment. At this time, it us unknown to what
sions, the analysis of fluid inclusions in diagenetic degree oil fluid inclusions are altered by post entrap-
minerals is probably the most unambiguous method ment chemical alteration. In addition, aqueous fluids
for determining diagenetic histories. in sedimentary basins typically have some amount of
dissolved organic compound ŽCollins, 1975;
Carothers and Kharaka, 1978; Hanor, 1980.. These
4. How representative are fluid inclusions? organics may break down after entrapment, causing
an irreversible chemical change to an aqueous sys-
tem. The degree to which this is a problem is as yet
4.1. Mechanisms for alteration of fluid inclusions unknown, however, consistent observations of fluid
inclusion homogenization temperatures yielding val-
One of the many processes that could alter fluid ues less than entrapment temperature, and the low
inclusions from their originally entrapped character organic content of many diagenetic fluids argue
is diffusion of inclusion components through the host against this as a ubiquitous problem.
mineral. In the diagenetic realm, it is probable that It stands to reason that intense deformation would
solutes and water do not diffuse to a significant breach fluid inclusions and cause them to be refilled
degree. Although H 2 is uncommon in most sedimen- with a new fluid ŽGoldstein, 1986.. In samples in
tary systems, hydrogen is the component that is most which such deformation has occurred, it is best to
likely to diffuse through minerals ŽHall et al., 1989; avoid working with the fluid inclusions unless the
Morgan et al., 1993.. It is not well known the degree inclusionist is interested in conditions of deforma-
to which this is a problem in sedimentary systems; it tion. Deformed samples typically are easily identi-
would be prudent to assume that hydrogen can dif- fied through petrographic means, with carbonates
fuse, potentially altering deuterium isotopic composi- typically showing abundant deformation twins
tions and other compositions of fluid inclusions. and other minerals showing undulose extinction,
Otherwise, it appears that diffusion is not a major through-going healed fractures, or other evidence of
concern in the sedimentary realm. deformation.
Inclusion fluids could alter if they react irre- It is now well known that many minerals may
versibly with their mineral host after their initial recrystallize in the diagenetic realm. Most carbonate
entrapment. Such compositional changes most likely minerals have shown both petrographic and diage-
are significant only if fluid inclusions form in a netic evidence of recrystallization or neomorphism,
metastable diagenetic mineral, such as high-Mg cal- and recrystallization of feldspars is well known in
cite. However, the degree to which trace element diagenetic systems. Any apparently primary fluid
systems reequilibrate compositionally with their min- inclusions in such systems contain fluids present
eral hosts is currently unknown. This is an area of during recrystallization of the mineral phase, and do
investigation that will require intensive research in not contain the fluids of initial precipitation ŽGold-
the future as technologies advance to allow for rou- stein, 1986.. Undoubtedly, the most powerful tool in
tine analysis of composition of inclusion fluids. recognizing recrystallization in diagenetic minerals is
One might also wonder if there were irreversible careful petrographic study in which compositional
chemical changes in inclusion fluids. In the sedimen- variation is observed to cut across concentric or
tary realm, the most important concern would be in sector growth zoning observed in cathodolumines-
organic fluids, which are inherently metastable. It is cence, etching, UV-epifluorescence. back-scattered
well known that many petroleum fluid inclusions electron imaging, or compositional staining. Such
164 R.H. Goldsteinr Lithos 55 (2001) 159–193
simple textural relationships are the foundation on present during entrapment. Further, a typical aqueous
which most diagenetic studies are built. fluid inclusion that was trapped as a single homoge-
neous aqueous liquid in the high-temperature diage-
netic environment, is typically only able to nucleate
4.2. Heterogeneous entrapment a vapor bubble occupying no more than 15% of the
volume of a fluid inclusion ŽGoldstein, 1993.. If a
It is well known that for the density and composi- single aqueous inclusion contains more than 15 vol.%
tion of a fluid inclusion to be representative of bubble and if, among all of the inclusions genetically
conditions of entrapment, the inclusion must have related to a single event of fluid inclusion entrap-
been trapped as a single homogeneous fluid. For ment, there is more than 15 vol.% vapor, heteroge-
many diagenetic and sedimentary systems, this is the neous entrapment of a gas and liquid phase is likely.
case; there is only a single homogeneous fluid in the So, the careful fluid inclusionist working in sedimen-
system and that is all that is trapped in fluid inclu- tary systems must constantly be aware of the possi-
sions. Contrary to popular belief, it is not true that all bility of heterogeneous entrapment. Finding evidence
sedimentary fluids are saturated with respect to for it provides important constraints on the fluid
methane; commonly, aqueous fluids are undersatu- system and avoids the possibility of misinterpreting
rated with respect to methane and there is only a fluid inclusion data by incorrectly assuming that
single homogeneous aqueous phase. fluid inclusions were entrapped as a single homoge-
However, in nature there are many settings where neous phase.
immiscibility is possible, leading to entrapment of
multiple phases during an event of fluid inclusion
entrapment, heterogeneous entrapment. In the vadose 4.3. Necking down after a phase change
zone, the near-surface setting above the water table,
both water and air exist in pores ŽGoldstein, 1986.. It is now well known that fluid inclusions may
Below the water table, there are settings in which change their shape over time through the process
immiscible bubbles of methane and other gases may known as necking down. Typically, change in shape
exist. Deeper in the sedimentary pile, a separate gas involves a tendency for inclusions to evolve from
phase or liquid petroleum phase may exist in the irregular shapes to more globular or negative crystal
presence of an aqueous liquid phase. Finally, it is shapes to attain the state of lowest surface free
possible to entrap solid mineral particles, organic energy ŽRoedder, 1984.. In any mineral, the change
matter or even bacteria along with an aqueous phase in shape of an inclusion may even cause an origi-
during fluid inclusion entrapment. nally larger inclusion to pinch off into multiple
For each of these settings, it is clear that heteroge- smaller inclusions. Given necking down of a two-
neous entrapment of more than one phase is possible. phase fluid inclusion, a necked inclusion that hap-
In systems of heterogeneous entrapment, the bulk pened to trap a bubble would have a density much
density of fluid inclusions is different from that of lower than the original inclusion fluid, and a necked
the original system so homogenization temperatures inclusion that only trapped liquid would have a
typically are meaningless. Systems of heterogeneous density much higher than the original inclusion fluid.
entrapment Žor necking down after a phase change, This process, can severely alter fluid inclusion densi-
e.g. Fig. 3. may be recognized by variability of ties to the point of making homogenization tempera-
phase ratios among all of the inclusions genetically ture data meaningless.
related to a single event of fluid inclusion entrap- In sedimentary systems, one might wonder the
ment. If phase ratios are consistent among all of the degree to which necking down of inclusions, in the
inclusions genetically related to a single event of presence of more than one fluid phase, might be
fluid inclusion entrapment, then it is likely that only important. It can be incredibly important! The pro-
a single homogeneous fluid was entrapped, and that cess of necking down is known to take place most
those fluid inclusions have the potential to preserve rapidly at higher temperatures ŽBodnar et al., 1985;
the density and composition of the original fluid Brantley, 1992.. To evaluate the importance of neck-
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it is true that many of these fabrics have been trapped at higher temperature and would have a
generated through necking down, these are probably bubble stable at room temperature if one could nu-
the oddballs, the ones that were caught in the act of cleate. In natural systems that have not been heated
necking down without progressing to its logical neg- artificially, it appears that there are many controls on
ative crystal or globular conclusion. Observe almost whether bubbles nucleate in high-temperature fluid
any planar array of secondary inclusions, with nega- inclusions. Size appears to be important. The small-
tive crystal shape, to see that necking down com- est inclusions are less likely to nucleate a bubble.
monly completes its journey toward regular shapes. Temperature of entrapment is also important; the
With this in mind, it would be a good idea to use lower the density Žhigher the temperature of entrap-
something other than shape to identify evidence for ment. then the more likely it is that a fluid inclusion
necking down after a phase change. Remember that a will nucleate a bubble. Composition appears to be
typical aqueous fluid inclusion that was trapped as a important as well, but this control appears to be quite
single homogeneous aqueous liquid in the high tem- complex. It is now well known that it is possible to
perature diagenetic environment, is typically only nucleate bubbles Žthrough super cooling. in fluid
able to nucleate a vapor bubble occupying no more inclusions trapped close to room temperature ŽRo-
than 15% of the volume of a fluid inclusion. If a berts and Spencer, 1995; Newell and Goldstein, 1999;
single aqueous inclusion contains a bubble occupy- Benison and Goldstein, 1999., and many have ob-
ing more than 15% of the volume of the inclusion, served that for tiny fluid inclusions, even fluid inclu-
then necking down after a phase change or heteroge- sions with densities that should yield homogeniza-
neous entrapment are both possibilities. If, among all tion temperatures as high as 1008C, bubbles have not
of the inclusions, genetically related to a single event nucleated. However, in large numbers of fluid inclu-
of fluid inclusion entrapment, there is more than 15 sion studies, especially ones with mixed densities,
vol.% vapor, then heterogeneous entrapment of a gas there appears to be a common lower cutoff of ho-
and liquid phase is likely. Furthermore, after necking mogenization temperatures from about 408C to 608C.
down of a high-temperature fluid inclusion after a This suggests that a common nucleation boundary
phase change, gas-rich and liquid-rich inclusions are for bubbles forming in fluid inclusions is at densities
commonly paired petrographically. Look for this that would yield homogenization temperatures of
pairing as an indication of necking down after a around 508C. Thus, in the absence of necking down
phase change. If you find evidence for necking down after a phase change, the presence of all liquid fluid
after a phase change, do not trust homogenization inclusions, that are in the same size range as two-
temperatures or observations of phase ratios. The phase inclusions, suggests that the all-liquid fluid
density of the original fluid inclusion has been al- inclusions were trapped at a temperature below about
tered! 508C.
It is well known that some fluid inclusions at Perhaps the greatest concern for fluid inclusion
room temperature do not contain the equilibrium preservation in diagenetic minerals is their reequili-
assemblage of phases because of problems with nu- bration from internal overpressure, induced by natu-
cleation. This includes the nucleation of solid phases ral heating or heating during sample preparation. If a
Ždaughter minerals. but more importantly, involves fluid inclusion was trapped as a single liquid phase,
problems with nucleation of a bubble in a liquid-filled and then was buried through a lithostatic or hydro-
fluid inclusion. In sedimentary systems, it is com- static thermobaric gradient ŽFig. 4., it is clear that
mon to find fluid inclusions that exist at room tem- the fluid inclusion would be internally overpressured
perature as a single liquid aqueous phase. Some of relative to ambient conditions. It is now well known
these were trapped at or below room temperature and that many fluid inclusions respond to this internal
therefore should not have a bubble, but others were overpressure through decrepitation or stretching to
R.H. Goldsteinr Lithos 55 (2001) 159–193 167
entrapment by the petrography, or the inclusions subjected to porosity and permeability analysis typi-
were originally entrapped under the same conditions cally have been heated as well and must be avoided.
and were later partially altered by thermal reequili- When sampling core, it is especially important to
bration. Given such variable data, the safest interpre- show that they have not been subjected to whole-core
tation to make is that the inclusionist does not know analysis for porosity and permeability, because such
the degree to which the data are good or are bad. heating is not always immediately obvious from
Such variable FIAs normally cannot be used to make casual observation of a core sample.
interpretations about original conditions of entrap- During preparation, it is important to get the best
ment of fluid inclusions. Based on empirical observa- optics possible so samples typically are doubly pol-
tions of many systems, a good cutoff to define as ished. However, all mounting must be done with
consistent data in an FIA is if more than 90% of the room-temperature techniques to avoid any heating of
fluid inclusions in the FIA are within 10–158C. If in the samples. Furthermore, cutoff of samples must be
this consistent FIA, inclusions are of variable sizes done so as to avoid fracturing and heating, so most
and shapes, every measurement may be meaningful. labs use low-speed cutoff saws that avoid damage to
If on the other hand, the data from an FIA were more the sample. Finally, all preparation must be done so
widespread, it would appear that fluid inclusions as to avoid damage; that means that one must be
might have been altered by thermal reequilibration. quite gentle in preparing the samples, never exerting
One of the great weaknesses in many fluid inclusion too much pressure and never allowing samples to
studies is that the FIA approach is not followed, and heat due to friction.
because of that, detailed information is lost, and it is Once doubly polished thick sections have been
impossible to evaluate the validity of the data. prepared, they must be protected from damage. Any
staining of minerals, which typically involves etch-
ing of minerals with an acid, must be avoided, as the
6. Fluid inclusion petrography etching typically destroys all of the fluid inclusions
in the sample. Heating under an electron beam in a
The most important part of most fluid inclusion SEM or in a cathodoluminescence stage must also be
studies in sedimentary rocks is the petrographic anal- avoided, because of the heating that is generated.
ysis of samples. The first step is typically at large Also, during microthermometric work, every effort
scale Žcore or outcrop., gathering samples for finer must be made to preserve the fluid inclusions. For
work to achieve the crosscutting and stratigraphic example, that means that heating of aqueous inclu-
relationships. Then samples must be prepared to sions, to measure homogenization temperature, must
prevent alteration of the fluid inclusions. be done before freezing, because freezing of low-
temperature fluid inclusions typically results in dis-
6.1. Sample handling appearance of the bubble. These inclusions com-
monly leak or stretch from the freezing process and
Because of problems with thermal reequilibration are no longer useful for measurement of homoge-
and metastability of fluid inclusions that have been nization temperature. When samples are heated, it is
heated in the laboratory, all fluid inclusion studies important that they not be heated beyond their ho-
must avoid samples that have been heated in ways mogenization temperature before their homogeniza-
other than normal geologic heating. This means that tion temperatures are first measured. If inclusions
old thin sections and their rock chips, which have have been overheated in the lab, then it is possible
been heated for mounting, are not appropriate for a that they have been thermally reequilibrated to a
fluid inclusion study. Outcrop samples that have higher homogenization temperature.
been heated by fires are also inappropriate. Well
cuttings that have been gathered from the drilling of 6.2. Origin of fluid inclusions
oil and gas wells also should be avoided for the most
part, because the history of heating during their The most important part of a typical fluid inclu-
drying is unknown. Core and plugs that have been sion study in sedimentary rocks is petrographic anal-
R.H. Goldsteinr Lithos 55 (2001) 159–193 171
ysis of samples to determine if the fluid inclusions overgrowth could be fractured away from the detrital
present will answer the scientific question posed. grain, leading to reequilibration of fluid inclusions.
Some samples may be dominated by primary fluid Primary fluid inclusions can also be recognized in
inclusions, whereas secondary, pseudosecondary, or overgrowths from their orientation relative to growth
fluid inclusions of indeterminate origin may domi- direction and confinement to growth zones ŽFig. 8D..
nate others. In many samples, the fluid inclusions of Diagenetic overgrowths on detrital feldspars are also
indeterminate origin dominate. The careful fluid in- well known. Primary fluid inclusions in such over-
clusionist in sedimentary systems must always be growths are most commonly recognized by their
able to admit that the origin of certain fluid inclu- orientation relative to growth direction ŽFig. 8F..
sions is unknown. Halite is a very common mineral of the sedimentary
realm. Halite that has grown into open water typi-
cally has abundant primary fluid inclusions that de-
6.3. Primary fluid inclusions fine cloudy and less cloudy growth zones ŽFig. 8G..
Coarse gypsum crystals also commonly contain pri-
One of the areas in which fluid inclusionists in mary fluid inclusions that are recognized by their
sedimentary rocks seem to run into trouble is the distribution along growth zones and their orientation
identification of primary fluid inclusions. Primary in growth direction ŽFig. 8F..
fluid inclusions are identified by petrographic crite-
ria. Essentially, there is only one valid criterion for
identification of primary fluid inclusions, and that is 6.4. Fluid inclusions primary to recrystallization
the identification of a petrographic relationship to
growth of the crystal. For example, in calcite, it is One of the most important discoveries of recent
common to identify primary fluid inclusions by their years has been the observation that fluid inclusions
occurrence in alternating inclusion-rich and inclu- can be trapped during recrystallization of diagenetic
sion-poor bands ŽFig. 8A.. Another criterion that minerals. Recrystallization, in the sense we are using
applies to calcite is the preferential orientation or it here, commonly involves a compositional change
shape of fluid inclusions in growth direction ŽFig. from a somewhat unstable to a more stable mineral
8A.. For dolomite, similar criteria apply; fluid inclu- phase through a process of dissolution and reprecipi-
sion occurrence might define growth zonation ŽFig. tation, mediated by a fluid phase. Commonly, one
8B. or inclusions might be oriented in growth direc- compositional growth zone in a crystal is unstable
tion. For anhydrite, which is a common coarse pre- relative to other compositional growth zones. Be-
cipitate in diagenetic systems, similar growth band- cause of this, recrystallization commonly attacks in-
ing may be defined by fluid inclusions ŽFig. 8C. or dividual growth zones within other stable growth
elongate fluid inclusions may be confined to internal, zones, trapping fluid inclusions that appear as if they
growth-defined cores of the crystals. Diagenetic were trapped during initial growth of the crystal.
quartz commonly may occur as coarse crystals Such internal recrystallization is well known in dia-
Žmegaquartz. in which primary fluid inclusions typi- genetic dolomite and calcite ŽFolk, 1965; Wojcik et
cally are defined by alternating inclusion rich and al., 1994; Luczaj and Goldstein, 2000.. In dolomite,
inclusion poor growth bands, cloudy, inclusion-rich finding rhombohedra with cloudy, inclusion-rich
cores defined by growth boundaries, fluid inclusions cores is quite common ŽFig. 9A.. For most of these,
oriented in the direction of growth, or fluid inclu- it is almost impossible to use standard transmitted
sions trapped along twins. In sandstones, diagenetic light microscopy to determine if inclusions were
quartz is found most commonly as syntaxial over- trapped during initial growth or during recrystalliza-
growths on detrital grains. In these overgrowths, tion. In baroque Žsaddle. dolomite especially, a radi-
primary fluid inclusions are found distributed most ating Žfir-tree-like. pattern is defined by the distribu-
commonly along the contact between the detrital tion of fluid inclusions ŽFig. 9B.. Such a pattern may
grain and the overgrowth ŽFig. 8D.. It is well known result from the recrystallization of an internal growth
that such contacts are zones of weakness where the zone, which caused entrapment of fluid inclusions.
172 R.H. Goldsteinr Lithos 55 (2001) 159–193
Fig. 8. Sketches of distribution of primary fluid inclusions in various minerals of the sedimentary realm Žmodified from Goldstein and
Reynolds, 1994.. ŽA. Calcite; ŽB. Dolomite; ŽC. Anhydrite; ŽD. Quartz overgrowth; ŽE. Feldspar overgrowth; ŽF. Chevron halite; ŽG.
Gypsum Žmodified from Lowenstein, written communication..
In calcite, it is common for one growth zone to be form the core of the crystal. For most of these
inclusion rich ŽFig. 9C and D.. This growth zone occurrences of calcite, it may be difficult to use
may be single or one of many growth bands, or may standard transmitted light microscopy to determine if
R.H. Goldsteinr Lithos 55 (2001) 159–193 173
Fig. 9. Sketches of distribution of primary fluid inclusions, some of which might result from recrystallization of internal parts of crystals
Žmodified from Goldstein and Reynolds, 1994.. ŽA. Dolomite with cloudy cores; ŽB. Baroque dolomite with internal Afir-treeB arrangement
of fluid inclusions; ŽC. Early calcite growth zone in syntaxial overgrowth on echinoderm fragment; ŽD. Cloudy core in calcite crystal; ŽE.
Partially recrystallized detrital feldspar containing fluid inclusions in recrystallized parts of grain.
inclusions were trapped during initial growth or dur- Therefore, fluid inclusionists concerned with most
ing recrystallization. Finally, it is common for detri- diagenetic minerals must evaluate the possibility of
tal feldspars to recrystallize during diagenesis. Such entrapment of primary fluid inclusions during recrys-
recrystallization may result in inclusion-rich patches tallization by evaluating the distribution of composi-
that are primary to the recrystallization of the grain tional domains in the crystal of interest. Methods
ŽFig. 9E.. useful in petrographically identifying compositional
Fluid inclusionists who work in the sedimentary variation in cements include cathodoluminescence
realm must use petrographic methods to determine if microscopy ŽBarker and Kopp, 1991; Van den
fluid inclusions were trapped during initial growth of Kerkhoff and Hein, 2001; Munz, 2001., back scat-
cement or during some later stage of recrystalliza- tered electron imaging ŽWojcik et al., 1994., UV
tion. Not doing so defeats the purpose of putting epifluorescence ŽBurruss, 1991., staining ŽDickson,
fluid inclusion entrapment into the context of a 1965. and mild etching of polished specimens ŽFolk,
careful paragenetic framework. The most helpful 1980..
approach for identifying fluid inclusion entrapment
during recrystallization is careful study of petro-
graphic relationships that are visible only by looking 6.5. Petrographic model for diagenetic systems
at compositional variation in the mineral chemistry.
The compositional variation in a mineral that has not Once fluid inclusion assemblages have been iso-
recrystallized will be reflected in either concentric or lated, petrographic work alone can lead to significant
sector growth zoning ŽFig. 10A.. For minerals that interpretations about the environment of entrapment
have recrystallized, the primary compositional zon- and the post-entrapment history of fluid inclusions
ing will be cross cut by compositional areas reprecip- ŽGoldstein, 1993.. The first part of this approach
itated during recrystallization ŽFig. 10B and C.. requires isolation of FIAs, for it only can apply to
174 R.H. Goldsteinr Lithos 55 (2001) 159–193
Fig. 10. Photomicrographs illustrating various types of distribution of compositional areas in carbonate minerals. ŽA. Cathodoluminescence
photomicrograph illustrating concentric growth zoning in calcite Žwidth is 300 mm.; ŽB. Transmitted light photomicrograph of calcite
stained with alizarin red S and Potassium ferricyanide, illustrating alternating concentric growth zones in outer parts of crystals and
recrystallized patches in crystal interiors Žsee interior of crystal on left. Width is 0.88 mm; ŽB. Back scattered electron image of baroque
dolomiterankerite with radiating areas of recrystallization and fluid inclusion entrapment. Dark irregular core Žfilled arrow. is corroded and
partially replaced by late bright phase Ž4. in radiating pattern. Intermediate brightness ankerite Ž2A. dominates. Numbers are as those in
Wojcik et al. Ž1997.. Width is 260 mm. Modified from Wojcik et al. Ž1997..
fluid inclusions that were initially entrapped under After necking down after a phase change has been
the same set of conditions. Furthermore, the reaction ruled out, the petrographer must then evaluate the
to reequilibration is most easily evaluated if fluid consistency of the liquid-to-vapor ratios for two-
inclusions are of variable size and shape, so the phase fluid inclusions in the FIA. If vapor-to-liquid
inclusions of the FIA must be of variable size and ratios are highly variable, then entrapment in a het-
shape for interpretations to be made. erogeneous system is indicated. If vapor-to-liquid
Once an FIA has been isolated, it must be shown ratios are somewhat consistent, then entrapment at
that the liquid phase of inclusions is aqueous and not high temperature or near complete thermal reequili-
hydrocarbon in composition. This is accomplished bration is indicated. If vapor-to-liquid ratios are so
by studying samples using UV epifluorescence mi- consistent that each fluid inclusion would yield the
croscopy. If inclusions fluoresce, then they are com- same homogenization temperature, then fluid inclu-
posed of oil and this petrographic model does not sions were trapped at high temperature and have not
apply, but if they lack fluorescence, then they are been altered by thermal reequilibration.
most likely to be aqueous in composition. The pressure can be determined in the gas phase
The next step is to examine the variability of of fluid inclusions through crushing the sample in an
liquid-to-vapor ratios among fluid inclusions of the immersion medium ŽRoedder, 1970.. If bubbles col-
FIA. If all-liquid fluid inclusions are observed, then lapse upon crushing, then the fluid inclusion was
the petrographic means discussed earlier must be either originally entrapped or reequilibrated at high
used to rule out their origin from necking down after temperature. If the bubble expands significantly, then
a phase change. If they have not formed from neck- inclusions were trapped or reequilibrated signifi-
ing down after a phase change, then it must be cantly below the surface. If the bubble remains the
shown that they are not significantly metastable, by same size, the inclusions were trapped near the
showing that they are in the same size range as surface at one-atmosphere pressure.
two-phase inclusions Žnot just the small inclusions., The combination of these various tests are useful
and by showing that bubbles cannot be nucleated by in identifying diagenetic environments of fluid inclu-
cooling in a kitchen freezer for high salinity inclu- sion entrapment and post-entrapment alteration. This
sions, or in a refrigerator for low-salinity inclusions. model ŽFig. 11. is not inclusive of all diagenetic
If this can be shown, the liquid-filled fluid inclusions systems but is useful in identifying formation in the
represent entrapment at low temperature, less than low-temperature phreatic zone, the low temperature
about 508C. vadose zone, and the high-temperature, burial envi-
R.H. Goldsteinr Lithos 55 (2001) 159–193 175
Fig. 11. ŽA. Schematic illustration of room-temperature distribution of vapor-to-liquid ratios within a fluid inclusion assemblage of
vadose-zone origin. Conclusions refer to interpretations that can be made about diagenetic environment given the additional observations
associated with each conclusion presented. Sample sizes and shapes are only diagrammatic. Assume that fluid inclusions within each
assemblage are of various sizes and shapes. A – Assemblage before any thermal reequilibration. B – Assemblage after moderate thermal
reequilibration. C – Assemblage after significant thermal reequilibration. Žafter Goldstein and Reynolds, 1994.. ŽB. Schematic illustration of
room-temperature distribution of vapor-to-liquid ratios within a fluid inclusion assemblage of low-temperature phreatic origin. Conclusions
refer to interpretations that can be made about diagenetic environment given the additional observations associated with each conclusion
presented. Sample sizes and shapes are only diagrammatic. Assume that fluid inclusions within each assemblage are of various sizes and
shapes. A – Assemblage before any thermal reequilibration. B – Assemblage after moderate thermal reequilibration. C – Assemblage after
significant thermal reequilibration. Žafter Goldstein and Reynolds, 1994.. ŽC. Schematic illustration of room-temperature distribution of
vapor-to-liquid ratios within a fluid inclusion assemblage of high-temperature origin. Conclusions refer to interpretations that can be made
about diagenetic environment given the additional observations associated with each conclusion presented. Sample sizes and shapes are only
diagrammatic. Assume that fluid inclusions within each assemblage are of various sizes and shapes. A – Assemblage before any thermal
reequilibration. B – Assemblage after thermal reequilibration. Žafter Goldstein and Reynolds, 1994..
176 R.H. Goldsteinr Lithos 55 (2001) 159–193
7.5. Seawater
Fig. 13. Ža. P–T plot of the CH 4 system. Labeled contours are lines of constant density in grcm3 . The light shaded area shows the P–T
conditions found in the diagenetic realm; for comparison, the darker shaded area shows the P–T regime present in nearshore Gulf basin
sediments Žfrom Hanor, 1980.. The area outlined by the rectangle is enlarged in Žb.. Critical point is at y82.18C, 46.3 bars; triple point is at
y182.58C Žmodified from Mullis, 1979..
space are essentially the same as bubble-point curves, room temperature., an end-member water-rich fluid
the curves defining immiscibility in the range of Žappears as liquid with a small bubble., and as
geologic interest. Entrapment of fluid inclusions from mixtures of the two. Phase equilibria of the
an immiscible system of methane and saltwater is methane-rich end member would approximate that of
likely to lead to entrapment of an end-member pure methane ŽFig. 13.. If the aqueous-rich end
methane-rich fluid Žappears as one phase and dark at member of an immiscible system were entrapped, or
R.H. Goldsteinr Lithos 55 (2001) 159–193 179
Fig. 14. ŽA. T–X plot for the lower temperature, lower salinity portions of the system H 2 O–NaCl. Each point on this diagram is at
equilibrium vapor pressure. Produced from Crawford Ž1981., Roedder Ž1984. and Hall et al. Ž1988..
an aqueous fluid inclusion from a system undersatu- the methane system above. In addition, some inclu-
rated with respect to methane were entrapped, the sions may form clathrates upon cooling, and upon
phase equilibria of a fluid inclusion would follow a crushing water-rich inclusions at room temperature,
predictable path ŽFig. 17.. Evidence that is useful in bubbles in water-rich inclusions would be found to
identifying the presence of the H 2 O–NaCl compo- be under pressure. Application of the specific phase
nents are similar to the criteria discussed above for equilibria for each fluid inclusion requires relatively
the H 2 O–NaCl system. Identifying the presence of thorough characterization of methane content and
methane uses criteria similar to those developed for salinity.
7.7. Petroleum
Fig. 16. Intersections of isoplethic planes for H 2 O-rich fluid with various amounts Žppm. of CH 4 with the H 2 O–CH 4 immiscibility surface
projected onto a single P–T diagram. Ža. H 2 O–CH 4 fluids containing no NaCl. Žb. H 2 O–CH 4 fluids containing 15 wt.% NaCl. Modified
from Hanor Ž1980..
other fluids. Phase behavior of oil fluid inclusions petroleum fluid inclusions with quite different com-
can be quite difficult to model because petroleum positions, one would expect markedly differing phase
compositions are so complex ŽMunz, 2001.. Given behavior ŽFig. 18.. This means that careful character-
R.H. Goldsteinr Lithos 55 (2001) 159–193 181
Fig. 17. P–T phase diagram for H 2 O–CH 4 system with 3200 ppm CH 4 . Sketches of inclusions to right of plot schematically show
proportions of the phases in an inclusion at several P–T conditions ŽA, B, C, D.. Thermobaric gradient is 328Cr100 bars. Modified from
Hanor Ž1980..
Fig. 18. P–T phase diagram showing immiscibility curves and isochores of four AgenericB petroleum fluids without H 2 O, derived from
commercially available software ŽEQUI-PHASE: D.B. Robinson Research, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. modified from Burruss Ž1992..
Mol% of components modeled are presented in the upper right. Within the envelopes two petroleum fluids would coexist; outside the curves
only a single petroleum fluid would exist. The thermobaric gradient shown is 258Cr100 bars. As pointed out by Burruss Ž1992., with
decreasing mol% CH 4 and with increasing mol% of the high molecular weight components ŽC7 and higher., the curves shift to higher
positions, and the slopes of the isochores increase Žthe fluid becomes less compressible..
182 R.H. Goldsteinr Lithos 55 (2001) 159–193
ization of compositions should be needed to accu- bubble point or vapor–liquid phase boundary is
rately characterize the phase equilibria of fluid inclu- known, and so that the isochoric path is known.
sions in this system. Never apply a pressure correction unless the compo-
sition of the fluid inclusion is known well enough to
determine the fluid inclusion’s path in P–T space.
8. Geothermometry from fluid inclusions For gas-poor aqueous inclusions, the correction is
typically large and is applied by making an assump-
Procedures for interpreting the degree to which tion about the pressure of entrapment or thermobaric
aqueous fluid inclusion assemblages preserve origi- gradient along which the fluid inclusion was en-
nal homogenization temperatures can be complex. trapped ŽFig. 24.. For gas-rich aqueous inclusions, a
Flow charts of procedures and logic are helpful in large pressure correction is typically not needed be-
evaluating the observations from each FIA ŽFigs. cause homogenization takes place at high pressure,
19–23.. close to the conditions of entrapment ŽFig. 25..
8.1. FIA with consistent homogenization tempera- 8.2. FIA with highly Õariable homogenization tem-
tures peratures
The FIAs that are best for interpreting tempera- If within an FIA, phase ratios among fluid inclu-
ture of entrapment consist of variably sized and sions Žand homogenization temperatures. are highly
shaped aqueous inclusions in which 90% of the variable, most homogenization temperatures are
homogenization temperatures are within 10–158C meaningless because the variability likely resulted
ŽFig. 20.. These simple observations rule out prob- from necking down after a phase change or heteroge-
lems with thermal reequilibration, and thus, each neous entrapment from an immiscible system ŽFigs.
homogenization temperature measured, in such an 22 and 23.. If necking down after a phase change
FIA, is a record of the minimum entrapment temper- can be ruled out, the explanation remaining is immis-
ature of the fluid inclusion. The degree to which cibility. With immiscible entrapment of aqueous liq-
these homogenization temperatures underestimate uid and gas inclusions at high temperature, the liq-
true entrapment temperature depends on the amount uid-rich aqueous end members could give consistent
of gas dissolved in aqueous inclusions, the composi- homogenization temperatures Žif they have not been
tional control on the isochoric slope, and the pressure reequilibrated.. Those homogenization temperatures
of entrapment. Ultimately these factors control the are equal to the entrapment temperatures and do not
Apressure correctionB that corrects homogenization need to be corrected for pressure. In the case of
temperature to true entrapment temperature. evidence for oilrwater immiscibility, if the end
To correct homogenization temperature to entrap- member oil-rich fluid inclusions and the end-member
ment temperature, the composition of fluid inclu- aqueous-rich fluid inclusions yield the same homog-
sions must be constrained so that the position of the enization temperatures, then the system was gas
saturated and the homogenization temperatures are
equal to entrapment temperature. Finally, if in an
FIA, all-liquid inclusions are present and do not
result from significant metastability or necking down
after a phase change, then entrapment temperature
was less than about 508C ŽFig. 22..
Fig. 20. Flow chart illustrating the procedure for interpreting a fluid inclusion assemblage with apparently consistent or moderately
consistent phase ratios. Inclusions are of various shapes and sizes Žafter Goldstein and Reynolds, 1994..
20 and 21.. Again, if all-liquid inclusions are present ods must be applied to evaluate the degree to which
and do not result from significant metastability or the original fluid inclusions are preserved or have
necking down after a phase change, then the entrap- reequilibrated.
ment temperature was less than about 508C ŽFig. 21.. It is well known now that two mechanisms of
In systems lacking all-liquid inclusions, other meth- thermal reequilibration are important, stretching, and
184 R.H. Goldsteinr Lithos 55 (2001) 159–193
Fig. 21. Flow chart illustrating procedure for interpreting fluid inclusion assemblage with moderately consistent phase ratios together with
all-liquid fluid inclusions. Inclusions are of various shapes and sizes Žafter Goldstein and Reynolds, 1994..
leakage and refilling. It is also well known that in others would leak and refill, producing FIAs with
many sedimentary basins, there is a positive correla- inclusions that lie along convergent trends. The point
tion between depth Žtemperature. and salinity of pore of convergence would indicate the homogenization
fluids ŽHanor, 1984.. Given a history of thermal temperature and salinity prior to reequilibration of
reequilibration of fluid inclusions, one would predict the fluid inclusions ŽFig. 26.. The point of conver-
that some fluid inclusions would stretch and that gence is a minimum entrapment temperature for the
R.H. Goldsteinr Lithos 55 (2001) 159–193 185
Fig. 22. Flow chart illustrating procedure for interpreting a fluid inclusion assemblage consisting of all-liquid fluid inclusions together with
inclusions of highly variable phase ratio. Inclusions are of various shapes and sizes Žafter Goldstein and Reynolds, 1994..
FIA before reequilibration and can be used for appli- outward indicates a decrease in temperature through
cation of a pressure correction to interpret tempera- time ŽFig. 27..
ture of entrapment. Finally, the tendency for fluid inclusions to
For some FIAs, temporal resolution is too low to reequilibrate from overheating, yields a statistical
sample an instant in time. For these, further analysis probability for partial reequilibration of fluid inclu-
of the petrographic distribution of homogenization sions in weak minerals at peak temperature. If one
temperatures within the FIA are helpful in evaluating were to measure homogenization temperatures of all
data. Given a thick growth zone containing primary inclusions in a sample of calcite, it is likely that its
fluid inclusions, one might compare the homogeniza- uppermost mode, or its highest FIA, would closely
tion temperatures from the inner part of the zone to approach, but not quite reach the maximum tempera-
those of the outer part of the zone. Consistent in- ture experienced ŽBarker and Goldstein, 1990.. Thus,
creases in homogenization temperatures outward in- in a soft mineral like calcite, the highest-temperature
dicate an increase in temperature through time. A FIA, or highest mode in all the homogenization
consistent decrease in homogenization temperature temperature data would have a statistical probability
186 R.H. Goldsteinr Lithos 55 (2001) 159–193
Fig. 23. Flow chart illustrating procedure for interpreting a fluid inclusion assemblage with highly variable phase ratios and without
all-liquid fluid inclusions. Inclusions are of various shapes and sizes Žafter Goldstein and Reynolds, 1994..
of yielding a close approach to the maximum tem- tion and burial history information that can be gleaned
perature the rock has experienced ŽFig. 28.. This from fluid inclusions.
value could have nothing to do with the original
conditions of entrapment of the fluid inclusions, but 9.1. Minimum pressure of entrapment
yield data on thermal history important in reconstruc-
tion of thermal, tectonic and stratigraphic history. Minimum pressure of fluid inclusion entrapment
can be attained simply through crushing of samples
with fluid inclusions, under an immersion medium,
9. Geobarometry from fluid inclusions and using Boyle’s Law to calculate pressure before
crushing. This pressure, at room temperature, greatly
Fluid inclusions are one of the only geobarome- underestimates the true entrapment pressure.
ters available for the sedimentary realm. Because Alternatively, if the composition of the fluid in-
pressure can be translated to burial depth or water clusion and its homogenization temperature has been
depth, there is a variety of environmental informa- determined, the pressure at the point of homogeniza-
R.H. Goldsteinr Lithos 55 (2001) 159–193 187
Fig. 26. Bivariate plots of Th and Tm ice from moderately variable FIAs may yield convergent trends that converge on the conditions of
initial FIA entrapment, and define leakage and refilling trends that reflect the conditions experienced during thermal reequilibration of
inclusions during progressive burial heating. ŽA. Mechanism of reequilibration for each inclusion does not change. ŽB. Mechanism of
reequilibration for each inclusion varies Žafter Goldstein and Reynolds, 1994..
entrapped. Then, the aqueous-rich end member must system, its homogenization temperature is equal to
be found. Since it was entrapped from an immiscible the entrapment temperature. The point of intersection
of the entrapment temperature and the isochore for
the gas-rich end member inclusion defines the pres-
sure of entrapment ŽFig. 29.. Alternatively, if the
composition of the aqueous-rich end member can be
determined, then a bubble point curve can be con-
could be useful in understanding relative aridity of attempts have been made to interpret the PVT rela-
the climate during entrapment. tionships of oil in fluid inclusions to better evaluate
Finally, fluid inclusion data from near-surface temperature and pressure of entrapment. This work
systems are very useful in providing paleo-atmo- determines the volume of gas and liquid in fluid
sphere temperature. A good example of this is in inclusions to supplement modeling of the PVT rela-
halite from shallow lake systems. Fluid inclusions tionships ŽMacLeod et al., 1996.. Although this ap-
are supercooled to generate bubbles, and bubbles are pears to be useful information that may help in the
heated to homogenization ŽRoberts and Spencer, interpretation of oil-filled fluid inclusions, an analy-
1995.. In shallow water systems, no pressure correc- sis of the errors involved in the volume determina-
tions are needed so homogenization temperatures are tions and assumptions about composition would be a
the same as entrapment temperatures. Fluid inclu- useful addition. All in all, fluid inclusion technolo-
sions of this sort provide useful climate data for the gies figure prominently in the petroleum industry
Holocene and Pleistocene ŽLowenstein and Brown, and will continue to do so as analytical technologies
1998. as well as for very ancient systems ŽBenison develop further.
and Goldstein, 1999.. It is possible that similar ho-
mogenization temperature data could be gained from
speleothem calcite and other coarse mineral phases 12. Fluid inclusions and diagenetic systems
that precipitate near Earth’s surface.
Most diagenetic studies rely on a combination of
petrography and on isotopic and trace element analy-
11. Oil exploration and development sis of diagenetic minerals. Of these techniques, the
petrography typically provides the most unequivocal
In recent years, fluid inclusion work has become a constraints on diagenetic history. Stable isotopic and
very important tool in oil exploration and develop- trace element techniques, however, typically provide
ment. Not only have fluid inclusions figured promi- ambiguous results because of the many uncon-
nently in understanding the diagenetic controls on strained variables that affect the composition of min-
porosity evolution and thermal history, but fluid eral phases. Most diagenetic systems are defined by
inclusion work has been important in evaluating the the temperature, pressure and salinity of the fluids
history and pathways of hydrocarbon migration. active in them. For that reason, fluid inclusions are
Petroleum fluoresces with UV epi-illumination, and one of the best techniques for constraining the diage-
its color of fluorescence is tied to maturity and API netic history of sedimentary rocks. Fluid inclusions
gravity ŽLumb, 1978; McLimans, 1987; Tsui, 1990. have been successfully Žand unambiguously. applied
providing an important record of composition of to all diagenetic systems ŽGoldstein and Reynolds,
petroleum fluid inclusions. Furthermore, careful pet- 1994.. Such systems include low-temperature and
rographic analysis of fluid inclusions within the con- high-temperature ones that have never been heated
text of diagenetic history has also proven useful. and buried, but also include many low temperature
Individual events of petroleum migration commonly and high temperature systems that have been buried
can be recognized by cement superpositional or and heated beyond their conditions of entrapment.
crosscutting relationships. Detailed study of these Where present, fluid inclusions, coupled with petrog-
relationships, together with homogenization tempera- raphy, are probably the best techniques for tackling
ture measurements, is quite useful in understanding problems in diagenesis.
reservoir systematics ŽPottorf et al., 1997; Brennan
and Goldstein, 1998.. Furthermore, the extraction
and analysis of hydrocarbon fluid inclusions pro- 13. Conclusions
vides useful information for determining hydrocar-
bon migration history and for evaluating the compo- The future looks bright for fluid inclusion studies
sition of hydrocarbons ŽBurruss, 1987b, Karlsen et in sedimentary rocks. The last fifteen years has seen
al., 1993; Hall, 1996; Smith, 1997.. In recent years, a revolution in the way fluid inclusion studies have
R.H. Goldsteinr Lithos 55 (2001) 159–193 191
been done in sedimentary rocks, a revolution brought Pasteris, J.D., 1998. Extremely acid Permian lakes and ground
about by the discovery that some of the fluid inclu- waters in North America. Nature 392, 911–914.
Berner, R.A., 1990. Atmospheric carbon dioxide levels over
sions in sedimentary rocks reequilibrate from natural Phanerozoic time. Science 249, 1382–1386.
overheating. This discovery led to the development Berner, R.A., Landis, G.P., 1988. Gas bubbles in fossil amber as
of a new approach, the fluid inclusion assemblage possible indicators of the major gas composition of ancient air.
approach. With this, the future looks encouraging. Science 239, 1406–1409.
There are many applications in sedimentary rocks Brantley, S.L., 1992. The effect of fluid chemistry on quartz
microcrack lifetimes. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 113, 145–156.
tailor-made for studies of fluid inclusions. Among Bodnar, R.J., Bethke, P.M., 1984. Systematics of stretching of
those are diagenetic studies, studies of petroleum fluid inclusions; fluorite and sphalerite at 1 atmosphere confin-
systems, temperature and pressure studies to focus ing pressure. Econ. Geol. 79, 141–161.
on tectonic, stratigraphic, and economic systems, and Bodnar, R.J., Reynolds, T.J., Kuehn, C.A., 1985. Fluid-inclusion
applications to paleoclimate and chemistry of the systematics in epithermal systems. In: Berger, B., Bethke, R.
ŽEds.., Geology and Geochemistry of Epithermal Systems:
ancient oceans and atmosphere. With the large num- wSociety of Economic Geologistsx, Reviews in Economic Geol-
ber of applications available, it is likely that new ogy 2, pp. 73–97.
uses for fluid inclusions in sedimentary rocks will Brennan, S.T., Goldstein, R.H., 1998. Fluid and thermal history of
continue to evolve. That is not to say that there will an exhumed petroleum reservoir. PACROFI program and ab-
be no new problems discovered. We, as fluid inclu- stracts, Las Vegas Žunpaginated..
Burruss, R.C., 1987a. Paleotemperatures from fluid inclusions:
sionists, need to remain forever vigilant in evaluating Advances in theory and technique. In: Naeser, N.D., McCul-
the quality of our data and our interpretations, con- loh, T.H. ŽEds.., Thermal History of Sedimentary Basins,
tinuing to question our findings so that fluid inclu- Methods and Case Histories 41 American Association of
sion studies in sedimentary systems advance. Petroleum Geologists Special Publication, Tulsa, pp. 121–131.
Burruss, R.C., 1987b. Crushing-cell, capillary column gas chro-
matography of petroleum fluid inclusions: Method and appli-
cation to petroleum source rocks, reservoirs, and low tempera-
ture hydrothermal ores. American Current Research on Fluid
Inclusions, Socorro, NM, Abstracts Žunpaginated..
Part of this paper represents a distillation of mate- Burruss, R.C., 1991. Practical aspects of fluorescence microscopy
rials developed jointly by R.H. Goldstein and T.J. of petroleum fluid inclusions. In: Barker, C.E., Kopp, O.C.
Reynolds. The collaboration of T.J. Reynolds was ŽEds.., Luminescence Microscopy and Spectroscopy 25 Soci-
essential for their development. This manuscript ben- ety of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Short
efited significantly from reviews by Tom Andersen Course, Tulsa, pp. 1–7.
Burruss, R.C., 1992. Phase behavior in petroleum–water Žbrine.
and an anonymous reviewer. Partial support for de- systems applied to fluid inclusion studies. PACROFI IV,
velopment of the techniques discussed herein was Pan-American Conference on Research on Fluid Inclusions,
provided by the University of Kansas general re- Lake Arrowhead Abstracts, pp. 116-118.
search fund and NSF grants EAR-87-21229 and Carothers, W.W., Kharaka, Y.K., 1978. Aliphatic acid anions in
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