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Unit 1

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Choose the correct answer. (-) means zero article.

1. We went to theatre last week.

a) the
b) -
c) a

2. Do you like Maths?

a) the
b) a
c) –

3. We took a bus to city centre, but later we took taxi back tohotel.
a) a / a / the
b) - / the / a
c) the / a / the

4. My grandma always wears second-hand clothes.

a) the
b) a
c) –

5. The date of the appointment has been moved forward to next Friday.
a) -
b) the
c) a

6. My brother is waiter.
a) the
b) a
c) –

7. What beautiful dress!

a) a
b) -
c) the
8. We normally have lunch at 1.00pm.
a) the
b) a
c) –

9. Who is man by the door?

a) -
b) a
c) the

10. Lake Balaton is not in Tanzania.

a) a
b) the
c) –

1. a
2. c
3. c
4. c
5. a
6. b
7. a
8. c
9. c
10. c

Choose the correct option:

1. You are a doctor, you?
a) aren’t
b) are
c) isn’t

2. Let’s go to a restaurant tonight, we?

a) don’t
b) won’t
c) shall

3. He has arrived on time, he?

a) doesn’t
b) hasn’t
c) didn’t

4. He win the lottery, did he?

a) didn’t
b) hadn’t
c) did

5. It’s very cold today, ?

a) is it?
b) are they?
c) isn’t it?

6. A: ‘I don’t like shrimps.’ B:

‘Neither I. ‘
a) am
b) will
c) do

7. A: ‘I have been to London. ‘ B: ‘

have I.’
a) So
b) Neither
c) Do

8. A: ‘I wouldn’t like to live abroad.’ B: ‘

Neither I. ‘
a) do
b) am
c) would
1. A
2. C
3. B
4. A
5. C
6. C
7. A
8. C

Countable nous are those which, as the name implies, can be counted and
therefore have two forms: singular and plural.
Los sustantivos contables son aquéllos que, como el nombre indica, pueden contarse y, por lo
tanto, tienen dos formas: el singular y el plural.
o Examples: Dog / dogs perro / perros
Baby / babies bebé / bebés
Dish / dishes plato / platos

Some countable nouns have irregular plurals:

Algunos sustantivos contables tienen plurales irregulares:
o One child – two children un niño - dos niños
o One man – two men un hombre - dos hombres
o One woman – two women una mujer - dos mujeres
o One foot – two feet un pie - dos pies
o One tooth – two teeth un diente - dos dientes
o One person – two people una persona - dos personas

These are some determiners which we can use with countable nouns:
Éstos son algunos determinantes que podemos usar con sustantivos incontables:
o A, an un/a
o A few, many unos pocos, muchos
o One, two three, etc. uno, dos, tres, etc.

Sustantivos incontables
Uncountable nouns are those which we cannot count. As a result, they do not
have a plural form and they take a singular verbal tense instead.
Los sustantivos incontables son aquéllos que no podemos contar. Como resultado, no tienen forma plural,
y van con el verbo en singular.
o Examples: money, hair, homework, furniture, smoke, fruit, bread,
information… dinero, cabello, deberes, muebles, humo, fruta, pan, información...
These are some expressions we can use with uncountable nouns:
Éstas son algunas expresiones que podemos usar con los sustantivos incontables:
o A little, much, a bit of, a piece of…
un poco, mucho, un poco de, un trozo de…
Choose the correct word (A, B or C) in each space in order to complete the text.

Dear Sir,
My son, Frank, left 1) A three weeks ago and now he is looking for his first 2)_ . The
problem is that many companies often 3) that they want people with some experience, but how
can he get any experience if nobody gives him a job? He reads the 4) in the paper every
day, but there isn’t anything for people like my son. Today he is 5) some gardening for our
neighbours to 6) a bit of money, but what he needs is a real job.
Mr. G Carter

1. A) school B) home C) me
2. A) work B) job C) occupation
3. A) say B) tell C) need
4. A) news B) text C) adverts
5. A) making B) getting C) doing
6. A) win B) get C) spend


1. A

2. B
3. A
4. e
5. e
6. B

• Describe your relationship with your family (30s)

• Do you have much contact with your cousins? (30s)
• What do you most enjoy doing with your family? (30s)


• Describe these photos (45s)

• Choose one. What type of relationship do you think the sisters have with
each other? (45s)
• Which photograph shows twins? Do you know any twin sisters or
brothers? How is their relationship? (45s)


• Describe and compare the pictures (45s)

• Do you have the television on when you eat or your mobile? (45s)
• Which way of eating do you prefer? Why? (45s)

You have 2 minutes to answer these questions:

• Do you have a large family?

• How many brothers and sisters have you got? Do you get on well with them?
• What are the advantages and disadvantages of being an only child?
Family and Relationships

Aunt Tía
Brother Hermano
Elder / older brother Hermano mayor
Cousin Primo/a
Daughter Hija
Father Padre
Godfather / godmother Padrino / Madrina
Grandchild Nieto/a
Granddaughter / grandson Nieta / Nieto
Grandfather / grandmother Abuelo/a
Grandparent(s) Abuelos
Great-grandchild Bisnieto/a
Husband Marido
Ex-husband Ex-marido
In-laws Familia política
Son-in-law Yerno
Mother Madre
Niece Sobrina
Nephew Sobrino
Parents Padres
Sister Hermana
Son Hijo
Step-father Padrastro
Step-daughter Hermanastra
Twins Gemelos
Twin-sister / brother Hermano/a gemelo
Uncle Tío
Widow (woman) Viuda
Widower (man) Viudo
Wife Esposa
Ex-wife Ex-mujer
Marital relationships

Divorced Divorciado/a
Engaged Prometido/a (adj)
Married Casado/a
Separated Separado/a
Single Soltero/a
widowed Viudo/a (adj)


Get divorced from Divorciarse de

Get engaged to Prometerse con
Get married to Casarse con
Get on (well) with someone Llevarse bien con alguien
Marry someone Casarse con alguien
Start / end a relationship with Empezar / terminar una relación con

Other related words

Acquaintance Conocido/a
Boss Jefe
Colleague Compañero/a
Employee Empleado
Employer Encargado
Fiancé Prometido
Fiancée Prometida
Friend Amigo/a
Best friend Mejor amigo/a
Neighbour Vecino/a
Partner Compañero/a (sentimental)
Choose the correct answer for each sentence:
1. I don’t want a boyfriend. I like being _ _ __
a. Married
b. Single
c. Engaged
2. Jack’s parents are _ _ _, so he only sees his dad once every two weeks.
a. Widowed
b. In-laws
c. Divorced
3. My brother’s daughter is my _ .
a. Nephew
b. Niece
c. Grandchild
4. When I married Erik, his mother became my _ _.
a. Mother-in-law
b. Step-mother
c. Godmother
5. He has been a _ _ _ since his wife passed away.
a. Widow
b. Widower
c. Window
6. Marta’s children, Chris and Jessica, were born at the same time. They are
_ .
a. Brothers
b. Friends
c. Twins
7. Three years after getting divorced, my mother married John. Now I can say that
John is my _ _ .
a. Step-father
b. Father-in-law
c. Godfather
8. The relative I admire the most in my family is my _ __. He is my father ’s
elder brother.
a. Uncle
b. Aunt
c. Step-brother
1. B
2. e
3. B
4. A
S. B
6. e
7. A
8. A
Fill in the form (3 minutes)



Date of Birth (day month

City / Town / Village

[Mobile number]


[Delivery address] :


You have joined the ‘PERFECT AU PAIR’ service. Fill in the form with complete
sentences. Use 20-30 words. You have 7 minutes.

Please tell us about your own family and / or the people you live with.
You are a member of PERFECT AU PAIR website and you are in the chat room. You are
talking to Jane, the mother of a family who is considering hosting you as their au pair.
Talk to Jane using complete sentences. Use 30 to 40 words per answer. You have 10

Jane: Hi! I find your profile quite interesting. Why are you interested in working as an
au pair?


Jane: Oh, I see! Have you had a look at our profile as a host family? Would you like to
work for us?


Jane: I can only offer you a salary of £70 per week, but you won’t have food expenses.
How do you feel about it?

You are a member of the ‘PERFECT AU PAIR’ service. On your last visit to their website
you saw a private message from a host family.

Dear au pair,

I am sorry to inform you that we won’t be able to keep your £70/week salary due to
recent financial problems. For this reason we have found ourselves forced to reduce
it a 10%.
We feel so sorry about it and will appreciate your comprehension.

Kind regards,

Write an e-mail to friend who also uses the ‘PERFECT AU PAIR’ service. Write your
feelings about the message you received and suggest possible alternatives. Write
about 50 words. You have 10 minutes.
Now, write an email to the host family who sent you that private message, explaining
your feelings about the change and suggesting possible alternatives. Write about 120-
150 words. You have 20 minutes.

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