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Math Horizons

ISSN: 1072-4117 (Print) 1947-6213 (Online) Journal homepage: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/umho20

The Mathematics of Secrets: Cryptography from

Caesar Ciphers to Digital Encryption

Ellen Ziliak

To cite this article: Ellen Ziliak (2017) The Mathematics of Secrets: Cryptography from Caesar
Ciphers to Digital Encryption, Math Horizons, 25:1, 27-27, DOI: 10.4169/mathhorizons.25.1.27

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.4169/mathhorizons.25.1.27

Published online: 13 Dec 2017.

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The Mathematics of Whitfield Diffie, and
Martin Hellman cre-

Secrets: Cryptography ated the first system

that allowed indi-

from Caesar Ciphers viduals who had not

met to use a mutu-

to Digital Encryption ally agreed-upon key.

Thus, public key cryp-
tography was born,
Reviewed by Ellen Ziliak

forever changing the
he word cryptography brings to mind im- way we interact with
ages of ancient treasures hidden by secret technology. This sys-
messages or wartime battle communica- tem has many uses, including VPN networks, in which
tions. Many do not realize that cryptogra- individuals can gain remote access to networks.
phy is essential for secure transmission of Holden then introduces the next development—an
data online and that we use it every day. asymmetric system in which one party publicly broad-
In The Mathematics of Secrets (Princeton University casts information that can be decrypted only by using
Press, 2017), Joshua Holden details the history of cryp- private information that is impossible for an outsider
tography from basic monoalphabetic ciphers such as the to determine. Ronald Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard
Caesar cipher, which he uses to introduce notation, to Adleman discovered this system, now called RSA, sev-
modular arithmetic, a crucial element of many modern eral years after it was secretly discovered by James Ellis,
ciphers. He describes what makes each cipher secure and who worked for Britain’s equivalent to the NSA. RSA is
gives methods to cryptanalyze the cipher—that is, to read used to encrypt connections to secure web servers. After
the message without knowing how it was encrypted. a connection is encrypted, sensitive information, like
As the discussion transitions from the early roots credit card numbers, is sent using a faster symmetric
of cryptography to slightly more complex ciphers, the process such as AES.
reader is entertained with tales of how these systems Holden ends with a discussion of the future of cryp-
came to be and how they were used. For instance, tography. He focuses primarily on the impact of quan-
once computers became a part of everyday life, the tum computing, which does not yet exist but which will
National Security Agency (NSA) developed encryp- make current algorithms obsolete.
tion standards for secure data transmission. The first In the preface, Holden expresses his lofty goal to write
such standard, DES, was built within a shroud of a book about the mathematics of cryptography for a
secrecy, and possibly in a way that allows the NSA to general population with at least “high school algebra
access private communications. The current standard, and a willingness to really think about it.” Although he
AES, was produced by an international competition. partially achieved his goal—all of the mathematics is
Many believe it is very secure, but information leaked fully explained—a general audience reader could become
overwhelmed by the computations.
by Edward Snowden indicates that the NSA may
But The Mathematics of Secrets would be a fantastic
have techniques to tap in to these communications.
book for an undergraduate student interested in math-
As computers became more compact, stream ciphers
ematics. It would also be an excellent resource for stu-
were invented. These ciphers are the cryptographic
dents looking for a research project; they could explore
analogue of a recursive sequence, because the encryption
and modify a cipher and then determine its security by
of each bit is the result of the encryption of the previous
cryptanalyzing the potential attacks. n
bit. Cell phone companies used the A5/1 stream cipher
because of its speed. However, by 2006 a hacker needed
Ellen Ziliak is an associate professor of mathematics
only four minutes of a phone conversation to intercept
at Benedictine University in Lisle, Illinois. She enjoys
communication and less than 10 minutes to decrypt it.
hacking crypto systems with undergraduate students and
Today the A5/3 cipher is the standard on all 3G and
sharing her love of mathematics with the general popula-
4G networks.
tion, especially kids.
All early ciphers relied on both parties agreeing on a
secret key in advance. In the mid-1970s Ralph Merkle, http://dx.doi.org/10.4169/mathhorizons.25.1.27

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