Advances in Neonatal Neurology
Advances in Neonatal Neurology
Advances in Neonatal Neurology
Advances in Neonatal
insights into the physiological basis for the use of prenatal and postnatal glucocorti-
coids and discuss the risks and benefits of these agents in the preterm neonate.
Drs Ruth Grunau and Christopher McPherson have contributed the article on neonatal
pain control and the neurologic effects of anesthetics and sedatives in preterm infants.
They assess the potential deleterious effects of analgesics and anesthetics for man-
agement of both acute and chronic pain in neonates in intensive care.
The issue concludes with two complementary articles that examine long-term
outcomes in preterm and term neonates. Dr Betty Vohr has framed the problem
with an outstanding article assessing the current status of neurodevelopmental out-
comes of extremely preterm infants. Drs Petra Huppi, Laura Ment, and colleagues
address the application of sophisticated MRI strategies, including diffusion tensor
imaging, resting state functional connectivity, and magnetic resonance spectroscopy
to better predict the prognosis for premature newborns and assist in early interven-
tion services.
We are extremely grateful to Elsevier for the opportunity to serve as the guest
editors for this issue that we expect will offer much valuable insight into the current
management of the neurology problems of the preterm and term neonate. This issue
underscores the vital importance of continued support to encourage and nurture
collaboration among clinicians and scientists. We hope that this issue will serve as
testimony to the passionate pursuit of progress achieved by our colleagues. We
hope it will also inspire others to sustain the tremendous potential for further advances
to optimize brain development for newborns in neonatal units throughout the world.
Praveen Ballabh, MD
Professor of Pediatrics and Cell Biology and Anatomy
Regional Neonatal Center
Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital at Westchester Medical Center and
New York Medical College
Valhalla, New York 10595, USA
Stephen A. Back, MD, PhD
Professor of Pediatrics and Neurology
Oregon Health & Science University
Clyde and Elda Munson Professor of Pediatric Research
Director, Neuroscience Section, Papé Family Pediatric Research Institute
Mail Code: L481
Biomedical Research Building 317
3181 S.W. Sam Jackson Park Road, Portland, OR 97239-3098, USA
E-mail addresses:
[email protected] (P. Ballabh)
[email protected] (S.A. Back)