Marketing Planning and Its Types

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Volume: 03 Issue: 05 | May 2022 ISSN: 2660-454X

Marketing Planning and its Types

Mr. Sc. Dafina Vlahna Abstract: Enterprises during their development, have applied
different concepts in their business, depending on the time,
conditions and opportunities. The very understanding of the
marketing concept is one of the most relevant dimensions in the
enterprise business. To properly understand the key concept of
Received 16thMar 2022, marketing, it must be emphasized that the activities of the
Accepted 19thApr 2022, enterprise have a beginning and an end to the consumer. The
Online 25thMay 2022
enterprise through marketing identifies needs and requirements,
Student in Master studies in Financial Law, analyses and follows them until they are met. According to the
University of Pristina "Hasan Prishtina", marketing concept, the focus of all enterprise commitments is the
Pristina, Kosovo market, respectively the consumer. The company will not be
successful in its business, if it does not carry out research, market
research for the market and the consumer in advance. In today's
conditions of technical-technological development and high level
of developmental perfection it is possible to produce everything.
A special problem is where and how the products and services
will be placed. Undoubtedly, marketing has its primary role and
function for solving this problem.
Keywords: Marketing, types of marketing, market, consumer.

Marketing starts its activities in the market and ends in the market. Initial marketing activities are related
to market research and research, identifying competition and finding customers. Using relevant
information, decisions are made: what to produce, at what cost, for which market and for what time? The
company must not work with conjectures and base judgments that must be drawn in support of
information coming from the market and the consumer. If we work without this data, the company will be
destroyed very quickly because it is not clear what the market, the consumer wants and how the

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competition works. Through information, the preparations of the offer are stable, for the benefit of the
customers but also in the service of the realization of the objectives of the enterprise.
Remaining satisfied customer with what they bought, I will not forget other times to buy the same or
similar types of products or services because it has created satisfaction, conviction and confidence in the
values previously purchased. It is not important for the consumer to buy only once, but for the enterprise
it is beneficial for him to be a regular and loyal buyer for a longer time. To this end, experts, marketing
specialists or businessmen themselves monitor the state of market demand to be able to make the
necessary and dictated changes in the quality and prosperity of supply.
During the formulation of the paper, methods were used which helped me to finalize this paper.
Therefore, I emphasize that the primary method was that of research, as I had to do a research on the
topic that I address, which topic is exactly research. Above all, I can emphasize that the comparative
method of the writers' opinions on the research is used, as well as the descriptive method. Since through
research and scientific methods it has been attempted to highlight the characteristics of the topic about
research and therefore these methods are used in the formulation of the paper.
I. Understanding Marketing
Marketing is the study and management of exchange relationships. [1] Marketing is the business process
of building satisfying customer relationships.[2] With its customer focus, marketing is one of the key
components of business management.[3] Marketing is defined by the American Marketing Association as
"the activity, group of institutions and processes for creating, communicating, distributing and
exchanging offers that have value to customers, clients, partners and society at large." [4] The term
developed from the original meaning which refers literally to going to market with goods for sale. From a
sales process engineering perspective, marketing is "a set of processes that are interrelated and
interdependent with other functions" of a business that aims to achieve customer interest and satisfaction.
[5] Philip Kotler defines marketing as satisfying needs and desires through an exchange process. The
Chartered Institute of Marketing defines marketing as "the management process responsible for
identifying, forecasting, and meeting the demands of profitable customers." [6] A similar concept is
value-based marketing, which defines the role of marketing to contribute to increasing shareholder value.
In this context, marketing can be defined as "the management process that seeks to maximize returns to
shareholders by developing relationships with valued customers and creating a competitive advantage."
[7] The practice of marketing was commonly seen as a creative industry in the past, which included
advertising, distribution, and sales. However, because academic marketing studies make extensive use of
the social sciences, psychology, sociology, mathematics, economics, anthropology, and neuroscience, the
profession is now widely recognized as a science allowing numerous universities to offer Master of
Science (MSc). The marketing process is that of bringing a product to market, which includes the
following steps: extensive market research; market targeting and market segmentation; defining
distribution, pricing and promotion strategies; developing a communication strategy; budgeting; and
visioning the long-term goals of market development. Many parts of the marketing process (e.g. product
design, art director, brand management, advertising, copywriting, etc.)
I.1. Definition of Marketing

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The notion of marketing summarizes the business philosophy of the enterprise, institution or individual
which is characterized by concentration, respectively focus on the consumer, expressed through the
constant and harmonious effort of the whole enterprise in the process of meeting the needs and desires of
the consumer and self-realization of objectives. of the enterprise. [8] The concept of marketing is the
philosophy according to which the goals of profit of the enterprise can be best achieved through
recognizing the wishes and needs of target groups of customers and meeting those needs through
interrelated activities and commitments of all structures and levels. of enterprise organization. [9] In
1954, Peter Drucker, very clearly emphasized the role of marketing for the success of the enterprise. Even
today his concept on marketing has undeniable value and sustainability:
"If we want to know what our job is, then we have to start with the mission ... There is only one right
definition for the mission of the enterprise: customer satisfaction. What the enterprise intends to produce
is not of primary importance — especially not for its future and success. "The decisive factor is what the
consumer thinks to buy, i.e. what represents value to him - this determines what your company is, what it
produces and whether it will prosper."
From the fact that the understanding of the key marketing concept focuses on the consumer, every
business entity that deals with the production of products and services, to be successful must never forget
 In the economy and the free market the consumer is king,
 Every time we have to put ourselves in the skin of the consumer,
 Consumer benefits from our product or service must be understood,
 We should sell based on the needs and requirements of customers and not based on our needs,
product features and its properties,
 Meeting the needs of the consumer, the permanent goal is to satisfy his satisfaction.
However, in the modern economy it is very difficult to achieve the fulfilment of all the needs of the
consumer and to create a sense of satisfaction for them. Moreover, it should be borne in mind that the
wishes, needs and requirements of the consumer are dynamic and changing phenomena that are not given
once and for all. On the other hand, so far there is no regulator which in the market would avoid the
introduction of unwanted products and services. The correlation between marketing and customer needs
is not simple but it is a very complex correlation. It is essential to make a clear distinction between the
needs, wants and requirements of consumers. This distinction, of course, often initiates the well-known
critique of marketing, according to which marketing designs and shapes needs or that marketing pushes
consumers to buy products or services that they do not really need. Marketing, in reality, affects the
demand by trying to create a product or service that is attractive and acceptable to the consumer, at a
reasonable price and that is easy to reach the desired product. Marketing is so important that it cannot be
considered as a separate function. It is the whole business seen from the point of view of the end result,
from the point of view of the consumer.
I.2. Background-Origin of marketing
The initial traces of marketing originate and are found in the earliest forms of exchange. The
development of the monetary system, the creation and affirmation of points of sale, the creation and
development of urban centers in general, as well as a number of other economic and social factors

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significantly influenced the facilitation and refinement of the exchange process. End of the century. 19. as
a time of technical-technological revolution, also marks the beginning of the marketing system. Until
then, "surplus" production was not typical, so the exchange relations were of a limited nature. With the
technical-technological perfection, efficient industrialization, economically reasonable transport,
reduction of prices, abandonment of the practice of "self-sufficiency", tendency towards purchasing,
popularization of urban centers, specialization of work, etc. emerged. which nevertheless and inevitably
spurred the development of the exchange process. Viewed from a historical perspective, we can generally
distinguish five periods of marketing evolution (Kotler Ph. & Keller, K.L., 2011). [10]
II. Types of Marketing Communication
Marketing communications (MC, marcom (s), marcomm (s)) uses different marketing channels and tools
in combination: [11] Marketing communication channels focus on each way a business communicates a
message to the desired market, or market in general. A marketing communication tool can be anything
from: advertising, personal selling, direct marketing, sponsorship, communication and public relations
II.1. Types of marketing intended by the natural person
The marketing of an enterprise, i.e. a product can be done directly by natural persons, thus selling the
person personally a product, then promoting sales, and so on:
II.1.1. Personal sales
Personal selling occurs when a sales representative meets with a potential customer for the purpose of
conducting the sale. Many sales representatives rely on a follow-up sales process that usually involves
nine steps. Some sales representatives develop scripts for all or part of the sales process. The sales
process can be used in face-to-face meetings and telemarketing.
Personal selling can be defined as the "process of person-to-person communication between a salesperson
and a prospective customer, in which the former learn about the customer's needs and try to meet those
needs by offering the customer the opportunity to buy something with value, as a good service or service
". The term can also be used to describe a situation where a company uses a sales force as one of the main
ways it communicates with customers. [12]
Oral presentation given by a salesperson approaching individuals or a group of potential customers:
 Live, interactive relationships
 Personal interest
 Attention and response
 Interesting presentation
 Clear and complete.
II.1.2. Sales promotion
Sales promotion is one of the elements of the promotional mix. (The main elements in the promotional
mix are advertising, personal selling, direct marketing and publicity (public relations). Sales promotion
uses both media marketing communications and media for a predetermined and limited time to increase

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consumer demand, to boost market demand or improve product availability Examples include contests,
coupons, freebies, loss leaders, points of purchase, premiums, rewards, product samples, and discounts.
Sales promotions can be directed at either the customer, the sales staff or the members of the distribution
channel (such as retailers). Customer-targeted sales promotions are called customer sales promotions.
Targeted sales promotions to retailers and wholesalers are called trade sales promotions.
Sales promotion involves several communication activities that seek to provide additional value or
incentives to consumers, wholesalers, retailers, or other organizational customers to stimulate immediate
sales. These efforts may attempt to stimulate product interest, judgment, or purchase. Examples of
equipment used in sales promotion include coupons, samples, premiums, POPs, contests, discounts and
Sales promotion is implemented to attract new customers, retain existing customers, fight competition
and take advantage of opportunities discovered by market research. It consists of activities, both outside
and inside activities, to increase the company's sales. Outdoor sales promotion activities include
advertising, publicity, public relations activities, and special sales events. Indoor promotion activities
include window displays, display of promotional and promotional materials such as prizes and contests.
Sales promotions often come in the form of discounts. Discounts affect the way consumers think and
behave when shopping. The type of savings and its location can affect the way consumers see a product
and influence their purchasing decision. [14] The two most common discounts are price reductions ("on
sales items") and bonus packages ("main items"). Price discounts are the reduction of original sales by a
certain percentage, while bonus packages are deals in which the consumer gets more for the initial price.
Many companies present various forms of discounts in advertisements, hoping to convince consumers to
buy their products.
II.1.3. Public relations
Public relations (PR) is the practice of managing the dissemination of information between an individual
or an organization (such as a business, government agency, or nonprofit) and the public. [15] Public
relations can involve an organization or individual gaining exposure to their audience by using topics of
public interest and news articles that do not require direct payment. This distinguishes it from advertising
as a form of marketing communication. Public relations is the idea of creating free customer coverage,
instead of marketing or advertising. But now, advertising is also part of the larger PR activities. [16] An
example of good public relations would generate an article with a client, instead of paying for the client
to be advertised next to the article. [17] The purpose of public relations is to inform the public,
prospective clients, investors, partners, employees and other stakeholders and ultimately persuade them to
maintain a positive or favorable view of the organization, leadership, products or policy decisions. .
Public relations professionals typically work for PR and marketing firms, businesses and companies,
government and public officials such as PIOs and NGOs, and nonprofits. Central public relations tasks
include the account coordinator, the account executive, the account supervisor, and the media relations
manager. [18]
Public relations specialists establish and maintain relationships with an organization's target audience, the
media, relevant commercial media, and other opinion leaders. Common responsibilities include designing
communication campaigns, writing newsletters and other news content, working with the press,

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organizing interviews for company spokespersons, writing speeches for company executives, acting as
the organization's spokesperson, preparing clients for press conferences, media interviews and speeches,
writing website and social media content, managing the company's reputation (crisis management),
managing internal communications and marketing activities such as brand awareness and managing
events. Succeeding in the field of public relations requires a deep understanding of the interests and
concerns of each of the company's many actors. The public relations profession needs to know how to
address those concerns effectively using the most powerful public relations trading tool, which is
publicity. [19]
II.1.4. Publicity
Publishing involves reaching the media space, without having to pay directly for such coverage. As an
example, an organization might have the launch of a new product covered by a newspaper or television
segment. This benefits the firm in question as it makes consumers aware of its product, without
necessarily paying a newspaper or TV station to cover the event.
II.1.5. Advertising
Advertising management is a planned managerial process designed to oversee and control the various
advertising activities involved in a program to communicate with a firm's target market and which is
ultimately designed to influence decisions. of consumer purchase. Advertising is just one element in a
company's promotional mix and as such, should be integrated with the overall marketing communication
program. Advertising is, however, the most expensive of all promotional items and therefore needs to be
managed carefully and responsibly.
Marketers use different types of advertising. Brand advertising is defined as a non-personal
communication message placed in a paid and intermediate medium designed to convince target
consumers of a product or service benefit in an attempt to force them to make a purchase. . Corporate
advertising refers to paid messages designed to communicate corporate values in an effort to influence
public opinion. However, other types of advertising such as non-profit advertising and political
advertising present specific challenges that require different strategies and approaches.
Advertising management is a complex process involving multi-layered decision making including
emerging advertising strategies, setting an advertising budget, setting advertising targets, target market
definition, media strategy (involving media planning), developing the message strategy and evaluating
the overall effectiveness of the advertising effort.) Advertising management may also involve the
acquisition of media.
II.2. Types of marketing intended by objects
From what was said above, it implies that marketing can be done by the object or subject that deals with
marketing, such as:
II.2.1. Agricultural marketing
Agricultural marketing is intended to cover the services involved in moving an agricultural product from
the farm to the consumer. It is also the planning, organization, management and handling of agricultural
products in such a way as to satisfy the farmer, producer and consumer. To do this, numerous interrelated
activities are involved, such as production planning, growing and harvesting, sorting, packaging and
packaging, transportation, storage, agri-food processing, distribution, advertising and sales. Effectively,

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the term encompasses the entire range of supply chain operations. However, its main function is to assist
in the management of these services, providing competent and capable market information, thus linking
other operations in an integrated service with the intended results. [20]
II.2.2. Business marketing and industrial marketing
Business marketing is a marketing practice of individuals or organizations (including commercial
businesses, governments and institutions). This allows them to sell products or services to other
companies or organizations that innovate, use them in their products or services, or use them to support
their work.
Business marketing is also known as industrial marketing or business to business marketing (B2B).
Despite the division of organizational marketing dynamics with marketing for governments, business
marketing in government is different. [21]
II.2.3. Destination marketing
A destination organization, often referred to as a destination organization or management organization,
congress and visitor bureau, or tourism board, is responsible for promoting a community as an attractive
travel destination and enhancing its public image as a dynamic place for it. lived and worked. Through
the impact of travel, they strengthen the economic position and provide opportunities for people in their
Such organizations are essential to the economic and social well-being of the communities they represent,
directly impacting the economy through the visitor economy and fostering development across the
economic spectrum by creating familiarity, attracting decision-makers, supporting air service and
improving the quality of life in a country. Destination promotion is in fact a public good for the good and
well-being of all; an essential investment that no community can afford to lower without causing harm to
the future economic and social well-being of the community. [22]
II.2.4. Global marketing
Global marketing is "worldwide-wide marketing that reconciles or takes commercial advantage of global
operational differences, similarities, and opportunities to meet global objectives." [23] Global marketing
is also a field of study in overall business management to provide valuable products, solutions and
services to customers locally, nationally, internationally and worldwide. International marketing is the
export, franchising, joint venture or full direct access of an organization's product or service to another
country. This can be achieved by exporting a company's product to another country, entering through a
joint venture with another firm in the target country, or foreign direct investment in the target country.
Then the development of the marketing mix for that country - international marketing is required. It can
be as direct as using existing marketing strategies, mixing and exporting tools on the one hand in a
complex relationship strategy including localization, local product offerings, pricing, production and
distribution with personalized promotions, offers, website, social media and leadership.
Internationalization and international marketing meet the needs of selected foreign countries where the
value of a company can be exported and there is learning, optimization and efficiency between
enterprises and firms in economies of scale and scope.

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II.2.5. Relationship marketing

Relationship marketing was first defined as a form of marketing developed by direct marketing marketing
campaigns, which emphasizes customer retention and satisfaction, rather than focusing on sales
transactions. [24]
Relationship marketing differs from other forms of marketing in that it recognizes the long-term value of
customer relationships and extends communication beyond intrusive advertising and sales of promotional
messages. [25]
With the rise of internet and mobile platforms, relationship marketing has continued to evolve as
technology opens up more communication and communication channels. This includes tools for
managing customer relationships that go beyond demographic and customer service data. Relationship
marketing extends to include inbound marketing efforts (a combination of search engine optimization and
strategic content), PR, social media, and application development. [26]
II.2.7. Social marketing
Social marketing is the use of marketing theory, skills and practices to achieve social change. It has the
primary goal of achieving the "social good". [27] Traditional marketing marketing goals are primarily
financial, although they can have positive social impacts. In the context of public health, social marketing
will promote overall health, raise awareness, and foster behavioural change. Looking at social marketing,
as just using standard commercial marketing practices to achieve non-commercial goals is a simplistic
Social marketing seeks to develop and integrate marketing concepts with other approaches to social
change. Social marketing aims to influence behaviours that benefit individuals and communities for the
greater good of society. The goal is to deliver socially sensitive and segmented competition change
programs that are effective, efficient, equitable and sustainable. [28]
Increasingly, social marketing has been described as "two parents". The "social parent" uses the social
science and social policy approaches. "Parent marketing" uses marketing approaches in the commercial
and public sector. Recent years have also witnessed a broader focus. Social marketing now goes beyond
influencing individual behavior. It promotes socio-cultural and structural changes relevant to social
issues. Consequently, social marketing scholars are beginning to advocate for a broader definition of
social marketing: "social marketing is the application of marketing principles to enable individual and
collective ideas and actions in pursuit of an effective, efficient, social transformation. equal, just and
enduring. " The new emphasis places equal weight on the effects (efficiency and effectiveness) and
process (equity, fairness and sustainability) of social marketing programs. [29]
The importance of marketing is more than clear today. Marketing is so present in our daily lives that it
greatly affects our lifestyle by constantly transforming it and society as a whole. Although it tends to
adapt to a particular economy and society, marketing ultimately changes our lives, our behaviors. The
enterprise is connected to the market, while this connection is provided by marketing. Marketing is
essential for the success of enterprises and in this sense it ensures the realization of major goals, namely
the survival of enterprises, growth and development. Marketing enables better identification of consumer
behaviors, market research, presentation of ideas, communication with the public, etc. Depending on how
the products and services are promoted, the customer demand for them and the result of the firm will
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depend. In modern conditions, marketing skills and abilities are becoming more and more demanded and
needed by people who work or want to be hired easier and faster. Possessing marketing skills and
abilities means being able to understand the needs and desires of others, possessing the ability to motivate
or influence, possess the ability to resolve remarks or conflicts, possess the ability to present, persuade
etc. these skills which can have general or universal application. Given that all enterprises are market-
oriented, these skills and competencies should be planted in all those who work or intend to be employed
in certain companies or corporations in order to realize the vision, mission and strategies of tire. The
marketing sense is very important for employees or for those who are trying to get hired even though the
target position is probably not directly related to marketing. In fact, it's all about marketing in business.
Possession of marketing skills and abilities will ensure a better possibility of candidates in interviews,
will impress the employer or the interview panel, while in employees will stimulate innovative thinking,
increase identification with the organization or company and along with their motivation. Although the
impression is created that these skills and abilities are applicable only in business, it does not mean that
they are not applicable in activities or other forms of organization, such as: in the public sector, in non-
governmental organizations, etc. Everything that has to do with the citizen (client or consumer), with his
needs and desires requires the need to possess these skills and abilities. Even in the public sector these
skills and abilities can be useful, both for the organization or institution, and for the citizen. The public
sector is essentially about meeting or satisfying the general needs of society, i.e. it does not aim at profit,
but at the moment of making contacts with the public, marketing skills and abilities are highlighted which
today are considered as a standard of behaviour. with the public. In terms of business scope, of course the
importance of marketing skills and abilities is more pronounced. It does not mean that only the marketing
manager should possess these skills and abilities, he must necessarily possess them at the expert level, but
their dissemination in the enterprise is also necessary.
1. Elmazi L. (Billa), Marketing Strategy, Kumi, Tirana, 2010, p.14
2. Bagozzi, Richard P. (October 1975). "Marketing as Exchange". Newspaper marketing. 39.
3. Drucker, Peter (1954). Management Practice. New York: Harper & Row.
4. The marketing definition was approved in October 2007 by the American Marketing Association.
5. Paul H. Selden (1997). Engineering Sales Process: A personal workshop. Milwaukee, WI: ASQ
Quality Press. page 23.
6. See:;
7. Paliwoda, Stanley J .; Ryans, John K. (2008). "Return to the first principles." International Marketing,
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8. Jakupi A, 2000. Basics of Marketing. Prishtina, Kosovo: University of Pristina, p. 7.
9. See:
10. Kotler, Philip & Keller, Kevin Lane, 2011. Marketing Management. 14th ed. New Jersey, USA:
Pearson Education, p.18.

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11. Kusumawati, R.D., Oswari, T., Utomo, R. B., & Kumar, V. (2014). The Impact of Marketing Mix 7P
on Purchasing Target Music Product in Indonesia. Procedia Engineering, 97, 1765-1771.
12. Cant, M.C. and van Heerde, C. V., Personal Sale, Utah, 2004, p. 3.
13. Taylor, John (1978). How to start and succeed in your own business, p. 290
14. Yin, Xu; Jin-Song, Huang (2014). "Effects of Price Discounts and Bonus Packages on Online
Impulse Purchasing". Social Behavior & Personality. 42 (8): 1293-1302.
15. Grunig, James E; Hunt, Todd (1984), Public Relations Management (6th edition), Orlando, FL:
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
16. Singh, Honey (2017-12-29). "# 10 Important Trends in PR That You Cannot Afford to Ignore".
Entrepreneur. Received 2018-08-25.
17. Seitel, Fraser P. (2007), Public Relations Practice. (10th Edition), Lower Man River, NJ: Pearson
Prentice Hall.
18. Archived from the original on September 29, 2015. Retrieved September 28, 2015.
19. Roos, Dave. "What is Public Relations?" Software. N.p., April 5, 2008. Web. November 25, 2014.
20. Abbott, John Cave; Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (1986). Improving
marketing in the developing world: What happens and what we learn. Food & Agriculture Org. f.3.
21. The practice of one supplier trading goods with another can be as old as the trade itself. In terms of
marketing today, its story is the latest. Michael Morris, Leyland Pitt and Earl Dwight Honeycutt say
for several years business marketing took "a back seat" to consumer marketing.
22. R. C. Ford and W.C. Peeper, 2008. Managing Marketing Destination Organizations: Duties, Roles,
and Responsibilities of the Convention and Visitors Executive Bureau, Orlando, FL, ForPer
23. A Dictionary of Marketing ", Oxford University Press. Retrieved 2017-10-04.
24. "What is relationship marketing? Definition and meaning." Retrieved 2018-
25. Berry, Leonard L. (2002). "Marketing of Service Perspectives Relationships from 1983 and 2000".
Relationship Marketing Journal. 1 (1): 59-77.
26. Christopher Lovelock and Jochen Wirtz (2011), Marketing Services: People, Technology, Strategy,
ed. 7, Upper River, New Jersey, Prentice Hall
27. International Social Marketing Association, European Social Marketing Association and Australian
Social Marketing Association (2013), Defining Social Marketing Consensus
28. See: TobaccoDay, FutileAttempttoCurbSmoking.http: //
29. Saunders, S. G, Barrington, D. J. & Sridharan, S. (2015). "Defining Social Marketing: Beyond
Behavior Change."

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