SSI Drainage and Salinity Inception Report
SSI Drainage and Salinity Inception Report
SSI Drainage and Salinity Inception Report
December 2020
Addis Ababa
1. Introduction
Ethiopia has large water resources that could be used for wide range of irrigation developments. It
has 12 river basins with annual water runoff volume of over 122 billion m3. In addition, there is a
huge potential of ground water annually rechargeable resource. Nowadays, the Ethiopian
government gives a special attention for irrigation development and aggressively expands it by
smallholder farmers level. The vision statement of the national smallholder irrigation and drainage
strategy is “Transforming agricultural production from its dependence on rain fed practices by
creating a vibrant irrigation sector in which smallholder farmers/agro pastoralists have access to at
least one option of water source to increase production and productivity as well as enhance
resilience to climate change and thereby sustain growth, ensure HH food security and maintain
increasing HH incomes.” It is estimated that only about 15-20% of the irrigation potential of about
11.1 million hectares of land is under irrigation. However, for number of reasons the irrigation
sector has not yet played a major role to cover the imbalance between food demand and supply, to
benefit farmers and generate jobs for the youth.
Meanwhile, salinity, sodicity, water logging and other similar incidents are becoming an emerging
challenge for the irrigation development. Due to poor irrigation water management and lack of
proper implementation of drainage systems, substantial number of Irrigation schemes especially in
potentially susceptible areas are starting to suffer from these problems. Inadequate attention to
drainage aspects of irrigation due to the absence of sound objective is challenging this untapped
sub-sector. Unsustainable water management practices and limited technical and institutional
capacity to expand and manage irrigation infrastructure is one of the prioritized bottlenecks. Some
earlier studies identified salt affected surfaces have increased from 6% to 16% of the total land of
Ethiopia in recent years. About 9% of the population lives in the areas affected by salinity. The
semi-arid and arid lowlands and valleys in Ethiopia have major problems of salinity and alkalinity.
About 44 million ha in 36% of the country’s total land is potentially susceptible to salinity
problems. According to the recent researches, out of the 44 million ha, 33 million ha has
dominantly salinity problems, 8 million ha has combined salinity and alkalinity problems, and 3
million ha has dominantly alkalinity problems.
One of the main strategic objectives, in national Smallholders Irrigation and Drainage Strategy is
promoting effective and sustainable use and maintenance of irrigation and drainage technologies,
water resources, and on-farm water / salinity management, by male and female smallholder
farmers. Accordingly, as stated in transformational agenda deliverable, one of the foreseen sub
deliverable is to identify the extent of environmental damage in irrigated agricultural land due to
poor water management practices as well as to promote and enforce the design and implementation
of efficient and cost effective drainage systems. Accordingly, some awareness creation activities to
the concerned key stakeholders has been done as of last year on the severity of poor water
management practice and costly environmental damages. In addition, assessments of the adverse
environmental, economic, and social impacts associated with irrigation are crucial.
Currently, the government is giving more emphasis to problem of salinity more than any time
before to assure sustainable irrigation development. Efforts are being made to improve various
aspects of management of small-scale irrigation systems that include planning, implementation,
and management, particularly, in irrigation water management and compulsory inclusion of
drainage components to manage properly the salinity problem. Meanwhile, a pilot project in the
ministry are being implemented having the following objectives in this aspect.
Develop database of field mapped soil & water salinities of current irrigated farming
systems, impact of salt-affected soils on livelihood and socio-economic conditions in
selected project sites
Develop alternative mitigation and management measures to improve overall production
systems for the salt-affected areas
Design and recommend area specific cost effective irrigation drainage practices
Devise policy guidelines/recommendations for the management of salt-affected soils and
share with policy makers
Several milestones achieved with this pilot project such as Baseline Socio-economic survey: Impact
of Salt-Affected Soils on Livelihood and Socio-economic Conditions studied, surface Salinity
Mapping based on secondary data for Tigray, Amhara, Oromia, and Afar Regions completed.
Similar, assessment of Soil and Irrigation Water Salinity, Irrigation Practices and Farming System
in Salt Affected Areas of selected hotspot sites of Tigray (Raya Alamata), Amhara (Kewet), Oromia
(Zeway Dugda) and Afar (Amibara and Dubti) Regions completed. Training and Workshops on
Salt-affected soil management, Method of soil sampling; basics of GIS and GPS conducted.
However, the above pilot project activities are not fully aligned with National Smallholder
irrigation development program rather they are just focused on spot area rehabilitation and
management of Salt-Affected Soils to Improve agricultural productivity without considering
irrigation and drainage technologies
Therefore, this TOR is prepared to conduct study for preventing Environmental Damage in
Irrigated Agricultural Land due to Poor Water Management Practices and to design and
recommend Cost-Effective Drainage Systems. The main theme and skills projected are creating
awareness on rolling environmental damage in irrigated agricultural land due to poor water
management practices as well as to equip the irrigators & irrigation expertise on different
management practices including the design and implementation cost effective drainage systems.
2. Objectives: -
The main objective of this project is to identify, analyse and map salinity level of 100 smallholder
irrigation schemes (small and medium scale irrigation with land holding by farmers) at six
regions (i.e. Oromia, Amhara, Tigray, Afar, SNNP and Somali) due to continued environmental
damage, poor water management practices, and to design and recommend efficient and cost-
effective drainage systems.
Specific objectives:
The project will be attaining the following specific objectives:
To assess the extent and impact of soil salinity, identify the root causes of soil salinity
and Sodicity
In-depth studying the problem and severity of salinity in each selected regions
To developing model for predicting salt-affected soils and mapping of spatial
distribution in Ethiopia using remote sensing technologies
Proposed scheme based remedial actions and cost effective drainage management
Capacity building (training of researchers and development practitioners involved in the
management of SSI schemes in areas where salinity & sodicity are problems
a) Reconnaissance Survey
The reconnaissance survey will be carried out by the research team. The preliminary
investigation will include characterization and description of schemes. The following are very
Discussion with the office of agriculture and natural resources
Observing the salt affected schemes
Prioritization of salt affected hot spot areas
Description of the schemes
Average family size of the beneficiary households
Average irrigated land holding size
Topography (slope and DEM)
Length of growing period
Estimated command area (ha)
Production system
Number of irrigation users or beneficiary (HHs)
Source of irrigation water (river, lake, spring, ground water etc.)
Type of irrigation system (e.g. modern, traditional, etc.)
Irrigation water application method (furrow, border, basin, drip and sprinkler)
Major soil type and soil color of the scheme
Indicator of salinity, sodicity and water logging
Farmers perception about the salinity, sodicity and water logging condition in
the command area
Table 1. Visual characterization of schemes for salinity problem
Problem Symptoms
Saline White crust on soil surface. Water-stressed plants. Leaf tip burn.
Source: Waskom et al., 2010. Diagnosing saline and sodic soil problems. Colorado
State University Extension Fact Sheet # 0.521
Regarding the reconnaissance survey, the detail format of the data collection is given at annex 1.
Based on this reconnaissance survey, at the country level about 100 schemes will be selected for
the detail study. The number of schemes managed by the individual research institutions is
dependent on the salinity problem of the region, capacity of researchers to accommodate the
workload. Based on the preliminary assessment we have, the number of schemes to be studied
in detail iby the research institutions is indicated in Table 2.
Hoe, spade, knife, Hammer
Canvas to mix composite samples
Plastic sample bags (for soils)
Plastic bottle (for water samples)
Sensitive balance (to weigh samples)
Graduated cylinder or glass tube (to measure the water samples)
Ruler/ meter to measure depths where the soil samples are taken
The air dried 1 kg composite soil sample is kept in a plastic bag with an appropriate labeling card in the outer
bag. Therefore, we need two plastic bags for a sample; one to put the soil and the other to put the labeling.
The labeling card could include the following information;
region, zone, weredas, kebele, scheme name
code number (that can be corresponding to the details in the data sheet)
date of sample taking
responsible Institute & center
dry weight (1 kg)
b) Sampling soils from a pit
Depending on variability a scheme, there will be one to three pits opened to a depth of 1.2 meter.
This pit will be sampled at a depth of 0-30 cm, 30-60 cm, 60-90 cm and 90-120 cm to characterize
the salinity status and dynamics along a soil profile/ depth. A kg of composite soil sample shall be
taken from each depth.
Where, concentrations are in cmol (+)/kg of soil.
If finance is not a limit, anions (Cl -, HCO3- and CO32-) will also be measured on a 1: 5 soil water
ratio extract following the methods described by the US Salinity Laboratory Staff (Richards, 1954).
Chloride will be determined by titrating the extract against 0.1N AgNO3 solution using potassium
chromate as an indicator. The CO 3- and HCO32- ions will be determined by titrating with sulfuric
acid (H2SO4) to phenolphthalein and methyl orange end points, respectively.
Soluble Ca and Mg will be read using AAS, whereas the Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR), of the
soil solution will be calculated from the concentrations of soluble Na, Ca and Mg as follows:
d) Classification method
The soils will be classified into the different salt affected soil classes based on the criteria
established by the US Salinity Laboratory Staff (1954) as given in Table 3.
3.1.5 Identification of source of salinity
a) Water Sampling and Preparation
Water samples will be taken from all possible sources used for irrigation purpose. The water
sampling will be conducted during the mid of the dry season and during the mid of the short rainy
season where there is short rainy season in the central, east and southeast of the country. Acid-
washed and rinsed polyethylene bottles (2-literes) will be used to collect irrigation water samples.
The samples will be transported to the laboratory and analyzed for their chemical composition
immediately. Generally, the collection and handling of irrigation water samples will be done in
accordance with the procedure outlined by the US Salinity Laboratory Staff (1954). Each of the
water sampling points will be registered using GPS.
EC and pH of the water samples will be measured in a laboratory within 24 hours using
conductivity meter and a digital pH meter, respectively (Richards, 1954). Alkalinity (HCO3- + CO32-
ions) will be determined by titrating with standard acid (pH of 4.5) within 12 to 24 hours of sample
collection. Chloride will be measured by the silver nitrate titrimetric method, Okalebo et al. (2002).
Soluble Ca and Mg will be measured using atomic absorption spectrophotometer, whilst
exchangeable Na will be analyzed using flame photometer.
Irrigation water salinity, as total dissolved salts (TDS), will be determined by summing the
concentration of the individual ions (Wood and Talling, 1988). Moreover, for solutions in the EC
range of 0.1 to 5.0 mmhos/cm, the TDS (mg/l or ppm) may be obtained by multiplying the EC
value expressed in mmhos/cm by 640. The SAR value will be calculated using equation (4) with the
concentrations expressed in meq/l. The residual sodium carbonate (RSC) will be determined from
the concentrations of HCO3-, CO32-, Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions as follows:
Where, concentrations are expressed in meq/l (US Salinity Laboratory Staff, 1954). Adjusted RNa
(adj. RNa), which is recommended by Suarez (1981) as more acceptable than adjusted SAR and
represents the true picture of the SAR will be calculated as:
Where Na is the concentration of Na in the irrigation water expressed in meq/l, Cax is a modified
Ca value presented in Table 11 (page 62) of FAO Paper 29 Rev. 1 (FAO, 1989) reported in meq/l.
Cax represents Ca in the irrigation water but modified due to salinity of the water (EC iw), its
HCO3/Ca ratio (HCO3 and Ca in meq/l) and the estimated partial pressure of CO 2 in the surface few
mm of soil (PCO2 = 0.0007 atmospheres) and Mg is the concentration of Mg in the irrigation water
expressed in meq/l (Table 4).
Table 4. General guidelines for salinity hazard of irrigation water based upon conductivity.
No. Electrical use Conductivity (dS/m)*
1 None ≤ 0.75
2 Some 0.76 - 1.51
3 Moderate 1.51 - 3.00
4 Severe 2 ≥ 3.00
Source: Salinity mapping (Spatial mapping of Megerssa 2010)
Table 5. Guidelines for assessment of sodium hazard of irrigation water based on SAR and ECw2.
Potential for Water Infiltration Problem
Irrigation water SAR Unlikely Likely
-----------ECw* (dS/m)----------
0-3 > 0.7 < 0.2
3-6 > 1.2 < 0.4
6-12 > 1.9 < 0.5
12-20 > 2.9 < 1.0
20-40 > 5.0 < 3.0
*Modified from R.S. Ayers and D.W. Westcot. 1994. Water Quality for Agriculture, Irrigation
and Drainage Paper 29, rev. 1, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome.
Source: Salinity mapping (Spatial mapping of Megerssa 2010)
Soil laboratories
Because the soil and water samples from 100 schemes could be large to accommodate at a single
laboratory, relatively better laboratories at each region will be selected based on their capacity
(facility, available chemicals, reagents and human power) and the samples will be analyzed within a
short period of time. Tentatively, the Amhara Design and Supervision Works Enterprise (ADSWE),
the Oromia Water Works Enterprise (OWWE), the Arba Minich University Soil lab in the SNNPR
and the soil lab at the Ethiopian Water Works are listed to be consulted. Because there is no reliable
laboratory in the Afar and Somali Regions, the samples could be sent to either the Ethiopian Water
works or t the OWWE soil lab. Regarding the laboratory issue, appropriate labs will be identified
and contractual agreement is reached ahead of the sample delivery.
Modeling Salinity problems using satellite images and remote sensing technics (optional)
Ground based soil parameters
The following information is important to map the soil salinity problem
• Take geo referenced data using GPS for each soil and water sample with standards setting
• Landsat image
• DEM data 30m * 30m resolution or better resolution
• Because the approach of descriptive statistical may overlook spatial variability, geo-
statistical technique could be better to analyze spatial distribution of soil properties.
• Geo-statistics has been widely used to estimate and map soil properties across spaces.
• Kriging is one of the exact methods of geo-statistics (Lam, 1983) used widely in many
disciplines including soils (Goovaerts; Li & Heap, 2011).
• Among the kriging algorithms, ordinary kriging (OK) that is suitable spatial prediction
models for geostatistical analysis of environmental variables (Hengl, 2007)
4. Procedures
Identification of georeferenced SHIS in salinity hot spot areas
Longlisting of selected SHIS in salinity hot spot areas
Shortlisting of selected SHIS in salinity hot spot areas for detail investigation
Collection of available data and previous studies
Preparation of salinity level map
Compilation of map of green area using satellite images
Inventoried all the production wells within the river basin/watershed
Collection and analysis of a representative groundwater samples all-overs the governorate
Analyze the irrigation scheme/ well inventory data and prepare specialized maps using GIS (water
sources, irrigation scheme boundary, well location, depth to groundwater, salinity, total depth of
drilling, distribution of groundwater extraction)
Assess status of salt water intrusion within the governorate in view of available data
Select the best location and procedure for applying the artificial recharge technique e.g. in Fafem
Propose the availability of using low saline groundwater for different sectors (Irrigating the green
areas, agricultural areas, etc....)
Irrigation scheme specific cost effective drainage technology recommendation and design results
Progress Reports
Final Report
6. Expected Beneficiaries
At the pilot phase, an estimated 100 irrigation schemes farming households with average irrigation
scheme size of 50 ha and a total of 5000 ha irrigators will benefit from the activity with an
intervention regions, namely; Oromia, Amhara, Tigray, SNNPR (including Sidama Regional State),
Afar and Ethiopian Somali regional state.
7. Partnership
The project will build partnerships and synergy with other stakeholders in Government institutions
like Ministry of Water Irrigation and Electricity, Ethiopian Agricultural Research Institute,
Regional Agricultural Research Institutions (RARIs) Regional bureau of Agriculture, Regional
Basin Authorities, Regional Governments, and different Irrigation Projects launched in the country,
and non-governmental organizations, consortiums, Consultative Groups such as International Water
Management Institute (IWMI) and Universities.
8. Action plan
10. Soil types (local description and if any, scientific name): _________________________
B. What are the Major problems in the scheme that need interventions (with or without external
2) a natural problem in the area caused by the soil nature or the water source
3) not known
D. Which types of crops are grown to cope with the problem of salinity?
E. Have you practiced to reclaim the salt affected land, if any? (Yes/No)
1) How the water is distributed to each plot of farm land within the scheme?
2) Other any innovated water abstraction, conveyance and distribution available, describe it
iii. Do you supplement crops with irrigation for the main cropping season?
Yes/No,-----------------------If yes, please describe how frequent this is used
iv. Are farmers use improved crop varieties? Yes/No, --------; if yes what are they?
Table 1. Crop yields, comparing rain fed and irrigated systems, purpose of production?
I. Do you use fertilizers for the irrigated crops in the scheme? Yes/No ---------, If yes, what type of
fertilizers and how much per hectare (kg/ha)
1) Types----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1) Type of irrigation method(s) used for the crops grown in the scheme?
2) Frequency of application for each crop when water is sufficient and scarce?
5) Depths of application for each crop and how do you know depth of application?
6) Are there any environmental change as well of health hazards as a result of irrigation
activities? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
K. Water management
1) Who manages the overall irrigation scheme, Yewuha Abat or any other?
5) Who controls the water in the primary, secondary and tertiary canals? Only if there
the different canal system in the scheme.
1) cultivated land,
3) if any other, mention? ----------------
M. Is there a penalty system for the defaulters of the bylaw? Yes/ No, -----------if yes, describe when
and how the penalty is implemented-------------------------------------------------------------------------
Annex II. Inception workshop participants
On behalf of the NARS system, the Ethiopian Agricultural Research Council Secretariat (EARCS) took a
contract agreement with the Small Scale Irrigation Development (SSID) Directorate of the Ministry of
Agriculture (MoA) to conduct an exploratory assessment study on the drainage problems and buildup of
salinity of the SSI schemes in Ethiopia.
The main objective of this project is to identify, analyse and map salinity level of about 100 smallholder
irrigation schemes (small & medium scale irrigation schemes) at six regions (i.e. Oromia-, Amhara, Tigray,
Afar, SNNP and Somali) due to continued environmental damage as a result of poor water management
practices and schemes designs so that recommend efficient and cost-effective drainage systems. The
inception workshop has the following specific objectives;
Assess extents of salinity and sodicity and identify causes
Develop database and mapping of the salinity and sodicity problems of a particular scheme
Develop a model in predicting the trends, spatial distributions of the salinity and sodicity
Assess environmental and economic impacts of the problem
Recommend alternative solutions
Capacity building to local SSI users
1) Creating a common understanding on the methods, scope, objectives and deliverables of the
2) Fine-tuning the methods of the project protocol
3) Outlining action plan
4) Discussing of details of the financial use and reporting mechanism
5) Discussing the content of the letter Agreement (LoU)
common understanding about the project will be created among the implementing
the project protocol will be fine-tuned to the level that everybody can easily implement it in
the field
revised action plan of the project outlined
financial use modality, technical and financial reporting formats will be clear to all
final LoA format prepared and ready for signature by head of institutions