CO Capture by Absorption With Potassium Carbonate

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CO2 Capture by Absorption with

Potassium Carbonate

Quarterly Progress Report

Reporting Period Start Date: October 1, 2002
Reporting Period End Date: December 31, 2002
Authors: Gary T. Rochelle, A. Frank Seibert, J. Tim Cullinane, and Terraun Jones

January 2003
DOE Award #: DE-FC26-02NT41440
Department of Chemical Engineering
The University of Texas at Austin

This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United
States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor
any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal
liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any
information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not
infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product,
process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not
necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the
United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors
expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government
or any agency thereof.


The objective of this work is to improve the process for CO2 capture by alkanolamine
absorption/stripping by developing an alternative solvent, aqueous K2CO3 promoted by
piperazine. Progress has been made in this reporting period on three subtasks. The
rigorous Electrolyte Non-Random Two-Liquid (electrolyte-NRTL) model has been
regressed to represent CO2 solubility in potassium carbonate/bicarbonate solutions. An
analytical method for piperazine has been developed using a gas chromatograph.
Funding has been obtained and equipment has been donated to provide for modifications
of the existing pilot plant system with stainless steel materials.

Table of Contents

Disclaimer ............................................................................................................................2
Abstract ................................................................................................................................3
List of Figures ......................................................................................................................5
Future Work .........................................................................................................................6
Task 1 – Modeling performance of Absorption/Stripping of CO2 with Aqueous K2CO3
Promoted by Piperazine ........................................................................................8
Task 2 – Pilot Plant Testing...............................................................................................13

List of Figures

Figure 1 Electrolyte-NRTL Model Predictions of CO2 Vapor Pressure in Aqueous

Potassium Carbonate Solutions (Tosh et al., 1959) Using Parameters Shown in
Table 1
Figure 2 Apparatus for the Determination of Piperazine Volatility
Figure 3 Water Vapor Pressure from Dean (1992) (Lines) and Measured Values from
This Work (Points)
Figure 4 Calibration of Piperazine Concentration for the FT-IR Spectrometer
Figure 5 Gas Chromatogram for Calibration with 1.4wt% of Each Amine
Figure 6 Calibration Curve for Piperazine Using Standard Amine Solution of 20wt%
Amines and Multiple Dilutions with Water
Figure 7 Calibration Curve for DEA with Same Conditions as Piperazine
Figure 8 GC for 3.6m KHCO3/1.8m PZ Degraded at 40oC after 48 Hours
Figure 9 Piperazine Loss for 3.6m KHCO3/1.8m Piperazine with 1mM Fe++ in 1 L/min
Air with 2%CO2
Figure 10 DEA Production for 3.6m KHCO3/1.8m Piperazine with 1mM Fe++ in 1 L/min
Air with 2%CO2
Figure 11 Comparison of Distributors at an f-factor = 1.29 ft/s (lb/ft3)0.5

The objective of this work is to improve the process for CO2 capture by alkanolamine
absorption/stripping by developing an alternative solvent, aqueous K2CO3 promoted by
piperazine. This work will expand on parallel bench scale work with system modeling
and pilot plant measurements to demonstrate and quantify the solvent process concepts.

The bench-scale and modeling work is supervised by Gary Rochelle. Frank Seibert is
supervising the pilot plant. Two students supported by the Texas Advanced Technology
Program have made contributions this quarter to the scope of this project. Three new
graduate students have been recruited to start work with DOE support in January 2003 for
direct effort on the scope of this contract.

Progress has been made on three subtasks in this quarter:

Subtask 1.1 – Modify Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium (VLE) Model

Work has been initiated on a rigorous Electrolyte Non-Random Two-Liquid (electrolyte-
NRTL) model to simulate the thermodynamic data for promotion by piperazine. This
initial model uses a stand-alone FORTRAN code. As a continuation of work funded by
the Texas Advanced Technology Program, the rigorous electrolyte-NRTL model has
been regressed to represent CO2 solubility in potassium carbonate/bicarbonate solutions.

Subtask 2.1 – Pilot Plant Test Plan

An analytical method for piperazine has been developed using a gas chromatograph. It
has been tested in experiments to measure oxidative degradation of piperazine.

Subtask 2.2 - Design, Modifications, Order Equipment and Packing Materials

The process and instrument diagram (PID) and process flow diagram (PFD) have been
reviewed by DOE and other industrial sponsors. DOE has approved additional budget to
permit modifications to the pilot plant to include stainless steel equipment. Huntsman
Chemical has also agreed to donate relatively new stainless steel heat exchangers and
columns for use in this program.

Future Work
We expect the following accomplishments in the next quarter:

Subtask 1.1 – Modify Vapor-Liquid Equlibrium (VLE) Model

The stand-alone FORTRAN model will be applied by Tim Cullinane to thermodynamic
data for CO2/water/potassium carbonate/piperazine. Work will be initiated by a new
student (Marcus Hilliard) with the electrolyte-NRTL model in AspenPlus.

Subtask 1.3 – Develop Integrated Absorber/Stripper Model
Eric Chen (a new student to this project) will develop a simple integrated absorber model
in EXCEL. Babatunde Oyenekan (a new student) will initiate development of an
integrated stripper model.

Subtask 2.1 – Pilot Plant Test Plan

Terraun Jones will complete development of analytical methods for piperazine and
potassium using gas chromatography and ion chromatography. Eric Chen will develop a
preliminary pilot plant test plan.

Subtask 2.2 - Design, Modifications, Order Equipment and Packing Materials

The equipment donated by Huntsman will be installed. Purchasing of other equipment
and materials for the pilot plant will be initiated. The column packing and internals will
be selected.

Task 1 – Modeling Performance of Absorption/Stripping of CO2 with Aqueous
K2CO3 Promoted by Piperazine

Subtask 1.1 – Modify Vapor-Liquid Equlibrium (VLE) Model

by J. Tim Cullinane
(Supported by the Texas Advanced Technology Program, Grant no. 003658-0534-2001)
The work presented here is a continuation of the development of aqueous
potassium carbonate/piperazine mixtures for CO2 removal from flue gas. Previously,
data on CO2 partial pressure, piperazine speciation, and CO2 absorption rates was
collected (Cullinane, 2002). A rigorous thermodynamic model is now being developed to
predict the equilibrium and speciation in potassium carbonate/piperazine mixtures for
future use in process and kinetic modeling. The model, taken from previous work by
Austgen (1989) and Posey (1996), utilizes the electrolyte-NRTL model (Chen et al.,
1982) to estimate activity coefficients and solve the necessary equilibrium expressions.
Methods for further thermodynamic measurements are being developed.

Equilibrium Modeling
Previous work in modeling the potassium carbonate/piperazine mixtures focused
on the development of a simple model to describe equilibrium behavior (Cullinane,
2002). While a simple model is capable of approximating the behavior of the system, a
more thermodynamically rigorous model is desirable for describing the complex solution
characteristics for future use in rate and process models.
The rigorous thermodynamic model selected for the concentrated solutions is the
Electrolyte Non-Random Two Liquid model (Electrolyte NRTL) developed by Chen et
al. (1982). The model uses binary interaction parameters, τ, to represent the impact of a
molecule or ion on excess Gibbs free energy. The binary interaction can be represented
g ji − g ii
τ ji =
where i and j represent differing species. The electrolyte-NRTL uses three terms to
model the excess Gibbs energy. The first, the Pitzer-Debye-Huckel term, is a long-range
contribution to describe ion-ion interactions at low concentrations. The second term, the
Born correction, accounts for changes in the dielectric constant of the solution as the
solvent reference state changes. Finally, short-range contributions that are dominant at
high concentrations are represented by the NRTL model (Renon and Prausnitz, 1968).
The excess Gibbs energy of the three terms can be added to arrive at a total excess Gibbs
energy for each term.
g ex* g ex* PDH g ex* Born g ex* NRTL
= + +
The excess free energy is related to the activity coefficient by the following
thermodynamic relationship.

g ex*
ln γ i =
In the model used in this work, all molecule-molecule and ion pair-ion pair
parameters are set to zero. Also, all τ’s are assumed to have no temperature dependence
unless otherwise specified. Henry’s constant of CO2 is assumed to be that of CO2 in
water. Equilibrium constants used are those found in Posey (1996). A more thorough
discussion of electrolyte NRTL theory as it pertains to gas treating solvents can be found
in Austgen (1989) and Posey (1996).
To develop a working model of potassium carbonate/piperazine mixtures, τ must
be found for significant contributing species. To simplify the analysis, τ will be
regressed for several independent data sets for various species to reduce the number of
simultaneously regressed parameters.
The regression of parameters is accomplished using a non-linear regression
package called GREG (Caracotsios, 1986). Experimental, or measured, values are
compared to values predicted by the model. In an iterative process, user defined
parameters are adjusted until the least squares difference of these values is minimized.
Currently, model parameters have been adjusted to fit data for the activity of
water in K2CO3-water mixtures as published by Aseyev (1999). This data includes
freezing point depression, boiling point elevation, and vapor pressure measurements
giving a wide range of both temperature and concentration. The data varied in
temperature from 235 to 393 K and 0.0 to 50 wt% K2CO3. Four adjustable parameters
were used to fit the data set: water-ion pair, its temperature dependence, ion pair-water,
and its temperature dependence. The form used for temperature dependence is
1 1 
τ = A + B ⋅ − 
 T 353.15 
The values of the four regressed parameters as well as their standard deviations
are shown in Table 1 and are consistent with other salt solutions as found by Chen et al.
(1982). With the regressed parameters, the model predicts the activity coefficient of
water within 2% of the values given in the literature. The values of these parameters will
be fixed at the regressed values throughout the remainder of this work to maintain a
thermodynamically consistent model.
Parameters describing KHCO3 behavior were regressed using VLE data as
reported by Tosh et al. (1959) and freezing point depression data reported by Aseyev
(1999). The values of the regressed parameters are also reported in Table 1. A
normalized parity plot of the predicted CO2 partial pressures is shown in Figure 5. The
figure shows a large degree of scatter among the data points. Within the spread, it
appears that predictions of 20 wt% K2CO3 are centered lower than experimental values,
predictions of 30 wt% K2CO3 agree with experimental data, and predictions of 40 wt%
K2CO3 are centered higher than expected. This may be due to the experimental method
used in the study. Or, a failure of the model to predict concentration effects on the
temperature dependence may be to blame. Regardless, most points are predictable to
within 20%.
Data on speciation of loaded piperazine solutions (Bishnoi, 2000) and potassium
carbonate/piperazine mixtures (Cullinane, 2002) will be used to regress the τ’s necessary

to describe the piperazine contribution to activity. Data on piperazine volatility, water
activity, and CO2 vapor pressure of these solutions will be gathered to further support the
Table 1. Regressed Parameters for Potassium Carbonate-Potassium
Bicarbonate/Water Interaction Parameters
Std. Dev. of
B A Std. Dev. of B
1 H2O,K+,CO32- 8.652 0.162 860.9 371.1
2 K+,CO32-,H2O -4.304 0.033 -215.9 74.6
3 H2O,K+,HCO3- 6.722 0.039 1614.2 153.4
4 K+,HCO3-,H2O -3.001 Indet.* -122.0 Indet.*
* Indeterminate: Represents a high correlation between 3 and 4.


20 wt% K2CO3
30 wt% K2CO3
40 wt% K2CO3
Predicted PCO2*/Experimental PCO2*




340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410
Temperature (K)

Figure 5. Electrolyte-NRTL Model Predictions of CO2 Vapor Pressure in Aqueous

Potassium Carbonate Solutions (Tosh et al., 1959) Using Parameters Shown in Table 1

Thermodynamic Measurements
An apparatus, as depicted in Figure 6, is being developed to measure the volatility
of piperazine and water in loaded and unloaded potassium carbonate/piperazine mixtures.
Nitrogen and carbon dioxide flowrates are controlled and mixed to maintain the desired
CO2 partial pressure and a total flowrate of 2 to 5 L/min. The gas bubbles through a pre-
saturator to improve temperature control and ensure 100% saturation from the equipment.
The pre-saturator is a modified calorimetric bomb filled with water and submerged in a
heat bath for temperature control. The gas is sent to a gas impinger where a majority of
the gas-liquid contact is allowed. The impinger has been modified to incorporate a

temperature control system. A type-T thermocouple is used to measure the temperature
of the vapor space inside the impinger. A temperature controller in conjunction with a
heating jacket maintains the temperature at the desired setpoint. The sparged gas travels
upwards 7 to 10 inches through the solution and into a vapor region to reduce
entrainment. Glass wool has also been inserted approximately 2 inches above the liquid
level to reduce entrainment. The saturated gas is then sent through a heated line to an
FT-IR spectrometer for analysis. The FT-IR is capable of continuous, multi-component
analysis enabling piperazine, water, and CO2 vapor concentrations to be measured.

Heated Line

Pre-saturator Liquid

Gas-Liquid Jacket
Contact Zone

Figure 6. Apparatus for the Determination of Piperazine Volatility

The apparatus has been tested at various temperatures, gas flowrates, and liquid
levels using pure water and a comparison to a published vapor pressure curve for water
(Figure 7). The apparatus accurately measures the vapor pressure between 40 and 70oC.
At the high gas flowrates, the heat input is insufficient to maintain temperatures higher
than 70oC. More tests and modifications are needed to increase the viable temperature
range of the equipment.


Vapor Pressure (vol %)





25 35 45 55 65 75
Temperature ( C)

Figure 7. Water Vapor Pressure from Dean (1992) (Lines) and Measured Values
from This Work (Points)

In addition to testing the apparatus for accuracy, the FT-IR spectrometer was
calibrated for piperazine vapor measurements. A known amount of piperazine,
approximately 2 g, was placed in a test tube and then placed in a sample cell. A sample
cell was created using a calorimetric bomb; the bomb was submerged in a heating bath to
maintain a constant temperature as measured by a thermistor. A stream of nitrogen at a
constant flowrate entered the sample cell, sweeping piperazine vapor into the FT-IR
spectrometer. After approximately 5 hours, the piperazine was removed and the lost
mass was determined. With the known flowrate, weight loss, and elapsed time, a
piperazine concentration was calculated and matched with the corresponding spectrum
created by the FT-IR spectrometer.
Three measurements were made (68.9, 85.2, and 100.6oC) giving three vapor
concentrations (12.3, 41.4, and 128.9 ppmv). In Figure 8, the concentrations are plotted
versus the peak intensity seen on corresponding spectrum. A trendline, with the y-
intercept set to zero, is also shown. Note the linear behavior indicating that Beer’s law is
followed in this range and accurate measurements were made. The three spectra were
added to the FT-IR reference library and will be used for analysis of piperazine vapor








0.000 20.000 40.000 60.000 80.000 100.000 120.000 140.000

Concentration (ppmv)

Figure 8. Calibration of Piperazine Concentration for the FT-IR Spectrometer

Task 2 – Pilot Plant Testing

Subtask 2.1 – Pilot Plant Test Plan

by Terraun Jones
(Supported by the Texas Advanced Technology Program, Grant no. 003658-0534-2001)
Analytical methods have been developed for solutions of potassium carbonate
containing piperazine. These methods have been tested in experiments to measure the
degradation of piperazine. 3.6 Molal KHCO3/1.8 Molal Piperazine was degraded at 40oC
and 60oC for several days. Samples were taken every 24 hours and analyzed using gas
chromatography. Diethanolamine is a major degradation product with a rate of appear-
ance of 5.7mM/hr at 40oC and 1.9 mM/hr at 60oC. Piperazine loss rate at 40oC is 3.2
mM/hr, and at 60oC it is 1.3 mM/hr over the course of the experiment. Extra components
were detected but are not identified or quantified.

Monoethanolamine (MEA) and piperazine are amines that have been proposed for
use in aqueous scrubbing for CO2 capture from flue gas. Liquid analysis techniques are
required to determine operating concentrations of these amines and their degradation
products. This report will show gas and ion chromatography methods devised for
alkanolamines, piperazine, potassium carbonate, metals, and acid anions and products
that result from oxidative degradation of the solutes, and will present preliminary
findings for piperazine degradation in promoted potassium carbonate solutions.

Gas Chromatography
Method Setup
The gas chromatograph (GC) is an HP 5890 with an HP 7673 Autoinjector. The
column is an HP-5 capillary column that is 30 meters and has a .53mm and 1.5µm lining.
The system is a split/splitless injector with helium as the carrier gas. The split ratio is the
ratio of column gas rate to overall gas rate, which is 20, with column gas rate of
10ml/min. All of this is checked with a bubble flowmeter. The rest of the gas is vented.
The split is designed to lessen the work load on the column for separations by diluting the
vaporized solution. Air, hydrogen, and a makeup gas of helium are used for flame
ionization detection (FID) for better peak detection. The air rate is 400ml/min. The
hydrogen rate is 30ml/min and the makeup gas rate is 10ml/min.
The temperature ramping system was optimized to achieve separation of
components that come out close together and still keep the sharpness of the peaks. The
run time is 12 minutes. The first three minutes run isothermally at 40oC. The
temperature is then ramped up to 140oC at 20oC/min. The column runs at 140oC for four
minutes to push out heavier components. The injector and detector are set at 180oC so
we do not achieve thermal degradation of the components. The system is computer
automated with Galaxie Chromatogram software, which fully controls the injection and
detection process.

Figure 5 shows a sample solution of MEA, piperazine, diethanolamine (DEA),
ethylenediamine (EDA) and water with roughly equal mass analyzed by GC. The first
peak at 1.3 minutes is ethanol, which is used for internal standard calibration. The EDA
comes out first with the top of the peak coming out at 3.1 minutes. MEA immediately
comes out after with the peak coming at around 3.5 minutes. Piperazine came out at 6.4
minutes and DEA came out at 9.1 minutes. EDA and MEA, which have similar
molecular weights (60.10 and 61.71 grams/mole, respectively) were separated well, even
at 20wt% of each. The ramping sharpens up the piperazine (MW 86.13 grams/mole)
peak. DEA (MW 105.1 grams/mole) has a high boiling point (roughly 260oC) which
ventures into the thermal degradation regime of the lighter components. Its peak is not as
sharp because of this. Water is not detected in the FID and therefore has no peak.

320,000 µV ExpDataPast7.DATA
STH 10.00

40,000 MEA
SPW 0.20

RT [min]
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Figure 5: Gas Chromatogram for Calibration with 1.4wt% of Each Amine

Using this method, the components were calibrated. Figures 6 and 7 show calibration
curves for piperazine and DEA, respectively. The starting solution was diluted with
water and a water/ethanol mixture to get varying wt% concentration of the amines.
Piperazine, EDA, MEA and DEA were all calibrated from roughly 1 wt% to roughly 17
wt% of each. The external and internal calibrations are included. They all exhibit good
linearity over the range of weight percents. Because of these results, the GC was used to
analyze the solutions with confidence.

Piperazine GC Calibration
1 10 0.2
y = 6.1147e+05x R = 0.97092
y = 1.2068x R = 0.9914
8 10
External Standard (peak area)

Internal Standard (wt fraction)

6 10


4 10 External Standard

Internal Standard 0.05

2 10

0 0
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16

wt fraction Piperazine

Figure 6: Calibration Curve for Piperazine Using Standard Amine Solution of

20wt% Amines and Multiple Dilutions with Water

DEA Calibration
7 10 0.14

y = 3.7607e+05x R = 0.99543
6 10 2
y = 0.74709x R = 0.99904
External Standard (peak area)

Internal Standard (wt fraction)

5 10 0.1

4 10 0.08

4 External Standard
3 10 0.06

Internal Standard
2 10 0.04

1 10 0.02

0 0
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2

wt fraction DEA

Figure 7: Calibration Curve for DEA with Same Conditions as Piperazine

Piperazine Degradation
Experimental Setup
Air at 1L/min is mixed with CO2 gas at 20 cc/min to make a 2% CO2 stream.
This stream is saturated at reactor temperature in a 3L water bath. The saturated air
stream is sent to the reactor. The reactor is glass, jacketed, and connected to a
temperature bath to regulate the temperature. Syringe samples are taken once a day at
approximately 24-hour intervals over 7 days. The solutions are analyzed by GC or IC for
content. The volume and mass of the sample is recorded as well as the time and the
volume in the reactor. The volume of the reactor is recorded by measuring the height of
the solution. This determines whether too much or not enough water is getting into the


24,000 µV Exp12-10-12-9.DATA












RT [min]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Figure 8: GC for 3.6m KHCO3/1.8m PZ Degraded at 40oC after 48 Hours

Using GC, degraded piperazine solutions were analyzed. These solutions contain
potassium bicarbonate at high concentration and iron at low concentration. These
solutions are diluted to prevent clogging due to salt collection. After the weight percents
are found, the concentration is calculated. The concentrations in the figures are not the
actual concentrations in the reactor, but the molar mass of the species divided by the
original volume of solution in the reactor. This is done because it is assumed that volume
changes in the reactor are due to water either being evaporated or put in. It is assumed
that since the samples are diluted and rapidly heated, all carbamates are returned to the
original amines. A sample chromatogram from 3.6m KHCO3/1.8m Piperazine with
1mM Iron (II) shows DEA and Piperazine after 48 hours. None of the other investigated
alkanolamines were detected.

Piperazine Loss


Standardized 1.2


0 50 100 150
Time (hrs)

Figure 9: Piperazine Loss for 3.6m KHCO3/1.8m Piperazine with 1mM Fe++ in 1
L/min Air with 2%CO2

DEA Production

Standardized DEA

0.25 T=60C

0.2 T=40C
0 50 100 150
Time (hrs)

Figure 10: DEA Production for 3.6m KHCO3/1.8m Piperazine with 1mM Fe++ in
1 L/min Air with 2%CO2

Piperazine and DEA were plotted for two experiments. The experiments are the same
concentration but at 40oC and 60oC. The rate of Piperazine loss at 40oC is 3.2 mM/hr,
and at 60oC is 1.3 mM/hr over the course of the experiment. The maximum rate of DEA
production is 5.7mM/hr at 40oC and 1.9 mM/hr at 60oC. DEA appears to peak out for
each at 48 hours. It also appears more piperazine is lost and DEA is produced at 40oC.
This may have a lot to do with the mass transfer properties of oxygen in these solutions,
which is mainly responsible for oxidative degradation. DEA also shows a gradual
decline as well, showing that it is being degraded. There are also 2 extra peaks of the
same magnitude as the DEA peaks. At present, they have not been identified, but initial
estimation of the concentrations is between 10 and 15 mM. These estimates were made
based on GC separation properties and FID detector properties. These peaks probably
have molecular weights within the range of 70 to 75 grams per mole.

Conclusions and Recommendations
Industrially, both GC and IC have been used to analyze alkanolamine solutions.
For the GC methods, the amines themselves can be separated with good linearity over the
desired ranges of wt% for the solutions of interest. However, any metals and anions are
collected in the injector. For a large number of samples with high salt contents, such as
potassium carbonate solutions, injector clogging becomes an issue. Diluting the solutions
can help with lots of sample injections. The IC method can be used for the ionic species
and salting is not an issue. However, components in large quantity, such as MEA in
MEA solutions, and potassium in potassium carbonate solutions, can overpower other
components in small quantities, such as metals characteristic of corrosion, and their
concentrations cannot be detected. Diluting to low levels and adding the less
concentrated components so the analytes are of the same detectable range can help with
this. Peak trailing in the amines was reduced with a faster eluant flow in both GC and IC,
but the faster flows can result in merging of peaks, which destroys good chromatography.
The methods described above represent a good compromise of all chromatography
complications and give reliable results.
Initial degradation experiments show a loss of piperazine being roughly the same
as other commonly used alkanolamines for acid gas scrubbing. DEA appears to be a
chief amine degradation product in solution. Other products appear with roughly the
same concentration as DEA but have not been identified. Because DEA is produced,
ammonia may also be produced.

Future Work
Piperazine degradation will be further studied. The extra components from the
degradation will be identified. The gas coming off the reactor will be analyzed for
ammonia and other small amines. Solutions of differing piperazine and potassium
carbonate concentrations will be degraded as well as piperazine only for comparison.
Temperatures seen in acid gas scrubbers will be used. Metals such as iron, usually
resulting from the corrosion of carbon steel, and vanadium, a commonly used corrosion
inhibitor in potassium carbonate solutions, will be studied to understand their effects on
oxidative degradation.

Subtask 2.2 Design, Modifications, Order Equipment and Packing Materials

by Frank Seibert
A process and instrument diagram (PID) and process flow (PFD) have been
developed. They have been reviewed by Dr. Ram Srivastava (representing DOE) and by
representatives of Professor Rochelle’s Acid Gas Consortium. The proposed PID appears
to be well designed with the only concern that there may not be enough surge capacity for
the recycle air to the absorber. We are currently reviewing different alternatives to
provide such capacity.
We are currently evaluating potential contacting internals to be tested. One
industrial representative of the Separations Research Program has suggested that we
study light-weight, low-liquid hold-up internals such as packings. Since these columns
are expected to have very large diameters (up to 40 ft), the cost of supporting heavy
internals is significant. The person also expressed concern regarding liquid distribution.

Typical metal pan and trough-type distributors are very heavy and will require significant
beam support. Further, for such large diameter columns it is difficult to make them level
enough to handle the relatively low liquid flow rates we require.
We recently completed an exploratory study of another type of liquid distributor
that is light in weight and low in hold-up: the Fractal distributor. The study was jointly
funded by a DOE Grant to Amalgamated Research Inc. (Twin Falls, Idaho) and by the
Separations Research Program (UT Austin). The purpose of our study was to compare
two Fractal distributor designs (10 distribution points/ft2 and 40 distribution points/ft2)
with two conventional liquid distributors, orifice (40 distribution points/ft2) and a trough
drip tube (13.5 distribution points/ft2).
The effective mass transfer area (ae) of a light-weight, high surface area structured
packing (Montz B1-500) was determined using the air/carbon dioxide/caustic system.
The technique has been described by Professor Rochelle and his graduate student, Ian
Wilson. As shown in Figure 11, the Fractal distributors provided the highest utilization
of the available packing area. The encouraging efficiencies of the exploratory study may
result in a reliable, cost-effective alternative for liquid distribution in large diameter
packed columns. We have not measured the relative pressure drops of the distributors.
Further studies with the Fractal distributor are recommended.
For the large diameter column and the need for low pressure drop, spray
distributors should also be investigated. The concerns with such distributors are (a)
entrainment, (b) uniformity of the distribution to the packed bed, i.e., underlap and
overlap for patterns from multiple nozzles, and (c) turndown capability. We have studied
the entrainment effects and our results are summarized in a paper by C. Trompiz and J.R.
Fair (Ind. Eng. Chem. Research 39, 1797-1808, 2000). Our conclusion was that for a
nozzle providing a narrow distribution range of large drops, entrainment can be
minimized. The results have been applied by co-author C. Trompiz to large-diameter
industrial packed columns, and deleterious entrainment has been greatly reduced and
distribution patterns have been satisfactory. The potential problem of turndown can be
addressed by further studies. In summary, the spray distributor is the ultimate in low
pressure drop, and its potential should be investigated.

Future Work (Next Quarter)

Work in the next quarter will focus on the procurement and installation of the
stainless steel heat exchangers. In addition to completing the review of the need for
possible recycle air surge capacity, our piping isometrics will be finalized. We are also
seriously exploring the option of using relatively new stainless exchangers and columns
donated by Huntsman Chemical. The donation was officially offered to the Separation
Research Program on January 13, 2003.

3 0.5
Figure 11. Comparison of Distributors at an f-factor = 1.29 ft/s (lb/ft )

Montz B1-500
ap = 500m2/m3



40 pt/ft2 Orifice Distributor

13.5 pt/ft2 Trough Distributor
10 pt/ft2 Fractal Distributor
40 pt/ft2 Fractal Distributor

0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00
Liquid Rate (gpm/ft2)

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