Tex Ref

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AUCTEX Reference Card

(for version 11.86)

Multile Handling
Save Document Switch to master le or active buer Query for a master le C-c C-d C-c ^ C-c

Math Mode
All math mode commands are under the prex key specied by LaTeX-math-abbrev-prex, default is . You can dene your own math mode commands by setting the variable LaTeX-math-list before loading LaTeX-math-mode.

Conventions Used
Carriage Return or C-m Tabular or C-i Linefeed or C-j RET TAB LFD

Command Insertion
Insert Section a Insert L TEX environment Insert item Insert item (alias) a Close L TEX environment Insert TEX macro \{} Insert double brace Complete TEX macro Smart quote Smart dollar C-c C-s C-c C-e C-c LFD M-RET C-c ] C-c C-m C-c { M-TAB " $

Shell Interaction
Run a command on the master le Run a command on the buer Run a command on the region Fix the region Kill job Recenter output buer a Next error in TEX/L TEX session Toggle debug of bad boxes Toggle debug of warnings View output le C-c C-c C-c C-c C-c C-c C-c C-c C-c C-c C-c C-b C-r C-t C-r C-k C-l C-t C-b C-t C-w C-v

Greek Letters

(\alpha) (\beta) (\gamma) (\delta) (\epsilon) (\zeta) (\eta) (\theta) (\kappa) (\lambda) (\mu) (\nu) (\xi) (\pi) (\rho) (\sigma) (\tau) a b g d e z h j k l m n x p r s t

Font Selection
Insert bold text Insert italics text Insert roman text Insert emphasized text Insert typewriter text Insert slanted text Insert Small Caps text Delete font Replace font C-c C-c C-c C-c C-c C-c C-c C-c C-u C-f C-f C-f C-f C-f C-f C-f C-f C-c C-b C-i C-r C-e C-t C-s C-c C-d C-f key

Commands you can run on the master le (with C-c C-c) or the region (with C-c C-r) include the following (starred versions are not available in all modes): TEX a L TEX ConTEXt (once) ConTEXt Full Makeinfo Makeinfo with HTML output Appropriate previewer Print the output BibTEX MakeIndex LaCheck Make (PostScript) File Ispell Delete intermediate les Delete all output les les *TeX *LaTeX *ConTeXt *ConTeXt Full *Makeinfo *Makeinfo HTML View Print BibTeX Index Check File Spell Clean Clean All

(\upsilon) (\phi) (\chi) (\psi) (\omega) (\Delta) (\Gamma) (\Theta) (\Lambda) (\Xi) (\Pi) (\Sigma) (\Upsilon) (\Phi) (\Psi) (\Omega)

u f q y w D G Q L X P S U F Y W

x (\rightarrow) (\leftarrow) (\uparrow) (\downarrow) (\leq) (\geq) (\tilde) (\nabla) (\infty) (\forall) (\exists) (\not) (\in) (\times) (\cdot) (\subset) (\supset) (\subseteq) C-f C-b C-p C-n < > ~ N I A E / i * . { } [ \ (\supseteq) (\emptyset) (\setminus) (\cup) (\cap) (\langle) (\rangle) (\exp) (\sin) (\cos) (\sup) (\inf) (\det) (\lim) (\tan) (\hat) (\vee) (\wedge) ] 0 \ + ( ) C-e C-s C-c C-^ C-_ C-d C-l C-t ^ | &

Source Formatting
Indent current line Indent next line Format Format Format Format a paragraph a region a section an environment TAB LFD M-q C-c C-q C-r C-c C-q C-s C-c C-q C-e C-c . C-c * C-c ; C-c %

TEXing options
TEX runs can come in various types, which may be toggled and are indicated in the mode line. PDF/DVI mode Stop on errors (Interactive mode) I/O correlation (S. Specials, SyncTEX) C-c C-t C-p C-c C-t C-i C-c C-t C-s

Mark an environment Mark a section Comment or uncomment region Comment or uncomment paragraph

Read AUCTEX manual Math Mode Reset Buer Reset AUCTEX C-c C-c C-c C-u TAB ~ C-n C-c C-n

Copyright c 1987, 1992, 1993, 2004, 2005, 2008, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. for AUCT X version 11.86 E Permission is granted to make and distribute copies of this card provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies.

exp sin cos sup inf det lim tan x

cal letters c letter

preview-latex is part of AUCTEX. If it is active, you should a see an entry Preview in the menu bar when editing L TEX les. If you have a LaTeX, but no Preview menu, add the following to your .emacs le: (load "preview-latex.el" nil t t)

a Customization from LTEX Customization is done in the document preamble (you need to load preview.sty explicitly) or in prauctex.cfg (which should load the system prauctex.cfg rst). Commands: Preview macro \PreviewMacro[{ args }]{ macro } Preview env \PreviewEnvironment[{ args }]{ env } Skip macro \PreviewMacro*[{ args }]{ macro } Skip env \PreviewEnvironment*[{ args }]{ env } Diverting material from oat environments Snarf stu \PreviewSnarfEnvironment[{ args }]{ env } Values to be used within args : Optional argument [] Mandatory argument {} Optional star * Conditionals ? token { if found }{ if not found } Skip next token Transformation #{ macro args }{ replacement } More options and explanations can be found in preview.dvi or the Texinfo manual.

RefTeX is part of [X]Emacs. To activate and make it interact with AUCTeX, insert the following lines in .emacs. (add-hook latex-mode-hook turn-on-reftex) (add-hook LaTeX-mode-hook turn-on-reftex) (setq reftex-plug-into-auctex t)

Table of Contents
The table of contents is a structured view of the entire document. It contains the sections, and optionally labels, index entries, and le boundaries. Show the table of contents1 C-c = Recenter *toc* buer to here1 C-c -

Usage and keybindings

preview-latex operation only aects the display of the buer, not its contents. It runs only on demand, using the target dvi or PDF les in the process. The rst command in the following list (also on the toolbar button) will (as applicable) repreview an active region or a single modied preview, toggle the visibility of an unmodied preview or generate previews for a surrounding buer area up to the next preview. Preview at point Preview environment Preview region Preview buer Preview document Remove previews at point Remove previews from region Remove previews from buer Remove previews from document Cache preamble Switch o preamble cache Read Texinfo manual Copy region as MML C-c C-c C-c C-c C-c C-c C-c C-c C-c C-c C-c C-c C-c C-p C-p C-p C-p C-p C-p C-p C-p C-p C-p C-p C-p C-p C-p C-e C-r C-b C-d C-c C-c C-c C-c C-f C-c TAB C-w

Crossreferences, Citations, Index

Insert unique label1 Reference a label1 Insert citation with key selection . . . prompt for optional arguments Index word at point with default macro Insert an index entry Add word to index phrases Visit index phrases buer Compile and display index View cross reference1 View cross reference with mouse View cross reference from BibTeX le C-c ( C-c ) C-c [ C-u C-c [ C-c / C-c < C-c \ C-c | C-c > C-c & S-mouse-2 C-c &

Folding Source Display

Toggle folding mode Hide all items in buer Hide all items in region Hide all items in paragraph Hide current macro Hide current environment Show all items in buer Show all items in region Show all items in paragraph Show current item Hide or show current item C-c C-c C-c C-c C-c C-c C-c C-c C-c C-c C-c C-o C-o C-o C-o C-o C-o C-o C-o C-o C-o C-o C-f C-b C-r C-p C-m C-e b r p i C-o

C-d C-r C-b C-d C-f

Standard keys in special buers

RefTeXs special buers have many active keys. The common ones are: Display summary of active keys ? Select this item RET Rescan the document r Display location in other window SPC Follow mode f

The last keysequence will copy a region with previews into the kill buer in a form t for sending in Emacs message-mode.

Outlining TEX Documents

AUCTEX supports outline mode by dening section, subsection, etc. as heading levels. You can use M-x outline-minormode RET to toggle outline minor mode. All outline minor mode commands are under the prex key specied by outline-minormode-prex, default is C-c @. Hide all of buer except headings Show all text in buer Hide body following this heading Show body following this heading Hide subtree Show subtree All subheadings visible next visible heading previous visible heading forward to next subheading backward to next subheading up one heading level C-c C-c C-c C-c C-c C-c C-c C-c C-c C-c C-c C-c @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ C-t C-a C-c C-e C-d C-s C-k C-n C-p C-f C-b C-u

Customization within Emacs

You can use M-x customize-variable RET or the Preview/ Customize menu for customization. Worthwhile settings: If you have dvipng available: Set to dvipng

Multile actions
Since RefTeX scans the entire (multile) document, it can provide commands that act on all les of a document. Check the Ref->Global Actions menu for these commands.

To tell reftex about your own macro denitions, customize the variables reftex-label-alist reftex-section-lecels reftex-index-macros reftex-cite-format
1 An argument of C-u triggers a document scan rst.


Keep counter values when regenerating single previews: Set to t preview-preserve-counters Cache/Dont cache preamble without query (preamble caching is done using mylatex.ltx and might not always work. Use the appropriate key sequences for overriding the following setting): Set to t/nil preview-auto-cache-preamble

This can be necessary if le content and RefTeXs knowledge are no longer consistent.

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