Impact of Green Finance On Economic Development and Environmental Quality: A Study Based On Provincial Panel Data From China
Impact of Green Finance On Economic Development and Environmental Quality: A Study Based On Provincial Panel Data From China
Impact of Green Finance On Economic Development and Environmental Quality: A Study Based On Provincial Panel Data From China
Received: 22 November 2019 / Accepted: 9 March 2020 / Published online: 30 March 2020
# Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2020
The goal of green finance is to pursue the coordinated development of financial activities, environmental protection, and
ecological balance. This study aims to examine the impact of green finance on economic development and environmental quality.
Data concerning green finance, economic development, and environmental quality for 30 provinces and municipalities in China
from 2010 to 2017 are used. First, the global principal component analysis is adopted to develop a green finance development
index. Second, a model of the impact of green finance on economic development is constructed, which indicates that the
development of green finance plays a role in promoting economic development. Next, emissions of industrial smoke (powder)
dust, industrial solid waste, and carbon dioxide are used to represent the environmental variables, and a model of the impact of
green finance on environmental quality is proposed. The model shows that green finance has a positive effect on environment
improvement. However, the impact of green finance on environmental quality varies for different levels of economic develop-
ment. Finally, based on the theory of the environmental Kuznets curve, a model of the impact of green finance on the relationship
between economic development and environmental quality is developed. The model indicates that green finance can significantly
improve this relationship, creating a win-win situation regarding economic development and the environment.
Keywords Environmental quality . Environmental Kuznets curve . Green finance . Economic development
• The green finance development index of 30 provinces and Since the reform and opening in 1978, China has achieved
municipalities in China from 2010 to 2017 was developed. rapid economic growth and financial development (Xu
• The impact of green finance on economic development was analyzed. 2018). But at the same time, China is also the world’s largest
• The impact of green finance on environment quality was explored.
energy consumption and pollutant emission country (Li et al.
• The impact of green finance on the relationship between economic
development and environment quality was examined using the 2016). Coal and oil account for 70% of China’s energy con-
environmental Kuznets curve theory. sumption (Liu et al. 2018), and the burning of coal and oil
• The important role of green finance in achieving sustainable economic leads to the discharge of a large number of pollutants, includ-
development was discussed, and policy implications were summarized.
ing carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and solid waste (Bi et al.
Responsible editor: Nicholas Apergis 2014). These pollutants can seriously harm human health and
ecosystems (Venners et al. 2003; Wei et al. 2014; Song et al.
* Xiaoguang Zhou 2016). To this end, the Chinese government has begun to pay
[email protected]
attention to sustainable development from the early of the
twenty-first century. In 2002, the 16th National Congress of
Xinmeng Tang
[email protected] the Communist Party of China took “the continuous enhance-
ment of sustainable development capacity” as one of the ob-
Rui Zhang
jectives of building a well-off society. Under the guidance of
[email protected]
the concept of sustainable development, policymakers and
Donlinks School of Economics and Management, University of researchers have proposed many solutions to environmental
Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China problems, such as cleaner production, resource recycling,
19916 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2020) 27:19915–19932
climate fund, environmental pollution tax, and green finance. analysis method, and GPCA method can explore the trajectory
The definition of green finance, a financial innovation product of the overall level of a system over all time, so that the com-
aimed at achieving a win-win situation between economic prehensive score of green finance development index calcu-
development and environmental quality improvement, is the lated by GPCA method can more accurately and comprehen-
financing of investments that provide environmental benefits, sively reflect the development degree of green finance in each
according to the International Finance Corporation. This new year and the development difference of each province. At the
financial innovation product has attracted more and more at- same time, whereas most research have only focused on one
tention (Zhang et al. 2019) and has developed rapidly in aspect of green finance, the score of green finance develop-
China. In 2018, China issued a total of 144 green bonds, ment index calculated in this study incorporates green securi-
totaling 267.593 billion yuan. China has become one of the ties, green credit, green investment, and carbon finance to
largest global green bond markets. In 2018, China’s green comprehensively reflect the degree of development of green
loans amounted to 8.23 trillion yuan, accounting for 14.2% finance. Thus, compared with existing literatures, this study
of the increase in loans from enterprises and other units in the obtains an advantage in measuring the development degree of
same period. Carbon finance started late but developed rapidly green finance. Third, most of the existing literature merely
in China. Since 2011, China has launched carbon emission focuses on the existence of environmental Kuznets curve
trading pilots in seven provinces and cities including (EKC) in China, while this study further explores the impact
Guangdong, Hubei, Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Chongqing, of green finance on the shape and turning point position of the
and Shenzhen. By the end of 2017, the cumulative trading EKC, which is also an under-researched problem at present.
volume of seven pilot carbon markets had been up to 200 This study confirms that the shape and turning point position
million tons, with a total trading volume of 4.7 billion yuan. of the EKC varies for different levels of green finance.
At present, China is one of the largest carbon finance markets.
Compared with traditional finance, green finance empha-
sizes environmental interests, and regards environmental Literature review
protection and the effective use of resources as important
criteria for measuring the effectiveness of its activities. The impact of green finance on economic
Green finance pursues the coordinated development of development
financial activities, environmental protection, and ecological
balance, and ultimately realizes sustainable development. The positive relationship between financial development and
Wang and Zhi (2016) pointed out that green finance is a new economic growth (King and Levine 1993; Demetriades and
financial model that combines environmental protection and Hussein 1996; Beck et al. 2000) has long been confirmed, and
economic benefits. Wang et al. (2019b) noted that green fi- this positive relationship seems to exist in developed
nance emphasizes the two “hot topics” of green development (Nieuwerburgh et al. 2006; Marques et al. 2013), emerging,
and finance, and argued that the financial sector regards envi- and developing (Bittencourt 2012; Uddin et al. 2013) econo-
ronmental protection as a basic policy, and any potential en- mies. With the maturity of financial market, the research on
vironmental impact shall be considered in investment and fi- this issue is more in-depth. For example, scholars have ex-
nancing decisions. plored different transmission paths of financial development
This study attempts to explore whether green finance can to promote economic growth (Bucci et al. 2019; Gazdar et al.
achieve the goal of simultaneously promoting economic de- 2019), discovered that different financial indicators show het-
velopment and environmental improvement. The innovations erogeneity in promoting economic growth (Adu et al. 2013;
of this study lie in the following three points. First, the original Wang et al. 2019a), and examined the impact of financial
intention of green finance is to achieve economic develop- regulatory policies on the relationship between financial de-
ment and environmental quality improvement with the help velopment and economic growth (Bernier and Plouffe 2019).
of financial instruments. However, there is a lack of literature Green finance is a new type of financial instrument pro-
to verify whether the development of green finance has posed to solve environmental problems, and it is the embodi-
achieved its original intention. Based on this, one of the inno- ment of financial innovation in the field of environmental
vations of this paper is to integrate green finance, economic protection (Wang et al. 2019b). Green finance has the same
development, and environmental quality into a unified system characteristics as traditional finance. Therefore, like financial
to study the direct impact of green finance on economic de- development, the development of green finance can also pro-
velopment and environmental quality change. Second, using mote economic growth. However, due to the short develop-
the global principal component analysis (GPCA) method, this ment time of green finance, there are few related researches.
study proposes a new method to measure the development He et al. (2019b) found that green investment in renewable
degree of green finance. The GPCA method combines the resources has a dual threshold effect on green economy devel-
classical principal component analysis (PCA) and time series opment; in the long run, green investment in renewable energy
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2020) 27:19915–19932 19917
can effectively promote green economy growth. Pradhan et al. financial development can reduce emissions of various en-
(2018), after studying the relationship between energy con- vironmental indicators such as industrial solid waste (Zhao
sumption, financial development, and economic growth in et al. 2019), industrial wastewater (Yin et al. 2019), and
FATF (Financial Action Task Force) countries, proposed that nitrogen oxides (Nassani et al. 2017). Therefore, the sig-
the government should support green finance investment in nificance of developing green finance is to strengthen the
clean energy fields, such as natural gas, which also contribute characteristics of finance that can improve environmental
to environmental protection and economic growth. quality. Poberezhna (2018) studied the advantages of green
After the financial crisis in 2008, financial markets experi- economy and the blockchain to address the global water
enced more volatility and uncertainty (Neaime 2012; Assaf shortage problem, thereby reducing the threat of
2016). An increasing number of studies have found that ex- environmental degradation. Gianfrate and Peri (2019) pro-
cessive financial development may inhibit economic growth posed that green bonds are one of the key tools to mobilize
(Hye and Islam 2013; Ibrahim and Alagidede 2018). financial resources to achieve the carbon reduction targets
Therefore, whether green finance can promote economic of the Paris Agreement. Glomsrød and Wei (2018) pointed
growth is still worth researching. out that if the green bonds are carried out on a reasonable
track, 4.7 Gt of carbon dioxide emissions can be avoided
The impact of green finance on environmental quality by 2030, while the proportion of non-fossil energy power
will be increased from 42 to 46%, due to the development
In 2015, 178 parties signed the Paris Agreement to jointly of green finance. In fact, green finance does not directly
address the issues of global climate change. According to affect the environment, but it provides support for environ-
the statistics of International Energy Agency in 2014, by mentally friendly enterprises and projects, thereby improv-
2035, 53 trillion dollars will be needed to maintain the 2 °C ing environmental quality. For example, the concept of
temperature threshold required in the Paris Agreement. At the green credit has run through the banks’ loan approval pro-
same time, in 2018, the trading volume of the global stock cess, and thus, the financing capacity of high-pollution
market was up to 68.212 trillion dollars. Obviously, the use of enterprises has dropped significantly (Liu and Shen 2011;
financial capital is a good way to solve this huge funding gap Liu et al. 2017, 2019); issuing green bonds is beneficial for
(Clark et al. 2018). Galaz et al. (2015) and Scholtens (2017) shareholders, and thus, it will promote the companies to
believed that the rapid development of financial innovation enter into green-related fields (Tang and Zhang 2018);
has an important impact on many aspects of human society, compared with traditional projects, green projects that fo-
but the impact on the ecological environment is minimal, and cus on sustainable development can bring more benefits to
thus, there is a huge room to promote ecological environment investors (Kudratova et al. 2018), and thus, investment
with the help of financial funds. Furthermore, scholars have funds flow more to non-traditional green projects. The
studied more fundamental issues of green finance in promot- government positive green finance policies may increase
ing environmental protection, such as the transmission path of investments in the renewable energy sector (Romano et al.
green finance to the environment (Wang and Zhi 2016), how 2017).
to improve the participation of private green capital in envi- However, some scholars’ views are inconsistent with main-
ronmental protection projects (Ruiz et al. 2016; Taghizadeh- stream views. For instance, He et al. (2019a) found that the
Hesary and Yoshino 2019), and the role of the government in development of green finance has a negative impact on the
the development of green finance (Owen et al. 2018). bank’s loan issuance, which to a certain extent inhibits the
The financial industry itself contributes to environmen- efficiency of investment in renewable energy, and thus has a
tal quality improvement. This is because, on the one hand, negative impact on environmental quality. Pacca et al. (2020)
the financial industry can provide financial support for en- found that in the short term after the financial crisis, the level
vironmentally friendly enterprises and projects; on the oth- of financial development fell sharply, but the emissions of air
er hand, financial development can promote the upgrading pollutants also dropped, which shows that financial regression
of industrial structure, which in turn plays an important has promoted the improvement of the environment instead.
role in reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions It can be seen that the current research mostly proves that
(Chang 2015; Mahdi 2015; Nasreen et al. 2017). Dogan the development of green finance will promote the funds
and Seker’s (2016) research found that financial develop- flowing into environmentally friendly enterprises and pro-
ment can effectively reduce domestic carbon dioxide emis- jects, but does not clearly show the direct relationship between
sions based on the data of 23 countries with the largest use green finance and environmental quality changes. This paper
of renewable energy. Guo et al. (2019) further refined the constructs green finance development index and environmen-
financial indicators and found that the impact of financial tal quality index to directly study the impact of green finance
scale and financial efficiency on carbon dioxide emissions on environmental quality change, which is also an innovation
is heterogeneous. In addition, it was also found that of this paper.
19918 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2020) 27:19915–19932
The impact of green finance on economic researchers have studied the inverted U-shaped relationship
development and environmental quality between other environmental indicators and per capita
income. Song et al. (2008) pointed out that the shape of the
Economic sustainable development refers to increasing atten- EKC is different for different industrial waste emissions. Al-
tion to environmental protection while promoting economic Mulali et al. (2015), Dogan and Seker (2016), and Sinha and
growth (Campbell 1996; Grodach 2011). The goal of devel- Shahbaz (2018) showed the inverted U-shaped relationship
oping green finance is to provide financial tools for sustain- between per capita GDP and carbon dioxide emissions, and
able economic development (Zhang et al. 2019). Therefore, Wang et al. (2017) studied the EKCs of various greenhouse
only when green finance can simultaneously accomplish the gases.
goals of economic development and environmental quality This paper further studies the impact of green finance on
improvement, the development of green finance is of practical the shape and turning point position of EKC, which is still a
significance. relatively under-researched problem. This paper confirms that
Simon et al. (2012) found that the stove replacement pro- green finance can change the shape and turning point position
gram can achieve a win-win situation between economy and of EKC, that is, the development of green finance will ease the
environment, and the promotion of this project requires the competitive relationship between economic development and
support of green financial instruments such as carbon finance. environmental change, which is also the innovation findings
Using the methods of Monte-Carlo simulation and dynamic in this paper.
programming, Brauneis et al. (2013) calculated the best car-
bon dioxide price floor levels and growth rates in carbon fi-
nance transactions to attract green investment in low-carbon
technologies, which helped to achieve both economic growth
Research methods and theories
and environment quality improvement.
In the above research, green finance, as a financing tool,
GPCA method
provides support for enterprises or projects that can achieve a
In this paper, we used the GPCA method to construct a green
win-win situation between economy and environment, but
finance development index for various provinces and munic-
there is little literature on the direct impact of green finance
ipalities in China from 2010 to 2017. Classical principal com-
on economic development and environmental quality. Based
ponent analysis (PCA) can be used only for cross-sectional
on this, one of the innovations of this paper is to integrate
data and is not suitable for dynamic analysis. In contrast, the
green finance, economic development, and environmental
GPCA method, which combines PCA and time series analy-
quality into a unified system to study the direct impact of
sis, can analyze time series data and explore the trajectory of
green finance on economic development and environmental
the overall level of a system over all time. The specific process
quality change.
is as follows.
This paper studies the comprehensive impact of green fi-
Suppose that there are n provinces and municipalities in
nance on economic development and environmental quality
China and p indicators related to green finance Xj (j = 1, 2,
by analyzing the change in the shape of the EKC. The inverse
…, p). With these data, the cross-sectional data table (Xt)n × p
U-shaped relationship between per capita GDP and
in the tth year is constructed, which has n rows and p columns.
environmental degradation was first identified in 1991.
Suppose that there is a total of T years, and X1, X2, …, XT
Grossman and Krueger (1991) studied the relationship be-
are lined in order to construct a global data table X, which has
tween economic development and environmental pollution
N (N = Tn ≥ n) rows and p columns, as shown in Eq. (1):
and found that, as per capita income increased, the
concentration of sulfur dioxide and dust in the air continued
to rise, until it reached a turning point, when it began to X ¼ X 1 ; X 2 ; :::; X T N p ¼ xij N p ; ð1Þ
decline. Shafik and Bandyopadhyay (1992) also found an
inverted U-shaped relationship between economic where xij denotes the element of the ith row and the jth column
development and environmental pollution. Panayotou (1993) in the global data table X, 1 ≤ i ≤ Tn, 1 ≤ j ≤ p.
defined the inverse U-shaped relationship between per capita The data are normalized to eliminate the effects of the di-
GDP and an environmental pollution indicator as the EKC. mensions, and the normalized global data table is ZX, as
Subsequently, scholars have used multinational data to con- shown in Eq. (2):
firm the existence of the EKC in different countries. For ex-
ample, the EKC has been validated in the USA by Apergis and xij −X j
zxij ¼ ; ð2Þ
Payne (2009), in China by Jalil and Mahmud (2009) and Riti σj
et al. (2017), and in Turkey by Halicioglu (2009), Seker et al.
(2015), Ozatac et al. (2017), and Pata (2018). Furthermore, where zxij denotes the normalized data in the global data table
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2020) 27:19915–19932 19919
2 municipalities from 2010 to 2017 can be obtained by Eq. (11).
ZX, X j ¼ 1
N ∑Ni¼1 xij , andσ j ¼ N1−1 ∑Ni¼1 xij −x j .
The centroid of the global data table ZX is defined as Eq. λ1 λ2 λm
F¼ F1 þ m F 2 þ ::: þ m F m: ð11Þ
(3): ∑mj¼1 λ j ∑ j¼1 λ j ∑ j¼1 λ j
g ¼ ZX 1 ; ZX 2 ; :::; ZX p ¼ ∑Ni¼1 qi ei ; ð3Þ
EKC theory
where qi denotes the weight of the sample ei, satisfying:
∑Ni¼1 qi ¼ 1; ∑ni¼1 qi ¼ T1 : According to the EKC theory, the inverse U-shaped relation-
As can be seen from Eq. (3), the centroid of the global data ship between per capita GDP and environmental degradation
table ZX is equal to the average of the centroid of each table. can be represented by a quadratic function, as shown in Eq.
The variance of the global data table ZX is: (12):
S 2j ¼ Var ZX j ¼ ∑Ni¼1 qi zxij −ZX j ; ð4Þ E i;t ¼ aY i;t þ bY i;t 2 þ zk Z k;i;t þ c þ εi;t ; ð12Þ
Green credit Total liabilities of listed companies in environmental protection industry registered in provincial i Wind
in the tth year
Green securities Total stock market value of listed companies in environmental protection industry registered in Wind
provincial i in the tth year
Green investment Total energy and environmental protection expenditures of province i in the tth year China Statistical Yearbook
Total investment in pollution control of province i in the tth year China Statistical Yearbook
Total equity investment of listed companies in environmental protection industry registered in Wind
provincial i in the tth year
Carbon finance Transaction volume of carbon finance of province i in the tth year Wind
Phillips-Perron (PP)-Fisher test, and the augmented Dickey- results of the Hausman test show that there is an indi-
Fuller (ADF) test were used for the stationarity tests, with the vidual fixed effect in the cross-section and an individual
results shown in Table 6. The time series diagram of the data is random effect for time. Therefore, the mixed-effect
shown in Fig. 2. As shown in Fig. 2, the data has the intercept model should be adopted for the GLS regression analy-
term but not the trend term; therefore, the stationarity test was sis. Cross-section weights were used, and the panel cor-
performed only for the intercept term. rection standard error (PCSE) method was used to cor-
As can be seen from Table 6, the variables GreenFinance rect the results. The results of the regression analysis
and ln(STE/FE) belong to the zero-order stationary sequence, are shown in Table 9. Wherein, model (1) is the GLS
and the other variables belong to the second-order stationary regression for the 30 provinces in China. Models (2),
sequence, so further cointegration tests are needed. The Kao (3), and (4) are GLS regressions for eastern China (11
test and Pedroni test were adopted, with the results shown in provinces), central China (8 provinces), and western
Table 7. China (11 provinces), respectively. Models (2)–(4) are
As can be seen from Table 7, although three results of the also used as a robustness test for model (1). The reason
Pedroni test support the hypothesis that there is no for undertaking subregional regressions is the great dif-
cointegration relationship, the results of other four tests and ference in the economic development levels of the east-
the Kao test reject the hypothesis. Thus, on the basis of the ern and western regions of China.
results of the Pedroni and Kao tests, it can be inferred that As can be seen from Table 9, the corresponding P
there is a cointegration relationship between the variables. values for the F statistics of the four models are all
Therefore, regression analysis can be carried out. zero, indicating that the fit degrees of the models are
The generalized least squares (GLS) method was used for good. The symbol of the core explanatory variable
the regression analysis of Eq. (16), and the likelihood ratio test GreenFinance is positive, indicating that the develop-
was used to determine whether there were cross-sectional or ment of green finance has a positive impact on econom-
time effects. In addition, the Hausman test was performed to ic development (perGDP). For the control variables, the
examine whether there were individual fixed or random ef- symbols of perGDP i,t-1 , GCF/LAB, and STE/FE are
fects. The results of the likelihood ratio test and the Hausman positive, and accord with expectations. However, the
test are shown in Table 8. symbol of FEE/LAB is contrary to expectations. It is
Based on the results of Table 8, the likelihood ratio possible that China’s large population results in this ra-
test indicates that there is an individual effect in the tio having a negative impact on economic development.
cross-section and an individual effect for time. The This conclusion is consistent with the view that finan-
cial development can promote economic development in
previous studies (King and Levine 1993; Demetriades
Table 2 Results of the KMO test and Bartlett’s test and Hussein 1996; Beck et al. 2000; Levine et al.
2000), and it also confirms that the development of
Test method Statistics Results
green finance can promote economic development
Kaiser-Mayer-Olkin test Measure of sampling adequacy 0.749 (Wang and Zhi 2016; Wang et al. 2019b).
Bartlett’s test of sphericity Approx. chi square 1060.439 For the robustness test, the core explanatory variable
Df. 15 GreenFinance has a positive impact on economic devel-
Sig. 0.000 opment in eastern, central, and western China, supporting
the results of model (1). Furthermore, the symbols and
19922 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2020) 27:19915–19932
significance levels of perGDPi,t-1, GCF/LAB, and FEE/ and western regions are relatively underdeveloped, and
LAB are similar to those from model (1), which proves their economic development mostly depends on labor in-
that the results of model (1) are reliable. However, STE/ puts, capital, and energy, rather than technology.
FE is significant in model (2), but not significant in Therefore, the impact of science and technology expendi-
models (3) and (4). This may be because China’s central ture on economic development is not significant.
Table 4 Green finance development index for provinces and municipalities in China from 2010 to 2017
Table 5 Interpretation of variables in the model of green finance and economic development
The impact of green finance on environmental quality urbanization rate, as shown in Eq. (17). To describe the envi-
ronmental effects in a more comprehensive and detailed way,
Basic model three environmental indicators are used: industrial smoke dust
emissions, industrial solid waste emissions, and carbon diox-
We propose a model of the impact of green finance on envi- ide emissions.
ronmental quality in which the explanatory variable is the
lnEIi;t ¼ β0 þ β 1 GreenFinancei;t þ β2 lnðEC=POPÞi;t
green finance development index, the explained variables
are the environmental indicators of the various provinces in þ β3 lnðSIGDP=GDPÞi;t ð17Þ
China, and the control variables are per capita energy con- þ β4 lnðUPOP=POPÞi;t ;
sumption, the secondary industry’s share of GDP, and the
Table 6 Results of the stationarity tests (test for intercept term)
The symbols *, **, and *** indicate significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% levels, respectively
19924 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2020) 27:19915–19932
where EIi,t denotes the environmental indicators of province i the model of the impact of green finance on economic devel-
in the tth year, comprising the industrial smoke dust emissions opment, the mixed-effect model should be adopted for the
of province i in the tth year (ISPDEi,t), the industrial solid GLS regression analysis. Cross-section weights were used,
waste emissions (ISWEi,t) of province i in the tth year, and and the PCSE method was used to correct the results. The
the carbon dioxide emissions (CO2Ei,t) of province i in the tth results of the regression analysis are shown in Table 11,
year. EC/POPi,t denotes the per capita energy consumption of wherein, models (5), (6), and (7) are GLS regressions using
province i in the tth year, SIGDP/GDPi,t is the secondary industrial smoke dust emissions (ISPDE), industrial solid
industry’s share of GDP of province i in the tth year, and waste emissions (ISWE), and carbon dioxide emissions
UPOP/POPi,t denotes the proportion of the urban population (CO2E) as explained variables, respectively.
to the total population of province i in the tth year, which As can be seen from Table 11, the corresponding P values
indicates the urbanization rate of province i in the tth year. for the F statistics of the three models are all zero, indicating
To avoid heteroscedasticity, the variables other than the core that the fit degrees of the models are good. The core explan-
explanatory variable GreenFinancei,t are logarithmicized. The atory variable GreenFinance has a negative impact on ISPDE,
data sources and expected effects of variables are shown in ISWE, and CO2E, indicating that the development of green
Table 10. finance slows or prevents environmental degradation, that is,
it has a positive impact on environmental quality. The symbols
Regression analysis and robustness test and confidence levels of EC/POP, SIGDP/GDP, and UPOP/
POP are all in line with expectations. This conclusion is con-
First, the stationarity tests were conducted for variables. With sistent with the view that green finance (e.g., green credit,
the exceptions of ln(EC/POP) and ln(UPOP/POP), which be- green investment, and green loans) can promote environmen-
long to the first-order stationary sequence, all other variables tal quality in previous studies (Romano et al. 2017; Tang and
belong to the zero-order stationary sequence. Thus, a Zhang 2018; Liu et al. 2019). It confirms that the development
cointegration analysis needs to be performed. The results in- of green finance can promote environmental quality
dicate that the P values of the panel ADF and group ADF are (Poberezhna 2018).
both 0.0000. Thus, there is a long-term cointegration relation- We further tested the robustness of models (5), (6), and (7).
ship among the variables and regression analysis. Similar to According to the EKC theory, green finance may have differ-
ent impacts on environmental quality at different stages of
Table 7 Results of the cointegration tests economic development. Therefore, this paper divided the 30
provinces and municipalities into two groups: one group
Test method Statistics Statistical value (P value)
consisting of 15 provinces with relatively high levels of eco-
Kao test ADF − 8.747819(0.0000) nomic development, and a second group consisting of 15
Pedroni test Panel v-statistic − 2.866783(0.9997) provinces with relatively low economic development levels.
Panel rho-statistic 4.977971(1.0000) GLS regression was carried out for each group, with the re-
Panel PP-statistic − 12.63381(0.0000) sults shown in Table 12.
Panel ADF-statistic − 5.514402(0.0000) As can be seen from Table 12, the grouped regres-
Group rho-statistic 7.196814(1.0000) sion results of ISPDE and CO2E are consistent with
Group PP-statistic − 22.94003(0.0000) Table 11. However, the results of ISWE differ in re-
Group ADF-statistic − 8.90919(0.0000) gions with different levels of economic development.
Specifically, in regions with high levels of economic
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2020) 27:19915–19932 19925
development, the symbol of GreenFinance is negative, opposite directions. The relationship between green fi-
indicating that green finance has a negative effect on, or nance and the EKC will be studied further in the next
limits environmental degradation. However, in regions section.
with low levels of economic development, the symbol
of GreenFinance is positive, indicating that green fi- The impact of green finance on the relationship
nance has a positive effect on, or increases environmen- between economic development and environmental
tal degradation. The cause of this phenomenon can be quality
explained by EKC theory (Nieuwerburgh et al. 2006;
Bittencourt 2012; Marques et al. 2013), in regions with Basic model
low levels of economic development, the turning point
of the EKC for ISWE has not yet been reached, so that The environmental indicators, per capita GDP, the
green finance and environmental degradation move to- square of per capita GDP, and a number of control
gether in the same direction. In contrast, in areas with variables are selected to construct a model to fit the
high levels of economic development, the turning point EKC in China, as shown in Eq. (18). The control var-
of the EKC for ISWE has been reached, and therefore, iables include per capita energy consumption (EC/POP),
green finance and environmental degradation move in the share of secondary industry in GDP (SIGDP/GDP),
Table 9 GLS regression results for the model of green finance and economic development
Variables (1) Nationwide (2) Eastern China (3) Central China (4) Western China
The symbols *, **, and *** indicate significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% levels, respectively
19926 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2020) 27:19915–19932
Table 10 Interpretation of variables in the model of green finance and environmental quality
ISPDEi,t Industrial smoke (powder) dust emissions China Environmental Statistics Yearbook
ISWEi,t Industrial solid waste emissions China Environmental Statistics Yearbook
CO2Ei,t Carbon dioxide emissions China Energy Statistics Yearbook
EC/POPi,t Per capita energy consumption China Energy Statistics Yearbook The expected sign is positive. Per capita
energy consumption is an important
indicator of overall energy
consumption, and it can reflect the
emissions of various wastes and
pollutants. The greater the per capita
energy consumption, the higher the
emissions of wastes and pollutants, thus
exacerbating environmental
SIGDP/GDPi,t The proportion of the gross domestic product Wind The expected sign is positive. Gross
of the secondary industry to GDP domestic product of secondary industry
to GDP is an important indicator of the
development of the secondary industry.
Among the three types of industries, the
secondary industry has the greatest
impact on environmental degradation.
Therefore, the greater gross domestic
product of secondary industry to GDP,
the higher the degree of environmental
UPOP/POPi,t The urbanization rate Wind The expected sign is negative. In the later
stages of urbanization, a high
concentration of population will result
in a decline in per capita energy
consumption. At the same time, due to
the high population density in China, the
increase in urbanization rate will result
in a significant drop in per capita energy
consumption. Therefore, the
urbanization rate and environmental
deterioration have a reverse change
relationship, that is, the higher the
urbanization rate, the lower the degree
of environmental degradation.
and the urbanization rate (UPOP/POP). The resulting the explained variable, models (16) and (17) using ISWE,
model is as follows: and models (18) and (19) using CO2E.
As can be seen from Table 13, for ISPDE, ISWE, and
lnEIi;t ¼ β 0 þ β 1 perGDPi;t þ β 2 perGDP2 i;t þ β 3 Controli;t : ð18Þ CO2E, the symbol of perGDP2 is negative, which indicates
the existence of inverted U-shaped curves for the ISPDE-
EKC, the ISWE-EKC, and the CO2E-EKC. The turning
point of the ISPDE-EKC is $12,930, which indicates that
The existence of the EKC in China in regions where per capita GDP is less (more) than this
level, industrial smoke dust emissions increase (decrease)
Similar to the model of the impact of green finance on eco- with economic development. The turning point of the
nomic development, the mixed-effect model was adopted for ISWE-EKC is $10,832, which indicates that in regions
the GLS regression analysis. Cross-section weights were used, where per capita GDP is less (more) than this level, indus-
and the PCSE method was adopted to correct the results. The trial solid waste emissions increase (decrease) with eco-
results of the EKC fitting are shown in Table 13, wherein nomic development. Finally, the turning point of CO2E-
models (14) and (15) were fitted by GLS using ISPDE as EKC is $5571, which indicates that in regions where per
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2020) 27:19915–19932 19927
Table 11 GLS regression results for the model of green finance and environmental quality
The symbols *, **, and *** indicate significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% levels, respectively
capita GDP is less (more) than this level, carbon dioxide Figures 3, 4, and 5 illustrate models (15), (17), and (19),
emissions increase (decrease) with economic development. respectively. The points marked in the figures are the
Table 12 Robustness test results for the model of green finance and environmental quality
(8) Low (9) High (10) Low (11) High (12) Low (13) High
The symbols *, **, and *** indicate significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% levels, respectively
19928 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2020) 27:19915–19932
The symbols *, **, and *** indicate significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% levels, respectively
environmental indicators and the per capita GDP of the prov- control variables, the R-squared and adjusted R-squared of
inces and municipalities in 2017. The provinces or municipal- models (15) and (19) increased, indicating that the fitness of
ities located on the right-hand side of the turning point (e.g., the models was improved. The symbols of all variables are
Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, and Zhejiang) have achieved a unchanged, and coefficients of all variables are only slightly
synchronization between economic development and environ- changed, indicating that the models are robust.
mental improvement, such that economic development will
promote environmental improvement. In contrast, the prov- The impact of green finance on the shape of EKC
inces or municipalities located on the left-hand side of the
turning point have not achieved this synchronization, and eco- To examine the impact of green finance on the relationship
nomic development will aggravate environmental between economic development and environmental quality
degradation. (the shape of the EKC), we divided the 30 provinces into
Models (14), (16), and (18) were used for robustness tests two groups of 15, depending on whether their levels of green
of models (15), (17), and (19), respectively. After adding the financial development were high or low. The EKCs were
fitted for ISPDE, ISWE, and CO2E, with the results shown in but also explores the impact of green finance on the shape
Table 14. and turning point position of EKC curve in China from a
To clearly show the impact of green finance on the shape of new perspective.
the EKC, we illustrated the results of Table 14 in Fig. 6, using
red (green) lines to represent the EKCs for the 15 provinces
with low (high) levels of green financial development. Conclusions and recommendations
Figure 6 a, b, and c show the effect of green finance on the
shapes of the ISPDE-EKC, the ISWE-EKC, and the CO2E- This paper has used data on green finance, economic de-
EKC, respectively. velopment, and environmental quality for 30 provinces
As Fig. 6 shows, the EKC in regions with higher levels and municipalities in China from 2010 to 2017. We se-
of green finance development is located below the EKC in lected six indicators regarding green credit, green securi-
regions with low levels of green finance development. This ties, green investment, and carbon finance to measure the
indicates that, for the same level of economic development, level of development of green finance. The GPCA method
the degree of environmental quality in regions with higher was used to construct a comprehensive green finance de-
levels of green finance development is better than in re- velopment index. We established a model of the impact of
gions with low levels of green finance development. green finance on economic development, and performed a
Specifically, on the left-hand side of the EKC’s turning GLS regression analysis for the 30 provinces as a whole
point, when economic development and environmental im- and for various subregions.
provement are not synchronized, the development of green To describe the environmental impact in a more compre-
finance decreases the environmental cost of economic de- hensive and detailed way, we used three environmental indi-
velopment. In contrast, on the right-hand side of the turn- cators, namely, industrial smoke dust emissions, industrial
ing point, when economic development and environmental solid waste emissions, and carbon dioxide emissions. A model
improvement are synchronized, the development of green of the impact of green finance on environmental quality was
finance assists in improving the environment. Furthermore, proposed and we tested its robustness using a grouped GLS
the development of green finance shifts the turning point of regression, with the selection of groups depending on the level
the EKC to the left, indicating that the development of of economic development.
green finance can achieve the synchronization of economic Using the environmental indicators, the per capita GDP, the
development and environmental improvement at a lower square of per capita GDP, and a number of control variables, a
level of economic development. Through empirical re- model was constructed to fit the EKC in China. To study the
search, this study not only confirms the existence of EKC impact of green finance on the relationship between economic
curve in China (Jalil and Mahmud 2009; Riti et al. 2017), development and environmental quality, the grouped GLS
Table 14 Results of the impact of green finance on the shape of the EKCs
(20) Low (21) High (22) Low (23) High (24) Low (25) High
The symbols *, **, and *** indicate significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% levels, respectively
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