3E Birthright - Unofficial Conversion Book
3E Birthright - Unofficial Conversion Book
3E Birthright - Unofficial Conversion Book
The Unofficial
3rd Edition Dungeons & Dragons®
Birthright® Campaign Setting
Conversion Manual
Version 1.3
October 1st, 2000
AD&D, ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, DUNGEON MASTER, BIRTHRIGHT, and the TSR logo are registered trademarks owned by TSR, Inc.
All TSR characters, character names, and the distinctive likenesses
thereof are trademarks owned by TSR, Inc.
TSR, Inc. is a subsidiary of Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
details about plot, conversations, descriptive text, etc.
Remember that the goal of the conversion document isn't
to replace the original product -- it is to serve as a sup-
plement. No one should be able to print out a conversion
The BIRTHRIGHT ® campaign setting allows players to ex- document and run an entire adventure without having the
plore the grand scope of national politics as they guide original in hand.
their domains and influence the events of Cerilia. Al- With these restrictions in mind, I have done my best to
though discontinued, the BIRTHRIGHT ® setting has con- accurately present a set of rules that will allow new or
tinued to engage the imaginations of a small (but loyal) existing BIRTHRIGHT ® campaigns to take advantage of the
group of adherents who enjoy role-playing in the rich 3rd edition Dungeons & Dragons. Rules which are not
tapestry of Cerilia. These loyal adherents face a new dif- strictly necessary for a baseline conversion under this
ficulty with the transformation of the 2nd edition Ad- philosophy, but which I feel more accurately represent
vanced Dungeons & Dragons game into the 3rd edition the underling mechanics of Cerilia under 3rd edition, will
Dungeons & Dragons rules system. be presented as optional rules in this conversion manual.
This is a book for such players – a tome of information
for players facing a transition to the new rules system. Whats new?
This conversion manual is designed to be used in con-
junction with published BIRTHRIGHT ® Campaign Setting The following changes have been made since the previ-
material, the 3rd edition Dungeons and Dragons® Players ous minor version of this document:
Handbook (PHB), and the 3rd edition Dungeon and • Many minor editing errors have been fixed.
Dragons® Conversion Manual. • Information from the DMG has been incorporated.
• The magician class has been redefined.
Part I: Character race
Cerilia is home to a number of races that differ slightly
from the standard races described in the 3rd edition PHB.
• Medium-size; base speed of 30 feet. Halfling Racial Traits
• Immunity to magic sleep spells and a +2 racial saving
• +1 Dexterity, -2 Strength, +1 Wisdom. *
throw bonus against Enchantment spells or effects.
• Small-sized, base speed of 20 feet. As Small crea-
• Low-light Vision: Elves can see by starlight as well
tures, halflings gain a +1 size bonus to Armor Class,
as humans see by daylight.
a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, and a +4 size bonus
• Agelessness: The Sidhelien are creatures of faerie
on Hide checks, but they must use smaller weapons
dust and starlight. Gifted with immortality, they do
than humans use, and their lifting and carrying ca-
not suffer the ravages of time and are thus immune to
pacities are three-quarters those of Medium-size
aging attacks and normal disease.
• Trackless Step: A Cerilian elf leaves no trail in natural
• +2 racial bonus on Listen, Climb, Jump, and Move
surroundings and cannot be tracked (as a druid).
Silently checks.
• Woodland Stride: A Cerilian elf may move though
• +1 racial bonus to all saving throws.
any natural terrain or impairment without damage or
• +2 morale bonus on saving throws vs. fear.
penalty (as a druid).
• +1 racial attack bonus with a thrown weapon.
• Proficient with either longsword or rapier; proficient
• Faerie Sight: Halflings possess the ability to see into
with shortbow, longbow, composite longbow, com-
the Shadow World. By concentrating, halflings may
posite shortbow.
make a Search check to detect evil (DC 10), detect
• +2 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks.
undead (DC 15), and detect magic (necromantic
Automatic search check within 5’.
only) (DC 15) (at the 5th level of ability). This is a
• Alignment Restriction: Unpredictable and fey, Ceril-
super-natural ability.
ian elves must follow a non-lawful alignment.
• Enter Shadow: Three times per week, a halfling may
• Automatic Languages: Sidhelien. Bonus Languages:
attempt to dimension door or shadow walk (at 10th
Andu, Anuirean, Low Brecht, High Brecht, Basarji,
level of ability). To succeed, the halfling must make
Rjuven, Vos, Sidhelien, Karamhul, Giant, Gnoll, Go b-
a Wisdom check against a DC ranging from 25
lin, Orog, Ogrish, Troll.
(bright sunny summer day in a city) to 5 (cold winter
• Favored Class: Wizard.
night in a tomb). This is a spell-like ability.
• Automatic Language: Any. Bonus Languages:
Half-Elven Racial Traits Andu, Anuirean, Low Brecht, High Brecht, Basarji,
• +1 Dexterity, -1 Constitution.* Rjuven, Vos, Sidhelien, Karamhul, Gnoll, Goblin,
• Medium-size, base speed of 30 feet. Orog, Ogrish.
• Immunity to magic sleep spells and a +2 racial saving • Favored Class: Rogue
throw bonus against Enchantment spells or effects.
• Low-light Vision: Half-elves can see by starlight Gnome Racial Traits
twice as well as a human.
Gnomes are unknown in Cerilia and available as PC.
• +2 racial saving throw against disease and aging
* [Editor's Note: In September, 2000, WotC released the
• +1 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks.
following conversion advice:
• Elven Blood: For all special abilities and effects, a
Ability score bonuses should always be even num-
half-elf is considered an elf.
bers. Otherwise, it allows a character to create a bo-
• Automatic Language: Sidhelien and the language of
nus (by adding +1 to an odd stat) and hide a penalty
their human parent. Bonus Languages: Andu,
(by subtracting from an odd stat). Essentially, odd
Anuirean, Basarji, Brecht, Rjuven, or Vos. Bonus
(+1/-1) ability score bonuses for races mean that all
Languages: Andu, Anuirean, Low Brecht, High
characters are going to effectively have a +2/-0, since
Brecht, Basarji, Rjuven, Vos, Sidhelien, Karamhul, Gi-
you can put the +1 where it benefits you and put the -
ant, Gnoll, Goblin, Orog, Ogrish, Troll.
1 where it doesn't hurt you.
• Favored Class: Any
Although true, I believe that keeping the standard BIRT H-
RIGHT modifiers does not cause an imbalance as almost
Half-Orc Racial Traits every race receives this "phantom" benefit. Furthermore,
• Half-orc (Orog) is not a recommend player character characters who take advantage of this "penalty hiding"
race and requires DM approval. make it more difficult to increase their bonuses in those
• Use the standard Half-Orc Racial Traits appearing in abilities due to level-based attribute gain in the future. I
the 3rd edition PBH.* recommend, however, that DMs who wish to follow
WotC's advise utilize the following optional (but not rec- Arcane magic-users that are not capable of casting true
ommended) conversion rule. magic lack the ability to advance above 4th level as a
Optional: Double all racial ability modifiers (except wizard. They may continue their studies in the arcane
Strength additions) for all races. (e.g. +2 Wis, -2 Dex for arts as a bard or as member of the magician prestige class.
Anuireans; +4 Con, -4 Dex for Dwarves, but only +1 Str, -
2 Int for Vos). Barbarian
Both Rjurik and Vosguard are known for the fierceness of
Character class their native warriors and large tracts of unclaimed wilder-
The classes for a BIRTHRIGHT ® campaign are generally the ness. In Cerilia, barbarians are found only among these
same as those presented in the PHB. Existing characters people; generally only characters of these two nationali-
should be converted using the 3rd edition Dungeon and ties may choose this class
Dragons® Conversion Manual. The following entries 2nd edition fighter characters from Rjurik, Vosguard or
provide modifications to these standard classes to more with the berserker or barbarian kits may convert to the
accurately reflect Cerilian characters (if necessary). new Barbarian class. Cerilian barbarians follow all appro-
In particular, it should be noted that arcane magic oper- priate rules in the 3rd edition PHB. In addition, they have
ates somewhat differently in a BIRTHRIGHT ® campaign. access to the appropriate additional skills and feats pre-
Cerilian mages recognize three orders of magic: lesser sented in this conversion manual.
magic, true magic, and realm magic. Any person of suffi- Barbarians do not rule with any great facility. Barbarian
cient intelligence and training can comprehend lesser regents collect only 50% regency for held law holdings
magic - the art of creating illusions and casting divina- and none from guild, temple, or source holdings.
tions. True magic includes all other schools of wizardry,
but only elves, half-elves, or scions of the blood can Bard
command this arcane power. Cerilian bards follow all appropriate rules in the 3rd edi-
Under 2nd edition BIRTHRIGHT ® rules, spell preparation tion PHB. In addition, they have access to the appropri-
(memorization) is necessary for the casting of any arcane ate additional skills and feats presented in this conver-
magic. The entire 3rd edition magic system can be inter- sion manual.
preted almost seamlessly in the BIRTHRIGHT ® campaign The spell-casting abilities of 3rd edition bards can be
setting under the assumption that the elven spellsong used almost seamlessly in an existing or new BIRT H-
technique (Book of Magecraft) is the only method ®
RIGHT campaign under the assumptions that the root of
through which arcane spells may be cast without prepara- bardic magic is the elven spellsong tradition (see above).
tion (memorization) in advance.
Most magic-users capable of casting true magic do not Cleric
follow the elven spellsong tradition and should therefore
be converted or created as wizards. Those who follow Cerilian clerics follow all appropriate rules in the 3rd edi-
the spellsong tradition, however, should be converted or tion PHB. In addition, they gain followers as noted in the
BIRTHRIGHT rulebook and have access to the appropriate
created as sorcerers. The sorcerer class should generally
be accessible only to eleven characters - mastery of the additional skills and feats presented in this conversion
spellsong requires decades of study and practice. manual. Every cleric in a BIRTHRIGHT ® campaign must
The first Cerilian bards are said to have been wandering chose one of the Cerilian powers. Deities appear in Part
elves that were sent into human lands to teach and learn III of this book.. Since elven cultures have unique views
from their human neighbors. Each of these elves founded on the roles of gods and priests, they do not (generally)
a bardic college; today human students continue the have clerics.
work of their elven mentors. Those trained in these bar- Although priests of Erik generally advance as Druids, a
dic traditions (regardless of race) have limited mastery of very few advance as clerics. This is rumored to be the
the spellsong techniques and thus do not have to pre- case among some of the more “civilized” priests in the
pare their spells as do most human users of arcane magic. temple of the Oaken Grove of Erik.
In addition, followers of the bardic colleges are privy to
elven charms to draw upon the power of nature to aid the Druid
sick or wounded. Unfortunately, bards have neither the All Cerilian Druids are priests of Erik and follow all ap-
time nor the knowledge to master spellsong fully and are propriate rules in the 3rd edition PHB. In addition, they
limited to the spells presented in the 3rd edition bard spell may gain followers as noted in the BIRTHRIGHT ® rulebook
list. (under priest) and have access to the appropriate addi-
tional skills and feats presented in this conversion man-
ual. Since elven cultures have unique views on the roles the appropriate additional skills and feats presented in
of gods and priests, they do not have druids. this conversion manual.
Fighter Sorcerer
Cerilian fighters follow all appropriate rules in the 3rd Sorcerers do not exist in a standard BIRTHRIGHT ® setting.
edition PHB. In addition, they gain followers as noted in Optional: Cerilian sorcerers follow all appropriate rules in
the BIRTHRIGHT ® rulebook and have access to the appro- the 3rd edition PHB. In addition, they have access to the
priate additional skills and feats presented in this conver- appropriate additional skills and feats presented in this
sion manual. conversion manual. When sorcerer casts a spell, they do
so through the use of the elven technique known as
Monk spellsong. Spellsong is a melodic chant that, combined
with normal musical quality of elven voices, sounds like
Monks do not exist in a standard BIRTHRIGHT ® setting.
soft singing. As their power is based upon the power of
Optional: Although very rare, ascetic monks may be
song, sorcerers using this optional rule do not have ac-
found among the Khinasi and the ancient civilizations of
cess to the metamagic feat Quiet Casting.
Aduria. If so, this class is available only to characters of
The ability to command the spellsong (and thus have
these nationalities and only with explicit DM permission.
access to the sorcerer class) comes more easily to elves
Cerilian monks follow all appropriate rules in the 3rd edi-
than to any other race on Cerilia and even so requires
tion PHB. In addition, they have access to the appropri-
decades to master. The Sidhelien have learned to guard
ate additional skills and feats presented in this conver-
their secrets carefully and few others will have access to
sion manual. Monk characters are not concerned with
this class. Though over the centuries elven sorcerers
matters of the physical world, they focus on spiritual en-
have occasionally shared minor secrets of their art with
lightenment. Thus Monk regents collect only 50% re-
half-elves and – even more rarely – with humans, most
gency for held temple holdings and none from guild, law,
elves now view withholding magical knowledge as a mat-
or source holdings.
ter of national defense. Sorcery is true magic and may
thus be performed only by elves, half-elves, or blooded
Paladin scions. This class is available only such characters and
Cerilian paladins follow all appropriate rules in the 3rd only with explicit DM permission.
edition PHB. In addition, they gain followers as noted in The Sidhelien repudiate necromancy and seldom cast
the BIRTHRIGHT ® rulebook and have access to the appro- conjuration spells. Although a sorcerer may learn such
priate additional skills and feats presented in this conver- spells, it would be exceptionally unusual.
sion manual.
In Cerilia, paladins are found only among the Anuireans Wizard
and the Khinasi; only characters of these two nationali-
Anyone of sufficient intelligence and training may com-
ties may choose this class. Anuirean paladins serve
mand lesser magic and rise to 4th level.
Haelyn, Cuiraecen, or Nesirie. Khinasi paladins follow
Only elves, half-elves, and blooded humans, however,
Haelyn or Avani. Cuiraecen’s paladins are Chaotic Good
can command true magic as rise to 5th level or above in
and also advance as Fighters. Nesirie’s paladins are al-
this class. BIRTHRIGHT ® characters unable to command
ways female. Deities appear in Part III of this book.
true magic may continue their magical training by ad-
vancing as a bard or as a member of the magician prestige
Ranger class, if eligible.
Cerilian rangers follow all appropriate rules in the 3rd edi-
tion PHB. In addition, they gain followers as noted in the Guilder
BIRTHRIGHT rulebook and have access to the appropriate
Guilders specialize in trade, profit, marketability, and
additional skills and feats presented in this conversion
monetary concerns. Under 2nd edition rules they capi-
talize on nonweapon proficiencies that help them practice
in commercial venue. 3rd edition rouges are exceptionally
Rogue flexible and can be used to implement the guilder class
Cerilian rogues follow all appropriate rules in the 3rd edi- seamlessly. Characters belong to the BIRTHRIGHT ® guil-
tion PHB. In addition, they gain followers as noted in the der class should be converted as 3rd edition rogues. The
BIRTHRIGHT rulebook (under thief) and have access to expert NPC class should also be considered as an option
when converting minor NPCs.
Magician a bonus spell for that level cannot yet cast a spell of that
® level. Bonus spells are based on Intelligence.
Magicians are a class unique to the BIRTHRIGHT world.
Spontaneous Casting: Magicians are masters of minor
These minor arcane spellcasters specialize in the lesser
magics and can channel stored energy into 0-level spells
magics of knowing (divination) and seeming (illusion).
that they haven’t prepared ahead of time. The magician
Magicians lack the ability to tap the forces of “true
can “lose” any prepared spell in order to cast any 0-level
magic” and thus focus on the mastery of lesser magic
spell known. If the magician wishes to use any metam-
alone. The magician class is an NPC class (which may be
agic feats to modify the 0-level spell, the prepared spell
taken by PCs) similar in many ways to an arcane version
must be of the appropriate level or higher.
of the Adept NPC class.
Starting Gear: 2d4 x 10 gp worth of equipment.
Magicians are often commoners who, through raw talent
Magician Spell List: Magicians choose their spells from
alone, manage to master the universal laws of magic to
the following list:
the maximum extant possible for the unblooded. Magi-
0 level – All 0-level sorcerer and wizard spells.
cians tend to be less intimidating to others than true wiz-
1st level – All 1st-level sorcerer and wizard spells.
ards. Regular folk consider them eccentric and mysteri-
2nd level – All 2nd-level sorcerer and wizard spells.
ous, and might not invite them over for dinner or be
3rd level – Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Displacement,
happy about one marring into the family. But they do
Illusionary Script, Invisibility Sphere, Major Image, Sug-
recognize the difference between a seer who can predict
gestion, Tongues.
the sex of an unborn child or help find lost items and a
4th level – Arcane Eye, Detect Scrying, Emotion, Halluci-
wizard regent capable of summoning undead legions.
natory Terrain, Illusionary Wall, Improved Invisibility,
Traditionally, only humans and goblin-kin study the arts
Locate Creature, Minor Creation, Phantasmal Killer, Rain-
of lesser magic.
bow Pattern, Scrying, Shadow Conjuration.
Hit Die: d6.
5th level – Contact other Plane, Dream, False Vision,
Class Skills : Alchemy, Bluff, Concentration, Craft, Di-
Greater Shadow Conjuration, Mind Fog, Mirage Arcana,
plomacy, Disguise, Gather Information, Knowledge (all
Nightmare, Persistent Image, Permanency, Prying Eyes,
skills, taken individually), Perform, Profession, Scry,
Rary’s Telepathic Bond, Seeming, Shadow Evocation.
Sense Motive, Speak Language, Spellcraft.
Skill Points at 1 st Level: (4 + Int modifier) x 4.
Optional: The magician can also be implemented as a PC
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int modifier.
class. I strongly recommend that you avoid a straight-
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Magicians can not de-
forward conversion of the class. In a straightforward
pend on magic alone to earn a living or to defend them
conversion, the magician is exactly like a wizard specialist
from danger. Magicians are performers, storytellers, and
but is a specialist in both illusion and divination (and can
artisans, but they take time to learn the basics of combat
pick their one bonus spell from either of these two
and to wear armor if they must. Magicians are skilled
schools). The straightforward conversion would allows
with all simple weapons. Magicians are proficient with
magicians to cast any wizard spell of 0 to 2nd level, but
light armor but not with type of shield. Like any other
limits their selection of spells of 3rd level or higher to
arcane spellcaster, a magician suffers a chance of arcane
divination, illusion, or universal spells only. This
spell failure if attempting to cast spells with somatic com-
straightforward conversion, however, makes magicians
ponents while wearing armor.
strictly more powerful than wizards until 5th level. With
Spells: A magician casts arcane spells. She is limited to
the ease of multi-classing in 3rd edition, this may cause
a certain number of spells of each spell level per day, ac-
balance serious balance issues (particularly if the magi-
cording to her class level. Like a Wizard, a magician may
cian decided to multiclass into a prestige class rather than
prepare and cast any spell on the magician list, provided
continuing to advance as a magician). I strongly recom-
that the spell is known to the magician and that she can
mend that you use the magician NPC class and allow PC
cast spells of that level. Like a wizard, a magician must
to take levels in the NPC class if they so choose. If you
prepare her spells by getting a good night’s sleep and
decide that you must have the magician as a PC class, I
spending 1 hour studying her spellbook each day.
recommend the following conversion of the "straight-
The DC for a saving throw against a magician’s spell is 10
foward", but unbalanced, conversion discussed above.
+ spell level + the magician’s Intelligence modifier. When
the magician gets 0 spells of a given level, she gets only
Optional Magician PC class: As a PC class, a 1st to 4th
bonus spells for that spell slot. A magician without
level magician is identical to a specialist wizard of the
same level in all respects (save the ability to control
source holdings). They have exactly one school of spe-
cialization and must chose an appropriate opposition
school as per a normal wizard. At 5th level, however, Of course, magicians of 5th level or higher begin to suffer
magicians gain a second school of specialization (al- from the penalty of only having access to "lesser magic"
though they still only gain one bonus spell due to spe- and are not able to learn or prepare spells of 3rd level or
cialization per spell level), gain the spontaneous casting higher unless the spells is from the school of divination
ability described in the write-up for the magician NPC or illusion or is a universal spell.
class (above), and no longer have an opposition school.
assault on a fortification (i.e. the requirement that a unit
Skills and feats of artillerists be present to storm a fortified position is
waived). This check can be made once per war move.
BIRTHRIGHT introduced several new proficiencies to the Retries are allowed (one per war move) for this check. A
2 edition AD&D game. The following conversion character with this skill who supervises the planning and
should be used for these proficiencies when converting construction of new fortifications may attempt a check
to 3rd edition Dungeons & Dragons. against a DC 10 + fortification level as a character action
to increase the castle rating by one point. This skill is
considered a class skill for BIRTHRIGHT ® fighters and
Birthright skill conversion paladins.
2nd edition 3rd edition Dungeons & Knowledge (Nobility and royalty): In addition to the de-
Proficiency Dragons Skill scription noted in the PHB, this knowledge skill provides
Administration Profession (Administrator) the character with a firm grasp of a government’s legal
Diplomacy Diplomacy system and codes.
Intrigue Gather Information On a successful check, the outcome of the character’s
Law Knowledge (Nobility) resolution of a Matter of Justice random event is auto-
Leadership Leadership Feat matically increased by one level. Most Matters of Justice
Siegecraft Knowledge (Engineering) should be considered "tough" questions with a DC of 20
Strategy Profession (Commander) or more. In addition, a DC 15 check provides a +1 bonus
Black Strike Standard feats (see below) to Create Holding, Decree, Rule, or Espionage domain
actions. This skill is considered a class skill for all sci-
Profession (Administrator): You are a capable adminis-
Skills trator and understand the workings of the apparatus of
The following additions/modifications to 3rd edition skills government and the governmental hierarchy. On a suc-
are necessary to maintain consistency between the rule cessful check, a regent character reduces the number of
sets. In edition, the mechanics for some skills have been gold bars required for seasonal maintenance costs or any
modified from the BIRTHRIGHT ® standard to better repre- other domain action with a base cost of at least one gold
sent the skill’s effect under the 3rd edition mechanic. bar. The DC for this action is 20 – the amount expended.
Diplomacy: In addition to the description noted in the An additional GB may be saved for every point by which
PHB, the outcome of the BIRTHRIGHT ® character’s resolu- the check exceeds the DC subject to the limitation that
tion of the Diplomatic Matter random event is automati- the maximum funds saved may not exceed 1 GB for a do-
cally increased by one level on a successful check main action or 25% of the total cost for domain mainte-
against DC 15. nance costs. This skill is considered a class skill for all
Gather Information: In addition to the description noted ®
BIRTHRIGHT regent characters.
in the PHB, this skill represents the characters ability to Profession (Commander): You are skilled at leading mili-
stay afoot of domain-level gossip, learn of ongoing in - tary units into battle. A skilled military leader under-
trigues, and collect vital information or information about stands how to most effectively use his armies to defeat
others which might prove embarrassing if publicly re- his enemy. When a skilled strategist leads a domain’s
vealed. war effort and is empowered to issue orders, he may gain
In addition to the description noted in the PHB, the out- a strategic advantage by making a skill check against DC
come of the character’s resolution of an Intrigue random 15. A strategic advantage allows a character to chose
event is automatically increased by one level on a suc- which side moves armies first on the battlefield map. If
cessful check vs. DC 15. This skill may not be used to both sides contain commanders with this skill, make an
initiate an intrigue, although the knowledge collected may opposed test to determine which side receives the advan-
be used offensively through the use of an Espionage tage. This skill is considered a class skill for BIRTHRIGHT ®
domain action. fighters and paladins.
Knowledge (Architecture and engineering): The charac-
ter has studied advanced techniques for the construction Feats
of military machines and methods for defeating or pro-
tecting fortifications. Successfully attacking a fortified Leadership [General]: You are a born leader who draws
position without siege weapons is a difficult task with a great devotion from your followers. In addition to the
base DC of 15 + twice the defense rating of the fortifica- description noted in the DMG, a BIRTHRIGHT ® character
tion. On a successful check, the character may lead an with the Leadership feat may perform agitate as a free
action (similar to the ability of priest regents) in any
province which she rules or in which she has political weapons availability
contacts. The character does not have to have a holding
Item Availability
in the province (or provinces) in which she performs the
Simple Weapons - Ranged
action, but must be physically present to perform this
agitate action. Crossbow, light An, Br, Kh, Dwarves
Black Strike Fencing: The Brecht style of sword- Crossbow, heavy An, Br, Dwarves
fighting can best be represented by purchasing any sub- Harpoon (javelin) Br, Rj
set of the following standard feats: Expertise, Weapon Javelin Kh, Vs, Elves
Finesse (Rapier), Dodge, Two Weapon Fighting, Amb i- Martial Weapons - Melee
dexterity, Mobility, Spring Attack, Improved Two Flail, light An, Br, Vs, Dwarves
Weapon Fighting. A character capable of all of these Flail, heavy An, Br, Dwarves
feats would be held in high regard as a grandmaster of Pick, light An, Br, Dwarves
the style. Pick, heavy An, Dwarves
Glaive An, Kh
Equipment Guisarme An
Most of the weapons are armor which were previously Halberd An, Kh, Br, Vs
unique to Cerilia have been incorporated into the 3rd edi- Longspear An, Br, Rj
tion rules. In general, the weapons, armor, and equipment Pike (longspear) An, Br, Rj
in the PHB are available in Cerilia. However, not all of the Ranseur An
equipment is available everywhere. Use the availability Trident Br, Kh
tables to determine the availability of specific armor or Broad sword (longsword) An, Br, Rj
weapons in Cerilia. Equivalent armor or weapons are Cutlass (scimitar) An, Br, Kh
noted in parenthesis following BIRTHRIGHT ® equipment Greatsword An, Br
that does not appear in the PBH. Equipment for which no Longsword An, Br, Vs
entry appears is generally available throughout Cerilia. Main-gauche An, Br
The special substances and items introduced in 3rd edi- (dagger)
tion (such as alchemist's fire, smokestick, sunrod, tangle- Rapier An, Br
foot bag, thunderstone, and tindertwig) are generally not Sabre (scimitar) Kh, Vs
appropriate to the technological level of cultures in Cerilia Martial Weapons - Ranged
and are thus not available.
Longbow Rj, An, Elves
Longbow, composite Kh
armor availability Shortbow, composite Vs, Kh
Item Availability Exotic Weapons - Melee
Banded mail An, Br, Vs Axe, orc double None (Orog)
Breastplate and Leather An Claymore (bastard sword) Rj
(chain shirt) Chain, spiked None
Chain shirt An Flail, dire An, Dwarves
Cerilian Half-plate An, Br Kama None
(breastplate) Hammer, gnome None
Full plate An, Dwarves Nunchaku None
Half-plate An, Br, Vs, Elf, Dwarves Siangham None
Hide Goblins, Gnolls Sword, bastard An, Vs
Improved mail Kh, Rj Sword, two-bladed None
(splint mail)
Urgosh, dwarven Dwarves
Scale mail Kh
Waraxe, dwarven Dwarves
Shield, buckler An, Kh, Br
Exotic Weapons - Ranged
Shield, tower Rj, Vs
Crossbow, hand None
Splint mail Kh
Crossbow, repeating None
Shuriken None
Bloodlines especially the founder of the line. How did these ances-
tors rise to power? What alliances, friendships, and mar-
All characters begin play as either commoners or scions
riages exist with other bloodlines? Are there any feuds or
of an ancient bloodlines. Only blooded characters can be
rivalries? Has the line grown stronger or weaker over the
regents, but most scions do not rule kingdoms. From
years? What other relatives share the character’s blood-
time to time, exceptional commoners have become
line, and where are they now? Answering these ques-
blooded simply by being in the right place at the right
tions will help you determine what bloodline strength you
time when a king or other ruler died. Some of the explana-
should buy for your character.
tions for these occurrences remain a mystery, but history
records several such incidents.
Scions of the ancient lines usually possess unusual tal- bloodline strength
ents or powers associated with their line. These powers Strength Numeric Powers Cost
are known as blood abilities. Scions who are direct de- Strength great/major/minor
scendents of the greatest heroes of Deismaar have Weak 5 0/0/0 + 0 1
stronger talents than those whose bloodlines have been Weak 10 0/0/0 + 1 2
diluted by commoners in the family tree or whose lines Minor 15 0/0/1 + 1 3
were weak in the beginning. The measure of the purity of Minor 20 0/0/1 + 1 4
the bloodline is identified by the character’s bloodline Minor 25 0/1/1 + 1 6
strength. Bloodlines are indications of more than sheer Major 30 0/1/1 + 1 8
power. The nature of the divine essence pervading a Major 35 0/1/2 + 1 10
character’s heritage is just as important as its strength.
Major 40 0/1/2 + 1 12
The derivation of the bloodline represents which of the
Major 45 1/1/2 + 1 15
ancient deities the character’s power stems from.
Great 50 1/1/2 + 1 18
Great 55 1/2/2 + 1 21
Bloodline generation Great 60 1/2/2 + 1* 24
The random generation of bloodline strength, derivation, Great 65 2/2/2 + 1* 27
and abilities presented in the BIRTHRIGHT ® rulebook may Great 70 2/2/2 + 1* 24
be used at the DM’s option. Random generation of char-
acter abilities, however, seems to counter the underlying Bloodline Derivation: The player should choose a blood-
theme of balance in the 3rd edition rules. This section line derivation that best fits her character’s history. Al-
describes an optional alternative to the random method though every race has blooded families of every deriva-
for generating bloodlines under 3rd edition rules. tion, the most common among Anuireans is the Anduiras
Bloodline Strength: A character with a high bloodline bloodline. The Brenna bloodline is also fairly common in
has access to abilities that are denied commoner charac- Anuire, particularly along the southern coast. Similarly,
ters. To maintain game balance, the character must buy the most common bloodline among the Brecht is Brenna,
their initial bloodline strength during character creation among the Khinasi is Basaia, among the Rjurik is Reynir,
using the points of their initial ability buy. Under second and among the Vos, goblins, and elves is Azrai. The Ma-
edition rules, commoner characters gained a 10% bonus sela and Vorynn bloodlines are fairly rare among all races.
to earned experience. Commoner characters do not gain a Bloodline Ability Acquisition: The number of blood abili-
10% bonus to earned experience in 3rd edition BIRT H- ties available to each character is determined by their
RIGHT . Instead, they will have slightly better attributes numeric bloodline strength on the bloodline strength
than blooded scions. Characters who choose to have table (above). Each character has access to a number of
exceptional bloodlines will have fewer exceptional ability minor, major, and great abilities based upon this score.
scores. Commoners must be naturally stronger, faster, or The player should chose abilities for their character of the
smarter to be considered peers with the blooded. appropriate derivation and strength. A player may al-
If these optional rules are being used, each character ways chosen an ability of lesser strength then they are
should receive an additional 4 points during ability buy. entitled to if they chose to do so, but no ability may be
Thus, in a standard campaign, each character has 32 (28 + chosen more than one per character. Many scions carry
4) points with which to buy abilities and bloodline a family bloodmark. Players may chose this minor ability
strength. The number of powers available to a character at no cost (this extra ability is denoted as +1 on the table,
is determined entirely by the bloodline strength purchase above). Characters with a bloodline of 60 or more must
(i.e. it is not rolled randomly). When creating a bloodline carry a family bloodmark. Abilities may be gained or lost
for a character, think about the character’s ancestors, if the character’s bloodline strength changes during play.
Blood abilities wilderness setting. Scions of the Masela derivation gain
10 ranks of Intuit Direction when at sea.
Scions of the ancient lines usually possess unusual tal- Enhanced Sense (Minor; Any): You are gifted with pow-
ents or powers associated with their derivations. These ers of perception beyond those of ordinary mortals. Sci-
blood abilities are supernatural and not subject to spell ons of Anduiras may detect evil, three times per day, as a
resistance or to being dispelled by dispel magic. These spell-like ability. Scions of Azrai gain Darkvision (as a
abilities can not be disrupted in combat, as spells can, dwarf). Scions of Basaia have the vision of a hawk; when
and generally do not provoke attacks of opportunity (ex- using any ranged weapon, they treat its range increment
cept as noted in their descriptions). However, blood as being increased by one-half (multiply by 1.5). Scions
abilities still do not function in areas where magic is sup- of Brenna gain Low-light vision (as an elf) and a +1 bo-
pressed or negated (such as an antimagic field). nus to Spot and Listen checks. Scions of Masela can see
Abilities that require no conversion are denoted un- or hear normally through any weather-related obscure-
changed. Refer to the BIRTHRIGHT ® rulebook for com- ment. Scions of Reynir gain the Track feat and a +2 bo-
plete descriptions of unchanged abilities. nus to Spot and Listen checks in wilderness settings;
Rangers gain a +4 bonus to their Wilderness Lore check
Minor abilities when tracking in wilderness settings. Scions of Vorynn
Alertness (Minor; Basaia, Brenna, Reynir, Azrai): You may use divination, once per day, as a spell-like ability.
possess an uncanny sense of your surroundings. The Healing (Minor; Anduiras, Basaia, Reynir): You are ca-
character gains the feats Skill Focus (Spot) and Skill Fo- pable of miraculous feats of healing. The character may
cus (Listen). cure light wounds, once per day, as a spell-like ability.
Animal Affinity (Minor; All): You have a natural affinity Heightened Ability is now considered a major ability.
for communicating with the totem animal of your deriva- Iron Will (Minor; Anduiras, Reynir, Azrai): You are
tion (Anduiras, lions and great cats; Basaia, eagles and tougher than ordinary. The scion gains the bonus feats
raptors; Brenna, domestic cats; Masela, dolphins and Endurance, Toughness, and Iron Will.
whales; Reynir, wolves; Vorynn, owls and nightbirds; Poison Sense (Minor; Azrai, Reynir): You have the su-
Azrai, serpents). As a minor ability, the scion has em- pernatural ability to sense rotten, soured, diseased, poi-
pathic communication to a range of 60 feet with the totem soned, or otherwise harmful substances near your per-
animal of the derivation son. The character automatically gains a Spot check
Blood History (Minor; Brenna, Masela, Vorynn): You can against a DC 10 to whenever approached by a substance
call upon the memories of your ancestors. Unchanged. harmful to them. Standard modifiers to Spot for distance
While invoking blood history the character is largely un- and distraction apply. In addition, the scion may detect
aware of his surroundings and is subject to attacks of poison, as a spell-like ability, at will.
opportunity. Resistance (Minor; All): You have supernatural resis-
Bloodmark (Minor; Any): You bear a visible, recogniz- tance to certain types of attacks or magic. Scions of An-
able sign of your special heritage. NPCs who recognize duiras gain a spell resistance of 10 against enchantment
the mark will react accordingly. magic. Scions of Azrai gain a spell resistance of 10
Courage (Minor; Anduiras): You are supernaturally cou- against necromantic magic and ability or level drain
rageous. The scion is immune to fear (magical or other- caused by exposure to necromancy or the undead. Sci-
wise) ons of Basaia gain endure elements (fire). Scions of
Detect Lie (Minor; Any except Azrai): You are capable of Brenna gain a spell resistance of 10 against slow, entan-
discerning if someone is deliberately and knowingly gle, hold, web, or other spells which attempt to magically
speaking a lie. One per day, the scion can concentrate to restrain the character. Masela’s children gain endure
discern lie. elements (electricity); additionally, they can hold their
Detect Illusion (Minor; Any except Anduiras): You are breath for twice as long as normal. Reynir’s descendants
rarely fooled by figments or phantasms. The character gain endure elements (cold); additionally, they go with-
gains +4 to all Will saves to disbelieve illusions. Fur- out food or withstand exposure to the elements for twice
thermore, the character immediately gains an automatic as long as normal. Scions of Vorynn gain a spell resis-
saving throw when encountering any illusionary figments tance of 8 against evocation magic.
or phantasms. Unreadable Thoughts (Minor; All): Magic can not be
Direction Sense (Minor; Masela, Reynir): You have an used to determine what you are feeling, thinking, or plan-
unerring sense of direction. Scions of the Reynir deriva- ning. Scions gain a spell resistance of 25 against all de-
tion gain 10 ranks of Intuit Direction when in a rural or vices and spells that detect or read emotion or thoughts.
Furthermore, the difficulty class of any Sense Motive
check against you receives a +5 bonus.
Major abilities beyond those of ordinary mortals. As a major ability, the
scion gains the minor abilities of the power as well as the
Alter Appearance (Major; Brenna, Vorynn, Azrai): You
following additional abilities. Scions of Anduiras may
may magically change your own appearance. The scion
detect evil, at will, as a spell-like ability. Scions of Azrai
gains the ability to cast the change self glamer, as a spell-
gain Faerie Sight (as a Cerilian halfling). Scions of Basaia
like ability, once per day.
can penetrate normal or magical darkness to a distance of
Animal Affinity (Major; All): You have a supernatural
60 feet for one turn per day by forth beams of fiery sun-
affinity for communicating with and commanding the to-
light from their eyes. If outdoors, a scion of Masela will
tem animal of your derivation. As a major ability, the
hear their name (as well as what is said about them) if it is
scion gains the minor abilities of the power as well as the
spoken outdoors within 10 miles. Scions of Vorynn’s
ability to speak with animals of the totem species at will.
divination ability may trigger automatically (~60%
Furthermore, members of the totem species regard the
chance) when the character is headed into unknown dan-
scion as a friend and ally and will cooperate with reason-
able requests to the best of their intelligence and ability.
Fear (Major; Azrai): You may install terror with a touch.
Battlewise (Major; Anduiras, Azrai): You led armies with
The scion can cause fear at DC 18, by touch, three times
supernatural effectiveness. Unchanged. Optional: The
a day. Furthermore, the scion gains a +2 bonus to Will
scion adds one point to the attack and defense ratings of
saves against any fear effect.
any unit that he commands personally.
Healing (Major; Anduiras, Basaia, Reynir): You are capa-
Character Reading (Major; Basaia, Brenna, Vorynn): You
ble of miraculous feats of healing. As a major ability, the
are an unnaturally perceptive judge of character. The
scion may cure moderate wounds and remove blind-
scion gains 10 bonus ranks of Sense Motive. If a scion
ness/deafness, remove disease or remove paralysis once
with this ability encounters one with Unreadable
per day.
Thoughts, the effects cancel out.
Heightened Ability (Major; All except Masela): You em-
Courage (Major; Anduiras): You are supernaturally cou-
body the cherished trait of your derivation. A character
rageous and inspire such courage in others nearby. The
with this trait receive a supernatural +1 to the ability
scion is immune to fear (magical or otherwise). Allies
modifier of an ability associated with their derivation:
within 10 feet gain a +4 morale bonus to Will saving
Strength: Anduiras; Dexterity: Brenna; Constitution:
throws against fear effects.
Reynir; Intelligence: Azrai, Basaia; Wisdom: Vorynn;
Divine Aura (Major; All except Brenna): You are sur-
Charisma: Anduiras, Azrai.
rounded by an intangible mantle of power and nobility.
Persuasion (Major; Azrai, Brenna): You can create argu-
NPCs will recognize the character as a scion and react
ments of extreme clarity and logic. Once per day the
accordingly. Furthermore, once per day, as a spell-like
scion may reinforce any reasonable argument or com-
ability, the scion may concentrate to awe nonblooded
mand with suggestion at DC 18.
creatures within close range (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels). Crea-
Protection from Evil (Major; All except Azrai): Your di-
tures who are subject to awe must make a Will save
vine essence wards you from evil. The scion is warded
against DC 13 or behave as if affected by enthrall.
with protection from evil.
Divine Wrath (Major; Anduiras, Basaia, Masela): You
Resistance (Major; All): You have supernatural resis-
are imbued with great strength when moved to anger.
tance to certain types of attacks or magic. Scions of An-
When the DM decides that the scion has been moved to
duiras gain a spell resistance of 15 against enchantment
unusually extreme anger the scion divine essence mani-
magic. Scions of Azrai gain a spell resistance of 15
fests involuntarily. When this ability is manifest, the
against necromantic magic and ability or level drain
scion temporarily gains +6 to Strength and a +3 bonus to
caused by exposure to necromancy or the undead. Sci-
all saves. Spells cast by the scion receive a +1/die bonus
ons of Basaia gain resist elements (fire). Scions of
to all variable numeric effects (but may not exceed the
Brenna gain a spell resistance of 15 against slow, entan-
normal maximum effect). In addition, the scion gains
gle, hold, web, or other spells which attempt to magically
damage reduction 1/- as a 11th level barbarian. Any en-
restrain the character. Masela’s children gain resist ele-
emy within short range who meets the scion’s gaze is
ments (electricity); additionally, they can breathe water
subject to Fear (DC 14). The divine wrath lasts one turn
freely as if effected by water breathing. Reynir’s de-
plus one round per level or until the battle is over, after
scendants gain resist elements (cold); additionally, they
which the scion is fatigued (-2 to Strength, -2 to Dexterity,
go without food or withstand exposure to the elements
can’t charge or run) the scions rests for at least eight
for four times as long as normal. Scions of Vorynn gain a
spell resistance of 13 against evocation magic.
Enhanced Sense (Major; Anduiras, Azrai, Basaia, Masela,
Vorynn): You are gifted with powers of perception far
Great abilities scion may cure serious wounds and neutralize poison
remove blindness/deafness, remove disease, or remove
Animal Affinity (Great; All): You have a supernatural
paralysis once per day.
affinity for communicating with, commanding, and taking
Regeneration (Great; Anduiras, Reynir, Azrai): You heal
the form of the totem animal of your derivation (Anduiras,
at an unnaturally rapid rate. The scion recovers 1 hit
lions and great cats; Basaia, eagles and raptors; Brenna,
point per hour. Unchanged.
domestic cats; Masela, dolphins and whales; Reynir,
Resistance (Major; All): You have supernatural resis-
wolves; Vorynn, owls and nightbirds; Azrai, serpents).
tance to certain types of attacks or magic. Scions of An-
As a great ability, the scion gains the minor and major
duiras gain a spell resistance of 20 against enchantment
abilities of the power as well as the ability to concentrate
magic. Scions of Azrai gain a spell resistance of 20
to establish an empathic link to any animal of the totem
against necromantic magic and ability or level drain
species within one mile. Animals of the totem species
caused by exposure to necromancy or the undead. Sci-
can be detected (and then communicated with) at the rate
ons of Basaia gain resist elements (fire) and additionally,
of one per round, starting from the nearest animal first.
may invoke protection from elements (fire) once per day
Animals of the totem species will obey any command and
as a spell-like ability. Scions of Brenna gain a spell resis-
will give their lives in service of the scion. Additionally,
tance of 20 against slow, entangle, hold, web, or other
once per day, the scion may wild shape (as a druid) into
spells which attempt to magically restrain the character.
an animal of their totem species. The scion’s animal form
Masela’s children gain resist elements (electricity) and
is constant: the species, size, and appearance of the
additionally, may invoke protection from elements (elec-
scion’s animal form is the always the same and should
tricity) once per day as a spell-like ability; they can also
generally parallel the scion’s own physical traits.
breathe water freely as if effected by water breathing.
Courage (Great; Anduiras): You are supernaturally cou-
Reynir’s descendants gain resist elements (cold) and
rageous and inspire such courage in all under your com-
additionally, may invoke protection from elements (cold)
mand. The scion is immune to fear (magical or otherwise).
once per day as a spell-like ability; additionally, they can
Allies within 10 feet gain a +6 morale bonus to Will sav-
go without food or withstand exposure to the elements
ing throws against fear effects. All military units under
almost indefinitely. Scions of Vorynn gain a spell resis-
your command automatically succeed morale checks
tance of 18 against evocation magic.
when you are on the field.
Shadow Form (Great; Brenna, Azrai): You can take the
Divine Aura (Great; All except Brenna): You are sur-
form of a living shadow. Unchanged.
rounded by an intangible mantle of great power and no-
Touch of Decay (Great; Azrai): You can destroy inanimate
bility. NPCs will recognize the character as a powerful
objects with a mere touch. Unchanged.
scion and react accordingly. Furthermore, once per day,
Travel (great): You may travel vast distances in moments.
as a spell-like ability, the scion may concentrate to simu l-
taneously awe all nonblooded creatures of 4 HD or less
within close range (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels). Nonhostile
creatures that are subject to awe must make a Will save
The effective caster level for blood abilities that emulate
against DC 18 or behave as if affected by hypnotic pat-
spell effects is the highest of:
tern. Hostile creatures that are subject to awe must make
• the scion’s level
a Will save against DC 18 or behave as if affected by fear.
• the level based upon the bloodline strength of the
Elemental Control (Great; Anduiras, Basaia, Masela,
caster (weak, 3rd; minor, 5th; major, 7th, great, 12th)
Reynir): You can command the elements associated with
• the minimum level required to cast the spell
your derivation (Anduiras, air; Basaia, fire; Masela, wa-
ter; Reynir, earth). Once per week, as a spell-like ability,
the scion may summon nature’s ally VI to bring one me-
dium-sized elemental of the appropriate type to their aid.
In addition, the scion receives one of the following spell-
like abilities depending on derivation. Scions of Andui-
ras may create a gust of wind up to three times per day.
Scions of Basaia may gain protection from elements (fire)
once per day. Scions of Reynir may meld into stone or
passwall once per day. Lastly, scions of Masela may
water walk up to three time per day.
Healing (Great; Anduiras, Basaia, Reynir): You are capa-
ble of miraculous feats of healing. As a major ability, the
Usurpation lease), commoners animals, and (rarely) objects. This pro-
cess continues until the entire essence is absorbed or no
When two scions meet and one dies, circumstances may
further beings capable of absorbing the essence remain
allow the slayer to gain part of the victim’s blooded
within the radius of the storm.
power. The excerpt below gives some startling details
If the receiver is a scion and the available unabsorbed
about the effects of bloodtheft
essence exceeds their bloodline strength then the
“As the body of the Sinister fell to the floor of the
strength of the available essence is reduced by the
cave, […] Britter Kalt was inundated with wild ener-
bloodline strength of the scion. As a result of this influx
gies that exploded from the collapsed body of the
of divine power, the scion’s bloodline strength increases
awnshegh. A shriek of agony echoed off the cave
by two points. The scion may have to defend her line
walls, louder than the crackling energy of the Sinis-
derivation from change to the derivation of the new
ter’s birthright emanations. I shielded my eyes for
bloodline [refer to the Book of Regency for official rules].
but a moment, and when I looked again, what I saw
If the receiver is a scion and the remaining essence is
turned my hair white and shook me to my very core.
less than their bloodline strength, but greater than half
Britter Kalt […] was changed […]” [from, the Va m-
of their bloodline strength then the scion absorbs the
pire, Blood Enemies: Abominations of Cerilia]
entire remaining essence and gains one point of bloodline
Britter Kalt gained much of the power of the Sinister
strength. The scion must defend their bloodline deriva-
when it was slain. The rules presented for bloodtheft in
tion only if the absorbed bloodline is of the Azrai deriva-
the BIRTHRIGHT ® rulebook, while simple, do not allow
tion [refer to the Book of Regency].
Dungeon Masters to reproduce events similar to this
If the receiver is a scion and the remaining essence is
event and others presented in the source material. Offi-
less that half of their bloodline strength then the scion
cial source material often contradicts or ignores the limi-
absorbs the entire essence but receives no benefit. The
tations of the core rulebook usurpation rules. Under the
scion’s bloodline derivation remains unchanged.
rulebook model, for instance, the Gorgon would have no
If the receiver is a commoner or animal then they have a
reason to cultivate and cull powerful bloodlines – his
percentage chance equal to the bloodline strength of the
ends would be better served by simply usurping as many
remaining essence to absorb a random amount (0-100%)
scions of minor bloodlines as he could lay claim to.
of the available essence as a new bloodline. Commoners
The following optional rules may be used to increase
who exemplify the attributes associated with the blood-
consistency between the published rules and the cam-
line’s derivation are more likely to absorb large percent-
paign source material. If these optional rules are used,
ages of the bloodline than those who do not.
they supercede the rules for bloodtheft presented in the
® In addition, if the victim of a violent death is a regent and
BIRTHRIGHT rulebook.
does not have an invested heir the killer also claims the
If a blooded character dies a violent death then the divine
victim’s regency points. There is no additional effect if
essence of the scion’s birthright is released in a burst
the victim is "last of their line".
with a radius of one foot per point of bloodline strength.
If a blooded character is slain by a Tighmaevril weapon
The strength and visibility of the effect depends upon
or as the result of another scion piercing the character
the bloodline strength of the victim. The release of a
through the heart then the divine essence passes (in its
weak bloodline may produce only a slight tingling per-
entirety) to the slayer. Apply the rules presented for ab-
ceptible to only those within the area of effect. The
sorbing the essence released during a violent repeatedly
passing of a scion of a minor bloodline will produce more
until the entire essence is absorbed. For example, if a
noticeable effects: crackling static discharge, gusts of
scion with a bloodline strength of 15 slays a scion with a
wind, etc. The violent death of a scion with a bloodline
bloodline strength of 40 by piercing the character
of major strength always results in a storm of crackling
through the heart then the slayer first absorbs 15 points
energy and violent winds. This storm of energy is exp o-
and increases their strength to 17 then absorbs 17 points
nentially more violent when a scion of a great bloodlines
and increases their strength to 19. As there are only 8
is slain. The effects associated with the passing of a
points of essence that remain unabsorbed (which is less
scion of a true bloodline may be visible for miles.
than half of 19) the character absorbs the remaining es-
When released by violent death, people, animals, and
sence with no further effect.
(rarely) objects in the immediate area absorb the divine
If a blooded character dies non-violently the divine es-
essence of the scion’s birthright. The strength of the
sence of their bloodline passes with them and returns to
available essence and the vitality of the associated visual
the gods.
effects as reduced as the essence is absorbed. The ef-
fects of this absorption are resolved in following order:
blooded scions (in order of proximity to the point of re-
Supportable action check: The supportable action check
Part II:
is generally 1d20 + Regency Points spent to support the
action by regents with holdings in the province or the
province ruler.
Opposable domain DC: The opposable domain DC of a
domain action is the base DC of the action + Regency
Points spent to oppose the action by regents with hold-
ings in the province or the province ruler.
Domain actions are unique to BIRTHRIGHT ® and do not Domain Initiative: Initiative for domain turns is deter-
directly depend upon the 2nd edition rules; the changes mined by 1d20 + character level. Improved initiative, Dex-
listed in this section are mostly cosmetic in nature and terity, and other modifiers to combat initiative do not ap-
deal with only the conversion to the Dungeon and Drag- ply.
ons d20 mechanic.
Domain Actions
Collecting regency points Actions that require no conversion are denoted un-
changed. Refer to the BIRTHRIGHT ® rulebook for com-
Some holdings provide Regency Points only for regents plete descriptions of these abilities.
of certain classes, as detailed below. Given the ease of Adventure: The character takes part in an adventure.
advancing in multiple classes several changes are neces- Unchanged.
sary to maintain game balance. Characters should use Agitate: Increases or decreases target province loyalty
the “Classes and Regency” table, below, to determine if one grade. Priest regents may do this once per turn as a
they can collect Regency Points from holdings of a cer- free action. Base Cost: 1 RP, 1 GB. Type: Domain
tain type. Characters who cannot collect Regency Points (Priests: Free), Realm. A regent with a holding can use
from certain holdings are still able to collect gold and his influence to agitate or stabilize the province’s loyalty
perform other actions with them. Characters with multiple towards its ruler. This action has a DC of 10 + the prov-
classes collect regency at the most favorable rates. ince rating + opposing law holdings + RP/GB spent to
oppose. The action check is 1d20 + the active regent’s
classes and regency holdings + supporting law holdings + RP/GB spent to
Feature Classes that Collect Regency oppose. If successful, this action changes the loyalty of
(* denoted 50% collection rate) the target province by one step. If the check exceeds the
Guild Rogue, Ranger, Bard* DC by 10 or more, the province loyalty changes up to two
Law Fighter, Paladin, Barbarian*, Ranger*, steps. As a domain action, this check must be made for
Rogue* each province affected. The base cost must be paid for
Source Sorcerer, Wizard each check. RP and GB spent to modify the DC and ac-
tion check must be paid separately for each province.
Temple Druid, Paladin, Priest, Monk*
Build: Builds roads, bridges, etc. Cost varies; 10 MP of
Province All
road costs 1 GB. Type: Free. This is a catch-all for con-
Trade Route Rogue
structing any unfortified structure including palaces,
bridges, roads, and so on. Build is an opposable domain
action with a supportable action check. The opposable
Domain actions domain DC has a base determined by the difficulty of
arranging the construction. Such arrangement is gener-
Domain actions are not automatically successful. Many
ally a simple action with a base DC of 5.
require a success roll: 1d20 is rolled and any bonuses to
Contest: Contests a holding or province; target provides
the roll are applied. If the roll exceeds the difficulty class
no gold or regency until Ruled. Base Cost: 1 RP. Type:
of the action the regent’s action succeeds. If the roll
Domain, Realm. A regent can neutralize another regent’s
fails, the action is wasted. Most domain checks allow all
holding by contesting his influence. This action has a
regents with holdings in the province to apply Regency
DC of 10 + target holding or province + RP spent to op-
Points to add to the difficulty of the task or to provide
pose. The action check is 1d20 + active regent’s holding
support to the task. The check is not made until the bid-
or province + RP spent to support.
ding process completes and all regents wish to spend no
Create Holding: Creates a holding (0) in an eligible
more Regency Points. Once the die is rolled, no kind of
province. Base Cost: 1 GB. Type: Domain. A regent
interference can change the outcome of the check.
wishing to establish a holding in a province where he has Fortify: Creates or enhances castle or fortifies a holding.
no holdings may create a holding (0). This action has a Base Cost: 1 RP. Type: Domain, Realm. Building strong-
DC of 10 + opposed holdings of same type + opposed holds in a domain is a good way to deter attack and tie up
province + RP spent to oppose. The action check is 1d20 enemy forces in a war. This check must be for each
+ supporting holdings of the same type + supporting province or holding undergoing fortification each domain
province + RP spent to support. turn. This is a supportable domain action check against
Declare War: Allows regent to move armies into foreign an opposable domain DC with a base of 2. A failed check
domains. Note that this does not necessarily represent indicates that no success was made that domain turn.
an official announcement of war to the enemy. This ac- Grant: Character dispenses largesse, titles, or patronage.
tion represents the significant personal effort involved in Variable effects and cost. Type: Free. A regent may be-
the planning and supplying of an army abroad. The stow promotions, gifts, or titles any time he chooses, but
character commanding the offensive army must take this loyalty may suffer if such actions are not in the best in-
action in order to move their armies through unfriendly terests of the domain. This is a standard domain action
territory. Unchanged. check against a standard domain DC with a base of 10 +
Decree: Issues a decree with several possible results. the number of GB given as gifts + one per noble title be-
Unchanged. stowed. If the action check fails corruption, intrigue, or
Diplomacy: Creates or breaks alliance, opens trade unrest may appear in the domain.
agreement, forces concessions, etc. Base Cost: 1 GB, 1 Hold Action: Delays action until later in the Action
RP. Type: Domain. Negotiations with other regents are a round. Unchanged.
full court affair designed to achieve a specific goal. The Investiture: Arranges transfer of domain, regency, or
base DC of this action depends upon the how difficult bloodline. Requires the use of a priest realm spell unless
the diplomatic goal is to achieve. A standard goal has a only guild or source holdings are involved (Book of
base DC of 10. This action has a DC of its base DC + the Priestcraft, pg. 76). Base Cost: Special. Type: Domain.
target regent’s capital province or holding + court penal- The ceremony of investiture allows regents to arrange
ties (+4 for a minimal court, +2 for a quaint court) + RP vassalage, transfer bloodlines and regency, or transfer
spent to oppose. The action check is 1d20 + the active part of one regent’s domain to another. No action check
regent’s capital province or holding + court bonuses (+3 is required if the both parties agree to the investiture. A
for an opulent court) + RP/GB spent to support. single province or holding may be invested without the
Disband: Character disbands army units or holdings. permission of its regent can only if the active regent has
Base Cost: None. Type: Free. A regent may attempt to successfully conquered or contested the province or
disband a mercenary unit without creating brigands. holdings. This is a supportable domain action check
This requires a supportable domain action check against against an opposable domain DC with a base of 10. In-
an opposable domain DC with a base of 5. vesting multiple provinces or holdings without the per-
Espionage: Reveals troop movements/ positions, investi- mission of its regent may only be accomplished if the
gates plots or intrigues, launches assassinations, etc. regent is alive and present at the ceremony. This is a
Rouge regents get one free Espionage action per turn.. supportable domain action check against an opposable
Base Cost: 1 GB. Type: Domain (Thief: Free). Espionage domain DC with a base of 10.
includes any kind of spying or covert action. This action Lieutenant: Creates a lieutenant for regent's domain.
can be performed even in provinces where the active re- Unchanged.
gent has no holdings. This action has a DC of 20 + op- Move Troops (by Land): Relocates troops within domain.
posed law holdings + RP/GB spent by the target regent to Troops can't enter unfriendly provinces (see Declare
oppose. The action check is 1d20 + the level of the target War). Unchanged.
province + supporting guild holdings + RP/GB spent by Move Troops (by Sea): Allows troops to board ships.
the active regent to support. If the action fails by 10 or Base Cost: 1 GB per unit to embark. Type: Free. Troops
more, the target learns the spy’s identity. must embark at a friendly coastal or river province of level
Finances: Character converts Gold Bars to/from personal 4 or higher. Troops may move along major rivers as long
wealth, takes out loan, or sells off assets. Unchanged. as one bank is friendly. Disembarking must take place in
Forge Ley Line: Creates a mystical conduit between two a friendly province unless the Declare War action has
provinces. Base Cost +1 GB and +1 RP per province been taken. This is a supportable domain action check
crossed. Type: Domain. Wizard and sorcerer regents against an opposable domain DC with a base of 6.
may use this action to create a magical link between two Muster Troops: Creates new army units. Cost varies with
provinces. This is a supportable domain action check unit type. Unchanged.
against an opposable domain DC with a base of 5. Ply Trade: Character uses personal skills to make a living.
Realm Spells: Priest or wizard regent casts realm spell.
Optional: Armies and warfare
Research: Priest or wizard performs spell research or cre- Regents often resort to warfare to settle their differences.
ates a magical item. Unchanged. Fighting a battle with BIRTHRIGHT ® War Cards is much
Rule (Holdings): Regent increases level of one or more faster (and sometimes more memorable!) than creating a
holdings. Base Cost: 1 GB per holding ruled, RP equal to role-playing scenario around the engagement. The War
the sum of the target holding levels. Type: Domain, Card system is nearly a game onto itself. With the excep-
Realm. A regent spends time and energy advancing the tion of a few minor details (such as spell name conversion
causes of his holdings. The DC for each holding is 10 + using the 3rd edition Dungeon and Dragons® Conversion
level of province, if opposed + opposed holdings of the Manual) the War Card system requires no conversion to
same type + RP spent to oppose. The action check is 3rd edition.
1d20 + the level of the province, if supporting + support- The new rules (in some cases, simple clarifications) pre-
ing levels of the same type + RP spent to support. sented in this section are highly optional and are not
Rule (Province): Regent increases level of one province.. necessary for a conversion to the 3rd edition rules. They
Base Cost: 1 GB and 1 RP per target level. Type: Domain. are, however, highly recommended. Converting to new
A regent spends time and energy advancing the prosper- War Card rules at the same time that you convert the core
ity of his provinces. This is a non-supportable domain rules may allow for greater campaign consistency than
action check against a non-opposable domain DC of 10. undertaking these tasks separately.
The maximum level of a province depends upon then ter- Many of the following ideas have been extrapolated from
rain type of the province (BIRTHRIGHT ® rulebook, pg. 96). the Sierra’s BIRTHRIGHT ®: The Gorgon’s Crown computer
Regency points can not be spent to support or oppose a game to create War Card battles similar to those in the
Rule (Province) action. This is an expensive action, and it CRPG.
often fails. Persistence is the key. Optional: Wizard re-
gents may spend RP to oppose a Rule (Province) action. Building an army
In this case, the active regent may expend RP only to A province ruler may muster armies in any province that
cancel the effect of opposing RP. he rules which has a high enough level to create units of
Trade Route: Regent creates a trade route. Base Cost: 1 the appropriate type. A province can not muster more
RP, 1 GB. Type: Domain, Realm. A regent who controls a units that its level in a single domain turn. If a province
guild holding can attempt to open a trade route. This is a in which units are mustering is invaded, the newly mu s-
supportable domain action against an opposable domain tered units may defend themselves, but have only one hit
DC with a base of 10 + guild or law holdings opposed + (regardless of their normal maximum).
RP spent to oppose. The action check is 1d20 + the ac- Any regent with a non-source holding (4) or better can
tive regent’s guild holdings + RP spent to support. Op- muster Archers, Infantry, Pikes, and Irregulars. Any
tional: Each domain turn, a trade route generates GBs character in any non-hostile province may muster merce-
(and RPs, for rouge regents) equal to the average of the nary armies. Permission by the province ruler is not nec-
two guild holdings that it links (not the average of the essary in either case; such a muster, however, may be
two province levels.) Highly optional: Trade routes be- interpreted as an act of insurrection. A declaration of war
gin with a rating of 0 and must be Ruled up to their maxi- is not necessary in order for a province ruler to “defend”
mum potential in the same manner as a guild holding. the province from units controlled by other regents. A
Training: Character trains for level advancement or gains wise regent will undertake the necessary diplomatic ac-
1 hp. Base Cost: Special. Type: Character. A character tions to obtain the necessary permissions from the prov-
can spend an action honing his skills. If any optional ince ruler before mustering units.
rules for training to gain new levels are in play, the char- Although Levy units have a muster cost of 0 GB it should
acter must spend a character action to do so. Characters be noted that they have an indirect cost. The mustering
may not generally gain skill ranks through training alone. of Levies reduces the effective province rating. Province
The DM may allow characters to train for hit points. Op- taxation for the next domain turn should take place at the
tional rule: A character who trains for hit points gain a hit lowest rating the province had during the previous do-
point after training only if they can successfully beat main turn.
their current hit point total on a roll using dice (and bo-
nuses) as if rolling hit points for a new character of their
spellcaster forfeits their normal attack by support a spell
casting action during a war round. Thus, a unit contain-
Castles and other fortifications ing a spellcaster may either may a normal attack or cast a
spell, but not both, in a single round of battle.
A castle forces any hostile army that enters its province
Coordinating a magical assault is difficult and time con-
to stop immediately. Enemy units can not pass through
suming. A unit containing a spell caster may only sup-
the province without conquering or neutralizing the cas-
port a spell once every three battle rounds. Thus, if a
tle. Fortified holdings are treated as castles in every re-
unit with a spellcaster casts a spell it requires two rounds
spect except that they do not have this effect on enemy
of normal action for the spell caster to prepare the unit to
movement. Thus, a fortified temple (4) is as difficult to
support another magical enhanced offensive. Units are
storm as a castle (4) and receives all associated benefits.
prepared to support a battle spell at the start of a stan-
Any fortification is difficult to take by storm. Such an
dard battle. Units who are surprised or otherwise taken
assault may not even be attempted without a unit of ar-
unaware may not be ready to support spellcasters imme-
tillerists or a character with the Knowledge (architecture
diately. A unit may contain multiple spell casters but may
and engineering) skill. Note, however, that the unit of
still only support one spell every three rounds. Rounds
artillerists need not take place in the assault, they may
in which a unit leaves or enters the reserves do not count
remain in the reserves during the battle. The support it
as a round of normal action. Furthermore, a unit may not
lends is in the direction and equipping of other troops. It
support a spell any round in which it starts in the re-
should also be noted that units within a fortification are
serves. It is recommend that, at the end of each round,
well protected and should be considered immune to most
you place two counters on any unit that has supported a
battlefield magic. Multiple enemy units may “enter” the
spell that round. Furthermore, at the end of each round,
castle during storm. Use the standard Birthright unit
remove a counter from any unit that did not support a
stacking rules inside a fortified space.
spell and did not enter or leave the reserves. A unit con-
taining spell casters that is free of counters is ready to
The battlefield support a battle spell.
No unit may enter an area on the battle map that is occu-
pied by another unit unless it is engaging that unit in
battle. If two units are engaged in battle, no further units
may enter the area. They only exception to this “no
stacking” rules is the stacking of units inside fortifica-
tions. Fortifications may contain a number of friendly
units up to, but not exceeding, the fortification level.
The adventure’s war card does not count as a unit and
may stack with any friendly unit. In general, at least four
adventures (and their retainers) must be available to form
an adventure’s card – this generally counts as a domain
action for each adventurer. Characters who are manning
spell wagons (casting battle magic) may not join the ad-
venture’s card. Except in extraordinary circumstances,
neither side should have access to more than one adven-
ture’s card.
The Profession (commander) skill may be used before
setting up the battlefield to force switch the roles of the
defender and the attacker. This skill has no further effect
on battle.
Part III: Gods and Erik (air-ick), the god of the woodlands, is true neutral.
His most commonly encountered title is the Old Father of
the Forests. His symbol is the oak tree. Erik is the
Cerilian Deities
Deity Alignment Domains Typical Worshipers
Avani, Goddess of the Sun Lawful Neutral Sun, Fire, Knowledge, Magic Khinasi, sages, scholars, teach-
ers, wizards, paladins
Erik, God of the Woodland True Neutral Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Animal, Rjurik, druids, rangers, hunters,
Plant barbarians
Haelyn, God of Noble War Lawful Good Good, Law, War Anuireans, kings, warriors, pala-
Belinik, God of Strife Chaotic Evil War, Chaos, Strength, Destruction Vos, evil fighters
Nesirie, Goddess of the Sea Chaotic Neutral Water, Healing, Good, Protection Masetians, sailors, fisherman,
female paladins
Sera, Goddess of Wealth Chaotic Neutral Luck, Trickery, Travel Brecht, merchants, rogues
Cuiraecen, God of Battle Chaotic Good War, Chaos, Strength, Air Young warriors, paladins
Eloele, Goddess of Night Chaotic Neutral Trickery, Moon, Chaos Rogues, thieves
Kriesha, Goddess of Winter Lawful Evil Cold, Death, Animal, Evil Vos
Laerme, Goddess of Beauty Chaotic Good Fire, Charm, Healing, Protection Bards, artisans, anyone in love
Ruornil, God of Magic True Neutral Moon, Magic, Knowledge Wizards
Moradin, God of Dwarves Lawful Good Earth, Good, Law, Protection Dwarves
either turn or rebuke undead, based upon alignment.
Intermediate deities Sera is associated with the domain of Luck, Trickery, and
Travel. Her favored weapon is the mace.
strengthen them as a people, for none but the strongest undead. His domains are Magic, Moon, and Knowledge.
survive the cold of a Vos winter. Kriesha plots. She His favored weapon is the quarterstaff.
teaches followers to nurse their hatreds, to launch their
attacks against their enemies only when they can destroy
everything their foe values. Kriesha is allied with Belinik
Nonhuman deities and powers
and shares with him the patronage of the Vos people.
Her plots are opposed by Avani, Laerme, Cuiraecen, Moradin
Haelyn, and (occasionally) her erstwhile ally Belinik. The god of dwarves, Moradin (moar-uh-din), is lawful
Kriesha isn’t openly worshiped outside of Vosguard, good. His titles include Soul Forger, Dwarf-father, the
although the Rjurik and Brechts know and fear her. All-Father, and the Creator. Moradin forged the first
Among the Vos, her priests are always women: they Dwarves out of metal and gems and breathed life into
command great influence in Vos society and use their them. He governs the arts and sciences of the dwarves:
powers to test the strength of the Vos warriors. Her wor- smithing, metal-working, engineering, and war. Dwarves
shipers may be of any nongood alignment. Clerics of don’t speak of their beliefs to nondwarves and hold their
Kriesha rebuke undead. She is associated with the do- religious observances in the sanctuary of their hidden
mains of Cold, Evil, Death, and Animal (monsters). Her fortresses. All dwarves refer Moradin, regardless of
favored weapon is the mace. alignment. Clerics of Moradin turn undead. The domains
he is associated with are Earth, Good, Law, and Protec-
Laerme tion. His favored weapon is the warhammer.
The goddess of warmth and passion, Laerme (lair-me), is
chaotic good. Laerme is the Goddess of Fire, Love and Kartathok
Beauty as well as the Patroness of the Arts. Her symbol Kartathok (Kar-ta-thok), the god of goblin-kind, is lawful
is a silver harp against a red flame. She is not jealous or evil. He known as the patron of goblin-kind and is the
vain, and freely rewards any that create beauty regardless head of an entire pantheon of goblin gods. His symbol is
of whether they worship her. However, Laerme can be the bloody axe. He wishes to see war waged for the glory
moved to heated anger by any who deny love or who of his people and urges them on to warfare and strife. He
delight in destroying things of beauty. Laerme serves her wishes to see his people destroy the surface races, but
mother, Avani, and his allied with her lover Cuiraecen. this is for the glory of war and strife, not for territory. He
She fights the influence of Belinik and Kriesha. Nearly encourages a strict hierarchy of strength in his followers.
every intelligent creature on the continent honors her at Kartathok’s clerics rebuke undead. It is believed that he
some time or another, whether they are aware of it or not. holds domain over War, Destruction, Strength, and Law.
Anyone who feels the stirrings of love in their heart pays His favored weapon is the axe.
tribute to Laerme. She accepts the worship of any of
nonevil alignment. Clerics of Laerme turn undead. Her
Powers of Darkness
domains are those of Charm, Fire, Healing, and Protec-
tion. When she must fight, she favors the shortbow. Many of the darker races have devoted themselves to the
service of chaotic evil demon lords. Torazan is the de-
Ruornil mon lord of the orogs. He is believed to hold dominion
over War, Earth, and Evil. Yeenoghu is the demon lord of
Ruornil (roo-or-nil), the god of magic, is true neutral. He the gnolls and ghouls; his symbol is the triple-headed
is known as the Moon God and the Silver Prince, as well flail, and has dominion over Chaos, War, Death, and Pro-
the Lord of Magic and the guardian of Mystic Places. tection. Kostchtchie, a demonic demi-power, acts as the
His symbol is a silver crescent moon on deep blue field. patron of ice giants; his symbol is the hammer, and he
Ruornil seems a distant, mysterious god. He has set grants power over Cold, Strength, Evil, and Destruction.
down no written words, does not communicate regularly The minotaurs have devoted themselves to the service of
with his followers, and seems aloof from the daily affairs the great demon lord Baphomet. Baphomet symbol is a
of Cerilia. He is husband to Sera and wife to Eloele but maze, and his favored domains are Animal, Chaos, and
his allies are Erik, Avani, and Nesirie. He is opposed to War. Shamans exist serving each of these powers, but
the new gods of the Vos, Belinik and Kriesha, and occa- they are rare.
sionally Cuiraecen. Ruornil accepts worshipers of any
alignment. Many of his priests advance as wizards or
magicians as well as clerics. The hour of the rising of the
moon is holy to his worshipers. Clerics of Ruornil turn
Cold Domain
Granted Power: Turn or destroy fire creatures as a good
Sidhelien spirituality cleric turns undead. Rebuke or command creatures of ice
The elves can call upon the forces inherent in wood and as an evil cleric rebukes undead. Use these abilities a
water, field and air, but have never worshiped deities. total number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma
They are aware that the gods of Deismaar existed and modifier.
that new gods descended from the deities destroyed in
that epic battle, but they do not pay homage to them. Cold Domain Spells
After their deception and betrayal by Azrai, the Sidhelien 1 Chill touch. 1 touch/level deals 1d6 damage and
have been adamant in their refusal to worship the modern possibly 1 Str damage.
human gods. To the elves, spiritual development is the 2 Resist Elements. Ignores 12 damage/round from cold
responsibility of the individual. The path that an elf takes only.
is a decision that only he or she can make. So strong is 3 Sleet Storm. Hampers vision and movement.
this belief that if an elf chooses to worship one of the 4 Ice Storm. Hail deals 5d6 damage in cylinder 40ft.
human gods, so be it. The only restriction placed upon across.
such rare individuals is that they not discuss their relig- 5 Wall of Ice. Ice plane creates wall with 15 hp +
ious ideologies within elven realms. 1/level, or hemisphere can trap creatures inside.
6 Cone of Cold. 1d6 cold damage/level.
7 Control Weather.* Changes weather in local area.
Cerilian clerical domains 8 Otiluke’s Freezing Sphere. Freezes water or deals
cold damage.
The domains of the Cerilian deities are not fully covered 9 Elemental Swarm.* Summons 2d4 Large, 1d4 Huge
by the domains presented in the PBH. The domains sug- elementals.
gested below should be considered optional. [Editor’s * Cast as a water/ice/cold spell only.
note: It is far too easy to create domains that are unbal-
anced. I have done my best to create domains that are Moon Domain
useful, but not inherently better than the domains pre-
sented in the PHB. The first two versions of this manual The moon is the symbol of light in the shadow. Ruornil
did not include the moon domain, as its balance was in and his daughter Eloele grant their followers the ability to
question. It has been included in this version due to confront the shadow world and those who derive their
popular demand. Use with care.] power from it.
Granted Power: You gain low-light vision.
Charm Domain Moon Domain Spells
Granted Power: You cast charm spells at +1 caster level. Detect Undead. Reveals undead within 60ft.
1 Moonbeam. Renders an undead target immobile. (As
Charm Domain Spells Halt Undead but with only one target.)
1 Sanctuary. Opponents can’t attack you and you 2 Moonshine. Outlines subjects with moonlight, can-
celing blur, concealment, etc. (As Faerie Fire.)
2 Charm Person or Animal. Makes one person or 3 Moonglow. Makes a permanent, heatless light
animal your friend. source. (As Continual Flame.)
3 Suggestion. Compels subject to follow 4 Cloak of the Moon. Subject resists level and ability
stated course of action. drains. (As Negative Plane Protection)
4 Emotion. Arouses strong emotion in subject. 5 The Moon’s Road. Up to eight subjects travel to the
5 Charm Monster. Makes monster believe it is your Shadow World. (As Plane shift.)
ally. 6 Moonbeams. Renders up to three undead immobile.
6 Dominate Person. Controls humanoid telepathically. (As Halt Undead.)
7 Mass Suggestion. As suggestion, plus one/level 7 Greater Moonbeam. Beam blinds and deals 3d6
subjects. damage. (As Sunbeam.)
8 Mass Charm. As charm monster, but all within 30 ft. 8 Greater Moonbeams. Beams blind all within 10ft.,
9 Dominate Monster. As dominate person, but any deals 3d6 damage. (As Sunburst.)
creature. 9 Greater Moon’s Road. Connects to the Shadow
World for travel or summoning. (As Gate.)
Realm spells Creating Magic items
The list of realm spells listed below presents the 3rd edi- Magical items are much more difficult to find (or make) in
tion school for each spell; spells that once belonged to Cerilia than in the default D&D game setting (Oerth).
multiple schools not belong to a single school. Regent characters, in particular, have access to vast
amounts of wealth and often have months of "free time".
Using the magical item creation rules presented in the
arcane realm spells DMG without modification is likely to cause a significant
change in game balance. It is recommended that the crea-
Spell Name Old New school
tion time, base price, and base XP cost for magical item
Alchemy Alt. Transmutation
creation be significantly increased. I recommend that
Death Plague Nec. Necromancy [Death] these values be increased ten-fold for the creation of po-
Demagogue E/C Enchantment (Compulsion) tions and scrolls and at least doubled for all other magical
[Mind-Affecting] items. In addition, it would not be inappropriate to re-
Dispel Realm Abj. Abjuration quire a successful Alchemy, Spellcraft, or Knowledge
Magic (Arcana) check against an appropriate DC to indicate
Legion of Nec. Necromancy [Evil] success
Mass De- I/E Evocation [Cold, Fire, Elec-
struction tricity, or Energy]
Raze I/E Evocation [Cold, Fire, Elec-
tricity, or Energy]
Scry Div. Divination
Stronghold C/S Conjuration (Creation)
Subversion E/C Enchantment (Compulsion)
Summoning C/S Conjuration (Summoning)
Transport Alt. Transmutation [Teleporta-
Warding Abj. Abjuration
Casting, Still Casting
of Cerilia
Challenge Rating: 19
Treasure: Quadruple standard or more
Alignment: Often neutral
This section presents standard 3rd edition statistic Advancement Range: 29-32 HD (Gargantuan)
blocks for monsters, awnsheghlien, and notable NPC
personalities presented in the basic BIRTHRIGHT ® box set.
The statistics shown below represents the rumored abili- Dragons are legendary creatures in Cerilia. Fewer than
ties of these figures and may not represent their actual two dozen have ever been known to exist, and only six
abilities. are known to be alive today. The dragons of Cerilia are
an ancient race, predating even elves and dwarves. They
Cerilian monsters once existed in great numbers, but now only a handful
live in the Drachenaur Mountains and in lands far across
the sea.
The dragons of Cerilia are all members of a single species;
Dragon, Cerilian (Old) they don't fall into the chromatic or metallic species of
other game worlds. They are long, serpentine creatures
Gargantuan Dragon
with short legs and a pair of great, leathery wings. Their
bellies are protected by thick folds of leathery skin; iron-
Hit Dice: 28d12 + 196 (378 hp)
hard scales protect the upper surfaces of the dragon’s
Initiative: +6 (Dex, Improved Initiative)
body and limbs. The range in color from a reddish rust-
Speed: 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor)
brown to an iron gray. Their bellies are usually paler than
AC: 33 (-3 size, +2 Dex, +24 natu-
their scales.
Each Cerilian dragon is a unique and highly intelligent
Attacks: Bite +35 melee, 2 claws +30
creature. Dragons speak their own tongue and are 50%
melee, 2 wings +30 melee, tail
likely to speak Sidhelien and Karamhul. No dragon has
slap +30 melee; or crush +35
been reported to speak the language of any of the
younger races.
Damage: Bite 4d6 + 12; claw 2d8 + 6;
Dragons preserve knowledge and lore older than man-
wing 2d6 + 6; tail slap 2d8 +
kind. Legends tell of dragon lore and sorcery unknown
18; crush 4d6 + 18
to men, and the brave and the foolhardy often seek out a
Face/Reach: 15 ft. by 40 ft./15 ft.
dragon's lair in search of knowledge or power. Dragons
Special Attacks: Breath Weapon, frightful
greatly dislike being troubled by intruders, however, and
presence, mesmerizing gaze,
view any non-dragons as dangerous vermin to be exter-
spells, spell-like abilities
minated if they venture too close to a dragon’s lair.
Special Qual ities: Damage reduction 10/+1, SR
24, blindsight, keen senses
Saves: Fort +28, Ref +18, Will +21
Abilities: Str 35, Dex 14, Con 25, Most dragons don’t care for physical encounters and
Int 20, Wis 20, Cha 20 prefer to use intimidation and spells before engaging in
Skills: Bluff +30, Concentration +35, combat. If they must fight, they prefer to fight on the
Diplomacy +30, Escape Artist wing, using breath weapons, flyby attacks, and magic to
+25, Intimidate +30, Jump +40, wear down their enemy. The remaining Cerilian dragons
Knowledge (arcana) + 35, are cautious. As a rule, they will have multiple pre-
Knowledge (history) +35, arranged defense strategies and routes of escape planed
Knowledge (any)(2) +30, Lis - for any engagement.
ten +35, Scry +30, Search +30, Breath Weapon (Su): The breath weapon of a Cerilian
Spellcraft +30, Spot +35 dragon is a stream of burning venom, combining the
Feats: Cleave, Great Cleave, Flyby worse properties of acid and fire. It affects a cone 60 feet
Attack, Improved Initiative, long once every 1d4 rounds as a standard action. Crea-
Power Attack, Quicken, Silent tures caught within the cone take 14d10 points of dam-
age. A successful Reflex save (DC 26) halves the dam-
Frightful Presence (Ex): Cerilian dragons unsettle their Forest Giant
foes with their mere presence whenever it attacks,
Huge Giant
charges, or flies overhead. Creatures with 24 or fewer Hit
Hit Dice: 16d8 + 64 (136 hp)
Dice (except other dragons) within 210 feet of the dragon
Initiative: -1 (Dex)
must succeed at a Will save (DC 29) to avoid this fear
Speed: 20 ft.
effect. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer HD become
AC: 16 (-2 size, +8 natural)
panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD
Attacks: Fist +17 melee
become shaken for 4d6 rounds.
Damage: Fist 2d6 + 10
Mesmerizing Gaze (Ex): Any creature who meets the
Face/Reach: 10 ft. by 5 ft./15 ft.
gaze of a dragon must make a Will save (DC 29) or be
Special Qual ities: Trackless step, woodland
paralyzed for 2d4 x 10 minutes. If a dragon wishes to
spend an entire round concentrating on a victim who has
Saves: Fort +16, Ref +4, Will +6
met its gaze, it can use the powers of feeblemind, geas, or
Abilities: Str 24, Dex 8, Con 18,
suggestion on the victim as a supernatural ability. Saving
Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 11
throws and SR do not apply to this effect.
Skills: Hide +10*, Knowledge (n a-
Spells: All known Cerilian dragons are powerful spell-
ture) +9, Wilderness Lore +10
casters, equivalent to sorcerers of 9th to 16th (1d8+8)
Feats: Alertness, Endurance, Great
level. However, dragons are able to use spells only from
Fortitude, Track
the schools of Abjuration, Conjuration, Divination, and
Climate/Terrain: Any forest
Transmutation. The save DC, where applicable, is 15 +
Organization: Solitary
spell level.
Challenge Rating: 9
Blindsight (Ex): The dragon can ascertain creatures by
Treasure: Standard
nonvisual means (mostly hearing and scent, but also by
Alignment: Usually neutral good
noticing vibration and other environmental clues) with a
Advancement Range: By character class
range of 210 feet.
Keen Senses (Ex): The dragon sees four times as well as
a human in low-light conditions and twice as well in nor-
The forest giants of Cerilia are found in the deepest re-
mal light. It also has darkvision with a range of 700 feet.
gions of Cerilia’s woodlands, far from human settlements.
They are peaceful creatures who guard the forest against
evil incursions and destructive logging or clearing.
The dragons are neutral in Cerilia's wars, preferring to be A forest giant is a huge (14’ tall), gnarled humanoid with
left alone in their high retreats in the Drachenaurs. Once rough wood-like skin, a great mass of dark leafy hair and
they warred incessantly among themselves, but for the a long beard, and long, root-like ringers and toes.
last few millennia, they have avoided fighting each other. Forest giants tend to be solitary, reclusive creatures who
No young dragons are known to exist on Cerilia; all Cer- aren't terribly interested in human affairs. They often
ilian dragons fall between the age categories of Old to send down roots and sleep for years at a time. They're
Great Wyrm. They are a vanishing race, and are aware of unlikely to attack humans unless the humans are tres-
the fact. passing in their territory or building settlements where
Dragons typically nap for twenty to thirty years at a time. they shouldn't be. Forest giants often aid adventures
When a dragon awakens, its first thought is food. Drag- that serve the cause of nature. They’re slow to anger,
ons won’t hesitate to raid nearby human and demi-human but they have no mercy for those who defile the wood-
settlements, but good dragons usually limit themselves to lands.
wild game if such is available. Forest giants are elemental creatures, closely tied to the
Dragons have memory of many things forgotten by other earth. They have abilities to travel through wilderness
races. Each dragon is the equivalent of a sage in several settings similar to druids. In addition, Forest giants have
areas of magical, natural, or extraplanar lore. Some drag- a racial bonus of +13 to Hide in forest settings.
ons have been known to share their knowledge with mo r-
tal supplicants but, as a rule, dragon lore comes couched Combat
in riddles and mystery.
In melee, forest giants strike with a single blow of their
mighty fist. Forest giants are vulnerable to fire and suffer
1 extra point of damage per die of damage rolled.
Spell-like abilities: Once per day – call woodland b e- Combat
ings, hold plant, hold monster, and wall of thorns. Once In melee, ice giants fight with any available weapon.
per 10 minutes – entangle. They are often wade into battle with clubs or spears
formed from the trunks of entire trees.
Ice shards (Su): Ice giants hurl gigantic iceballs that in-
flict 2d10 + 7 points of damage to their target. In addition,
Ice Giant everyone within 5-ft of the shattering iceball receives
Huge Giant 1d10 points of damage and must make a Fortitude save
Hit Dice: 15d8 + 60 (127 hp) against DC 17 or suffer the effects of a chill touch.
Initiative: +0 (Improved Initiative)
Speed: 30 ft. Spell-like abilities: Once per 10 minutes – fog cloud.
AC: 18 (-2 size, +10 natural) Once per day – wall of ice, ice storm, or cone of cold.
Attacks: Huge greatclub +16/11/6 me- Once per day an ice giant may summon a lesser planer
lee; ally (water/ice) without bargain for its service.
Ice shards +11 ranged Rime (Ex): Mere contact with an ice giant’s frozen body
Damage: Huge greatclub 2d6 +10; is equal to a chill touch spell.
Ice shards 2d10 + 7*
Face/Reach: 10 ft. by 5 ft./15 ft.
Special Attacks: Ice shards
Special Qual ities: Rime, spell-like abilities Goblin-kind, Cerilian
Saves: Fort +13, Ref +5, Will +5 Small Humanoid (Goblinoid)
Abilities: Str 24, Dex 10, Con 18, Hit Dice: 1d8 (4 hp)
Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 10 Initiative: +1 (Dex)
Skills: Climb +10, Listen +5, Spot +8 Speed: 20 ft.
Feats: Cleave, Great Cleave, Power AC: 15 (+1 size, +1 Dex, +2 leather,
Attack +1 shield)
Climate/Terrain: Any cold Attacks: Shortsword +1 melee; or
Organization: Solitary or family (2-5) shortbow +2 ranged
Challenge Rating: 11 Damage: Shortsword 1d6; shortbow
Treasure: Standard 1d6
Alignment: Usually Lawful Evil Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
Advancement Range: By character class Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft.
Saves: Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +0
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 13, Con 11,
The cold wastes of the northern mountains and glaciers Int 11, Wis 11, Cha 8
are home to Cerilia’s ice giants, a race of cruel and spite- Skills: Hide +6, Listen +3, Move
ful creatures. Ice giants are well-known danger of the Silently +5, Spot +3
north, for they are fond of launching raids into the sur- Feats: Alertness
rounding lands. Climate/Terrain: Temperate and warm land and
Ice giants are elemental creatures, closely tied to the underground
earth. They resemble 16’ tall frost giants in most ways, Organization: Gang (4-9), clan (10-100 gob-
but are sheathed in rime and jagged ice shards. They can lins), war band (10-24 goblins
not exist outside of areas covered with ice and snow; with worg mounts), tribe (40-
during the summer they are forced to retreat to the safety 400 goblins), or nation (by
of the pack ice and remain there. However, this does not province)
prevent them from dreaming of expanding their frozen Challenge Rating: ¼
domains. They await the onset of winter to leave their Treasure: Standard
frozen fortresses and raid the Vos, Rjurik, and Brechtur Alignment: Usually lawful evil
lands in northern Cerilia. In especially cold winters, they Advancement Range: 2 HD (Medium-size); 3 HD
have been known to attack the lands south of the Stone- (Large); and by character
crowns and the Silent Watch. class
Goblin-kind includes goblins, hobgoblins, and bugbears. Goblin clerics usually worship Kartathok, the lord of the
In fact, in Cerilia the term "goblin" refers to any one of goblins. It is believed that he holds domain over War,
these species, since they all are part of goblin society. Chaos, and Death.
The only real variations are in size and strength.
Goblins hold extensive realms, from Thurazor and Marka- Goblin Society
zor to the great khanate of Kal Kalathor. Goblins aren't Goblin society is loosely organized by tribes or clans. For
considered monsters, although no one would want them example, the kingdom of Kal Kalathor consists of no less
for neighbors. Their kingdoms are strong and stable than 37 distinct tribes. Most goblin kings are weak fig-
enough to stand as nations, with laws, borders, and ures, unable to control their contentious supporters;
courts. They engage in trade with the lands around them, however, from time to time a particularly powerful, intelli-
hire themselves out as mercenaries, and occasionally gent, and dangerous individual can forge an army from
strike deals with bordering lands. However, goblins are his squabbling subjects. Goblins states tend to be war-
short-tempered, avaricious, and violent; it's not a good like and aggressive, riding nearby land, hiring out as mer-
idea to trust one too far. cenaries, or demanding heavy tolls from passing mer-
Common goblins make up 50% of the goblin tribes. 30% chants.
of the population are larger (medium-sized; 2 HD) elite Goblins live by herding livestock, mining, selling their
warriors. Humans commonly refer a member of to this services as mercenaries, and raiding. They are slave-
subspecies as a hobgoblin. The largest goblins (Large; 3 holders, and the weak among them do most of the labor.
HD) are referred to as bugbears and make up about 20% Goblins rarely engage in farming, but they commonly
of the tribes. Goblin leaders make up about 5% of the tend livestock; leather, dried beef, and mining products
population and often have character classes. are their chief exports. Goblin society represses females,
Goblins domesticate wolves, and 2d4 wolves per 50 gob- who are expected to take care of most domestic tasks.
lins guard most goblin steadings. About 25% of such This includes supervising slaves and captives. Goblins
wolves are dire wolves; common goblins can ride these trade slaves between clans often, and frequently mount
creatures. raids in search of more captives.
Most goblins prefer to fight as skirmishers, slingers, or
archers. Hobgoblins and wolfriders often wear scale mail Orog
and favor axes, maces, or morning stars. [Medium-sized;
Medium-sized Humanoid
Hit Dice: 2d8 (9 hp); AC: 17 (+1 Dex, +4 scale, +2 shield);
Attacks: Morning star +1 melee, shortbow +2 ranged;
Hit Dice: 3d8 + 3 (16 hp)
Damage: Morning star 1d8; shortbow 1d6.]
Initiative: +0 (Dex)
Bugbears often wear banded or split mail and favor long-
Speed: 30 ft.
spears and other polearms. [Large; Hit Dice: 3d8 (13 hp);
AC: 18 (+6 banded mail, +2 shield)
AC 16 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +6 splint); Attacks: Longspear +2,
Attacks: Longsword, +6 melee; or light
melee; or shortbow +2 ranged); Damage: Longspear 1d8,
crossbow +3 ranged
shortbow 1d6.]
Damage: Longsword 1d8 + 3; or light
crossbow 1d8
Goblin Characters
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
Goblin leaders make up about 5% of the population and
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft.
can often have classes in the ranges shown below:
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +1
Abilities: Str 16, Dex 10, Con 12,
Fighter Cleric Wizard Rogue
Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 12
2 HD 1– 4 1-6 1-6 1-10
Skills: Climb +4, Listen +3, Ride +2
3 HD 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8
Spot + 6, Craft (Any) or In-
4 HD 3-10 1-4 1-3 -
timidate +2
Feats: Alertness
These leaders will have abilities and magical items appro-
Climate/Terrain: Temperate and warm land and
priate to their class and level. Ninety percent of classed
goblins are fighters, priests, and thieves; magicians are
Organization: Squad (4-16), war band (20-
extremely rare. Goblin scions are almost always leaders.
40), or tribe (40-240)
Challenge Rating: 1
Treasure: Standard Torazan is the demon lord of the orogs. He is rumored to
Alignment: Usually neutral evil hold dominion over War, Earth, and Evil
Advancement Range: By character class
Orog Society
In the distant past, orogs were surface dwellers who were
Orogs are a dangerous and cunning race of subterranean driven underground during a series of genocidal wars
miners and warriors that inhabit caverns and fortresses against the dwarves. An orog fortress, home to an entire
beneath Cerilia’s mountain ranges. The orogs consider tribe, is supported by gathering underground fungi and
all other races to be their enemies (especially the hated raising livestock, as well as extensive hunting and raiding
dwarves), and live in a state of perpetual warfare. The on the surface.
orogs are well-equipped, fierce fighters led by powerful Their dark fortresses and holds can be found concealed
shamans and spellcasters, but they’re almost helpless in in remote gorges or hidden in great underground caverns.
sunlight. In recent years the orogs have established several strong
Orogs stand taller than humans (6½’ tall) but have short, footholds on the surface. Their aversion to sunlight,
stocky legs. An orog has a thick, barrel-chested torso, however, makes daytime travel difficult. Tunnels are of-
long, powerful arms, and a somewhat apish face with a ten excavated to allow movement in the vicinity of an
short, snubbed muzzle and flat nostrils. The creature’s orog holding without emerging into the daylight.
skin is hairless and ranges from leathery gray to black.
Orogs are excellent metalworkers and commonly wear
heavy banded mail. Tribal colors are displayed proudly
on cloaks, surcoats, or standards. Despite their brutish
appearance, orogs are very intelligent and have a firm
grasp of tactics and strategy. Large Beast
Hit Dice: 5d10 + 20 (47 hp)
Combat Initiative: +1 (Dex)
Speed: 40 ft.
Orogs are very strong and prefer handheld or thrown
AC: 14 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +4 natural)
weapons. They favor axes, maces, polearms, and heavy
Attacks: Bite + 7 melee
longswords. Crossbows are also popular.
Damage: Bite 1d8 + 7
Orogs are nauseated and blinded by bright sunlight, and
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft.
suffer a –2 penalty to attack and saving throws in such
Special Qualities: Low-light vision 60 ft., Cold
conditions; even cloudy days give them a –1 penalty.
defenses, ignores terrain pen-
Orogs domesticate a fierce variety of giant lizard equal in
all respects to a subterranean lizard. Raiding parties that
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +1
need to move fast are often mounted on lizards, as are
Abilities: Str 20, Dex 13, Con 19,
leaders among larger war bands.
Int 2, Wis 10, Cha 12
Skills: Spot +5, Listen +2, Hide +2,
Orog Characters
Climb +6
The orogs view each and every member of their society Climate/Terrain: Cold plains, hills, and moun-
(male or female) as warriors. Military virtues are em- tains
braced by their society, and sheer strength is respected Organization: Solitary or brood (2-5)
as well. Orog are often well trained. Orogs generally Challenge Rating: 2
advance as Barbarians, Fighters, or Clerics. Roughly one Treasure: None
orog is ten advances as a 1st level fighter or priest. The Alignment: Always neutral
chieftain of a small tribe is often a fighter of 3rd level or Advancement Range: 5-7 HD (Large)
higher and is usually advised by a battle priest of 3rd
level or higher.
Scions are as common among the Orogs as they are Varsk are aggressive, white–furred giant lizards found in
among the dwarves. Due to their relatively shorter life- the cold wilderness of Vosgaard. These beasts have
span, however, Orog scions tend to have weaker blood- been domesticated by the Vos for use as battle-steeds.
lines than the scions of their hated foes. The weather and poor forage of lands make it difficult for
Orog battle-priests are extremely powerful and influential; Vos to keep horses but varsks are adapted to cold
entire tribes march at the words of the high battle priests. weather and can go for as long as two weeks with minimal
food. A varsk costs about 250 gp, although an out-
standing animal might fetch twice that price. They are DC 25) or cause him to fall dead (Fortitude save against
normally only available in Vosguard, since they don’t fare DC 23). If the victim meets the Gorgon’s gaze, the DC is
well in warmer climates and don’t get along well with increased by 2. Additionally, if the victim is within 10
horses or other domestic animals. feet, the DC is increased by 2. Kick (Ex): The Gorgon can
deliver a powerful kick to those foolish enough to stand
Combat behind him. This special attack is a free action, but it can
The varsk is not a subtle hunter. It relies primarily on its only be taken once per round and the Gorgon sacrifices
speed to bring down its prey. Varsks are well-adapted to his Dex bonus when performing this maneuver; Kick +30
moving over snow and ice, and ignore movement penal- melee (2d6 + 3). Weapon mastery (Ex): The Gorgon has
ties in such terrain. proficiency, has weapon focus, and has weapon speciali-
Cold defenses: The varsk ignores the first 5 points of cold zation with almost all known weapons.
damage each round. Possessions: Kingstopper (half-plate +5), A Gentle
Word (shield +5), Tighmaevril bastard sword +5.
Anuirean Awnsheghlien
Spells Prepared (4/5/5/5/5/4/4/3): DM’s choice
This section presents standard 3rd edition statistic The Seadrake: CR 16; Gargantuan Aberration (Awn-
blocks for the awnsheghlien presented in the basic sheghlien); HD 16d8 + 112; hp 184; Init: +2 (Dex);
BIRTHRIGHT box set. The statistics shown below repre- Spd: 15, swim 60; AC 21 (–3 size, +2 Dex, +12 natural);
sents their rumored (not necessarily actual) abilities. Atk: Bite +21 (6d6 + 12/crit. 19-20/x2 + swallow) and 2
flukes +16 (2d8 + 6); Face 10 ft. x 50 ft.; Reach 15 ft.; SA:
The Gorgon (Raesene), Lord of the Gorgon’s Crown, Crushing coils, swallow; SQ: Darkvision, ink cloud, re-
Black Prince of the first house of Andu, Azrai’s cham- generation, scion (Azrai, great, 80), bloodform (great),
pion: Male Awnsheghlien Fighter 16/Wizard 14; Size regeneration (great), major regeneration (great); AL N;
Large (Humanoid); HD 16d10 + 14d4 + 150 + 10 (regent); SV Fort +12, Ref +7, Will +12; Str 34, Dex 14, Con 24, Int
hp 314; Init: +6 (Dex, Imp. Init.); Spd: 20 ft.; AC 40 (+2 10, Wis 14, Cha 18. Length: 50 ft.
Dex, -1 size , +10 natural, +7 Half-plate, +2 Shield, +10 Skills and Feats: Appraise +5, Intimidate +9, Sense
deflection); Atk: bastard sword +36/31/26/21/16 (1d10 + Motive +7, Spot +7,.
14/crit. 17-20/x2, bastard sword +5); SA Gaze attack, kick, Special Attacks: Crushing coils (Ex): The Seadrake can
weapon mastery; SQ Damage reduction 20/+2, immune to wrap his length around any ship with a deck width of 20ft
gaze attacks, darkvision, scion (Azrai, true, 100+), alert- or less and crush it. This attack deals 1d8 + 18 points of
ness (minor), bloodform (great), divine aura (great), damage to the ship’s hull at every point where his coils
heightened ability (great), long life (great), poison sense wrap. Most ships will snap after only a round to two of
(minor), regeneration (great), major regeneration (great); such treatment. Swallow (Ex): On a critical hit with his
SR 20; AL LE; SV Fort +19, Ref +11, Will +18; Str 24, Dex bite attack, the victim must make a Reflex save against a
15, Con 21, Int 19, Wis 18, Cha 18. DC of 18 or been swallowed. The Seadrake may swallow
Skills and Feats: Bluff +9, Climb +17, Concentration up to six man-sized creatures. Swallowed victims must
+20, Diplomacy +14, Gather Information +19, Handle make a Fort save against its powerful stomach bile (DC
Animal +14, Intimidate +20, Jump +17, Knowledge (ar- 18) each round or die. Victims may escape from the
cana) +14, Knowledge (architecture and engineering) +14, Seadrake’s stomach by inflicting 20 points of damage to
Knowledge (geography) +10, Knowledge (history) +14, Armor Class 15 with small slashing weapons; there is no
Knowledge (nobility) +14, Knowledge (religion) +10, Lis- room to wield weapons of medium-size or larger and blunt
ten +16, Profession (commander) +24, Ride +12, Sense or piercing weapons will not provide an escape.
Motive +12, Scry +14, Spellcraft +14, Spot +20; Blind- Special Qualities: Ink cloud (Ex): The Seadrake can spit
fight, Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Endurance, Exper- an ink cloud from under his flukes to assist his escape.
tise, Great Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical The ink acts as a darkness spell with a 50-foot radius
(Bastard Sword), Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative, underwater; it is ineffective above water. Regeneration
Leadership, Mobility, Mounted Combat, Power Attack, (Su): The Seadrake regenerates 2 hp per round while his
Quick Draw, Ride-by Attack, Spirited Charge, Spring At- wounds are underwater. If wound is exposed to the air
tack, Sunder, Trample, Whirlwind Attack, Craft Won- for more than 3 rounds, it must heal normally. If reduced
drous Item, Forge Ring, Still Casting. to –10 hit points, the Seadrake dies.
Special Attacks: Gaze attack (Su): By taking one round
to concentrate on an opponent, the Gorgon can either The Spider: CR 10; Large Aberration (Goblin Awnshegh-
cause his target to turn to stone (Fortitude save against lien); HD 13d8 + 39 + 10 (regent); hp 108; Init: +5 (Dex);
Spd: 40 ft.; AC 22 carapace (–1 size, +5 Dex, +8 natural),
16 underbelly (–1 size, +5 Dex, +2 natural); Atk: Bite +13 focus (longbow), Weapon Specialization (longbow),
(2d6 + 4), 2 claws +8 (1d6 + 2); Face 5 ft. x 10 ft.; Reach 5 Whirlwind attack.
ft.; SA: Jump, poison, web; SQ: Darkvision, spittle, re- Special Attacks: Energy Arrows (Su): Rhuobhe does
generation, scion (Azrai, true, 95), animal affinity (spiders- not use normal arrows, for he can summon bolts of en-
great), bloodform (great), invulnerability (great), long life ergy from the air. Rhuobhe’s bolts count as +5 en-
(great), regeneration (great), major regeneration (great); chanted weapons for the purpose of hitting creatures
AL CE; SV Fort +7, Ref +9, Will +7; Str 19, Dex 20, Con with immunities to normal weapons. When these arrows
16, Int 11, Wis 8, Cha 14. Height: 7 ft., Length: 7 ft. hit, the victim must make a Fortitude save (DC 20) or re-
Skills and Feats: Climb +15, Hide +15, Listen +1, ceive an additional 1d6 points of energy damage.
Knowledge (riddles) +5, Move Silently +10, Spot +14. Special Qualities: True seeing (Su): Rhoubhe’s sensi-
Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Expertise, Improved Trip. tive eyes act as though affected by a permanent true see-
Special Attacks: Jump (Ex): The spider can jump up to ing. However, his eyes can not tolerate bright light; he
30 feet in the air and land on a target 50 feet away with a attacks with a –4 penalty in highly illuminated areas. No
successful attack roll. This is not a tactic that it uses arcane spell failure (Ex): Rhoubhe can cast spells in any
very often in combat, but is valuable for ambush or es- army without suffering from arcane spell failure.
cape. Poison (Ex): Bite, Fortitude save (DC 16); initial and Possessions: Winged Death (mighty (+4) composite
secondary damage of 2d4 temporary Con damage. Web longbow +4), Heartspiller (bastard sword +4), Glaive-
(Ex): The spider can string a web trail behind it or spin an breaker (elven half-plate +4), Anger’s Turning (shield +3).
intricate web. The web can cover an area 40x40x40 feet Spells Known (cast 6/7/7/7/6/4): DM’s choice.
and holds creatures as the web spell. The web cannot be
burned away, but dissolve after a day or two.
Special Qualities: Spittle (Ex): Ranged touch attack
Notable Personalities
against three opponents in a 10 feet radius. Victims must This section presents standard 3rd edition statistic
make a Fortitude save (DC 18) or be blind for 1d6 x 10 blocks for the NPCs presented in the basic BIRTHRIGHT ®
minutes. Regeneration (Su): The spider regenerates at box set’s Ruins of Empire. The statistics shown below
the rate of 1 hp per round. It can even regenerate from represents the rumored abilities of these notable figures
damage that takes it below –10 hit points. There is no and may not represent their actual abilities.
known method to permanently slay the Spider.
Caliedhe Dosiere, Imperial Chamberlain of Anuire:
Rhuobhe Manslayer, Lord of Rhuobhe, Master of the Male Anuirean Fighter 8/Wizard 12; Size Medium (Hu-
Gheallie Sidhe: Male Awnsheghlien Elven Fighter manoid); HD 8d10 + 12d4 + 20 + 10 (regent); hp 118; Init:
11/Sorceror 10; Size Medium (Humanoid); HD 11d10 + +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Imp. Init.); Spd: 30 ft.; AC 22 (+2 Dex bo-
10d4 + 42 + 10 (regent); hp 137; Init: +4 (Dex); Spd: 40 ft.; nus, +10 deflection); Atk: longsword +19/14/9 melee
AC 30 (+4 Dex, +7 elven half-plate, +2 Shield, +7 deflec- (1d8+6/ crit 19-20/x2, longsword +4); SQ Scion (Anduiras,
tion); Atk: Heartspiller +27/22/17/12 melee (1d10 + 11/crit. great, 64), detect lie (minor), divine aura (major), enhanced
19-20/x2, bastard sword +4); Winged Death +24/19/14/9 sense (major), resistance (major); SR 15 (enchantment);
ranged (1d8 + 8/crit. 20/x3, longbow +4). SA Energy ar- AL LG; SV Fort +15, Ref +12, Will +17; Str 10, Dex 14, Con
rows; SQ Damage reduction 30/+3, invulnerable to a r- 13, Int 19, Wis 17, Cha 15.
rows, elven resistances, low-light vision, true seeing, no Skills and Feats: Concentration +6, Craft (calligraphy)
arcane spell failure, scion (Azrai, true, 95), alertness (mi- +9, Craft (painting) +9, Diplomacy +16, Gather Information
nor), bloodform (major), enhanced sense (major), fear +7, Handle Animal +7, Knowledge (arcana) +9, Knowl-
(major), regeneration (minor); SR 17; AL NE; SV Fort +12, edge (architecture & engineering) + 9, Knowledge (geog-
Ref +10, Will +12; Str 24, Dex 18, Con 15, Int 18, Wis 14, raphy) +9, Knowledge (history) +14, Knowledge (nobility
Cha 17. Height: 7 ft. and royalty) +19, Knowledge (religion) +8,Profession
Skills and Feats: Appraise +5, Balance +5, Concentra- (administrator) +13, Profession (commander) +8,Ride +7,
tion +15, Climb +10, Diplomacy +5, Handle Animal +8, Scry +14, Sense Motive +13, Spellcraft +14, Spot +8, Swim
Hide +10, Intuit Direction +5, Jump + 10, Knowledge (ar- +3; Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Endurance, Extend
cana) +14, Knowledge (history) +5, Knowledge (nature) Spell, Heighten Spell, Improved Initiative, Leadership,
+10, Listen +6, Move Silently +14, Ride +9, Scry +9, Mounted Combat, Ride-by Attack, Scribe Scroll, Spell
Search +6 (true seeing), Spellcraft +14, Spot +11, Swim Mastery (2), Spell Penetration, Spirited Charge, Weapon
+10, Wilderness Lore +14; Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Ex- Focus (longsword), Weapon Specialization (longsword).
otic Weapon Proficiency (bastard sword), Expertise, Far Possessions: Thronegard (longsword +4), signet ring of
Shot, Mobility, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Anuire, ring of office (+4 enchantment bonus to armor
Shot, Shot on the Run, Spring Attack, Track, Weapon class and saving throws), bracers of armor +6.
Spells Prepared (5/6/6/6/5/5/4): DM’s choice. The Shaemes Lavalier: Male Anuirean Ranger 7; Size Me-
chamberlain is a diviner; his opposed school is rumored dium (Humanoid); HD 7d10 + 14; hp 58; Init: +3 (Dex);
to be the school of conjuration. The imperial chamberlain Spd: 30ft.; AC 17 (+3 Dex, +2 leather, +2 deflection); Atk:
has complete access to the imperial college of sorcery shortspear +18/13 melee (1d8 + 12/ crit. 19-20/x3, short-
and thus potential access to every spell every catalogued spear +5); SQ Scion (Reynir, minor, 20), animal affinity
by Anuire. (major); AL CG; SV Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +3; Str 20, Dex
16, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 9.
Aeric Boeruine, Archduke of Boeruine: Male Anuirean Skills and Feats: Climb +10, Gather Information +4,
Fighter 12; Size Medium (Humanoid); HD 12d10 + 24 + 10 Hide +13, Listen +8, Move Silently +13, Sense Motive +6,
(regent); hp 110; Init: +2 (Dex); Spd: 30 ft.; AC 25 (+1 Dex, Spot +8, Wilderness Lore +6; Alertness, Combat Reflexes,
+8 full plate, +4 deflection, +2 shield); Atk: bastard sword Endurance, Track, Weapon Focus (shortspear).
+19/14/9 melee (1d10+9/ crit 17-20/x2, bastard sword +4); Special Attack : Favored Enemies (gobliniods, giants).
SQ Scion (Anduiras, major, 60), bloodmark (streak of red Possessions: Heartreaver (Tighmaevril shortspear +5),
hair), battlewise (major), divine aura (major), resistance leather armor +2. Shaemes is also rumored to possess
(great); SW –6 armor check penalty; SR 20 (enchant- boots of speed.
ment); AL LN; SV Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +5; Str 17, Dex 15, Spells Prepared (0/2): DM’s choice.
Con 15, Int 15, Wis 13, Cha 16.
Skills and Feats: Diplomacy +11, Handle Animal +8, Tedodor Profiev: Male Vos Paladin (Haelyn) 8; Size Me-
Intimidate +6, Ride +12, Sense Motive +6, dium (Humanoid); HD 8d10 + 16; hp 68; Init: +2 (Dex);
Knowledge (architecture & engineering) + 10, Knowledge Spd: 20ft.; AC 18 (+2 Dex, +4 scale, +2 deflection); Atk:
(nobility and royalty) +12, Profession (commander) +9; greatsword +16/11 melee (2d6 + 9/ crit. 17-20/x2,
Cleave, Dodge, Endurance, Exotic Weapon (bastard greatsword +3); shortbow +12/7 ranged (1d6 +4/ x3,
sword), Great Cleave, Leadership, Mounted Combat, Im- mighty comp. shortbow, arrows +2); SQ: Scion (Azrai,
proved Critical (bastard sword), Power Attack, Ride-By major, 24), alertness (minor), resistance (major); SR 15
Attack, Spirited Charge, Weapon Focus (bastard sword), against necromantic magic or level drain; AL LG; SV Fort
Weapon Specialization (bastard sword). +11, Ref +7, Will +7; Str 19, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 14,
Possessions: Kingsbane (bastard sword +4), Full plate + Cha 17.
4, Shield (lg., steel, MW). Skills and Feats: Craft (armorsmithing) +5, Craft (bow-
making) +5, Craft (weaponsmithing) +5, Gather Informa-
Darien Avan, Prince of Avanil: Male Anuirean Fighter tion +5, Handle Animal +8, Knowledge (religion) +7, Lis-
9/Ranger 1; Size Medium (Humanoid); HD 9d10 + 9 + 10 ten +4, Ride +9, Spot +4, Wilderness Lore +7; Cleave,
(regent); hp 85; Init: +4 (Dex); Spd: 30ft.; AC 23 (+4 Dex, Imp. Critical (greatsword), Power Attack, Weapon Focus
+4 elven chain shirt, +5 deflection); Atk: longsword +14/9 (greatsword).
melee (1d8+8/crit. 17-20/x2, longsword +4), shortsword Possessions: Awnshegh’s Doom (greatsword +3), scale
+12 melee (1d6+4/ crit. 19-20/x2, short sword +3); SQ armor +2, 20 arrows +2.
Scion (Anduiras, great, 70), animal affinity (major), Spells Prepared (0/2/1): DM’s choice.
bloodmark (dragon birthmark on face), persuasion (ma-
jor), elemental control (great), regeneration (great); AL Guilder Kalien, Count of Endier: Male Brecht Half-elf
LN; SV Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +3; Str 15, Dex 18, Con 13, Int Rogue 5; Size Medium (Humanoid); HD 5d6 + 5 + 10 (re-
16, Wis 12, Cha 17. gent); hp 35; Init: +4 (Dex); Spd: 30ft.; AC 20 (+4 Dex, +6
Skills and Feats: Diplomacy +12, Gather Information +8, deflection); Atk: shortsword +8 melee (1d6 + 5/ crit. 19-
Handle Animal +5, Innuendo +5, Ride +5, Sense Motive 20/x2, shortsword +4); SQ: Scion (Brenna, major, 30),
+8, Spot +6, Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +13, Pro- shadow form (great); AL NE; SV Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +2;
fession (commander) +11; Ambidexterity, Combat Re- Str 13, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 16.
flexes, Dodge, Expertise, Improved Critical (longsword), Skills and Feats: Appraise +11, Bluff +11, Diplomacy
Leadership, Mobility, Spring Attack, Track, Two-weapon +13, Escape Artist +6, Forgery +7, Gather Information
Fighting, Weapon Focus (longsword), Weapon Speciali- +13, Hide +5, Innuendo +9, Intimidate +5, Knowledge
zation (longsword), Whirlwind Attack. (geography) +5, Knowledge (nobility) +5, Listen +10,
Special Attack : Favored Enemy (gobliniods): +1 to Move Silently +5, Open Lock +6, Profession (administra-
damage and Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Wil- tor) +9, Read Lips +8, Sense Motive +9, Spot +4. Skill
derness Lore checks vs. favored enemy. Focus (Diplomacy), Skill Focus (Gather Information).
Possessions: Scalebiter (longsword +4), Heartseeker Possessions: The Diplomat (shortsword +4), bracers of
(short sword +3), elven chain +5. armor +6.
The Wizard: Female Human Wizard 10; Size Medium shirt, +2 shield); Atk: longsword +8 melee (1d8 + 2/ crit.
(Humanoid); HD 10d4 + 10 + 10 (regent); hp 51; Init: +2 19-20/x2, longsword); SQ: Scion (Basaia, major, 37), ani-
(Dex); Spd: 30ft.; AC 18 (+2 Dex, +6 deflection); Atk: mal affinity (major), enhanced sense (major); AL LN; SV
quarterstaff +6 melee (1d6 + 1/ crit. 20/x2, quarterstaff +2); Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +8; Str 14, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 13,
SQ: Scion (Vorynn, great, 45 + 15), alter features (major), Wis 16, Cha 18.
enhanced senses (major), travel (great); AL CE; SV Fort Skills and Feats: Diplomacy +8, Gather Information +6,
+4, Ref +5, Will +8; Str 8, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 18, Wis 12, Handle Animal +7, Heal +7, Knowledge (nobility) +5,
Cha 8. Knowledge (religion) +5, Profession (commander) +7,
Skills and Feats: Concentration +14, Disguise +4, Ride +7; Improved Initiative, Mounted Combat, Weapon
Gather Information +4, Knowledge (arcana) + 14, Knowl- Focus (longsword).
edge (geography) +9, Knowledge (history) +9, Knowl- Possessions: longsword, chain shirt, shield.
edge (nobility) +9, Scry +12, Spellcraft +17; Combat Spells Prepared (0/1): DM’s choice.
Casting, Empower Spell, Quicken Spell, Scribe Scroll, Si-
lence Spell, Spell Mastery (2), Still Spell. Grimm Graybeard, King of Baruk-Azhik: Male Dwarf
Possessions: Calamity (quarterstaff +2, +15 bloodline Fighter 5/Cleric (Moradin) 5; Size Medium (Humanoid);
strength (Vorynn), acts as staff of thunder and lightning, HD 5d10 + 5d8 + 40 + 10 (regent); hp 109; Init: +0; Spd:
ring of ley use, and amulet of proof against location and 15ft.; AC 18 (+8 full plate); Atk: greataxe +18/13 melee
detection), bracers of armor +6. (1d12 + 14/ crit. 17-20/x3, greataxe +3); SQ: Scion (Andui-
Spells Prepared (4/5/5/4/4/2): DM’s choice. ras, major, 38), battlewise (minor), courage (great); AL LG;
SV Fort +12, Ref +2, Will +8; Str 22, Dex 10, Con 18, Int 14,
Tie’skar Graecher, King of Thurazor: Male Goblin Wis 17, Cha 14.
Fighter 7; Size Small (Humanoid); HD 1d8 + 7d10 + 16 + 3 Skills and Feats: Craft (armorsmithing) +10, Craft
(toughness) + 10 (regent); hp 76; Init: +4 (Improved Initia- (blacksmithing) +4, Craft (weaponsmithing) +12, Diplo-
tive); Spd: 15ft.; AC 17 (+7 half-plate); Atk: shortsword macy +8, Heal +5, Knowledge (Religion) +10, Spellcraft
+12 melee (1d6 + 7/ crit. 19-20/x2, shortsword +2); SQ: +6; Cleave, Great Cleave, Imp. Critical (greataxe), Leader-
Scion (Azrai, major, 22), fear (major), poison sense (mi- ship, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (greataxe), Weapon
nor); AL LE; SV Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +3; Str 15, Dex 10, Specialization (greataxe).
Con 14, Int 15, Wis 9, Cha 12. Possessions: Orogbane (greataxe +3, acts as Tigh-
Skills and Feats: Alchemy +9, Bluff +5, Diplomacy +5, maevril against blooded orogs), full plate.
Intimidate +3, Hide +5, Knowledge (nobility) +4, Listen Spells Prepared (6/5/4/3): DM’s choice. Domains:
+4, Move Silently +4, Spot +4; Alertness, Improved Initia- Earth, Law.
tive, Iron Will, Quick Draw, Toughness, Weapon Focus
(shortsword), Weapon Specialization (shortsword).
Possessions: Fleshrender (shortsword +2).