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A Sheffield Hallam University Thesis: Solvent Extraction of Platinum Group Metals

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Solvent extraction of platinum group metals.


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Department of Metallurgy

Sheffield Polytechnic

7 4-0 1034
The following work is a report on the resalts of research sponsored

by Sheffield Smelting Company Ltd. into evaluation of new techniques for

ing of platinum group met:

October 1970 snci December 1973• This work has been submitted as a thesis

for candidature’of The Council for National Academic Awards for the degree

of Doctor of Philosophy.

During the course of this work visits have been made to many leading

authorities, both commercial and academic, with a, view to gaining a broad

understanding of a "state of the art" in the processes of interest. Sim­

ilarly during the period of this vork the following symposia and courses

have been attended.

Dec. 1970 Bradford University. "Comparison of Solvent Extraction

and Ion Exchange Processes and Equipment (S.C.I.)

Dec. 1971 Liverpool Polytechnic "The Future Role of Nuclear

Chemistry" (S.C.I.j. -

Jan.-March 1972 Sheffield Polytechnic. Course of Lectures on Solvent

Extraction and I011 Exchange and Statistical Methods.

Methods of Analysis")

May 1972 Intwerp. "Solvent Extraction in Metallurgical Processes

(Technologisch Institut K. YIY)

Sept. 1972 Brunei University, London. "New Methods of Metal Extraction


Nov. 1972 m e e d SolventExtraction

Technology" (I.G.E.)

May. 1973
To the best of my knowledge the work described is original except

where reference is ma.de to previous work,.

No part of this work has previously been submitted for a higher degree

at any other College or University.

The author wishes to express his thanks to the Sheffield Smelting

Company Limited and Engelhard Industries Ltd. for the financial support

given to this work, and to Dr. E. Jackson and Dr. W. J. Smellie for their

supervision of the research. Similarly gratitude is expressed to Mr. D.

Dirties and the engineering staff of the Sheffield Smelting Company for

assistance in the construction and operation of the continuous testing

rig and to Mr. D. Hawkins of Engelhard Industries (Cinderford) for the

large number of platinum metal analyses this testing required.

The author also acknowledges the assistance of both technical and

academic staff of the Applied Physics Department (for radioisotope facilit

Chemistry Department and Metallurgy Department of Sheffield Polytechnic,

and all those organisations which have willingly contributed technical

advice and guidance.

Finally, grateful thanks are also expressed to Mr. E. V. Chandler

for his endurance in the typing of the manuscript.

A survey has been made of previous work on the application of solvent

extraction and gaseous reduction processes to refining of platinum group

metals. Amine extraction processes have been investigated by chemical

shake-up tests and distribution ratios determined with all classes of

amines and quaternary ammonium compound for rhodium, iridium, palladium,

platinum, ruthenium, osmium and gold using radio tracer techniques.

Proposed schemes for separation of platinum metals from base metals using

primary amine and separation of Pt/Pd from Ir/Hh using tertiary amine were

examined using commercially useful reagents, and specific processes defined.

A continuous counter-current testing rig using mixer-settler contactors

was built and the performance of the extraction processes determined,

Extraction and separation by these processes was successful but continuous

re-extraction of platinum metals from the solvent suggested certain limit­

ations in progressing to full pilot-scale operation. It is suggested that

gaseous-reducticn of the metal from the organic phase in situ could be

In the field of solvent extraction there is as yet no complete

agreement between workers on the precise meaning of the terms commonly

employed in both theory and practice* Whilst this objective is presently

being pursued by the "Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange Group" of the

Society of Chemical Industry, for the purpose of this report the terms

used should be understood to have the following meaning:

1 Solvent Extraction: Liquid-Liquid Extraction

The transfer of one or more solutes between immiscible liquid


2 Solvent

The liquid phase which contains the extracting agent.

3 Extraction

The transfer of a solute from an aqueous feed solution to a


4 ^tripping

The transfer of a solute from the solvent to an aqueous phase.

5 Scrubbing.

The selective removal of contaminating solutes from the solvent.

6 Distribution Ratio.

The ratio of the concentration of a solute in the organic phase

to the concentration in the aqueous phase at equilibrium.

7 Separation Factor.

The ratio of the distribution ratios of two solutes to be


.® Extraction Factor


Introduction 1
1.1. Chemistry of Platinum Group Metals 2
1.2. Current Extraction Practice 5

Alternative Refining Techniques

2.1. The Solvent Extraction Technique 7
2.1.1. Chemistry of Solvent Extraction Partition Coefficient 9 Distribution Ratio 10 Types of Aqueous Equilibria 10* Processes of Extraction 12
2.1*2. Commercial Applications of Solvent Extraction 14
2.2. Gaseous Reduction 16
2.2.1. Chemistry of Gaseous Reduction Thermodynamic Treatment 16 Effect of Complex Formation IS* Activity Coefficients 19* Kinetics 19
2.2.2. Commercial Applications of Gaseous Reduction 20

Previous Work • •
3.1. Solvent Extraction of Platinum Metals 22
3.1.1. Solvating Systems 23 Physical Dissolution 24
3.1.2. Ion Association Systems Anion Exchangers 25 Cation Exchangers 28
3.2. Gaseous Reduction of Platinum Metals 28

Chemical Screening 30
4*1. Amine Extraction Systems 30
4.1.1. Permation of Anion Exchanger 30 Effect of Amine Class . 31 Effect- of Diluent 32* Association of Extractant 33
4*1.2. Ion Exchange with Metallic Species 34 Effect of Amine Class 34
4.1.2-2. Effect of Diluent 33

4*I.2o«- Role of Water 35* Excess Acid 35
4«l*2o« Basicity of Amines 36
4-1* 2.6 . Reextraction of Metal Complexes 36
4 .I.3 . Interpretation of Process Parameters 38
4.2. Experimental Programme 43
4*2,1, Analytical Techniques - 44
4*2*1.1* Radioactive Tracer Analysis 45
4*2*2,. Experimental Procedure
4*2.2*1. Kinetics of Extraction by Amines 46
4-2*2*2- Preparation of Iridium Solutions 46
4-2*2*3* Preparation of Rhodium Solutions 48
4* 2* 2* 4* n 55 Palladium " 48
4,2,2,5* " " Platinum " 49
4* 2# 2,6, M ” Ruthenium • ” 58
4.2* 2/7* " ” Osmium » 50
4* 2* 2.8, » » Gold " 50
4-2-2.9, Binary Solutions 51
4-2., 2-10. Stripping and Scrubbing 52
4.2,3* Results and Discussion 52
4*2-3-1* Simple Metal Solutions 52
4,2-3-2* Binary Solutions 56
4-2-3-3* Stripping’and Scrubbing 57
4-2-4* Spectrophotometry 57

Testing of Proprietary Reagents

5.1. Systems 59
5-2, Reagents
5*2.1. Diluents 60
5.2.2. Amine Extractants 60
5»2.3« Modifers 6l
5.3. Selection of Specific Solvent System 6l
5.3.1. Distribution Studies Base Metals 62 Platinum Group Metals 62
5,3"2. Results and Discussion' Extraction 63 Stripping 66
5.3"2.3. Scrubbing 66
Continuous Testing of Solvent Extraction Systems 67
6.1 Process Theory
6.1.1. Process Types 67
6.1.2. Equ.ilibrium Diagrams 70
6.1.3. Process Kinetics ' 71
6.1.4* Coalescence of Dispersions 71
6.1.5* Response Characteristics and Control 75
6.1.6. Process Economics 74
6 .2 , Resign and Construction of Testing Plant
6.2.1, Types of Contactor 78
6.2.2. Factors Affecting Cost and Performance 79
6.2.3* Choice of Equipment 79
6.2.4. Determination of Plant Capacity 80

6.2.5* Floy Sheet Design 81

6.3. Construction of Continuous Testing Plant 82

6.3.1. Materials of Construction 82

6.3*2. ■Ancilliary Equipment 82

6*3*5* Plant Layout 85

6.3 .4 . Flowsheet Flexibility 83
6.4- Commissioning of Plant

6.4 .I. Calibration of Flowmeters 84

6.4*2. Start-Up Procedure 84
6 .4 .3 . Re sp on se Charac teris ti cs 86
6 .4*3*1* Response Testing 86
6 .5< Plant Trials
6.5.1. Preparation of Solutions 87
6.5,2. Operation of Plant 88
6.5.5. Sampling and Analysis 89
6.5*4* Results and Discussion
6,5*4*1* Alamine Extraction Process 90
6 ,5.4.2. Primene Extraction Process 92
6 .5*4*5* Amine Stability 94
6 .5.4 .4 . Solvent Losses 95

Conclusions 97

References 100
The extractive metallurgy of the platinum group metals from both,

primary and secondary sources has traditionally employed a wet chemical

process technology. However, the separations are seldom clear cut and

each precipitate requires purification in order to eliminate other un­

wanted members of the platinum family. Likewise a certain amount of each

element escapes precipitation and is carried along in the mother liquor to

reappear in a subsequent separation In addition the cementation processes

incorporated in the process involve the production of large quantities of

untreatable effluent in the form of concentrated solutions of ba.se metal


In has been remarked by Beamish that ”it is scarcely any exaggeration

to suggest that no field of analytical research offers a more potentially

useful scope for investigations both fundamental and practical than the

chemistry pertinent to the analysis of platinum metals,” The field of

extractive metallurgy he declares ” . . . has been strangely neglected

by the analytical researcher, whose method of approach would surely con­

tribute to the efficiency of methods of industrial extraction and refining.”

Research was thus initiated in order to investigate alternative pro­

cessing techniques by application of recent advances in analysis and ex­

tractive metallurgy to the refining of the platinum group metals.

In understanding the extraction and refining of the p3.ati.num metals

great consideration must he given to the intrinsic peculiarities in the

chemistry of these elements,, Firstly, 'by definition the platinum metals

are noble metals (here geld is included as it so often co-exists in the

raw material), 'and are thus resistant to attack by acids, bases, oxygen and
1 6
chlorine ’ . In this respect gold, platinum and palladium are less re­

sistant than iridium, rhodium, ruthenium and osmium to attack by mineral

acids (i.e. aqua regia) and chlorine, 'while gold, and platinum are more

resistant than Iridium, rhodium, ruthenium, osmium and palladium to the

action of oxygen on the hot metal.

Secondly all theplatinum metals show polyvalency in solution, two

or more valency states frequently occurring simultaneously and in equil­

ibrium with each other. Ruthenium and osmium are the most marked in this

respect, ruthenium possessing important compounds in the valency states of

0, 2, 3, 4» 6, 7 and 8 and osmium important compounds in the valency states

of 0, 2, 3) 4• 6 and 8. The most important valency states of palladium

and platinium are 2- and A- although platinum can exist as chloride and

oxide in the 3~ and 6- states respectively. The situation is less problem­

atic v/it'll rhodium and indium as the former exists effectively only in the

3- state and the latter only has important compounds in the 3" and 4™ states

although of equal significance. In the case of gold only the 1- and 5~

valent states are of any concern.

Thirdly all platinium metals in solution have a strong tendency to

form complexes (chiefly anionic ) in the presence of suitable ligands 1.

1 Ruthenium The complexes of ruthenium are among the least satisfact­

orily characterised of any of Hie complexes of the platinum metals. The

possible variation in oxidation states from Ru (l) to Ru(VIII)and the very

considerable ’tendency for ruthenium to form poj.ynuclear complexes make the

elucidation of the chemical, reactions of ruthenium difficult. A number of

mono-nuclear complexes of Ru(II), Ru(liljr Ku(lV) and Ru(vrl) are known and

in these the ruthenium is generally 6- co-ordinate and presumably octahedral.

A very considerable number of species appear to be present even in some

solutions of relatively simple composition.

2 Osmium The complexes of osmium are very similar to those of

ruthenium although there are features of the chemistry of each element which

are lacking in that of the other. Complexes of Os(ll), Os(lll), Os(lV) and

Os(Vl) are known but the most important are those of Os(lV). These include

the complex acids and halides where the co-ordination is six and the complex

is octahedral.

3 Rhodium The chemistry of the co-ordination compounds of rhodium is

primarily that of Rh(lll) although some Rh(l) and Rh(ll) complexes are known.

The usual co-ordination number is six for Rh(lll') but lower co-ordination

numbers are found in some halogen complexes. Although practically no in­

formation is available on bond strengths of co-ordinate bonds involving

rhodium, these complexes are generally considered to be very stable materials

from both the thermo-dynamic and kinetic point of view. The substitution

reactions are known to be rather slow so that the evidence for kinetic

stability is more convincing.

4 Iridium The co-ordination chemistry of iridium shows more variety

than that of rhodium because both the 3 and 4 valency states are reasonably

stable and are found in numerous complexes. However, the complexes of Ir(lll)

are essentially the same as those of 1th(ill) involving octahedral co-ordin­


5 Palladium The palladium complexes are mostly those of Pd(l.l) although

some of Pd(lV) are known. In general the complexes of palladium (ll) are
four-co-ordinate and may be assumed, to bo square-planar. In addition to the
complexes of type PdCl^ there are also numerous square-planar complexes

with bridging groups and it seems quite probable that the complex Pd(lll)

species which have been assigned a co-ordination number of three are of

this type.

6 Platinum . The co-ordination chemistry of platinum is unusual in that

in many respects, perhaps most impressively so in the kinetic stability of

the bonds formed with many common ligands. But as with palladium, the

chemistry is concerned primarily with the 2 and 4 valency states and simi­

larly, simple ions of platinum are not known in aqueous solution. The

platinum (ll) complexes are less stable than platinum (IV) and are usually

4- coordinate and square-planar, with commond ligands such as ammine and

halides. The Pt(lV) complexes are usually quite stable with respect to

ligand exchange and reduction to Pt(ll), and are always present as octa­

hedral complexes. •

7 Gold Like the heaviest elements in the platinum group gold

shows very little tendency to form sinrple aquatod cations. Gold exists in

solution in either the Au(l) or Au(lll) state, the aurous complexes being

usually 2- coordinate (e.g. Au^CIT)^)whereas the auric complexes are always

tetracovalent as in chloroauric acid, HAuCl^.

There are three major sources of platinum metals available to refiners?

]. from concentrates produced from platinum bearing' ores

(chiefly South African ores)

2 from the anode slimes resulting from the electrolytic

refining of nickel and silver

3 from scrap platinum metals«

Essentially; materials for all three sources undergo the same separation

and refining procedures based on preferential leaching; precipitation of

1 ^ A-
complexes and finally reduction by ignition or cementation ’ .

Firstly the concentrate is treated with aqua regia, which dissolves

most of the platinum, palladium and gold while ruthenium iridium, osmium

and rhodium remain unattacked* The gold is recovered by treating the solutio

with ferrous sulphate precipitating it as a brown metallic sponge which may

be later purified electrolytically. Platinum is next precipitated from the

solution as ammonium chloroplatinate (IV) by the addition of ammonium chlorid

This precipitate is then further purified after redissolution in aqua regia

and reduced by ignition. Palladium is at last removed from solution as

dichlorodiammine palladium (ll). Excess ammonia is first abided followed by

hydrochloric acid and the yellow salt precixjitates out. Ignition of the

precipitate yields the pure metal. However, this separation is not quant-

iitative and the minor amounts of platinum and palladium in the filtrate

are recovered by reduction with metallic sine.

The insoluble residue from the aqua regia extraction is smelted with

litharge and fluxes and the resulting lead, alloy is then dissolved in

nitric acid which removes most of the accompanying palladium, platinum

and silver. The insoluble residue in this treatment is a concentrate of

ruthenium, osmium, rhodium and iridium and this group of metals is known

as the by-metals. Their subsequent treatment constitutes the difTicuj •••••r.

of platinum metal refining. One method is to fuse the residue with sodium

hi sulphate and leach with water,, Rhodium is thus dissolved and is purified

'by precipitation as ammonium nitrorhodite and reduced to the metal, by ig­

nition, The residue from the leaching operation is then fused with sodium

peroxide and further leaching yields a solution of ruthenium'and- osmium

and a residue of iridium and platinum. The latter pair are separated by

a process of dissolution in aqua regia and repeated crystallisation of

iridium as ammonium.ch.loriri.date (IV), the platinum remaining in the solution

as ammonium hexachloroplatinate (IV) being recirculated and returned to the

platinum recovery section. Ruthenium and osmium are separated by the pre­

ferential reduction to ruthenium oxychioride of the ruthenium tetroxide by

hydrochloric acid and the osmium tetroxide is distilled off. Alternatively,

and more commonly, they may be separated by repeated distillation of the

tetroxides, the ruthenium tetroxide being trapped in hydrochloric acid

solution and thus successively removed from the osmium tetroxide. The pure

metals may then be obtained by the precipitation of the ammonium chloro-

complexes and ignition under hydrogen.

The drawbacks to the types of procedures outlined above are:

1 Lack of selectivity and therefore necessity to repeat purifi­

cation steps to obtain pure metal from solutions.

2 Lack of quantitative recovery in separation procedures.

3 Production of concentrated effluent solutions of iron and

zinc salts in the precipitation of gold and palladium
4 Subsequent.electrolytic refining of gold .

5 Production of toxic waste gases during the ignitionreductions.

6 Vapourisation of ruthenium and osmium during oxidising fusions,

7 Inflexibility of the processes towards recirculation of reagent?

and towards continuous oneration.

2 Alternative Refining Techniques

2.1. The Solvent Extraction Technique

Solvent extraction (i.e. liquid-liquid extraction) is a tech­

nique in which a molecular or ionic species is selectively transferred from

one environment to another "by enabling it to distribute itself between two

immiscible liquids according to its thermodynamic needs. In the context

of this work it should be understood that since extraction and refining of

platinum metals involve species in aqueons solutions, solvent extraction

here implies the use of an aqueons-organic solvent system.

Solvent extraction is probably the most efficient method for separating

chemically similar elements which is suitable for operation on a commercial

scale Its high selectivity and the use of relatively cheap reagents can

make it an economically viable proposition for the extraction of metals of

9 ]0
the value of copper and above . The process is one of partition although,

situations in which there is quantitative separation and stripping back

from the organic phase are rare. But by using several stages of extraction

and recovery in a counter-current system remarkably complete separations

can be achieved.

Since a metal in aqueous solution frequently exists in a range of

species and the proportions of these and their proportions change when pH

is altered or reagents are added which cause the formation of complexes

or ion association compounds, extraction by a particular solvent may vary

and may be possible under some conditions and net under others. The solvent

extracts only ions with which it has affinity? it does net extract all

species in solution which contain a particular metal. The fundamental

consideration when dealing with solvent extraction (particularly in the

case of platinum metal) is the kind of ions and neutral complexes present in

equilibrium in the aqueous solution.

pha the activity of the metal in each pha.se mast, by definition be the

same olvent extraction implies differential solubility between

the two phase there must be interaction between the solvent and the metal

species thus lowering the activity coefficient of the metal ,in the organic

phase but raising its concentration relative to that in the aqueous phase.

Solvent extraction processes are classified on the basis of the types of

interaction which occur

(a) Solvation In this type of solvent extractin'!process there

is an exchange between the water molecules solvating the metal species in

the aqueous phase and the solvent molecules, thus conferring hydrophobic

properties upon it and leading to its rejection from the aqueous phase.

The metal species is thus in the same form in both phases. The solvents

are usually simple e.g. ethers, ketones or esters and the metal species

are neutral.

(b) Ion Association (Ion-Exchange) This refers to the formation

of an ion-association complex which is soluble in the organic phase by

interaction between an ionic metal species in the aqueous solution and the

ionic solvent. This may be an organic acid such as alkyl phosphoric acid -

or naphthenic acid, or, an amine such as tri-n-octylamine. Clearly the

acids will extract positively charged ions from water (cation-exchange) and

the amines, negatively charged ions (an ion-exchange) since they behave
in acid solutions as trisubstituted ammonium ions R.,RH where It is the
alkyl group. Under certain conditions ether may also be included in the

ion association type of process since it becomes protonated. in acid solutions

and can thus form a weak, so called, oxonium 'salt with an anion e.g.


(c) Chelation ' If the organic solvent can form, stable complexes

i organic dilu
uch as treatment of nuclear iu

for analytical purposes, or recently for copper extraction using sub­

stituted oximes (lIX reagents) specifically developed fen: this purpose.

2.1.1. Chemistry of Solvent Extraction Partition Coefficient

According to the simple distribution law of H e m s t (l89l), at equi­


(M) = constant = Kp (1 )

where (M) is the concentration of the metal ion in the organic liquid

(M)_ the concentration in the aqueous liquid and. Kp is the partition co-
efficient. Howevei? this implies that the two solutions obey Henry’s or

Haoult’s law, which is rarely the case. A more rigorous definition of

the partition coefficient may be derived, from the chemical potentials of

the species in the two phases and p .

The chemical potential of the metal ion in the organic phase is

given by

it + KTln a (2)
and the chemical potential of the metal ion in the aqueous phase


[if =
;j° PITIn ai
‘ v: W

At equilibrium.

/i "
*0 ‘1

therefore u° + RTln a o
‘o ■ 1
hence In a.^ - u,T

a,. PT

but at a given temperature /i° - /.P^. is constant for a given metal ion'

in the two solvents.

Therefore, In a

therefore % = Ep (3)


Thus the partition coefficient relates activities so that in general act­

ivity coefficients have to be known in order to determine partition coeffi­

cients. Distribution Ratio

Of much greater significance, because of the lack of data concerning

activity coefficients, is the overall or stoichiometric distribution of

the metal ions between the two phases, 'It is thus necessary to introduce

a more practical quantity to describethe extraction called the"distribution

ratio" (D). This is a stoichiometric ratio, including allspecies of the

same component in the respective phases.

j) Total Concentration in Organic Phase

Total Concentration in Aqueous Phase

If conditions were ideal as in the case where species are not in­

volved in any reactions in either phase then D would reduce to Kp the

partition coefficient» Tyres of Aeneous Equilibria Determining Extractability

themselves between solvent and

it;ion coeiiioients

another in the aqueous solution and also with other species not extracted by

the solvent. Thus the amount of each kind of extracted ion or molecule in

the organic liquid is determined not only by. the partition coefficients but

also by the equilibria in the aqueous solution.

Equilibria concerned with the aqueous member of the liquid pair are

extremely important, varied and may serve as the limiting factor in de~
terminining solvent extraction properties of a given inorganic species

Some of the types of equilibria appearing are illustrated in equations

(4) to (9). It is to be understood that these are not.mutually exclusive?

several generally exist in parallel.

AB + H O sr ABnH^O (4)

AB H20 ^ A+ + B" (5)

AB + E 20 £ (AnH20)+ + B‘ (6 )
AB + H O ^ A O H +^H+ -I- B~ (7)

AB + H20 AOH + HB (8)

AB + H20 # A+ + OH" -s- EB (9)

where AB = some inorganic compound.

Equilibrium (4) may represent either a specific or non-specific solvation

of AB. Equilibria (5) and (6) are typical of inorganic salts in water

and lead to ionisation. These are the equilibria which are most involved

in making water the natural solvent for inorganic substances. Equilibria

(7), (8) and (9) illustrate hydrolytic reactions which are possible and

which occur to varying degrees in specific cases. After such initial

reactions the products may undergo further complicating equilibria such as

AB + Tf r h AB~0 (10)
which is a situation typical in aqueous solutions of platinum metals.

In roost practical cases one has an aqueous solution containing- A r

and B from which one desires to extract A as AB or A(B1B“) or B as AB

or (k A1 Equations (4) to (9) may then be interpreted as suggestions

of equilibria which may have to be considered in generating the extractable

form of the desired species., Processes of Extraction

Although details of the specific nature of the interactions obviously

must differ from one metal to another a helpful organisation ps/ttern may

be adopted based on three essential aspects common to every metal extraction


Formation of an Unchanged Complex

This step involves the above mentioned tyPes 0? reactions of the

metal ion in the aqueous phase leading to the formation of an extra,ctable

species. Complex formation may be accomplished by chelation, simple coord­

ination or by ion association.

The case of coordination may be described by

Mn+ -i- nR“5=2= MB (ll)

n v y
where M nr is a.n n-valent metal ion and R is an anion of a suitable chel­

ating or coordinating agent.

In. ion association the metal may be incorporated by coordination in

either the cation (12) and (13) or the anion (14) and (15) of the extrac­

table ion pair,

M*1"*" 4- bC MCbn+
MCn+ + nB“ ^ (MGbt nB~) (ip)

M11* + (n + a)B ^ 2 (14)

MB cJ) — ~ (aD'.HB'' ) (15)
where C is a neut3:al mono or polydentate ligand, E is en anion appropriate

either for pairing with the cation as called for in (13) or for coordination

with the metal as shown in equation and D is a suitable cation re­

quired to form the ion-pair,

hi str.ihntion of the Extractabie Comp],ex

This is by far the simplest of the three stages from the mathematical

point of view. At this stage it is required that the complex formed should

become preferentially dissolved in the organic phase. However; it should,

be appreciated that it would be wrong here, uncritically to equate sol­

ubility ratio with the partition coefficient. One of the two major reasons

for this, as has already been mentiond. is the fact that the partition

coefficient depends on activities and these change with concentration.

Only when saturation levels are achieved in both solvents is this equality

valid. But by far the more important factor is the effect of the presence

of the second solvent on the solubility of the solute in the first solvent.

This may lead to the solvation of the solute by the second phase forming a

new species which may have solubility characteristics totally different

from those of the original solute.

Interactions of the Complex in the Organic Phase

Reactions involving the extractabie complex in the organic phase e.g.

polymerisation or dissociation of the complex, interaction with other

compounds such as the reagent in the organic ’

phase are included in this

stage. In the case of polymerisation there is a tendency for the activity

of the extractabie species in the organic phase to be reduced and. the over­

all extraction equilibrium is shifted in favour of higher distribution

ratios. It should follow that the extent of most ion association extraction

will depend on the concentration of the metal involved; as is found to be

2.1.2. Commercial Applications of Solvent Extraction

Following some classical experiments performed in the 19th century

the use of a wide -variety of solvents for extraction of a large number of

metals was developed for use in analytical chemistry ^0 However,

solvent extraction techniques were not applied on a commercial scale until

about 1942 when nuclear fuels began to be required of high purity and in

large amounts. Later, this technique was applied to the separation and

purification of materials with special nuclear properties for use in power

reactors. Examples of this are the separation of tantalum and inobium,

sinconium and hafnium, vanadium and uranium, .Similarly liquid -- liquid

extraction techniques were used in the separation of fission products and

the rare earth metals. At the same time consideration'was being given to

the possibility of separation and refining of commoner metals by this

means Fortunately a liquid - liquid extraction technique had been

applied since early days in the refining of petroleum and purification of

organic materials. There was therefore a large amount of literature on

the equipment and chemical engineering aspects and this was readily adap­

table to metallurgical applications.

Some separations of industrial importance ares

Huclear fuels; The most extensive development of the

liquid-liquid extraction technique has been in the processing of uranium

ores from the early technique of extracting uranium nitrate with ether,

the procedures evolved incorporate phosphate esters and amines in a wide

range of specific processes for treating widely differing uranium ores.

Reagents used in the recovery of uranium include alkyl phosphoric acids

such as (2-ethyl hexyl)phosphoric acid, tributyl phosphate as well a.s

18, 19, 20, 21, 22
various secondary and tertiary amines

Vanadium which is often associated with uranium from leach liquors

may also be re cove red. and separated by r>H ad;jus Imohts in the phosphoric
£.01 'I T'0:cconrj o f 1*6 ?? t oo uroiroVcOl o f lu riin ii i’ju " *
Connor Nickel and Cobalt* Nickel and cobalt are chemically similar

and co-occur frequently in nature. Since their separation is difficult by

conventional means attention has been drawn to solvent extraction methods.

Separation of cobalt and nickel can be effected by using tertiary amines

and quaternary ammonium compounds . One significant difference is that
cobalt forms a. (CoCl^ ) complex whereas nickel does not form corresponding;

complex ions. Thus cobalt may be preferentially removed from hydrochloric

acid solutions.

Possible solvent extraction techniques for copper recovery have

received considerable attention from the directions, first the separations

of copper from co-occurring- metals (i.e. l\Ti, Co, Zn) and secondly as a

selective concentration method for low grade one solutions arising from

dump and bacterial leaching. In the first case carboxylic acids (e.g.

naphthenie acid) have been applied successfully by careful control of pH

in order to maintain selectivity. In the second case, the LIX reagents

developed by General Mills have been applied, particularly the more recent

types which have high selectivity for copper over iron. Plants have been

commissioned in the U.S.A. which incorporate this purification process

in the production of cathode copper actually on the dump reach mine site

Tantalum and. Niobium: The demand for these materials was created

by the advent of nuclear power reactors due to their high corrosion resist­

ance and suitability as fuel cladding in fast reactors. Solvent extraction

plants for the separation of these co-occurring metals make use of methyl

isobutyl ketone (MIBK), and methyl cyclohexanone and tributyl phosphate

,. 1 . ,. . ...... 17, 24, 25
wnxch give higner selectivities ’

Zirconium and Hafnium: These two co-occurring metals were also

required in the nuclear power field, zirconium as fuel cladding and haf­

nium as control rod material. Thus their widely differing nuclear- prop­

erties required complete mutual separation. Zirconium is extracted

pref erentially to hafnium by trl butyl phosphate and iri-iso-octylamine from

nitric acid solutions although me thy 1- i so-butyl ketone processes now also

ope rat e cornmer cial ly,

One of the major disadvantages in the traditional refining

methods in the precious metals industry is product impurity inherent in the

precipitation methods employed and the associated effluent disposal problems,

But this situation is not unique to the plat-inium metal processors. Hydro-

metallurgical techniques, in which the final step of recovering the metal

of value has been by cementation (Au, Ag, Cuj or by electrolysis (Cu, Zn,

Hi, Cel, etc.) have been widely used for many years. The possibility of

using such reducing gases as sulphur doxide, carbon monoxide, or hydrogen

under pressure to effect the final precipitation of the metals directly

from their solutions was an obvious and attractive alternative and invest­

igations along these lines go back over" 60 years. A coLgprehensive review

of the history and development of these researches is given by Evans

2.2.1.. Chemistry of Gaseous Reduction, Thermodynamic Treatment

Reduction of divalent metal ions such as copper, nickel, cobalt, lead

and cadmium by hydrogen may be written as:

M 2"' -!- H2 fn- M° + 2E+ (l6)

with an equilibrium constant K (neglecting activity coefficients)

K i l l 72 (17)
r 7l|.2+ *7 p
/_ -V -p
where brackets denote molar concentrations and 1-,. the pressure in atmos-
The decree to -which this reaction occurs is given by the familiar

thermodynamic equation for the free energy A G-(joules) or more conveniently

the potential E (volts)

AG = - 2f,OdOnE = ~RT In K (10)

Reductions of copper, nickel, and cobalt solutions with hydrogen attain

.commercially attractive rates only at temperatures higher than 70°C. Extra­

polation of thermodynamic data is certain to be speculative but actual data

at elevated temperatures are not available. It is therefore convenient

first to calculate E for room temperature conditions then to attempt to

approximate E for elevated temperatures and finally to discuss briefly the

effect of variation in experimental conditions. Fig. 1 plots the variation

O M^
in E at 25 C for concentrations of the metal ions between 10 J M and 1.0 M

and also the hydrogen potential at various pH values and at 1, 100 and 1000

atomospheres (fugacity of Hg at 25°C and 100 atmospheres = 106.1 atmos­

pheres). Of course the metal potential is affected by pH only indirectly

since the metal concentration .is a function of pH due to complex formation

and hydrolysis. For reduction to proceed the hydrogen potential must be

more negative than the metal p o t e n t i a l I t appears possible to reduce

metals up to cadmium, perhaps including iron but hardly sine. Cadmium

turned out to be the least noble metal to be precipitated in pure form at

an economical rate.

It will be noted that a 100 foldincrease in pressure iscomparable

to an increase in only one pH unit.

Calculating the reduction equilibria in aqueous solution for elevated

temperatures is difficult in view of the uncertainty in estimating the

effect of temperature on the entropies of solutes, ions, or undisscciaied

molecules. Since there are ions on both sides of the equation temperature

changes in entropies can be assumed roughly to cancel out. This is admit­

tedly not a very good approximation but it appears as good as any in the
absence of experimental data.. Equation (19) has been used to calculate

redaction equilibria using'room temperature data.

AGt - AG298ok - &S29gOK (T - 298) (19)

It is based on the assumption that the reaction entropy at temperature T,

is equal to the reaction entropy at 25°C, ^298°F ^ * Effect of Complex Formation

When considering how the formation of complexes of the metal influences

the potential of the metal ion-metal electrode it is usual to deal with

the case in which a large excess of the complexing agent or ligand, L, is

present. For simplicity in writing equations it is assumed here that, L,

is uncharged . The reaction which forms the complex is then:

M 2+ + rlL pss- ML 2+ (20)

n v 7
end the overall equilibrium constant jB is given by

Z h n24_7
R - ,-------2---------• (pi)
/ n h i 2F Z X 7 n
n being the maximum co-ordination number of the metal ion with the parti­

cular ligand considered.

I11 order to calculate the electrode potential it is assumed that only

the uncomplexed metal ion M is reduced to metal, and the effect of complex

formation is to reduce the activity of the simple ion. Then the value of
2+ '
(M ) obtained from equation (2l) is substituted in the hemst equation.

This is done as follows. Since the complex is stable and.for simplicity

r 2- k
all activity coefficients are taken as unity, (FEL^ ' ; may be taken as being

equal to the total concentration of the metal present in solution...- That

is^ because /3m is large,£~M2^7 is 80 small that this approximation intro­

duces no significant error, (l) is the concentration of the free uncom­

plexed "ligand and may be calculated from the total concent rati on of ligand

present in the solution and the total concentration of metal ions knowing*
o '>
n. The value oi E for the complex ion kL reforrme to its rec.uc‘cxon
to metal and free ligand is obtained by setting/ ML "'j that is the total

concentratioil of metal equal to one molar and also (L) equal to one molar,


w° “ E°.,2+ + 2,50:} ET log __ (22)

z F $

It is emphasised that the method of calculating electrode potentials given

above is valid only if ML is the sole complex ion containing the metal
present' m solution. If lower complexes such as -i^ are present
it is not sufficient to calculate^/li ^J7 using only the value of

2.2.1o • Activity Coe ffi cients

Finally, it has been assumed in the treatments above that since re­

duction of metal ions in solution to produce metal is carried out at con­

centrations of the order of one molar and large amounts of other salts are

also present, the relevant equilibrium constants were those obtained using

solutions of high total ionic strength. In order to calculate standard

electrode potentials or free energies of formation of the complexes it was

supposed that activity coefficients were unity because the relevant equation

refer to activities of species whereas equilibrium constants relate con­

centrations. Such a supposition is obviously absurd. However, very little

information is available concerning the activity coefficients of complex

species, in solutions of importance in hydrometallurgy. This is parti­

cularly true in the case of precious metals although knowledge of this data

is less critical than the less electropositive elements,• K inetics

Whilst thermodynamic treatment indicates the feasibility of a reaction

taking place it gives no indication of its rate. In the case of a simple

reaction such as (l6) the rate will be expected to dependon the activities
ion in solution. If the rate of the reverse reaction between the metal and

the hydrogen ions is significant in determining the ovora.il reaction rate,

then the surface area of metal available for reaction will also be import­

ant. When a complex metal ion, such as an aiamine, is to be reduced, the

concentration of the cduplexing agent will usually have to be included in

the rate equation.

Some metals, such as nickel and cobalt will not form as a result of

reduction of aqueous solutions of their salts by hydrogen unless some suit­

able surface is already present at which the reaction can take place. In

such cases the reduction reaction is hetero-genecus and the area of the

catalytical'ly active surface is important. Even when the reaction is

homogeneous, the fact that a solid is produced raises the usual problems

as to whether fresh nuclei can be formed by the metal atoms produced by

the reaction between molecules in solution, or whether the metal will collect

only on a pre-existing nucleus of solid.

Good reviews of the fundamental thermo-dynamic and kinetic consid-

erations in the reduction of metals in solution have been given by Wadsworth
qr 86 87’
by Meddings and Maekiw , by Forward and Halpern and by Schaufelberger

2,2.2. Commercial Applications of Gaseous Reduction of Metals

At the present time there are six commercial installations where

pressure-hydrometallurgical processes have found an application in the

routine large-scale production of nickel, cobalt and copper.

Sherrit Gordon Mines Ltd., operates in Fort Saskatchewan, Alberto,

Canada, a refinery where an. ammonia leaching process is used for the recovery

of nickel and cobalt from sulphidic nickel concentrates and. an acid leaching

process is applied for the treatment of roasted calcines and hi{Jvtemperature

. , , ... 87, 88
alloy scrap, m conduction with hyarogen reanctxon
A commercial plant in under construction by Outokumpu. Dy, in Finland

for the recovery of cobalt from co'baitiferons pyritc concentrates.

Operation of the former Freeport Nickel Co. plant at Moa Bay in Cuba

is being- continued by the Castro Government. The l&teritic ore is treated

there in a high pressure sulphuric acid leach circuit to produce a high-

grade nickel cobalt sulphide concentrate at a capacity equivalent to 25>000

tons of nickel per year. Refining of this concentrate to pure metal, or­

iginally to take place at the Louisiana refinery, is being carried out

either in the Soviet Union of Czechoslovakia.

In the UlS.ii. the Universal Minerals and Metals Co. operates a plant

in Kansas City to produce 10 tons of copper powder per day from various

copper bearing scrap metals, and the Arizona Chemcopper Co. has recently

completed the construction of a plant to produce 25 tons of copper powder

per day from impure cement copper. Reviews of the operating characteristic
89 82
of all these plants are given by Mackiv, Benz and Evans , and by Evans

3*1. Solvent 'Extraction ox’ the Pla.tinum Metals

In their review of the application of solvent extraction to metal

extraction, Smithson et. al. remarked, that no references to the liquid-

liquid extraction of precious metals could be found. They suggested that

"Opportunities may exist for the use of this technique in the recovery of

gold from certain solutions but these have apparently not been seriously

explored. There seems to be scant likelyhood whatever" - they continued -

"that liquid-liquid extraction will ever find use in the treatment of cyanide

solutions from gold ore leaching operations, owing largely to the efficiency

and relative cheapness of present precipitation methods. There is seme

possibility" they suggest "that special cases may arise where liquid-liquid

extraction would be competitive with other methods - for example if it be­

came necessary to selectively remove gold from plating solutions or sol­

utions resulting from secondary precious metals recovery processes."

While it is true that all applications of liquid-liquid extraction in

the refining of platinum metals up to now have strictly concerned"analytical

procedures, recently work has been published indicating that the application

of these techniques, at least to purification of anode .slimes is being

seriously considered on a commercial basis. Dolgikh and co-workers in

Russia have examined the possibility of extracting noble metals from copper

and nickel anode slimes with aminated alcohols and amines'produced by

45, /6 52
reduction of technical nitroparaffins "r s . In England Morris and

Ali JQian have published-preliminary work on the application of solvent

extraction to the separation of several noble metals from precious metal

concentrates. They have recommended that the separation of gold by dibutyl

q aa
carbitol ", of ruthenium by carbon tetrachloride \ and of rhodium by the
cation exchanger dinonylraphthe] one suiphonic acid ' could have several

aovantages over traditional methods in industrial processing.

For the purposes of this work a review was made of some sixty re­

ferences to the application of various solvent extraction processes in the

analytical chemistry of the platinum metals. In this, the review has been

restricted to solvation and ion association systems. Chelating systems

O *7 0
which have been comprehensively studied and reviewed "y have not been

examined here. Whilst chelates in the form of substituted oximes have-

been specifically designed for copper extraction, it was considered that

it would be more profitable initially to explore the possibility of using

i?eagents which were intrinsically cheaper and had a, simpler chemistry than

chelating agents.

3.1.1. Solvating Systems

A summary of the principle characteristics of techniques developed

f03? separation of platinum metals by means of a solvating system is shown

in Tab!e 1. The principle systems examined or recommended chiefly for

analytical separations are ethers, ketones and neutral or basic phosphorous

compounds, i.e. oxygenated compounds.

(a) Kotoness Palladium has been shown to be virtually completely

extracted by isobutyl methyl ketone from solutions contaminated with niobium

and zirconium ", Success was attributed to the aptitude of palladium to
form a complex iodide Pdl^ whereas neither niobium or zirconium forms

a stable iodide in aqueous solution. This evidence tends to suggest that

extraction may be by an ion-association mechanism. Similarly osmium has

been shown to be quantitatively separated as a thiocyanate complex in octanone

(*) Ethers: Gold in the form of the brcmoaurate may be extracted

free from contaminating iron and other noble' metals except osmium by ex-
traction into isopropyl ether , but rhodium nad been shown to be uuex-

tractable by the same solvent over a large range of pH from chloride

solution Successful introduceion of extraction by means of diethyleneglyccl

dibutyl ether (dibutyl carbitol) has been made into refining trials on
gold from chloroauric acid solution "h Complete separation from iron,

arsenic and other contaminants is achieved said it was observed that extrac­

tion improved with increasing gold (ill) concentration in the aqueous


(c) Basic Phosphorous Compounds: Palladium may he efficiently

extracted by triphenylphosphine as a P d l 2(CAl^)-,P complex from weakly acid

media although the arsenic and antimony analogues are better ' , and ruth­

enium^ IV')may be extracted by tri-octyl phosphine oxide but not quantitatively.

In their systematic investigation of the extraction by tri-octyl phosphine

oxide of 60 elements from chloride and nitrate solutions Ishiinori and co­

workers showed that only osmium and platinum could be quantitatevely ex-
tracted and tnen only from chloride complexes .

(d) Tributyl Phosphate: Much work has been reported on the solvent

extraction of platinum metals by Berg and co-workers by tributyl phosphate

on / a 1
(TBP) from thiocyanate , bromo chloro J '} complexes* Their

results indicated that TBP could, by multiple countecurrent extraction, be

used to separate binary mixtures of rhodium and iridium, rhodium and plati­

num, platinum and palladium. Similar work by Faye and Inman showed that by

employing iodide complexes platinum and palladium could be separated from

rhodium and iridium by TBP . However, results of work by Ishimori et al*

on TBP extraction from nitrate solutions show that only Ru(lV) and Os (Vi)
may be considered as being quantitatively extracted * A later paper by

Meier et al. on the solvent extraction of osmium reports a systematic

study on the extraction of this element by TBP and confirms these results < Physical Dlssollition Finally in this solvation section

consideration should be given to the extraction of ruthenium and osmium

totroxides by carbon tetrachloride (Table 2J. It is condidered that, due

dissolved.” in solution as PuO, and OsO, molecules. r
J’he distribution ratios
4 4
for osmium and ruthenium between carbon tetrachloride and water have been

determined by Martin as 12 and 59 respectively and are independant of the

concentration of the tetroxides over considerable ranges > These results

have been used by Morris and All Khan as the basis for developing a solvent

extraction technique in the refining of Pox and Os, They conclude that

advantages of this process could ensue from the incorporation of a scaled

up version in the commercial refining of ruthenium ,

3.1.2. Ion Association Systems Anion Exchangers

It is only in the last ten years that attention has been turned to

the possibility of exploiting the anion forming tendencies of the noble

metals by separating them with liquid anion exchangers. They have been

simultaneously studied as a method of analysis, in fundamental research

into extraction mechanisms and as processing reagents.

A summary of the principle characteristics of solvent extraction

processes using liquid anion exchangers for platinum metals is shown in

Table 3* The anion exchangers used have involved all types of amine,

quaternary ammonium compounds and extraction has almost invariably been

made from solutions of chloro-complexes.

(a) Analytical Appli cations

Ishmori et, al. in their systematic work on the extraction of some

sixty elements in hydrochloric acid solution by Primene JMT (trialkyl-

methylamine), Amberlite LA-1(secondary alkylamine) and tri-iso-octylamine

showed that none of the platinum metals could be considered to be quanti­

tatively extracted by .the primary amine although gold could be easily ex­

tracted at low (l-2M) hydrochloric acid concentrations in the aqueous phase

The secondary amine was shown to have greater extraction powers although
q/! gq f
only quantitative for osmium and platinum in addition to gold . \k

scheme for the separation of osmium by Amberlite LA-1 has been described
b5 \
by Meier ). The tertiary amine proved to be the most powerful extractant

but5 rhodium and iridium were still not effectively extracted and work

performed later on rhodium showed that this metal was not extracted by
any amine under any conditions . Russian workers have come to similar

conclusions that while gold palladium (ll) and platinum (IV") may be quan­

titatively extracted rhodium (h i ) and iridium (ill; were effectively not

extracted at all However, it was also observed that iridium (ll)

is extracted by a benzene solution of tri-n-oclylamine but that contact with

the organic phase leads to partial reduction of the iridium (IT) to iridium (ill)
leading to a decrease of the quantity of metal extracted . Work by

Khattak and .Magee also showed that rhodium (ill) was reluctant to being

extracted by tri-iso-octylamine although rhodium (ill) - tin (ll) complexes

were amenable to a quantitative extraction * A comprehensive study of

extraction of ruthenium (ill) by long chain amines has been made by Shanker
et al. ' « Their results show that extraction decreases in the order

primary amines>secondaryrstertiary amines, while within the tertiary amines,

increasing chain length and decreasing branching leads to reduced extraction.

Similarly extraction is increased by the use of diluents with higher diel­

ectric constants and of a weakly basic rather than an acidic nature.

Some papers have been published on extraction of platinum metals

by quaternary ammonium compounds and it has been found that these even more

basic compounds give enhanced extract ability In alkaline

solutions platinum can be separated from all other metals: in weakly acidic

media all the platinum metals are readily extracted and can be separated

from base metals. . Additionally in weakly acidic media the sepa.rati.on

of platinum and palladium from oilier nolle metals is possible

and in strongly acidic media platinum may be separated alone.

Finally a paper by Deptula has demonstrated the antagonistic effect

of di-n-butylphosphcric acid on the extraction of piatinum(lT)

UUUi^ by tri-n
octyl amine from the clilor ocomplex in sulphuric acid

(b) Applications to Process Refining

The first attempts at applying solvent extraction techniques to the

refining of platinum metals from anode slimes \iere made by Dolgikh and

co-workers in Russia in the early 1960's. They extracted the noble metals

by industrial amines from chloride solutions produced by chlorination of

the slimes with chlorine gas. By use of multiple stage separation 99-9/'

of all precious metals in the slimes were removed and only 0.12^ of all
45 46
contaminants from a 6 M solution of hydrochloric acid J . In this work

primary amines were preferred to higher amines since in this case the re­

action is chiefly one of inner complex amine .formation whereas with tertiary

amines the addition reaction is chiefly realised. The inner amine complexes

obtained are extremely stable compounds which are not destroyed by mineral

acids and alkalis but necessarily stripping or re-extraction of the metals

is thus more difficult. A later paper has given an account of operating

experience from a pilot plant using this technique . As a result of this

work a plant in Belgium has incorporated a solvent extraction technique

in the recovery cycle of gold and platinum metals from anode slimes arising

from the electrolysis of Bore metal

Further work on the fundamental aspects of the reactions involved

has shown the analogy of the extractions to ion-exchange resin mechanisms

and work has been extended to show the influence of other types of extract­

ant /r'
C and the effect of sulphate ions in solution ^.Sbivrin et.al. have

published work on the extraction refining of noble metals by quaternary

Girmonium compounds but difficulty was experienced, due to the propensity of

these higbl y sarfa.ce active reagents to form stable emulsions. However, '

by careful control of conditions gold cyanide may be effectively extracted

by these- reagents of the type (ClL,Rvh) Cl and (R .It) Cl ^ .

i l 4

In Japan tbe and Yazawa have also applied amine extractants to the separation

of metals related closely to the hydrometallurgical processes and results

show agreement with previous and subsequent work Pinaly Ali Khan and

Morris in preliminary work have shown the feasibility of tertiary amines to

extract platinum metal nitrites ,

A summary of the specific extractants used as liquid anion exchangers

is given in Table 4* Cation Exchangers

Presumably as a result of the reluctance of noble metals to form

simple cationic species in solution little work has been done with liquid

cation exchangers in precious metal chemistry. However, one paper by Ali

Khan and Morris shows the possibility of extracting and separating rhodium

by this means. They have used dinonylhaphthelenesulphonic acid to separate

quasi effectively rhodium from contaminants and other platinum metals and

recommend that if a barren aqueous phase scrub cycle is incorporated into

the flow scheme, this process could be used to advantage in refining of

rhodium from precious metal concentrates .

3-2. Caseous Reduction of Platinum Metals

Some of the earliest investigations on the gaseous reduction of metals

from solution were performed on the platinum group metals. During the

period 1909 - 1931? the Ipatievs and co-workers studied the use of hydrogen

under pressure to precipitate platinum,iridium and other metals and metal

oxides from aqueous and organic solution ' , The reactions were carried

out in sealed unagitated tubes and the metallic products, when formed were
frecuenfiy contaminated with stsble oxides and basic salts which precipitate
at the higher temperatures before the hydrogen could diffuse into eolu.ti.on

and effect reduction. Although, the products from this 'work were too .impure

for further development, the demonstrations of the feasibility of using

hydrogen under pressure to effect reduction must be considered a major

contribution in the development of these processes.

Later, still in the U.S.S.R., the pioneer work of the Ipatievs was
oi qo or
continued over the period 1930 - 1948? by Tronev et. al. ’ y ^ , pri­

marily on the hydrogenation of aqueous salts of the precious metals and

the precipitation of silver, gold, palladium, platinium, rhodium and iridium,

The procedures developed enabled the platinum group metals to be separated

by selective precipitation.
4, Chon ica ]. Soreon in g

As a result of the literature survey on the chemistry of platinum

metals and the various solvent extraction processes available it appeared

that the most logical choice and the most promising system was that of the

liquid anion exchangers. The theoretical aspects of amine extraction

71 72
systems aregiven inpapers published by Diamond andGrinstead

Prom these it was possible to decide upon the nature and range of process

variables which were to be investigated.

4•1• Amine Extraction Systems

Let us consider the mechanism 'whereby amine extractants act as liquid

anion exchangers and the factors which influence their extratability.

4,1.1. Formation of An ion Exchanger

The amine, which is usually dissoved in an organic diluent, is trans­

formed into such an agent by reaction with an acid species which is intro­

duced into the aqueous solution of the metal salts. The simplest expression

that can be written for this type of reaction is:

PhD / \ -I-ELO+ s=5r R-J'ffit \+ Ho0 (23)

3 (org) 3 3 (org) 2 K

where a secondary or primary amine can be substituted for the tertiary

amine. Although this is an oversimplification of the situation it never­

theless emphasises the base-acid nature of the reaction, the main driving

force being the fact that the amine binds the proton more strongly than

does a water molecule.

However, different acids show very different degrees of extraction

under similar conditions and so extraction also depends on the anion. It

must therefore be included in (23)*How this should be done depends upon

the nature of the ammonium species in the organic phase and upon the diluent

In dilute solution in the usual low dielectric constant diluent the salt
becomes ion paired so (2d) becomes:

X + BjH/ • X + H,.0+ .+ H„0 (24)

J V.O-'-Ej/ j J </.

. / ”H7NIll*X "7
Kj « -- — ors (25)
l sl^ J DTg aH X

The ion pairing is not entirely electrostatic but may involve a weak hydrogen

bond between the ammonium cation and the anion. This interaction is stronger

the smaller and more ba.sic the anion, but the ea.se of extraction shows

just the opposite order e.g. Cl < Br < I <T ^10^ . This is because

it is the aqueous phase interactions of the ions and not the organic phase

ones which dominate in determining the sequence. ¥ater is the best anion

solvating agent present, as so the ions leave the aqueous phase inversely

with the order of increasing hydration. Effect of Amine Class

\Ihen considering the extraction of a given acid under varying conditions,

however, differences in the organic phase interactions readily show up.

For simple acids the order of extraction by amine class is usually primary

> secondary > tertiary. An explanation is that the increasing number of

alkyl groups sterically hinder the approach of the anion to the ammonium

hydrogen as well as cutting down the number of interacting hydrogens on

the nitrogen. The cation-anion interaction is weakened for both reasons and

so the extraction decreases. For the same reason the spread of selectivity

among anions should be expected to increase in going from primary, secondary

tertiary to qua.ternary ammonium salts. The cation-anion interactions

partially neutralise or oppose the order of extraction dictated by the

dominant aqueous phase hydration behaviour and so the latter shows its

maximum effect with the quaternary salts and a .minimum selectivity with

'the primary ammonium catrons.

The diluent is not inert hut interacts with both the amine and the

ammonium salt through its functional groups (chemical properties) and with

the salt through long range coulombic effects (dielectric properties).

(a) Dielectric Effects: In general the higher the dielectric con­

stant of the diluent the better the extraction and this is understandable.

A positive electrostatic free energy obstructs the transfer of ions from a

medium of high dielectric constant (water) to one of lower value. An

order of magnitude estimate of this term can be obtained by applying the

Born charging expression to the transfer of a pair of dissociated spherical

monovalent ions from water (£ = 80) to an organic diluent ( G )

v aq ' ^ v org

aq ~> org oe +i
^r )(i/e
— 7' 7 org - i/e
7 )
aq7 (26;

If the ions associate to a pair in the low dielectric constant medium the

(positive) free energy of transfer is reduced by the energy of the ion

pairing. With l/<r »> l/80 the most favourable case is for two ions
of equal radius and the value of &G* is reduced to one-half the
^ aq org
value for dissociated ions. So even for ion pairs the long range coulombic

interactions with the diluent provide a positive free energy of transfer

whose magnitude depends on the dielectric constant of.the diluent. This

term must of course be overbalanced by the acid-base reaction for the

interaction to occur.

(^) Chemical Effects: The correlation between dielectric prop­

erties and extractability is not very vigorous however. Besides "electr­

ostatic” solvation of the ions a short range chemical effect with the diluent

must also be considered.

If the diluent is somewhat basic (e.g. aromatic compounds) there

may be an interaction be tween it and tire weakly acidic hydrogen of the

ammonium cation, thus improving extracts,bility. If on the other hand the

diluent molecule is slightly acidic, one might expect it to interact with

the basic extractant molecule effectively reducing the letter’s concentration

and so decrease the extraction. For example such behaviour is observed

with the trialkyl phosphates , phospine oxides, etc. where extraction of

acids is poorer in the slightly acidic diluent chloroform than in carbon

tetrachloride. However, this is not true of tertiary amine extraction.

For some reason the former does not react as strongly with small uncharged

molecules such as chloroform as might be expected from its greater basicity.

But the cholorform molecules may (hydrogen) bond with the anion of the

ammonium salt, thus helping the extraction and do -so more strongly the

smaller and more basic the anion. For such anions, chloroform, or any other

weakly acidic solvent becomes one of the best possible diluents for

extraction. Association of Extractant One of the most important and inter­

esting features of amine extraction systems is the degree of association of

the ammonium salt in the organic phase. The properties of the diluent,

the nature of the ammonium cation and of the anion and their concentrations

determine whether the salt is dissociated, ion-paired or still more highly

aggregated in the organic phase. I11 a high dielectric constant medium such

as nitrobenzene an ammonium salt with a large anion may be completely diss­

ociated over a wide range of concentration. But with smaller anions the

interionic e,ttractions are larger and the salts, although dissociated at

very low concentrations, ion-pair at higher concentrations. If the diluent

has a very low dielect?;*ic constant and little chemical solvating ability,

the ammonium salt may associate to still larger aggregates beyond the ion

pair to ion quadrupoles thus leading to reduced extraction

73 .

The degree of aggregation can also be correlated, to the nature of

the anion. For if the anion eatron rnir can hydrogen bond and thunsolvate
each other they "will more readily form ion-pairs from the free ions but

action is as expected from the size of the ions.. Cl > Br > I and

they show the opposite tendency to aggregate beyond the ion-pair. In

this reject quaternary ammonium salts which are incapable of such hydro'

gen bonded cation-anion interactions are more susceptible to aggregation

than are tertiary ammonium salts.

However, it should be pointed out that at higher concentrations of

ammonium salts in the diluent, the organic phase activity coefficients

are no longer constant (i.e. > 0*1 M)0 The presence of such a large

concentration of ions even though highly associated changes the properties

of the diluent from those of, for example, cyclohexane. to those of an en­

tirely new substance which may have better extraction characteristics, d.es;

aggregation of the extractant.

4*1.2. Ion Exchange with the Metallic Species

The ammonium salt ion-pair formed by reaction of the amine with an

acid is now capable of exchanging the sample anion with a complex metallic

anion, usually a halometallic complex.

hjh! x + mx . s* (rump mx +x (27)

The sequences of the order of extraction with these complex ions as a

function of amine class, of increased branching of the amine alkyl groups

end of the diluent tend to be opposite to those of the hydrolialic acids,

since the latter are present and in competition with the complex metal

ion, i.e. ion exchange." Effect of Amine Class

ended) into

extraction foil This means that a weakly interacting

anion (C;10„ or iiX ) which, does not dex)end as much on such hydrogen bonding
•i 4'
to help its extraction as does 01 , will compete best with Cl in extraction

with a 4RY anion, next best with a 3RY, and so on, yielding an order opposite

to that for hydrochloric acid extraction itself,

4,1.2.2, Effect of Diluent

A similar argument holds for the inversion in extraction order between

the hydro-halic acid and the(monovs,lent) halometailic complexes acids with

change in diluent. The halide interacts more strongly with chloroform

than does the larger, less basic anion, so that when both are present, the

larger anion is relatively less strongly favoured .and extracted than with a

chemically more inert diluent such as cyclohexane. As a result chloroform

is a good diluent for hydrochloric acid extraction but a poor one for the

(ion exchange) extraction of halometailic complexes, while cyclohexane or

the aromatic solvents have the ojjposite effects. Such inversions in extra­

ction order become more marked the greater the disparity in size and basicity

of the anions involved.

4 .1.2.3• Role of ¥ater

Large amines themselves do not appear to be very hydrated in the common

diluents, but with most anions appreciable water is co-extracted with the

ammonium salt and furthermore the presence of water increases the solu­

bility of the salt in the diluent. The water acts as a bridge between the

cation and the anion or is hydrogen bonded to the anion and varies as

the need for solvation of the anion e.g. 01 > Br > I > CIO

4.1•2.4« Excess Acid

A molecule of acid such as hydrochloric acid is a polar molecule

which can hydrogen bond to an anion just as can water. Excess acid present

in the system may thus solvate the aniens according to their basic strength..
N0_ >- Cl > }3r I >■ CIO,, forming molecule-ions. The extraction
A 4-
of metal complex anions from aqueous hydrochloric or nitric acid solutions

may be greatly influenced by the formation of these species as the latter

are less easily hydrated, and more readily extract-able than the simple

anions and so compete much better than the latter in ion exchange. Thus

for a complex anion, the distribution curves from dilute hydrochloric acid

solutions are almost ‘identical to those from solutions of lithium chloride

but they increasingly fall below the hydrochloric acid value as the con­

centration rises into the region where HC1„ and H~C1_ can form and
2 2 p.
extract.• Basicity of Amine

Decreasing the basicity of the amine results in reduced extracta-

bility and if the amine becomes weak enough one molecule may not provide

enough solvation for the proton leading to the formation of (R^'II^H"1" cr

even (li^N^tLCd complexes. Similarly the substitution of an aromatic

group for an alkyl one in a tertiary amine causes a considerable reduction

• 5
in its basicity and a marked drop in extraction, about a factor of 10

per aromatic group, due to steric hindrance. Re-extraction of Metal Complexes

The amine extracts are usually amenable to one or more methods of

stripping the extracted metal ions-readily and into a relatively small pro*
duct volume . The methods include some reactions that affect mainly the

extractant: hydrolysis of the (weak base)amine salt displacement by a

strongly extracted stripping agent; some that affect mainly the extracted

metal: change of oxidation state, dissociation of the extractable complex,

competitive formation of a non-extractable complex, precipitation.

Hydrolysis of the amine salt, reversing equation(23) completely destroys

its exchange capacity and strips nearly ail extracted materials. Thus if
Stripping by complete hydrolysis mjy impose a disadvantage if

fresh acid and a special operation are needed to regenerate the amine

salt for recycle. However, the extraction feed (leach liquor, dissolver

solution,' etc.) often contains excess acid for other reasons, sufficient to

reform the amine salt in the last extraction stage without unduly raising

the raffinate pH.

Stripping by competitive displacement can be a very simple and effec­

tive method, provided that the stripping agent can be tolerated, in the

extraction system as well as in the product, or can be satisfactorily re­

moved. before recycle.


Whenever a considerable degree of salting is required for extraction

of a particular metal ion, water stripping should be effective for its re­

moval. When the solute is subject to hydrolysis, a, dilute acid, solution

(e.g. 0.01 M) is used instead of plain water. Enough acid roay be auto­

matically provided by excess acid extracted from the feed, and transferred

to the stripping section. When water stripping is desired in a process,

only a moderately strong extractant should be used.

Formation of a non-extractable aqueous-phase complex can be used for

stripping whether or not formation of a particular extractable complex is

involved in the extraction. The stripping agent is not necessarily extrac­

table. However, it is usually one of the common complex forming anions and

thus may be extracted, if so,‘the same question of elimination or tolerance

in the extraction system applies as in stripping by competitive displacement.

Sharply selective stripping can be obtained where a difference exists

.1 to a lover oxidation
state which is not extractable.

Finally stripping may be effected by precipitation methods either by

a, strip solution containing a reduetant or by direct reduction from organic

phase with a gas. however, these methods involve certain practice.! diffi­

culties in separating* solids from either one or two liquid phases.

4.1.3. Interpretation of Process Parameters

In his paper on liquid ion exchangers Hogfeldt concluded that "pro­

gress has been made in the field of amine extractions with regard to the

identification of species in the organic phase. But the equilibria regu­

lating the extraction processes are not well understood at present partly
because of interfering aggregation equilibria."

However the extraction of ferric thio-cyanate complexes by trinony-

lamine has recently been studied in order to determine to what extent ex­

traction behaviour using this kind of solvent can be predicted from equili­

brium data.. It was shown that under normal conditions of iron-thiocyanate

ratio the ion extracted is Fe(SCItf) .,-giving a complex (CnK )^NH+ .Fe(SCIT) .
4 7 I7 j 4
which dissolves in the bensene-amine layer . ;

The relevant equilibrium constants are to and the important

variables are the concentrations of iron and thiocyanate ions. Since the

concentrations of other ions are not necessarily small, and the concen­

tration of ferric and thiocyanate ions change during the extraction, the

variation cf these equilibrium constants with total ionic strength,I, must

be calculated using the Debye-Huckel relationship, corrected for variation

of the activity coefficients with concentration.

log ICo « logic-- 4 T , ~ I 60 (23)

li - _.U f.g-'
1 -b SJzX -L

where Ko is the value of K at infinite dilution

11 n
A and B are fundamental constants
s in ionic charge
a ancl 0 are arbritary parameters.
o **8
The values of the parameters we re taken as a = 4*5 x 10 , A C -- 0.2913 and

13 - 0.33 x 108 > in the case of JC, , At 25°C, A = 0.509? IC - 1,070, For K
.A, J_ *1“

the experimental data fit the equation reasonably veil between I - 0.1

and 1.0, if Kp = 96.6 , AC = 0.044, &B = 1*5. The few results for

fit the equation

log I'A = logKo - 1.257 I

with = 32*2. The value of K /( is independant of I as long as the ratio

of the activity coefficients of the SON and Fe(SCI\f) , ions remain constant,

By using potassium nitrate solution as a base electrolyte, the total

ionic strength was held constant; the pH was maintained at ~2 the actual

value being measured. The equilibrium constants for the formation of iron-

nitrate complexes and hydrolysis products were corrected in the same way as

those for thiocyanate complexes, and it was then possible to calculate

the amounts of extractable species present at any thiocyanate-iron ratio.

Since only the extractable complex of iron present in any quantity of

significance was Fe(SCi'l) the extraction of ferric thiocyanate complexes

may be represented as

R H H .S C H / \ -b F e (S C N )T / x ;= £ r R ,M F e ( S C lT ) . / x + SCN7
3 (org) v 4(aq) ^ 3 K 4(org) (aoj

where R is the nonyl group (C^H^g)

The particular partition coefficient of Fe(SCN) ^ is

/'R-/IffiFe(SCN)/ 7
3 '4 org
/j?s(SCIi)~. 7
' 4 s,q

and the equilibrium constant for the extraction is:

Lr- Fe(SC)i) 4. 1 aq /-
/& HH SC:7 org’

p /:
Hence K, = — — (29)
4 ^
.u 0 . -

If it is assumed that hydrolysis and complexing by nitrate are negligible

the iron distribution ratio in general is given by:

Y 1 /-(R7NH) Fe (SON) 7
nH4 ^ n_:> n org
^ 7 a q

)Z^,| Pn F
An -/J?e3j7 /3CN
-/ z. 7n

/dr7 7 /3;iF H 7 n

Therefore 1 ^ should.be independant of the concentration of iron. In order

to predict 1^. it is necessary to know the values of the equilibrium con­

stants for formation of the complexes-which give /3 , the values of

the way in which DQr,„- varies with the concentration of free thiocyanate

ionsj and the free thiocyanate ion concentration itself.

It was shown that if hydrolysis and complex formation by nitrate are

taken into account there was a linear relationship between and the

concentration of free thiocyanate ions as long as the range of concentration

studied is small. However, was found to vary with the concentration

of iron and it was suggested that this was due to cationic species and

Fe(SCN 7 ions in the aqueous phase forming polynuclear complexes. The

value of K / also increased with increasing total ionic strength due to a

salting-out effect.

From the above example it can be see)."), that even in the simplest amine

extracjt5.cn systems, attempt to rationalise partition data from fun da men tad
relationships leads to a soirun-mat intrvvxthble result needing large amounts

of fundamental data to resolve it. Any attempt to apply this approach to

Situations as complex as those involving the noble metals about which

there is little information of this kind would be unjustifiable, The aqueous

equilibria in solutions of these metals is not known with any certainty

due to multiple valency states and to the co-existence in solution ox several

complex species in mutual equilibrium including products of hydrolysis.

Alternatively more empirical methods may be adopted such as the

approach of LLoyd and Oertel

74 who have attempted to correlate extraction

isotherms obtained from various liquid anion exchange processes with the

aim of establishing a general mathematical relationship between the chara­

cteristics of each.

They suggested that if one assumes that there are m molecules of

amine associated with each molecule of the extracted species, then the

molecules involved in the complex will be equivalent to a solvent concen­

tration of mY where Y is the organic phase molarity of the extracted species.

The free solvent concentration is thus (M - mY) where M is the total solvent

molarity. If it is then assumed that the solvent-metal salt complex is of

constant composition at all levels less than saturation, then (M-mY) will

be the free solvent concentration at all levels of the concentration of the

extracted species in the organic pha.se.

Also it was found that in the Extraction of most single species,

the equilibrium isotherm, relatirg concentration of the extracted species in

the aqueous and organic phase is one in which the distribution ratio is

proportional to some power of the free solvent concentration

' . u 1 = E(K - Bi')n (35)

..... X '

where: X = molarity- of the extracted species in the aqueous phase

:Y = extraction factor
Of particular interact since it occurs in many systems is the: case where

the chisiribution ratio Y / X is directly proportional to the free solvent

concentration i.e. h - 1

then _ __ Eli -Era (36)

X ~ Y

The usefulness of this relationship is that a plot of 1 / X versus 1 / Y

should yield a straight line of slope E M« Moreover the intercept

with the 1 / X axis should be - E m and the intercept with the 1 / Y axis

should be m / M, Thus m and g may be found graphically.

The significance of the factors n, m. E , is that they can together

completely satisfy the specification of theloading andextraction chara­

cteristics of any particular amine in a given system. The loading factor m

will be a true measure of the saturation capacity of the amine regardless

of the concentration while the extraction factor E will, be constant through­

out the range of concentrations of the extracted species at all amine con­


Prom their own results and correlations with those of other workers

most of whose work -was found to concern 'systems where n = 1, Lloyd and

Oertel found good agreement between the equations developed and extraction

isotherms determined experimentally.

Similarly equations were developed and tested for the simultaneous

extraction of two species. They assumed that the extraction and the load­

ing factors remained constant whether one species is extracted alone or in

the presence of another, and set up two equations relating the organic

and aqueous phase concentrations of the two extracted species at equilibrium,

Y., « E1(M - Y1m1 - Y2m 2)nl


and Y E (M - Y, m1 ~ Y pm )n2
then if n_ - the- selectivity factor $ , defined as the ratio of the
1 ^
distribution ratios of the two species will1 he constant, that i


However, if f. n^it should he noted that the selectivity factor will

•not he constant hut will vary with the organic phase concentrations of the

extracted species. In this case it may he expected that if n^ > n^ sep-

aration between species 1 and 2 will improve with increasing organic phase

concentration if S.. > E 0 but will decrease if En < E^ and vice versa
1 <c 1
Results showed that equations give a good semi-quantitative expression to

the extraction isotherms of two species extracted in the presence of each


Results obtained in the correlation of these equations with experi­

mentally determined isotherms allow analytical solutions for the number of

stages required in attaining optimum extraction performance.

4.2. Exp erime ntal Pro gramme

On the basis of the theoretical aspects of amine extraction processes

and knowledge of the solution chemistry of platinum group metals a prelim­

inary experimental programme was drawn up. This was devised so that poten­

tial processes could be isolated and identified by investigation of the

following process variables.

(a). Keta11fc valenc1es: the extraction of noble metals in their

most probable valency states

Ru (III)
Os (IV )
Eli (III)

Pd (II)
Pt (IV )
Au G.II)
range 10 "'H to 10

(c) Metal complexes: study of chloro-comiDlexes in hydrochloric

acid and in comparison to other common anionic ligands.

(d) Anion concentration: the extraction of noble metals from solution

of varying anionic strengths.

(e) Amine reagents: extractability of primary, secondary,tertiary

amines and quaternary ammonium compounds of varying chain length,

(f) Diluents; extractability of amines in aromatic

diluents and in comparison to some aliphatic diluents.

(g) Concentration of Extra.cta.nt; extraction performance at varying

amine loadings.

For the purposes of this work branched 2 ~ amino-octane and dodecane

primary amines (improved phase disengagement properties over straight chain

amines) di-pentyl^-octyl,and -dodecylamines, and tri-pentyl,octyl,and dcde-

cylamines were obtained from 13. Nev/ton- Maine Ltd., (llorfolk) and tetra-

pentyl and tetraheptyl ammonium chloride was obtained from Kodak Ltd.,

(Liverpool). All amines and diluents were used without further treatment.

4.2,1, Analytical Techniques

Traditional methods may be employed for the quantitative determin­

ation of the metallic species in either phase after contacting but these have

certain drawbacks. S’
pectrophotometric absorption techniques and p>olaro-

graphic methods require that the nature of the metallic species in solution

remains constant. This implies precise knowledge of the types of metallic

complexes present area the proportions of particular species in equilibrium

under any given conditions. In’the case of the noble metals this amount of

control is not possible to maintain in a real situation. However, some

spectrophotographic work was done cn platinum metal solutions both before

and after extraction and whilst in the organic phase itself in order to
do i:ermine whether or not any changes were taking place in the metal species

under extraction conditions»

A more effective and accurate method of determination is by means of

radiochemical tracers added to the aqueous phase before extraction. Pro­

viding the mixed labelled solution undergoes a chemical treatment to ensure

that the radioactive metallic ions are of the same species and in the same

equilibrium proportion as those of non-radioactive ions it is merely necessary

to measure the subsequent physical dilution of the radioactive component.

Investigations into the solvent extraction of platinum metals by Ali Khan

5 44 69 35, 5^ 55
and Morris , and Ishimori were carried out using radio­

tracer techniques. Radioactive Tracer Analysis

The principles of normal radioisotope tracer methods are given in

nq 0Q
various reviews • . Solutions of the platinum metals labelled with

radionuclides were made up into chemically homogeneous solutions and ex­

traction performed until near equilibrium conditions were achieved. Having

then allowed the two phases to disengage" aliquots of an equal amount of

each were counted under identical geometry using a T-scintillation assembly.

This comprised a Hal (Tl) 25 mm x 25 mm well-type scintillation tube and a

Muclear Enterprises SR3 ratemeter with a discrimination capability. By

use of this equipment not only could individual radionuclide activities be

measured under peak energy conditions but by variation of bias control, two

activities due to different labelled metals present in the same solution

could be measured simultaneously providing there was a significant differ­

ence in principle T-photon energies. In this way it was possible to

determine the separation factors between pairs of metals in a. single


All radionuclides were obtained from The Radiochemical Centre and

were subjected to peclrometry before use to ensure radiochemical

ble 5 shows the princip3.e char not

used to determine distribution data

4.2.2 Experimental P t o cedure

• Kinetics of Extraction by Amines

Before commencing the distribution studies, two kinetic factors

appeared to be of importance in the liquid anion extraction of the platinum

metals. The first was simply concerned with the rate of approach to equili­

brium concentrations of the metal species between the organic and aqueous

phases. Simple shake-up tests over varying periods of time showed that

contacting for about 2 minutes would give a satisfactory approach to equili­

brium. (See Pig. 2)

The second factor involved the attainment of consistant results be­

tween platinum metal aqueous solutions of different concentrations and

chloride ion concentration. It was found necessary to heat the solutions,

once made up, for about 30 minutes to attain equilibrium of aqueous metal

solutions. To confirm this a solution of Ir (ill) was made up in 6.7M KOI

and extracted with a IRY amine at intervals over a period of months. Equil­

ibrium appeared to be obtained after 5 - 6 weeks at room temperature (see

Fig. 3) indicating that the species of platinum metals take a considerable

time to come to equilibrium after changes in concentration and pH.

4.2,2.2. Preparation of Iridium Solutions

As already described it was decided to use a radioisotopic-, tracer

technique to determine the equilibrium concentrations of the metallic species

in the organic and aqueous phases. In the case of iridium 1 mOi of ir

was obtained from the Radiochemical Centre Amersham ostensibly as a chloro-

c.ompiex, so it was considered quit

hexachloroiridate (IV) with the tracer to obtain a labelled solution. The

mixed solution was treated with chlorine gas to ensure a homogeneous solution

of Ir (IV). However, upon subjecting this solution to extraction by organic

solvents the radiometric results differed widely from those anticipated by

visual inspection, spectrophotemetry, and gravimetric analysis* '/-spectro­

metry showed 100$ radioisotopic purity and yet various chemical and electro­

chemical treatments on the solution failed to effect a change. Finally

bromate hydrolysis was performed followed by redissolution of the ppt of

Ir (OH),and this gave results in agreement with other analytical methods.


It v/as therefore deduced that the tracer was not in the stated chemical

form, but as a result it was decided to perform a precipitation and redis­

solution treatment on all labelled solutions as a general procedure to en­

sure homogeneity.

A 0.1 M stock solution of iridium was made up by redissolution of 10

grams of labelled Ir(OH)^ containing 500 \iCi of Ir to give hexachloro-

iridate (IV).A .01 M solution was used to discern the effect of amine class,

chain length and diluent. The optimum diluent and chain length was then

fixed and the effect of variation in HG1* concentration (l - 10 I-i) and

iridium concentration ( .05 M ?,01M,.002 M) determined with varying amine

class. Iridium (ill) chlorocomplexes were prepared by reduction of some of

the stock iridium (IV) solution with silver powder and diluting as required.

Similarly bromo-complexes and sulphatocomplexes were made up to examine the

effect of the nature of the competing anion. Finally aqueous solutions of

constant pH were prepared with varying chloride ion concentrations using

HaCl and AlCl^ to investigate the effect of this variable independently of


In all cases 10 mis of aqueous phase were equilibrated with 10 mis of

organic phase in a separating funnel and. shaken vigorously for a period

of 2 minutes. Distribution ratios were then determined by measuring the

Preparation of labelled solutions of rhodium was complicated by the
need to chemically separate the Rh isotope from the ruthenium target
97 103
material containing active Ru 5 and Ru following irradiation. In addition
1 D R
the short-half-life (56 hrs.) of the Rh required rapid execution of

both purification and shake up tests before the radioisotope became rela­

tively inactive. A small portion of the 5 grams of Rh needed for completion

of the experimental programme was labelled with the* target material containing

15 mCi of Rlf^"'5 as Rh (OH)^, in a glove box. NaOH and HaOCl were added to

the labelled precipitate and the slurry warmed. Hydrochloric acid was added

and the solution boiled to distill off the contaminating ruthenium as RuO^.
97 105
y -spectrometry showed the distillate was pure Ru and Ru but despite

several attempts it proved impossible to distil off all the ruthenium from

the rhodium, before significant decay had occurred.

As a result a new target was prepared and irradiated and isolation of

105 96
Rh effected by the method of Kobayashi . This involved production of

an aqueous solution of ruthenium tetr oxide as before but followed by a fast

extraction of all ruthenium isotopes into carbon tetrachloride. Two shake-

ups with fresh solvent were all that was required to give a raffina.te con-
taining only activity due to Rh ' a s measured by ■y-s-pectronietry. Aqueous

solutions of Rh(lll) chlorocoraplexes were now made up in the same way.as

the previous iridium solutions and distribution data determined in a similar


4*2.2.4*' Preparation of Palladium Solutions

The preparation of labelled solutions was less problematic with palla-

/ 2 '
A small proportion of the 5 gms oi‘ poJ.lad.ium (as FdCl.Zj. * ) nocessary for the

programme of work was taken, as with the iridium and rhodium, and the tracer

solution ( lmCi) was added. The metal was precipitated with an amrnoniacal

hydrazine solution end the remainder of the palladium, as metal, was added.

The whole precipitate was then redissolved, in aqua regia and a stock solution

0.1 M in palladium (il) made up, after destruction of any remaining nitric

acid. y -spectrometry showed isotopic purity with a very low intensity

peak atj65 Kev and a very high intensity at 40 Kev. This latter peak is in
303 in 10T>
fact due to the 57 minute R h ' daughter of Pd‘ "h While this was obviously

the most convenient activity to measure due to its intensity its utilisation

imposed two restrictions. Firstly it was necessary to measure the activity

of the solutions following extraction only after sufficient time had elapsed

(about 10 half-lives of the daughter Rii^''m ) so that selective separation

of the rhodium might not interfere. Secondly the low energy of the T-ray

being measured would be significantly less attenuated in the organic phase,

of low density, than in the aqueous phase. It was thus necessary to measure

the activity of the aqueous phase before and after extraction to give a,

measure of the distribution ratio.

Preparation of solutions and measurement of activities was otherwise

the same as that employed in iridium and rhodium extractions.

4-2,2.5, Preparation of Platinum Solutions

Solutions of labelled platinum (IV) were produced in a very similar

way tc those of palladium in which the bulk platinum solution and the

radio tracer solution (2 mCi) were precipitated down with hydrazine and

redissolved in aqua regia to give a stock solution of 0.1 M hexachloro-

platinate (IV) in 1.0 M IIC1. The radioisotope employed was the metastable
] Q R,,
pt which has a 4 day half-life and a very intense I'-ray peak at

99 Kev due solely to the isometric transition to the ground state. The

use of this isotope therefore did not involve these problems encountered
30 ^
with Pd '' although measurement was again made only on aqueous solutions as

the y energy was still relatively low. Otherwise the preparations of sol­

utions and measurements was similar to those in Ir(lll), Rh(lll) and

Pd(ll) extractions.

4 •2.2,6. Preparation of Ruthenium Solutions

Preparation of labelled solutions of ruthenium (ill) was effected by

oxidising a Ru spiked solution of the metal chlorocomplex to ruthenium

tetrcxide and extracting into carbon tetrachloride from a solution just acid

with dilute sulphuric acid. This was then stripped back as the chlorocom­

plex by contacting the organic phase with concentrated hydrochloric acid.

The volume of the solution was decreased by evaporation and then made up

into various concentrations of metal ions and hydrochloric acid as before.

As with the palladium extractions the 7 energy of. the R u ^ ^ tracer

was so low that distribution ratios were determined by activity measurements

in the aqueous phase before and after extraction.

4.2.2,7• Preparation of Osmium Solutions

Labelled osmium (IV) solutions containing 0s^'/^+‘^'? tracer were produced

in a very similar way to the previous ruthenium solutions by extraction of

osmium tetroxide into carbon tetrachloride. However, in the case of osmium,

SOg gas was bubbled through the hydrochloric acid strip solution to reduce

the osmium (YIIl) ions to osmium (IV).

Measurement of Os activity presented no problems as a high

intensity peak exists at 64O Kev

4,2,2.8, Preparation of Gold Solutions

For the sake of completeness gold (ill) was investigated to see hew

its extraction performance compared with the platinum group metal solutions
and taking up crystals of AuCl^ with hydrochloric acid.

being rather low (99^ev) activity raeasuremerr

were again made on aqueous solutions before and after extraction.

4*2.2.9* Binary Solutions
(a ) Palladium - Iridium Mixture

Solutions of chlorocomplexes of palladium and iridium in different

proportions (10:1 and 1:10) were made up from stock solutions of Pd(ll) and.

Ir(lll) and made up to IM and 3.5 M in HC1. Extraction was performed using

all four classes of amines of fixed chain length in a benzene solution. By

selectively discriminating against either one or other of the characteristic

y-energy peaks, electronically, the presence of both elements was determined

simultaneously without needing to resort to chemical analysis methods. It

was found that under the optimum conditions for measurement of Ir activity,

activity due to Pd*^^ (Rh^^131) was undetectable. However, 10<fo of activity

192 103
of Ir was detected under conditions optimised for measurement of Pd
"1HXn *
(Eh ). By subtracting this activity 'it was considered that it v;ould be

possible to assess both the distribution ratios of iridium and palladium and

hence the separation factor of the metals in the presence of each other.

0 >) Platinium - Iridium Mixtures

The method used, was the same as that adopted for the synthetic palladium-

iridium solutions using all classes of octylamines in benzene. 10:1 and

1:10 solutions of Pt:Ir were used as before but only in 1,0 M HC1 as it

appeared from results of Pd - Ir separations that the iridium (ill) became

oxidised to the IV-state at high acid concentrations.

In the case of platinum-iridium solutions it was found again that the

activity due to Ft was practically undetec table at the optimum measure

if;0 l i t c o i i d i t i on
under these conditions sh.

thus to give both, distribution ratios simultaneously

4.2.2*10* Stripping' arad Scrubbing

Experiments were designed to test the ability of the metal complexes

to strip or be scrubbed from the organic phase to determine whether or not

there were any limitations to the use of certain reagents as extractants

in continuous processing. The various methods examined, were hydrolysis,

acid stripping and anion exchange.

4.2.3® Results and Discussion

4.2.3®1« Simple Metal Solutions

The results of distribution studies 011 amine extraction of platinum

group metals are given in Tables 6 - 14. For convenience the solvent con­

centration chosen for investigation of process variables was fixed at lO/o v/v

in the diluent giving a molar concentration of 0 *3M~0 .6M, depending upon

the molecular weight of the extractant. - At the metal concentrations used

this exceeded the anticipated stoichiometric loading capacity of the amine

according to equation (27).

In the preliminary tests carried out on each metal not surprisingly

it was found that the aromatic diluents gave a better extraction performance

than aliphatic ones not only in terms of higher distribution rati.os but also

enhanced phase separation properties end a greater solubility f<

amine complex (no third-phase formation). Reno,one was thus used

for all further testfe. However, the order of extraction of platinum, metals

with class of amine varied from that expected in theory. Where differences

.ccouutable for on
molecular weight betv/een differing classes. Nevertheless on the basis

of results obtained the order of extracti.cn of platinum metals by amines wa

found'to be

Ir(lll) - 1RY > 2RY > pRY >• 4RY

Rh(lll) - 1RY > 2RY > 3RY > 4RY

Pt(lV) - 4RY > 2RY > 1RY > 3RY

Pd(ll) - 2RY > 4-RY > 3RI 1RY See Pigs. 4-9

. Os(lY) - IKY > 2RY > .pRY MY

Ru(lll) - IKY > 2RY > 3RY > 4RY

Au(III) ~ 4KY > 3RY > 2RY> 1RY

Thus whilst platinum, palladium (and gold) as expected are increasingly mor

extracted as the degree of substitution increases, iridium (ill), rhodium,

osmium and ruthenium show completely the opposite trend. This may simply

be a reflection of the more complex solution chemistry, of the latter four


t The values for distribution ratios obtained under differing thermody­

namic conditions may be discussed qualitatively in terms of the chemical

equations derived earlier for anion-exchange reactions. Assuming that

extractions of chlcrocomplexes takes place according to equation (2‘

7) then,

n(Am)Cl + MCln“ 2%s (Am) MCI + nCl"

v J x ' 'n x

where Am = RNII_, RJtf Ho5 R...NH. or R ,N.

3 ^ 2 d ' 4
therefore K ^ (Am) ^101.^7 / Cl J

/■p,r,)Cl_7 r MCI "_7

but Distribution Ratio = / concentration of metal /
f ~concentration of metal /
— aci

/ (Am)^Clx7

/ “ i'ic i..n “ 7

therefore R,.lh - (3l)

Thus increasing chain lingth. of the alkyl radical (I?.) lowered extractability

in all cases since tliis increased the molecular Weight of the amine and

therefore lowered its molar concentration. Similarly increasing chloride

ion concentrations of the aqueous phase generally lowered, the distribution

ratios particularly in the case of platinum and palladium where the distri­

bution ratio was lowered by about two orders of magnitude when chloride ion

concentration rose by one order of magnitude (Figs. 6 and 7)« This corres-
ponds to an ’n' value of 2 which is to be expected with bivalent PtCl^
and PdCl. ions. The corresponding value for iridium and rhodium however
appeared to be only unity compared to the anticipated value of 3 when IrCl^'3-
and RhClg ions are present. But this trend was only observed when iriaiurn

and rhodium were extracted by secondary and tertiary amines and quaternary am„.

monium chloride. V/hen extracted by primary amines both metals showed a

peak distribution ratio at about 6 - 7 P HOI which may indicate that at

lower concentrations lower valent hydrated complexes, such as RliCI^(Ho0)‘1'

are present, which are less extractable (Figs„ 4 and 5)« Similarly ruthenium

and osmium whose complexes are known to exist as lower chloride species si

HC1 concentrations less than 6 M showed .peak distribution ratios with all

classes of amines when extracted from aqueous solutions greater than 6 14

in HC1 (Pigs. 8 and 9)

Extractions performed on both iridium (ill) and platinum to determine-

the effect of chloride ion concentration at constant pH by use of Ha Cl and

AlCl^ confirmed that the decrease in distribution ratios is independant of

acidity as predicted in equation (3l). Using ITaCl results were very similar

in value to those using hydrochloric acid but there was a significant Increase

in extraction when the chloride ion source was due to trivalent aluminium.
(Pigs. 4a, 7a)
Little systematic differnnce was noted in ais kribution ratios with vary­

ing metal concentration although platinum did phew a surprising drop at

very low concentrations 'IQ ''hi), This is undo:.;v:tandable since at the low
eaciina: oi’ metal in organic in those t ;he free amine conoentr*a-

tioiiB was almost constant berefore altered the equilibrium of the

reaction very little. Thin

also independant of metal concentration.

Whilst increasing1 concentration of extractant in the diluent increased

distribution ratios systematically the order of increase in all cases

except gold, was less than that anticipated. Log-log plots of concentratic

of 2-amino octane in benzene vs distribution ratics of all six platinum

metals and gold were computed by linear regression analysis and gave ,Tn M

values shown in Table i 5 .Th.e20 once again demonstrated the difficulty of

quantifying distribution data of platinum group metals from theoretical

a ssumptions. ••

Distribution data was also determined using iridium (ill) solutions

for extraction of alternative unionic complexes of platinum metals. Bromo-

complexes for example showed higher values than chloro-complexes under

comparable conditions possibly due to weaker association of the amine with

simple bromide ions than chloride ions ‘and reduced aqueous solvatability of

the bromo complex. Sulphato-comp'lexes however showed very poor extractability.

Determination of distribution data on iridium (iv) solutions had to be

discontinued when it was discovered that the tetravalent ion is significantly

reduced to iridium (ill) during extraction thus invalidating the results.

This was later confirmed by spectrophotometry. Since iridium (iv) was

apparently more strongly extracted than iridium (ill) attempts were made to

maintain the higher state by addition of oxidising agents, but these did

not prove very successful.

.1 in each pa
separation factors between each pair were high enough to suggest that under

certain conditions good separation could be obtained whilst under other

conditions all six metals could be extracted simultaneously.

4 .2 0 .2. Binary Sol 1111ons

(a) Palladium - Iridium Separation

In view 01 the indicated high separation factor ( f] ) between

_ — 2 d
Pd(ll) and Ir(lll), in low [_ Cl __/ concentration, of about 10 - 10 a

series of extractions from mixed solutions using different classes of

amines was attempted, and the results of these are shown in Table 16. As

can be seen, the separation factors achieved from 1.0 M solutions of HC1

are similar to those predicted from results of extraction of the individ­

ual metals. The order of increasing separation is 1RY < 2FlY C 4RY ^ 3RY.

However, at high acid concentrations and where the amount of iridium ions

are in a minority compared to the palladium ion, the iridium was extracted

with an abnormally high distribution ratio. This was most notably so in the
case of 2RY, 3RY and 4RY amines.

(b) Platinum - Iridium Separation

Simultaneous measurement of distribution ratios and hence separation

factors ( p values) of synthetic Pt(lV) - Ir(lll) solutions computed similarly

to Pd -r Ir mixtures also showed results in good agreement with those predicted

from simple solutions. (Table 17) Values increased in the order

1RY < 2PiY < 3RY < 4RY with values falling an order of magnitude between high

and low7 concentrations of platinum. At 1.0 M HC1, quaternary heptyl-amrnonium

chloride gave p values of 3.600 when platinum concentration was high with

respect to iridium (lO:l) and 145 when low (l;10), indicating the possib­

ility of very high separation.

4 * 2 . 4 . Stripping end Soiuibbing

Various•reagents were used to investigate the strippability of the

metal amine complexes. The results shown in Table 10 are for primary, sec­

ondary and tertiary amines where significant extraction into the organic

phase has taken place. Quaternary amine complexes were found to he effect­

ively unstrippable.

From the results obtained it appeared that the most promising method

v/ould be by hydrolysing the amine complex by an alkaline solution such as

sodium hydroxide although sodium carbonate was considered a more economic

method, less severe on the solvent and has less tendency to precipitate

P3.atinum metal hydroxides or hydrated chlorides in the stripped solution.

4.2.4* Spectrophotometry

Spectrophotometry using a Unicam S.P. 800 was carried out on all plat­

inum metal solutions to give an indication of the types of complex metal

ions/ present and to see whether or not any changes were taking place in

the metal species under extraction conditions. Spectra were taken of the

aqueous phase before extraction . the raffinate after extraction, and the

amine-metal chloro-complex in the organic phase. This was carried out during

extraction with a primary amine (2 - dodecylamine) and a quaternary ammonium

compound (tetraheptylammonium chloride).

It can be seen from Figures 10 - 21 that generally there is a shift

of absorption peaks to longer wave lengths when the mebal complex is in the

organic phase but that the metal species remains essentially the same type

of chloro-species. In all cases the raffinate also remains in the same

chemical form before and after extraction except in the case of iridium IV which

is reduced almost entirely to iriuium(III.)

In the case of palladium (II; extraction into primary am.ino however,

the organic metal complex has a shorter wavelength absorption peak and th

fact coupled with the resistance of this complex to hydrolysis suggests

that a different type of amine-raetal bond may be occurring, possibly an iniio V

orortal ocoramaLion reacnon.

From the work on chemically pure reagents it was concluded that the

most profitable areas of application of amine extractants to the refining

of platinum group metals were likely to be as followi

(s.) Separation of platinum group rnetals from base metals by primary


(b) Separation of Ft/pd from Kh/lr using tertiary amines or quater­

nary ammonium compounds.

(c) Separation of Eh from Ir using tertiary amines or quaternary

ammonium compounds providing iridium is retained in the (IV) state.

Similarly it appeared that several criteria could be layed down about

the organic extractant systems.

(a) Aromatic diluents give enhanced extraction performance over

aliphatic and there is less tendency to third phase formation.

(b) Primary amine should contain as many carbon atoms as possible

commensurate ‘with high solubility in diluent, to ensure low solvent losses

to aqueous phase.

(c) A long chain alcohol should be present to assist in coalescence

and obviate any tendency to third phase formation.

(d) Tertiary amines were to be preferred to quaternary ammonium

compounds as stripping from organic phase is easily effected.

ve )
< Tertiary amines Deed not contr.uri more than about 24 carbon

atoms to give hi mb. extraction with lev; solvent losses*

(f) Chloride ion concentration of aqueous feed should bo about

3 - 5 M for optimum extraction of all platinum metals from base metals by

primary amines and for Pt/Pd separation from Rh/lr with minimum scrubbing of

coextracted Ir/Eh

(g) High metals concentrations in feed solutions give high process

efficiency but the high amine concentrations necessary to maintain high

loading of organic phase must be commensurate with good phase separation

behaviour and low solvent losses.

5.2. Reagents

3*2.1. Diluents

Due to the inherent health and fire hazard involved in the use of simple

benzene type diluents these were considered unsuitable for use in industrial

processing, therefore attention was turned to proprietary alkyl benzenes

manufactured as petroleum by-products the criteria being high flash point

and low viscosity. Four of the most suitable types are shown in Table 19*

5*2.2. Amine Extractants

Choice of a suitable tertiary amine proved to bea simple one, the

General Mills Co. Alamine 336 being awell testedreagent from that corn-

many1s range of amines and quaternary ammonium compounds (Table 20).

Finding a suitable primary amine however proved difficult. Reagents of

this type manufactured by Armour Hess Chemicals and Kraft Chemicals as

flotation reagents proved to be quite unsuitable due to a strong propensity

to emulsion formation. This was eventually considered to be due to their

straight chain normal structure whereas the primary'amines used in the scroen-

ingwork had been of the 2-amino type. Eventually two reagents produced

by Rohm and Hass, Primene 81-R and Primene J-MT were adopted as they were
of the branched chain tertiary carbon type with•very high phase separation

proper!ies (Table 20).

5.2.1. Modifiers

Decanol was adopted as a modifier for the organic phase to ensure

good phase separation and reduce the tendency to third phase formation.

This was the shortest carbon chain length alcohol which is effectively in­

soluble on aqueous solution. Alcohols of greater chain length appeared to

be less effective in coalescence. However, it appeared that using Primene

and Alamine reagents, phase separation was very good even in the absence

of alcohol.

5.3. Selection of Specific Solvent System

In view of the fairly wide choice of extractants and diluents avail­

able a comparative test was carried out to fix the components of the two

amine systems offering the greatest potential in full-scale processing.

The two primary amines Primene 81-R and Primene J.MT were each made up into

1O fo solutions in the four diluents, B P *180, Solvesso 100, Solvesso 150,

and Dobane JHX. Extraction tests were then carried out on solutions of

iridium III chlorocomplex in 1.0 M hydrochloric acid. Results showed that

Primene 81-R performed better than Primene JMT on a weight for weight basis

although very similar mole for mole (Table 21). In view of its high flash

point Solvesso 150 was selected as the best diluent although giving similar

results to Solvesso 100 and B.P. 180. Dobane JHX however gave the highest

extraction performance but due to its high viscosity was slow to promote

phase disengagement.. Therefore, despite its lower flash point, Solvesso

150 was selected.

Thus the two specific organic solvents chosen for examination were

1, PRIMEHE 81-R in SOLVESSO lpO ( jf o decanol)

5. ,3.1.1. Base Metals

In view of the possibility of employing primary amines in refining of

platinum metals as a group from base metals, tests were made on the extract­

ability of common base metals Fe, hi, Cu, Pb and Ag from chloride solutions.

Solutions of the chlorides of these metals were made up in various concentr­

ations of hydrochloric acid and distribution ratios determined gravimetri-

cally for Cu and Ni and by radiotracer methods for Pe using Pe , for Ag

using A g ^ ^ m and Pb using Pb^^. In all concentrations of Cu and Ni up

to 5M hydrochloric acid distribution ratios were less than 0.01 in Primene

81-R. The very low solubility of Pb and Ag in chloride solutions effective­

ly obviated any need to worry about the extraction of these elements but

distribution ratios of tracer levels 'were about 0.1 at KOI. The situationwith

Fe (ill), however, is very different. At low chloride ion concentrations

the distribution ratio of Pe (ill) is very low but rises very rapidly at

higher concentrations (Table 22). It thus appeared that chloride ion con­

centration of the aqueous feed solution should be kept as low as possible

to give maximum separation of platinum metals from iron. In view of the fact

that the previous work shows peak extractability for Ir, Rh, Os and Ru at

about 6 M HC1, solutions at a compromise concentration of 3M in hydrochloric

acid appeared to be indicated.

5.3•1•2. Platinum Croup Metals

Solutions of Ir(lll) Ir(lV) ,Rh(lIl), Pd(ll), Pt(lV), Ru (ill), Os(lv)

and Au(.IIl) were prepared in exactly the same maimer as the previous ex­

perimental work using the same methods for production of homogeneous radio-

ac-tively labelled solutions. Distribution studies were, made on metal solution'

between 10 ii and 10 PI and the extraction isotherm plotted, for the solvent

systern employcd.
Whilst solutions ;M in hydrochloric acrid appeared to he the optimum concentration

for both separation of base metals, and separat:;on of Pt/Pd from Rh/lr. the effect

of IIC1 concentration was also .investigated further on the proprielary reagents.

Similarly the effect of reagent concentration was determined over the range 2~/o~2QJb

amino in the diluent on a volume for volume basis•

5.3.2. Results and Discussion

5-3*2.1. Extraction

Results of extraction of platinum metals and gold by Primene 81-R and Aiamine

536 are shown in Tables 23-28. It was found that Primene 81-R was a much less potent

extractant than the primary amine 2-arainododeeane used in the screening tests althoug

both are of very similar molecular weight. But this was overcome by using a higher

concentration (20/c) of the extractant•to determine a, more useful equilibrium diagram.

Similarly ruthenium and osmium appeared to be unsuitable to treatment by this reagent

•as the metal complex produced in the solvent phase was of quite a different colour

from that in the aqueous phase suggesting something more than a simple ion-association

complex. Stripping back from the organic phase also proved very difficult, sc it

was decided to discontinue at this time further work on amine processing of these

two metals. .

It was also discovered that, when using Primene 81-R for the primary amine

extraction of rhodium and iridium (ill), increasing chloride ion concentration

of the aqueous feed continuously lowered the distribution ratio (big. 22.) rather

than reaching a peak value at about 6l-i HOI observed in the screening tests (Pigs.

4, 5)' Thus a more effective separation of platinum metals from base metals

can be made with Primene 81-R at lew chloride ion concentrations since

distribution ratios of platinum metals are increasing whilst those of ba.se

metals, particularly .iron, are decreasing. The equilibrium diagram shown

in Pig. 23 was plotted from results obtained with an aqueous phase HOI concen­

tration of 1.0 Me
Once again at low loading of the organic phase, distribution ratios were

relatively independant of metal concentration but began to fall at high con­

centrations. Similarly iridium (IV) solutions showed a strong tendency

to be reduced to iridium (ill) in the presence of the extractant and attempts

to maintain the iridium in the higher valency state which again appeared

the more extractable, were not very successful.

The effect of Primene 81-R in the solvent on distribution ratios more

closely agreed with that predicted by theory* although iridium was again an

exception. (Table 29). "n" values computed by linear regression analysis

correlated'fairly well with the metallic species assumed to be present in the

aqueous solutions. Since most of the platinum metals showed an ,!n" value

of about 2 significant improvement in extraction can be made by increasing

Primene concentration. Thus separation factors over base metals with "n"

values of less than 2.increase with increasing Primene 81-R concentration.

Distribution ratios determined from extraction of platinum metals by

Alamine 336 > as expected, gave results in very good agreement with those

obtained with trioctylamine due to their very close chemical structure.

The effect of hydrochloric acid concentration on distribution ratios shown

in Pig. 24 again indicated a high separation factor between Pt/pd and Rh/lr.

The approximate inverse square dependance of distribution ratio on chloride

ion concentration supported the Mn M values of aroimd2.0 determined from the

effect of Alamine concentration in the solvent phase. This suggested that

no improvement in separation factors between these pairs of metals could be

effected by altering the Alamine concentration, providing it was never less

than the requirements of the stoichiometry of the anion-exchango equation.

Apart from platinum which, again showed a slight drop in distribution

ratios at low metal concentrations (although still of very high value) these

two factors appeared relatively independant of each other until the loading

of the amine by platinum aj.iL palladium sigrificanij.v affected the free

Alamine concentration. This gave a very satisfactory equilibrium diagram

(Fig. 25) for a clean mutual -separation of Pt/Pd from Rii/lr. from an aqueous

solution of qM PCI. This was supported by results of distribution data

determined simultanocusly on synthetic binary solutions of one metal from

each pair using the y-activity discrimination method of radio tracer scin­

tillation counting described before (Table JO).

An attempt was made to correlate distribution data obtained from amine

extraction of platinum metals to the empirical equation derived by Lloyd

and Oertel to describe extraction isotherms• However in most cases the

level of metal concentrations which was of interest was so low that the

loading of the amine was not significant enough to cause systematic lowering

of distribution ratios with increasing metal concentration in the aqueous

feed solution. Similarly since "n" values had already been found to mostly

approximate to a value of 2.0 this would have made calculation of extraction

fn-otor "E" and 'loading factor "m" in equation (.3 5 ) difficult.

Nevertheless an analysis of the distribution data for the extraction

of palladium by Alamine 556 was made using this method. The Mn n value already

determined from slope analysis of a iog-log plot of amine concentration vs

distribution ratio was substituted into equation ( 35 ) so that

Distribution Ratio -yr- - E(K - mY)^'^

Thus v;ag p]_0ppec[ against Y, the equilibrium organic

2 25
phase metal concentration the intercept being * \ J E.M and the slope
2 .-^ r~~
'' ! E.m. Since amine concentration, M was known, E the extraction factor

and hence m, the leading factor could be calculated* From the best straight

line «m» was found to be 1.85, and "EM to be 700 (Fig. 26).

equati ----- m - 1. ‘-vi )

was found to fit the experimentally determined isotherm fairly well which

correlated with the sinpje anion exchange equation

It may also bo noted, that at very low metal loadings the free amine concen­

tration is approximately equal to the total amine concentration,

Thus y~-i is then constant and a maximum for anv given amine ccn-
AJii *' u

centration. Simple calculation showed that for a l&fi Alamine 336 solution

(O.2qM) maximum distribution ratio should have a value of -30 which was in

fact the -experimentally determined value at very low palladium concentrations.

5.3•2.2. Stripping

Stripping of all metal chlorocomplexes from organic solutions of

Frimene 81 - R and Alamine 336 was easily effected by hydrolysis of the amine

the most useful stripping solution being a 0.5-4 HaoC0-' solution little

tendency being shown to formation of precipitates or cruds. However, it

proved impossible to strip palladium from the Primene 81 - R solutions although

reduction to the metal from organic phase by hydrazine was effective. Sim­

ilarly very small amounts of palladium remained in the organic solutions

of Alamine 336 after stripping, although this was minimal when alcohol was

absent. This may be due to the presence of 1 - 2 c

/o primary amine in the

tertiary Alamine as impurity.

5.3•2«3 * Scrubbing

Scrubbing of co-extracted Ir(lll)and Rh(III)during separation-of

Ir/Rh from Pt/Pd was easily effected by aqueous hydrochloric acid

of the same strength as the feed solution. This again was most effective

in the absence of decanol.

6. Continuous .Penting- of Solvent Extraction Sysf.ems

Po3.lov7.inn; the distribution data obtained from the testing of propr­

ietary reagents two specific systems were chosen as being worthy of consid­

eration for continuous processing, where total metal concentration did not

exceed 10 g/L.

(a) Extraction of platinum metal chlorides from a dilute hydrochloric

acid solution (Hi) containing base me tale by 20/o solution of Primene 81-R.

(b) Separation of platinum and or palladium from a strong hydro­

chloric acid solution (3^) containing iridium and or rhodium by 10fo solution

of Alamine 336.

For safety reasons the diluent for the organic reagents was required

to be Dobane JN-X as this had the highest flash point, and did. not appear

to have any effect upon the extractive power of the amines.

First, however it was necessary to have some understanding of the

chemical engineering aspects of the process in order to be able to optimise

the choice and operation of testing equipment.

6.1. Process Theory

6.1.1. Process Types

In principle, it might be possible to effect

a reasonable purification of a rare metal in solution by a single batch

extraction, if either the distribution ratio or the solvent-to-aqueous ratio

were high. However a fairly high process cost would usually have been borne

by the previous ore leaching or dissolution stages, etc. -and this would be

sufficient to justify a number of successive extractions with solvent in order

to reduce the rare metal concentration in the aqueous phase to an economic

reject level. It is clearly necessary to optimise the number of ext ra,ctions

and volume of'solvent in each, so as to obtain the maximum amount of product

/ •)
extrMGted by a given total quantity of solvent '' .

(a) Ihalt;ihie batch Extraction

Assuming a solute with a constant distribution ratiojD

then it can be shown that after n successive extractions

(°»h “ <°A>o f ~ ^ 1° (5?)

where = concentration of solute in aqueous phase

V = volume of solvent phase

o z
Vj ~ " aqueous -n

Equation (32) shows that if the total volume of the solvent (nY ) is

constant, then the greatest reduction in concentration is obtained when it

is large and V q is small, i.e. by means of a large number of small volume


(b) Counter-Current Batch Extraction

In practice it is inconvenient to carry out a large number

of successive batch extractions with fresh solvent. In counter current

batch processes, portions of aqueous phase containing the solute are extracted

with successive portions of organic solvent phase in such a way that the

fresh solvent always extracts from the weakest aqueous phase, and the most

concentrated solvent extracts from the solute rich aqueous feed. Although

this type of process may be suitably improved by mechanisation of mixing,

settling and separating this is rarely done since it is considerably more

practical to allow the phases to flow continuously, for which there is a

considerable amount of equipment available on an industrial scale.

(c) Continuous Counter-Current Extraction

Equipment for continuous counter-current extinction.takes

the form of vertical columns, and horIsontally mounted raixor-settler extractors

In practice, although the flow to a mixer settler (or some types of columns)
is continuous> true continuous counter current operation is not obtained.

This type of behaviour is best classed as continuous multiple contact. True

continuous counter-current operation is obtained when the two phases pass

continuously in opposite directions as in a simple packed or unpacked column.

As in the case of batch extraction it is possible to relate mathematically

the feed concentrations to the final aqueous (or solvent) concentration in

an elementary manner via the distribution ratio, the number of stages and the

solvent and aqueous volumes or flow rates. Assuming both constant flow rates

and distribution ratio it can be shown that

Fa = a(l - Bn+1) (33)

1 - E

where Pa = initial aqueous feed concentration

a ■= final ,} raffinate n

n = number of stages

E = Extraction factor ( = distribution ratio x solvent -

to-aqueous flow ratio).

The extraction of a solute from an aqueous to solvent phase is often

not a process which is entirely specific^to one particular solute. The

system is chosen so that the distribution ratio of the desired solute is

fairly high, but other solutes may also have appreciable distribution ratios

and thus tend to extract. In these circumstances, a scrub section is commonly

employed which washes the loaded organic phase with a suitable aqueous phase,

thus returning the contaminating solute back’ to the extract section. The

effect of the scrub solution, however, must be such that it does not remove

an undue amount of the desired solute. This may be determined mathematically

in a similar way to that for extraction

i.e. F s = a _(l „-r S^^‘

-g ) (34)

where P ~ initial aoueous scrub concentration

S - scrubbing factor (~ solvent-to-aoueous flowJ^atio
dierbhkb.on ratio /

[. Q'-p pn made to clsbemir.e the ortinium conditiors for

stripping the dec ire d col ate back into an aqueous phase.

6.1.2* E gu i1ibri urn Pia arc m s

In practice the distribution ratio is rarely constant throughout the

system, thus invalidating the simple methods of relating feed to extract

or raffinate concentrations by calculation. Consequently extraction systems

are usually designed by the graphical method of McCabe and Thiele

The equilibrium diagram as shown in Pig. 27 is first drawn from dis­

tribution data and the desired flow rates which are selected, on the grounds

of economy compatatible with a satisfactory process. Line OC is known as

the equilibrium line and is the extraction isotherm under the desired pro­

cess conditions. Line AB is known as the extraction operating line where

B is the initial aqueous feed concentration at E. A is the desired raffinate

concentration, and the slope is the ratio of solvent to aqueous feed flow

rates. Line BCD represents the extract operating line where B isthe sol­

vent concentration in the final extraction stage, L isthesolventconcent­

ration after scrubbing, and the slope is the ratio of solvent to scrub feed

flow rates. The point C is known as the "pinch point" which introduces an

element of stability into the system in that it absorbs extra stages and

fixes a maximum solvent concentration thereby compensating for any changes

in the equilibrium line caused by changes in solution composition. Stages

are stepped off graphically from the solvent and aqueous exit ends of the

two sections where it may be important to allow sufficient stages for a

low aqueous raffinate concentration or to have a number of stages in the

scrubbing section which is adequate for scrubbing back impurities, which can

only be decided by referring to the equilibrium diagram for each solute.

Most solvent extraction systems have a strip section to remove the

solute from the solvent phase. Here a low distribution ratio is required and
diagram for a strip section where the solute concentration in solvent at B

is reduced to that at A.

6.1,3*. Procoss Kinetics

The rate at which solvent extraction processes proceed is dependant

upon chemical reaction rates and or mass transfer rates. In most systems,

the diffusional mechanisms of solutes through phases and across phase bound­

aries are complicated by a chemical reaction such as solvation occurring at

the phase boundary itself. Fortunately in most practical systems these reaction

rates are found to be very fast compared to mass transfer rates, so they may

conveniently be ignored.

The dispersion of one phase in the other as droplets during the mixing

period both shortens the diffusion paths inside the two phases and increases

the interfacial area. Once droplets of dispersed phase have been formed

great benefits to the rate of mass transfer are s.lso derived from the eddy

diffusion effects arising from turbulence created by impellors or baffles

which causes frequent coalescence and re-formation of drops. However, the

decrease in droplet sice below a certain'“level may bring disadvantages, since

it might reduce the degree of internal recirculation within the droplets,

would decrease the free rising velocity of the drops and would in any case

demand greater power usage. There is thus an optimum droplet size for most

solvent extraction systems

6.1.4* Coalescence of Dispersions

In all extraction processes after contact of the liquid pha.ses and

interphase mass transfer has been completed, the phases must be separated..

In multiple stage contact processes this separation has to be carried out

after each stage and contributes significantly to the overall efficiency

of the -process.
Liquid-liquid dispersions, like all other dispersed systems* are usually

thermodynamically unstable. This is because the Tree energy associated with

the large interfacial area between the dispersed and. continuous phases in

these systems can decrease by aggregation or coalescence of the dispersed

phase. Energetically then coalescence of a liquid dispersion would be expected

particularly, in binary systems until ultimately two liquid layers had been

formed. However it is the kinetics of this process which are of paramount

importance in the design and operation of separation equipment. In order to

promote coalescence within a dispersion turbulence within the liquid must

first be suppressed so that the droplets can migrate to form a heterogeneous

zone at the phase boundary between the bulk liquid phases. The rate of mi­

gration of flocculation of the droplets is determined by such properties as

the density difference between the phases, continuous phase velocity and

droplet size. Droplets coalesce within this zone to complete phase separ-

a n o n 103

The process of coalescence is essentially one of drainage of the film

of continuous phase trapped between the droplet and the "plane” liquid-liquid

interface. In the absence of mass transfer the thinning of this film is

caused by the action of bouyancy forces but in the presence of mass transfer,

movements in the interface will result, directed either into or out of the

film, thereby accelerating or retarding the draining process in the

negative direction of transfer drainage will be accelerated,’rest times short’

and coalescence rapid . In the case of positive direction of transfer,

liquid will be drawn into the film thus retarding drainage,increasing rest

times and slowing down coalescence.

Frequently coalescence is observed to be a two stage process in which

there is a relatively rapid coalescence of large droplets ('primary dispersion)

followed by a slow coalescence of a very fine haze of droplets. Of ben this

separation is not completed before the phases pass out of the process causing
hit'll solvent losses in aqueous raff i n a l e s and contamination by entrained

aqueous phase in the solvent•extract. This situation is usually avoided by

operating the process organic continuous i.e. aqueous phase dispeD.'sed in or­
ganic. although it is not always practicable

Whilst much work has been done recently in an attempt to quantify and

predict coalescence behaviour in systems from fundamental data, results show

that knowledge’is still very much in the development stage and that design of

equipment for phase separation must be based* on observing behaviour of the

system of interest under static and dynamic conditions.

6 .I.5 . Response Characteristics and Control of Extraction Processes.

An aspect of any solvent extraction process which is of increasing

significance in the adoption of this technique in industry is process optim­

isation and control. In designing a solvent extraction process it is de­

sirable first to know the effect of extraction conditions such as number of

stages, feed and scrub compositions, flow ratio of solvent/feed/scrub,

kinetics of mixing and settling, etc. on the yield and purity of the product " 1.

As described earlier the classical McCabe-Thiele methods for the calculation

of the number of theoretical stages required in a solvent extraction system

employ equilibrium data and graphical analysis. However, these methods cannot

cope satisfactorily for the optimisation of systems containing more than two

extractable macro-components. Methods for the calculation of stage wise

data for multi-component systems have thus been devised which involve "guessing”

a possible set of operating conditions and interpolating the equilibrium

data. A typical example of this was the method of Lloyd and Oertel described
earlier 74

However, methods of this type are very time consuming and the use of

computers has considerably shortened the time required to make these cal­

culations. Several computer programmes inspired by the nuclear power programme

have been produced in the last few years and have been reviewed

All the above work however concerns only the steady state behaviour

of processes, that is the relationships of certain input variables and the

corresponding output variables, when they are constant and do not change

with time. The dynamic behaviour of processes on the other hand must also

be known, as this involves the relationships between time dependant inputs

and the output variables which also vary with time, such as how stage con­

centrations will change with time following a sudden step change in the feed


The unsteady state characteristics of processes are important in two

classes of problem, viz:

(a) Start-TJp Problems - in which it is desired to predict the rate

at which a process proceeds to equilibrium from a given initial state, e.g.

the rate at which a mixer-settler initially filled with pure solvent and

solute free phases approaches equilibrium after the feeds have been put on.

(b) Control Problems - in which information is required 011 the open-

loop response of the controlled variables in a process to uncontrolled dis­

turbances in certain input streams, deliberate changes in load and to changes

in the corrective actions which it is proposed to use in the control of the

process . Methods for determining the hydrodynamic behaviour of pro­

cesses are usually quite simply undertaken by effecting disturbances in

input feeds of a known extent on a process plant and making on-line analysis

of stage concentrations and output feeds over a period of time. These results

can then be related to an analysis of the behaviour on a theoretical basis,

and control algorithms derived.

6.1.6, Process Economics

In considering the optimisation of solvent extraction processes these

should not only be a technical success but also an economic one. As a solvent
extraction process is commonly not the only way of aoMeving a particular'

separation, it is particularly important to make an accurate financial assess­

ment of any proposed new process involving’ a solvent extraction stage as

well as ensuring that the design of the extraction process is optimised

In comparing the process involving solvent extraction with one that

does not, it is inrportant to compare the economics of the whole process and

not merely the two different separation stages, which may produce products of

differing purity or involve differences in other stages of the process, for

example in effluent treatment requirements.

In general, the economics of solvent extraction processes are dependant

upon the Mup-stream,? and "down-stream" portions of the plant and economic
considerations may he divided into capital costs and operating costs,

The factors having a significant effect on the capital cost are:

a. Number of mixer-settler stages required.

b. Settler area per stage

a. Mixer volume per stage.

d. Solvent inventory.

e. Solvent recovery equipment.

f. Ancillary equipment including pumps, pipe work,etc.

Similarly operating costs are made up of:

a. Cost of solvent loss.

b. Cost of acid/base loss.

c. Cost of power to mixing.

d. Cost of power to pumping.

e. Operating labor cost.

In addition the economics of the process' are greatlyaffectedbythe

extraction efficiency achieved, which determines the valueof unextracted

metal in the raffinate. Some of these costs are minor but although frequent

factor is very often the cost of the chemical treatment of the solvent in
stripping, scrubbing, etc, Warner has inchi cared typical cost ranges for

hydrometallurgical processes per ton of metal processed as

Capital Costs £2 - £50

Solvent Recovery £30 - £120

Solvent Losses £1 - £10

Work has been carried out by several authors in an attempt to optimise

processes on an economic basis. Jenson a n d ‘Jeffries considered the hourly

profit as a function of the cost of contactor (operating and fixed costs and

depreciation ) and of the solvent (recovery make up, and capital charges),

the relative magnitudes of the two being functions of the solvent treatment.

They give charts having contour lines, showing how the profit varies with the

choice of operating parameters. Prom these the conditions for maximum profit
for a particular application can be determined

An assessment of the economic considerations in the operation of amine

extraction systems has been made in comparison with other processes

The economic advantages were noted that' a wide choice of stripping agents

is available and the final choice is dependant on cost and consumption sub­

sequent processing steps, and the form and purity of the final product. Also

it has been shown that amine extractants possess the power to maintain their

activity irrespective of extractant concentration in the diluent. Herein lies

an important property which allows amine extraction to be applied to both

concentrated and dilute leach liquors in that the metal carrying capacity of

the organic may be changed without affecting the extraction power of the amine,

Since the cost/litre of solvent decreases as the extraction concentration

decreases some control of organic loss is therefore possible through control

of the extractant concentration as organic losses are dependant only upon

the total volume of aqueous feed.

become an almost negligible? factor in processing costs. As more dilate liquors

are treated, a range in metal value concentration is reached where organic

losses become an important consideration. In this range it is normally ad­

vantageous to reduce extractant concentration to minimise this cost,

As the extractant concentration is lowered, the organic to aqueous

flow rate ratio must be increased to compensate for the decreased metal carry­

ing capacity of the organic phase. Obviously a point is reached where the

increased organic flow rate will necessitate increased design capacity, and

could completely offset the advantage of decreased solvent loss costs.

Visits were made to several author!tes and manufacturers

(British. Nuclear Fuels Ltd., Leeds University, Warren Springs Laboratory

and Power Gas Co. ) in order to obtain advice on the choice and design of


6.2.1. Types of Contactor Available

There a.re three major classes of equipment available for continuous

, , ,. 20, 75, 115 , 116
counuer-currenx solvent extraction

a. Columns: these are simply towers in which the dense phase enters

at the top and contacts the light phase rising from the bottom. Mass trans­

fer may be effected by spraying, baffles, sieve-trays, packed porous mem­

branes, or by rotating discs. The number of stages is determined by the

height of the column.

b. Centrifugal extractors: in which the two phases enter through

the axis of the centrifuge, the lighter xohase emerging at the ends of the

arms and contacting the heavier phase on-its way to the centre, while the

heavier phase emerges from the centre and contacts the lighter phase on its

way to the periphery.

c. Mixer-Settlers: in which the two phases are mechanically mixed

and f1ow to a separate settling area where they disengage. The separated

phases may then flow in opposite directions to adjacent mixers, for further

contacting, in their next respective stage.

By unanimous choice of all the authorities visited, the system most

suitable for continuous counter-current testing- was that using mixer-settler

type contactors. The advantages of these are:

a. Each mixer-settler is a discrete stage and the characteristics

of any process may be investigated as such.

b. Flexibility: any number of stages and configurations of extract!

and stripping may be incorporated as required.

c. Operation and flow of the phases can easily be observed visually

particularly if perspex is used as the structural material.

d. No interstage pumping is required as jjhases will flow by gravity.

e. Cheap and simple construction especially compared to centrifugal


f. Cam easily handle crud.formation andany unfilteredsolids.

g. Failure of any one stage does notrequire shut downof whole plant,

6.2.2. Factors Affecting Cost andPerformance of a Mixer-Settler

In order to determine the most efficient and economic design of a

mixer-settler system for a given process it was necessary to consider and

investigate all those factors given in 6.1.6. which affect both the capital

and operating costs of the system.

In view of these, it was necessary, having established the optimum

chemical and thermodynamic conditions from shake-up tests, to determine the

effect on the mans transfer and phase separation operations of the following

independent variables.

a. Mixer configuration

b. Agitator speed

c. Residence time in mixer

d. Phase continuity

e. Organic/Aqueous ratio

f. Specific settler flow

g. Settler configuration.

6.2.3c Choice of Equipment

It was considered that the best assessment of the above factors on the

systems of interest could be made by obtaining mixer-settlers from Power

Gas Corporation who have developed a. standardised desian for laboratory and
pilot-scalc testing (Plate l). These contactors which employ a puinp-mix

impellor system have been developed from actual operating experience and

incorporate good hydrodynamic features which allow considerable flexibility

in both the type and operation of process being investigated:

a. Pump-mix impeller obviates any need for interstage pumping.

b. No back-mixing of phases, leading to high stage efficiency, due

to separate mixer and settler boxes and pump-mixing.

c. Totally independent stages allow great flexibility in flow sheet

development and good visual observation of process conditions.

d. Separate settler allows greater variation in settler surface

area geometry critical to good settling characteristics.

e. Design of mixer box prevents air entrainment. during mixing which

adversely affects phase separation.

f. Settler inlet baffle maintains discrete phase boundaries in settler.

g. Variable height raffinate wier allows investigation of dispersion

band thickness in settler.

h. Mixer input design allows hydrostatic pressure measurement in

mixer. • 4

6.2.4* Determination of Plant Capacity

The size and throughput capacity of the plant was dependant ’

upon several

factors. The main criterion was the fact that owing to the high intrinsic

value of the metals being processed only a limited amount was available for

use. The capacity of the mixer box, which determines the maximum flow rates,

had therefore to be fixed at a size which would give a useful amount of data

over a reasonable operating time ( 6 - 1 2 hours per run). The smallest mixer

available had a capacity of 340 mls/minute and with a volume of 350 nils this

meant a minimum mixing time of about one minute. Shake-up tests shewed

that kinetics of extraction, scrubbing and stripping wore fast (see Pig. 2)

and that a minimum mixing time of this length should give a satisfactory

approach to equilibrium.
The size of settlers required was determined by the settling time

01 various mixed phases of differing composition and with either aqueous or

organic phase continuous. 25 mis of each phase were mixed, and the time taken

for a satisfactory separation to occur (primary break time) was noted (see

Table 51 )• On the basis of a maximum throughput of 540 mls/min a minimum

settler volume of 1 - 1*5 litres was required for an organic continuous dis­

persion and substantially less for an aqueous continuous one* The settler

available had a volume of 4 litres which could be reduced by filling with

perspex blocks, so that spare capacity was available* The geometry of the

settler had also been optimised in design so as to give a maximum surface

area for the dispersion to settle whilst ensuring that sufficient head of

separated organic and aqueous phases would be present to prevent mixed phase

flowing over an outlet wier.

6.2.5* Flow Sheet Design

The design of a flow sheet and therefore the number of stages required

to fully test the processes was limited due to financial reasons caused by

the expense of each mixer settler unit.* However the equilibrium diagrams

for the two processes of interest suggested semi-quantitative separation

between extractable and non-extractable solutes, requiring few stages to

attain an effectively complete separation. The stripping process using dilute

carbonate solution appeared to be virtually quantitative allowing a minimum

of two stages in this section. Similarly two stages each of extraction and

scrub for the tertiary amine separation of Pt/Pd from Rli/lr were required

as a minimum. These four stages could be then combined for the extract

section in the primary amine separation of platinum metals from base metals

since a scrub section did not appear to be necessary. Thus the unit comprised

a 'total of six stages from which the process efficiency obtained was com­

pared to that predicted theoretically from an equilibrium McCabe -Tniele

din,gram operating under the given conditions* It was then possible to predict
the number of stipes required for full pilot-trialo on any process of given

feed concentrationsr purity, raffinate losses, etc. A flow sheet for the
unit is shown in Fig.. 28 where the position of inputs and outputs can be

changed according to the process being investigated.

6.3c Construction of Continuous Testing Plant

Having obtained the mixer-settler units these were now built into an

integrated solvent extraction unit.

6.p.l. Materials of Construction

In view of the fact that both processes of interest involve the

use of strong hydrochloric acid solutions and aromatic diluents the materials

of construction were restricted as follows.

Wood for bench top, stirrer gantry,control panel, pump stands.

Glass for flow controllers, rotameter flowmeters (tantalum floats), valves

(P.T.F.E. plungers), T-junctions.

Perspex for mixer settler units and impellors.

P.V.C. for all pipework

Tufnel for impellor drives to stirrer motors and wier height control screws

011 settlers

6.3.2. Ancilliary Equipment

In addition to the mixer settler units the following ancilliary equip­

ment was used.

8 x 45 litre polythene reservoir tanks

6 Gallenkamp variable speed stirrer motors

12 Q.V.P. Quickf.it Rotary valves with PTPE plungers

1 M.P.L. MW-Twin metering pump (polypropylene heads) for organic and

aqueous feeds

2 Multifix variable speed peristaltic pumps for strip and scrub feeds

4 Rotameters (Tantalum floats) for metering flow rates

12 Glass float flow con broilers for controlling: flow of plic.se between

adjacent mixers and settlers*

6 0 0 . P la n t L a y ou t

A wooden bench standing on trestles was specially constructed on which

the mixer settler units were mounted (Plate 2). This consisted of a 10 mm

plywood base surrounded by 100 mm deep pine edging forming a shallow bath.

A false bottom of formica was placed inside, moulded and sloping away to one

end of the bench where a drain, plug was placed. This made for greater clean-

liness when spilling and flooding occurred and any overflow was collected

and returned to the appropriate reservoir or to waste. Above the formica

a wooden lattice was built on which the mixer-settler units were placed in

two rows of three lengthways-on to afford ea,sy access. Above the mixer

settlers two pine gantries were built to which the stirrer motors were fixed

and .along which, the feed pipework was layed. All the woodwork was protected

by Bosticote chemical resistant paint. A plywood control panel was constructed

(Plate 3) onto which rota meters, stirrer motor speed controllers and pump

switches were affixed, and below which the feed pumps were placed on a small

table (Plate 4 )

6 .3 .4 * F I ow?she e t F I e x i b i Ii t y

All the feed and interconnecting pipework in the plant was made in

such a way that by use of the appropriate valves it would be possible to employ

2, 3 or 4 stages in the extract sections, 0, 1 or 2 stages in the scrub

section and 2, 3 or 4 stages in the strip section up to a total of 6 stages

(see Fig. 29). Similarly a controlled recycle of organic phase into the

mixer of all stages where an aqueous phase might leave the process was in­

corporated. This allowed an organic continuous condition in the mixer to be

maintained, to control solvent losses.

In o r d e r bo be a b le i n d o r e n n . ^ n t l y t o a s s e s s o p e r a t i n g c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s
of extract and scrub sections, the ou.tgci.ng aqueous scrub phase was not fed

into tho first extract stage, since variation in scrub flowratc would then

have influenced extraction flowrate sirnu11ane ously•

6 .4 . Commissioning of Plant

6.4 .1. Calibration of Flowmeters

• Following completion of the construction work it was necessary

only to calibrate the rotameters against flow rate before start-up could begin,

This was effected simply by pumping the various feeds by the appropriate pump

through the respective rotameters at varying, pumping rates and measuring the

time taken to fill a 250 ml volumetric flask. The flow rate (in mls/min)

was then plotted against float height (Fig. 50)* In the case of the flows

from the metering pump which works by means of a deforming' diaphragm, the

height was taken as the maximum height of the float at the end of each pump


6.4.2. Start-Up Procedure

The plant was started up using two stages in each of the extra,ct,

scrub and strip sections and Pobane as the organic phase and water as all

the aqueous phases. The settlers were filled with equal volumes of Pobane

and water to speed up the start-up process, water (the heavier phase) being

poured in first to prevent phases emerging at the wrong output wier. The

pumps were started and controlled at a flow rate of 100 mls/min and the flow

controllers positioned at approximately the height of the settler output

wiers. As the phases began filling the mixer boxes, the stirrer motors were

turned on slowly at first to prevent any air entrainment and then the speed

increased when full until the pumping action of the irupellor produced a

sufficiently negative hydrostatic pressure to draw in phases from adjacent

settlers. After 1-2 hours organic phase was circulating the whole plant
to the extract, sc nit and strip sections. Those mixers which v/ere running

aqueous continuous due to the impel!or being started-up in the aqueous phase

produced very cloudy separated phases in the settlers as predicted but the

dispersion band was almost non-existant indicating a very last settling rate.

Those mixers running organic continuous however produced very clean separated

phases end dispersion band t0~50 mm in depth. 1/here the aqueous continuous

condition existed the organic phase was recycled from the settler to the

mixer of the same unit until an organic continuous dispersion was obtained

so that all aqueous phases had minimum solvent entrainment. At flow rate ratios

of unity this situation was maintained indefinitely, once the systems had

achieved hydrodynamic equilibrium. When flow rate ratios were less than

one in favour of the aqueous phase the intrinsic hysteresis in phase continuity

changes allowed the organic continuous condition to be maintained until the

ratio was 1.5 - 2.0 and then phase continuity reversal could only be avoided

b y .continuous recycle of organic.

Having established the behaviour of the plant with diluent and water

these phases were then replaced by 10fo Y/Y solution of Alamine 536 in Hob are

as the organic phase and 5-vI HC1 solutions as the aqueous feed and scrub solutions,

and a 0.511 Na^CO^ strip solution. Similar operating conditions were noted

although the aqueous strip solution did not maintain the same clarity as the

aqueous raffinate and scrub solutions, and there was a greater tendency to

form a light interfacial crud in the settler. It was also noted that dis­

persion band depth was significantly less in the strip section than either the

scrub or extract sections which agreed well with the theoretical consider-
ations already discussed . Increased irnpellor speed had rhe tendency

to produce deeper-dispersion bands undoubtedly as a result of the production

of smaller droplets with slower coalescence rates. Increasing flow rates

above a total of 500 mls/min tended to cause flooding of the mixer unless

excessive stirrer speeds were used.

Before embarking’ on the experimental programme it was desirable to

have some understanding of the hydrodynamics of the multistage unit so that

it would be possible to estimate the time required to attain equilibrum in

a process after start up or following any changes in plant operation. In

order to do this, it was decided to continuously monitor variations in hydro­

chloric acid concentration of the raffinate solution following step wise

changes in hydrochloric acid concentration of the feed solution by simple

acid-base titration.

First however it was important to ensure that the take up of excess

acid by Alamine 336 did not change with acid concentration of the feed. A

10°/o v/v solution of Alamine 336 in Dobane Jh-X (0.25M) was shaken with an

equal volume of varying concentrations of HC1 in water for a period of one

minute. The phases were separated and the aqueous raffinate was titrated

against 3*0^ NaOH using phenolphthalein. The concentration of HC1 in the

organice phase was thus calculated by difference between aqueous phase con­

centration before and after extraction.* It was found that the amount of

hydrochloric acid taken up by the organic phases remained an approximately

constant 0.251*1 over a range of feed concentrations of 1 - 6M. (The extraction

of HC1 by 10p Alamine 336 in Dobane thus corresponds to a theoretical stoi-

chimetry of 1:1; R^hiECl)

At the beginning of response testing the situation in the plant was

as follows:

2 stages extraction

Feed concn.(HCl) 1.8M (by titration)

Raffinate " " 1 .65 " 15

2 stages s01x1b

Feed concn. (HCl) 2.6M »

Haffinale concn, (HCl) 2. Gil (by titration)

2 staves strip

Feed concn. (Ha CO..) O/fM M "

^ 2
Stripped organic ” (lICl) 0.006M n H.

A dilute solution of HCl (0.9Ivl) was then substituted as feed for the

extract section end the raffinate titrated against HaOH approximately every

1 5 - 2 0 mins. Equilibrium having been attained the dilute (0 .5MJ HCl solution

was then fed into the scrub section giving effectively a four stage extraction

section and the raffinate again monitored. The variation in HCl concentration

■with time following these step changes can be seen in Fig. dl.

The aqueous and organic feed flow rates were approximately a. constant

100 mls/min throughout and the volume of each phase held up in. any stage

was between 2 - 2 . 2 litres. Simple calculation showed that in both cases

equilibrium was reattained after 2 - 3 changes of volume.

On this basis, at a nominal flow rate of 100 mls/minute and with a

total plant hold-up volume of approximately 14 litres, 40 litres of feed

solution would be necessary to achieve equilibrium under any given operation

conditions. In view of the relatively shallow dispersion band in the settler-

even when, operating organic continuous, it was decided to halve the settler

volume by means of perspex blocks positioned on the bottom of each settler

vessel. This allowed a greater utilisation of the platinum metal solutions


6 .5* Plant Trials

6.3*1. Preparation of Solutions

a. Aqueous Solutions

Stock solutions of platinum, and palladium were made up by dissolving

400 grams of each metal as chloride in 1 litre of concentrated hydrochloric

field and 200 grams each of iriclium (iv)snd rhodium chlorides in 1 litre of

concentrated hydrochloric, acid. Those solutions wore then added pro rata to

40 litres of the appropriate hydrochloric acid solution (ill or qil) as re­

quired to form the feed solution in the extract section. V/here iridium (ill)

solutions were required the stock solution of iridium (IV) was diluted

10:1 with water and reduction of iridium (IV) to iridium (ill) effected by

silver powder, and then the excess silver and silver chloride removed.

Stripped solutions of platinum and palladium were subjected to reduction

by hydrazine and the resulting metal sponge redissolved and recycled to the

stock solution. Iridium and rhodium containing raffinates and scrub solutions

were bulked up to high concentration by evaporation and similarly re-cycled.

Scrub feeds were made up in 40 litre vessels of the appropriate con­

centration of hydrochloric acid and strip solutions similarly produced by

dissolving anhydrous sodium carbonate in water to give a O.^M solution.

b. Organic Solutions

30 litres each of 10$ V/V Alamine' ^ 6 in Dobane and 20$ V/V Primene

81 - R in Dobane were made up. 5$ decanol was added to the Alamine solution

to prevent third phase formation. The organic solutions were continuously

recycled, the feed being taken from the top of the reservoir to allow aqueous

entrainment to settle.

6.5.2. Operation of Plant

The operation of the plant was effected in a very similar manner to

the methods adopted during commissioning trials with metal-free solutions.

Aqueous feed solutions were made up to investigate the process efficiency

with varying combinations of metals, flew rates, flow rate ratios, number

of stages of extraction and scrubbing and to measure the solvent losses

under those conditions of operations. Puns were continued until t he.through-

put of organic phase at the flc .un­ equal 'i;o approximately

one proce

d to have 3:

6.5*3 Sampling and Analysis

After equilibration of a run 25 nils each of the feed solution, raffinate

solution, scrub solution and strip solution were removed and analysed for

the constituent metals being separated, by atomic absorption analysis.

Occasionally further aqueous soltions were taken from settlers of intermed­

iate stages in a process to give an extraction profile of the whole system.

Unfortunately it was not possible to obtain analysis of organic phases directly

using this method.

Solvent losses were estimated by the method of Ashbrook . This is

a spectrophotometric method based on the formation of a complex between the

amine and cobalt thiocyanate. The complex is developed in dilute sulphuric

acid and extracted with, carbon tetrachloride.

6 .5*4*1. Alamine Extraction^Process

The results of continuous testing of Alamine 556 for separations

of Pt/Pd from Rh/lr are shown in Tables 52-35* both platinum and palla­

dium were quantitatively extracted in two stages from all concentrations

of feed solution. This was in good agreement with the equilibrium diagram,

but neither metal showed any tendency to be scrubbed out of the organic

phase. However both rhodium and iridium (ill) were co-extracted to a

greater extent than anticipated from their distribution ratios which

indicated G fo and 15fo co-extraction respectively (Equation 35)* by re­

ducing the organic:aqueous flow ratios in the extract section from 1:1

to 1:2 the co-extraction of iridium (ill) and rhodium was significantly

reduced without influencing the quantitative nature of platinum and palla­

dium extraction whilst still maintaining an "organic continuous" mixing

operation. Similarly, reducing the phase ratio in the scrub section effecte

a more effective washing out of the contaminating rhodium and iridium (ill)

from the organic phase. It appeared tha,t by employing more stages in the

scrub section a complete removal of these two metals from the platinum /

palladium rich organic phase might be made. In addition to improving the

separation factors, reducing organic to aqueous phase ratio also conferred

the advantage of producing a concentration effect on the extracted metal.

However, stripr>ing the platinum and palladium from the amine was

not quite as satisfactory as had been anticipated from static tests.

Palladium began to precipitate a basic corap].ex upon prolonged existence

in the 0 *5^ sodium carbonate strip solution and although virtually quanti­

tative removal of palladium from the amine was effected, a serious solids

problem arose which blocked the settler of the first strip stage.

Similarly stripping of platinum whilst not producing any significant

but this time apparently of an organic nature in the form of a fine trans­

parent film which prevented complete phase separation in. the settlers.

This again led to serious flooding problems and had to be removed period­

ically to enable the process to continue. Changing'the concentration of

the strip solution had no effect on the production of this phase, nor did

the addition of sodium chloride which it was thought might help by stabi­

lising the existence of the chloro-complex species of platinum in the

alkaline stripped solution. Samples of this interfacial crud were removed in

an attempt to try and discern its nature by gas-liquid chromatography but

great difficulty was experienced in its isolation. The alternative solution

to this problem which would allow a continuous cycle of operations is an

anion exchange stripping technique, e.g. by ions (providing such solutions

are acceptable to downstream processes) since acid or neutral stripping has

a very unfavourable distribution equilibria. This would undoubtedly involve

many more strip stages of operation.

The only reported work on the application of tertiary amines for com­

mercial processing of platinum metals describes how Alamine 336 was used

to extract gold, platinum and palladium.from other precious metals and base

metals resulting from nitric acid treatment of slimes from Dcre metal elect-
rolysis . The nature of this process was thus quite different in that

co-extraction of both Eh/lr and base metals had to be avoided simultaneously

which in anion exchange systems requires contradictory conditions. Thus at

high HC1 concentrations base metals tend to form strongly extractable anionic

complexes whilst extraction of anionic Kh/lr complexes becomes unfavourable

due to the competing chloride ions, and vice versa at low HC1 concentrations.

Consequently the use of very low (0.5k) EC1 concentration is far from the

optimum conditions for the mutual separation of Pd/Pt from Rh/lr due to

significant PJi/Ir co-extraction particularly at the high amine concentrations

used (2r
j?o) due to the power factor (*n!value) on distribution ratio with
amine concentration of about 2.0 for platinum metals, Since the extraction

of gold, palladium and platinum, is virtually quantitative under these con­

ditions it is also surprising that the extraction of platinum is not reported

as being complete when as many as six stages of extraction were used. Sim­

ilarly the very low figures quoted for Hh/lr co-extraction would not be

expected from an inspection of the distribution data particularly taking

into account the relatively ineffective scrub conditions (2 stages 0.5k ECl).

In fact co-extraction of Eli/lr appeared from the results of the work reported

here in the continuous testing to be greater than anticipated and therefore

requires very effective scrubbing by strong ECl solutions. Possibly an even

higher HC1 concentration in the feed solutions (say 6M when Pt/Pd extraction

is still highly favourable) would achieve a nearer approach to a mutual

separation of the two pairs of metals.

Finally, the reported use of xylol (flash point 65°F) cannot be rec­

ommended for commercial application due to the potential fire hazard it pro­

vides particularly when high flash point alkyl benzenes such as Do'bane JE-X

(flash point 252°F) proved satisfactory as diluents both chemically and

physically (from the hydrodynamic point* of view) in the present work.

6,5*4* 2. Primene Extraction. Process

The results of continuous testing of Primene 81-R for extraction of

platinum metals from base metals are shown in Table 36® In these tests,

iridium in the feed solution was present as iridium (IV) as this is more

extractable and although partially reduced to iridium (ill) by contact

with the amine, since both valency states are extracted this does not alter

the nature of the process. It was found that extraction of both iridium

and platinum was almost quantitative with the limited number of stages

available (palladium was not used due to the stripping problems already
encountered with Alamine which would have made continuous operation difficult).
Rhodium however shoved very poor extraction characteristics under the oper­

ating conditions. Shortage of time prevented further investigation of this

aspect although increasing the number of stages, increasing organic to aqueous

flow ratio, or improving the chemical conditions by lowering pH or increasing

solvent concentration would undoubtedly assist in its extraction. Co-extraction

of base metals was virtually non-existant giving a, very clear cut separation

of platinum metals.

As with the Alamine process a transparent solid film was produced in

the strip section in the mixed phase emulsion which hindered complete phase

separation. The nature of this phase was again difficult to resolve but

appeared to be a product of the amine and the sodium carbonate solution since

it was noticed in further simple shake up tests that it formed in the absence

of diluent and platinum metal although the presence of the latter did

aggravate the situation possibly by encouraging and trapping any fine preci­

pitates of. platinum metal salts, at the interface between the organic and

aqueous phases. It was also observed that the eiTfect was much worse when an

organic contiunuous condition existed in the mixer perhaps as a result of

the longer separation times. However this operating condition was much to

be preferred due to the very much more effective stripping action this

had. As with the Alamine process the only alternative continuous process

would appear to be by anion stripping using HO ^ ions ideally in an acidic

solution to prevent hydrolysis of the platinum metal salts. However the palla­

dium amine complex which as has already been observed appea?cs to be a stable

inner orbital complex is still singularly resistant to this form of attack.

Nevertheless possibly use could be made of this to effect a, primary separa­

tion of palladium from platinum by stripping back the latter and then reducing

the palladium complex to metal in situ from the organic phase.

The use of Primene 8I-R was found to have one very significant drawback

to its use on a continuous basis. It was noted that whilst quite insoluble
iii neutral, or slightly acid aqueous solutions, there appeared to he a strong

tendency for the araine hydrochloride formed during extraction to be leached

out into the ra.ffinate solution. This occurred despite the fact that Primene

81--R possesses an alkyl radical containing more carbon atoms than the primary

amines examined in the screening tests whose almost quantitative extraction

of platinum, palladium and gold did not suggest the possibility of such

solvent loss characteristics. However the immiscibility of alkyl chains

of this length could be effectively reduced when in the form of tertiary

carbons such as the case of Primene reagents. Thus whilst Primene 81-R(12-14c?rdxns)

was preferred originally to Primene JMT (18-22 carbons) because of margin­

ally greater extractability on a weight for weight basis the latter must

be substituted in any further work on continuous testing of this process,

if an economical and pollution free process is to be developed.

These observations on the primary amine platinum metal extraction process

revealed some anomalies in the reported Russian work 1 using nitro-

paraffins. Whilst the general extraction characteristics are very similar to

those observed in this work their use of straight chain amines makes no mention

of any emulsion problems which were encountered when early attempts to isolate

a suitable commercial reagent used almost identical compounds. Similarly

no mention is made of solvent losses into process streams despite the use of

amines having almost identical chain lengths to Primene 81-R whose hydro­

chloride wan found to be strongly leached out into the raffinate. Addition­

ally no mention was made of the stripping techniques investigated or


6.5.4 •3 • Amin e S10b 23.ity

Solutions of Alamine 336 and Primene 81-R in hob ane were kept in con­

tinuous contact for several months with aqueous hydrochloric acid and sodium

carbonate solutions and samples removed periodically to investigate the

chemical stability of the amines under the process conditions. Both H.H.R.

and I.R. spectrophotometry failed to reveal any breakdown of the reagents

although there was a visible tendency for the amines to become golden brown

in colour particularly when in contact with alkaline solutions. Similarly

samples of the organic? process streams were removed after continuous operat

of the testing rig following many cycles of extraction and stripping and the

I.R. spectra compared to those of the unused solvent. Whilst Alamine 336

again revealed no evidence of any breakdown (Fig. 34)? if was here that

the leaching of the hydrochloride of Primene 81-R was noted since there

was a severe diminution of the characteristic amine peaks at A (3200-3600

cm ^ -H-H stretching), B (l600 cm ^ N--H bond), and C (65O-9OO cm ^ H-H bond)

(Pig. 35). It was by examination of these spectra and from volume changes

during shake up tests that an estimate of the solvent loss was made.

6 .5•4.4• Solvent Losses

Figures for typical solvent losses for both the Alamine and Primene

processes arc shown in Table 37* All these results refer to organic

continuous processes as this produced far clearer separated phases with

significantly less organic entrainment. This is possibly a surface tension

effect, in which a liquid of high surface tension (i.e. aqueous solution)

dispersed in one of low surface tension (i.e. organic solution) has both

a lower tendency to produce very fine droplets having poor buoyancy charac­

teristics, and a greater tendency for dispersed droplets to coalesce,but

this is a phenomenon which is not well understood at present.

The method of Ashbrook was found only to be applicable to the est­

imation of the losses of Alamine 336. Here it will be noted that the sol­

vent losses are of such a low order of magnitude that they would have little

significance upon the overall economics of the tertiary amine process.

It proved very difficult to find a simple method for the direct analyst

of the loss of Primene 81-R into the raffinate but as this appeared to be

substantial (due to the leaching of the amine hydrochloride) it was indirect

estimated to be of the order of 10-20,000 ppm. As already mentioned this

is excessively high and. Primene JMT for which solvent losses were es timated

to be only of the order of a few hundred ppm would appear to bo the p.referred

7. General Piscussion end Conclusions

The major part of this work has attempted for the first time to make a

systematic investigation of the application of amine extraction processes

to the platinum group metals« Most of the previous work reported on this

subject was found to be orientated towards specific analytical separations

or investigations into the nature of inorganic co-ordination complexes rather

than towards gaining an overall picture of the characteristics of liquid

anion exchange of this group of metals when using amine type extractants„

Generally it was found that the platinum metals as a whole behaved

in a way which correlated closely with the true anion exchange process de­

scribed in equation (27). Whilst most of this work was confined to acid

chloride solutions due to the requirements of upstream refinery operations,

the effect of metal concentration,amine concentration in the diluent chloride

ion concentration and pH showed approximate quantitative agreement with

the stoichiometric requirements of the classical anion exchange equationc

The exceptions to these general observations were (a) the anomalous behaviour

of 2-amino alkyl primary amine (as compared to the normal primary amine,

Primene) which showed a peak extraction of rhodium and iridium at arourd 6k IIC1

concentration? (b) the very low 1n 1 values that 2-am.ino alkyl primary amines

gave with all platinum metals: (c) the maximum extraetability of osmium and

ruthenium above 6M HC1 which correlated well with the known tendency for

these metals to become totally anionic above this point: (d) the stability

of the primary amine complex of palladium evidenced by resistance to stripping

and its spectroscopy suggesting the formation of an inner orbital complex*

- As expected aromatic diluents were found to enhance the performance

of the amine extractants whilst increasing alkyl chain length reduced their

extractive power. The fact that sn f values of n-primary amine (primene 81-R)

and n-tertiaxy amine (Alamine 336) were approximately of the order of 2.0
extractive power of amines varies with ooncentrati on« The order of extractior

with substitution of the amine v:itb. the exception of platinum and palladium

wig found to be at variance with the theoretical predictions however.

The suggested application of amine extraction of platinum metals to in­

dustrial refining required several other criteria, to be met particularly with

regard to satisfactory reagent computability in continuous mixing and sep­

aration operations and a suitable technique for removing the metal ions

from the organic phase,, Hence the use of commercial straight chain primary

amines which have a relatively high extractability for all platinum metals

over base metals could not be adopted due to the strong tendency for emulsion

formation with hydrochloride solutions. Thus the weaker tertiary carbon

primary amines ideallywi-th at least 20 carbon atoms (such as Primene JMT)

to avoid losses due to leaching of the hydrochloride were found to be of

much more -practical importance. Similarly re-extraction or stripping by

neutral or very strorgHCl solutions from amine metal complexes was not

practicable due to the unfavourable distribution equilibria under these

conditions. The application of hydrolysis stripping, whilst appearing to

offer a quantitative removal of the metals from the organic phase was found

to have severe drawbacks when in continuous operation and its use cannot be

recommended. It thus appeared that anion exchange stripping, by for example

HCh ions, although by no means quantitative may be the only solution to the

problem of a, suitable continuous strip operation other than by gaseous red­

uction to the metal in situ in the organic phase.

However, the extraction and scrub cycles of operation were found to

operate technically very well and at high HC1 concentrations Pt/Pd and Ir/Pih

may be mutually separated wit h ’very few stages'•of operation whilst at low

HC1 concentretions all platinum metals may be very clearly separated from

base, metals providing sufficient stages cf extraction are available to

ensure complete extraction o :
l the weakly extracted rhodium ions.

A brief examination of the economics of the processes showed the relative

importance and magnitude of the throe major factors of capital costs, operat­

ing’ costs and solvent losses to be very similar to those given by YJarner*

In the present work it was calculated that for a plant using 15 - 18 stages

in the primary amine process operating continuously at flow rates of 1 litre/

minute at metal concentration of 10 g/i the approximate costs including sol­

ution make up and with a 5 - 10 years amortization of capital costs were

estimated to be?

Capital Costs - £5 / Kg metal processed

Solvent Recovery - £1 ~£2 / Kg metal processed

Solvent Losses - Ip / Kg metal processed

for the tertiary amine process using 10 - 12 stages and operating under

similar conditions'.

Capita,! Costs - £2 /Kg metal processed

Solvent Recovery - £2 - £3 /Kg metal processed

Solvent Losses Ip / Kg metal processed

In conclusion it is suggested that:

(a) Further work be done to establish a more satisfactory stripping

process using anion exchange.

(b) Subsequently that a pilot plant be built designed for use

with actual refinery feed liquors using Alamine 538 and

Primene JUT as extractants.

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■ ■ i
Extractant Diluent Separatedj Imnurity Aqueous Acid Common Reference
Metals 1
I Metals Phase uV.nl' . ..
ion No.
isobutyl - Pd 'Du, Zr (L'dl). 2” H R K) , ICI:Pd 29
Methylketone rAJr/fo 4
rX 4:1
Octanone — Os Other? Thiocyan- KOI NaSCN 26
Nobles ate 1.0 M
Isopropyl £u- Ee and Glilor o- PIN? —
Ether Other Aurate 2.0 M
• Ethe?js, + Various: Ru (sop2- 35
(TBP + TOPO) Complex H 2S04
Dibutyl Au Other
Carbitol Nobles Chloro- HC1 -
Aurate 4,0 M
Tri-Phenyl Cyclo- Pd ■ Other Complex -- Iodide 28
Phosphine Ilexane Nobles Halide
Tri-n-Octyl n--Hexane Ru - Nitrate - ~ 39
Phosphine Or, Complex
Tri-n-Octyl Toluene Vo ole Chloride . JIC3. 36
Phosphine Metals or? nrhrate and •
t ;b ,p . Binary mix tures of Thi o- KSCN 2?
Pd,Pt,Rh;I r from cyanate
each other • 1.0 n
T.B.P. + Bensene ?t,Pd.Ir - Complex HBr -
Amylacetate Eli Bromides 4.4 M
T.B.P. - Rh and - Complex HCl MaCl 34 •
Ir Chloride
T.B.P. - Noble Noble Chloro- ECl MaCl 41
Metals Metals. Cor.ploxe s
T.B.P. Hexane Noble Noble Conolex ECl - 50
Metals Metals Halides 6.0 N
T.B.P. ~ Noble - N.itrate HUO_ Nitrate 42
Metals Complexes 2

T.B.P. Various Os - CHIoro~ HCl + - 40

Complex EBr
Hesibyl pt (i\r) + PdGl5 " + HCl 2.5 M 31
Oxide pd (ii) 5.6 M A1C12
Chloro J
Amyl 38
Kerosene — Pt + Pd" Pd + Pt Complex EC 3. - 37




Extractant Diluent Separated Impurity Aqueous Acid Common Reference !

Metals Metals Phase pH/M ion Re.

| Carbon - Ru(VIIl) - Tetroxide - Alkali
1 Tetrachloride Metal Salts
i„ .
1 - Ru(VIIl) Os and Tetroxide ~ - 44
1 Tetrachloride Others

Physical Dissolution Systems Investigated on P 3.at.inam Group Metals


!- H \
Extractant j .Diluent Separated impurity Aqueous Coimnon Reference
Metals Metals Phase ion No.

Primary Xylene Noble Chloride HCl — 54
Amines Metals 1Comp],exes Various
Tri-n- Xylene Noble Chloride HCl - 55
Octyl amine Metals - Complexes Various

Amberlite Chioro- . Os Chloride ECl - 65

ljA-1 form Complex

Various Xylene Rh (so4).2“ h 2so4+ 55

or Cl HC1

Tri-n- - Pt, Rh Chloride HCl - 58

Octylamine Complexes Various

SPrimary - Noble - Chloride HCl - 60

Amines Komi s Various

Aliphatic HCl -- 61
Amine's - Chloride Various

Tri-n- Benzene Rh, Ir - Chloride ECl 6 M - 47

Octylamine Complexes

Tri-n- Benzene Rh(llj) - Chloride HCl - 51

Octyl amine Pt (iv)pd(-) Complexes

Tertiary Various Ru III - Sulphate H oS 0 , - 50

2 4
Amines Complexes

Quaternary - Noble - Chloride HCl - 65

Amines Metals Complexes

Alkyl Amines Various Noble - Chloride HCl LiCl 64

Metals Complexes

Tetraoctyl Toluene Noble - Halide HCl - 67

Ammonium hr Complexes

Tri Octyl Benzene Pt(lV) Chloride l-T C-f, 52

Amine Complex AA2 4
Ailiphatic Kerosene Noble Ni,Pe, Chloride HCl
- 45
.Amine s Metals Cu Complexes 2.0

Aliphatic Kerosene Noble Non- Chloride HCl - 46

Amines Metals Ferrous Complexes

Primary Kerosene Noble Ni,Pe ,Cu Chloride HCl - 59

Amine s Metals Complexes

A.1amine Xylol. Pt ,Pd On?Te, Ohio:.- do virn 68

* ~956 i
Bi.po a ox•
_. _______ _ _________ ___________ 1_________ ---- ------

Ex^rac taut Pi Im- nt Turourity Aqueous Acid Common Keferenco

Metals PI10so v>
Jy;1 ion
... .. rA
Primary Amines ir(rv) Chloride Various po
Complexes HCl

Dimethyl. Pt(IV) _ Chloride HCl

dialkyl Complexes Various - 57
Ammonium Cl
Q.ua ternary - Noble _ Chlorid.e - 62
oS0 4
Amines Metals Complexes

Tri-Iso- Pt.Pd, Eh Chloride HC1 — 48

Butylamine Complex

Quaternary Decyl Au,Ag - Cyanide 8-9 — 55

Amines Alcohol Complexes
Various Kerosene Pt Pd Eh - Halide HCl +
Amine s Complexes HBr - 66

Tri-n- Pd,Pt,Ru Eh Ir Nitrito HCl HaNO 49

Octyl amine Toluene Complexes 7

Anion Hxchange Systems Investigated on Platinum Group Metals

Primairy '/mines Secondajy Tertiary Aminos Quaternary Ammonium !
Amines Compounds

(Russian) Amherlite LA (D Tri-n-Lutylamine Triall:ylme thyl -

AUP--2 (Russian) Amo er1ite LA-2 0 ) Tri-iso-Butylamine Di alkyld ime thyl-

Primene AJi.T. ' Li-n-0 ctyl am ine Tri-n~Hexylamine 'Trialkyl Benzyl -

Amina,'ted Al coho 1s Di-n-Decylamine Tr i-n-0cty1amine Dialklmethylbenzyl

4-Arainooctane J)ibensyl amin e Tr i- iso-0 ctyl amine Alkyl dime thylbenzyl

Tr i-n-H on.yl.amine 0 ctyldime thylbenzy1

Tri-n-D ode cyl amine Tetraoctyl
N-Alkyl Dimethyl AELiquat 356 ' '

Cy cl oliexyld.ido de cyl

Adogen p81 x '

(2 )

Adogen 364

Ailamine 356 (2)

(1) Rohm and Hass Ltd., Trade name

(2) General Mills Co. Ltd. f Trade name.

Amines Employed in Solvent Extraction of Platinum Metals

Element Isotope Half-life Principle y -Energies U.oV

Ruthenium 106 1 year 0«515 0.62 (from Rh 106)

Osmium 185 94 days O.65*

Rhodium 105 36 hours . 0 ,321, 0.308

Iridium 192 74 days 0.30, 0.31, 0.47

Palladium 103 17 days O 0O4O (from Rh 103m)

Platinum 195 m 4 days 0.099

Gold 195 192 days 0.099

Iron 59 45 days 1.1, 1.3

Lead 210 22 years 0.047 •

Silver 110 m 253 days 0 .66, 0 .90, I .38

used in
Distribution Studies
Amine Extraction
Platinum Metals
Distr.ibui/i on Ratios Loteimined for Iin.dium Chi or ocom pi ox.

Amine Diluent
Class Chafni Length benzene Toluene Oyelohexane

1RY Octyl 12.6 11.0 7.9 (3rd Phase)

.l)odo cyl 13.0 10.6 9.4
Pentyl 1.99 1.49 1.77 (3rd Phase)
2 RY Octyl 1.17 0.86 1.08
Lodecyl 0.07 0.07 0.15
Pentyl 0.21 0.20 0.34 (3rd Phase)
3 RY Octyl 0.13 0.08 0.17
Lodecyl 0.05 0.04 0.07
Pentyl 0.10 0.10 0,11 (3rd Phase)
4 RY Eeptyl 0.11 0.09 0.04
Table 6(a) Aqueous jjhase - 0.01M Ir(lll) in 3.5^ HCl; organic
phase - IGp Y/V.

Amine Metal Cone. HCl Concentration (Moles/Li tre )

Class Moles/Litre 1.2 2.4 4.6 6.9 9*2
5 x 10 2.5 5.1 12.2 15.2 5.4
1 RY 10 2.4 4.6 9*3 11.0 3.2
2 x 10“5 3.0 7.0 11.0 1-
4.7 3.4
5 x .10 O .69 0.60 0.33 0.13 0.08

2 RY 0.68 0.70 0.39 0,14 0.05


2 x 10 ^ 0.69 O .72 0.77 0.19 0.07

5 x 10 0.24 0.09 0.03 0,02 0.01
3 RY 10 0.12 0.07 0.03 0.02 0,01
2 x 10“5 0.11 0.07 0.04 0.02 0.01
5 x 10 0.08 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.01
4 RY 10 0.05 0,06 0.03 0.02 0.01
2 x 10° 0.05 0.07 0.04 0.02 0.01

Table 6(b). Aqueous phase - Ir (ill) : organic phase - 10foV/V

octyl a.mines in benzene.

S olveni C 07ice11irati on Listribution Ratic

% V/Y 17.3
IOJj Y/V 23.0
•1570 v/v 27.1
20y Y/V 31.7
25y V/V • 34.7

Table 6 (c) Aqueous phase - 0,0111 Ir (ill) in 3»5’

E ECl ; organic
phase 2-arainocctone in bebzene
TABLE 6 (Continued)

Amine Metal ' L C one ent rat ion due to ilaCl

Class C one. 0. 1M 1. 1M 2. IK 3 *1H 4.1M

1 TiY .01M lo90 2*33 3*40 6.00 8.53

3 HY ,O H / I 0.062 0.03 0.06 0.05 0.04


Amine Metal Cone entration due to A1C1-,



Class Cone. 0.1M 1.3H 2.5M 5 .7M 4-9M

1RY .01M 1.78 3,18 5*75 14.10. 23.50

3RY .01M 0.067 0.12 0.06 0.05 0.04

Table 6 ((].)«• Effect of chloride ion concentration on distribution

independent of pH. Aqueous phase - 0.01M Ir (ill) in 0.1M HCl; organic
phase - 10}o V/V octyl amines in benzene.

Distribution Ratios Determined for Iridium P/romoconrolex

Amine Metal HBr Concentration

Class C one ent rat i.on M 0.8M 2.0M 3.2M 4.4M 5.61-1
5 x 10 30.0 18.7 15.9 11.5 10.0
1 RY
10 59*0 67.0 21.0 8*3 5.2

5 x 10 0.02 0.02

0.24 0.03

5 RY n

~ 0.35 0.02 0.01 0.01

Aqueous phase - 0.01H Ir (ill) in HBr: organic phase -

10/o V/V dodecylarnines in benzene*
Pistribution Ratios Petermined for IricIium Sulnhatocomplex

Amine Metal II^SO^ Concentration

Class Concentration 3.6M 7„2M 10.8M 14.4M 18. OM

1 RY 1.4 0,40 0.19 0,08 0.03

3 RY 0.03 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01

Aqueous phase - 0.01M Ir (ill) in H^SO^; organic phase -

10/£ V/V do de cyl amine s in benzene.
DjjT t r . l h i iti o n JRa tic 3 Jtote r m inccl for Rh odium Chi or ocomplex
Amine Diluent
Class Chain Length Densene
1 RY Octyl 1.63
Dodecyl 2.10
Pentyl 0.51
2 RY Octyl 0.41
Dodecyl 0.04
Pentyl 0.12
3 RY Octyl 0.08
Dodecyl 0.04
4 RY ,Pentyl 0.16
Ileptyl . 0.03

Table 9 (a) Aqueous phase - 0.01M Eli (ill) in 3*5^ HC1

Organic Phase -- 10/ V/V

Amine Metal Conc’n HC1 Concentration (Moles/Litre)

Class (Moles/Litre) 1.2 2.3 4*5 6.7 9*1
5 x 10 2.4 1*90 5*33 6.43 4.11
1 RY 10“c' 1.33 1*85 3*89 5.18 3.60
2 x 10“^ 0.34 1*57 2.08 2.50 2.60
5 x 10~2 0.?8 0.72 0.74 0.27 0.09
2 RY 10~2 0.37 0.44 0.41 0.18 0.01
2 x 10“^ 0.31 0.35 0.27 0.22 0,05
5 x 10“2 0.43 0.23 0.09 0.03 0.01
3 RY 10" 2 0.12 0..09 0.05 0.02 0.02
2 x 10~5 0.11 0.09 0.05 0.03 0.01
5 x 10 0.29 0.22 0.09 0.05 0.01
4 RY 10"2 0.08 0.09 0.11 0.03 0.01
2 x 10~5 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.02 0.01

Table 9 (l) Aqueous Phase - Rh (ill)

Organic Phase - 10/ Y/V Octylamines in Benzene

Solvent Concentration Distribution Ratio

5/ v /v 1.50
10/ V/V 2.52
15 of v/v 3*68
20/ v/v 4*00
25/ v /v 4.61

Table 9 (c) Aqueous Phase - 0.0114 Rh (ill) in 3 .5M HO],

Organic Phase - 2-aminooctane in benzene.
Riot :ribuiion Ratios DcfoirraLnod for Palladium Chlorocoraplox
Amine Diluent
Class Chain Length ■benzene Toluene Kerosene
1 hi Octyl 12.8 8.9 5 (3rd Phase)
Podocyl 12.9 9.5 5-2
Pentyl 141 86.5 22 (3rd Pha.se)
2 PuY Octyl 49.1 52.7 19.3
Podecyl 11.8 2.68 1.01
Pentyl 50.1 29.3 24 (3rd Phase)
3 RY Octyl 16.5 17.0 12.3
Podecyl 16.3 5.5 5.7
4 RY Pentyl. 62.1 56.5 13 (3rd Phase)
Heptyi 32.2 45.8 11 (3rd Phase)

Table 10 (a) Aqueous Phase - 0.01M Pd(ll) in 3-5M HC1

Organic Phase - 10/ V/V

Amine Metal Conc'n HC1 Concentration (Moles/Litre)

• Class (Moles/Litre) 1.1M 2. 2M 4.4M 6.7M 9.1M
5 x 10“2 101 25.8 9. 4 5.8 5.45
2 x 10“5 100 32.1 12.5 6.2 3.8
10“4 100 36 .5 15.1 6.34 2.62
5 x 10”2 >1000 72 17 •6 7.65 5.35
2 RY 2 x 10“4 493 55 21.5 10.0 6.4

146 40.5 11.72


555 7.19

5 x 10 117 16.4 5.0 2.90 2.51
3 RY 2 x 10"5 125 ‘32.0 15.5 3.5 2.4
10~4 108 85.0 17.5 5.8 2.22
5 x 10"5 240 41.5 13.8 5.35 2.55
4 RY 5 x 10 > 380 47.5 18.1 2.64 0.53
10 242 45 20.5 7.25 0.88

Table 10 (b) Aqueous Phase - Pd (il)

Organic Phase - 10/ V/V Octylamines in benzene

- - - - - - - - -- - — -- ---------- •*“ V
Solvent Concentration Distribution Ratio
5/ V/V 3.41
10/ v/v 7.76
15/ v/v 12.75
20/ v/v 19.85
25/ v/v 23.50

Table 10 (c) Aqueous Phase - 0.01M Pd (il) in 4«5M KOI

Organic Phase - 2 aminooctane in benzene
33.ist.vibnticn Ratios .
Peter-mined tor PIstiras C.'P1erooomnl ;ox
Amine Piluc-nt
Class Chain Length. Pensone
1 RY • Octyl 49 0
Podecyl 67-0
Pentyl 69.5
2 RY Octyl 58.5
Podecyl 46,3
Pentyl 238.O
3 RY Octyl 67
Podecyl 38.8
4 RY Pentyl 527.0
Heptyl 182.2

Table 11 (a) Aqueous Phase - 0,0114 Pt (IV) in 3 .5M HC1

Organic Phase ~ 10/ V/V

Amine Metal Conc'n HC1 Concentration (hlcles/hl tre)

Class (Moles/Litre) 1 .1 ™ "2.2 4*V 6.6 .
5 x 10 115 85 40.7 28.8 19*3
1 RY 2 x 10”5 88.0 69.5 43.5 29.1 12.8
1 x 10~4' 10.75 8.52 4.48 2,60 1.13
5 x 10“2 144 94*0 46.0 31.8 22.8
2 RY 2 x 10“^ 87.0 82.7 71.0 54.1 37.8
1 x 10~4 22.7 8.55 9.8 7.15 5.15
-2. 18.8
5 x 10 99.5 61,3 24.4 11.1
3 RY 2 X 10“' 92.1 .40.4 53.5 36.2 11.0
1 x 10~4 20.1 P9.1 8.7 5.56 8.75
5 x 10 471 350 171 47.8 13.0
4 RY 2 x 10 450 315 149 61.1 10.4
1 x 10~4 95.1 88.7 46.9 30.1 7.35

Table 11 (b) Aqueous Phase - Pt (l\r)

Organic Phase - 10/ V/V Octylamines in benzene

Solvent Concentration Pistribution Ratio

5/ V/V 25.5
10/ v/v 55.5
15/ v/v 84.5
20/ V/V 95.5
25/ V/V 114

Table 11 (c) Aqueous Phase - 0.D1M Pt (i\r) in 3• 5R IIC1

Organic Phase -- 2--aminooetene in benzene
TABLE 11 (Continued')

Cl ion Metal / 01 Concentration

Source Concn. 0.1M lolM 2 c214 3.114 4.114

HaCl 0,0111 370 1134 1>9 87e5 72.5

Cl ion Metal I Cl __/ Concentration

Source Concn. 0.1M 1.3M 2.5M t.TMi 4.914

A1C1-, 0.01M 392 132 126 166 154


Table 11 (d) Effect of chloride ion concentrations on

distribution independent of pH, Aqueous

phase - Pt (rv) in Chill HC1; organic phase

lOyo v/v trioctylamine in benzene

D.i n'uT’.ihut i.on Pal;iop. Poteymi rod f'or Ru t h * n 12JII_CLLjL1^/V.e'vqplev
Arina P:llucU)t
0] ass Chain Length Benzene Toluene Carbon Tetrachloride
1 EY Octyl 8.15 9.73 8.90
Podecyl 8*75 9.85 11.70
Pentyl 3.14 4.05 4.31 '
2 RY Octyl 1.81 1.96 1.47
Podecyl 0.37 0.31 0.39
Pentyl 2.49 2.64 0.87
3 RY Octyl 0.72 O .31 0.09
Podecyl 0.17 0.2 6 0.06
Pentyl 2.99 2.04 0.62
4 RY Heptyl 0.99 0.83 0.33

Table 12 (a) Aqueous Phase - 0.005M Eli (ill) in 3•5R HC1

Organic Phase - lO/'V/V

Amine Metal Ccnc’n HC1 Concentration (Moles/Litre)

Class (Moles/Litre) 1.1 2.3 4.5 6.7 9.1
2.5 x 10~2 2.05 4.93 9 -23 31.5 13.5
1 RY 2.5 x 10~5 1.74 3.36 13.10 38.4 9.60
2.5 x 10~4 1.43 3.27 9.90 47.0 7.22

- 2.5 x 10"2 0.54 1.04 2.02 I .56 1.08

2 RY 2.5 x 10"^ 0.39 1.22 2.81 • 1.83 0.70
2.5 x 10~4 0.50 0.73 2.52 1.69 0.26

2.5 x 10"2 0.23 ■ 0.48 0.35 0.32 0.50

3 RY 2.5 x 10~5 0.21 0.69 0,50 0,21 0.33
2.5 x 10"4 0.37 0.35 0.70 0.16 0.07

2.5 x 10”2 0.37 0.80 0.35 0 .16. 0.47

4 RY 2.5 x 10“5 O .69 1.01 0.47 0.15 0.08
2.5 x 10~4 0.62 0.75 0.32 0.15 0.02

Table 12 (b) Aqueous Phase - Hu (ill)

Organic Phase - 10fo v/v Octylamines in benzene

Solvent Concentration Distribution Ratio

5i V/V 5.19
lOy V/V 8,65
15/ v/v 13.50
20/ v/v 17.50
25/ v/v 20.40

Table 12 (c) Aqueous Phase - O.OOCM Hu (III) in 3• 5& HC1

Organic Phase - 2~aminooctane in benzene
JihLnl Birth.''!1"
'l;hnh4Bi..h'i.:.;hishhli Oil hi'-ls:::
Aid no Pillion o
Class Chain Length. Bona
1 RY Octyl 3.66
Podecyl 3,09
Pentyl 1.66
2 RY Octyl 1.30
Podecyl 1.04
Pentyl 1.34
3 RY Octyl 1.30
Podecyl I .04
Pentyl I .69
4 RY Heptyl 1*33

Table 13 (a) Aqueous Pha.se - O.OIM Os (lY) in 3*5^ HC1

Organic Phase - 1 0 / v /v

.... -........... . 1■dJ 11

limine Metal Conc’n HC1 Concentration (Moles/L.itre)

Class (lioles/Litre) 1.1 2.3 4»5 6.7 9.0
5 x 10 12.1 17.8 26.5 41 «1 29d
1 RY 5 x 10"3 1.67 2.36 4.76 12.3 12.5
5 x 10~4 1.07 1.77 2.02 4.02 6.69
5 X 10 5.17 3.71 7.00 33.7 33.8
2 RY 5 x 10“3 0.66 0.73 0.75 4.31' 6.15
3 x 10~4 0.62 O .56 0.89 1.35 2.70

5 x 10~2 3.87 4,09 4.44 27.1 21.1

3 RY 5 x 10~3 0.53 0.56 0.62 2.74 6.17
5 x 10“4 0.80 O .64 0.70 0,87 2.87
5 x 10 5.47 5.34 5^60 42.3 27.3
4 RY 5 x 10“3 0.93 0.85 0.80 3.30 6.55
5 x 10“4 0.77 0.65 0.74 0.91 3.43

Table 13 (b) Aqueous Phase - Os (IV)

Organic Phase - 16/ V/Y Octylamines in Benzene

Solvent Concentration Distribution Ratio

5°/o Y/V 3oOO
10/ v/v 4.85
• 15/ Y/V 6,08
20/ v /v 6.57
25/ v /v • 9.16

Table 13 (c) Aqueous Phase - O.OIM in 3-5^ tIOl

.Organic Pha.se - 2-arninooctane in Benzene
I)j stribution Ratios Betauvrn.ned .for 0-old Oilorooomplex.
Arn to > Diluent J

Class ■Chain Length JpGJlZGllG

1 PiY Octyl 265

Podecyl 250
Pentyl 475
2HY Octyl 595
Podecyl 490
Pentyl >1000
3 RY Octyl >1000
Podecyl >1000
Pentyl >'1000
4 RY Hepiyl ‘>-1000

Table 14 (a) Aqueous Phase - O.OIM Au(lll) in 3*5^ HC1

Organic Phase - 10Jo Y/Y.

Amine Metal Conc’n HOI Concentra tion (Moles/Litre)

Class (Moles/litre) 1.1 2.3 4.5 6.7 9,0
5 x 10 215 I84 153 89 43
1 RY 5 x 10"5 102 165 308 115 54
5 x 10~4 12.4 54 820 61 40

5 x 10~2 554 4 66 . 430 ' 430 382

2 RY 5 x 10~5 505 445 334 445 455
5 x 10“4 45*5 120 94 226 71

5 x 10“2 >1000 >1000 >1000 >1000 >1000

5 RY 5 x 10“ 5 668 >1000 >1000 > 1 000 > 1 000
5 x 10"4 275 204 107 455 93
5 x 10 >1000 >1000 >1000 > 1000 >1000
4 RY 5 x 10“ 5 >1000 >1000 >1000 >1000 >1000
5 x 10“4 • 45.2 94 46.7 46.7 79

Table 14 (b) Aqueous Phase - Au (ill)

Organic Phase - 10$ (y /y ) octylamines in Benzene

Solvent Concentration Distribution Ratio

5$ y /y 77.0
10fo y /y 210.0
Ij/o y /y 228.0
2,0/a y/y 369.0
25$ y /y 422.0

Table 14 (a) Aqueous Phase -- O.OIM Au (ill) in 3*5^ IIC.L

Organice Prase - P-aminooctaiio in Benzene

Metal "n" Values Nominal Composition

Experimental Theoretical of Complex

Ir (ill) 0,43 * °-01 3 IrCl^

Eh (III) 0,74 * °*°4. 3 RhCl65“

Pd(ll) 1.22 * 0.04 2 PdCl42"

Pt (IV) O .93 * 0.08 r\ ptci62"

Hu(ill) 0.87 * 0.04 3 EuCl^“


Os (IV) 0.65 * °*08 2 OsCl,-2-


Au (III) 1.10 * 0.11 1 AuCl,

nn" values determined for the extraction of platinum group

metals by 2-aminooctane in benzene from 3«5M HC1 solutions.
Amine,* PCI Pd :Ir ■Distribution Distribution Separation
Class Cone1n Ratio Pd (II) Ir (III) Factor
.... . ... ..............

10:1 65 5-0 21.7

1:10 56 1.75 32
1 HI .

10:1 5.14 10.6 0.34

1:10 1.2 9.12 0.13

10:1 256 1.6 148

1:10 200 0.62 322
2 RY •
10:1 6.05 22.1 0.21
1:10* 7-90 0.35 22.6

10:1 116 0.39 300

1:10 119 0.14 • 850

10:1 1.68 5.95 0.24

1:10 2.2 0.06 . 36.8


10:1 505 . 2.11 150

1:10 296 0.4 750
4 RY
10:1 2.8 27.5 0.07
1:10 0.9 16.0 0.06

Distribution ratios and separation factors between Pd (il) and

Ir (ill) determined in presence of each other. Extractant -
10/b Y/Y octylamines in benzene. (Metal concentrations : 10 =
2 x lO"2!*, 1 = 2 x 10'“5M,Pd (il) or Ir (ill).)
Amine Pt :Ir Distribution Ratio Distribution Ratio Separation
Class Ratio Pt (IT) Ir(lll) Factor

10:1 30.4 2.19 13.9

.1 RY
1:10 4.50 2.43 1.85

10:1 115 0.76 152

2 RY
1:10 4.27 0.80 5.34

10:1 75-5 0.23 305

3 RY
1:10 0.35 0.28 29.8

10:1 225 0.14 1605

4 RY
1:10 10.2 0.07 145

Distribution ratios and separation factors between Pt (IV)

and Ir (ill) determined in presence of each other. Extractant
- lOfo V/V octylamines in benzene. (Metal concentrations : 10 =
2 x 10"2M 5 1 = 2 x 10-5M Pt (IV) or Ir (ill) in 1.0M HGL).

/'"“N -P 4-a .j.;>
U.. P O G
Pi -P pH P
Pt Pt
03 r-l CO •H CO •r-i
o C.J (It P 0) P
p C.1 4J o -p
G’ R 0 R 0

0 03
/—X •H
H 4^> 4- 4-3 4^
H -p P P 4^3
V_/ •H Pt Pi •H
p r*l 0 •H 0 •P r—i
Pi P 0 P 0 j-i P
P 0 -p o -p P
O’ R 0 R 02 cv
0! PS
03 J> 0 0
d r~l (-1
t> t> Pt
•H 03 4= o •r4
/■--X -P a P o -P £3
1". P p 4^ o P
Pi -P 0 o •H \/
X_/ •H P 04 -P V •rl
p> r-l •H P * 1—1 03
p-t P E4 P Pt P p
P P P •H
a Pt
P4 O’ R O’ a

0 0
!-| >
•H id •H •H
^—X -P -P 4s -p
l-l P M o r-l o3 f4
l-l -P 03 0 d • 4^> 0
p 4^3
___ •H a I—1 0 03 •H
ro r-l •r-l Pt a 0 •ri P r~i
Ph P B B p 0 u •r4 P
P B o o c •P P p
O’ o 04 0 O’ p
d R
03 P
/■—X 0) !> 0 a
H Y> d •rl rH >
1—i d a -P O •rl p
PI •P a P c 4^3 pt
x_x P p 4J O p
R 43 0 o •r-! _p a
•rl P R 4-’ . •rl
r-l •r4 V r—1 P
-* P
P d P-t P pi P 0
O’ d Pt O’ r O’
0 03 03
y—x 0 > K 0 B
i> •H O o >
H •H 4° 4° 4J 4s •rl
X_/ 4 ^> P P 4-3 4 ^> r-l
p P m / —X 4 ^> 0 ✓--X C P • P
4 3
•rl 0 H •H 0 H P 4° O
•H -P o H .p O H •rl
r-4 rj r-j H H 0 -H r—1 1! p
P P d X_/
P d
'—- 03 P P
r-> P 0 U P o U O -P P, Pi Pt
6 ’ O’ U H O’ f4 H O’ R
R 0
0 0 to
0 J> t> o 0 p
> •H r-l •r4 4J > IP
/- X •H _p O 4-:> •H * Pt
H p> P 4 P rH 4= 0 -P O Pi
O 0 •rl
H p 4-’ o -P O P
P! 43 •r4 •H • rd 0 / —X 4^3 II P
•H ..p -P o pt •H •H
p i—I r P 02 d i— 1 • C/2
P -rl l- l
PI P P Ph P V 0 Pi •rH X___r P Pi
P P P Pi O 4- w P P •
• o' R O’ lb R 03 o M O’ R

W d~ d-
o IP o PM O
i—! d • C/2 O rH
d p CM
W rH r-l !b i W

ro ft)
p. fd d
O o c]
m r~s!’ r\ O
i_ H
Tt’\_y•p point Vi sac;:it;
______ ! Harm fae111rer
p .p . iso P.P. 92UF 0.80 ops

80Ivesso 100 Esso 0.72 ops

150 1? 182°E 1.5 CpS
Robaiie JHX . Shell 252°F 5.2 cps

proprietary Diluents


heagent Manufacturer Type Humber of Molecular Plash
Carbon Atoms Height Point

Primene 81-R Rohm <x Hass Co. 1 RY 12 - 14 ~ 200 205°p

11 M 18 - 22 -300 265°P
Primene JMT 1 RY

It It
Amberlite LA-1 2 RY 24 - 26 -370 355°F

Amberlite LA-2 II 11 2 RY 24 - 26 -370 355°F



General Mills 3 RY 392 555°F


Alamine 336

I! II 270°P
Aliquat 336 4 RY 32 - 36 442

Proprietary Amine Extractants

Distribution Ratio

Solvesso 100
Primene 150

Dobane JEX

elvesso 100
Primene 150
180 0.9.7

O— /
Extraction of IrCl^ by various lOJo solutions
of primary amines and diluents from JM HC1
HG1 Concentration 1, 2Ii 2.6M 4.2M 6 '2ft 8. OK

0x 007 0.005 0.05 1.78 19.3

Distribution of Fe(III)(0.0/]M)into lOfo Primene 81 - R in

Solvesso 150 at various Hydrochloric acid concentrations.
r — -.. -
.Metal HOI Cone cutr.rmi on ;Io1os/l Itre
0 .1 1.0 2«•3 3*0 40 b*;; 0 . ;>

0.65 0.51 0.52 0.2b 0.22 0,08 0.04

Ir(m.; 1.64 1.42 0.81 0.60 0.46 0.21 0.09
Pci(11) 9,2 /],08 2ol 1.54 1.01 '0/12 0,4-1

Pb(lV) 19 0 9,60 6.36 2.11 1.04 0,62.

Distribution ratios determined in extraction of 0o01M

•platinum metal solutions by IC ffo Y / Y primene 81-11 in
Solvesso 150.


Metal Amine Concentration (Y/Y)

4yb 6fo 1076 C

Rh(lll) 0.04 0.16 0.24 0.38 0.51 2,00

Ir(lll) 0,26 0.48 0.66 0.92 1.42 3.54
Ir(lv) 0.62 1.00 1.80 2.16 3.76 8.75
Pd(ll) 0.16 0.24 1.42 2.16 4.08 24,6
Pt(lV) 0.48 1.72 5o0 5,88 9.60 41.8
Au(TXl) 21.2 38.8 64,8 81.0 100.6 197.0

Distributior. ratios determined in extractions of O.OIM

platinum metal solutions by Primene 01-R in Solvesso IpO from
1. OH IIC1

T.B8.LE 2d

Met o.l Metal C oncentrat ion (Moles/Litre)

.001 .002 .005 .010 .020 .050 0 ,100

Rh(lll) 1.44 I .64 1.94 2.00 2,01 1.44 1.40

Ir(lll) 3.90 3.54 5.96 3.54 3.90 3«42 2.84
Ir(lV) 8.45 9.20 9,01 8.75 8.01 6.50 4.45
Pd(ll) 25.1 25.1 26.6 24.6 22.1 24.5 16.4
Pt(iv) 35.2 40.7 45-1 41c 8 36.3 24 c2 I8.7
Au(lll) 83.6 134-0 179.0 197.0 210,0 216.0 204.0

Distribution ratios determined in extraction of platinum metals solutions

by 2 Q ffo \Y /Y ) Primene 81-P. in Solvosso 150 from 1.0m HOI.
Metal 101 ration (O'loloe/Odtre)
0.5 'c *j 3.0 4 r.3 6.3 8 .0

till(111 ) 0.82 o.09 o.oy 0.03 0.02 0.01

Ir(lll) 1.9 0.16 0.14 0.09 0.04 0.02
Pd(ll) 995 43.9 29 .6 16.2 5.06 2.10
Pt(lV) 2080 120 95 73«1 27*2 7.10

Distribution ratios determined in extraction of O.OIM

platinum metal solutions in 10$ (V/V) Alarnine 336 in Solvesso 1


Metal Amine Coneentrati.on (y /y )

24 4$ 6$ Qfo 10$ 20$
Ir(.IV) 0.82 1.83 1.93 2.02 2.23 3.02
Pd(ll) 0.77 2.62 9oO 16.30 29.60 123.0
Pt(lV) 1.44 8.90 28.20 57.0 66.0 186.0

Distribution ratios determined in extraction'of 0.01M

platinum metal solutions by Alarnine 336 in Solvesso ISO
from 3* Obi 1101 „


Metal Metal C on ccirtrat ion (Mol e s/Li tre) 1

0.001 0.002 0.005 0.,01 0.02 0.05 0.10

Iul( III) 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.07 0.07

I.r( III) 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.16 0.16
Ir( IV) 0.63 0.92 1.46 2.23 2.14 I .89 1.67
Pd( II) 28.5 29.1 29.6 29.6 21.0 10,2 4.6
pt(:cv) 36,6 31.6 57«0 66.0 86.0 90,0 30,2

Distribution ratios determined in extraction of platinum metal

solutions by 10$ (V/V) Alarnine 336 in Solvesso ISO from 3-OM HC1.

s Indicated Complexes
Alarnine 936 Present


1.80 ^ - KhCl5(Ho0)2~

ir(:ci:r; 1.07 4 0.07 IrCl,(Eo0}o but-

4 2 2 f-y
Ir(lV) l . i o ’ 4 0.09 probably IrCl,

Pd(ll) 2.2[ 3 'I 0 . 2 6 2.26 4 0.10 Pd01,2~

Pt(lV) 1.96 4 0.11 2.20 4 0.11 PiCl/
Au (iii ; 0.99 4 0 ,04 - AuCiy

Platinum metal chloro ccmplexes

. amines.

Bimetallic Solution Distribution Distribution Separation

x Ratio ;v Ratio x Ratio y Factor y/x
10:1 0.040 • 30.0 750
Fih(lll) Pd(ll)
1:10 0 .0 3 0 . 10.5 340

10:1 0.025 29.0 1080

Rh(lll) PI(IV)
1:10 0.023 27.0 1260

10.1 0.060 29.0 480

Ir(lll) Pa(li)
1:10 0 .0 6 0 11.6 210

10:1 0.030 24'.0 800

Ir(lll) Pt(lV)
1: ]0 0.028 27.0 900
.. ___ . ..... _

Distribution ratios and separation factors between platinum

metals determined in the presence of each other. Extractant
lOfo Y/Y Alarnine 336 in Solvesso 150. (Metal concentration: 10 =
10 5 1 -- 10 in 3M hydrochloric acid solution.
Organic Aqueous Settling Phase
Phase Phase Time Secs Continuity
JM HC1 50
10$ y / v JM 3-IC1 5g*/L Pt 30 Aqueous
hiamine g ;>o 0,011 lia^OO.. 45 Continuous
in Pohane 5M HOI 180
(5$ Pecanol) 5M HOI 5&/L Pt 210 Organic
0.5’I Ha„C0-, 150 Continuous

1M EC1 55
20$ Y/Y 1M HCI qg/L Pt 35 Aqueous
Primene 81-P 0 o5M 11ci^C0 50 Continuous
in Pohane 111 HC1 150
1M HC1 5g;/L Pt 180 Organic
0.511 MaoC0-, 50 Continuous

Settling’ Rates of Mixed Phases

‘..M cm


C\! C\j

KV i^\ lO, CV
lt\ ca lt\
fa tO\ t-C\ P
o o o

ri r— i
i.a o ta r- ! Cv!
ia VO
KV 'M'
0 M
fa 0 rP
CD •r-i
o ta o •PH O 0
CM r-i i-a cm La s • H
i—! r-i t'3- .[_■>
t-i O
—I i
—! i—i A~i
LG 0-
O 0
o •PH bj
CQ rd
CM CM 0 0
1-D 0

•I3 O IH
i- ;

m ca
cm o\ ta vo -f
M CM r-i ta ia
I rH
-p CO CO •ri
•H *P
P 4° o
•rl P 0
La ua in >0 0JLi 4u3
P 0 N
-p C'3 P 0
O m
I 0 0
•nH -0P oq

-P 4CQ
—i Pj
-p CM CM rH
CO r-i i
—1 Pi fa
CM CM CM CM ^ CM 0 p 0
rH i
—i CM CM •O
r-i •H 0
4= -P Pa
P p
U p
ta La La pj o
q; p g
r-l CM CM CO •rl 0

-P i—I r—! rH O
CO r—i r-i :
—I r4

i—i r-i r~!

I V i
c\ ov ov a-
(?\ o\ o\ C'\


-p rP tP fP »p ;r\ rP IP



tr— rp f—I •r1

CM i
—I 0)
d b
ip o
vo lp
o o o
rp c m M
cm fb rd
cl O
•rl Ph

—I I
—1 rH VO
LP »
-p LP. b
p-l CO
0) •r l
b -P
•ri o
t '-
P 0
t"~ GO CM r- l
''i ,b
rH c*1

V i. 00
o 0.)
r-l to
O O O lp IP ci
VO VO £— t— t— rb -p
rp no vo rP ip -P to
r-i i—I Pi

VD VO IP o •ri co
OV CP V' -<T (
—I OV rd
O CM CM CM r-i rb 0
f-i -P
-P o
CM b W
—1 r-i r-i .
—I CM 0
b b
i—I r—i r-l i—I r~l CM *3 b •rl
b b
b o MM
•ri (5
IP -p b «
CM CM CM CM P! c3 0 CM
|—i -P
CO r-i CM Po b CO
b b
Pi o o
o o •r-»
LP -p
•H r-i r-l r-l b CO b
o b r-i
CM CM CM CM •rl o O
-P b CO
Co b
b •r-i
d -P b
P- b b
r-i rH o o o
CO r-l r-l I
—I !
—I CO o CO


r-i r-i
•r-i ,0 O
-P Pi rH
• »
d C i GV
JM_ p-
icrj rp
r-l O
_p rd * «
0 id o o
•H 00
o rp KV
•P •r-i o o
O -p —1 r-i

i 'd A A
o o •H
VO r-i
KV r0
o d !A o
00 0
o o 0 ri
o d
v-i o rH 10
-P d 00
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-p d* LP -P
p LT\ O 00
O o o CM
e ._*
o \ 6'
Us) (—i O
r-i 43 10
0 O o d W
0 o o d 0 P
o •H -P CO
U1 |~£ • 4
4^> CM
•p O o Q 0.) 0
rJ o Gv •H 0 0
o’ OV CM d r-i O
pq • / o 0 •ri
v»< r-i co r0 O -i '
•P 0 0
-ri ri r-i
r-l r-i (—I d 0 O
•H O CD 1“ CO
<h d O O c3 0
V-! P, * * 0 ,Q
0 O r-i
V V 3
rd o o u
•ri o
a d ca w
o o o 0 jd
•r-i o d- r4 o d
-P p- fP r-i 0 0
0 r-'-l • * 0 0 0
d A o:; CM O Pr •H
0 -P -P d
0 0 P «*4 0 0
rp 0 O LTV O O 0
o vD OV c O Pi
ri OV On V-t
o d • • o 0
o P-: O O •ri •ri t
-P 0
0 0 O
rQ 0 n 0 •H
0 r-l
r-i 0 0 4=>
P. •H CM CM Pi rQ a
Di a s • • 0) O 0
o co cQ <sj i—1 i—! m n 0

o o
•r-i i—1 C D
4-' rd d £ LTV o
0 0 •r~! O r~i
Pd 0 Ei * r
P4 <-.i4 r~i CM


Fd O O
CO r-l r-i
r-i 0J 0
0 -p •;--
0 C O if;
•ri r*i CD CD
e o Ci
O P r- ■-i r-i r!
; . r

i 1! ■

O 3
! Pi ii CM
; i‘"\
P! rd CM
P Cd
!o I-! r-i
ri -P C\ CO
P-l Pt 0‘\ o\
C.0 o
,.q » -
p-i o o
o Li^ CM
•rl rd r4
CO p «
a i—i o O

•r [ •p P
r! d -r\ Pv •H
.-O Pi O o V
r-l H
■p A r— w O'?
p; Ps A l\ cl.) r—I
---------- K
—- — Y- ’ d >•
o LC\ -P
—I a o
o.. o Ov!
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o •P
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•rl a CO 'r CO Pi
£_j P < C)
H o o /■—\ 4- p
o:> PI ♦ •r!
l-l 4= rH ^
s 1-5
o Cv Pi' P O \
VP Ci V_r o w m
!—1 LP, p r-4
q ri p e
P-! .—1 o D d •H
•H C) o
—„ . ------------------ rd l-H
o o •H F-i o3 i—I
co --;L P 0< «
o o o •P 4^ CM JO
•H r-< P d
♦■I-5 Ph o o d CO P
vO P o p o
rl • d o o 00
pi Ui
-P • c.
C.' P 6• o• d d d p
O c P •H o i— i •H
CM M o o ■d r-r a Ei
O o p 00
i— ! 1
—1 ‘A 4J JO 1
[J O o p d a

-P O
o & o f-i
P-i • o O o r~\
p P CO
v * C,., P
•rl •H rd 0
i—! P p P
•r-l LT\ 3 G) d •rH
d r-l CO d P S
a1 VO CM •ri d id
W r-j r • -p rO G)

P-r o o d
O 0 ♦«>
-P Pi •H
CO o o P
P VD CO Pi •r4 •
ri i l-l o o Pi

P< •H O o
00 0 o
—I 1— i d p CO (—1
o o P •rl
-p o
o• d n! rP
Pi Pi c3
o id d 0
V y CQ •p 0 Pi

o o
S o o
•r-| LP iro
4-^ o q
r<J d CM i—i
GO P Pi r «
j O -P H"! o o
E-! P UU
i « LP, C'
! P CO
O o LPv
1 A , r* -1 V
Feed Equilibrium Concentration
Metal Cone ent rat ion g/L Pistributd.cn P

sA • Raffinate U (jX I jJ Ratio Extraction

Pt 0.870 0.005 0.855 170 99
Ir 0.356 0.005 0.320 64 96
Rh 0.405 0.190 0.205 1.1 51
Fe 1.020 1.020 . < 0.001 > lO”^ < 10"1
Hi 1.170 1.170 < 0.001 > 10~3 < i o "1
Cu 1.300 1.300 < 0.001 >10 ~ 3 < 10

Run Ho.

Feed Equilibrium Concentration

Metal Coneentrati on g/L Pistribution /3
g/L Raf finale Strip Ratio ■ Extrac-

Pt 0.435 0.006 0.420 70 90.5

Ir 0.045 0.001 0.040 40 97.5
Rh 0.095 0.055 0.045 0.8 46
Fe . 0.415 0.415 <0.001 > 1 0 “3 < 10"1
Ri 0.345 0.345 <0.001 >10“3 <10
Cu 0.395 0.395 <0.001 >10"3 < 10”1

Separation of platinum metals from base metals by 20/ (v/v) Primene 81--R
in Pobane in continuous counter current tests. 4 stages extract. 2 stages
strip• Feed solutions i.OM in HC1. Flow rates feed - 100 mls/min; Amine -
30 mls/m.in; strip 100 mls/min.
Flow Rate Solvent Loss ppm
mls/min liaffinate Strip

200 6 15
100 5-6 10

Solvent loss into aqueous process

streams in continuous testing of
10/ (V/V) Alarnine 336 in Dolane
.extraction of platinum metals.

Flov? Rato Solvent Loss ppm

ml s/ tain Eaffinate Strip

100 10-20,000 - 100

solvent loss into aqueous p??ocess
streams in continuous testing of
20io V/V Primene 81-R in Dobane
extraction of platinum metals.
10 1 0 ““ 10"' 1


Variation of E w i t h m e t a l - i o n c o n ­
c e n t r a t i o n s for s e v e r a l m e t a l s u l ­
p h a t e s . S i m i l a r lines f o r hydrog&n
a r e shown at pH v a lu e s 0 -14.
FIG /:

/•. •


o (I)
10 -
2:v.^Lr.T>: ►e^v^' V-ri. v^' 3-rcr. r . •

i— :

1 j t , i j j j r ,— — i (
0 ! 2 3 4 5
Ki net ics of e x t r a c t io n . ( i ) I r ( i l l ) by T 10% 2 - a m i n o -
octane in b e n z e n e ; (2) Ft by 10% A l a mine 3'3 8 in
S o l v e s s o i S O , from 3M 1-iCl s ol u ti o n .


10 i— •---- i---- i- - !---- i— — i--- 1 r s r~
0 20
40 60 60 100 120 140
Kinetics of e q u i l i b r a t i o n of aqueous s o l u t i o n of
I r ( I I I ) in 31-4 HCL E x t r a c t i o n by 10% 2 - a m i n o
•o c t a n e in ben ze ne a f t e r vresh aqu eou s feed
h a d b e e n a l l o w e d to stand at r o o m t e m p .
<r, ,

<? •r” '

o ^
p 10- S.ffQ
(0 X
!• ,t3
i— J''S
i—t / 9 :
o V
l!<- -y--

10° ....
0 3 4 5 6 7 9
Effect of C l “ concentre.tlon on extraction of IrCt 6
10 C/0 2 c', mi nooctane in benzene in d e p e n d a n t of
o - H C i ; x - N a C l ; & -A IC U -


rr ,-5'-

0 ...
'v.i \V:
t —:

i-i , j r f
o jU ~
4R Y


10 ‘ ~T — 1 -y-------- 1----- 1--- — i “ —

0 2 3 4 5 6’ 7 8 9 10
Extraction of RhCi£ ( 0 - 0 5 M ) by p r i m a r y , s e c o n d a r y ,
t e r t i a r y octy i a m i n & . a n d q u a t e r n a r y h e p t y l
a m m o n i u m chloric!c ( 10% v/v) in b e n z e n e .
F I G .S


o 10! <>
<0 , \
o: V V
\V\ R
O •• %.
10 -
^ .o \ ..

\ ■ oV ■i\'£
03 '\ v •
\ r's
|- •c-
(/) f
I'—'j /-■'
a i0-


10 ' i r
0 1 4 5 69 9 n


Ex tr ac ti on of PciCs^ ' (0-05M) b y ' p r i m a r y , s e c o n d a r y
t e r t i a r y octy !arn in es .and q u a t e r n a r y h s p t y l
ammonium chloride ( 1 0 % v/v) in b e n z e n e .
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
E x t r a c t ion of PtCl (0-05I4) by p r i m a r y , s e c o n d
t e r t i a r y o c t y l a m i n e s , and q u a t e r n a r y h e p t y i
ammonium c h l o r i d e (10% v/v) in b e n z e n e .
FIG, 7a

2 3 4 5 6 9 10
Effect of Ct” concentration on extraction of P i C l | by
10% trioctyla.nrFsne in benzene i n d e p e n d a nt of pH
o - H C l •. NaCt ; a -Ai d *.
FIG .8






C > fx
:d s'o

{’-8 jj-

10Z ~r •
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 sO
Extraction of R u C i l f ( 0 - 0 2 5 M ) by p r i m a r y , s e c o n d a r y ,
tertiary o c t y l a m i n e s , and q u a t e r n a r y heptyl
arnrncniurn c h l o r i de ( 1 0 % vA/) in b e n s e n e .


d :

i— :


0 vJ A 7 8 9
E x t r a c t i o n of QsCl g (0-Q5M) by p r i m a r y , s e c o n d a r y ,
t e r t i a r y o c t y t a m i n e s , and q u a t e r n a r y h e p t y I
a rn rn oniu rn c h l o r i d e (10 % v/v) in b &n a e n e .
E (0
o !> rj
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c? c-^S
o cv*

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,o o .>«*
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FIG. 22

o 10-


^ '"'o- •••.,. Rh

4 5 O
O a
KJ 10
[Extraction of plat inum me tats by Prirnene 81 ~R
( 1 0 % 'v/v) in So iv ess o 15 0. M e t a l concentration
0-0iM .
Distribution of d bit inuni s.n o \ *i 0 t i'J. I U vT.sI V'/ 0 '0‘i \
J i i I iV i I

- ^ 0 Ir(III)

0 /;■ 8 IU
Ext-racticn of p latin u m m etals by A l a m i n e 336
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/ re

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m *
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CM %

' V'V.

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0 00- 0-02 0-04 C1-06 0-08 0-10
Y. mole?s Pc!/ i i i! *e.
.x•£r a c t ion i s o ■;h e r m of
o Da! lad iuni
X' h \ f Ala mine 33 6
a. { c■?iccord i ng ■ to the analysis
of L lo v d a nd Oorts'


E q u i l i b r i u m d l a g r am f o r e x t r a c t i o n a n d scrubbi ng
or s o l u t e w i l h c u r v e d equilibrium l i no .

FIG . 28



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for fresh
I.R. specira.

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LH. spectra for fresh and aged Primene 81-R s o lu tio ns


Mixer-SeitlecUnit sliowing glass float flow-controllers, mixed-

phase inlet baffle and adjustable outlet wier.


General view of multistage mixer-settler test rig showing bed,

motor gantries and control Loan'd.


layout of control board showing rotameters and stirrer motor

speed controllers.
2S33EE33 aqueous feed E52QD3E I I Vi
f ft’ *
■ n [ I a
OF '0
11 11 j -

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’ §s -*3.

" '.V :

General view of mixer-settler rig1 during continuous testing o.f

Alamine 336 for separation of platinum and rhodium. (Extract section,

centre and right foreground; scrub section left foreground; strip section

Stat hutioal Consider^ipns

Dae to the very large number of experiments involved and the relatively

short half-lives of some radiotracers it was considered impractical to de­

termine the statistical errors of every single distribution ratio measured

which would have required, tri/plicate determinations. Instead periodic stat­

istical tests were made on both the errors in radiometric measurements and

in the experimental procedure,

1. Errors in Radioactivity Measurements? Radioactive disintegration

is an essentially statistical phenomenon in which it can be shown y that

when two conditions are obeyed, the binomial distribution law? gives the stand­

ard deviation, O' , of any count rate, M from its square root:

(T v|l!

The two conditions are that the measurement time is short in relation to the

half-life and that the number of radio-active atoms being observed is large,

which is normally the case in practice.

A j- 2
Hence if 10' counts are recorded, the standard deviation is ' 10 or

about; 1fo* However, where a function such, as a distribution ratio is involved

while there may be s. very large difference between the relative concentrations

in the two phases there may be a standard deviation difference between them

of up to ^ 10fo< Since the standard deviation propagated by the division of

one error by another is given by:

2 2 2
' C/ x/v - cr x + 0“ y
-2 / -2 - 2 -2
x / y x y

where x and y are the arithmetic means,

the error in the low concentration phase becomes dominant

by determining: the standard deviation of a set of otherwise identical ox


1 / -s2
r^r ( * r x>
o 1=1

where ilo is number of experiments of average count rate x.

In the table below is shown a typical statistical test on extraction of

Ir(lll) chiorocomplex by 2~amincdodecane. Each count is an average of

three counts of 100 seconds duration on each phase, GLv;> values were computed
using an Olivetti 101 desk computer.


1 t?
do Aq B.Cr, 0*0% '-7rq °B«G„ X one
.A m

Org y y

1 42992 4396 2782 208 67 53 40244 1614 85 24.9 1.32
2 42510 4361 2?82 206 66 53 39720 1569. 213 84 25.3 1.36
3 4 6 8 1 3 4592 2782 216 68 5 3 44031 1807 223 86 2 0 . 7 1 . 1 7

x - organic phase activity - Background

y =- aqueous phase activity - Background

The standard deviation in experimental error was calculated 'to

be _ 0.31 which was significantly less .than the intrinsic error in the

analytical procedure. Thus with distribution ratios significantly larger

or smaller than one, the radiometric error predominated.

Using an. Olivetti 101 desk computer a computer programme was

used to calculate the "n” values in equation (pi) and their star chard errors..

This programme computed, the parameters a and b of the nleast squares<? regression


Y = a -r bX

through a set of N points, and their errors *

Formula Used
T , „ 2 *r~i...2 1 / v”* 2
Let ui = ./.j t

s/ = Hr2 - i ( Erf

Sxy - E x r -- i S x S y .

X = i S x Y = lXP
N 11

Tlion b = ff*7

a - Y - bX

Standard ox error of b 5 O'.

11-2 Sx

Standard error of a

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