East Africa Volume 1 Yellow Pages

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THE MARKET Pages directory is launched The

Yellow Pages Recycle & Plant a tree

The Official Yellow Pages telephone directories • 1994 - Red spot-colour introduced in the campaign is geared to collecting old books,
are published by Kenya Postal Directories Ltd adverts selling them to recycling companies and the
(KPD), with the main products under the brand • 1995 - The business-to-business directory proceeds channeled to tree planting. The pilot
being: Kenya Telephone directory, Official Yellow and Kenya Fax & Yellow Pages Directory is project is underway at Karura Forest.
Pages Directory, Kenya Email & Fax & Official published
Yellow Pages Directory and an online directory at • 1996 - Total Quality Management (TQM)
www.yellowpageskenya.com. introduced
The Kenya Telephone and Official Yellow • 1997 - Marked the 5th anniversary and the
Pages directories are available in three editions first directory recycling campaign
that are distributed countrywide and to all Kenya • November 1997 - KPD achieves
missions abroad: ISO 9002:1994 Quality Management
System (QMS) certification becoming the
• Nairobi Edition - covers Nairobi City first publisher in East Africa to achieve ISO
• Coast Edition - covers the coastal areas certification
including Mombasa, Lamu, Malindi and Voi • April 2000 - The www.yellowpageskenya.
towns com online directory is introduced
• Inland Edition - covers areas outside Nairobi • 2002 - The general information section is
and Coast printed on glossy paper and a full colour
directory is introduced
The Kenya Email & Fax & Official Yellow • 2003 - Comprehensive full colour map and
Pages Directory is a national edition that covers gloss paper introduced HISTORY
the entire country with special emphasis on the • 2005 - Introduced the Brand Search Section The Official Yellow Pages began when KPD was
business sector. The directory previously only to recognise Kenyan and international established in 1992 as a joint venture between
had fax numbers but now it includes email and brands former Kenya Posts and Telecommunications
internet addresses. The directory is distributed • July 2006 - Business Continuity Plan/Disaster Corporation (KPTC) now Telkom Kenya Limited
countrywide and to all Kenya missions abroad. Recovery Plan (BCP/DRP) is adopted to and Directel - a subsidiary of Portugal Telecom
The online directory is a combination of all enable KPD to serve clients after a disaster Internacional. Telkom owns 40 percent and
the printed directories made available on the • 2007 - Marks the 15th anniversary and Directel 60 percent.
internet. The directory is updated in real time and the second directory recycling campaign. When KPD was formed, there had been a
users are able to access current details. five-year void in the market. The last telephone
The target market division is based on revenue,
number of telephone lines and business category.
The top-end comprises national advertisers with
Directory Covers
directory had been published in 1987 and did not
have a comprehensive yellow pages section. With
the birth of KPD - the yellow pages concept of
offices in all parts of Kenya and large advertisers doing business was born in Kenya.
who may not necessarily have branches, but The KPD offices were initially located at
may have a national wholesale/agency network. Transnational Plaza - formerly Silopark House -
Low-end customers include clients with smaller and started by publishing four directory editions:
advertising spend and those with just a few The Nairobi Edition, Coast Edition, Inland
telephone lines. Medium category falls between Edition and the E-Mail/Fax Edition. KPD’s first
these two. Yellow Pages directory - the Nairobi Edition -
In terms of sales, 46 percent is from the top- was published in December 1992, Coast Edition
end market, 45 percent middle-market and nine in April 1993, Inland Edition in August 1993, and
percent from the low-end. The brand commands the E-Mail/Fax Edition in 1995. The directories
95 percent of the directories market, with a have been published annually since then.
six percent share of the national advertising At the time of inception, the Yellow Pages as
expenditure. a shop window was a new concept. Advertisers
The growth of the brand is highly influenced were comfortable with known advertising
by the general economic growth of the country channels like newspapers, radio, and television,
and the continued growth of information and while directory users were comfortable with
telecommunication. Distribution channels are the directory as a source of obtaining telephone
expected to expand to incorporate all channels of contacts for the companies they knew from the
Information Communication Technology (ICT). white pages.
The Yellow Pages concept therefore needed
ACHIEVEMENTS a lot of exposure in the market to gain the
• December 1992 - The first Official Yellow confidence and support of advertisers. To
overcome this challenge, KPD had to be innovative

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helpful, friendly, systematic, precise, attractive
and improve its products, while highlighting the and highly innovative. The brand is committed
distinct advantages of the concept. The company to making shopping and purchasing an easy
achieved this and laid a firm foundation for and valuable experience. The Yellow Pages logo
subsequent phases of development of the reinforces the brand promise and commitment.
product. The brand has improved tremendously The yellow background depicts the attractiveness
and accomplished much to become the market as the walking fingers reflect the shopping ease.
leader in the country. To ensure consistency of its products, KPD
has a Directory Quality Control department that
THE PRODUCT makes sure the information listed is verified
The Yellow Pages as an advertising medium has against existing data. Data and adverts are taken
several advantages: through several quality checks and any variances
counterchecked with the respective clients.
• Wide national and international circulation Through the ISO 9001 QMS, the processes are
• Customers shopping for goods or services put under strict audit internally and by SGS
use the Yellow Pages where it directs them to PROMOTION Kenya every six months.
advertisers The brand is advertised in electronic and print
• Adverts have a one year life span media and uses below-the-line activities. It is also
• Yellow Pages offers the lowest cost per advertised in the directories and online through
thousand of any advertising medium search engines, Kenyan newspaper websites, and THINGS YOU DIDN’T KNOW ABOUT
• Advertising in the Yellow Pages enhances other directories and Yellow Pages websites. THE OFFICIAL YELLOW PAGES
brand awareness and recognition Advertising space is promoted by well-
• The Yellow Pages is a reference medium and trained Sales Consultants through telemarketing
Official Yellow Pages celebrated its 15th
provides an inordinately high percentage of and personal visits to promote it. Other activities
anniversary in 2007
new prospects include the sponsorship of golf tournaments to
• The Yellow Pages fully supports and extends interact with the business clients and key decision
In 15 years, 2.7 billion pages and 4.2
the value of other traditional media buys makers, most of whom play golf.
million books have been published
• Directories are available 24/7 in homes and TheYellow Pages is proud of the internationally
offices recognised “Let Your Fingers do the Walking”
Every year, over 25,000 updates are
• All business in the same area of activity are slogan. Other successful taglines are: “Biggest
effected in the directories
listed together in alphabetical order shopping centre” and “For everything under the
• Data is updated continually via Telkom sun”.
In 2006, 315,000 directories were printed
Kenya, customer correspondence, through From years of database updates, KPD has
and circulated in Kenya
personal visits and telemarketing collected thousands of business related emails
• Companies are rigorously vetted and it uses promote its products, services and
In 2006, there were 8,500 clients
customers are assured that they are credible schedules. The service is also available to the
advertised in the directories and over
• It is easy and fast to compare quotes from business community at a small fee.
16,500 paid for listings and adverts
various providers and push for better deals
• Printed versions are readily available and BRAND VALUES
There are 109 different types of adverts
customers can also visit the website for more The Official Yellow Pages has been a household
to cater for all advertising needs
current details name for 15 years in Kenya and is known for
accessibility, credibility, ease of use and warmth.
There are 1,226 business classifications
In terms of special innovations in packaging According to a recent survey by Steadman Media
in the directories that cover all aspects of
and presentation of the products, each directory Group, users said they liked the Official Yellow
business and trade
is shrink-wrapped to ensure it is in good Pages because it:
condition when it reaches the user. Data from
The directories list over 117,000 private
the official Yellow Pages has been used in the • Is free
residential listings and 46,500 business
Kenya Tourism Guide, a pocket sized booklet • Is easily available
containing general information on Kenya, • Has different editions
key tourism circuits and activities, maps and • Is up to date
According to the Steadman Group Media
resources. The guide is free to key Yellow Pages • Provides the most reliable source of business
Monitoring Unit, the directories are used
advertisers, embassies/diplomatic missions, UN/ information
by over 2.8 million people
international organisations, and Kenya missions • Is attractive
abroad. It is also sold and available online. • Is the innovator in the business of telephone
The online directory receives over 1.2
KPD has plans to partner with other directories in Kenya
million hits every month
organisations that need the Yellow Pages The official Yellow Pages shopping
information. experience promises to be available everyday,

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