Final Booko Word
Final Booko Word
Final Booko Word
I express my profound sense of gratitude and respect to all those who helped us in
various stages of the development of this project. First, I would like to express my
sincere gratitude indebtedness to the DAVIET for permitting me to undertake project
in their prestigious institute and allowing me to undergo the summer training of six
weeks at O7 Services (ISO 9001:2015certified company), Jalandhar.
Secondly, I pay my sincere thanks and gratitude to all the Staff Members of O7
Services who are giving me their immense support in completing the project. The
atmosphere provided is full of gaining more and more knowledge and to keep
enthusiastic nature. The teachers provide a lot of help in resolving my doubts and
making this project successful in shorter time.
Lastly, I would also like to thank my parents and friends who help me a lot in
finishing the project in limited time.
I am making this project not only for marks but also to increase my knowledge.
Thanks again to all who are helping me in completion of this project.
1 Company Profile
2 Abstract
3 Introduction
4 Technology
5 Software
6 Modules
7 Project Explanation
10 Bibliography
Apart from this, O7 Services also provides 6 Weeks/ 6 Months Industrial Training, Project
Based Training, Corporate Training and Job Oriented Courses Training to the students on all
major IT Trends like-
Fullstack Development (MEAN/ MERN), Flutter, Kotlin, Android, Swift IOS, Firebase,
Python, Angular, React Js, Vue Js, Node Js, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Laravel,
CodeIgniter, Software Testing, Cloud Computing, Blockchain, Data Science, Artificial
Intelligence, Machine Learning, IoT, UI/ UX Designing, Digital Marketing, WordPress,
Linux, CCNA, CCNP, CCNA Security, Network Security, MCSE, MCITP, Java, Spring,
Hibernate, C/C++, Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, CorelDraw etc.
• The goal for developing of the project entitled as “bookOrix – e-commerce Website” was
to create a responsive website for selling & buying books and to develop community for
book readers. This project has been developed on REACT (Front-End) and NODE.js with
MongoDB (Back-End). This was done in order to get better understanding of the skills
that are needed in the area of website design and development through MERN Stack
development. There were many things that were taken in order to submit a successful
project such as Market Research, identifying audience with their interest etc. This project
made with REACT and NODE.js, so it’s a dynamic website and perform different types
of dynamic database operations. Single-Page-Application approach as Server sends only
one HTML page therefore REACT takes over and controls the UI. We just used
JavaScript through React.js to change what's visible on the screen. And that often leads to
a smoother UI and a better user experience. This project deals with the user side as well
as server side the main goal of this website is to extend the customer satisfaction by
catering easy user-friendly interface and “Our Mission is to Provide A Place To Feel
Good, Whenever A Reader Visits”.
● Existing System
Currently, Websites like amazon and flipkart are not particular websites for selling or
buying books, they have other categories also with which they deals with. And talking
about “Publishing” websites displays their content on their websites but use third party to
sell their books. And there is no book’s website that includes community for book readers
and everything that a book reader looks for.
Our “bookOrix” Website is designed to be a one-stop platform used by book readers and
Admin. Each user has different perspective towards the website, depends on the needs in
terms of their roles in the website. We aim to offer them huge collection of books in
category of Fiction, Non-fiction, Biographies, History, Religions, Self-Help, Children.
We also sell in vast collection of Investments and Management, Computers, Engineering,
Medical, College and School text references books proposed by different institutes as
syllabus across the country. Besides to this, We also offer a collection of free E-Books
and Notes. We attempt to extend the customer satisfaction by catering easy user-friendly
search engine, quick and user-friendly order options. We have Explore section and
Community support in our website. Upside to all of this, we are disposed to provide
exciting offers and pleasant discounts on the books. As well, we humbly invite all the
sellers around the country to partner with us.
Technology Used
Full stack development refers to the development of both front end (client side) and back end
(server side) portions of web application. Full stack web developers have the ability to design
complete web application and websites. This website is designed and developed using React
and Node.js which is MERN Stack.
Front end: It is the visible part of website or web application which is responsible
for user experience. The user and admin directly interacts with the front end portion of
the web application or website. It includes:-
1 React.js: React is a declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user
interfaces. React.JS is an open-source, component-based front end library responsible only
for the view layer of the application. It is maintained by Facebook.
2 HTML: HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. It is used to design the front
end portion of web pages using markup language. HTML is the combination of Hypertext
and Markup language. Hypertext defines the link between the web pages.
3 CSS: Cascading Style Sheets is a simply designed language intended to simplify the
process of making web pages presentable. CSS allows you to apply styles to web pages.
4 JavaScript: JavaScript is a famous scripting language used to create the magic on the
sites to make the site interactive for the user. It is used to enhancing the functionality of a
website to running cool games and web-based software.
5 Bootstrap: Bootstrap is a free and open-source tool collection for creating responsive
websites and web applications. It is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
framework for developing responsive, mobile-first web sites.
Back end: It refers to the server-side development of web application or website with a
primary focus on how the website works. It is responsible for managing the database through
queries and APIs by client-side commands. This type of website mainly consists of three parts
front end, back end, and database. It includes:-
1 JavaScript: Javascript can be used as both (front end and back end) programming
2 Node.js: Node.js is an open source and cross-platform runtime environment for
executing JavaScript code outside of a browser. You need to remember that We often use
Node.js for building back-end services like APIs like Web App or Mobile App..
3 Back End Framework: Express.js
4 MongoDB: The most popular NoSQL database, is an open source document-oriented
database. It means that MongoDB isn’t based on the table-like relational database
structure but provides an altogether different mechanism for storage and retrieval of data.
5 Postman: Postman is an API platform for building and using APIs. Postman simplifies
each step of the API lifecycle and streamlines collaboration so you can create better APIs
Software Used
Visual Studio Code :
It is “a free-editor that helps the programmer write code, helps in debugging and corrects the
code using the intelli-sense method ”. In normal terms, it facilitates users to write the code in
an easy manner. Many people say that it is half of an IDE and an editor, but the decision is up
to the coders. Any program/software that we see or use works on the code that runs in the
background. Traditionally coding was used to do in the traditional editors or even in the basic
editors like notepad! These editors used to provide basic support to the coders. Some of them
were so basic that it was very difficult in writing basic English level programs in them. As
time went by, some programming languages needed a specific framework and support for
further coding and development it, which was not possible using these editors. VI Editor,
Sublime Text Editor, is one of the many kinds of editors that came into existence. The most
prominent and which supports almost every coding language is VISUAL STUDIO CODE. Its
features let the user modify the editor as per the usage, which means the user is able to
download the libraries from the internet and integrate it with the code as per his requirements.
There are various modules associate with project. There are two modules user and admin. These
modules are working in their specific area to lead and complete the project.
User Panel:
1. Register and Login: The user can login to the website to access its roles if they want
to buy books, view their orders and to add notes. They can login into the site with their
email and password. If they are new to website they can first register themselves by
entering name, email and password then login.
2. Get to know books recommendations: Here user can view all the books
recommendations provided by the website and can buy books from those
3. View all the books: In this functionality user can view all books that are listed by the
4. Make and View the Orders: After viewing books user can place an order too by
giving their address and can view status of their orders too.
5. Join Community Support: One way is to know what is happening in bookOrix a user
can follow us on the social handles. But a user can become a part of the community
through joining a discord link which is mentioned in the website.
6. View & Perform fun Activities: A user can view and even perform fun activities in
the explore section like quiz, blogs and books accessories.
7. Add and view the free-books & notes: A user can view free e-books and notes
added by other users and themselves they can also add their books and notes too.
8. Sign up for the newsletter: For monthly newsletter a user can Sign Up for it. By
enter their email and name and gender in the website.
9. Logout: Logout option will make user unable to access its specific roles.
● Admin Panel:
1. Login: The Admin login activity contains email and password text field and login button
for login process to access its roles.
3. Manage fun Activities: Admin can manage which activities to list out or to add new
ones, like blogs, book accessories and different quizzes according to public interests.
5. Manage orders and notes: This is almost similar as the above one but the difference
is here we are dealing with orders and notes. So with orders we can manage order as
confirm, placed and shipped status and with notes to accept, reject and edit it into the
6. Logout: Logout option will make sure that now no longer admin access its role with
website. To access again admin have to login again
Project Explanation
Home Page: This is a main page of our website which includes
Header : Header have “website name” then “nav-bar” having five more links to other pages
like Home, Books, Explore, About and Login.
Slideshow: In the beginning of home page we have automated fade slideshow of the new
Sections: We have five more sections in the homepage that includes recommendation about
different categories of books that are trending.
Footer: At the last, we have footer section which includes the signup for the website
newsletter and different links about the website, address of the company, social handles etc.
Books Page: includes list of books listed by the admin which user can view. As the
user friendly interface for quick, user can search of the book with the help of search
engine. And user can view all the books and can buy any book which they want by
clicking on “Buy Book”.
Sign-Up and Login page: In order to buy a book if user is not logged-In, first they
have to login, or if they are new user they have to register then login through sign-up
page by filling all the details.
Order Page: Then by clicking to buy now they render new page where they have to
enter their address after that their order will get placed.
• My Orders Page: User can view their all orders and status of their orders too.
Explore Page: This page of our website is special or we say this makes our website
more unique then other websites because its different sections as follows. In the 1st
section basically gives the overview of the page that what it includes.
In the 2nd section it includes fun activity like different types of quizzes related to books like
In the 3rd section there are trendy book accessories suggestions for the book readers.
In the 4th section there are blogs which changes according to the trend.
In the 6th section we have free e-books and notes which user can view or download.
So as we have seen in the 6th section, we have free e-books and notes that user can add
themselves by filling the details.
About page: This page includes information and aim about our company and how
user can become part of our community.
There is discord link for the community support. Where people can join our community
and work with us. That is basically community for book readers
Admin Login page: So login in into the admin panel, admin have to login with
their email and password.
Admin homepage: With correct credential admin will land to home page of
admin panel. Where they can see total number of categories, books, order and notes.
egory page: This page have dropdown within navbar link, so current we are at show
category where admin can view all the categories.
Add Category Page: By clicking on add category from dropdown will render us to this
page. Where admin can add new category with name and image.
Edit Category Page: By clicking on edit category from dropdown will render us to this
page. Where admin can edit existing category with name and image then click to update
Show Books Page: By clicking on add category from dropdown will render us to this
page. Where admin can add new category with name and image.
Add Product Page: Clicking on add book from dropdown will render us to this page.
Where admin can add new book with name, image, author, price, category and donate option.
Edit Book Page: By clicking on edit book from dropdown will render us to this page.
Where admin can edit existing book with name, image, author, price, category and donate
option then click to update button.
Orders Page: By clicking on Orders from Header will render us to this page. Where
admin view all the order and can update the status like shipped or confirmed orders. And from
dropdown can view shipped orders and new orders.
All Notes Page: By clicking on Notes from Header will render us to this page. Where
admin have the option to approve or not approve the notes that actually uploaded by the user.
Taking about logistic requirements such as Market Research, identifying audience with
their interest, know modern designs, modern marketing etc
effort to get better and adapt to the industry by adding new stuff with time to time or to
introduce new products with the time. Sure, you have to make your book website
beautiful, and, therefore comply with the latest web design fashion trends sometimes,
but not at the expense of helpfulness and clarity.
We plan to inculcate certain extra features into the website such as In future-