The Impact of Heavy Metals On The Soil in Calabar Metropolis Lemna Area
The Impact of Heavy Metals On The Soil in Calabar Metropolis Lemna Area
The Impact of Heavy Metals On The Soil in Calabar Metropolis Lemna Area
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- Soil samples were collected from the dumpsite metals in soil, which evaluates the actual potential
soil located at Lemna Road, Calabar Municipality, Cross mobility in metals and according to Bashir et al.. (2013).
River State, Nigeria to investigate the speciation and The understanding of metal bioavailability and mobility
bioavailability of some trace metals namely: iron, in soil is important for eva luati ng its potential
cadmium, copper, zinc and lead. Extract from the soil environmental and health effects. Environmental
were obtained by sequential extraction. This involved reports have also shown that, pollution of soil
Acid extractable fraction, Oxidisable fraction, Reducible envi ronment is ascertained by ca lculating the enrich men t
fraction and Residual fraction. These fraction were then factor, the contami nation factor/degree of contamination
analyzed for Pb, Cd, Cu, Fe and Zn using acetylene and i ndex of geoa ccumution . However, previous studies
flame atomic absorption spectrophometer. The results in dumpsite soils wi thin the area concentrate on the
obtained, showed that the metals occurred with the determination of total metal con tent without assessing the
following percentage bioavailability: Fe (33.57%), Zn polluting status of the dumpsite and metal. These elements
(43.59%), Cd (67.23%), Cu (82.98%) and Lead are usually associated with the principle component of
(69.96%). Acid extractable 5.57% reducible fraction the sam ples (Carbonates, Organic Matter, Fe –Mn Oxides
accounted for over 9.33% of the total fractions, metal and Minerals) and they are available to living organism
bound to residual and oxidisable fraction accounted for when the dissolved i n environ mental materials. The
10.90% and 13.05% respectively. Fe has the highest information about the physiocochemical properties of the
distribution in all the fractions followed by Zn while Cd elements is required for understanding their environment
has the least in all the fractions. The results of these behavior, including mobility and bioavailability, the
findings indicates that the trace metals with exception of determination of total metal content in the samples after
Cd were readily bioavailable in the dumpsite soil digestion with aqua regia does not provide sufficient
therefore, phytoremediation is advocated. criteria for estimating their ecological and biological
effects. The sampling area was mainly influenced from
I. INTRODUCTION three sources natural phenomenon, namely industrial,
traffic and natural sources. The mobilization of metal, in
Contamination of the soil by trace metal is a far more particular toxic heavy metals has caused the increase of
serious problem than either water or air pollution because their concentrations in the environment. Investigation of
they are usually tightly bound by the soil and may persist for metal contents of the dust samples of car parking areas
centuries depending on the conditions. Hence the are vital for heavy metal pollution originated from traffic
environmental problem of soil pollution by trace metals has particularly lead and recently the elements of platinum
received increasing attention in the past decades in both group, used in catalytic convertors for the purpose of
developed and developing countries of the world. Metal reducing the pollutants coming from automobile
toxici ty though dependent on their chemic a l forms, emissions. Th i s study aimed at using metal speciation to
can cause s e v e r a l diseases affecting almost all the vital identify the forms, mobility, bioavailability toxicity and
organs and functions of the human body· However, trace sources of trace metals in Lemna dumpsite soils. It is also
metals such as Zn, Cu, Cr, Fe, and Mn are required by aimed at establishing the pollution status of the Lemna dumpsite
the body i n small amount, but can be toxic i n larger soil and its environ and compared result obtained at control site
quantities. It has been reported that the determi nation of with that of Lemna dumpsite soil thereby stressing the possible
total trace metal content in soil cannot indicate the factor, and effect for any difference observed.
comprehensive pollution status of the environment but
metal speciation can identify the bioavailability, mobility Nowadays soil p o l l u t i o n is ma i n problem t o
and toxicity of trace metal i n soils. Unlike the single agriculture. Soil pollution may arise and mainly y from
extraction tech nique, sequential extraction gives i ndustrial waste, sewage water, pesticides, fertilizers
information about both mobile and stable fraction of (chemical based), mining and smelting, fuel production,