Design of Slab

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Concrete 2 Project 3 CENG 411 Sec.

Engineering Department

University of Bahrain

Design of Slab

Duaa Ismaeel Ebrahim: 20181562

Maram Sayed Abdulla: 20183095

Sara Fadhel Ali Ali: 20183365

Maria Fawzi Mohamed: 20188337


1 TABLE OF CONTENT...................................................................................................... 2

2 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 4

3 SOLID SLAB ..................................................................................................................... 6

3.1 Given Data................................................................................................................... 6

3.2 Loads on slab ............................................................................................................... 7

3.3 Clear Spans Length (Ln) ............................................................................................. 7

3.4 Shear and moment drawing ......................................................................................... 7

3.5 Positive Moment ......................................................................................................... 8

3.5.1 Shear check .......................................................................................................... 8

3.5.2 Design Flexure Reinforcement ............................................................................ 8

3.5.3 Maximum spacing check ..................................................................................... 9

3.5.4 Check for tension controlled ................................................................................ 9

3.5.5 Shrinkage reinforcement .................................................................................... 10

3.6 Negative Moment ...................................................................................................... 11

3.6.1 Shear check ........................................................................................................ 11

3.6.2 Design flexure reinforcement ............................................................................ 11

3.6.3 Maximum spacing check ................................................................................... 11

3.6.4 Check for tension control ................................................................................... 12

3.7 Deflection check ........................................................................................................ 12

4 RIBBED SLAB ................................................................................................................ 13

4.1 Given Data................................................................................................................. 13

4.2 Exterior with span 2.4 m ........................................................................................... 14

As min < As prov → OK ................................................................................................. 18

• Check ϕ = 0.9 ............................................................................................................ 18

4.3 Exterior with span 2.1 m ........................................................................................... 20

4.4 Interior with span 2.4 m ............................................................................................ 24

4.5 Interior with span 2.1 m ............................................................................................ 28

4.6 Deflection check ........................................................................................................ 32

.............................................................................................................................................. 32

4.7 cross section of beam ................................................................................................ 33

5 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................ 34

6 MOMSs ............................................................................................................................ 35

APPENDIX .............................................................................................................................. 36

Appendix A .......................................................................................................................... 36

This project is a continuation of project 1 and 2. The same multi-story building is considered
for analysis and design. The building has four floors and a roof above its ground floor which
means it is a 5-story building. It is braced, and all stories are 4 m high. A plan view of the
building is shown in the figure below.

The purpose of this to design a solid slap and a ribbed slab. Solid slab design is similar to
beams and girders design as the slab is considered as a rectangular section. The slab is taken
per 1m width during design, and the reinforcement are provided based on diameter and
spacing between bars. It was designed for the moment reinforcement, and the crack control
and shrinkage and temperature. Shear design is also considered in case of slab. Excel sheets
were developed for the purpose of flexure and shear design. Simple illustration of the slab is
done to show the arrangement of reinforcement. The slab is also checked for deflection
control using ultimate moment on each span.
Then the ribbed full design was done, starting from calculating the equivalent uniform self-
weight, calculate UDL on typical rib, draw the loading diagram, then drawing shear and
moment using the coefficient, design the reinforcement in each rib, top and bottom for end
spans and interior spans also and sketch the design, and check deflection control.

3.1 Given Data

Given data
slab thickness (h) 120 mm

DL 2.5 kN/m2

LL 4 kN/m3

Wall load 3 kN/m4

fc' 40 N/mm2

fy 460 N/mm2

cover 35 mm

stirrups 8 mm

Long Span (L) 6.5 mm

Short Span (S1) 2.4 mm

Short span (S2) 2.1 mm

L/S1 2.708333 >2 → "one way"

L/S2 3.095238 >2 → "one way"

concrete self-weight 23.6 kn/m3

beam width 250 mm

Mu max + 5.402442 kN/m

Mu max - 5.94269 kN/m

3.2 Loads on slab

Slab load
Load type Service (kN/m2) Factored (kN/m2)
Self-weight 120*23.6/1000 = 2.832 2.832*1.2 = 3.3984
SI DL 2.5 2.5 *1.2 = 3
SI LL 4 4 * 1.6 = 6.4
Sum 9.332 12.7984
For strip of 1m wide (unit width)
Wu= 12.7984 kN/m2

3.3 Clear Spans Length (Ln)

Clear spans length Ln=

L1 (L=2.4) 2.4 - 0.25 = 2.15 mm
L2 (L=2.4) 2.15 mm
L3 (L=2.4) 2.15 mm
L4 (L=2.4) 2.15 mm
L5 (L=2.4) 2.15 mm
L6 (L=2.4) 2.15 mm
L7 (L=2.1) 2.1 – 0.25 = 1.85 mm
L8 (L=2.1) 1.85 mm
L9 (L=2.1) 1.85 mm
L10 (L=2.1) 1.85 mm
L11 (L=2.1) 1.85 mm
L12 (L=2.1) 1.85 mm
L13 (L=2.1) 1.85 mm
L14 (L=2.1) 1.85 mm
3.4 Shear and moment drawing
3.5 Positive Moment

3.5.1 Shear check

Assume bar dia =10mm

𝑐𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟 35
𝑑=ℎ− − 5 = 120 − − 5 = 97.5 𝑚𝑚
2 2

Vu max = 15.8932 kN (from graph)

𝑑 97.5
𝑉𝑐 = 0.17√𝑓𝑐 ′ × 1000 × = 0.17√40 × 1000 × = 104.83 𝑘𝑁
1000 1000

𝜙𝑉𝑐 = 0.75 × 104.83 = 78.622 𝑘𝑁

𝜙𝑉𝑐 > 𝑉𝑢 → 𝑂𝐾

It is OK so slab thickness is adequate in terms of resisting shear.

3.5.2 Design Flexure Reinforcement

Assume ɸ=0.9

d = 97.5 mm

b = 1000 mm

0.85𝑓𝑐′ 2𝑀𝑢 0.85×40 2×5.402×106

ρ= (1 − √1 − (Φ0.85 fc′ 𝑏𝑑2 ) = (1 − √1 − (0.9×0.85×40×1000×97.52) =0.00139
𝑓𝑦 460

𝐴𝑠 𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑒𝑑 = ρbd = 0.00139 × 1000 × 97.5 = 135.106 𝑚𝑚2

𝐴𝑠 min = 0.0018𝑏ℎ = 0.0018 × 1000 × 120 = 216 𝑚𝑚2

𝐴𝑠 𝑚𝑖𝑛 > 𝐴𝑠 𝑟𝑒𝑞 → 𝐴𝑠 = 𝐴𝑠 𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 216 𝑚𝑚2

Using the table in appendix A:

Use 10 @ 300

As provided = 237 mm2

No. of bars = 10

Bar spacing = 300 mm

3.5.3 Maximum spacing check

450 450
𝑠 𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 𝑚𝑖𝑛 { = 𝑚𝑖𝑛 { = 360 𝑚𝑚
3ℎ 360

s provided = 300 mm

𝑠 𝑚𝑎𝑥 > 𝑠 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑣 → 𝑂𝐾

3.5.4 Check for tension controlled

Check 1:

𝐴𝑠 𝑓𝑦 237 × 460
a= ′
=a= = 3.206 𝑚𝑚
0.85 𝑓𝑐 𝑏 0.85 × 40 × 1000

𝛽1 = 1.064 − 0.00714 × 40 = 0.7784

𝑎 3.206
𝑐= = = 4.119 𝑚𝑚
β1 0.7784

𝑑−𝑐 97.5 − 4.119

𝜀=( ) 0.003 = ( ) 0.003 = 0.068 > 0.005 → 𝑂𝐾
𝑐 4.119

∴ 𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑖𝑠 𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑒 𝑓𝑜𝑟 ɸ = 0.9 → section is tention controlled

Check 2:

𝜌 = 0.00139

3 0.85 𝛽1 𝑓𝑐 ′ 3 0.85 × 0.7784 × 40

𝜌𝑚𝑎𝑥 = ( )= ( ) = 0.0216 > 𝜌 → 𝑂𝐾
8 𝑓𝑦 8 460

∴ 𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑖𝑠 𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑒 𝑓𝑜𝑟 ɸ = 0.9

3.5.5 Shrinkage reinforcement

As = 216 mm2

Bar dia = 10 mm
s prov = 300 mm
450 450
𝑠 𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 𝑚𝑖𝑛 { = 𝑚𝑖𝑛 { = 450 𝑚𝑚 > 𝑠 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑣 → 𝑂𝐾
5ℎ 600
3.6 Negative Moment

3.6.1 Shear check

1) Shear Check Assuming ɸ=10mm

d= 97.5 mm
Vu max= 15.8932 kN
Vc= 104.8295 kN
ɸ Vc= 78.62213 kN
Check ɸVc>Vu ? OK
it is OK so slab thickness is adequate
in terms of resisting shear

3.6.2 Design flexure reinforcement

2) Design flexure reinforcement for -M
Assume ɸ=0.9
d= 97.5 mm
b= 1000 mm
ρ= 0.001526
As req= 148.7592 mm2
As min= 216 mm2
Check As req>Asmin No

As= 216 mm2

Check table 10@300
As proveided= 237
No of bars 10
bar spacing 300

3.6.3 Maximum spacing check

3) Maximum Spacing Check

S= 450 mm
S= 3h= 360 mm
S max= 360 mm
S provided= 300 mm
Smax>Sprov?? OK
3.6.4 Check for tension control

4) Check ɸ=0.9 ( Tension- controlled )

a= 3.206471 mm
β1= 0.7784 For fc'>28
c= 4.11931 mm
εt= 0.068007
check εt>0.005 OK? OK
εt>0.005 ɸ=0.9 The assumption is true
( Section is tension controlled)
ρ max= 0.021575
ρ max >ρ =0.00146? YES it is ok
ɸ=0.9 The assumption is true
3.7 Deflection check

check deflection for solid slab

h min= 87.5 mm
h provided= 120 mm
h provided > h min ok

4.1 Given Data

Given data
slab thickness (h) 120 mm
DL 2.5 kN/m2
LL 4 kN/m3
Wall load 3 kN/m4
fc' 40 N/mm2
fy 460 N/mm2
cover 35 mm
stirrups 6 mm
Long Span (L) 8 m
Short Span (S1) 2.4 m
8000/2400 2.708333 >2 "one way"
6000/2400 2.5 >2 "one way"
1- Shear and moment for exterior span
2- Shear and moment drawing for interior span

4.2 Exterior with span 2.4 m

• Use hollow block size 400mm x 250mm x 240mm:

Length = 400 mm

Width = 250 mm

Depth = 240 mm

• Determine h and select hollow block size bw and t:

𝑓𝑦 8000 460
ℎ 𝑚𝑖𝑛 = ℎ × (0.4 + )= × (0.4 + ) = 352.38 𝑚𝑚
700 24 700
Topping slab thickness = 120 mm

h = block depth + topping slab thickness = 120 + 240 = 360 mm

bw = 200

Lc = block length = 400 mm

• Equivalent the partition weight:

Total number of blocks = 10.42

Wall height = 4 m

Weight of block with 24 cm thickness = 24 kg

Weight of block with 25 cm thickness = 25 kg

Each face of 1 m2 surface has 30 kg plaster

Load / 1 m2 of 24 cm block = 10.42 x 24 + 2 x 30 = 310.08 kg/m2

Load / 1 m2 of 25 cm block = 10.42 x 25 + 2 x 30 = 320.5 kg/m2

Uniform load of 24 cm block = 310.08 / 100 = 3.1008 kN/m2

Uniform load of 25 cm block = 320.5 / 100 = 3.205 kN/m2

Weight of 1 m span of wall with height of 4 m for 24 cm block = 3.1008 x 4 = 12.403 kN/m

Weight of 1 m span of wall with height of 4 m for 25 cm block = 3.205 x 4 = 12.82 kN/m

• To calculate the uniform distributed load for a unit strip:

DL = 2.5 kN/m2

Equivalent partition load = 0.75 kN/m2

Topping slab weight =120 / 1000 x 23.6 = 2.832 kN/m2

LL = 4 kN/m2

Wu = [1.2 x (2.5 + 0.75 + 2.832) + 1.6 x 4] x 1 = 13.6984 kN/m


t>=50mm 120 >50? Satisfy

t>= lc/12= 120>400/12? Satisfy

13.6984 × 4002

0.9 × 1240 × √40 Satisfy
h<= 3.5b= 360<3.5x200? Satisfy
bw>=100 so b= 200>=100? Satisfy
lc<=750 so lc= 400<=750 Satisfy
• Provide shrinkage reinforcement for the topping slab

As = 0.0018 x 1000 x 120 = 216 mm2

Stirrup dia = 6 mm

No. of stirrups = 5

As for 5 bars and 6 mm dia = π x 6/2 x 5 x 2 = 94.2478 mm2

As min > As → use As min

s = 125 mm

450 450
𝑠 𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 𝑚𝑖𝑛 { = 𝑚𝑖𝑛 { = 450 𝑚𝑚 > 𝑠 → 𝑂𝐾
5ℎ 1800

∴ 𝑢𝑠𝑒 6 𝑚𝑚 𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑟𝑟𝑢𝑝 @ 125 𝑚𝑚 𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑛𝑔

• Factored load on each rib

Total volume in 1 m2 surface = 360 / 1000 x1 x 1 = 0.36 m3

400 250 240
Volume of hollow blocks in 1 m2 = 8 × (1000) × (1000) × (1000) = 0.192 𝑚3

Net concrete volume in 1 m2 = 0.36 – 0.192 = 0.168 m3

Weight of concrete in 1 m2 = 23.6 x 0.168 = 3.9648 kN/m2

Weight of hollow blocks in 1 m2 = 8 x 240 / 1000 = 1.92 kN/m2

Total dead load / m2 = 2.5 + 0.75 + 2.832 + 3.9648 + 1.92 = 11.9668 kN/m2

Wu used = 11.9669 x 1.2 + 1.6 x 4 = 20.7602 kN/m2

Wu per rib = 20.7602 x 0.5 = 10.3801 kN/m

• Critical SF and BM

Ln=L-beam width (250)

ln1 (6500-250)/10006.25 m
ln2 7.25 m
ln3 6.25 m
ln4 7.75 m
Wu= 10.38
Design for the critical
Ln= (8000-250)
7.75 m
Moment +M
End span 44.53 L=8m Span4
28.96 L=6.5m Span1
Interior spans 25.34 L=6.5m Span3
34.1 L=7.5 Span2

Neagative moment -M
25.34 L=6.5 Span1
38.97 L=8 Span4
40.55 L=6.5 Span1
49.6 L=7.5 Span2
49.6 L=7.5 Span2
36.86 L=6.5 Span3
36.86 L=6.5 Span3
62.35 L=8 span4

Max Positive moment= 44.53 kN.m

Max negative moment= 62.35 kN.m

Positive Shear 32.44 kN L=6.5
Negative shear 37.3 kN L=6.5
Positive Shear 37.63 kN L=7.5
Negative shear 37.63 kN L=7.5
Positive Shear 32.44 kN L=6.5
Negative shear 32.44 kN L=6.5
Positive Shear 46.26 kN L=8
Negative shear 40.22 kN L=8

Maximum positive shear 46.26 kN

Maximum neagtive shear 40.22 kN

Check rib strength for beam shear:

Assume 14 mm diameter reinforcement bar and 6 mm dia stirrup
35 14
𝐸𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑑𝑒𝑝𝑡ℎ 𝑑 = 360 − − − 6 = 329.5 𝑚𝑚
2 2
𝑑 200
𝑉𝑐 = 0.17√𝑓𝑐 ′ × 1000 × = 0.17√40 × 329.5 × = 70.85 𝑘𝑁
1000 1000
𝜙𝑉𝑐 = 0.75 × 70.85 = 53.14 𝑘𝑁
Check if shear reinforcement is required
53.14 > 46.256 → 𝑛𝑜 𝑛𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑠ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑟𝑒𝑖𝑛𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡
1.1 x 53.14 = 58.4545 > 46.265 → no need for shear reinforcement
• Design flexure reinforcement for the maximum +M for the ribs ϕ=0.9
be is half distance between ribs, cc = 600 mm
bw = 100 mm, be = 500 mm
β1 = 1.064 – 0.00714 x 40 = 0.7784

0.85𝑓𝑐′ 2𝑀𝑢
ρ= (1 − √1 − ( )
𝑓𝑦 Φ0.85 fc ′ 𝑏𝑑2

0.85 × 40 2 × 44.53 × 106

= (1 − √1 − ( ) = 0.00167
460 0.9 × 0.85 × 40 × 600 × 329.52

3 0.85 𝛽1 𝑓𝑐 ′ 3 0.85 × 0.7784 × 40

𝜌𝑚𝑎𝑥 = ( )= ( ) = 0.0216 > 𝜌 → 𝑂𝐾
8 𝑓𝑦 8 460

As = ρ be d = 0.00167 x 600 x 329.5 = 330.183 mm2

No. of bars = 3
14 2
𝐴𝑠 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑣𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑑 = 𝜋 × ( ) × 3 = 461.814 𝑚𝑚2
As prov > As → As = 461.814 mm2
Clear cover = 200 – 35 – 8 – 4 x 14) / (4 – 1) = 58.814 mm
461.81 × 460
𝑎 = = 10.41 < 70 𝑚𝑚 → 𝑂𝐾
0.85 × 40 × 600
0.25√𝑓𝑐′ 0.25√40
𝑏𝑑 = (200)(329.5) = 226.51 𝑚𝑚2
𝑓𝑦 460
𝐴𝑠 𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 𝑚𝑎𝑥
1.4 1.4
𝑏𝑑 = (200)(329.5) = 200.565 𝑚𝑚2
{ 𝑓𝑦 420
As min = 226.51 mm2
As prov = 461.81 mm2
As min < As prov → OK

• Check ϕ = 0.9

β1 = 1.064 – 0.00714 x 40 = 0.7784

c = 10.41 / 0.7784 = 13.378

329.5 − 13.378
𝜀 = 0.003 × = 0.07089 > 0.005 → 𝑂𝐾
• Design flexure reinforcement for the maximum -M for the ribs ϕ=0.9

be is half dist btw ribs cc= 600 mm

use bw=100mm , be=500mm
β1= 0.7784
ρ= 0.002349 OK
ρ max= 0.021575
As= ρ be d= 464.4138 mm2
use 10 mm diameter 14
No of bars 4
As provided= 615.7522
As prov>As
As used 615.7522
Clear cover 34.33333 >25mm and db ok
a= 13.88461 mm
a<70 mm if yes it is ok OK , Assumption is right
Check As min:
As min 1= 226.5153 mm2
As min 2= 200.5652 mm2
take As min (max one from 1&2)= 226.5153 mm2
As prov= 615.7522
As min< As prov Chech Yes ok
Check ɸ=0.9 (Ductilyty of section)
β1= 0.7784
c= 17.83737 mm
εt= 0.052417 >0.005 ok
4.3 Exterior with span 2.1 m

Same as the first exterior with same shear and moment diagram, only difference is s = 2.1 m
Given data unit
slab thickness (h) 120 mm
DL 2.5 kN/m2
LL 4 kN/m3
Wall load 3 kN/m4
fc' 40 N/mm2
fy 460 N/mm2
cover 35 mm
stirrups 6 mm
Long Span (L) 8 mm
Short Span (S1) 2.1 mm

8000/2400 2.708333 >2 "one way"

6000/2400 2.5 >2 "one way"

Design slab A1 (Between B1 & B2) " Exterior span with width 2.4m
Determine h & Select hollow block size bw and t
hmin= 352.381 mm
topping slob thickness 120 mm
h= 360 mm
bw= ‫عىل حسب اذا ناسب الديزان او ال‬ 200 mm
lc= 400 mm

use hollow block size 400mm x 250mm x 240mm

length 400 mm
width 250 mm
depth 240 mm

Equivalent the partition weight

Total number of blocks= 10.42
wall height= 4
weight for block with thick 24 cm= 24 Kg
weight for block with thick 25 cm= 25 kg
Each faceof 1 m^2 surface has 30 kd plaster
Load/1m2 of 24 cm block= 310.08 Kg/m2
Load/1m2 of 25 cm block= 320.5 kg/m2
uniform load of 24 cm block 3.1008 kN/m2
uniform load of 25 cm block 3.205 kN/m2
weight of 1m span of wall with height 4m
for 24 cm block 12.4032 kN/m
for 25 cm block 12.82 kN/m

To calculate the uniforn distrubuted for a unit strip

DL 2.5 kN/m^2
equivalent partition load 0.75 kN/m^2
toppind slab weight 2.832 kN/m^2
LL 4 kN/m^2
Wu= 13.6984 kN/m
conditions Checks
t>=50mm 50 Satisfy
t>= lc/12= 33.33 Satisfy
t>= sqrt(…..) 17.62 Satisfy
h<= 3.5b= 700 Satisfy
bw>=100 so b= 200 Satisfy
lc<=750 so lc= 400 Satisfy

ln=L-beam width (250)

Calculate SFD &BMD
ln1 6250 6.25 m
ln2 7250 7.25 m
ln3 6250 6.25 m
ln4 7750 7.75 m
Wu= 10.38
Design for the critical
ln=(8000-250) /1000 7.75 m

Positive Moment +M M
End span 44.53 L=8m Span4
28.96 L=6.5m Span1
Interior spans 25.34 L=6.5m Span3
34.1 L=7.5 Span2

Neagative moment -M
25.34 L=6.5 Span1
38.97 L=8.5 Span4
40.55 L=6.5 Span1
49.6 L=7.5 Span2
49.6 L=7.5 Span2
36.86 L=6.5 Span3
36.86 L=6.5 Span3
62.35 L=8.5 span4

Max Positive moment= 44.53 kN.m

Max negative moment= 62.35 kN.m

Positive Shear 32.44 kN L=6.5
Negative shear 37.3 kN L=6.5
Positive Shear 37.63 kN L=7.5
Negative shear 37.63 kN L=7.5
Positive Shear 32.44 kN L=6.5
Negative shear 32.44 kN L=6.5
Positive Shear 46.26 kN L=8
Negative shear 40.22 kN L=8

Maximum positive shear 46.26 kN

Maximum neagtive shear 40.22 kN
Provide shrinkage reinforcement for the topping slab
As min= 216 mm2
use 6mm diameter stirrup 6
Number of stirrup 5
As for 5bars ,6mm diameter 94.24778
So Asmin>As use As min
Spacing used= 125 mm
Smax= 450 mm
Smax= 5*h 1800 mm
Miinimum of two Smax= 450
compare Smax > Spacing is ok? OK Satisfy
Use 6mm stirrup @ spacing = 125 mm
factored load on each of ribs is
Total voume ( in 1m2 surface) 0.36 m3
volume of hollow blocks in 1m2 0.192 m3
Net concrete volume in 1m2 0.168 m3
weight of concrete in 1m2 3.9648 kN/m2
weight of hollow blocks in 1m2 1.92 kN/m2
Total dead load/m2 11.9668 kN/m2
Wu used 20.76016 kN/m2
Wu per rib 10.38008 kN/m
Critical SF & BM are det (Simply sub beam)
SF Vmax= 46.25623 kN
BM Mmax positive= 44.5324 kN.m
BM Mmax negative= 62.34536 kN.m
Check rib strength for beam shear
Assume 14 mm diameter reinf. Bar and 6mm dia stirrup
effective depth (d)= 329.5 mm
Vc= 70.85399
ɸ Vc 53.14049

ɸ V<Vumax( if yes req shear Reinf) No need

Shear reinforcement not required 1.1*ɸ Vc
Design Flexure reinforcement for the ribs ɸ=0.9
be is half dist btw ribs cc= 600 mm
use bw=100mm , be=500mm
β1= 0.7784
ρ= 0.00167 OK
ρ max= 0.021575
As= ρ be d= 330.1831 mm2
use 10 mm diameter 14 ‫تغيونه عىل حسب المساحه‬
No of bars 3 ‫ال فوق وتحت‬‫ي‬
As provided= 461.8141
As prov>As
As used 461.8141
Clear cover 57.5 >25mm and db ok
a= 10.41346 mm
a<70 mm if yes it is ok OK , Assumption is right
Check As min:
As min 1= 226.5153 mm2
As min 2= 200.5652 mm2
take As min (max one from 1&2)= 226.5153 mm2
As prov= 461.8141
As min< As prov Chech Yes ok
Check ɸ=0.9 (Ductilyty of section)
β1= 0.7784
c= 13.37803 mm
εt= 0.07089 >0.005 ok

Design Flexure reinforcement for the ribs ɸ=0.9

be is half dist btw ribs cc= 600 mm
use bw=100mm , be=500mm
β1= 0.7784
ρ= 0.002349 OK
ρ max= 0.021575
As= ρ be d= 464.4138 mm2
use 10 mm diameter 14 ‫تغيونه عىل حسب المساحه‬
No of bars 4 ‫ال فوق وتحت‬‫ي‬
As provided= 615.7522
As prov>As
As used 615.7522
Clear cover 167 >25mm and db ok
a= 13.88461 mm
a<70 mm if yes it is ok OK , Assumption is right
Check As min:
As min 1= 226.5153 mm2
As min 2= 200.5652 mm2
take As min (max one from 1&2)= 226.5153 mm2
As prov= 615.7522
As min< As prov Chech Yes ok
Check ɸ=0.9 (Ductilyty of section)
β1= 0.7784
c= 17.83737 mm
εt= 0.052417 >0.005 ok
4.4 Interior with span 2.4 m
Given data unit
slab thickness (h) 120 mm
DL 2.5 kN/m2
LL 4 kN/m3
Wall load 3 kN/m4
fc' 40 N/mm2
fy 460 N/mm2
cover 35 mm
stirrups 6 mm
Long Span (L) 8 mm
Short Span (S1) 2.4 mm

8000/2400 2.708333 >2 "one way"

6000/2400 2.5 >2 "one way"

Design slab A1 (Between B1 & B2) " Exterior span with width 2.4m
Determine h & Select hollow block size bw and t
hmin= 352.381 mm
topping slob thickness 120 mm
h= 360 mm
bw= ‫عىل حسب اذا ناسب الديزان او ال‬ 200 mm
lc= 400 mm

use hollow block size 400mm x 250mm x 240mm

length 400 mm
width 250 mm
depth 240 mm

Equivalent the partition weight

Total number of blocks= 10.42
wall height= 4
weight for block with thick 24 cm= 24 Kg
weight for block with thick 25 cm= 25 kg
Each faceof 1 m^2 surface has 30 kd plaster
Load/1m2 of 24 cm block= 310.08 Kg/m2
Load/1m2 of 25 cm block= 320.5 kg/m2
uniform load of 24 cm block 3.1008 kN/m2
uniform load of 25 cm block 3.205 kN/m2
weight of 1m span of wall with height 4m
for 24 cm block 12.4032 kN/m
for 25 cm block 12.82 kN/m

To calculate the uniforn distrubuted for a unit strip

DL 2.5 kN/m^2
equivalent partition load 0.75 kN/m^2
toppind slab weight 2.832 kN/m^2
LL 4 kN/m^2

Wu= 13.6984 kN/m

conditions Checks
t>=50mm 50 Satisfy
t>= lc/12= 33.33 Satisfy
t>= sqrt(…..) 17.62 Satisfy
h<= 3.5b= 700 Satisfy
bw>=100 so b= 200 Satisfy
lc<=750 so lc= 400 Satisfy

ln=L-beam width (250)

Calculate SFD &BMD
ln1 6250 6.25 m
ln2 7250 7.25 m
ln3 6250 6.25 m
ln4 7750 7.75 m
Wu= 10.38
Design for the critical
ln=(8000-250) /1000 7.75 m

Positive Moment +M M
End span 56.68 L=8m Span4
36.86 L=6.5m Span1
Interior spans 25.34 L=6.5m Span3
34.1 L=7.5 Span2

Neagative moment -M
16.89 L=6.5 Span1
25.98 L=8.5 Span4
40.55 L=6.5 Span1
49.6 L=7.5 Span2
49.6 L=7.5 Span2
36.86 L=6.5 Span3
36.86 L=6.5 Span3
62.35 L=8.5 span4

Max Positive moment= 56.68 kN.m

Max negative moment= 62.35 kN.m

Positive Shear 32.44 kN L=6.5
Negative shear 37.3 kN L=6.5
Positive Shear 37.63 kN L=7.5
Negative shear 37.63 kN L=7.5
Positive Shear 32.44 kN L=6.5
Negative shear 32.44 kN L=6.5
Positive Shear 46.26 kN L=8
Negative shear 40.22 kN L=8

Maximum positive shear 46.26 kN

Maximum neagtive shear 40.22 kN
Provide shrinkage reinforcement for the topping slab
As min= 216 mm2
use 6mm diameter stirrup 6
Number of stirrup 5
As for 5bars ,6mm diameter 94.24778
So Asmin>As use As min
Spacing used= 125 mm
Smax= 450 mm
Smax= 5*h 1800 mm
Miinimum of two Smax= 450
compare Smax > Spacing is ok? OK Satisfy
Use 6mm stirrup @ spacing = 125 mm
factored load on each of ribs is
Total voume ( in 1m2 surface) 0.36 m3
volume of hollow blocks in 1m2 0.192 m3
Net concrete volume in 1m2 0.168 m3
weight of concrete in 1m2 3.9648 kN/m2
weight of hollow blocks in 1m2 1.92 kN/m2
Total dead load/m2 11.9668 kN/m2
Wu used 20.76016 kN/m2
Wu per rib 10.38008 kN/m
Critical SF & BM are det (Simply sub beam)
SF Vmax= 46.25623 kN
BM Mmax positive= 56.6776 kN.m
BM Mmax negative= 62.34536 kN.m
Check rib strength for beam shear
Assume 14 mm diameter reinf. Bar and 6mm dia stirrup
effective depth (d)= 329.5 mm
Vc= 70.85399
ɸ Vc 53.14049

ɸ V<Vumax( if yes req shear Reinf) No need

Shear reinforcement not required 1.1*ɸ Vc
Design Flexure reinforcement for the ribs ɸ=0.9
be is half dist btw ribs cc= 600 mm
use bw=100mm , be=500mm
β1= 0.7784
ρ= 0.002132 OK
ρ max= 0.021575
As= ρ be d= 421.5663 mm2
use 10 mm diameter 14
No of bars 3
As provided= 461.8141
As prov>As
As used 461.8141
Clear cover 58.5 >25mm and db ok
a= 10.41346 mm
a<70 mm if yes it is ok OK , Assumption is right
Check As min:
As min 1= 226.5153 mm2
As min 2= 200.5652 mm2
take As min (max one from 1&2)= 226.5153 mm2
As prov= 461.8141
As min< As prov Chech Yes ok
Check ɸ=0.9 (Ductilyty of section)
β1= 0.7784
c= 13.37803 mm
εt= 0.07089 >0.005 ok

Design Flexure reinforcement for the ribs ɸ=0.9

be is half dist btw ribs cc= 600 mm
use bw=100mm , be=500mm
β1= 0.7784
ρ= 0.002349 OK
ρ max= 0.021575
As= ρ be d= 464.4138 mm2
use 10 mm diameter 14
No of bars 4
As provided= 615.7522
As prov>As
As used 615.7522
Clear cover 34.33333 >25mm and db ok
a= 13.88461 mm
a<70 mm if yes it is ok OK , Assumption is right
Check As min:
As min 1= 226.5153 mm2
As min 2= 200.5652 mm2
take As min (max one from 1&2)= 226.5153 mm2
As prov= 615.7522
As min< As prov Chech Yes ok
Check ɸ=0.9 (Ductilyty of section)
β1= 0.7784
c= 17.83737 mm
εt= 0.052417 >0.005 ok
4.5 Interior with span 2.1 m

Given data unit

slab thickness (h) 120 mm
DL 2.5 kN/m2
LL 4 kN/m3
Wall load 3 kN/m4
fc' 40 N/mm2
fy 460 N/mm2
cover 35 mm
stirrups 6 mm
Long Span (L) 8 mm
Short Span (S1) 2.1 mm

8000/2400 2.708333 >2 "one way"

6000/2400 2.5 >2 "one way"
Design slab A1 (Between B1 & B2) " Exterior span with width 2.4m
Determine h & Select hollow block size bw and t
hmin= 352.381 mm
topping slob thickness 120 mm
h= 360 mm
bw= ‫عىل حسب اذا ناسب الديزان او ال‬ 200 mm
lc= 400 mm

use hollow block size 400mm x 250mm x 240mm

length 400 mm
width 250 mm
depth 240 mm

Equivalent the partition weight

Total number of blocks= 10.42
wall height= 4
weight for block with thick 24 cm= 24 Kg
weight for block with thick 25 cm= 25 kg
Each faceof 1 m^2 surface has 30 kd plaster
Load/1m2 of 24 cm block= 310.08 Kg/m2
Load/1m2 of 25 cm block= 320.5 kg/m2
uniform load of 24 cm block 3.1008 kN/m2
uniform load of 25 cm block 3.205 kN/m2
weight of 1m span of wall with height 4m
for 24 cm block 12.4032 kN/m
for 25 cm block 12.82 kN/m

To calculate the uniforn distrubuted for a unit strip

DL 2.5 kN/m^2
equivalent partition load 0.75 kN/m^2
toppind slab weight 2.832 kN/m^2
LL 4 kN/m^2

Wu= 13.6984 kN/m

conditions Checks
t>=50mm 50 Satisfy
t>= lc/12= 33.33 Satisfy
t>= sqrt(…..) 17.62 Satisfy
h<= 3.5b= 700 Satisfy
bw>=100 so b= 200 Satisfy
lc<=750 so lc= 400 Satisfy

ln=L-beam width (250)

Calculate SFD &BMD
ln1 6250 6.25 m
ln2 7250 7.25 m
ln3 6250 6.25 m
ln4 7750 7.75 m
Wu= 10.38
Design for the critical
ln=(8000-250) /1000 7.75 m

Positive Moment +M M
End span 56.68 L=8m Span4
36.86 L=6.5m Span1
Interior spans 25.34 L=6.5m Span3
34.1 L=7.5 Span2

Neagative moment -M
16.89 L=6.5 Span1
25.98 L=8.5 Span4
40.55 L=6.5 Span1
49.6 L=7.5 Span2
49.6 L=7.5 Span2
36.86 L=6.5 Span3
36.86 L=6.5 Span3
62.35 L=8.5 span4

Max Positive moment= 56.68 kN.m

Max negative moment= 62.35 kN.m

Positive Shear 32.44 kN L=6.5
Negative shear 37.3 kN L=6.5
Positive Shear 37.63 kN L=7.5
Negative shear 37.63 kN L=7.5
Positive Shear 32.44 kN L=6.5
Negative shear 32.44 kN L=6.5
Positive Shear 46.26 kN L=8
Negative shear 40.22 kN L=8

Maximum positive shear 46.26 kN

Maximum neagtive shear 40.22 kN
Provide shrinkage reinforcement for the topping slab
As min= 216 mm2
use 6mm diameter stirrup 6
Number of stirrup 5
As for 5bars ,6mm diameter 94.24778
So Asmin>As use As min
Spacing used= 125 mm
Smax= 450 mm
Smax= 5*h 1800 mm
Miinimum of two Smax= 450
compare Smax > Spacing is ok? OK Satisfy
Use 6mm stirrup @ spacing = 125 mm
factored load on each of ribs is
Total voume ( in 1m2 surface) 0.36 m3
volume of hollow blocks in 1m2 0.192 m3
Net concrete volume in 1m2 0.168 m3
weight of concrete in 1m2 3.9648 kN/m2
weight of hollow blocks in 1m2 1.92 kN/m2
Total dead load/m2 11.9668 kN/m2
Wu used 20.76016 kN/m2
Wu per rib 10.38008 kN/m
Critical SF & BM are det (Simply sub beam)
SF Vmax= 46.25623 kN
BM Mmax positive= 56.6776 kN.m
BM Mmax negative= 62.34536 kN.m
Check rib strength for beam shear
Assume 14 mm diameter reinf. Bar and 6mm dia stirrup
effective depth (d)= 329.5 mm
Vc= 70.85399
ɸ Vc 53.14049

ɸ V<Vumax( if yes req shear Reinf) No need

Shear reinforcement not required 1.1*ɸ Vc
Design Flexure reinforcement for the ribs ɸ=0.9
be is half dist btw ribs cc= 600 mm
use bw=100mm , be=500mm
β1= 0.7784
ρ= 0.002132 OK
ρ max= 0.021575
As= ρ be d= 421.5663 mm2
use 10 mm diameter 14
No of bars 3
As provided= 461.8141
As prov>As
As used 461.8141
Clear cover 58.5 >25mm and db ok
a= 10.41346 mm
a<70 mm if yes it is ok OK , Assumption is right
Check As min:
As min 1= 226.5153 mm2
As min 2= 200.5652 mm2
take As min (max one from 1&2)= 226.5153 mm2
As prov= 461.8141
As min< As prov Chech Yes ok
Check ɸ=0.9 (Ductilyty of section)
β1= 0.7784
c= 13.37803 mm
εt= 0.07089 >0.005 ok

Design Flexure reinforcement for the ribs ɸ=0.9

be is half dist btw ribs cc= 600 mm
use bw=100mm , be=500mm
β1= 0.7784
ρ= 0.002349 OK
ρ max= 0.021575
As= ρ be d= 464.4138 mm2
use 10 mm diameter 14
No of bars 4
As provided= 615.7522
As prov>As
As used 615.7522
Clear cover 34.33333 >25mm and db ok
a= 13.88461 mm
a<70 mm if yes it is ok OK , Assumption is right
Check As min:
As min 1= 226.5153 mm2
As min 2= 200.5652 mm2
take As min (max one from 1&2)= 226.5153 mm2
As prov= 615.7522
As min< As prov Chech Yes ok
Check ɸ=0.9 (Ductilyty of section)
β1= 0.7784
c= 17.83737 mm
εt= 0.052417 >0.005 ok
4.6 Deflection check

Ec 29725.41001
fr 3.921224299
Ig 36000000
Yt 60
Mcr 2.352734579
Ma for unfactored DL+LL 43.5236
Ma for unfactored DL +LL > (2/3) Mcr or <= (2/3) Mcr Ma greater
Es 200000
n 6.728250341
Asprovided 461.8
B 17158.99293
C 0.106545224
Icr 29472407.63
Ie for unfactored DL and LL 36000000
combination of unfactored DL and LL (kN/m) 10.082
Lenth of the beam 8000
deflection of combination of unfactored DL and LL 100.4951406

Ma for unfactored DL in the middle of the span (kN.m) 26.0929

Ie for unfactord DL (mm^4) 36000000
Unfactored DL (kN/m) 6.082
deflection of unfactored DL 60.62402752

deflection of the beam 15.09

max deflection (mm) 22.22222222
check deflection Ok
4.7 cross section of beam

The slab was classified as one way slab. The slab was designed in a similar way for the
rectangular section for beams and girders. All spans were classified as singly reinforced, and
the required area of reinforcement was lower than the minimum reinforcement area.
Therefore, the required area of reinforcement was chosen to be equal to the minimum area of
reinforcement and all spans had the same reinforcement. For the shrinkage and temperature,
it is supposed to be equal to the minimum reinforcement required, which made all the
reinforcement for the slab equal to the minimum area of reinforcement. Drawings for the slab
layout were also done to show the arrangement of reinforcement. Shear design was also
checked for the slab as well as deflection control. Deflection control was satisfactory for all

No. Day Date Duration Notes

1 Tuesday 20-12- 4 hrs Solid slab excel sheet


2 Wednesday 21-12- 3 hrs Solid slab excel sheet


3 Thursday 29-12- 3 hrs Ribbed slab excel sheet


4 Friday 30-12- 4 hrs Ribbed slab excel sheet


5 Saturday 31-12- 6 hrs Report writing


Appendix A

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