Technical Guide To MSATS
Technical Guide To MSATS
Technical Guide To MSATS
Technical Guide
Guide to
1.00 Draft December 2020
Version 1.00
Pre-production: Wednesday 16 November
December 2020
Production: Wednesday 19 October 2016
Supplement to the MSATS B2M policies, procedures, and guides providing an
understanding of MSATS functionality and business rules
Important Notice
This Technical Guide to MSATS, prepared by the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO), provides guidance for
pdrMonitor under the National NER or NGR (Rules).
This document does not constitute legal or business advice and should not be relied on as a substitute for obtaining
detailed advice about the National Gas or Electricity Law, the Rules or any other applicable laws, procedures, or
policies. While AEMO has made every effort to ensure the quality of the information in this Guide, neither AEMO, nor
any of its employees, agents and consultants make any representation or warranty as to the accuracy, reliability,
completeness, currency or suitability for particular purposes of that information.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, AEMO and its advisers, consultants and other contributors to this Guide (or
their respective associated companies, businesses, partners, directors, officers or employees) are not liable (whether
by reason of negligence or otherwise) for any errors, omissions, defects or misrepresentations in this document, or for
any loss or damage suffered by persons who use or rely on the information in it.
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Available to the public.
Business custodian: Manager, Metering
IT custodian: Manager, Retail Solutions
Prepared by: AEMO Technology Technical Writers and the Metering Team
Last update: Monday, 14 December 2020 3:08 PM
1.00 Initial creation
The release of this document changes the version of Technical Guide to MSATS, and all versions of: Hints and Tips -
Cats & NMI Discovery, MSATS CATS History Model, and Introduction to MSATS.
Your feedback is important and helps us improve our services and products. To suggest improvements, please
contact AEMO's Support Hub.
Rules................................................................................................................................... 195
Rules maintenance .................................................................................................................... 195
Change request field validation rules ........................................................................................ 197
Change request initiation rules .................................................................................................. 197
Jurisdictional parameters .......................................................................................................... 198
NMI discovery field access rules ............................................................................................... 199
NMI discovery search key rules ................................................................................................ 199
Change request status notification rules ................................................................................... 200
Objection rules .......................................................................................................................... 200
Standing data access rules ....................................................................................................... 201
Time frame rules ....................................................................................................................... 202
FAQs................................................................................................................................... 203
Transactions .............................................................................................................................. 203
Inbox, Outbox, and Archive ....................................................................................................... 205
NMI search ................................................................................................................................ 207
Terms................................................................................................................................................... 217
NER terms ................................................................................................................................. 217
This guide is a supplement to MSATS B2M policies, procedures, and guides providing
an understanding of MSATS functionality and business rules.
The audience for this guide is:
Registered Participants:
− Creating and receiving participant CATS Transactions.
− Requiring NMI information from MSATS. Especially, the records they can
expect from a NMI Discovery search.
− IT staff involved in managing interfaces with MSATS.
Support staff
Out of scope
MSATS Business-to-Business (B2B) and Enterprise Meter Data Management (eMDM)
are out of scope for this guide. For details, see the following information on AEMO’s
Business-to-Business Procedures
Chapter 5 CATS History Model on page 139 is essential reading because it assists
understanding of the end-to-end Change Request process and how the CATS NMI
Standing Data Access Rules affect data returned from NMI Discovery or a CATS
Chapter 6 Codes on page 169 specifies the codes applying to Change Requests and
CATS Standing Data.
Chapter 7 Rules on page 195 specifies the rules applying to Change Requests and
CATS Standing Data.
Chapter 8 FAQs on page 203 has a list of commonly asked MSATS questions.
Terms on page 217 has a list of NER terms used throughout this guide and where to
find MSATS terms.
Needing Help on page 219 explains how to get help from AEMO’s Support Hub.
References on page 220 has a list of resources mentioned throughout this guide.
The references listed throughout this document are primary resources and take
precedence over this document.
Where there is a discrepancy between the Rules and information or a term in this
document, the Rules take precedence.
Glossary Terms are capitalised and have the meanings listed against them in the
Retail Electricity Market Procedures – Glossary and Framework and Guide to
MSATS and B2B Terms.
NER terms are capitalised and have the meaning listed against them in the
National Electricity Rules (NER). Any rules terms not capitalised still have the
same meaning. NER terms are listed on page 217.
This chapter explains MSATS B2M functionality, roles, interfaces, and, delivery
The 2 most significant participant Transactions are Change Requests and NMI
Discovery Search. For details, see Participant CATS Transactions on page 38.
The most significant AEMO Transaction is the RoLR functionality. For details, see
AEMO CATS Transactions on page 106
B2M roles
Participant B2M roles include:
For details about set up and access to AEMO's participant interfaces, see:
Delivery protocols
You change your message delivery protocol in the MSATS Web Portal > Participants >
Participant Schema interface.
Protocol Delivery
MSATS Web Portal > Data Load Import > Participant Hub Queue > Click the File Name or
Download in the Action column.
Protocol Delivery
Web MSATS Web Portal > Data Load Import > Participant Outbox
Administration Participant administrators (PAs) set up and User rights access on page 18
maintain Participant User Rights
Guide to User Rights Management >
Participant Users with access rights can view Administration
Codes, Rules, and the System Calendar
Codes on page 169
System calendar on page 169
Rules on page 195
- Participant Inbox
Messages – Participant File Server on page 20
Transactions, acks - MDP (MTRD & MDMT) file upload
Acknowledgement on page 107
& zips
- Participant Outbox
MDM File Format and Load Process
- Participant Archives
Guide to MSATS Web Portal > Data Load
- Participant Hub Queue: view Import
unacknowledged API Pull and MDMT
Guide to NEM Retail B2M APIs
- Dayzip download: zip and save files in
your Participant Archive
Metering data Metering (Datastream) Data MDMF or MDFF Guide to eMDM (in progress)
Guide to MSATS Web Portal
NMI information NMI Discovery search for NMIs and their NMI Discovery and NMI Master on pages 92
associated relationships with participants & 102
Guide to MSATS Web Portal
Guide to NEM Retail B2M APIs >
- getNMIDetail
- NMIDiscovery
Ombudsman (NMI Ombudsmen access to NMI Standing Data MSATS Ombudsman Enquiry User Interface
enquiry reports) Guide
Participants reports on ombudsman
Passwords Participant ID and Participant User Guide to Electricity Information Systems >
password(s) Participant ID password
Changing a password in MSATS changes Guide to User Rights Management >
the password for NEM, GSH, OPDMS, and Participant User password
NOS systems
Guide to MSATS Web Portal
Profile preparation Metering Data Management (eMDM) Guide to eMDM (in progress)
(profile information) functions such as estimation and profiling
Guide to MSATS Web Portal
Reports and alerts CATS and MDM reports Guide to MSATS Reports
Report output is File Interface or API e-Hub Guide to NEM Retail B2M APIs >
only generateC4Report
Settlement data View Settlement data Guide to MSATS Web Portal > Settlement
Transaction limits Imposed on participant interaction with Transaction limits on page 121
MSATS to prevent overload of the system
Guide to MSATS Web Portal > Participants >
View status of participant Transaction limits FTP System Status
Guide to NEM Retail B2M APIs >
- getMSATSLimits
- getAlerts
- getParticipantSystemStatus
aseXML schemas
B2B schema
You change your B2B aseXML schema in the B2B Browser > Transforms and Protocol
B2M schema
You change your B2M aseXML schema in the Participants > Participant Schema
Your company’s Participant Administrator (PA) gives you access using the Interactive
(web) or Batch entities in the MSATS
Administration menu and provides you
with your access details. Your access
Because it can take 24 hours to update
right determines the interface,
in AEMO’s systems, AEMO
functionalities, and Transactions you can recommends Participant User rights for
use. web and API are set up at least 24
hours in advance.
If a Participant User is logged in when
receiving a new right, they need to
logout and login again.
Interface Entity
API Interactive
The initial PA is set up by the AEMO system administrator as part of the registration
process. If you don't know who your company's PA is contact AEMO's Support Hub.
API e-hub
Participants can submit and receive CATS Transactions and change their Participant
User password using the API Gateway. For details, see:
API Gateway
CATS Transactions between participants and the MSATS Web Portal or File Interface
are stored in the Participant File Server in two folders:
INBOX: Participants put files for MSATS in the Inbox (see Figure 3 on page 21).
Participants can submit and receive CATS Transactions in the MSATS Web Portal
interface. This interface is mostly used by participants having a limited number of files to
process. For help, see Guide to MSATS Web Portal.
Web Portal
Participants can upload Batch CATS Transactions using the Data Load Import >
Participant Inbox > Upload function. This is called Batch to Web Portal or Interactive
Loading). For help, see Guide to MSATS Web Portal.
Uploading Transactions using this option, places them in your Participant Inbox on the
Participant File Server (see Figure 5 on page 23).
When MSATS completes validation, you receive a response Transaction zip file. If the
data loaded successfully, the acknowledgement details are found within the
<Acknowledgements> element, towards the end of the XML file. There is only one
message acknowledgement per file. Depending on the number of transactions in the file,
there can be multiple Transaction Acknowledgements. For details, see MSATS to
participant on page 107.
For details about how to clean up left-over files if they are not acknowledged
immediately, see Acknowledgement on page 115.
Participants can submit and receive CATS Transactions using FTP to the Participant
File Server. This is called Batch to Participant File Server or Direct Loading.
This interface is mostly used by participants with many files to process by implementing
an automated Batch File Interface. For help, see Guide to MSATS Participant Batcher
You place the Batch files in your Participant Inbox on the Participant File Server by 1 of
the following methods:
FTP software. For help, see Participant File Server on page 20.
Direct Loading is a two-stage process. You or your IT system write a TMP file to your
Participant Inbox and then rename it to a zip file. You do not directly copy the zip file.
For help, see Creating and submitting batch transactions on page 29.
To create a Change Request using the File Interface, you must adhere to the following
If the Batch Transaction is submitted using the Web Portal, the Participant User
ID submitting the Transaction must have the Participant Mailbox entity right.
If the Batch Transaction is submitted using the Web Portal, the nominated
Participant ID in the From element in the XML file must be the same as the
logged on Participant User ID.
Transaction format
The information in this section is a guide only. For help creating an aseXML file, see the
aseXML Guidelines.
Participant ID Up to 15 characters CR
Enter in quotes between the <From>SOLARISP</From> element
Priority Up to 6 characters CR
Must be upper case
Options: High (H), Medium (M), or Low (L)
All Transaction files are created in the same way although the data required differs
depending on the type of Transaction you are creating. For an example of a Change
Request Transaction, see Figure 6 on page 28.
You can include more than one transaction in one XML file providing they belong to the
same Transaction Group. The message consists of a header, followed by the
transactions. For details, see aseXML Guidelines.
Compress the file in zip format and save it with a .TMP extension, following the
MSATS filename standards. For details, see file name format on page 25.
FTP the .TMP file to your Participant Inbox adhering to file size limits.
MSATS performs validation and sends an ACK file to your Participant Outbox,
either accepting or rejecting the file.
The ACK file has the same name as the zip file except for the extension. For
example. if your file is MSATS names the ACK file
When you receive the matching .ACK file in your Participant Outbox, delete your
original zip file from your Participant Inbox.
MSATS then deletes the ACK file from your Participant Outbox.
The Inbox and Outbox are now empty.
The process for editing a Change Request using Batch is almost identical to creating a
Change Request. A new Change Request Transaction is submitted, which contains the
correct information including one additional data element. This is the request ID of the
original Change Request in the <InitiatingRequestID> element (see Figure 8 on page
When you submit the second Change Request, MSATS does the following:
1. Creates a new Change Request with the status of PVAL (pending validation).
4. Creates a further new Change Request that is a ‘merging’ of the two Change
Requests that has a status or REQ. (This is the Change Request that proceeds).
For Change Requests edited using Batch, MSATS sends two Change Request
Response (CRR) Transactions:
1. One for the submitted Change Request providing the correct information.
2. One for the final new Change Request MSATS creates to merge the original
Change Request and the new one.
If there was a problem with the first Change Request because it failed the second-level
validations and was rejected; only the first Change Request response is received.
To withdraw a Change Request using Batch, you must submit a message containing a
change withdrawal Transaction. The only element supplied is the <RequestID> element
(see Figure 9 below).
The Initiating participant must create the Change Request withdrawal and the user ID
identified in the <SecurityContext> element must have the right to submit a change
withdrawal Transaction by Batch.
For Change Requests withdrawn using Batch, MSATS sends a Change Request
response (CRR) indicating if the withdrawal was successful. The CRR is identical to the
CRR received when you submitted the Change Request. It does not indicate it is a
response to a Change Request withdrawal rather than a response to a new Change
Request. You can identify it by initiatingTransactionID, also used in the withdrawal
Transaction. The Request ID is the same as the initial Change Request.
The process for withdrawing an Objection using Batch is almost the same as creating an
Objection using the Batch Handlers. For a successful withdrawal, the <ObjectionID>
generated in the initial Objection is included in the file. A Batch Handler withdrawal is
acknowledged by an Objection withdrawal Transaction in your Participant Outbox.
For Objections withdrawn using the Batch Handlers, MSATS sends an Objection
Transaction file indicate if the withdrawal was successful. It is identical to the Objection
Transaction received when you submitted the Objection. The Transaction does not state
it is a response to an Objection withdrawal rather than a response to a new Objection. It
contains the initiatingTransactionID from the initial withdrawal Transaction. The
Objection ID is the same as the one being withdrawn.
Create an XML file according to the current aseXML schema format and include
the following element:
2. Name the file according to AEMO specifications and compress the file into a zip
3. Name the file according to AEMO specifications and compress the file into a zip
1. Create an XML file according to the current aseXML schema format. The NMI
and the checksum are required for a type 2 search.
2. Name the file according to AEMO specifications and compress the file into a zip
Create an XML file according to the current aseXML schema format with a
standard NMI Discovery request header.
The Type, NMI checksum, and Reason fields are mandatory. Enter NMID for the
Transaction Group.
2. Enter ROLE_REQUEST for the Type.
3. Name the file according to AEMO specifications and compress the file into a zip
Correct Retailer: The Retailer listed as the FRMP for the NMI in MSATS. They
are the End-use Customer’s chosen Retailer.
Current Retailer or current FRMP: The Retailer who is currently listed with an
active role of FRMP for a NMI in MSATS.
Most recent previous Retailer: The Retailer who was the FRMP before the NMI
was transferred to the party listed as the current FRMP in MSATS.
You can also request CATS and MDM reports using Batch. When a report is processed
using Batch, it undergoes the same validity checks as a report processed using the web
All reports, whether requested using the web portal or using Batch, are delivered as zip
files placed in your Participant Outbox.
Create an XML file containing the report request according to the aseXML
schema format. Each report requires a different set of parameters; the easiest
way to identify the parameters for each report is to request it using the web portal
and check the output.
2. Name the file according to AEMO specifications: The filename consists of the
Transaction Group (CATS), Priority Level (M), and the Transaction ID (unique ID
that includes the participant ID). Files must be saved with an XML extension and
are usually in lower case, for example, catsm_ppppppp_1000.xml (see page 25).
1. Create an XML file with the report request according to the aseXML schema
format. Each report requires different parameters. The easiest way to identify the
parameters for each report is to request it using the web portal and check the
2. Name the file according to AEMO specifications: The filename consists of the
Transaction Group (CATS), Priority Level (M), and the Transaction ID (unique ID
that includes the participant ID). Files must be saved with an XML extension and
are usually in lower case, for example, catsm_ppppppp_1000.xml (see page 25).
Set participant
Providing you have permission to do so, the Set Participant function in the web portal
allows you to act for another Participant ID without having to log out, change IDs and log
in again. The participant you are acting for displays at the top of the Markets Portal
interface. For permission to see other participant IDs using Set Participant, see your
company's Participant Administrator.
Bulk transactions
The Bulk Data Tool (BDT) enables participants to insert and update large quantities of
MSATS Standing Data. It has minimal impact on MSATS because it bypasses the
Change Request process, including Objections and Notifications, and the MSATS
history model.
Provision of new NMIs for Jurisdictions rolling out Full Retail Competition (FRC).
Are only made to the current active records (records having an end date of
31/12/9999). No active historic records are ever affected by the BDT.
Do not conform to the CATS History model so there is no history audit trail of the
replaced data. The only indication that an existing record is updated by the BDT
is the MAINTUPDTID field is populated with BDT_ParticipantID, for example
not affected.
All new records are created with a Start Date equal to the date prior to the date when the
BDT was run and have a MAINTUPDTID value of BDT_ParticipantID. The
MAINTCREATEDT for new records is the processing date and time.
The only records suitable for update by the BDT are ones associated with NMIs where:
All participants attached to the NMI are related at the time the update is
The past Settlement runs are not affected (the proposed data cannot replace
existing data used in a Settlement run). For example, it is not possible to update
the DLF or TNI code for any NMI, if for any of the period covered by the Start and
End Date on the NMI record, there were active Datastream records.
The allowed Roles for updating data using the BDT is based on the same rules
governing Change Requests (a combination of the Change Reason Initiation Rules and
the Change Request Field Validation Rules).
While an LNSP can create a NMI, all associated Metering Installation (including register
identifiers) and Datastream data, if subsequent data changes are required or if additional
Metering Installation and Datastream records need creation, an authorised participant
must submit them (such as, the MPB for Metering Installation data and the MDP for
AEMO operates the BDT upon receipt of a request for update and a data file from
participants. This is different from the Change Request process where participants
control the change.
3. When MSATS processes your file, it places a response file in your Participant
CATS Transactions
This chapter describes participant CATS Transactions and guidelines for using them,
including tips and common NMI Discovery search errors.
Change requests
The most significant Transaction is the Change Request used by participants to submit
or update CATS Standing Data.
Participants use Change Requests to interact with MSATS for some or all aspects of
information regarding a Consumer’s Connection Point, including:
Names and relationships of participants having Roles associated with the NMI.
The Transaction types required to create and manage Change Requests are:
Change request
Change withdrawal
Objection withdrawal
Can only have one NMI in relation to the Change Request but can have multiple
NMI suffixes and multiple Meter Serial IDs.
Is Initiated for an event using one of the Change Reason Codes on page 174.
Has a set of CATS Standing Data items varying with the selected Change
Reason Code.
1 Initiating participant
3 Involved parties
5 Objecting party
PEND Pending The Transaction has passed the objection period and is either:
- Awaiting final details before it can complete
- Awaiting arrival of the Proposed Change Date
OBJ Objected MSATS has received an objection and the transfer is suspended until the
Objection is either:
- Withdrawn
- The objection period lapses (MSATS cancels the Change Request)
Initiated status
Initiation is the first step in the creation of a new Change Request where the Initiating
Populates the Change Request with the data permitted by the selected Change
Reason Code.
Submits the Change Request to MSATS, using one of the B2M interfaces.
The Rejected (REJ) status occurs when a Change Request fails validation, either:
The Objection Logging Period and Objection Clearing Periods are over.
The Objected status occurs when one or more Objections are received:
Event notifications are sent to the relevant parties with details of the Objections.
b. Pending: When the last Objection is withdrawn, and the Objection Logging
Period has expired.
Occurs when no Objections are received, or all Objections are withdrawn, and
the Objection period passes.
Changes to Completed if the Proposed Change Date is reached and all required
data is present.
Is Pending, the Proposed Change Date is reached, and all required data is
Is Objected, if:
a. No Objections are received, the Objection Logging Period has ended, and
an Actual Change Date exists.
b. Objections are received, all Objections are withdrawn, the Objection Logging
Period has ended, and an Actual Change Date exists.
Is simultaneous with the formation of a NMI Master Record and is effective from
the Actual Change Date.
a. Not all Objections are withdrawn at expiry of the Objection Clearing Period.
b. It is in Pending status longer than seven months from the date of initiation.
As shown in Steps 6 and 7 in Figure 11 on page 51, depending on the Change Reason
Code used (see page 174), there are five categories of information (see page 102):
NMI Datastream
For each category, a list of records displays on the Change Request Transaction. If they
are for a particular category, they are already linked and cannot change.
If the list is blank, participants must create new information records for the category so
the Change Request can pass validation (see page 52).
When all conditions are met, the Change Request moves to completed status and the
new participant name displays as the FRMP.
The error description is the message you see if you submit an invalid Change
Request. It has some additional information identifying what caused the error. This
additional information is not in Table 4.
1002 A duplicate row exists Check if you submitted the same data twice
This may happen if, for example, you saved a
Datastream, clicked the Back button on your browser,
and then clicked Save again
To see the duplicate entry:
1. Return to the main screen
2. To change the data, click Edit
1101 Data fields provided are not valid Check the allowed fields have a Field Validation Data
for this Change Request Source Code of RA or RQ (see page 182)
To confirm allowed fields, check the Change Request
Field Validation Rules on page 197
Alternatively, check you entered a valid Change
Reason Code (see page 174)
1100 Invalid data on Change Request Check you entered a valid Embedded Network Code
Identifier (CATS_EMB_NET_ID_CODES table)
See page 179
1109 Invalid NMI Classification Code Check for a valid NMI Classification Code
(CATS_NMI_CLASS_CODES table) or the Start Date
for the NMI Classification Code is after the Proposed
Change Date on the Change Request (see page 185)
You also see this message if you try to change the
Jurisdiction on the NMI and the NMI’s Start Date is
more recent than the Proposed Change Date on the
Change Request
1111 Invalid TNI Code (or similar, e.g. Check for a valid TNI Code (CATS_TNI_CODES table)
DLF Code) or the Start Date for the TNI Code is after the Proposed
Change Date on the Change Request
1113 Invalid Jurisdiction Code Check if you entered an invalid Jurisdiction Code or a
Jurisdiction Code with a Start Date after the Proposed
Change Date on the Change Request
You also see this message if you try to enter a Change
Request where the Proposed Change Date is prior to
the Start Date on the NMI
1120 Invalid Participant ID Check if you nominated a participant in a Role they are
not entitled to perform, either because:
1. They are not valid for that Role
2. They were not valid for that Role for the period
covered by the Change Request
3. The Participant ID you entered is not valid
4. The name you entered is not in UPPER CASE
table) on page 190
1121 The participant is not valid for the Check if the participant you nominated is valid for the
given Role Role.
table) on page 190
1122 TNI Code required for the NMI (or Check if the Proposed Change Date is prior to the Start
similar) Date of the NMI
This message is also sent if you try to remove the TNI
Code from a NMI
1133 Date period causes a gap in the Check if you tried to make a Retrospective Change and
NMI Master Record supplied an End Date prior to the Start Date of the NMI
The End Date must be the Day before, on, or after, the
1134 Date period causes a gap in the
Start Date
records in the
1144 NMI not found for the Datastream Check the NMI Status Code is not D or X
You must activate this NMI (i.e., change its NMI Status
Code to A) before you can update any Datastreams
You can activate a NMI using a Change Reason Code
such as 5051 (see page 174)
This Change Request must complete before you can
create the Change Request to update or create the
1146 Meter Serial ID must exist for Check the Meter Serial ID you are updating the Next
Meter Scheduled Read Date for exists for this NMI
You can request a NMI Master report or you can use
the NMI Master Search
1147 Metering Installation Type Code Check you are not creating a record without specifying
must exist for Meter a Metering Installation Type Code, see page 183
Check you are updating a valid Meter Serial ID
If invalid, create the record using CR 3001 or CR 3000,
see page 174
1148 Invalid Profile Name for NMI's Check you assigned a valid Profile Name to a
Jurisdiction Datastream in the Jurisdiction where this NMI is
1149 ADL must be less or equal to 2000 Check if you are changing the Average Daily Load
for NMIs with NMI Classification (ADL) on a NMI having a NMI Classification Code of
Code of SMALL SMALL and your value is greater than or equal to
2000, see page 185
MSATS has a validation designed to ensure ADLs are
1151 Not all required fields have been Check you completed all required fields for the
entered. Please ensure all fields selected Change Reason Code, see page 197
have been completed
You must supply all fields on a Change Request where
the Field Validation Data Source Code is RI, see page
1150 Initiating Participant is not an The participant submitting the Change Request is not
active CATS Participant active for the period of the Transaction
152 Initiating Participant is not a valid Check if you tried to initiate a Transaction where you
initiator of the Transaction. are not a valid Initiator
If this is a Change Request initiated by a Current Role
(e.g. CR 4001), check:
1. You are the valid participant for the Role for the
period covered by this Change Request
2. The NMI exists in MSATS (If this is a Change
Request initiated by the Current participant
and the NMI does not exist, you get this
message because MSATS cannot find the
Current Participant
3. The Proposed Change Date is after the Start Date
of the NMI
If this is a Change Request initiated by a New Role
(e.g. CR 2001), check:
1. The Participant ID can act in the specified Role
2. The proposed participant for this Role goes back
as far as the Proposed Change Date on the
Change Request
3. You nominated yourself in the initiating Role
1153 Date is not in the past Check the date entered is for a Retrospective Change
1154 NMI does not match NMI on Check if you are trying to change an existing Change
original Change Request Request but the NMI you supplied is not the NMI on
the original Change Request.
If you supply an ID on a Change Request identical to
an existing Change Request, MSATS assumes the
Transaction is a change to the existing Change
Another possible reason is the NMIs match, but the
request ID specified does not match the ID of the
existing Change Request
1156 NMI and NMI Checksum do not Check the NMI is valid
1157 Original Change Request is not Check you supplied a valid ID on a Change Request
found or is not active
Is it a CR 1500 or a change to an existing Change
Request? The existing Change Request will confirm
the correct ID
1160 Date is not within the allowed Check the Proposed Change Date is not too far in the
number of days. past for a Retrospective Change or too far into the
future for a Prospective Change
Check the maximum allowable number of days
(expressed in Business Days) in the Time Frame Rules
for the Change Reason Code
If it is a Retrospective Change, it is the Retrospective
If it is a Prospective Change, it is the Prospective
See page 202
1168 No Jurisdictional Rules found for Check the Change Request you are creating is valid for
Change Request, NMI the NMI’s Jurisdiction and NMI Classification Code
Classification Code
If you are changing the Jurisdiction or NMI
Classification Code you must check an entry exists for
the new Jurisdiction Code or NMI Classification Code
along with the Change Reason Code in the
Jurisdictional Parameters, see page 198
1169 Date submitted should not be in Check the Prospective Change Date, you can enter
the past for this type of Change tomorrow’s date at the earliest
1172 Metering Installation Type Code Check if you are submitting a Prospective Change for a
does not exist Change of Retailer (e.g. CR 1000 or CR 1030) and
there is no Meter record for this NMI
You can contact the Current MPB to arrange for its
creation or if it is permitted in the Jurisdiction, you can
wait until after the Proposed Change Date and then
submit a Retrospective Change Request
1178 Attempting to create a NMI that Check if you are using one of the Change Reason
already exists Codes for creating NMIs (i.e. CR 2000, CR 2001, CR
2020, CR 2021, CR 2500, CR 2501, CR 2520 and CR
1179 Attempting to edit a NMI that does Check you are using one of the Change Reason
not exist. Codes used to create NMIs: CR 2000, CR 2001, CR
2020, CR 2021, CR 2500, CR 2501, CR 2520 and CR
For example: NMI: 1000999900
CR 1000
The NMI entered in the example: 1000999900 does
not exist but you cannot use the Change Reason Code
CR 1000 to create NMIs
Check you entered the correct NMI. If yes, contact the
relevant LNSP and arrange for the LNSP to create the
1198 Meter Register Status Code must Check the Meter Register Status Code is valid for the
be either C, R or D Change Request, see page 183
1280 No participant exists from whom Check if the NMI exists in MSATS
data is to be requested for this
You entered a Change Reason Code having some RQ
fields in its Field Validation Rules. RQ fields send a
Data Request if there is missing data for the NMI
In this case, because there is no NMI, MSATS can’t
find a participant in the Role to send the Data Request
to so instead sends this error message
Also check, if you tried to transfer a NMI from a date
prior to the Start Date of the NMI because, for this
period, there is no valid participant
5026 NMI extinct Check if you submitted a transfer request for a NMI
with a NMI Status Code of X
The only valid NMI statuses for transferring a NMI are
G, D, N or A
5028 CAN – The change dates for this Your Change Request is cancelled because there is a
Change Request conflict with concurrent transfer (for details, see the MSATS
another CR 1000 series Change Procedures: CATS Procedure Principles and
Request in the system Obligations)
In a Type 2 situation it means another participant
submitted a Change Request to transfer Retailers with
a date range matching or overlapping yours, so your
Change Request is Cancelled. This can happen at any
stage of the Change Request Lifecycle
5029 REJ – The change dates for this Your Change Request is rejected because there is a
Change Request conflict with concurrent transfer (for details, see the MSATS
another CR 1000 series Change Procedures: CATS Procedure Principles and
Request in the system Obligations)
In a Type 1 situation it means you have previously
submitted a Change Request for this NMI that hasn’t
reached COM status, so your subsequent Change
Request is Rejected
In a Type 2 situation it means an existing Change
Request from another participant exists with a date
matching or overlapping yours, so your Change
Request is Rejected
5032 CAN – Change Request has been MSATS has automatically Cancelled your Change
cancelled Request because it remained incomplete longer than 7
5036 Invalid combination of Change Check if your transfer request has an invalid Change
Reason Code for Read Type Code Reason Code and Read Type Code
For example, you may have submitted a Retrospective
Change with a Read Type Code of NS (Next
Scheduled Read Date) or you may have submitted a
Prospective Change with Read Type Code of PR
(Previous Read)
5038 FRMP cannot be Current FRMP Check if you are transferring a NMI to a participant
where the Participant ID is the current FRMP in the
5039 MDP cannot be Current MDP Check if your nominated MDP is the same party as the
Current MDP
You only nominate the MDP if it is changing from the
Current MDP
5041 Invalid Transaction. Must nominate Check if you have nominated the Roles you want to
at least one of New MDP, MPB or update
You are required to nominate the New MC and at least
one of either the New MDP, New MPB, or the New
5042 The LR for a Child NMI must be Check if you are changing the LR on a Child NMI not
the FRMP of the Parent NMI matching the Participant ID assigned as the Parent
5044 The minimum mandatory data Check you provided all mandatory data
must be populated
5045 The Change Request initiator must You are not the Current Participant assigned to the
be a Current Participant Role required to submit this Change Request
5046 The Change Request must only be Check if you are submitting a Change Request for a
used on NMIs in the status of NMI with an invalid NMI Status Code
5059 MDM Contributory Suffix is You did not provide the MDM Contributory Suffix in the
mandatory Change Request or at the completion of the Change
5060 Network Tariff Code is mandatory You did not provide the Network Tariff Code in the
Change Request or the result of completion of Change
Request results in the Network Tariff Code as null
5120 No NMI range is assigned for the You tried to create a NMI when there is no NMI range
Participant ID assigned to you
5121 NMI falls within an excluded NMI You tried to create a NMI from an excluded NMI range.
5122 Proposed NMI is outside the You tried to create a NMI outside the allocated NMI
allocated NMI range for the range for your Participant ID.
Participant ID
5047 Meter Serial ID does not exist Check the Meter Serial ID exists
5048 Register ID does not exist Check the Meter Register record exists
5050 The Change Request must be To remove a Meter, check the Meter Register Status
used to remove at least one Meter Code is C or D
with a Meter Register Status Code
of current or remotely
5051 The Change Request must be To create a Meter, check the Meter Register Status
used to create at least one Meter Code is C
with a Meter Register Status Code
of current
5052 The Change Request must be To remove a Register ID, check the Meter Register
used to remove at least one Status Code is C
Register ID with a Meter Register
status code of current
5053 The Change Request must be To create a Register ID, check the Meter Register
used to create at least one Status Code is C
Register ID with a Meter Register
Status Code of current
5054 The Change Request must be To make a Datastream inactive (I), check the
used to deactivate at least one Datastream Status Code is A
Datastream with an existing
Datastream Status Code of active
5055 The Change Request must be To create a Datastream, check the Datastream Status
used to create at least one Code is A
Datastream with a Datastream
Status Code of active
If MSATS receives an Objection it completes the Day after all Objections are withdrawn,
the Objection Logging Period has ended, and an Actual Change Date exists.
Change of retailer
MSATS does not notify the LR at the time a change of FRMP occurs.
The LNSP or the ENM in the case of Child Connection Points, must ensure the
NMI Status Code is A.
The MDP must ensure there is a Datastream with a Datastream Status Code of A
covering the period from the date of the retail transfer.
If the Datastream Status Code is A, the MDP must submit Metering Data to
MSATS regardless of the Site status.
NMI creation
After a NMI is created, and prior to the Actual Change Date:
If a Datastream is not set up, the entry of the NMI into MSATS is not delayed.
2. The date in the past and within the number of days allowed by the Time Frame
Rules, Change Reason Code, and NMI Classification Code on the Change
The maximum number of days is the value stored in Retrospective Days.
If you want to make a Retrospective Change, applying to a specific period, you must
enter a date for the ActualEndDate, so the change doesn’t overwrite current values.
2. The MDP activates the Datastream from 01 April 2002. Assuming the NMI’s Start
Date was 22 December 2001, the CATS_NMI_DATA_STREAM table look like
Table 5 on page 63.
3. The MDP’s Change Request made the original record redundant (MaintActFlg = I)
and created two new records to replace it.
4. Realising the error, the MDP creates another Transaction to make the
Datastream Status Code Inactive (I) from 01 April 2002 until 03 April 2002.
6. To fix the problem using the data in Table 5 below, the MDP must submit a
Change Request with a ProposedDate of 01 April 2002 and an ActualEndDate of
03 April 2002. This change results in the correct result, see Table 7 on page 64.
1. The Day following the date when the Change Request is submitted
The maximum number of days for a Prospective change depends on the Time Frame
Rules, Change Reason Code, and NMI Classification Code for the relevant Change
Request. The maximum number of days is the value stored in Prospective Days.
If someone tries to submit a Change Request for a NMI not meeting these business
rules the Change Request is Rejected.
CR code Description
Type 1 is where the same FRMP submits more than one Change of Retailer Change
Request for the one NMI. MSATS:
1. Identifies type 1 concurrent retail transfers and the FRMP initiating the Change
2. Rejects the newly submitted Change Request and sends a Change Request
Notification to the initiating FRMP with the reason for the rejection.
3. Retains the existing Change Request which is unaffected and still active.
Type 2 is where more than one FRMP submits a Change of Retailer Change Request
for one NMI. MSATS:
1. Identifies type 2 concurrent retail transfers and the FRMPs initiating them.
2. Rejects the newly submitted Change Request and sends a Change Request
Notification to the initiating participant with the reason for the rejection.
3. Cancels the existing Change Request to the Retailer and sends a Change
Request Notification with the reason for the cancellation to all parties related to
the Change of Retailer Request (in line with normal notifications, such as: FRMP,
MDP, MC etc).
Affected FRMPs
The affected FRMPs determine the reason for the concurrent retail transfers and
investigate who is the preferred FRMP for the End-use Customer, consistent with
relevant Jurisdictional requirements.
When MSATS detects an edit to an existing Change Request, it does the following:
If you supply data in the new Change Request also in the original one, MSATS
replaces the old value with the new value.
If you supply different data in the new Change Request not in the original one,
MSATS includes the additional data in the new Change Request.
Cancels the original Change Request.
2. Cancels the Change Request you submitted.
3. The new Change Request status is set to REQ and the Objection Logging Period
begins again (the edited Change Request starts its life cycle again).
Most Change Requests require a Proposed Change Date. The only exception is a
CR1500 where only the ActualChangeDate is supplied.
2. If the Field Validation Rules state another participant must supply the Actual
Change Date, it sends a Data Request.
This processing is part of the Change Request’s initial validation. If, when you edit a
Change Request you change the Proposed Date, MSATS replaces the new value you
supplied in the Proposed Date field.
If the Change Request sent a Data Request, the Actual Change Date is still determined
by the date supplied by the MDP, so your change to the Proposed Change Date does
not have an effect.
If you need to change the Proposed Change Date on a Change Request still in progress
and the Change Request does not send a Data Request to the MDP, you must withdraw
the original Change Request and submit a new one:
If the Change Request did not send a Data Request (for example, CR1020) the original
Proposed Change Date is copied into the ActualChangeDate field. Changing the
Proposed Change Date does not affect the original Actual Change Date.
You cannot edit the ActualChangeDate because it is not an editable field. So, even
though you as the initiator, changed the Proposed Change Date, the Actual Change
Date remains the same.
Rejection reasons
The most common causes for rejected Transactions are:
It goes through several validations (like the MSATS Web Portal validations when
you click Submit) to check if it is valid.
You receive an ACK file and a Change Request Response confirming the file
passed validation.
If MSATS rejects it, the reason for the rejection is communicated in the Change
Request Response. For details, see page 92.
Rejection avoidance
How to avoid rejected Transactions:
Ensure Change Request Field Validation Rules are applied (see page 197).
In a Change Request, only include fields having a Field Validation Data Source
Code of RI or OI.
Ensure you are a valid Initiator of a Transaction from at least the Proposed
Change Date on the Change Request. Valid Initiators are:
− Current Role: If it is initiated by a participant in a Current Role, the
participant must have been in that Role for the period covered by the
Change Request (for example, from at least the proposed date on the
Change Request).
− New Role: If it is initiated by a participant in a New Role, the participant must
be in that Role at least from the proposed date on the Change Request.
You can only use Codes to create NMIs (for example, CR 2001 or CR 2500) if
the NMI is not already in MSATS.
Do not attempt to update Meter records that are not registered in MSATS. For
example, a CR 3051 for a new Meter is rejected if it has no Metering Installation
Type Code and no Meter Register Status Code.
Ensure the Proposed Change Date for a Transaction is within the allowable
number of days:
− For a Retrospective Change, it must be between today and no further into
the past than the Retrospective Period for the relevant Change Request.
− For a Prospective Change, it must be between tomorrow and no further into
the future than the Prospective Period for the Change Request.
For a new Meter record (CR 3051), ensure the Metering Installation Type Code
and the Meter Register Status Code are included.
Ensure the Proposed Change Date for a Transaction is within the allowable
number of days:
When you receive the report, open it, and look for the Request ID.
For easy searching, extract the content from the zip file and copy it to a text editor
such as Microsoft Word or NotePad++.
The content looks like the example below, where the Request ID is 4.
To find the rejection reason you need the Transaction ID which is under the
Request ID. In the example below it is 29.
When you receive the report, open it, and look for the TransactionID you
obtained above.
The rejection reason is under the TransactionID in the Code and Explanation tags
(see Figure 12 on page 74). For other common errors, see page 71.
The Proposed Change Date is not within the Prospective or Retrospective Period
(see Figure 13 below).
In your browser interface, once only, click the Back arrow (see Figure 13 below).
3. The Change Request – Edit interface displays. If required, edit the Proposed
Start Date and click Next.
4. The Change Request information displays, where you can edit any other
required fields and click Submit.
Notifications occur when there is a change to the status of a Change Request or when
an Objection is lodged or withdrawn. A Notification includes information about what is
proposed to change or what has changed, in the case of a COM (complete) Notification.
Notifications are sent to relevant parties throughout the different stages of the
Transaction process as determined by the notification rules. Current and new Roles are
notified of a change in Change Request status according to the Notification Rules (see
page 199).
Notifications are placed in your Participant Outbox regardless of how you created them
(web portal or Batch). MSATS puts each Notification in a separate XML message in a
separate .ZIP file. Participants can request outbound messages bundled by calling the
Support Hub.
You can view Notifications in the web portal or download the .XML message from your
Participant Outbox.
New parties
Notifications serve an important purpose for nominated new parties for an existing NMI
who do not currently act in the Role. When the Notification for a status COM is sent to
new parties, it includes the NMI master data required by the new party.
It includes all active records, (active historic and/or current), depending on the period
covered by the Change Request. The reason for supplying this information is to make it
easy for parties acquiring a new relationship to update their own systems with the NMI
New parties on a Change Request in certain roles (FRMP, LNSP, LR, MDP, MBP, and
RP) receive these special notifications for the COM status. If the old and new parties are
the same for a Role, the special Notification for the COM status is not sent.
Some Change Requests require the specification of the Role party, even the Role is not
Supplying this information make it easy for new parties to update their own systems with
all current NMI information they acquired a relationship with.
The NMI master data applies to Notifications for Roles: FRMP, LNSP (including ENSP),
LR, MDP, MBP and RP. All Roles other than MPC or RoLR receive these special
Notifications for the COM status when there is a change of Role.
If a participant is nominated in a new role on the Change Request but the same
participant also occupies the existing role, the master data is not included. This is the
case for Change Requests where a new MDP is specified but there is no change
because it is the same party.
Batch notifications
A Batch Notification contains the same information as the MSATS Web Portal, except:
The status shows on the initiating Notification only. The web portal shows all
Notification status.
The COM Notification sent to participants nominated as new parties and who are new
participants in that Role includes a complete set of the active NMI Master Records the
participant requires for each of the master tables.
Updates to the Next Scheduled Read Date (NSRD) submitted by File Interface (Batch)
(such as CRs 5070 or 5071) do not obey the CATS History Model (see page 18).
MaintUpdtDt is 31-Dec-9999.
This record is updated with the new NSRD but the MaintUpdtDt is not changed from the
high date.
Notifications to FRMPs and Change Request responses to MDPs for updates to Next
scheduled read dates (NSRDs) submitted by Batch are sent out in batches of up to 500
at a time. If MSATS has more than 500 other Transactions in outbound tables awaiting
sending to you, no NSRD Notifications or Change Request responses are sent.
You cannot identify how many Transactions MSATS has waiting to send you, but if your
Participant Outbox remains full (for example, soon after you acknowledge a file, MSATS
sends you another one), you can assume MSATS still has files to send you.
If your Participant Outbox is empty or has less than 30 catsm files, you can assume
MSATS has no Transactions waiting to send you.
The processing to send these files is run every five minutes in three time blocks each
Day (AEST):
Block Time
1 4 am – 7 am
2 12 noon – 1 pm
3 9 pm – 11 pm
For example, if you submit NSRD updates at 08:00 Market time, the earliest you can
expect to see the Change Request responses is midday.
Retrospective notifications
MSATS can also send Notifications to participants Retrospectively. If a participant
selects a Retrospective Change Reason Code, the participants associated with the
Change Request (such as, they held a current Role against the NMI during the
Retrospective period) receive notifications.
An active history record is maintained since the NMI began its existence because many
MSATS Settlement operations, for example Revisions, occur a long time after the
Settlement period.
A participant can raise an Objection to a Change Request according to:
You can log Objections with Prospective and Retrospective Change Reason Codes.
When a participant has the right to object in a Current Role, any participant acting in that
Role for the period covered by the Change Request (such as, at the Proposed Date or
Actual Change Date) may object.
If the change request has a proposed and end date, where both are in the past
(updating active historic data only), it is possible the participant in the Current Role for
that period may be a different participant.
More than one participant may be acting in the Current Role for any Change Request so
MSATS allows multiple participants to have a role status of Current against a NMI.
For Table 10 on page 83 the NMI 6001000100 has two Active FRMPs assigned to it;
PART1 and PART2:
Only PART2 can object to any Retrospective Change Requests having an Actual
Change Date of 20th October 2001 and an End Date up to and including the
present day or no End Date, in which case the change is assumed to apply into
the future (the high date: 31/12/9999).
Both PART2 and PART1 can object if the Proposed Date or Actual Change Date
was before 20th October 2001 and the End Date was after 19th October 2001 or
there was no end date because both are current FRMPs for the period covered
by the proposed change.
The Objection Rules define, for each type of Change Request (Change Reason Code),
which Participant Roles can object using the Objection codes, this includes the Role and
the Role Status (a current or proposed role).
Each Objection submitted against a Change Request must meet certain criteria:
The Jurisdictional rules determine the length of the Objection period. You can only log
an Objection within the Objection Logging Period for the Change Request.
Objection summary
You can log an Objection even if another party has logged a valid Objection.
If the Change Request status changes to Cancelled, MSATS retains the history.
If the Change Request status changes to Cancelled, all parties receiving the
original Notification (including the Initiator) are notified.
NOACC objection
NOACC Objection rules:
It can move to PEND status. This is the only Objection code with this
The Objection Logging Period must be open and current (not closed).
You are acting in a Role allowing this type of Objection for the Change Reason
For a new Objection, MSATS captures the information in Table 11 on page 85. For more
details, see CATS Procedure Principles and Obligations.
Change Request ID REQUESTID The unique ID of the Change Request you are
objecting to.
Objection validation
To ensure Objections comply with the MSATS rules, once it is logged it passes through
validation. The Objection is not fully processed until it passes all validations.
For Objections not subject to the Objection Logging Period, the Change Request
is in a valid status: PEND, REQ, OBJ.
The Objection Code is valid for the Role the participant is acting in.
According to the Objection rules in the CATS Procedure Principles and
The objection was received within the cut-off time allowed for Objections for this
Jurisdiction and Change Reason Code.
According to the Jurisdictional Rules in the CATS Procedure Principles and
Accepted objection
For an accepted Objection:
MSATS sends XML notifications to participants in line with the Notification Rules.
Usually the Initiator of the Objection, the Initiator of the Change Request, and
other concerned parties.
Rejected objection
For a rejected Objection, MSATS:
Objection notifications
When MSATS receives an Objection, it notifies the Objection Initiator of
acceptance or rejection by placing the Objection Response zip file in the
Participant Outbox.
MSATS sends XML notifications to other participants in line with the Notification
Rules. Usually the Initiator of the Change Request and other concerned parties.
When MSATS sends a Notification for an Objection or Objection Withdrawal,
along with the usual information, it has a section describing the Objection with:
− The Objection Role
− The Objection Code
− Objection date (the date MSATS received the Objection).
− The ObjectionAction: Raised.
Objection withdrawal
The Initiating participant can withdraw their own Objection. Other participants are
informed according to the applicable Change Request Status Notification Rules.
If the objection withdrawal is valid, MSATS cancels the Objection and updates the
Change Request status to Requested or it remain Objected if other participants have
raised Objections still pending.
Change Requests having their status updated to Requested are updated during the
Overnight Processing to Pending if the Objection Logging Period has passed.
Change Request REQUESTID The unique identifier of the Change Request relating
ID to the objection
Objection Code OBJECTIONCODE The objection code identifying the previously entered
objection the participant wants to withdraw
After Objection withdrawal, depending on the Notification rules, participants are informed
of the Objection withdrawal and the Change Request status. Usually, all participants
receiving an Objected Notification receive the Objection Withdrawal Notification.
A web portal withdrawal receives immediate Notification on the interface, while a Batch
withdrawal is acknowledged by an Objection Withdrawal Response in the participant’s
The Notification includes an Objection section with the Objection details where the
ObjectionAction is Withdrawn (see Figure 14 on page 91).
MSATS records an error and the Objection Withdrawal Response indicates the
withdrawal is rejected if an Objection withdrawal request is not valid such as:
The records you have access to in this interface are limited to your user rights.
Receiving an RDAT
You receive RDATs in your Participant Outbox. The information is in an XML message
compressed in a zip file and the required data fields have NULL=”TRUE”.
To respond to an RDAT, in the MSATS Web Portal, click Respond (see Figure 15 on
page 93). The Change Request – New screen displays where you select the Change
Request type.
The Change Request type depends on the data request. The most common RDAT is to
MDPs to provide the Actual Change
Date for a Change of Retailer
Transaction. The date you supply is For help, see Guide to MSATS Web
normally the Actual Meter Read Date Portal.
(CR1500) or for a new Interval Meter
installation, the date it was National
Electricity Rules (NER) compliant.
Where a proposed Transfer of Retailer Change Request does not have any register
level Metering records or is missing data on an existing NMI record, an RDAT is also
sent to the MPB. Before the Transfer of Retailer Change Request can complete, the
MPB must submit a CR3001 or CR3000 to create register identifier details for the NMI.
NMI discovery
A NMI (National Meter Identifier) is used for recording the energy usage for a specific
consumer. Examples of consumers are houses, apartments and streetlights.
Using NMI Discovery you can identify a specific NMI for settlement, auditing, and
discovery purposes:
1. End-use Customer’s NMI and NMI Checksum if they cannot provide it.
2. Enough Standing Data about the NMI to provide a quote for the End-use
3. For NSPs or ENMs, confirm the details returned are correct as identified by the
Change Request.
NSPs are restricted to performing NMI Discovery to those NMIs for which they
have the LNSP Role, and ENMs are restricted to those Child NMIs where they
have an LNSP Role.
The examples in this section use the MSATS Web Portal NMI Discovery, they assume
you are familiar with the NMI Discovery interface.
Access to NMI data depends on the NMI Discovery Field Access Rules and the Search
Key Rules. For details, see Rules on page 195.
Find a NMI and the NMI Checksum using one or any combination of: End-use
Customer’s address, the address’s DPID, or Meter Serial ID.
NMI Discovery Search 2 (NMID2)
Enter a NMI and NMI Checksum to obtain Standing Data about the NMI. The
returned information assists new Retailers to prepare a quote for the End-use
NMI Discovery Search 3 (NMID3)
Find a NMI and Reason Code to obtain the details of the previous FRMP for the
Used when there is a transfer error and the current FRMP wants to revert the site
to the previous FRMP.
2. Unstructured
Most MSATS addresses are Structured, so when you search by address, use this format
first. If MSATS cannot find a Structured address, it uses your values to search the
Unstructured address fields.
NMI discovery search 1 is only successful if information in MSATS supports one of the
following options. Participants can use any, or all these options in the following order:
With this option, you must provide the state and locality (or state and postcode).
You can provide either a Structured or Unstructured address:
a. For the first level search, all input information is expected in the Structured
Jurisdictions decide the search criteria. Currently, the rules are identical in each
1. NMI
2. NMI Checksum
5. The full address (only if the Jurisdiction allows. Currently, all Jurisdictions allow
the full address).
Use the NMI and NMI Checksum found in your NMI Discovery Search 1 search to find
the NMI Standing Data. The data is available to Retailers and NSPs not having Explicit
Informed Consent from an End-use Customer.
The returned information assists new Retailers to prepare quotes for End-Use
The valid Standing Data items returned to the initiating Role in all Jurisdictions for a
successful NMI Discovery Search 3 request are specified in Table 13 on page 98.
The NMI Standing Data Access Rules for this Transaction define which:
When using the reason of TRI (Transferred In Error), they are the Current
FRMP or the most recent previous FRMP for the NMI.
This applies where:
b. The most recent previous FRMP has identified another Retailer has
transferred the NMI in error and is seeking to transfer it back.
When using the reason of NNS (New NMI Setup Error (see Table 13 below),
the NMI was created in the past 130 Business Days from the NMI Discovery
Search 3 date.
Table 13 NMI discovery search 3 standing data items returned for all jurisdictions per change reason code
NNS New NMI Setup FRMP Up to 10-character code representing the identity of
Error the Current FRMP
In the correct field. For example, often the Suburb/Locality and House Number
are put in the incorrect fields. Many searches fail because the Flat/Unit Number
or Floor/Level Number is used in this field.
The fastest search is to use the NMI’s DPID (providing it is in MSATS). So, if you know
the DPID, try it first without any additional information.
Once the record is returned, be sure to check that it is the correct address.
Only a very small percentage of NMIs in MSATS have the DPID field populated, thus
making a search using this parameter unreliable.
Street type
If you are confident your address is correct, save some time by not entering the Street
type because it is a long list to select from. Excluding it still gives you the same result. If
the information returned isn’t what you expected, you can enter it and search again.
If you’re not sure how to spell a Locality or think the address is unstructured (see Is the
address I’m searching for unstructured? on page 211), leave it out and search by
The search uses adjacent postcodes if it cannot find a match for the specified postcode.
1403 NMI Discovery. No Access Rule for NMI Discovery is not allowed for the Role you
Jurisdiction Code are acting in.
It could be NMI Discovery:
- Is allowed in the Jurisdiction but not for
your Role
- Is not allowed in this Jurisdiction at all
1404 NMI Discovery. No Data Found There are no matches for your search criteria
1410 More data available. Current search exceeds Your search found some matches and
Jurisdictional limit returned the maximum number of records
allowed by the Jurisdiction
Not all matching data returned, there are
more matches
1411 NMI Discovery. Locality or Postcode required Either the Locality or Postcode is mandatory
in NMID1
1412 NMI Discovery. State required The State is mandatory for NMID1
1451 NMI Standing Data: Checksum Wrong The NMI Checksum does not match the NMI
Either the NMI or NMI Checksum is incorrect
1452 NMI Standing Data: No Access Rule NMI Discovery is not allowed for the Role you
are acting in.
It could be NMI Discovery:
- Is allowed in the Jurisdiction but not for
your Role
- Is not allowed in this Jurisdiction at all
1454 NMI Standing Data: No NMI or Jurisdiction MSATS cannot find the NMI or it is not
Code included in the Batch file
NMI master
In the NMI Master – Search interface, in the MSATS Web Portal, you can locate and
view the following NMI information:
All active and inactive records for a single NMI without being restricted by a from
and to date range.
All NMIs having or having had a relationship with the Role during a nominated
date range.
This must be a valid Role for the Participant ID you are logged on as.
2. The participant acting in the LNSP role.
Optional parameters are a NMI Range From and To. To return all records for a single
NMI, leave the To field blank.
After entering the search parameters, MSATS checks if you have a relationship with the
NMI in the selected Role within the Date Range From entered. If you do not have a
relationship during that period, no results return.
This means MSATS only looks to see if you had a relationship during the period. If you
did and it is superseded by another participant with a Retrospective Change you won’t
see any results.
3. The record’s Start Date is <= the record’s End Date of a relationship record you
have with this NMI.
4. The record’s EndDate is >= the record’s Start Date of a relationship record you
have with this NMI.
Not included in the results is the MaintActFlg so it’s not obvious which are the inactive or
active records. However, based on the history model you can work this out. The date in
the Updated On column is the MAINTUPDTDT (see Figure 16 below), so:
In Show All view, you can see the Activity Status (MAINTACTFLG) for these records.
For any record in these interfaces, you can click View in the Action column to see the
record content.
You can use the Updated On date in any of these interfaces to work out which records
are active or inactive.
This chapter describes the CATS Transactions used by AEMO, including
Acknowledgement and validation and how to update large quantities of MSATS
Standing Data.
Acknowledgement and
MSATS validates and responds to ALL Transactions with an acknowledgment of receipt
(ACK). Acknowledgement Transactions depend on the interface used: API, Batch, or
web. This section describes validation, ACK files and how to acknowledge one for each
MSATS to participant
MSATS does the following when submitting Transactions to participants:
Access to the Participant Archive depends on the rights assigned to you by your
company’s Participant Administrator.
MSATS deletes the zip file from your Participant Outbox.
Transactions Initiated by participants undergo several validations prior to moving to the
Requested status.
Level 1
The XML is well formed (meaning that it meets the rules defined for writing XML).
The file is valid according to the rules specified in the aseXML schema.
The number of transactions in the file do not exceed the transaction limits for the
transaction group imposed by MSATS.
Level 2
For each Transaction that is accepted, MSATS performs 2nd level validations and
processes the request. These second level validations include business-level validations
such as checking:
The initiator of the Transaction can or is acting in a Role that is entitled to submit
a transaction for the nominated change reason code.
All required fields for this change reason code, as required by the Field
Validation Rules, are provided.
Only fields valid for this change reason code, as required by the Field Validation
Rules, are provided.
The Change Reason Code is valid for use in the jurisdiction in which the NMI is
After the Change Request is submitted, any subsequent Change Requests submitted by
the Initiating participant is validated as follows:
1. The NMI on the subsequent Change Request is checked against the NMI on the
initial Change Request.
Validation checks
1. Codes and dates comply with the codes and rules look-up tables in the MSATS
Web Portal > Administration > Codes and Rules Maintenance.
The following data is validated:
a. Change Request ID
b. Jurisdiction
c. Role ID
g. TNI Code
h. DLF Code
j. Parent Name
k. Child Name
4. The Initiating participant is an active participant and can act in the Role to initiate
the Transaction.
The following data is validated:
a. Participant ID
b. Participant Status
c. Participant Roles
5. The Proposed Change Date and the Actual Change Date are within the range
allowed by the Change Reason Code.
6. The Proposed Change Date, the Actual Change Date, and the Actual End Date
against the Timeframe Rules.
a. The codes comply with the MSATS Web Portal > Administration > Codes
Maintenance > Embedded Network Identifier Codes.
b. The Parent and Child Connection Point names are not identical for the same
Validation explanations
Table 15 below summarises the validations MSATS performs when checking a Change
Request in PVAL status. If any of these validations fail, the Change Request moves to
REJ status. For Change Request lifecycle details, see page 43.
Validation Check
Actual Change If the Change Reason Code is one submitting an ACTUALCHANGEDATE (CR
Date 1500), if the participant submitting is where the Data Request was sent. Use the
initiating Request ID to identify the original Change Request
If the ActualChangeDate is within the Retrospective Period
Changes to If the participant submitting the updated Change Request is the same participant
Change who submitted the original Change Request and the original Change Request
Requests status is not CAN, REJ, or COM
For Change Request lifecycle details, see page 43
Embedded If the Embedded Network Code is valid for the period covered
The EmbedNetParent and EmbedNetChild fields in the CATS_NMI_DATA table
are not the same
If a Child NMI is being created, a Parent NMI has been identified for the
Embedded Network
The change does not produce an Embedded Network circular relationship
It is not a change of LR on a Child NMI (unless the Transaction is creating the
Child NMI)
It does not create an orphan (i.e. if a parent is removed, there are no more parents
or children)
Validation Check
- If it includes fields held in lookup tables and the value supplied for each field is a
valid code on the lookup table
- If it was valid for the whole period covered by the Change Request
- If the participant submitting the Change Request is currently active and was
Initiating Party
active from the period covered by the Change Request
- For a Change Request submitted by a New Role, if the participant submitting
the Change Request is entitled to act in that Role for the period covered by the
Change Request and the participant submitting the Change Request is the
participant nominated in that New Role
- For a Change Request submitted by a Current Role, if the participant submitting
the Change Request is acting in that Role for the entire period covered by the
Change Request
- For the combination of the Jurisdiction and NMI Classification on the NMI
Master Record or Change Request and for the Change Reason Code on the
Change Request, if there is a Jurisdictional rule. In the MSATS Web Portal, see
Administration > Rules Maintenance > Jurisdictional Parameters
- If the NMI already exists (i.e. there is a NMI Master Record) and there is a NMI
Classification Code, Jurisdiction Code, or both, the NMI Classification Code and
Jurisdiction Code take precedence in determining whether Jurisdictional rules
Validation Check
MDM Some of these validations also apply at the time it is about to move to COM status.
The context for this validation is if the it completes, the configuration as of the Day
after the Actual Change Date or, for the period covered by the Proposed Change
Date, must not break these rules:
- The NMI must have a valid NMI Classification Code, Jurisdiction Code, DLF
Code, NMI Status Code, TNI Code, LR, FRMP, RP, ROLR, MDP, and MPB
- It must not cause any gaps in the NMI’s history (on any of the master tables)
- Every time a Datastream record is created or updated, it must have a
Datastream Status Code, that is NOT NULL for the ADL, a valid value in
DataStreamType and a valid Profile Name
- Every time a Datastream is created or updated there must be an active NMI
covering the period when the Datastream is active
- Every time a Meter is created or changed it must always have a Metering
Installation Type Code and a Meter Register Status Code
- The Profile Name assigned to a Datastream must be valid in that NMI's
- If the NMI Classification Code is Small, the ADL must be <=2000
- If the Datastream Type is C, the Profile Name cannot be NOPROF
New NMI If the Change Reason Code is 2000, 2001, 2020, 2021, 2100, 2500, or 2501,
there isn’t an existing record on the CATS_NMI_ DATA table for this NMI
RA If, in the Field Validation Rules there are RA fields, there is a participant to send
the Data Request for the missing data to on the NMI Master Record for the period
RQ If, in the Field Validation Rules there are RQ fields and no data on the NMI Master
Record for those fields, there is a participant to send the Data Request for the
missing data to on the NMI Master Record for the period covered
Whenever you submit a Transaction by Batch it goes through two levels of validation,
MSATS conveys:
If you submit the Batch file using the Web Portal you also see it on the interface.
If the Transaction passes the first level validation, it passes to second level
Second level validation in a Response Transaction.
Type Response
The Response Transaction contains the result of your request, Request IDs, or
the results of the validation. For example, Change Request, Objection, Meter
Data Notifications.
ACK files
The Receipt IDs: one for the message and one for each Transaction.
Change requests
For Change Requests, the numeric part of the Receipt ID corresponds to the MSATS
assigned Request ID. In Figure 17 on page 116, the Receipt ID is CATS-CR8335806, so
8335806 is the Request ID.
You can use the Request ID to search for the Change Request and check the status of
the Transaction.
NMI discovery
For NMI Discovery the receipt ID identifies the corresponding file in your Participant
Outbox (see Figure 18 below and Figure 19 on page 118).
For Objections, the numeric value of the Receipt ID corresponds to the MSATS
assigned Objection ID. In Figure 20 below the Receipt ID is CATS-OBJ19735, so the
Objection ID is 19735. You can use the Objection ID to search and check the status of
the Objection.
For reports, the numeric value of the Receipt ID corresponds to the MSATS assigned
Report Request ID. In Figure 21 below the ID is CATS-215731, so the Report Request
ID 215731.
Transaction limits
Transaction limits allow participants to manage the submission and receipt of MSATS
files to prevent the application of stop files.
When the number of unacknowledged outbound files in your Participant Outbox exceeds
the upper or lower limit, a Stop File is imposed on your Participant Outbox Transactions.
Once imposed no more processing on inbound or outbound Transactions occurs until
the file numbers fall below the Lower Limit.
If a participant is stopped for any of the following reasons, MSATS stops processing files
for that Transaction:
NSRD Notification or Response reasons. MSATS does not process any CATS
Change Request transactions with Change Reason Codes: 5070 or 5071. Other
Transactions are processed.
Report requests. MSATS does not process any Report Request Transactions.
Other Transactions are processed.
Viewing limits
Where a participant belongs to a group, the limits apply to the group not to the individual
Participant ID.
You can view your limits (upper and lower) for the accumulation of Change Request
Response and notification messages to monitor how many Transactions are currently
In the MSATS Web Portal > Reports and Alerts > Queue Monitoring. For help,
see Guide to MSATS Web Portal.
Using the MSATS Limits API. For help, see Guide to NEM Retail B2M APIs.
Increasing limits
Participants can temporarily increase their Change Request and Change Request
Notifications Upper Limits to the maximum allowed in the MSATS Web Portal > Reports
and Alerts > Queue Monitoring.
If you cannot see the Increase option, the functionality is unavailable to you. All Upper
Limits are reset at midnight.
Acknowledgement – API
Sending and receiving acknowledgements using an API differs according to the type of
API you use. For details, see Guide to NEM Retail B2M APIs > Participant
Participants can nominate the outbound protocol for B2M messages by transaction
group, so acknowledged messages can be your Participant Hub Queue and your B2M
Acknowledgement – batch
When you submit a Transaction using the File Interface it is validated and an
Acceptance or Rejection response returned with the Change Request Response (CRR)
Transaction Type Code.
To acknowledge a zip file in your Participant File Server Outbox, write an ACK file with
the same name as the zip file. For help, see Creating and submitting batch transactions
on page 29.
Login to the web portal, click Data Load Import > Participant Outbox.
a. MSATS writes an .ACK file to your Participant Inbox and deletes the zip file.
b. MSATS detects the zip file is deleted so deletes the .ACK file it created in
your Participant Inbox.
If within 30 seconds you see the following message, MSATS is unable to delete
the zip file. Follow the steps below to delete the ACK and zip files.
Login to the Participant File Server and highlight the ACK file.
Login to the web portal and navigate to Data Load Import > Participant Inbox.
Select the check box next to the ACK file and click Delete Selected.
Sometimes, the MSATS Web Portal cannot complete the Hokey-Pokey Protocol on your
behalf (producing the ACK file and deleting your zip file) so the following message
MSATS allows you to continue using the web portal for other tasks but the zip file is
sitting in your Participant Inbox and there is no ACK file in your Participant Outbox.
When MSATS completes the Hokey-Pokey Protocol there is an ACK file in your
Participant Outbox, so you must delete your zip file. You can do this in the web portal or
Participant File Server.
Make sure you save the relevant information from the .ACK file before you delete the zip
file because MSATS is not monitoring the processing for you.
When MSATS detects you deleted your zip file it deletes the ACK file in your Participant
Outbox, so the file handling cycle is complete.
In Data Load Import > Participant Inbox, select the check box next to the File
Name and click the Delete Selected.
Before MSATS deletes a zip file, it is copied to your Participant Archive on the
Participant File Server. The time a file stays in the archive is
about six months to one year. Participant Users with access
rights can view the Participant Archive in the following
The web portal > Data Load Import. For help, see Guide
to MSATS Web Portal.
The folder structure follows the model in Figure 22 below. For example, the full path and
name of an archived file might be:
The folders underneath Day contain a maximum of 500 files. The names of these folders
correspond to the time when the first file in the folder was archived and follow each other
chronologically. The Last Modified date of each file in the directory is the original date
the file was first created in your Participant Outbox and remains unchanged.
You can view your outstanding Messages and ACKS in the MSATS Web Portal >
Participants > Participant Schema interface.
Zip files generated due to a Change Request, Notification, Objection and so on are
always sent to the <ParticipantID> Batch. To see these messages login with the Batch
Participant ID.
To see the responses to requests for information you initiated, such as NMI Discovery
and report requests, login with your individual Participant User ID.
For each approved Change Request, a change request response (CRR) transaction is
generated. By default, each response transaction is in a separate .XML file in a separate
.ZIP file. Therefore, if there are multiple transactions in the one batch file, multiple .ZIP
files are placed into the participant outbox.
Because the response is sent to the <PARTICIPANTID>batch user ID, only someone
logged on to the MSATS web portal with that user ID (or with a right that provides
access to all items in the participant’s outbox) can see the response message. That is,
the originator of the change request may not necessarily see it.
Participants can request Bundling from AEMO for some types of outbound Transactions
(contact the AEMO's Support Hub). ‘Bundling’ is the term used when there are many
transactions in a single .XML file. When notifications are bundled, there is no longer a
one-to-one relationship between an outbound transaction, message and .ZIP file.
Objection response
MSATS responds to an Objection with an approval or rejection. MSATS informs other
participants according to the applicable Change Request Status Notification Rules.
The code within the <Event> element provides useful information. For a NMI
Discovery a code of 0 (zero) means the result was successful but is not
necessarily an exact match.
A four-digit code indicates an error. For example, 1404 indicates that no data
was found matching the search criteria.
All NMIs matching the search criteria are returned up to the jurisdictional limit.
A report response Transaction returns the results from the report parameters you
selected. All report output is delivered via Batch file even if you submit the report request
from the web portal.
Codes update
MSATS notifies participants of any changes to codes, rules, or participant data.
The nominated parties provide the requested data in a new Change Request. For more
details, see Receiving on page 92.
CATS History
This chapter is essential reading for anyone wanting familiarity with the CATS history
model because it assists understanding of the end-to-end Change Request process and
how the CATS NMI Standing Data Access Rules affect data returned from NMI
Discovery or a CATS report.
It explains:
The 5 key master tables containing the NMI Standing Data and how MSATS
manages its history.
As of today, what the NMI Standing Data looked like over time.
For example, when a Revision 2 Settlement run is initiated (30 weeks after the
Settlements week), as well as using the latest available Metering Data, MSATS
uses the version of NMI Standing Data for the Settlement period.
As of any date in the past, what the NMI Standing Data looked like on that date
and on any date prior.
For example, if between the Final and Revision 1, there are Retrospective
changes to a NMI’s TNI or DLF, Revision 1 uses the new version of NMI
Standing Data.
MSATS must work out the following for For details about the data stored in the
MSATS master tables, see Standing
any NMI:
Data for MSATS.
As of 31-Jan-2002, what did the NMI Standing Data for Settlement Week 1 look
like (such as, ignore all changes made since 31-Jan-2002 to the NMI Standing
Data for the Settlement week 1 period).
Table 16 on page 141 describes the five MSATS master tables containing the Standing
Data stored for each NMI.
To ensure there is a complete history for these tables, each time there is a change,
During the Change Request process, participants nominate and modify Roles for
assignment to a NMI. These changes are not permanent until the Change Request is in
Completed (COM) status. However, if information in a Change Request is modified while
it is in progress, it is assigned a new Request ID and the life cycle restarts.
When a NMI is created, all Roles must be allocated on the Change Request. This
Change Request is usually created by the LNSP and all nominated parties are sent a
Notification informing them of the NMI and the role the LNSP has asked them to
undertake. The parties can object to this nomination.
Once a NMI is created, Change Requests are submitted to change Roles or groups of
Roles. For example, there is a specific Change Reason Code to change only the Local
Retailer. The Change Retailer (for example, CR1000) generally allow nomination of a
new FRMP, MDP, RP, MPB, or MPC.
NMI datastreams
NMI Datastreams define the Metering Data MSATS expects to receive for any NMI.
Datastreams are Metering Data associated with a Connection Point represented by a
NMI. A NMI can have multiple Datastreams (for example, from one or more Meters,
Channels, or Registers comprising a single Meter). Each Datastream is identified by a
The start and end dates are referred to as the Trading Date. The record’s NMI Standing
Data, including its Start and End Dates never change. MSATS only updates an existing
record if the data becomes redundant due to a change and only the MaintUpdtDt and
the Maintactflg change.
StartDate The start of a Billing Period (i.e. the Settlement date) for the version of Trading
NMI Standing Data this record applies to Date
The data applies from the beginning of this date (the start of the Day,
i.e. 00:00)
EndDate The end of the Billing Period for the version of NMI Standing Data this Trading
record applies to Date
The data applies until the end of this date (the end of the Day, i.e.
MaintCreateDt CreationDate This date is not supplied on the NMI Master screens
Sometimes, for example a Change of Retailer Transaction – CR 1000 and 1030, another
participant (the MDP in this example) is requested to supply the Actual Change Date,
which is usually the date of an Actual Meter Reading. Until the MDP submits a
Transaction to supply the date the Initiator’s Change Request cannot complete.
If there is no requirement for another participant to supply the Actual Change Date,
MSATS inserts the Proposed Date into the Actual Change Date field when it does its
initial Change Request validation.
End-of-day process
The end-of-day process starts at 00:10 am every day and runs for around two hours.
BU500 processes pending CRs that have reached their actual start date.
Overnight process
The overnight process completes all Change Requests satisfying these three criteria:
When the overnight process updates the NMI Master Record, for records it makes
inactive due to a change, it updates its MaintUpdtDt with the date and time of the
For any new record it creates due to a change, it makes its MaintCreateDt the date and
time it made the changes to the newly Inactive records. Normally, the MaintCreateDt on
any new records are the same as the MaintUpdtDt on the records made inactive.
If you don’t supply an Actual End Date, MSATS assumes it is an open-ended change
(for example, applying in the future) and overnight populates the End Date on the new
NMI Master Record with 31-Dec-9999.
These examples describe how MSATS updates data in the CATS_NMI_DATA table for
Prospective and Retrospective Change Requests.
1. Create 01-Feb- 02-Feb- These two Transactions are Change Requests with
the NMI 2002 2002 Prospective changes for the effective date change so,
are part of the overnight process.
2. Change 01-Mar- 02-Mar- For details, see Processing the updates to master
the TNI 2002 2002 records on page 147.
The Change Request to create the NMI includes the following fields:
Field Value
ActualChangeDate 01-Feb-2002
ActualEndDate Null
The EndDate is the high date because this record is active into the future.
The MaintActFlg is A.
The MaintUpdtDt is the high date because that is what it defaults to when the
record is created.
Date Date
DLF code
TNI code
The table above represents the same record as a diagram with the following details:
The dotted line at the top of an active record is used to indicate the MaintUpdtDt
is the high date (31-Dec-9999). Otherwise, the MaintUpdtDt is the date MSATS
made the record inactive.
If the record extends into the future on the Trading Date axis, it means its
EndDate is the high date.
The Change Request to change the TNI includes the following fields:
Field Value
ActualChangeDate 01-Mar-2002
ActualEndDate Null
The overnight process for 1-Mar-2002 (approx. 01:00 on 2-Mar-2002), does the
The data in an existing MSATS record, including its start date and end date, can
never change, so once the data is superseded by an update, MSATS makes the
original record Inactive.
Creates two new active records:
a. One for the period up to the Day before the Change Request’s Actual
Change Date, containing the superseded data.
b. One for the period starting from the Actual Change Date.
The CATS_NMI_DATA table now contains the records shown in Table 21 on page 153
with the following details:
When MSATS makes active records redundant, it must create new active
records covering the Billing Period the original records covered. Record 1
covered 01-Feb-2002 to 31-Dec-9999.
Now record 1 (ID_ND = 1) is incorrect because its End Date is wrong. But the
data in record 1, including its End Date, cannot change so MSATS creates two
new records, records 2 and 3 (ID_ND = 2 and 3), both with MaintActFlg = A.
a. Has the original Standing Data and its End Date is the day before the Actual
Change Date. This becomes the active record covering the period from the
record’s start date until 28-Feb-2002. Apart from its End Date, record 2 is a
copy of Record 1.
b. Has its MaintUpdtDt is 31-Dec-9999, because this is the value inserted into
this field whenever a new record is created.
a. Has the Standing Data after the update, with the new TNI Code.
c. Has its End Date is the high date because it becomes the active record
covering the period from 01-Mar-2002 into the future.
Date Date
DLF code
TNI code
Figure 25 on page 154 represents the same record as a diagram with the following
Record 2 is the active record covering the Billing Period 01-Feb-2002 until 28-
Feb-2002. It is used for any future settlements runs for Billing Periods falling in
that period.
Record 3 is the active record covering the period from 01-Mar-2002 into the
The Change Request to change the DLF Code will include the following data:
Field Value
ActualChangeDate 01-Jul-2002
ActualEndDate Null
The overnight processing for 10-Jul-2002 (approx. 01:00 on 11-Jul-2002) does the
Makes record 3 (ID_ND = 3) inactive and updates the MaintUpdtDt with the
system time and date.
a. One for the period prior to the Change Request’s Actual Change Date,
containing the old version of the record 3 data.
b. One for the period starting from the Actual Change Date.
The CATS_NMI_DATA table now contains the records shown in Table 22 on page 156,
The data in an existing record, including its End Date, cannot change. So, record
3 is in correct because from 1 July onwards, the DLF Code is different.
To fix this, MSATS makes the record redundant by changing its MaintActFlg to I
and updating its MaintUpdtDt.
Record 4 (ID_ND = 4) covers the rest of the period originally covered by Record
3 (from 01-Mar-2002 until 30-Jun-2002). It contains the same data originally in
Record 3 apart from the End Date.
Record 5 (ID_ND = 5) is the new record with the new DLF Code, starting from
Date Date
DLF code
TNI code
What happens if you submit a Change Request with a Start and an End Date.
Where another Change Request is submitted to change the TNI to VER2 for the
period 01-May-2002 to 31-Aug-2002.
Figure 27 on page 158 describes the NMI’s active TNI Code after completion of the
Change Request over time.
The Change Request to change the TNI to VER2, submitted on 12-Sep-2002, includes
the following data:
Field Value
ActualChangeDate 01-May-2002
ActualEndDate 31-Aug-2002
The two existing active records (ID_ND = 4 and 5) are made inactive.
In addition to the active records covering the period from 01-Feb-2002 to 28-Feb-
2002, not affected by this change, MSATS creates four new active records with
the following Start and End Dates.
01-Mar-2002 30-Apr-2002
01-May-2002 30-Jun-2002
01-Jul-2002 31-Aug-2002
01-Sep-2002 31-Dec-9999
The CATS_NMI_DATA Table now contains the records shown in Table 23 below with
the following details:
Because the period covered by the Change Request overlaps two existing active
records: 4 and 5 (ID_ND = 4 and 5), both are made redundant.
Remember, when MSATS makes records redundant, it must create new active
records, covering the entire Billing Period covered by the original redundant
MSATS creates Records 6 and 7 (ID_ND = 6 and 7). Between them, they cover
the original record 4 Billing Period.
Records 8 and 9 (ID_ND = 8 and 9) cover the period originally covered by record
5 (ID_ND 5).
Date Date
DLF code
TNI code
3 XXXXXXXX24 VHTS LELS 1-Mar- 31- 11-Jul-2002 I 2-Mar-2002 1:02
2002 Dec- 1:02
This example traces the effect of the changes to this NMI’s FRMP with the following
Part of the process of creating a NMI record includes specifying the mandatory Role
At the start of life for the FRMP NMI record, it looks like Figure 29 on page 163.
Participant NMI Role Start date End date MAINTUPDT MAINTCREATE
Inactive Record
I Maintupdtdt =
Record MaintCreatedt
Future – i.e.
End Date =
1 Feb
In this example, RETEAST submitted a CR1000 to change the NMI’s FRMP with a
Proposed Date of 30-Mar-2002:
Other Role IDs exist in this table but for simplicity, only the FRMP is shown.
In this final example for this NMI, a Retrospective change is submitted to correct an
There was a period when the NMI was with another FRMP, but not recorded in MSATS.
The affected Retailers have agreed to fix the problem on-market:
They submit the Change Request with a Proposed Date of 01-Mar-2002 and an
Actual End Date of 15-Aug-2002. No Request for Data is sent to the MDP for the
Actual Change Date for this type of Change Request so the Proposed Date of
01-Mar-2002 becomes the Actual Change Date.
The time for overnight processing of this Transaction depends on the Objection
Logging Period allowed for the CR1020.
Participant NMI Start date End date MAINTUPDT MAINTCREAT
Role ID
1 RETSOUT XXXXXXX FRM 1-Feb- 31-Dec- I 03-Apr- 2-Feb-2002
H X24 P 2002 9999 2002 1:04 1:44
This chapter specifies the codes applying when participants submit a Change Request
or seek access to CATS Standing Data.
For valid combinations of read type codes, metering installation type codes, and change
reason codes, see CATS Procedure Principles and Obligations.
For details about the use of codes. See MSATS Procedures: CATS Procedure
Principles and Obligations.
Table 27 below explains the CATS Configuration Codes and where you can find them.
Actual/cumulative indicator
The Actual/Cumulative (ActCumInd)
Code is an attribute of a Meter Register For more details, see MSATS
ID, identifying if the reading is actual or Procedures: CATS Procedure Principles
cumulative (see Table 28 below): and Obligations
A Actual Interval
C Cumulative Consumption
Change Reason Codes are separated into groups of events and contain rules
Which data must exist in the NMI Master Record before the Change Request can
3. The data that must already be present in MSATS before the Change Request
can complete.
4. Whether another participant must supply the exact date of the change. For
example, is the MDP required to supply the date of the Actual Meter Reading to
Complete the Change Request.
6. The Roles notified of a Change Request each stage they are notified.
9. The participants who can Object to Change Request and the basis for Objection.
Controls Rule
The number of days into the past or future when the change can be made Jurisdictional
The valid Objection codes (by NMI classification / Role and Role Status) Objection
The mandatory and optional data provided by the Initiating participant Field
The mandatory and optional data provided by another party (e.g. LNSP or MDP) Field
before the change can complete Validation
Controls Rule
Which parties are notified during each stage of the CR lifecycle Notification
Address information
For certain Change Reason Codes, participants must provide data items associated with
address information, as either:
OBJ Objected
Code Description
BUSINESS The End-Use Customer has identified the primary use of the
Connection Point is for business purposes.
RESIDENTIAL The End-Use Customer has identified the primary use of the
Connection Point is for residential purposes.
A Customer Threshold Code is mandatory for all NMIs with a NMI Status Code of A or
D, and a Customer Classification Code of BUSINESS.
Customer Description
Threshold Code
Customer Description
Threshold Code
MEDIUM Consumption is equal to or greater than the Lower Consumption Threshold, but
less than the Upper Consumption Threshold
Datastreams define the data the MDM can expect from each NMI. They are used to
determine if a Datastream is used in the
Settlements process, because the NMI is
Tier 2 or the Metering Data is required as You can find Datastream Status Codes
part of the Load Profile process. In the in MSATS Procedures: CATS Procedure
MDM process, the Datastream Status Principles and Obligations.
Code is.
The definition of the Datastream also includes the profile name it is associated with and
if the Datastream is active (if metering data must be supplied).
This information is useful to the Metering Provider (MP), Profile Preparation Service
(PPS), and Basic Meter Profiler (BMP) as they determine the relevant data for use in
creating a Profile or which profile it is applied.
Datastream Status Codes are part of Standing Data for MSATS. They manage Metering
Data and determine if the Datastream is used in the Settlements process, either
Metering Data is required for the NMI as part of the creating a Load Profile
When required by a Change Reason Code, participants must nominate the Datastream
Status Code for the selected NMI on the Change Request.
If a Datastream Status Code is set to A (active), MSATS uses this flag to indicate
Metering Data is expected for the NMI for:
DLF codes
Distribution Loss Factors (DLF) Codes are three- or four-character defined by LNSPs.
To avoid duplication of codes, the first character of the code, identifies the LNSP area.
A description.
The parent NMI for the Embedded Network (the one connected to the
Distribution Network) has the Embedded Network Identifier Code recorded in the
Embedded Network ID Parent field.
All direct child NMIs have the same Embedded Network ID Code recorded in the
Embedded Network ID Child field.
If this field is not populated in a NMI record, it is assumed it is not the Child of
any Parent
Error codes
You can find MSATS and B2B error codes in the following resources. For details, see
References on page 220.
Jurisdiction codes
The Jurisdiction Codes:
If a Meter is manually read, the Metering Data Provider (MDP) must supply the
Actual Change Date before the transaction completes.
If manually read (MSATS flag is set to Y) and the Change Request Field
Validation Rules are set up to request a date, MSATS sends requests the
nominated party to provide it (for example the new MDP).
For Interval meters, the Manually Read Field, indicates MDPs must supply the
date of change manually. It does not indicate the Metering type. This confirms
the Metering Installation is National Electricity Rules (NER) compliant.
For more details, see DataStreamType
installation codes in Standing Data for MSATS
c. In NSW, QLD, and SA: The ProfileName must be NSLP or the relevant
Controlled Load Profile (CLP).
Network Tariff codes do not support the Settlement of the wholesale NEM. They are
included in MSATS because they can assist Retailers to prepare quotes.
If the NMI is known and the Jurisdiction allows, a new Retailer can view the Network
Tariff Code using NMI Discovery.
The NMI Classification Codes LARGE and SMALL are used in the CATS Procedure
Principles and Obligations and are parameters for defining Change Reason Codes,
Time Frame Rules, and Objection Rules.
Objection codes
Participants use Objection Codes to object to a Change Request. They are applied to
each Jurisdiction and each Change
Reason Code in accordance with the
following Objection Rules: See the relevant Jurisdictional
regulation for full details of the NMI
Identify the reason a participant Classification Codes.
has objected to a Change
Read type
The Read Type codes relate to the Proposed Change Date and are used to signal if a
Meter is read on:
Or is an Estimated Read.
Table 31 Consequences and permissible actions for different combinations of Change Requests, read type codes, and metering installation types
1000 NS 4A, 5 & 6 The MDP must advise by Objection Transaction if the Proposed Change Date is not within the NSRD
allowable window (-3/+2 days)
If no Actual Meter Reading was obtained during the NSRD allowable window, the MDP must advise the
reason by an Objection Transaction
The Transfer can only complete on a Day that an Actual Meter Reading is taken
The Actual Change Date submitted by the MDP can only be within the NSRD allowable window
RR 4A, 5 & 6 The Proposed Change Date serves no purpose for this Change Request and Read Type Code
combination, because:
- The MDP is not required to advise if no Actual Meter Reading was obtained
- The Transfer can only complete on a Day when an Actual Meter Reading is taken, which can be any
SP 4A, 5 & 6 The Transfer can only complete on a Day an Actual Meter Reading is taken. The MDP may perform a
Special Meter Reading on receipt of REQ Notification
If no Actual Meter Reading was obtained during the NSRD allowable window, the MDP must advise the
reason by an Objection Transaction
1010 PR 4A, 5 & 6 If the Proposed Change Date is not the date when an Actual Meter Reading takes place, the MDP must
advise the reason by an Objection Transaction
The Transfer can only complete on a Day that an Actual Meter Reading is taken.
The Actual Completion Date must align with the Proposed Change Date or be within a date range agreed
between the New FRMP and the MDP
The CR 1040 Meter Reading must be a move-in Meter Reading
The CR 1010 is any Meter Reading
102X PR 4A, 5 & 6 If the Proposed Change Date is not the date when an Actual Meter Reading is taken, the MDP advises
the reason by an Objection Transaction
The Proposed date is always the Actual Change Date (e.g. the MDP does not submit the CR 1500 with
an Actual Change Date)
1030 SP 4A, 5 & 6 The MDP may perform a Special Meter Reading on receipt of REQ Notification and a corresponding B2B
Service Order Request
The Transfer can only complete on a Day when an Actual Meter Reading is taken
All UM UMCP only If no Interval Metering Data is available (i.e. because of an inventory/load data problem) for the Proposed
Change Date, the MDP must advise the reason by an Objection Transaction
The Actual Change Date submitted by the MDP aligns with the Proposed Change Date unless otherwise
agreed between the New FRMP and the MDP
EI (comms 1, 2, 3 & 4 If no Interval Metering Data is available for a Proposed Change Date, the MDP must advise the reason
only) by an Objection Transaction
The Actual Change Date submitted by the MDP aligns with the Proposed Change Date unless otherwise
agreed between the New FRMP and the New MDP
C Current Applies when a Meter Register at the NMI is current, i.e. connected to a
Connection Point
R Removed Applies when a Meter Register at the NMI is removed, i.e. not connected to a
Connection Point
Role ID codes
Participants are assigned a relationship to a NMI in a nominated Role, identifying their
responsibility. Each Role associated with a NMI has obligations associated with that
NMI. For example, if a participant is assigned the Role of LNSP, that participant takes on
LNSP responsibilities for the NMI.
For any NMI, you can identify the participant allocated to each Role, for example, who is
the LNSP, FRMP, RP, MDP, and so on.
The NMI Master Record contains each Current Role for each NMI. Each proposed Role
for a NMI is referred to as a New Role.
TNI codes
Transmission Node Identifier (TNI) Codes in Table 33 below are four-character codes
conceptually representing a Transmission Connection Point (or several at the same
bus), where the Distribution Network meets the Transmission Network.
All NMIs with the same TNI code belong to a part of the Distribution Network receiving
Energy through the same Transmission Connection Point(s).
In CATS, a TNI code consists of a code and a description. Each TNI code is assigned a
Transmission Loss Factor (TLF).
The first character of the code identifies the Jurisdiction where the TNI is located:
Q Queensland
S South Australia
V Victoria
NMIR NMI Discovery MSATS CATS Standing Data information sent to a participant
Response in response to a NMI Discovery Request
RDAT Request for MSATS A request to a participant for missing NMI Master
Participant data Record data according to the applicable Field
Validation Rules
WOBJ Objection Withdrawal Initiating Withdraw an Objection. Other participants are informed
participant according to the applicable Change Request Status
Notification Rules
PF Power Factor VA VA
MWH Megawatt
hours KV kilo Volts
WH Watt hours
VAR var
V Volts
MVAR Megavar
KVA Thousand VA
KVAH Thousand VA
MVA Million VA
VAH VA hours
This chapter specifies the rules applying when participants submit a Change Request or
seek access to CATS Standing Data.
AEMO only makes changes after a formal consultation process with participants and the
outcome is a new version of the MSATS Procedures: CATS Procedure Principles and
Obligations, describing all the rules.
Table 35 below explains the CATS Configuration Rules and where you can find them.
3. Which fields must be in the NMI Master Record for the Transaction to proceed
from Pending Validation to Requested.
If they are not present, which Participant must supply them
4. If the Actual Change Date must be obtained from another participant for NMIs
where the Metering Installations are manually read.
If yes, who must supply it.
The obligations on participants arising from the allocation of the Field Validation Rules,
are detailed in the section where the Change Reason Code applies.
Jurisdictional parameters
The type of information, search criteria, and number of results returned from the NMI
Discovery or Standing Data Search is governed by the NMI Discovery Search Key Rules
and the NMI Discovery Field Access Rules, defined by each Participating Jurisdiction.
If there are no NMI Discovery Search Key Rules or NMI Discovery Field Access Rules
defined for a Jurisdiction, it means the jurisdiction does not allow NMI Discovery for their
Jurisdictional updates to the NMI Discovery Access and Search Key Rules are included
in a report that is sent to participants whenever there are changes.
Who can object or Initiate a Change Request Reversal, the reason for the
Objection or Reversal, and the NMI Classification Code appropriate to the
Objection or Reversal.
The entire set of CATS and NMI Standing Data for NMI Discovery Searches is the
specified subset of CATS Standing Data.
Separate rules apply to CATS Standing Data available for NMI Discovery Searches and
CATS Standing Data accessed by participants with a NMI relationship.
There is a further Jurisdictional rule determining if, in the event of multiple matches, the
address of each matching NMI returned. The rule is set to Yes for all jurisdictions
allowing NMI Discovery.
Jurisdictions configure the maximum number of records returned for multiple matches.
Currently, all Jurisdictions allow up to 99 matching records.
The Notification Rules determine when notifications are sent. The rules are based on the
following fields:
1. Transaction type
3. Change reason
5. Role status
Objection rules
The Objection Rules:
Are applied to each Jurisdiction and each Change Reason Code in accordance
with the Objection Rules.
Specify the way participants can use Objection Codes for each Change Reason
Code and Role.
1. Meter Register
2. NMI Data
3. NMI Datastream
5. Register ID
They define:
4. The NMI Standing Data items returned to a FRMP or LNSP in all Jurisdictions on
a successful request. For more details, see Standing Data for MSATS.
To fully understand the standing data access rules, you must understand the CATS
History Model, see page on page 139.
A Jurisdiction may specify the Time Frame Rules. Unless stated otherwise, the Time
Frame Rules apply to all Jurisdictions.
2. The number of days in the future (Prospective Days) or the past (Retrospective
Days) allowable for the Proposed Change Date.
Each Transaction Group or Transaction Priority (for example, cats and nmidh files),
cannot receive more than 30 files at a time. Once you receive 30 files, MSATS stops
sending more until you or your system acknowledge the files you have.
Sometimes, the number is higher than 30 files because the MSATS Batch Handlers lose
contact with the database (for example, if there is a fail-over because the database is
unavailable). When this happens, the Batch Handler starts counting again so you could
get an additional 30 files.
If you allow more than 20 ACK files to accumulate in your Participant Outbox (for
example, MSATS has acknowledged 20 files you have not deleted from your Participant
Inbox), it stops processing files you submit to your Participant Inbox.
MSATS stops processing the ACK files in your Participant Inbox if it detects an ACK file
it cannot read (for example, the ACK file is not well-formed). Until the invalid ACK file is
cleared MSATS cannot process ACK files.
You can access the Participant Archive from the MSATS Web Portal > Data Load Import
menu. If you cannot see the menu item, contact your company’s Participant
Administrator for access rights.
For help with user access rights, see Guide to User Rights Management.
NMI search
Error Explanation
n/a You have 1 record returned but it may not be an exact match to your search criteria.
MSATS may have used the wider address search because it couldn’t find an exact address
match for the criteria you provided
For help, see I didn’t get an exact match. What do I do now? below
1404 No records matched your search criteria using either an exact address search or a wider
address search
1410 There are more NMIs matching your search criteria, but you exceeded the Jurisdictional limit of
99 records.
I didn’t get an exact match. What do I do now? below
Look at the returned data to see if it contains any clues, for example:
In Figure 32 on page 209, a search for 6060 High St returned one record with a
message advising there are more matching records.
Notice there is a Flat Number and a Flat Type suggesting you need to check if
the address you are looking for is a flat.
2. If you entered a house number and street address and one record returns with a
message advising there is more than one record matching your address,
perhaps your address is a suffix, for example: 60A.
3. It is possible you cannot not uniquely identify your NMI. If you’ve exhausted all
options and are certain the address is correct see, Is the NMI I’m looking for
nearly impossible to find?
Some NMIs in office towers are created with a value in the Floor Type but no
Floor Number in the Location Descriptor field.
For example, for address 96 Elizabeth St, the Floor Type is FL, other Location
Descriptor stored data is FL 2 RM 224. So, to find the NMI, you must know how
the data is stored.
Searching for 96 Elizabeth St only provides a match.
2. Some addresses have a Street Name but no Street Number.
b. If you enter 6 and 1 in the Flat and Floor Number fields, the data is not in
those fields.
Eventually, you should get at least one match. If it is not exact, the data returned may
provide some hints, for example, the record returned may have a flat or unit number.
You can then add back your original search criteria a bit at a time. If you find a problem
(like no records returned), you can assume there is something wrong with the latest
criteria you entered.
If you still can’t find a match (for example, with only the street name, postcode, and
jurisdiction or the street name, locality, and Jurisdiction), either the information the End-
use Customer provide is incorrect or you might be working with an unusual Unstructured
3. Check the White Pages to confirm the End-use Customer provided the correct
address spelling.
4. Try removing some criteria (the minimum data to supply is the State and either
Locality or Postcode), for example:
− Street Type
− Flat/Unit Type or Floor/Level Type (check you have the number and type
− If all the above fails, remove firstly: The Locality and then the Postcode
(MSATS uses adjacent postcodes if no match is found).
Most MSATS addresses are Structured, but there are some Unstructured. Most are in
country locations.
Even if you only complete the Structured Address fields MSATS looks in both the
Structured and Unstructured fields. Initially, it searches the Structured Address fields
and if there is no match, it searches the Unstructured Address fields.
MSATS has three Unstructured Address fields and there may be data in any or all of
them. MSATS takes the values entered in these fields and combines them:
Then, uses the combined value to search each of the three Unstructured Address fields,
including the data you entered for Locality, Postcode and State. (for these three fields
MSATS does not search the Unstructured Address). This works well if the Unstructured
Addresses has values in Locality, Postcode, and State.
Often, the Locality in Unstructured Address fields is not populated as a separate field so
is only part of the Unstructured Address. Including it in the search causes the search to
NMIs with the value 105 Sunny St in one of the Unstructured Address fields (it
does an Oracle-like ‘%105 SUNNY ST%’ search).
2. Orange in Locality.
3. 2800 in Postcode.
4. NSW in State.
Try removing Locality from your search and just enter the postcode in the
Postcode field.
State Code
Street Suffix
Street Type
This is an example for the AustralianFloorOrLevelType (Floor or Level Type). The valid
values in this example are B, FL, G, L, LG, M or UG.
- <xsd:simpleType name=‘AustralianFloorOrLevelType’>
- <xsd:annotation>
<xsd:documentation>Purpose - Define floor or level types as per Australian Standard
- <xsd:restriction base=‘xsd:string’>
<xsd:enumeration value=‘B’ />
<xsd:enumeration value=‘FL’ />
<xsd:enumeration value=‘G’ />
<xsd:enumeration value=‘L’ />
<xsd:enumeration value=‘LG’ />
<xsd:enumeration value=‘M’ />
<xsd:enumeration value=‘UG’ />
Meter Serial ID
The State is part of the NMI’s address, so the value is matched against the State field in
the CATS_NMI_DATA table. It is completely different information.
You are searching for a NMI in a Jurisdiction not allowing NMI Discovery.
The NMI Discovery Field Access Rules define what you can see. Jurisdictions can either
increase or decrease the types of data available. For more details, see NMI discovery
field access rules on page 199.
Element Data
Element Data
For a list of terms used throughout this guide, see:
NER terms
Billing Period Estimated Metering Data Metering Data Provider
Connection Point(s)
High Voltage NEM
Interval Metering Data NERL
Directional Interconnector
Large Customer NERR
Distribution Network(s)
Local Network Service Net System Load Profile
Eastern Standard Time
Local Retailer
Embedded Network
Connection Network Connection
Embedded Network(s) Metering
Needing Help
Support Hub
For non-urgent issues, normal coverage is 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM on weekdays, Australian
Eastern Standard Time (AEST).
Information to provide
Please provide the following information when requesting IT assistance from AEMO:
Your name
Organisation name
Participant ID
Problem description
Australia post
Australia Post Address Data: Access to a database of over 13 million Australian
AEMO website
You can find references in the following places on AEMO’s website.
aseXML standards
aseXML Guidelines: Guidelines for the Development of A Standard for Energy
Transactions in XML (aseXML) provides guidance and advice for developing
aseXML documents (Messages and Acknowledgments).
Business-to-business procedures
SMP Validation Matrix: covers the errors related to receiving and processing messages
by the e-Hub.
Guide to AEMO’s e-Hub APIs: Provides details about using AEMO’s e-Hub as an
interface to communicate information with AEMO. It assists Wholesale electricity
and gas participants developing their own APIs.
Guide to NEM Retail B2M APIs: Explains how to build B2M retail metering APIs.
Guide to MSATS and B2B Terms: Assists readers to understand the terms used in the
retail electricity market procedures and MSATS.
Guide to Participant Batcher Software: Covers the setup and use of the MSATS
Participant Batcher software.
Guide to User Rights Management: Explains the user rights management functions in
AEMO's Market Systems.
MSATS Ombudsman Enquiry User Interface Guide: Provides guidance for using the
MSATS Ombudsman Enquiry system.
MSATS Participant Batcher Software: Sample software to exchange data with MSATS
using the File Interface.
Technical Guide to Bulk Data Tool in MSATS: Describes the Bulk Data Tool (BDT), the
relationship between aseXML data and the processing of that data.
Meter Data File Format Specification NEM12 & NEM13: specifies the Meter Data File
Format (MDFF) used by MDPs for the provision of Metering Data.
Meter Data Validation Matrix: Links validations with respective error codes for B2M and
Coming soon
Guide to eMDM: Describes the Enterprise Meter Data Management System.
1 API e-Hub, 19
2 aseXML schemas, 18
AustralianFloorOrLevelType, 214
2nd level validations, 108
B2B schema, 18
ACK deletion - batch, 124
B2M functionality, 9
Acknowledgement – API, 123
B2M roles, 11
ActCumInd, 173
B2M schema, 18
Actual change date, 61
Batch, 18
Actual End Date, 148
Batch files, 24
Address field tips, 99
Batch notifications, 78
Address information, 176
C Change Requests, 17
Change request status notification, 137 Data Replication Resynchronisation (C1) Report, 181
Change request status notification rules, 200 Data Source Code, 182
Dayzip download, 14 H
Delivery, 12
Hokey-Pokey Protocol, 29
Direct Loading, 24
How do I find a previous change request?, 204
DPID, 95, 99
How do I make changes to a large number of Tier 1
NMIs?, 205
How do I object to a change request?, 204
Editing a batch change request, 30
How do I update NMI standing data?, 204
Editing a rejected change request, 74
How MSATS handles the edited change request, 68
Editing change requests, 67
HTTP error codes, 182
Editing the Change Request proposed date, 69
Embedded network identifier codes, 180
I didn’t get an exact match. What do I do now?, 208
eMDM, 10
Field validation data source codes, 182 Is the NMI I’m looking for nearly impossible to find?,
File Interface FTP, 24
File interface rules, 24
Finding why MSATS rejected your transaction, 72 Locality or post code, 100
Messages – acks & zips, 14 NMI discovery search 2 - obtain standing data, 97
Meter Data Validation Matrix, 182 NMI discovery Search 3 - obtain role data, 97
Meter register status codes, 183 NMI discovery search key rules, 199
Metering coordinator standing data search, 202 NMI discovery search multiple match rules, 199
Metering installation type codes, 183 NMI discovery type 2 (obtain standing data), 35
My search only found one NMI. How do I know if it is a NMI master report response, 136
match?, 207
NMI metering installation, 143
NMI register identifier, 143
NACK errors, 182
NMI relationship rules, 103
NNS, 98
NMI discovery response example, 134
NOACC objection, 84
Notification role status, 81 Participant file server inbox to MSATS web portal, 21
Participant Inbox, 14
Objected status (OBJ), 48
Participant information, 16
Objection codes, 185
Participant Outbox, 14
Objection logging period, 85
Passwords, 15
Objection Response example, 133
profile information, 16
Objection withdrawal, 33, 89
Profile preparation, 16
Objections, 17, 82
Response, 129
TNI codes, 191
SAB, 98 V
Validation Module Software, 181 Why are files not picked up from my inbox?, 206
Validations explanations, 111 Why are the ACK files in my inbox not processed, 206
View information categories, 105 Why are zip files no longer in my outbox, 207
View outstanding messages and acks, 129 Why didn’t I receive my zip file?, 205
Viewing limits, 122 Why do I get the error ‘No access rule’?, 215