To Law Ak Thesis
To Law Ak Thesis
To Law Ak Thesis
Tolawak Wakgare
Advisor: Tolu Biressa(PhD)
JULY 2014
Table of Contents i
List of Tables iv
Acknowledgements v
Abstract vi
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background and literature review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.3 Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.4 Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2 Stellar Evolution 5
2.1 Basic Denition and Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.1 The birth, life and death of a neutron star . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
5.4 Rotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
5.6 Evolution of neutron star in binary setting and nal out come of binary star 41
References 46
List of Figures
5.1 Period evolution with respect to relative mass and relate orbit. . . . . . . 30
5.2 Evolution of the relative orbital radius due accretion (mass transfer) after
supernova explosion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
List of Tables
First of all, I would like to thank almighty God for letting me to accomplish this study.
Dr.Tolu Biressa for developing this masters thesis and for inspirational guidance, un-
reserved support and critical comments on the thesis work by sharing his every rich
experience in the end of Astrophysics. Next I would like to thank my internal examiner
Dr. Solomon negash for his support comments on proposal to nal thesis presentation as
Finally, I would like to appreciate and be thankful to my parents for nancial and moral
Common-envelope evolution interaction in binary star system is one of active research
area in astrophysics. Energy-momentum ow and mass transfers between the binaries are
objects and stellar evolution. In this thesis, we focused on the orbital dynamics and
evolution of a burning star with neutron star in close binary system. The evolution
were discussed mainly focusing on dynamical mass transfer between the binary where
the classical Keplerian orbit equations were employed. For the mass transfer and energy-
momentum ow the Roche-lobe overow (RLOF) model was used. Calculation were
performed and results were presented graphically using the software Mathematica 13.
We nd that dynamical mass transfer will result if q1 is greater than qcrit . The dynamical
mass transfer has direct impact on radius of Roche lobe in which the donor star will
shrink. When there is mass transfer the orbital period of the donor increases while the
rotation of the secondary spins up. The mean orbital radius and orbital period of the
Chapter 1
universe. They are ideal astrophysical laboratories for testing theories of dense matter
physics and provide connections among nuclear physics, particle physics and astrophysics.
They exhibit conditions and phenomena that are not observed commonly on earth such
tivity with critical temperatures near 1010 kelvin, opaqueness to neutrinos, and magnetic
elds in excess of 1013 Gauss. Observations that include binary pulsars, thermal emission
from isolated NSs, glitches from pulsars and quasi-periodic oscillations from accreting
NSs provide information about their masses, radii, temperatures, ages and internal com-
positions [11].
It is now a well known fact that most of the stars in the solar neighborhood are in fact,
multiple stars, most of which are binary stars (Kallrath & Milone, 1999). That the 'stars'
we observe in the night sky are not always single stars like our Sun has been known for
a long time-Father Giovanni Baptista Riccioli being the rst to realize on observing ζ
Ursae Maioris (Mizar) that in fact it was a 'double star' in 1669[7].
One of the most important environments in which accretion discs are found occur in
interacting binaries. Philipp Podsiadlowski review the main properties of binary systems
and the most important types of binary interactions, stable and unstable mass transfer,
the role of mass loss, mass accretion and, in the most dramatic case, the merging of the
The concept of common envelope(CE) evolution, in our present understanding of it, was
In close binaries, the combined eects of stellar and orbital evolution can cause a star
to ll its Roche lobe and transfer mass to its companion. If the orbit is eccentric this
mass transfer is expected to commence at or near the periastron of the binary orbit where
the eective Roche lobes of the component stars are smallest. Until recently, studies of
calculations of the mass transfer stream and much less on the eects of the mass transfer
on secular binary evolution. To the best of our knowledge, Sepinsky et al. (2007b, 2009)
were the rst to study in detail the secular evolution of the orbital semi-major axis and
method initially outlined by Hadjidemetriou (1969) and found that, depending on the
binary properties at the onset of mass transfer, the orbital semi-major axis and eccentric-
ity can either increase or decrease at a rate linearly proportional the mass transfer rate
circularize binary orbits as a star evolves towards lling its Roche lobe. Sepinsky et al.
(2007b, 2009) calculated the orbital evolution due to mass transfer in eccentric binaries
assuming mass transfer leads to the formation of an accretion disk. Tidal interactions
between the disk and the donor star then allow at least some fraction of the angular
momentum carried by the transferred matter to be returned to the orbit. However, if the
size of the accretor is a considerable fraction of the size of the orbit, matter lost by the
donor star through the inner Lagrangian point may impact the accretor's surface directly
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Common-envelope (CE) evolution is considered as the least understood binary interac-
tion. It typically involves the spiral-in of a companion star inside the envelope of a
super-giant donor star and, in many cases, the ejection of the envelope, transforming an
initially wide binary into a very close binary [15]. The conditions for the occurrence of
The dynamical evolution of the binary and neutron star are still active research area. The
condition for mass transfer from the companion to the neutron star, the energy momen-
tum ow etc are still hot research area. Both stars aect each other in their evolution.
Here in our case we focus on the companion star evolution in the presence of neutron
What is the eect of the binary interaction on the spin of the NS?
Does the binary interaction aect the magnetic eld of the NS?
1.3 Objectives
binary system.
1.3.2 Specic objectives
To describe orbital evolution of the binary.
To explain the interaction eect of the binary on the spin of the NS.
To describe the eect of the binary interaction on the evolution of magnetic eld of
the NS.
1.4 Methodology
A two-body problem of the classical Kepler's planetary motion is considered to describe
orbital dynamics of the binary system. A close binary is being considered and so that the
and particle ow, the Roche-lobe overow (RLOF) model is used. To see the interaction
eects of the binary, some simplifying boundary conditions are used to generate analytical
numerical data dynamical evolution of the orbit and the period. The results be presented
in plots. For the numerical data generation and process Mathematica 13 is used. Finally,
The organization of the work is: in chapter 2 we introduce stellar evolution, in chapter 3
NS introduction is provided, in chapter 4 orbital dynamics and evolution of the binary will
be provided, in chapter 5 results and discussions will follow while in chapter 6 summary
Chapter 2
Stellar Evolution
stood to a good extend that stars produce energy by nuclear fusion reactions that occur
in the star core which is responsible for star formation processes. Stars form when a dense
cloud of gas (called molecular clouds) collapses until nuclear reactions begin deep in the
interior of the cloud and provide enough energy to halt the collapse, a situation called
hydro-static equilibrium. A star remains in its main sequence of the HR diagram for the
largest fraction of its life time because it maintains hydro-static equilibrium during this
phase. It is also known that high mass stars have more fuel, therefore they emits more
energy and evolve more rapidly than low mass stars, which emits less energy. Various
(a) The main sequence phase: Just after taking birth through the collapse of inter-
stellar dusts or giant molecular clouds, the stars reach in the main sequence, which is
characterized by hydrogen fusion in their core. It means, during the main sequence phase,
(b) The Sub-Giant phase: Due to formation of He in the core. The core becomes
He rich. At this stage the temperature is not high enough to sustain further fusion. But
H-burning continues in a shell around the core and as the temperature increase the pres-
sure outside the core increases and the H-shell expands marking star entering in to the
(c) The Red-Giant phase: After the sub-giant phase, the core has enough temper-
ature for fusing He to form carbon. The outer layers begin to expand, cool and shine less
(d) White Dwarf phase: The He core runs out and very soon the core consists only of
Carbon and Oxygen. The CO core grows while a He-burning shell source develops. The
outer layers begins to drift away from the core as a gaseous envelope. In fact there exists
a super-wind which removes the envelope mass before the core has grown to its maximal
possible size. This gas that surround the core is called a planetary Nebula. Now the
remaining core, which is around 80% of the original star, approaches its nal stage where
the core becomes highly dense, compact, cool and dim called a white dwarf
However, in case of high mass stars (& 8M ), the contracting core get sucient tem-
perature for carbon burning, and start to burn to neon. This process of core burning
followed by core contraction and shell burning keep on going in a series of nuclear re-
actions producing successively heavier elements until iron is formed in the core. Iron
cannot be burned to heavier elements because it is the most stable element. Finally, all
the fuel of star run out and it begin collapses under its own gravity. The mass of the
core of the star allow what happens next. If the core has a mass less than about 3M ,
the collapse of stars may be stopped by the pressure of neutrons (this is an even more
extreme state than the electron pressure that balance the white dwarfs). In this case, the
core converted in a neutron star. If the core of star has a mass greater than about 3M ,
even neutron pressure is not sucient to balance gravity, and it will collapse further into
a black hole[16].
Figure 2.1: HR-diagram of star
ary phases. There are three important basic time scales: the nuclear time scale tn, the
thermal time scale tt and the dynamical or free fall time scale td .
The Nuclear Time Scale. The time in which a star radiates away all the energy
that can be released by nuclear reactions is called the nuclear time scale. An estimate
of this time can be obtained if one calculates the time in which all available hydrogen is
turned into helium. On the basis of theoretical considerations and evolutionary compu-
tations it is known that only just over 10% of the total mass of hydrogen in the star can
be consumed before other, more rapid evolutionary mechanisms set in. Since 0.7% of the
rest mass is turned into energy in hydrogen burning, the nuclear time scale will be
0.007 × 0.1M c2
tn ≈ (2.1)
For the Sun one obtains the nuclear time scale 1010 years, and thus
tn ≈ (2.2)
This gives the nuclear time scale as a function of the mass M and luminosity L of a
given star. For example, if the mass is 30M , one obtains tn about 2 million years. The
reason for the shorter time scale is that the stellar luminosity strongly increases for higher
The Thermal Time Scale. The time in which a star would radiate away all its thermal
energy if the nuclear energy production were suddenly turned o is called the thermal
time scale. This is also the time it takes for radiation from the centre to reach the surface.
0.5GM 2 /R (M/M )
tt ≈ ≈ × 2 × 107 a, (2.3)
L (R/R )(L/L )
where G is the constant of gravity and R the stellar radius. For the Sun the thermal time
scale is about 20 million years or 1/500 of the nuclear time scale [10].
The Dynamical Time Scale. The third and shortest time scale is the time it would
take a star to collapse if the pressure supporting it against gravity were suddenly removed.
It can be estimated from the time it would take for a particle to fall freely from the stellar
surface to the centre. This is half of the period given by Kepler's third law, where the
r r
2π (R/2)3 R3
td = ≈ (2.4)
The ordering of the time scales is normally like that in the Sun, << tt << tn [10].
toward the red giant branch (RGB), develop an electron degenerate core composed of
helium. When the mass (MHe ) of the He core has grown to a critical value the
precise value depends on the composition, star mass, and input physics), a He-burning
runaway is initiated in the core (He-ash), which continues until electron degeneracy is
removed. The maximum initial mass of the star (otherwise called MHeF ) for this to occur
is about , depending on the initial chemical composition. Within the same mass
range we distinguish the stars lighter than Mcon ' 1.3M
that burn hydrogen in a radia-
tive core from the more massive ones doing it in a convective core. Furthermore, it is
worth recalling that stars lighter than about 0.5M cannot proceed to central He-ignition
because they fail to reach the threshold value for the He-core burning.
Stars more massive than MHeF are classied either as intermediate-mass or massive stars.
In turn we distinguish the intermediate-mass stars from the massive ones by looking at
the stage of carbon ignition in the core. By intermediate mass we mean those stars which,
following core He-exhaustion, develop a highly degenerate carbon-oxygen (C-O) core, and
as asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars experience helium shell ashes or thermal pulses.
The AGB phase is terminated either by envelope ejection and formation of a white dwarf
it has grown to the Chandrasekhar limit of 1.4M . The limit mass Mw is regulated by
the eciency of mass loss by stellar wind during the RGB and AGB phases (see Iben &
Renzini 1983).The minimum mass of the C-O core, below which carbon ignition in non
degenerate condition fails and the above scheme holds, is 1.06M corresponding to an
Finally, massive stars are those that ignite carbon nonviolently and through a series
of nuclear burnings proceed either to the construction of an iron core and subsequent
photodissociation instability with core collapse and supernova explosion (Mi ≤ Mmas ),
or following a more complicated scheme undergo core collapse and supernova explosion
Chapter 3
Neutron stars are created in the aftermath of the gravitational collapse of the core
of a massive star (≥ 8 M ) at the end of its life, which triggers a Type II supernova
explosion. Newly-born neutron stars or proto-neutron stars are rich in leptons, mostly e−
and νe . The detailed explosion mechanism of Type II supernovae is not understood, but
it is probable that neutrinos play a crucial role. One of the most remarkable aspects is
that neutrinos become temporarily trapped within the star during collapse. The typical
neutrino matter cross section is σ ≈ 10−40 cm2 resulting in a mean free path λ ≈(σn)−1
≈ 10cm, where the baryon number density is n ' 2 to 3 n0 . This length is much less than
the proto-neutron star radius which exceeds 20 km. The gravitational binding energy re-
leased in the collapse of the progenitor star's white dwarf-like core to a neutron star is
≈ 3×1053 erg (G is the gravitational constant), which is about 10% of its total
mass energy M c2 . The kinetic energy of the expanding remnant is on the order of 1×1051
to 2 × 1051 erg, and the total energy radiated in photons is further reduced by a factor
of 10%. Nearly all the energy is carried o by neutrinos and antineutrinos of all avors
in roughly equal proportions. Core collapse halts when the star's interior density reaches
n0 , which triggers the formation of a shock wave at the core's outer edge. The shock wave
propagates only about 100 to 200 km before it stalls, having lost energy to neutrinos and
from nuclear dissociation of the material it has plowed through . Apparently, neutrinos
from the core, assisted perhaps by rotation, convection and magnetic elds, eventually
resuscitate the shock, which within seconds accelerates outwards, expelling the massive
stellar mantle. The proto-neutron star left behind rapidly shrinks because of pressure
losses from neutrino emission in its periphery (stage II). The escape of neutrinos from
the interior occurs on a diusion time τ simeq3R
≈ 10s. The neutrinos observed from
Supernova (SN) 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud conrmed this time scale and the
occurs after a precursor to a supernova has burned out its nuclear fuel: rst hydrogen,
then helium produced from hydrogen, and nally heavier chemical elements, including
oxygen and magnesium. The end product of subsequent nuclear transformations is iso-
topes of iron-group elements accumulated in the center of the star. The pressure of the
electron Fermi gas is the sole factor that prevents collapse of such an iron-nickel core to
its center under the force of gravity. But as soon as a few days after oxygen burning, the
mass of the iron core increases above the Chandrasekhar limit equal to 1.44M ,which is
the maximum mass whose gravitational compression is still counteracted by the pressure
energy (& 1053 erg) and a shock wave that strips o the outer envelopes of the giant
star at a speed amounting to 10 % of the speed of light, while the inner part of the star
A newborn neutron star has the temperature above 1010 − 1011 K; thereafter, it cools
down (rather fast initially, but slower and slower afterwards), releasing the energy in the
form of neutrino emission from its depth and electromagnetic radiation from the surface.
But the evolution of a neutron star is not reduced to cooling alone. Many neutron stars
have strong magnetic elds that also evolve through changes in strength and congura-
tion. A rotating neutron star having a strong magnetic eld is surrounded by an extended
plasma magnetosphere formed due to the knockout of charged particles from the surface
by the rotation-induced electric eld, thermal emission, and the birth of electron-positron
pairs upon collisions of charged particles of the magnetosphere with one another and with
photons. Given a suciently fast rotation of a star, its magnetosphere undergoes collec-
tive acceleration of the constituent particles in the parts where plasma density is too low
to screen the strong electric eld induced by rotation. Such processes generate coherent
directed radio-frequency emission due to which the neutron star can be seen as a radio
pulsar if it rotates such that its directive pattern intersects observers line of sight. The
rotational energy is gradually depleted and the particles born in the magnetosphere have
a charge whose sign is such that the induced electric eld makes them propagate toward
the star; they accelerate along the magnetic force lines, hit the star surface near its mag-
A single neutron star eventually exhausts its supply of thermal and magnetic energy
During the rst ∼ 105 − 106 yr, a neutron star cools mainly via neutrino emission from
its innermost regions (which have densities ρ & 1010 gcm−3 ). For ages t & 10 − 50yr, the
internal layers are isothermal. They have an enormous density gradient which results in
dierent neutrino emissivities at dierent radii. As a rule, the most ecient neutrino emis-
sion is produced in a stellar core, which extends from ρ ≈ ρo /2. Here,ρo ≈ 2.8×1014 gcm−3
is the density of nuclear matter in atomic nuclei. The composition and equation of state
of supranuclear matter (ρ & 2ρo ) in neutron-star cores are largely unknown but are of
3.2 Neutron star properties
compare this measurement with theoretical predictions, we dene binding energy as the
where Ab is the number of nucleons in the NS; mF e is the mass of iron per nucleon;mF e =
55.845 u with u = 1.6605 × 10−24 g .
from the NS surface. This quantity, denoted by zsurf , is related to the compactness ratio
rg /R where rg = 2 GM
is the Schwarzschild radius, G being the gravitational constant
rg −1/2
zsurf = 1 − − 1, (3.2)
for a given NS mass the gravitational redshift decreases with the stiness of EoS. For the
canonical NS mass ∼ 1.4M , zsurf thus decreases from ∼ 0.27 to ∼ 0.23 from the softest
their masses and radii. The most reliable constraints are expected to be inferred from
observations of transient low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs) in globular clusters because
their distances can be accurately determined and their atmospheres, most presumably
mass and radius of a NS can also be constrained from observations of type I X-ray bursts.
These bursts are the manifestations of explosive thermonuclear fusion reactions triggered
by the accretion of matter onto the NS surface. More precisely, the unstable burning of
helium ash produced by the fusion of accreted hydrogen is thought to be at the origin
of type I X-ray bursts. In some cases, the bursts are luminous enough to substantially
expand the photosphere until the Eddington limit is reached. Measurements of the Ed-
dington ux, the angular area of the photosphere, and the distance, combined with NS
atmosphere models, allow a determination of the NS mass and radius. Recently deter-
of six NSs: three type I X-ray bursters with photospheric radius expansion, and three
termined in dierent ways. The mass of the pulsar PSR J1614-2230, which has a half
solar-mass white dwarf companion, was determined by measuring the mass function of
the system and the Shapiro delay using radio observations of the pulsar. The Shapiro
delay is a relativistic eect that causes the light-travel time through the gravitational
well of a star to be greater than in the Newtonian limit and to vary periodically with the
orbital phase of the system relative to our line of sight to the system. The magnitude of
the delay depends on the mass of the pulsar's companion, while its variation de- pends on
the inclination of the system relative to our line of sight (e.g., if the system is face-on to
us, the delay has no orbital-phase dependence). Importantly, the Shapiro delay does not
depend on the nature of the companion. It is therefore irrelevant whether the pulsar's
companion is a neutron star, a white dwarf, or a main sequence star. Mea- suring the
Shapiro delay determines the two additional system parameters needed to obtain a unique
solution for the masses of both stars in the system. The estimated mass of PSR J1614-
2230 is 1.97 ± 0.04 M . PSR J0348+0432 has a white dwarf companion with observable
atmospheric spectral lines. The periodic variation of the energies of these lines yields a
second mass function, while the measured gravitational red shift of the lines can be used
to determine the white dwarf mass, closing the system of equations. The estimated mass
Chapter 4
nuclear evolution in the Hubble time, the estimated binary fraction varies from ' (40
Based on the summary of data on binary fraction β (M) provided in, van Haaften et
1 1 M
β(M ) ≈ + log(M ) 0.08 ≤ ≤ 100 (4.1)
2 4 M
The evolution of binary stars does not dier from that of single stars unless they get
in each other's way. If the binary orbit is wide enough, the individual stars are not af-
fected by the presence of a companion, so that standard stellar evolution theory is all
that is required to describe their evolution. However, if the stars become close, they can
interact, with consequences for the evolution and appearance of the stars, as well as the
The eective gravitational potential in a frame rotating with a circular binary system
forms equi potential surfaces called Roche surfaces. A sphere of the volume enclosed
by the critical Roche surface denes the Roche lobe radius of each star. If either star
lls its Roche lobe, then gas ows from the outer layers of that star through the inner
Lagrangian point that connects the two Roche lobes. Some or all of this gas may be
captured by the companion star so that mass transfer occurs and, as a result, the subse-
quent evolution of both stars takes a dierent course from that of isolated stars. When
the Roche lobe-lling star is a giant, with a convective envelope, or is signicantly more
massive than its companion, then, as described by Paczy«ski , the transferred mass may
not be captured by the companion, but instead accumulates in a common envelope (CE)
surrounding both stars. The outcome of CE evolution is still not fully understood, but
possible scenarios include loss of the envelope as the two cores spiral in to form a closer
of gravity. It is well known that this problem is equivalent to the problem of a single
body with mass moving in an external gravitational potential. The value of the external
M = M1 + M2 (4.2)
M1 M2
µ= (4.3)
The body µ moves in an elliptic orbit with eccentricity e and major semi-axis a. The or-
2π 2
bital period and orbital frequency Ω2 = P
are related to M and a by Kepler's third law
2 2π GM
Ω = = (4.4)
P a3
with the same eccentricity e. The major semi-axis ai of the two ellipses are inversely
a1 M2
= (4.5)
a2 M2
and satisfy the relationship a = a1 + a2 . The position vectors of the bodies from the
M2 r
r1 = (4.6)
(M1 + M2 )
−M1 r
r2 = (4.7)
(M1 + M2 )
r = r1 − r2 (4.8)
v = v1 + v2 (4.9)
M1 v21 M2 v22 GM1 M2 µ v2 GM1 M2 −GM1 M2
E= + − = − = , (4.10)
2 2 r 2 r 2a
where r is the distance between the bodies. The orbital angular momentum vector is
Jorb = M1 v1 × r1 + M2 v2 × r2 = µ v × r. (4.11)
|Jorb | = µ GM a(1 − e2 ).
For circular binaries with e = 0 the distance between orbiting bodies does not depend on
r(t, e = 0) = a, (4.13)
and is usually referred to as orbital separation. In this case, the velocities of the bodies,
v = |v| = Ωa = , (4.14)
common centre-of-mass. In plane polar coordinates, r, the separation of the stars, and θ,
the phase angle, the equations of motion for an elliptical orbit are
a(1 − e2 )
r= (4.16)
1 + e cos θ
h = r2 θ̇ (4.17)
where a is the semi-major axis of the ellipse and e the eccentricity. The specic angular
h = |h| is given by
h=r×v (4.18)
where both r and v = ṙ lie in the orbital plane. Note that the semi-latus rectum
l = a(1 − e2 ) = (4.19)
M = M1 + M2 (4.20)
is the total mass of the system, is constant if orbital angular momentum is conserved.
These equations consider the stars as point masses interacting by gravity alone. Perturb-
ing eects, such as tidal forces, are not taken into account. Mass transfer occurs in close
binary systems following the onset of Roche lobe overow (RLOF). This can be triggered
either by a star expanding to ll its Roche lobe as a result of stellar evolution, or by
angular momentum losses causing contraction of the orbit. The Roche lobe radius of a
star is
RL1 0.49q1
= 1/2 2/3
a 0.6q1 + ln(1 + q1 )
in terms of the semimajor axis of the orbit and the mass ratio q1 = M2
of the primary
star, accurate to within 2% for 0 < q1 < ∞. Note the above equation also be used to
obtain the Roche lobe radius of the secondary by using the appropriate mass ratio ,i.e,
q2 . The theory of RLOF is based on two stars in a circular orbit in which complete coro-
Figure 4.1: Mass transfer of binary star
tation has been achieved. In most cases this is adequate, because tidal friction generally
acts to remove any eccentricity on a time-scale shorter than the evolution time-scale of
the binary. However, it may be possible for RLOF to occur in an eccentric orbit if the
binary is formed by tidal capture so that the primary, the more evolved star, has not
spent all its life as part of the present system. It is also possible that stars may form
in a close eccentric binary, but it is generally expected that some initial circularization
occurs as part of the formation process. Eccentric RLOF could also be envisaged if a
star in an eccentric orbit is rapidly expanding, such as on the AGB, so that the nuclear
and circularization time-scales are similar. If any of these rare cases arise, then, for want
from one of the stars are derived. In what follows, the two stars will be referred to as m1
and m2 , with the latter the mass losing star. The angular momentum (AM) of binary
where vi = ωai is the velocity of accretion and donor star; "i" stands for the accretion
"a" and donor "d" stars respectively, ai is the position of the accretion and donor star,
Ji = mi a2i ω (4.23)
Roche geometry changes are governed by the total orbital angular momentum J of the
µa2 ω = µ GMT a (4.25)
Where aa = (md /M )a, ad = (ma /MT )a are the distance of the two stars from the center
ma md
of mass (semi major-axis), V = ma +md
is the reduced mass, M = m2 + m1 is the total
mass, and the mass ratio is q= ma
. Throughout this paper, we consider an eccentricity e
will be zero. The period "P", the semi major axis "a" and the total mass transfer related
2π 2 GM
( ) = ω2 = 3 (4.26)
P a
which implies that the orbital angular momentum J can be written as:
P G2
J(P ) = ma md (4.27)
Ji = (4.28)
and the specic angular momentum for binary component "i" can be written as:
Ji µJ
li = = (4.29)
mi M
Where mi is mass of the accretion and donor and li is specic angular momentum of the
accretion and donor star, respectively. From Kepler's third law we relate orbital evolution
ȧ Ṗ Ṁ
a3 ∝ P 2 M ≈ 3 = 2 + (4.30)
a P M
Ga(1 − e2 )
J = ma md (4.31)
By dierentiating this expression we obtain a general equation for the evolution of orbital
ȧ Ṁ ṁd ṁa eė
= +2 −2 + − (4.33)
a M J md ma (1 − e2 )
the rate of change of orbital period, semi major axis, and total mass transfer can be
written as:
Ṗ 3 ȧ 1 Ṁ
= − (4.34)
P 2a 2M
dp 3 da 1 dM
= − (4.35)
pdt 2 adt 2 M dt
s 3
a M0
P = P0 (4.36)
a0 M
Where P0 , a0 , and M0 are initial orbital period, semi major axis, and total mass transfer
In the case of Roche lobe overow in an already circularized binary, the last term is zero.
The J˙ term represents angular momentum loss from the binary, which can be due to
mass loss from the binary as a whole or from the component stars[14].
of the system. In the Roche approximation, it is assumed that the orbit is circular and
that the gravitational eld generated by the two stars is like that of two point masses.
Close to each star, the potential is dominated by the gravity of that star and the surfaces
are almost spherical. Moving progressively further from the stellar center, the tidal eect
of the companion and the centrifugal force cause an elongation along the line of centers.
From the point of view of binary evolution, the most important equipotential surface is
the one with the gure-of eight cross section. The cusped volumes which are enclosed by
the critical surface are called the Roche lobes of the respective stars. Once a star lls its
Roche lobe, it starts transferring mass to its companion through the inner Lagrangian
point L1 which is the one point where the two Roche lobes touch If the transfer rate is
rapid enough, the companion cannot accrete the proferred material, which piles up into
a hot blanket above the companion. Eventually, the hot blanket begins to overow the
Roche lobe of the companion. At this point, it no longer makes sense to describe the
situation in terms of the Roche-lobe structure, as the assumptions made in deriving this
which the two components revolving about their center of mass are immersed. Usually,
the term CE is used to describe a situation in which the envelope is not co rotating with
the binary and is not necessarily in hydrostatic equilibrium (unlike, say, in W Ursa Ma-
joris systems). The concept of CE evolution, in our present understanding of it, was rst
massive binaries containing neutron stars. The most direct evidence for the reality of CE
evolution is provided by the existence of planetary nebulae (PNe) with close binary nu-
clei, which appear to have relatively recently emerged from a CE phase, with the ejected
CE itself being the nebula. Classical novae in outburst provide us with an opportunity
The outcome of the CE stage depends on the product of two parameters:λ which is the
measure of the binding energy of the envelope to the core prior to the mass transfer in
a binary system, and αC E , which is the common envelope eciency itself. Evaluation
of both parameters suers from large physical uncertainties. For example, forλ the most
debatable issues are the accounting of the internal energy in the binding energy of the
envelope and the denition of the core/envelope boundary itself. Some authors argue
that enthalpy rather than internal energy should be included in the calculation of λ)
which seems physically justiable for convective envelopes[18].
A simple estimation of the reduction of the orbital separation can be found by sim-
ply equating the binding energy of the envelope of the (sub)giant donor to the required
dierence in orbital energy (before and after the CE-phase). Let 0 < ηCE < 1 describe
the eciency of ejecting the envelope, i.e. of converting orbital energy into the kinetic
GMdonor Menv GMcore M1 GMdonor M1
≡ ηCE − (4.37)
λai rL 2af 2ai
yielding the ratio of nal (post-CE) to initial (pre-CE) orbital separation:
af Mcore M1 1
= (4.38)
ai Mdonor M1 + 2Menv /(ηCE λrL )
the donor star so that ai rL = RL ≈ Rdonor and λ is a parameter which depends on the
stellar mass-density distribution, and consequently also on the evolutionary stage of the
star. The orbital separation of the surviving binaries is quite often reduced by a factor of
∼ 100 as a result of the spiral-in. If there is not enough orbital energy available to eject
Chapter 5
We have consider that the interaction between this two stars is close binary so we
approximate eccentricity to zero. For the sake of simplication the kick velocity after
the supernova explosion will be neglected.Since its close binary,we did not consider wind
mass transfer. Mass transfer and interaction between this two masses has some amount
of eect on the evolution of internal part of star around the core of star, the energy
momentum ow between the stars aect the fusion process of stars but in general we nd
the same outcome when we come to evolution of stars and evolution of orbital parameters.
transfer phase, the basic properties of the evolution of a binary due to mass transfer can
easily be described. The rate at which a star can adjust to changes in its mass is governed
by three time scales. The dynamical time scale results from the adiabatic response of the
star to restore hydro static equilibrium, and can be approximated by the free fall time
across the radius of the star, Conservative mass transfer occurs when there is no mass
loss from the system, and therefore all mass lost from one star is accreted by the other
star. During conservative mass transfer, the orbital elements of the binary can change.
Consider a system with total mass M = M1 + M2 and semi-major axis a The total orbital
angular momentum
h a i1/2
J = GM12 M22 (5.1)
is a constant, and we can write a ∝ (M1 M2 )−2 . Using Kepler's third law and denoting
P M1i M2i
= (5.2)
Pi M1 M2
Ṗ 3Ṁ1 (M1 − M2 )
= (5.3)
P M1 M2
Note that if the more massive star loses mass, then the orbital period decreases and the
orbit shrinks. If the less massive star is the donor, then the orbit expands. Usually, the
initial phase of RLOF takes place as the more massive star evolves. As a consequence,
the orbit of the binary will shrink, driving the binary to a more compact orbit.
The numerical result plot of the period evolution of the binary given as in equation 4.36
is shown in gure .
As we see from the plot the period increases if the relative orbit increase more in relation
Once a CE system has formed, friction between the immersed binary and the envelop e
will make the two components spiral towards each other until enough orbital energy has
been released to eject the envelope. This ends the spiral-in phase and leaves a much closer
binary with an orbital period typically between ∼ 0.1 and ∼ 10d. CE evolution tends
by which an initially wide binary, with an orbital period of possibly many years, can be
transformed into a very close binary with an orbital period of hours to days.
For relative mass of star
greater the rate change of period is less. Where M0 ,is mass of
Figure 5.1: Period evolution with respect to relative mass and relate orbit.
star before mass transfer and M is mass of star after mass transfer. As the star accreate
mass the orbit tend to expand which results rotation period to increase.
In non-conservative mass transfer, both mass and angular momentum can be removed
from the system. There are two basic non-conservative processes that are important
for the formation of relativistic binaries the common-envelope process and the super-
nova explosion of one component of the binary. The result of the st process is often a
short-period, circularized binary containing a white dwarf. Although the most common
outcome of the second process is the disruption of the binary, occasionally this process
Let v be the velocity of one component of the binary relative to the other component.
The initial energy of the binary is given by
1 M1 M2 GM1 M2 GM1 M2
E= v2 − =− (5.4)
2 M1 + M2 a 2a
Following the supernova explosion of M1 , the expanding mass shell will quickly cross the
orbit of M2 , decreasing the gravitational force acting on the secondary. The new energy
Since we have assumed that the instantaneous velocities of both components have not
G(M1 +M2 )
been aected, we can replace them by v2 = a
and s,
0 M1 + M2
E = −2 (5.6)
2a MN S + M2
Note that the nal energy will be positive and the binary will be disrupted if MN S <
(1/2)(M1 + M2 ). This condition occurs when the mass ejected from the system is greater
4 M > (M1 + M2 ), (5.7)
Where 4M = M1 − MN S . If the binary is not disrupted, the new orbit becomes eccentric
M1 + M2 − 4M
= , (5.8)
a M1 + M2 − 2 4 M
The relative change of the orbit with respect to the rate of accretion with respect to the
Direct mass loss through a supernova explosion can also alter the properties of a binary,
but this process generally drives the system toward larger orbital separation and can
Figure 5.2: Evolution of the relative orbital radius due accretion (mass transfer) after
supernova explosion.
disrupt the binary entirely. For example, in the plot of gure 5.2 as the relative mass
transfer reaches over 0.5 the mean orbital radius begun to decrease.
tum is stored in the accretion disk until the disk couples tidally to the binary system.
Taam and McDermott have suggested that this leads to unstable dynamical mass trans-
fer in many cataclysmic variables in which mass transfer would otherwise be stable, and
that it explains the gap between 2 and 3 hr in the orbital period distribution of these
If ζad < ζL the radius of the primary increases faster than the Roche lobe on conser-
vative mass transfer. The mass-loss rate from the primary is limited only by the sonic
expansion rate of its envelope, as mass is transferred through the inner Lagrangian point
connecting the Roche lobes of the two stars. Stars with deep surface convection zones,
and degenerate stars, are unstable to such dynamical time-scale mass-loss, unless the pri-
mary is rather less massive than the secondary so that ζL is more negative than ζad .Thus
dynamical mass transfer occurs for giants (k1 ∈ 3, 5, 6, 8, 9) where k1 is stellar type of
primary star,low-mass MS stars (k1 = 0) and WDs (k1 ∈ 10, 11, 12)when q1 > qcrit . This
the radius deviates from this relation when the mass of the giant envelope is small. To
1.67 − x + 2 M1
qcrit = (5.9)
and that the assumption of ζad ≈ ζeq is not always true. Naked helium giants have
ζad ≈ 0,so that qcrit = 0.784 For low-mass MS stars qcrit = 0.695, and for white dwarfs
M c1 Mc1
valid for
& 0.2. This relation is similar to equation (5.9) for
= 0,but quickly
Mc1 Mc1
diverges as
increases: it is a factor of 2 larger at
= 0.6. For values of q1 intermedi-
ate between the two conditions allow mass transfer to proceed on a thermal time-scale so
that CE evolution is avoided. In the presence of mass loss, and particularly any enhanced
mass loss, this would lead to a signicant increase in the number of stable mass-transfer
Low-mass MS stars are deeply convective, so that mass transfer to a companion pro-
ceeds dynamically if q1 > 0.695. If this is the case, we assume that the entire star
overows its Roche lobe on a time-scale τṀ = τDY N 1 , and only a single star remains.
If the secondary is still on the MS its envelope can easily absorb all of the primary
giant envelope around the degenerate star, which becomes the core of a new giant star.
If a WD (k1 ∈ 10, 11, 12) evolves to ll its Roche lobe, then the secondary must be a less
steady rate,unless q1 > 0.628 when the mass transfer becomes dynamical. In this case
τDY N 1 = 5.05 × 10−5 yr. (5.11)
In the following we will argue that Roche lobe overow in a binary system approximated
by two polytropic components can result in mass transfer on a dynamical timescale for
R ∝ M 3−n (5.12)
which implies
Ṙ 1−n Ṁ Ṁ
= ≡ ξs (5.13)
R 3−n M M
Hence, the body will expand upon mass loss for polytropic indices satisfying 1<n <
3.Approximation for the eective Roche lobe radius of a donor star, taken to be the R1RL
primary, with mass in a point mass binary of total M1 mass M and separation a,
= 0.462 (5.14)
a M
From this, one obtains the following relation for the logarithmic change in the donor is
Ṙ1RL ȧ 1 Ṁ1 1 Ṁ
= + − (5.15)
R1 a 3 M1 3 M
It is more convenient to eliminate the orbital separation, a, from eqn.(5.21) in favor of
J˙orb Ṁ1
the orbital angular momentum. By combining
= M1
+ 21 ȧa − 21 Ṁ
and (5.16) we arrive
which simplies to
Ṙ1RL J˙orb
M1 5 Ṁ1 2 M Ṁ
=2 + 2 − + −2 (5.18)
R1RL Jorb M2 3 M1 3 M2 M
If we assume the mass transfer to be conservative, eq. (5.24) simplies further to yield
M1 5 Ṁ1 Ṁ1
= 2 − ≡ξ (5.19)
R1RL M2 3 M1 M1
Comparing equation 5.19 with equation ??, the condition for stable mass transfer, Ṙ2 ≤
Ṙ2RL can be expressed as
ξs − ξR > 0, (5.20)
In the conservative case eq. (5.25) indicates that if M1 > 65 M2 the donor's Roche lobe
We next consider the response of the donor's radius to a change in its mass. We are
concerned only with the dynamical response of the star as it tries to regain hydrostatic
equilibrium given its new mass. For stars like the Sun it is well known that the mass
and radius are approximately proportional to one another. In the avor of the previous
expressions, the mass radius relation for solar type stars implies
Ṙd Ṁd
= (5.21)
Rd Md
Md 4
qstable = ≤ (5.22)
Mr 3
If the mass ratio q exceeds this value, the Roche lobe will shrink faster than the star can
contract and the mass transfer will proceed on a dynamical timescale until the stability
criterion (5.28) is met. If, on the other hand, q≤ 3
the star will, on a timescale set by
the mass transfer rate, detach from is Roche lobe. Mass transfer may continue even for
stable mass ratios however. From eq. (5.25) any mechanism that removes orbital angular
momentum from the binary will cause the Roche lobe of the donor to contract. Examples
of such mechanisms are the emission of gravitational radiation and magnetic braking [13].
M2 9 − 4n
q≡ = qstable ≡ (5.23)
M1 3(3 − n)
For a polytropic binary with n = 3/2 and mass ratio q > qstable = 2/3 mass transfer must
occur on a dynamical time- scale as the donor will readjust its structure within a few
sound crossing times to its new mass. Note that if the donor is initially the less massive
star (i.e., q < 1), the binary separation is expected to steadily increase during the mass
transfer event. But, if the donor is initially the more massive component (i.e., q > 1),
conservation of orbital angular momentum implies that the separation must decrease and
that the donor is Roche lobe radius will contract thus increasing the degree of overow.
The resulting mass trans- fer rate is expected in this case to be quite substantial. The
dependence of the mass transfer rate on the degree of over-contact can be estimated from
the product of the volume swept out by the ow near the inner Lagrange point, in unit
know whether or not the donor star expands (or contracts) in response to mass loss.
This is determined by the stellar structure (i.e. temperature gradient and entropy) of the
radical. It expands rapidly in response to mass loss due to the super-adiabatic tempera-
ture gradient in its giant envelope. This is clearly an unstable situation if the Roche-lobe
does not grow accordingly. For systems with q & 1.5 (heavy donors) the orbital shrinking
is so ecient that, in combination with an expanding convective donor, it always leads
5.4 Rotation
Eects of rotation can be even more important for binary evolution, since angular
momentum is transfered together with material during the mass transfer process. Ac-
cretion, via a viscous disk or via ballistic impact, transports angular momentum, and
evolutionary models show that this can lead to a signicant spin-up and even critical
The material being transferred from one star to another carries a certain angular mo-
mentum that will be transfered to the mass gaining star. If there is an accretion disk,
direct impact accretion, the angular momentum is calculated by following a test particle
moving through the rst Lagrangian point. This angular momentum spins-up the top
layers of the mass gaining star and is further transferred through the star due to a ro-
tationally induced mixing processes. Each time the secondary spins-up close to critical
rotation, it starts losing more mass due to the inuence of the centrifugal force. High
mass loss decreases the accretion eciency and removes angular momentum from the
secondary star. The secondary star is also slowed down by the tidal interactions that try
to synchronize it with the orbital motion. Assumed that the specic angular momentum
of the accreted matter corresponds to the Kepler rotation at the stellar equator, the mass
gaining star will reach critical rotation when its initial mass is increased by about 5-10%.
The mass accretion can continue in this situation, as viscous processes may transport
angular momentum through the star. However, if the star is rotating very rapidly, its
wind mass loss may dramatically increase , which may result in a very inecient mass
Ṁ 1
= (5.24)
Ṁ (Vrot = 0) (1 − Ω)ξ
Ω= , (5.25)
2 GM (1 − Γ)
vcrit = (5.26)
Where ξ =0.43
Ṗ 3Ṁ1 1 − α/2
= (5.27)
P M1 α−1
where α= M1
case 1: from the above gure
>2 relative orbital period will be negative which imply
case 2: from the above gure
<2 relative orbital period will get positive.The orbital
shown by a dynamo can operate in the radiative zone of a dierentially rotating star.
Figure 5.3: Relative orbital period and spin
The resulting magnetic eld causes an ecient torque able to reduce the dierential ro-
tation and force the star to rotate uniformly. researched the eects of this process on
massive star evolution and found that it decreases the eects of rotation on massive star
evolution. Modeled the evolution of a 10M star with and without rotationally induced
magnetic elds, and also their results indicated that the overall inuence of rotation on
stellar evolution becomes smaller when magnetic elds are included [21].
which the giant envelope surrounds the two dense cores, its own degenerate core and its
companion. This companion is most likely an unevolved lower mass main-sequence star
but might itself be already a WD. These two cores are then supposed to spiral together
inside the CE while energy and angular momentum are transferred from their orbit to
the envelope which is gradually ejected. As the cores get closer together, their orbital
period falls and this sets up dierential rotation within the CE. By its giant nature the
key ingredients of a stellar magnetic dynamo. This dynamo actually drives the transfer
of energy and angular momentum from the orbit to the envelope as well as the strong
wind that expels the envelope. Irrespective of this, we expect that, at the end of the
CE evolution, either when the spiralling cores coalesce or when all the envelope is driven
away, there is a very strong magnetic eld in the vicinity of the hot degenerate core. This
eld can penetrate the non-degenerate surface of the core and become frozen in as it later
cools and contracts. The closer the cores at the end of CE evolution, the greater the
dierential rotation in the CE and so the stronger the expected frozen in magnetic eld.
We then expect the strongest WD magnetic elds to form in the cores of systems that
giant envelope when it has spiralled in deep enough that its density is comparable with
its surroundings. The spin angular momentum remaining in the envelope depends on the
details of the CE process as well as the initial conditions of the system. If we assume
that the remaining envelope has the specic angular momentum of the original orbit, its
spin period would have reduced from years to days. The degenerate core therefore nds
itself at the centre of a rapidly spinning giant to which its spin is likely to be coupled.
Because of the small size of the core, its moment of inertia is negligible compared with
that of the remaining envelope. Such a giant would itself generate a strong dynamo and
spin down quite quickly, typically within 104 − 105 yr. Thus, except in the rare case that
the envelope is almost completely ejected when the cores merge, we would not expect
the HFMWDs to be rapidly spinning by the time they emerge from the giant envelope.
This is consistent with the tendancy for HFMWDs to be extremely slow rotators, some
with spin periods up to 100 yr. From the CE systems that almost merge, we then expect
a range of relatively high magnetic eld WDs in MCVs which emerge from the CE very
close to interacting, the polars and intermediate polars, with a corresponding dearth of
such elds amongst the single stars. Systems which emerge with wider separations should
tend to have much lower elds. We note at this point that, while we do not understand
the precise mechanism of CE evolution, we must expect a range of magnetic elds as-
sociated with any given nal separation. This is then consistent with the fact that the
longest period polars tend to have high elds. Indeed, they must if the eld is to be
their Roche lobes. Tidal interaction is very eective and the possible initial eccen-
tricity vanishes before the primary star M1 lls its Roche lobe. The duration of
this stage is determined by the hydrogen burning time of the primary, more massive
component, and typically is < 10M yr (for massive main-sequence stars, the time of
core hydrogen burning is tnucl ∝ M −2 ). The star burns out hydrogen in its central
parts, so that a dense central helium core with mass MHe ' 0.1(M/M )1.4 forms
by the time when the star leaves the main sequence. The expected number of such
2 After the core hydrogen exhaustion, the primary leaves the main-sequence and starts
to expand rapidly. When its radius approaches the Roche lobe, mass transfer onto
the secondary, less massive star which still resides on the main-sequence, begins.
Depending on the masses of components and evolutionary state of the donor, the
mass-transfer may proceed via non- conservative but stable Roche-lobe overow
(RLOF) or via a common envelope. Even if the common envelope is avoided and
the rst mass exchange event proceeds on the thermal time scale of the donor
τKH ≈ GM12 /R1 L1 , its duration for typical stars is rather short, of the order of 104
yr, so only several dozens of such binaries are expected to be present in the Galaxy.
3 Mass transfer ends when most of the primary's hydrogen envelope is lost, so a naked
helium core is left. This core can be observed as a WolfRayet (WR) star with an
intense stellar wind if its mass exceeds (7 − 8)(±1)M . The duration of the WR
stage is about several 105 yr, so the Galactic number of such binaries should be
several hundreds. During the mass-exchange episode the secondary star acquires
large angular momentum carried by the infalling matter, so that its outer envelope
can be spun up to an angular velocity close to the limiting (Keplerian) value. Such
4 Stars more massive than ' 8M end their evolution by formation of a NS. ZAMS mass
range 8−12(±)M , is a transitional one in which NS are formed via ECSN at the
lower masses and via core collapses at the higher masses Supernovae associated with
massive naked He stars (almost devoid of H-envelopes) are usually associated with
−2 −1
SN Ib/c. The inferred Galactic type SN Ib/c rate is(0.76±0.16)×10 yr . At least
half of them should be in binaries. ECSN may be progenitors of the faintest type II-
binary due to the second SN in the system is very likely (e.g., if the mass lost during
the symmetric SN explosion exceeds 50% of the total mass of the pre-SN binary, or
it is even smaller in the presence of the kick. Population synthesis estimates show
that (4˘10)% of initial binaries survive the rst core-collapse SN explosion in the
system, depending on the assumed kick distribution. Some runaway Galactic OB-
stars must have been formed in this way. Currently, only one candidate O-star with
for similar objects, though being dependent on assumptions on the beaming factor
of pulsars and their magnetic eld evolution, are consistent with very low fraction
of surviving systems, but may be also due to obscuration of radio emission by the
5 If the system survives the rst SN explosion, a rapidly rotating Be star in orbit with
a young NS appears. The orbital eccentricity after the SN explosion is high, so
enhanced accretion onto the NS occurs at the periastron passages. Most of about
100 Galactic Be may be formed in this way. Post-ECSN binaries have a larger chance
for survival thanks to low kicks. It is possible that a signicant fraction of Be belong
to this group of objects. The duration of Be stage depends on the binary parameters,
but in all cases it is limited by the time left for the (now more massive) secondary to
spin period and accretion rate onto the NS surface, determines the observational
manifestation of the neutron star. Accretion of matter onto the NS can reduce the
6 Evolving secondary expands to engulf the NS in its own turn. Formation of a common
envelope is, apparently, inevitable due to the large mass ratio of components. The
common envelope stage after 103 yr ends up with the formation of a WR star with
as an example), or the NS merges with the helium core during the common enve-
star with black hole or neutron star companion is unique in the Galaxy, because of
WR-stars and high velocity (∼ 1000kms−1 ) of their stellar winds which prevents
formation of accretion disks. On the other hand, it is suggested that in the Galaxy
may exist a population of ∼ 100 He-stars of mass between 1 and 7M with relativis-
tic companions which do not reveal themselves, because these He-stars do not have
was suggested that the merger products rst become supergiants, but rapidly lose
their envelopes due to heavy winds and become WR stars. Peculiar WolfRayet
stars of WN8 subtype were suggested as observed counterparts of them. These stars
tend to have large spatial velocities, overwhelming majority of them are single and
they are the most variable among all single WR stars. Estimated observed number
of them in the Galaxy is ∼ 10. Single (possibly, massive) NS or BH should descend
from them. A note should be made concerning the phase when a common enve-
lope engulfs the rst- formed NS and the core of the secondary. Hyper-Eddington
accretion onto a neutron star is possible if the gravitational energy released in ac-
cretion is lost by neutrinos. Chevalier suggested that this may be the case for the
accretion in common envelopes. Since the accretion rates in this case may be as
high as ∼ 0.1M yr−1 , the NS may collapse into a BH inside the common envelope.
prevented by the angular momentum of the captured matter. Magnetic eld of the
relativistic binaries were explored in great detail by Bethe and Brown and their
eral population synthesis studies with evident result of diminishing the population
pointed to the possible connection of CE with neutron star with some luminous and
peculiar type IIn supernova. The neutron star engulfed by the massive companion
NS binary, or the system disrupts to form two single high-velocity NSs or BHs.
Even for a symmetric SN explosion the disruption of binaries after the second SN
explosion could result in the observed high average velocities of radio pulsars. In the
surviving close binary NS system, the older NS is expected to have faster rotation
velocity (and possibly higher mass) than the younger one because of the recycling
at the preceding accretion stage. The subsequent orbital evolution of such double
Chapter 6
Neutron stars(NSs) are some of the densest manifestations of massive objects in the
universe. They are ideal astrophysical laboratories for testing theories of dense matter
physics and provide connections among nuclear physics, particle physics and astrophysics.
They exhibit conditions and phenomena that are not observed commonly on earth.
Most stars in galaxies exist in binaries. In close binaries, the combined eects of stellar
and orbital evolution can cause a star to ll what is called Roche lobe and transfer mass
to its companion.
typically involves the spiral-in of a companion star inside the envelope of a super-giant
donor star and the ejections of masses, transforming an initially wide binary into a very
close binary. The conditions for the occurrence of dynamical mass transfer modeling is
and its companion, a burning star. We worked out, orbital evolution, period evolution,
mass transfer and its eects, the spin eect, stellar evolutionary eect and magnetic
eld evolution of the system where the details of the method we we have implemented
numerical analysis of the results Mathematica 13 was used. For physical implications,
for the analysis we used an oversimplied boundary conditions. However, results of our
work is in agreement to the previous works.
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Table 6.1: Astronomical constants, mostly from the Astronomical Almanac (2008).
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Orbital dynamics and evolution of a burning star with neutron star in close
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Orbital dynamics and evolution of a burning star with neutron star in close
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