LT v7.8.3.4 Performance Element Release Notes Rev01

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Release Notes

LT Performance Element
Version (2023-01-18)
Revision 1 — January 18, 2023
Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

Publication Information
LT Performance Element Version Release Notes
Revision 1 — Publication date: January 18, 2023

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© 2022 Accedian Networks Inc. All rights reserved. Accedian ®, Accedian Networks ®, the Accedian
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Accedian Networks Inc.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

Table of Contents

1. About This Document ......................................................................................... 5

1.1 Organization.................................................................................................................................................. 5
1.2 Conventions ..................................................................................................................................................6
1.3 Related Documentation ............................................................................................................................. 7
1.4 Product Name Changes ............................................................................................................................. 7

2. Requirements....................................................................................................... 8
3. Firmware Version (2023-01-18).............................................9
3.1 New Features and Enhancements .........................................................................................................9
3.2 Addressed Issues ....................................................................................................................................... 10
3.3 Operational Considerations and Known Limitations ....................................................................... 11
3.4 MIB Changes ............................................................................................................................................... 22

4. Firmware Version (2022-09-02) ........................................ 23

4.1 New Features and Enhancements ....................................................................................................... 23
4.2 Addressed Issues ...................................................................................................................................... 24
4.3 Operational Considerations and Known Limitations ......................................................................25
4.4 MIB Changes .............................................................................................................................................. 36

5. Firmware Version (2022-02-16) .......................................... 37

5.1 New Features and Enhancements ....................................................................................................... 37
5.2 Addressed Issues ...................................................................................................................................... 38
5.3 Operational Considerations and Known Limitations ..................................................................... 40
5.4 MIB Changes ............................................................................................................................................... 51

6. Firmware Version (2020-09-04) ........................................ 52

6.1 New Features and Enhancements ....................................................................................................... 52
6.2 Addressed Issues .......................................................................................................................................53
6.3 Operational Considerations and Known Limitations ......................................................................55
6.4 MIB Changes .............................................................................................................................................. 66

7. Firmware Version 7.8.3_24257 (2019-08-16) .............................................67

7.1 New Features and Enhancements ...................................................................................................... 67
7.2 Addressed Issues ...................................................................................................................................... 68
7.3 Operational Considerations and Known Limitations ..................................................................... 69
Important Notes ....................................................................................................................................... 69
7.4 MIB Changes .............................................................................................................................................. 76

8. Firmware Version (2019-06-04) ......................................... 77

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

8.1 New Features and Enhancements ....................................................................................................... 77

8.2 Addressed Issues ....................................................................................................................................... 77

9. Firmware Version 7.8.2_20146 (2019-05-10) ............................................ 78

9.1 New Features and Enhancements ...................................................................................................... 78
9.2 Addressed Issues ...................................................................................................................................... 78

10. Firmware Version 7.8.1_19220 (2018-12-21)................................................ 81

10.1 New Features and Enhancements ....................................................................................................... 81
10.2 Robustness Improvements .................................................................................................................... 82
10.3 Addressed Issues ...................................................................................................................................... 82

11. Firmware Version 7.8_18628 (2018-10-31) ................................................ 84

11.1 New Features and Enhancements ...................................................................................................... 84
11.2 Robustness Improvements .................................................................................................................... 85
11.3 Addressed Issues ...................................................................................................................................... 86

12. Firmware Version 7.7_17244 (2018-06-22) ................................................ 88

12.1 New Features and Enhancements ......................................................................................................88
12.2 Addressed Issues ...................................................................................................................................... 90

13. Firmware Version 7.6_15744 (2018-02-02) ............................................... 92

13.1 New Features and Enhancements ...................................................................................................... 92
13.2 Addressed Issues ...................................................................................................................................... 94

14. Firmware Version 7.5_13705 (2017-08-24) ................................................ 96

14.1 New Features and Enhancements ...................................................................................................... 96
14.2 Addressed Issues ...................................................................................................................................... 97

15. Firmware Version 7.4_11358 (2017-03-16) ................................................. 98

15.1 New Features and Enhancements ...................................................................................................... 98
15.2 Addressed Issues ...................................................................................................................................... 99

16. Firmware Version (2016-12-12) ..........................................102

16.1 New Features and Enhancements .....................................................................................................102
16.2 Addressed Issues .....................................................................................................................................102

17. Firmware Version (2016-09-09) .........................................103

17.1 New Features and Enhancements .................................................................................................... 103
17.2 Addressed Issues .................................................................................................................................... 103

18. Firmware Version (2016-08-12) ......................................... 104

18.1 New Features and Enhancements .................................................................................................... 104
18.2 Addressed Issues .................................................................................................................................... 105

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

1. About This Document

These release notes cover the requirements, new features, changes, addressed issues and
known limitations for the LT Performance Element firmware version Please read all
the notes prior to installing this firmware version. For more information, refer to the LT
Performance Element User Manual.

1.1 Organization
This manual includes the following sections:

This section provides requirements for Firmware Version
Firmware Version (2023-01-18)
This section provides New Features and Enhancements, Addressed Issues, Operational
Considerations/Known Limitations and MIB Changes, if any, for Firmware Version
Firmware Version (2022-09-02)
This section provides New Features and Enhancements, Addressed Issues, Operational
Considerations/Known Limitations and MIB Changes, if any, for Firmware Version
Firmware Version (2022-02-16)
This section provides New Features and Enhancements, Addressed Issues, Operational
Considerations/Known Limitations and MIB Changes, if any, for Firmware Version
Firmware Version (2020-09-04)
This section provides New Features and Enhancements, Addressed Issues, Operational
Considerations/Known Limitations and MIB Changes, if any, for Firmware Version
Firmware Version 7.8.3_24257 (2019-08-16)
This section provides New Features and Enhancements, Addressed Issues, Operational
Considerations/Known Limitations and MIB Changes, if any, for Firmware Version 7.8.3.
Firmware Version (2019-06-04)
This section provides New Features and Enhancements as well as Addressed Issues for
Firmware Version
Firmware Version 7.8.2_20146 (2019-05-10)
This section provides New Features and Enhancements as well as Addressed Issues for
Firmware Version 7.8.2.
Firmware Version 7.8.1_19220 (2018-12-21)
This section provides New Features and Enhancements as well as Addressed Issues for
Firmware Version 7.8.1.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

Firmware Version 7.8_18628 (2018-10-31)

This section provides New Features and Enhancements as well as Addressed Issues for
Firmware Version 7.8.
Firmware Version 7.7_17244 (2018-06-22)
This section provides New Features and Enhancements as well as Addressed Issues for
Firmware Version 7.7.
Firmware Version 7.6_15744 (2018-02-02)
This section provides New Features and Enhancement as well as Addressed Issues for
Firmware Version 7.6.
Firmware Version 7.5_13705 (2017-08-24)
This section provides New Features and Enhancement as well as Addressed Issues for
Firmware Version 7.5.
Firmware Version 7.4_11358 (2017-03-16)
This section provides New Features and Enhancement as well as Addressed Issues for
Firmware Version 7.4.
Firmware Version (2016-12-12)
This section provides New Features and Enhancement as well as Addressed Issues for
Firmware Version
Firmware Version (2016-09-09)
This section provides New Features and Enhancement as well as Addressed Issues for
Firmware Version
Firmware Version (2016-08-12)
This section provides New Features and Enhancement as well as Addressed Issues for
Firmware Version

1.2 Conventions
This section explains the conventions that are used in Accedian user documentation.

General conventions used in all documents

Notes contain information that emphasizes or supplements certain points in the main text.
Notes are enclosed in blue lines, for example:

Note: This description cannot be modified.

Cautions describe situations in which failure to take an action or avoid an action could result in
damage to equipment or make it impossible to access the system. Cautions are enclosed in red
lines, for example:

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

CAUTION: If you modify a Management interface, you and other users may lose access to
the Web interface and the CLI.

1.3 Related Documentation

The following documents provide additional information about the LT Performance Element:
• LT Performance Element User Manual
• LT Performance Element CLI Command Guide

1.4 Product Name Changes

The following Accedian products were renamed in March, 2015. References to these products
in this document reflect the new naming conventions.

Former Name New Name

antMODULE ant Module
MetroNID GT GT Performance Element
MetroNID GX GX Performance Element
MetroNID TE TE Performance Element
MetroNODE 10GE 10GE Performance Element
MetroNODE CE CE Performance Element
MetroNODE GE GE Performance Element
MetroNODE NE NE Performance Element
MetroNODE LT LT Performance Element
NanoNID/nanoNID Nano Module
VeloCITY FS FS Performance Element
VeloCITY FS 10G FS 10G Performance Element

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

2. Requirements
This firmware version applies to the following Accedian Performance Elements:

Product Name Product ID Firmware Name Firmware File

GT AMN-1000-GT AMT_7.8.3.4_25275
GT-S AMN-1000-GT-S AMT_7.8.3.4_25275
GX AMN-1000-GX AMT-1000-GX_7.8.3.4_25275
GX-S AMN-1000-GX-S AMT-1000-GX_7.8.3.4_25275
LT AMO-10000-LT AMO-10000-LT_7.8.3.4_25275
LT-S AMO-10000-LT-S AMO-10000-LT_7.8.3.4_25275

Resulting from changes in the TLS version, the following software versions are compatible
with SkyLIGHT Director Vision 1.3 and above:
• 7.4
• 7.5
• 7.6
• 7.7
• 7.8
• 7.8.1
• 7.8.2
• 7.8.3

Note: There is a patch available for earlier versions of SkyLIGHT Director Vision. Please
contact Accedian support for further information.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

3. Firmware Version (2023-01-18)

3.1 New Features and Enhancements


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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

3.2 Addressed Issues

AC-26678 Spurious Reboot
Reboot issues reported found that the FPGA generated too many PPS signals towards the
CPU because the GPS module was not present. The source of the signal was not from the GPS
but from the noise on the unused input pin. It caused the wrong GPS PPS interrupts and made
the unit suspended / rebooted. User changed ERP version from 2 to 1, and then back to 2, on a
working ERP ring in the LAG port. Traffic was initially okay but the device stopped traffic after
Possible reboot signatures are:
• The reported alarms from LT-S units stating: "SEVERITY: critical (nsa), MSG: PCB
temperature sensor not present alarm".
• KOOPS: <2>SoftDog: Initiating system reboot.
• Kernel panic
These issues have been fixed.

AC-26672 Security assessment showed ntp user/password Issues

The npt user was able to login successfully via WEB UI, however experienced restricted
permission to perform normal operations.
This issue has been fixed.

AC-26671 Overall Y.1564 test result is showing a pass, when test actually failed
Configuration test and Performance tests were unsuccessful and the test's overall results
indicated that the "Test Overall Result: PASSED" on both Skylight performance element
and Skylight orchestrator.
This issue has been fixed.

AC-26696 New periodic log is flooding the syslogs

Flash Boot Refresh feature introduced a new parameter: bootrefresh_remain_period. This is
being saved to the configuration file hourly and flooding the syslogs.
This issue has been fixed.

AC-20404 Unusual log showing server with error: wanted 20 got -1

Server write error: wanted 20 got -1” was observed after device upgraded from older release
and on new devices.
This issue has been fixed.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

3.3 Operational Considerations and Known Limitations

Important Notes

 The GT Performance Element firmware is delivered in a consolidated file prefixed by

"ACC", e.g. This file contains the firmware for the GT, GX and LT
Performance Element products. It cannot be used with any other product.
 IMPORTANT: Prior to upgrading the firmware on a unit where the History Buckets
feature is enabled, certain precautions may need to be taken to prevent a loss of history
data during the upgrade. Refer to ATRC-B10797 for details.
 In a G.8032 ring configuration, the GT Performance Element supports a maximum of 62
policies on the LAG port (i.e., policies that govern how traffic is dropped from the ring to
UNI ports). This limitation does not apply to the UNI ports (i.e., policies that govern how
traffic is added to the ring) unless the VLAN-tagged customer traffic is passed
transparently from the UNI port to the ring through one-to-one mapping.
One way to avoid this limitation and maximize the number of usable UNI policies is to
encapsulate multiple customer VLANs (coming from the UNI) under a single service
provider VLAN on the ring. Doing so reduces the number of policies required by the LAG

AC-11198 Copper LAG port state changes from Up > Dormant > Down instead of Up >Down
while link is disconnected
When a connected-link goes down, the port is expected to switch from Up to Down quickly,
however, the port is switching from Up to Dormant and then to Down.

AC-4316 Cannot create the second VCA when 2 Operator's TPID are different
When Operator1's TPID and Operator2's TPID are different, only 1 VCA will be successfully
created. In this scenario, a second VCA cannot be created. This is a limitation of the VCE/VCA
model and it will result in the following error message: “This platform doesn't support this

AC-4324 Flow-1 automatically switches back to out-of-service mode during upgrade

When upgrading the performance element from a pre-7.7 release, if both RFC2544 flows were
enabled, then the "Flow type" field in the "First flow profile settings" will be automatically
reconfigured to the "Out-of-service" state as part of the upgrade process.

ATRC-D15900 LBR message still occurs when MIP and MEP are different VLAN type
Unicast CFM-LBM frames sent to Accedian Demarcation devices are VLAN TPID unaware.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

ATRC-D17907 Missing packets on RFC2544 generator layer-3 (2 flows)

With an RFC2544 generator layer-3 that has flow 1 set as QinQ and flow 2 set as no
encapsulation (or QinQ), packets are missing on flow 2 after completing the RFC2544 with
two flows.

ATRC-D17871 Error loading proper page indexing when loading pages via URL/back
Possible error loading proper page indexing when loading WEB pages that contain paged
tables via URL (i.e. back) ̶ Some WEB pages contain a table paging feature that displays a
certain number of instances per page within a table. As the user cycles through the different
pages, he will be able to view different instances and the URL will be updated to save this
information. This allows a user to re-load the same view by using the URL (i.e. saving
bookmark, clicking back to reload page, etc.). However, when reloading a web-page using this
method, incorrect index offsets may be observed for instances on certain pages.

ATRC-D13944 Generator RFC2544 in-service and monitor operate incorrectly

When an L2PT rule is enabled with forwarding mode set to either pop or replace and the
frame is S-VLAN tagged, the frame is dropped instead of being forwarded.

ATRC-D16848 Filter does not catch IPv6 Extension Headers

Because the frame header fields extraction depth is limited to the first 96 bytes of a frame,
any fields of an IPv6 frame that are beyond the first 96 bytes will not be extracted. Therefore,
they will not be found in the classification key used against an IPv6 filter.
Also, the following IPv6 Next Headers identifying Extension Headers will be skipped.
Therefore, they will not be found in the classification key used against an IPv6 filter:
• Hop-by-Hop options (0)
• Destination options (60)
• Routing header (43)
• Fragment header (44)
• Authentication header (51)
• Mobility header (135)

ATRC-D17233 SNMP IPv6 Filtering and Loopback is not supported

SNMP IPv6 Filtering and Loopback is not supported in this release.

ATRC-D15894 LBR message still occurring when MIP is created with MD level
Unicast CFM-LBM frames sent to Accedian Demarcation devices do not validate the MEG level
in the frame.

ATRC-D15523 DOWN MEP using VCE does not work with un-tag packet
We do not support EVC Client Interface for an untagged MEP on a VCE.
We only support untagged MEPs, if it is a Down MEP on a physical port of the VCE.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

ATRC-D15473 The TP-Z-PCP-Mapping does not work properly

An Up MEP defined on the TP-Z port of a VCE, which is defined with frame-type 'all-to-one',
does not support the PCP mapping since it necessarily becomes untagged when egressing TP-
A. The PCP value used is then inherited from the CFM object when additional components are
in the transmission path.

ATRC-D15229 DownMEP_VCE: VCE is using TPID but it is affected by changing s-vlan mode
The user needs to configure the S-VLAN ethertype located under General system settings,
prior to configuring any VCE or CFM elements. If the user changes this setting after
configuring other elements, they may see some display discrepancies.

ATRC-D07187 LAG Port remains DOWN with LACP, but UP with Link status
When using LACP, if the catchall L2PT rules are enabled, LACP frames will not be handled
correctly to allow LACP to operate correctly.
Workaround: Create LACP rules that also apply to the L2PT configuration.

ATRC-D05982 Limited availability of the OAM Loopback feature

The 802.3ah OAM loopback feature is not functional on the following platforms:
• GT Performance Element
• GX Performance Element
• LT Performance Element

ATRC-D05907 Reserved value no longer allowed in a Y.1731 configuration

As of firmware version 6.4.2, VLAN ID 4095 is a reserved value and is no longer allowed in
Y.1731 configurations.
If VLAN 4095 was used in a previous firmware version, support in version 6.4.2 will be
maintained through a firmware upgrade. However, any MA/MEG instances using VLAN 4095
cannot be recreated in the event of a deletion.

ATRC-D05812 SNMP returns incorrect values for certain PAA configuration parameters
Polling the following PAA configuration OIDs with SNMP returns “0” instead of the actual
• acdPaaUdpCfgOneWayDelayMax
• acdPaaUdpCfgOneWayDelayThresh
• acdPaaUdpCfgOneWayAvgDelayThresh
• acdPaaUdpCfgOperationMode
• acdPaaUdpCfgPktSize
• acdPaaUdpCfgSamplingPeriod
• acdPaaUdpCfgPeerID

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

ATRC-D05755 L2PT rules for ESMC also catch other slow protocols
An L2PT rule configured for the ESMC protocol may also catch the following protocol frames:
• Link OAM
If separate L2PT rules are not required for these protocols, no specific intervention is
If separate L2PT rules are required for these protocols, assign a higher rule ID to ESMC to
ensure that it does not interfere with other protocols. As a result, other protocol filter rules
will be processed before the ESMC rule.

ATRC-D05720 VC Agent: Changing the local time can cause a disconnection from Vision EMS
Changing the local time on a unit can cause the Vision Collect agent to disconnect from Vision
EMS. The agent will reconnect automatically. No PM data is lost; if a transfer is interrupted,
the data will be retransferred once the connection is restored.

ATRC-D05446 Slight variation in BLUE queue full/empty threshold percentage values

The Web interface for the following products accepts values between 0 and 100 for the BLUE
Queue Full Threshold and BLUE Queue Empty Threshold parameters:
• GT Performance Element
• GX Performance Element
• LT Performance Element
These values are expressed as percentages. However, this percentage value is subsequently
converted to a binary number and mapped to the range 0-128, as the underlying register is 7
bits in length.
In most cases, the initial percentage will not correspond to an exact binary value. When this
value is then converted back to a decimal percentage for display purposes, the end result may
differ slightly from what was initially entered.

ATRC-D05432 History CSV files may not all contain the same range of period numbers
The exported history CSV files may not all contain the identical range of period numbers,
depending on when the given history metrics were collected. Enabling multiple categories of
history metrics with many instances requires more processing than history metrics with fewer
categories and instances. Since the history files are processed sequentially, some exported
files may consequently present different period numbers compared to others.
For example, the CFM DMM file may show periods 16-30, whereas the CFM SLM file may
show periods 17-31, since it was processed afterwards. The reason for this variation is that
new periods are included in the CSV file as soon as they become available.
This is the expected behavior. There is no period number synchronization between history
categories. Note that all periods are exported in the CSV files and no data is lost.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

ATRC-D05382 CoS Mapping: Yellow PCP Out is not mapped to a queue

The following products use CoS mapping to define the internal CoS that service frames will
use in the unit.
• GT Performance Element
• GX Performance Element
• LT Performance Element
However, the pre-marking color parameter (set to Green or Yellow) is disregarded when
mapping a flow to a traffic queue. The system’s internal CoS always uses the configured
Green PCP value to map a flow to a queue, regardless of whether the pre-marking is set to
Green or Yellow.

ATRC-D04263 Web Interface: VLAN ID value not properly validated when creating a VID set
The VLAN ID value is not properly validated when creating a VID set in the Web Interface.
Entries outside the valid range (0 – 4095) are accepted, as well as character strings; however,
the resulting VID set instance is empty with no VLAN ID assigned.
This issue only concerns the Web Interface; the CLI performs the proper validation and rejects
invalid entries as expected.
The following products and firmware versions are affected:

Product Name Firmware Versions

TE-x Performance Element 5.1 – 6.4.3

GT/GT-S Performance Element 6.0 – 7.3

GT-Q/GT-QE Performance Element 7.1.1 – 7.3

GX/GX-S Performance Element 7.0 – 7.3

10GE CE/NE Performance Element 5.0 – 6.3

LT/LT-S Performance Element 6.3 – 7.3

FS/FS 10G Performance Element 1.0 – 1.1

ATRC-D04040 Syslog error message at login after configuring RADIUS

After a first-time RADIUS configuration, a false syslog error may be generated due to start-up
conditions when the user logs in.
The syslog message is as follows:
Jan 1 00:19:13 C074-0010 dropbear[1620]: rc_get_seqnbr: fscanf failure:
This message has no consequence and can be ignored.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

ATRC-D03949 Modified syntax for CLI command "bandwidth-generator add"

Starting in firmware version 6.4, the CLI command bandwidth-generator add is used to
configure regulators and bandwidth sharing envelopes.
Previous syntax (before 6.4):
bandwidth-regulator add <regulator-name> …
New syntax (6.4 and later):
bandwidth-regulator add regulator <regulator-name> …
bandwidth-regulator add envelope <envelope-name> …
Consequently, the word regulator is reserved as of firmware version 6.4 and cannot be used
as a regulator name, although the former syntax is still supported for backward compatibility.
These changes are illustrated in the following examples.
Preferred syntax:
bandwidth-regulator add regulator regulator1 cir 20000 …
Allowed (for backward compatibility):
bandwidth-regulator add regulator1 cir 20000 …
Not allowed (triggers an error message):
bandwidth-regulator add regulator cir 20000 …
(invalid parameter value)

ATRC-D03939 Maximum number of complex rules for ERP traffic

For any unit that supports G.8032, the system automatically creates a default Layer-2 filter
traffic policy (used for the ring pass-through traffic) whenever a LAG port is configured for
Since this default policy consumes one of the unit’s available complex rules (i.e., using a Layer-
2 or IPv4 filters), the number of complex rules available to users on that LAG port is reduced
by 1. This situation has no impact on other ports.

ATRC-D02695 Timestamps of report periods are not always contiguous

The data collected by Vision EMS in high-resolution mode can occasionally show consecutive
records with timestamps that are not contiguous.
Be aware of the following limitations:
• When data is collected in high-resolution (1 second) mode, two consecutive
measurements can sometimes present the same timestamp, or show a gap between
the timestamps. This is caused by rounding the time value to a granularity of 1 second.

Please note that in this case, no periods or measurements are lost, i.e., all periods are
consecutive and none are missing.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

• There can be a timestamp gap or overlap when the unit is first synchronized by NTP,
PTP or GPS. As the FlowMETER may be acquiring data before the synchronization is
complete, a time adjustment could affect the timestamps.
No periods or measurements are lost.
Inconsistencies may also surface in the timestamps collected before a system reboot when
compared to those collected after the reboot.

ATRC-D02648 New behavior when re-enabling CFM-PL instances

In firmware version 6.3.1, the CFM packet loss (PL) behavior has been modified as follows:
• Previous behavior (before 6.3.1): When a packet loss (PL) instance is re-enabled after
being disabled, the current period results contain the last values from the point at
which the instance was disabled.
• New behavior (6.3.1. and later): When a packet loss (PL) instance is re-enabled after
being disabled, the current period results are cleared and measurements begin from 0.

ATRC-D02057 Syslog: Entries are sometimes not displayed in the system log
When a large number of events occur at the same time (e.g. raising or clearing hundreds of
alarms simultaneously), some entries may be absent from the syslog. Missing entries do not
imply that the corresponding events/actions were not properly executed.
For example, in the case of alarm storms, although syslog messages for some status changes
are not displayed, all the alarms are updated to the correct status and the corresponding
SNMP traps are reported.

ATRC-7830 RFC-2544 test suite: Report displays incorrect unit identifier information
When running the RFC-2544 test suite after modifying the unit identifier
(System ▶ DNS ▶ host name), the generated report contains the previous unit identifier.

ATRC-B10797 Firmware upgrade considerations pertaining to history buckets

Since firmware version 6.3.1, several software modifications have optimized how the history
data is handled and stored to flash memory. Before proceeding with the firmware upgrade,
take the following precautions:
• To prevent any loss of history data, ensure that all data has been transferred to the
file server.
• Be aware of certain side-effects caused by these optimizations on systems on which
the History Buckets feature is enabled.
Upgrading from any pre-6.3.1 version to 6.3.1. and later:
• All history data present on the flash memory is deleted during the upgrade process.
Upgrading from version 6.3.1 to 6.4.2:
• No history data is deleted during the upgrade process.
Upgrading from version 6.3.1 or 6.4.2 to any later version:
• All history data present on the flash memory is deleted during the upgrade process.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

Upgrading from version to 7.0:

• All history data present on the flash memory for the Policy, Regulator, Shaper,
SOAM DMM and SOAM PL is deleted during the upgrade process.
Upgrading from version to 7.2:
• All history data present on the flash memory for the Policy, Regulator, Shaper,
SOAM DMM and SOAM PL is deleted during the upgrade process.

ATRC-7572 Y.1564 one-way flows must be received on the same SAT server port
If one-way test flows from multiple Y.1564 generators are sent to a SAT server (i.e., a remote
unit), all flows must terminate on the same physical port. For example, terminating eight
flows on one port and eight other flows on a different port is not supported.

ATRC-7028 No VLAN information in LLDP frames

LLDP frames sent by the unit only contain the interfaces' IP address and index values.
Information on the interfaces’ VLAN settings is not available at this time.

ATRC-6906 RFC-2544 monitors are not independent

When using both RFC-2544 monitors in bypass mode to monitor Layer-2 and Layer-3 test
traffic flows, both monitors will report the Layer-3 flow statistics. If the monitor configured
for Layer-2 is disabled, the other monitor (Layer-3) does not report any statistics.

ATRC-6869 Obtaining the UTC offset from the PTP master is not supported
The option to obtain the UTC offset from the PTP master is not yet supported. As such, the
offset provided in the announce messages from the PTP master are not applied to the time
information on the unit. Only the locally-defined UTC offset can be used.

ATRC-6846 IPv6 router-advertised addresses are lost when configuring other addresses
After an interface has configured itself with one or several addresses from IPv6 router
advertisements, configuring any other address (whether static or DHCP) will flush the router-
advertised addresses.
This is the intended implementation, since configuring a static IP or enabling DHCP
supersedes the router advertisements.

ATRC-6758 Higher number of Y.1731 frames sent over a period

The number of Y.1731 sample frames (CCM, DMM or SLM) sent over a period can be slightly
higher than expected.
For example, if SLM is configured with an interval of 100 ms and a period of 60 seconds, it is
possible that 601 or 602 samples will be sent during the period instead of 600. This is caused
by a rounding issue related to timer division.
This issue does not lead to packet loss or inaccurate delay results; it is merely a variation of
the number of samples sent over a period.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

ATRC-6672 Plug & Go ring protection from customer beacon

When a new unit is added to a G.8032 ERP ring and is in the process of being provisioned
using the Plug & Go feature, it is important to ensure that no foreign beacons enter the ring
from the UNI side (e.g. from a customer). Taking this measure prevents the new ring unit from
being provisioned by the wrong beacon.

ATRC-6604 Web interface may be slow with Mozilla Firefox version 14.0.1 to 22
When using the Mozilla Firefox Web browser version 14.0.1 to 22 to manage the unit, the
response time can sometimes increase, which makes the Web interface slow to operate.
Workaround: Use Firefox version 23 or higher.

ATRC-6509 LAG-Protection: ETH-CSF cannot validate port state on LACP-based UNI links
If enabled, ETH-CSF cannot validate the link status of an LACP-based protected UNI link.
Under such circumstances, the remote fault cannot be propagated. Since ETH-CSF is based on
link-status and LACP is based on signaling, it is currently impossible to indicate to CSF that the
link is logically down, yet still physically up.

ATRC-6425 CLI traceroute command does not support all listed options
The CLI traceroute command does not support the following options:
• -q (number of queries)
• -s (source IP address)
• -g (gateway)

ATRC-6132 VSP reflector responds to invalid MAC addresses on the management port
The V-NID reflector functionality is only intended for use on traffic ports, not on out-of-band
management ports. However, the out-of-band management port will reflect any ETH-VSP
frames it receives. While traffic ports only reflect VSP frames that match the port's specific
MAC address, the out-of-band management port will reflect VSP frames that match the MAC
address belonging to any of the unit's ports (MAC range).

ATRC-5790 EVC Mapping: "Preserve VLAN - New CFI/PCP" limitations

When setting EVC Mapping to "Preserve VLAN - New CFI/PCP", the following limitations
should be taken into consideration:
• DSCP/IP Precedence information is not extracted from triple-tagged frames.
• DSCP/ IP Precedence information is not extracted from 802.2 SNAP/LLC frames.
• DSCP/ IP Precedence/PCP information is not extracted from S-VLAN (0x9100) tagged
frames, unless 0x9100 is set globally as the default S-VLAN Ethertype.
This EVC mapping action can corrupt untagged frames. Therefore, a filter matching at least
one VLAN must be used to ensure the classified frames are tagged.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

ATRC-5646 EVC mapping actions that modify VLAN tags must not be used with untagged
EVC mapping actions that involve replacing or modifying a VLAN tag should not be used if the
traffic is untagged. These EVC mapping actions are:
• Replace
• Pop & Replace
• Preserve VLAN – New CFI/PCP
Performing VLAN modifications on untagged traffic could result in altering the frames. There
is no traffic policy validation to enforce the presence of a VLAN filter with these EVC mapping
actions. You must therefore ensure that any policy using these EVC mapping actions is
configured with a VLAN filter.

ATRC-5474 Frame count statistics may be inconsistent if SLM is disabled in mid-period

If an SLM instance is disabled in the middle of a reference period, the ETH-SLM and ETH-SLR
frame counts shown in the MEP statistics may not be consistent with those shown in the SLM
statistics. This is normal, as the information may not have been refreshed at the very moment
when the SLM instance was disabled.
This behavior is a normal consequence of disabling the SLM instance during a period and is by
design. SLM functions as expected in continuous operation.

ATRC-5364 CPU-destined ingress traffic can be processed on an LACP link while not in the
collecting/distributing state
When using LACP status-based protection, CPU-destined traffic received on a port can be
processed by the software even when the local (actor) LACP link status is not in the
collecting/distributing state. This situation applies to CFM traffic (LBM, LTM, DMM, CCM, etc.),
PAA traffic and L2PT traffic.

ATRC-5254 Web session does not time out if automatic refresh is enabled
The active session of the Web interface will never time out if automatic refresh is enabled in a

ATRC-5197 ARP Requests are sent out on a port when interface is disabled
Many ARP requests are sent out on a port even if the interface associated with the port is

ATRC-5196 "cfm show statistics" CLI command shows incorrect RDI and CCM sequence errors
This CLI command does not accurately report the count of CCM sequence errors. This
information can be displayed using the cfm show mep statistics command.

ATRC-5107 Users without "Policy" permissions can clear policy statistics in the Web interface
Users are currently able to clear the Policy statistics in the Web interface (but not in the CLI),
regardless of their assigned permission settings.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

ATRC-4560 CLI: CFM naming convention (MEP, Pkt-loss, DMM)

When assigning a CFM name to an instance in the GUI, the name must not be composed
solely of digits; CFM names must always include at least one letter. If the name contains only
digits, the CLI interprets the name as an instance index.

ATRC-4076 SCP -z option not working with certain servers

Certain SSH servers, such as Solaris and several Linux enterprise versions, do not support the
SCP -z option to specify the user name. Once the SCP fails, FTP no longer functions since it
uses the same process. The CPU must be restarted for FTP to function.
This issue is related to how the SSHd server is configured. Servers are usually configured to
use PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) for account and session management. SSHd can
also rely on PAM for authentication; PAM then executes its authentication scheme based on
its configuration for that login method (for example: /etc/pam.d/sshd).
Configuring Response Authentication:
• With OpenSSH, ChallengeResponseAuthentication in /etc/ssh/sshd_config should be
set to No .
• On Solaris, PAMAuthenticationViaKBDInt in /etc/sshd_config should be set to No .
Alternate Solutions:
• Change the PAM configuration for SSHd (expert)
• Use a public key authentication
Modification Procedure:
• Solaris:
o Log in with administrative privileges.
o Edit file /etc/ssh/sshd_config to set PAMAuthenticationViaKBDInt to No.
o Save file and exit.
o Restart service: svcadm restart network/ssh.
• Ubuntu Linux (OpenSSH):
o Log in with administrative privileges.
o Edit file /etc/ssh/sshd_config to set ChallengeResponseAuthentication to
o Save file and exit.
o Restart service: sudo service ssh restart.

ATRC-3533 SyncE is not supported with copper SFP

Copper SFPs use the internal 25 MHz oscillator instead of the SyncE recovered clock.
Consequently, SyncE is not supported for copper SFPs.

ATRC-3285 Web browser refresh deletes the current search filter

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

Using the browser Refresh command (F5 or Ctrl+R) does not only refresh the page values, it
also reloads the page completely. Doing so eliminates any search filters that were entered.
This behavior is considered normal.

3.4 MIB Changes


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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

4. Firmware Version (2022-09-02)

4.1 New Features and Enhancements


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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

4.2 Addressed Issues

AC-25119 ERP ring stop passing traffic after config change and reboot
User changed ERP version from 2 to 1, and then back to 2, on a working ERP ring in the LAG
port. Traffic was initially okay but the device stopped traffic after reboot.
This issue has been fixed.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

4.3 Operational Considerations and Known Limitations

Important Notes

 The GT Performance Element firmware is delivered in a consolidated file prefixed by

"ACC", e.g. This file contains the firmware for the GT, GX and LT
Performance Element products. It cannot be used with any other product.
 IMPORTANT: Prior to upgrading the firmware on a unit where the History Buckets
feature is enabled, certain precautions may need to be taken to prevent a loss of history
data during the upgrade. Refer to ATRC-B10797 for details.
 In a G.8032 ring configuration, the GT Performance Element supports a maximum of 62
policies on the LAG port (i.e., policies that govern how traffic is dropped from the ring to
UNI ports). This limitation does not apply to the UNI ports (i.e., policies that govern how
traffic is added to the ring) unless the VLAN-tagged customer traffic is passed
transparently from the UNI port to the ring through one-to-one mapping.
One way to avoid this limitation and maximize the number of usable UNI policies is to
encapsulate multiple customer VLANs (coming from the UNI) under a single service
provider VLAN on the ring. Doing so reduces the number of policies required by the LAG

AC-11198 Copper LAG port state changes from Up > Dormant > Down instead of Up >Down
while link is disconnected
When a connected-link goes down, the port is expected to switch from Up to Down quickly,
however, the port is switching from Up to Dormant and then to Down.

AC-4316 Cannot create the second VCA when 2 Operator's TPID are different
When Operator1's TPID and Operator2's TPID are different, only 1 VCA will be successfully
created. In this scenario, a second VCA cannot be created. This is a limitation of the VCE/VCA
model and it will result in the following error message: “This platform doesn't support this

AC-4324 Flow-1 automatically switches back to out-of-service mode during upgrade

When upgrading the performance element from a pre-7.7 release, if both RFC2544 flows were
enabled, then the "Flow type" field in the "First flow profile settings" will be automatically
reconfigured to the "Out-of-service" state as part of the upgrade process.

ATRC-D15900 LBR message still occurs when MIP and MEP are different VLAN type
Unicast CFM-LBM frames sent to Accedian Demarcation devices are VLAN TPID unaware.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

ATRC-D17907 Missing packets on RFC2544 generator layer-3 (2 flows)

With an RFC2544 generator layer-3 that has flow 1 set as QinQ and flow 2 set as no
encapsulation (or QinQ), packets are missing on flow 2 after completing the RFC2544 with
two flows.

ATRC-D17871 Error loading proper page indexing when loading pages via URL/back
Possible error loading proper page indexing when loading WEB pages that contain paged
tables via URL (i.e. back) ̶ Some WEB pages contain a table paging feature that displays a
certain number of instances per page within a table. As the user cycles through the different
pages, he will be able to view different instances and the URL will be updated to save this
information. This allows a user to re-load the same view by using the URL (i.e. saving
bookmark, clicking back to reload page, etc.). However, when reloading a web-page using this
method, incorrect index offsets may be observed for instances on certain pages.

ATRC-D13944 Generator RFC2544 in-service and monitor operate incorrectly

When an L2PT rule is enabled with forwarding mode set to either pop or replace and the
frame is S-VLAN tagged, the frame is dropped instead of being forwarded.

ATRC-D16848 Filter does not catch IPv6 Extension Headers

Because the frame header fields extraction depth is limited to the first 96 bytes of a frame,
any fields of an IPv6 frame that are beyond the first 96 bytes will not be extracted. Therefore,
they will not be found in the classification key used against an IPv6 filter.
Also, the following IPv6 Next Headers identifying Extension Headers will be skipped.
Therefore, they will not be found in the classification key used against an IPv6 filter:
• Hop-by-Hop options (0)
• Destination options (60)
• Routing header (43)
• Fragment header (44)
• Authentication header (51)
• Mobility header (135)

ATRC-D17233 SNMP IPv6 Filtering and Loopback is not supported

SNMP IPv6 Filtering and Loopback is not supported in this release.

ATRC-D15894 LBR message still occurring when MIP is created with MD level
Unicast CFM-LBM frames sent to Accedian Demarcation devices do not validate the MEG level
in the frame.

ATRC-D15523 DOWN MEP using VCE does not work with un-tag packet
We do not support EVC Client Interface for an untagged MEP on a VCE.
We only support untagged MEPs, if it is a Down MEP on a physical port of the VCE.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

ATRC-D15473 The TP-Z-PCP-Mapping does not work properly

An Up MEP defined on the TP-Z port of a VCE, which is defined with frame-type 'all-to-one',
does not support the PCP mapping since it necessarily becomes untagged when egressing TP-
A. The PCP value used is then inherited from the CFM object when additional components are
in the transmission path.

ATRC-D15229 DownMEP_VCE: VCE is using TPID but it is affected by changing s-vlan mode
The user needs to configure the S-VLAN ethertype located under General system settings,
prior to configuring any VCE or CFM elements. If the user changes this setting after
configuring other elements, they may see some display discrepancies.

ATRC-D07187 LAG Port remains DOWN with LACP, but UP with Link status
When using LACP, if the catchall L2PT rules are enabled, LACP frames will not be handled
correctly to allow LACP to operate correctly.
Workaround: Create LACP rules that also apply to the L2PT configuration.

ATRC-D05982 Limited availability of the OAM Loopback feature

The 802.3ah OAM loopback feature is not functional on the following platforms:
• GT Performance Element
• GX Performance Element
• LT Performance Element

ATRC-D05907 Reserved value no longer allowed in a Y.1731 configuration

As of firmware version 6.4.2, VLAN ID 4095 is a reserved value and is no longer allowed in
Y.1731 configurations.
If VLAN 4095 was used in a previous firmware version, support in version 6.4.2 will be
maintained through a firmware upgrade. However, any MA/MEG instances using VLAN 4095
cannot be recreated in the event of a deletion.

ATRC-D05812 SNMP returns incorrect values for certain PAA configuration parameters
Polling the following PAA configuration OIDs with SNMP returns “0” instead of the actual
• acdPaaUdpCfgOneWayDelayMax
• acdPaaUdpCfgOneWayDelayThresh
• acdPaaUdpCfgOneWayAvgDelayThresh
• acdPaaUdpCfgOperationMode
• acdPaaUdpCfgPktSize
• acdPaaUdpCfgSamplingPeriod
• acdPaaUdpCfgPeerID

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

ATRC-D05755 L2PT rules for ESMC also catch other slow protocols
An L2PT rule configured for the ESMC protocol may also catch the following protocol frames:
• Link OAM
If separate L2PT rules are not required for these protocols, no specific intervention is
If separate L2PT rules are required for these protocols, assign a higher rule ID to ESMC to
ensure that it does not interfere with other protocols. As a result, other protocol filter rules
will be processed before the ESMC rule.

ATRC-D05720 VC Agent: Changing the local time can cause a disconnection from Vision EMS
Changing the local time on a unit can cause the Vision Collect agent to disconnect from Vision
EMS. The agent will reconnect automatically. No PM data is lost; if a transfer is interrupted,
the data will be retransferred once the connection is restored.

ATRC-D05446 Slight variation in BLUE queue full/empty threshold percentage values

The Web interface for the following products accepts values between 0 and 100 for the BLUE
Queue Full Threshold and BLUE Queue Empty Threshold parameters:
• GT Performance Element
• GX Performance Element
• LT Performance Element
These values are expressed as percentages. However, this percentage value is subsequently
converted to a binary number and mapped to the range 0-128, as the underlying register is 7
bits in length.
In most cases, the initial percentage will not correspond to an exact binary value. When this
value is then converted back to a decimal percentage for display purposes, the end result may
differ slightly from what was initially entered.

ATRC-D05432 History CSV files may not all contain the same range of period numbers
The exported history CSV files may not all contain the identical range of period numbers,
depending on when the given history metrics were collected. Enabling multiple categories of
history metrics with many instances requires more processing than history metrics with fewer
categories and instances. Since the history files are processed sequentially, some exported
files may consequently present different period numbers compared to others.
For example, the CFM DMM file may show periods 16-30, whereas the CFM SLM file may
show periods 17-31, since it was processed afterwards. The reason for this variation is that
new periods are included in the CSV file as soon as they become available.
This is the expected behavior. There is no period number synchronization between history
categories. Note that all periods are exported in the CSV files and no data is lost.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

ATRC-D05382 CoS Mapping: Yellow PCP Out is not mapped to a queue

The following products use CoS mapping to define the internal CoS that service frames will
use in the unit.
• GT Performance Element
• GX Performance Element
• LT Performance Element
However, the pre-marking color parameter (set to Green or Yellow) is disregarded when
mapping a flow to a traffic queue. The system’s internal CoS always uses the configured
Green PCP value to map a flow to a queue, regardless of whether the pre-marking is set to
Green or Yellow.

ATRC-D04263 Web Interface: VLAN ID value not properly validated when creating a VID set
The VLAN ID value is not properly validated when creating a VID set in the Web Interface.
Entries outside the valid range (0 – 4095) are accepted, as well as character strings; however,
the resulting VID set instance is empty with no VLAN ID assigned.
This issue only concerns the Web Interface; the CLI performs the proper validation and rejects
invalid entries as expected.
The following products and firmware versions are affected:

Product Name Firmware Versions

TE-x Performance Element 5.1 – 6.4.3

GT/GT-S Performance Element 6.0 – 7.3

GT-Q/GT-QE Performance Element 7.1.1 – 7.3

GX/GX-S Performance Element 7.0 – 7.3

10GE CE/NE Performance Element 5.0 – 6.3

LT/LT-S Performance Element 6.3 – 7.3

FS/FS 10G Performance Element 1.0 – 1.1

ATRC-D04040 Syslog error message at login after configuring RADIUS

After a first-time RADIUS configuration, a false syslog error may be generated due to start-up
conditions when the user logs in.
The syslog message is as follows:
Jan 1 00:19:13 C074-0010 dropbear[1620]: rc_get_seqnbr: fscanf failure:
This message has no consequence and can be ignored.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

ATRC-D03949 Modified syntax for CLI command "bandwidth-generator add"

Starting in firmware version 6.4, the CLI command bandwidth-generator add is used to
configure regulators and bandwidth sharing envelopes.
Previous syntax (before 6.4):
bandwidth-regulator add <regulator-name> …
New syntax (6.4 and later):
bandwidth-regulator add regulator <regulator-name> …
bandwidth-regulator add envelope <envelope-name> …
Consequently, the word regulator is reserved as of firmware version 6.4 and cannot be used
as a regulator name, although the former syntax is still supported for backward compatibility.
These changes are illustrated in the following examples.
Preferred syntax:
bandwidth-regulator add regulator regulator1 cir 20000 …
Allowed (for backward compatibility):
bandwidth-regulator add regulator1 cir 20000 …
Not allowed (triggers an error message):
bandwidth-regulator add regulator cir 20000 …
(invalid parameter value)

ATRC-D03939 Maximum number of complex rules for ERP traffic

For any unit that supports G.8032, the system automatically creates a default Layer-2 filter
traffic policy (used for the ring pass-through traffic) whenever a LAG port is configured for
Since this default policy consumes one of the unit’s available complex rules (i.e., using a Layer-
2 or IPv4 filters), the number of complex rules available to users on that LAG port is reduced
by 1. This situation has no impact on other ports.

ATRC-D02695 Timestamps of report periods are not always contiguous

The data collected by Vision EMS in high-resolution mode can occasionally show consecutive
records with timestamps that are not contiguous.
Be aware of the following limitations:
• When data is collected in high-resolution (1 second) mode, two consecutive
measurements can sometimes present the same timestamp, or show a gap between
the timestamps. This is caused by rounding the time value to a granularity of 1 second.

Please note that in this case, no periods or measurements are lost, i.e., all periods are
consecutive and none are missing.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

• There can be a timestamp gap or overlap when the unit is first synchronized by NTP,
PTP or GPS. As the FlowMETER may be acquiring data before the synchronization is
complete, a time adjustment could affect the timestamps.
No periods or measurements are lost.
Inconsistencies may also surface in the timestamps collected before a system reboot when
compared to those collected after the reboot.

ATRC-D02648 New behavior when re-enabling CFM-PL instances

In firmware version 6.3.1, the CFM packet loss (PL) behavior has been modified as follows:
• Previous behavior (before 6.3.1): When a packet loss (PL) instance is re-enabled after
being disabled, the current period results contain the last values from the point at
which the instance was disabled.
• New behavior (6.3.1. and later): When a packet loss (PL) instance is re-enabled after
being disabled, the current period results are cleared and measurements begin from 0.

ATRC-D02057 Syslog: Entries are sometimes not displayed in the system log
When a large number of events occur at the same time (e.g. raising or clearing hundreds of
alarms simultaneously), some entries may be absent from the syslog. Missing entries do not
imply that the corresponding events/actions were not properly executed.
For example, in the case of alarm storms, although syslog messages for some status changes
are not displayed, all the alarms are updated to the correct status and the corresponding
SNMP traps are reported.

ATRC-7830 RFC-2544 test suite: Report displays incorrect unit identifier information
When running the RFC-2544 test suite after modifying the unit identifier
(System ▶ DNS ▶ host name), the generated report contains the previous unit identifier.

ATRC-B10797 Firmware upgrade considerations pertaining to history buckets

Since firmware version 6.3.1, several software modifications have optimized how the history
data is handled and stored to flash memory. Before proceeding with the firmware upgrade,
take the following precautions:
• To prevent any loss of history data, ensure that all data has been transferred to the
file server.
• Be aware of certain side-effects caused by these optimizations on systems on which
the History Buckets feature is enabled.
Upgrading from any pre-6.3.1 version to 6.3.1. and later:
• All history data present on the flash memory is deleted during the upgrade process.
Upgrading from version 6.3.1 to 6.4.2:
• No history data is deleted during the upgrade process.
Upgrading from version 6.3.1 or 6.4.2 to any later version:
• All history data present on the flash memory is deleted during the upgrade process.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

Upgrading from version to 7.0:

• All history data present on the flash memory for the Policy, Regulator, Shaper,
SOAM DMM and SOAM PL is deleted during the upgrade process.
Upgrading from version to 7.2:
• All history data present on the flash memory for the Policy, Regulator, Shaper,
SOAM DMM and SOAM PL is deleted during the upgrade process.

ATRC-7572 Y.1564 one-way flows must be received on the same SAT server port
If one-way test flows from multiple Y.1564 generators are sent to a SAT server (i.e., a remote
unit), all flows must terminate on the same physical port. For example, terminating eight
flows on one port and eight other flows on a different port is not supported.

ATRC-7028 No VLAN information in LLDP frames

LLDP frames sent by the unit only contain the interfaces' IP address and index values.
Information on the interfaces’ VLAN settings is not available at this time.

ATRC-6906 RFC-2544 monitors are not independent

When using both RFC-2544 monitors in bypass mode to monitor Layer-2 and Layer-3 test
traffic flows, both monitors will report the Layer-3 flow statistics. If the monitor configured
for Layer-2 is disabled, the other monitor (Layer-3) does not report any statistics.

ATRC-6869 Obtaining the UTC offset from the PTP master is not supported
The option to obtain the UTC offset from the PTP master is not yet supported. As such, the
offset provided in the announce messages from the PTP master are not applied to the time
information on the unit. Only the locally-defined UTC offset can be used.

ATRC-6846 IPv6 router-advertised addresses are lost when configuring other addresses
After an interface has configured itself with one or several addresses from IPv6 router
advertisements, configuring any other address (whether static or DHCP) will flush the router-
advertised addresses.
This is the intended implementation, since configuring a static IP or enabling DHCP
supersedes the router advertisements.

ATRC-6758 Higher number of Y.1731 frames sent over a period

The number of Y.1731 sample frames (CCM, DMM or SLM) sent over a period can be slightly
higher than expected.
For example, if SLM is configured with an interval of 100 ms and a period of 60 seconds, it is
possible that 601 or 602 samples will be sent during the period instead of 600. This is caused
by a rounding issue related to timer division.
This issue does not lead to packet loss or inaccurate delay results; it is merely a variation of
the number of samples sent over a period.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

ATRC-6672 Plug & Go ring protection from customer beacon

When a new unit is added to a G.8032 ERP ring and is in the process of being provisioned
using the Plug & Go feature, it is important to ensure that no foreign beacons enter the ring
from the UNI side (e.g. from a customer). Taking this measure prevents the new ring unit from
being provisioned by the wrong beacon.

ATRC-6604 Web interface may be slow with Mozilla Firefox version 14.0.1 to 22
When using the Mozilla Firefox Web browser version 14.0.1 to 22 to manage the unit, the
response time can sometimes increase, which makes the Web interface slow to operate.
Workaround: Use Firefox version 23 or higher.

ATRC-6509 LAG-Protection: ETH-CSF cannot validate port state on LACP-based UNI links
If enabled, ETH-CSF cannot validate the link status of an LACP-based protected UNI link.
Under such circumstances, the remote fault cannot be propagated. Since ETH-CSF is based on
link-status and LACP is based on signaling, it is currently impossible to indicate to CSF that the
link is logically down, yet still physically up.

ATRC-6425 CLI traceroute command does not support all listed options
The CLI traceroute command does not support the following options:
• -q (number of queries)
• -s (source IP address)
• -g (gateway)

ATRC-6132 VSP reflector responds to invalid MAC addresses on the management port
The V-NID reflector functionality is only intended for use on traffic ports, not on out-of-band
management ports. However, the out-of-band management port will reflect any ETH-VSP
frames it receives. While traffic ports only reflect VSP frames that match the port's specific
MAC address, the out-of-band management port will reflect VSP frames that match the MAC
address belonging to any of the unit's ports (MAC range).

ATRC-5790 EVC Mapping: "Preserve VLAN - New CFI/PCP" limitations

When setting EVC Mapping to "Preserve VLAN - New CFI/PCP", the following limitations
should be taken into consideration:
• DSCP/IP Precedence information is not extracted from triple-tagged frames.
• DSCP/ IP Precedence information is not extracted from 802.2 SNAP/LLC frames.
• DSCP/ IP Precedence/PCP information is not extracted from S-VLAN (0x9100) tagged
frames, unless 0x9100 is set globally as the default S-VLAN Ethertype.
This EVC mapping action can corrupt untagged frames. Therefore, a filter matching at least
one VLAN must be used to ensure the classified frames are tagged.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

ATRC-5646 EVC mapping actions that modify VLAN tags must not be used with untagged
EVC mapping actions that involve replacing or modifying a VLAN tag should not be used if the
traffic is untagged. These EVC mapping actions are:
• Replace
• Pop & Replace
• Preserve VLAN – New CFI/PCP
Performing VLAN modifications on untagged traffic could result in altering the frames. There
is no traffic policy validation to enforce the presence of a VLAN filter with these EVC mapping
actions. You must therefore ensure that any policy using these EVC mapping actions is
configured with a VLAN filter.

ATRC-5474 Frame count statistics may be inconsistent if SLM is disabled in mid-period

If an SLM instance is disabled in the middle of a reference period, the ETH-SLM and ETH-SLR
frame counts shown in the MEP statistics may not be consistent with those shown in the SLM
statistics. This is normal, as the information may not have been refreshed at the very moment
when the SLM instance was disabled.
This behavior is a normal consequence of disabling the SLM instance during a period and is by
design. SLM functions as expected in continuous operation.

ATRC-5364 CPU-destined ingress traffic can be processed on an LACP link while not in the
collecting/distributing state
When using LACP status-based protection, CPU-destined traffic received on a port can be
processed by the software even when the local (actor) LACP link status is not in the
collecting/distributing state. This situation applies to CFM traffic (LBM, LTM, DMM, CCM, etc.),
PAA traffic and L2PT traffic.

ATRC-5254 Web session does not time out if automatic refresh is enabled
The active session of the Web interface will never time out if automatic refresh is enabled in a

ATRC-5197 ARP Requests are sent out on a port when interface is disabled
Many ARP requests are sent out on a port even if the interface associated with the port is

ATRC-5196 "cfm show statistics" CLI command shows incorrect RDI and CCM sequence errors
This CLI command does not accurately report the count of CCM sequence errors. This
information can be displayed using the cfm show mep statistics command.

ATRC-5107 Users without "Policy" permissions can clear policy statistics in the Web interface
Users are currently able to clear the Policy statistics in the Web interface (but not in the CLI),
regardless of their assigned permission settings.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

ATRC-4560 CLI: CFM naming convention (MEP, Pkt-loss, DMM)

When assigning a CFM name to an instance in the GUI, the name must not be composed
solely of digits; CFM names must always include at least one letter. If the name contains only
digits, the CLI interprets the name as an instance index.

ATRC-4076 SCP -z option not working with certain servers

Certain SSH servers, such as Solaris and several Linux enterprise versions, do not support the
SCP -z option to specify the user name. Once the SCP fails, FTP no longer functions since it
uses the same process. The CPU must be restarted for FTP to function.
This issue is related to how the SSHd server is configured. Servers are usually configured to
use PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) for account and session management. SSHd can
also rely on PAM for authentication; PAM then executes its authentication scheme based on
its configuration for that login method (for example: /etc/pam.d/sshd).
Configuring Response Authentication:
• With OpenSSH, ChallengeResponseAuthentication in /etc/ssh/sshd_config should be
set to No .
• On Solaris, PAMAuthenticationViaKBDInt in /etc/sshd_config should be set to No .
Alternate Solutions:
• Change the PAM configuration for SSHd (expert)
• Use a public key authentication
Modification Procedure:
• Solaris:
o Log in with administrative privileges.
o Edit file /etc/ssh/sshd_config to set PAMAuthenticationViaKBDInt to No.
o Save file and exit.
o Restart service: svcadm restart network/ssh.
• Ubuntu Linux (OpenSSH):
o Log in with administrative privileges.
o Edit file /etc/ssh/sshd_config to set ChallengeResponseAuthentication to
o Save file and exit.
o Restart service: sudo service ssh restart.

ATRC-3533 SyncE is not supported with copper SFP

Copper SFPs use the internal 25 MHz oscillator instead of the SyncE recovered clock.
Consequently, SyncE is not supported for copper SFPs.

ATRC-3285 Web browser refresh deletes the current search filter

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

Using the browser Refresh command (F5 or Ctrl+R) does not only refresh the page values, it
also reloads the page completely. Doing so eliminates any search filters that were entered.
This behavior is considered normal.

4.4 MIB Changes


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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

5. Firmware Version (2022-02-16)

5.1 New Features and Enhancements

AC-23299 Enhanced SFP Speed Override feature for port speed
This enhancement of the SFP Speed Override feature will support Copper SFPs and Fiber SFPs
in a consistent behavior.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

5.2 Addressed Issues

AC-23300 Copper SFP Manual speed at 100 Mbps not persistent
Copper SFP Manual speed not persistent. For example, if a copper SFP is inserted and speed is
configured at 100 Mbps full duplex manual, without Auto-Neg, the port went down and the
speed was changed to 1Gbps after device reboot.
This issue has been fixed.

AC-22137 Performance element rebooted with the rollback version and loaded the current
The performance element was using the backup firmware after the reboot and a piece of the
config was lost.
This issue has been fixed.

AC-22915 Port speed changes after upgrading the firmware on the performance element
After an upgrade to, the port went down, and the configuration was changed to 1G
after originally being configured at 10M.
This issue has been fixed.

AC-22703 Port config loses configuration when copper SFP is inserted after setting 100M
fixed speed
If copper SFP is inserted while a port is configured as 100M full duplex, the port changes to 1G
and the link goes down.
This issue has been fixed.

AC-22662 Disabled port becomes enable after firmware upgrade on GT

Defaulted performance element had one disable port configuration with NO SFP connected
but this port became enable after firmware upgrade to
This issue has been fixed.

AC-22265 Error message: Transmission path interferes with existing MEP

When using firmware on GT, user could not create additional MEP when using the
same vlan with different MEG levels, the system was reporting the following error message:
"Transmission path interferes with existing MEP".
This issue has been fixed.

AC-23298 1000B-T SFP: missing speed value in configuration generate-script when the
speed override was set to 10Mbps
User configured generate-script after setting the override SFP Copper speed to 10Mbps, the
speed value of the port was blank but the port speed status, set to 10Mbps, was still “up”.
This issue has been fixed.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

AC-23297 Port should be up with speed 1G on Fiber-1G when SFP speed-override set Auto
User configured generate-script after setting the override SFP Copper speed to 10Mbps, the
speed value of the port was blank but the port speed status, set to 10Mbps, was still “up”.
This issue has been fixed.

AC-23938 Generator rate layer-2 test duration was shorter than expected
Generator rate layer-2 test duration was based on layer 1 rate calculation, causing the test to
be shorter than expected
This issue has been fixed.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

5.3 Operational Considerations and Known Limitations

Important Notes

 The GT Performance Element firmware is delivered in a consolidated file prefixed by

"ACC", e.g. This file contains the firmware for the GT, GX and LT
Performance Element products. It cannot be used with any other product.
 IMPORTANT: Prior to upgrading the firmware on a unit where the History Buckets
feature is enabled, certain precautions may need to be taken to prevent a loss of history
data during the upgrade. Refer to ATRC-B10797 for details.
 In a G.8032 ring configuration, the GT Performance Element supports a maximum of 62
policies on the LAG port (i.e., policies that govern how traffic is dropped from the ring to
UNI ports). This limitation does not apply to the UNI ports (i.e., policies that govern how
traffic is added to the ring) unless the VLAN-tagged customer traffic is passed
transparently from the UNI port to the ring through one-to-one mapping.
One way to avoid this limitation and maximize the number of usable UNI policies is to
encapsulate multiple customer VLANs (coming from the UNI) under a single service
provider VLAN on the ring. Doing so reduces the number of policies required by the LAG

AC-11198 Copper LAG port state changes from Up > Dormant > Down instead of Up >Down
while link is disconnected
When a connected-link goes down, the port is expected to switch from Up to Down quickly,
however, the port is switching from Up to Dormant and then to Down.

AC-4316 Cannot create the second VCA when 2 Operator's TPID are different
When Operator1's TPID and Operator2's TPID are different, only 1 VCA will be successfully
created. In this scenario, a second VCA cannot be created. This is a limitation of the VCE/VCA
model and it will result in the following error message: “This platform doesn't support this

AC-4324 Flow-1 automatically switches back to out-of-service mode during upgrade

When upgrading the performance element from a pre-7.7 release, if both RFC2544 flows were
enabled, then the "Flow type" field in the "First flow profile settings" will be automatically
reconfigured to the "Out-of-service" state as part of the upgrade process.

ATRC-D15900 LBR message still occurs when MIP and MEP are different VLAN type
Unicast CFM-LBM frames sent to Accedian Demarcation devices are VLAN TPID unaware.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

ATRC-D17907 Missing packets on RFC2544 generator layer-3 (2 flows)

With an RFC2544 generator layer-3 that has flow 1 set as QinQ and flow 2 set as no
encapsulation (or QinQ), packets are missing on flow 2 after completing the RFC2544 with
two flows.

ATRC-D17871 Error loading proper page indexing when loading pages via URL/back
Possible error loading proper page indexing when loading WEB pages that contain paged
tables via URL (i.e. back) ̶ Some WEB pages contain a table paging feature that displays a
certain number of instances per page within a table. As the user cycles through the different
pages, he will be able to view different instances and the URL will be updated to save this
information. This allows a user to re-load the same view by using the URL (i.e. saving
bookmark, clicking back to reload page, etc.). However, when reloading a web-page using this
method, incorrect index offsets may be observed for instances on certain pages.

ATRC-D13944 Generator RFC2544 in-service and monitor operate incorrectly

When an L2PT rule is enabled with forwarding mode set to either pop or replace and the
frame is S-VLAN tagged, the frame is dropped instead of being forwarded.

ATRC-D16848 Filter does not catch IPv6 Extension Headers

Because the frame header fields extraction depth is limited to the first 96 bytes of a frame,
any fields of an IPv6 frame that are beyond the first 96 bytes will not be extracted. Therefore,
they will not be found in the classification key used against an IPv6 filter.
Also, the following IPv6 Next Headers identifying Extension Headers will be skipped.
Therefore, they will not be found in the classification key used against an IPv6 filter:
• Hop-by-Hop options (0)
• Destination options (60)
• Routing header (43)
• Fragment header (44)
• Authentication header (51)
• Mobility header (135)

ATRC-D17233 SNMP IPv6 Filtering and Loopback is not supported

SNMP IPv6 Filtering and Loopback is not supported in this release.

ATRC-D15894 LBR message still occurring when MIP is created with MD level
Unicast CFM-LBM frames sent to Accedian Demarcation devices do not validate the MEG level
in the frame.

ATRC-D15523 DOWN MEP using VCE does not work with un-tag packet
We do not support EVC Client Interface for an untagged MEP on a VCE.
We only support untagged MEPs, if it is a Down MEP on a physical port of the VCE.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

ATRC-D15473 The TP-Z-PCP-Mapping does not work properly

An Up MEP defined on the TP-Z port of a VCE, which is defined with frame-type 'all-to-one',
does not support the PCP mapping since it necessarily becomes untagged when egressing TP-
A. The PCP value used is then inherited from the CFM object when additional components are
in the transmission path.

ATRC-D15229 DownMEP_VCE: VCE is using TPID but it is affected by changing s-vlan mode
The user needs to configure the S-VLAN ethertype located under General system settings,
prior to configuring any VCE or CFM elements. If the user changes this setting after
configuring other elements, they may see some display discrepancies.

ATRC-D07187 LAG Port remains DOWN with LACP, but UP with Link status
When using LACP, if the catchall L2PT rules are enabled, LACP frames will not be handled
correctly to allow LACP to operate correctly.
Workaround: Create LACP rules that also apply to the L2PT configuration.

ATRC-D05982 Limited availability of the OAM Loopback feature

The 802.3ah OAM loopback feature is not functional on the following platforms:
• GT Performance Element
• GX Performance Element
• LT Performance Element

ATRC-D05907 Reserved value no longer allowed in a Y.1731 configuration

As of firmware version 6.4.2, VLAN ID 4095 is a reserved value and is no longer allowed in
Y.1731 configurations.
If VLAN 4095 was used in a previous firmware version, support in version 6.4.2 will be
maintained through a firmware upgrade. However, any MA/MEG instances using VLAN 4095
cannot be recreated in the event of a deletion.

ATRC-D05812 SNMP returns incorrect values for certain PAA configuration parameters
Polling the following PAA configuration OIDs with SNMP returns “0” instead of the actual
• acdPaaUdpCfgOneWayDelayMax
• acdPaaUdpCfgOneWayDelayThresh
• acdPaaUdpCfgOneWayAvgDelayThresh
• acdPaaUdpCfgOperationMode
• acdPaaUdpCfgPktSize
• acdPaaUdpCfgSamplingPeriod
• acdPaaUdpCfgPeerID

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

ATRC-D05755 L2PT rules for ESMC also catch other slow protocols
An L2PT rule configured for the ESMC protocol may also catch the following protocol frames:
• Link OAM
If separate L2PT rules are not required for these protocols, no specific intervention is
If separate L2PT rules are required for these protocols, assign a higher rule ID to ESMC to
ensure that it does not interfere with other protocols. As a result, other protocol filter rules
will be processed before the ESMC rule.

ATRC-D05720 VC Agent: Changing the local time can cause a disconnection from Vision EMS
Changing the local time on a unit can cause the Vision Collect agent to disconnect from Vision
EMS. The agent will reconnect automatically. No PM data is lost; if a transfer is interrupted,
the data will be retransferred once the connection is restored.

ATRC-D05446 Slight variation in BLUE queue full/empty threshold percentage values

The Web interface for the following products accepts values between 0 and 100 for the BLUE
Queue Full Threshold and BLUE Queue Empty Threshold parameters:
• GT Performance Element
• GX Performance Element
• LT Performance Element
These values are expressed as percentages. However, this percentage value is subsequently
converted to a binary number and mapped to the range 0-128, as the underlying register is 7
bits in length.
In most cases, the initial percentage will not correspond to an exact binary value. When this
value is then converted back to a decimal percentage for display purposes, the end result may
differ slightly from what was initially entered.

ATRC-D05432 History CSV files may not all contain the same range of period numbers
The exported history CSV files may not all contain the identical range of period numbers,
depending on when the given history metrics were collected. Enabling multiple categories of
history metrics with many instances requires more processing than history metrics with fewer
categories and instances. Since the history files are processed sequentially, some exported
files may consequently present different period numbers compared to others.
For example, the CFM DMM file may show periods 16-30, whereas the CFM SLM file may
show periods 17-31, since it was processed afterwards. The reason for this variation is that
new periods are included in the CSV file as soon as they become available.
This is the expected behavior. There is no period number synchronization between history
categories. Note that all periods are exported in the CSV files and no data is lost.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

ATRC-D05382 CoS Mapping: Yellow PCP Out is not mapped to a queue

The following products use CoS mapping to define the internal CoS that service frames will
use in the unit.
• GT Performance Element
• GX Performance Element
• LT Performance Element
However, the pre-marking color parameter (set to Green or Yellow) is disregarded when
mapping a flow to a traffic queue. The system’s internal CoS always uses the configured
Green PCP value to map a flow to a queue, regardless of whether the pre-marking is set to
Green or Yellow.

ATRC-D04263 Web Interface: VLAN ID value not properly validated when creating a VID set
The VLAN ID value is not properly validated when creating a VID set in the Web Interface.
Entries outside the valid range (0 – 4095) are accepted, as well as character strings; however,
the resulting VID set instance is empty with no VLAN ID assigned.
This issue only concerns the Web Interface; the CLI performs the proper validation and rejects
invalid entries as expected.
The following products and firmware versions are affected:

Product Name Firmware Versions

TE-x Performance Element 5.1 – 6.4.3

GT/GT-S Performance Element 6.0 – 7.3

GT-Q/GT-QE Performance Element 7.1.1 – 7.3

GX/GX-S Performance Element 7.0 – 7.3

10GE CE/NE Performance Element 5.0 – 6.3

LT/LT-S Performance Element 6.3 – 7.3

FS/FS 10G Performance Element 1.0 – 1.1

ATRC-D04040 Syslog error message at login after configuring RADIUS

After a first-time RADIUS configuration, a false syslog error may be generated due to start-up
conditions when the user logs in.
The syslog message is as follows:
Jan 1 00:19:13 C074-0010 dropbear[1620]: rc_get_seqnbr: fscanf failure:
This message has no consequence and can be ignored.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

ATRC-D03949 Modified syntax for CLI command "bandwidth-generator add"

Starting in firmware version 6.4, the CLI command bandwidth-generator add is used to
configure regulators and bandwidth sharing envelopes.
Previous syntax (before 6.4):
bandwidth-regulator add <regulator-name> …
New syntax (6.4 and later):
bandwidth-regulator add regulator <regulator-name> …
bandwidth-regulator add envelope <envelope-name> …
Consequently, the word regulator is reserved as of firmware version 6.4 and cannot be used
as a regulator name, although the former syntax is still supported for backward compatibility.
These changes are illustrated in the following examples.
Preferred syntax:
bandwidth-regulator add regulator regulator1 cir 20000 …
Allowed (for backward compatibility):
bandwidth-regulator add regulator1 cir 20000 …
Not allowed (triggers an error message):
bandwidth-regulator add regulator cir 20000 …
(invalid parameter value)

ATRC-D03939 Maximum number of complex rules for ERP traffic

For any unit that supports G.8032, the system automatically creates a default Layer-2 filter
traffic policy (used for the ring pass-through traffic) whenever a LAG port is configured for
Since this default policy consumes one of the unit’s available complex rules (i.e., using a Layer-
2 or IPv4 filters), the number of complex rules available to users on that LAG port is reduced
by 1. This situation has no impact on other ports.

ATRC-D02695 Timestamps of report periods are not always contiguous

The data collected by Vision EMS in high-resolution mode can occasionally show consecutive
records with timestamps that are not contiguous.
Be aware of the following limitations:
• When data is collected in high-resolution (1 second) mode, two consecutive
measurements can sometimes present the same timestamp, or show a gap between
the timestamps. This is caused by rounding the time value to a granularity of 1 second.

Please note that in this case, no periods or measurements are lost, i.e., all periods are
consecutive and none are missing.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

• There can be a timestamp gap or overlap when the unit is first synchronized by NTP,
PTP or GPS. As the FlowMETER may be acquiring data before the synchronization is
complete, a time adjustment could affect the timestamps.
No periods or measurements are lost.
Inconsistencies may also surface in the timestamps collected before a system reboot when
compared to those collected after the reboot.

ATRC-D02648 New behavior when re-enabling CFM-PL instances

In firmware version 6.3.1, the CFM packet loss (PL) behavior has been modified as follows:
• Previous behavior (before 6.3.1): When a packet loss (PL) instance is re-enabled after
being disabled, the current period results contain the last values from the point at
which the instance was disabled.
• New behavior (6.3.1. and later): When a packet loss (PL) instance is re-enabled after
being disabled, the current period results are cleared and measurements begin from 0.

ATRC-D02057 Syslog: Entries are sometimes not displayed in the system log
When a large number of events occur at the same time (e.g. raising or clearing hundreds of
alarms simultaneously), some entries may be absent from the syslog. Missing entries do not
imply that the corresponding events/actions were not properly executed.
For example, in the case of alarm storms, although syslog messages for some status changes
are not displayed, all the alarms are updated to the correct status and the corresponding
SNMP traps are reported.

ATRC-7830 RFC-2544 test suite: Report displays incorrect unit identifier information
When running the RFC-2544 test suite after modifying the unit identifier
(System ▶ DNS ▶ host name), the generated report contains the previous unit identifier.

ATRC-B10797 Firmware upgrade considerations pertaining to history buckets

Since firmware version 6.3.1, several software modifications have optimized how the history
data is handled and stored to flash memory. Before proceeding with the firmware upgrade,
take the following precautions:
• To prevent any loss of history data, ensure that all data has been transferred to the
file server.
• Be aware of certain side-effects caused by these optimizations on systems on which
the History Buckets feature is enabled.
Upgrading from any pre-6.3.1 version to 6.3.1. and later:
• All history data present on the flash memory is deleted during the upgrade process.
Upgrading from version 6.3.1 to 6.4.2:
• No history data is deleted during the upgrade process.
Upgrading from version 6.3.1 or 6.4.2 to any later version:
• All history data present on the flash memory is deleted during the upgrade process.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

Upgrading from version to 7.0:

• All history data present on the flash memory for the Policy, Regulator, Shaper,
SOAM DMM and SOAM PL is deleted during the upgrade process.
Upgrading from version to 7.2:
• All history data present on the flash memory for the Policy, Regulator, Shaper,
SOAM DMM and SOAM PL is deleted during the upgrade process.

ATRC-7572 Y.1564 one-way flows must be received on the same SAT server port
If one-way test flows from multiple Y.1564 generators are sent to a SAT server (i.e., a remote
unit), all flows must terminate on the same physical port. For example, terminating eight
flows on one port and eight other flows on a different port is not supported.

ATRC-7028 No VLAN information in LLDP frames

LLDP frames sent by the unit only contain the interfaces' IP address and index values.
Information on the interfaces’ VLAN settings is not available at this time.

ATRC-6906 RFC-2544 monitors are not independent

When using both RFC-2544 monitors in bypass mode to monitor Layer-2 and Layer-3 test
traffic flows, both monitors will report the Layer-3 flow statistics. If the monitor configured
for Layer-2 is disabled, the other monitor (Layer-3) does not report any statistics.

ATRC-6869 Obtaining the UTC offset from the PTP master is not supported
The option to obtain the UTC offset from the PTP master is not yet supported. As such, the
offset provided in the announce messages from the PTP master are not applied to the time
information on the unit. Only the locally-defined UTC offset can be used.

ATRC-6846 IPv6 router-advertised addresses are lost when configuring other addresses
After an interface has configured itself with one or several addresses from IPv6 router
advertisements, configuring any other address (whether static or DHCP) will flush the router-
advertised addresses.
This is the intended implementation, since configuring a static IP or enabling DHCP
supersedes the router advertisements.

ATRC-6758 Higher number of Y.1731 frames sent over a period

The number of Y.1731 sample frames (CCM, DMM or SLM) sent over a period can be slightly
higher than expected.
For example, if SLM is configured with an interval of 100 ms and a period of 60 seconds, it is
possible that 601 or 602 samples will be sent during the period instead of 600. This is caused
by a rounding issue related to timer division.
This issue does not lead to packet loss or inaccurate delay results; it is merely a variation of
the number of samples sent over a period.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

ATRC-6672 Plug & Go ring protection from customer beacon

When a new unit is added to a G.8032 ERP ring and is in the process of being provisioned
using the Plug & Go feature, it is important to ensure that no foreign beacons enter the ring
from the UNI side (e.g. from a customer). Taking this measure prevents the new ring unit from
being provisioned by the wrong beacon.

ATRC-6604 Web interface may be slow with Mozilla Firefox version 14.0.1 to 22
When using the Mozilla Firefox Web browser version 14.0.1 to 22 to manage the unit, the
response time can sometimes increase, which makes the Web interface slow to operate.
Workaround: Use Firefox version 23 or higher.

ATRC-6509 LAG-Protection: ETH-CSF cannot validate port state on LACP-based UNI links
If enabled, ETH-CSF cannot validate the link status of an LACP-based protected UNI link.
Under such circumstances, the remote fault cannot be propagated. Since ETH-CSF is based on
link-status and LACP is based on signaling, it is currently impossible to indicate to CSF that the
link is logically down, yet still physically up.

ATRC-6425 CLI traceroute command does not support all listed options
The CLI traceroute command does not support the following options:
• -q (number of queries)
• -s (source IP address)
• -g (gateway)

ATRC-6132 VSP reflector responds to invalid MAC addresses on the management port
The V-NID reflector functionality is only intended for use on traffic ports, not on out-of-band
management ports. However, the out-of-band management port will reflect any ETH-VSP
frames it receives. While traffic ports only reflect VSP frames that match the port's specific
MAC address, the out-of-band management port will reflect VSP frames that match the MAC
address belonging to any of the unit's ports (MAC range).

ATRC-5790 EVC Mapping: "Preserve VLAN - New CFI/PCP" limitations

When setting EVC Mapping to "Preserve VLAN - New CFI/PCP", the following limitations
should be taken into consideration:
• DSCP/IP Precedence information is not extracted from triple-tagged frames.
• DSCP/ IP Precedence information is not extracted from 802.2 SNAP/LLC frames.
• DSCP/ IP Precedence/PCP information is not extracted from S-VLAN (0x9100) tagged
frames, unless 0x9100 is set globally as the default S-VLAN Ethertype.
This EVC mapping action can corrupt untagged frames. Therefore, a filter matching at least
one VLAN must be used to ensure the classified frames are tagged.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

ATRC-5646 EVC mapping actions that modify VLAN tags must not be used with untagged
EVC mapping actions that involve replacing or modifying a VLAN tag should not be used if the
traffic is untagged. These EVC mapping actions are:
• Replace
• Pop & Replace
• Preserve VLAN – New CFI/PCP
Performing VLAN modifications on untagged traffic could result in altering the frames. There
is no traffic policy validation to enforce the presence of a VLAN filter with these EVC mapping
actions. You must therefore ensure that any policy using these EVC mapping actions is
configured with a VLAN filter.

ATRC-5474 Frame count statistics may be inconsistent if SLM is disabled in mid-period

If an SLM instance is disabled in the middle of a reference period, the ETH-SLM and ETH-SLR
frame counts shown in the MEP statistics may not be consistent with those shown in the SLM
statistics. This is normal, as the information may not have been refreshed at the very moment
when the SLM instance was disabled.
This behavior is a normal consequence of disabling the SLM instance during a period and is by
design. SLM functions as expected in continuous operation.

ATRC-5364 CPU-destined ingress traffic can be processed on an LACP link while not in the
collecting/distributing state
When using LACP status-based protection, CPU-destined traffic received on a port can be
processed by the software even when the local (actor) LACP link status is not in the
collecting/distributing state. This situation applies to CFM traffic (LBM, LTM, DMM, CCM, etc.),
PAA traffic and L2PT traffic.

ATRC-5254 Web session does not time out if automatic refresh is enabled
The active session of the Web interface will never time out if automatic refresh is enabled in a

ATRC-5197 ARP Requests are sent out on a port when interface is disabled
Many ARP requests are sent out on a port even if the interface associated with the port is

ATRC-5196 "cfm show statistics" CLI command shows incorrect RDI and CCM sequence errors
This CLI command does not accurately report the count of CCM sequence errors. This
information can be displayed using the cfm show mep statistics command.

ATRC-5107 Users without "Policy" permissions can clear policy statistics in the Web interface
Users are currently able to clear the Policy statistics in the Web interface (but not in the CLI),
regardless of their assigned permission settings.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

ATRC-4560 CLI: CFM naming convention (MEP, Pkt-loss, DMM)

When assigning a CFM name to an instance in the GUI, the name must not be composed
solely of digits; CFM names must always include at least one letter. If the name contains only
digits, the CLI interprets the name as an instance index.

ATRC-4076 SCP -z option not working with certain servers

Certain SSH servers, such as Solaris and several Linux enterprise versions, do not support the
SCP -z option to specify the user name. Once the SCP fails, FTP no longer functions since it
uses the same process. The CPU must be restarted for FTP to function.
This issue is related to how the SSHd server is configured. Servers are usually configured to
use PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) for account and session management. SSHd can
also rely on PAM for authentication; PAM then executes its authentication scheme based on
its configuration for that login method (for example: /etc/pam.d/sshd).
Configuring Response Authentication:
• With OpenSSH, ChallengeResponseAuthentication in /etc/ssh/sshd_config should be
set to No .
• On Solaris, PAMAuthenticationViaKBDInt in /etc/sshd_config should be set to No .
Alternate Solutions:
• Change the PAM configuration for SSHd (expert)
• Use a public key authentication
Modification Procedure:
• Solaris:
o Log in with administrative privileges.
o Edit file /etc/ssh/sshd_config to set PAMAuthenticationViaKBDInt to No.
o Save file and exit.
o Restart service: svcadm restart network/ssh.
• Ubuntu Linux (OpenSSH):
o Log in with administrative privileges.
o Edit file /etc/ssh/sshd_config to set ChallengeResponseAuthentication to
o Save file and exit.
o Restart service: sudo service ssh restart.

ATRC-3533 SyncE is not supported with copper SFP

Copper SFPs use the internal 25 MHz oscillator instead of the SyncE recovered clock.
Consequently, SyncE is not supported for copper SFPs.

ATRC-3285 Web browser refresh deletes the current search filter

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

Using the browser Refresh command (F5 or Ctrl+R) does not only refresh the page values, it
also reloads the page completely. Doing so eliminates any search filters that were entered.
This behavior is considered normal.

5.4 MIB Changes


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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

6. Firmware Version (2020-09-04)

6.1 New Features and Enhancements

AC-18070 VCX/1G10G 3 different types of CSV generated for the 4 different types of CSV
Generation (History / PMCollect)
The VCA Name column was added in pmcollect for the Bandwidth Regulator, DMM, PL and SLM
for statistics uniformity with other Accedian products (VCX)

Note: The columns in PMcollect have been realigned with History CSV files, therefore there is
a possibility that customers will need to modify their data collection tool to align to this new
structure for compatibility.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

6.2 Addressed Issues

AC-18310 PAA is deleted if a user hits the ‘Enter’ key while the cursor is in the name box
If a user presses the Enter key while the cursor is on the entry name it deletes the entry
configuration instead of applying or saving it.
This issue has been fixed.

AC-19284 Y.1564 test aborts with CIR=0

The Y.1564 test is not able to run with CIR=0.
This issue has been fixed.

AC-15480 Loopback warning does not always appear

Loopback warning messages in the web interface did not appear when changing the filter or
the loopback timeout.
This issue has been fixed.

AC-15482 Y-1564 test result - IR display is not as expected

If the test has 0 packet loss, the IR is not equal to the configured rate, and should have an IR
equal to the specified CIR.
This issue has been fixed.

AC-16151 Port Phy config loses configuration when copper SFP is inserted after setting
100M fixed speed
If copper SFP is inserted while port is configured as 100M full duplex, the port changes to 1G
and the link goes down.
This issue has been fixed.

AC-16207 RFC 2544 test suite report display issue when test fails
Results display are OK when a RFC 2544 test passes, however when it fails (Binary search
failure) the RX rate (in frames/sec) would show greater than the TX rate (in frame/sec).
This issue has been fixed.

AC-16512 Some text overlaps in the graphic user interface

Digits were reported as overlapping in the graphical user interface.
This issue has been fixed.

AC-16734 Management unreachable

A small number of units (GT/GT-S) lost management and locked the console port. This issue
does not affect customer traffic.
This issue has been fixed and propagated to the LT as a precautionary measure

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

AC-17700 tech-support export does not accept $ in the password

Tech-support export will truncate the password if there is a "$" in the password. However,
configuration export does not have the same issue.
This issue has been fixed.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

6.3 Operational Considerations and Known Limitations

Important Notes

 The GT Performance Element firmware is delivered in a consolidated file prefixed by

"ACC", e.g. This file contains the firmware for the GT, GX and LT
Performance Element products. It cannot be used with any other product.
 IMPORTANT: Prior to upgrading the firmware on a unit where the History Buckets
feature is enabled, certain precautions may need to be taken to prevent a loss of history
data during the upgrade. Refer to ATRC-B10797 for details.
 In a G.8032 ring configuration, the GT Performance Element supports a maximum of 62
policies on the LAG port (i.e., policies that govern how traffic is dropped from the ring to
UNI ports). This limitation does not apply to the UNI ports (i.e., policies that govern how
traffic is added to the ring) unless the VLAN-tagged customer traffic is passed
transparently from the UNI port to the ring through one-to-one mapping.
One way to avoid this limitation and maximize the number of usable UNI policies is to
encapsulate multiple customer VLANs (coming from the UNI) under a single service
provider VLAN on the ring. Doing so reduces the number of policies required by the LAG

AC-11198 Copper LAG port state changes from Up > Dormant > Down instead of Up >Down
while link is disconnected
When a connected-link goes down, the port is expected to switch from Up to Down quickly,
however, the port is switching from Up to Dormant and then to Down.

AC-4316 Cannot create the second VCA when 2 Operator's TPID are different
When Operator1's TPID and Operator2's TPID are different, only 1 VCA will be successfully
created. In this scenario, a second VCA cannot be created. This is a limitation of the VCE/VCA
model and it will result in the following error message: “This platform doesn't support this

AC-4324 Flow-1 automatically switches back to out-of-service mode during upgrade

When upgrading the performance element from a pre-7.7 release, if both RFC2544 flows were
enabled, then the "Flow type" field in the "First flow profile settings" will be automatically
reconfigured to the "Out-of-service" state as part of the upgrade process.

ATRC-D15900 LBR message still occurs when MIP and MEP are different VLAN type
Unicast CFM-LBM frames sent to Accedian Demarcation devices are VLAN TPID unaware.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

ATRC-D17907 Missing packets on RFC2544 generator layer-3 (2 flows)

With an RFC2544 generator layer-3 that has flow 1 set as QinQ and flow 2 set as no
encapsulation (or QinQ), packets are missing on flow 2 after completing the RFC2544 with
two flows.

ATRC-D17871 Error loading proper page indexing when loading pages via URL/back
Possible error loading proper page indexing when loading WEB pages that contain paged
tables via URL (i.e. back) ̶ Some WEB pages contain a table paging feature that displays a
certain number of instances per page within a table. As the user cycles through the different
pages, he will be able to view different instances and the URL will be updated to save this
information. This allows a user to re-load the same view by using the URL (i.e. saving
bookmark, clicking back to reload page, etc.). However, when reloading a web-page using this
method, incorrect index offsets may be observed for instances on certain pages.

ATRC-D13944 Generator RFC2544 in-service and monitor operate incorrectly

When an L2PT rule is enabled with forwarding mode set to either pop or replace and the
frame is S-VLAN tagged, the frame is dropped instead of being forwarded.

ATRC-D16848 Filter does not catch IPv6 Extension Headers

Because the frame header fields extraction depth is limited to the first 96 bytes of a frame,
any fields of an IPv6 frame that are beyond the first 96 bytes will not be extracted. Therefore,
they will not be found in the classification key used against an IPv6 filter.
Also, the following IPv6 Next Headers identifying Extension Headers will be skipped.
Therefore, they will not be found in the classification key used against an IPv6 filter:
• Hop-by-Hop options (0)
• Destination options (60)
• Routing header (43)
• Fragment header (44)
• Authentication header (51)
• Mobility header (135)

ATRC-D17233 SNMP IPv6 Filtering and Loopback is not supported

SNMP IPv6 Filtering and Loopback is not supported in this release.

ATRC-D15894 LBR message still occurring when MIP is created with MD level
Unicast CFM-LBM frames sent to Accedian Demarcation devices do not validate the MEG level
in the frame.

ATRC-D15523 DOWN MEP using VCE does not work with un-tag packet
We do not support EVC Client Interface for an untagged MEP on a VCE.
We only support untagged MEPs, if it is a Down MEP on a physical port of the VCE.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

ATRC-D15473 The TP-Z-PCP-Mapping does not work properly

An Up MEP defined on the TP-Z port of a VCE, which is defined with frame-type 'all-to-one',
does not support the PCP mapping since it necessarily becomes untagged when egressing TP-
A. The PCP value used is then inherited from the CFM object when additional components are
in the transmission path.

ATRC-D15229 DownMEP_VCE: VCE is using TPID but it is affected by changing s-vlan mode
The user needs to configure the S-VLAN ethertype located under General system settings,
prior to configuring any VCE or CFM elements. If the user changes this setting after
configuring other elements, they may see some display discrepancies.

ATRC-D07187 LAG Port remains DOWN with LACP, but UP with Link status
When using LACP, if the catchall L2PT rules are enabled, LACP frames will not be handled
correctly to allow LACP to operate correctly.
Workaround: Create LACP rules that also apply to the L2PT configuration.

ATRC-D05982 Limited availability of the OAM Loopback feature

The 802.3ah OAM loopback feature is not functional on the following platforms:
• GT Performance Element
• GX Performance Element
• LT Performance Element

ATRC-D05907 Reserved value no longer allowed in a Y.1731 configuration

As of firmware version 6.4.2, VLAN ID 4095 is a reserved value and is no longer allowed in
Y.1731 configurations.
If VLAN 4095 was used in a previous firmware version, support in version 6.4.2 will be
maintained through a firmware upgrade. However, any MA/MEG instances using VLAN 4095
cannot be recreated in the event of a deletion.

ATRC-D05812 SNMP returns incorrect values for certain PAA configuration parameters
Polling the following PAA configuration OIDs with SNMP returns “0” instead of the actual
• acdPaaUdpCfgOneWayDelayMax
• acdPaaUdpCfgOneWayDelayThresh
• acdPaaUdpCfgOneWayAvgDelayThresh
• acdPaaUdpCfgOperationMode
• acdPaaUdpCfgPktSize
• acdPaaUdpCfgSamplingPeriod
• acdPaaUdpCfgPeerID

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

ATRC-D05755 L2PT rules for ESMC also catch other slow protocols
An L2PT rule configured for the ESMC protocol may also catch the following protocol frames:
• Link OAM
If separate L2PT rules are not required for these protocols, no specific intervention is
If separate L2PT rules are required for these protocols, assign a higher rule ID to ESMC to
ensure that it does not interfere with other protocols. As a result, other protocol filter rules
will be processed before the ESMC rule.

ATRC-D05720 VC Agent: Changing the local time can cause a disconnection from Vision EMS
Changing the local time on a unit can cause the Vision Collect agent to disconnect from Vision
EMS. The agent will reconnect automatically. No PM data is lost; if a transfer is interrupted,
the data will be retransferred once the connection is restored.

ATRC-D05446 Slight variation in BLUE queue full/empty threshold percentage values

The Web interface for the following products accepts values between 0 and 100 for the BLUE
Queue Full Threshold and BLUE Queue Empty Threshold parameters:
• GT Performance Element
• GX Performance Element
• LT Performance Element
These values are expressed as percentages. However, this percentage value is subsequently
converted to a binary number and mapped to the range 0-128, as the underlying register is 7
bits in length.
In most cases, the initial percentage will not correspond to an exact binary value. When this
value is then converted back to a decimal percentage for display purposes, the end result may
differ slightly from what was initially entered.

ATRC-D05432 History CSV files may not all contain the same range of period numbers
The exported history CSV files may not all contain the identical range of period numbers,
depending on when the given history metrics were collected. Enabling multiple categories of
history metrics with many instances requires more processing than history metrics with fewer
categories and instances. Since the history files are processed sequentially, some exported
files may consequently present different period numbers compared to others.
For example, the CFM DMM file may show periods 16-30, whereas the CFM SLM file may
show periods 17-31, since it was processed afterwards. The reason for this variation is that
new periods are included in the CSV file as soon as they become available.
This is the expected behavior. There is no period number synchronization between history
categories. Note that all periods are exported in the CSV files and no data is lost.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

ATRC-D05382 CoS Mapping: Yellow PCP Out is not mapped to a queue

The following products use CoS mapping to define the internal CoS that service frames will
use in the unit.
• GT Performance Element
• GX Performance Element
• LT Performance Element
However, the pre-marking color parameter (set to Green or Yellow) is disregarded when
mapping a flow to a traffic queue. The system’s internal CoS always uses the configured
Green PCP value to map a flow to a queue, regardless of whether the pre-marking is set to
Green or Yellow.

ATRC-D04263 Web Interface: VLAN ID value not properly validated when creating a VID set
The VLAN ID value is not properly validated when creating a VID set in the Web Interface.
Entries outside the valid range (0 – 4095) are accepted, as well as character strings; however,
the resulting VID set instance is empty with no VLAN ID assigned.
This issue only concerns the Web Interface; the CLI performs the proper validation and rejects
invalid entries as expected.
The following products and firmware versions are affected:

Product Name Firmware Versions

TE-x Performance Element 5.1 – 6.4.3

GT/GT-S Performance Element 6.0 – 7.3

GT-Q/GT-QE Performance Element 7.1.1 – 7.3

GX/GX-S Performance Element 7.0 – 7.3

10GE CE/NE Performance Element 5.0 – 6.3

LT/LT-S Performance Element 6.3 – 7.3

FS/FS 10G Performance Element 1.0 – 1.1

ATRC-D04040 Syslog error message at login after configuring RADIUS

After a first-time RADIUS configuration, a false syslog error may be generated due to start-up
conditions when the user logs in.
The syslog message is as follows:
Jan 1 00:19:13 C074-0010 dropbear[1620]: rc_get_seqnbr: fscanf failure:
This message has no consequence and can be ignored.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

ATRC-D03949 Modified syntax for CLI command "bandwidth-generator add"

Starting in firmware version 6.4, the CLI command bandwidth-generator add is used to
configure regulators and bandwidth sharing envelopes.
Previous syntax (before 6.4):
bandwidth-regulator add <regulator-name> …
New syntax (6.4 and later):
bandwidth-regulator add regulator <regulator-name> …
bandwidth-regulator add envelope <envelope-name> …
Consequently, the word regulator is reserved as of firmware version 6.4 and cannot be used
as a regulator name, although the former syntax is still supported for backward compatibility.
These changes are illustrated in the following examples.
Preferred syntax:
bandwidth-regulator add regulator regulator1 cir 20000 …
Allowed (for backward compatibility):
bandwidth-regulator add regulator1 cir 20000 …
Not allowed (triggers an error message):
bandwidth-regulator add regulator cir 20000 …
(invalid parameter value)

ATRC-D03939 Maximum number of complex rules for ERP traffic

For any unit that supports G.8032, the system automatically creates a default Layer-2 filter
traffic policy (used for the ring pass-through traffic) whenever a LAG port is configured for
Since this default policy consumes one of the unit’s available complex rules (i.e., using a Layer-
2 or IPv4 filters), the number of complex rules available to users on that LAG port is reduced
by 1. This situation has no impact on other ports.

ATRC-D02695 Timestamps of report periods are not always contiguous

The data collected by Vision EMS in high-resolution mode can occasionally show consecutive
records with timestamps that are not contiguous.
Be aware of the following limitations:
• When data is collected in high-resolution (1 second) mode, two consecutive
measurements can sometimes present the same timestamp, or show a gap between
the timestamps. This is caused by rounding the time value to a granularity of 1 second.

Please note that in this case, no periods or measurements are lost, i.e., all periods are
consecutive and none are missing.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

• There can be a timestamp gap or overlap when the unit is first synchronized by NTP,
PTP or GPS. As the FlowMETER may be acquiring data before the synchronization is
complete, a time adjustment could affect the timestamps.
No periods or measurements are lost.
Inconsistencies may also surface in the timestamps collected before a system reboot when
compared to those collected after the reboot.

ATRC-D02648 New behavior when re-enabling CFM-PL instances

In firmware version 6.3.1, the CFM packet loss (PL) behavior has been modified as follows:
• Previous behavior (before 6.3.1): When a packet loss (PL) instance is re-enabled after
being disabled, the current period results contain the last values from the point at
which the instance was disabled.
• New behavior (6.3.1. and later): When a packet loss (PL) instance is re-enabled after
being disabled, the current period results are cleared and measurements begin from 0.

ATRC-D02057 Syslog: Entries are sometimes not displayed in the system log
When a large number of events occur at the same time (e.g. raising or clearing hundreds of
alarms simultaneously), some entries may be absent from the syslog. Missing entries do not
imply that the corresponding events/actions were not properly executed.
For example, in the case of alarm storms, although syslog messages for some status changes
are not displayed, all the alarms are updated to the correct status and the corresponding
SNMP traps are reported.

ATRC-7830 RFC-2544 test suite: Report displays incorrect unit identifier information
When running the RFC-2544 test suite after modifying the unit identifier
(System ▶ DNS ▶ host name), the generated report contains the previous unit identifier.

ATRC-B10797 Firmware upgrade considerations pertaining to history buckets

Since firmware version 6.3.1, several software modifications have optimized how the history
data is handled and stored to flash memory. Before proceeding with the firmware upgrade,
take the following precautions:
• To prevent any loss of history data, ensure that all data has been transferred to the
file server.
• Be aware of certain side-effects caused by these optimizations on systems on which
the History Buckets feature is enabled.
Upgrading from any pre-6.3.1 version to 6.3.1. and later:
• All history data present on the flash memory is deleted during the upgrade process.
Upgrading from version 6.3.1 to 6.4.2:
• No history data is deleted during the upgrade process.
Upgrading from version 6.3.1 or 6.4.2 to any later version:
• All history data present on the flash memory is deleted during the upgrade process.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

Upgrading from version to 7.0:

• All history data present on the flash memory for the Policy, Regulator, Shaper,
SOAM DMM and SOAM PL is deleted during the upgrade process.
Upgrading from version to 7.2:
• All history data present on the flash memory for the Policy, Regulator, Shaper,
SOAM DMM and SOAM PL is deleted during the upgrade process.

ATRC-7572 Y.1564 one-way flows must be received on the same SAT server port
If one-way test flows from multiple Y.1564 generators are sent to a SAT server (i.e., a remote
unit), all flows must terminate on the same physical port. For example, terminating eight
flows on one port and eight other flows on a different port is not supported.

ATRC-7028 No VLAN information in LLDP frames

LLDP frames sent by the unit only contain the interfaces' IP address and index values.
Information on the interfaces’ VLAN settings is not available at this time.

ATRC-6906 RFC-2544 monitors are not independent

When using both RFC-2544 monitors in bypass mode to monitor Layer-2 and Layer-3 test
traffic flows, both monitors will report the Layer-3 flow statistics. If the monitor configured
for Layer-2 is disabled, the other monitor (Layer-3) does not report any statistics.

ATRC-6869 Obtaining the UTC offset from the PTP master is not supported
The option to obtain the UTC offset from the PTP master is not yet supported. As such, the
offset provided in the announce messages from the PTP master are not applied to the time
information on the unit. Only the locally-defined UTC offset can be used.

ATRC-6846 IPv6 router-advertised addresses are lost when configuring other addresses
After an interface has configured itself with one or several addresses from IPv6 router
advertisements, configuring any other address (whether static or DHCP) will flush the router-
advertised addresses.
This is the intended implementation, since configuring a static IP or enabling DHCP
supersedes the router advertisements.

ATRC-6758 Higher number of Y.1731 frames sent over a period

The number of Y.1731 sample frames (CCM, DMM or SLM) sent over a period can be slightly
higher than expected.
For example, if SLM is configured with an interval of 100 ms and a period of 60 seconds, it is
possible that 601 or 602 samples will be sent during the period instead of 600. This is caused
by a rounding issue related to timer division.
This issue does not lead to packet loss or inaccurate delay results; it is merely a variation of
the number of samples sent over a period.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

ATRC-6672 Plug & Go ring protection from customer beacon

When a new unit is added to a G.8032 ERP ring and is in the process of being provisioned
using the Plug & Go feature, it is important to ensure that no foreign beacons enter the ring
from the UNI side (e.g. from a customer). Taking this measure prevents the new ring unit from
being provisioned by the wrong beacon.

ATRC-6604 Web interface may be slow with Mozilla Firefox version 14.0.1 to 22
When using the Mozilla Firefox Web browser version 14.0.1 to 22 to manage the unit, the
response time can sometimes increase, which makes the Web interface slow to operate.
Workaround: Use Firefox version 23 or higher.

ATRC-6509 LAG-Protection: ETH-CSF cannot validate port state on LACP-based UNI links
If enabled, ETH-CSF cannot validate the link status of an LACP-based protected UNI link.
Under such circumstances, the remote fault cannot be propagated. Since ETH-CSF is based on
link-status and LACP is based on signaling, it is currently impossible to indicate to CSF that the
link is logically down, yet still physically up.

ATRC-6425 CLI traceroute command does not support all listed options
The CLI traceroute command does not support the following options:
• -q (number of queries)
• -s (source IP address)
• -g (gateway)

ATRC-6132 VSP reflector responds to invalid MAC addresses on the management port
The V-NID reflector functionality is only intended for use on traffic ports, not on out-of-band
management ports. However, the out-of-band management port will reflect any ETH-VSP
frames it receives. While traffic ports only reflect VSP frames that match the port's specific
MAC address, the out-of-band management port will reflect VSP frames that match the MAC
address belonging to any of the unit's ports (MAC range).

ATRC-5790 EVC Mapping: "Preserve VLAN - New CFI/PCP" limitations

When setting EVC Mapping to "Preserve VLAN - New CFI/PCP", the following limitations
should be taken into consideration:
• DSCP/IP Precedence information is not extracted from triple-tagged frames.
• DSCP/ IP Precedence information is not extracted from 802.2 SNAP/LLC frames.
• DSCP/ IP Precedence/PCP information is not extracted from S-VLAN (0x9100) tagged
frames, unless 0x9100 is set globally as the default S-VLAN Ethertype.
This EVC mapping action can corrupt untagged frames. Therefore, a filter matching at least
one VLAN must be used to ensure the classified frames are tagged.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

ATRC-5646 EVC mapping actions that modify VLAN tags must not be used with untagged
EVC mapping actions that involve replacing or modifying a VLAN tag should not be used if the
traffic is untagged. These EVC mapping actions are:
• Replace
• Pop & Replace
• Preserve VLAN – New CFI/PCP
Performing VLAN modifications on untagged traffic could result in altering the frames. There
is no traffic policy validation to enforce the presence of a VLAN filter with these EVC mapping
actions. You must therefore ensure that any policy using these EVC mapping actions is
configured with a VLAN filter.

ATRC-5474 Frame count statistics may be inconsistent if SLM is disabled in mid-period

If an SLM instance is disabled in the middle of a reference period, the ETH-SLM and ETH-SLR
frame counts shown in the MEP statistics may not be consistent with those shown in the SLM
statistics. This is normal, as the information may not have been refreshed at the very moment
when the SLM instance was disabled.
This behavior is a normal consequence of disabling the SLM instance during a period and is by
design. SLM functions as expected in continuous operation.

ATRC-5364 CPU-destined ingress traffic can be processed on an LACP link while not in the
collecting/distributing state
When using LACP status-based protection, CPU-destined traffic received on a port can be
processed by the software even when the local (actor) LACP link status is not in the
collecting/distributing state. This situation applies to CFM traffic (LBM, LTM, DMM, CCM, etc.),
PAA traffic and L2PT traffic.

ATRC-5254 Web session does not time out if automatic refresh is enabled
The active session of the Web interface will never time out if automatic refresh is enabled in a

ATRC-5197 ARP Requests are sent out on a port when interface is disabled
Many ARP requests are sent out on a port even if the interface associated with the port is

ATRC-5196 "cfm show statistics" CLI command shows incorrect RDI and CCM sequence errors
This CLI command does not accurately report the count of CCM sequence errors. This
information can be displayed using the cfm show mep statistics command.

ATRC-5107 Users without "Policy" permissions can clear policy statistics in the Web interface
Users are currently able to clear the Policy statistics in the Web interface (but not in the CLI),
regardless of their assigned permission settings.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

ATRC-4560 CLI: CFM naming convention (MEP, Pkt-loss, DMM)

When assigning a CFM name to an instance in the GUI, the name must not be composed
solely of digits; CFM names must always include at least one letter. If the name contains only
digits, the CLI interprets the name as an instance index.

ATRC-4076 SCP -z option not working with certain servers

Certain SSH servers, such as Solaris and several Linux enterprise versions, do not support the
SCP -z option to specify the user name. Once the SCP fails, FTP no longer functions since it
uses the same process. The CPU must be restarted for FTP to function.
This issue is related to how the SSHd server is configured. Servers are usually configured to
use PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) for account and session management. SSHd can
also rely on PAM for authentication; PAM then executes its authentication scheme based on
its configuration for that login method (for example: /etc/pam.d/sshd).
Configuring Response Authentication:
• With OpenSSH, ChallengeResponseAuthentication in /etc/ssh/sshd_config should be
set to No .
• On Solaris, PAMAuthenticationViaKBDInt in /etc/sshd_config should be set to No .
Alternate Solutions:
• Change the PAM configuration for SSHd (expert)
• Use a public key authentication
Modification Procedure:
• Solaris:
o Log in with administrative privileges.
o Edit file /etc/ssh/sshd_config to set PAMAuthenticationViaKBDInt to No.
o Save file and exit.
o Restart service: svcadm restart network/ssh.
• Ubuntu Linux (OpenSSH):
o Log in with administrative privileges.
o Edit file /etc/ssh/sshd_config to set ChallengeResponseAuthentication to
o Save file and exit.
o Restart service: sudo service ssh restart.

ATRC-3533 SyncE is not supported with copper SFP

Copper SFPs use the internal 25 MHz oscillator instead of the SyncE recovered clock.
Consequently, SyncE is not supported for copper SFPs.

ATRC-3285 Web browser refresh deletes the current search filter

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

Using the browser Refresh command (F5 or Ctrl+R) does not only refresh the page values, it
also reloads the page completely. Doing so eliminates any search filters that were entered.
This behavior is considered normal.

6.4 MIB Changes


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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

7. Firmware Version 7.8.3_24257 (2019-08-16)

7.1 New Features and Enhancements

AC-8822 New “Dormant” status in LAG
A new status called “Dormant” is now available on LAG ports configured with Link-Status
protection mode. This status means the port is enabled and a signal is detected but the port
cannot forward user-traffic, as it is in a "stand-by" state.

AC-9070 Performance Element software supports IPv6 addresses on the pmcollect

With this new feature, customers can now configure streaming when the Performance
Element is managed in an IPv6 only network. In addition, the customer can stream to IPv6
addresses using Performance Elements, even in a multi-product solution environment.

AC-9076 Include session name in DMM and PL in CSV

A session name was added to the DMM and PL metrics in the CSV file (History Buckets) and
the streaming data (PM Collect). Furthermore, the MD name, MA/MEG name and MEP ID,
along with their indices were added to the SLM CSV (History Buckets) and streaming data
(PM Collect) as well. This will ensure the performance metrics reporting is consistent across all
Accedian SkyLIGHT product lines.

AC-11386 New Logo and design for Performance Elements

The SkyLIGHT Performance Elements now display new logo, fonts and colours in the WEBUI.

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7.2 Addressed Issues

AC-10194 ACD-ALARM-MIB changes in R7.7
The object “acdAlarmCfgNumberExt” was added in R7.7, and appeared in the wrong order in
the OIDs list in the trap (ACD-ALARM-MIB.mib). This issue has been fixed and the object
“acdAlarmCfgNumberExt” now appears at the end of the existing OIDs.

AC-11172 CFI/DEI configuration field allows out of range values definition

The CFI/DEI is expected to be 0 or 1; however, under certain settings, it was discovered that it
was possible to define each value between 0 and 9. This issue has been fixed and is now set
to 0 or 1 only.

AC-11632 Legacy string-based MA/MEG name support

This new feature provides customers with legacy string-based MA/MEG name support to fix
incompatibility between 7.1.x and 7.8.x.

AC-11356 Missing ‘Link down on PORT-X’ when disable Fault Propogation port on GX and
There was no alarm reporting Link down on Port-X when the Fault Propagation port on GX
and LT is disabled. This issue has been fixed.

AC-11661 Can not delete Regulator-set if assigned then unassigned to policy index greater
than 510 on LT
The user was unable to delete the Regulator-set if it had been assigned and then un-assigned
to a policy index greater than 510 on LT. This issue has been fixed.

AC-11668 Configuration export does not include the updated information of the user
When updating user information (e.g. first name, last name, phone number) then performing
configuration export, this information was not being updated. This issue has been fixed and
the information is now properly updated in the configuration file and device.

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7.3 Operational Considerations and Known Limitations

Important Notes
 The LT Performance Element firmware is delivered in a consolidated file prefixed by
"ACC", e.g. This file contains the firmware for the LT, GT and GX
Performance Element. It cannot be used with any other product.
 IMPORTANT: Prior to upgrading the firmware on a unit where the History Buckets
feature is enabled, certain precautions may need to be taken to prevent a loss of
history data during the upgrade. Refer to ATRC-B10797 for more details.

AC-11198 Copper LAG port state changes from Up > Dormant > Down instead of Up >Down
while link is disconnected
When a connected-link goes down, the port is expected to switch from Up to Down quickly,
however, the port is switching from Up to Dormant and then to Down.

AC-4316 Cannot create the second VCA when 2 Operator's TPID are different
When Operator1's TPID and Operator2's TPID are different, only 1 VCA will be successfully
created. In this scenario, a second VCA cannot be created. This is a limitation of the VCE/VCA
model and it will result in the following error message: “This platform doesn't support this

AC-4324 Flow-1 automatically switches back to out-of-service mode during upgrade

When upgrading the Performance Element from a pre-7.7 release, if both RFC2544 flows
were enabled, then the "Flow type" field in the "First flow profile settings" will be
automatically reconfigured to the "Out-of-service" state as part of the upgrade process.

ATRC-D17871 Error loading proper page indexing when loading pages via URL/back
Possible error loading proper page indexing when loading WEB pages that contain paged
tables via URL (i.e. back) ̶ Some WEB pages contain a table paging feature that displays a
certain number of instances per page within a table. As the user cycles through the different
pages, he will be able to view different instances and the URL will be updated to save this
information. This allows a user to re-load the same view by using the URL (i.e. saving
bookmark, clicking back to reload page, etc.). However, when reloading a web-page using this
method, incorrect index offsets may be observed for instances on certain pages.

ATRC-D13944 Generator RFC2544 In-Service and Monitor Operate Incorrectly

When an L2PT rule is enabled with forwarding mode set to either pop or replace and the
frame is S-VLAN tagged, the frame is dropped instead of being forwarded.

ATRC-D16848 Filter does not catch IPv6 Extension Headers

This defect "Works as designed".

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Because the frame headers fields extraction depth is limited to the first 96 bytes of a frame,
any fields of an IPv6 frame that are beyond the first 96 bytes will not be extracted. Therefore,
they will not be found in the classification key used against an IPv6 filter.
Also, the following IPv6 Next Headers identifying Extension Headers will be skipped.
Therefore, they will not be found in the classification key used against an IPv6 filter:
• Hop-by-Hop options (0)
• Destination options (60)
• Routing header (43)
• Fragment header (44)
• Authentication header (51)
• Mobility header (135)

ATRC-D15631 CVE-2017-1000364
An issue was discovered in the size of the stack guard page on Linux, specifically a 4k stack
guard page is not sufficiently large and can be "jumped" over (the stack guard page is
bypassed), this affects Linux Kernel versions 4.11.5 and earlier (the stackguard page was
introduced in 2010).

ATRC-D17233 SNMP IPv6 Filtering and Loopback is not supported

SNMP IPv6 Filtering and Loopback is not supported in this release.

ATRC-D15900 LBR message still occurs when MIP and MEP are different VLAN type
Unicast CFM-LBM frames sent to Accedian Demarcation devices are VLAN TPID unaware.

ATRC-D15523 DOWN MEP using VCE does not work with un-tag packet
We do not support EVC Client Interface for an untagged MEP on a VCE. We only support
untagged MEPs, if it is a Down MEP on a physical port of the VCE.

ATRC-D15473 The TP-Z-PCP-Mapping does not work properly

An Up MEP defined on the TP-Z port of a VCE which is defined with frame-type 'all-to-one'
does not support the PCP mapping since it necessarily becomes untagged when egressing TP-
A. The PCP value used is then inherited from the CFM object when additional components are
in the transmission path.

ATRC-D15229 DownMEP_VCE: VCE is using TPID but it is affected by changing s-vlan mode
The user needs to configure the S-VLAN ethertype located under General system settings,
prior to configuring any VCE or CFM elements. If the user changes this setting after
configuring other elements, they may see some display discrepancies.

ATRC-D07187 LAG Port remains DOWN with LACP, but UP with Link status
When using LACP, if the catchall L2PT rules are enabled, LACP frames will not be handled
correctly to allow LACP to operate correctly.

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Workaround: Create LACP rules that also apply to the L2PT configuration.

ATRC-B10797 Firmware upgrade considerations pertaining to history buckets

Since firmware version 6.3.1, several software modifications have optimized how the history
data is handled and stored to flash memory. Before proceeding with the firmware upgrade,
take the following precautions:
• To prevent any loss of history data, ensure that all data has been transferred to the
file server.
• Be aware of certain side-effects caused by these optimizations on systems on which
the History Buckets feature is enabled.
Upgrading from any pre-6.3.1 version to 6.3.1. and later:
• All history data present on the flash memory is deleted during the upgrade process.
Upgrading from version 6.3.1 to 6.4.2:
• No history data is deleted during the upgrade process.
Upgrading from version 6.3.1 or 6.4.2 to any later version:
• All history data present on the flash memory is deleted during the upgrade process.
Upgrading from version to 7.0:
• All history data present on the flash memory for the Policy, Regulator, Shaper,
SOAM DMM and SOAM PL is deleted during the upgrade process.
Upgrading from version to
All history data present on the flash memory for the Policy, Regulator, Shaper,
SOAM DMM and SOAM PL is deleted during the upgrade process.

ATRC-B04938 SNMP: TWAMP Generator History Results Table (acdTwampGenHistResult)

The TWAMP Generator History Results (acdTwampGenHistResult) are not available on the
LT/LT-S and CE/NE Performance Elements when a large number of TWAMP instances are
configured. This is intended by design to ensure adequate SNMP performance.

ATRC-B03831 Ingress traffic priority scheme

Prior to 6.4, each of the LT Performance Element’s 12 ingress ports was assigned its own
priority: The highest priority was given to ingress PORT-12, and the lowest priority was given
to ingress PORT-1.
When ingress traffic on multiple ports was forwarded to an egress port on the LT
Performance Element, the highest-priority ingress port used all the bandwidth it needed to
send its traffic before allowing the next highest-priority ingress port to use the egress port’s
resources. Once the maximum rate of the egress port was reached, the remaining traffic
would be dropped, even if the lower-priority ingress ports never had a chance to send any
This issue has been resolved. In firmware version 6.4, a traffic manager with round-robin
scheduling was implemented to give all UNI ports equal scheduling priority when their traffic
egresses an NNI port.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

ATRC-B02384 A bandwidth regulator cannot be shared by multiple incoming ports

On the GX and LT Performance Elements, a bandwidth regulator profile can only be applied to
a single incoming port (or LAG). However, multiple traffic policies from the same incoming
port can share a bandwidth regulator profile if needed.

ATRC-5790 EVC Mapping: "Preserve VLAN - New CFI/PCP" limitations

When setting EVC Mapping to "Preserve VLAN - New CFI/PCP", the following limitations
should be taken into consideration:
• DSCP/IP Precedence information is not extracted from triple-tagged frames.
• DSCP/ IP Precedence information is not extracted from 802.2 SNAP/LLC frames.
• DSCP/ IP Precedence/PCP information is not extracted from S-VLAN (0x9100) tagged
frames, unless 0x9100 is set globally as the default S-VLAN Ethertype.

ATRC-7572 Y.1564 one-way flows must be received on the same SAT server port
If one-way test flows from multiple Y.1564 generators are sent to a SAT server (i.e., a remote
unit), all flows must terminate on the same physical port. For example, terminating eight
flows on one port and eight other flows on a different port is not supported.

ATRC-7211 IPv6 interface port change is not properly handled

Changing the current port value to another port in the system (a physical port or a LAG) when
editing an existing IPv6 interface can cause connectivity issues, since the current interface in
the kernel is duplicated instead of deleted.
Workaround: Recreate the interface instead of editing it.

ATRC-7028 No VLAN information in LLDP frames

LLDP frames sent by the unit only contain the interfaces' IP address and index values.
Information on the interfaces’ VLAN settings is not available at this time.

ATRC-6906 RFC-2544 monitors are not independent

When using both RFC-2544 monitors in bypass mode to monitor Layer-2 and Layer-3 test
traffic flows, both monitors will report the Layer-3 flow statistics. If the monitor configured
for Layer-2 is disabled, the other monitor (Layer-3) does not report any statistics.

ATRC-6869 Obtaining the UTC offset from the PTP master is not supported
The option to obtain the UTC offset from the PTP master is not yet supported. As such, the
offset provided in the announce messages from the PTP master are not applied to the time
information on the unit. Only the locally-defined UTC offset can be used.

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ATRC-6846 IPv6 router-advertised addresses are lost when configuring other addresses
After an interface has configured itself with one or several addresses from IPv6 router
advertisements, configuring any other address (whether static or DHCP) will flush the router-
advertised addresses.
This is the intended implementation, since configuring a static IP or enabling DHCP
supersedes the router advertisements.

ATRC-6758 Higher number of Y.1731 frames sent over a period

The number of Y.1731 sample frames (CCM, DMM or SLM) sent over a period can be slightly
higher than expected.
For example, if SLM is configured with an interval of 100 ms and a period of 60 seconds, it is
possible that 601 or 602 samples will be sent during the period instead of 600. This is caused
by a rounding issue related to timer division.
This issue does not lead to packet loss or inaccurate delay results; it is merely a variation of
the number of samples sent over a period.

ATRC-6672 Plug & Go ring protection from customer beacon

When a new unit is added to a G.8032 ERP ring and is in the process of being provisioned
using the Plug & Go feature, it is important to ensure that no foreign beacons enter the ring
from the UNI side (e.g. from a customer). Taking this measure prevents the new ring unit from
being provisioned by the wrong beacon.

ATRC-6604 Web interface may be slow with Mozilla Firefox version 14.0.1 to 22
When using the Mozilla Firefox Web browser version 14.0.1 to 22 to manage the unit, the
response time can sometimes increase, which makes the Web interface slow to operate.
Workaround: use Firefox version 23 or higher.

ATRC-6509 LAG-Protection: ETH-CSF cannot validate port state on LACP-based UNI links
If enabled, ETH-CSF cannot validate the link status of an LACP-based protected UNI link.
Under such circumstances, the remote fault cannot be propagated. Since ETH-CSF is based on
link-status and LACP is based on signaling, it is currently impossible to indicate to CSF that the
link is logically down, yet still physically up.

ATRC-6425 CLI traceroute command does not support all listed options
The CLI traceroute command does not support the following options:
• -q (number of queries)
• -s (source IP address)
• -g (gateway)

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

ATRC-6132 VSP reflector responds to invalid MAC addresses on the management port
The V-NID reflector functionality is only intended for use on traffic ports, not on out-of-band
management ports. However, the out-of-band management port will reflect any ETH-VSP
frames it receives. While traffic ports only reflect VSP frames that match the port's specific
MAC address, the out-of-band management port will reflect VSP frames that match the MAC
address belonging to any of the unit's ports (MAC range).

ATRC-5646 EVC mapping actions that modify VLAN tags must not be used with untagged
EVC mapping actions that involve replacing or modifying a VLAN tag should not be used if the
traffic is untagged. These EVC mapping actions are:
• Replace
• Pop & Replace
• Preserve VLAN – New CFI/PCP
Performing VLAN modifications on untagged traffic could result in altering the frames. There
is no traffic policy validation to enforce the presence of a VLAN filter with these EVC mapping
actions. You must therefore ensure that any policy using these EVC mapping actions is
configured with a VLAN filter.

ATRC-5474 Frame count statistics may be inconsistent if SLM is disabled in mid-period

If an SLM instance is disabled in the middle of a reference period, the ETH-SLM and ETH-SLR
frame counts shown in the MEP statistics may not be consistent with those shown in the SLM
statistics. This is normal, as the information may not have been refreshed at the very moment
when the SLM instance was disabled.
This behavior is a normal consequence of disabling the SLM instance during a period and is by
design. SLM functions as expected in continuous operation.

ATRC-5364 CPU-destined ingress traffic can be processed on an LACP link while not in the
collecting/distributing state
When using LACP status-based protection, CPU-destined traffic received on a port can be
processed by the software even when the local (actor) LACP link status is not in the
collecting/distributing state. This situation applies to CFM traffic (LBM, LTM, DMM, CCM, etc.),
PAA traffic and L2PT traffic.

ATRC-5254 Web session does not time out if automatic refresh is enabled
The active sessions of the Web interface will never time out if automatic refresh is enabled in
a page.

ATRC-5197 ARP Requests are sent out on a port when interface is disabled
Many ARP requests are sent out on a port even if the interface associated with the port is

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ATRC-5196 "cfm show statistics" CLI command shows incorrect RDI and CCM sequence errors
This CLI command does not accurately report the count of CCM sequence errors. This
information can be displayed using the cfm show mep statistics command.

ATRC-5107 Users without "Policy" permissions can clear policy statistics in the Web interface
Users are currently able to clear the Policy statistics in the Web interface (but not in the CLI),
regardless of their assigned permissions settings.

ATRC-4560 CLI: CFM naming convention (MEP, Pkt-loss, DMM)

When assigning a CFM name to an instance in the GUI, the name must not be composed
solely of digits; CFM names must always include at least one letter. If the name contains only
digits, the CLI interprets the name as an instance index.

ATRC-4076 SCP -z option not working with certain servers

Certain SSH servers, such as Solaris and several Linux enterprise versions, do not support the
SCP -z option to specify the user name. Once the SCP fails, FTP no longer functions since it
uses the same process. The CPU must be restarted for FTP to function.
This issue is related to how the SSHd server is configured. Servers are usually configured to
use PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) for account and session management. SSHd can
also rely on PAM for authentication; PAM then executes its authentication scheme based on
its configuration for that login method (for example: /etc/pam.d/sshd).
Configuring Response Authentication:
• With OpenSSH, ChallengeResponseAuthentication in /etc/ssh/sshd_config should be
set to No .
• On Solaris, PAMAuthenticationViaKBDInt in /etc/sshd_config should be set to No .
Alternate Solutions:
• Change the PAM configuration for SSHd (expert)
• Use a public key authentication
Modification Procedure:
• Solaris:
o Log in with administrative privileges.
o Edit file /etc/ssh/sshd_config to set PAMAuthenticationViaKBDInt to No .
o Save file and exit.
o Restart service: svcadm restart network/ssh.
• Ubuntu Linux (OpenSSH):
o Log in with administrative privileges.
o Edit file /etc/ssh/sshd_config to set ChallengeResponseAuthentication to No .
o Save file and exit.
o Restart service: sudo service ssh restart.

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7.4 MIB Changes


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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

8. Firmware Version (2019-06-04)

8.1 New Features and Enhancements


8.2 Addressed Issues

AC-10194 ACD-ALARM-MIB changes in R7.7
The object “acdAlarmCfgNumberExt” was added in R7.7, and appeared in the wrong order in
the OIDs list in the trap (ACD-ALARM-MIB.mib). This issue has been fixed and the object
“acdAlarmCfgNumberExt” now appears at the end of the existing OIDs.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

9. Firmware Version 7.8.2_20146 (2019-05-10)

9.1 New Features and Enhancements

AC-8817 Independent Syslog Levels
This new feature provides customers with a way to select different syslog levels on the local
and remote syslog server.

AC-7666 Showing IPv6 addresses in Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) Neighbors
LLDP Neighbors information now shows IPv6 management addresses (in addition to IPv4
management addresses).

9.2 Addressed Issues

ATRC-D07991 UNI port flapping issue when FP and CSF are enabled on multiple UNI ports
When Fault Propagation (FP) and Client Signal Fail (CSF) are enabled on a combo port (port 9
to 12) and media selection is set to auto, certain events can cause the UNI ports to start
flapping. This issue has been fixed.

AC-6183 LACP Revertive timer operation leads to unreliable switching

With LAG set to 2 secs/revertive, port-2 remains active instead of going back to standby when
port-1 is brought up after being down (unexpected behavior). With LAG set to 60
secs/revertive, port-2 goes back to standby when port-1 is brought up after being down
(expected behavior). This issue has been fixed.

AC-6241 RFC-2544 test suite with frames size bigger than 256 bytes generates low
throughput results
Low throughput results are generated when running a RFC-2544 test suite (working rate
layer-2) with a maximum rate set to 6 Gbps and frame size that exceeds 256 bytes. This issue
has been fixed.

AC-7466 Y.1564 test fails, showing "ERROR: Mismatch between port MTU configuration
and frame size"
The Y.1564 test will fail if there is a mismatch between the port MTU configuration and the
frame size when the frame size type is initially set to “Fixed” and then changed to “EMIX”,
even if the frame size is also reset to match the MTU configuration. This issue has been fixed.

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AC-7494 RFC2544 test suite fails when using same value for maximum and minimum rate
When performing a RFC-2544 test suite using similar maximum and minimum rate, the test
will take a very long time to complete and will fail when it finally does complete. This issue has
been fixed.

AC-7621 RFC-2544 test fails, showing "ERROR: Mismatch between port MTU configuration
and frame size"
The RFC-2544 test will fail if there is a mismatch between the port MTU configuration and the
frame size when the frame size type is initially set to “Fixed” and then changed to “EMIX”,
even if the frame size is also reset to match the MTU configuration. This issue has been fixed.

AC-7659 User permissions for Y.1564 not allowing parameters to be edited

After setting user permission for Y.1564, the following parameters are greyed out and cannot
be edited:
• Frame Size Type
• Frame Transfer Delay Type
• Frame Delay Variation Type
This issue has been fixed.

AC-7940 Ethertype value in RFC2544 layer-2 always 0x8902 even if a custom Ethertype is
This parameter (Ethertype) is now deprecated and no longer needed. Its syntax remains valid
for backward compatibility and its value is set automatically based on the value of packet-
type. For example: 0x0800 for Layer-3, 0x8902 for Layer-2, 0x88FC for Layer-2 Accedian or
Layer-2 generic.

AC-7941 Layer-2 filter set for Ethertype 0x88fc traffic catches Ethertype 0x8902 traffic
This issue occurs because Layer-2 Ethertype 0x88fc and 0x8902 are filtered as the same
value. This issue has been fixed.

AC-8966 Synthetic Loss Measurement (SLM) streaming to SkyLIGHT Director Vision is not
When the SLM index is manually configured, starting at a high number (11 to 18, 21 to 38),
streaming to SkyLIGHT Director Vision does not work (no SLM csv file will be produced). This
issue has been fixed.

AC-9126 RFC-2544 test results not showing the exact bandwidth rate
The test suite results throughput display is no longer the integer value. As an example, it could
show 99.999 Mbps instead of the expected 100 Mbps. This issue has been fixed.

AC-9302 SFP statistics data not collected when port-1 is not present
No history data (SFP statistics) is collected when history data is enabled (with filling for SFP,
PORT and System Health enabled as well) if port-1 is not present but other ports are. This
issue has been fixed.

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AC-9552 Syntax change to “bandwidth regulator add” command prevents commissioning

using third party orchestrators
A change in the “bandwidth regulator add” command syntax causes “command not found”
error message and prevents the user from being able to configure bandwidth regulators. This
issue has been fixed.

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10. Firmware Version 7.8.1_19220 (2018-12-21)

10.1 New Features and Enhancements

AC-3859 Y1564 Burst SLA Test on GT, GX and LT Performance Elements
This feature introduces CBS Burst SLA testing in Y.1564 on the Performance Element.

AC-4406 Group Sub-Privileges (CLI and Web Interface)

This release introduces the ability to have more granular level user permissions. Specific sub-
privileges will be added to the current permission group in order to manage the user's
privileges in a more granular manner. The administrator will therefore be able to assign or
revoke specific sub-privileges within a permission group.

Permission-Group Sub-privileges Description

Port internal-loopback Permission to configure internal-loopback
Session reboot Permission to reboot device
Firmware upgrade Permission to upgrade firmware
rollback Permission to rollback firmware
Config import Permission to import configuration file
export Permission to export configuration file
rollback Permission to rollback system configuration
factory Permission to reset default system

AC-5817 Back-to-back testing RFC2544 default changed to disabled

To prevent service impacting issues due to human errors from happening, back-to-back
testing is now disabled by default in the RFC2544 test suite.

AC-5818 Web UI warning messages

Warning messages have been added in this release in order to prevent service impacting
issues due to human errors. A warning message will be displayed when a user tries:
• Changing any parameter from an active policy
• Changing any parameter from an in-use filter
• Changing VIDs from an in-use VID set
• Changing any parameter from VLAN Settings and/or VLAN in VLAN Settings
(Ethertype, Priority and VLAN ID) of an interface
• Disabling Regular port or LAG port

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• Deleting an interface
• Perform OAM Loopbacks (Loopback Enable box checked in OAM Loopback)
• Set loopback with Drop Opposite Traffic enabled

10.2 Robustness Improvements

AC-5049 Cross-site Request Forgery Prevention
This feature is introduced in this release using a two token approach. Two tokens will be sent
via cookies and both will be sent back to the server on a request. If the two tokens are
concordant, then the request will be considered valid.

AC-5050 Web Stored Scripting

This feature is introduced to prevent users from inputting html control characters in text
fields, resulting in a script being executed by the browser when that field is added to a drop-
down menu.

10.3 Addressed Issues

AC-4614 Permanent FIFO error state causing service down
FIFO error state refers to the behavior where consecutive short/truncated frames put the
FPGA FIFO management logic into an unrecoverable state of misalignment, causing service
down on a port until the next reboot. This issue has been fixed.
ATRC-D18284 Incorrect prefix for host route in IPv6
The host route in IPv6 has a prefix of zero instead of 128. This issue has been fixed.

AC-5256 EVC and CoS parameters in CSV file do not match CLI/WEB UI
The following fields in the CSV file do not match the configuration that can be seen in the CLI
and WEB UI:
• EVC Mapping Encapsulation
• COS Mapping Choice 1 Profile
• COS Mapping Choice 1 Regulator
• COS Mapping Choice 2 Profile
• Mapping Choice 2 Regulator
This issue has been fixed.

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ATRC-D08107 Lengthy RFC-2544 tests report incorrect Rx rate

The RFC-2544 test measures the Rx rate using a 32-bit counter. However, an incorrect Rx rate
could be reported during lengthy testing due to the 32-bit counter wrapping around.
This issue has been fixed.

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11. Firmware Version 7.8_18628 (2018-10-31)

11.1 New Features and Enhancements

AC-3857 Maximum CBS and EBS values increased on LT/LT-S Performance Elements
As of release 7.8, the CBS/EBS in Hierarchical Bandwidth Policers (HBWP) and Port Shapers
can be configured with values up to 8000 KiB on 1G and 10G interfaces.
To accommodate the increase in CBS and EBS values and still provide compliance to the
existing SLA, the queue sizes may be increased up to 8000 KiB with the following limitations:
• The maximum configurable size of a single queue is 8000 KiB.
• The user cannot configure an aggregate total of all queue sizes within the Traffic
Shaping System greater than 51200 KiB.
Therefore, to use CBS/EBS values greater than the default 2048 KiB, it may be necessary to
increase the queue size of a given egress queue and decrease the size of other queue(s) within
the system to comply with the above restriction.

AC-3858 Ability to advertise to a list of inventory nodes

This release introduces the support for a list of advertisement IP addresses per interface.
Customers can have a minimum of 1 IP address per interface and a maximum of 2.

AC-3860 Using ACL to deny or allow ICMP packets from specific MAC/IP addresses
This release introduces the capability to drop ICMP frames from the network management
interface by using access control lists (ACLs).

AC-4327 Exclude VLAN tags from RFC-2544 test suite frame size
This release introduces the capability to exclude the VLAN tag size from the RFC-2544 test
suite configuration. When excluding the VLAN tag size, the frame length is increased by the
size of the VLAN tag header(s) being added to the frame.

AC-4341 Layer-2 filter for IPv6 Ethertype and DSCP

Layer-2 filter for IPv6 Ethertype and DSCP is now supported.

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11.2 Robustness Improvements

AC-3865 HTTP port redirect
It is now possible to disable HTTP port redirection for security reason.

Note: Web browser can restrict the usage of certain reserved ports for security reason. It
is up to the user to select a valid port.

AC-3866 Web header change

We added new secure information in http header, such as secure flag for session ID in the

AC-3867 Vulnerabilities when Dropbear SSH Server version is lower than 2016.72
LT, GT and GX Performance Elements are affected by the following vulnerabilities when
Dropbear version is lower than 2016.72:
• CVE-2016-7406
• CVE-2016-7407
• CVE-2016-7408
• CVE-2016-7409
This issue has been addressed by implementing Dropbear Version 2018.76.
• Supported HMAC algorithms:
o SHA2_256
o SHA2_512
• Supported KEX algorithms:
o curve25519-sha256
o [email protected]
o diffie-hellman-group14-sha256
o diffie-hellman-group14-sha1
o [email protected]
o Supported Ciphers:
o aes128-ctr
o aes256-ctr

AC-3868 Update SSL library

The SSL library was updated and supports latest secured ciphers.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

11.3 Addressed Issues

AC-4309 Multiple TWAMP generator sessions can cause less packets to be sent
When running multiple TWAMP sessions, it may occur that less packets than expected in a
period will be sent. This issue has been fixed.

AC-4325 SDVM csv files having inconsistent time results depending on product and
grouping period
The csv files should be generated based on the grouping period, streaming period and device,
since different devices and streaming periods will have different time results. This issue has
been fixed.

AC-4329 Missing packets on RFC2544 generator layer-3 (2 flows)

With an RFC2544 generator layer-3 that has flow 1 set as QinQ and flow 2 set as no
encapsulation (or QinQ), packets are missing on flow 2 after completing the RFC2544 with
two flows. This issue has been fixed.

AC-4337 Management port Link/RX LED ON after disabling port

The Management port Link/RX LED stays ON even if the Management port is being disabled.
This issue has been fixed.

AC-4340 Layer-2 rate generator allows Layer-1 rate that are higher than 1G
As it is not possible to send a test Layer-2 rate that exceeds 761 Mbps (when using 64-byte
frames) on a 1G line, users should not be allowed to configure a 800 Mbps test Layer-2 rate
(on a 1G line). This issue has been fixed.

AC-4343 10G 40km SFP makes LTS fan run at high RPM
When using 10G 40km SFPs from a specific vendor, fans on LT/LTS Performance Elements
will run at maximum speed. This issue has been fixed.

AC-4344 Expired certificates prevent login into NIDs

User is unable to log into NIDs using SDVM reverse proxy due to expired certificates. This
issue has been fixed.

AC-4347 ERP Ring - Management bridge leaking into the protected segment causing a
broadcast storm
Broadcast packets are forwarded across a bridge between a traffic port and the Management
port even though the port is blocked due to a "Manual Switch (MS)”. This issue has been fixed.

AC-4351 Unable to add maximum number of VCAs on GX and LT Performance Elements

When creating a maximum of 300 VCEs Customer, 300 VCEs Operator, 300 VCEs Tunnel, and
adding these VCEs to VCA, there will be an error when adding the 300th VCA. This issue has
been fixed.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

AC-4357 Inconsistency in webs port settings

There is an inconsistency in the minimum and maximum values that can be set for the webs
port. This issue has been corrected. The minimum value is 1024 and the maximum is value
65535. This issue has been fixed.

AC-4408 Unable to perform a manual switchover after changing media type from SFP to
When LAG is configured with LACP protection and the media type is changed from SFP to
RJ45, a manual switchover operation on LACP-configured LAG of dual-media ports cannot be
successfully performed. This issue has been fixed.

AC-4500 OAM loopback persistency not working in the Web interface

It is not possible to enable the loopback persistency checkbox as it is always grayed-out. This
issue has been fixed.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

12. Firmware Version 7.7_17244 (2018-06-22)

12.1 New Features and Enhancements

ATRC-E03676 Netconf/Yang
Release 7.7 introduces the Netconf/Yang feature. This feature provides service providers the
ability to perform basic service provisioning and receive notifications by configuring a Netconf
agent. This feature supports:
• Port configuration
• Port statistics
• Traffic policies
• Traffic filters
• System configuration
• System alarms
• Traffic regulators
• Traffic mapping
• Traffic shaping
• Traffic vlan
• Traffic monitors
• Traffic configuration
• Netconf: State & Timeout
• Notification for Alarms
• System agent
• System session
• Plug & go

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

ATRC-B20549 System Monitoring

System Monitor allows for the monitoring, logging and alerting of system resources (CPU,
Memory and Disk Usage) and Network statistics. This feature can be enabled or disabled.
Three Probes can be configured when System Monitor is enabled:
System Probe, to measure and report on CPU and memory usage as well as number of top
level processes.
• Disk Probe, to measure and report on disk usage.
• Network Probe, to report statistics (packets sent/received, bytes sent/received) about
currently active network devices. The Network Probe can only be used in
Debug mode and does not have any threshold limits.

ATRC-B20203 In-field Support for 1G10G

In-field Support provides the capability to generate and export system health reports. A flight
recorder will record all events and gather information from the system and store a single
concatenated file for troubleshooting purposes.

ATRC-B20557 VCE/VCA improvements

Release 7.7 introduces a refactored VCE/VCA edit method to avoid duplication and improve

ATRC-B14759 User Experience Improvements

In Release 7.7, next and previous buttons have been incorporated in the configuration panel of
the policy so users can navigate more conveniently in the configurations.

ATRC-D15894 LBR message still occurring when MIP is created with MD level
Unicast CFM-LBM frames sent to Accedian Demarcation devices do not validate the MEG level
in the frame.

ATRC-B08684 2000 Policies per 10G Port - LT/ LT-S

A significant increase in the number of policies and service monitoring (SOAM) instances for
the 1G10G LT and LT-S Performance Elements is introduced in this release. This increase in the
number of policies will allow service provider to deploy more services without incurring the
cost of additional hardware.

ATRC-B20396 Additional Statistics for PM Collect and History Bucket

In addition to the currently available statistics, users can now receive data on SFP power
levels and system health (CPU and Memory statistics). These statistics are reported via PM
Collect or the locally stored history files may be transferred via one of the supported

ATRC-B20572 Fan Improvement

Release 7.7 adds the capability of performing a fan test at any time. When performing the
test, results (passed/failed) will be displayed (including actual fan speed if the result was
failed). Users will also be able to set/modify the fan test retry period.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

ATRC-E03677 Remove session writelock

The new implementation removes the manual process to take and release the session
writelock. Instead of session writelock, a mutex has been added forcing the command
execution serialization. Each configuration interface instances can send their commands and
do not cause the other configuration interfaces instances to fail their execution. The session
writelock commands are still available in order to be backward compatible with existing
integration and the writelock access is always granted.

12.2 Addressed Issues

ATRC-D17959 SNMP walk does not respond on LT/LT-S with maximum configuration
Users were receiving error message: "No response from..." when using command snmpwalk
on platform LT and LT-S with maximum configuration Policy, Bandwidth regulator, VID-Set,
Interface, CFM and Service Availability.

ATRC-D17296 CPU usage history graph will not show on Firefox web browser
The CPU usage history graph is not displayed when the Firefox web browser is used to access
a Performance Element Web GUI.

ATRC-D17292 No error message when editing the VCE_Tunnel with an invalid configuration
through CLI
When a user tries to specify the physical ID, the request will be ignored as the port is internal
and is set to an internal value. No error message will indicate that behavior.

ATRC-D17490 LTS 10G ports: auto-nego command should be removed from the CLI
The LTS 10G ports do not have the auto nego option in the web interface but this was present
in the CLI. This command has been removed because it created confusion.

ATRC-D17539 Fan aging test timeout to be increased to 300 seconds instead of 60 seconds
The new fan test timeout period has been increased to 300 seconds from 60 seconds, as per
specs of fan.

ATRC-D17561 Error message: utf8' codec can't decode byte 0xc2 in position 7753: invalid
continuation byte
Limit name size input on WEB, and check name length again in back end.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

ATRC-D17578 INNER filtering mode actually filters on DUAL tag only

The help has been modified to indicate more clearly that:
• The VLAN level for each Traffic Port must be configured for use with one or two
VLAN tags in the VLAN filters.
o When the VLAN level setting is configured as ‘Outer’ (default), then the VLAN
filter is matched against the outer VLAN of incoming frames. With this option, the
outer VLAN ID can only be used once per port in the VID sets.
o When the VLAN level setting is configured as ‘Inner’, then the VLAN filter is
matched against both outer and inner VLANs of incoming frames. With this
option, the inner VLAN ID can only be used once per port in the VID sets.
o In all cases, the VLAN type must match the filters.

ATRC-D17686 Edit MA/MEG attributes cause RMEP object to be deleted

Input format [x-y] causes the MEPID list to be modified, and the Remote MEP objects as well
as any PM objects associated with the MEP to be deleted without warning.

ATRC-D17661 LTS Regulator showing no statistics

Since regulators take address as 0 for error or disabled regulator, pattern idx may be returned
the same when regulators sets have a different mapping.

ATRC-D17162 Redesign the loopback drop opposite traffic to prevent accidental usage
The default value has been changed from 0 to 30 min and timeout value range is now 0-1440
min. If Drop-opposite traffic is Enabled user will receive a pop-up message: "Drop-opposite
traffic will drop all the traffic entering the device on the opposite port." If Loopback is Enabled
another message will show: "Loopback is service affecting. Are you OK?" Please note that
these messages apply to web ONLY.

ATRC-D17379 Indirect Linux access using CLI commands

Some CLI commands can be used to access Linux folders and files.

ATRC-D18038 RFC-2544 L3 flowtype In-service Monitor fails to detect if the Frame has a TTL less
than 255
If the unit is reconfigured to have a TTL value of 254 or lower the Monitor doesn’t count these
incoming frames any longer.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

13. Firmware Version 7.6_15744 (2018-02-02)

13.1 New Features and Enhancements

ATRC-E03674 IPv6 Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (TWAMP) generator and reflector
1G/10G Release 7.6 introduces IPv6 support for TWAMP Lite Generator and TWAMP
Reflector, similar to the current IPv4 TWAMP support on the Performance Elements.

ATRC-E03673 IPv6 filtering for policy and loopback

This release introduces the capability of setting up IPv6 filters (in addition to existing Layer-2
and IPv4 filters) for use with loopbacks or traffic policies. IPv6 filtering allows service
providers to classify traffic using IPv6 addresses in order to provide class of service to their
customers using IPv6.

ATRC-E03466 Advertisement Inventory Alarms

The following Advertisement Inventory Alarms have been introduced in this release:
• 18.0001.01 Inventory entries list is almost full (minor alarm). The default value for the
Inventory warning-threshold is 3000 and can be set to any value between 3000 and
3999. This alarm is raised when the inventory NIDs reach 75% of the number of
maximum entries that we support.
• 18.0001.02 Inventory entries list is full (major alarm). This alarm is raised when the
inventory NIDs reach 100% of the number of maximum entries that we support.

ATRC-E03729 Keyboard logging

The CLI Command Logger has been implemented in this release as a troubleshooting tool. It is
enabled by default and it will log CLI input commands from any CLI instances. The logged
information will also show the user name and IP address of a session when it starts or ends.
This feature supports up to 4 log files and the maximum log file size for LT, GT and GX
platforms is 100KB.

ATRC-B20073 CFM-MIP: SOAM Resource Manager enhancements

The total number of MP instances supported has been increased to 2000 (1000 MEPs and
1000 MIPs), doubling the total number of MP instances supported in Release 7.5.

ATRC-B19892 Alternate default configuration

The Alternate Default Configuration feature allows the Manufacture to identify the set of
default configuration settings on a unit.
• Manufacture config: 0000 refers to the Accedian common default configuration.
• Manufacture config: xxxx refers to an alternate default configuration such as 0001
whereas, by default, the Management Interface is tied to a physical Traffic port
instead of being present on the physical Management port.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

ATRC-B20290 Outgoing Port to Policy lists display in WEB GUI

A new column has been added to the Policy lists display to show what Outgoing Port each
policy is mapped to.

ATRC-B20353 Increase default Y.1564 Service Acceptance Critieria Values

The default Service Acceptance Critieria Values have been increased to 5000 uS for Frame
Transfer Delay (from 100 uS ) and to 1000 uS for Frame Delay Variation
(25 uS).

ATRC-E03675 Component ID
When creating a MA/MEG in SOAM, a new optional parameter has been added to specify the
desired component ID, instead of specifying the VCE name.
When creating a VCE, the user can optionally specify the desired component ID. If not
specified (0), the system will assign an ID.

ATRC-E03672 MIP/MEP Placement, creation and validation

Previous implementation could result in mapping multiples bridge ports together, causing
MIP/MEP creation and evaluation to fail based on system configuration.
The MIP creation algorithm has been fixed in this release, allowing the MIPs (based on system
configuration and placement of MEPs) to be configured at the correct level independently per
bridge port.

ATRC-B20194 VCA in VCA

As of Release 7.6, an implicit VCA will be created when the VCE type is set to Tunnel.
Only one implicit VCA (containing VCE of type tunnel) may be included in another VCA.
Therefore, the maximum amount of VCEs of type Tunnel that can be created is limited to the
maximum number of VCAs on this platform.
As of Release 7.6, a user can no longer assign a VCE of type Tunnel to a VCA. Instead, the
implicit VCA that contains a VCE of type Tunnel may be assigned to a VCA. All rules that apply
to a VCE of type Tunnel from Release 7.5 within a VCA, continue to apply to the implicit VCA.
When upgrading from 7.5, the system will create implicit VCAs for all VCEs of type Tunnel. As
part of the upgrade process, any VCAs containing VCEs of type Tunnel will be automatically
replaced with their corresponding implicit VCAs.

Note: If the maximum implicit VCA count is reached or if the implicit VCA creation would
result in a name clash with an existing VCA, then the upgrade process will skip that VCE
of type Tunnel and a corresponding error will appear in the syslog.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

13.2 Addressed Issues

ATRC-7211 IPv6 interface port change is not properly handled
Corrected a potential connectivity issue caused by changing the current port value to another
port in the system (a physical port or a LAG) when editing an existing IPv6 interface.

ATRC-D06620 Historical Data: The first period in certain categories may contain inconsistent
After enabling historical data collection, either through the History Buckets or Vision Collect
features, the data pertaining to the very first period can contain inconsistent values due to the
counters not being properly initialized. However, all subsequent periods will report valid,
consistent data. This applies only to the Policy, Regulator, Shaper and Port categories.
This issue has been fixed.

ATRC-D15502 LT-S/GT 7.4 SOAM PAA and SAT Y.1564 do not function correctly together
PAA reports lots of errors on a link between a GT and a LT-S when starting a Y.1564 test on
that same link. This issue has been fixed.

ATRC-D15556 CSF send but no port down alarm recorded

A fault propagation is sent to the far end, causing disruption of services. However the logs are
not showing any events. This issue has been fixed.

ATRC-D16577 Should not require passcode when importing CA Certificate

When importing a CA Certificate, it is required to enter a passcode but when special
characters (such as ' or |) are used, it will prompt error message.
This issue has been fixed. Passcode is still required but special characters can be used without
prompting an error message. This issue has been fixed.

ATRC-D16592 RFC2544 test suite giving wrong results (Generator working rate Layer-2)
If a test is configured at Layer-2 and the port where the test is going to be originated from is
at 100Mbps, the test suite starts and passes giving wrong values. This issue has been fixed.

ATRC-D16679 Incorrect decoding of the Reply Ingress TLV in LTR packets prevents the LTM test
from working
The incorrect decoding and validation of the Reply Ingress TLV contained in the LTR response
frames leads to the incorrect operation of the LTM test. This occurs when the entity replying
to the LTM packets adds its Ingress Port Id attributes in the Reply Ingress TLV.
This issue has been fixed.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

ATRC-D16831 Creating a VCE external to external with a long name results in implicit VCA errors
The maximum VCE name size and the maximum VCA name size are 58 characters not
including NULL space. If a user creates a VCE between two external ports with a name size
between 56-58 characters, an error will occur. The system will try to create an implicit VCA
with name size VCA-VCE_name. This can lead to overwriting VCA data and multiple errors in
system. This issue has been fixed.

ATRC-D17232 Specify in the GUI that CBS and EBS values within Y.1564 tests are for future use
This issue has been fixed in Release 7.6. The CBS and EBS values used for Y.564 Service
Configuration testing are 8 KiB. The system will generate an error message when attempting
to configure a value other than 8.

ATRC-D17245 Getting "error invalid internal loopback timeout" when adding Alias to
management port via Web GUI
Users cannot add any information in the Alias column under Management Port Configuration.
When attempting to do so, users get the "error invalid internal loopback timeout" error
message. This issue has been fixed.

ATRC-D17290 Y1564: Missing State column on activation result (CLI only)

When a user tries to specify the physical ID, the request will be ignored as the port is internal
and is set to an internal value. No error message will indicate that behavior.

ATRC-E03619 Certificate Management and Import

Release 7.6 addresses several issues and limitations concerning the importing, handling and
error reporting of SSL certificates.

ATRC-D16548 NTP status always shows “synchronized” when enabling the NTP server
Addressed a case where enabling/disabling the NTP server could erroneously display a sync
status of “Synchronized”.

ATRC-D16138 False Fan Aging Alarm

A false “Fan Aging” alarm/warning can be triggered on LT and GX Performance Elements. This
issue has been addressed in order to reduce the possibility of triggering a false alarm.

ATRC-D16061 False Fan Stall Alarm

A false “Fan 2 Fan-Stall Alarm” can be triggered on LT and GX Performance Elements even if
the fan operates properly. This issue has been addressed in order to reduce the possibility of
triggering a false alarm.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

14. Firmware Version 7.5_13705 (2017-08-24)

14.1 New Features and Enhancements

A Virtual Circuit Access (VCA) describes a customer’s traffic flow access to the service
provider's network through the edge Performance Element. VCAs specify the inward path (TP
A towards TP Z) actions performed at different edge (boundary) points in the network (the
outward path TP Z towards TP A actions are inferred).
A VCA element is formed by an ordered list of one or more individual Virtual Circuit Endpoints
(VCE) elements in order to form an external port-to-external port definition for the Virtual
Connection Access.
The Virtual Connection defines the traffic path to be used by UP MEP and MIP.

Added support to configure a Down Mep, Up MEP or MIP, on a VLAN component created via
the VCA (Virtual Circuit Access).

ATRC-E03534 Flexible Ingress Traffic Manager to allow for overbooking of LT-S NNI
As a carrier it is desirous to use all of the 1G and 10G UNI ports on an LT-S, even though the
sum of the ingress UNI traffic is greater than the available NNI Egress capacity.
The connectivity allowed within the LT-S via the policies make it an aggregator with 20Gbps
of NNI port connectivity and 28Gbps of UNI port connectivity for a total of 48Gbps of port

ATRC-E03576 Supporting CCM Config Commands for Integration with Provisioning Tool
An enhancement to provide a more user-friendly feature allows CMM Config Commands to be
referenced not just by number but also by name. This enables more flexibility is searching for
the command.

ATRC-E03627 Increase Max length RADIUS Secret Key to 48 Characters

With release 7.5 the RADIUS secret password length has been extended to 48 characters.

ATRC-B19822 Client Port Cut-Off

The following feature allows the client to configure a network performance threshold below
which the client port is automatically disabled in order to advertise the link failure to a peer
A user-configurable timer is available to define the time to wait before restoring the link after
the network performance has returned to normal. Default value is 120. Range is 0 to 300
seconds in increments of 1 second.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

A user-configurable timer is available to define the time to wait before disabling the client
port after the network performance has fallen below the configured threshold. Default value
is 0. Range is 0 to 120 seconds in increments of 1 second.

14.2 Addressed Issues

ATRC-7211 IPv6 interface port change is not properly handled
Changing the current port value to another port in the system (a physical port or a LAG) when
editing an existing IPv6 interface can cause connectivity issues, since the current interface in
the kernel is duplicated instead of deleted.

ATRC-D07190 Y.1564: Loss of sync causes one-way tests to fail even when Sync is disabled
When a one-way Y.1564 test is executed without enabling the Mandatory Time Sync option, a
large time synchronization adjustment (NTP or PTP) can sometimes affect the FDV
measurements, causing the test to fail.
Normally, when the Mandatory Time Sync option is not enabled, the test ignores any time
adjustments. Although this issue is rare, it is more likely to occur in a long-duration test (e.g.,
24 hours).

ATRC-D14244 Deleting a filter customer is getting "ERROR: Unknown instance.”

If a user replaces a filter by a VID set in a policy and deletes that filter, he will get an error
message when trying to create a new filter.
That issue has been fixed in 7.5.

ATRC-D15450 UDP range values

UDP range issue in 7.4 has been fixed in 7.5.
The range values are now displayed properly in both GUI and CLI.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

15. Firmware Version 7.4_11358 (2017-03-16)

15.1 New Features and Enhancements

ATRC-D02465 Internal Loopback Timeout Feature
A programmable timeout with a default value of 5 minutes allows safe recovery of the link
usage in case of misuse. A timeout allows for recovering the port usage after the timeout.

ATRC-B04979 In Service Throughput Testing

A customer desire to use the Accedian In Service Throughput Testing on all platforms
motivated this development. The improvements pertain to the GUI/VisionEMS to support
easier setup and result gathering. It is now available on the following platforms:
• GT
• GX

ATRC-B08128 Manual SFP Rate Override

A new mode, “manual override,” is added to the SFP rate options. The option “auto-detect”
already exists.

ATRC-B17560 Align TWAMP Generated Measurement Periods to time of day fixed boundaries
A Network Operator would like the option to have the generated reports of TWAMP Gen
with the PAA aligned to the global time boundary. PAA sessions do align to preset time
Example of alignment (hh:mm) of measurements vs reference period for a session:
• 1 minute reference period → measurement timestamps should align with
hh:00, hh:01, hh:02, hh:03.
• 15 minute reference period → measurement timestamps should align with
hh:00, hh:15, hh:30, hh+1:00.

ATRC-B17743 Increases the number of indexes in the ACL

There is a need for more than 20 unique IP addresses in the ACL of the 1G10G product line. We
have increased the number of available IP addresses to 40.

ATRC-B18377 Added Debug Capabilities

Customers wish to collect more system level information when a product misbehaves in order
to accelerate the troubleshooting effort.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

15.2 Addressed Issues

ATRC-D14228 LTS Reboots when Setting a VID-Set
When there are too many VLANS the system rebooted upon setting a VID-Set.
This issue has been resolved.

ATRC-D14064 Unable to do Firmware Upgrade using 7.3.0.X on LT/LTS

The problem existed where the Upgrade could not be performed on Chrome platform. This
issue has been resolved.

ATRC-D14040 Service Availability Metric Is Incorrectly Functioning

The threshold value was incorrectly applied potentially resulting in false triggers.
This issue pertains to D13981 as well as 06360.
This issue has been resolved.

ATRC-D13887 Y.1564 Error

When starting the Y.1564 Performance test with CIR=0, we get an unclear message.
This issue has been resolved.

ATRC-D13758 Y.1564 Transfer Delay Type Selected Option Changes on Reboot

Once the options for the y1564 Frame Transfer Delay Type and the Frame Delay Variation
Type to AVG and the system is rebooted, the option reverts to MAX, which is the default
This issue has been resolved.

ATRC-D13369 Syslog enhancements: process stack-trace message

In the event that a critical Accedian process stops responding, the device automatically
restarts as a way to ensure reliability. This firmware release adds the reason for the restart
and the process stack-trace to the syslog to assist with troubleshooting.
This issue has been resolved.

ATRC-D13257 Devices in the Ring Restart at the same time

Devices in the ring suddenly restarted (with reason: panic) when handling an unexpected
frame. Handling of unexpected frames has been corrected.
This issue has been resolved.

ATRC-D13353 Fault Propagation with Auto-Nego Disabled

It does not happen on 7.4. No fix was done in 7.4 scope.
When doing fault propagation to a port (fiber) with auto-nego disabled, the port TX signal
goes down and the peer port goes down. However, since the peer TX signal is active, the port
status is displayed as UP.This issue has been resolved.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

ATRC-D13107 L2PT forwarding action, dropping packets when pop or replace

When an L2PT rule was enabled with the forwarding mode set to either pop or replace and
the frame was S-VLAN tagged, the frame was dropped instead of being forwarded.

ATRC-D13041 Lengthy RFC-2544 tests report incorrect Rx rate

The RFC-2544 test measures the Rx rate using a 32-bit counter. However, an incorrect Rx rate
could be reported during lengthy testing due to the 32-bit counter wrapping around.
This issue has been resolved in this firmware release by replacing the 32-bit counter with a
64-bit counter.

ATRC-D13007 Syslog enhancements: kernel stack-trace message

A kernel panic is triggered in the event that an internal fatal error from the kernel is detected.
The kernel panic produces a kernel stack-trace on the device console, which provides useful
information to assist with troubleshooting. This firmware release adds the same kernel stack-
trace to the syslog in case the device console is unavailable.
This issue has been resolved.

ATRC-D12782 Unexpected restart of Performance Elements when deployed a ring

Certain Performance Elements deployed in a ring configuration could restart abruptly upon
encountering an unexpected frame. The handling of such frames has since been corrected.
This issue has been resolved.

ATRC-D12753 LBM/LTM Not Refreshing

When using LBM or LTM, the display does not auto refresh properly on the GT and LTS. It
happens with IE and Chrome and clearing the browser cache don’t change the outcomes.
This issue has been resolved.

ATRC-D12644 Certain copper SFPs not reporting full capabilities at boot-up

Certain copper SFPs would not report their full range of speed capabilities at boot-up, which
prevented them from connecting at certain supported speeds such as 10 Mbps or 100 Mbps.
These copper SFPs are no longer restricted to the advertised speed, and will work at other
rates if supported.
This issue has been resolved.

ATRC-D12559 Variations in signal frequency corrupt jumbo frames

Variations in the signal frequency occasionally impacted the structure and content of jumbo
frames, even when the level of variation was below the tolerated limit. This issue affected
copper ports only.
This issue has been resolved.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

ATRC-D12556 CFM Alarm Sticking

When the customer has several CFM instances with DMM and SLM created, if an incident is
reported in several circuits (ex. TWD alerts), the alarms are raised; however, after the
condition triggering the alarms is not present anymore, the alarms get stuck on the alarm
status and MEP status, and no further syslog ALARM entries are written on the syslog. The
issue has been resolved.

ATRC-D12381 Unable to Generate Multiple Large TWAMPs Packets

The network Performance Element cannot generate multiple larges TWAMPs packet when
the link is at 100 Mbps with 100ms intervals. This issue has been resolved.

ATRC-D11674 Accedian SOAM name has a min length of 13 character when using a string format
Using String-based format allowed the user to configure a MEG Name of length 45 characters.
However, the MEG Name was truncated to 44 characters and a padding byte (0x00) was
appended in the PDU. This issue is now addressed which allows the user to use the maximum
45 characters in the PDU on the wire.

ATRC-D11282 Dobson-Advertisement packets not sent out from a Bridge

Addressed an issue with advertisement packets when in a Bridge configuration.

ATRC-D09550 Reliably retrieving SNMP MIBs via the snmptable utility

SNMP MIBs can be retrieved using a command line utility called snmptable. Data retrieval
errors may occur when the utility is used to retrieve the same element repeatedly, however.
Workaround: Use the utility’s -CB option to avoid these errors when retrieving SNMP MIBs.

ATRC-D08618 TX level is active when port is disabled

Update to CLI and web GUI show port sfp details. When the port status is disabled, Fault
Propagation is down, Link Loss down or laser mode off, it will now display "TX_DISABLE" in
fields "Transmit Power".

ATRC-D06787 Incorrect units used for CBS/EBS and queue sizes

User Interface (GUI and CLI) FOR burst sizes (CBS, EBS) and queue sizes were previously
expressed in kB (kilobyte) or MB (megabyte). According to the IEC 60027-2 A.2 and ISO/IEC
80000 standards, the units KiB (kibibyte) and MiB (mebibyte) should be used for these

ATRC-D04164 LAG: The Working Connector Command has a Delayed Response

About once in every ten actions, there is a delayed response in the LAG on the Working
Connector command. The normal function has you enter the command and the system
determines which connector be linked up—most often selecting the first port (RJ45-3) and
does so at normal speed.
But on the 1 in 10-situation, it will take about 60 seconds before the link-up switches to RJ45-
3 as requested. This could be improved. There should be a protection in case the last command
was entered too early.

Revision 1 — January 2023 101

Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

16. Firmware Version (2016-12-12)

16.1 New Features and Enhancements

ATRC-B18168 Support for Transport Layer Security (TLS) library version 1.2
The TLS encryption protocol library has been upgraded to version 1.2 across all platforms in
order to protect Accedian products from Denial of Service (DoS) attacks.

16.2 Addressed Issues

ATRC-D13622 Certain copper SFPs not reporting full capabilities at boot-up
Certain copper SFPs would not report their full range of speed capabilities at boot-up, which
prevented them from connecting at certain supported speeds such as 10 Mbps or 100 Mbps.
These copper SFPs are no longer restricted to the advertised speed, and will work at other
rates if supported.

ATRC-D13282 Copper port speed set to 100 was not persistent

When a copper port was configured for 100M without auto-negotiation, it would revert to 1G
after the unit rebooted.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

17. Firmware Version (2016-09-09)

17.1 New Features and Enhancements


17.2 Addressed Issues

ATRC-D10696 Connectivity Fault Management (CFM) alarm status does not update
Under specific race conditions in the CFM fault-handling mechanism, certain alarms could
have remained in the present state, even after the initial condition for raising the alarm had
been successfully cleared.

ATRC-D12559 Variations in signal frequency corrupt jumbo frames

Variations in the signal frequency occasionally impacted the structure and content of jumbo
frames, even when the level of variation was below the tolerated limit. This issue affected
copper ports only.

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

18. Firmware Version (2016-08-12)

18.1 New Features and Enhancements

ATRC-D01673 Support for an additional RADIUS server
The 1G/10G Performance Elements now support the selection of up to three RADIUS servers
for authentication.

ATRC-E03023 Support for Legacy S-VLAN (TPID=0x9100)

Recently introduced is the ability to dynamically choose which TPID value to associate
system-wide with the S-VLAN Ethertype. Supported values are 0x88a8 (default) and 0x9100.
All system elements that make use of the S-VLAN and T-VLAN Ethertypes are affected,
including interfaces, filters and RFC-2544.
If the S-VLAN TPID value is changed to 0x9100, the T-VLAN TPID value is automatically
updated to 0x88a8 to effectively prevent any conflicting configurations or ambiguous

ATRC-E03101 Add UDP port 862 for TWAMP generation and reflection
The TWAMP feature has been expanded to include UDP port 862 for generation and
reflection. The accepted range of UDP ports now includes 862, as well as any value within the
range of 1025 to 65535.

ATRC-E03065 Support for up to 255 MEPs per MA/MEG

The CFM feature now supports up to 254 remote Maintenance End Points (in addition to the
local end point) per Maintenance Association representing an E-LAN or E-TREE type EVC.

ATRC-E03254 Increased TACACS+ user password length

The maximum permitted password length for TACACS+ authentication is now 64 characters
(previously 31 characters). This will allow network operators to use stronger credentials for
better security. Note that for Local and Radius user authentication, the supported password
length remains 31 characters.

ATRC-E03087 Increased width of TACACS+ secret to 64 characters

TACACS+ authentication has been made more robust with support for up to 64 characters.

ATRC-E02970 Loop detection auto-squelch

Accedian has enhanced its Loop Detection feature to include the provisioning of dynamic
traffic blocking (i.e., squelching without operator intervention) when an ongoing loop is
The automated squelch supports the following two modes:
• auto/revertive (default): Traffic is blocked and unblocked automatically

Revision 1 — January 2023 104

Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

• auto/non-revertive: Traffic is blocked automatically, but unblocked manually

ATRC-B15172 Increased the number of management sub-interfaces to 500

The LT Performance Element now supports up to 500 management sub-interfaces, increased
from 300. The higher number of sub-interfaces allows the Node to act as a gateway for even
more Customer Premises Equipment.

ATRC-B13877 Carrier Ethernet (CE) 2.0 Certification

The LT and the GX Performance Elements have received CE 2.0 certification. This certification
is accepted worldwide as the standard for service level agreement-backed business services.

18.2 Addressed Issues

ATRC-D11676 L2PT tunnel not working when 3 VLANs are involved
Due to a system limitation, triple-tagged layer2 protocol frames were bypassing the de-
tunneling path.

ATRC-D11181 ERP port can switch to an erroneous state

When a Signal Fail occurs on a ring port of a unit that is part of a ring, and a Forced Switch
followed by a Clear on a different unit in the ring is subsequently applied, the ring
management state machine (ERP G.8032) of the unit where the Signal Fail occurred will
occasionally become stuck in the idle state and will not send the Signal Fail following the Clear
operation on the ring.

ATRC-D10939 SNMP access to the acdPolicyEntry table returns partial results

The SNMP polling of OID: on the LT Performance Element
(acdpolicyPortListID) returned entries for nine traffic ports instead of the expected 12 traffic

ATRC-D10880 Truncation of the 24-hour Y.1564 test with EMIX frames

When a Y.1564 test is configured to run for 24 hours (1440 minutes) using EMIX frames, the
test’s actual duration could be significantly less than the expected 24 hours.

ATRC-D10543 Limitation in performing service activation testing using Layer-3 traffic

Service activation testing using Layer-3 traffic generation on a port that is part of a bridge
interface was not working.

ATRC-D10386 Adding SA metric source names that start with a zero no longer results in error
Adding SA metric source names that began with a zero would result in the following error:
“invalid metric source”.

ATRC-D09646 ACL with IP address entered as not accepted

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Release Notes LT Performance Element Version

New business rules now effectively prevent entering as an IP address as this value is
an unsupported configuration.

ATRC-D09461 SFP read errors caused by inconsistencies in I2C protocol interface

The handling of SFPs has been improved to address certain inconsistencies in the I2C protocol
interface. It had been reported that some SFPs returned incorrect data when presented with
multiple I2C STOP commands on their I2C interfaces.
This issue has been resolved in this firmware release, however, due to these interface
inconsistencies, affected SFPs never reported digital diagnostics, even if they supported such
functionality. These SFPs will now begin reporting digital diagnostics, which could result in
the SFP raising alarms that had not previously been seen.

ATRC-D08684 Upgrading the firmware through the Web interface would fail
When using the Web interface to upgrade the firmware, the upgrade process would
terminate unexpectedly and fail to upgrade the firmware.

ATRC-D08515 Filter VLAN stack size attribute was ignored if either vlan1-ethertype or vlan2-
ethertype attributes were set
When defining a filter, if a value was specified for the vlan1-ethertype or vlan2-ethertype
attributes, the value of the VLAN stack size attribute would be ignored.

ATRC-D06908 LACP would not recover from rapid switching back and forth
The LACP state machine has been adjusted to be more responsive to link up events.

ATRC-D06132 OAM custom loopback behavior when no filter was specified

When an OAM Custom Loopback was enabled without being assigned a specific filter (i.e., the
Filter Name was left blank), the loopback behaved as if a Catch-All filter were selected. The
associated port would consequently loop back all the service frames it received.

ATRC-D05460 Fan-stall alarm raised in error due to incorrect speed reading

The fan speed read state machine has been adjusted to prevent the fan-stall alarm being
raised unnecessarily.

ATRC-D03774 LACP: Forwarding to Ring LAG was permitted while in Defaulted state
The IEEE802.1AX standard specifies that no Tx/Rx traffic should be allowed in an LACP-based
link if it is not in the Collecting/Distributing state. The implementation previously allowed
forwarding frames that were in the Defaulted state from an LACP-based LAG to an
ERP-based LAG.

ATRC-D03378 Creating a second ring on a pass-through NID is causing traffic disruption on the
first ring
Previously, updating the classification engine required a temporary disable of the rules logic.
This has now been changed to support no hit updates.

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